XEVO 2.2 Software Manual June 2022 XEVO Software Manual ANNOUNCEMENT Copyright © Copyright 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted without written permission from QSAN Technology, Inc. QSAN believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice. Trademarks i QSAN, the QSAN logo,, XEVO (a flash-based management system), XCubeFAS, SANOS, XCubeSAN, and XCubeDAS are trademarks or registered trademarks of QSAN Technology, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, and Hyper-V are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and/or other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Mac and OS X are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. VMware, ESXi, and vSphere are registered trademarks or trademarks of VMware, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Citrix and Xen are registered trademarks or trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other trademarks and trade names used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products are the property of their respective owners. Announcement © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS Announcement........................................................................................................................... i Notices ...................................................................................................................................... vi Preface ..................................................................................................................................... vii About This Manual................................................................................................................... vii Related Documents ................................................................................................................. vii Technical Support .................................................................................................................... vii Information, Tip, and Caution ................................................................................................ viii Conventions ............................................................................................................................ viii 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ii XEVO Overview ................................................................................................................ 1 1.1. XEVO Functionality List ................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Terminology .................................................................................................................... 4 Getting Started ................................................................................................................. 7 2.1. Discover the Storage System .......................................................................................... 7 2.2. Initial Setup ..................................................................................................................... 9 XEVO User Interface ........................................................................................................ 10 3.1. XEVO Web UI Overview ................................................................................................ 10 3.2. Accessing the Management USB LCM .......................................................................... 12 Dashboard Tab and QSLife ............................................................................................... 16 4.1. Dashboard Overview .................................................................................................... 16 4.2. Introduce QSLife Functions .......................................................................................... 21 Storage Tab ..................................................................................................................... 22 5.1. RAID and RAID EE Summary ......................................................................................... 22 5.2. Storage Information ..................................................................................................... 25 5.3. Configure Storage Pools ............................................................................................... 27 5.4. Hot Spares..................................................................................................................... 40 5.5. Disk Roaming ................................................................................................................ 40 Announcement © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 6. 5.6. SSD Cache ..................................................................................................................... 41 5.7. Auto Tiering .................................................................................................................. 41 Hosts Tab......................................................................................................................... 43 6.1. 7. 8. 9. 10. Configure Host Groups ................................................................................................. 43 Protection Tab ................................................................................................................. 50 7.1. Protection Features ...................................................................................................... 50 7.2. Configure Protection Groups ........................................................................................ 52 Analysis Tab..................................................................................................................... 64 8.1. Analysis Features .......................................................................................................... 64 8.2. Array Analysis ............................................................................................................... 64 System Tab ...................................................................................................................... 66 9.1. Arrays Information........................................................................................................ 66 9.2. Configure System Settings ............................................................................................ 70 9.3. Configure Data Port Settings ........................................................................................ 73 9.4. Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 77 9.5. Data Encryption ............................................................................................................ 85 Messages Tab .................................................................................................................. 86 10.1. Log Center ..................................................................................................................... 86 10.2. Configure Notification Settings .................................................................................... 87 11. Support and Other Resources .......................................................................................... 91 11.1. Getting Technical Support ............................................................................................ 91 11.2. Documentation Feedback............................................................................................. 92 Appendix.................................................................................................................................. 93 Glossary and Acronym List ...................................................................................................... 93 End-User License Agreement (EULA)....................................................................................... 97 iii Announcement © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual FIGURES iv Figure 2-1 XFinder Utility ................................................................................................................ 8 Figure 3-1 XEVO Dashboard .......................................................................................................... 10 Figure 3-2 Portable USB LCM ........................................................................................................ 12 Figure 3-3 USB LCM Screen ........................................................................................................... 12 Figure 4-1 XEVO Dashboard .......................................................................................................... 16 Figure 4-2 Performance Indicator in Dashboard .......................................................................... 19 Figure 4-3 Upper Right Corner Icons ............................................................................................ 20 Figure 5-1 Thin Provisioning Pool Details ..................................................................................... 28 Figure 5-2 List Disk Groups ........................................................................................................... 32 Figure 5-3 List Volumes ................................................................................................................. 35 Figure 6-1 iSCSI Host Group Details .............................................................................................. 43 Figure 6-2 FC Host Group Details .................................................................................................. 44 Figure 6-3 List Host Profile ............................................................................................................ 46 Figure 6-4 List Connected Volumes .............................................................................................. 47 Figure 7-1 Protection Group ......................................................................................................... 52 Figure 7-2 Protection Group with Snapshot Plan ......................................................................... 54 Figure 7-3 List Snapshot Tasks ...................................................................................................... 54 Figure 7-4 Snapshot Center .......................................................................................................... 56 Figure 7-5 Protection Group with Replication Plan-Local ............................................................ 59 Figure 7-6 List Replication Tasks ................................................................................................... 59 Figure 7-7 Protection Group with Replication Plan-Remote ........................................................ 61 Figure 7-8 List Replication Tasks ................................................................................................... 61 Figure 8-1 Performance Graph ..................................................................................................... 64 Announcement © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual TABLES Table 3-1 USB LCM Function List .................................................................................................. 13 Table 3-2 USB LCM Menu Hierarchy ............................................................................................. 14 Table 4-1 Hardware Alert Pane Descriptions................................................................................ 17 Table 5-1 RAID Level Summary - 1 ................................................................................................ 22 Table 5-2 RAID Level Summary - 2 ................................................................................................ 23 Table 5-3 RAID EE Summary ......................................................................................................... 24 Table 5-4 General Storage Parameters ......................................................................................... 25 Table 5-5 Thick Provisioning Pool Parameters ............................................................................. 25 Table 5-6 Thin Provisioning and Auto Tiering Pool Parameters ................................................... 26 Table 5-7 SSD Cache Parameters .................................................................................................. 26 Table 5-8 Volumes Parameters ..................................................................................................... 27 Table 5-9 Descriptions of Pool Columns ....................................................................................... 28 Table 5-10 Descriptions of Disk Group Columns ............................................................................ 32 Table 5-11 Descriptions of Volume Columns ................................................................................. 35 v Table 6-1 Descriptions of Host Group Columns............................................................................ 44 Table 6-2 Descriptions of Connected Volume Columns ............................................................... 48 Table 9-1 Array Descriptions......................................................................................................... 67 Table 9-2 Disk Descriptions ........................................................................................................... 69 Table 9-3 UPS Status Descriptions ................................................................................................ 81 Announcement © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual NOTICES Information contained in this manual has been reviewed for accuracy. But it could include typographical errors or technical inaccuracies. Changes are made to the document periodically. These changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. QSAN may make improvements or changes in the products. All features, functionality, and product specifications are subject to change without prior notice or obligation. All statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurements may have been estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment. This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental. vi Notices © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual PREFACE About This Manual This manual provides technical guidance for QSAN flash-based storage management, and it is intended for use by system administrators, SAN designers, storage consultants, or anyone who has purchased these products and is familiar with servers and computer networks, network administration, storage system installation and configuration, storage area network management, and relevant protocols. Related Documents There are related documents which can be downloaded from the website. QIG (Quick Installation Guide) Hardware Manual Compatibility Matrix White Papers Application Notes Technical Support Do you have any questions or need help trouble-shooting a problem? Please contact QSAN Support, we will reply to you as soon as possible. vii Via the Web: Via Telephone: +886-2-77206355 (Service hours: 09:30 - 18:00, Monday - Friday, UTC+8) Via Skype Chat, Skype ID: (Service hours: 09:30 - 02:00, Monday - Friday, UTC+8, Summer time: 09:30 - 01:00) Preface © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Via Email: [email protected] Information, Tip, and Caution This manual uses the following symbols to draw attention to important safety and operational information. INFORMATION INFORMATION provides useful knowledge, definition, or terminology for reference. TIP TIP provides helpful suggestions for performing tasks more effectively. CAUTION CAUTION indicates that failure to take a specified action could result in damage to the system. Conventions The following table describes the typographic conventions used in this manual. viii Preface © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual CONVENTIONS Bold DESCRIPTION Indicates text on a window, other than the window title, including menus, menu options, buttons, fields, and labels. Example: Click the OK button. <Italic> Indicates a variable, which is a placeholder for actual text provided by the user or system. Example: copy <source-file> <target-file>. [ ] square Indicates optional values. brackets Example: [ a | b ] indicates that you can choose a, b, or nothing. { } braces | vertical bar / Slash underline ix Indicates required or expected values. Example: { a | b } indicates that you must choose either a or b. Indicates that you have a choice between two or more options or arguments. Indicates all options or arguments. Indicates the default value. Example: [ a | b ] Preface © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 1. XEVO OVERVIEW XEVO is a flash-based storage management system designed by QSAN. XEVO's core technology provides the excellence, flexibility, and intelligence needed to simplify all content for a hybrid storage system. Its features set the foundation for the next generation of flash-based storage from enterprise data services for all workloads to proven XEVO’s availability and optimization. This chapter provides an overview of the XEVO functionality and includes a brief explanation of storage terminology for you to be more familiar with the storage technologies used by the flash-based array system. 1.1. XEVO Functionality List XEVO provides the following functionality for administrator management. Dashboard Provide hardware alert and system alert. Display array capacity information and storage overview. Monitor storage array performance by latency, IOPS, and throughput. Monitor and optimize drives performance and longevity. Monitor drive usage and learn SSD usage effectively with custom notifications. System reboot or shutdown. Storage Management 1 Support RAID pool with RAID level 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 0+1, 10, 30, 50, 60, and N-way mirror. Also support RAID EE level 5EE, 6EE, 50EE, and 60EE. Support thick provisioning pool and online migrate RAID pool. Support thin provisioning pool with space reclamation. Support online storage pool capacity expansion and volume capacity extension. Configure disk properties with disk write cache, disk read-ahead, and command queuing. XEVO Overview © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Configure volume properties with background I/O priority, volume write-back cache, and video editing mode for enhanced performance. Support global hot spares for pool. Support fast RAID rebuild. Support SSD life monitoring and S.M.A.R.T attributes. Support pool parity check. Support pool activated and deactivated for disk roaming. Support multiple volume creation. Support SED (Self-Encrypting Drive) and ISE (Instant Secure Erase) drives. Volume QoS (Quality of Service). Host Management Support host groups to bind hosts and volumes. Obtain host connectivity information. Configure iSCSI target with CHAP (Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol) and mutual CHAP authentication. List iSCSI sessions. Protection and Data Backup 2 Support protection groups to protect volumes together. Enable snapshot space automatically. Support writable snapshot with manual or schedule tasks. Recycle snapshots. Support volume cloning for local replication. Easily deploy the local clone without doing configurations. Support remote replication with traffic shaping for dynamic bandwidth controller. Auto Replication, easily deploy the remote replication without doing configurations 1 step local-to-remote. XEVO Overview © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Analysis and Statistics Monitor volume, disk, data port performance and history by latency, IOPS, and throughput. Monitor volume capacity and history usage. QReport generates performance, capacity analytics, SSD cache, and auto tiering statistics within 1 year. Advanced QReport collects all disk drive health and analysis information, compiles them into emails and sends regular emails. System Management 3 Monitor enclosure status of head and enclosure units. Monitor cache to flash memory protection status. BBM (Battery Backup Module), SCM (Super Capacitor Module), and flash module are optional add-ons. Blink UID (Unique Identifier) LEDs for locating the storage arrays. Configure login options. Change system name, date and time. Configuration export and import. Configure management IP address, DNS, and service ports. Configure data port settings. Configure iSCSI connectivity with IP address, link aggregation, VLAN (Virtual LAN) ID and jumbo frame. Setup entity name and iSNS (Internet Storage Name Service). Configure fibre channel connectivity with link speed and topology. Obtain system information and download service package. Update firmware of head unit or enclosure unit(s). Support disk firmware batch update. Support boot management including auto shutdown, wake-on-LAN, and wake-on-SAS. Support network UPS via SNMP. System reset to default and volume restoration for maintenance usage. Support RBAC (Role-Based Access Control). XEVO Overview © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Support RESTful API (Application Programming Interface). Provide background task monitoring. Message Management Configure alert notifications through email or SNMP traps. View event logs with different levels of event and download event logs. 1.2. Terminology In this section, we introduce the terms that are used for the storage system throughout this manual. RAID RAID is the abbreviation of Redundant Array of Independent Disks. There are different RAID levels with different degrees of data protection, data availability, and performance to the host environment. Pools A storage pool is a collection of disk drives. One pool consists of a set of volumes and owns one RAID level attribute. Volumes Each pool can be divided into several volumes. The volumes from one pool have the same RAID level, but may have different volume capacity. LUN A LUN (Logical Unit Number) is a unique identifier for designating an individual or collection of physical or virtual storage devices that execute I/O commands with a host computer, as defined by the SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) standard. iSCSI 4 XEVO Overview © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual iSCSI (Internet SCSI) is a protocol which encapsulates SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) commands and data in TCP/IP packets for linking storage devices with servers over common IP infrastructures. Fibre Channel Fibre channel is an extremely fast system interface. It was initially developed for use primarily in the supercomputing field, but has become the standard connection type for storage area networks (SAN) in enterprise storage. SAS Serial-attached SCSI offers advantages over older parallel technologies. The cables are thinner, and the connectors are less bulky. Serial data transfer allows the use of longer cables than parallel data connections. SSD An SSD (Solid-State Drive) is a solid-state storage device that uses integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data persistently. Thick Provisioning Thick provisioning is allocated upon creation the physical disk drive space and is equal to the user capacity seen by the host server. It also called fat provisioning. Thin Provisioning Thin provisioning is allocated on-demand and can be less than the user capacity seen by the host server. It involves using virtualization technology to give the appearance of having more physical resources than are actually available. Snapshot A volume snapshot is the state of a system at a particular point in time. Local Clone Local clone function has another physical data copy as the original volume. 5 XEVO Overview © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Remote Replication Remote replication function prevents primary site failure by replicating data to the remote sites. QoS (Quality of Service) QoS has a control mechanism that provides different priorities to ensure that the performance of the data stream reaches a certain level according to the requirements of the application 6 XEVO Overview © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 2. GETTING STARTED This chapter explains how to discover the storage system and how to sign into XEVO. 2.1. Discover the Storage System The default setting for the management IP address is DHCP. For users who are going to install at the first time, we provide the XFinder Java utility to search for QSAN products on the network and aid quick access to the login page of the XEVO web interface. 2.1.1. XFinder Utility XFinder utility provides to search QSAN products on LAN. You can discover the management IP addresses of the storage systems via this utility. Please download XFinder utility from the following website. In addition, XFinder is a java based program. It is also a highly portable utility. To execute this program, JRE (Java Runtime Environment) is required. You can visit the following websites to download and install JRE. After JRE is installed, run the XFinder.jar program. The AFA storage system in your network will be detected and listed in the table. 7 Getting Started © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Figure 2-1 XFinder Utility Take an example in Figure 2-1, XFinder discovers two systems in LAN. The default setting of the management port IP address is gotten from the DHCP server, e.g., The default system name is the model name plus the last 6 digits of the serial number, e.g., XF2026-D60000. Double-clicking the selected entry will automatically bring up the browser and display the login page. INFORMATION XFinder utility works in the following network environments: 8 Both the management port of the SAN storage system and the management computer are both on the same subnet domain of the LAN. The LAN works with or without DHCP server. If the LAN doesn’t have a DHCP server, it still can work on zeroconfiguration networking. The management port will be assigned a fix IP address: So you can configure the IP address of your management computer to the same subnet domain of the storage system, e.g.: Then open a browser and enter to go into the login page. For more information about zero configuration, please refer to: Getting Started © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 2.2. Initial Setup The Initial configuration wizard will guide the first time user to initialize and set up the system quickly. Here is a video to setup the storage for the first time. Please refer to the Setup the Storage through the Quick Installation Wizard Tutorial. 9 Getting Started © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 3. XEVO USER INTERFACE This chapter illustrates the web user interface of XEVO and provides a brief introduction to the XEVO desktop function menus. 3.1. XEVO Web UI Overview To access the management web user interface, open a supported web browser and enter the management IP address or Hostname of the system. When the password has been verified, the dashboard is displayed. Figure 3-1 XEVO Dashboard The XEVO Web UI contains the following tabs: Dashboard The Dashboard function tab represents a graphical overview of the array, including hardware alert, array capacity, system alerts, storage overview, and I/O (Input/Output) performance metrics. For more information, please refer to chapter 4.1, Dashboard Overview section. 10 XEVO User Interface © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Storage Select the Storage function tab to display the storage pools on the array, including disk groups and volumes. View and operate the storage pools and their snapshots. For more information, please refer to chapter 5, Storage Tab. Hosts Select the Hosts function tab to display the host objects on the array, including host groups, host profile, connected volumes, and CHAP settings. View and operate the host objects and the connections between them. For more information, please refer to chapter 6, Hosts Tab. Protection Select the Protection function tab to display the protection groups on the array. View and operate the protection groups, their snapshot plan, and replication plan. For more information, please refer to chapter 7, Protection Tab. Analysis Select the Analysis function tab to display the historical array information, including I/O performance metrics and storage capacity, from various viewpoints. For more information, please refer to chapter 8, Analysis Tab. System Select the System function tab to display the system health and array-wide information. View and manage the array components, including user accounts, system general settings, management and data port interfaces, and maintenance functions. For more information, please refer to chapter 9, System Tab. Messages Select the Messages function tab to display the log events, and setup the notification methods. For more information, please refer to chapter 10, Messages Tab. 11 XEVO User Interface © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 3.2. Accessing the Management USB LCM Optionally, we provide a portable USB LCM (LCD Control Module) for simple management. To access the management USB LCM, plug it into the USB port of the right ear in the front panel. Figure 3-2 Portable USB LCM After plugging the USB LCM into the system, the LCD screen shows the management port IP address and the system model name. QSAN XF3126 Figure 3-3 ← USB LCM Screen To access the LCM options, use the ENT (Enter) button, ESC (Escape) button, (up) and (down) to scroll through the functions. MUTE button to mute the buzzer when the system alarms. If there are event logs occurred, events will be displayed on the first line of the LCM. TIP The event alert settings can be changed, please refer to the chapter 10.2.2, Alert Settings section. This table describes the function of each item. 12 XEVO User Interface © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Table 3-1 FUNCTION System Info. Reset/Shutdown View IP Setting USB LCM Function List DESCRIPTION Display system information including firmware version and memory size. Reset or shutdown the system. Display current IP address, subnet mask, and gateway. Change IP Config Set IP address, subnet mask, and gateway. There are three options of DHCP, BOOTP, or static IP address. Enc. Management Show the enclosure data of disk drive temperature, fan status, and power supply status. Reset the system to default settings. The default settings are: Reset to Default 13 Reset Management Port IP address to DHCP, and then fix IP address: Reset admin’s Password to 1234. Reset System Name to model name plus the last 6 digits of serial number. For example: XF2026-123456. Reset IP addresses of all iSCSI Ports to,, … etc. Reset link speed of all Fibre Channel Ports to Automatic. Clear all access control settings of the host connectivity. XEVO User Interface © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual This table displays the LCM menu hierarchy for your reference when you operate USB LCM. Table 3-2 MENU USB LCM Menu Hierarchy L1 L2 L3 L4 Firmware Version System Info. <n.n.n> RAM Size <nnnn> MB Reset / Shutdown Reset Yes No Shutdown Yes No IP Config <Static IP / DHCP / BOOTP> IP Address <IP Addr> QSAN <Model> View IP Setting <> IP Subnet Mask <> IP Gateway <> DHCP BOOTP Change IP Config IP Address Adjust IP address IP Subnet Mask Adjust Submask IP Static IP 14 XEVO User Interface © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual IP Gateway Adjust Gateway IP Apply IP Setting Yes No Local Phy. Disk Temp. Enc. Management Slot <n>: <nn> (C) Local Cooling FAN<n>: <nnnnn> RPM Local Power Supply Reset to Default 15 XEVO User Interface © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. PSU<n>: <status> Yes No Official Document XEVO Software Manual 4. DASHBOARD TAB AND QSLIFE The Dashboard tab displays the hardware status and a running graphical overview of the array's storage capacity and performance. It helps the user to quickly view the basic information and system health. This chapter describes the Dashboard tab and QSLife function. 4.1. Dashboard Overview Select the Dashboard tab to show a summary of the overall system. It’s divided into five blocks in the details pane. There are hardware alert, array capacity, system alert, storage overview, and performance graphs. Figure 4-1 XEVO Dashboard 4.1.1. Hardware Alert The Hardware Alert pane displays the disk health in the system. To drill down and analyze the array details, please select System -> Arrays. 16 Dashboard Tab and QSLife © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Hovering over the slot will display the slot number. This table shows the hardware alert pane descriptions. Table 4-1 Hardware Alert Pane Descriptions NAME DESCRIPTION The status of disk health: Disk Health Green Color / Normal: The disk drive is good. Orange Color / Abnormal: The disk drive has unrecoverable read errors or S.M.A.R.T. error. Red Color / Warning: The disk drive has failed. 4.1.2. Array Capacity The Array Capacity pane contains a summary of the capacity usage including used, total, and the amount of storage occupied by provisioned volumes and snapshots. The pane includes the following items: Percentage (%): Percentage of the system's storage space occupied by provisioned volumes and snapshots. The percentage value is displayed in the circle of the pane. Used: Storage space occupied by volumes and snapshots. Total: Total physical usable space on the array. Provisioned: Total provisioned capacity of all volumes. Snapshots: Physical space occupied by data unique to one or more snapshots. Empty Space: Unused space available for allocation. 4.1.3. System Alert The System Alert pane contains a summary of the abnormal and warning event messages. In addition, clicking the items or the numbers will jump to the Messages function tab. The pane includes the following items: 17 Dashboard Tab and QSLife © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Abnormal: The number under the item is the count of the abnormal messages. Warning: The number under the item is the count of the warning messages. 4.1.4. Storage Overview The Storage Overview pane contains a summary of the abnormal and warning event messages. Clicking the text link of Array, Disk, Pool, Volume, or the number below the text will jump to the Storage function tab, clicking the text link of Host or the number below the text will jump to the Hosts function tab. The pane includes the following items: Array: The number under the item is the count of total arrays including the head and the expansion units. Disk: The number under the item is the count of total disk drives in the system. Host: The number under the item is the count of total host groups in the system. Pool: The number under the item is the count of total pools in the system. Volume: The number under the item is the count of total volumes in the system. 4.1.5. Performance Graphs The Performance Graphs pane displays the performance charts in real time. The performance graphs include the Latency, IOPS, and Bandwidth graphs. 18 Latency: The Latency graph displays the average time it takes the array to process a read, write, or read+write I/O request. The blue line represents the average read time, measured in milliseconds; it takes the array to perform a read I/O operation. The green line represents the average write time, measured in milliseconds; it takes the array to perform a write I/O operation. The dotted gray line represents the average read+write time, also measured in milliseconds; it takes the array to perform a read+write I/O operation. IOPS: The IOPS (Input/output Operations Per Second) graph displays host I/O requests processed per second by the array. The counts request per second, regardless of how much data is transferred in each. The blue line represents the number of read requests processed per second. The green line represents the number of write requests processed per second. The dotted gray line represents total read+write requests processed per second. Dashboard Tab and QSLife © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Bandwidth: The Bandwidth graph displays the number of bytes transferred per second to and from all hosts. The data is counted to reflect what is transferred over the storage network. The blue line represents the number of bytes read per second. The green line represents the number of bytes written per second. The dotted gray line represents the number of bytes read+written per second. The performance graphs display the performance metrics in real time along with a scrolling graph; the incoming data appears along the right side of each graph as older numbers drop off the left side. Click the I/O Type drop-down arrow in the bottom-left corner of the window to filter the performance metrics of read, write, or read+write. By default, the performance graphs display performance metrics for the past 1 hour. Click the Zoom drop-down arrow in the bottom-right corner of the window to view performance metrics from as recent as 1 hour to as far back as 1 year. Drag the Range buttons to further narrow the view to a specific range of time. Figure 4-2 Performance Indicator in Dashboard Hover your mouse over the line and click to display the point-in-time performance indicator. It shows the detailed number of read, write, and read+write. Clicking the "x" on the upper right corner will turn off the indicator. 19 Dashboard Tab and QSLife © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual INFORMATION The performance graphs present the information as the following. The performance graphs are updated once every 1 minute. The performance graphs display up to 1 years’ worth of historical data. 4.1.6. Introduce the Upper Right Corner Icons At the top right corner, there are four icons and one login name. Task Monitoring QSLife Figure 4-3 Help Language Login Account Upper Right Corner Icons The options are available in these icons. QSLife Click the icon in the upper right corner to popup a window for QSLife functions. About the QSLife, please refer to the chapter 4.2, Introduct QSLife Functions for more details. Task Monitoring Click the icon at the top right corner to popup a window. It displays the task monitoring of the system. The example shows that the Volume_01 is initialing at 3%. There are two tabs to choose from. Storage tab displays the process of storage tasks, and the other Backup tab displays the progress of backup tasks. Language 20 Dashboard Tab and QSLife © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Click the icon in the upper right corner to list the drop down options to change the language in the web UI. Help Click the icon in the upper right corner to popup the help information. Login Account Click the username in the upper right corner to list the drop down options to execute the system functions. 4.2. Introduce QSLife Functions QSLife (Intelligent Disk Drive Analyzer) is based on QSAN’s native SSD technology and offers users a specified technology to analyze the SSD activity and uses a unique algorithm to help to keep an eye on the health and other information of drives. For detailed information, please refer to the QSLife White Paper from QSAN website. Here is a video to introduce QSLife. Please refer to the Introduction to QSLife. 21 Dashboard Tab and QSLife © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 5. STORAGE TAB The Storage tab manages the storage pools. It displays the storage pool status, configures the storage pool, and takes snapshots. This chapter describes the details of storage management operations and examples. 5.1. RAID and RAID EE Summary Below is a summary of RAID and RAID EE levels. This will help you understand the idea of creating a storage pool. Table 5-1 RAID 0 Min. # Drives Fault Tolerance Read Performance Write Performance 1 RAID Level Summary - 1 RAID 3 RAID 1 N-WAY MIRROR RAID 6 RAID 5 2 3 4 3 One drive One drive Two drive N-1 drive failure failure failures failures Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Excellent Good Good Fair to Good Fair NxM N/2 x M (N-1) x M (N-2) x M (N/N) x M (e.g., 8 drives x (e.g., 8 drives / 2 x (e.g., (8 drives -1) (e.g., (8 drives -2) (e.g., 8 drives / 8 x 1TB = 8TB) 1TB = 4TB) x 1TB = 7TB) x 1TB = 6TB) 1TB = 1TB) 100% 50% 67% ~ 96% 50% ~ 92% 4% ~ 33% (e.g., 8/8 = 100%) (e.g., 4/8 = 50%) (e.g., 7/8 = 88%) (e.g., 6/8 = 75%) (e.g., 1/8 = 13%) No protection Capacity (N = drive quantity, M = drive capacity, G = subgroups) Capacity Utilization (Min.~26 drives) 22 Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual High end Data archive, workstation, Data logging, Operating Data Typical Real-time system, warehouse, Applications rendering, Transaction Web service, Very database Archive transitory Table 5-2 RAID 0+1 Fault Tolerance Read Performance Write Performance quantity, M = drive capacity, G = Utilization Server with large capacity Operating system, Transaction database RAID Level Summary - 2 RAID 10 RAID 30 RAID 50 4 6 6 One drive One drive One drive One drive RAID 60 8 Two drive failure in each failure in each failure in each failure in each failures in each sub- sub-group sub-group sub-group sub-group Excellent Excellent Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Good Good Fair to Good GxM (N-G) x M (N-G) x M (N-2xG) x M (e.g., (2 (e.g., (8 drives - 2 (e.g., (8 drives - 2 (e.g., (8 drives – 2 subgroups) x 1TB subgroups) x 1TB subgroups) x 1TB x 2 subgroups) x = 2TB) = 6TB) = 6TB) 1TB = 4TB) 50% 8% ~ 50% 67% ~ 92% 67% ~ 92% 50% ~ 85% (e.g., 4/8 = 50%) (e.g., 2/8 = 25%) (e.g., 6/8 = 75%) (e.g., 6/8 = 75%) (e.g., 4/8 = 50%) Fast Fast Large Large Data archive, N/2 x M (e.g., 8 drives / 2 x 1TB = 4TB) subgroups) Capacity solution, 4 Capacity (N = drive Availability requirement data Min. # Drives High group (Min.~26 drives) Typical 23 Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Applications Database, Database, database, File database, File High Application Application server, server, Availability Server Server Application Application solution, server server Server with large capacity requirement Table 5-3 RAID 5EE Min. # Drives Fault Tolerance Read Performance Write Performance Capacity (N = drive quantity, M = drive capacity, G = subgroups) Capacity Utilization RAID EE Summary RAID 6EE 4 5 2 ~ 9 drive 3 ~ 10 drive failure failures (e.g., 1 (RAID 5) + (e.g., 2 (RAID 6) + S spares) S spares) RAID 50EE RAID 60EE 7 9 G+1 ~ G+8 2xG+1 ~ drive failure 2xG+8 drive (e.g., 2 subgroups failures (RAID 50) + S (e.g., 2x2 (RAID spares) 60) + S spares) Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Good Fair to Good Good Fair to Good (N-1-S) x M (N-2-S) x M (N-G-S) x M (N-2xG-S) x M (e.g., (10 drives – (e.g., (10 drives - 2 (e.g., (10 drives - 2 (e.g., (10 drives - 2 1 – 2 spares) x 1TB -2 spares) x 1TB = subgroups - 2 x 2 subgroups - 2 = 7TB) 6TB) spares) x 1TB = spares) x 1TB = 6TB) 4TB) 18% ~ 92% 17% ~ 88% 29% ~ 88% 25% ~ 80% (e.g., 7/10 = 70%) (e.g., 6/10 = 60%) (e.g., 6/10 = 60%) (e.g., 4/10 = 40%) Same as RAID Same as RAID Same as RAID Same as RAID 5 6 50 60 (Min.~26 drives) Typical Applications 24 Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 5.2. Storage Information The storage information you should pay attention to when operating is listed below. Table 5-4 General Storage Parameters ITEM VALUE Maximum disk group quantity in a pool 32 Maximum disk drive quantity in a disk group 64 Maximum RAID EE spare quantity in a disk group 8 Maximum disk drive quantity in a pool 256 Maximum pool quantity per system 64 Maximum disk capacity support Largest disk capacity on the market (FW >= 2.0.0) 16 TB1 (FW < 2.0.0) 1 In XEVO FW 2.0.0 or earlier, the maximum disk capacity can only support 16 TB. Table 5-5 Thick Provisioning Pool Parameters ITEM VALUE 1,280 TB Maximum addressable capacity of a disk group (calculated by 20 TB HDD) 5,120 TB Maximum addressable capacity of a thick provisioning pool Maximum addressable capacity of total thick provisioning pools 25 Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. (calculated by 20 TB HDD) Unlimited Official Document XEVO Software Manual Table 5-6 Thin Provisioning and Auto Tiering Pool Parameters ITEM VALUE Maximum addressable capacity of a disk group 256 TB2 (FW >= 1.2.0) 64 TB (FW < 1.2.0) Maximum addressable capacity of a thin provisioning or an auto tiering3 pool 4,096 TB2 (FW >= 1.2.0) Maximum addressable capacity of total thin provisioning or auto tiering pools 4,096 TB2 (FW >= 1.2.0) Provisioning granularity 1 GB 256 TB (FW < 1.2.0) 1,024 TB (FW < 1.2.0) 2 These parameters are available in XEVO firmware 1.2.0. 3 Auto tiering is only available for hybrid storage models, optional and not included in the default package. Table 5-7 SSD Cache Parameters ITEM VALUE Maximum SSD cache4 pool quantity per system 4 (either dual controller or single controller) Maximum SSD quantity in an SSD cache pool 8 Maximum addressable capacity of an SSD cache pool 32 TB Maximum quantity of volume shared in an SSD cache pool 32 Maximum dedicated spare SSD quantity in an SSD cache pool 4 4 26 SSD cache is only available for hybrid storage models, optional and not included in the default package. Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Table 5-8 Volumes Parameters ITEM VALUE Maximum volume quantity in a pool 96 Maximum volume quantity per system 4,096 Maximum host number per volume Maximum addressable volume capacity of a thick provisioning pool 1,0245 (FW >= 2.0.0) 16 (FW < 2.0.0) 4,096 TB (calculated by 16TB HDD) 3 Maximum addressable volume capacity of a thin provisioning 1,024TB (FW >= 2.0.0) pool 256TB (FW < 2.0.0) 5 These parameters are available in XEVO firmware 2.0.0. 5.3. Configure Storage Pools Select the Storage tab to manage the storage pools. In this tab, you can create, modify, delete, or view the status of all pools. 5.3.1. Create a Pool Here is an example to create a pool. Please refer to the Create a RAID Pool Tutorial. TIP When creating a pool, the system automatically sets the preferred controller (CTRL1 or CTRL2) to achieve perfect load balancing. You can also adjust the pool owner in the Change Preferred Controller option. 27 Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 5.3.2. List and Configure Pools All pools are listed in the Pools pane. You can click one of them to display the details. A thin provisioning pool is shown here. Figure 5-1 Thin Provisioning Pool Details This table shows the pool descriptions. Table 5-9 Descriptions of Pool Columns COLUMN NAME Pool DESCRIPTION The pool name. The bar color: Capacity Green Bar: Fewer than 90% used space. Orange Bar: 90% ~ 100% used space. Red Bar: 100% used space. The number in the bar: Used space / Actual space The 2nd bar is only visible when the pool type is thin provisioning: Health 28 Actual used space / Virtual space The health of the pool: Good: The pool is good. Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Abnormal: The pool is unhealthy and incomplete. The cause may be a disk loss or failure. Warning: The pool has failed. The status of the pool: Status Controller Actual Space Available Space Online: The pool is online. Offline: The pool is offline. Rebuilding: The pool is being rebuilt. Migrating: The pool is being migrated. Relocating: The pool is being relocated. EE Rebuilding: The pool is being RAID EE rebuilt. The current running controller of the pool. Total capacity of the pool. Available capacity of the pool. The provisioning type of the pool: Provisioning Type Thick Provisioning. Thin Provisioning. Auto Tiering (Thin Provisioning) Auto Tiering (Thick Provisioning): The type is thick provisioning transferred to auto tiering. Click the icon beside the pool name to list the drop down options. These options are available in the pool. Rename 1. Click the Rename option to rename the pool. 2. Enter a new Pool Name. The maximum length of the pool name is 15 characters. Valid characters are [ A~Z | a~z | 0~9 | -_<> ]. 3. Click the Apply button to rename. 29 Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Delete Click the Delete option to delete the pool. Click the Apply button to confirm and delete. TIP The pool cannot be deleted when there are volumes in the pool. Disk Properties 1. Click the Disk Properties option to change disk properties of the pool. 2. Click the switch to turn ON (Enable) or OFF (Disable). Disk Write Cache: Enabling the disk write cache will improve write I/O performance but have a risk of losing data when power failure. Disk Read-ahead: When enabling the disk read-ahead, the system will preload data to disk buffer based on previously retrieved data. This feature will efficiently improve the performance of sequential data retrieved. Disk Command Queuing: When enabling the disk command queuing, the system will send multiple commands to a disk at once to improve performance. Disk Standby (Only visible for hybrid storage models): Check to enable the auto spin down function of disks. The disks will be spun down for power saving when they are idle for the period of time specified. 3. After change the disk properties, click the Apply button to take effect. Activate or Deactivate Click the Activate or Deactivate option to activate or deactivate the pool. Click the Apply button to confirm. 30 Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual TIP These options are usually used for online disk roaming. Deactivate can be executed when the status is online. Conversely, activate can be executed when the pool status is offline. Change Preferred Controller 1. Click the Change Preferred Controller option to change the pool ownership to the other controller. 2. Select Controller 1 or Controller 2, and then click the Apply button to take effect. Thin Provisioning Policy (Only visible when the pool type is thin provisioning or auto tiering) 1. Click the Thin Provisioning Policy option to change policy of the thin provisioning pool. 2. There are 2 levels of threshold percentage and the default values defined. The threshold percentage can be changed when the usage of the pool capacity reaches the threshold. 3. After change the thin provisioning policies, click the Apply button to take effect. Verify Parity Click the Verify Parity option to regenerate parity for the pool. Click the Apply button to confirm and proceed. INFORMATION It supports RAID level 3, 5, 6, 30, 50, 60 and RAID EE level 5EE, 6EE, 50EE, 60EE. 5.3.3. List and Configure Disk Groups Click the Disk Groups pane to list all disk groups in the pool. 31 Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Figure 5-2 List Disk Groups This table shows the disk group descriptions. Table 5-10 Descriptions of Disk Group Columns COLUMN NAME DESCRIPTION The status of the disk group: Green Color / Normal: The disk group is good. ! Orange Color / Abnormal: The pool is unhealthy and incomplete. The cause may be a disk loss or failure. Red Light / Warning: The disk group has failed. No. 32 The number of the disk group. Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Total Total capacity of the disk group. Disks The quantity of disk drives in the disk group. RAID The RAID level of the disk group. RAID EE Spares The quantity of RAID EE spare disk drives in the disk group. Traditional RAID level is display as N/A. The options are available in this pane. Add a Disk Group Here is an example to add a disk group. Please refer to the Extending the RAID Pool Tutorial. Delete Disk Groups 1. Check the disk group checkboxes which you want to delete. 2. Click the icon to continue. Then click the Apply button to confirm and delete. CAUTION If the pool contains only one disk group, it cannot be deleted. If the disk group is being used and not empty, it also cannot be deleted. Click the icon beside the number of the disk group to list the drop down options. These options are available in the disk group. Disk Information 1. Click the Disk Information option to display the disk information in the disk group. 2. Click the Close button to close the window. High Latency Disk Warning 1. Click the High Latency Disk Warning option to change the property of the disk group. 33 Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 2. Click the switch to turn ON (Enable) or OFF (Disable). 3. After change the property, click the Apply button to take effect. Migrate Disk Group (Only visible when the pool type is thick provisioning) Here is an example to migrate the disk group. Please refer to the Extending the RAID Pool Tutorial. TIP There are some operation limitations when a pool is being migrated. The capacity after migration must be larger than the current capacity. A traditional RAID level can be migrated to RAID EE level, but RAID EE level can be migrated to RAID EE level only. TIP There are some operation limitations when a pool is being migrated. The System would reject these operations: Add a dedicated spare / Remove a dedicated spare Create a new volume / Delete a volume / Extend a volume / Scrub a volume Perform another migration operation Scrub entire pool Take a snapshot / Delete a snapshot / Expose a snapshot / Rollback a snapshot TIP Pool migration cannot be executed during rebuilding or volume extension. 34 Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Replace Disk Group (Only visible when the pool type is thin provisioning or auto tiering) Here is an example to migrate the disk group. Please refer to the Extending the RAID Pool Tutorial. 5.3.4. List and Configure Volumes Click the Volumes pane to list all volumes in the pool. Figure 5-3 List Volumes This table shows the volume descriptions. Table 5-11 Descriptions of Volume Columns COLUMN NAME DESCRIPTION The status of the disk group: ! Volume Name Status 35 Green Color / Normal: The volume is good. Orange Color / Abnormal: The pool is unhealthy and incomplete. The cause may be a disk loss or failure. Red Light / Warning: The disk group has failed. The volume name. The status of the volume: Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Snapshot space Capacity Usage (This option is only visible when the pool type is thin provisioning or auto tiering) Online: The volume is online. Offline: The volume is offline. Erasing: The volume is being erased. Initiating: The volume is being initialized. Rebuilding: The volume is being rebuilt. Migrating: The volume is being migrated. Rollback: The volume is being rolled back. Parity Checking: The volume is being parity check. Relocating: The volume is being relocated. EE Rebuilding: The volume is being RAID EE rebuilt. Used snapshot space / Total snapshot space. The first capacity is current used snapshot space, and the second capacity is reserved total snapshot space. Total capacity of the volume. Total usage of the volume. Available (This option is only visible when the pool type is thin Total available space of the volume. provisioning or auto tiering) LUN Display LUN (Logical Unit Number) or “-“ as none. The cache mode of the volume: Cache Mode 36 Write-through Cache. Write-back Cache. Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual The type of the volume: Volume Type RAID Volume. Backup Volume. Read-only Volume The options are available in this pane. Create Volumes Here is an example to create multiple volumes. Please refer to the Multiple Volume Creation Tutorial. Delete Volumes 1. Check the volume checkboxes which you want to delete. 2. Click the icon to delete. 3. If the volumes are already exists in the Host Groups or Protection Groups, it will display the above dialog asking you how to handle the items you would like to delete. INFORMATION There are four relationships shown after the volume name. none: The volume does not exist in the Host Groups nor Protection Groups. H: The volume exists in the Host Groups. P: The volume exists in the Protection Groups. P/H: The volume exists both in the Host Groups and Protection Groups. Select the Delete all option will delete all volumes and remove them from the group relationships at the same time. Select the Delete items that are not affected and retain the following items option will delete the volumes which are “none” relationship only. 4. Click the Apply button to delete. 37 Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Take a Snapshot 1. 2. 3. 4. Check the volume checkboxes which you want to take a snapshot. Click the icon; it will pop up a window. The recommended Snapshot Name is provided. Enter a new Snapshot Name if necessary. Click the Apply button to take. TIP If it failed to take a snapshot, you have to Enable Snapshot Space first in the Snapshot Center. Click the icon beside the volume name to list the drop down options. These options are available in the volume. Rename 1. Click the Rename option to rename the volume. 2. Enter a new Volume Name. 3. Click the Apply button to rename. Properties 1. Click the Properties option to change the volume properties. 2. Volume advanced settings can be configured optionally. 38 Priority: The options are High, Medium, and Low. The priority compares to other volumes. Set it as High if the volume has many I/O. Background I/O Priority: The options are High, Medium, and Low. It will influence volume initialization, rebuild, and migration. Cache Mode: The options are Write-through Cache and Write-back Cache. Write-back optimizes the system speed but comes with the risk where the data may be inconsistent between cache and disks in one short time interval. Volume Type: The options are RAID Volume, Backup Volume, and Read-only Volume. RAID Volume is for general RAID usage and Backup Volume is for the target volume of local clone or remote replication. If the volume capacity in thin provisioning exceeds the threshold, it will enter a read-only state. Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Enable Video Editing Mode: Check to enable video editing mode function. It is optimized for video editing usage. Please enable it when your application is in video editing environment. This option provides a more stable performance figure without high and low peaks but slower in average. Enable Read-ahead: Check to enable the read ahead function of volume. The system will discern what data will be needed next based on what was just retrieved from disk and then preload this data into the disk's buffer. This feature will improve performance when the data being retrieved is sequential. 3. After change the volume properties, click the Apply button to take effect. Snapshot Center About the snapshot center, please refer to the chapter 7.2.4, Snapshot Center section for more details. Edit LUN 1. Click the Edit LUN option to change the LUN (Logical Unit Number). 2. Select the LUN with the drop down options. The options are LUN 0 to LUN 254 except the LUNs which are occupied. 3. Click the Apply button to take effect. TIP If the LUN cannot be edited, the volume must first be assigned to a host group. Extend Volume 1. Click the Extend Volume option to extend the volume capacity. 2. Enter a new Capacity number which you want to extend. There are minimum and maximum capacity numbers after the Capacity field. 3. Click the Apply button to extend. Space Reclamation (Only visible when the pool type is thin provisioning or auto tiering) 39 Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Click the Space Reclamation option to reclaim space from the volume when the volume is in a thin provisioning pool. Click the Apply button to confirm and proceed. 5.4. Hot Spares The XEVO system sets all free disks as a global spare. If one disk drive of the pool fails or has been removed from any singly redundant RAID, the pool status will change to degraded mode. At the moment, the XEVO system will search the spare disk to execute pool/volume/data rebuild into a healthy RAID drive automatically. 5.5. Disk Roaming Disks can be re-sequenced in the same system or move all member disks in the same pool from system-1 to system-2. This is called disk roaming. The system can execute disk roaming online. Please follow these steps. 1. Select the Storage tab, selects a pool. Click the icon beside the pool name, and then click the Deactivate option. 2. Click the Apply button to apply. The Status changes to Offline. 3. Move all member disks of the pool to another system. 4. In the Storage tab, select the pool. Click the icon beside the pool name, and then click the Activate option. 5. Click the Apply button to apply. The Status changes to Online. Disk roaming has some constraints as described in the following. 1. Check the firmware version of two systems first. It is better for both systems to have the same firmware version or the firmware version of the system-2 is newer. 2. All physical disks of the pool should be moved from system-1 to system-2 together. The configuration of both pool and volume will be kept but LUN configuration will be cleared in order to avoid conflict with the current setting of the system-2. 40 Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual CAUTION Models with XEVO do NOT support disk roaming from models with SANOS. 5.6. SSD Cache SSD cache allows an SSD to function as read cache or write buffer for a HDD volume. In SSD read cache, it is a secondary cache that improves performance by keeping frequently accessed data on SSDs where they are read far more quickly than from the HDD volume. When reads or writes are performed, the data from the HDDs are copied into the SSD cache. Although the data is duplicated to SSD cache pool, it does not matter if the read cache pool is corrupted. In SSD write cache, SSDs are a write buffering storage that improves performance by storing the write data in SSDs temporary where they are write far more quickly than to the HDD volume. And then the write data will be flushed to the HDD volume at the appropriate time. It may take risk of losing data during the period that the write data is stored in SSD cache if the SSD cache pool is corrupted. The write data has not yet written back to the HDD volume. So the read-write cache pool needs data protection to protect the write data. CAUTION Using SSD read-write cache may take risk of losing data if the SSD cache pool is corrupted. User has to monitor the health of the SSD cache pool carefully. For detailed information, please refer to the SSD Cache White Paper from QSAN website. 5.7. Auto Tiering Auto tiering is the automated progression or demotion of data across different tiers (types) of storage devices and media. The movement of data takes place in an automated way with the help of software and is assigned to the ideal storage media according to performance and 41 Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual capacity requirements. It also includes the ability to define rules and policies that dictate if and when data can be moved between the tiers, and in many cases provides the ability to pin data to tiers permanently or for specific periods of time. For detailed information, please refer to the Auto Tiering White Paper from QSAN website. 42 Storage Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 6. HOSTS TAB The Hosts tab manages the host groups. It displays the host group status, configures the host profile and connected volumes. This chapter describes the details of host group management operations and examples. 6.1. Configure Host Groups Select the Hosts tab to manage the host groups. In this tab, you can create, modify, delete, or view the status of all host groups. 6.1.1. Create a Host Group Here is an example to create a host group. Please refer to the Create a Host Group and Map LUN Tutorial. 6.1.2. List and Configure Host Groups All host groups are listed in the Host Groups pane. You can click one of them to display the details. An iSCSI host group and a FC host group are shown here. Figure 6-1 43 Hosts Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. iSCSI Host Group Details Official Document XEVO Software Manual Figure 6-2 FC Host Group Details This table shows the host group descriptions. Table 6-1 Descriptions of Host Group Columns COLUMN NAME DESCRIPTION The protocol of the host group: Protocol Volumes Hosts Enabled Data Ports CTRL Target Name 44 IQN: iSCSI protocol. WWN: Fibre channel protocol. The quantity of the connected volumes. The quantity of the hosts. The quantity of the enabled data ports. Controller 1 or 2. Target name of iSCSI or FC. Alias Alias name. Slot 1 Port icons in slot 1. Slot 2 Port icons in slot 2. Onboard Port icons onboard. Hosts Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Click the icon beside the host group name to list the drop down options. These options are available in the host group. Rename 1. Click the Rename option to rename the host group. 2. Enter a new Group Name. The maximum length of the volume name is 32 characters. Valid characters are [ A~Z | a~z | 0~9 | -_<> ]. 3. Click the Rename button to rename. Delete Click the Delete Host Group option to delete the host group. Click the Apply button to confirm and delete. Edit Host 1. Click the Edit Host option to edit the host group. 2. If editing the protocol of iSCSI / IQN, select the IQNs and click the button to make them effective or not. 3. Click the Apply button to edit. button or the CAUTION Any changes may cause the connection to be lost or the data in transit lost. 4. If editing the protocol of FC / WWN, select the WWNs and click the button to make them effective or not. 5. Click the Apply button to edit. button or the Change Connected Port 1. Click the Change Connected Port option to change the connected ports in the host group. 2. Check the interfaces checkbox which you want to enable or disable. 3. Click the Apply button to change. 45 Hosts Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Click the icon beside the target name to list the drop down options. These options are available in the disk group. Rename Local Target 1. Click the Rename Local Target option to rename the local target name. 2. Enter a new Local Target Name. The maximum length of the volume name is 223 characters. Valid characters are [ a~z | 0~9 | -.: ]. 3. Click the Rename button to rename. Rename Alias 1. Click the Rename Alias option to add or change the alias. 2. Enter a new Alias. If you want to remove an alias, clear out the current name. The maximum length of the volume name is 223 characters. Valid characters are [ a~z | 0~9 | .: ]. 3. Click the Rename button to rename. 6.1.3. List and Configure Host Profile Click the Host Profile pane to list all host profiles in the host group. Figure 6-3 List Host Profile Click the icon beside the host name to list the drop down options. These options are available in the host profile. 46 Hosts Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Rename 1. Click the Rename option to rename the host name. 2. Enter a new Host Name. The maximum length of the volume name is 32 characters. Valid characters are [ A~Z | a~z | 0~9 | -_<> ]. 3. Click the Rename button to rename. Sessions 1. Click the Sessions option to display the host sessions in the host group. 2. Click the Close button to close the window. 6.1.4. List and Configure Connected Volumes Click the Connected Volumes pane to list all connected volumes in the host group. Figure 6-4 List Connected Volumes This table shows the connected volume descriptions. 47 Hosts Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Table 6-2 Descriptions of Connected Volume Columns COLUMN NAME DESCRIPTION The status of the disk group: ! Volume Name Capacity Green Color / Normal: The volume is good. Orange Color / Abnormal: The pool is unhealthy and incomplete. The cause may be a disk loss or failure. Red Light / Warning: The disk group has failed. The volume name. Total capacity of the volume. LUN Display LUN (Logical Unit Number). The type of the volume: Volume Type RAID Volume. Backup Volume. Read-only Volume. The options are available in this pane. Connect Volumes Here is an example to add volumes to the host group. 1. Click the icon in the Connected Volumes pane to pop up a window. 2. The Select Volumes boxes are divided into two sides. The left side is an ineffective list, and the right side is effective. 3. Select volumes and click the 4. Click the Apply button to add. button or the button to make them effective or not. Disconnect Volumes 1. Check the volume checkboxes which you want to disconnect. 2. Click the 48 icon to continue. Then click the Disconnect button to confirm and disconnect. Hosts Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 6.1.5. List and Configure CHAP Settings Click the CHAP Settings pane to list all CHAP settings in the host group. This pane is only visible when the protocol of the host group is iSCSI. Here is an example to enable CHAP settings. 1. 2. 3. 4. Check the Select IQNs & WWNs checkbox to enable CHAP. Click CHAP Settings to add CHAP accounts. Click the icon in the Volumes pane to pop up a window. Enter Username of CHAP user. The maximum length of the username is 223 characters. Valid characters are [ A~Z | a~z | 0~9 | ~!@#%^&*_-+=|(){}[]:;<>.?/ ]. 5. Enter Password (CHAP secret) and Confirm Password. The length of the password is between 12 to 16 characters. Valid characters are [ A~Z | a~z | 0~9 | ~!@#$%^&*_+=`|\(){}[]:;”’<>,.?/ ]. 6. Click the Apply button to create a CHAP account. 7. A CHAP account has been created. If necessary, click the icon to create others. 8. If the CHAP accounts are useless, check the account checkboxes which you want to delete, and then click the icon to delete. 9. Click the OK button to close the window. 10. The CHAP Settings boxes are divided into two sides. The left side is an ineffective list, and the right side is effective. Select the CHAP accounts and click the button or the button to make them effective or not. 11. If necessary, check Enable Mutual CHAP to enable mutual CHAP authentication. 12. Enter Username of mutual CHAP user. The maximum length of the username is 223 characters. Valid characters are [ A~Z | a~z | 0~9 | ~!@#%^&*_-+=|(){}[]:;<>.?/ ]. 13. Enter Password (mutual CHAP secret). The length of the password is between 12 to 16 characters. Valid characters are [ A~Z | a~z | 0~9 | ~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;”’<>,.?/ ]. 14. Click the Apply button to setup the CHAP settings. 49 Hosts Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 7. PROTECTION TAB The Protection tab manages the protection groups. It displays the protection group status, configures the protection plan and protection volumes. This chapter describes the details of protection group management operations and examples. 7.1. Protection Features XEVO provides protection group functionality for binding one or some volumes. These volumes can perform data backup services at the same time with some simple settings. In addition to the basic functions of snapshots, local cloning, and remote replication, there are new designs and are described below. 7.1.1. About Snapshot Enable Snapshot Space Automatically A volume snapshot is based on copy-on-write technology. Snapshots require more space to hold differential data. When the schedule function is enabled, all volumes belonging to the protection group will automatically enable snapshot space. The default snapshot space is 10% of the volume capacity. You can also enter the Snapshot Center of the volume and customize it. Recycle Snapshots Snapshot recycle bin can restore or permanently destroy the snapshots. It offers additional protection for backup from accidentally or deliberately deleting of a snapshot. 50 Protection Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual CAUTION Snapshot function can only take the image of data which has been written into the corresponding volume, for the cached data that resides in the server’s cache, that doesn’t yet be flushed into the storage system, it is unable to protect, which means the taken snapshot might consist of inconsistent data / file / boot image, please make sure to take snapshot at the time point when there is no data I/O incoming to the storage system, to prevent the situation as much as possible. Any functionality that base on snapshot function to perform will have this kind of concern, e.g., local clone and remote replication. SUGGESTION It is recommended to use native remote replication function upon the corresponding Operating System to prevent the situation, e.g., vSphere Replication (VR), so that the cached data can be seamlessly replicated to the target site. 7.1.2. About Local Clone It does easily deploy the local clone without doing configurations. In a protection group, select a new and empty target pool, the system will send the configurations of source volumes to the target pool. Then the target pool will generate the corresponding volumes. The limit is that the capacity of the target pool should be larger than the total capacity of all volumes in the protection group. 7.1.3. About Remote Replication QSAN QReplica 3.0 (Remote Replication) provides synchronous and asynchronous replication solutions. With QReplica 3.0 feature, DR (Disaster Recovery) can be achieved with simple and easy orchestration between QSAN platforms. For detailed information, please refer to the QReplica White Paper from QSAN website. 51 Protection Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 7.2. Configure Protection Groups Select the Protection tab to manage the protection groups. In this tab, you can create, modify, delete, or view the status of all protection groups. Figure 7-1 Protection Group INFORMATION A protection group includes one of a Snapshot Plan and/or either one of Replication Plan for Local or Remote. 7.2.1. Create a Protection Group Here is an example to create a protection group and setup a remote replication task with schedule. Please refer to the Create a Protection Group Tutorial 52 Protection Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual INFORMATION Synchronous replication requires a license. Please contact your local sales to obtain a license. If there is no license, the synchronization option is not visible. 7.2.2. List and Configure Protection Groups All protection groups are listed in the Protection Groups pane. You can click one of them to display the details. Click the icon beside the protection group name to list the drop down options. Rename 1. Click the Rename option to rename the host group. 2. Enter a new Group Name. The maximum length of the volume name is 32 characters. Valid characters are [ A~Z | a~z | 0~9 | -_<> ]. 3. Click the Rename button to rename. Protection Plan Setting Click the Protection Plan Setting option to change the protection plan. Delete Click the Delete option to delete the protection group. Click the Delete button to confirm and delete. 7.2.3. List and Configure Snapshot Plan A protection group with snapshot is shown here. 53 Protection Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Figure 7-2 Protection Group with Snapshot Plan Snapshot Tasks At the Protection Volumes pane, click the Snapshot Tasks tab to list all snapshot tasks. Figure 7-3 List Snapshot Tasks The options are available in this tab. Add Volumes Here is an example to add volumes in the protection group. 1. Click the icon in the Snapshot Task tab to pop up a window. 2. The Select Volumes boxes are divided into two sides. The left side is an ineffective list, and the right side is effective. 3. Select volumes and click the 4. Click the Add button to add. 54 Protection Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. button or the button to make them effective or not. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Take Snapshot Now 1. Click the Take Snapshot Now button to take a snapshot immediately. 2. The snapshots are taken and displayed at The Last Snapshot field. Ungroup 1. Check the volume checkboxes which you want to ungroup. 2. Click the ungroup. icon to pop up a confirm dialog box. Then click the Apply button to confirm and Snapshot Center Click the icon beside the volume name to list the drop down options. About the Snapshot Center option, please refer to the chapter 7.2.4, Snapshot Center section for more details. 7.2.4. Snapshot Center Snapshot Center is a center for managing all snapshot functions. It can enable and expand the snapshot space. It also can take, rollback, or delete snapshots of the volume. In addition, the snapshot recycle bin can restore or permanently destroy the snapshots. Click the Snapshot Center option to pop up a window. 55 Protection Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Figure 7-4 Snapshot Center Snapshot Space 1. Check the Enable Snapshot Space checkbox and enter a new Capacity number which is reserved for the snapshot space. TIP The recommended minimum capacity is set to 20% of the volume. Volumes in the thin provisioning pool will automatically reserve 20% of the capacity for the snapshot space. However, volumes in the thick provisioning pool are not preserved. You have to enable the snapshot space manually. There are two tabs. One is the Snapshots tab to display all volume snapshots; the other is the Deleted Snapshots tab of the snapshot recycle bin. The options are available in the Snapshots tab. 56 Protection Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Take a Snapshot Here is an example to take a snapshot. 1. Click the icon in the Snapshots tab to take a snapshot. 2. The recommended Snapshot Name is provided. Enter a new Snapshot Name if necessary. The maximum length of the snapshot name is 32 characters. Valid characters are [ A~Z | a~z | 0~9 | -_<> ]. 3. Click the Apply button to take a snapshot. TIP If it failed to take a snapshot, you have to Enable Snapshot Space first in the Snapshot Center. Delete the Snapshot 1. In the Snapshots tab, check the snapshot checkbox which you want to delete. 2. Click the icon, and then pop up a confirm dialog box. 3. Click the Delete button to confirm to delete the snapshot. Rollback the Snapshot 1. In the Snapshots tab, check the snapshot checkbox which you want to rollback. 2. Click the icon, and then pop up a confirm dialog box. 3. Click the Apply button to confirm to rollback the snapshot to the volume. CAUTION Before executing rollback, it is better that the disk is unmounted on the host computer for flushing data from cache. When a snapshot has been rolledback, the related snapshots which are earlier than it will also be removed. But the rest snapshots will be kept after rollback. 57 Protection Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Expose the Snapshot 1. In the Snapshots tab, click the switch to in the Expose to expose the snapshot volume. 2. The exposed snapshot is mapped a LUN automatically. Unexpose the Snapshot 1. Click the switch to in the Expose to unexpose. Click the Deleted Snapshots tab. It’s a recycle bin of the deleted snapshots. Here is a video to introduce recycle the snapshot. Please refer to the Introduction to Recycling Snapshots. The options are available in the Deleted Snapshots tab. Rescue the Snapshot 1. In the Deleted Snapshots tab, check the snapshot checkbox which you want to rescue. 2. Click the icon, and then pop a confirm dialog box. 3. Click the Rescue button to rescue the deleted snapshot and it will be back to the snapshot volumes. Destroy the Snapshot 1. In the Deleted Snapshots tab, check the snapshot checkbox which you want to destroy. 2. Click the icon, and then pop a confirm dialog box. 3. Click the Destroy button to destroy the deleted snapshot. CAUTION If a snapshot has been deleted, the other snapshots which are earlier than it will also be deleted. The space occupied by these snapshots will be released after deleting. 58 Protection Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 7.2.5. List and Configure Replication Plan-Local A protection group with replication plan-local is shown here. Figure 7-5 Protection Group with Replication Plan-Local Replication Tasks At the Protection Volumes pane, click the Replication Tasks tab to list all replication tasks. Figure 7-6 List Replication Tasks The options are available in this tab. Add Volumes Here is an example to add volumes in the protection group. 59 Protection Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 1. Click the icon in the Replication Task tab to pop up a window. 2. The Select Volumes boxes are divided into two sides. The left side is an ineffective list, and the right side is effective. 3. Select volumes and click the 4. Click the Add button to add. button or the button to make them effective or not. Replicate Now 1. Click the Replicate Now button to replicate all volumes immediately. Start Task 1. Select a volume, and then click the icon to replicate the volume immediately. 2. The progress bar displays the current status. Stop Task 1. Click the icon of the volume to stop the replication task. TIP The Replicate Now button will replicate all volumes in the protection group. And click the icon of the volume will replicate the volume only. Ungroup 1. Check the volume checkboxes which you want to ungroup. 2. Click the icon to pop up a confirm dialog box.. Then click the Apply button to confirm and ungroup. Snapshot Center Click the icon beside the volume name to list the drop down options. About the Snapshot Center option, please refer to the chapter 7.2.4, Snapshot Center section for more details. 60 Protection Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 7.2.6. List and Configure Replication Plan-Remote A protection group with replication plan-remote is shown here. Figure 7-7 Protection Group with Replication Plan-Remote Replication Tasks At the Protection Volumes pane, click the Replication Task tab to list all replication tasks. Figure 7-8 List Replication Tasks The options are available in this tab. Start Task 1. Select a volume, and then click the icon to replicate the volume immediately. 2. The progress bar displays the current status. 61 Protection Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Stop Task 1. Click the icon of the volume to stop the replication task. Ungroup 2. Check the volume checkboxes which you want to ungroup. Click the ungroup. icon to pop up a confirm dialog box.. Then click the Apply button to confirm and Connection Properties 1. Click the icon beside the volume name to list the drop down options. Click the Connection Properties option to enable multipath and add connections. 2. Check the Enable MultiPath option if necessary, and then select the Source Port and enter a Target IP Address. 3. Or click the Add Connection button to add another connection. Select the Source Port and enter a Target IP Address. 4. If the connection is not stable, click the 5. Click the Apply button to take effect. icon to reconnect the connection. Snapshot Center Click the icon beside the volume name to list the drop down options. About the Snapshot Center option, please refer to the chapter 7.2.4, Snapshot Center section for more details. 7.2.7. Traffic Shaping The traffic shaping function can help reserve the necessary bandwidth for non-replication I/O operations. Eight shaping groups can be set. In each shaping group, peak and off-peak time slots are provided for different bandwidths. Here is an example to configure traffic shaping. Please refer to the Setup Traffic Shaping Tutorial. 7.2.8. Switch Local Clone to Remote Replication Through local-to-remote, you can transfer local backup to remote sites without redoing full copy. You can plug and play when local-to-remote without any configurations. Here is an 62 Protection Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual example of switching a local clone to a remote replication plan. Please refer to the Local to Remote Tutorial. 63 Protection Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 8. ANALYSIS TAB The Analysis tab displays historical array data, including I/O performance trends across all volumes, disks, and data ports; storage capacity report; and SSD cache, auto tiering statistic on the array. 8.1. Analysis Features XEVO provides QReport to help you analysis the status of your business usage. The system generates performance and capacity analytics as far back as 1 year. It eases the effort of IT managers by exporting a report to analyze the storage usage, and allows IT generalists to make a better resource arrangement faster than ever and easier. 8.2. Array Analysis Select the Analysis tab to view performance and capacity changes of the array. Figure 8-1 64 Analysis Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Performance Graph Official Document XEVO Software Manual 8.2.1. Performance Monitoring and Capacity Analysis Here is an example to generate an analysis report. Please refer to the Generate Analysis Report Tutorial. INFORMATION XEVO maintains a rolling one-year history of data. The granularity of the historical data increases with age. Older data points are spaced further apart in time than the nearest data points. 65 Analysis Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 9. SYSTEM TAB The System tab manages the system settings. It displays array health status, and system information; configures general system settings, management and data ports; maintains system firmware, disks; rescues system setting or volume information. This chapter describes the details of system operations and examples. 9.1. Arrays Information Select the System tab and the Arrays subtab to displays array health status. 9.1.1. List Arrays All arrays including head and expansion units are listed in the left pane. You can click one of them to display the details. There are front and rear pictures in the right pane. You can move your mouse over the system components and watch the status of disks, controllers, management ports, data ports, fan modules, power supply modules, and cache to flash modules. 9.1.2. Array Information There are three icons at the left side. They are array information, temperatures, and identification. Array Information Click the icon to display the array information. This table shows the array descriptions. 66 System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Table 9-1 ROW NAME Model Name Array Descriptions DESCRIPTION The model name of the array. The status of array: Green Color / Normal: Dual controllers and expansion units are in normal stage. Orange Color / Abnormal: The configurations of two controllers are different, including the CPU model, memory capacity, host cards, and controller firmware version. Please check the hardware configurations of two controllers or execute firmware synchronization. Red Color / Warning: In dual controller mode, one controller or one of expansion unit fails or they have been plugged out. Please replace or insert a good controller. Status Serial Number The seiral number of the array. The status of system availability: Dual Controller, Active/Active: Dual controllers and expansion units are in normal stage. Dual Controller, Degraded: In dual controller mode, one controller or one of expansion unit fails or they have been plugged out. Please replace or insert a good controller. Dual Controller, Lockdown: In dual controller mode, the configurations of two controllers are different, including the memory capacity, host cards, and controller firmware version. Please check the hardware configurations of two controllers or execute firmware synchronization. System Controller Master Controller Backplane Serial Number 67 Current master controller. The backplane serial number of the array. System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Backplane ID The backplane ID of the array. MCU Version The MCU version of the backplane. Array Temperatures Click the icon to display the several temperatures of the array. Array Identification The UID (Unique Identifier) LEDs help users to easily identify the system location within the rack. Click the icon will turn on the UID LED control mechanism. When the UID LEDs are turn on, they are light blue color, located on the right panel of front view and both controllers of rear view. Click it again to turn off the UID LEDs. 9.1.3. Disk Information Move your mouse over the disk and the disk information will appear in a popup box. Disk Identification The disk Identifier LED helps users to easily identify the disk location. Click the upper right corner will turn on the disk Identifier. icon on the When the disk Identifier LED is turn on, it is blinking amber color, the disk in web UI is also blinking. Click it again to turn off the disk Identifier LED. This table shows the disk descriptions. 68 System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Table 9-2 Disk Descriptions ROW NAME Name DESCRIPTION The position of the disk drive. The status of disk health: Status Green Color / Normal: The disk drive is good. Orange Color / Abnormal: The disk drive has unrecoverable read errors or S.M.A.R.T. error. Red Color / Warning: The disk drive has failed. Temperature The temperature of the disk drive. Life Remaining The life remaining of the disk drive. The type of the disk drive: Disk Type Pool Name Capacity Free Disk: This disk drive is free for use RAID Disk: This disk drive has been set to a pool. Global Spare: This disk drive has been set as global spare of whole system. Which pool the disk drive belongs to. The capacity of the disk drive. The type of the disk drive: Speed [ NVMe SSD | SAS HDD | NL-SAS HDD | SAS SSD | SATA SSD ] [ 8 GT/s x2 | 12.0 Gb/s | 6.0 Gb/s | 3.0 Gb/s | 1.5 Gb/s ] Manufacturer The manufacturer of the disk drive. Model The model name of the disk drive. Serial Number The serial number of the disk drive. The options are available in disk information. 69 System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual S.M.A.R.T. S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) is a diagnostic tool for disk drives to deliver warning of drive failures in advance. It provides users a chance to take actions before a possible drive failure. Click the S.M.A.R.T. button to display S.M.A.R.T. information. Click the OK button to close the window. Set Global Disk Click the Set Global Disk button appears if the disk drive is free. You can set it as a global spare disk. Click the Set Global Disk button to set it up. Set Free Disk Click the Set Free Disk button appears if the disk drive is a global spare disk. You can set it as a free disk. Click the Set Free Disk button to set it up. 9.1.4. Rear Component Information Move your mouse over the rear components in the array, the component information will appear in a popup box. You can watch the information of controllers, management ports, data ports, fan modules, power supply modules, and BBM, and flash module. TIP In XF3126D, when mouse over to the fan module, it will change to the fan module view. 9.2. Configure System Settings Select the System tab and the Settings subtab to configure system settings. There are four panes in this subtab. They are Accounts, General Settings, Configuration Backup, and Management Port. 70 System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 9.2.1. Account Settings Here is an example to create an account. Please refer to the Create and Confiture Storage Account Tutorial. INFORMATION There is a default account admin in the Administrators group. Account user in the Users group. Account system in the System Managers group. And account storage in the Storage Managers group. These default accounts cannot be deleted. The admin account can be disabled only if the other account belongs to the Administrators group login. 9.2.2. General Settings Click the General Settings pane to setup the system name, data and time, and configure the login options. System Name Change the system name, highlight the old name and type in a new one. Maximum length of the system name is 32 characters. Valid characters are [ A~Z | a~z | 0~9 | -_ ]. Date and Time Change the current date, time and time zone as required. Date and time can be set by manually or synchronized from a NTP (Network Time Protocol) server. Login Options 71 Auto Logout: When the auto logout option is enabled, you will be logged out of the admin interface after the time specified. There are Disabled (default), 5 minutes, 30 minutes, and 60 minutes options. System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Login Lock: When the login lock is enabled, the system allows only one user to login to the web UI at a time. There are Multi login (default) and Single login options. When finished, click the Apply button to take effect. 9.2.3. Configuration Backup Click the Configuration Backup pane to be used to either save system configuration (export) or apply a saved configuration (import). While the volume configuration settings are available for exporting, to prevent conflicts and overwriting existing data, they cannot be imported. Export Select the Export Mode for exporting system or volume configurations, then click the Export button to save a file. Import Import all system configurations excluding volume configuration. CAUTION The Import option will import all system configurations excluding volume configuration. The current system configurations will be replaced. 9.2.4. Configure Management Port Click the Management Port pane to show the information of the management ports. MAC address is displayed for reference and it is used on wake-on-LAN feature. IP address, DNS server, and service ports can be modified according to the management purpose. 72 System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Enable Dual Management Ports This is for dual controller models. When the setting is enabled, both management ports of the controllers have their own IP addresses and MAC addresses, and both are active. If the setting is disabled, only the management port of the master controller is active, the other one is on standby. Both controller management ports share the same IP address and MAC address. The management port fails over to the slave controller when the master controller goes offline, either planned or unplanned. Main Controller MAC Address: Display the MAC address of the management port. Type: The option can change IP address for remote administration usage. There are three options for DHCP, BOOTP, or Static IP Address. DNS Server Address: DNS (Domain Name System) provides a means to translate FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) to IP address. Some notification services need DNS setting. Enter an IP address of DNS server here. Service Ports Uncheck to disable the service ports of HTTP, HTTPS, and SSH. If the default port numbers of the service ports are not allowed on your network environment, they can be changed here. When finished, click the Apply button to take effect. 9.2.5. Configure QoS Settings Click the QoS Settings pane to configure QoS (Quality of Service) settings. For more information, please refer to the QoS White Paper from QSAN website. 9.3. Configure Data Port Settings Select the System tab and the Data Ports subtab to configure iSCSI or fibre channel data ports. 73 System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 9.3.1. Data Port Overview Storage system provides different type of host connectivity according to the system configuration, it could be base system or host cards installed system. The host cards must be installed the same type on both controllers. Currently host card has several types, 10GbE iSCSI (SFP+), 25GbE iSCSI (SFP28), 16Gb FC (SFP+), and 32Gb FC (SFP28) for selection according to system infrastructure. The Data Port Overview displays all the host connectivity in system. The icons show the data ports connected or disconnected. 9.3.2. Configure iSCSI Data Ports Click the iSCSI Ports pane to show information of iSCSI ports where they are located (onboard or host cards). The columns display information of an connected or disconnected icon, CTRL (Controller), Interface name, Location, Port, Status, LAG (Link Aggregation), IP address, Gateway IP address, VLAN ID (Virtual LAN ID), Jumbo Frame status, and MAC address. Click the icon beside the interface to list the drop down options. These options are available in the iSCSI ports. Set IP Address Click the Set IP Address option to assign an iSCSI IP address of the iSCSI data port. There are two options: Use DHCP to acquire an IP address automatically or specify a Static IP Address to set the IP address manually. Set Link Aggregation Click the Set Link Aggregation option, the default mode of each iSCSI data port is connected without any bonding. Two bonding methods, Trunking and LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol), can be selected. At least two iSCSI data ports must be checked for iSCSI link aggregation. 74 System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Set Default Gateway / Remove Default Gateway Click the Set Default Gateway option to set the gateway of the IP address as default gateway. There can be only one default gateway. To remove the default gateway, click the Remove Default Gateway option. Set VLAN ID Click the Set VLAN ID option, VLAN (Virtual LAN) is a logical grouping mechanism implemented on switch device. VLANs are collections of switching ports that comprise a single broadcast domain. It allows network traffic to transfer more efficiently within these logical subgroups. Please consult your network switch user manual for VLAN setting instructions. Most of the work is done at the switch. Please make sure that your VLAN ID of iSCSI port matches that of switch port. If your network environment supports VLAN, you can use this function to change the configurations. Fill in VLAN ID and Priority settings to enable VLAN. Set Jumbo Frames Click the Set Jumbo Frames option to set the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) size. The jumbo frame size could be set as 4000 or 9000 bytes. Jumbo Frame is disabled by default. Ping Host Click the Ping Host option to verify the port connection from a target to the corresponding host data port. Input the host’s IP address and click Start button. The system will display the ping result. Click Stop button will stop ping activity. Reset Port Click the Reset Port option to be generally used to recover from a port malfunction. 9.3.3. Configure iSCSI Settings Click the iSCSI Settings pane to provide to set up entity name of the system and iSNS (Internet Storage Name Service) server. The entity name is default in IQN (iSCSI Qualified Name) format and could be modified for management purpose. The iSNS IP is used by iSNS protocol for automated discovery, management and configuration of iSCSI devices on a TCP/IP network. To use iSNS, an iSNS server must be added to the SAN. The iSNS server IP address must be added to the storage system for iSCSI initiator service to send queries. 75 System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual The options are available in this pane. Entity Name: Change the entity name; highlight the old name and type in a new one. The maximum length of entity name is 200 characters. Valid characters are [ a~z | 0~9 | -.: ]. iSNS IP Address: The option can change iSNS IP address for internet storage name service. When finished, click the Apply button to effect changes. 9.3.4. Configure Fibre Channel Ports Click the Fibre Channel Ports pane to show information of fibre channel ports where they are located on the host cards. The columns display information of an connected or disconnected icon, CTRL (Controller), Interface name, Location, Port, Status, Topology, WWNN/WWPN (World Wide Node Name / World Wide Port Name), Loss of Signal, Loss of Sync, Link Failure, and Invalid CRC. Click the icon beside the interface to list the drop down options. These options are available in the Fibre Channel ports. Change Link Speed Click the Change Link Speed option to change the link speed of fibre channel. Set the link speed of fibre channel. The options are Automatic (default) to 32Gb/s. Recommend to set it as Automatic to detect the data rate automatically. Change Topology Click the Change Topology option to change the topology of fibre channel. Set the topology fibre channel. The option Point-to-Point is for 16Gb/s and 32Gb/s fibre channel, Point-to-Point and Loop modes are for 4 Gb/s and 8 Gb/s fibre channel. Set it appropriately according to your fibre channel environment. CAUTION If the link speed and topology are set, the related fibre channel switch and HBA on host must be set, too. Otherwise, the connection cannot work properly. 76 System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Clear Counters Click the Clear Counters option to clear all counters of fibre channels. It will pop up a confirm dialog, and then click the Apply button to take effect. 9.4. Maintenance Select the System tab and the Maintenance subtab to provide System Information, Firmware, Disk Services, Power Settings, and Rescue functions. 9.4.1. System Information Click the System Information pane to display all system information. Download Service Package: Click the button to download system information for service. Change Operation Mode: This option can be modified to operate in dual-controller or single-controller mode here. If the system installed only one controller, switch this mode to Single Controller, and then click the Apply button. After changing the operation mode, the system must reboot manually to take effect. CAUTION If you try to increase the system memory and running in dual controller mode, please make sure both controllers have the same DIMM on each corresponding memory slot. Failing to do so will result in controller malfunction, which will not be covered by warranty. 9.4.2. Firmware Update Click the Firmware pane to be used to update controller firmware, expansion unit firmware. 77 System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual TIP Before upgrading, we recommend you to export your system configurations first in the Configuration Backup function tab. Please refer to the chapter 9.2.3, Configuration Backup section for more details. Head Unit Firmware Update Please prepare new controller firmware file named “xxxx.bin” in local hard drive, click the icon to select the firmware file. Then click the Apply button, it will pop up a warning message, click the OK button to start upgrading the firmware. When upgrading, there is a progress bar running. After finished upgrading, the system must reboot manually to make the new firmware take effect. Synchronization If the firmware versions between two controllers are different, it will display a warning message. Click the Synchronize button to synchronize and force a reboot. Expansion Unit Firmware Update To upgrade expansion unit firmware, first select an expansion unit. Then other steps are the same as the head unit firmware update. After finished upgrading, the expansion unit must reboot manually to make the new firmware take effect. 9.4.3. Disk Services Click the Disk Services pane to clear disk read error, update disk firmware, and instant erase. Clear Disk Read Error Click the Clear Read Error button to clean the read error of the disk drive and reset the failed status. 78 System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Update Disk Firmware Select disks by manufacturer or slot, and click the icon to select a firmware file, and then click the Update button to upgrade the firmware of the disk drive. CAUTION If the disk to be updated firmware is a member of the pool and there are multiple disks of the same model, it is not recommended to update all at the same time. You need to set one disk to idle and then update the disk firmware. After completion, perform pool rebuild and then execute the next disk firmware update. These steps will avoid the risk of data loss. Instant Erase For more information, please refer to the SED and ISE White Paper from QSAN website. 9.4.4. Power Settings Click the Power Settings pane to configure the boot options and UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply). Boot Management Click the switch to turn 79 ON (Enable) or OFF (Disable). Auto Shutdown: Check to enable the auto shutdown feature. If it is enabled, the system will shut down automatically when the voltage and temperature exceed a critical level. System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual TIP For better protection and to avoid a single short period of abnormal voltage or temperature, enabling the setting could trigger an automatic shutdown. This is done using several sensors placed on key systems that the system checks every 30 seconds for present voltages or temperatures. Enable Wake-on-LAN: Check to enable the wake-on-LAN feature. If it is enabled, the system will accept a magic packet from the management port to power on the system. TIP To execute wake-on-LAN function, MAC address of management port is needed. For the information of MAC address, please refer to the chapter 9.2.4, Configure Management Port page. Enable Wake-on-SAS: Check to enable the wake-on-SAS feature. If the wake-on-SAS feature is enabled and the expansion units (QSAN XD5300 series) are connected to the proprietary wake-on-SAS cables, the expansion units will power on or shut down together with the head unit. CAUTION Wake-on-SAS feature required QSAN proprietary expansion cables connected between the head unit and expansion units. Please contact local sales for this accessory. 80 System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual UPS Check the Enable UPS Support checkbox to enable UPS supported. Now we support network UPS via SNMP, Serial UPS with COM port, and USB UPS. Communication Type: Now we support network UPS via SNMP, Serial UPS with COM port, and USB UPS. Shutdown battery Level: If the power is shortage, the system will execute shutdown process when reaching the UPS battery level. If Communication Type selects SNMP: SNMP IP Address: Enter the IP address of the network UPS via SNMP. SNMP Version: Select SNMP supported versions: v1, v2c, or v3. Please enter community if select SNMP v1 or v2c. If select SNMP v3, it needs more options for authentication. Please enter a username, check to use authentication if necessary, select an authentication protocol and enter an authentication password, check to use privacy if necessary, the privacy protocol supports DES, and enter a privacy password. If Communication Type selects Serial: UPS Manufacturer: Select the UPS manufacturer. UPS Model: Select the UPS model. When finished, click the Apply button to take effect. This table shows the UPS status. Table 9-3 COLUMN NAME UPS Status Descriptions DESCRIPTION The status of UPS: UPS Status 81 On Line: The UPS is online. On Battery: The UPS is on battery. Low Battery: The voltage of the battery is low. High Battery: The voltage of the battery is high. Replace Battery: The battery needs to be replaced. System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Charging: The battery is charging. Discharging: The battery is discharging. Bypass Mode: The power circuit bypasses the UPS battery, so no battery protection is available. It may happen to check if the UPS operates properly during a power loss. Or the UPS is offline for maintenance. Offline: UPS is offline and is not supplying power to the load. Overloaded: UPS is overloaded. You plugged more equipments into the UPS than it was designed to handle. Forced Shutdown: Forced shutdown the UPS. UPS Battery Level The battery level of the UPS. UPS Manufacturer The manufacturer of the UPS. UPS Model The model of the UPS. 9.4.5. Rescue Click the Rescue pane to allow users to reset the system configurations back to the factory default settings, clean all configurations of the expansion enclosure ID, and restore the volume configuration from the volume creation history. Reset to Factory Defaults Click the Reset to Defaults button to progress reset to defaults and force a reboot. The default settings are: 82 Reset Management Port IP address to DHCP, and then fix IP address: Reset admin’s Password to 1234. Reset System Name to model name plus the last 6 digits of serial number. For example: XF2026-123456. Reset IP addresses of all iSCSI Ports to,, … etc. Reset link speed of all Fibre Channel Ports to Automatic. System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Clear all access control settings of the host connectivity. Clear All Volume Restoration Records Check the Clear all volume restoration records to clear all volume restoration records. CAUTION Process the Reset to Defaults function will force a reboot. To clear all volume restoration records is irreversible. The system won't be able to restore the recorded RAID configuration if it fails while there is no record. Please carefully consider before making this reset. Clean Expansion Enclosure ID Click the Clean button to clean all configurations of expansion enclosure ID. A clean will cause the system shutdown, and then you have to start manually. INFORMATION The XCubeDAS XD5300 series features the seven-segment LED display for users to easily identify a specific XCubeDAS system. The enclosure ID is assigned by head unit (XCubeSAN series) automatically. The seven -segment LED display supports up to ten XCubeDAS systems, and the numbering rule will start from 1 to A. For dual controller models, both controllers will display the same enclosure ID. After the XD5300 had been assigned the enclosure ID, head unit will assign the same enclosure ID when the system reboots or goes shutdown. 83 System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual CAUTION Process the Clean Expansion Enclosure ID function will force the system shutdown to clean all configurations of expansion enclosure ID. Volume Restoration This function will restore the volume configuration from the volume creation history. It is used for pool corruption and tries to recreate the volume. When trying to do data recovery, the same volume configurations as original must be set and all member disks must be installed by the same sequence as the original. Otherwise, data recovery will fail. The volume restoration does not guarantee that the lost data can be restored. Please get help from an expert before executing this function. TIP When attempting data recovery, the same volume configurations as the original must be set and all member disks must be installed by the same sequence as original. Otherwise, data recovery will fail. CAUTION Performing data recovery does not guarantee that the lost data can be restored 100%. It depends on the real operation and the degree of physical damages on disks. Users assume all risk when attempting data recovery procedures. Click the Restore button to restore the deleted volume in the pool. And then click the Restore button to proceed. 84 System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 9.4.6. Licenses Click the Licenses pane to allow users to active licenses. SSD Cache License / Auto Tiering License / Synchronous Replication License: The ssd cache, auto tiering, synchronous replication functions are optional. Before using, you have to enable them individually. Click the Request License button to download the file and send to your local sales to obtain a License Key. After getting the license key, click the icon to select it, and then click the Apply button to enable. Each license key is unique and dedicated to a specific system. If the license is active, the status will show as Enable. After enabling the license, the system must reboot manually to take effect. Trial License: This option enables trial license. Click the Request License button to download the file and register on our website in a few clicks, then you will get a 30-day trial license via email. After getting the license key, click the icon to select it, check that I have read and agree to the Trial License Agreement, and then click the Apply button to enable. Each license key is unique and dedicated to a specific system. After enabling, you can fully experience the advanced features. 9.5. Data Encryption Select the System tab and the Data Encryption subtab to provide Data Encryption and SEDs functions. For more information, please refer to the SED and ISE White Paper from QSAN website 85 System Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 10. MESSAGES TAB The Messages tab displays event logs and configures the notification settings. This chapter describes the details of message operations and examples. 10.1. Log Center Select the Messages tab and the Log subtab to show event messages. Click All, or the icon (information), (warning), (error) to filter the event levels. The numbers next to the levels are the sum of the events. The event logs are displayed in reverse order which means the latest event log is on the first / top page. They are actually saved in the first four disk drives of the head unit, each disk drive has one copy of event log. For one system, there are four copies of event logs to make sure users can check event log any time when there are failed disks. If there are no disk drives in the first four slots, the event logs will keep in memory temporary and will disappear after system reboots. The event logs record all system events. Each event has time frame that identifies the type of event that occurred, and has one of the following severities: Error : A failure occurred that may affect data integrity or system stability. Correct the problem as soon as possible. Warning : A problem occurred that may affect system stability, but not data integrity. Evaluate the problem and correct it if necessary. Information : An operation recorded that may help to debug. The options are available in this pane. Download Event Logs Click the icon to save the event log as a file. It will pop up a filter dialog as the following. Select the options and then click the Download button to download event logs. 86 Messages Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Mute Buzzer Click the icon to stop alarm if the system alerts. Clear Event Logs Click the icon to clear all event logs. Select the options and then click the Apply button to clear event logs. CAUTION Please plug-in any of the first four hard drives, then event logs can be saved and displayed in next system boot up. Otherwise, the event logs cannot be saved. 10.2. Configure Notification Settings Select the Messages tab the Settings subtab to configure the notification settings via Email, Alert and SNMP. 10.2.1. Email Settings Click the Email pane to be used to enter up to three email addresses for receiving the event notifications. SMTP Settings 87 SMTP Server: Enter the IP address or FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of SMTP server to deliver the notification mails. SMTP Port: Default is port 25. You can change the SMTP port here. Email-from Address: Enter the sender email address. Messages Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Authentication Required: Some email servers require authentication for SMTP relay. Check to enable authentication and enter the Username and Password. Secure Connection: Using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) for secure connection. Subject Prefix: The input string will be appended to the front of the email subject. Email Notification Settings Email-to-Address: Enter the email address for receiving the event notifications. You can also select which levels of event logs which you would like to receive. The default setting only includes Warning and Error event logs. TIP Please make sure the IP address of DNS server is well-setup in Management Port. So the event notification emails can be sent successfully. Please refer to the Configure Management Port section for more details. When finished, click the Send Test Email & Apply button to take effect. Or click the Reset to Default button to reset settings. 10.2.2. Alert Settings Click the Alert pane to be used to setup alerts via alerts on the front display. The device buzzer is also managed here. Admin LCM Alerts You can check or uncheck the alert levels which you would like to show on LCM. Device Buzzer Check it to enable the device buzzer. Uncheck it to disable device buzzer. 88 Messages Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual When finished, click the Apply button to tack effect. Or click the Reset to Default button to reset settings. INFORMATION The device buzzer features are listed below: The buzzer alarms 1 second when system boots up successfully. The buzzer alarms continuously when there is error occurred. The alarm will be stopped after error resolved or be muted. The alarm will be muted automatically when the error is resolved. For example, when a RAID 5 pool is degraded and alarm rings immediately, user replaces one disk drive for rebuild. When the rebuild process is done, the alarm will be muted automatically. 10.2.3. SNMP Settings Click the SNMP pane to be used to setup SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) traps for alerting with event logs and also setup SNMP server settings for client monitoring. SNMP Trap Enable SNMP Trap: Check to enable SNMP trap to send system event logs to SNMP trap agent. The default SNMP trap port is 162. You can check or uncheck the alert levels which you would like to receive. And then fill in up to three SNMP trap addresses for receiving the event notifications. SNMP Server 89 SNMP Version: Select SNMP supported versions: v1/ v2, or v3. If select SNMP v3, it needs more options for authentication. Please enter a username, select an authentication protocol and enter an authentication password, check to use privacy if necessary, select a privacy protocol, and enter a privacy password. Messages Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual When finished, click the Apply button to take effect. Or click the Reset to Default button to reset settings. Download MIB Files 90 SNMP MIB File: Click the Download button to save the SNMP MIB file which can be imported to the SNMP client tool to get system information. You can view fan, voltage, and system status via SNMP MIB. iSCSI MIB File: Click the Download button to save the iSCSI MIB file which can be imported to the SNMP client tool to get network information. You can view iSCSI traffic via iSCSI MIB. Messages Tab © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 11. SUPPORT AND OTHER RESOURCES 11.1. Getting Technical Support After installing your device, locate the serial number on the sticker located on the side of the chassis or from the XEVO -> System -> Maintenance > System Information and use it to register your product at We recommend registering your product in QSAN partner website for firmware updates, document download, and latest news in eDM. To contact QSAN Support, please use the following information. Via the Web: Via Telephone: +886-2-77206355 (Service hours: 09:30 - 18:00, Monday - Friday, UTC+8) Via Skype Chat, Skype ID: (Service hours: 09:30 - 02:00, Monday - Friday, UTC+8, Summer time: 09:30 - 01:00) Via Email: [email protected] Information to Collect Product name, model or version, and serial number Operating system name and version Firmware version Error messages or capture screenshots Product-specific reports and logs Add-on products or components installed Third-party products or components installed Information for Technical Support If the technical support requests you to download the Service Package, please navigate in the XEVO -> System -> Maintenance > System Information, and then click the Download Service 91 Support and Other Resources © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Package button to download. Then the system will automatically generate a zip file the default download location of your web browser. 11.2. Documentation Feedback QSAN is committed to providing documentation that meets and exceeds your expectations. To help us improve the documentation, email any errors, suggestions, or comments to [email protected]. When submitting your feedback, include the document title, part number, revision, and publication date located on the front cover of the document. 92 Support and Other Resources © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual APPENDIX Glossary and Acronym List Common Terminology ITEM DESCRIPTION RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks. There are different RAID levels with different degree of data protection, data availability, and performance to host environment. Disk The Physical Disk belongs to the member disk of one specific RAID group. Pool A collection of removable media. One pool consists of a set of volumes and owns one RAID level attribute. Volume LUN WebUI 93 Each pool could be divided into several volumes. The volumes from one pool have the same RAID level, but may have different volume capacity. Logical Unit Number. A logical unit number (LUN) is a unique identifier which enables it to differentiate among separate devices (each one is a logical unit). Web User Interface. WT Write-Through cache-write policy. A cache technique in which the completion of a write request is not signaled until data is safely stored in non-volatile media. Each data is synchronized in both data cache and accessed physical disks. WB Write-Back cache-write policy. A cache technique in which the Appendix © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual completion of a write request is signaled as soon as the data is in cache and actual writing to non-volatile media occurs at a later time. It speeds up system write performance but needs to bear the risk where data may be inconsistent between data cache and the physical disks in one short time interval. RO Set the volume to be Read-Only. GS Global Spare disks. It is shared for rebuilding purpose. If some RAID groups need to use the global spare disks for rebuilding, they could get the spare disks out from the common spare disks pool for such requirement. DG DeGraded mode. Not all of the array’s member disks are functioning, but the array is able to respond to application read and write requests to its virtual disks. SCSI Small Computer System Interface SAS Serial Attached SCSI S.M.A.R.T. 94 Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology WWN World Wide Name HBA Host Bus Adapter SES SCSI Enclosure Services NIC Network Interface Card BBM Battery Backup Module Appendix © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual FC / iSCSI / SAS Terminology ITEM DESCRIPTION FC Fibre Channel FC-P2P Point-to-Point FC-AL Arbitrated Loop FC-SW Switched Fabric iSCSI Internet Small Computer Systems Interface LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol MPIO Multipath Input/Output MC/S Multiple Connections per Session MTU Maximum Transmission Unit Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol. An optional CHAP security mechanism to control access to an iSCSI storage system over the iSCSI data ports. 95 iSNS Internet Storage Name Service SAS Serial Attached SCSI Appendix © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual Dual Controller Terminology 96 ITEM DESCRIPTION 6G MUX Bridge board is for SATA II disk to support dual controller mode. Appendix © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual End-User License Agreement (EULA) Please read this document carefully before you use our product or open the package containing our product. YOU AGREE TO ACCEPT TERMS OF THIS EULA BY USING OUR PRODUCT, OPENING THE PACKAGE CONTAINING OUR PRODUCT OR INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE INTO OUR PRODUCT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO TERMS OF THIS EULA, YOU MAY RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE RESELLER WHERE YOU PURCHASED IT FOR A REFUND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESELLER'S APPLICABLE RETURN POLICY. General QSAN Technology, Inc. ("QSAN") is willing to grant you (“User”) a license of software, firmware and/or other product sold, manufactured or offered by QSAN (“the Product”) pursuant to this EULA. License Grant QSAN grants to User a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-distributable, nonassignable, non-sub-licensable license to install and use the Product pursuant to the terms of this EULA. Any right beyond this EULA will not be granted. Intellectual Property Right Intellectual property rights relative to the Product are the property of QSAN or its licensor(s). User will not acquire any intellectual property by this EULA. License Limitations User may not, and may not authorize or permit any third party to: (a) use the Product for any purpose other than in connection with the Product or in a manner inconsistent with the design or documentations of the Product; (b) license, distribute, lease, rent, lend, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of the Product or use the Product in any commercial hosted or service bureau environment; (c) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or attempt to discover the source code for or any trade secrets related to the Product, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation; (d) adapt, modify, alter, translate or create any derivative works of the Licensed Software; (e) remove, alter or obscure any copyright notice or other proprietary rights notice on the Product; or (f) 97 Appendix © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual circumvent or attempt to circumvent any methods employed by QSAN to control access to the components, features or functions of the Product. Disclaimer QSAN DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF PRODUCT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WORKMANLIKE EFFORT, TITLE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. ALL PRODUCTS ARE PROVIDE “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. QSAN MAKES NO WARRANTY THAT THE PRODUCT WILL BE FREE OF BUGS, ERRORS, VIRUSES OR OTHER DEFECTS. IN NO EVENT WILL QSAN BE LIABLE FOR THE COST OF COVER OR FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SIMILAR DAMAGES OR LIABILITIES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA, INFORMATION, REVENUE, PROFIT OR BUSINESS) ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT OR OTHERWISE UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS EULA OR THE PRODUCT, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER THEORY EVEN IF QSAN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Limitation of Liability IN ANY CASE, QSAN’S LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS EULA OR THE PRODUCT WILL BE LIMITED TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT ACTUALLY AND ORIGINALLY PAID BY CUSTOMER FOR THE PRODUCT. The foregoing Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability will apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the exclusions and limitations set forth above may not apply. Termination If User breaches any of its obligations under this EULA, QSAN may terminate this EULA and take remedies available to QSAN immediately. Miscellaneous 98 QSAN reserves the right to modify this EULA. QSAN reserves the right to renew the software or firmware anytime. QSAN may assign its rights and obligations under this EULA to any third party without condition. Appendix © 2022 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Official Document XEVO Software Manual 99 This EULA will be binding upon and will inure to User’s successors and permitted assigns. This EULA shall be governed by and constructed according to the laws of R.O.C. Any disputes arising from or in connection with this EULA, User agree to submit to the jurisdiction of Taiwan Shilin district court as first instance trial. 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