Backbase Manual
Below you will find brief information for Backbase. The manual covers a variety of topics, including installation, configuration, and use.
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" # # $%%&# :!"$; ./ - &5 *# 6 .>/ ## %-' #( 6 '& ( ' (&5 ##- 1 # G 6&5 +* ./ #( ' ## # 1# >/ ./ #( '6 ' # 6&&1 ( +% D D xmlns:b= -& #( ' ## # :b: %6*' #(; xmlns:s= 5#+ #( :s: %6*' #(; 6+# # # # '' # %-' 5 1# --1 6 # ./ & (( # # # 6 # + & ( # '#& # # +# +%#= # ./ #( ## 1#@ # ./ & (( #(3' 6&&1 D D D D 1% , CDE = 6 '6 ( - # '&@ -@ 6*#5&@ 5 1 #&@ ' CDE = 6 #=6=# * #6 #&@ + @ # @ #@ &'@ #6 #& :#+ & # #&; B CDE = '6 6 # &#5 6 %(++ (@ M)" 6 # &#5@ # + %&# @ ' 6 +'& ## 5 %%&5 # && .>/ ' ./ &+ # &9 ,, CDE = 6 '6 ( # - # ## #((' &+ #@ ' ++ ' ## '6 # # ## # %& 1 # - # #((' 6&&1 ( ' -5 +%& *+%& # '+ ## # 5 6# 6 ./ " # *+%&@ # #6 # 6 b:box #& 1# .>/ & &+ # '6 ' 1# # * #& +%& &5# #& ## %-' '6&# #5& ( ' &5# 6 # # # : 5 ./ .>/; 6# # & 6 ' '6 - # '& 6 # command - # Example 2.1 - Simple BXML Example <b:box> <a>Click here to see if your Backbase installation is working <s:event b:on="command"> <s:task b:action="alert" b:value="You have a working Backbase installation" /> </s:event> </a> </b:box> H # b:on="command" - # #((' # & &+ #@ ## 1 # & # & @ # - # '& #(('C &# '&( * %% 1# # %6' -& ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 9 & = Figure 2.1 - Basic BXML Example "6 - # '6 ' &+ #@ # command - # # '6&# - # ## #((' " # - *+%& #6@ 1# ( <b:box><a>Click here to see if your Backbase installation is working</a></b:box> <-& # 5#+ ( :#(; s: %6*' #( ' 6 5#+ #( D #( # 1 %6 ## # 6&&1 ( &&## %-' --1 6 # s: #( ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = + 4 1 #& #& # -& #6 #& ## '6 ' # b: +% D #( # 1 %6 ## #@ ' 5 & %%&5 ( ## # # # &+ # 6&&1 ( &&## %-' --1 6 # #= 6=#= * #& ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = + 4" 89 9 5 M $## # M ## # '6 6 # &#5 6 %(++ (@ M)" 6 # &#5@ # + %&= # @ ' # 6 +'& G & %%&5 ( ## # # &+# 5 ./ .>/ 6&&1 ( &&## %-' --1 6 # ( ## # ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = + 4# B $ & 6(# ## #@ b:controlpath ' b:skinbase 4 + 6+# @ #$ D<% - # ' ++ ' - # '' ##-#5 # 5 2" # - # * +, #$ D@% ## #((' 1 # ' +# (@ & ( ## @ # # & ) ' +, #$ @G% ## # '#&5 ' 5 # @ 6 *+%& # construct - # 6 1 %( ##' H - # # %&@ 5 '6 # # @ ''!@ ## &' # %& 5 '6 ( , ! 6 # - # 6&&1 ( &&## %-' --1 6 # ++ ' ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = + 4( ,, " @ 5 ## - # # 5 &+ # # )" G # # - # '& # '#+ 1# # %& 1 # - # #(('@ 6 *+%& 1# &' %% 1 & & $ - # '& # 6 *# ( ++ ' - # '& '& # - # 5 *# ( ++ '@ 6 ++ ' 4 + 6+# - # '& (@ - +, .! #$ D>% & 1'(#=%6 ++ ' bufferdirty@ datepicker@ ' setpanelset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xample 2.2 - Startup File <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xmlns:b="" xmlns:s=""> <head> <title>Backbase startup page</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="../bpc/boot.js"></script> </head> <body onload="bpc.boot('../');" b:controlpath="../controls/backbase/" b:skinbase="none"> <xmp b:backbase="true"> <div b:action="alert" b:value="You have a working Backbase installation"> Click here to see if your Backbase installation is working</div> </xmp> </body> </html> 6&&1 ( # & ' # &+ # 6 # ##% 6& & , / !DOCTYPE definition .>/ # '' '6 # ,+ # 5% ,6 # "# ++ '' ## 5 .>/ ## ,, 7+% " # html #(@ # # .>/ +% ' # ./ +% '&# 6 b: ' s: #( <script> " # head # 6 # ##% 6&@ '6 # %# # '& # - & 6 # ( # 2 " # *+%&@ # /bpc &#- %# body onload="bpc.boot('../');" &' # 2 1# &#- %# # # boot.js ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = & , / body #( # bpc.boot +#' 1 # '+ # &'' +#' ('../') %+# 1 ' # '# # %# 6 # 2 b:controlpath="../controls/backbase/" '# # %# # # #& 5 1 # # @ b:skinbase # default.xml 6& 4 + 6+# @ #$ D<% xmp ?= @ $&& !(# !-' xmp #( + # ./ % b:backbase="true" ## # '# && ./ s: ' b: #( +# %' ' '' 5 # 2 0#' # xmp #(@ 5 # '' >/ ' 1 +% 4 + 6+# @ #$ 5@% & = %# = " #' ( # ./ ( ( # ./ ' ,0 ) '# ' ( # " ' -/ " 6 '+ #& # '# ' ( 1 5 # '5 + # # %%&# :!"$; B#- 6 # ./ ' # ,0 # + 5 '6 ( &(& ## 6 '+ #@ ' # 15 '+ # ' ' + %&#'@ # &&1 5 # '5 +&&5 ' %'# # # #@ ## ' #5& 6 '+ # D D ,+ # 0 B# '& :,0; %%&# %(++ ( #6 :$2"; 6 -&' >/ ' 1&&=6+' ./ '+ # " # ,0@ '+ # - &(& ## 1 -5 + & ## 6 #@ # #+ ,0 ./ # B# % ## 6 ./@ '6 ' 1# xmp #( $# #+@ # 2 ## & # :2; 6# % # ./ ' # # ./ "# # # &# # ./ # # '' ,0 ## '' 5 # 1 Figure 3.1 - Tree Manipulation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b:target="../.." $ = 5 # ", &+ # ## 5 # 6 '#&5 4 *+%&@ 1 # &+ # ", id="element_id"@ 5 #(# # &+ # ( b:target="id('element_id')" 7# .2# &&1 5 # -(# #( &+ # ' ## # ./ '+ # .2# *% # # '=#@ # (@ & @ + %%# # H :$; # '' "# +%# # 6 5 # + 6+& 1# .2# ' # #(# ( %# 5 6 # *+%& # + & '+ ## #(# ( 4 + 6+# .2# $*@ 9 #$ G5G% ' +9' #$ G5E% @ .2# ( & H& .2# #& P##%FF1111&+F*%#FQ Figure 3.2 - Targetting 6&&1 ( *+%& +%& '+ # ## #(# ( # 1 ' ' &= + # Example 3.1 - Targeting <b:box> <h3>The Seven Samurai (1954)</h3> <p>A movie by Akira Kurosawa starring Takashi Shimura and Toshiro Mifune.</p> <p style="display: none" id="sbox-showhide"> The film takes place in war-ridden ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 8 & = 16th century Japan, where a village of farmers hire seven ronin (lordless samurai) to fight for them against a band of marauding robbers. The Seven Samurai is widely regarded as one of the greatest Japanese films ever made.</p> <p b:action="show-hide" b:target="id('sbox-showhide') | a"> <a style="display:none">&lt;&lt;&lt; Show less</a> <a>Read more &gt;&gt;&gt;</a> </p> </b:box> 6&&1 ( +( 1 # %( #& ## Figure 3.3 - Show-Hide: Initial State " # *+%&@ # 6&&1 ( & '6 +%& - # '& ## 1 ' # &+ # # #(#@ ' # &+ #E # #$ G;5% &', "4 1, &9 ; <p b:action="show-hide" b:target="id('sbox-showhide') | a" /> b:target #(# ( # #(# # &+ # 1 ' sbox-showhide@ ' , #(# ( # #(# && a :& ; &+ # # #*# ' b:box #+ #& ' 6 &5# %%@ 1%% ( # # # * ' %%&5 ( +%& #5& ( Figure 3.4 - Show-Hide: Clicked State (# ( # >/ % $ %%&# '6 ' 1# # xmp #( 6 5 (& %( #6 :2"; xmp #( + # C # ./ ' >/ &+ # ## %' 5 # 2 ( ' '' # ./ 5 '6&#@ #(# ( 1 # &+ # # ./ % >1-@ 1# 5 %%&# @ 5 '+# ## & ( # # ." ( b:xhtml #(C &+ # 1# # #( # %' 5 # 2 2## ( &+ # # ." 6& 6 #(# 1# *= # ( %%&# @ ' # +%- %6+ 5 ( .>/ 6 +%& +=% ' +%& )" &+ # :# # # 6 #& & ( # # >/ %C 6 + 6+# @ - ." #$ GG;% ; $ &+ # 1# # b:xhtml #( # %' ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 5 # 2@ 5 # 5 '6&# 9 & = #(# # &+ # #5 ' # - '=# % ## # ./ # & 5 # #(# &+ # # >/ %@ %-' # 6&&1= ( #+ .2# 6 # 1 8 D D html() = 6 #(# ( ' # >/ % html() 1& ## # 2 # ( # # % ## # ,0 bxml() = &&1 5 # 1# 6+ # >/ % # # ./ % &&## # '66 #1 # # # >/ ' ./ %@ # # 6&&1 ( *+%&C # &# ./ 1# # '=#@ ' >/ 1# 6- ' # & # #(# # span &+ # # >/ %@ # & &= + # - # '& # html() 6 # :# - # '& %# # ' # # # &# '&( *; Example 3.3 - HTML Space Example <a b:action="alert" b:value="{following::b:xhtml/html()/div/span}">Click me</a> <b:xhtml> <div> <span>HTML Space</span> <b:bxml /> </div> </b:xhtml> " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ & ( # ## #(( - # '& ## #(# &= + # # ./ ' >/ % # 1 ' ' # &+ # Example 3.4 - Show-Hide HTML Space Example <div style="background-color: #FE987E; width: 400px; height: 100px">These elements are in the BXML space <b:button>Click here to Show-Hide elements in the BXML and HTML Space <s:event b:on="command"> <s:task b:action="show-hide" b:target="id('html_space')/html()/div/span" /> <s:task b:action="show-hide" b:target="id('bxml_space')/div[1]" /> </s:event> </b:button> <div id="bxml_space"> <div>Clicking the button toggles the display style property of this element in the BXML Space</div> </div> </div> <b:xhtml id="html_space"> <div style="background-color: #80FFB3; width: 400px; height: 100px">These elements are in the HTML Space <span>Clicking the button toggles the display style property of this element in the HTML Space</span> </div> </b:xhtml> " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ # ' & #(# &+ # # >/ % ( # html() 1&@ ' # >/ % # #(# &+ # 1# b:bxml &+ # ( # bxml() 1& Example 3.5 - BXML Space Walker <a b:action="alert" b:value="{following::b:xhtml/html()/div/span}">To HTML Space</a> <span>|</span> <a b:action="alert" b:value="{following::b:xhtml/html()/bxml()/b:bxml/b:box}">To BXML Space within HTML Space</a> <b:xhtml> <div> <span>This element is in the HTML Space</span> <b:bxml> <b:box>This box is in the BXML Space</b:box> </b:bxml> </div> </b:xhtml> " # >/ %@ 5 +# #(# ## # ( # A-%# - # 4 *+%&@ 5 #(# # class ## # ( # 5 #* b:value="{html()/div/@myClassName}" : #(# # class ## # # ./ %@ # 5 #* bxml()/div/@class; ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = ++ ' 6 # >/ % G # && # ++ ' -& & # ./ & (( &+ # # >/ % 6&&1 ( &# 6 ++ ' 5 &+ # # >/ % : ' ./ %; D D D D D D D D D D D visible@ invisible ' visible-invisible show@ hide ' show-hide maximize@ store ' restore move ' remove addclass ' removeclass position scrollto send opacity focus sort ++ ' 6 # ./ % 6&&1 ( &# 6 ++ ' ## 5 # #(# &+ # # ./ % :1 ./;@ ## *%# ./ %# D D D D D D D settext set move remove transform xsl-transform xml2string G & .2# *% ## # 6 #5% # ( # #(# # ( -&@ #*# '@ # ./ %@ >/ %@ ' ./ % %&# %&# ( # B# # ./ ( .2# # #(# &+ # 1# + # #6 ##- ' '5 + # ' 1 5 + %= &# # ./ # %5@ +-@ ' +- &+ # 1# # ./ , # &+ # ' % ' ( &' ' 6+ &# # ./ ' # # ' # # &# ) + %5 6 &+ # # &# # ./ ' # # %5 6 # ' # # # &# ', '&# # &+ # # &# # ./ & # + %&# # #@ 5 ' # -&3 # ./ 2" '+ # # ##@ 1# 6+& ( '% #F% #F&'F & ( &# % 6 # ./ ' .>/ ' (# ( &+ #@ ' %6+ ( # #+@ # + &#-&5 +%& ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = Figure 3.5 - Tree Manipulation $# #+@ # 2 %6+ ./ # + %&# # & #='@ 1## %( &' ( G %6+ # + %&# 6&&1 D D D % & , = # b:action="copy" ++ ' 6 %5 ( '@ s:render 6 %5 (@ +- (@ # 6+ (@ ' '' ( ' 9 & , = # b:action="move" ++ ' 6 +- ( ' : # movedown ' moveup ++ '; 6 ,9 & , = # b:action="remove" ++ ' 6 +- ( ' %5 ( &+ # s:render #( &&1 5 # %5 &+ # $ &+ # 1 %' 6+ &= # # '+ # # # %# # ( & &# @ 1 + # % & # # -& % 6 # + &+ # s:render #( < # 6&&1 ( #= # # D D b:destination = #(# # '# # :# - ( &+ #; 6 # %5 ( .2# *% b:mode = %6 1 # '# #' 9 # # - ( &+ # ## # - # -& asfirstchild@ aslastchild@ before@ replace@ replacechildren :# '6&# 6 b:mode # %6'; " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ #+ 5 & # span &+ # 1 # # - # '& :s:event;@ # # # # s:render #( %' ' %&' 6# # &= + # 1# # ' copyTarget &', "4) % & , <div> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = <span> <s:event b:on="command"> <s:render b:destination="id('copyTarget')" b:mode="aslastchild"> <div> <b>Backbase Powered Web Applications</b> </div> </s:render> </s:event> Click Here To Copy </span> <div id="copyTarget"></div> </div> s:render #( &5 '# &' &+ # 6 s:event@ s:tasklist ' s:execute #( G & # copy ++ ' ## % &+ # b:source ## # # b:destination $( @ # b:mode ## # %6 1 # '# #' &#- # # #(# '# # - ( &+ # G +- &+ # ' % ' ( &' ' ( # move@ movedown ' moveup ++ ' :# &## #1 ++ ' + # # .2# # ' *% ; 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Thank you for your order.</div> <br /> <div>Currently when you close this modal window, the form stays visible. In a real world application you would use a command to overwrite the form when the form was succesfully submitted.</div> <br /> <br /> <br /> <center> <b:button b:action="trigger" b:event="close" b:target="ancestor::b:modal[1]">Close</b:button> </center> </b:modalbody> </b:modal> </s:render> <s:task b:action="select" b:target="id('response-modal')" /> </s:execute> s:execute #( # &5 *# #( ' *# # &' ++'#&5 6# ( %' H 5 '6 s:execute # # 6 % 6& &'' 5 6+ + : load ++ ';@ # '# 78 #' # # %6' '# # # *#' ++'#&5 G +# #6 # s:render #( # %65 1 # '# ' # %&' ( # b:destination ' b:mode ## # ) ( # +# ++ ' H 6+ +##'@ submit - # #((' # 6+ &&1 5 # J = #%#J # 6+ + ' %6+@ 6 *+%&@ 6&' -&'# 6 +## ( # 6+ %6+ 6&' -&'# @ # %= +##& # @ 5 ' # '6 - # '& 6 # submit - # G +# '' #+ ' # submit - # '& ## -&'# # 6+ ' '#+ 1# # 6+ -&' ' # # # - - # '& +# & &' send ++ ' # #&&5 +# # 6+ 6# # -&'# # %& 6&&1 ( *+%& 6+ # 4+ ## L# &#' # '6&# = #&&# '#5 C:\Backbase\3_1_4\starterkits\forms\form.html 6+ b:behavior ## # '# ## # 6+ - &&' form@ '6 ' # forms.xml 6&@ ## '6 - # '& 6 # submit - # &', "4) +, 1, <form action="response.xml" b:destination="." method="post" b:behavior="form"></form> submit - # '& # forms.xml &' send ++ ' ## #((' 1 # &# 6 # b:test 6& :6+ -&'# +%&+ #' # 6+; &', "4* 1, &9 ; <s:behavior b:name="form"> <s:event b:on="construct"></s:event> <s:event b:on="submit"> <s:choose> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 8 & = <s:when b:test=".//b:step"> <s:task b:action="send" /> </s:when> <s:otherwise> <s:task b:action="trigger" b:target=".//input" b:event="validate" /> <s:choose> <s:when b:test="not(.//input[@b:valid][@b:valid != 'true'])"> <s:task b:action="alert" b:value="valid" /> <s:task b:action="send" /> </s:when> <s:otherwise> <s:task b:action="alert" b:value="invalid" /> </s:otherwise> </s:choose> </s:otherwise> </s:choose> </s:event> </s:behavior> ' ( ./ # # - 2 & ' ./ # # - ' ./ # # -@ #(# ./ &= + #@ # 6 &+ #@ ' # send ++ ' # &+ # ' && ' ' ( &+ # -#' # ./ ' # ( # HTTP POST ++ ' 1# # text/ xml ' ( $ ./= &' - # &' # ./ '#&5 # ./ '= + # :# &# 6 # - 6& '6 ' ( # b:url ## #; # #' 1# # send ++ ' '% ' 1 &+ # #(#' send ++ ' # b:source ## # # %65 1 &+ #@ &+ #@ ' # # "6 form &+ # #(#'@ # 6+ +##' # '6&# 6+ + "6 5 # &+ # #(#'@ # &+ # # ./ &&1 5 # #(# +&#%& ' : # ( +&#%& # ';@ # ( = #' ./ 1%%' b:backbase #( # # -&' ./ 4 *+%& &', "4. 1 1 9 <table> <s:event b:on="command"> <s:task b:action="send" b:source="tbody/tr" b:url="receiveXML.php" /> </s:event> <thead> <tr> <th>Movie</th> <th>Genre</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>The Seven Samurai</td> <td>Drama</td> </tr> <tr> <td>The Godfather</td> <td>Crime</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> " -' # - &', "40 9 <b:backbase> <tr> <td>The Seven Samurai</td> <td>Drama</td> </tr> <tr> <td>The Godfather</td> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 9 & = <td>Crime</td> </tr> </b:backbase> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = %# = $5 *# $5 *# - # '' ##-#5 # 5 2" 1 # ' +# ( - # # %& :&#( # & + - # ## # '#&5 ' 5 # @ 6 *= +%& # construct - # 6 1 %( ##'; 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background-color: #0000ff; height: 50px; width: 50px;" b:behavior="diveffect" id="changingdiv"></div> <p> <a b:action="deselect" b:target="id('changingdiv')"> Click Here to End</a> </p> </div> H 5 & # & J& > ##J@ # select ++ ' #((' # ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = div &+ # id="changingdiv"@ 1 # #(( # - # '& '6 ' # - select - # '& 5 &5 ( & :# s:fxstyle # b:async="true" ## #;@ ' # # fxstyles # ( 3 ' %# *# 5 &5 66# ## # &+ #E ( ' & ( ( - 1& # ( 3' ' +-' H 5 & # & J& > 'J@ # deselect ++ ' #((' # div &+ # id="changingdiv"@ 1 # #(( # deselect - # '& '6 ' # - 6*#5& *#' 5 &5C # # 66# ' # ' 6 # *# ##' :"6 # 5 # # 66# #&& = ( *#'@ - # '&#' ##@ # &+ # 1&& #&& % ( ( &; 4 + 6+# 66#@ " #$ G;E% & , D H 5 '& # # 5 &5@ # &# 6 # 1 #' ( ' 5 # 2 6@ 5 +# 6&&5 ' 1# # % @ + ( 6+ # s:fxstyle@ s:task@ s:parallel@ s:sequential ' s:event #( *# '' 1# # b:async ## #@ 6&5 ( ' 5 # 2 4 *+%&@ 5 set ++ ' 5 &5 & ( 5 1 ## # #' # + % # #(# ( &+ # 5 # % # &# 6+ # ++ ' = # 1 ## # -& < #& $ ' 2&&& 2 ( G %65 1# # 2 # s:fxstyle ++ ' %&&&@ < = #&&5 : # #+; 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top:25px;"> <thead> <tr> <th style="width: 150px;">Movie</th> <th style="width: 60px;">Genre</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr b:behavior="lock-move"> <td>The Seven Samurai</td> <td>Drama</td> </tr> <tr b:behavior="lock-move"> <td>City of God</td> <td>Drama</td> </tr> <tr b:behavior="lock-move"> <td>Donnie Darko</td> <td>Drama</td> </tr> <tr b:behavior="lock-move"> <td>The Godfather</td> <td>Crime</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="filmTable" style="position: absolute;left: 300px; top:25px;"> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = <thead> <tr> <th style="width: 150px;">Movie</th> <th style="width: 60px;">Genre</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody /> </table> moverright ' moveleft - # *#' 6&&1 & # J- 1 # # (# :&';J & # #(( # moverright - # - # #(# # # & 1 # 6# # & :# #(# &+ # #6 # '=#; 1 # # & #(( # moveright - # '&@ '6 ' # - lock-move 6@ 6 1@ %# #' #' # '& # - # >1-@ # - # '& & # tbody &+ # : ( .2# #(# (;@ #' 5 &5= #' +# +%&# 6 # *# #' ##' moveright - # '& # # 6# # & 1 ' # # # # &# '( #' 5 # b:destination ## #@ # @ ../../~+table[1]/tbody + # -(# 6+ # #*# ' :# tr &+ # # 6# # &; 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color: white; padding: 5px 0 0 5px">Content section</b:panel> <b:panel style="background-color: #FDF260; color: #666; padding: 5px 0 0 5px">Context sensitive information</b:panel> </b:panelset> <b:panel style="background-color: #7D8FCE; color: white; padding: 5px 0 0 5px">Status information</b:panel> </b:panelset> " # # *%& %6+ &1 6 # &+ # 6 % &# - # #5& ## # height: 100% &- #@ # # % # &+ #@ ## - T (# T 1'#@ # overflow: auto overflow: hidden , $ ' &+ # ## '%&5 &5 6 # &' # #+@ 1# # ++ %% 6 # ( # ' 13'=& #6 +%&+ # +%& # =& ' D D D # # # 6 # ' :&&5 div #( %# 6&; # &' &+ # 6 # ' 06 # # # '6&# # # ## %% 6# 1 # ' #&&5 '' # & ## # 6&% #( # 'C ' '6 ## # &@ 3@ %# ( $'' ++ ' # # ## # '' # -(# 6 # &#5 6 # ' &' ++ ' 6 *#@ %-@ &# %(@ 6# %(@ &# @ '&# @ ' &', (4 / / <div> <b:deck class="simpleDeck"> <div>1 This is a deck ...</div> <div>2... a widget to create ...</div> <div>3... multi-paged documents.</div> </b:deck> <a b:action="previous" b:target="../b:deck">&lt; Previous</a> <a b:action="next" b:target="../b:deck">Next &gt;</a> </div> &' # # # 6 '@ 1 # #' %# 6&@ 5 # s:include #(@ &#( # # ''- #( ## # 6& &'' += +'#&5 '&5 # &' (@ 5 #' # b:buffer #( 4 + 6+= # 66' &' (@ ! ! #$ <=% , &' &+ # 6&&1 # ## ( 6 5# # ' ' &# '&# #+&- 1 #5 &#' '&#' ( # b:followstate &= # % &&1 5 # '& +%&* &# #1 '66 # #6 #& 18 #$ G;5% ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = #& 0--1 # #=6=#= *@ & #6 #& ## %&# ++ %## ' - 6&&1 ( &&## %-' -= -1 ' #(3# 6 # #&@ 1 ' ' # 6&&1 ( # + (4 89 9 5 G ' # # # b:controlpath ## # # body #( # %65 # #& 5 1 # # 4 + 6+# @ #$ D<% ,6 ( /5# #& ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = ) # &5# #& # '#+ # &5# 6 # #6 G '6 '- ' %## ( ( # ./ & # #& b:box@ b:modal@ b:spacer@ ' b:window * $ * #& +%& +% # ## &5 # & &+ # G (- # (# 1'#C 6 3 %6'@ # 3 '-' 6+ # # # G #5& # # # 6 # * ( # b:style ## # + (4" ' &', (4" ' <b:box style="width: 250px;" b:style="background-color: #CCFF00"> cult following among younger audiences."</b:box> "Scarface developed a '& +'& #& %%=% 1 '1 H % '@ # # ## 1# # # 6 # '+ # #& # +'& 1 '1 &' G % # +'& '&( 5 #(( ( : ( # trigger ++ '; # open - #@ ' & # 5 #(( ( # close - # '& & '6&# ## # #% (#= ' 6 & ( # 1 '1 + (4# &', (4# <div> <p> <a b:action="trigger" b:event="open" b:target="id('modal')">What is The Godfather about?</a> </p> <b:modal id="modal"> <b:modalhead>The Godfather (1972)</b:modalhead> <b:modalbody> <p>The Godfather is a film adaptation of the novel of the same name (see The Godfather novel) written by Mario Puzo, directed by Francis Ford Coppola and starring Marlon Brando and Al Pacino.</p> <a b:action="trigger" b:event="close" b:target="id('modal')">Close the Modal</a> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 8 & = </b:modalbody> </b:modal> </div> % b:spacer #& - & &+ # ## ' # %# &+ # "# b:width ' b:height ## # ## %6 % #( %*& -& % &&1 5 # %# #+ # %*& % &', (4( 1 <p>The following text has spacers inside. <br /> Hello <b:spacer b:width="200px" b:height="150px" /> there! <b:spacer b:width="3em" /> How <b:spacer b:width="10px" /> are <b:spacer b:width="2px" /> you? </p> H '1 $ b:window #( # 1 '1 ## 5 +-@ +& # 1 '1 '#% %= %&# &' #( b:windowhead ' b:windowbody '6 # ' ' '5 6 # 1 '1 + (4( @5 " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ #1 1 '1 #'@ 6 1 @ 5 '6&#@ % ' ##% 1 '1 # ## # #% (#= @ '6 ' # b:windowbuttons ## #@ 6 & (@ + +3 (@ ' +*+3 ( # 1 '1 / &+ # '6 ' ## &&1 5 # % # 1 '1 # trigger ++ ' #(( b:event="open" # % # 1 '1 %6' ( .2# *% :b:target="id('win1')"; ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 9 & = &', (4) @5 <div style="position: relative; height: 100%; overflow:visible; border : 1px solid red;"> <a b:action="trigger" b:event="open" b:target="id('win3')">Open window 1</a> | <a b:action="trigger" b:event="open" b:target="id('win4')">Open window 2</a> <b:window id="win3" b:open="true" style="top:100px; left:20px;"> <b:windowhead>Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è Bella)</b:windowhead> <b:windowbody>A 1997 Italian language film which tells the story of an Italian Jew...</b:windowbody> </b:window> <b:window id="win4" b:open="false" style="top:150px; left:100px;"> <b:windowhead>2001: A Space Odyssey</b:windowhead> <b:windowbody>An influential science fiction film directed by Stanley Kubrick, notable for combining episodes contrasting high levels of scientific and technical realism with transcendental mysticism.</b:windowbody> </b:window> </div> ,6 ( 7-(# #& ) # -(# #& # '#+ # -(# & <+ # &5# 6 # #6 G '6 -(# ( # ./ & # #& b:contextmenu@ b:menubar@ b:navbox@ b:navpanel@ b:sidebar@ b:tabbox@ b:taskbar@ b:toolbar@ ' b:tree #*#+ #*#+ #*#= #- + ## %%=% 1 - #@ #5%&&5 (#=+ ## - #@ #((' &+ # G # # + 5 # ( b:contextmenu #(@ ' 5 '6 1 # + ( # b:contextmenurow #( b:contextmenurow #( b:label ## # ## '6 # + & &@ ' %# &&5 b:shortcut ## # ## '' & & # ' # ## 5@ 6 # + :5 +# +%&+ # # 5 ( # s:keys #(; Figure 5.6 - Backbase Contextmenu " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ (#=+ ## :rmbup; - # '& '6 ' ## #= (# # #*# + !(#=& # ' ( &+ # # -1 # %%=% + Example 5.7 - Creating a Contextmenu Control <div> <h1>contextmenu</h1> <s:event b:on="rmbup" b:bubble="false"> <s:task b:action="select" b:target="id('contextmenu')" /> <s:task b:action="position" b:type="place" b:target="id('contextmenu')" b:destination="." b:position="at-pointer" /> </s:event> <b:contextmenu id="contextmenu"> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Open" b:shortcut="ctrl + o" /> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Close this file" /> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = <b:contextmenurow b:label="Sub"> <b:contextmenu> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Save" b:shortcut="ctrl+s" /> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Something" /> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Submenu"> <b:contextmenu> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Something" /> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Something" b:shortcut="ctrl+a" /> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Something" /> </b:contextmenu> </b:contextmenurow> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Something" b:shortcut="ctrl+z" /> </b:contextmenu> </b:contextmenurow> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Sub"> <b:contextmenu> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Save" b:shortcut="ctrl+s" /> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Something" /> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Submenu" b:disabled="true"> <b:contextmenu> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Something" /> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Something" b:shortcut="ctrl+a" /> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Something" /> </b:contextmenu> </b:contextmenurow> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Something" b:shortcut="ctrl+z" /> </b:contextmenu> </b:contextmenurow> <b:contextmenurow b:label="Exit" b:shortcut="alt+F4" /> </b:contextmenu> </div> <div b:dragreceive="true"></div> 4 + 6+# # +%&+ # ( 5@ () #$ @5% #& '%&5 + + 5 %%&# "# &&5 % #' # # #% 6 # 1 %%&# @ # 5 %# # 51 + (4* 6&&1 ( *+%& ' # 5 #* # ## + &', (4. <s:include b:url="../controls/backbase/b-menubar/b-menubar.xml" /> <div style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: relative"> <div style="border-color: #b8ced7; border-width: 1px 1px 0 1px; border-style: solid; height:23px;overflow:hidden;"> <b:menubar> <b:menurow b:label="File"> <b:menupopup> <b:menupane> <b:menurow> <b:menucell>Open</b:menucell> </b:menurow> <b:menurow> <b:menucell>Save</b:menucell> </b:menurow> <b:menurow> <b:menucell>Export</b:menucell> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = <b:menupopup> <b:menupane> <b:menurow> <b:menucell>To gif</b:menucell> </b:menurow> <b:menurow> <b:menucell>To png</b:menucell> </b:menurow> </b:menupane> </b:menupopup> </b:menurow> <b:menurow> <b:menucell>Save as ...</b:menucell> </b:menurow> </b:menupane> </b:menupopup> </b:menurow> <b:menurow> <b:menucell>Edit</b:menucell> <b:menupopup> <b:menupane> <b:menurow> <b:menucell>Copy</b:menucell> </b:menurow> <b:menurow> <b:menucell>Cut</b:menucell> </b:menurow> <b:menurow> <b:menucell>Paste</b:menucell> </b:menurow> </b:menupane> </b:menupopup> </b:menurow> </b:menubar> </div> </div> # + #&@ 5 +# '' s:include # # %# 6 # #&@ 6 *+%& s:include b:url="../controls/backbase/b-menubar/b-menubar.xml" 7- * 7- * #& 6& 6 1 ( ' ' ( &-& 6 = -(# ' 6# '#& $ b:navbox # (& b:navhead ' b:navbody &+ #C & ( # ' *% ' &&% # '5 &+ # 1 # # # '6 ' - * & &-&@ + ( ## #5 % #' # # ' %5 # # 1'# 6 7- * '( ' 6 '5 -(# & %%C - * %# &+ # ## #5%&&5 # ''# & 6+# &&5 &#' # # # ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = + (4. 79' &', (40 79' <div style="background-color:#3399FF; width: 280px; padding: 10px; height: 300px"> <b:navbox style="width: 250px;"> <b:navhead>System Tasks</b:navhead> <b:navbody> <a>View System Tasks</a> <br /> <a>Add or remove programs</a> <br /> <a>Change a setting</a> </b:navbody> </b:navbox> <br /> <b:navbox style="width: 250px;" b:open="true"> <b:navhead>Other Places</b:navhead> <b:navbody> <a>My Network Places</a> <br /> <a>My Documents</a> <br /> <a>Details</a> </b:navbody> </b:navbox> <br /> <b:navbox style="width: 250px;"> <b:navhead>Details</b:navhead> <b:navbody> <a>My Computer</a> </b:navbody> </b:navbox> </div> 7-% & 7-% & #& ## # *% ' &&% 5 & ( # ' ' ' 6 # + -(# 6 1 %%&# -% & + # 6&& # (# ' 1'# 6 # % # &+ # b:navpanelbody # # # # $ b:navpanel #5%&&5 +&#%& b:navpanelhead ' b:navpanelbody &+ #@ &5 6 1 &#' # 5 #+ &# ( #+#&&5 '&# # #= ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = + (40 79 " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ # -% & # # -% &' ' -% & '= G # b:state ## # # '6 1 6 # ' % ' ##% &', (42 79 <div style="height: 500px; width: 200px"> <b:navpanel b:singular="strict"> <b:navpanelhead>The Seven Samurai (1954)</b:navpanelhead> <b:navpanelbody> <p>A movie by Akira Kurosawa starring Takashi Shimura and Toshiro Mifune.</p> </b:navpanelbody> <b:navpanelhead>2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)</b:navpanelhead> <b:navpanelbody> <p>An influential science fiction film directed by Stanley Kubrick.</p> </b:navpanelbody> <b:navpanelhead b:state="selected">Life Is Beautiful (1997)</b:navpanelhead> <b:navpanelbody> <p>A Italian language film which tells the story of an Italian Jew, Guido Orefice (played by Roberto Benigni), who lives in a romantic fairy tale, but must learn how to use that dreamy quality to survive a concentration camp with his young son Joshua (played by Giorgio Cantarini).</p> </b:navpanelbody> </b:navpanel> </div> b:singular ## # '6 ## &5 &' 6 &+ # &#' # #+ H # &' &#'@ # # &' #+#&&5 '&#' ' * ' #& # ' #& ## 5 %# -#&&5 # &6#= ' ' (#= ' ' 6 # $ # %#&5 - & 1 #-@ ' 6&&5 -= & 1 #- G %65 # ## # b:width@ b:height@ b:top@ ' b:side # '# 1# # %% right left :# '6&#; ) # b:img ## # # = '# +( 6& ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = + (42 1 ' 6&&1 ( *+%& 6 ' * #& :# & # #&@ & # # ## % ; &', (4 1 <b:sidebarbox b:width="400" b:height="250" b:top="100" b:side="left"> <b:sidebar b:img="menu.gif"> Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry....</b:sidebar> <b:sidebar b:img="tools.gif"> It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.</b:sidebar> <b:sidebar b:img="brushes.gif"> Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. </b:sidebar> </b:sidebarbox> +( ' # - *+%& -& & # Backbase\3_1_4\controls\backbase\b-sidebarbox '#5@ # 3_1_4\basic '#= 5 * $ #& ## %-' # ' #6@ # ( '6 ' 1# b:tab #( b:tabbox #& %%# &35 &' ( 1 5 %65 # # # # ( b:url@ # # # &5 &'' # # ++ # & # # 6 # 6# #+ + (4 ' " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ 6 # '6 ' &', (4 ' <b:tabbox style="height: 100%"> <b:tab b:label="2001" b:url="data/2001_short.xml" /> <b:tab b:label="Seven Samurai" b:url="data/seven_short.xml" /> <b:tab b:label="Life is Beautiful" b:state="selected" b:url="data/bella_short.xml" /> <b:tab b:label="The Godfather" b:url="data/godfather_short.xml" /> </b:tabbox> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = H@ 6 *+%&@ # b:url="data/bella_short.xml # # 6&&1 ( &', (4" 6 + <div xmlns="" xmlns:b="" xmlns:s=""> <h3>Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella, 1997)</h3> <p> Italian language film which tells the story of an Italian Jew, Guido Orefice (played by Roberto Benigni), who lives in a romantic fairy tale, but must learn how to use that dreamy quality to survive a concentration camp with his young son Joshua.</p> </div> 4 + 6+# @ - 2 #$ <>% ' ?) ! #$ 5@% # #& ' # + ( 1 '1 "# # # # # 6 % 1 '1 ##+ 6 # + (4 &', (4# <b:panelset b:rows="27px * 27px"> <b:panel> <a b:action="trigger" b:event="open" b:target="id('taskbar_win1')">Open window 1</a> | <a b:action="trigger" b:event="open" b:target="id('taskbar_win2')">Open window 2</a> | <a b:action="trigger" b:event="open" b:target="id('taskbar_win3')">Open window 3</a> </b:panel> <b:panel> <b:windowarea style="height: 100%"> <b:window id="taskbar_win1" b:open="true" style="position: absolute; width: 350px; height: 200px; top:15px; left:30px;"> <b:windowhead>Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella)</b:windowhead> <b:windowbody> <p>A 1997 Italian language film which tells the story of an Italian Jew, Guido Orefice who lives in a romantic fairy tale, but must learn how to ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = use that dreamy quality to survive a concentration camp with his young son Joshua.</p> </b:windowbody> </b:window> <b:window id="taskbar_win2" b:open="true" style="position: absolute; width: 350px; height: 200px; top:25px; left:60px;"> <b:windowhead>2001: A Space Odyssey</b:windowhead> <b:windowbody> <p>An influential science fiction film directed by Stanley Kubrick.</p> </b:windowbody> </b:window> <b:window id="taskbar_win3" b:open="true" style="position: absolute; width: 350px; height: 200px; top:35px; left:90px;"> <b:windowhead>Seven Sumarai</b:windowhead> <b:windowbody> <p>The film takes place in war-ridden 16th century Japan, where a village of farmers look for ways to ward off a band of marauding robbers.</p> </b:windowbody> </b:window> </b:windowarea> </b:panel> <b:panel> <b:taskbar> <b:startbutton /> </b:taskbar> </b:panel> </b:panelset> 8 & & #& ' # % # -(# ## # +(@ ## @ ' &# : % ' &# *; 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width:16px;"> <s:event b:on="construct" b:target="@src" b:action="set" b:value="{concat($bpc_controlpath, 'image_repository/icon/preview.gif')}" /> </img> </b:toolbaritem> </b:toolbar> </div> </xmp> 9 #& # +%& # ## G # # #& 5 +%&5 # ( b:tree #( # # # '' # 5 b:tree b:label ## # + (4. 6&&1 ( ' *+%& 6 # #& &', (4) <b:tree b:label="C:/" b:open="true" style="width: 250px"> <b:tree b:label="Games"> <b:tree b:label="Patience" /> <b:tree b:label="Solitaire" /> </b:tree> <b:tree b:label="Music" /> <b:tree b:label="Program Files"> <b:tree b:label="Backbase"> <b:tree b:label="BPC" /> </b:tree> <b:tree b:label="Firefox" /> <b:tree b:label="Internet Explorer" /> <b:tree b:label="Mozilla" /> <b:tree b:label="Opera" /> </b:tree> </b:tree> b:tree #& %%# &35 &' ( 4 + 6+# @ ?) ! #$ H% ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 8 & = ,6 ( " 6+# #& ) # 6+# #& # %-' ''# & 6+# # # G '6 6+# #& ( # ./ & # #& b:accordeon@ b:infobox@ s:loading@ b:statusbar@ ' b:tooltip $' $' #& (% &#' 6+# #(# "# # ' ' '5 &+ # ## '6 #+ # (% ' &+ # ' # # # # ' # '5 ' &15 - &C 5 *% ' &&% # '5 &= + # 5 & ( # ' &+ # 0 &5 6 # '5 &+ # &#' # #+C *% ' ( #+ #+#&&5 &&% # #&5 &#' #+ : ( +# 66#; H &#'@ # '5 # # 3 6 # # # + (40 $ " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ # ' # # ' ' ' ' = ' G # b:state ## # # '6 1 6 # ' % ' #= #% &', (4* $ <b:accordeon style="width: 500px"> <b:accordeonhead>The Seven Samurai</b:accordeonhead> <b:accordeonbody> <p>A movie by Akira Kurosawa starring Takashi Shimura and Toshiro Mifune.</p> </b:accordeonbody> <b:accordeonhead> 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)</b:accordeonhead> <b:accordeonbody> <p>An influential science fiction film directed by Stanley Kubrick.</p> </b:accordeonbody> <b:accordeonhead b:state="selected"> Life Is Beautiful (1997)</b:accordeonhead> <b:accordeonbody> <p>An Italian language film which tells the story of an Italian Jew, Guido Orefice (played by Roberto Benigni), who lives in a romantic fairy tale, but must learn how to use that dreamy quality to survive a concentration camp with his young son Joshua (played by Giorgio Cantarini).</p> </b:accordeonbody> </b:accordeon> /' ( &' ( #& # &5 &+ # ## '#&5 &'' 5 # ( 1 - ## # %& # 6+ # # 1# # ( %& H # 6& 6 = &' (@ # >/ #+#&&5 +-' 6+ # '+ # ,6 # &' ( #& 6&&1 D G '6 5 1 &' ( #& ( # s:loading #( # '6 # >/ # '%&5 1& # %%&# &' ( % 6& D "6 5 1 # # &' ( 1# #5& ( %%&'@ &' s:include #( # 5 ##% 6& ( # 6&&1 ( 5 #* ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 9 & = <s:include b:url="../controls/backbase/s-loading/s-loading.xml" /> H # b:url ## # 6 # # &# 6 #+ #& 5 #&&# UU '#5 " 6 * 6 * #& %-' ''# & 6+# # # ## #5 ## 1# 6 * %% 1 # - ++ ' # '%&5 ## 6+# " = 6 * # #' 6 * ## #5 % #& 5 & #' # 6 * + (42 ' " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ # 6# 6 * ## %% # & # # = 6 * b:target ## # '6 1# # #(( 1# # select ++ ' b:mode ## # '# 1 # 6 * %# ' # 6 * ' # '%% 1 5 +- # +@ 5 ## # # #@ 6 *+%& # & # & # # ' 6 * &', (4. ' <div> <a b:action="select" b:target="id('info1')" b:mode="at-pointer"> Life Is Beautiful</a> <b:infobox id="info1" style="width: 250px"> <h2>La Vita è bella, 1997</h2> <p>A Italian language film which tells the story of an Italian Jew, Guido Orefice (played by Roberto Benigni), who lives in a romantic fairy tale, but must learn how to use that dreamy quality to survive a concentration camp with his young son Joshua (played by Giorgio Cantarini).</p> <a b:action="select" b:target="id('info2')">More info &gt; &gt;</a> </b:infobox> <b:infobox id="info2" style="width: 250px"> <h2>La Vita è bella, 1997 (cont'd)</h2> <p>Guido tries to comfort Joshua by pretending that their imprisonment is just an elaborate game. The film also stars Nicoletta Braschi.</p> </b:infobox> </div> ## ## #& 6+# &&5 % #' # # ##+ 6 %%&= # V %65 # %# ( 6 # ## ( @ 6 *+%& style="position: absolute; bottom:0; left:0; width:100%;" b:separator / #( '-' 6 ## &', (40 1 <b:statusbar style="position: absolute; bottom:0; left:0; width:100%;"> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' Online! & = <b:separator /> Offline! </b:statusbar> &#% $ #&#% %% 1 - - # &+ # 1 # '6 ' # %-' ''# & 6+# # ## 1# # 6+# @ ' &' +'1 - # # +%& #*# #&#%@ 5 '' b:tooltiptext ## # # &+# 5 .>/ ./ #( 4 *+%& &', (42 <p b:tooltiptext="This is a tooltip">Hover Here!</p> # + +%&* #&#%@ # 1 +( 4& +- #' 6 B# %& #*#@ # s:tooltip #( 1 5 '' .>/ # # 4 *= +%& &', (4 @ $ , <div> <a>The Godfather <s:tooltip> <img src="data/corleone.jpg" /> <br /> Francis Ford Coppola (1972) </s:tooltip> </a> and <a>Scarface <s:tooltip> <img src="data/tony.jpg" /> <br /> Brian De Palma (1983) </s:tooltip> </a> are two of the most important gangster films of the post-war era. </div> ,6 ( # #& ) # # #& # % # 6+# # G '6 # #& = ( # ./ & # #& b:barchart@ b:orgchart@ ' b:linechart 0( 3# # 0( 3# # #& ' 6 '6 ( & ##@ 6 *+%& # '6 ( 3# b:orgchart #( ' # #% 6 # 5@ ' # b:subordinate #( b:subordinate #' # # # 5 b:label ## # &(& # ( '6 ( # * & & ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = + (4" 8- &', (4 8- <b:orgchart b:label="Acme Organization"> <b:subordinate b:label="Human Resources" /> <b:subordinate b:label="Development"> <b:subordinate b:label="Research" /> <b:subordinate b:label="Testing"> <b:subordinate b:label="Mike"> <b:subordinate b:label="Sarah"></b:subordinate> </b:subordinate> </b:subordinate> </b:subordinate> <b:subordinate b:label="Architecture" /> <b:subordinate b:label="Technical Support" /> <b:subordinate b:label="Technical Publications"> <b:subordinate b:label="Technical Writing" /> <b:subordinate b:label="Publishing" /> <b:subordinate b:label="Training"> <b:subordinate b:label="Instructor-Lead" /> <b:subordinate b:label="Online" /> </b:subordinate> </b:subordinate> </b:orgchart> # # #& # 6 6 & &' -#& ## 1 '66 # -& 6 = # ' # '%&5 (%&&5 # '66 ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = + (4# 6&&1 ( *+%& 6 # #& &', (4" <b:barchart b:caption=" visitors from Russia from 9th of June 2005 till 13th of June 2005" b:x-axis-label="Date" b:y-axis-label="Number of Visitors" b:name="name" b:width="600" b:height="400"> <b:barchart-horizontal-values> <b:barchart-value b:value="9 June 2005" /> <b:barchart-value b:value="10 June 2005" /> <b:barchart-value b:value="11 June 2005" /> <b:barchart-value b:value="12 June 2005" /> <b:barchart-value b:value="13 June 2005" /> </b:barchart-horizontal-values> <b:barchart-series b:name="Visitors from Russia" b:color="ff0000"> <b:barchart-bar b:value="15" /> <b:barchart-bar b:value="23" /> <b:barchart-bar b:value="25" /> <b:barchart-bar b:value="22" /> <b:barchart-bar b:value="26" /> </b:barchart-series> </b:barchart> / # $ & (% ' # 1 # ( '#C 1 # ( 66#' 5 # # + # & # 1 # ( ( ( 5 # ' 6&& & (% 1 ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = + (4( 6&&1 ( *+%& 6 & # #& &', (4# <b:linechart b:caption=" visitors from Russia, Bulgaria and England from 9th of June 2005 till 13th of June 2005" b:x-axis-label="Date" b:y-axis-label="Number of Visitors" b:width="600" b:height="400" b:name="name"> <b:linechart-horizontal-values> <b:linechart-value b:value="9 June 2005" /> <b:linechart-value b:value="10 June 2005" /> <b:linechart-value b:value="11 June 2005" /> <b:linechart-value b:value="12 June 2005" /> <b:linechart-value b:value="13 June 2005" /> </b:linechart-horizontal-values> <b:linechart-series b:name="Visitors from Russia" b:color="#990000"> <b:linechart-point b:value="15" /> <b:linechart-point b:value="23" /> <b:linechart-point b:value="25" /> <b:linechart-point b:value="22" /> <b:linechart-point b:value="26" /> </b:linechart-series> <b:linechart-series b:name="Visitors from Bulgaria" b:color="#000099"> <b:linechart-point b:value="13" /> <b:linechart-point b:value="14" /> <b:linechart-point b:value="12" /> <b:linechart-point b:value="13" /> <b:linechart-point b:value="15" /> </b:linechart-series> <b:linechart-series b:name="Visitors from England" b:color="#009900"> <b:linechart-point b:value="15" /> <b:linechart-point b:value="20" /> <b:linechart-point b:value="27" /> <b:linechart-point b:value="25" /> <b:linechart-point b:value="25" /> </b:linechart-series> </b:linechart> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = ,6 ( 4+ #& ) # 6+ #& # '' &#5 # 6+= ' #6 G '6 6+ #& ( # ./ & # #& b:button@ b:combobox@ b:datepicker@ b:selectbox@ b:slider@ ' b:spinner ## $ ## #& # #+3 & +% ## &+ # ## # 5 .>/ &', (4( <b:button b:action="alert" b:value="Hello!">Alert!</b:button> + * + * #& #*# 6&' 1# '%='1 &# * # ( &# #- -& 6+ 6*' # b:combobox #( # &' b:combo-option #( '6 ( # &# * b:combobox #( b:name ## # # + 6 # %# 6&' ## # 6+ +# G %65 #& -& ( # b:value ## #@ b:text # # # #& #*# ## %% # * b:combobox & - # b:style ## # # '# # #5& ( 6 # %# 6&' b:combo-option #( b:value ## # # -& 6 -&=% ## % + (4) ,' &', (4) ,' <b:combobox b:width="300px" b:name="fieldvalue" b:text="B"> <b:combo-option b:value="1">2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), dir. Stanley Kubrick</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="2">A Clockwork Orange (1971), dir. Stanley Kubrick</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="3">A Hard Day's Night (1964), dir. Richard Lester</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="4">A Room With A View (1986), dir. James Ivory</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="5">A Streetcar Named Desire (1951), dir. Elia Kazan</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="6">Adam's Rib (1949), dir. George Cukor</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="7">All About Eve (1950), dir. Joseph Mankiewicz</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="8">All That Jazz (1979), dir. Bob Fosse</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="9">Annie Hall (1977), dir. Woody Allen</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="11">Annie Hall (1977), dir. Woody Allen</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="12">Apocalypse Now (1979), dir. Francis Ford Coppola</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="13">Blade Runner (1982), dir. Ridley Scott</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="14">Blue Velvet (1986), dir. David Lynch</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="15">Bonnie And Clyde (1967), dir. Arthur Penn</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="16">Bringing Up Baby (1938), dir. Howard Hawks</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="17">Casablanca (1942), dir. Michael Curtiz</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="18">Chinatown (1974), dir. Roman Polanski</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="19">Citizen Kane (1941), dir. Orson Welles</b:combo-option> <b:combo-option b:value="19">City Lights (1931), dir. Charles Chaplin</b:combo-option> </b:combobox> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = ,#% '#% #& &&1 # &# '# 6+ & ' '#% # 6&&1 ( ## # D D D D b:type = inline '%&5 # & ' ' # # &+ #@ float :# '6&#; '%&5 & & & ' b:input = # .2# *% # # %# &+ # ## ' # '%&5 # &#' '# b:format = # '# 6+# '%&5' # %# &+ #@ 6 *+%& dddd dd MMMM yyyy &# Wednesday 05 January 2005 4 + 6+# '# 6+#@ # BXML Reference 2,4 b:value = #& -& 6 # %# &+ # :5 +# %65 '# ## 6+ # # '# 6+# ## %6' # b:format ## # + (4* / 6&&1 ( *+%& 1 & ' 6&# ( '#% &', (4* / <div style="position: absolute;left:20px;"> <h2>Datepicker Control (inline)</h2> <input type="text" name="input1" /> <b:datepicker b:type="inline" b:input="../input[1]" b:format="dddd dd MMMM yyyy" /> </div> <div style="position: absolute;left:300px;"> <h2>Datepicker Control (float)</h2> <input type="text" name="input1" /> <b:datepicker b:input="../input[1]" b:format="dddd dd MMMM yyyy" /> </div> &# &# #& '%='1 &# G ( # -&@ 1 # # %# 6&'@ 5 % ( # % ' '1 1 5@ ' 5 % # % # & b:select #( # &' b:option #( ## '6 #+ # &# b:select #( b:name ## # # + 6 # %# 6&' ## # 6+ = +#@ ' # b:value ## # # # #& 6&' -& b:option #( b:value #= # # # -& 6 -&=% ## % ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = + (4. 1 6&&1 ( *+%& 6 # ( &# #& &', (4. 1 <b:select b:name="county" b:value="Sweden" b:width="30%"> <b:option b:value="1">England</b:option> <b:option b:value="2">France</b:option> <b:option b:value="3">Germany</b:option> <b:option b:value="4">South Africa</b:option> <b:option b:value="5">Italy</b:option> <b:option b:value="6">Poland</b:option> <b:option b:value="7">Sweden</b:option> <b:option b:value="8">Denmark</b:option> <b:option b:value="9">Netherlands</b:option> <b:option b:value="10">Belgium</b:option> </b:select> &' &' #& 3 #& -#& (( ## # &' 1# '6 ' ( ( '6 ' ( # ## # b:start ' b:end@ ' # ## # G (- # ( b:step -& '6 ( + # ' '+ # G '& # ( # &' ( # slide - # &', (40 1 <div style="height:100%"> <input type="text" b:connect="id('slider1')" value="" /> <b:slider id="slider1" b:orientation="horizontal" b:start="1" b:end="10" value="5" /> </div> G # 5 1 +( 6 # #& ( s:gfxset 4 + 6+# @ # ./ !6 & % % #& '%&5 % ' '1 1 # &&1 # # -(# #( # -& -& &# :&&5 + ; "6 # # %# 6&'@ 5 & ( # -& 5 % ( # %F'1 1 5 G %65 # ## # b:start@ b:value@ b:step@ b:end # %65 %#-&5 @ ' b:style ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = + (40 1 &', (4"2 1 <div> Spinner control: <b:spinner b:start="-5" b:value="4" b:step="1" b:end="5" b:style="width: 60px" /> </div> 8 ,6 ( ,# #& ) # '# #& # + %&# '# G '6 '# ( # ./ & # = #& b:datagrid@ b:detailviewer@ b:listview@ b:listgrid ' b:treelist 8 ,#(' ,%&5 &&= ' # & '# ' %%# &# (@ # (@ %( (@ ' '# ( 6 # '#@ ' 3 & 1 ' &+ b:datagrid &' &+ # b:datagridhead ' b:datagridbody@ ' b:datatypes b:datagridhead '6 # ' ' # b:datagridrow 1 # '= 6 &+ '6 ' ( b:datagridgridheadcell &+ # b:datagridbody '6 # '5 &+ # # # 6 # <b:datagridbody/> >/ # & ## +# '5 +&&5 &'' # # '5 ( # b:url ## = # G %65 # 6&&1 ( 6 # b:url ## # D D D $ ./ 6& ## # 1 ./@ ## # 6+' ( 6 # ./ '6 ' # ## # b:template b:template-ie5 $ ./ 6& ## # >/ # & '5 :## # ' &' ; $ 5 # 6& #5%@ 2>2 $2@ ## # ' # 1 ./ ./ # 6+' ( 6 # ./ '6 ' # ## # b:template b:template-ie5 b:datagrid & - b:datatypes &' &+ # ## '6 6+ &+ # ## %%&' # && 6 # & &&5@ 5 '6 5 >/ ./ 6+ &= + # ## 6# 1# &&@ &# *@ #*# %# #5%@ b:spinner@ b:datepicker + (4"2 / " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ # b:url %6 ./ 6& # ( 1 ./@ ' # ./ # b:template ' b:template-ie5 # # 6+ # '# 6& # /controls/backbase/b-datagrid '#5 & 1 *+%& 6 # '#(' #&@ &' ( '6 ( #*#+ 6 1 %# C #@ %5@ '&#@ '@ ' '#@ ' ./ ' ./ '# *+%& &', (4" / <b:datagrid style="width:800px; height:350px;" b:url="datagrid_film.xml" ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 8 & = b:template="xsl/b-datagrid.xsl" b:ie5-template="xsl/b-datagrid-ie5.xsl"> <b:datagridhead> <b:datagridrow> <b:datagridheadcell /> <b:datagridheadcell>Title</b:datagridheadcell> <b:datagridheadcell>Director</b:datagridheadcell> <b:datagridheadcell>Genre</b:datagridheadcell> <b:datagridheadcell>Language</b:datagridheadcell> <b:datagridheadcell>Premiere</b:datagridheadcell> </b:datagridrow> </b:datagridhead> <b:datagridbody /> </b:datagrid> b:datagrid #& %%# %( ## 4 + 6+# @ '' ' #$ DG% 8 ,#&1 ,#&-1 #& % # '#&' -1 6 '# # ' # % # # & %'# '#& "# % # # '# # & # ( 6 #1 &+ '= %# &+ ' '#& &+ 1 6 # # & '6 ' ( &' b:property #( ## b:label ## # # '6 # #*# -& 6 # &6#= ' ' &+ :'%# ; + (4" / 9 5 6&&1 ( *+%& 6 '#&-1 #& &', (4" / 9 5 <b:detailviewer> <b:property b:label="Movie" b:style="width: 400px">Finding Nemo</b:property> <b:property b:label="Directors">Andrew Stanton <br /> Lee Unkrich (co-director) </b:property> <b:property b:label="Genre">Animation / Comedy / Family</b:property> <b:property b:label="Plot Outline">A father/son underwater adventure featuring Nemo, a boy clownfish, stolen from his coral reef home. His timid father must then search the ocean to find him.</b:property> </b:detailviewer> # # 6 b:property 5 >/ +% G # # 1'# 6 # = # # &+ :(#= ' ' &+ ;@ ( # b:style ## # &6#= ' &+ 3 # # # # :b:label ## #; -& # -@ 5 ' # ( # & 8 /#-1 ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 9 & = &#-1 #& % # # & # & ## 5 && #( #& '66 # 6+ # #&@ ## # +%&+ #' -C 5 '' # b:behavior="b-listview" ## # # >/ W# &X &+ # # + # # & 6&&5 # & :& &+ ' # # # # & ' ( # ## &+ ; + (4" 9 5 8 /#(' ,%&5 1= ' # & '#@ ' %%# &# (@ %( (@ ' '# ( 6 # '#@ ' 3 & 1 ' &+ b:listgrid &' &+ # b:listgridhead ' b:listgridbody@ ' - b:datatypes b:datagridhead '6 # ' ' # b:datagridrow 1 # '= 6 &+ '6 ' ( b:listgridheadcell &+ # b:listgridbody '6 # '5 &+ # # # 6 # </b:listgridbody> >/ # & ## +# '5 +&&5 &'' # # '5 ( # b:url ## = # G %65 # 6&&1 ( 6 # b:url ## # D D D $ ./ 6& ## # 1 ./@ ## # 6+' ( 6 # ./ '6 ' # ## # b:template b:template-ie5 $ ./ 6& ## # >/ # & '5 :## # ' &' ; $ 5 # 6& #5%@ 2>2 $2@ ## # ' # 1 ./ ./ # 6+' ( 6 # ./ '6 ' # ## # b:template b:template-ie5 b:listgrid & - b:datatypes &' &+ # ## '6 6+ &+ # ## %%&' # && 6 # & &&5@ 5 '6 5 >/ ./ 6+ &= + # ## 6# 1# &&@ &# *@ #*# %# #5%@ b:spinner@ b:datepicker + (4"" " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ # b:url %6 ./ 6& # ( 1 ./@ ' # ./ # b:template ' b:template-ie5 # # 6+ # '# 6& # /controls/backbase/b-listgrid '#5 & 1 *+%& 6 # &#(' #&@ &' ( '6 ( #*#+ 6 1 %# C #@ %5@ '&#@ '@ ' '#@ ' ./ ' ./ '# *+%& &', (4"" ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 8 & = <b:listgrid b:url="datasource.xml" b:template="b-listgrid.xslt" b:ie5-template="b-listgrid-ie5.xslt"> <b:listgridhead> <b:listgridrow b:width="100"> <b:listgridheadcell b:width="60px" b:datatype="spinner">Spinner</b:listgridheadcell> <b:listgridheadcell b:width="60px" b:datatype="text">Text</b:listgridheadcell> <b:listgridheadcell b:width="60px" b:datatype="numbers">Numbers</b:listgridheadcell> <b:listgridheadcell b:width="60px" b:datatype="letters">Letters</b:listgridheadcell> <b:listgridheadcell b:width="60px" b:datatype="text">Text</b:listgridheadcell> <b:listgridheadcell b:width="60px" b:datatype="datepicker">Date</b:listgridheadcell> </b:listgridrow> </b:listgridhead> <b:listgridbody /> </b:listgrid> b:listgrid #& %%# %( ## 4 + 6+# @ '' ' #$ DG% 8 &# &# #& % # '# & &#@ +&@ 6 *+%&@ # &# ' +& %%&# 5 '6&#@ 1 &' G % # &' 5 & ( # 1 b:treelistrow '6 1 # b:treelist ' '%&5' & >/ <tr> #( H# # b:treelistrow@ 5 - + 6 b:treelistcell #( '6 ( &+ # #&# 1 G b:treelistchildren #( # # '+# b:treelistrow # ## %% # # + &-& # 5 + (4"# G # 5 1 +( 6 # #& ( s:gfxset 4 + 6+# @ # ./ !6 & # #&# #&@ 5 +# '' s:include # # %# 6 # #&@ 6 *+%& s:include b:url="../controls/backbase/b-treelist/b-treelist.xml" 9 #& " ## 9 "+%&+ # ( 2( ( + 2( ( #& 6 &( '# # "# &&1 5 # #- &5 %# 6 # ' '# # # 5 #+@ ' # && 1' ' 61' #( # '# # %(= 5=%( G +%&+ # %( ( 6 # '# #& # b:datagrid ' b:listgrid #& ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 8 & = +%&+ # %( ( 6 #&@ 5 ' # D D ,6 # 6&&1 ( %( ( ## # 6 # #& D b:items-in-total="1000" = &+# # ##& + 6 ' # ' # '# # D b:page-size="20" = '6 # + 6 ' '%&5' -5 %( D b:page-number="1" = '6 # #& %( ## '%&5' 1 # %( ##' D b:page-cache="3" = '6 # + 6 %( # ' ++5 : ' #&; D b:url="load.php" = '6 # -=' 6& ## +%&+ # # &( # '& # %( ( ## # ,6 b:pager #& ' # # # '# #& %( #& # 6 #&& ( # %(' #& 1 %( # &'@ # %( #& # + ## # 1 # # %( #& ## D b:pager b:observe="id('mytilelist')" = # # %( #& # # #& ## < %( ( D b:pager-item b:page-type="first" = '6 & # %( # '# # 2 & -& first | previous | next | last D b:pager-numbers b:page-links="5" = '6 1 + 5 %( & & -5 &' 6 # %(' &+ # %( + # & # ' #65 1 %( &'5 &'' 5 & - b:dirty ## # # + # % & # 6 &' 6 %6 %( D "+%&+ # # -=' &( ## *## # ' 6+ '# # ' %&# # ' # %( < # 5 3# 6 # & #=- #& ## @ ' # +%&+ ## '66 '% ' ( 5 = ' - + # D $0 , ' A, , = 5 3# 1# # - '&' #+#&&5 # &- # - '+ ## D 2>2FA2 $2 = 5 3# 1# # '' = ' '&' ( # b:url ## # ' 5 # # ( # ## # -& ## ##' <5 # ( # # & #& %( ( ## # &5 '6 1# # #& 1 # # -C 5 +# +%&+ # 1# # #&&5 - # -=' +%&+ ## " # 1'@ # #& ' && # '# # - 6+ # - 9 /35 /' ( #& b:tree ' b:tabbox %%# &35 &' ( " # 1'@ # # # # &'' 6 # #&&5 ' # +%&+ # &35 &' (@ 5 ' # # b:url ' # populate - # b:url ## # ' # ' '# # # - ## # -& # #' ' ##' <5 # ( # # & $ b:dirty ## # ' # + &+ # 6 &' ( H # b:dirty ## # # # false &+ #@ # &+ # # &'' '#&5@ # &5 1 # = 6+# '' ( 6&&1 ( ' %-' *+%& 6 1 # +%&+ # &35 &' ( &', (4"# -% <s:event b:on="open | select"> <s:if b:test="@b:dirty = 'true' or (not(@b:dirty) and not(node()))"> <s:task b:action="trigger" b:event="populate" /> </s:if> <!--Write your control specific open code here--> </s:event> <s:event b:on="populate"> <!--In the BNS and BJS editions you extend this event--> <s:task b:test="@b:url" b:action="load" b:url="{@b:url}" /> <s:setatt b:dirty="false" /> </s:event> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 8 & = $'' ( / $ ' 4& :; G '6 # & ' 6& 6 # ! ) " #6 ( D = ( %%&' # # .>/ ' ./ 4 + 6+= # @ H # '' D s:setstyle = ' # '5 +&&5 ( #5& # )" &+ # % # - # 4 *+%& <s:setstyle b:background-color="green" b:width="200px" b:opacity=".2" b:height="20px" b:top="0px"/> D - ## = 5 - # '6 # -& % ## 6 &+ # 1 6 # ## : ; 4 + = 6+# @ ! BC #$ G;@% D $'' ' +- & = # addclass ++ ' # '' & # &= + # : +& %# %%&5; <button b:action="addclass" b:value="heading" b:target="//h1" /> ) ( #5&' #& %-' #=6=#= * #6 #& ## %&# ++ %#= # ' - #& -& & 1# '66 # :#5& (; # ( & # 6 #5& '6 # ## &&1 5 # ( # 1 %= %&# O & Y 6& 1## +%# ( ## ( 6 # &#5 #& &#' 5 #&&# 3_1_4/controls/ '#5 ' -& & # 6&&1 ( D D D = %%& J+#&&J #5& ( # # #& =+'6 & = %%& +%& #5& ( # # #& +'6 & 5#+ = %%& # #5& ( 6 5 %# ( 5#+ # # #& 6&&1 ( &&## 1 # + b:modal #& ( # '66 # # :6 @ # 5#+ '66 '% ' ( 5 %# ( 5#+ #5& (; ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 8 & = Figure 5.35 - Basic, Backbase, and System Skins #5& ( %%& # #& #5& # +% # 6 5 1 %%&# @ # # # 1 %%&# ## ( # #& 2# G +# # # b:controlpath ## # # body #( # '# # #6 #& 5 1 # # 5 '6&#@ 6 5 ' # %65 # b:controlpath@ # = #& # ' # 3_1_4/controls/dynamic/ 6&' ' :" '6&# #&&= # @ # /dynamic 6&' # #& 1# ( %%&'; # # b:controlpath ( &#- %# # # #& '#5@ 6 *+%& ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 8 & = &', (4") <body onload="bpc.boot('../');" b:controlpath="../controls/backbase/" b:skinbase="none" /> G &' %5= '=%# # #& 5 1 # # #+#&&5 5 %%&# # # 6&' %6' 5 # b:controlpath G & +- #& ## 5 # ( # +%- %6+ @ ' 5 & +* # #5& ( ' 6 '66 # #&@ 6 *+%& 5 ( # 6 + #& #5& ( 6 # "# ++ '' # # %# 6&' /controls '#5@ 6 *+%& / custom/@ 1 # # 5 1 #+ #& 4 + 6+# @ #$ GG;% #&%# ## ( 6& # + ' #&# #& # #&@ 5 +# '' s:include # # %# 6 # #&@ 6 *+%& s:include b:url="../controls/backbase/b-menubar/b-menubar.xml" b:skinbase ## # %6 1# # default.xml 6& # #&%# '= #5 &'' # :%65 none default; default.xml 5 #&E = 6(# 6& ## # '6&# -@ #5& (@ ' &5# 6 6< #&5 ' = ## infobox@ tooltip@ selectbox@ ' slider "# & # '6 # 6 '6&# -&'# - "# ++ '' # # 6& #& &# 1 5 &' +&& - ' #5& ( /' ( # 6& #+#&&5 - # 15 # 5 %%&# '6&# & ' 6& # 6& J = &'J # # default.css &#' 5 #& '#5 6& & &', (4"* / 11 * { font-size: 11px; font-family: Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color: rgb(102, 102, 102); } default.css &'' 6# # +& &' -& # -@ # # b:skinbase="none" ## # default.xml@ ' #6 # default.css@ # &'' 0-' ( #5&' #& G # #=6=#= * #& 1# E+#&&E #5& (@ #5& ( %%&' 5 %65 ( # b:controlpath ## # = % , @ *%# 6 %# ( #5& top@ left@ bottom@ right@ position@ width@ height@ ' float G -' # %%# ( & #5& #5& ( ## # font-size@ font-family@ ' background +#+ -&' % , ( & #5& ' *# & #5&# -& # #5& (@ 1# 5 1 & ' '' # -content 66* # # & + 4 *= +%&@ # ( # #5& ( 6 # $' #& Example 5.38 - Overruling Basic Controls Styling: Defining .b-accordeonhead-content { height: 22px; width: 100%; padding-left: 3px; background-image: url(top_left.gif); background-position: 0 0; background-repeat: no-repeat; } $%%&5 # ( 6&&1 Example 5.39 - Overruling Basic Controls Styling: Applying <b:accordeonhead class="b-accordeonhead-content">The Seven Samurai</b:accordeonhead> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 8 & = &#+' &+ # G 5 :>/ +%# &; +&#=+' &+ #@ $'@ '@ ' M@ ./ #( ' #&@ 6 *+%&@ # 6& +# 5 %%&# @ # 6&&1 ( 5 #* Example 5.40 - Flash Control <b:flash b:url="tags.swf" b:width="300" b:height="300" /> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 8 & = %# = $%%&5 ( ) " ## ,6 ( - # ' ++ ' - # ' ++ ' '' ##-#5 # 5 2" &&5@ , '6 @ J1 +# ( %% J@ # ++ ' J1# # # %&J $ - # - # 5#+ - # D D &9 +# - # # %& 1 # ' +# (@ & ( & 1% , &9 + - # # '#&5 ' 5 # @ 6 *+%& # construct - # 6 1 %( ##' G #(( - # 6 5 ./ .>/ &+ # G '6 1# %% 1 - # #((' , ! - # '& '& # - # 5 *= # ( ++ '@ 6 ++ ' 5 *# ( ++ ' 5 @ 6 *= +%& &' &+ #@ +- &+ #@ ( # -& '%&5 6 &+ #@ ( # &# 6 &+ #@ ' # ## # " ./@ ++ ' '&' 1# # b:action ## # ++ ' # 1 ## # ## 5 ' # %& # #( # *# # ++ ' 4 --1 6 # ++ ' 5 @ ' '! #$ 55% b:on="..." ## # %6 # - # ## #(('@ ' # b:action="..." ## # %6 # ++ ' # *# 1 # &+ #Z ++ ' - # 6 - # %%#' 5 &' # # '' %%#' 5 A-%#@ click@ mouseover@ mousenter & #' # - # dragreceive@ mousedeeper@ ' command # ++ ' #(( % ' ( - # 4 *+%&@ b:action="alert" ++ ' #(( alert - # ## 5 % ' # ( b:on="alert" >1-@ + ++ ' load ' send ' # #(( - # 4 + 6+# @ # ++ ' # 6 # ./ !6 ,6 ( - # > '& G '6 - # '& -& 15 6&&1 ( &# # 15 ' 15 5 &' #+ D D = 6 5 .>/ ./ &+ #@ 5 '6 # b:action ## # ' %65 # ++ ' %6 ## # &9 = 5 '6 # s:event #( & @ '# &' ' 6 .>/ ./ &+ #@ 5 '6 # - # 51 # '+ #@ 1 '6 ( b:on ## # # &+ # #(( # - # '& - # & ( ## - # %' # % # &+ # 4 + 6+# @ +, #$ G;<% D 9 = 5 1% # - # '& s:behavior@ 1 # &+ # ' # 6 # - *%&#&5 ( # ## # b:behavior :# -& # + 6 # -; 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top:55px;" id="dest" b:behavior="write"> <textarea style="width: 300px; height: 100px">Start writing and find the active keys!</textarea> </div> ' *+%& # # 2 +9 )? #$ % # *+%& 6 '6 ( #+ - # /> /> /> /> %-' " %# - # 6&&1 ( # & ' # %# - # 5 &9 / active %& &+ # 1 #@ &' '@ (# 6 blocked-mousedown %& #' 6 +& +'1 - # 1 # &6# + ## %' &+ # ## &' 6+ - ( %# - # blur %& 1 6&' & 6 focus %& 1 6&' (# 6 change %& 1 # # # 6 %# 6&' (' child-lost %& # % # 6 &+ # 1 6&&5 '(('= '='%%'@ +-' click %& 1 # &6# + ## &' - &+ # command %& 1 &+ # &#' 5 %# :+ 5 '; dblclick %& 1 # &6# + ## &' #1 - &+ # drag-deeper %& 1 &+ # ## ( '((' +-' 6+ % # &+ # # &' &+ # :'1 # ./ # 5; "# #((' # % # &+ # drag-drop %& 1 &+ # 6&&5 '%%' - ( &+ # "# #((' # &+ # ## ( '%%' drag-enter %& 1 # &+ # ## ( '((' +-' 6+ # % # &+ # # &' &+ # :'1 # ./ # 5; "# #((' # &+ # ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 89 & = &9 / 1 # '((' &+ # # drag-leave %& 1 # &+ # ## ( '((' +-' 6+ &' &+ # # % # &+ # "# #((' # &' &+ # drag-receive %& # &+ # 1 - # &+ # ## '((' ' '%%' drag-reenter %& 1 # &+ # ## ( '((' +-' 6+ # &' &+ # # % # &+ # :% # ./ # 5; 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load %& 1 '+ # &'' ' %' 5 # 2 open %& 1 ' #&# + % ' remove %& 1 &+ # '#5' 5 +- ++ ' select %& 1 &+ # &#' submit %& 1 6+ +##' < 6 - # (( ( # ' # #& *# ' 6 - # 6 , @ , @ @ ' "# +%# # # ++ ## 6 # +&#%& - # # #(('@ #5 #((' 5 &5 6 # - # # *# 5 &5@ ## = 5= @ # s:lock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s:key #( - # 6&&1 ( *+%& '+ ## + - # H + - # # %&@ - ' # #+%&5 #-# # &# #+ % ' ( # # + # ## 1# # div &+ # &', )4. / &9 ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 9 & = <div style="border: 1px solid #BBB; width: 250px; height: 100px;"> <s:event b:on="click" b:action="select" b:target="../ul/li[1]" /> <s:event b:on="dblclick" b:action="select" b:target="../ul/li[2]" /> <s:event b:on="mouseenter" b:action="select" b:target="../ul/li[3]" /> <s:event b:on="mouseleave" b:action="select" b:target="../ul/li[4]" /> Interact with this area to show the mouse events... </div> <ul> <li b:behavior="mouse-active">Click</li> <li b:behavior="mouse-active">Double click</li> <li b:behavior="mouse-active">Area enter</li> <li b:behavior="mouse-active">Area leave</li> </ul> <s:behavior b:name="mouse-active"> <s:state b:on="select" b:normal="mouse-active" /> <s:state b:on="deselect" b:normal="" /> <s:event b:on="select"> <s:fxstyle b:time="500" /> <s:task b:action="deselect" /> </s:event> </s:behavior> <style type="text/css"> .mouse-active { color: red; font-weight: bold; }</style> 4 + 6+# - #@ +, #$ D@% %# ( L5 G # s:keys #( # +% ++ ' # 5@ 5 s:keys #( = < # ## #@ b:keys ' b:action :$ 5 ''# & ## # 6+ # (= + # 6 # ++ '; -& 6 # b:keys ## # # 5 # : ( ';@ # '+& $"" -& 6 # 5 4 *+%&@ 27 # & 5 b:action '6 # ++ ' ## *#' 1 # 5:; %' s:whenactive #( 1%% 6 # s:keys #( # %-' # %%&# #*# 6 1 # 5 #- 5 &5 #- 1 # &+ # # 1 #5 %%&' #- G '6 5 & @ ' - : # #5 +# &= 15 # ' s:whenactive; 4 *+%&@ # '6 (& & 5@ 5 '6 #+ s:behavior ## ' # body &+ # # #- #(# 5 %%&# 6&&1 ( +%& *+%& 6 1 # %# 5 H # 6# #*# #= -@ % ( # 3 5 #((& # &+ # 1# # ' keys &', )40 / : % <div style="position: absolute;left:20px; top:55px;"> <textarea style="width: 300px; height: 100px">Press a or z keys to toggle a textarea (when active)</textarea> <s:whenactive> <s:keys b:keys="a" b:action="show" b:target="id('keys')" /> <s:keys b:keys="z" b:action="hide" b:target="id('keys')" /> </s:whenactive> </div> <div id="keys" style="position: absolute;left:20px; top:105px;"> <textarea style="width: 300px; height: 100px">Pressing a or z keys shows and hides this element</textarea> </div> 4 + 6+# # 5@ - 0, () #$ @D% ' " #$ :E% 6&&1 ( # & &# + 5 ' 5 ' # % ' ( $"" -& : % ? ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 9 & = : % ? 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 48 9 49 4 4 4 /6# $1 )% $1 8 !(# $1 9 ,1 $1 ,6 ( 4 '& 6 +'& &&1 5 # '6 # &+ # 5 #6 ## -(# #( ( 5 $ &+ # ## 6 % ' # 5 ' %# 5 '6&#@ >/ 6+ &+ # 6(% ' 6#+ G '6 &+ # ## (# 6 5 %& ( # 6&&1 ( ./ ## #@ 1# # -& true false@ &+ # ## # '6 5 6 6 &+ # # ./ % D D D b:focusroot = '6 # + 6 # :; G - +&#%& 6 # ' 5 %%&# @ # # ( &-& b:focusgroup = '6 (% ( 6 #+ ## (# 6 ' ## 5 -(# #( b:focusitem = ' #65 &+ # ## (# 6 $ &+ # ## 6 % ' # 5 ' %# _focusCurrent - & # # 6#+ ## #&5 6 : && 1 &+ # 6; ## # '6 5 6 6 &+ # G # && &+ # & ( # 5 -' 4 *+%&@ 6# - #' 6#@ 6(% - #' 6(%@ ' 6#+ #' 6#+ $ 6(%@ 6#@ & 6#+ ,6&# 5 ( ' # # 6#@ 6(%@ ' 6#+ &+ # # &&1 5 # -(# 61' ' 1' #( # &+ # :+%&+ #' ( ++ '; ,, / : % focusitem-next $1 L5 right ' down ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 9 & = ,, / : % focusitem-previous $1 L5 left ' up focusgroup-next tab focusgroup-previous shift+tab focusroot-next ctrl+right focusroot-previous #&['1 focus-celldown & ++ ' # 6 # + &+ # *# 1 : '6&#; focus-cellup & ++ ' # 6 # + &+ # %- 1 : '6&#; 7# 4 ++ ' #(( - # 6 # + + 6&&1 ( *+%& '+ ## -&&5 # 6 +'& 6 +'& &+ # ( & # '# # ## ( ## #((' 5 -(# #( # &+ # Example 6.10 - Focus Model <s:behavior b:name="focusobject"> <s:event b:on="construct"> <s:setstyle b:padding="10px" b:background-color="#0099FF" /> <!--purple--> </s:event> <s:event b:on="active"> <s:setstyle b:background-color="#00D856" /> <!--green--> </s:event> <s:event b:on="inactive"> <s:setstyle b:background-color="#D85500" /> <!--red--> </s:event> <s:event b:on="focus"> <s:setstyle b:background-color="white" /> </s:event> </s:behavior> <div b:behavior="focusobject" b:focusroot="true"> <p> This document demonstrates the backbase focus model. It contains two focusgroups, 1 and 2. Focusgroup 1 contains focusitems 1.1 and 1.2. Focusgroup 2 contains focusitems 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4. You can set focus with the <b>keyboard</b> or the <b>mouse</b> . </p> <p>The tab and arrow keys are used for keyboard navigation:</p> <ul> <li>Use the <b>Tab</b> , or <b>Tab+Shift</b> , key to navigate between groups (the focusgroup remembers the focusitem that last had focus within a group.) </li> <li>Use the up and down <b>arrow keys</b> change focus between items within a group. </li> </ul> <p> The focus system is hierarchical. Navigate through the groups and items and watch how the color indicates all focus containers upwards in the hierarchy. When the page is constructed, the color <b>Purple</b> is applied as the background. When events are triggered, the elements change color: ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 9 & = <b>Green</b> indictates actived elements, <b>Red</b> indicates inactived elements, and <b>White</b> indicates the item that has focus (and is also active): </p> <div b:behavior="focusobject" b:focusgroup="true">Focusgroup 1 <div b:behavior="focusobject" b:focusgroup="false" b:focusitem="true">Focusitem 1.1</div> <div b:behavior="focusobject" b:focusgroup="false" b:focusitem="true">Focusitem 1.2</div> </div> <div b:behavior="focusobject" b:focusgroup="true">Focusgroup 2 <div b:behavior="focusobject" b:focusgroup="false" b:focusitem="true">Focusitem 2.1</div> <div b:behavior="focusobject" b:focusgroup="false" b:focusitem="true">Focusitem 2.2</div> <div b:behavior="focusobject" b:focusgroup="false" b:focusitem="true">Focusitem 2.3</div> <div b:behavior="focusobject" b:focusgroup="false" b:focusitem="true">Focusitem 2.4</div> </div> </div> 6&&1 ( # 6 # ' *+%& Figure 6.1 - Focus Model 4 - # - # ' ++ ' 6 # 6 +'& &&1 5 # % ' # ## ( &+ # ## 6 & D focus ' blur focus ' blur - # # %& 1 -(# #( 6#+ ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 9 & = 5 6 +'& focus - # # %& # 6#+ ## (# 6@ ' blur - # # %& # 6#+ ## & ( 6 : &'; D active ' inactive $ &+ # - 6 # ## #- #- $ &+ # #- 1 # &' ' 6C ' &+ # #- 1 # &' ' ' # - 6 : &'; active ' inactive - # # %& &+ # 1 #5 ( # ## D enable ' disable $ &+ # # 6 +'& :6 #@ (%@ #+; &' :# '= 6&#;@ ' &' : 5 ## ( # b:disabled="false" ## #; enable ' disable - # # %& 1 &+ #E & ' &' ## ( :7 %# - # #((' &+ # ## ' &'@ &5 5#+ - #; G ( # -& 6 # ## # ( # s:setatt #( : # s:with #( # # ## # &+ # # # # #;@ 6 *+%& <s:event b:on="disable"> <s:setatt b:disabled="true" class="input-standard" /> </s:event> G & # set@ remove ++ ' 6 ( ( +- ( ## # -& 7# - # & ( %%& # # - # # 6 +'& - # & ( ## - # %' # % # &+ #@ &#( 5 & # - # ( #((' ( # b:eventblock="false" ## # 4 + 6+# @ +, #$ G;<% "+%&+ # ( # 4 '& # >/ % G +%&+ # # 6 +'& 6 # & # >/ % 5 '' ( # ## # b:focustype="htmltable" # # b:xhtml #( && 6 # # & # 6#+ ## (# 6 ( # 5 ' 1 5 bpc_focusCurrentElement -= & # # 6#+ # >/ % ## #&5 6 : && 1 &+ # 6;@ ' # bpc_focusLastElement - & # # 6 #+ ## %-&5 6 : # 1 # blur - # 6'; 6&&1 ( *+%& 1 # & '6 ' 1# # >/ % 7# & # focus - # #((' 1 # 6 #+ &#' &', )4 + ; 1 <s:behavior b:name="focusvariables"> <s:event b:on="focus" b:action="alert" b:value="{concat ('The current focus element is ', $_focusCurrentElement, ' the previous was ', $_focusLastElement)}" /> </s:behavior> <b:xhtml b:focusitem="true" b:focusindicator="true" b:focustype="htmltable" b:behavior="focusvariables"> <table cellpadding="2" border="1"> <thead bgcolor="#9acd32"> <tr> <td>Heading 1</td> <td>Heading 2</td> <td>Heading 3</td> <td>Heading 4</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>A1</td> <td>A2</td> <td>A3</td> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 9 & = <td>A4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>B1</td> <td>B2</td> <td>B3</td> <td>B4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>C1</td> <td>C2</td> <td>C3</td> <td>C4</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </b:xhtml> ( ( # ,6&# 7-(# L5 -' # '6&# 5 ## ' # -(# #( 6#@ 6(%@ ' 6#+@ 5 # s:whenactive #( 1 5 '6 s:keys &+ #@ 1%% 6 '6 ( 5 :# b:keys ## #X; ' # ++ ' #5 #(( G # #( & @ ' - " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ # #*# '6 ' ## - &&' focus1 - '6 ## 1 6#+ ## # - (# 6@ ## # # # # ' # [6# 5 :# '#-#' 5 # %& ( = # # #+; # -(# #1 #*# :&& 6+ &+ # #+#&&5 6= (% ' 6# &+ #; " #'@ 5 +# # &6# ' (# 1 5 + )4 + &', )4" / + <s:behavior b:name="focus1" b:focusitem="true" b:focusindicator="true"> <s:whenactive> <s:keys b:keys="right" b:action="focusgroup-next" b:bubble="true" /> <s:keys b:keys="left" b:action="focusgroup-previous" b:bubble="true" /> <s:keys b:keys="tab" b:bubble="false" /> <s:keys b:keys="tab+shift" b:bubble="false" /> </s:whenactive> </s:behavior> <div style="position: absolute;left:50px; top:50px;"> <textarea b:behavior="focus1">Textarea 1: Enter some text</textarea> <textarea b:behavior="focus1">Textarea 2: Enter some text</textarea> <textarea b:behavior="focus1">Textarea 3: Enter some text</textarea> </div> b:focusindicator ## # -&3 # 6' &+ # 5 # ( '##' & ' # &+ # " # *+%& -@ # 6 +'& +%&+ #' # 1&' # - & 1## b:focusindicator # # true 6&&1 ( *+%& '+ ## 1 5 +%&+ # # focus-cellup ' focus-cellup ++ ' # &@ ' 1 5 -' # '6&# 5 &', )4# /5 : % <s:include b:url="../controls/backbase/b-listview/b-listview.xml" /> <s:behavior b:name="focus" b:focusitem="true" b:focusindicator="true"> <s:whenactive> <s:keys b:keys="up" b:action="focus-cellup" b:bubble="true" /> <s:keys b:keys="down" b:action="focus-celldown" b:bubble="true" /> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 98 & = </s:whenactive> </s:behavior> <div focusroot="true"> <table b:behavior="b-listview" style="position: absolute;left:20px; top:25px;"> <thead> <tr> <th>Movie</th> <th>Genre</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody b:focusgroup="true"> <tr> <td b:behavior="focus">The Seven Samurai</td> <td b:behavior="focus">Drama</td> </tr> <tr> <td b:behavior="focus">City of God</td> <td b:behavior="focus">Drama</td> </tr> <tr> <td b:behavior="focus">Donnie Darko</td> <td b:behavior="focus">Drama</td> </tr> <tr> <td b:behavior="focus">2001: A Space Odyssey</td> <td b:behavior="focus">Drama</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> G -(# #( # # & 1 ' &+ ( # 1 5 + )4" + D ,, : % ,(=$ '=,% ' !3 ( ,( ' '%@ ' 3 #1 *#+&5 6& ' 1'&5 ' 15 6 # + %&# )" &+ # 1# # + G + &+# 5 &+ # '(( & ' 3 & 1# ./ 4 *+%&@ 5 '( ' '% # & 1@ div &+ #@ & % &+ #@ &# #+@ ' 6+ &+ # " @ # +%&+ #' '&#-&5 6&&1 D D D D # # b:drag ## # # + &+ # '(( & # # b:draggroup ## # # + (% 6 &+ # '(( & - 6 # &+ # # # b:dragreceive ## # # + &+ # - # '% '(( & &+ # # # b:resize ## # # + B# 3 & G - & 1# - # '& '6 ' 6 '(= '='% 6 # &#5 4 + 6+# @ F #$ % ,(( ( ' ,%% ( &+ # + &+ # '(( &@ '' b:drag ## # # # &+ # ' # &(& ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 99 & = # ( ' #6 # -& " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ 5 '(= '='% # # # &@ ' & '(= '='% 1 # # & # ( 3 # # &@ # '( &+ # 6+ #= & # # b:dragmode '# # %% 6 # '((' &+ # b:dragreceive # &+ # ## - '(( & &+ # :# -& # &(= & # ( ' #6 6 # &+ # ## -'; &', )4( /$/ <table b:behavior="b-listview" b:drag="outline-example" b:dragmode="real" style="position: absolute; top: 30px; left: 30px;" width="400"> <thead> <tr> <th>Movie</th> <th>Genre</th> <th>Directory</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody b:dragreceive="a"> <tr b:drag="a" b:dragmode="outline-none"> <td>The Seven Samurai</td> <td>Drama</td> <td>Akira Kurosawa</td> </tr> <tr b:drag="a" b:dragmode="outline-hidden"> <td>Donnie Darko</td> <td>Drama</td> <td>Richard Kelly</td> </tr> <tr b:drag="a" b:dragmode="outline-none"> <td>The Godfather</td> <td>Crime</td> <td>Francis Ford Coppola</td> </tr> <tr b:drag="a" b:dragmode="outline-hidden"> <td>Scarface</td> <td>Crime</td> <td>Brian De Palma</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table b:behavior="b-listview" style="position: absolute; top: 150px; left: 30px;" width="400"> <thead> <tr> <th>Movie</th> <th>Genre</th> <th>Directory</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody style="height: 10px" b:dragreceive="a"> <tr /> </tbody> </table> b:dragmode outline-hidden '# ## # '((' &+ # ++'#&5 = +-' 6+ # # ( &+ # + )4# ; / ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = b:dragmode outline-none '# ## +%#5 % %' &+ # + # # ( &+ # #& # '% +%&#' 5 # '((' + )4( 7 / b:draggroup & ' #6 '(( & &+ # G # + &+ # 1 '1 '(( & ' %65 # &+ #@ # '@ ## # '((' 5 G '# # (%% ( % # 6 '(( ( 5 ## ( # b:drag ## # # &+ # 1# # + ' #6 # b:draggroup ## # $ &+ # - ( '(( & &+ # +%#5@ # # +# - # 1 % # ./ # G %& '(= '='% &+ # &#-@ ##@ &# %# D 6 9 % , +# '%%' # - ( (%@ #1 #5 # # # ## ( %# H #5 '%%' # # - ( (%@ #5 % # # %%%# %# 1# # - ( (%O 6&1 "6 #5 &( # # - ( (% #5 1&& # -= ( (% # 3 D $ % , + 1 #5 ( '%%' - 6 #5 # '%%' # - ( (% H '%%' # - ( (%@ &#&5 %# ' &+ # ' # %# #+&- # # - ( &+ #O 6&1 # b:overflowfix="true" # b:draggroup &+ # # %- # " # # *%& 6+ ( 1 ( b:dragmode="real" !3 ( &+ # G 3 5 &#-&5 &#&5 %# ' &+ # 5 '' ( # b:resize #= # # # # G '' # b:resize ## # # -#&&5 5 .>/ #( =#( H 5 +- 5 + # # '( 6 &+ # 1# # b:resize ## # '= ''@ # ( # 3 # '# # &+ # 3 & >&' 5 + ## '1 ' +- # # '' '# # 3 # &+ # $ # # &15 ' & 6 &+ # # &+#'&5 3 &@ 5 # # b:minwidth ' b:minheight ## # # # # + ++ 1'# ' (# 6 &= + # %*&@ 6 *+%& 200px -& 6 # b:resize ## # '# # '# 1 5 3 # &+ # D D D D D D D D all #%@ ##+@ &6# ' (# ' nw #% ' &6# ' &5 n #% ' &5 ne #% ' (# ' &5 e (# ' &5 se ##+ ' (# ' &5 s ##+ ' &5 sw ##+ ' &6# ' &5 ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = D D D w &6# ' &5 horizontal &6# ' (# ' &5 vertical #% ' ##+ ' &5 ' &1 1 *+%& 6 3 & B# 5 & ## ( # ## # b:resizemode # # -& line@ outline@ real &', )4) 6 - & , <div b:resize="all" class="MyClass">You can resize this border &lt;div&gt; IN ALL DIRECTIONS</div> <div b:resize="vertical" b:minheight="200px" class="MyClass">You can resize this border &lt;div&gt; VERTICALLY</div> <div b:resize="horizontal" b:minwidth="200px" class="MyClass">You can resize this border &lt;div&gt; HORIZONTALLY</div> <style type="text/css"> .MyClass { position:relative; border: 2px solid #000; background: #00C0C0; margin: 10px; padding: 10px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10px; }</style> 6&&1 ( &# % # ''# & 6 # &#5 ' 6+# # 3 ( D , -D 5 &+# # 3 ( 6 &+ # ( # ## # b:minwidth@ b:minheight@ b:maxwidth@ ' b:maxwidth@ ' 5 %65 .2# <5 1 1 # &+ # # 3 #' 6 b:resizeconstraint D b:resizemode="line" 1 5 %65 # ## # b:resizemode="line"@ 5 & # b:lineconstraint ## # # %65 &+ #@ ( .2#@ 6+ 1 # & (# # (# 1'# 6+ D $bpc_resizeLine 5 # .2# - & # %65 # #5& ( 1 ' # %%&' 1 & =3 ( : 5 '6&#@ # # # border:4px solid #AAA; D ! -D # '6&# b:resizemode 6 % &# 3 ( line G -' # 5 %6 ( # b:resizemode # % &# &+ # 5 1 # # 3@ 6 *+%& 5 # # ##+ ' #% % & # %#-&5 b:resizemode="real" ' b:resizemode="outline" G 3 % & 1# % #(@ + ' %* $ % & %6' 1# S # 3' H 5 = 3 % #(@ # % #( + # ' D -D 1 3 ( # &@ # ++ '' # %& -5 td ' div &+ # overflow:hidden # %- # # &+ 6+ ( 3' +&= & # # # # ' G +# & # - %'' ( # th td = # # 3' ' (- # &# b:columnmode ## # ## &5 %%& 1 5 3 # & 5 '6&#@ # # & (1 &( ' +&& 5 3 # &&+ H 5 %65 b:columnmode="fixed"@ # # & + 6*' ' 1 5 3 &+ @ &5 # &+ *# # # (1 +&& &( " + ## @ 3 ( ' #&5 1 3 ( # ##&5 % & 4 *+%&@ #5 ( # 3 # 6&&1 ( &+ # &# # ( - = &&-& &+ #@ = &#- &# %# ' &+ #@ 3 # 6 = &# &+ #@ ' 3 ( ' 6 &+ # ## 6*' $'' ( - # 2%(# - # %%(# &&1 5 # % - # 6+ )" &+ # # # G %%(# - # 6&&1 D D D b:followstate = &&1 5 # '6 &# % ' 5 3 # ## 6 '66 # )" #& - &+ # 6&&1 # ## :&#' '&#'; 6 # -' &+ # b:observe = % && - # #((' # -' &+ # # # - &+ # b:observe + ( +%&+ ## 6 b:followstate@ 1 &5 6&&1 # ## :&#' '&#'; 6 # -' &+ # Event bubbling = ## - # %' # % # &+ # G ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = D ' & # - 5 ## ( # ## # b:bubble="false" b:eventblock = '#-# - # &+ # 1 '' ## $# 5 #+@ &+ # %%&# ## @ ## G %65 # '6&# ## 6 &+ # ( # b:state #= # # :%65 -& selected deselected # ./ #( 1 - & # ' ( # # ##@ 6 *+%& +'& #- ' - & 1 # # &= #' ##@ ' '' 1 # # '&#' ## G - # '6 # -& % ## 6 &+ # 1 6 # ## : ; 4 + 6+# @ , #$ G;@% "6 &+ # #((' 5 select # 1& # &+ # &'5 # &#' ##@ - -@ # &+ # - # '& # #((' 4 *+%& &', )4* 1 1 <div b:state="selected"> <s:event b:on="select" b:action="show" /> <s:event b:on="construct" b:action="select" /> </div> 6&&1## 4&&1## &&1 5 # 5 3 &+ # ' ## ( G '' # b:followstate ## # # &+ # :# -; # - ' # # # &+ #O :# -'; ## ( b:followstate ## # -& .2# *% % # ( # # -' &+ # - &+ # 6&&1 # ## :&#' '&#'; 6 # -' &+ # " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ # & - # '& '6 ' # ( # ## 6+ &#' # '&#' #+ # & &' b:navbox &+ # 6&&1 # ## 6 # & @ #6 & ( # & % ' & # - * &', )4. +5 <div> <a id="openclose" b:cursor="pointer">Open/Close All Boxes</a> <s:event b:on="click"> <s:task b:action="select-deselect" b:target="id('openclose')" /> </s:event> </div> <br /> <div> <b:navbox b:followstate="id('openclose')" style="width: 250px;"> <b:navhead>The Seven Samurai</b:navhead> <b:navbody> <p>A movie by Akira Kurosawa starring Takashi Shimura and Toshiro Mifune. The film takes place in war-ridden 16th century Japan.</p> </b:navbody> </b:navbox> </div> <br /> <div> <b:navbox b:followstate="id('openclose')" style="width: 250px;"> <b:navhead>2001: A Space Odyssey</b:navhead> <b:navbody> <p>An influential science fiction film directed by Stanley Kubrick.</p> <a href="">More Info</a> </b:navbody> </b:navbox> </div> <br /> <div> <b:navbox b:followstate="id('openclose')" style="width: 250px;"> <b:navhead>Life Is Beautiful</b:navhead> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = <b:navbody> <p>A Italian language film which tells the story of an Italian Jew who uses his fantastical imagination to survive a concentration camp with his young son Joshua.</p> </b:navbody> </b:navbox> </div> - b:observe ## # % && - # #((' # -' &+ # # # = - &+ # -& 6 # b:observe ## # .2# *% #(# ( # -' &+ # - &+ # - && # - # 6 # - &= + # 4 # - &+ # # % ' # -' &+ # - #@ 5 ' # # - # ' %6* # - # + 1# observe-@ 6 *+%& b:on="observe-command" b:observe + ( +%&+ ## 6 b:followstate &', )40 8 9 <p id="observed" b:cursor="pointer"> <s:event b:on="command"> <s:task b:action="show-hide" b:target="*[2]" /> </s:event> <div>Click here to show and hide the <em>observed</em> element </div> <div style="font-weight: bold; color: #04435E;">This is the observed element</div> </p> <p b:observe="id('observed')" b:cursor="pointer"> <s:event b:on="observe-command"> <s:task b:action="show-hide" b:target="*[2]" /> </s:event> <div>The <em>Observing</em> element mimics the behavior of the observed element. </div> <div style="font-weight: bold; color: #CE0000;">...Observing Element</div> </p> - # & ## ( # b:eventblock ## # # true &+ # ' & && %# - # # ' # &' G # b:eventblock ## # # # +'& '&( 1 &5 # +'& '&( % ' # %# G -& # - # & 5 ( # blocked-mousedown - # &', )42 &9 <div b:eventblock="true"> <s:event b:on="blocked-mousedown" b:action="alert" b:value="Please Close the Dialog!" /> <a>Click me</a> </div> - # & ( - # & ( ## 1 - # #(('@ ## # - # %' # %= # &+ # 4 *+%&@ 1 5 & ## @ # & - # #((' "6 - # '& '6 ' 6 ## &+ # 6 # & - #@ # #((' & - # # & #( # B# 5 #& # # #%=+# &-& :# '+ # B#; ' #(( && - # '& '6 ' 6 # click - #@ & 5 # ## # b:bubble="false" " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ b:on="click" - # '& '6 ' 1# # div ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = id="parent" &+ # H & 51 ' # div@ 6 *+%& = #' div &+ #@ # & - # J &J % # 5 & ( 6 - # '& 6 # & - # - # & ( #6 && B# *%# 6 # div &= + # 1 # # s:event #( *# '' 1# # b:bubble="false" ## # & ( 5 6 # # &+ # #(( &# * 1# # #*# \- # & (]O & Three ''# & & - # '& '6 ' "# #((' 6# 6 - # & ( # %& &', )4 &9 <div id="parent"> <s:event b:on="click" b:action="alert" b:value="Event bubbling!" /> <div> <a>One</a> </div> <div> <a>Two</a> <s:event b:bubble="false" b:on="click" /> </div> <div> <a>Three</a> <s:event b:on="click" b:action="alert" b:value="Local alert" /> </div> </div> - # & ( %%& # %# - # click@ command@ ' mouseover@ # # 6 - # select ' show 4 + 6+# @ * +, #$ D@% $'' ( 66# $ # # -& 66# ## %&# % # + 6 #% 6+ ## # 6 15 ## # %% +#' $ # # 6+' 5 + s:fxstyle #( 1# + 66# #( '6 1 # &+ # ## #+ &' -&&5 # # # - # ## #(( # 66# # %&' - # '= & #&#@ *# ' ( (- &+ # 1# ''# & -& %%# Example 6.22 - Defining Effects <s:behavior b:name="info-trans-example"> <s:event b:on="select"> <s:fxstyle b:height="100%" /> </s:event> <s:event b:on="deselect"> <s:fxstyle b:height="0px" /> </s:event> </s:behavior> G # # # 66# 6&&1 D D D D & ' # - # # ^J6*#&J & ' # G 5 #5& ## *%' +&&5@ background-color font-size@ # # # # 66# #5& 1 # *%' = +&&5@ font-family background-attachment@ # ' s:fxstyle@ # # % & # &&# # % ## #- #1 ## s:setstyle #( ' s:fxstyle #( +&C *%# 1# # 6+ # # # ++'#@ ' 1# # &## # # # # %& + 6 #% - %' 6 #+@ 1 ( 6+ 61 '' +&& ' # -& + # - " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ # # 66# #' 6 # ( ' & G %= ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = %&5 # - # &+ #@ ( # 5 #* <tr b:behavior="fx-color"> H mouseenter - # # %&@ # ( ' & 6 # &+ # ('&&5 ( # # & #7d8fce - # 6 +&& ' H mouseleave - # # %&@ # ( ' & 6 # &+ # ('&&5 ( # # & #7d8fce - # 6 +&& ' &', )4" / <s:behavior b:name="fx-color"> <s:event b:on="mouseenter"> <s:fxstyle b:background-color="#7d8fce" b:time="250" /> </s:event> <s:event b:on="mouseleave"> <s:fxstyle b:background-color="#ffffff" b:time="1000" /> </s:event> </s:behavior> #&& ( # G %65 # 6&&1 ( ## # # #& # # 66# D D D b:time " '#@ +&& '@ 1 & ( 66# # # +%&# ,% ' ( # + # 6 #+ (- @ # # # 1&& +%&#' + & #% + 6 #% # # # +%&# # # # # &&5 '#+ ' 5 # + # 6 #+ (- 1-@ # & '#+ ' 5 # % %' 6 # + 1 # 1 ## %6+ ( # # # 6# # + @ # +# # # # 1&& %% b:motion ,#+ 1 # '-'& #% 6 # # # &# # # " & # # :b:motion="linear";@ && #% 6 # # # 6 <& 3@ # +# %% +# ' < #& $ &(#+ # # :b:motion="log";@ # # '@ ## ('&&5 ' 3 1# #% # +# # -5 &1 # 6#@ ' -5 %' # # ' G & 5 1 #+ A-%# 6 # # '#+ 1 # +# b:cancel ,#+ 1# %% 1 #1 #'#5 66# #-#' # # + #+ 4 *+%&@ +( ## ## - # '& 6 mouseenter - # 1 ## & # # "6 # + ## # - # '& 6 mouseleave - #@ 1 ## %% ( & # # @ # 5 - #1 6&# ( # # 6 # +- # + # ' &- # ## <&5 5 '6&#@ b:cancel true # 6# # # ++'#&5 #' 1 # ' # # #((' "6 # b:cancel # # false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s:history ' # b:name="browser" ## # # %(+ # 1 ' # 41' -(# ## ( - # ' # 4 *+%& Example 6.24 - Browser History <s:behavior b:name="history"> <s:event b:on="select"> <s:history b:name="browser"> <s:task b:action="select" /> </s:history> </s:event> </s:behavior> H # s:history %'@ # # # # ''' # # 1 #5 &# &# ( %'#' )!/ # ( # 6(+ # ' #6@ 6 *+%& #[0]@ #[1]@ ' :-5 1 #5 #+ + # # + ; + ( 2" %%&# < 5 # ' #65 ## ( 5 $A$. # # &# # # %# # '' #5 #+ G # # + 5 '' ( b:bookmark ## # # # s:history #( 4 *+%& Example 6.25 - Bookmarking <s:history b:name="browser" b:bookmark="{@id}"> <s:task b:action="select" /> </s:history> # # 6 # b:bookmark ## # ' 6 # + %# 6 # )!/ ## # # # (@ # &&5 # .2# *% 4 *+%&@ b:bookmark="{@id}" .2# # # # ", 6+ # &+ # # s:history #( %%&' # :G ## + '- ' + ( # # .2# 6 # ; " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ 5 + # # # * H 5 & # # @ # ## # )!/ (@ 6 *+%& ...#SevenSamurai[2]@ &&1 ( 5 # + # # - &&' #5 H # &#'@ # s:history #( # 1 #5 #+ 6 # # @ ( # id ## # # + # # b:name="browser" ## # & # # -(# ' 61' ( # 1 #5 ## b:on="construct" - # #((' 1 # %%&# :;&'' H 5 - +' 6 *+%& # # &&' - +@ # # &#' ( # ", # + % # # -& 6 # + ' ( # $bpc_bookmark .2# - & : -& &5 # # +@ ' # %# 6 # )!/ # PQ #5 66* $&@ #' 6 &# (@ 5 ' #= # ( 1&&@ &' ( 6& 6+ %# # + % # #; 6& ' # *+%& -& & 5 #&&# explorer/data '#5 Example 6.26 - Adding Bookmarks <s:event b:on="construct" b:action="select" b:target="id($bpc_bookmark)" /> <s:behavior b:name="history" b:behavior="b-tab"> <s:event b:on="select"> <s:super /> <s:history b:name="browser" b:bookmark="{@id}"> <s:task b:action="select" /> </s:history> </s:event> </s:behavior> <b:tabbox style="height: 100%"> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = <b:tab b:label="2001" id="2001" b:url="data/2001_short.xml" b:behavior="history" /> <b:tab b:label="Seven Samurai" id="SevenSamurai" b:url="data/seven_short.xml" b:behavior="history" /> <b:tab b:label="Life is Beautiful" id="LifeisBeautiful" b:state="selected" b:url="data/bella_short.xml" b:behavior="history" /> <b:tab b:label="The Godfather" id="llama" b:url="data/godfather_short.xml" b:behavior="history" /> </b:tabbox> 7# b:behavior="b-tab" ## # ' # s:super #( # *+%& # # + # # ' -(# #& 1 %%&5@ #5 # &#' # = #5 + "6 5 1 # # - = ## #5 1## +@ +%&5 # #5 1## + ## # 8 # ( #+ >#5 7-(# G # 5 1 #5 5 %65 ( + # # browser 6 # s:history b:name ## # G +# # %(+ # 5 1 ' # 41' -(# ## ( # forward ' backward ++ ' 4 *+%&@ %& # - - 1# # 6&&1 ( &', )4* $ , ;% <s:behavior b:name="history" b:behavior="b-tab"> <s:event b:on="select"> <s:super /> <s:history b:name="myHistory"> <s:task b:action="select" /> </s:history> <s:task b:action="bookmark" b:value="{@id}" /> </s:event> </s:behavior> <s:event b:on="construct" b:action="select" b:target="id($bpc_bookmark)" /> <div> <b:button b:action="backward" b:history="myHistory">&lt; Previous</b:button> <b:button b:action="forward" b:history="myHistory">Next &gt;</b:button> </div> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 8 & = %# = 4+&3 ( 2## - $ , ( ## ' # %&# 6 # &#5 6 @ ' # %= # # ## 6 # '+ # 6+ # - G - # ' # 6&&1 ( D D D D ,6 # -& % ## 6 &+ # 1 6 # ##@ @ ( # s:state #( ,6 # ## :# ' ++ '; ## *#' 1 - # # %& : ( # s:event #(; 4 + 6+# - #@ - +, .! #$ D>% ,6 # 5 ## #- 1# &+ # s:whenactive # # #& ## # 6 &+ # ( s:initatt " ./@ 5 '6 - ( # s:behavior #( + 6 # -@ 6 *+%& s:behavior b:name="mybutton"@ ' # ( # - # )" &= + #@ 6 *+%& b:button b:behavior="mybutton" - # 6+ # - &&1 ( 5 # # 5 6 6< #&5 ' - # ' ++ ' !% ' ( # ## ( :; G - # '6 # -& % ## 6 &+ # 1 6 # ## : ; H # 6 # ##@ 5 %65@ 1# &@ 1 # &+ # %% ' ( # 6&&1 ( + ## D D D D b:normal = # #5& & # 1 # &+ # # ## b:hover = # #5& & # 1 # + - - # &+ # :% ' # - ' +- - #; b:press = # #5& & # 1 # &+ # ( %' :% ' # # #- ' +'1 - #; b:disabled = # #5& & # 1 # &+ # ' &' 4 *+%&@ 5 ( & # ## 6 # &+ # # ( # & Y 6& 6 &+ # 6&&1 &', *4 / 1 9 <div b:behavior="statebehavior"> Click or hover here to see the <code>s:state</code> tag in action. </div> <s:behavior b:name="statebehavior"> <s:state b:on="deselect" b:normal="sb" b:hover="sb sb-hover" b:press="sb sb-press" /> <s:state b:on="select" b:normal="sb sb-selected" b:hover="sb sb-selected sb-hover" b:press="sb sb-selected sb-press" /> <s:event b:on="command" b:action="select-deselect" /> </s:behavior> <style type="text/css"> .sb { border: 2px solid #889; padding: .3em; cursor: pointer; } .sb-hover { background: red; } .sb-selected { background: blue; color: white; } .sb-press { background: yellow; }</style> & ## %%&' # &+ # ( # s:state #( # #' # *# ( & %%&' # &+ # " # ( - $ - # - ## - # '& '6 ' 6 # , - # - # 6# # s:super #( &5 %' 6# # *# 6 # #' = - " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ # - &&' movedown '6 - # '& 6 ?= @ $&& !(# !-' 9 & = +- ( B# '1 # B# 5 "# # # zoom - ## '& # -& #5& ( s:super #( + ## # - # 6 # + #5% # #' - %%&' 6 ## ( # # - ## 6 ## - # &', *4 9 <s:behavior b:name="zoom"> <s:event b:on="click"> <s:fxstyle b:font-size="15px" /> <s:fxstyle b:background-color="#B8B8B8" /> <s:fxstyle b:font-size="20px" /> <s:fxstyle b:background-color="#888888" /> </s:event> </s:behavior> <s:behavior b:name="movedown" b:behavior="zoom"> <s:event b:on="click"> <s:super /> <s:task b:action="movedown" b:target="." /> <s:task b:action="show-hide" b:target="span[@at='moveddown']" /> </s:event> </s:behavior> <div> <p style="background-color: #F0F0F0; font-size=10;" b:behavior="movedown">Life is Beautiful &gt;&gt; <span at="moveddown">is an Italian language film which tells the story of an Italian Jew who lives in a romantic fairy tale, but must learn how to use that dreamy quality to survive a concentration camp with his young son Joshua.</span> </p> <p style="background-color: #F0F0F0; font-size=10;" b:behavior="movedown">2001: A Space Odyssey &gt;&gt; <span at="moveddown">is an influential science fiction film notable for combining episodes contrasting high levels of scientific and technical realism with transcendental mysticism.</span> </p> <p style="background-color: #F0F0F0; font-size=10;" b:behavior="movedown">The Seven Samurai &gt;&gt; <span at="moveddown">...takes place in war-ridden 16th century Japan, where a village of farmers look for ways to ward off a band of marauding robbers.</span> </p> </div> G %& # s:super #( &' &+ # 6 s:event@ s:parallel s:sequential #( )=,6 ' #& G # s:htmlstructure #( # # 5 1 #& ) ( >/ #= # +%- # +%&+ ## 6 '&#- #6 5 %%&5 ( #& '6 = # 6 #6 #& ' >/ ' < G # # 5 1 %%&# ( #+ #( :# b:name ## # 6 # s:htmlstructure #(; #&@ &#' # C:\Backbase\3_1_4\controls\backbase '#5@ %-' *+%& 6 1 # +%&+ # # #( &' ' 6 # s:htmlstructure #( & ( # # >/ % &+ # ' ## # ## & ( # # ./ % # &'' 1# # #(@ *%# 6 # b:behavior ## # *# ' ( >/ &+ #@ ' & # s:innercontent #( 4 + 6+# @ , #$ G;@% ' 4 #$ 5@% #+&## s:htmlstructure #( +% .>/ #( ' # ## #@ ' # <s:innercontent /> 1 # %&&' 6 # # # 6 # #+ #( ## - # ## ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = <s:innercontent /> +# &15 - .>/ &+ # # % # s:htmlstructure #( +# - b:name ## # -& 6 # b:name ## = # + # #+ #( + ## ' # - # ='6 ' #& 6&&1 ( *+%& 1 # >/ ## 6 ## Example 7.3 - User-Defined Controls <s:htmlstructure b:name="c:button"> <div style="position:relative;"> <div class="c-button-l"></div> <div class="c-button-m"> <s:innercontent /> </div> <div class="c-button-r"></div> </div> </s:htmlstructure> # #&@ ( # 6&&1 ( 5 #* Example 7.4 - Using a Control <c:button>The content of the button...</c:button> <p>At runtime, the content of the <code>&lt;c:button /&gt;</code> tag is placed in the <code>&lt;s:innercontent /&gt;</code> tag of the user-defined control. </p> ./ +% -' ' +5 # ' 6 #+ #( H 5 # #&@ # #+ +% # # b: s: 4 *+%&@ s:htmlstructure b:name="b:deck" # &&1'@ # 5 #' +% 6 5 1 @ 6 *+%& s:htmlstructure b:name="c:deck" $%%&5 ( ,6&# - s:default #( ' # (- #( '6&# % ## 4 *+%&@ # = #& # s:default #( 6 ## ( '6&# #5& ' - 6 # #( H ( @ #&#%@ +'&@ 6 * ' # 1'(# ' # ' %& & -@ # &'5 # 6 # & Y 6& ' - 6 5 1 %%&# O +% # s:default #( < # 6&&1 ( ## # D D D b:tag = '6 # #( + : &' ( # +% %6*; 6 1 # s:default #(O ## # &' %%&5 # b:attribute = # ( 1# # + 6 &+ #O ## # :%# # -& b:behavior class; b:value = # # ( 1# # -& # # 6&&1 ( *+%& &&## 6 * 1'(#@ 1 6&&1 # - &', *4( 1 / <s:default b:tag="b:infobox" b:attribute="b:behavior" b:value="b-infobox" /> " # *+%& -@ 5 6 * 1'(# 1&' 6&&1 %6 \ = 6 *O $ # *+%& # &&## '66 # %%&# @ +'& #5& - +' * 1'(# 6&&1 ( # &', *4) <s:default b:tag="b:modal" b:attribute="class" b:value="b-modal" /> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = " # *+%& -@ 5 +'& \ =+'&O & %%# * 1&' '' ' ( # # %6 + 1'(# < '6&# @ 1 # # #5& ' - '6 # 1'(# # &'@ # '#%@ # +'& '&(@ # 6 * ' # #&#% )=,6 ' $## # ./ ./= ' & (( 1 + ## 5 '' 5 1 ## # # &+ #@ '6 ' 1# < +% " # 6&&1 ( *+%&@ # b:tree = #& #+ ## # '6 ' # c: +% G +# # ++ # = &' +% '&# 5 '+ #@ 6 *+%& xmlns:c="" $ 1# 5 # ## #@ 5 #(# # &+ # ( .2# ' ' # # -& " # *+%&@ & ( # # ' #(( - # '& '6 ' 1# - 1 # 6&&1 ( # '6 ' D 6# # load ++ 'C # url ## # &5 # _` # '= # # # 2 # &- # .2# *% ' # # &# # ( " # @ # #(# # #+ ## # c:myurl ' # # -& data.xml b:destination '# 1 # # # 6 # 6& &''C # &- # -& 6 # #+ ## # c:mytarget@ 1 #&6 # .2# *= % #(# ( # &+ # 1 id welcome@ ' &# # h2 &' &= + # 6 # &+ # D ' # s:render ## '' #*# ' # # h2 &+ #@ # -& 6 1 & '-' 5 -&# ( .2# *% :## #(# # -& 6 # b:label ## #@ # Films Example 7.7 - User-Defined Attributes <b:tree b:label="Films" b:behavior="loadindata" c:mytarget="id('welcome')" c:myurl="data.xml" /> <s:behavior b:name="loadindata"> <s:event b:on="command"> <s:task b:action="load" b:url="{@c:myurl}" b:destination="xpath(@c:mytarget)/div" /> <s:render b:destination="xpath(@c:mytarget)/h2"> <s:textnode b:label="{@b:label}" /> </s:render> </s:event> </s:behavior> <div id="welcome"> <h2></h2> <div></div> </div> H data.xml # Example 7.8 - User-Defined Attributes <?xml version="1.0" ?> <table xmlns="" xmlns:b="" xmlns:s=""> <thead> <tr> <th>Movie</th> <th>Director</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>The Seven Samurai</td> <td>Akira Kurosawa</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Donnie Darko</td> <td>Richard Kelly</td> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = </tr> <tr> <td>The Godfather</td> <td>Francis Ford Coppola</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = %# 8 = ,6 ( ,# ' ( 8 +%&# ( ./ #+%&# ( + + ' # # 6+ % 6 ./ 6+ # ( & 6+#@ # # ./ 6+#@ .>/@ ./@ ' # 6+# %6+' ( #5&#@ ' # &# +-' # %6 #(# # %%&# #( ' ./ #+%&# ( # + #( # ' ./@ *%# # #( &- # s +% 6@ 6 5 6+& 1# ./@ # ./ #+%&#= ( + + ##- ./ #+%&# ( + + # 5 +% # / 1 @ 1% @ ' , ++ ' '# # '# # # 6+'@ # #5&# %6+ # # 6+# @ ' # # 6+ ++ ' # #(( ## ## # # 6+# % 8 ,# % 6 ./ ## (# # 6+' 5 # #+%&# ( + + &&' # '# '# %# ./ 6&@ # %# 6 # + ./ '5 ) ( %# ./ 6& # '# # +# +%& ./ +# 1&&=6+'@ # # ' # < # - # & +% '&# "# +# & # ./ 6& "6 5 ( %%&# -@ # ./ '# 6& '5 +&&5 ( #' H # '# %# 6 # + ./ '+ #@ # < %& #( # '= &+# # # s:xml #( G +# %65 # b:name ## # 6 # s:xml #( G # # + # <&5 6 # # # 6 # s:xml #( +# 1&&= 6+'@ 1# 1 5 '6 # ./ %# ./ 6& 4 *+%& &', .4 / <s:xml b:name="catalog"> <products> <product> <name>Apple</name> <description>A Trendy Computer</description> </product> <product> <name>PC</name> <description>A Functional Computer</description> </product> </products> </s:xml> 8 #5&# $ #5&# ./ '6 ( # 6 ## ## %6+ # 6+# #5&# %# 6&@ # %# 6 # + '5 6 ./ " # @ # s:stylesheet #( # # #(@ ' # b:name ## # ' # <&5 ' #65 # # # 6 # #5&# 6 #+%&#@ 1 .2# # +# %# 6 # '# H +#'@ 6(+ # ' % 6 6+# 6+ # '# # %#' 1# %# 6 # #+%&# &# 6 # % = # ' # # %%&# ' #' # # %6' '# # 5 %%&5 ( #= # # #5&#@ 5 # 6+ # '# 6+ # ( & 6+# # &= +# 5 # 6+# 6&&1 ( ./ #( %%#' 1# # s:stylesheet #( ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = D D D D D D D D D D D D s:apply-templates = %# & ## # select ## 5 '6&# # # node() s:attribute = + '#5 ## # name@ ' %# & ## # select s:call-template = + '#5 ## # name s:choose s:copy-of = + '#5 ## # select s:element = + '#5 ## # name s:for-each = + '#5 ## # select s:if s:otherwise s:template s:value-of = %# & ## # select ## 5 '6&# # # * s:when = + '#5 ## # test &', .4 / 1% <s:stylesheet b:name="product"> <s:template b:match="/"> <div style="height: 500px; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid;"> <s:apply-templates b:select="products/product" /> </div> </s:template> <s:template b:match="product"> <div> <s:attribute b:name="innerHTML" b:select="name" /> </div> </s:template> </s:stylesheet> #( ' # #+%&# ( + + +& # # # ./ # '' 4 + 6+# # ./ ## ' # #5&#@ &# ./ 6 (' 4 *+%& H& P##%FF1111&+F*&F'6&#%Q 8 6+ ++ ' transform ++ ' ' 6 ' ( #+%&# ( #5&# "# %6 1# #5&# # # # 6+ 1# % 6 '#@ ' 1 # '+ # # &# %# transform ++ ' # 6&&1 ( ## # D D D D b:stylesheet = %65 # + 6 # #5&# ( # 5 #* $<stylesheetName> b:datasource = %65 # + 6 # '# ( # 5 #* $<dataSourceName> b:destination = .2# ##+ # ' # '# # #(# &+ # # '+ # # 1 # &# 6 # # 6+# %&' 4 + 6+# @ 9 #$ G5G% b:mode = %6 1 # &# 6 # # 6+# %&' &#- # # #(# ## # - # -& asfirstchild@ aslastchild@ before@ replace@ replacechildren '6&# -& replace &', .4" , / 1% <div id="output"> <s:event b:on="construct"> <s:task b:action="transform" b:stylesheet="$stylesheet" b:datasource="$datasource" b:destination="id('output')" b:mode="aslastchild" /> </s:event> </div> 8 /' ( ,# ' #5&# 6+ # - G &' ./ '# ' ./ #5&# 6+ # - ' #+ 6+ -= & 6 & #=' # 6+# G # 6 # &#5 # ' # 6+# & #='@ ( # % - 6 6 #= ' # ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = #+%&# ( 5#+ ' ./@ # 5 #* # & # # + ## ' 6 - # 6+# # -=' 6&&1 ( ' *+%& # 6+ # %## ## # "# 1 1 ./ '# ' ./ #5&# &'' ( load ++ ' 4&&1 ( # &'@ 5 && # #5&# ' '# ( - & :$name; &', .4# / 1% <s:task b:action="load" b:url="stylesheet.xml" b:destination="." /> <s:task b:action="load" b:url="catalog.xml" b:destination="." /> <s:task b:action="transform" b:stylesheet="$products" b:datasource="$catalog" b:destination="id('main-content')" b:mode="aslastchild" /> H # stylesheet.xml # # 6&&1 ( &', .4( % 4', <s:stylesheet b:name="products"> <s:template b:match="/"> <b:deck style="height: 400px;"> <s:apply-templates b:select="categories/category" /> </b:deck> </s:template> <s:template b:match="category" /> <!--see the Backbase\3_1_4\starterkits\petshop\stylesheet.xml file for the complete stylesheet--> </s:stylesheet> $ ' 1 catalog.xml # # 6&&1 ( &', .4) 4', <s:xml b:name="catalog"> <categories> <category> <id>DOGS</id> <name>Dogs</name> <products> <product> <id>dog1-bulldog</id> <name>Bulldog</name> <desc> General Appearance: The Bulldog is of medium size and has a smooth coat, a heavy, thick-set, low-swung body, a massive short-faced head, wide shoulders and sturdy limbs. Height: 31-40 cm. Weight: 24-25kg. Temperament: The bulldog is not a vicious dog breed and gets along well with both humans and sometimes other dog breeds. Bulldogs are very friendly, but stubborn and protective.</desc> <items> <item> <id>EST-6</id> <desc>Medium size non-sporting dog</desc> <listCost>18.5</listCost> <unitCost>12.0</unitCost> <image>dog1.jpg</image> <attribute>Male Adult</attribute> </item> <item> <id>EST-7</id> <desc>Medium size non-sporting dog</desc> <listCost>18.5</listCost> <unitCost>12.0</unitCost> <image>dog1.jpg</image> <attribute>Female Puppy</attribute> </item> </items> </product> <!--see the Backbase\3_1_4\starterkits\petshop\catalog.xml file for the complete datasource--> </products> </category> </categories> </s:xml> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = 8 1 +%&# ( 1 #+%&# ( -&- ( # ./ 2 &# # # & # 1 # # = 6+ % 6 ./ 6+ # ( & 6+#@ # # ./ 6+#@ .>/@ ( ./ +%&+ # 1 #+%&# ( @ 5 ' # '6 # 6&= &1 ( D D D $ '# ## %6 # '# # # 6+' $ #5&# ## %6+ # # 6+# # '# $ ' # xsl-transform ++ ' ## #(( # # 6+# % H 5 +%&+ # 1 #+%&# (@ 5 +# # # # # #+%&# ( % &# 6 # & # 1 D " # # *%& ' 3&& 6&& ./ %%#@ &' ( 7+%@ #5& # @ ' ./ &#= ./ 2 ' # # H ./ ' # H .2# !++ '# D " # # *%& ./ %%#C '% ' ( # ./ - #&&'@ + %%# ./ ' + ' # D " # # *%& & ./ %%#@ # 66& H ./ !++ '# # # ./ %# 70 +%# & 1# %-' # $bpc_xsltParser .2# - & # ## 6 1 #+%&# %= %# :1# # ./ - %%# ./ ./; 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B B ? <a b:action="alert" b:value="{$test_global}">Click here to see the value contained in the variable</a> G ( 1 -& # (& & - & ( # assign ++ ' 6&&1 &', 040 $ 7 5 ? ? <a b:action="assign" b:target="$test_global" b:select="'Hello Mum!'">Click here to assign a new value to the variable</a> 9 /& & $ && - & -& & 1# # % 6 # &+ # 1 #(('@ ' %' #+#&&5 & ( 1# 5 - # && 1# # - # '& " # 15@ && - & &&1 5 # % %+# 6+ - - # '& # = # $ && - & && # # # % ( #'@ 1 5 #(( = # - # 5 %%&# 1# # #*# 1 # - & 1 #'@ # && - & 1&& & -& & # &&' - # :$ && - & &' 6+ ++5 1 # ( & *# #' '; 6&&1 ( *+%& # #1 & &+ #C # 6# & &+ # mouseenter - # '& ## '& && - & ' #(( command # # ' & C # && - & %' # # ' & ' -& & # - # '& 1 %# # && - & -& &# * & ( # ' & @ 1-@ &# .2# # && - & # -& & 1# # #*# 6 ## &+ # &', 042 / ? <a> <s:event b:on="mouseenter"> ?= @ $&& !(# !-' & = <s:variable b:name="test_local" b:select="'Hello World!'" b:scope="local" /> <s:task b:action="trigger" b:event="command" b:target="id('trg1')" /> </s:event> Click to register and trigger alert </a> | <a id="trg1"> <s:event b:on="command"> <s:task b:action="alert" b:value="{$test_local}" /> </s:event> Click here to try and access the local variable </a> G ( 1 -& # && - & ( # assign ++ ' 6&&1 &', 04 $ 7 5 ? 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Key Features
- Installation support
- Detailed configuration guide
- Comprehensive user instructions
- Troubleshooting tips
- Backbase Explorer
- Starter kits for different applications
- Backbase Tools
- BXML basics
- Development tools
- Component Library
Frequently Answers and Questions
What is Backbase?
Backbase is a platform that helps developers build and deploy web applications.
What is included in the Backbase Manual?
The Backbase Manual covers a variety of topics, including installation, configuration, and use of the Backbase platform.
How do I use the Backbase Explorer?
The Backbase Explorer is a tool that allows you to browse and explore the Backbase platform.
What are Starter Kits?
Starter Kits are pre-built applications that you can use to get started with the Backbase platform.
What are Backbase Tools?
Backbase Tools are a collection of development tools that you can use to build Backbase applications.
What is BXML?
BXML is a language that you can use to create Backbase applications.