Netgear ReadyRECOVER is a comprehensive backup and recovery appliance designed for small and mid-size businesses, providing fast and frequent backups, centralized monitoring, and the ability to restore individual files or entire systems quickly and reliably. With its block-level incremental forever technology, ReadyRECOVER eliminates the need for slow full backups and enables continuous data protection. Additionally, its WAN-optimized replication feature allows for efficient offsite backups, ensuring data security in the event of a disaster.
Application Note:
Technology Overview and Configuration Guide
Table of Contents
NETGEAR REAdyRECOVER APPliCATiON NOTE .................................................................................................. 1
REAdyRECOVER iNTROduCTiON..................................................................................................................... 3
BACkuP ChAllENGEs ......................................................................................................................................... 3
REAdyRECOVER BACkuP ANd sTORAGE ARChiTECTuRE ....................................................................... 3
ThE REAdyRECOVER REsTORATiON OPTiONs ............................................................................................ 4
BlOCk-lEVEl dEduPliCATiON & iNliNE COmPREssiON sAViNGs ..................................................... 5
sOluTiON COmPONENTs .................................................................................................................................. 6
imPlEmENTATiON sTEPs ................................................................................................................................... 7
................................................................................................................................... 7
iNsTAll shAdOwPROTECT BACkuP AGENT ON CliENT sysTEms ...................................................11
CREATE A BACkuP jOB ......................................................................................................................................11
ViEw BACkuP sETs ON REAdydATA ............................................................................................................16
REPliCATE BACkuP dATA OffsiTE fOR disAsTER RECOVERy [OPTiONAl] .....................................17
PERfORmiNG A siNGlE filE REsTORE .........................................................................................................22
CONClusiON ........................................................................................................................................................23
Page 2
ReadyRECOVER is a complete backup and recovery appliance designed for small and midsize businesses. Next-generation file system technology guarantees data integrity, efficient use of storage capacity and minimal impact to computing resources. with ReadyRECOVER, full backups are created every 15 minutes and can independently be used to quickly and reliably restore files, folders or complete systems to any platform, physical or virtual.
Traditional backup solutions create incremental “image chains” and require regular resource-draining full backup jobs to maintain data integrity and timely restore points. with ReadyRECOVER, each backup is a space-efficient recovery point that never requires image chain management or consolidation. in addition, each backup captures the entire target system, the windows operating system, all services, all applications, all settings and all data for fast full system recovery.
ReadyRECOVER is a seamless integration of the ReadydATA unified storage platform from NETGEAR and shadowProtect backup and recovery software from storageCraft.
Traditional backup solutions have limitations that restrict the ability to protect business data. more importantly, these limitations hinder the ability to recover data when needed or fail to do so in a timely manner to get business operations back online. specifically, traditional backup solutions are often unable to:
• send backups offsite where they are safe from disaster
• Protect data at frequent intervals to meet a business’ Recover Point Objective (RPO)
• Restore user data and business applications in a timely manner to meet a business’ Recovery Time Objective (RTO)
• Reduce overall storage costs by compressing and deduplicating data
• Guarantee backup integrity for reliable restoration
• Restore to any platform, Virtual or Physical in the event of a disaster (hardware independent Restore)
ReadyRECOVER combines storageCraft shadowProtect backup software and NETGEAR ReadydATA storage to deliver a unique backup and disaster recovery solution.
Physical Servers
Virtual Machines
Real-time verification
Backup integrity is checked in real-time
Backup unique changes only, forever
Ongoing backups are block-level, incremental forever when protecting VMs, Servers and
Replicate only incremental changes, forever
Backups are WAN optimized and sent offsite efficiently, without the need for a backup server offsite
Centralized monitoring
Includes appliance health monitoring & backup alerting
Storage efficient Full Backups every 15 minutes, forever
Every Backup is a full restore point at a fraction of the storage consumption
No Backup Server Required!
Appliance/Agent based solution, means no backup server or VM required onsite or offsite
Page 3
To address common backup challenges, ReadyRECOVER offers:
1. fast and frequent backups, using block-level incremental forever technology. After the first full backup, never again run a slow running full backup. most backup software claims to include incremental forever technology, but do not truly deliver on “forever” and often require monthly or yearly full backups, with incremental backups in between.
2. Real-time verification on write, so that backups can run around the clock without the need for verification jobs or maintenance operations.
3. Centralized monitoring and alerting of backup tasks, agent health, storage consumption, and RAid/disk state.
4. wAN optimized replication means only unique backup data is ever replicated, delivering significant bandwidth savings.
5. support for windows-based servers, Virtual machines, workstations and laptops with support for all major Virtualization platforms including Vmware, hyper-V and Xenserver. (Note: Guest Os must be microsoft windows, for more information visit
Physical Servers
Virtual Machines
Virtual Machines
Single File Restore
Any 15 minute backup can be used to restore a single file quickly
Full System Restore to any system (X2X)
ReadyRECOVER can restore any backup to any platform independent of hypervisor or server brand
Offsite Restore
Recovering offsite is just as simple as onsite recovery
Every 15 minute backup is a full restore point
Restores are fast because there is no need to traverse long backup image chains and frequent restore points mean less lost work
No cumbersome image consolidation
When every backup is a full restore point, a backup image management server is not needed
Restoration is the single most important part of any Backup and disaster Recovery solution. for this reason, ReadyRECOV-
ER focuses on real-world needs in a disaster situation, including:
1. Single File Restore – Any 15 minute backup can be mounted instantly and recovery of individual files. This capability means users don’t have to wait to get important files or application data back in the event of corruption or human error.
2. Hardware Independent Restore (HIR) – Operating systems and applications can be restored onsite or offsite. more importantly, full systems can be restored to any hardware or virtualization platform (P2V, V2P, P2P, V2V) available at the time of disaster.
Page 4
ReadyRECOVER employs a unique technique to deliver storage efficiency that saves space on disk and reduces bandwidth consumption when replicating backups offsite. These efficiencies are delivered by three complementary techniques:
1. Change Tracking (Forever): Only newly changed blocks ever need to be sent from the source system (backup client) to the ReadydATA onsite or the ReadydATA offsite
2. Block-level Deduplication: when each full backup image is written, common blocks from previous backups are not stored twice. Because only unique blocks are written, many independent full backup images can be stored, while minimizing capacity consumption.
3. Inline Compression: As data is written to ReadydATA, it is compressed and checksummed in real-time.
Protected Server/VM
OS + Application
1 0 0
1 1 0
0 1 0
1. Change Clock Tracking (forever)
2. Deduplication
11:00am Full Backup
11:15am Full Backup
11:30am Full Backup
3. Inline
1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 deduplication of backup data requires end-to-end data integrity at a block level because many backups may reference the same block. in ReadyRECOVER, inline checksumming is implemented to guarantee every block is correct when restoring. if a block is corrupt, it is silently repaired using checksums and object-based RAid technology built into ReadydATA.
• Reliable change tracking: The storageCraft backup agent (called shadowProtect), can reliably track incremental sector changes on servers and PCs. storageCraft started as a storage driver vendor in 2004. it has since created backup software with deep Vss integration and sector level change tracking using a microsoft-certified driver in the windows i/O stack. Every piece of data written (saved) on a PC or server must pass through the storageCraft driver, allowing it to track every change.
• Data integrity forever: ReadydATA employs a next-generation file system that checksums all data inline. when new backup data is written, it is checksummed at the block level. when that data is read (for recovery), the checksum is verified. if the checksum indicates an issue, ReadydATA uses self-healing RAid technology (object based RAid) to find a copy of the same data elsewhere on disk and repair the broken copy.
• All storage devices that use RAid keep redundant data (extra copies) on disk. however, most of these devices do not checksum data and are unable to tell if the data being read back is valid. Additionally, they are unable to heal corrupted data.
Page 5
Below is a depiction of ReadyRECOVER’s technical architecture, which shows holistic, end-to-end integrity.
1) The storageCraft shadowProtect agent reliably tracks changes on the server/PC.
2) it sends changed data to ReadydATA, where the data is immediately “fingerprinted” (checksummed) and redundant copies (mirror or parity) are written to ReadydATA’s object-based RAid.
3) The shadowProtect agent reads data from ReadydATA. Before the data is given to the agent, ReadydATA confirms that the data is valid using the fingerprint (checksum). if the checksum proves the data to be valid, it is sent to the agent, which can trust the validity of the data. if the fingerprint (checksum) shows the data to be invalid, ReadydATA automatically heals the data by using an alternate copy from one of the other disks in the system.
Protected Server/VM
OS + Application
1. ShadowProtect Change Block
Tracking (Forever)
1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
(Only one Full Backup operation)
2. Checksum individual blocks on-write
(Fingerprint Data)
1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
Disk Disk Disk Disk
1 1 1 1 0 1
3. Checksum
Verification on read
3. Self-healing object-based RAID
ReadyRECOVER is the combination of ReadydATA storage and storageCraft shadowProtect:
ShadowProtect Software / License
• ShadowProtect Server Edition v5.20
• ShadowProtect Virtual Server Edition v5.20
• ShadowProtect Desktop Edition v5.20
Virtual Machines
ReadyDATA 516
• ReadyDATAOS 1.4.2
• 6 x SATA Drives
• Up to 24TB RAW
• Block-level Replication
• Inline Compression,
Checksum, Dedupe
ReadyDATA 5200 (optional Offsite/DR)
• ReadyDATAOS 1.4.2
• 60 x SATA Drives (Up to 240TB RAW)
• Block-level Replication
• Inline Compression, Checksum, Dedupe
1. storageCraft shadowProtect licenses and software for each server, Vm, or workstation to be protected. minimum shadowProtect software version must be 5.20.
2. ReadydATA 5200 or ReadydATA 516 running firmware ReadydATAOs 1.4.2 or later with appropriately sized hard drives.
3. [Optional, but highly recommended] A second ReadydATA in an offsite location for disaster recovery.
Page 6
To successfully deploy ReadyRECOVER, complete the following steps:
1. Configure ReadydATA
2. install shadowProtect Backup Agent on clients systems
3. Create a backup job
4. Replicate backup data offsite for disaster Recovery [Optional]
The following high-level steps are required to deploy ReadydATA in a supported ReadyRECOVER configuration. following these steps will ensure the best possible results when deploying ReadyRECOVER.
1. Connect to ReadydATA
2. Create a volume for hosting backup data
3. Configure Networking & set hostname
4. Change default Admin password (mandatory for successful backups)
5. Configure Email Alerting detailed information about installing the ReadydATA 5200 and 516 can be found in the following resources:
• ReadydATA hardware manual and ReadydATA Os software manual. These documents are available on the resource Cd that came with your product. you can also obtain these manuals by clicking the ? icon in the ReadydATA dashboard.
• The support website at
1. Connecting to ReadyDATA
ReadydATA is fully administrable from a supported web browser. when ReadydATA is powered on for the first time, all network interfaces will be set to dhCP to allow the system to obtain a valid iP address on the network. To discover the system iP address, check the dhCP logs on your dhCP server or download and run the NETGEAR “RAidar” discovery utility. RAidar can be downloaded at
Once the iP address is discovered, simply enter it into the address bar of a supported browser. The default username and password are “admin” and “password”.
2. Create a volume for hosting backup data
ReadydATA supports RAid levels 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 50, and 60. for ReadyRECOVER configurations, it is recommend to use
RAid5 for less than six disks configuration and RAid50 (medium performance profile) configurations in six disk solutions and larger.
in environments with large numbers of clients and where replication will be used, it is recommended to use RAid50.
Page 7
To create the volume, perform the following steps from the admin ui:
1. select the “system” Tab, then select “storage”
2. select all the drives you would like to include in the volume and click “Create”
3. Enter a name for the Volume, for example ‘Backup’
4. select Protection level, for example “RAid5” (note: this will lead to RAid50 options) and click “Create”
1. Select System > Storage
2 . Click “New Volume”
2. Select Drives
Hold down the left mouse button and drag to select many drives
3 . Enter Name
4. Select RAID/
Protection Level
when selecting six or more drives, you will be prompted with multiple performance options. selecting medium performance is recommended for ReadyRECOVER installations.
Medium Performance
Ideal for large numbers of backup clients and when replication will impletemented
The new volume will be created instantly and is ready to store backups immediately. ReadydATA’s object-based RAid technology eliminates the need to format the drives and create parity at the time of volume creation. Parity is generated in real-time when backups are written to the system, which allows for instant volume creation. more importantly, object-based
RAid silently repairs corrupted blocks in the event of on-disk corruption.
Page 8
3. ReadyDATA Networking & Set Hostname
Network settings can be changed by logging into the administration console and selecting the “Network” tab.
it is recommended that ReadydATA be connected to the physical network using bonding (lACP) to ensure a reliable and durable connection for ongoing backups.
At a minimum, set a static iP address along with a valid subnet and gateway address so client systems always route to the same location.
Static IP Address
Static IP settings will ensure that backup clients will not have any issues finding the ReadyDATA
Bonded Interfaces (LACP)
Provides redundancy and performance
Note: lACP must be supported and configured on the attached switch before enabling bonding on ReadydATA. failure to configure switching correctly can cause the ReadydATA device to become disconnected from the network.
Ensure that the time is set correctly on the ReadydATA device and that the hostname is unique and recognizable for logging and alerting purposes. To do so:
1. select the “system” Tab, then select the “Overview” tab
2. Click on the settings cog
3. Enter a new hostname, for example “OnsiteB2d”
4. [Optional] if the time is incorrect, select the “clock” icon to update time and time zone settings
1. Select “System” > “Overview”
2. Select Drives
Hold down the left mouse button and drag to select many drives
4. (Option) Change Time Zone
3. Change “Name” and click
Page 9
4. Change Admin Password (mandatory for successful backups)
in general, it is highly recommended that you change your admin password on ReadydATA before storing any data on the system. in the case of ReadyRECOVER, it is mandatory to change the password before backup clients can successfully backup to the system.
To change the admin password:
1. Click on the “Profile” menu on the top right of the administration console
2. select “Change Admin Password”
3. Complete the form with a new admin password and recovery question/answers
5. Configure Email Alerting
To receive email alerts about ReadyRECOVER backup client failures, hardware status, and storage volume health from the
ReadydATA device, email alerting must be configured.
To enable email alerting:
1. Click “system” and then “settings”
2. in the Alerts sections, click to “+” button to add an email recipient
3. fill out smTP settings with valid settings from your mail server/service
4. Click the “Apply” button
5. Click “send Test message” and verify you receive and email
1. System > Settings
2. Add email recipient
3. Enter SMTP settings
4. Click “Apply”
5. Test Email
Congratulations! your ReadydATA is ready to receive ReadyRECOVER backups from clients on the network.
Page 10
Before you can configure backup on any microsoft windows-based system, you must install the shadowProtect agent.
The agent can be downloaded from the NETGEAR ReadyRECOVER product page at:
Once the agent is installed, the client system will need to be rebooted.
from the windows start menu, select “shadowProtect”. To create a backup job, click “Create a job” and the backup wizard will begin.
Click “Create a Job”
Click “Next” to start the Backup wizard.
Click “Next”
Page 11
from the volume list, select the volumes you would like to protect. Typically, the volumes with assigned drive letters are all that are required.
Select Boot and Data volumes from the dropdown list, choose “Network locations” (Note: do not click “Browse…”)
Select “Network Locations”
from the dropdown menu
Page 12
fill out the fields in the destination step.
1. select “NETGEAR ReadydATA” as the “destination Type”
2. Enter a name for the “New destination share” (default is set to hostname)
3. Enter the iP Address for the ReadydATA
4. Enter the admin password for the ReadydATA and click “Connect”
5. Once connected, select a volume from the ReadydATA
6. select which ReadydATA account you would like to use when the backup process access the storage. By default, this will be the ReadydATA admin account. By selecting “new/existing”, an alternate ReadydATA account can be used for granular access control.
7. Click “Ok” to continue
ReadyDATA” as the
Destination Type
Enter the IP Address of
the ReadyDATA
Enter the admin credentials and
Click “Connect”
Select a Volume on the ReadyDATA to
backup to
Choose which ReadyDATA account will be used each time the backup runs
(admin or other user)
Click “Ok”
Page 13
On the Backup Name and destination step, you may customize the name of the individual backup image files that are created each time the backup runs. it is recommended to leave the default names.
(optionally) customize
backup image names
Click “Next” from the scheduler, select which days as well as the time range you would like backups to occur. Backups can run continuously by selecting a time in “start taking backups at this time” one second after the time in “stop taking backups at this time”.
Customize Schedule to
meet your backup needs
Click “Next”
Page 14
from the “Retention” tab select the minimum number of backups to keep and the maximum range (in days) of backups to keep. Retention will automatically consolidate aging backups into less granular restore points that span the defined backup range as per the “Retention policy rules” below.
Set minimum numer of
backups to retain
Set maximum range of
backups to keep (in days)
Click “Next”
Confirm all the settings on the summary screen and optionally select “Execute Now” to run the first backup.
Select “Execute Now” to run the first
backup immediately
Page 15
Click “Finish”
The first backup job will start and show progress in the “Backup jobs” tab. you may close the client and the Backup will continue as a background operation.
The first and only full
backup will run.
To see existing backups and storage consumption metrics, open the ReadydATA ui in a supported web browser
(https://{iP Address}) and select the “shares” tab.
Select the “Shares” tab to see the ReadyRECOVER Backups
After First backup
First backup has savings leveraging inline compression (this example
small savings only)
… After 3 Backups
Savings ratio will grow (example: 3:1) as each full backup only stores
block-level changes
… After 4 Backups
Savings ratio will continue to grow
(example: 4:1) as each full backup
only stores block-level changes
First Backup Savings - storage savings on the first backup operation will be based on inline compression at the block- level. These savings vary based on the data type of the source server/client.
Ongoing Backup Savings – The ongoing savings will increase as more backups occur. Each backup stores only block changes, while keeping fully independent backup images.
Page 16
To offer additional protection against disaster, ReadydATA offers the ability to replicate ReadyRECOVER backups offsite to a secondary ReadydATA system.
One of the largest deployment considerations when setting up offsite data replication is the ongoing wAN bandwidth requirement. The best way to deliver fast and effective offsite replication is to reduce the amount of data being replicated.
Combining ReadyRECOVER block-level change tracking with ReadydATA replication will maximize wAN bandwidth efficiency when replicating backups to an offsite location. much like the backup process itself, ongoing replication will only ever need to send incremental block-level changes after the first successful full replication cycle (forever).
Physical Servers
Virtual Machines
Real-time verification
Backup integrity is checked in real-time
Backup unique changes only, forever
Ongoing backups are block-level, incremental forever when protecting VMs, Servers and
Replicate only incremental changes, forever
Backups are WAN optimized and sent offsite efficiently, without the need for a backup server offsite
Onsite ReadyDATA
Offsite ReadyDATA
To configure replication of a Backup set to a secondary location, you will need to have deployed a secondary system in the desired location, enabled replication services on that system, and copied the replication certificate key from the secondary system to the primary system. The certificate key can be found in the ReadydATA administration console (Replicate Tab > Certificates).
Page 17
steps to configure replication of ReadyRECOVER Backups:
1. Connect to the onsite ReadydATA with a supported web browser
2. select the “Replicate” tab for the top menu
3. Click the “New job” button
4. Give the replication job a unique and descriptive name
5. Expand the source system and select the source Backup set
6. Enter the iP Address of the destination system. (Note: this address must be accessible from the source system for wAN replication, port forwarding through firewalls on the remote site may be need.)
a. for an alternative option that does not require manual port forwarding, ReadydATA’s cloud-managed replication can be used. Please reference the ReadydATA Os software manual for setup instructions. This document is available on the resource Cd that came with your ReadydATA. you can also obtain these manuals by clicking the ? icon in the
ReadydATA dashboard
7. select the “Access key” (Certificate) from the dropdown list and click “Connect”
8. select a volume from the remote ReadydATA as a destination for replication
9. Click the “Next” button to continue the wizard
Select “Replicate” Tab
Click “New Job” Button
Enter a descriptive name for the replication job
Select Backup set from the local ReadyDATA
Enter the IP Address of the remote ReadyDATA
Select the Access key of the Remote ReadyDATA
Select a Volume on the remote system
Click “Next” to Continue
Page 18
1. Enter a unique name for the remote Backup set
2. [Optional] when replicating over a public network or limited bandwidth connection, it is recommended to select “Compression”
3. Click the “Next” button to continue
Enter a name for the remote backup set
When replicating on the internet use compression
Click “Next” to continue
Page 19
select the frequency of the replication. This is an important decision based on recovery requirements and environmental factors such as connectivity between ReadydATA systems.
Periodic replication is recommended for ReadyRECOVER installations. Replication can be scheduled on an hourly basis to meet aggressive recovery point objectives (RPOs) at offsite locations. however, for environments with restricted bandwidth, it is recommended to schedule periodic replication outside of business hours.
Select a schedule frequency
Select which hours for replication to occur
Click “Next” to continue
Footer use for Presentation Title or footnotes
Once you have selected an appropriate replication frequency, press the “Next” Button to continue.
Page 20
finally, click the “finish” Button to complete the replication wizard.
Click “Finish” to start
Footer use for Presentation Title or footnotes
Once the wizard is complete, the replication job is ready to run its first replication cycle.
Page 21
ReadyRECOVER allows you to recover entire operating system in case of a hardware failure, disaster, or data corruption. however, smaller recovery tasks are far more frequent. One of the most common recovery situations in a server environment is the need to restore a single file that may have been changed or deleted.
ReadyRECOVER provides a simple and reliable way to recover any file from any previous backup.
Press Ctrl + R, then enter
“\\” and the ReadyDATA IP
Open backup location using the ReadyDATA admin account
Browse to desires backup time stamp
Select StorageCraft
“Quick Mount”
Recovery Steps
1. Connect to the desktop of any system that has the shadowProtect agent installed
2. Press the Ctrl + R to bring up the windows Run menu
3. Enter the uNC path for the ReadydATA that hosts the ReadyRECOVER backups ( \\{iP Address})
4. Open the backup share with the same name as your Backup set
5. Browse through the “Competed_Backups” folder to the time stamped folder which contains the desired backup
6. Right click on the backup image file of the volume that contains the file you wish to restore. select “storageCraft Quick mount”.
Page 22
A copy of the whole volume that is being protected by ReadyRECOVER will be mounted as a local drive on the system.
simply browse through the newly mounted volume and copy any files that need to be restored back to their original location.
Backup appears as a local drive
To Restore:
Simply copy a file from the mounted backup drive back to it’s original location
Congratulations! you have successfully recovered files. detailed information about full system recovery, often called “bare metal recovery”, can be found in the ReadyRECOVER user manual, which is available on the ReadyRECOVER product page at:
Protecting business data is a top concern for iT administrators. Administrators who seek to deliver granular recovery points as part of a disaster recovery strategy must overcome common backup challenges. To address these challenges, ReadyRECOVER offers:
1. fast and frequent backups
2. Real-time verification on write
3. Centralized monitoring and alerting
4. wAN optimized replication
5. support for windows-based servers, Virtual machines, workstations and laptops with support for all major Virtualization platforms including Vmware, hyper-V and Xenserver with ReadyRECOVER, full backups are created every 15 minutes and can independently be used to quickly and reliably restore files, folders or complete systems to any platform, physical or virtual.
This document describes the technology foundation on which ReadyRECOVER is based and offers configuration guidance. for additional assistance or product information, reach out to an authorized NETGEAR reseller ( business/buy/#tab-authorizedresellers).
NETGEAR, the NETGEAR logo, ReadydATA and ReadyRECOVER are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NETGEAR, inc. and/or its subsidiaries in the united states and/or other countries. Other brand names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective holder(s). information is subject to change without notice. © 2014 NETGEAR, inc. All rights reserved.
Page 23
Related manuals
Table of contents
- 3 BACkuP ChAllENGEs
- 5 BlOCk-lEVEl dEduPliCATiON & iNliNE COmPREssiON sAViNGs
- 7 imPlEmENTATiON sTEPs
- 16 ViEw BACkuP sETs ON REAdydATA
- 22 PERfORmiNG A siNGlE filE REsTORE
- 23 CONClusiON