RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER OPERATOR & PARTS MANUAL 4255 Lincoln Way East • Wooster, Ohio 44691 Nationwide & Canada Phone Toll-Free: (800) 392-2686 FAX: (330) 264-3697 Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. Index 780305 9/2000 This Manual is published by Rayco Manufacturing, Inc. for the benefit of the users of Rayco products. RAYCO Manufacturing, Inc. has made every effort to ensure that this manual is correct and up to date at the time of publication. However, due to continuous improvements, Rayco Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in the contents, at any time, without notice or obligation. Each machine shipped contains an Operation Maintenance & Parts Manual to familiarize the operator with the proper operating, lubricating, and maintenance instructions. This helps to ensure the best possible performance and service from the machine. Read and understand all instructions before attempting to operate this machine. This manual should be readily available for reference at all times. Additional copies of this manual may be purchased from Rayco. This Rayco Stump Cutter was designed and manufactured by Rayco Manufacturing, Inc., Wooster, Ohio. Due to continuous improvements, Rayco reserves the right to make changes in engineering, design, and specifications, or discontinue manufacture, at any time, without notice or obligation. Always have a record of the model numbers and serial numbers for your machine to specify when ordering parts. Record your machine model and serial numbers below for your personal records. IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS Model Number Stump Cutter Engine CALIFORNIA Proposition 65 Warning Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and other reproductive harm. Serial Number RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER Table of Contents Foreword About This Manual ................................................ 5 A Description of the Machine Design ............................................................ 6 How it works ................................................... 6 Serial Number ................................................. 6 Safety General Hazard Information ................................... 8 Pressure Air ................................................... 8 Fluid Penetration ............................................ 8 Crushing, Cutting Prevention ................................. 8 Burn, Explosion Prevention ................................... 9 Oils ............................................................... 10 Batteries ....................................................... 10 Lines, Tubes, and Hoses .............................. 10 Before Starting the Engine .................................. 10 While in Operation .............................................. 12 Normal Shutdown Procedure ............................... 13 Emergency Shutdown Procedure ........................ 13 While Servicing and Performing Maintenance on the Machine ............................. 13 While Transporting the Machine .......................... 14 Safety Decals ..................................................... 14 Operation Know Your Machine General Identification .................................... 15 Operator's Station ......................................... 15 Monitoring System ........................................ 15 Machine Controls .......................................... 15 Other Machine Components ......................... 16 Transporting the Machine .................................... 17 Pre - Starting Inspection ...................................... 18 Starting the Engine ............................................. 18 Starting Without Heating Plug ....................... 18 Starting with Jumper Cables ......................... 19 Pre-operation Warm up ....................................... 20 Removing Stumps ............................................... 21 Machine Stopping ............................................... 23 Helpful Tips for Operating the Machine ................ 23 Maintenance Systems Fluids Specifications Engine Oil, Engine Fuel ................................ 25 Hydraulic Oil ................................................. 25 Lubricating Grease ........................................ 26 Fluids Refill Capacities (Approximate) ........... 26 Drive Belts ........................................................... 26 Storing the Machine Preparing the Machine for Storage ................ 27 Removing the Machine from Storage ............. 27 Maintenance Intervals ...................................... 28 Trouble-Shooting Hydraulic System Description of Hydraulic System .................. 50 HC ( Hydraulic Cylinders ) Circuits ......... 51 Symptom - Loss of Hydraulic Cylinder power ........................................ 52 Symptom - Cutting Wheel Travel Weak ........ 52 Symptom - Cutting Boom Moves Downward Too Fast .................................. 53 Symptom - Cutting Boom Swings Sideways Uncontrolled ............................ 54 Engine System ................................................... 55 Trailer Wheels ..................................................... 55 Electrical System ................................................ 55 Symptom - Battery not getting recharged .... 55 Parts .................................................... 56 Specifications ................................... 100 4 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 5 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER Foreword About This Manual This manual contains safety, operating, lubrication, maintenance, troubleshooting, and parts information. Read - study - keep it with the machine - adhere to all of the recommendations. NOTICE Where the engine is concerned, this manual makes frequent reference to the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual, which was packed in your operators kit. Keep it, therefore, with this RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER Operation, Maintenance, & Parts Manual so that it may be readily used. Where the trailer wheels are concerned, this manual makes frequent reference to the Trailer Running Gear - Operation Maintenance Service manual, which was packed in your operators kit. Keep it, therefore, with this RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER Operation, Maintenance, & Parts Manual so that it may be readily used. Guards and covers may have been removed for illustrative purposes. Some photographs or illustrations in this publication show details or attachments that may be different from your machine. Continuing improvement and advancement of product design may have caused changes to your machine which are not included in this publication. Whenever a question arises regarding your machine, or this publication, please consult your RAYCO ® dealer or RAYCO ® for the latest available information. NOTICE When the NOTICE heading appears in this publication, what follows is either a clarification or information that will assist you in avoiding damage to the machine or property. Safety The 'Safety' section lists basic safety precautions. In addition, this section identifies the text and locations of warning labels used on the machine. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. Read and understand the basic precautions listed in the 'Safety' section beforehand, and apply them always as you operate, transport, perform maintenance, and repair the product. Operation The 'Operation' section is a reference for the new operator and a refresher for the experienced one. This section includes a discussion of gauges, switches, machine controls, how to operate the machine, and towing information. Photographs and illustrations assist the operator in understanding correct procedures of checking, starting, operating, and stopping the machine. Operating techniques outlined in this publication are basic. Skill and techniques develop as the operator gains knowledge of the machine and its capabilities. Maintenance The 'Maintenance' section is a guide to equipment care. A combination of step-by-step instructions and helpful illustrations and photographs accompany maintenance items throughout this section. Trouble-Shooting Possible symptoms are listed with a description of associated problems and solutions. A description of how the hydraulic system works is given, as well as diagrams of the hydraulic and electrical systems. Knowledge of such can be indispensable in solving problems. Parts Parts are readily found through illustrations with accompanying RAYCO ® part numbers. The machine is broken down into basic categories to enable ease of finding parts. A separate engine Operation and Repair Manual is also provided for aid in the identification and ordering of engine parts. Please consult your local Wisconsin engine representative or local RAYCO ® dealer for obtaining engine parts and service. 6 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® FOREWORD A Description of the Machine Design The RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER is designed for your maximum benefit per dollar spent. The machine is constructed for durability and easy maneuvering, for those hard to reach tree stumps and roots. Its 23" diameter x 3/4" thick cutting wheel with 24 replaceable carbide-tipped teeth is powerfully driven by a Wisconsin 35 horsepower gas engine. The machine chassis features rectangular steel tubing and steel guard construction, mounted on light truck tires. The operator benefits from a steel cutting wheel guard, and selfcentering finger-tip control levers on the hydraulic controls enhancing the safety and efficiency of his work. The fuel tank has a 14 gallon capacity and the hydraulic fluid tank has a capacity of 1.7 gallons. Other special features of the RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER include dual cross travel cylinders with an operator-controlled speed setting, hardened replaceable bushings on all critical cylinder pins, tapered bearings in the pivot head, steel guards surrounding moving parts, and convenient access for tightening Polychain belt. FRONT RIGHT NOTICE The telescoping tongue end is considered to be the front of the machine, while the cutting end is the rear. Accordingly, the left and right hand sides of the machine are considered to be the same as the operator•s left and right hand side when he stands at the rear of the machine, facing towards the front. How it works The machine removes tree stumps by the repeated gradual sweeping of a multi-toothed high-speed rotating cutting wheel. The cutting wheel has teeth on its side, in a strategic pattern. The rotating cutting wheel takes a sweep from one side of the stump to the other, each tooth rapidly tearing and stripping away small pieces of stump. After each sweep of 1 to 2 inches of depth, the cutting wheel is advanced deeper into the stump, and the procedure is continuously repeated, under the precise control of the operator, until the stump is satisfactorily removed. Serial Numbers Whenever communicating with RAYCO ® or your RAYCO ® dealer, have your machine serial number handy, as it can help pinpoint most exactly what information is needed in caring for your machine. SERIAL NUMBERS 473J3G IR1965 LEFT REAR It is stamped on the operator's side of the pivot head. For ready reference record it in the boxes provided on the inside front cover of this manual. For reference on communication regarding the engine, record its model and serial numbers also in the boxes provided on the inside front cover of this manual. See the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual for assistance in locating the numbers on the engine. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 7 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER Safety Tragic accidents involving machinery operation, maintenance, and repair are normally caused by failure to observe basic safety rules or precautions. A machine designed for powerful benefit can become an even more powerful setback when potentially hazardous situations go unrecognized. RAYCO Manufacturing, Inc. is greatly concerned with the safety of the operator, as well as all in the vicinity of his work. RAYCO has provided shields, guards, safety decals and other important safety features to aid in using the machine properly. In order to further ensure your safety we ask that you properly operate and service your stump cutter. Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance, or repair of this product can be dangerous and could result in severe injury or death. Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance, or repair on this product, until you have read, you understand, and you decide to do so in compliance with all of the operation, lubrication, maintenance, and troubleshooting information contained in this Operation and Maintenance Manual and that contained in the Deutz [Engine] Operation Manual, which are included with this machine. Additional manuals are available from RAYCO ® or your RAYCO ® dealer. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. WARNING The meaning of this safety alert symbol is: Attention! Become Alert! Your safety is involved! A message, either written or pictorial, follows to explain the hazard. RAYCO ® cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings in this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If you desire to make use of a tool, procedure, work method, or operating technique not specifically recommended by RAYCO ®, therefore, you must use it only if you have accurately evaluated it and found that it threatens no one's safety. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance, or repair procedures that you choose. The procedures described in this 'Safety' section may not be fully explained here, but a more complete explanation is given in the 'Operation', in the 'Maintenance', or in the 'Troubleshooting' section. The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication were produced on the basis of information available at the time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items may change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before starting any job. RAYCO ® dealers have the most current information available. 8 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® SAFETY General Hazard Information Wear protective face shield, protective glasses, hearing protection, a hard hat, and other protective equipment as required by job conditions. Always wear protective eyeglasses when using a grinder or hammer. Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry that can catch on controls or other parts of the machine. Make certain all protective guards and covers are secured in place on the machine. Keep the machine free of foreign material, such as debris, oil, tools, and other items which are not part of the machine. Never put maintenance fluids into glass containers. Complete all needed repairs before operation. Do not allow unauthorized personnel to use the machine. Beware of the possibilities of unsafe practices of others. Always consider what might have been neglected by a previous operator so that his possible oversight could not cause death or serious injury during your use of the machine. Pressure Air Pressure air (i.e. from an air compressor) can cause personal injury. When using pressure air for cleaning, wear a protective face shield, protective clothing, and protective shoes. The maximum air pressure used for cleaning purposes must be less than 30 psi (205 kPa). Fluid Penetration Never allow your hand or other part of the body get near a pressurized fluid leak. Instead, use a board or cardboard when checking for a leak. Escaping fluid under pressure, especially an invisible pinhole sized leak, can harmfully penetrate body tissue, or enter mucus membranes, causing serious injury, and possible death. WARNING The attention of a physician who is specially trained to treat such an injury, must be sought immediately if penetration into skin or any mucus membrane occurs. Serious infection or reaction will soon result if such a physician is not immediately consulted. Crushing, Cutting Prevention 1. Support cutting boom and machine securely when working beneath them. Do not depend on hydraulic cylinders to hold cutting wheel up. It can fall if a control is moved or if a hydraulic line breaks. 2. Never attempt adjustments when the machine is moving or the engine running unless otherwise specified, and if so, only with extreme caution. 3. Where there are boom linkages, the clearance in the linkage area will increase or decrease with movement of the boom. Even without the engine running, therefore, a hand, for example could become severely injured if it were involved in the linkage when the cutting boom is being swung from left to right. Stay clear of linkages when movement is occurring. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 9 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER SAFETY 1. All fuels and most lubricants are flammable. Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or electrical components can cause a fire. Do not smoke while refueling, while in a refueling area, or where flammable materials are stored. Keep all fuels and lubricants stored in properly marked containers and away from all unauthorized persons. Store all oily rags or other flammable material in a protective container, in a safe place. 4. Stay clear of all rotating and moving parts! A moving belt & pulleys or chain & sprockets can suddenly pull a limb into them, causing loss of or severe injury to an arm. A rotating cutting wheel can suddenly cut off an arm or leg. 5. Wear protective glasses when striking a machine part, to avoid eye injury. 6. Consult RAYCO or your RAYCO dealer for lifting instructions. 7. When machine is parked and detached from towing vehicle, wheels should be securely chocked to prevent possibility of machine rolling uncontrolled. Burn, Explosion Prevention Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 2. Do not weld or flame-cut on pipes, tubes, or tanks that contain flammable fluids. Clean them thoroughly with nonflammable solvent before welding or flame-cutting on them. Remove all flammable materials such as fuel, oil and other debris before they accumulate on the machine. 3. Dangerous explosion may occur with improper use or care of starting fluid! ' Do not attempt to use starting fluid to help start engine when using heating plug. ' Do not use starting fluid without a dispensing apparatus that is approved by the engine manufacturer. ' Read and follow starting fluid manufacturer's instructions when using starting fluid to start a machine. ' Starting fluid is poisonous and flammable. ' Breathing starting fluid vapors or repeated contact of starting fluid with skin can cause personal injury. ' Use starting fluid only in well ventilated areas. ' Do not smoke when using starting fluid. ' Use starting fluid with care to avoid fires. ' Do not store replacement starting fluid cylinders in living areas. ' Do not store starting fluid in direct sunlight or at temperatures above 102°F (39°C). ' Discard cylinders in a safe place. Do not puncture or burn cylinders. ' Keep starting fluid cylinders out of the reach of unauthorized personnel. 4. Do not expose the machine to flames, burning brush, etc. Shields which protect hot exhaust components from oil or fuel spray in the event of a fire, tube, or seal failure, must be installed correctly. 10 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® SAFETY 5. Do not smoke in areas where batteries are charged. When using jumper cables always connect positive (+) cable, to positive (+) terminal of battery (the terminal that is connected to starter solenoid), and negative (-) cable from external source, to ground. Make last connection and first disconnection at a point away from battery. Always connect negative (-) cable last, and disconnect it first. See the 'Operation' section of the manual for specific instructions. Replace if any of the following conditions are found: 6. Clean and tighten all electrical connections. Check daily for loose or frayed electrical wires. Have all loose or frayed electrical wires tightened, repaired or replaced before operating the machine. Never allow a live electrical wire make contact with your body or with any metal that is touching your body. 5. End fittings displaced. 7. Have a fire extinguisher available and know how to use it. Inspect and have it serviced as recommended on its instruction plate. Oils 1. End fittings damaged or leaking 2. Outer covering chafed or cut, and fabric or wire reinforcing exposed. 3. Outer covering ballooning locally. 4. Evidence of kinking or crushing of the flexible part of the hose. Make sure that all clamps, guards, and heat shields are installed correctly to prevent vibration, rubbing against other parts and against excessive heat, during operation. Before Starting the Engine 1. Review all of the safety decals that are placed on the machine for your safety and convenience. See 'Parts' section for aid in locating all decals on machine. Hot oils and components can cause personal burns. Do not allow hot oil or components to contact the skin. At operating temperature, the hydraulic tank is hot. Relieve all pressure in hydraulic system before any lines, fittings, or components are loosened or disconnected. 2. Make sure that all shields, guards and curtains are in place, and in good condition prior to operating the machine. Battery Acid 4. Check cutting wheel for damaged or missing teeth, and replace as necessary. Always wear protective clothing and eyeglasses when working with battery. For further important battery safety information, consult the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual. 5. Make sure that no one is working on, underneath or close to the machine before starting the engine or beginning to move the machine. Make sure that the area is free of personnel. Lines, Tubes, and Hoses 6. Check stumps to be removed for embedded nails, wire, metal fence posts, and other metallic objects, and for rocks or other buried impediments which may become dangerously thrown or cause unexpected machine movements when hit by cutting wheel. Do not bend or strike high pressure lines. Do not install bent or damaged lines, tubes, or hoses. Repair any loose or damaged fuel and oil lines, tubes, and hoses. Leaks can cause fires. Contact RAYCO ® or your RAYCO ® dealer for repair or replacement. Check lines, tubes, and hoses carefully. Do not use your bare hand to check for leaks. See 'General Hazard Information - Fluid Penetration' in this 'Safety' section for more details. Tighten all connections sufficiently. 3. Only responsible, properly instructed individuals should operate this machine. Inexperienced operators must always be carefully supervised. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 11 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER SAFETY 1 7. Ensure that everyone in the vicinity is aware of the DANGER ZONE associated with this machine. (See diagram above.) You and they must avoid the DANGER ZONE at all times when the machine is in operation. 8. Make no alterations or modifications to your RAYCO ® stump cutter unless requested or recommended by RAYCO ® Manufacturing Inc. 9. Ensure that towing vehicle is stabilized: ' Engine is off and key removed from engine start switch and key is in safekeeping. ' Towing vehicle is in PARK gear and parking brake is set. ' Towing vehicle is properly blocked or anchored if there would otherwise be a danger of the stump cutter operation causing unsafe movement of the towing vehicle. 10. When starting the engine, the machine controls which cause machine movements (the valve bank levers and the cutting wheel engagement lever) must be in the NEUTRAL or OFF positions, so that no machine motion, which may result in death or severe injury, occurs. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 2 3 The cutting wheel UP/DOWN lever (1), the tongue IN/OUT lever (2), and the cutting wheel SWING control lever (3) automatically return to the center position when left alone by the operator. No related machine motions are allowed when they are in the center position. Ensure that nothing is leaning against any of the controls and that each is in the center position when starting the engine, or uncontrolled machine movement may occur, resulting in possible death or severe injury. 11. The cutter wheel engagement lever must be in the neutral position before attempting to start the engine. 12. Do not start the engine or or move any of the controls if there is a "DO NOT OPERATE" or similar warning tag attached to the machine. 13. To ensure that machine cannot roll on its own, the machine should be properly attached to towing vehicle with transmission in PARK and with emergency brake applied. Any other measures should be taken to disallow the vehicle and stump cutter to roll or slide uncontrolled, resulting in injury or death. 14. Check with the local utilities for the locations of buried pipes and cables where applicable, before operating the machine. 12 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® SAFETY While in Operation 1. Know how to shut the machine off in an emergency. 2. The operator must never leave the controls while the machine is in operation. 3. The operator must take extreme precaution not to accidentally bump a control lever, particularly when any personnel are in the vicinity. 4. Never let clothing, long hair, jewelry, etc. hang loosely. It is possible that they can become dangerously entangled in the moving parts or the controls of the machine. 5. Keep head, hands and feet away from moving parts at all times. 6. The engine should not be started within a building unless it is properly ventilated so as to eliminate the breathing of exhaust fumes, which can cause death. 7. Warm up the engine and the hydraulic oil before operating the machine. 8. Check for proper operation of all controls and protective devices while operating them slowly. 9. Extreme caution must be exercised when cutting stumps on slopes, as machine may shift or slide unpredictably. Never attempt to cut on a slope exceeding 15 degrees. 10. Wear appropriate safety equipment, including protective eyeglasses, face shield, protective footwear, and hearing protection. 11. Ensure that everyone in the vicinity is aware of the DANGER ZONE associated with this machine. You and they must avoid the DANGER ZONE at all times when the machine is in operation. 12. For safety, local or state codes or job site operating directives may require a greater distance from obstacles. 13. Do not activate cutting wheel drive until the boom has been raised so that the cutting wheel can rotate freely. 14. Keep eye contact with cutting wheel at all times that it is rotating. 15. Use only the rear lower portion of the cutting wheel below the shaft. Never undercut the stump, or use the upper portion of the wheel for cutting purposes. 16. Occasionally a curtain may become displaced in such a way as to leave a normally covered area exposed. Shut down machine immediately if it occurs, and reposition curtain before continuing operation. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 13 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER SAFETY Normal Shutdown Procedure In consideration of your own safety as well as that of others, you should always use the following normal shutdown procedures before departing from the controls for any reason, including cleaning, servicing, transporting, or inspecting the stump cutter. Never deviate from this procedure unless so instructed in this manual or an emergency requires it. 4. Raise and center cutting boom and insert cutting boom transport block. (Or cutting boom may be lowered to the ground if further use of machine is intended before relocating.) 5. Turn the engine start key to the 'OFF' position. 6. Remove the key from the engine start switch, and put in safekeeping. Emergency Shutdown Procedure 1. Disable engine by turning engine keyswitch to OFF position (to the left). 3 2. Be sure to allow all moving parts to come to a complete stop. 1 WARNING A rotating cutting wheel is very DANGEROUS! Stand at controls and ensure that cutting wheel comes to a complete stop before doing anything else. 3. Correct the emergency situation, and return to normal operation. 2 1. Move the engine throttle (1) to the mid range position. 2. To disengage the drive belt rotate the belt tightener (2) clockwise. The engine lock handle (3) will drop in place locking the engine in the disengaged position. WARNING A rotating cutting wheel is very DANGEROUS! Stand at controls and ensure that cutting wheel comes to a complete stop before doing anything else. 3. Retract telescoping tongue and insert lock pin and retaining clip. (Or telescoping tongue may be left as it is if further use of machine is intended before relocating.) Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. While Servicing and Performing Maintenance on the Machine 1. The machine should be in at least one of the following conditions: ' machine properly attached to towing vehicle with transmission in PARK and with emergency brake applied ' wheels securely chocked, with front of machine resting on solid ground via jackstand or hitch. 2. The boom should be resting on the ground or otherwise secured. Do not depend on hydraulic system to hold boom in position; if a hose becomes ruptured or a lever is moved, the boom could drop or swing, resulting in personal injury. 14 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® SAFETY 3. The start key switch should be in the OFF position and engine and all moveable parts at rest. 4. The engine start key should be removed and in safekeeping. 5. Periodically check the machine for missing, loose or worn bolts, cracked hoses, and loose connections. The cutting wheel should be checked closely for worn or broken teeth, loose pocket bolts, and cracked pockets. 6. Leaking hydraulic fluid that is under high pressure may escape visual detection and may have enough force to penetrate the skin surface. Always use a piece of cardboard or wood to detect leaks. See 'General Hazard Information - Fluid Penetration' in this 'Safety' section for more details. 7. Always relieve the pressure in the hydraulic system before loosening line connections or working on the system by pressing and releasing each of the hydraulic control valve levers, with engine OFF. Always loosen fittings slowly or "crack" them open to relieve any residual pressure. Before the system is repressurized, check connections for tightness and hoses for serviceable condition. 8. When removing fuel cap, unscrew slowly, and hold firmly. The cap may otherwise be thrown due to pressure buildup caused by increase in temperature. 9. Replacement parts which are authorized by RAYCO ® are the only parts which should be used for repair or replacement. 5. Use extreme caution and drive slowly over terrain that is rough or uneven. 6 . Obey all local traffic laws, and extend courtesy to other drivers. Safety Decals The safety decals located on this machine contain useful and important information which will help you to operate your machine safely. The complete decal kit and location of each decal is given in the 'Parts' section of this manual. For your protection, familiarize yourself with each label until you completely understand the warning intended. Do not violate any such warnings! Keep all decals in place and in good condition: 1. Use soap and water to keep decals clean. DO NOT use mineral spirits, abrasive cleaners or other similar cleaners which will damage the decals. 2. Replace any damaged or missing decals. Before attaching decals, the surface temperature of the metal must be at least 40 degrees. The metal should also be clean and dry before attaching the decal. 3. If a machine component to which a decal is attached is replaced, be sure to replace the decal as well. 4. Replacement decals may be purchased from RAYCO ® or your RAYCO ® dealer. While Transporting the Machine 1. Retract the telescoping tongue, and install the tongue transport pin. 2. Center and fully raise cutting boom, and insert transport block. 3. Fully close the cutting wheel cross travel control valve. 4. Be sure that machine is securely attached to towing vehicle. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 15 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER Operation Operator•s Station WARNING Before operating, please consult the •Safety• section for vital information related to operating this powerful machine! The operator's controls are mounted on the left hand side of the machine. The valve bank, swing speed control valve, throttle, choke , engagement lever and keyswitch are all centrally located for easy access. Machine Controls 4 Know Your Machine General Identification 4 2 5 6 3 1 1 7 (1) Telescoping Tongue (2) Hydraulic Oil Tank (3) Fuel Tank (4) Pivot Head (5) Engine (6) Cutting Boom (7) Cutting Wheel 2 3 (1) Cutting Wheel UP/DOWN Lever Pull to raise cutting wheel. Push to lower cutting wheel. (2) Tongue IN/OUT lever Pull to retract cutting wheel in ( away from stump). Push to extend cutting wheel out ( toward stump). (3) Cutting Wheel SWING lever Pull to move cutting wheel to the left. Push to move cutting wheel to the right. (4) Swing SPEED Control Turning this valve counterclockwise will decrease the cutting wheel swing speed. Turning it clockwise will increase the swing speed. NOTICE WHEN TRANSPORTING, TURN THE VALVE FULLY CLOCKWISE TO CLOSE. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 16 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® OPERATION (5) CUTTING WHEEL Drive Control To engage CUTTING WHEEL first check cutting wheel for obstructions. Lift up on the engine lock handle (5) and rotate belt tightener lever (6) CCW. To extend belt life, the engine should always be at or near an idle when engaging or disengaging the drive belt. To stop CUTTING WHEEL DRIVE: See the "Normal Shutdown Procedure" section of this manual. Other Machine Components (1) Telescoping Tongue Lock-Pin 3 WARNING A rotating cutting wheel is very DANGEROUS! Stand at controls and ensure that cutting wheel comes to a complete stop before doing anything else. 2 Lock-pin (1) must be removed prior to operation to allow the tongue to extend and retract. It may be stored in hole (2) when not in use. The lock-pin must then be reinserted as shown prior to transporting the unit. Always insert retaining pin (3) into hole in end of lock-pin. 9 7 10 8 5 1 6 (7) Engine SPEED Control The engine speed control is operated by a throttle on the front of the engine block on the operator's side. To increase engine speed pull throttle towards you until desired speed is obtained. To decrease speed push throttle away until desired speed is obtained. The engine should always be at or near an idle when engaging belt drive. (8) ENGINE START Switch See the 'Starting the Engine' section for instructions on how to start engine. (2) Cutting Boom Transport Block The cutting boom block prevents the cutting boom from settling during transportation and when the machine is not in use.The block also supports the boom & reduces stress on the king pin during transportation. The block is installed by the following procedure: INSTALLED POSITION (9) Hourmeter The engine hourmeter automatically measures hours of machine operation. This measurement is used in determining when to preform maintenance according to the " Maintenance Intervals " section of this manual and the "Maintenance Schedule" in the Wisconsin Engine manual. (10) Ammeter 1. Raise the cutting wheel to it's full height. Align holes in block and holes in chassis then insert pin. 2. Very gently bleed cutting boom down until it rests on block. To remove block, raise the cutting boom and remove pin. Take off block and store on tongue of trailer. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 17 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER OPERATION Transporting the Machine STORED POSITION The stump cutter is designed with a trailer body with standard towing equipment. Comply with all local laws dealing with the towing of a trailer. Checklist for Transporting Machine: 1. Raise and center cutting boom. 2. Install cutting boom transport block. 3. Close cutting wheel swing speed control valve. (3) Trailer Hitch 6 2 3 4 1 7 4. Fully retract telescoping tongue, and install transport pin (1) and insert retaining pin through hole in end of transport pin. 5. Hitch machine to towing vehicle. The trailer hitch provides a means of securing the machine to a towing vehicle (most commonly, a pickup truck) in such a way as to allow for a wide range of pivoting due to turning, uneven ground, and hills. See the 'Transporting the Machine' section for instructions on how to use it. (4) Safety Chains The safety chains provide a backup to the hitch. See the 'Transporting the Machine' section for instructions on how to use them. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 5 3 ' Lift hitch lever (2) to open hitch jaw (3). Collar will slide, allowing jaw to spring open. ' With hitch above ball, lower front end of machine until hitch (4) rests on the ball. ' Close hitch jaw (3) around ball, and hold closed while releasing spring-loaded collar (5) until it securely holds jaw closed. (Keep fingers away from path of collar to avoid pinching them.) ' Secure hitch lever with hitch safety pin (6). 18 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® OPERATION 8. Secure safety chains (7) to towing vehicle. ' Set the length of each chain, and crisscross them to optimize their purpose of catching the trailer tongue should the hitch become detached. There must, at the same time, be enough slack left to allow for pivoting during the sharpest turns. Starting the Engine WARNING Understand and decide to heed the •Safety• section of this manual, in its entirety, before proceeding. NOTICE Do not operate the starter for more than 20 seconds at a time. To do so may overheat the starter. If the key switch is released before the engine starts, wait until the starter and the engine stops turning before trying again. This will prevent possible damage to the starter and/or flywheel. If the engine does not start the first time, wait at least 1 minute before trying again. If it does not start after 2 attempts, see the •Trouble Shooting• section of the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual. To change the length of chain (7), lift the link out of the slot in hitch mount, pull the chain to desired length, and drop the nearby link into the slot so that chain is held at that length. Set length for both left and right ends of chain; the slack may left draping over the tongue. ' Be sure the hooks are securely attached to towing vehicle and cannot vibrate loose. Use starting fluid only while simultaneously cranking engine, and dispense only with an apparatus approved by the engine manufacturer. WARNING DO NOT start cutting wheel drive until machine is in cutting position, next to stump! Starting 1. Insert key into start switch. WARNING If any of above tests fail, troubleshoot lighting system, and correct problem before towing machine on public roadways. Pre-Starting Inspection NOTICE To ensure the long life and economical operation of your stump cutter, we highly recommend that the operator be well instructed in both the operation and maintenance of this machine. 2. Open engine speed control throttle 1/4 of the way. 3. Turn the key clockwise, to engage the starter, and hold it there momentarily as the engine cranks. Release the key when the engine starts firing, and the key will automatically return to the RUN position. 4. Reduce the engine speed as soon as it is running smoothly. Inspect the machine and perform each of the '10 Service Hours or Daily' (See 'Maintenance' section) maintenance inspections and services as found necessary before operating the machine. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 19 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER OPERATION Starting with Jumper Cables NOTICE This machine has a 12 volt starting system. Use only equal voltage for jump starting. Use of welder or higher voltage will damage electrical system. When starting from another machine, make sure the machines do not touch each other. This can prevent damage to engine bearings and electrical circuits. 1. On stalled machine, turn the start switch to OFF. 2. Move boost machine near enough to stalled machine for cables to reach, but DO NOT ALLOW MACHINES TO TOUCH. 3. Stop the engine on the boost machine. 4. Open the battery covers of both machines to purge flammable fumes. (Continued on following page) Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 20 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® OPERATION 5. Remove all of the battery caps from the batteries (if not maintenance-free type) on both machines, allowing explosive vapors to disperse. 12. After completion of above procedure, perform failure analysis on starting/charging system of the stalled machine as required. 6. Connect jumper cables: Pre-operation Warm up 1. Allow the engine to warm up at low idle for two minutes. 2. To warm up the hydraulic oil, set the engine at medium speed for about two minutes while intermittently holding the cutting wheel UP/ DOWN lever in the UP position. (1) Connect red positive (+) jumper cable to positive (+) terminal of starter solenoid of stalled machine, where the battery red positive (+) cable is already connected. (Pull back rubber boot to gain access.) 3. Move the engine throttle to the maximum engine speed. Run the engine for an additional two minutes while intermittently holding the cutting wheel UP/DOWN lever in the UP position. This will allow the oil to reach relief pressure, which causes it to warm up more rapidly. 4. Cycle all controls to allow warm oil to circulate through all cylinders and lines. WARNING Do not allow jumper cable clamp to touch the other solenoid terminal. Uncontrolled starting of engine would occur, which could cause severe injury or death. (2) Connect other end of red positive (+) jumper cable to positive (+) terminal of battery of boost machine. (3) Connect black negative (-) jumper cable to negative (-) terminal of boost machine battery. (4) Connect other end of black negative (-) jumper cable to starter mounting bolt of stalled machine, where the battery black negative (-) cable is already connected. (Scrape away any paint or rust, and make connection to bare metal.) 8. Start the engine on the boost machine and allow it to run at high idling speed for about ten minutes. This will partially charge stalled engine's battery. 9. Start the stalled engine. 10. Immediately after starting the stalled engine, disconnect the jumper cables, in reverse order. 11. Reinstall the battery caps and battery covers. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 21 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER Removing Stumps WARNING WARNING Before operating, please carefully review the •Safety• section for vital information related to operating this powerful machine! NOTICE Remove all loose pieces of wood, stones, wire and other debris from the work area before beginning stump removal. Wind direction should be considered, as it influences the direction that dust and wood chips will be directed. Only the portion of cutting wheel within the 80° area shown above should engage stump. Never undercut the stump or use the bottom of the cutting wheel for cutting purposes. Procedure for Cutting a Stump WARNING Never leave controls when cutting wheel is rotating! 1. Prepare machine at stump Always allow a cold engine time to warm up before cutting a stump. When swinging cutting wheel, do not use the cutting wheel or the boom to stop the swinging motion. Inspect the machine for damage if the boom has been swung hard into the stump or side of hole. Whenever the tires of the machine raise of the ground while operating, lower the machine back to the ground smoothly. DO NOT DROP OR CATCH IT SUDDENLY WITH THE HYDRAULICS. Damage to the machine can result. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. • Back machine into position with cutting wheel near top edge of stump. • Secure towing vehicle so that it will hold machine firmly while cutting stump. This may include putting transmission in PARK, setting emergency brake, even blocking wheels, depending on the towing vehicle in use and the conditions of the work-site. 22 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® OPERATION NOTICE Before operating the stump cutter, review •Machine Controls• and •Other Machine Components• presented earlier in this •Operation• section, for a refresher on the function and use of each control and component. 3. Cut stump proper: • With the cutting wheel off to one side, advance it horizontally (TONGUE OUT) so that when swept across stump it will remove 1/2" to 1" of the stump. • Remove telescoping tongue lock-pin. • Remove transport block. • Conduct the pre-starting inspection (if not already done), start the engine, and conduct the preoperation warm up, as previously discussed in this 'Operation' section. WARNING Keep everyone away when cutting wheel is ON! • Engage cutter wheel. Increase engine speed to FAST. • While operating boom left and right, adjust LEFT/RIGHT speed with cutting wheel swing valve. (Turn counterclockwise for slower travel, clockwise for faster travel.) 2. Remove roots: • Swing the cutting wheel to one side, then lower it approximately 1" into the nearside roots that are buried at the foot of the stump. Swing the cutting wheel across the roots, back and forth, lowering cutting wheel approximately 1" before each sweep, until the roots are sufficiently removed. • Raise cutting wheel until center of cutting wheel is just above top of stump. • Sweep the cutting wheel across the stump, cutting away 1/2" to 1" of wood. • Advance cutting wheel 1/2" to 1", and sweep across stump in opposite direction. • Continue sweeping cutting wheel left and right across stump, advancing it before each sweep, cutting 1/2" to 1" depth of wood with each sweep, until top level of stump is all removed. • Raise cutting wheel, and retract machine from stump, then lower cutting wheel, so that center of cutting wheel is just above top of stump and such that teeth are almost, but not quite, engaging stump. 4. Complete cutting stump by repeating STEP 3 again and again until entire stump is cut to desired depth. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 23 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER OPERATION 5. Continue with final roots removal: NOTICE Before stopping an engine that has been operating at working load, allow engine to continue running at low idle for at least 2 minutes to cool hot engine parts. 2. Turn engine start switch to OFF position to stop the engine. Remove engine start key, and place it in safekeeping. ' Cut the remaining roots as described in STEP 2 until satisfactorily removed. 7. Stop the machine. Machine Stopping 1. When stopping the machine after normal operation, lower engine speed to SLOW, and disengage cutter wheel. WARNING A rotating cutting wheel is very DANGEROUS! Stand at controls and ensure that cutting wheel comes to a complete stop before doing anything else. 2. Cycle each of the hydraulic controls slowly for about 30 seconds each to help the hydraulic components to cool slowly. 3. Fully retract telescoping tongue, and insert lockpin. 4. Center and raise the cutting wheel to the fully UP position and engage the cutting boom transport block. (Or it may be lowered to the ground if cutting of the same stump is to be resumed at another time.) 5. Close fully the cutting wheel cross-travel SPEED control valve. 6. Reduce the engine speed. Engine Stopping 1. Reduce the engine speed to slow idle. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. Helpful Tips for Operating Machine • When unfamiliar with machine, begin operation with cross travel SPEED control valve opened one half turn. Fine adjustments can then be made depending on operator preference. Reducing cross travel speed can eliminate frequent machine stalling. • Use smooth, comfortable speeds while operating. • When it is desired to cut smaller roots, it may be more effective to do so before, rather than after, cutting stump. • Should the chip buildup become excessive when cutting, shut off cutting wheel, wait for cutting wheel to stop rotation, retract machine from stump, stop engine, and rake away chips. It is also possible to use cutter wheel to push chips off to the side. • On larger stumps, when cutting from one side, eventually a tire may tend to roll into the hole. This may be prevented by moving the machine to another side of the stump to continue removal, or by filling the hole with chips before continuing. 24 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® OPERATION • To move entire end of machine sideways, stop the cutting wheel, move it to the side in the direction of destination, and lower it into the ground to raise one tire slightly. Then, using cutting wheel swing lever, pull machine sideways, dragging the other tire. (This maneuver should be used only where conditions allow.) ••In colder weather the machine may be sluggish at first. Operating all machine controls, one at a time, will cause the hydraulic oil to warm up quickly. Operate machine lightly until hydraulic oil is warm. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 25 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER OPERATION Maintenance Hydraulic Oil (Maintenance Intervals - See next section) Systems Fluids Specifications Engine Oil, Engine Fuel 4 1 2 The engine oil fill neck (1) is located on the right side of the engine. The oil level dip stick (2) is located just below the oil fill neck on the engine. 3 The fuel tank (3) is mounted on the front right-hand side of the machine chassis. See the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual for specifications on the engine oil and engine fuel. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. The hydraulic oil tank (4) is mounted on the right side of the machine on the flywheel side of engine. Careful selection of hydraulic oil should be used to achieve maximum life and performance from hydraulic system components. The hydraulic reservoir is filled at the factory with an AW - 68. It has an SUS viscosity of 344.3 @ 100° F and 54.2 @ 210° F. A reputable supplier, RAYCO, or your RAYCO dealer can help you make the best selection of an alternate hydraulic oil for your machine. Any engine oil of proper viscosity that meets one of these API service classifications may be used: CC, CC/SF, CD, or CE. Any military specification of MILL-2104 oils of proper viscosity can also be used. At normal operating temperatures, optimum viscosity ranges are from 80-180 SUS. Viscosity should never fall below 60 SUS, and at the lowest expected startup temperature, should not exceed 10,000 SUS. Industrial-type hydraulic oils of proper viscosity that are certified by the oil supplier to be chemically stable, and to have antiwear, antifoam, antirust, and antioxidation additives for heavy duty uses, are acceptable. 26 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® OPERATION NOTICE Clean hydraulic oil is essential for the proper function of the hydraulic components. The oil and filter should be changed in accordance with instructions contained in the •Maintenance Intervals• section of this manual, or sooner if the hydraulic system becomes sluggish. If the fluid smells burnt or the natural color of the fluid has become black or milky, it is possible that an overheating or water contaminant problem exists. The problem should be corrected, and the hydraulic oil changed, before continuing use of machine. Drive Belts WARNING Before beginning to check or adjust belt: shutdown the machine, ensure that all moving parts have come to a halt, remove the key from the engine start switch, and place the key in safekeeping. Use only clean, fresh hydraulic oil, free of bubbles. (Bubbles indicate trapped air.) Lubricating Grease All RAYCO ® stump cutters are completely serviced at the factory before shipping. The operator should check all grease fittings to familiarize himself with their location and acquaint himself with the correct service schedule. WARNING Use the normal shutdown procedure (See •Operating Instructions•), before lubricating the machine. Use only a high quality, multipurpose grease which contains 3% to 5% molybdenum disulfide. Use NLGI NO. 2 (or NO. 0 grade for extremely low temperatures). Before lubricating make sure all grease fittings and the nozzle of the grease gun is clean. Fluids Refill Capacities (Approximate) Compartment or System Quarts U.S. Gallons Imperial Gallons Liters Fuel Tank NA 14.00 11.66 53.00 Engine Crankcase (Including oil filter) 4.00 1.00 0.83 3.74 Hydraulic System 7 1.70 1.42 6.40 Extreme caution must be used to avoid death or serious injury. Stay clear of belts and chains and cutting wheel when they are moving! The cutting wheel is driven by the engine via v-belts , a jackshaft and a Poly Chain GT belt. The hydraulic pump is driven through connection to the engine shaft via a v-belt. NOTICE To extend belt life proper tension must be maintained. A loose belt will cause excessive cutting wheel slippage and belt failure. A belt that is too tight can cause bearing, shaft and belt failure. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 27 RAYCO ® Storing the Machine Preparing the Machine for Storage Store the machine in a dry protected place. If the machine must be stored outside, cover it with a waterproof canvas or other material. Clean all grease, dirt, mud and other foreign matter from the machine. Wash the machine. Start and operate machine to help rid it of puddled or excess water. To inhibit rusting, paint all exposed surfaces. Take the weight of the machine off of the tires by resting the machine chassis on blocks. Do not deflate the tires, however. Remove drive belts, and store in wrapped condition. Spray grooves of belt sheaves and sprockets with anti-corrosive agent. All exposed hydraulic cylinder rods should be coated with Valvoline Tectyl 506 oil or equivalent. Rusty or pitted cylinder rods will damage O-Rings and cause leakage. Lubricate all parts that have grease fittings, as outlined in the 'Maintenance Intervals' section of this manual, to prevent rust. With the engine OFF, remove any pressure from the hydraulic cylinders by working the control levers back and forth. Store the battery inside where temperatures do not drop below 32° F. Place the battery on wood, not on concrete floor or steel table. Always keep the battery fully charged. Store it away from wherever an open flame or sparks might occur. Information on preparing the engine for storage, are contained in the Wisconsin Manual, shipped with this machine. Check your machine for any worn or broken parts at this time. By ordering and installing replacement parts now, you can avoid unnecessary delays when you remove the machine from storage. Removing the Machine from Storage Remove all coverings. After prolonged storage inspect wheels and brakes. (Refer to the inspection procedures given in the Trailer Running Gear - Operation Maintenance Service manual which was provided with the machine.) Remove blocks from under the machine. Check tires for proper inflation. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER Lubricate machine entirely, using the instructions provided throughout all of this manual's 'Maintenance Intervals' sections. Wipe excess oil from hydraulic cylinder rods. Check hydraulic hoses and fuel lines for deterioration, and replace as necessary. Tighten all nuts, bolts and hydraulic fittings. Replace hydraulic filter and fuel filter. After prolonged storage change hydraulic oil. Information on removing the engine from storage, are contained in the Wisconsin Manual, shipped with this machine. Wipe off anti-corrosive agent from grooves of belt sheaves and sprockets and remount the belts. Adjust the tension of the belts in accordance with the instructions contained in this manual's 'Every 50 Service Hours ' section. Mount the battery and connect the cables to the machine. Review the machine according to the 'Before Starting the Engine' as found in the 'Safety' section, and perform all maintenance services necessary as described in the '10 Service Hours or Daily' interval of the 'Maintenance' section before starting the engine. Start the machine according to the 'Starting the Engine' and 'Pre-Operation Warm-up' sections. 28 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® MAINTENANCE Maintenance Intervals As Required Fuel Tank - Fill .................................................... 26 Grease and Oil Buildup - Remove ...................... 26 Cutting Wheel - Check ....................................... 26 Changing Teeth ........................................... 27 Sharpening of Teeth .................................... 30 Every 10 Service Hours or Daily Engine Oil Level - Check .................................... 31 Engine Combustion Air Cleaner - Check ............ 31 Fuel Tank - Fill .................................................... 31 Hydraulic Oil - Check .......................................... 31 Check Teeth ....................................................... 32 Lubricate the Fittings .......................................... 32 Walk-Around Inspection ..................................... 32 After First 50 Service Hours Hydraulic Oil Filter - Change .............................. 33 Engine Mountings - Check ................................. 33 Engine Belt Drives - Check and Adjust ............... 33 Every 50 Service Hours Pivot Head Lower Pivot Housing - Lubricate ...... 33 Pivot Head Lift Cylinder Pivots - Lubricate ......... 33 Side Swing Cylinder Pivots - Lubricate ............... 34 Cutting Boom Swing Pivot - Lubricate ................ 34 Engine Slide Mechanism - Clean .......................34 Air Filter Element - Clean ...................................34 Cutting Wheel Poly Chain Belt - Check Tension 35 Jackshaft V-Belts - Check Tension ..................... 36 Every 250 Service Hours or 1 Year Hydraulic Oil Filter - Change .............................. 39 Engine Compression - Check .............................39 Spark Plugs and Breaker Points - Check ...........39 Fuel Filter - Inspect ............................................. 39 Distributor Cam - Lubricate ................................39 Cooling System - Inspect ...................................39 Starting Motor - Inspect ......................................39 Every 500 Service Hours or 1 Year Engine Belt Drives - Check and Adjust ............... 40 Hydraulic Pump V-Belt ................................40 Drain Water Condensation From Fuel Tank ....... 41 Change Hydraulic Oil .........................................41 Drain the Oil ................................................. 41 Start Up Procedure ......................................41 Hydraulic Circuit ..................................... 42 Clutch and Reduction Gear Housing - Change Oil ................................................ 42 Every 3 Months or 3,000 Miles Trailer Wheels Nuts and Bolts - Tighten ............. 42 Tire Condition - Inspect ......................................42 Every 1 Year or 12,000 Miles Wheel Bearings - Clean and Repack .................43 Trailer Wheel Spindles - Inspect Welds ..............45 Every 125 Service Hours Battery - Check ................................................... 37 Clean Terminals ........................................... 37 Adjust Electrolyte Level ................................37 Telescoping Tongue Inside Tube - Lubricate .....38 Hitch - Apply Oil ..................................................38 Pre-load Nut - Adjust .......................................... 38 Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 29 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER MAINTENANCE WARNING Before performing any maintenance, please consult the •Safety• section for vital information related to operating this powerful machine! NOTICE The maintenance items shown in this section, when found under two interval options (one in service hours versus one in strict time), should normally be performed at the interval whichever occurs first in the course of the life of the machine. When consulting this manual regarding the longer maintenance intervals, care must be taken to not miss performing the shorter interval service requirements when the shorter intervals happen to coincide with the longer intervals, as, in such a case, it should be noted that the shorter intervals are not listed again along with the longer intervals. The engine hour meter is a reliable tool for measuring actual service hours of machine. When each maintenance item is performed, a record of the current service hours and the date should be kept, and a note should also be made, on a regularly viewed calendar, of when the next interval that requires scheduled maintenance is to occur, based on adding the amount of time for that next interval to the time when performing that maintenance, as suits the occasion. Then, as you frequently compare the actual service hours to the record, you will be properly informed to the maintenance requirements as time passes. The maintenance intervals listed in this •Maintenance Intervals• section of this RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER Operation, Maintenance, & Parts Manual includes the necessary engine care topics. For the complete information on engine maintenance at proper intervals, consult the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual. RAYCO ® has attempted to accurately predict maintenance intervals for this machine. However, due to varying environmental operating conditions such as intense dust or moisture, or due to more severe usage, your machine may require certain maintenance at more frequent intervals than those given in this manual. Thus, whenever variance is found through the particular usage of this machine, the published interval should be disregarded and a more frequent interval applied. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 30 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® MAINTENANCE As Required Fuel Tank - Fill WARNING Do not smoke or allow any hot objects nearby when refueling. Cutting Wheel - Check Among the most critical elements of the stump cutter are the cutting teeth. They are also the most subject to damage and wear. In the course of cutting stumps they not only make contact with wood, but also encounter a numerous assortment of abrasives and objects in the stump's environment, such as dirt, stones, and occasionally a large rock or buried scrap. The loss of and wear of teeth can significantly impair the efficiency of a stump cutter and also result in overexposure of other teeth and tooth pockets, resulting in premature failure or wear. Therefore it is important to make frequent observation of the condition of all of the cutting teeth, and replace or have sharpened any missing and significantly worn teeth, as soon as feasible. Read all of the instructions on the following pages before beginning to change cutting teeth. 1 Remove the fuel cap (1) slowly. Carefully fill tank, and replace cap. (Fill tank all the way until fuel begins entering fill neck. This will reduce water condensation.) See 'System Fluids Specifications' in this 'Maintenance' section for more information. Grease and Oil Buildup Remove NOTICE Accumulated grease and oil on a machine is a fire hazard. Remove such debris with steam cleaning or high pressure water. Do not use harsh cleansers or abrasives to clean machine until 90 days after purchase or paint damage may occur. For cleaning with a hot water cleaning device, use a spray steam with a pressure not exceeding 426 psi (2937 kPa) to prevent damage to painted areas of the components. Wipe all fittings, caps, and plugs before servicing. Keep a close watch for leaks. If leaking is observed, find the source, and correct the leak. Check the fluid levels more frequently than the recommended periods if leaking is suspected or observed, until the problem may be corrected. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 31 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER MAINTENANCE INTERVALS Changing Teeth NOTICE The following three pages represent the exact location required for positioning each tooth. When followed exactly, optimum cutting wheel performance is attained. WARNING Lock the cutting boom in raised position when changing teeth. NOTICE Read all of the following instructions before beginning to change cutting wheel teeth. 1 2 3 1. Clean all dirt from the cutting wheel (1) and teeth (2). 2. Remove the socket head bolts (3) from the teeth (2). (The 1/2" hex key provided with the machine may be used.) 3. Check the cutting wheel for cracks. Replace the wheel if it is cracked. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 32 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER Tooth Pocket Locations ( Viewed From Operator•s Side ) Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 33 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER Teeth 2 & 14 straight nearside Teeth 8 & 20 straight farside Locations for SUPERTEETH ( Viewed From Operator•s Side ) Requires (10) C-bored (10) Tapped (2) Straight C-bored (2) Straight Tapped Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 34 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® MAINTENANCE INTERVALS 4. Carefully select and properly position each tooth according to preceding diagrams. ' Position teeth as shown in diagram on pg. 30. Straight teeth should be 180 degrees apart on the same side of the cutter wheel. On the opposite side of the cutter wheel, straight teeth should be 180 degrees apart but rotated 90 degrees to first side. ' When using RAYCO ® brand squareshanked teeth, set extreme edge of each tooth 1¼" away from edge of pocket as diagram shows. (See page 30.) When using RAYCO ® SUPERTEETH, because of one piece construction no pre-setting of the tooth is required. Make sure teeth are placed in coordinance with wheel rotation. ' After setting each tooth pair, tighten the socket head bolts to 135 to 145 footpounds. Sharpening of Teeth Do not allow any tooth to wear too much before sharpening. Discard any tooth that has lost more than 1/ 8" of original bite. The teeth must be removed from the cutting wheel for proper sharpening. NOTICE Sharpening cemented carbide cutting teeth requires a special process. Have your teeth sharpened only by a qualified machinist for obtaining a proper edge and to avoid injury. Tooth Sharpening Guidelines 1. Obtain an unused tooth for comparison. 2. Discard any tooth that has lost more than 1/8" of original bite, whether lost through usage or grinding. NOTICE: Do not hammer the tip of a tooth. Due to the super hardness of the tooth, it is brittle and may chip from such treatment. Replacement teeth and pockets are available from your dealer or direct from RAYCO ®. Refer to the 'Parts' section for part numbers. 3. Grind off minimal amount from end, just enough to restore the original taper and radius on end. The end of the cemented carbide tip and the end of the steel shank should be flush after grinding. A 'left', a 'straight' and a 'right' tooth is determined by which direction the tip of the tooth points. The left and right sides of the cutting wheel correspond to the left and right sides of the machine itself. (For a review of the machine orientation see the 'Foreword' section.) Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 35 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER MAINTENANCE INTERVALS Every 10 Service Hours or Daily Engine Combustion Air Cleaner - Check Engine Oil Level - Check BOOM MUST BE LEVEL ' ' The oil level must be checked when the engine is level and has not been in operation for at least 10 minutes. Add or remove oil gradually, until proper level is reached. NOTICE Lower than recommended oil levels result in insufficient lubrication and serious engine damage. 1 Squeeze rubber dust ejector (1) once or twice a day to check for possible obstructions. If engine is operating in very dusty conditions, remove cartridge and shake out the accumulated dirt( Do not tap or strike element - it may become damaged). Wipe out dirt from inside cover and bowl after removing baffle and dumping out dust. For further details applicable to the filter cartridge, and dust ejector valve, see the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual. Fuel Tank - Fill Fill the fuel tank at the end of each day of operation to drive out moist air and to reduce water condensation. Follow the directions given in the 'As Required' Section of this 'Maintenance Intervals' section. Hydraulic Oil - Check Higher than recommended oil levels result in inefficient engine operation and piston gumming and subsequent failure. Additional information is available in the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual. 4 The hydraulic oil tank (reservoir) is located on the right side of machine in front of the v-belt. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 36 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® MAINTENANCE INTERVALS Lubricate the Fittings 2 1 The oil level sight gauge (1) is located on the front side of the tank. Check the oil only when the engine is cold, and with the boom level. The oil level should appear in the center of the sight gauge. If there is too much oil, it may spill when cutting on a slope, or due to heat expansion. If too little oil, more serious problems may occur, e.g. damage to hydraulic equipment, or loss of control of machine. Re-fill the hydraulic oil tank 1. Clean all surrounding debris and dirt off of tank fill neck area. (Hydraulic fluid must be kept completely clean!) 2. Remove the breather cap. 3. Fill tank until oil level appears midway between HIGH and LOW in window of sight gauge. 4. Replace the breather cap.Cutting Wheel 1 1 1. Lubricate two fittings (1) (One on each cutting wheel bearing.) NOTICE Pump grease in slowly, and carefully to prevent damage to the bearing seals. Use extreme caution when using a high pressure or high volume grease gun. Walk-Around Inspection 1. Inspect cutting boom cylinders and linkage for damage or excessive wear. Repair if damaged. 2. Inspect and remove any chip or residue buildup in and around the engine. Check Teeth 3. Inspect hydraulic system for leaks. Inspect the tank, hoses, tubes, plugs, joints, and fittings. Correct any leaks. Check cutting wheel for missing, broken, or worn teeth. Change any such teeth that are found, according to directions given in the 'As Required' section. 4. Be sure covers and guards are firmly in place. Inspect for damage. 5. Inspect tires and rims for damage and inflation. Maintain inflation indicated on tire. Replace worn tires. 6. Inspect for loose or missing fasteners. Tighten or replace. 7. Inspect belts (and Poly Chain occasionally) for wear. Replace if frayed or cracked. 8. Clean out all chips & debris in the Poly Chain compartment. Remove the bolt securing the lower cover and open lower cover to remove all foreign objects and debris. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 37 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER MAINTENANCE INTERVALS After First 50 Service Hours Hydraulic Oil Filter Change Every 50 Service Hours Pivot Head Lower Pivot Housing - Lubricate Change the hydraulic oil filter as described in the •Every 250 Service Hours or 1 Year• interval, in this •Maintenance Intervals• section. Engine Mountings - Check Ensure that the torque values remain as shown in the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual. Engine Belt Drives - Check and Adjust Hydraulic Cylinders Pump V-Belt Follow the directions found in the •Every 500 Service Hours or 1 Year• section. LUBRICATE Lubricate the remote grease fitting for the cutting boom pivot head lower pivot housing. (Located below the deck on the bottom of the pivot head.) Pivot Head Lift Cylinder Lubricate Pivots LUBRICATE Lubricate grease fitting for cylinder rod pivots. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 38 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® MAINTENANCE INTERVALS Side Swing Cylinders Pivots - Lubricate Air Filter Element - Clean Follow directions as shown as shown in the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual. LUBRICATE Lubricate the four total grease fittings on the two pivots of both right (shown) and left cylinder. Cutting Boom Swing Pivot - Lubricate LUBRICATE Lubricate one fitting on the bearing housing at the pivoting end of the cutting boom. Slide Blocks - Lubricate LUBRICATE Lubricate the six total grease fittings on the engine slide mechanism. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 39 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER Cutting Wheel Poly Chain Belt - Check Tension The cutting wheel is driven by a low maintenance Poly Chain® GT® belt. To prolong belt life, proper tension must be maintained. A loose belt will cause premature sprocket wear and belt failure. A belt that is too tight can cause shaft and bearing failure. Remove bolts, and remove belt guard cover . Apply a force of 67-71 pounds to the belt at the midpoint of the belt span. A properly adjusted belt will deflect 15/32". If it deflects more than 15/32" belt is too loose. If it deflects less than 15/32", belt is too tight. 1 1 2 4 2 3 3 1 If it is thereby determined that the belt is out of adjustment, correct it by one of the following: When the belt is too loose 1. WARNING A moving belt is very powerful and dangerous. KEEP AWAY FROM MOVING BELT AT ALL TIMES! Extreme caution must be used to prevent death or serious injury. For the sake of safety, the belt guard cover must always be in place when engine is running. Before beginning to check or adjust the belt: shut-down the machine, insure that all moving parts have come to a halt, remove the key from the ignition, and place the key in safekeeping. NOTICE When checking belt tension cutting wheel must be free to turn. Therefore, check tension when cutting boom is locked in the raised position, rather than when cutting wheel is resting on the ground. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. Loosen the two bolts (1) holding each bearing, enough to allow the bearings to slide easily. 2. Loosen the lock nuts (2) on the four bearing jacking screws (3) & (4). 3. Back-off jacking screws (4) one full turn. 4. Tighten jacking screws (3) one full turn. 5. Check Poly Chain tension. If more tension is necessary, repeat steps 3 and 4, and recheck tension. 6. When tension is correct, tighten bearing bolts and jacking screw lock nuts. When the belt is too tight 1. Loosen the two bolts (1) holding each bearing, enough to allow the bearings to slide easily. 2. Loosen the lock nuts (2) on the two bearing jacking screws (3) & (4). 3. Back-off jacking screws (3) one full turn. 4. Tighten jacking screws (4) one full turn 5. Check Poly Chain tension. If more tension is necessary, repeat steps 3 and 4, and recheck tension. 6. When tension is correct, tighten bearing bolts and jacking screw lock nuts. 40 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® MAINTENANCE INTERVALS NOTICE Whenever the Poly Chain is adjusted, the jackshaft v-belts tension must be readjusted. (See the following instructions.) Jackshaft V-belts - Check Tension Proper tension of the v-belt is achieved when the belt can be depressed one belt thickness in the center of the belt span when the belt is engaged. If adjustment is out of alignment the following steps should be followed. 1. Be sure the machine is hooked to a vehicle and the parking brake is set. The transport block should be in place. 2. Start engine and idle. Engage cutter wheel belt and shut off engine. ( Before proceeding make sure cutter wheel has come to a complete stop.) Remove ignition key and place in safe keeping. Partially disengage the belt tightener to relieve the tension on the clevis pins. WARNING A moving belt is very powerful and dangerous. KEEP AWAY FROM MOVING BELT AT ALL TIMES! Extreme caution must be used to prevent death or serious injury. For the sake of safety, the belt guard cover must always be in place when engine is running. Before beginning to check or adjust the belt: shutdown the machine, insure that all moving parts have come to a halt, remove the key from the ignition, and place the key in safekeeping. 1 3. Remove cotter pin from the clevis pin (1). 4. Remove clevis pin. 5. To tighten V-Belt, lengthen push rod. 6. To loosen V-Belt, shorten push rod. 7. Replace the clevis pin and check the belt. 8. Repeat steps 5 through 8 as necessary. NOTICE When checking belt tension cutting wheel must be free to turn. Therefore, check tension when cutting boom is locked in the raised position, rather than when cutting wheel is resting on the ground. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 41 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER MAINTENANCE INTERVALS Every 125 Service Hours Adjust Electrolyte Level 1. Remove battery box lid. Battery - Check 2. Remove each cap carefully by prying with a screwdriver. 3. Electrolyte level should be 1/4" to 1/2" above metal plates (just touching bottom of plastic fill neck). Add distilled water as needed. 4. Replace both caps. WARNING Always wear protective clothing and eyeglasses when working with battery. For further important battery safety information, consult the Deutz [Engine] Operation Manual. Clean Terminals 1. Remove battery box lid. 2. Remove black negative (-) cable. 3. Clean terminal and clamp of any oxidation buildup with stiff wire brush. (Stroke brush away from your body to avoid hazardous particles.) 4. Apply a light coat of petroleum jelly around base of terminal. 5. Repeat same procedure for red positive (+) cable. 6. Replace both cables. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 42 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® MAINTENANCE INTERVALS Telescoping Tongue Inside Tube - Lubricate Swing Pivot - Inspect Inspect to make sure that the lock plate (1) and tensioning bolt (2) are tight. The SWING PIVOTS in the RG 1642 Diesel Super Cutter are built to last a long period of time with very little maintenance. No adjusting or fine tuning is required to maintain the pivots. Routine lubrication of these pivots and it's bearings should assure you long life of these parts. In the event that a bearing needs replaced or any other maintenance needs to be performed on the swing pivot, please contact your RAYCO ® representative or the factory. With tongue fully extended, apply grease liberally to all four sides, and spread evenly. 2 1 Hitch - Apply Oil Apply SAE 30 engine oil to pivot points of hitch. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 43 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER MAINTENANCE INTERVALS Every 250 Service Hours or 1 Year Engine Compression Check Follow directions in the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual. Hydraulic Oil Filter Change Spark Plugs - Check NOTICE Keep insides of all hydraulic components clean as they are installed. Fuel Filter - Inspect Always keep the hydraulic oil clean. Severe machine damage will likely occur if oil becomes dirty. The machine must not be operated without the filter in place, or severe damage to the major hydraulic components will likely occur. Follow directions in the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual. Follow directions in the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual. Distributor Cam - Lubricate Follow directions in the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual. A 10 micron filter is used on this machine. It is located in the oil suction line to filter the oil before entering the hydraulic operating components. 1. Place a pan below filter to catch dripping oil. Cooling System - Inspect 2. Using a filter wrench, unscrew filter from filter head. Starting Motor - Inspect 3. Apply a light coat of hydraulic oil to gasket of new filter. 4. Screw new filter onto filter head until hand tight. 5. Tighten further with filter wrench. 6. Dispose of used filter and lost oil, in accordance with local safety and environmental protection laws. 7. After machine has been running for a few minutes, check fluid level in reservoir, and add more if sight gauge indicates low. If the filter head ever needs to be replaced, be sure that the direction of flow, indicated by the arrow on the filter head, is pointing away from the oil reservoir. Always keep the hydraulic oil clean. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. Follow directions in the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual. Follow directions in the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual. 44 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® Every 500 Service Hours or 1 Year Engine Belt Drives - Check and Adjust Hydraulic Pump V-Belt 5 4 1 3 2 The pump (1) is mounted to the hydraulic tank brackets (2). The pump belt is adjusted by loosening the hydraulic tank mounting bolts (3),(4) & (5) and sliding the pump and tank back as necessary to achieve correct tension. When properly tensioned, the pump belt should deflect 1/8" when 3.8 lbs. of force is applied in the center of the span. (If belt is new, however, use 5.7 lbs. instead.) Retighten pump mounting bolts, and remount the engine front cover, being sure to replace and tighten firmly all fasteners. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 45 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER Drain Water Condensation From Fuel Tank 1. Have ready a 1/ 2" pipe plug (RAYCO part #738311), wrapped with Teflon tape. 2. Provide a wide pan to catch all splashing drainage, elevated to be as close as possible to bottom of tank. 3. Place a container below the oil drain plug, located in the bottom of the hydraulic oil tank. 4. Remove the oil drain plug, and allow the oil to drain into the container. 3. While wearing liquid-proof gloves and goggles, unscrew pipe plug at bottom of tank. 4. As fluid begins to drain into pan, observe the color and consistency. When water no longer comes out, only fuel, quickly and carefully insert pipe plug (freshly wrapped with Teflon tape) into drain hole, and tighten. (Save original pipe plug for next time water is to be drained.) 5. Clean and wrap plug threads with Teflon tape, and reinstall the plug. 6. Loosen hose fittings on cylinders, and drain as much fluid as feasible. 7. Replace and tighten fittings. Dispose of drained oil according to local environment protection regulations. Start Up Procedure 5. Check for leaks. 6. Clean up any spillage and dispose of water/fuel drainage according to local environmental protection guidelines. NOTICE Prior to filling with fluid, make certain all system components (reservoir, hoses, valves, fittings, pump, etc.) are clean. Change Hydraulic Oil When installing gauges for start-up, care must be taken to keep the system clean. Cleanliness will insure continuous and satisfactory transmission life by preventing contamination of the system. Drain the Oil 1. Steam clean the pumps, motors, cylinders, hydraulic lines, fittings, and tank. 2. Place the machine on level ground. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. Care must be taken to not run pump without a sufficient amount of fluid in it. (The pump runs whenever the engine runs.) Otherwise, serious damage will occur. 46 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® MAINTENANCE INTERVALS WARNING Before operating, please consult the •Safety • section for vital information related to operating this powerful machine! Hydraulic Circuit 1. Check reservoir level, and add more clean fluid if necessary. Fill all other components in the HC circuit with hydraulic oil as completely as possible. 2. Start the engine and run it at normal operating speed. Using the cutting boom motion controls, slowly, then at normal operating speed, cycle the cutting boom through all its motions until all air is bled off. The motions will be smooth and powerful when all of the air is bled off. Every 3 Months or 3,000 Miles Trailer Wheel Nuts & bolts - Tighten Detailed directions may be found in the Trailer Running Gear - Operation Maintenance Service manual which was provided with the machine. Tire Condition - Inspect Detailed directions may be found in the Trailer Running Gear - Operation Maintenance Service manual which was provided with the machine. 3. Check reservoir level, and add more clean fluid if necessary. 4. Clean up any spilled hydraulic fluid. Clutch and Reduction Gear Housing - Change Oil Follow directions in the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 47 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER MAINTENANCE INTERVALS Every 1 Year or 12,000 Miles Bearing Inspection Wash all grease and oil from the bearing race & rollers (cone) using a suitable solvent. WARNING Trailer Wheel Bearings Clean & Repack Remove Hub 1. Elevate the side of the machine where the wheel is being inspected. A common hydraulic floor jack may be used. Gasoline should not be used as a cleaning agent because of fire and explosion danger. Dry the bearing with a clean, lint-free cloth, and inspect each roller completely. If any pitting, spalling, or corrosion is present, then the bearing should be replaced. The bearing cup inside the hub should likewise be inspected. NOTICE Bearings must always be replaced in SETS: a cone and a cup! If the bearing needs replaced, replace the cup also. If the cup needs replaced, replace the bearing also. To replace a bearing cup Position lifting arm of such jack directly under nearside end of machine chassis crossmember. Support the raised side of machine with a solid wooden block or standard jack stand, positioned directly under nearside end of machine chassis cross-member. 1. Place the hub on a flat work surface with the cup to be replaced on the bottom side. Referring to the WHEEL ASSEMBLY in the 'Parts' section... 2. Remove the wheel (15). 3. Remove the dust cap (14) by carefully prying progressively around the flange of the cap. 4. Remove the cotter pin (13) from the castle nut (12). 5. Unscrew the castle nut (counter-clockwise) and remove the spindle washer. 6. Remove the hub (8) from the spindle, being careful not to allow the smaller bearing race & rollers (cone) (10) to fall out. The larger bearing race & rollers (cone) (6) will be retained by the seal (5). Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 2. Using a brass drift punch, carefully tap around the small diameter end of the cup to drive out. 48 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® MAINTENANCE INTERVALS 3. After cleaning the hub bore area, replace the cup by tapping in with the brass drift punch. BE SURE THE CUP IS SEATED ALL THE WAY UP AGAINST THE RETAINING SHOULDER IN THE HUB. Replace only with bearings as specified in the 'Parts' section. Bearing Lubrication Along with bearing adjustment, proper lubrication is essential to the proper functioning and reliability of the wheel axles. Bearings should be lubricated annually or every 12,000 miles. To repack a bearing cone 6. When reassembling, apply a generous amount of grease to wheel hub cavity and dust cap. Seal Inspection and Replacement Whenever the hub is removed, inspect the seal to assure that it is not nicked or torn and is still capable of properly sealing the bearing cavity. If there is any question of condition, replace the seal. Use only the seal specified in the 'Parts' section. To replace the seal, use the following procedure. 1. Pry the seal out of the hub with a screwdriver. Never drive the seal out with the inner bearing, as you may thus damage the bearing. 2. Apply a PERMATEX' sealant to the outside of the seal. 1. Place a quantity of grease into the palm of your hand. 2. Press a section of the widest end of the bearing into the outer edge of the grease pile closest to the thumb, forcing grease into the interior of the bearing. 3. Repeat this while rotating the bearing from roller to roller. 4. Continue this process until you have the entire bearing completely filled with grease. 5. Before re-installing, apply a light coat of grease on the bearing cup. 3. Finger tighten the castle nut untill just snug 3. Tap the new seal into place using a clean wood block. Bearing Adjustment and Hub Replacement If the hub has been removed or bearing adjustment is required, the following adjustment procedure must be followed : 1. After placing the hub, bearings, washers, and castle nut back on the axle spindle in reverse order as detailed in the previous section on hub removal, rotate the hub assembly slowly while tightening the castle nut to approximately 50 ft.Ib. (12" wrench or pliers with full hand force). 2. Then loosen the castle nut to remove the torque. DO NOT ROTATE THE HUB. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 49 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER MAINTENANCE INTERVALS 3. Finger tighten the castle nut untill just snug. 4 Back the castle nut out slightly until the first castellation lines up with the cotter key hole, and insert the cotter pin. The nut should remain snug just enough to not rotate freely. 5. Bend over the cotter pin legs to secure the nut. Trailer Wheel Spindles Inspect Welds Repair chassis if any cracks are found where wheel spindle is attached to machine chassis or in supporting members. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 50 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® TROUBLESHOOTING TroubleShooting Hydraulic System Description of Hydraulic System The oil tank (reservoir) holds the hydraulic oil in supply for the hydraulic circuits. All cutting boom motion is accomplished by controlled pressure applied within hydraulic cylinders. That pressure is created by the hydraulic pump (8), which is driven by the engine through a V-belt. The hydraulic pump should require no special maintenance. The pump, a gear type, draws hydraulic oil from the reservoir (1), and energizes it through a high pressure hose (11), at 2.86 GPM at 1,500 psi when engine speed is 2,800 rpm, to the three bank control valve (9). The control valve contains an integral relief valve which prevents system pressure from exceeding 1500 psi. The control valves, under the influence of the operator's hands upon the levers, control the movement of the cutting wheel UP/DOWN cylinder (14), the telescoping tongue IN/OUT cylinder (15), and the SWING cylinders (16 & 17). Exhaust oil from the control valve is routed through a return hose (18), and back to the reservoir. The hoses that run to the cylinder ports are attached to respective ports of the directional control valve. In the cutting boom UP/DOWN circuit, the high pressure produced by the pump, is directed to one or the other side of the directional control valve, through the hand of the operator, causing the cutting boom to move up or down. In the case of lifting UP the cutting boom, for example, the operator pulls the UP/DOWN lever toward him, and the valve spool shifts to allow high pressure fluid to enter the rod end port of the lift cylinder, while simultaneously the spool opens a passage that allows fluid from the cylinder body end port to exhaust through the control valve body back to the reservoir, where the oil is then recycled through the hydraulic system. As the weight of the cutting boom is thus overcome by the high pressure, the piston inside the cylinder moves toward the exhausting body end port, raising the cutting boom. Likewise, in the tongue IN/OUT circuit, the high pressure is directed to one or the other side of the directional control valve, through the hand of the operator, causing the cutting boom to move in or out. In the case of retracting IN the cutting boom, for example, the operator pulls the IN/OUT lever toward him, and the valve spool shifts to allow high pressure fluid to enter the rod end port of the telescoping tongue cylinder, while simultaneously the spool opens a passage that allows fluid from the cylinder body end port to exhaust through the control valve body back to the reservoir, where the oil is then recycled through the hydraulic system. When the high pressure overcomes opposing forces, the piston inside the cylinder moves toward the exhausting body end port, retracting the entire machine toward the trailer hitch, and thus retracting the cutting wheel away from the stump. Likewise, in the boom SWING circuit, the high pressure is directed to one or the other side of the directional control valve, through the hand of the operator. The circuit is similar to the cutting boom motion circuits described above, except that two opposing cylinders are used rather than just a single cylinder. In the case of swinging cutting boom to the left, for example, the operator pulls the boom SWING lever toward him, and the valve spool shifts to allow high pressure to the rod end port of the left cylinder and to the body end port of the right cylinder, while simultaneously the spool opens a passage that allows fluid from the rod end port of the right cylinder and from the body end port of the left cylinder, to exhaust through the control valve body back to the reservoir, where the oil is then recycled through the hydraulic system. Some additional elements enhance the boom swing circuit. 1. A boom SWING SPEED control (10) is included in a line which connects the two directional control valve ports leading to the boom swing cylinders. It is simply a handoperated needle valve. The farther it is opened, the more leakage occurs between the two sides of each cylinder, which slows down the cutting boom swing motion. This can eliminate stalling of the machine due to too much side pressure against a stump, by requiring of the operator a greater degree of lever movement for a given change of boom motion speed. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 51 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER TROUBLESHOOTING 2. Pilot check valves are located in the cutting boom motion control circuit to reduce the risk of uncontrolled falling or drifting of the boom. Such might otherwise occur when the engine is turned off or while on a slope: ' A pilot check valve (12) is mounted in the rod end port of the RAISE/LOWER cylinder. It has a spring-loaded check valve that prevents fluid from exhausting from the cylinder rod end port to the reservoir, so that the cutting boom cannot fall without a signal from the control valve. When the control valve sends high pressure fluid to the body end port of the cylinder, it also enters the pilot check valve and overcomes the spring in the check valve, opening flow again from the cylinder rod end port to the reservoir. Only then may the cutting boom lower, under the control of the operator. Hydraulic Circuits Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 52 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® TROUBLE-SHOOTING Symptom - Loss of Hydraulic Cylinder Power A. Problem - Pump Belt Slippage Tighten Belt as directed in 'Every 500 Service Hours' Interval of the 'Maintenance Intervals' section. B. Problem - Hydraulic Fluid Low Re-fill tank as directed in 'Every 10 Service Hours or Daily' Interval of the 'Maintenance Intervals' section. C. Problem - Hydraulic Oil Filter Clogged Change as directed in 'Every 250 Service Hours or 1 Year' Interval of the 'Maintenance Intervals' section Symptom - Cutting Wheel Travel Weak Cutting Wheel Lacks Sufficient Power in either the UP or DOWN or IN or OUT or LEFT or RIGHT direction of travel. A. Problem - Cylinder rod seal leaking If when operated, cylinder loses fluid around rod, rod seal is leaking. Solution for Faulty Cylinder Rod Seal Replace cylinder rod seal, using kit available from your RAYCO distributor. B. Problem - Cylinder piston seals leaking To determine if cylinder piston seals are leaking, perform a hydraulic pressure check of the cylinders circuit. WARNING Please take note of danger of fluid penetration given in the Safety / General Hazard Information section. Improperly tightened fittings can result in dangerous leaks. Whenever changing fittings, the engine must be turned OFF and the internal pressures relieved, to avoid dangerous high pressure leaks at loosened fittings. Solution for Faulty Cylinder Rod Seal Replace cylinder rod seal, using kit available from RAYCO or your RAYCO dealer. A liquid filled pressure gauge capable of withstanding up to 3000 PSI should be installed by inserting a Tfitting into the high pressure port (see above) of the hydraulic cylinders pump. Insert the gauge into one opening of the T-fitting and reconnect the high pressure hose to the other opening. With the pressure gauge installed, the engine running at full throttle, and the cutting boom LEFT/RIGHT motion speed control valve fully closed, perform the following checks: Hydraulic System Pressure Checks ACTION GAUGE READING Fully swing cutting wheel to RIGHT 1750 PSI Fully swing cutting wheel to LEFT 1750 PSI Fully extend cutting wheel OUT 1750 PSI Fully retract cutting wheel IN 1750 PSI Fully depress cutting wheel DOWN 1750 PSI Fully raise cutting wheel UP 1750 PSI These checks are an aid to verifying the integrity of the hydraulic cylinder seals, and the control valves. If all of the checks result in lower than proper gauge readings, the control valve bank integral pressure relief valve may be out of adjustment or dirty. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 53 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER TROUBLE-SHOOTING Solutions Adjust Integral Relief Valve 3. Clean with compressed air or a clean cloth. 4. Reassemble the relief valve. 5. Set the integral relief valve to the proper setting based on the Hydraulic System Pressure Checks chart. NOTICE Always use a pressure gauge when resetting the relief valve. A pressure setting greater than 1800 PSI can reduce the life of the pump. If a lower than acceptable reading is observed in fewer than all of the hydraulic circuits, first find out if the problem is in the valve. This may be accomplished by moving the valve hoses to a different valve which is known to be functioning properly. Switch (one at a time to avoid mix-up) hoses between the suspected defective hydraulic component or control valve and a known good control valve, and repeat the test. If switching hoses to another valve produces satisfactory pressure readings, then the control valve seals are worn or damaged and should be replaced. If, however, switching hoses to a valve which is known to be functioning properly results in unsatisfactory pressure reading again, it is evident that the cylinder piston seal is worn or damaged and relieving fluid through the flaw. 1. Loosen the hex jam nut with a wrench. 2. Using a hex key (Allen wrench), tighten the adjusting screw (turn clockwise) to increase system pressure; loosen (turn counterclockwise) to decrease. 3. Check the pressure settings as directed in the Hydraulic System Pressure Checks chart. (See preceding page.) 4. Continue to tighten or loosen adjusting screw and checking pressure until pressure is within the acceptable range. 5. Retighten the jam nut. Clean Integral Relief Valve 1. Turn off the engine and work all controls back and forth to relieve internal pressure. 2. Disassemble the relief valve. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. Solution for Faulty Cylinder Piston Seal The hydraulic cylinder seals should be replaced. Hydraulic cylinder rebuild kits are available from RAYCO or your RAYCO dealer. Symptom - Cutting Boom Moves Downward Too Fast A. Problem - Cylinder rod seal leaking If when operated, cylinder loses fluid around rod, rod seal is leaking. 54 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® TROUBLE-SHOOTING Solution for Faulty Cylinder Rod Seal Replace cylinder rod seal, using kit available from RAYCO or your RAYCO dealer. B. Problem - Cylinder piston seals leaking To determine if cylinder piston seals are leaking, perform a hydraulic pressure check of the cylinders circuit. (Refer to chart on preceding page.) Symptom - Cutting Boom Swings Sideways Uncontrolled A. Problem - Cylinder rod seal leaking If when operated, cylinder loses fluid around rod, rod seal is leaking. Solution for Faulty Cylinder Rod Seal Solution for Faulty Cylinder Piston Seal Replace cylinder rod seal, using kit available from your RAYCO distributor. The hydraulic cylinder seals should be replaced. Hydraulic cylinder rebuild kits are available from RAYCO or your RAYCO dealer. B. Problem - Cylinder piston seals leaking C. Problem - Pilot Check Valve Dirty or Misadjusted To determine if cylinder piston seals are leaking, perform a hydraulic pressure check of the cylinders circuit. (Refer to chart on preceding page.) Solution for Faulty Cylinder Piston Seal The hydraulic cylinder seals should be replaced. Hydraulic cylinder rebuild kits are available from RAYCO or your RAYCO dealer. Solution 1. Using a 1" hex wrench, remove shorter hex end of pilot check valve. 2. Clean ball/spring assembly with compressed air or a clean cloth, and make sure ball seats without obstruction. 3. Reassemble. If problem persists, check adjustment. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 55 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER TROUBLE-SHOOTING Engine System NOTICE For trouble-shooting the engine system refer to the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual. Trailer Wheels NOTICE For trouble-shooting the trailer wheels refer to the Trailer Running Gear - Operation Maintenance Service manual, which was provided with the machine. Electrical System An electrical schematic, found in the •Parts• section, may be used for reference when troubleshooting the electrical system. Symptom - Battery not getting recharged A. Problem - Blower V-belt is too loose or broken The alternator is integrated into the blower. Therefore, the same V-belt drives both. Solution Check blower V-belt according to directions given in the Wisconsin [Engine] Operation Manual. Re-tension or renew as required. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 56 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® Parts For parts information when servicing machine, refer to the pages that follow. ORDER REPLACEMENT PARTS BY CONTACTING YOUR RAYCO DEALER, OR DIRECT FROM RAYCO BY CALLING TOLL FREE: (800) 392-2686 NATIONWIDE & CANADA 5 8 6 2 7 4 3 LOOSE PARTS (NOT SHOWN) 9 10 11 12 13 14 MASTER PARTS INDEX Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 57 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS MASTER PARTS INDEX ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PART# 732074 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------730071 730072 718008 780305 ----------------- DESCRIPTION DECAL KIT CHASSIS & BOOM ASSEMBLY INNER TONGUE ASSEMBLY WHEEL ASSEMBLY CUTTING WHEEL DRIVE SYSTEM ENGINE SYSTEM CHIP CONTAINMENT SYSTEM HYDRAULIC SYSTEM FUEL SYSTEM ELECTRICAL SYSTEM OPTIONAL FENDER MOUNTED CHIP RETAINERS OPERATOR FACE SHIELD (ASSEMBLES W/ HEAD GEAR) OPERATOR HEAD GEAR ( FOR FACE SHIELD) ALLEN WRENCH - 1/2" HEX OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, & PARTS MANUAL ENGINE MANUAL TRAILER RUNNING GEAR MANUAL Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. QTY. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PAGE NO. 54 60 62 64 66 72 76 78 88 90 94 58 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® PARTS 6 14 5 20 10 1 19 9 16 1 15 8 3 16 13 9 17 7 2 8 11 4 18 12 Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 59 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS DECAL KIT - PART# 732036 ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 PART# 732010 732004 732000 732007 732008 732026 732021 732011 732018 732005 732006 732019 2-3080 732505 732009 2-5001 732054 732051 732013 6349 732029 732000 DESCRIPTION DECAL - WARNING: KEEP ALL ... DECAL - MADE WITH PRIDE DECAL - HYDRAULIC OIL DECAL - SAFETY LOCK DECAL - CAUTION : EYE AND EAR DECAL - CAUTION : GREASE MACHINE DECAL - CAUTION : KEEP CLEAR DECAL - DANGER KEEP HANDS OUT DECAL - DANGER : ROTATING CUTTER WHEEL DECAL - WARNING : FOR YOUR PROTECTION DECAL - DANGER WHEN REFUELING DECAL - GASOLINE DECAL - CHECK ENGINE OIL LEVEL ... DECAL - ENGAGE AND DISENGAGE DECAL - OVER TIGHTENING OF BELTS DECAL - RAYCO THE STUMP CUTTER PEOPLE DECAL - RG 1635A 11" X 11" DECAL - RG 1635A - POLYCHAIN COVER DECAL - OPERATOR CONTROLS DECAL - OPERATOR ZONE DECAL - ANOTHER RAYCO... DECAL - HYDRAULIC OIL QTY. 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 INCLUDED IN 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 732036 Note See the following pages for picture of individual decals. Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 60 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® PARTS 1 7 WARNING CAUTION KEEP ALL SHIELDS IN PLACE. STOP ENGINE, DISENGAGE POWER AND WAIT FOR ALL MOVEMENT TO STOP BEFORE SERVICING MACHINE. KEEP ALL SPECTATORS AT A SAFE DISTANCE. KEEP HANDS, FEET AND CLOTHING AWAY FROM ALL MOVING PARTS. KEEP CLEAR WHILE IN OPERATION 2 3 HYDRAULIC OIL 8 DANGER 4 CAUTION SAFETY LOCK MUST BE USED WHEN TRANSPORTING 5 10 KEEP HANDS OUT OF MACHINE WHILE IN OPERATION MACHINE CONTINUES TO ROTATE AFTER POWER IS DISENGAGED. LOOK AND LISTEN TO ASSURE THAT ALL ROTATION HAS STOPPED BEFORE SERVICING MACHINE. FAILURE TO HEED THIS WARNING MAY CAUSE SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY. 9 CAUTION EAR & EYE PROTECTION MUST BE WORN WHILE OPERATING MACHINE. 6 GREASE MACHINE ACCORDING TO INSTRUCTIONS Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 61 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS 10 13 WARNING CHECK ENGINE OIL LEVEL DAILY! CHECK OIL LEVEL WHILE ENGINE IS STOPPED AND IN A LEVEL POSITION. FOR YOUR PROTECTION KEEP ALL SHIELDS IN PLACE AND SECURED WHILE MACHINE IS OPERATING. MOVING PARTS WITHIN CAN CAUSE SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY. 11 14 DANGER WHEN REFUELING MACHINE: - DO NOT SMOKE - SHUT OFF ENGINE - DO NOT ALLOW ANY HOT OR BURNING MATERIALS NEAR 12 CAUTION ENGAGE AND DISENGAGE BELT TIGHTENER ONLY WITH ENGINE AT IDLE SPEED, FOR SAFETY AND LONGER BELT LIFE. GASOLINE 15 CAUTION OVER-TIGHTENING BELTS CAN CAUSE ENGINE CRANK SHAFT FAILURE Correct Tension can be determined BY ADJUSTING BELTS UNTIL YOU CAN DEPRESS ONE BELT THE THICKNESS OF THE BELT AT CENTER OF SPAN. BELTS WILL STRETCH MOST DURING FIRST 12 HOURS OF OPERATION. THEREFORE CHECK TENSION EVERY 3 HOURS FOR FIRST 12 HOURS. AND DAILY THEREAFTER Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 62 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® PARTS 18 16 RAYCO WOOSTER, OHIO RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER 19 RAYCO RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER 20 DOWN OUT RIGHT CUTTING WHEEL TONGUE TRAVEL UP IN LEFT Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 63 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER NOTES Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 64 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® CHASSIS & BOOM ASSEMBLY PARTS Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 65 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS CHASSIS & BOOM ASSEMBLY ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 PART# 6809 4925 7047 730089 2116 724916 728005 4404 750448 750449 4405 4690 722502 726502 750413 730025 722303 724301 726302 4978 726911 750494 750495 DESCRIPTION MAIN FRAME WELDMENT CUTTING BOOM PIVOT HEAD BUSHING - 1.5 x 1 x 1 HINGE PIN SLOTTED NUT - 1 1/2". COTTER PIN KING PIN BEARING - SPHERICAL - 1 3/4" OUTER RACE WASHER - PIVOT LOCK PLATE PRE-LOAD NUT BOLT - 1/2" - 13 x 1" LOCK WASHER - 1/2" WHIZ BOLT - 1/2" - 16 x 1 1/4" PLASTIC COATED CLAMP HEX HEAD BOLT - 3/8 - 16 HEX NUT - 3/8 - 16 LOCK WASHER - 3/8" TELESCOPING CYLINDER LOOP FLAT WASHER - 1 1/2" LUBE HOSE - 12" "NOT PICTURED" FITTING - EL45 - 2MP - 2FPX "NOT PICTURED" Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. QTY. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 INCLUDED IN 66 RAYCO® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER INNER TONGUE ASSEMBLY PARTS Copyright © 1998 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 67 RAYCO® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS INNER TONGUE ASSEMBLY ITEM# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PART# DESCRIPTION QTY. INCLUDED IN 6809 722505 726501 724501 726502 728028 2630 728007 3501 4957 730048−108 750671 4833 MAIN FRAME WELDMENT BOLT HEX 1/2−13 X 1−3/4 WASHER FLAT 1/2 NUT HEX 1/2−13 GR8 WASHER LOCK 1/2 PIN − SAFETY SNAP 1/4 X 2−1/2 HITCH WELDMENT PIN − HAIR 3/4" X 1−1/16" PIN, TRANS TONGUE LOCK TONGUE WELDMENT − TELESCOPING CHAIN 5/16 HI TEST X 108" HOOK − SLIP W/LATCH 5/16" TELESCOPING TONGUE CYLINDER ASSEMBLY 1 4 8 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2631 " " " " " .6040 " " " " " 780171 HITCH − PINTLE − OPTIONAL 1 2631 Copyright © 1998 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 68 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® 6 3 4 5 14 12 1 WHEEL ASSEMBLY 8 15 7 16 13 17 2 9 10 11 PARTS Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 69 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS WHEEL ASSEMBLY ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PART# 710712 710306 710308 728004 724906 726907 710303 710110 710305 710302 710307 724504 4312 722331 726301 726302 724301 DESCRIPTION WHEEL AND TIRE HUB DUST CAP COTTER PIN AXLE NUT FLAT WASHER OUTER BEARING OUTER RACE INNER RACE INNER BEARING DUST SEAL LUG NUT FENDER CARRIAGE BOLT - 3/8-16 X 1 " FENDER WASHER - 3/8" LOCKWASHER - 3/8" HEX NUT - 3/8" Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. QTY. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 2 6 6 6 6 INCLUDED IN 70 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® CUTTING WHEEL DRIVE SYSTEM PARTS Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 71 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS CUTTING WHEEL DRIVE SYSTEM ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 PART# REF. 716102 716205 716206 716302 714202 722336 724301 722505 724501 726501 726502 4203 716106 2581-01 4202 2583-12 3133 3732 714302 716714 716207 716715 716524 2-2581-03 2-2583-04 716607 722624 2-4900-04 724602 722603 726602 4900-15 2-2279 2-3144T 2-3144C 2-2933T 2-2933C 718013 6875 722110 7503 6874 DESCRIPTION CUTTING BOOM ENGINE DRIVE SHEAVE SHEAVE BUSHING JACKSHAFT DRIVE SHEAVE DRIVEN SHEAVE BUSHING PILLOW BLOCK BEARING SQUARE HEAD BOLT - 3/8 - 16 X 3" HEX NUT - 3/8 - 16 HEX BOLT - 1/2 - 13 X 1 3/4 HEX NUT - 1/2 - 13 FLAT WASHER - 1/2" LOCK WASHER - 1/2" JACKSHAFT V-BELT KEY CUTTER WHEEL SHAFT KEY - 3/8" x 3 3/4" CUTTER WHEEL HUB CUTTER WHEEL PILLOW BLOCK BEARING DRIVE SPROCKET DRIVE SPROCKET BUSHING DRIVEN SPROCKET DRIVEN SPROCKET BUSHING KEY - 1/4" x 2" KEY - 3/8" x 2" POLY CHAIN BELT HEX HEAD BOLT - 9/16 - 18 X 2 1/2" FLAT WASHER - 9/16" HEX NUT - 9/16 - 18 HEX HEAD BOLT - 9/16 - 12 X 1 1/2" LOCK WASHER - 9/16" CUTTER WHEEL WASHER CUTTER WHEEL WASHER TOOTH - STRAIGHT, TAPERED TOOTH - STRAIGHT, C-BORED TOOTH - RIGHT TOOTH - LEFT TOOTH POCKET BOLT JACKSHAFT COVER WHIZ BOLT - 1/4" x 3/4" SPACER JACKSHAFT DUST SHIELD Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. QTY. 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 8 20 2 2 1 1 2 2 14 14 32 1 4 1 2 INCLUDED IN 72 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® BELT GUARDS PARTS Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 73 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS BELT GUARDS ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PART# 7379 7331 4611 722330 726301 726302 724301 4523 1793 722114 722303 4440 722509 722510 724501 4610 726502 DESCRIPTION V-BELT GUARD V-BELT COVER BELT GUIDE BOLT, CARRIAGE - 3/8" - 16 x 3/4" WASHER, FLAT - 3/8" WASHER, LOCK - 3/8" NUT, HEX - 3/8" - 16 POLYCHAIN GUARD POLYCHAIN GUARD COVER WHIZ BOLT - 3/8" - 16 x 3/4" BOLT, HEX - 3/8" - 16 x 1" END CAP BOLT, HEX - 1/2" - 13 x 3" BOLT, HEX - 1/2" -13 x 3 1/2" NUT, HEX - 1/2" - 13 BELT GUIDE FRONT 1/2" LOCK WASHER Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. QTY. 1 1 2 4 6 6 6 1 1 14 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 INCLUDED IN 74 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® CHIP GUARDS PARTS Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 75 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS CHIP GUARDS ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PART# 8433W 722331 726301 726302 724301 1888 2335 728003 722114 DESCRIPTION LOWER CHIP GUARDS CARRIAGE BOLT - 3/8" - 16 x 1" FLAT WASHER - 3/8" LOCK WASHER - 3/8" HEX NUT - 3/8" - 16 REAR CHIP GUARD HINGE PIN COTTER PIN WHIZ BOLT - 1/4" - 16 x 3/4" Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. QTY. 1 4 4 4 4 1 1 2 2 INCLUDED IN 76 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® ENGINE SYSTEM SHEET 1 OF 2 PARTS Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 77 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS ENGINE SYSTEM SHEET 1 OF 2 ITEM # PART# 1 2 712201 8554 3 4 736023 3330 DESCRIPTION ENGINE 35 H.P.. WISCONSIN HOUR METER BRACKET OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT HOUR METER HOUR METER WIRE ASSEMBLY Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. QTY. 1 1 1 2 INCLUDED IN 78 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® ENGINE SYSTEM SHEET 2 OF 2 PARTS Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 79 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS ENGINE SYSTEM SHEET 2 OF 2 ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 PART# 9728 9732 9747 4163 724704 726501 728003 9745 738708 9750 9751 9752 9183 9182 2581-04 2581-09 5456 722508 726502 724501 722303 722306 724301 726302 726906 728019 728046 730076 730065 738707 750325 DESCRIPTION ENGINE MOUNT - L.H. ENGINE MOUNT - R.H. CONTROL BAR BUSHING WELDMENT JAM NUT - 5/8" - 18 FLAT WASHER - 1/2" COTTER PIN SAFETY CUTCH HANDLE GRIP ENGINE SLIDE HANDLE CLEVIS PUSH BAR MOUNTING YOLK TAB MOUNTING YOLK TAB KEY 1/4" SQUARE X 1" KEY 1/4" SQUARE X 1/2": SLIDE ROD HEX BOLT - 1/2" - 16 x 2 1/2" LOCK WASHER - 1/2" HEX NUT - 1/2" HEX BOLT - 3/8" - 16 x 1" HEX BOLT - 3/8" - 16 x 1 3/4" HEX NUT - 3/8" - 16 LOCK WASHER - 3/8" FLAT WASHER - 1" CLEVIS PIN COTTER PIN GREASE ZERK - 1/4" x 90° GREASE ZERK - 1/4" x 45° HANDLE GRIP RETAINER RING Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. QTY. 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 8 8 4 1 2 2 2 1 4 4 4 2 1 1 INCLUDED IN 80 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® CHIP CONTAINMENT SYSTEM PARTS Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 81 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS CHIP CONTAINMENT ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PART# 4299 728025 728046 6805 6808 730037 4313 4315 4314 4316 722331 726301 726302 724301 630060 722325 724204 2-1609 2-1731 2-1736 722321 724508 718050 722114 DESCRIPTION MAIN CHIP GUARD CLEVIS PIN - 1/16 X 1 3/4" COTTER PIN - 7/64 X 1 DECK PLATE - LH DECK PLATE - RH RUBBER GROMMET SIDE CURTAIN SIDE CURTAIN BRACKET FRONT CURTAIN FRONT CURTAIN BRACKET CARRIAGE BOLT - 3/8 - 16 X 1" FLAT WASHER - 3/8" LOCK WASHER - 3/8" HEX NUT - 3/8" BATTERY BOX CARRIAGE BOLT - 1/4 - 20 X 6" LOCKING WING NUT - 1/4 - 20 BOTTOM BRACKET TOP PLATE BATTERY PAD CARRIAGE BOLT - 1/4 - 20 X 1 1/4' LOCK NUT - 1/4 -20 TOOL BOX WHIZ BOLT - 3/8" - 16 x 3/4" Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. QTY. 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 20 20 20 20 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 20 INCLUDED IN 82 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® 11 10 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM SHEET 1 OF 4 11 2 5 14 11 6 4 12 7 13 8 9 1 5 3 PARTS Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 83 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS HYDRAULIC SYSTEM SHEET 1 OF 4 ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PART# 738004 1280 2235 2234 728004 738008 738012 722202 726202 2208 728008 2897 726907 4297 DESCRIPTION VALVE BANK TONGUE CYLINDER TONGUE CYLINDER PIN - FRONT TONGUE CYLINDER PIN - BACK COTTER PIN - 3/16 - 1 1/2" FLOW SPEED CONTROL VALVE CHECK VALVE HEX HEAD CAP SCREW - 5/16 - 18 UNC X 2 1/4" LOCK WASHER - 5/16" HEAD LIFT PIN COTTER PIN LIFT CYLINDER PIN FLAT WASHER - 1" 14 GAGE LIFT CYLINDER Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. QTY. 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 4 1 3 1 1 1 INCLUDED IN 84 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® 6 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM SHEET 2 OF 4 3 6 4 5 7 3 1 6 4 5 7 7 4 5 2 7 6 4 5 PARTS Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 85 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS HYDRAULIC SYSTEM SHEET 2 OF 4 ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PART# 2723-01 2723-02 2215 722201 724201 726202 730076 DESCRIPTION SWING CYLINDER - LH SWING CYLINDER - RH CYLINDER SWING PIN HEX HEAD CAP SCREW - 5/16 - 18 X 2" HEX NUT - 5/16 - 18 LOCK WASHER - 5/16" GREASE ZERK - 1/4 - 28 X 45° Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. QTY. 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 INCLUDED IN 86 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® 15 16 13 30 32 33 7 2 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM SHEET 3 OF 4 34 16 13 35 23 6 25 22 4 5 1 29 26 3 10 24 11 9 23 8 PARTS Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 87 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM SHEET 4 OF 4 13 12 27 24 28 31 18 19 20 PARTS 88 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® PARTS HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 PART# 6295 4264 4233 4225 738019 738020 3447 722539 724501 726501 726502 722305 726302 722331 722303 726301 724301 722205 726201 726202 724201 722104 726101 724101 722110 716001 736045 726102 716003 716004 760115 738018 738017 722722 760303 DESCRIPTION HYDRAULIC OIL RESERVOIR HYDRAULIC PUMP BELT GUARD HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR TOP BRACKET HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR BOTTOM BRACKET FILL CAP SIGHT GAUGE HYDRAULIC OIL FILTER MOUNT CARRIAGE BOLT - 1/2 - 13 X 1 1/2" HEX NUT - 1/2 - 13 FLAT WASHER - 1/2" LOCK WASHER - 1/2" HEX HEAD BOLT - 3/8 - 16 X 1 1/2" LOCK WASHER - 3/8" CARRIAGE BOLT - 3/8 - 16 X 1" HEX HEAD BOLT - 3/8 - 16 X 1" FLAT WASHER - 3/8" HEX NUT - 3/8 - 16 HEX HEAD BOLT - 5/16 - 18 X 1" FLAT WASHER - 5/16" LOCK WASHER - 5/16" HEX NUT - 5/16 - 18 HEX HEAD BOLT - 1/4 - 20 X 1" FLAT WASHER - 1/4 - 20 HEX NUT - 1/4 - 20 WHIZ BOLT - 1/4 - 20 X 3/4" BELT ELECTRIC FUEL PUMP LOCK WASHER - 1/4" AUXILIARY PUMP SHEAVE BUSHING AUXILIARY PUMP SUCTION FILTER FILTER HEAD HEX BOLT - 3/8" - 16 x 1" NUT, LOCK - 3/8" -16 TWO WAY QTY. INCLUDED IN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 6 6 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 89 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER NOTES Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 90 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® HYDRAULIC CIRCUITS PARTS Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 91 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS HYDRAULIC CIRCUITS ITEM # A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T U AA 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 PART# 760115 738004 REF. 738017 738008 738012 REF. REF. REF. 738018 738003 730023 730024 736045 REF. 730043 730043 730039 741002 761882 REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. DESCRIPTION AUXILIARY PUMP CONTROL VALVE HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR SUCTION FILTER HEAD FLOW SPEED CONTROL VALVE COUNTER BALANCE VALVE - LIFT CYLINDER LIFT CYLINDER SWING CYLINDER TELESCOPING CYLINDER REPLACEMENT HYDRAULIC OIL FILTER 3/4 I.D. X 3 HYD. - SUCTION - AUXILIARY PUMP #12 HOSE CLAMP #4 HOSE CLAMP FUEL PUMP FUEL TANK FUEL LINE - 6' FUEL LINE - 1.5' IN LINE FUEL FILTER HOSE KIT ADAPTER KIT 2605-4-4-4, 1/4 JIC x 1/4 JIC x 1/4 NPTF 6400-4-6, MALE CON. 1/4 JIC x 3/8 O-RING M 2404-4-4, MALE CON. 1/4 JIC x 1/4 NPT 5502-4, 90 DEG. EL 1/4 NPT MALE - FEMALE 6801-8, 90 DEG. MALE EL 1/2 JIC x 1/2 O-RING 5602-4, TEE 1/4 NPT MALE x 1/4 FEMALE 5404-4, 1/4 x 1/4 HEX NIPPLE NPT 6405-6-4, 3/8 MALE O-RING x 1/4 FEMALE NPT 5404-12, 3/4 x 3/4 HEX NIPPLE NPT 2501-8-12, 90 DEG. 1/2 MALE EL JIC x 3/4 MALE NPT 6801-4, 90 DEG. 1/4 MALE EL JIC x 1/4 NPT 6803-4, 1/4 O-RING TEE x 1/4 MALE JIC 5405-4-8, 1/4 MALE NPT x 1/2 FEMALE NPT 4604-12, 3/4 O-RING x 3/4 BEAD 5406-8-4, 1/4 MALE NPT x 1/2 FEMALE NPT BUSH. 6405-4-4, 1/4 MALE O-RING x 1/4 FEMALE NPT 2501-4-4, 90 DEG. 1/4 MALE EL. NPT x 1/4 JIC HPC-6 HEX PIPE CAP 3/8 NPT 3400 X 2, 90 DEG BRASS STREET ELBOW 1/8 NPT 139-54 BRASS HOSE END 139-52 BRASS HOSE END 5504-04-04 90 DEG FEMALE ELBOW 1/4 NPTF 4R1T-664L-604-48 PRESSURE 4R1T-664-604-52 PORESSURE 4R1T-4FJX-36 PRESSURE 8R1T-8FJX-47 RETURN 8R1T-8FJX-67.5 PRESSURE 4R1T-4FJX-52 PRESSURE 6R1T-6MP-14 ENGINE OIL DRAIN HOSE 4R1T-4FJX-11.5 PRESSURE 4R1T-664-604-25 PRESSURE 4R1T-664L-604-29 PRESSURE 4R1T-4FJX-45 PRESSURE Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. QTY. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 INCLUDED IN 741002 741002 741002 741002 741002 741002 741002 741002 741002 741002 741002 92 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® FUEL TANK 4 5 1 6 7 3 12 9 10 11 2 8 9 10 11 PARTS Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 93 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS FUEL TANK ITEM # PART# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3-4672 2-4976 2-4311 760041 730033 728045 726101 722302 726301 726302 724301 722331 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 738111 730039 730036 730024 730040 738106 730041 730042 730043 730043 724101 726102 726101 DESCRIPTION FUEL TANK CONTROL ARM BRACKET HOSE RETAINER BRACKET FILL CAP HOSE RETAINER SPRING COTTER PIN - 5/16 X 1" FLAT WASHER HEX BOLT - 3/8 - 16 FLAT WASHER - 3/8" LOCK WASHER - 3/8" HEX NUT - 3/8" CARRIAGE BOLT - 3/8 - 16 X 1" FUEL SYSTEM COMPONENTS NOT PICTURED PIPE PLUG - 1/2" FUEL FILTER CLAMPS - 3/8" CLAMPS WORM - #4 BRASS ELBOW - 1/8 NPT X 90° MALE - FEMALE ELBOW - 1/4 X 90° FEMALE BRASS HOSE END BRASS HOSE END FUEL LINE - 5/16 HOSE X 1 1/2" FUEL LINE - 5/16 HOSE X 5 3/4" HEX NUT - 1/4 - 20 LOCK WASHER - 1/4 FLAT WASHER - 1/4 Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. QTY. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 7 7 7 4 1 4 4 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 4 INCLUDED IN 94 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® ELECTRICAL SYSTEM PARTS Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 95 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PART# 736030 736045 *5077 2-3553-02 2-3676-03 2-3123 750263 736083 736084 736086 9691 DESCRIPTION BATTERY 12 VOLT FUEL PUMP FUEL PUMP WIRING HARNESS BATTERY CABLE NEGATIVE BATTERY CABLE POSITIVE LIGHTING - MAIN WIRING HARNESS LIGHTING - SOCKET WIRING HARNESS BOOT - BLACK BOOT - RED BOOT INSULATOR RED 6 TO 7 COILED CABLE Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. QTY. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INCLUDED IN 96 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER RAYCO ® LIGHT BAR ASSEMBLY PARTS Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 97 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS LIGHT BAR ASSEMBLY ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PART# 3494 3495 3123 750614 3125 760528 750236 724104 630055 726103 722999 724101 726102 722110 722304 726302 730104 3127 3128 DESCRIPTION BACK PANEL WELDMENT COVER WELDMENT MAIN WIRE HARNESS LAMP 4", WITH REFLECTOR PLUG, STOP, TURN ,TAIL LAMP GROMMET - 4" STOP, TURN, TAIL RECEPTACLE TRAILER PLUG SCREW - #10 - 24 X 3/4" ROUND HEAD NUT - #10 - 24 HEX WASHER - #10 SPLIT LOCK CARRIAGE BOLT - 1/4" - 20 x 3/4" HEX NUT - 1/4" - 20 LOCK WASHER - 1/4" WHIZ BOLT - 1/4" - 20 x 3/4" HEX BOLT - 3/8" - 16 X 1 1/4" WASHER - 3/8" SPLIT LOCK CONNECTOR - 3/8" NON METALLIC ROMEX PLUG, CLEARANCE LAMP LAMP. LICENSE PLATE Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. QTY. 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 8 2 2 1 2 2 INCLUDED IN 98 RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER OPTIONAL FENDER MOUNTED CHIP RETAINER RAYCO ® Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 99 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER PARTS OPTIONAL FENDER MOUNTED CHIP RETAINER ITEM # 1 1a. 2 3 4 4a 5 6 7 8 PART# 5312-01 5312-02 4982 6996Z 5311-01 5311-02 722303 726301 726302 724301 DESCRIPTION BASE (STREET SIDE) BASE (CURB SIDE) CURTAIN CURTAIN BRACKETS CURTAIN ROD (STREET SIDE) CURTAIN ROD (CURB SIDE) HEX BOLT - 3/8" - 16 X 1" FLAT WASHER - 3/8" USS LOCK WASHER - 3/8" HEX NUT - 3/8" - 16 Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. QTY. 1 1 2 2 1 1 6 10 10 10 INCLUDED IN 100 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL Weight ........................................................................................................... 1,660 lbs (753 kg) Length ................................................................................................................... 148' (376 cm) Height ....................................................................................................................... 68' (173 cm) Width ....................................................................................................................... 58' (147 cm) Chip collection capacity ....................................................... 22 cubic feet (.62 cubic meters) Chassis design ........................................................... Electrically welded 4' x 4'x 3/16" wall (10 cm x 10 cm x .48 cm wall rectangular steel tubing Hitch ........................................................................................ Adjustable height 2" (5cm) ball Hitch weight .......................................................................................................... 50 lbs. (23 kg) Tires ............................................................................................. B-78 x 13 in/P175 x 80, 4 ply Swing pivot bearings ................................................ Timken ® 1 1/4' (3.2 cm) tapered roller Fenders .......................................................................................................... Steel bolt-on type Wheel bearing seal protector .................................................................. Steel deflector plate Replaceable hardened bushings in critical cylinder pivot points Highway lighting ................................................................................................ DOT-approved Tool Box ENGINE M o d e l ..................................................................................... Teledyne - Wisconsin W4-1770 Number of cylinders .................................................................................................................. 4 B o r e ................................................................................................................... 3.25' (82.5 mm) Stroke ................................................................................................................. 3.25' (82.5 mm) Displacement .......................................................................... 107.7 cubic inches (1.77 liters) Maximum no-load rpm ...................................................................................... 2,800 (approx.) Gross power @ 2,800 rpm ............................................................................... 34 HP (25.4 kw) Max rated torque ................................................................ 72.5 ft-lbs (98.3 Nm) @ 1,900 rpm Main bearings ............................................................................................................................ 3 Cooling medium ........................................................................................ Unrestricted air flow Air cleaner .............................................. dry type with pre-cleaner and dust clean out valve Oil filter .................................................................................................................... Spin-on type Fuel consumption rate .................................................................. 3 gallons (11.4 liters) /hour Fuel tank capacity .................................................................................... 14 gallons (53 liters) Electrical system ............................................................................ 12 Volt /10 amp alternator Service Hour meter Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 101 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER Specifications HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Hydraulic cylinders pump displacement .................................... .365 cubic in. (6.0 cc) /revolution Hydraulic cylinders pump gallonage @ 2,500 engine rpm .................... 2.5 gpm (9.5 liter/minute) System pressure relief .................................................................................. 1,500 psi (10.4 MPa) Oil reservoir capacity ................................................................................... 1.7 gallons (6.4 liters) Oil filter .............................................................................................................. 10 micron full flow Oil type ...................................................................................... BP Energol HLP-HD 32 (SAE 10) Control valves ............................................ 3-bank Monoblock fingertip control, spring-centering Hose capacities 1/ "(.63 cm)I.D. ............................... 2,750 psi (19 MPa) operating, 11,000 psi (76 MPa) surge 4 1/ "(1.3 cm)I.D. ................................. 2,000 psi (14 MPa) operating, 8,000 psi (55 MPa) surge 2 Cross-travel cylinders (2) ................................................... 3" (7.6 cm) bore x 8" (20.3 cm) stroke, 1¼" (3.2 cm) dia. rod Telescoping trailer tongue cylinder ................................ 2½" (6.4 cm) bore x 48" (152 cm) stroke, 1½" (3.8 cm) dia. rod Lift cylinder ....................................................................... 3" (7.6 cm) bore x 12" (30.5 cm) stroke, 1¼" (3.2 cm) dia. rod CUTTING WHEEL Wheel diameter ............................................................................................................ 23" (58 cm) Wheel thickness ......................................................................................................... 3/4" (1.9 cm) Cutting wheel bearings ..................................................................... 1.75 " (4.44 cm) pillow block Speed ................................................................................................................... 780 rpm approx. Cutting teeth ...................... Rayco's own Supertooth™ forged, one pc., w/ tungsten carbide tips Cutting teeth quantity ................................................................................................................. 24 Cutting wheel ON/OFF ....................................... Mechanical sliding engine mount belt tightener Jackshaft bearings (2) ....................................................................... 1.25" (3.17 cm) pillow block Drive belt #1 (engine to jackshaft) .............................................................. 4 band belt, 5V profile Drive belt #2 (jackshaft to cutting wheel) ................. Gates® Poly Chain® GT® low maintenance Belt & Poly Chain® guards ...................................................................... Metal, with access panel Chip retaining curtains ........................................................................ Fabric-impregnated rubber CUTTING RANGE (without repositioning) Below ground level ....................................................................................................... 14" (36 cm) Above ground level ...................................................................................................... 30" (76 cm) Cutting width .............................................................................................................. 78" (198 cm) Forward-Backward .................................................................................................... 48" (122 cm) Cutting volume range ................................................................. 95 cubic feet (2.66 cubic meters) OPTIONS Spark -arresting muffler, approved by U>S> Forestry Dept. Emergency shutdown switch Pin-type hitch Jackstand (screw-type) RCD 60 drive chain (cutting wheel) Pintle ring hitch Custom paint Coiled electrical connection harness Fender mounted chip retainer Brakes Operator control console mounted swing away arm, with full length protective window and shield Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 102 RAYCO ® RG 1635A STUMP CUTTER Copyright © 2000 Rayco - All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. RAYCO MANUFACTURING, INC. PRODUCT WARRANTY RAYCO Manufacturing, Inc. (“RAYCO”) warrants to the first user thereof that the products it supplies will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal and proper usage for a period of 180 days from the date of delivery to the first user thereof, and in addition, with respect to “Miniwork Force” models, the main frame and control bar will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal and proper usage for a period of two years from said date of delivery. This Warranty does not cover and RAYCO makes no warranties with respect to (I) any product that has been subject to abuse, misuse, misapplication, neglect, alteration or accident; to improper or incorrect repair or maintenance; or to abnormal conditions of use, temperature, moisture, dirt or corrosive matter; and (ii) any materials, parts or other components that are manufactured by someone other that RAYCO, which items carry only the manufacturer’s warranty, if any. Furthermore, this Warranty does not cover expendable parts. THIS WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, TRADE, USAGE OR COURSE OF DEALING, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. All products designated as “used” are sold AS IS, WHERE IS, without any warranties. Buyer shall provide RAYCO with written notice of any breach of this Warranty within a reasonable time after Buyer discovers, or should have discovered, the alleged breach. Time is of the essence herein. this Warranty extends only to the first user of the products and to no other person. Any product alleged to be defective shall be returned promptly for examination to RAYCO or to another establishment, as directed by RAYCO. No products or parts are to be returned to RAYCO without its prior authorization, and any items returned to RAYCO shall be sent with transportation charges prepaid. If a breach of this Warranty occurs, RAYCO will, at its sole option, repair any defective product or furnish a replacement part or product or credit Buyer’s account. THE REMEDIES SET FORTH HEREIN SHALL BE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO BUYER SO THAT RAYCO’s REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OR CREDIT OF BUYER’S ACCOUNT IS A FULFILLMENT OF ALL OF RAYCO’s OBLIGATIONS. RAYCO SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, NOR UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL RAYCO BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES BEYOND THE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT PURCHASED BY BUYER, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, IN TORT OR UNDER ANY WARRANTY OR OTHER USE. ">

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