Movisa MVT22MR 6.6 ft./79.2 in. J-Shaped Sliding Barn Door Track and Hardware Kit for Single Door Instructions
Product Content 1.1,2XRail EC 2 pa о 2] 2.1, 2XHanger @ @ 2.2, 4XLong Door Screw So, Su % a lo D GOO -: o e os a 3.1, 5XWall Spacer EEE 3.2, 5XAnchor RON (For concrete wall) 3.3, 5XLag Bolt SS. (For wood stud) 4.2, 1XHex Key 4.3, 2XRubber End S 5 4.4, 1XFloor Guide Ey N vi 4.1, 2XDoor Stopper M Tools Needed 1, Pencil C Cc © 2, Phillips Screwdriver => 3,Wrench D NC 4,Plumb Bob am 38 5 Level | 6,Drill 8,DrilBt 7779 9 Drill ВК = 7, Tape Measurements 78% 4. D 5 1 6" O 1 6" . 1 6" O 1 6" , ! lo) : m НЕ BY (O he a] H+ The TE et A.Over rail length is 7 834». B.The gap between each pre-drilled hole is 16”. C.Distance from door top side to holes on the wall is 1°Aer. D.End of the rail is 8% away from the entrance of the door. E.Distance from the bottom of the door is %r. F.Door height is H. G.The height of holes on the wall is H+1*%s-. Instructions It’ s very important that make sure whether you need to install a Header Board prior to installing the track. Due to many overlapping factors such as the location of wall studs (Our rail come with pre-drilled holes every 16” on center), the weight of a barn door and the various types of trim used in homes , we recommend using a Harder Board in all situations. Please install a 1”x 4” or 1”х 6” Header Board above the door opening directly into studs. Header Board must be solid wood and measure at least the full length of the track or longer. yy nn O м. ===> Y X Ra H+ Aer | * Header Board and lag Bolts AS for installing Header Board are not included in kit. LO Sliding Door Hardware Manual ( 1 Door J-Shape 6.6ft ) Place the rail against the wall ,and use a pencil to mark where the holes should be. Mark sure the height of holes on the wall is H + 1 11/16”. Level can make the rail horizontal. ———y Z E We provide 2 kinds of screws for you to install rail onto concrete wall or drywall. (A) Concrete wall installation. Install the anchor to holes on the concrete wall first , then install lag bolt to anchor. A - u - e — Drywall installation. Install the lag bolt to wood stud or head board directly. = — Insert door stoppers into rail ,install door stoppers between A-B and C-D. Door stopper is used to prevent the hangers coming out of the rail. р? ç D O IE o o 7 o ЭП Do not screw it т = place at this stage. EE Use router or circular saw to create a kerf at bottom of the door, along the center to allow the tip of the T-shaped floor guide to fit in between, to keep your door stable and prevent the door bottom swinging back and forth when you slide it open and closed. Install the hangers onto the door according to the measurement in the pictures below. Maximum door thickness is 1 3/4”, please add some bolt washers or cut the long door bolts to a suitable length to fit the door. The rubber ends are used to protect the door from touching the rail when sliding the door. You need to drill holes on the door top side , please drill the holes 1/2 away from the edge of the door. Then install the rubber ends on the door. Hang the door over the rail . — > Turn the rubber ends approximately 180 degrees so that they are stuck between the door and the rail. <=> Wes Adjust the 2 door stoppers to find a suitable position , use the hex key to screw the door stoppers in place. |< Install the floor guide. Put floor guide on the floor first to fix a suitable position and make a mark so that the tip of the floor guide can work well in the slot. Use suitable drill bit to drill holes on the floor where the mark is, and then install the floor guide. ">

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ROOMTEC Sliding Barn Door Hardware Kit 6.6ft Heavy Duty Sturdy - Smoothly and Quietly - Easy Installation - Fit 1 3/8-1 3/4" Thickness Door Panel - Black(J Shape Hanger) User Manual

SMARTSTANDARD SmartStandard 8FT One-Piece Track Double Sliding Barn Door Hardware Kit - Smoothly and Quietly - Easy to Install -Includes Step-by-Step Installation Instruction - Fit 48" Split Door Panel (J Shape) Sliding Door Hardware User Manual