Blue Wave NA3424 In-Line Automatic 9 lb. Chlorine Feeder for above Ground Pools Use and Care Manual
D + ЯБ inline chlorine feeder INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTION YOUR AUOMATIC CHLORINE FEEDER is designed for installation in the return line (PCF03) to your pool or next to (PCF04) your filter system. When next to your filter system, it operates by the pressure differential of the system, which draws water trough the feeder. It uses slow dissolve Trichloro-S-Triazinetrione (Tri-Chlor) large or small tablets (or sticks) ONLY. No other type of chemicals should ever be used in your chlorine feeder. Your automatic chlorine feeder holds up to 18 large (93”) tablets (about 9lbs.) and has а dial type control valve to regulate the rate of water flow trough the chlorine feeder. This large capacity feature, under normal conditions, should provide a minimum of two weeks chlorination for large pools. By regulating the valve setting between FULL (more chlorine) and OFF (no chlorine) and the amount of Tri-Chlor tablets you place in the feeder, you can easily adjust the chlorine feed rate that is necessary to maintain the proper chlorine residual for your pool. CAUTION - READ CAREFULLY This chlorine feeder is designed to use Trichloro-S-Triazinetrione tablets - slow dissolving type. NEVER MIX with other types of chlorine or chemicals. Explosion or fire may result. Exercise extreme caution when opening or servicing your feeder. Always shut off pump and available valves before opening. Do not inhale fumes from any chemical feeder or container. Protect your eyes, skin and clothing from chemicals at all times. NEVER open chlorinator when pump is running To prevent build up gas in chlorine feeder, be sure pool return line valve(s) is kept open - except when opening/servicing unit. Always read label and carefully follow chlorine manufacturer's and dealer's recommendations for proper water. conditioning and daily chlorine requirements for your particular pool and area. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Before start up of your chlorine feeder, your pool/spa should be properly conditioned and have a chlorine residual of approximately 1.1 to 1.5ppm. Follow dealer and chemical manufacturer's directions and instructions. The chlorine demand for pools and spas varies based on use, temperature, sunlight etc. Initially, you will have to experiment to determine the proper amount of chlorine and the correct valve setting required for your pool and filter time cycle. Using a 20,000 gallon pool as a guide, we suggest you place about 8 large, slow dissolving Tri-Chlor tablets (or about 4lbs. of small slow dissolve tablets or sticks) in your feeder and place the dial valve setting at #3. (Reduce or increase the amount of chlorine according to pool size, i.e., 30,000 gallon - add 50% more tablets) Check chlorine residual daily and adjust dial valve for more or less chlorine. Increasing the quantity of chlorine in your feeder will extend the time between exchanging your feeder with more chlorine. EASY-LOCK COVER To open: 1. Shut off pump and turn DIAL CONTROL VALVE to OFF. Shut off any other in-line valves to prevent back flow; if applicable. Wait one minute. 2. Turn the LID counter-clockwise to open. Caution: do not inhale fumes from chlorine feeder. To close: 1. Press the LID, with o-ring seal, firmly onto BODY. Engage the LID threads and turn clockwise to stop lug. 2. Place DIAL CONTROL VALVE to desired setting, open In-line valves and re-start pump. INSTALLATION ОРРСЕОЗ (IN-LINE) CHLORINATOR CHECK UNRESTRICTED VALVE +— o PUMP RETURN TO POOL y ill <— FROM POOL — «== OUTLET | INLET | FLOW CONTROL VALVE . Your automatic chlorine feeder is for permanent installation in the pool water return line. 2. Always install chlorine feeder after the heater. If there is no heater, install after the filter. Damage to the heater or filter may result if concentrated chlorine is allowed to flow through them. 3. Your automatic chlorine feeder is furnished with 1/2” female threads. Socket adapters may also be used. Use pipe thread sealants formulated and approved for the use with plastic connections. Do not over tighten. 4. The preferred installation is above water level and located in line below filter or heater outlets. An in-line positive seal corrosion resistant check valve should be installed to reduce backflow of chlorine gas when the system is shut off. If the chlorine feeder must be located below water level, provide check valve to prevent water backflow when opening/servicing the unit. — Blue Wave Products Inc. 1745 Wallace Ave., Suite B St Charles, 1 60174 USA 800-759-0977 Blue e 1 Year Limited Warranty The manufacturer will warranty to the original purchaser that the product will be free from any defects in manufacturing for the period of 1 year starting from the original date of purchase. This warranty covers defects based on the normal and reasonable use, and is subject to maintenance requirements and installation guidelines set for in the product instruction manual. This warranty is subject to terms, limitations and exclusions and there are no warranties or representations either expressed or implied, whether or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or other, may be the manufacturer, other than those specifically set for in this written warranty. Blue Wave Products, Inc. 1745 Wallace Ave., Suite B St Charles, IL 60174 USA 800-759-0977 ">

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