FAAC 624 BLD Manual
FAAC 624 BLD is a control board designed for automating gates and doors. It offers a wide range of programmable functions and safety features to ensure smooth and secure operation. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive capabilities, FAAC 624 BLD is an ideal solution for residential, commercial, and industrial applications.
624BLD CE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Manufacturer: FAAC S.p.A. Address: Via Benini, 1 - 40069 Zola Predosa BOLOGNA - ITALY Declares that: 624BLD control board, • conforms to the essential safety requirements of the following directives: 73/23/CEE and subsequent amendment 93/68/CEE. 89/336/CEE and subsequent amendment 92/31/CEE and 93/68/CEE Additional note: This product underwent tests in a typical uniform configuration (all products manufactured by FAAC S.p.A.). Bologna, 01 October 2005 The Managing Director A. Bassi WARNINGS FOR THE INSTALLER GENERAL SAFETY OBLIGATIONS 13) Make sure that a differential switch with threshold of 0.03 A is fitted upstream of the system. 1) ATTENTION! To ensure the safety of people, it is important that you read all the following instructions. Incorrect installation or incorrect use of the product could cause serious harm to people. 2) Carefully read the instructions before beginning to install the product. 14) Make sure that the earthing system is perfectly constructed, and connect metal parts of the means of the closure to it. 3) Do not leave packing materials (plastic, polystyrene, etc.) within reach of children as such materials are potential sources of danger. 15) The safety devices (EN 12978 standard) protect any danger areas against mechanical movement Risks, such as crushing, dragging, and shearing. 4) Store these instructions for future reference. 16) Use of at least one indicator-light (e.g. FAACLIGHT ) is recommended for every system, as well as a warning sign adequately secured to the frame structure, in addition to the devices mentioned at point “15”. 5) This product was designed and built strictly for the use indicated in this documentation. Any other use, not expressly indicated here, could compromise the good condition/operation of the product and/or be a source of danger. 17) FAAC declines all liability as concerns safety and efficient operation of the automated system, if system components not produced by FAAC are used. 6) FAAC declines all liability caused by improper use or use other than that for which the automated system was intended. 18) For maintenance, strictly use original parts by FAAC. 19) Do not in any way modify the components of the automated system. 7) Do not install the equipment in an explosive atmosphere: the presence of inflammable gas or fumes is a serious danger to safety. 20) The installer shall supply all information concerning manual operation of the system in case of an emergency, and shall hand over to the user the warnings handbook supplied with the product. 8) The mechanical parts must conform to the provisions of Standards EN 12604 and EN 12605. For non-EU countries, to obtain an adequate level of safety, the Standards mentioned above must be observed, in addition to national legal regulations. 21) Do not allow children or adults to stay near the product while it is operating. 22) Keep remote controls or other pulse generators away from children, to prevent the automated system from being activated involuntarily. 9) FAAC is not responsible for failure to observe Good Technique in the construction of the closing elements to be motorised, or for any deformation that may occur during use. 23) Transit is permitted only when the automated system is idle. 24) The user must not attempt any kind of repair or direct action whatever and contact qualified personnel only. 10) The installation must conform to Standards EN 12453 and EN 12445. For non-EU countries, to obtain an adequate level of safety, the Standards mentioned above must be observed, in addition to national legal regulations. 25) Maintenance: check at least every 6 months the efficiency of the system, particularly the efficiency of the safety devices (including, where foreseen, the operator thrust force) and of the release devices. 11) Before attempting any job on the system, cut out electrical power . 26) Anything not expressly specified in these instructions is not permitted. 12) The mains power supply of the automated system must be fitted with an all-pole switch with contact opening distance of 3mm or greater. Use of a 6A thermal breaker with all-pole circuit break is recommended. 11 CONTROL UNIT 624 BLD 1. WARNINGS Attention: Before attempting any work on the control unit (connections, maintenance), always turn off power. - Install, upstream of the system, a differential thermal breaker with adequate tripping threshold. - Connect the earth cable to the terminal on the J9 connector of the unit (see fig. 2). - Always separate power cables from control and safety cables (push-button, receiver, photocells, etc.). To avoid any electrical noise, use separate sheaths or a screened cable (with the screen earthed). 3. LAYOUT AND COMPONENTS of 624 BLD 2. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Power supply voltage 230 Vac (+6% -10%) - 50 Hz Absorbed power 7W Motor max. load 300 W Power supply for accessories 24 Vdc Accessories max. current 500 mA Ambient temperature Fuses Function logics Programmable (from 0 to 4 minutes) Terminal board outputs Rapid connector Programming Programmable functions J2 TF1 Automatic, Automatic 1, Semiautomatic, Parking, Parking-Automatic, Condo, Condo-automatic FAAC-CITY, Dead-man, Remote, Custom Pause time Connector inputs J8 F1 = F 5A - 250V F2 = T 0.8A - 250V Programmable (from 0 to 4 minutes) Terminal board inputs J9 -20°C - +55°C Work time Motor power F1 F2 + Programmable on 50 levels DL Loop1, Loop2, Open, Close, Closing safety devices, Stop, Emergency, Power supply 230Vac + Earth EMERG - DL5 STOP - DL4 - CLOSE - DL2 F OPEN - DL1 FSW - DL3 J1 LED PIVOT - DL8 FCA - DL6 Opening and closing limit-switch, Detector Motor capacitor, Beam detachment sensor FCC - DL7 J4 Flashing light, Fan, Motor, Power supply 24 Vdc, Fail-safe, Status output, Indicator light 24 Vdc, BUS LOOP DETECTOR J11C J6 J5 J11B 5-pin Minidec board coupling, Decoder, Receiver RP/RP2 J3 J11A Fig. 1 No. 3 keys (+, -, F) and display Logics, Pause Time, Power, Loop 1 and 2, Thrust torque, Pre-flashing, Slow closure, Deceleration time, Work time, Indicator light output, Fail-safe output, Status output, BUS output, Assistance request 3.1 DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS DL LED INPUT STATUS CONTROL LEDs J1 LOW-VOLTAGE TERMINAL BOARD J2 TERMINAL BOARD FOR CONNECTION OF MOTOR, FLASHING LIGHT AND FAN J3 OPENING LIMIT-SWITCH CONNECTOR J4 CONNECTOR: DECODER J5 CLOSING LIMIT-SWITCH CONNECTOR J6 CONNECTOR FOR ROD BREAKING SENSOR J8 CONNECTOR FOR MOTOR THRUST CAPACITOR J9 TERMINAL-BOARD FOR 230 VAC POWER SUPPLY J11 MINIDEC / RP RECEIVER CONNECTOR EXTERNAL LOOP DETECTOR F1 FUSE FOR MOTORS AND TRANSFORMER PRIMARY WINDING (F 5A) F2 FUSE FOR LOW VOLTAGE AND ACCESSORIES (T 800mA) F + TF1 12 SIGNALS AND PROGRAMMING DISPLAY PROGRAMMING PUSH-BUTTON ”F” PROGRAMMING PUSH-BUTTON ”+” PROGRAMMING PUSH-BUTTON ”-” TRANSFORMER 4. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS MOTOR THRUST CAPACITOR BEAM BREAKING J6 J5 J8 J3 J2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 FCA J1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 BLUE FCC 1 J9 PE N L 24Vdc 3W To connect the photocells and safety devices, consult paragraph 4.1. OPEN CLOSE MOTOR FAN 230Vac max 60W 230Vac 50Hz STOP Fig. 2 EMERGENCY 4.1. CONNECTION OF PHOTOCELLS AND SAFETY DEVICES Connection of two pairs of closing photocells Before you connect the photocells (or other devices) we advise you to select the type of operation according to the movement zone they have to protect. Closing safety devices: they are tripped only during the barrier closing movement, and, therefore, are suitable for protecting the closing zone against the risk of impact. If two or more safety devices (NC contacts) have to be connected, put them in series with each other (see fig.3). Connection of 2 NC contacts in series (E.g.: Photocells, Stop) Fig. 3 Fig. 5 If two or more safety devices with N.O. contacts have to be connected, put them in parallel with each other (see fig.4). Connection of 1 pair of closing photocells Connection of 2 N.O. contacts in parallel (E.g.: Open A, Open B) Fig. 4 Fig. 6 13 Connection of one safety device 24 Vdc (terminals 12-13) - Positive contact for feeding accessories GND OUT 4 OUT 3 OUT 2 OUT 3 +24 V 8 OUT 1 7 +24 V STOP 6 GND FSW 5 GND CLOSE 3 4 EMERGENCY LOOP 2 OPEN A LOOP 1 2 LOOP 2 LOOP 1 1 J1 GND (teminals 10-11-19) - Negative contact for feeding accessories 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Max. load of accessories: 500 mA. To calculate absorption values, refer to the instructions for individual accessories. Fig. 7 OUT 1 - Outout 1 (terminal 14): the output can be set to one of the functions described in 2nd level Programming (see parag. 5.2). The default value is FAILSAFE. Connection of no device with NC contacts. GND OUT 4 OUT 3 OUT 2 OUT 3 +24 V 8 OUT 1 7 GND 6 +24 V FSW STOP 5 GND CLOSE 3 4 EMERGENCY LOOP 2 J1 OPEN A LOOP 1 2 LOOP 2 LOOP 1 1 OUT 2 - Output 2 (terminal 15): the output can be set to one of the functions described in 2nd level Programming (see parag. 5.2). The default value is beam CLOSED. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OUT 3 - Output 3 (terminal 16-17): the output can be set to one of the functions described in 2nd level Programming (see parag. 5.2). The default value is INDICATOR LIGHT. Fig. 8 Connect 24 Vdc - 3 W max. indicator light , if any, to these terminals, following the instructions in fig. 2. To avoid endangering correct operation of the system, do not exceed the indicated power. 4.2. J1 TERMINAL-BOARD - ACCESSORIES (FIG.2) OUT 4 - Output 4 (terminal 18): the output can be set to one of the functions described in 2nd level Programming (see parag. 5.2). The default value is Beam LIGHTED. LOOP 1 - Power supply to loop1 (OPEN - terminals 1-2): use these terminals to connect the loop you wish to use as an OPEN pulse generator. LOOP 2 - Power supply to loop2 (SAFETY/CLOSE - terminals 3-4): connect between these terminals the loop you wish to use as a SAFETY/CLOSE pulse generator. OPEN - “Opening” Command (N.O. - terminal 5): this refers to any pulse generator (e.g.: push-button) which, by closing a contact, commands the barrier to open and/or close. To install several total opening pulse generators, connect the N.O. contacts in parallel (see fig. 4) 4.3. J2 TERMINAL-BOARD - MOTOR - FLASHING LIGHT AND FAN (FIG.2) CLOSE - “Closing” Command (N.O. - terminal 6): this refers to any pulse generator (e.g.: push-button) which, by closing a contact, commands the barrier to close. M (COM-MOT1-MOT2): Motor connection LAMP (LAMP-COM): Flashing light output ( 230 V ~) To install several total opening pulse generators, connect the N.O. contacts in parallel (see fig. 4) FAN (FAN-COM): Fan output ( 230 V ~) FSW - Closing safety-devices contact (N.C. -. terminal 7) The purpose of the closing safety devices is to protect the barrier movement area during closure, by reversing motion. They are never tripped during the opening cycle. If the closing safety devices are engaged when the automated system is in open status, they prevent the closing movement. 4.4. J8 CONNECTOR - MOTOR CAPACITOR (FIG.2) Rapid connector for connecting the motor thrust capacitor. To install several closing safety devices, connect the N.C. contacts in series(fig. 3). 4.5. J9 TERMINAL-BOARD - POWER SUPPLY (FIG.2) If closing safety devices are not connected, jumper connect the FSW and FAIL SAFE terminals (fig. 8). STOP - STOP contact (N.C. - terminal 8): this refers to any device (e.g.: push-button ) which, by opening a contact, can stop the motion of the automated system. PE : Earth connection N : Power supply 230 V~ ( Neutral ) L Power supply 230 V~ ( Line ) : To ensure correct operation, the board must be connected to the earth conductor in the system. Install an adequate differential thermal breaker upstream of the system. To install several STOP devices, connect the N.C. contacts in series (fig. 3.). If stop safety devices are not connected, jumper connect the STOP and GND terminals (fig. 8). EMERGENCY - EMERGENCY contact (N.C. - terminal 9) this refers to any switch which, by being activated in emergency state, opens the barrier and stops its movement until the contact is restored. If emergency safety devices are not connected, jumper connect the EMERGENCY and GND terminals (fig. 8). 14 4.6. J3, J5 RAPID CONNECTORS - FOR OPENING AND CLOSING LIMIT-SWITCHES (FIG.2) 5.1. 1ST LEVEL PROGRAMMING To access 1ST LEVEL PROGRAMMING, use push-button F: Quick-fit connector for connection of the opening (13) and closing (J5) limit-switches. 4.7. J6 CONNECTOR - beam BREAKING SENSOR (FIG: 2) Quick-fit connector for connecting the beam breaking sensor (where present). If this sensor is absent, leave the supplied jumper in place. 4.8. J11A,B,C CONNECTOR - QUICK-FIT CONNECTOR FOR EXTERNAL LOOP DETECTOR (FIG.2) • if you press it (and hold it down), the display shows the name of the first function. • if you release the push-button, the display shows the value of the function, which can be changed with keys + and -. • if you press F again (and hold it down), the display shows the name of the next function, etc. • when you reach the last function, press the F push-button to exit programming, and the display resumes showing the inputs status. The following table indicates the sequence of functions accessible in 1ST LEVEL PROGRAMMING: Quick-fit connector for connecting the external loop-detector. For adjustment and programming consult the relevant instruction. 1ST LEVEL PROGRAMMING 4.9. J4 QUICK FIT CONNECTOR - FOR MINIDEC, DECODER AND RP It is used for rapid connection of Minidec, Decoder and RP/RP2 Receivers. If you are using an RP2 twin-channel receiver, you will be able to directly command the automated system’s OPEN and CLOSE from a twin-channel radio control. If using a single-channel RP type receiver, only OPEN can be commanded. Display LO Insert and remove the boards ONLY after cutting power. An example of a 624BLD radio accessory connection RP / RP2 PA Default E FUNCTION LOGICS: A A1 E P PA Cn CA rb C r Cu Fit the accessory with the components side directed toward the board interior. Automatic Automatic 1 Semi-automatic Parking Parking Automatic Condo Condo Automatic Faac-City (traffic bollard logic) Dead-man Remote Custom PAUSE TIME: This operates only if an automatic logic was selected. Can be adjusted from 0 to in one second steps. Next, the viewing changes in minutes and tenths of a second (separated by a dot) and time is adjusted in 10 second steps, 59 20 4.1 up to the maximum value of minutes. E.g. if the display shows 2.5, the pause time will be 2 min and 50 sec. J4 624BLD Function Fig. 9 FO 5. PROGRAMMING To program the operation of the automated system, you must access the “PROGRAMMING” mode. Programming is in two parts: 1st LEVEL and 2nd LEVEL L1 modification of the programming parameters is immediately effective, whereas definitive memorystorage occurs only on exiting programming and returning to the view of the automation status. If you cut power to the unit before returning to view the status, all the modifications made will be lost. POWER: adjusts motor power. 01 50 = minimum power = maximum power LOOP 1: If this function is activated, the loop connected to the Loop1 input will have the OPEN function. Y = loop1 active n o = loop1 not active You can return to viewing the status from any point of programming at any level, by pressing keys F and - simultaneously. Attention: if the function is not activated, loop1 status will nevertheless be available on one of the outputs, if appropriately set (see second level programming). To restore the programming default settings, simultaneously press keys +,- and F and hold them down for 5 seconds. 15 50 no Display L2 Function LOOP 2: If you activate this function, the loop connected to Loop2 input will have the SAFETY /CLOSE function, i.e. it will operate as SAFETY during the closing stage, and will command CLOSE to the board at release. Y = loop2 active n o = loop2 not active The following table indicates the sequence of functions accessible in 2ndLEVEL PROGRAMMING: Default no 2nd LEVEL PROGRAMMING Display bo Attention: if the function is not activated, loop2 status will nevertheless be available on one of the outputs, if appropriately set. S1 S2 St no effect no effect PF 05 SC 05 tr AUTOMATED SYSTEM STATUS: Exit from programming, storage of set data and return to automated system status view. 00 Closed 01 Opening pre-flashing 02 Opening 03 Open 04 On pause 05 Closing pre-flashing 06 Closing 07 Stopped ready to close 08 Stopped ready to open 09 Emergency opening 10 Closing safety device in operation t FS 5.2. 2nd LEVEL PROGRAMMING To access 2ND LEVEL PROGRAMMING, press push-button F and, while holding it down, press push-button +. • if you release the push-button +, the display shows the name of the first function. • if you also release the F push-button, the display shows the value of the function, which can be changed with keys + and -. • if you press the F key (and hold it down), the display shows the name of the next function; if you release it, the value is shown and can be modified with keys + and -. • when you reach the last function, press the F push-button to exit programming, and the display resumes showing the inputs status. o1 Function Default MAXIMUM TORQUE AT THRUST: the motor works at maximum torque (ignoring the torque adjustment) during the initial time of the movement. Y = Active no = Excluded PRE-FLASHING: to activate the flashing light for 5 sec before the start of the movement no excluded OC before every movement CL before closing PA at end of pause only SLOW CLOSING: for setting the entire closing stage at slow speed. Y = Active no = Excluded DECELERATION TIME AFTER LIMIT-SWITCHES: for setting deceleration time (in seconds) after the opening and closing limit-switches have operated. Can be adjusted from 0 to 10 sec. in one second steps. 00 = deceleration excluded 10 = maximum deceleration WORK TIME (time-out): We advise you to set a value from 5 to 10 seconds longer than the required by the automated system to move from the closing to the opening position and vice versa. Can be adjusted from 0 to 59 sec. in one second steps. Next, the viewing changes in minutes and tenths of a second (separated by a dot) and time is adjusted in 10 second steps, up to the maximum value of 4.1 minutes. FAIL SAFE: If this function is activated, it enables a function test of the photocells before any automated system movement, independently from the output used . If the test fails , the automated system does not start the movement. Y = Active no = Excluded OUTPUT 1: The output can be set to one of the following functions: 00 FAILSAFE 01 INDICATOR LIGHT (lighted at opening and pause, flashing at closing, and off when automated system closed) 02 Beam LIGHT (output active with beam closedand on pause, inactive with beam open, flashing during movement) 03 Beam CLOSED 04 Beam OPEN or in PAUSE, it goes OFF during closing pre-flashing. 05 Beam MOVING AT OPENING, pre-flashing included. 06 Beam MOVING AT CLOSING, preflashing included. 07 Beam STILL 08 Beam in EMERGENCY status 09 LOOP1 engaged 10 LOOP2 engaged 11 OPEN for 624 SLAVE 12 CLOSE for 624 SLAVE 13 Beam DETACHED light hted 16 Y no no 03 20 no 00 Display Function P1 OUTPUT 1 polarity: for configuring the output polarity status. Y = N.C. polarity n o = N.O. polarity Function Default Display no nC CYCLE PROGRAMMING IN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS: For setting a count-down of the system operating cycles. Settable value from 0 to 99 (hundreds of thousands of cycles). The displayed value is reset as the cycles progress, interacting with the n c value (1 decrement of n C corresponds to 99 decrements of n c ). The function can be used combined with n c to check the use of the system and to make use of the “Assistance request”. Note: if the output is set to FAIL-SAFE (00) leave the default value. o2 OUTPUT 2: See output 1. 03 P2 OUTPUT 2 polarity: See output 1 polarity. no o3 OUTPUT 3: See output 1. P3 OUTPUT 3 polarity: See output 1 polarity. o4 00, 11 , 12 that in this case have not effect. See output 1, except to functions OUTPUT 4 polarity: for configuring the output polarity status. Y = N.C. polarity n o = N.O. polarity AS no AUTOMATED SYSTEM STATUS: Exit from programming, storage of data and return to gate status view (see par. 5.1.). 6. START-UP 6.1. LEDS CHECK ASSISTANCE REQUEST (coupled to the next two functions): If activated at the end of the count-down (settable with the next two functions under “Cycle programming”), it activates LAMP output for 4 sec every 30 sec. Can be useful for setting scheduled maintenance Y = Active no = Excluded. nc 02 oo no effect St 01 oo no effect h2 no OUTPUT 4: P4 h1 01 Default CYCLE PROGRAMMING IN THOUSANDS: For setting a count-down of the system operating cycles. Settable value from 0 to 99 (thousands of cycles). The displayed value is reset as the cycles progress, interacting with the n C value (99 n c decrementing steps correspond to one n C decrement). The function can be used combined with n C , to check the use of the system and to make use of the “Assistance request”. The following table shows the status of the LEDs in relation to the status of the inputs (the closed at rest automated system condition is shown in bold). Check the status of the signalling LEDs as per table below: Note that: Led on = closed contact Led off = open contact no Operation of status signalling LEDs 00 LED Description ON (closed contact) OFF (Open contact) DL1 OPEN Command enabled Command disabled DL2 CLOSE Command enabled Command disabled DL3 FSW Safety devices released Safety devices engaged DL4 STOP Command disabled Command enabled DL5 EMERGENCY Command disabled Command enabled DL6 FCA Opening limit switch free Opening limit switch engaged DL7 FCC Closing limit switch free Closing limit switch engaged DL8 PIVOT Beam attached Beam detached 7. AUTOMATED SYSTEM TEST When you have finished programming, check if the system is operating correctly. Above all, check if power is adequately adjusted and if the safety devices operate correctly. 8. MASTER-SLAVE 624BLD SLAVE 624BLD MASTER GND OUT 4 OUT 3 OUT 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Logica Logic Logique Nur Logik Lógica De logica 17 OUT 3 OUT 1 +24 V +24 V GND GND EMERGENCY FSW o2 = 1 1 P2 = no o3 = 12 P3 = no STOP 1 2 3 4 5 CLOSE LOOP 2 LOOP 2 J1 OPEN A LOOP 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 LOOP 1 GND OUT 4 OUT 3 OUT 2 OUT 3 +24 V +24 V OUT 1 GND GND EMERGENCY FSW STOP 1 2 3 4 5 CLOSE OPEN A LOOP 2 OUT3: LOOP 2 LOOP 1 OUT2: LOOP 1 J1 LO = C per il resto lasciare il default for the rest leave the default pour le reste laisser par défaut programmieren die anderen werkeinstellungen lassen por lo demas dejar el default voor de rest default laten Fig. 10 Tab. 1/a LOGIC “A” PULSES AUTOMATED SYSTEM STATUS OPEN A CLOSE STOP FSW LOOP 1 LOOP 2 CLOSED opens and closes after pause time no effect no effect (opening disabled) no effect opens and at end of opening closes if released no effect OPENING no effect reverses immediately at closing stops operation no effect no effect no effect OPEN IN PAUSE recharges pause time closes stops operation recharges pause time (closing disabled) recharges pause time recharges pause time (closing disabled) CLOSING reverses immediately at opening no effect stops operation reverses immediately at opening reverses immediately at opening and closes at end of opening if released reverses immediately at opening STOPPED closes closes no effect (opening and closing disabled) no effect (closing disabled) opens and at end of opening closes if released no effect (closing disabled) Tab. 1/b LOGIC “A1” PULSES AUTOMATED SYSTEM STATUS OPEN A CLOSE STOP FSW LOOP 1 LOOP 2 CLOSED opens and closes after pause time no effect no effect (opening disabled) no effect opens and at end of opening closes if released no effect OPENING no effect reverses immediately at closing stops operation closes immediately at end of opening no effect closes immediately at end of opening OPEN IN PAUSE recharges pause time closes stops operation closes recharges pause time closes CLOSING reverses immediately at opening no effect stops operation reverses immediately at opening reverses immediately at opening and closes at end of opening if released reverses immediately at opening STOPPED closes closes no effect (opening and closing disabled) no effect (closing disabled) opens and at end of opening closes if released no effect (closing disabled) Tab. 1/c LOGIC “E” PULSES AUTOMATED SYSTEM STATUS OPEN A CLOSE STOP FSW LOOP 1 LOOP 2 CLOSED opens no effect no effect (opening disabled) no effect opens and at end of opening closes if released no effect OPENING stops operation reverses immediately at closing stops operation no effect no effect no effect OPEN closes closes no effect (closing disabled) no effect (closing disabled) no effect no effect (closing disabled) CLOSING reverses immediately at opening no effect stops operation reverses immediately at opening reverses immediately at opening and closes at end of opening if released reverses immediately at opening STOPPED closes closes no effect (opening and closing disabled) no effect (closing disabled) opens and at end of opening closes if released no effect (closing disabled) In brackets: effects on the other inputs when pulse active 18 Tab. 1/d LOGIC “P” PULSES AUTOMATED SYSTEM STATUS OPEN A CLOSE STOP FSW LOOP 1 LOOP 2 CLOSED opens no effect no effect (opening disabled) no effect opens and at end of opening closes if released no effect OPENING no effect closes immediately at end of opening stops operation no effect no effect closes immediately at end of opening OPEN no effect (closing disabled) closes no effect (closing disabled) no effect (closing disabled) no effect closes CLOSING reverses immediately at opening no effect stops operation stops and continues to close on release reverses immediately at opening and closes at end of opening if released stops and continues to close on release STOPPED opens closes no effect (opening and closing disabled) no effect (closing disabled) opens and at end of opening closes if released no effect (closing disabled) Tab. 1/e LOGIC “PA” PULSES AUTOMATED SYSTEM STATUS OPEN A CLOSE STOP FSW LOOP 1 LOOP 2 CLOSED opens and closes after pause time no effect no effect (opening disabled) no effect opens and at end of opening closes if released no effect OPENING no effect closes immediately at end of opening stops operation no effect no effect closes immediately at end of opening OPEN IN PAUSE recharges pause time closes stops operation recharges pause time (closing disabled) recharges pause time closes CLOSING reverses immediately at opening no effect stops operation stops and continues to close on release reverses immediately at opening and closes at end of opening if released stops and continues to close on release STOPPED opens closes no effect (opening and closing disabled) no effect (closing disabled) opens and at end of opening closes if released no effect (closing disabled) Tab. 1/f LOGIC “Cn” PULSES AUTOMATED SYSTEM STATUS OPEN A CLOSE STOP FSW LOOP 1 LOOP 2 CLOSED opens no effect no effect (opening disabled) no effect opens and at end of opening closes if released no effect OPENING no effect closes immediately at end of opening stops operation no effect no effect closes immediately at end of opening OPEN no effect (closing disabled) closes no effect (closing disabled) no effect (closing disabled) no effect closes CLOSING reverses immediately at opening no effect stops operation reverses immediately at opening reverses immediately at opening and closes at end of opening if released reverses immediately at opening STOPPED opens closes no effect (closing disabled) opens and at end of opening closes if released no effect (closing disabled) no effect (opening and closing disabled) In brackets: effects on the other inputs when pulse active 19 Tab. 1/g LOGIC “CA” PULSES AUTOMATED SYSTEM STATUS OPEN A CLOSE STOP FSW LOOP 1 LOOP 2 CLOSED opens and closes after pause time no effect no effect (opening disabled) no effect opens and at end of opening closes if released no effect OPENING no effect closes immediately at end of opening stops operation no effect no effect closes immediately at end of opening OPEN IN PAUSE recharges pause time closes stops operation recharges pause time (closing disabled) recharges pause time closes CLOSING reverses immediately at opening no effect stops operation reverses immediately at opening reverses immediately at opening and closes at end of opening if released reverses immediately at opening STOPPED opens closes no effect (opening and closing disabled) no effect (closing disabled) opens and at end of opening closes if released no effect (closing disabled) Tab. 1/h LOGIC “rb” PULSES AUTOMATED SYSTEM STATUS OPEN A CLOSE STOP FSW LOOP 1 LOOP 2 CLOSED opens and closes after pause time no effect no effect (opening disabled) no effect opens and at end of opening closes if released no effect OPENING no effect reverses immediately at closing stops operation no effect no effect no effect OPEN IN PAUSE recharges pause time closes stops operation recharges pause time (closing disabled) recharges pause time recharges pause time (closing disabled) CLOSING reverses immediately at opening no effect stops operation reverses immediately at opening reverses immediately at opening and closes at end of opening if released reverses immediately at opening STOPPED opens closes no effect (opening and closing disabled) no effect (closing disabled) opens and at end of opening closes if released no effect (closing disabled) Tab. 1/i LOGIC “C” MAINTAINED COMMANDS PULSES AUTOMATED SYSTEM STATUS OPEN A CLOSE STOP FSW LOOP 1 LOOP 2 CLOSED opens no effect no effect (opening disabled) no effect no effect no effect OPENING / no effect stops operation no effect no effect no effect OPEN no effect (closing disabled) closes stops operation no effect no effect (closing disabled) no effect (closing disabled) CLOSING reverses immediately at opening / stops operation reverses immediately at opening stops operation stops operation STOPPED opens closes no effect (opening and closing disabled) no effect (closing disabled) no effect (closing disabled) no effect (closing disabled) In brackets: effects on the other inputs when pulse active 20 Le descrizioni e le illustrazioni del presente manuale non sono impegnative. La FAAC si riserva il diritto, lasciando inalterate le caratteristiche essenziali dell’apparecchiatura, di apportare in qualunque momento e senza impegnarsi ad aggiornare la presente pubblicazione, le modifiche che essa ritiene convenienti per miglioramenti tecnici o per qualsiasi altra esigenza di carattere costruttivo o commerciale. The descriptions and illustrations contained in the present manual are not binding. FAAC reserves the right, whilst leaving the main features of the equipments unaltered, to undertake any modifications it holds necessary for either technical or commercial reasons, at any time and without revising the present publication. Les descriptions et les illustrations du présent manuel sont fournies à titre indicatif. FAAC se réserve le droit d’apporter à tout moment les modifications qu’elle jugera utiles sur ce produit tout en conservant les caractéristiques essentielles, sans devoir pour autant mettre à jour cette publication. Die Beschreibungen und Abbildungen in vorliegendem Handbuch sind unverbindlich. FAAC behält sich das Recht vor, ohne die wesentlichen Eigenschaften dieses Gerätes zu verändern und ohne Verbindlichkeiten in Bezug auf die Neufassung der vorliegenden Anleitungen, technisch bzw. konstruktiv/kommerziell bedingte Verbesserungen vorzunehmen. Las descripciones y las ilustraciones de este manual no comportan compromiso alguno. FAAC se reserva el derecho, dejando inmutadas las características esenciales de los aparatos, de aportar, en cualquier momento y sin comprometerse a poner al día la presente publicación, todas las modificaciones que considere oportunas para el perfeccionamiento técnico o para cualquier otro tipo de exigencia de carácter constructivo o comercial. De beschrijvingen in deze handleiding zijn niet bindend. FAAC behoudt zich het recht voor op elk willekeurig moment de veranderingen aan te brengen die het bedrijf nuttig acht met het oog op technische verbeteringen of alle mogelijke andere productie- of commerciële eisen, waarbij de fundamentele eigenschappen van de apparaat gehandhaafd blijven, zonder zich daardoor te verplichten deze publicatie bij te werken. FAAC S.p.A. Via Benini, 1 40069 Zola Predosa (BO) - ITALIA Tel.: 051/61724 - Fax: 051/758518 www.faacgroup.com 732535- Rev. B - Timbro del Rivenditore:/Distributor’s Stamp:/Timbre de l’Agent:/ Fachhändlerstempel:/Sello del Revendedor:/Stempel van de dealer: ">

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Key features
- Programmable functions (Automatic, Semi-automatic, Parking, Condo, etc.)
- Adjustable pause time and work time
- Programmable thrust torque
- Loop detector interface
- Emergency stop and safety inputs
- Built-in receiver for remote control operation
- Comprehensive diagnostics and error reporting
Frequently asked questions
300 W
500 mA
F1 = F 5A - 250V, F2 = T 0.8A - 250V
-20°C - +55°C
This information is not available in the provided document.