KTR GEARex DB, GEARex DH Operating & Assembly Instructions
KTR GEARex DH is a flexible shaft connection designed to compensate for misalignment caused by factors like manufacturing inaccuracies or thermal expansion. It is suitable for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and offers high torque transmission capabilities with a wide range of bore sizes. The device is commonly used in industrial applications like pumps, compressors, and other machinery requiring a robust and reliable shaft coupling.
GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 1 of 36 15 GEARex® All-steel gear couplings type: FA, FB, FAB, DA, DB and DAB along with their combinations according to directive 2014/34/EU Type FA Type FB Type FAB Type DA Type DB Type DAB FH, DH, FR and DR along with combinations for finish bored, pilot bored and unbored couplings Type FH Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Type DH Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Type FR Type DR Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 2 of 36 15 The GEARex® all-steel gear coupling is a flexible shaft connection. It is able to compensate for shaft misalignment, for example caused by manufacturing inaccuracies, thermal expansion, etc. Table of contents 1 Technical data 4 2 Advice 8 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 8 8 8 9 9 9 3 4 5 General advice Safety and advice symbols General hazard warnings Intended use Coupling selection Reference to EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC Storage, transport and packaging 10 3.1 3.2 3.3 10 10 10 Storage of the coupling Storage of O-rings Transport and packaging Assembly 10 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 11 15 16 17 18 20 Components of the couplings Advice for finish bore Assembly of the coupling (general) Assembly of the types FA, FB, FAB, FH and FR Assembly of types DA, DB, DAB, DH and DR Displacements - alignment of the couplings Start-up and lubrication 21 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 21 22 23 23 Start-up of the coupling Types of grease recommended Grease feeding Grease capacity 6 Breakdowns, causes and elimination 24 7 Maintenance and service 27 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 27 27 28 29 30 31 31 31 Intervals of maintenance Replacement of grease Replacement of sealing elements Standard values for circumferential backlash Standard values of wear Cleaning of the coupling Replacement of coupling Disassembly of the coupling 8 Disposal 32 9 Spares inventory, customer service addresses 32 Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 3 of 36 15 Table of contents 10 Enclosure A Advice and instructions regarding the use in 10.1 Intended use in potentially explosive atmospheres potentially explosive atmospheres 10.2 Inspection intervals for couplings in Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 33 potentially explosive atmospheres 10.3 marking of coupling for potentially explosive atmospheres 10.4 EU Certificate of conformity 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: 33 34 35 36 KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 1 40310 EN 4 of 36 15 Technical data Illustration 1: Type FA Illustration 2: Type FB Illustration 3: Type FAB Table 1: Dimensions - FA, FB and FAB Size 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 Max. finish bore d1, d2 50 64 80 98 112 133 158 172 192 210 232 276 Pilot bore 26 26 31 38 44.5 46 52 80 80 90 100 100 Grease feeding Dimensions [mm] 2) l1, l2 l1, l2 3) EFA EFB EFAB LFA LFB LFAB L3 D 43 50 62 76 90 105 120 135 150 175 190 220 105 115 130 150 170 185 215 245 295 300 305 310 3 3 3 5 5 6 6 8 8 8 8 10 21 15 31 29 33 40 42 50 56 70 84 76 12 9 17 17 19 23 24 29 32 39 46 43 89 103 127 157 185 216 246 278 308 358 388 450 107 115 155 181 213 250 282 320 356 420 464 516 98 109 141 169 199 233 264 299 332 389 426 483 55 59 79 93 109 128 144 164 182 214 236 263 67 87 108 130 153 180 214 233 260 283 312 371 DA1 DA2 111 84 152 107 178 130 213 158 240 182 280 214 318 250 347 274 390 309 425.5 334 457 365.5 527 425 F 1) d3 1) 74 84 104 123 148 172 192 216 241 275 316 360 52 68 85 110 130 150 175 190 220 250 265 300 [dm3] 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.18 0.22 0.35 0.45 0.70 0.90 1.15 1.50 Table 2: Technical data - FA, FB and FAB Torque 4) [Nm] Size TKN 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 1) 2) 3) 4) 930 2000 3500 6500 10000 17000 28500 37000 51000 65000 85000 135000 TKN (42 CrMo4) 1580 3300 6300 11000 17400 28800 48500 62000 86000 110000 145000 240000 Max. speed [rpm] 8500 6400 5400 4500 4000 3500 3100 3000 2500 2300 2100 1850 Weight with max. bore [kg] Sleeve Hub Total Mass moment of inertia with max. bore [kgm2] 0.75 1.88 2.60 4.43 5.83 9.71 11.88 15.72 25.66 31.52 32.82 43.52 0.55 1.12 2.09 3.56 6.18 9.87 16.07 21.42 29.59 40.30 52.96 85.77 2.73 6.38 9.94 16.83 25.21 41.25 58.14 77.08 114.40 150.41 177.44 268.20 0.00436 0.01894 0.04000 0.09749 0.18080 0.41419 0.75535 1.17590 2.24991 3.45102 4.16734 9.32429 Dowel screws (10.9)/nuts z M TA [Nm] 6 8 6 6 8 8 8 10 8 14 14 16 M6 M8 M10 M12 M12 M14 M14 M14 M18 M18 M18 M20 15 36 72 125 125 200 200 200 430 430 430 610 Space required to align the coupling and replace the gasket Grease feeding for each coupling half Hub lengthened max. l1, l2 Maximum torque of the coupling TK max = rated torque of the coupling TK rated x 2 Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 1 40310 EN 5 of 36 15 Technical data Illustration 4: Type DA Illustration 5: Type DB Illustration 6: Type DAB Table 3: Dimensions - DA, DB and DAB Size 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 85 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Pilot bore 31 38 44.5 46 52 80 80 90 100 100 140 160 180 220 220 260 300 380 460 Max. finish bore d1, d2 80 98 112 133 158 172 192 210 232 276 300 325 350 390 420 450 500 550 630 Grease feeding Dimensions [mm] 2) l1, l2 EDA EDB EDAB LDA LDB LDAB L3 D DA1 DA2 F 1) d3 1) 62 76 90 105 120 135 150 175 190 220 280 292 305 330 350 420 440 460 520 3 5 5 6 6 8 8 8 8 10 10 13 13 13 20 25 25 20 30 31 29 33 40 42 50 56 70 84 76 50 53 83 93 296 421 415 430 460 17 17 19 23 24 29 32 39 46 43 30 33 48 53 158 223 220 225 245 133 157 185 216 246 278 388 358 388 450 570 597 623 673 720 864 905 940 1070 155 181 213 250 282 320 356 420 464 516 610 637 693 753 996 1261 1295 1350 1500 144 169 199 233 264 299 332 389 426 483 590 617 658 713 858 1063 1100 1145 1285 79 93 109 128 144 164 182 214 236 263 310 325 353 383 508 643 660 685 765 108 130 153 180 214 233 260 283 312 371 394 430 464 512 560 608 684 750 850 187 220 248 285 335 358 390 425.5 457 527 545 585 640 690 765 825 950 1020 1140 146 172 182 214 250 294 309 348 380 445 475 515 560 612 665 720 805 875 975 105 115 140 165 180 195 215 240 260 300 340 352 365 390 410 480 520 570 630 85 105 120 145 160 185 205 220 245 290 310 330 360 400 420 470 520 590 670 [dm3] 0.08 0.12 0.18 0.22 0.35 0.45 0.70 0.90 1.15 1.50 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.50 9.00 12.00 15.00 Table 4: Technical data - DA, DB and DAB Torque 3) [Nm] Size TKN 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 85 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 3500 6500 10000 17000 28500 37000 51000 65000 85000 135000 175000 225000 290000 380000 480000 620000 - TKN (42 CrMo4) 6300 11000 17400 28800 48500 62000 86000 110000 145000 240000 300000 380000 500000 650000 820000 1050000 1450000 1950000 2750000 Max. speed [rpm] 5400 4500 4000 3500 3100 3000 2500 2300 2100 1850 1750 1650 1550 1500 1250 1150 1000 950 850 Weight with max. bore [kg] Sleeve Hub Total Mass moment of inertia with max. bore [kgm2] 3.6 5.5 6.8 11.2 16.3 20.2 27.2 40 32 44 64 75 101 117 140 188 319 373 475 2.1 3.5 6.2 9.8 15.9 21.4 29.5 40 53 85 117 148 183 232 295 430 603 758 983 12.8 20.3 28.9 46.6 70.9 90.7 124 175 185 280 362 446 568 698 940 1312 1954 2391 3069 0.056 0.125 0.220 0.488 1.011 1.482 2.474 4.047 4.810 9.907 14.214 20.320 31.036 45.358 73.880 118.40 226.732 328.567 540.298 Dowel screws (10.9)/nuts z M TA [Nm] 6 6 8 8 8 10 8 14 14 16 18 20 20 24 20 24 20 24 30 M10 M12 M12 M14 M14 M14 M18 M18 M18 M20 M20 M20 M24 M24 M30 M30 M36 M36 M36 72 125 125 200 200 200 430 430 430 610 610 610 1000 1000 1700 1700 2800 2800 2800 1) Space required to align the coupling and replace the gasket 2) Grease feeding for each coupling half 3) Maximum torque of the coupling TKmax. = rated torque of the coupling TK rated x 2 Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 1 40310 EN 6 of 36 15 Technical data Type FH (size 10 to 70) Illustration 7 Type DH (size. 80 to 150) Illustration 8: type FH / DH Table 5: Dimensions - FH and DH l1, l2 43 50 62 76 90 105 120 135 150 175 190 220 280 292 305 330 350 420 440 460 520 D DA1 3) DA2 3) 67 87 108 130 153 180 214 233 260 283 312 371 394 430 464 512 560 608 684 750 850 111 152 178 213 240 280 318 347 390 425.5 457 527 545 585 640 690 765 825 950 1020 1140 84 107 130 158 182 214 250 274 309 334 365.5 425 475 515 560 612 665 720 805 875 975 LH L3FH L3DH EH F 1) d3 1) Grease feeding 2) [dm3] According to customer specification Dimensions [mm] Hub lengthened max. l1, l2 105 115 130 150 170 185 215 245 295 300 305 310 - According to customer specification 26 26 31 38 44.5 46 52 80 80 90 100 100 140 160 180 220 220 260 300 380 460 Max. finish bore d1, d2 50 64 80 98 112 133 158 172 192 210 232 276 300 325 350 390 420 450 500 550 630 According to customer specification 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 85 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Pilot bore LH = E H + l 1 + l 2 Size 74 84 104 123 148 172 192 216 241 275 316 360 340 352 365 390 410 480 520 570 630 52 68 85 110 130 150 175 190 220 250 265 300 310 330 360 400 420 470 520 590 670 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.18 0.22 0.35 0.45 0.70 0.90 1.15 1.50 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.50 9.00 12.00 15.00 Table 6: Technical data - FH and DH Size 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 85 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) TKN 930 2000 3500 6500 10000 17000 28500 37000 51000 65000 85000 135000 175000 225000 290000 380000 480000 620000 - Torque 4) [Nm] TKN (42 CrMo4) 1580 3300 6300 11000 17400 28800 48500 62000 86000 110000 145000 240000 300000 380000 500000 650000 820000 1050000 1450000 1950000 2750000 z 5) 6 8 6 6 8 8 8 10 8 14 14 16 18 20 20 24 20 24 20 24 30 Dowel screws (10.9)/nuts M M6 M8 M10 M12 M12 M14 M14 M14 M18 M18 M18 M20 M20 M20 M24 M24 M30 M30 M36 M36 M36 TA [Nm] 15 36 72 125 125 200 200 200 430 430 430 610 610 610 1000 1000 1700 1700 2800 2800 2800 Space required to align the coupling and replace the gasket Grease feeding for each coupling half For dimensions of type F see table 1; type D see table 3 Maximum torque of the coupling TKmax. = rated torque of the coupling TK rated x 2 Number for each coupling half Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 1 40310 EN 7 of 36 15 Technical data Type FR (size 10 to 70) Illustration 9 Type DR (size. 80 to 150) Illustration 10: Type FR / DR Table 7: Dimensions - FR and DR Max. finish bore Size 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 85 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Dimensions [mm] d1 d4 l1, l2 50 64 80 98 112 133 158 172 192 210 232 276 300 325 350 390 420 450 500 550 630 60 78 95 115 135 155 185 200 225 245 265 310 340 370 400 440 480 520 560 610 690 43 50 62 76 90 105 120 135 150 175 190 220 280 292 305 330 350 420 440 460 520 Hub lengthened max. l1, l2 105 115 130 150 170 185 215 245 295 300 305 310 - D DA1 DA2 DF LR F 1) d3 1) Grease feeding 2) [dm3] 67 87 108 130 153 180 214 233 260 283 312 371 394 430 464 512 560 608 684 750 850 111 152 178 213 240 280 318 347 390 425.5 457 527 545 585 640 690 765 825 950 1020 1140 84 107 130 158 182 214 250 274 309 334 365.5 425 475 515 560 612 665 720 805 875 975 84 107 130 158 182 214 250 274 309 334 365.5 425 462 500 546 594 647 700 760 835 935 88 103 127 157 185 216 244 276 305 356 386 450 570 597 623 673 710 852 890 930 1055 74 84 104 123 148 172 192 216 241 275 316 360 340 352 365 390 410 480 520 570 630 52 68 85 110 130 150 175 190 220 250 265 300 310 330 360 400 420 470 520 590 670 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.18 0.22 0.35 0.45 0.70 0.90 1.15 1.50 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.50 9.00 12.00 15.00 Table 8: Technical data - FR and DR Size 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 85 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 TKN 930 2000 3500 6500 10000 17000 28500 37000 51000 65000 85000 135000 175000 225000 290000 380000 480000 620000 - Torque 3) [Nm] TKN (42 CrMo4) 1580 3300 6300 11000 17400 28800 48500 62000 86000 110000 145000 240000 300000 380000 500000 650000 820000 1050000 1450000 1950000 2750000 z 6 8 6 6 8 8 8 10 8 14 14 16 18 20 20 24 20 24 20 24 30 Dowel screws (10.9)/nuts M M6 M8 M10 M12 M12 M14 M14 M14 M18 M18 M18 M20 M20 M20 M24 M24 M30 M30 M36 M36 M36 TA [Nm] 15 36 72 125 125 200 200 200 430 430 430 610 610 610 1000 1000 1700 1700 2800 2800 2800 1) Space required to align the coupling and replace the gasket 2) Grease feeding for each coupling half 3) Maximum torque of the coupling TKmax. = rated torque of the coupling TK rated x 2 Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 2 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 8 of 36 15 Advice 2.1 General advice Please read through these operating/assembly instructions carefully before you start up the coupling. Please pay special attention to the safety instructions! The GEARex® coupling is suitable and approved for the use in potentially explosive atmospheres. When using the coupling in potentially explosive atmospheres, observe the special advice and instructions regarding safety in enclosure A. The operating/assembly instructions are part of your product. Please store them carefully and close to the coupling. The copyright for these operating/assembly instructions remains with KTR. 2.2 Safety and advice symbols STOP ! Warning of potentially explosive atmospheres This symbol indicates notes which may contribute to preventing bodily injuries or serious bodily injuries that may result in death caused by explosion. Warning of personal injury This symbol indicates notes which may contribute to preventing bodily injuries or serious bodily injuries that may result in death. Warning of product damages This symbol indicates notes which may contribute to preventing material or machine damage. General advice This symbol indicates notes which may contribute to preventing adverse results or conditions. Warning of hot surfaces This symbol indicates notes which may contribute to preventing burns with hot surfaces resulting in light to serious bodily injuries. 2.3 General hazard warnings STOP With assembly, operation and maintenance of the coupling it has to be made sure that the entire drive train is secured against accidental switch-on. You may be seriously hurt by rotating parts. Please make absolutely sure to read through and observe the following safety notes. • All operations on and with the coupling have to be performed taking into account "safety first". • Please make sure to switch off the power pack before you perform your work. • Secure the power pack against accidental switch-on, e. g. by providing warning signs at the place of switch-on or removing the fuse for current supply. • Do not reach into the operating area of the coupling as long as it is in operation. • Please secure the coupling against accidental contact. Please provide for the necessary protection devices and covers. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 2 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 9 of 36 15 Advice 2.4 Intended use You may only assemble, operate and maintain the coupling if you • have carefully read through the operating/assembly instructions and understood them • are technically qualified and specifically trained (e. g. safety, environment, logistics) • are authorized by your company The coupling may only be used in accordance with the technical data (see chapter 1). Unauthorized modifications on the coupling design are not admissible. We will not assume liability for any damage that may arise. In the interest of further development we reserve the right for technical modifications. The GEARex® described in here corresponds to the technical status at the time of printing of these operating/assembly instructions. 2.5 Coupling selection ! For a long-lasting and failure-free operation of the coupling it must be selected according to the selection instructions for the particular application (see catalogue drive technology "GEARex®"). If the operating conditions (performance, speed, modifications on engine and machine) change, the coupling selection must be reviewed. The transmittable torque of the shaft-hub-connection must be reviewed by the customer and is subject to his responsibility. For drives subject to torsional vibrations (drives with cyclic stress due to torsional vibrations) it is necessary to perform a torsional vibration calculation to ensure a reliable selection. Typical drives subject to torsional vibrations are e. g. drives with piston pumps, piston compressors etc. If requested, KTR will perform the coupling selection and the torsional vibration calculation. 2.6 Reference to EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC The couplings supplied by KTR should be considered as components, not machines or partly completed machines according to EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. Consequently KTR does not have to issue a declaration of incorporation. For details about safe assembly, start-up and safe operation refer to the present operating/assembly instructions considering the warnings. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 3 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 10 of 36 15 Storage, transport and packaging 3.1 Storage of the coupling Unless explicitly ordered differently, the coupling is supplied with preservation and may be stored in a dry and roofed place for a period of up to 3 months. In case of a longer storage period please consult with KTR. 3.2 Storage of O-rings Proper storage conditions increase the service life of O-rings. For the storage of O-rings basically DIN 7716 (standards for storage, maintenance and cleaning of rubber products) or ISO 2230 (rubber products - standards for storage) applies. The physical characteristics and period of operation may be subject to negative influences like, as an example, light, heat, moisture, oxygen, ozone, etc. In general the optimum storage condition is said to be welded in polyethylene bags with temperatures between +5 °C to +20 °C. The O-rings (component 8) must not be stored being mounted to the hubs (component 1). ! The storage space should be dry and free from dust. The O-rings (component 8) must not be stored together with chemicals, solvents, fuels, acids, etc. 3.3 Transport and packaging In order to avoid any injuries and any kind of damage always make use of proper transport and lifting equipment. ! The couplings are packed differently each depending on size, number and kind of transport. Unless otherwise contractually agreed, packaging will follow the in-house packaging specifications of KTR. 4 Assembly STOP Observe the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the use of solvents. Driving components falling down may cause injury to persons or damage on the machine. Secure the driving components with assembly or disassembly. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 4 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 11 of 36 15 Assembly The coupling is generally supplied in individual parts. Before assembly the coupling has to be inspected for completeness. 4.1 Components of the couplings Type FA, FB and FAB Component 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Quantity 2 2 see table 2 see table 2 1 4 4 2 Description Hub Sleeve Dowel screws Nut Flat gasket Washers DIN 7603 Screw plugs DIN 908 1) O-ring - material 70 NBR 1) With size 10 cap screws DIN 7984 - 8.8 Illustration 11: GEARex® type FA Illustration 12: GEARex® type FB Illustration 13: GEARex® type FAB Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 4 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 12 of 36 15 Assembly 4.1 Components of the couplings Type DA, DB and DAB Component 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Quantity 2 2 see table 4 see table 4 1 4 4 2 2 see table 10 2 Description Hub Sleeve Dowel screws Nut Flat gasket Washers DIN 7603 Screw plugs DIN 908 O-ring - material 70 NBR Cover Cap screws DIN EN ISO 4762 O-ring - material 70 NBR Illustration 14: GEARex® type DA Illustration 15: GEARex® type DB Illustration 16: GEARex® type DAB Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 4 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 13 of 36 15 Assembly 4.1 Components of the couplings Type FH Component 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 13 Quantity 2 2 see table 6 see table 6 2 4 4 2 1 Description Hub Sleeve Dowel screws Nut Flat gasket Washers DIN 7603 Screw plugs DIN 908 1) O-ring - material 70 NBR Spacer 1) With size 10 cap screws DIN 7984 - 8.8 Illustration 17: GEARex® type FH Type DH Component 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 Quantity 2 2 see table 6 see table 6 2 4 4 2 2 see table 10 2 1 Description Hub Sleeve Dowel screws Nut Flat gasket Washers DIN 7603 Screw plugs DIN 908 O-ring - material 70 NBR Cover Cap screws DIN EN ISO 4762 O-ring - material 70 NBR Spacer Illustration 18: GEARex® type DH Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 4 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 14 of 36 15 Assembly 4.1 Components of the couplings Type FR Component 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 Quantity 1 1 see table 8 see table 8 1 2 2 1 1 Description Hub Sleeve Dowel screws Nut Flat gasket Washers DIN 7603 Screw plugs DIN 908 1) O-ring - material 70 NBR Flange hub 1) With size 10 cap screws DIN 7984 - 8.8 Illustration 19: GEARex® type FR Type DR Component 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Quantity 1 1 see table 8 see table 8 1 2 2 1 2 see table 10 2 1 Description Hub Sleeve Dowel screws Nut Flat gasket Washers DIN 7603 Screw plugs DIN 908 O-ring - material 70 NBR Cover Cap screws DIN EN ISO 4762 O-ring - material 70 NBR Flange hub Illustration 20: GEARex® type DR Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 4 40310 EN 15 of 36 15 Assembly 4.2 Advice for finish bore STOP ! The maximum permissible bore diameters d (see chapter 1 - technical data) must not be exceeded. If these figures are disregarded, the coupling may tear. Rotating particles may cause danger to life. Do not clamp on the sealing surface at any time! • Hub bores machined by the customer have to observe concentricity or axial runout, respectively (see illustration 21 to 25). • Please make absolutely sure to observe the figures for Ø dmax. (see chapter 1). • Carefully align the hubs when the finish bores are drilled. • Please provide for a setscrew according to DIN EN ISO 4029 with a cup point, an end plate or shrinking to fasten the hubs axially (see illustration 21 to 25 and table 9 and 10). • If any other shaft-hub-connections (e. g. clamping elements, spline, taper bores, etc.) are to be used, please consult with KTR. Illustration 21: Clamping/sealing surfaces of types: FA, FAB and FR Illustration 23: Clamping/sealing surfaces of types: DA, DAB and DR Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: Illustration 22: Clamping/sealing surfaces of types: FB, FAB and FH Illustration 24: Clamping/sealing surfaces of types: DB, DAB and DH 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Illustration 25: Clamping/sealing surfaces of size 130 to 150 Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 4 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 16 of 36 15 Assembly 4.2 Advice for finish bore ! The customer bears the sole responsibility for all machining processes performed subsequently on unbored or pilot bored as well as finish machined coupling components and spare parts. KTR does not assume any warranty claims resulting from insufficient remachining. KTR supplies unbored or pilot bored coupling components and spare parts only upon explicit request of the customer. These parts are additionally marked with the symbol . Reference to unbored resp. pilot bored coupling components with explosion protection marking: Basically the company KTR supplies couplings resp. coupling hubs with explosion protection marking as an unbored or pilot bored type only on explicit request of the customer. The prerequisite is a declaration of exemption submitted by the customer assuming any responsibility and liability for remachining performed properly. 4.3 Assembly of the coupling (general) ! In case if a dimensional drawing was prepared for the coupling, the dimensions specified have to be primarily observed. The operator of the machine should be provided with the dimensional drawing. We recommend to inspect bores, shaft, keyway and feather key for dimensional accuracy before assembly. Heating the hubs lightly (approx. 80 °C) allows for an easier mounting on the shaft. Please pay attention to the ignition risk in potentially explosive atmospheres! STOP ! Touching the heated components causes burns. Please wear safety gloves. With the assembly please make sure that the distance dimension E (see table 1, 3, 5 and 7) is observed to allow for axial clearance of the sleeve while being in operation. Disregarding this advice may cause damage to the coupling. If used in potentially explosive atmospheres the setscrews to fasten the hubs as well as all screw connections must be secured against working loose additionally, e. g. conglutinating with Loctite (average strength). ! If you note any irregularities with the coupling during operation, the drive unit must be switched off immediately. The cause of the breakdown must be specified by means of the table „Breakdowns“ and, if possible, be eliminated according to the proposals. The potential breakdowns specified can be hints only. To find out the cause all operating factors and machine components must be considered. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 4 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 17 of 36 15 Assembly 4.4 Assembly of the types FA, FB, FAB, FH and FR • Clean all components and shaft ends carefully (see chapter 7.6). The O-rings (component 8) must not get in touch with solvents and detergents. • Lightly grease the O-rings (component 8) and insert in the corresponding keyway of the sleeves (component 2). • Lightly grease the sealing surfaces on the face of the sleeves (component 2) and push them over the shaft ends. Make sure that the O-rings (component 8) are not damaged. To facilitate the assembly, heat the hubs (component 1) or flange hub (component 12) evenly by inductive heating (approx. 80 °C), either in the furnace or by means of a burner. • Push the hubs (component 1) or flange hub (component 12) onto the shaft of the driving and driven side until the front faces of the hub are flush with the shaft ends. When the hubs are heated, any contact with the Orings (component 8) should be avoided. Make sure with the assembly that the shaft ends do not protrude over the front face of the hub. • Valid with coupling hubs with feather keyway and setscrew only: Fill the tapping for axial fastening with sealing compound for 2/3. • Secure the hubs (component 1) or flange hub (component 12) axially by tightening the setscrews DIN EN ISO 4029 by means of a cup point (tightening torque TA see table 9), an end plate or by shrinking. Basically make sure with the assembly that the shaft-hub-connection is sealed such that grease cannot escape from the coupling. Before filling with grease coupling hubs with feather keyway and setscrew have to be cooled down to ambient temperature in order to prevent escaping of lubricant in the area of the feather key. • Shift the power packs in axial direction until the distance dimension E is achieved (see table 1, 5 and 7). • Align both shafts and inspect the permissible displacement figures as per chapter 4.6. • Grease the spline of the hubs (component 1) and sleeves (component 2) (grease capacity see table 12), afterwards push the sleeves over the spline of the hubs and keep them in place. • Align the fitting hole of the sleeves (component 2) or flange hub (component 12) flush. Please make sure that the lubrication holes on both sleeves have an angle of 90° versus each other. • Applying for type FH only: Push the spacer (component 13) between the two sleeves and align the fitting holes flush with the sleeves. • Please insert the flat gasket (component 5) and screw together the sleeves or sleeve and flange hub, respectively, by means of the dowel screws (component 3) and nuts (component 4), observing the tightening torques specified (see table 9). • Please observe the instructions specified in chapter start-up and lubrication (see chapter 5). With each reassembly of the coupling we recommend to replace the flat gasket (component 5) and the dowel screws (component 3) as well as nuts (component 4). Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 4 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 18 of 36 15 Assembly 4.4 Assembly of the types FA, FB, FAB, FH and FR Table 9: Setscrew DIN EN ISO 4029 [mm] Size 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 G t1 1) t2 1) TA [Nm] Number z M8 M8 M10 M10 M12 M12 M16 M16 M20 M20 M20 M24 10 10 15 15 20 24 25 30 35 40 45 50 6 6 8 8 12 15 18 18 22 25 25 35 10 10 17 17 40 40 80 80 140 140 140 240 6 8 6 6 8 8 8 10 8 14 14 16 Dowel screws (10.9) screw connections of sleeves Number z M (type FH) 12 M6 16 M8 12 M10 12 M12 16 M12 16 M14 16 M14 20 M14 16 M18 24 M18 24 M18 32 M20 TA [Nm] 15 36 72 125 125 200 200 200 430 430 430 610 1) See illustration 21 and 22 4.5 Assembly of types DA, DB, DAB, DH and DR • Clean all components and shaft ends carefully (see chapter 7.6). The O-rings (component 8 and 11) must not get in touch with solvents and detergents. • Valid with split cover only: o Apply a sealing agent onto the contact surfaces of the split cover. o Push the split cover together. o Screw the split cover together with the cap screws. Extract the tightening torque from the dimensional drawing attached. • Lightly grease the O-rings (component 8) and insert in the corresponding keyway of the cover (component 9). • Lightly grease the sealing surfaces on the face of the sleeves (component 2). Illustration 26: Assembly of the split cover To facilitate the assembly, heat the hubs (component 1) evenly by inductive heating (approx. 80 °C), either in the furnace or by means of a burner. • Push the hubs (component 1) onto the shaft of the driving and driven side until the front surfaces of the hub are flush with the shaft ends. When the hubs are heated, any contact with the O-rings (component 8 and 11) should be avoided. Make sure with the assembly that the shaft ends do not protrude over the front face of the hub. • Valid with coupling hubs with feather keyway and setscrew only: Fill the tapping for axial fastening with sealing compound for 2/3. • Secure the hubs (component 1) axially by tightening the setscrews DIN EN ISO 4029 by means of a cup point (tightening torque TA see table 10), an end plate or by shrinking. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 4 40310 EN 19 of 36 15 Assembly 4.5 Assembly of types DA, DB, DAB, DH and DR Basically make sure with the assembly that the shaft-hub-connection is sealed such that grease cannot escape from the coupling. Before filling with grease coupling hubs with feather keyway and setscrew have to be cooled down to ambient temperature in order to prevent escaping of lubricant in the area of the feather key. • Shift the power packs in axial direction until the distance dimension E is achieved (see table 3, 5 and 7). • Align both shafts and inspect the permissible displacement figures as per chapter 4.6. • Put the O-rings (component 11) onto the pilot of the cover (component 9). • Afterwards push the sleeves (component 2) onto the hubs (component 1). • Screw the cover (component 9) and the sleeves (component 2) with the cap screws (component 10) (for tightening torque TA see table 10). • Push the sleeve along with the cover far over the hub and put it onto the shaft ends. Make sure that the Orings (component 8) are not damaged. • Grease the spline of the hubs (component 1) and sleeves (component 2) (grease capacity see table 12), afterwards push the sleeves over the spline of the hubs and keep them in place. • Align the fitting holes of the sleeves (component 2) flush. Please make sure that the lubrication holes on both sleeves have an angle of 90° versus each other. • Applying for type DH only: Push the spacer (component 13) between the two sleeves and align the fitting holes to be flush with the sleeves. • Insert the flat gasket (component 5) and screw the sleeves together by means of dowel screws (component 3) and nuts (component 4), observing the tightening torques specified (see table 10). • Please observe the instructions specified in chapter start-up and lubrication (see chapter 5). With each reassembly of the coupling we recommend to replace the flat gasket (component 5) and the dowel screws (component 3) as well as nuts (component 4). Table 10: Setscrew DIN EN ISO 4029 [mm] Size t1 1) t2 1) TA [Nm] 20 M10 15 25 M10 15 30 M12 20 35 M12 24 40 M16 25 45 M16 30 50 M20 35 55 M20 40 60 M20 45 70 M24 50 80 M24 60 85 M24 60 90 M24 65 100 M24 80 110 M24 80 120 M24 80 130 M24 70 140 M24 80 150 M24 90 1) See illustration 23 to 25 8 8 12 15 18 18 22 25 25 35 40 40 30 40 40 40 - 17 17 40 40 80 80 140 140 140 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 G Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: Dowel screws (10.9) screw connections of sleeves Number z (type Number z M DH) 6 12 M10 6 12 M12 8 16 M12 8 16 M14 8 16 M14 10 20 M14 8 16 M18 14 28 M18 14 28 M18 16 32 M20 18 36 M20 20 40 M20 20 40 M24 24 48 M24 20 40 M30 24 48 M30 20 40 M36 24 48 M36 30 60 M36 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Screw connection of cover with sleeves TA [Nm] Number z M TA [Nm] 72 125 125 200 200 200 430 430 430 610 610 610 1000 1000 1700 1700 2800 2800 2800 24 24 32 24 24 24 24 32 24 24 32 32 32 32 24 32 48 48 48 M6 M6 M6 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 14 14 14 35 35 35 35 35 69 69 69 69 69 69 120 120 120 120 120 Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 4 40310 EN 20 of 36 15 Assembly 4.6 Displacements - alignment of the couplings Axial displacements Radial displacements Angular displacements Illustration 27: Displacements Table 11: Displacement figures 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 85 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 ± 1.0 ± 1.5 ± 2.0 ± 2.5 Max. permissible displacements [mm] Kr 1) Type FA, FB, FAB, DA, DB Type FH and DH and DAB 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.2 4.4 5.5 5.7 6.0 6.6 Kr = tan0.5° x L3FH or Kr = tan0.5° x L3DH Size Max. axial displacement Ka [mm] Kw 1) [°] 0.5° each hub 1) Please make absolutely sure to adhere to the distance dimension E specified for the various types, specifically with radial and angular displacement (see tables 1, 3, 5 and 7). ! In order to ensure a long service life of the coupling the coupling must be aligned to at least 20 % of the displacement combinations that may arise during operation (see illustration 27 and 28). Please absolutely observe the displacement figures specified (see table 11). If the figures are exceeded, the coupling will be damaged. In order to improve the lubrication effect of the coupling, a minimum angular displacement of 0.1° per displacement level must be observed. Misalignment of the coupling components versus one another may have been generated by incorrect alignment with assembly or operation of the machine (thermal expansion, shafts bending, elastic machine mounts, etc.). The displacement figures specified in table 11 are maximum figures which must not arise in parallel. If radial and angular displacement arises at the same time, these values must be reduced (see illustration 28). Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 4 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 21 of 36 15 Assembly 4.6 Displacements - alignment of the couplings Examples of the displacement combinations specified in illustration 28: Illustration 28: Combinations of displacement Example 1: Kr = 30 % Kw = 70 % Example 2: Kr = 60 % Kw = 40 % Ktotal = Kr + Kw 100 % 5 Start-up and lubrication 5.1 Start-up of the coupling Before start-up of the coupling, inspect the tightening of the setscrews in the hubs, the alignment and the distance dimension E and adjust, if necessary, and also inspect all screw connections for the tightening torques specified. If used in potentially explosive atmospheres the setscrews to fasten the hubs as well as all screw connections must be secured against working loose additionally, e. g. conglutinating with Loctite (average strength). Finally the coupling protection against accidental contact must be fitted. It is required in accordance with DIN EN ISO 12100 (Safety of Machinery) and directive 2014/34/EU and must protect against • access with a little finger • falling down of solid foreign objects. The cover may provide for openings intended for necessary heat dissipation. These openings have to comply with DIN EN ISO 13857. The cover must be electrically conductive and included in the equipotential bonding. Bellhousings (magnesium share below 7.5 %) made of aluminium and damping rings (NBR) can be used as connecting element between pump and electric motor. The cover may only be taken off with standstill of the unit. If the couplings are used in locations subject to dust explosion and in mining the user must make sure that there is no accumulation of dust in a dangerous volume between the cover and the coupling. The coupling must not operate in an accumulation of dust. For covers with unlocked openings on the top face no light metals must be used if the couplings are used as equipment of equipment group ll (if possible, from stainless steel). If the couplings are used in mining (equipment group l M2), the cover must not be made of light metal. In addition, it must be resistant to higher mechanical loads than with use as equipment of equipment group ll. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 5 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 22 of 36 15 Start-up and lubrication 5.1 Start-up of the coupling During operation of the coupling, please pay attention to • different operating noise • vibrations occurring. ! If you note any irregularities with the coupling during operation, the drive unit must be switched off immediately. The cause of the breakdown must be specified by means of the table „Breakdowns“ and, if possible, be eliminated according to the proposals. The potential breakdowns specified can be hints only. To find out the cause all operating factors and machine components must be considered. Coating of coupling: If coated (priming, paintings, etc.) couplings are used in potentially explosive atmospheres, the requirements on conductibility and coating thickness must be considered. With paintings up to 200 µm electrostatic load does not have to be expected. Paintings and coatings exceeding a thickness of 200 µm are generally impermissible for potentially explosive atmospheres. It also applies for multiple coatings exceeding an overall thickness of 200 µm. Make sure with painting or coating that the coupling components are conductively connected with the device/devices to be connected so that the equipotential bonding is not impeded by the paint or coat applied. In addition, make sure that the marking of the coupling remains legible. Painting or coating of the sleeve is generally not admitted. 5.2 Types of grease recommended ! Only those greases recommended by KTR may be used. Claims to warranty caused by the use of unrecommended greases are disregarded by KTR. Manufacturer of grease Product description 1) 2) Mobilux EP 004 Klüberplex GE 11-680 Gadus S2 V220 00 RENOLIT GFW 00 Tribol GR 100 PD 00 Manufacturer of grease Product description 1) 2) 1) The greases mentioned above are suitable for operating temperatures from -30 °C to +110 °C. 2) Greases are recommended for a speed of > 1 m/s. With a speed of < 1 m/s we recommend the grease RENOLIT EP X1 of Fuchs. With a speed of < 2 rpm, please consult with KTR. ! Please observe the manufacturer’s instructions on handling greases. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 5 40310 EN 23 of 36 15 Start-up and lubrication 5.3 Grease feeding The grease feeding always has to correspond to the quantities specified! By falling below the volume specified the coupling can become a source of ignition. Table 12: Grease feeding Size 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Grease feeding 1) [dm3] (kg) 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.18 0.22 0.35 Size 45 50 55 60 70 80 85 Grease feeding 1) [dm3] (kg) 0.45 0.70 0.90 1.15 1.50 2.50 3.00 Size 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Grease feeding 1) [dm3] (kg) 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.50 9.00 12.00 15.00 1) Grease feeding for each coupling half With the vertical type see dimensional drawing for grease filling or consult with KTR. The upper half must be fully filled with grease. In case if a dimensional drawing was prepared for the coupling, the dimensions specified have to be primarily observed. The operator of the machine should be provided with the dimensional drawing. 5.4 Grease capacity Lubricants of various types and manufacturers must not be mixed! Procedure of grease capacity: • Turn the coupling until the screw plugs (component 7) are in horizontal position (see illustration 29). • Remove the screw plugs (component 7) along with the gaskets (component 6) and fill in the grease, e. g. by means of a grease injector. • Afterwards screw in the screw plugs (component 7) and the gaskets (component 6) again and prove for tightness. • Repeat this process with the other coupling half. Illustration 29: Horizontal position of screw plugs Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: Illustration 30: Removing the screw plugs and sealing washers 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 5 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 24 of 36 15 Start-up and lubrication 5.4 Grease capacity Both screw plugs (component 7) have to be removed. One hole serves as a filler hole, the other one as venting hole. With each reassembly of the coupling we recommend to replace the flat gasket (component 5) and the dowel screws (component 3) as well as nuts (component 4). ! In order to ensure a long service life of the coupling and avoid damages on the coupling, make sure to adhere to the quantities of grease specified for the different coupling sides. Grease which has flown over has to be collected completely and disposed of according to the regulations that apply. 6 Breakdowns, causes and elimination The failures specified below can lead to a use of the GEARex® coupling other than intended. In addition to the specifications given in these operating/assembly instructions make sure to avoid such failures. The errors listed can only be clues to search for the failures. When searching for the failure the adjacent components must generally be considered. If used other than intended the coupling can become a source of ignition. EU directive 2014/34/EU requires special care by the manufacturer and the user. General failures with use other than intended: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Important data for the coupling selection were not forwarded. The calculation of the shaft-hub-connection was not considered. Coupling components with damage occurred during transport are assembled. If the heated hubs are assembled, the permissible temperature is exceeded. If mounted in heated condition, the O-rings are heated excessively/damaged. The clearance of the components to be assembled is not coordinated with one another. Tightening torques have been fallen below/exceeded. Components are mixed up by mistake/assembled incorrectly. No original KTR components (purchased parts) are used. Old/already worn out coupling components stored for too long are used. Maintenance intervals are not observed. No lubricants recommended by KTR are used. Operating temperatures are exceeded. Axial fastening of hubs is not available or working loose. Insufficient or inappropriate lubrication. Operating conditions were modified inappropriately. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 6 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 25 of 36 15 Breakdowns, causes and elimination Breakdowns Causes Hazard notes for potentially explosive atmospheres Misalignment/permissi ble displacement figures are exceeded Different operating noise and/or vibrations occuring Axial fastening of hub working loose Ignition risk due to hot surfaces and sparking Lack of grease Vibrations of drive Excessive wear of spline Misalignment/permissi ble displacement figures are exceeded Lack of grease Ignition risk due to hot surfaces and sparking O-rings have worn off Leakages/ escape of grease O-rings have been damaged subject to incorrect storage or during the assembly O-rings are in contact with aggressive liquids/oils, influence of ozone, too high ambient temperatures Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Elimination 1) Set the unit out of operation 2) Eliminate the reason for the misalignment (e. g. loose foundation bolts, breaking of the engine mount, heat expansion of unit components, modification of the installation dimension E of the coupling) 3) Inspection of wear 4) Re-align the coupling 1) Set the unit out of operation 2) Inspect alignment of coupling 3) Inspection of wear 4) Secure the hubs axially and against working loose 1) Set the unit out of operation 2) Inspection of wear 3) Lubricant has to be replaced 4) Inspect the gaskets and replace gaskets, if necessary 1) Set the unit out of operation 2) Disassemble the coupling and remove residues of wear 3) Inspect coupling components and replace coupling components that have been damaged 4) Find out the reason for vibrations 5) Assemble new coupling components 6) Inspect alignment, adjust if necessary 1) Set the unit out of operation 2) Eliminate the reason for the misalignment (e. g. loose foundation bolts, breaking of the engine mount, heat expansion of unit components, modification of the installation dimension E of the coupling) 3) Inspection of wear 4) Re-align the coupling 1) Set the unit out of operation 2) Inspection of wear 3) Lubricant has to be replaced 4) Inspect the gaskets and replace gaskets, if necessary 1) Set the unit out of operation 2) Inspection of wear 3) Drain lubricating grease 4) Replace gaskets 5) Filling of lubricating grease 1) Set the unit out of operation 2) Inspection of wear 3) Drain lubricating grease 4) Replace O-rings 5) Please make sure proper storage of the Orings or correct errors in assembly, respectively 6) Filling of lubricating grease 1) Set the unit out of operation 2) Inspection of wear 3) Drain lubricating grease 4) Eliminate negative influences on the O-rings 5) Replace O-rings 6) Filling of lubricating grease Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 6 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 26 of 36 15 Breakdowns, causes and elimination Breakdowns Causes Hazard notes for potentially explosive atmospheres Elimination Ignition risk due to hot surfaces and sparking 1) Set the unit out of operation 2) Disassemble the coupling and remove the residues of fracture 3) Find out the reason for overload 4) Inspect coupling components and replace coupling components that have been damaged 5) Insert sleeve, assemble coupling components 1) Set the unit out of operation 2) Disassemble the coupling and remove the residues of fracture 3) Review the operating parameters and select a bigger coupling (consider mounting space) 4) Assemble, align and lubricate the new coupling size according to the GEARex® operating/mounting instructions 1) Set the unit out of operation 2) Disassemble the coupling and remove the residues of fracture 3) Inspect coupling components and replace coupling components that have been damaged 4) Insert sleeve, assemble coupling components 5) Instruct and train the service staff 1) Set the unit out of operation 2) Disassemble the coupling and remove the residues of fracture 3) Inspect the gaskets and coupling components and replace, if necessary 4) Assemble, align and lubricate the new coupling components/gaskets as per GEARex® operating/mounting instructions 1) Set the unit out of operation 2) Disassemble the coupling and remove the residues of fracture 3) Eliminate the reason for the misalignment (e. g. loose foundation bolts, breaking of the engine mount, heat expansion of unit components, modification of the installation dimension E of the coupling) 4) Assemble, align and lubricate the new coupling components as per GEARex® operating/mounting instructions Breaking of spline/sleeve subject to high dynamic energy/overload Operating parameters do not meet with the performance of the coupling Fracture of spline/ fracture of sleeve Operating error of the unit Lack of grease Misalignment/permissi ble displacement figures are exceeded Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 7 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 27 of 36 15 Maintenance and service 7.1 Intervals of maintenance The coupling has to be regularly inspected for leakages/grease capacity, unregulated heating and modifications of the running noise. The inspection has to be performed during the general maintenance intervals, at least every quarter of a year. Moreover, the correct fit of the protective device for rotating parts has to be inspected. The following items of inspection are the main components of maintenance work: Grease: Sealing elements: Shaft displacements: Spline: grease capacity, replacement of grease (see chapter 5.3 and 7.2) leakages, replacing of sealing elements (see chapter 7.3) re-aligning the coupling (see chapter 4.6) wear, inspection of circumferential backlash (see chapter 7.5 and 7.4) Maintenance intervals in potentially explosive atmospheres: If the coupling is used in potentially explosive atmospheres, considerably shorter maintenance intervals have to be observed! The coupling has to be inspected after approx. 200 operating hours or every month at the maximum. 7.2 Replacement of grease ! In order to ensure a long service life of the coupling and avoid damages on the coupling, the quantities of grease specified for the different coupling sides and the intervals of replacement of grease absolutely have to be observed! Grease has to be collected completely and disposed of according to the regulations that apply. Please observe the manufacturer’s instructions on handling greases. STOP The replacement of grease depends on various operating conditions such as load, ambient temperature, speed, shaft displacements and operating period. Anyway, the replacement of grease is recommended for an operation up to 70 °C after about 8,000 hours of operation, a maximum of 2 years and for an operation exceeding 70 °C after about 3,000 hours of operation, a maximum of 1 year. Please note that when you replace the grease the remaining quantities in the coupling should be kept as small as possible. Please have the manufacturer confirm the compatibility of the new lubricant with remainders of the former lubricant. If the coupling is used in potentially explosive atmospheres, considerably shorter maintenance intervals have to be observed! The coupling has to be inspected after approx. 200 operating hours or every month at the maximum. Lubricants of various types and manufacturers must not be mixed! Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 7 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 28 of 36 15 Maintenance and service 7.2 Replacement of grease Procedure for the replacement of grease: • Inspect tightness and replace the sealing elements, if necessary. • Turn the coupling until the screw plugs are in vertical position (see illustration 31). • Remove the screw plugs (component 7) along with the sealing washers (component 6) and afterwards drain the grease into a suitable tank. To facilitate the replacement you may add thin oil. Please check the compatibility of the oil with the grease! • Perform grease feeding as per chapter 5.4. • Repeat this process with the other coupling half. Illustration 31: Vertical position of screw plugs Illustration 32: Removing the screw plugs and sealing washers 7.3 Replacement of sealing elements ! In case of leakages (escape of grease) defective sealing elements have to be replaced immediately! The coupling may be damaged if these hints are disregarded. The grease escaped has to be fully collected and disposed of according to the regulations that apply. Replacement of flat gasket (component 5): If the flat gasket (component 5) is defective/untight, it has to be replaced immediately. Furthermore we would recommend with each reassembly of the coupling to replace the flat gasket (component 5) and the dowel screws (component 3) as well as nuts (component 4). • Drain the grease as per chapter 7.2. • Unscrew and remove the screwing (components 3 and 4) of the sleeves (component 2). • Shift the sleeve (component 2) axially backwards until the flat gasket (component 5) can be disassembled and replaced. • Lightly grease the sealing surfaces and insert new flat gasket (component 5). Afterwards inspect the alignment and, if necessary, re-align and assemble. • Perform grease feeding as per chapter 5.4. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 7 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 29 of 36 15 Maintenance and service 7.3 Replacement of sealing elements Replacement of O-rings (component 8): The O-rings (component 8) can be replaced with no need to shift the power packs to be connected, provided that the shaft shoulder is not bigger than the outside diameter D of the hubs (component 1). • Drain the grease as per chapter 7.2. • Unscrew and remove the screwing (components 3 and 4) of the sleeves (component 2). • Shift the sleeves (component 2) from the spline and the hub (component 1) until the O-ring (component 8) can be removed. • Cut a new O-ring (component 8) radially in one position or cut the O-ring to peripheral length. • Fit the O-ring (component 8) around the shaft and afterwards glue the separation line, e. g. with Loctite 401. • Insert the O-ring (component 8) into the keyway of the sleeve (component 2). • Assemble the sleeves as per chapter 4 and 5 and start with the operation. ! ! If O-rings (component 8) only are to be used, the power packs to be combined have to be shifted and the coupling has to be disassembled as per chapter 7.8. Protect O-rings (component 8) and flat gaskets (component 5) on the driving and driven side against damages and heat. Please observe the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the use of adhesives. 7.4 Standard values for circumferential backlash ! To inspect the circumferential backlash the power pack which is switched off needs to be secured against accidental switch-on. Driving side • Turn the hub opposite the direction of drive. ! Here the sleeve must not be axially displaced from its position of wear. • Mark sleeve (component 2) and hub (component 1) (see illustration 33). • Turn the hub (component 1) in the direction of drive and measure the circumferential backlash Smax. • When reaching the circumferential backlash Smax the coupling must be replaced. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 7 40310 EN 30 of 36 15 Maintenance and service 7.4 Standard values for circumferential backlash Driven side • Turn the hub in the direction of the drive. Here the sleeve must not be axially displaced from its position of wear. ! • Mark sleeve (component 2) and hub (component 1) (see illustration 33). • Turn the hub (component 1) against the direction of drive and measure the circumferential backlash Smax. • When reaching the circumferential backlash Smax the coupling must be replaced. Illustration 33: Marking of the hub and the sleeve 7.5 Standard values of wear With a circumferential backlash of ≥ Smax. [mm], the coupling must be replaced. Reaching the limits for replacing depends on the operating conditions and the existing operating parameters. In order to ensure a long service life of the coupling and avoid dangers with the use in potentially explosive atmospheres, the shaft ends must be accurately aligned. Please absolutely observe the displacement figures specified (see table 11). If the figures are exceeded, the coupling will be damaged. ! Table 13: Values of wear Size 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Circumferential backlash Smax. [mm] (limits of wear for each hub) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: Size 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz 70 80 85 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Circumferential backlash Smax. [mm] (limits of wear for each hub) 2.5 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.4 5.4 Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 7 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 31 of 36 15 Maintenance and service 7.6 Cleaning of the coupling Please ensure sufficient ventilation and follow the detergent manufacturers’ notes regarding the handling of solvents and detergents. Avoid any kind of ignition sources. With assembly/disassembly of the coupling, the coupling components should be subject to careful cleaning. Specifically the sealing surfaces and the area of the spline should be free from dirt, wear and old grease. A subsequent correct assembly (chapter 4) and start-up (chapter 5) has to be ensured. 7.7 Replacement of coupling If the maximum standard values of wear as per chapters 7.4 and 7.5 are achieved, the coupling half has to be replaced completely. Replacement may only be effected in pairs (hub (component 1) and sleeve (component 2)) for each coupling half! Disassembly has to be performed as per chapter 7.8. ! If the advice is disregarded and the limit of wear is exceeded, the coupling may be damaged. The failure on the coupling may cause standstill of the drive and the overall machine. Rotating particles may cause danger to life. 7.8 Disassembly of the coupling STOP With disassembly, operation and maintenance of the coupling it has to be made sure that the entire drive train is secured against accidental switch-on. ! In case if a dimensional drawing was prepared for the coupling, the dimensions specified have to be primarily observed. The operator of the machine should be provided with the dimensional drawing. It is necessary to disassemble the coupling if coupling components have to be inspected for damages or have to be replaced. Moreover, disassembly is necessary to replace the sealing elements. • Drain the grease as per chapter 7.2. • Unscrew the dowel screw connection and push the sleeves (component 2) axially backwards until the spline is no longer engaged. • Mark the spline of the sleeves (component 2) versus the hubs (component 1). • Move the power packs apart. • Clean the coupling (see chapter 7.6) and inspect the coupling components, sealing surfaces and spline. • Replace damaged components. • A reassembly has to be performed as per chapters 4 and 5. ! Components that are damaged or worn off have to be replaced! Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 7 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 32 of 36 15 Maintenance and service 7.8 Disassembly of the coupling ! With each reassembly of the coupling we recommend to replace the flat gasket (component 5) and the dowel screws (component 3) as well as nuts (component 4). Heating the coupling components results in a higher danger of ignition. A non-hazardous environment has to be assured. If the coupling hubs (component 1) have to be disassembled, the axial fixing of the hubs has to be removed first. With constant heating (approx. 80 °C) of the coupling hubs (component 1) by means of a burner and a puller, the hubs (component 1) can be pulled from the shafts of the power packs. The sealing surfaces, the spline, the hub bore and the shaft have to be inspected for damages. Reassembly has to be performed as per the instructions in chapter 4 and 5. ! ! 8 Never use the sleeves (component 2) to pull off the hubs (component 1)! Please make use of proper pullers. The shaft bearing must not be loaded. Disposal In respect of environmental protection we would ask you to dispose of the packaging or products on termination of their service life in accordance with the legal regulations and standards that apply, respectively. • Metal Any metal components have to be cleaned and disposed of by scrap metal. • Gaskets Gaskets can be disposed of by residual waste. • Greases Greases have to be collected in suitable containers and disposed of by a waste disposal company. 9 Spares inventory, customer service addresses We recommend to store major spare parts on site to ensure the readiness for use of the machine in case if a coupling fails. Contact addresses of the KTR partners for spare parts and orders can be obtained from the KTR homepage at www.ktr.com. The following details should be specified when ordering spare parts: • Original order number • Material number • Description and number ! KTR does not assume any liability or warranty for the use of spare parts and accessories which are not provided by KTR and for the damages which may incur as a result. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 10 40310 EN 33 of 36 15 Enclosure A Advice and instructions regarding the use in potentially explosive atmospheres Types available: FA, FB, FAB, DA, DB and DAB 10.1 Intended use in potentially explosive atmospheres Conditions of operation in potentially explosive atmospheres GEARex® couplings are suitable for the use according to EU directive 2014/34/EU. 1. Industry (with the exception of mining) • • • • Equipment group II of category 2 and 3 (coupling is not approved/not suitable for equipment group 1) Substance group G (gases, mists, vapours), zone 1 and 2 (coupling is not approved/not suitable for zone 0) Substance group D (dusts), zone 21 and 22 (coupling is not approved/not suitable for zone 20) Explosion group IIC (gases, mists, vapours) (explosion group IIA and IIB are included in IIC) and explosion group IIIC (dusts) (explosion group IIIA and IIIB are included in IIIC) Temperature class: Temperature class T4 T5 T6 Ambient or operating temperature Ta 1) -30 °C to +90 °C -30 °C to +75 °C -30 °C to +60 °C Max. surface temperature 2) +110 °C +95 °C +80 °C Explanation: The maximum surface temperatures each result from the maximum permissible ambient or operating temperature Ta plus the maximum temperature increase T of 20 K to be considered. For the temperature class a safety margin subject to standard of 5 K is added. 1) The ambient or operating temperature Ta is limited to +80 °C due to the permissible permanent operating temperature of the GEARex® used. 2) The maximum surface temperature of +110 °C applies for the use in locations which are potentially subject to dust explosion. In potentially explosive atmospheres • the ignition temperature of dusts generated must at least be 1.5 times the surface temperature to be considered • the glow temperature must at least be the surface temperature to be considered plus a safety distance of 75 K. • the gases and vapours generated must amount to the temperature class specified. 2. Mining Equipment group I of category M2 (coupling is not approved/not suitable for equipment group M1). Permissible ambient temperature -30 °C to +90 °C. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 10 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 34 of 36 15 Enclosure A Advice and instructions regarding the use in 10.2 Inspection intervals for couplings in Explosion group M2 2G 2D no gases and vapours of explosion group IIC M2 2G 2D Gases and vapours of explosion group IIC potentially explosive atmospheres potentially explosive atmospheres Inspection intervals An inspection of the circumferential backlash and a visual inspection of the components must be performed after 2,000 operating hours for the first time, at the latest after 6 months after start-up of the coupling. If you note insignificant or no wear on the components upon this initial inspection, further inspections can each be performed after 4,000 operating hours or at the latest after 18 months, provided that the operating parameters remain the same. If you note significant wear during the initial inspection so that it would be recommendable to replace the components, please find out the cause according to the table „Breakdowns“, if possible. The maintenance intervals must be adjusted to the modified operating parameters without fail. An inspection of the circumferential backlash and a visual inspection of the components must be performed after 1,000 operating hours for the first time, at the latest after 3 months after start-up of the coupling. If you note insignificant or no wear on the components upon this initial inspection, further inspections can each be performed after 2,000 operating hours or at the latest after 12 months, provided that the operating parameters remain the same. If you note significant wear during the initial inspection so that it would be recommendable to replace the components, please find out the cause according to the table „Breakdowns“, if possible. The maintenance intervals must be adjusted to the modified operating parameters without fail. GEARex® coupling Illustration 34: GEARex® coupling Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Here the backlash between the spline of the hub and the sleeve must be inspected via torsional backlash, each separately from the driving and the driven side. When reaching the torsional backlash Smax., the respective coupling half (hub and sleeve) must be replaced immediately, irrespective of the inspection intervals. Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 10 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 35 of 36 15 Enclosure A Advice and instructions regarding the use in 10.3 potentially explosive atmospheres marking of coupling for potentially explosive atmospheres The GEARex® all-steel gear coupling is marked with ATEX on the front of the hub or on the outside diameter of the sleeve, respectively. For the complete marking refer to the operating/assembly instructions and/or the delivery note/package. Marking is as follows: GEARex® <Year> I M2 Ex h I II 2G Ex h IIC T6 … T4 II 2D Ex h IIIC T80 °C … T110 °C -30 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +60 °C … +90 °C KTR Systems GmbH, Carl-Zeiss-Straße 25, D-48432 Rheine Mb Gb Db Short marking: (A short marking is only made if not possible differently for reason of space or functioning.) GEARex® <Year> Deviating marking applies until 31st October 2019: Short marking: II 2G c IIC T X/II 2D c T X/I M2 c X II 2G c IIC T6, T5 resp. T4 -30 °C Ta +65 °C, +80 °C resp. +90 °C II 2D c T 110 °C -30 °C Ta +90 °C I M2 c -30 °C Ta +90 °C Complete marking: Substance group - gases, mists and vapours: The marking with explosion group llC includes the explosion groups llA and llB. Substance group - dusts: The marking with explosion group lIlC includes the explosion groups lIlA and lIlB. If the symbol was punched in addition to marking , the coupling component was supplied by KTR as an unbored or pilot bored version (see chapter 4.2 of the present operating/assembly instructions). Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 GEARex® Operating/Assembly instructions 10 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 40310 EN 36 of 36 15 Enclosure A Advice and instructions regarding the use in potentially explosive atmospheres 10.4 EU Certificate of conformity EU Certificate of conformity corresponding to EU directive 2014/34/EU dated 26 February 2014 and to the legal regulations The manufacturer - KTR Systems GmbH, D-48432 Rheine - states that the GEARex® All-steel gear couplings in an explosion-proof design described in these operating/assembly instructions are devices corresponding to article 2, 1. of directive 2014/34/EU and comply with the general safety and health requirements according to enclosure II of directive 2014/34/EU. The coupling described in here complies with the specifications of the following standards/rules: DIN EN ISO 80079-36 DIN EN ISO 80079-37 DIN EN ISO 80079-38 IEC/TS 60079-32-1 The GEARex® is in accordance with the specifications of directive 2014/34/EU. According to article 13 (1) b) ii) of directive 2014/34/EU the technical documentation is deposited with the notified body (type examination certificate IBExU11ATEXB016 X: IBExU Institut für Sicherheitstechnik GmbH Identification number: 0637 Fuchsmühlenweg 7 09599 Freiberg Rheine, Place 2018-11-30 Date Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: i. V. Reinhard Wibbeling Head of Engineering 2019-09-19 Pz/Wb 2019-09-19 Pz i. A. Ansgar Silies Product Manager Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2017-01-02 ">

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Key features
- Flexible shaft connection
- Compensates for misalignment
- High torque transmission
- Explosion-proof design
- Multiple bore sizes
- Robust construction
- Suitable for industrial applications
Frequently asked questions
KTR GEARex DH can compensate for both angular and parallel misalignment, allowing for greater flexibility in shaft alignment and reducing stress on connected components.
Use the technical data tables in the manual to select the appropriate size based on your required torque, speed, and bore size. Consult with KTR for assistance in selecting the correct type for your specific needs.
The manual recommends using a high-quality, multipurpose grease specifically designed for gear couplings. See the lubrication section for details on grease type and capacity.