Relay PadPuls M1 User Manual
The Relay PadPuls M1 is a versatile pulse converter that adapts consumption measuring instruments like electricity, gas, or water meters to the M-Bus system. It features a floating pulse output and allows you to configure the counted impulses to units like kWh, m3, J, and more. This device is powered by the M-Bus, and a built-in battery ensures continued metering even if the M-Bus fails. It can also be protected against unauthorized configuration, making it a reliable and secure solution for your metering needs.
PadPuls M1 1-channel M-Bus pulse converter for reed signals User Manual PadPuls M1 Table of content 1 Functional description ............................................................................................................... 3 2 Installation and startup .............................................................................................................. 4 2.1 Mounting the case ........................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Opening the case............................................................................................................. 4 2.3 Connecting ...................................................................................................................... 4 3 Parameterization using MBCONF ............................................................................................. 6 3.1 Installation ....................................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Operation ......................................................................................................................... 6 3.3 Sheet Info ........................................................................................................................ 7 3.4 Sheet M1 ....................................................................................................................... 10 4 M-Bus Telegrams .................................................................................................................... 13 5 Technical Data ........................................................................................................................ 15 5.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 15 5.2 M-Bus Interface ............................................................................................................. 15 5.3 Power Supply ................................................................................................................ 15 5.4 Reed-Input ..................................................................................................................... 16 5.5 Requirements to contacts of pulse generators .............................................................. 16 5.6 Ordering information ...................................................................................................... 16 This documentation is valid from M-Bus generation: $09 © Relay GmbH 2018 User Manual PadPuls PadPuls M1 · 10/2018 · VERSION 1.4 2 PadPuls M1 1 Functional description The PadPuls M1 adapts consumption measuring instruments, such as, electricity, gas or water meters to the M-Bus system. The meters that are to be adapted must have a floating pulse output. The user can configure the PadPuls M1 with the MBCONF program so that the counted impulses are converted to units such as kWh, m 3, J and so on. With its user interface the configuration of MBCONF is very easy. When connected to the M-Bus the PadPuls M1 is powered by the bus. A built-in battery ensures that metering continues even if the M-Bus fails for longer than the normal calibration time of the water meter or heat counter. The battery also ensures that the meter readings and the configuration data is maintained in RAM. Therefore the battery jumper should be plugged in at all times. The jumper serves only to disconnect the battery from the circuitry if the battery needs to be replaced. Device data can be protected against unauthorized configuration. The PadPuls M1 can be switched to protection mode with a special M-Bus telegram. In this operating mode, subsequent changes to device parameters cannot be made. The protection mode can then only be disabled by opening the sealable housing and pressing the unprotect pushbutton. User Manual PadPuls PadPuls M1 · 10/2018 · VERSION 1.4 3 PadPuls M1 2 Installation and startup 2.1 Mounting the case The housing is fixed to the wall with two screws, which are screwed diagonally through the holes marked with “wall”. he heads of the screws should be maximum 6 mm in diameter so that the cover is not screwed as well. D= 6 Wall 67 46 D= 5 Housing all dimensions in mm D= 5 Housing D= 6 Wall 80 88 98 2.2 Opening the case To deactivate the write protection or connect the cables the housing cover can be opened by removing the metal screws above at the left and below at the right. The unprotect pushbutton is then accessible from outside; the unit is unprotected by pressing this button. Use a suitable adhesive seal to prevent unnoticed opening of the housing. 2.3 Connecting The following drawing shows a typical application of the PadPuls M1: M-Bus Master User Manual PadPuls PadPuls M1 · 10/2018 · VERSION 1.4 PadPuls M1 pulse generator (blue) 4 PadPuls M1 After opening the housing please lead the M-Bus cable through the left cable gland of the cover and connect the cable to the left terminal. Then do the same with the cable of the pulse generator (right side). Please connect an optional shielding to the terminal labelled with „shield“. Connect the shielding only to the PadPuls. • Impulse devices with floating contacts (reed contacts) are connected to the terminals marked with “pulse” using any polarity. If cable shielding is available, it can be wired singlesided to the terminal marked with “shield”. • Impulse devices with optocouplers or electrically isolated transistor outputs must be connected to the “pulse” with the correct polarity. The left-hand terminal is the positive connection and the middle terminal the negative connection. The following graphic shows the position of the terminals and the button: jumper battery terminal M-BUS terminal pulse unprotect key + shield lithium battery 3,0V / 1800 mAh - Attention: The battery jumper is plugged in at the factory and should not be removed as the PadPuls M1 will otherwise lose configuration. In this case, a new configuration including programming of the ID is necessary. User Manual PadPuls PadPuls M1 · 10/2018 · VERSION 1.4 5 PadPuls M1 3 Parameterization using MBCONF The device is supplied with a basic configuration (address 0, unprotected) and must be adapted by the customer to the respective installation. Parameterization requires the MBCONF program. You will find the free software on our CD "Tools & Docs" and for download on our homepage 3.1 Installation The software MBCONF for configuration of the pulse adaptor is a 32-bit application, which can be executed on IBM-PC compatible computers under the operating systems Windows 10 / 8.1 / 7 / XP / 2000 / 98 / 95. The desktop PC or laptop must have a free serial RS232C interface to connect the M-Bus level converter. You can alternatively use an USB or Ethernet to M-Bus level converter with a driver for a virtual serial port. We recommend our service tool Micro-Master USB ( MR003USB). The PadPuls M1 to be parameterized must be connected directly (i.e. as only M-Bus device) to the M-Bus output of the level converter. Please run the file “MBCONF_SETUP.EXE” from Windows Explorer or via “Start – Execute” to install the software. Subsequently you select the language of the installation procedure. The setup software can create a program group and a link on the desktop on demand. You can then execute both versions for German and English language either from start menu or desktop. 3.2 Operation After program start the user operates the software according to the Windows conventions with the mouse or the keyboard. If you stay with the mouse on a button or an input field, then a hint to its function appears. Light-grey fields and boxes cannot be edited. All input fields and buttons have an underlined letter. The function can be activated by simultaneous pressing of the keys [ALT] and the respective letter. Within dialogs the cursor can be moved with the keys [TAB] or [SHIFT] [TAB] forward and backword. [SPACE] activates or deactivates selection boxes. Multiple selection boxes (arrow at the right edge) can be activated with []. The user then selects an entry with [] and []. By pressing [RETURN] the selected entry is taken over. With [ESC] the selection box is left without transfer. The program is arranged as a sheet system. The sheet “Info” contains general options of the communication with the M-Bus device to be configured. In this sheet the user can select the serial port of the PC, the baudrate of the PC, the baudrate of the M-Bus device and the M-Bus primary address which is used for communication. After a successful connection with the M-Bus device, further manufacturer information is shown in the sheet “Info” and additional devicespecific sheets are displayed. User Manual PadPuls PadPuls M1 · 10/2018 · VERSION 1.4 6 PadPuls M1 3.3 Sheet Info This sheet shows some photos of supported M-Bus devices from the product range of the Relay GmbH, the PadMess GmbH and further manufacturers. Here are also links to our Internet page, from which the current version of the program can be downloaded, and to the email address for criticism and suggestions to the program. The lower third of this card is likewise visible in every other card. Here the following input fields and buttons are always attainable: COM-Port is the serial port of the PC to which the M-Bus level converter is connected. The selected port will be saved in an INI file and will be restored on startup. Therefore the COM-Port has to be configured only once. Baudrate is the transmission speed of the serial port of the PC used parameterization. Possible selections for this used M-Bus baudrate 300, 2400 or 9600 baud. Attention: Baudrates of more than 2400 baud not supported by all M-Bus level converters which are available on User Manual PadPuls PadPuls M1 · 10/2018 · VERSION 1.4 for are are the 7 PadPuls M1 market! The selected baudrate must be identical to the baudrate of the M-Bus device. (see: “New M-Bus Baudrate”). The PadPuls M1 supports all three baudrates. New M-Bus Baudrate allows reprogramming the baudrate of the M-Bus device. The new baudrate is sent to the M-Bus device after a change in the appropriate selection box. If the M-Bus slave accepts this command, it acknowledges the telegram with the single character „$E5“ ($ for hexadecimal notation) using the old baudrate. Afterwards the device switches to the new baudrate. This button is not needed for the PadPuls M1, because it automatically detects the baudrate used by the master. M-Bus Address is the primary address of the connected M-Bus slave. In a direct connection with only one slave you can use the broadcast address 254. Using this address every M-Bus device must answer regardless of its own address. Connect to meter is used to request data from the slave. The type of device is then automatically recognized. The items “Manufact.”, “Generation”, “Type” and “M-Bus State” will then be refreshed. New sheets are generated depending on manufacturer and type of the M-Bus device. A single sheet appears in case of PadPuls M1. Manufact. is an item that shows the 3-letter manufacturer code after successful reading (“Connect to meter”). This item is read only. Generation shows the revision connected M-Bus device. This item is read only. Type shows the type (here: PadPuls M1) of the connected device. This item is read only. M-Bus State shows the M-Bus state of the connected device. This item is read only. ZVEI optical mode if this option is activated, devices with an optical interface and M-Bus protocol according to EN 1434-3 can be read and programmed using an optical reading head. MDK (Sensus) This switch activates the readout with an MDK from Sensus. Autom. readout if this option is activated, the software always reads the data after writing (useful for checking the correct programming). User Manual PadPuls PadPuls M1 · 10/2018 · VERSION 1.4 8 PadPuls M1 Log-Window The so-called log window is always visible. All M-Bus communication steps are logged in this window. Data is displayed in hexadecimal notation. It is possible to mark outputs in the log window and copy them with the keys “CTRL-C” to the windows clipboard. The data can then easily be imported to any text editor for documentation. As soon as the maximum storage capacity of the window is achieved, no more data is logged. If you want to keep on logging, you have to delete the logged data. The following buttons are also always visible: Erase log clears all outputs inside the log window. Exit terminates the program and stores the current setting of serial port (port no.) into the INI file . User Manual PadPuls PadPuls M1 · 10/2018 · VERSION 1.4 9 PadPuls M1 3.4 Sheet M1 This sheet shows the current settings and values of the PadPuls M1. The following input boxes and buttons are used to change the parameters of the pulse adapter: Prim. address is the primary M-Bus address of the selected device. Values between 1 and 250 can be entered in this field for new assignment of the address. After pressing the “Write” button the software programs this primary address and further variable settings on this sheet into the M-Bus device. ID (sec. adr.) is the 8-digit M-Bus ID (identification no.), which is also used for secondary addressing of this port. Pre-programmed ID = YYMM + last 4 digits of serial no. e.g. = 15005, production date = Nov. 2017 (1711) → ID = 17115005 Fabric no. is not used for the PadPuls M1. Medium describes the measured medium of the connected meter. Examples: Oil, User Manual PadPuls PadPuls M1 · 10/2018 · VERSION 1.4 10 PadPuls M1 Multiplicator Water, Heat, Electricity is the pulse increment (multiplicator) of the connected meter. For each registered pulse the device adds “multiplicator” to the counter. The numerator can take values between 0 (no counting) and 255, the denominator between 1 and 255. Unit is the physical unit of the counter and of the pulse increment. All proper units including variants with power of ten, from the DIN EN 13757-3 are offered in the selection list. Examples: m3, kWh, MJ Counter is the accumulated counter. It has to be related to the unit mentioned above. The 5 byte binary type counter can be programmed equal to the counter of the connected meter in a range of 0 to 1x10 12 or in detail 1.099.511.627.775 ( = 00 FF FF FF FF FF hex.). State shows the M-Bus state in hexadecimal notation. Write protection is marked, if the device is protected against programming. Then you cannot configure the adapter. The protection can be removed after opening the sealable front cover of the housing and pressing the “Unprotect” pushbutton. Permanent Error is not used for the PadPuls M1. Write protect transmits a command to the PadPuls M1 to activate write protection. The PadPuls then allows no further configuration. It is protected against unnoticed manipulation. Read reads the M-Bus device and refreshes the data on the selected sheet. Write sends the current options to the pulse converter, which stores this data into the battery buffered memory. The PadPuls M1 changes the options only if the write protection is deactivated. It is recommended to read and check the data after writing. User Manual PadPuls PadPuls M1 · 10/2018 · VERSION 1.4 11 PadPuls M1 Notes: 1. Please first press the button „Connect to meter“ after connecting a new M-Bus device. Afterwards all sheets are refreshed. 2. Examples for configuration of pulse increment and unit: • Water meter with counter = 45120 l and 1 Pulse = 10 l: Choice 1: Unit = 10 l, Multiplicator = 1 / 1, Counter = 4512 ( x 10 l) Choice 2: Unit = 1 l, Multiplicator = 10 / 1, Counter = 45120 ( x 1 l) • Electricity meter with counter = 78346 kWh and 64 pulses / kWh: Choice: Unit = 1kWh, Multiplicator = 1 / 64, Counter = 78346 ( x 1kWh) • Electricity meter with counter = 112,345 kWh and 1000 pulses / kWh: Choice: Unit = 1Wh, Multiplicator = 1 / 1, Counter = 1123454 ( x 0,001Wh) User Manual PadPuls PadPuls M1 · 10/2018 · VERSION 1.4 12 PadPuls M1 4 M-Bus Telegrams 1) General • Communications according to EN13757-2 and -3 • Transmission rates 300, 2400 and 9600 Bd with auto-baud detect • Primary and secondary addressing with wild cards • SND_NKE / E5, SND_UD / E5, REQ_UD2 / RSP_UD is supported 2) Definitions • All values are specified in hexadecimal • Empty fields in the “Contents” line are variable • Index 1 designates the least-significant byte in fields containing several bytes 3) RSP_UD Telegram Byte Name 1 Start 2 Length 3 Length 4 Start 5 C Inhalt 68 1B 1B 68 08 Byte Name 14 GEN 15 MED 16 TC 17 Status 18 SIG1 19 SIG2 20 DIF 00 / 80 00 00 06 30 31 Numerator Denominator 32 CS 33 Stop Inhalt Byte Name 27 Count6 28 Spez. 29 Index Variable 00 0F 01 6 A 7 CI 8 ID1 9 ID2 10 ID3 11 ID4 72 21 VIF 22 Count1 23 Count2 24 Count3 12 MAN1 13 MAN2 AC 48 25 Count4 26 Count5 16 Notes: • Manufacturer MAN = “REL” (48AC) • Generation GEN (at this time $09, reserved range from $01 to $0F) • Status bit 7 (MSB): 1→ 0→ write protection set write protection removed • VIF: Set by the user; VIF = unit with decimal power (MSB not set) • Count: Meter reading (most-significant byte = Count6 always zero) • Numerator / Denominator: Impulse value (increment in multiples of the VIF per impulse): 1 Pulse = Numerator • VIF Denominator User Manual PadPuls PadPuls M1 · 10/2018 · VERSION 1.4 13 PadPuls M1 4) Configuration Telegram Byte Name 1 Start 2 Length 3 Length 4 Start 5 C Inhalt 68 1C 1C 68 53 Byte Name 14 ID2 15 ID3 16 ID4 17 MAN1 18 MAN2 6 A 19 GEN 7 CI 8 DIF1 9 VIF1 51 01 7A 20 MED 21 DIF3 22 VIF3 Inhalt Byte Name 10 PAdr 23 Count1 11 DIF2 12 VIF2 07 79 24 Count2 25 Count3 13 ID1 26 Count4 06 27 Count5 Inhalt 28 Count6 29 Spez. 30 Index 00 0F 01 31 32 Numerator Denominator 33 CS 34 Stop 16 Notes: • Variables to be configured can only be changed when the write protection is not set • Grey fields can be altered: • • • • • • PAdr = Address (range 0–250) ID = ID number (BCD) MED = Medium VIF3 = Unit and decimal power of the meter reading (MSB = 0) Count = Pulse count (5 bytes binary, Count6 is always 00h) Meter / denominator: impulse value (range 1–255 each) • Miscellaneous fields (MAN and GEN are ignored) • ID, MAN, GEN and MED are coded as in the fixed header of the variable data structure from EN13757-3 • The data block “Protect index denominator numerator” is specific to the manufacturer and is optional 4) Telegram to Set the Write Protection Byte Name 1 Start 2 Length 3 Length 4 Start 5 C Inhalt 68 05 05 68 53 6 A 7 CI 8 Spez. 9 Protect 51 0F 55 10 CS 11 Stop 16 The write protection can only be reset by pressing the pushbutton on the circuit board. See chapter 2.3. User Manual PadPuls PadPuls M1 · 10/2018 · VERSION 1.4 14 PadPuls M1 5 Technical Data 5.1 General Mounting Wall mounting Material ABS plastic, black WxLxH (100 x 88 x 35) mm Protective Class IP50 Operating temperature 0 to 60 °C Storage temperature -25 to 60°C Humidity 10% to 70% (non condensing) Cable glands 2 x PG7, light-grey Terminals cable-Ø 0,3 to 2,0 mm2 5.2 M-Bus Interface Standard EN13757-2 and EN13757-3 Reading interval Any frequently, no battery load during communication Baudrates 300, 2400 and 9600 Baud with automatic detection Adressing Primary (address programmed to 0 on delivery) Secondary with wildcards, ID programmable Pre-programmed ID = YYMM + last 4 digits of serial no. e.g. serial no. = 15005, production date = Nov. 2017 (1711) → ID = 17115005 5.3 Power Supply Principle Remote supply by M-Bus with automatic switch to battery on bus fail Current M-Bus Max. 1,5 mA (1 unit load), no load of the battery Battery type Lithium 3V, type 2/3AA, capacity 1800 mAh, firmly soldered Battery current Typical 6A (contact open), plus 4A for closed contact Battery lifetime At 25°C: min. 9 years (contacts open, max. 50 Mio. pulses per year.) At 60°C: min. 7 years (contacts open, max. 50 Mio. pulses per year.) User Manual PadPuls PadPuls M1 · 10/2018 · VERSION 1.4 15 PadPuls M1 5.4 Reed-Input Contact voltage 2.5V to 3.4V Contact current 2 to 4 A Guaranteed debouncing 1.0 ms Cable length maximum 2m 5.5 Requirements to contacts of pulse generators Potential Floating, Isolation to ground > 1 MΩ Resistance Contact open > 10 MΩ, contact open < 10kΩ Maximum capacity Incl. cable: 2nF Contact duration >= 5 ms Contact pause >= 40 ms Pulsfrequenz <= 12,5 Hz at pulse length = pause length (each 40 ms) 5.6 Ordering information Artikelnummer Beschreibung IM001G PadPuls M1, 1-channel M-Bus pulse converter, wall mounting IM001 PadPuls M1, 1-channel M-Bus pulse converter, only board without housing User Manual PadPuls PadPuls M1 · 10/2018 · VERSION 1.4 16 ">
Key features
- M-Bus compatible
- Pulse converter
- Floating pulse output
- Configurable units
- Built-in battery
- Write protection
- Easy configuration
Frequently asked questions
The PadPuls M1 can adapt consumption measuring instruments like electricity, gas, or water meters to the M-Bus system.
It converts pulses from a meter's floating pulse output into units like kWh, m3, or J, making the data compatible with the M-Bus system.
A built-in battery ensures continued metering for a period of time, even if the M-Bus fails. This allows for uninterrupted data collection.
Yes, the PadPuls M1 can be switched to protection mode with a special M-Bus telegram, preventing any changes to the device parameters.
The configuration is done using the MBCONF program, which is available on the Relay website.