Allen-Bradley PLC COM ADPTR SER A User Manual
Allen-Bradley PLC COM ADPTR SER A is a communication adapter designed to interface with Allen-Bradley PLCs and Drives. It provides a means to communicate with the drive and control its functions, including parameters, logic command bits, and analog inputs and outputs. The adapter can be configured for both RIO and DH+ protocols, allowing flexibility in your automation system.
ALLEN-BRADLEY 1336 FORCE™ PLC® Communications Adapter Cat. No. 1336T-GT1EN User Manual (Series A) Important User Information Because of the variety of uses for this equipment and because of the differences between this solid-state equipment and electromechanical equipment, the user of and those responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves as to the acceptability of each application and use of the equipment. In no event will Allen-Bradley Company be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment. The illustrations shown in this manual are intended solely to illustrate the text of this manual. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, the Allen-Bradley Company cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based upon the illustrative uses and applications. No patent liability is assumed by Allen-Bradley Company with respect to use of information, circuits or equipment described in this text. Reproduction of the content of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of the Allen-Bradley Company is prohibited. The information in this manual is organized in numbered chapters. Read each chapter in sequence and perform procedures when you are instructed to do so. Do not proceed to the next chapter until you have completed all procedures. | Throughout this manual we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations: ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property damage or economic loss. Attentions help you: e Identify a hazard. ¢ Avoid the hazard. e Recognize the consequences. Important: Identifies information that is especially important for successful application and understanding of the product. Shock Hazard labels may be located on or inside the drive to alert people that dangerous voltage may be present. Information and Precautions Installation and Wiring Start-Up Table of Contents Chapter 1 Manual Objectives .... 000000000 eee eee 1-1 Chapter Objectives . . ...... iii KK 1-1 Who Should Use This Manual ....................... ‚ 1-1 Terminology ......oÑ.eeereoroedooroererenoeoroereoeo 1-1 General Precautions ......e..oemeerereroroeedo nero 1-2 Catalog Number Explanation ......................... 1-2 Chapter 2 Chapter Objectives ......0.0.0000000000 00ER 2-1 Mounting ......00000 000440 4444 0 46 ea 0 ae eee 0 4 0 2-1 Discrete I/O Jumpers ..........eeeereoerecorceooorereceoceem. 2-2 BRAM Jumper ..........._ececresocccacrerrococererecioorea. 2-2 Analog 1/O Connections ........... PEE о eee 2-4 RIO and DH+® Configuration .........0.000000000000 00000000 2-6 Port Wing «o.oo i ee ee eee ae 2-6 Communication Configuration ........0000000000 0000000000000 2-7 RIO Configuration ........_.—er_errecorsoreorecorrecoor reco, 2-7 DH+® Configuration ee 2-8 Chapter 3 Chapter Objectives .......eoo.corererecerrrorverec 3-1 Start-Up Procedure ......e.coomerererorrerooorore rea 3-1 RIO Communications . . . . . «ov vv vv invitee tines enn 3-6 Discrete PLC Controller VO Data Transfer .............e.e.. 3-6 Discrete PLC9 Programming .........r—reoeeeerreece.. 3-9 Discrete JO Program .............. cine. 3-10 Logic Command Bit Mapping ........................ 3-12 Table of Contents Programming Advanced Programming il Chapter 4 Chapter Objectives .......200 0202004444 iin. 41 Terminology ............. eee. 4-1 BRAMFunctions ..................... Ce ee eee 4-2 RIORedundantMode . . . ........................... 4-3 Analog I/O Parameter Set-Up Description ................. 4-5 Parameter Groups . .......... a 4 4 2 ee 4e a a a 0 0 ea ee 4-9 Parameter Descriptions ........eQorreererrerercoaoano a. 4-10 Groupl — AdapterInfo ........................... 4-10 Group2 — AdapterDiag . ........... 0... 4-12 Сгопр 3 — $САМроп'" О ............ 2... ......... 4-16 Group 4 — Masks .............. 2..2... 2... ....... 4-18 Group 5 — Owners ........ citi itt. 4-20 Group 6 — Analog YO ............... 0.0... 4-23 Group 7 — Channel A ................. vv... 4-25 Group 8 — Channel B ............................ 4-27 Chapter 5 Chapter Objectives . . ........ citrine... 3-1 Block Transfer ................. . iii... 5-1 Remote I/O Status Word . ................. .......... 5-1 Data Storage .......... cc... 5-2 PLC-5® Block Transfer Rung Example . . ................. 5-4 DH+9 Communications 000000... 5-7 DH+98 Command Set ...............eeeeeeacearav.. 5-7 Block Transfer Descriptions . . ........................ 5-11 Block Transfer Status Word . ......................... 5-11 Table 5-12 — Block Transfer Message Word 2 Code Definitions ........ 5-12 Troubleshooting Specifications and Supplemental Information Table of Contents Chapter 6 Chapter Objectives ......ñeio_eeeeoroerevorervereareo 6-1 Fault and Status LEDS ......oQo..o.orerooreooorereca o. 6-1 Domino Processor Status — Dl and D2 ................. 6-2 Application Processor Status — D3 and DS ..........e.e.e. 6-2 Channel A Status — D4, D6 and D7 Channel B Status — D8,D9andDI0 ................... 6-2 PLC® Comm Adapter Board Status — D11-D13, D18 and D21 ... 6-3 Faultsand FaultQueues ................. 0... Cee. 6-4 Fault Code Descriptions . . . ......... cco nnn.. 6-5 Fault Displays ........... iii... 6-5 FaultCodes ............. iii, 6-6 Chapter 7 Chapter Objectives . ......... iii, eee 7-1 Specifications . . . ......... iii i ee ee 0 7-1 Software Block Diagram . ................ 0... 7-2 Hardware Block Diagram ........................... 7-4 Parameter Cross Reference — ByNumber . ............... 7-5 Parameter Cross Reference — ByName ................. 7-6 PLC® Comm Adapter Board DIP Switch Settings ............ 7-7 11 зу Manual Objectives Chapter Objectives Who Should Use This Manual Terminology Chapter Information and Precautions The purpose of this manual is to provide the necessary information to apply the 1336 FORCE PLC Communication Adapter. Included in this manual are methods for installing, wiring, starting up, programming and troubleshooting the PLC Comm Adapter. Chapter 1 provides precautions and information on the general intent of this manual, gives an overall description of the PLC Communications Adapter Board, and provides a listing of key adapter features. This publication provides planning, installation, wiring and diagnostic information for the PLC Communications Adapter Board. It 1s intended to be used by qualified service personnel responsible for the set up and servicing of solid state equipment. To assure successful installation and operation, become familiar with tasks that must be performed in a seguence for successful completion. Particular attention should be directed to the Attention and Important statements contained within the material. To make efficient use of the PLC Comm Adapter, personnel must be able to program and operate an Allen-Bradley PLC and/or Drive Tools. In particular, personnel must be familiar with remote I/O concepts & configuration, and be able to program block transfer instructions. Detailed definitions of industrial automation and technical terms used throughout this manual may be found in the INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION GLOSSARY — a guide to Allen-Bradley technical terms, Publication AG-7.1. 1-1 Chapter 1 Information and Precautions General Precautions Discharge) sensitive parts and assemblies. Static control precautions are required when installing, testing, servicing or rep[airing this assembly. Component damage may result if ESD control precautions are not followed. If you are not familiar with static control procedures reference Guarding Against Electrostatic Damage, A-B Publication 8000-4.5.2, or any other applicable ESD protection handbook. ATTENTION: Only personnel familiar with SCANDbus devices A and associated machinery should plan or implement the installation, start-up, or subsequent troubleshooting of this board. Failure to comply may result in personnel injury and/or equipment damage. A ATTENTION: This board contains ESD (electrostatic Catalog Number Explanation Catalog Number Description Located on each PLC Communications Adapter Board is a Language Module. Catalog numbers identifying the language modules are listed below. 1336T — GT1EN 1336T = Field Installed GT1EN = English Version (Blank)= Factory Installed GT1EN = English Version 1-2 Chapter Installation and Wiring Chapter Objectives Chapter 2 provides information on mounting the PLC Comm Adapter Board as well as configuring and connecting communications. Mounting 1336 FORCE 1 Mounting Plate Keyed Mounting Slot + y + Control Board Interface on 1.03 11111181 ALLL LIT FIRE 111191 ENGLISH / ENGLISH : 3 В В В Ш «оемолатьет ааа Motor Control Keyed Mounting Slot [- с лЛОАЯ | | MODUL UE Phillips-Head DR ae Screws ря Keyed Mounting Slot Figure 2-1 — PLC Comm Adapter Board Mounting The PLC Comm Board plugs into the Main Control Board at connector J1. (2) Keyed Mounting Slots along with the (2) Phillips-Head Screws provided with the kit secure the board to the 1336 FORCE Mounting Plate. Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring BRAM Jumper J3 By LANGUAGE MODULE Bo 1S38T-EN su A ENGLISH / ENGLISH ALLEN-BRADLEY ad - . "EZ. M A) DEH US Fault Out LED D11 Ext Fault LED D12 Norm Stop LED D13 DE o 3. Motor Thermo LED 018 » E Drive Enable LED D21 >| a CE A a И e. IE Ва A разы Discrete 1/0 Jumpers J8 29 J10 J11 L 1820 — Discrete 1/0 Connections 1821 — Analog 1/0 Connections Figure 2-2 — PLC Comm Adapter Board Terminal Blocks and Discrete 1/0 Jumpers Discrete 1/0 Jumpers ATTENTION: To avoid damage to the PLC Comm Adapter Board, discrete Input Jumpers J8, J9, J10 and J11 must be set to the same input voltage applied to the PLC Comm Adapter Board — Either 24V DC or 120V AC. J8 Sets the Drive Enable input for either 24V DC or 120V AC. J9 Sets the Motor Thermoguard input for either 24V DC or 120V AC. J10 Sets the Norm Stop input for either 24V DC or 120V AC. J11 Sets the External Fault input for either 24V DC or 120V AC. BRAM Jumper Jumper J3 on the PLC Comm Adapter Board enables or disables the write to BRAM function as follows. EN = Enabled — Write to BRAM is allowed. DIS = Disabled — Write to BRAM is not allowed. Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring Terminal Block Locations Two separate terminal blocks are provided at the bottom of the PLC Comm Adapter Board for discrete and analog I/O wiring. To aid in making connections, terminal blocks may be pulled apart when connecting cable. The maximum and minimum wire size accepted by both TB20 and TB21 is 3.3 & 0.60 mm? (12 & 30 AWG). Maximum torque is 0.79 N-m (7 Ib-in). Recommended control signal wire is: * Belden 8760 or equiv. — 0.750 mm? (18 AWG), Twisted Pair, Shielded « Belden 8770 or equiv. — 0.750 mm? (18 AWG), 3-Conductor, Shielded * Belden 9460 or equiv. — 0.750 mm? (18 AWG), Twisted Pair, Shielded Discrete 1/0 Discrete Outputs Fault outputs from the 1336 FORCE are supplied at terminal block TB20 on the PLC Comm Board. Fault outputs provide warning or fault signals based on drive programming. FAULT NC FAULT COM FAULTNO — A Form C, N.O./N.C. relay contact on the PLC Comm Board 6 FAULT NO го, programmed to provide external warning or fault change-of-state signals. u 7 FAULT NC (8) Resistive Rating = 115V AC/30V DC, 5.0 A UN com es Inductive Rating = 115V AC/30V DC, 5.0 A 7 6 TB20 6) e EXT FAULT N.C. (4) 2 NIRH STOP NC. ©) 2 —| | FAULTN.O. (DIGITAL OUT) 10} ——- © A DRIVE ENABLE N.O. (1) | A e— FAULTCOM (DIGITAL OU) (9|-— — e —V— FAULTN.C. (DIGITALOUT) [B| ———— Figure 2-3 — Typical Digital Output Connections Discrete Inputs Discrete Inputs to the 1336 FORCE ate supplied through the PLC Comm Adapter Board at terminal block TB20. Discrete inputs serve to enable and stop the drive as well as provide checks on drive and motor operation. TB20 INPUT COM (DIGITAL COMMON) | 6 o (COMMON) EXT FAULT (DIGITAL IN) [2}—— 115V AC/+ 24V DC (HIG EXTERNAL FAULT NORM STOP (DIGITAL IN) [3] STOP MOTOR THERMO (DIGITAL IN) [2|— MM ——e MOTOR THERMO DRIVE ENABLE (DIGITAL IN) [1] ENABLE Figure 2-4 — Typical Digital Input Connections Using an External Power Source 2-3 Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring Analog 1/0 Connections TTL TART ERY \\ —10V (19) 1 COM (18) $ + 10V (17) _] IN4 - (16) | IN4 + (15) IN3 — (14) IN3 + (13) ea IN2- (12) IN2 + (11) 181 - (10) | INT + (9) COMA (3) OUT4 (7) COM3 (6) OUTS (5) & COM2 (4 = OUT2 (3) COM? (2) OUT1 (1) DRIVE ENABLE — A drive enable signal must be present before the drive Will acknowledge a start command. If LED D21 Drive Enable on the PLC Comm Board is illuminated, the drive has received an enable signal allowing drive logic to accept a start command. MOTOR THERMO — Allows the user to connect a N.C. motor thermal switch to the 1336 FORCE. Motor Thermo LED D18 on the PLC Comm Adapter will illuminate if a motor over temperature condition occurs. The drive will issue a warning or trip on a fault as configured by Parameter 88 (VP Flt/Warn Cfg) and Parameter 89 (VP Warn/None Cfg). NORM STOP — A N.C. maintained stop input that will stop the drive according to the user specified stop mode (Parameter 59). The drive responds the same way it would if the stop bit were set in any logic command. When a stop signal is present, the Norm Stop LED D13 on the PLC Board will be illuminated, and the drive will not be allowed to run until the stop signal is removed. A ATTENTION: The drive start/stop control circuitry includes solid-state components. If hazards due to accidental contact with moving machinery or unintentional flow of liquid , gas or solids exist, an additional hardwired stop circuit is required to remove AC line power to the drive. When AC input power is removed, there will be loss of inherent regenerative braking effect and the motor will coast to a stop. An auxiliary braking method may be required. EXT FAULT — Allows the user to wire an external signal into the 1336 FORCE. If external fault input voltage is removed, the External Fault LED D12 on the PLC Board will light. The drive will then issue a fault or warning based on the fault configuration defined by Parameters 88 and 89. When input voltage is applied, D12 will not be lit. Analog Inputs There are (4) analog inputs to the PLC Comm Adapter Board that have a range of +10V and a digital resolution of 12 bits. These inputs are differential inputs with noise rejection filtering. Each input has a gain and offset adjustment. The A/D converter is a 12 bit device where an input value of +10V will result in a digital value of 2048. Likewise, an input value of —10V will result in a digital output value of —2048. Chapter 4 describes the parameters associated with scaling analog values. Note: Analog input parameters must be linked to a velocity reference parameter as well as a scaling and offset parameter for an analog input to function. Analog Outputs There are (4) analog outputs from the PLC Comm Adapter Board that have a range of +10V and a digital resolution of 12 bits. Chapter 4 describes the parameters associated with scaling analog values. Chapter 2 installation and Wiring 1821 — 10V DC (POWER SUPPLY) ff COM (POWER SUPPLY COMMON) [18 + 10V DC (POWER SUPPLY) | REFERENCE POT 2.5 kQ MINIMUM Am af TOTE «€ — —— (SIGNAL GROUND TERMINAL BLOCK) Figure 2-5 — Typical Analog input Connections for Unidirectional Operation Forward ee TB21 7 Reverse eid - 10V DC (POWER SUPPLY) (9 {| — REVERSE COM (POWER SUPPLY COMMON) + 10V DC (POWER SUPPLY) fi7 Y —A FORWARD | | | . REFERENCE POT 1 2.5 kQ MINIMUM | ТО ТЕ (SIGNAL GROUND TERMINAL BLOCK) TB21 [OUT (ANALOG OUT) a > DAC ı I 0to£10VDC E 1mA Maximum [com (ANALOG oun) CH О) > Note: Connect to Only One Set of Outputs — COMA and QUT4 — COM3 and OUT3 — COM2 and QUT2 — COM1 and OUT1 TOTE E (SIGNAL GROUND TERMINAL BLOCK) Figure 2-7 — Typical Analog Output Connections Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring RIO and DH+ Configuration DIP Switches Configuration Channel A Channel B U2 U3 Us uu LANGUAGE MODULE ° er 18087 EN | ‘as 1,03 ERE EN ALIEN ен й p PA ELSA * РД DOE FORE {| ET EEE EEE CHANNEL A 3 A = E г В Е Е | Te À ОО | Connector fi : | Кая CHANNEL B Connector ERIC UPI Figure 2-8 — PLC Comm Adapter Board DIP Switches and Communication Connections Port Wiring Twinaxial cable is used to connect Channel A or B of the PLC Comm Adapter Board to RIO and DH+ communications systems as shown in Figures 2-9 and 2-10. CABLE TYPE Belden 9463 — Consult Allen-Bradley if any other type cable is used. CABLE LENGTH A minimum of 10 feet for all connections. Shorter lengths may cause signal reflections. CABLE CONNECTIONS All (3) conductors — Blue, Shield and Clear — should be connected at each wiring point. No additional ground connections should be made to the shield. Important: Do not use star type connections. Only (2) cables may be connected at any wiring point on a series connected application. CABLE TERMINATIONS (2) 1770-ХТ ог 1500 (820 for 230 kbaud) resistors are used for cable termination. Use (1) at each end of the cable. 2-6 Communication Configuration RIO Configuration PLE CONTROLLER E Chapter 2 installation and Wiring Connections to Allen-Bradley’s RIO or DH+ networks are made via (2) channels (Channel A or Channel B) on the PLC Comm Adapter Board. Each channel allows the 1336 FORCE to communicate directly with a PLC and is independently programmable. Dip switch settings on the PLC Comm Adapter Board are used to configure one or both channels for DH+ or RIO communication. Switches U2 and U3 are used to configure Channel A, switches U4 and US are used to configure Channel B. A detailed explanation of DIP switch settings is provided in Chapter 3 — Start-Up. When a communication channel is configured for RIO connection, the PLC Comm Adapter Board will look like a remote I/O rack to an Allen- Bradley PLC. The PLC Adapter can: * Support 57.6K, 115K or 230K baud communication rates. * Be configured as a 4, 1, % or full VO rack. * Be configured to ignore PLC fault conditions and continue operating. e Support transfer of multiple drive parameter read or writes in a single Block Transfer. * Allow the 1336 FORCE to be directly connected to (2) PLCs. PLC parameter control allows drive control to be switched between the two PLCs and specifies which PLC is currently in control. * Allow the Block Transfer feature to be disabled via DIP switch setting and provide an extra word of discrete data. PLC COMM ADAPTER BOARD PLC COMM ADAPTER BOARD PLC COMM ADAPTER BOARD BLUE SHIELD | | CLEAR BLUE | — SHIELD | CLEAR Figure 2-9 — RIO Wiring Configuration 2-7 Chapter 2 HINER ls Rielle DH+ Configuration 2-8 PLC CONTROLLER When a communication channel is configured for DH+ communication, the PLC Adapter Board becomes a station on the DH+ link. Information can be passed to and from the drive using the DH+ protocol. The PLC Adapter can: * Support 57.6K, 115K or 230K baud communication rates. * Support read or write messages for blocks of parameters. * Allow the PLC to to issue 1336 FORCE messages using a method similar to RIO Block Transfer. CLEAR PLC COMM ADAPTER BOARD PLC COMM ADAPTER BOARD BLUE PLC COMM ADAPTER BOARD Figure 2-10 — DH+ Wiring Configuration Chapter Objectives Start-Up Procedure Chapter Start-Up The first part of Chapter 3 provides a Start-Up Procedure detailing DIP switch settings for configuring Channels A and B. The remainder of the chapter provides an explanation of discrete data transfer between the PLC and PLC Comm Adapter Board. The PLC Comm Adapter contains (4) switches which select the communications options for each channel. Switches U2 and U3 are used to configure Channel A. Switches U4 and US perform the same function for Channel B. The standard configuration is for Channel A to be configured for DH+ and Channel B to be configured for RIO Protocol. Changes to switch settings will not take effect until power is reapplied. | ATTENTION: Use a blunt, pointed instrument (such as a ball /N point pen) to set DIP switches. Do not use a pencil. Pencil lead (graphite) may damage switch assemblies. output image table words for drive control and is not compatible with complementary I/O configurations. Failure to check connections and switch settings for application compatibility when configuring the PLC Comm Adapter Board could result in personal injury and /or equipment damage due to unintended or undesirable drive or process equipment operation. A ATTENTION: The PLC Comm Adapter utilizes both input and The following Start-Up Procedure provides PLC Comm Board switch settings for board protocol, Baud Rate, RIO rack size, redundancy, starting group and address. Should you encounter any operating faults once switch settings have been applied, refer to Chapter 6 — Troubleshoooting. 3-1 Chapter 3 Start-Up Step 1 — Protocol — U2 or U4 U2 or U4 Switches 1 and 2 Step 2 — BAUD Rate — U2 or U4 U2 ог U4 Switches 3 and 4 3-2 Chapter 3 Start-Up Step 3 — RIO Rack Size — U2 or U4 U2 or U4 Switches 5and 6 OFF= <x, ON= J Step 4 — Not Last/Last — U2 or U4 U2 or U4 SE | wich 7 Step 5 — Redundant — U2 or U4 U2 or U4 Switch8 < Chapter 3 Start-Up Step 6 — RIO Starting Group — U3 or U5 3-4 U3 and US Switches 1 or 2 OFF = ON = > Step 7 — RIO Rack Address or DH+ Station Address U3 or US Switches 3 thru 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 OFF = <x ON = > OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON Chapter 3 Ele) OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ÓN ON ON ON 70 71 12 73 74 75 76 Ti OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON 3-5 Chapter 3 Start-Up RIO Communications Discrete PLC Controller 1/0 Data Transfer 3-6 Each channel of the PLC Comm Adapter Board can be configured for Allen-Bradley Remote 1/O (RIO) communications. Configuration as a RIO device allows the drive to look like a remote I/O chassis to a PLC. GENERAL Verify that values sent to the drive parameters are scaled to the appropriate units. Most drive parameters operate based on drive units. Values should be scaled in the PLC Controller or by using a function block program in the drive. Refer to the Function Block Programming User Manual for additional information. To control drive parameters, the parameters are linked to the drive by using source and sink parameters (source parameters, sink parameters and linking information is defined on pages 4-1 & 2.). The selected rack size and the channel selected determine which parameters in the drive are used for transfer of data between the drive and PLC Controller. Because there are two channels on the PLC Comm Adapter Board, the channel configuration (RIO or DH+) also determines which adapter board parameters are used and what they are used for. The standard configuration is for Channel A to be DH+ communication and channel B to be RIO communication. This can be changed using switches U2 (Channel A HIGH) and U4 (Channel B HIGH). Data required by the drive on a continuously updated basis is transferred using the I/O image table of the PLC Controller. The data transfer rate can be determined using the standard conventions for I/O rack updates of discrete I/O. Refer to your PLC Controller manual for details. DATA TRANSFER EXAMPLES Figures 3-1 — 3-4 indicate how data is transferred between the PLC Comm Adapter Board and a PLC Controller for the rack size selected. The first group number associated with a rack is reserved for the Block Transfer function if it is selected with the RIO Protocol. The remaining group numbers — e 1-7 for Full Racks e 1-5 or 3-7 for 3/4 Racks e 1,3, 5 or 7 for 1/4 Racks — are used for the transfer of discrete data. Each group number reserves a single 16 bit word in both the input and output image table of the PLC Controller for the rack number assigned. In the Drive these words are directly linked to internal drive parameters using source and sink parameters as shown in Figures 3-5 and 3-6. Chapter 3 Start-Up GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 GROUP 6 GROUP 7 EACH GROUP APPEARS TO HAVE A 16 BIT INPUT AND OUTPUT MODULE INSTALLED Figure 3-1 — RIO Full Rack Configuration STARTING GROUP 1 | | crouP2 | | GROUP3 | | GROUP4 | | GROUP5 | GROUP O STARTING GROUP3 | | GROUP4 | | GROUPS | | GROUPS | | GROUP7 | GROUP2 EACH GROUP APPEARS TO HAVE A 16 BIT INPUT AND OUTPUT MODULE INSTALLED O RESERVED FOR BLOCK TRANSFER IF RIO WITH BLOCK TRANSFER PROTOCOL IS SELECTED. Figure 3-2 — RIO 3/4 Rack Configuration GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 STARTING | GROUP 5 GROUP 6 GROUP 7 STARTS EACH GROUP APPEARS TO HAVE A 16 BIT INPUT AND OUTPUT MODULE INSTALLED Figure 3-3 — RIO 1/2 Rack Configuration GROUP 1 GROUP 3 NG GROUP 0 GROUP 5 GROUP 7 | . - STARTING GROUP 4 STARTING GROUP 6 EACH GROUP APPEARS TO HAVE A 16 BIT INPUT AND OUTPUT MODULE INSTALLED © RESERVED FOR BLOCK TRANSFER IF RIO WITH BLOCK TRANSFER PROTOCOL IS SELECTED. Figure 3-4 — RIO 1/4 Rack Configuration 3-7 Chapter 3 Start-Up PLC CONTROLLER 1336 FORCE PLC COMM ADAPTER CHANNEL B DRIVE PARAMETERS RESERVED FOR O FULL RACK E 3/4 RACK © 1/2 RACK © 1/4 RACK 9 © © © Figure 3-5 — PLC Comm Adapter Configuration Example — RIO with Block Transfer PLC CONTROLLER 1336 FORCE CUTPUT IMAGE TABLE PLC COMM ADAPTER GROUP NUMBER CHANNEL B DRIVE PARAMETERS USER CONFIGURABLE O FULL RACK © 3/4 RACK MAG © 1/2 RACK GROUP NUMBER © 1/4 RACK FULL 34 12 14 © © © © wo Figure 3-6 — PLC Comm Adapter Configuration Example — RIO without Block Transfer Discrete PLC Programming Chapter 3 Start-Up Figure 3-7 illustrates an application where the PLC Comm Adapter Board has been set-up for a full rack (numbered rack 2) and the 16 bit words for Groups 1 and 2 are being used by the PLC Controller program for data transfer with the 1336 FORCE. In this example, the drive has been configured so that the data coming into source Parameter 330 is sent to Parameter 367 — Port 6 Logic Command In. Information sent to the 1336 FORCE using the 16 bit output word for Group 1 of rack 2 must be a 16 bit word where the bits are defined by the description of Parameter 367. Parameter 101 — Velocity Ref 1 HI has been linked to source Parameter 331. The 16 bit output word for Group 2 of rack 2 must be a 16 bit signed integer whose value is within the allowable range of values in drive units for Parameter 101. Information from the 1336 FORCE consists of Parameter 56 — Logic Status LOW, and Parameter 146 — Velocity Feedback. Based on the links shown, the 16 bit input word for Group 1, rack 2 in the PLC Controller is a 16 bit logic status word. The bits in this 16 bit word are defined by the description for Parameter 56. In addition, the 16 bit input for Group 2, rack 2 in the PLC Controller is a 16 bit signed integer whose value corresponds to the allowable values in drive units for Parameter 146. PLC 1336 FORCE OUTPUT IMAGE TABLE RACK 2 PLC COMM ADAPTER DRIVE PARAMETERS 0:020 (GROUP 0) RESERVED FOR BLOCK TRANSFER SOURCES e “ 0:021 (GROUP 1) PT6 LOGIC COMMAND IN 0:022 (GROUP 2) a («ED 0:023 (GROUP 3) oO 0:024 (GROUP 4) 0:025 (GROUP 5) SOURCES LK) TD VELOCITY REF 1 HI 0:026 (GROUP 6) «a 0:027 (GROUP 7) EXT TORQUE REF 1 INPUT IMAGE TABLE RACK 2 1:020 (GROUP 0) RESERVED FOR BLOCK TRANSFER SINKS 1:021 (GROUP 1) — C++ <- 56» LoGIC STATUS LOW 1:022 (GROUP 2) «e C360 > 1:023 (GROUP 3) VELOCITY FEEDBACK 1:024 (GROUP 4) a 1:025 (GROUP 5) 1:026 (GROUP 6) 1:027 (GROUP 7) Figure 3-7 — Discrete PLC Programming Example for RIO with Block Transfer 3-9 Chapter 3 Start-Up Discrete 1/0 Program If the data transferred between the 1336 FORCE and the PLC Controller is to be manipulated by the PLC Controller in units other than drive units, the data must be appropriately scaled when it is transferred to a drive parameter. Scaling can be done at the PLC Controller or by using drive function blocks. The scaled information must be based on drive unit definitions for parameters in the 1336 FORCE. Parameter 101 — Velocity Reference 1 HI shown in Figure 3-7 is in drive units, where 4096 is defined as base speed. If the PLC Controller program is written in terms of feet-per-minute (FPM), then FPM must be converted to drive units before being sent to Parameter 101. Figure 3-8 is a PLC Controller program which could be used to control the 1336 FORCE. Based on the configuration shown in Figure 3-7 the PLC Controller program will be transferring information to Parameters 367 and 101 1n the 1336 FORCE. Logic bits in File B3 of the PLC Controller are used to set the drive logic control bits and integer File N10 Word 01 is used to store the drive speed reference. To control the logic operation of the drive, the PLC program must control the bits in the output image table which correspond to the desired operation. Because Parameter 322 in Figure 3-7 has been linked to Parameter 367 and Parameter 322 is associated with Group 1 in the output image table, the PLC Controller program will be controlling bits in Word 0:21. Chapter 3 Start-Up Rung 1 SB Start 0:21 Start { \ JL to 01 bit 1 ( par 367) Rung 2 BB Stop 0:21 Stop - Lo ¡ : 02 10 bit 8 B3 ( par 37) | Rung 3 BB Current Limit Stop 0:21 amp y I A J Lb vo : 03 11 bit 9 Par 367) Rung 4 BB Speed Reference Select AG 0:21 speed № { 1 dl L - L \ J : 01 14 bit 12 05 ( Par 367) . Speed Ref > 021 Select B JE LT Dit 13 06 > ( Par 367) ; Speed Ref в el Select C - Lk \ 7 Ч 1 bit 14 or 5 ( par 367) Rung 5 в Fault Reset 0:21 Clear Fault J L v7 bit 3 04 | 3 ( Par 367) MOV Rung 6 B3 Run Speed Reference MOVE 7 E, SOURCE N10:01 DEST 0:22 Figure 3-8 — Discrete PLC Controller Program 3-11 Chapter 3 Start-Up Logic Command Bit Mapping 3-12 Bit numbering in the PLC Controller is octal as opposed to the decimal numbering used by drive Parameter 367 — Port 6 Logic Command In. Figure 3-9 shows the correlation between the output image table bits and the bits used by Parameter 52. In order to set the ramp disable bit in Parameter 352 (bit 9 decimal), bit 0:21/11 must be set as shown in Rung 3 of Figure 3-8. PLC CONTROLLER 1336 FORCE OUTPUT IMAGE TABLE RACK 2 LOGIC COMMAND GROUP 0 ChB RIO In 1 Pt6 Logic Cmd In WORD GROUP 1 > 330 USER LINK PERMANENT LINK GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 PARAMETER LINKING OVERVIEW GROUP 6 GROUP 7 © PERMANENT LINK 0:21 PARAMETER 367 PARAMETER 52 BIT 0 BITO RAMP STOP ВТО RAMP STOP BIT 1 BIT1 START BIT1 START BIT 2 BIT2 JOG 1 BIT2 JOG 1 BIT 3 BIT3 CLEAR FAULT BIT3 CLEAR FAULT BIT 4 BIT4 FORWARD BIT4 FORWARD BIT 5 BIT5 REVERSE BIT5 REVERSE BIT 6 »i BIT6 41062 BIT6 JOG? BIT 7 BIT7 CURRENT LIMIT STOP BIT7 CURRENT LIMIT STOP BIT 10 BIT8 COAST STOP BIT8 COAST STOP BIT 11 BITO RAMP DISABLE BITS RAMP DISABLE BIT 12 BIT 10 FLUX ENABLE BIT 10 FLUX ENABLE BIT 13 BIT 11 PROCESS TRIM ENABLE BIT 11 PROCESS TRIM ENABLE BIT 14 BIT 12 VELOCITY REF SELECT A BIT 12 VELOCITY REF SELECT A BIT 15 BIT 13 VELOCITY REF SELECT B BIT 13 VELOCITY REF SELECT B BIT 16 BIT 14 VELOCITY REF SELECT C BIT 14 VELOCITY REF SELECT C BIT 17 BIT 15 RESET DRIVE BIT 15 RESET DRIVE DETAILED BIT MAP OF DATA TRANSFER Figure 3-9 — Bit Mapping for Parameter 52 - Logic Command If the external speed reference is selected, the PLC Controller must send a 16 bit word to Parameter 101 — Velocity Reference 1 HI, in the drive. Because the speed reference is a complete 16 bit word, the PLC Controller must send the data as a complete word rather than as individual bits as was the case for logic command bits. Chapter 3 Start-Up In this example, Word 1 of integer file N10 1s used to store the speed reference for the drive. The MOV block in Rung 6 if Figure 3-8 transfers the 16 bit Word N10:01 to Word 2 of the output image table. Because Word 2 of the output image table is sent to Parameter 323, which in turn is linked to Parameter 101, the 16 bit Word N10:01 is the speed reference input to drive Parameter 101. Information transferred back to the PLC Controller from the drive 1s handled much as it was in the previous example, with the exception that data is transferred into the input image table of the PLC Controller. Again, note that bit coded words such as Parameter 56 — Logic Status LOW, are bit numbered in octal in the PLC Controller, while the drive is in decimal. 3-13 Chapter 3 Start-Up End of Chapter 3-14 Chapter Objectives Terminology Chapter A Programming Chapter 4 provides the following information. e Parameter Terminology and Definitions Analog VO Configuration Examples Block Transfer Explanation Block Transfer Message Structures DH+ Message Structures PARAMETER Memory location used to store drive set-up data or to monitor real time input or output information. Each parameter is assigned a name and number which does not change. SET-UP PARAMETER À parameter whose value does not change during normal operation of the drive. Set-up parameters are used for scaling and calibration of specific drive functions which are application and/or hardware dependent. CONFIGURATION PARAMETER À parameter whose values may be changed during normal operation of the drive. Configuration parameters are used to input reference and feedback information to the drive and to provide monitoring points for control signals. Configuration parameters are one of two types, either SOURCE or SINK PARAMETERS. Refer to the 1336 FORCE User Manual for a detailed description of source or sink parameters SOURCE PARAMETERS (Read Only Parameters) Source parameters contain real time information that is available for use by other devices. These devices can include PLC Controllers, operator interface devices, programming terminals, etc. Source parameters are indicated by the symbol <> throughout his manual. SINK PARAMETERS (Read and Write Parameters) Sink parameters accept data from other parameters which are then used by the drive to perform the desired functions. An example of a sink parameter is the external velocity reference parameter which accepts a speed reference from a device such as a PLC. Sink parameters are indicated by the symbol CC throughout his manual. Chapter 4 Programming BRAM Functions LINKS A link is a software connection between a sink and a source parameter that allows the transfer of data from the source parameter to the sink parameter. The PLC Comm Adapter Board allows up to (50) links. Links can be programmed only when the drive is not running. Links are stored in BRAM and established at power up, BRAM recall, and/or system reset. User Link — A software connection that must be established by the user. These links can be changed as needed according to the application. Permanent Link — A software connection that is a permanent part of the drive firmware. These links cannot be modified or deleted by the user. OWNER PARAMETERS The PLC Comm Adapter Board allows start, jog, direction and other control functions to be owned by one or more control devices or adapters. To avoid conflict, some owners are exclusive. For example, only one device can issue a forward direction speed command. Others have multiple control. For example, all devices can jog the drive in the forward direction, but only at a set speed. MASK PARAMETERS When the multicomm port is interfaced to the PLC Comm Adapter Board, up to (5) different SCANport adapters and (2) different RIO devices can control the 1336 FORCE. With this flexibility, conflicts are inherent. The PLC Comm Adapter Board allows functional masks to be made. Functions such as start, jog and drive direction as well as many fault interlocks can be selectively locked out at each port by using mask parameters to select the allowable functions for each port. User parameters, link fault information, reference stamp, process display information and password are all stored in BRAM. The (3) BRAM functions available to the user are: BRAM Store — Stores current parameter value and links to BRAM. BRAM Recall — Updates the current values and links with parameter values and links stored in BRAM. BRAM Initialize — Updates the current values and links with the default values and links and clears any values out of BRAM. RIO Redundant Mode Chapter 4 Programming The RIO redundant mode is a special mode that allows the drive to be connected to the RIO channel of (2) separate PLC Controllers. A parameter in the drive specifies which PLC Controller has control of the drive. Output image table data from the non-controlling PLC is discarded. Figure 4-1 shows a typical redundant mode configuration. The redundant RIO mode is only available when the following (3) conditions are met. 1. Both Channel A and Channel B are configured for RIO protocol. 2. The dip switch for Channel A is set for the redundant mode. 3. Both Channel A and Channel B are the same size — Both must be configured for full, 3/4, 1/2, or 1/4 rack. The redundant mode operates as follows. 1. Data from the output image table of each PLC Controller is transferred to the PLC Comm Adapter Board by the respective PLC Controller. 2. The RIO redundant channel number parameter (Parameter 427) determines which PLC Controller’s output will be made available to the drive via Parameters 322-328. 3. Each PLC Controller input image table receives data from the drive via Parameters 351-3358. 4. Block Transfer messages from both drives are processed as normal. Only PLC output image table data is discarded. 4-3 4-4 Chapter 4 Programming PLC CONTROLLER #1 1336 FORCE 0/2 1/3 2/4 35 4/6 5/7 a OO) CM fm CH о — © OUTPUT IMAGE TABLE GROUP NUMBER FULL 3/4 12 14 INPUT IMAGE TABLE PLC COMM ADAPTER CHANNEL A 0/2/4 0/2/4/6 1/3/5 1/3/57 2/4/6 3/5/7 0 1 PARAMETER 427 SWITCHES BETWEEN CHANNEL À & B. PLG CONTROLLER #2 OUTPUT IMAGE TABLE GROUP NUMBER FULL 3/4 12 1/4 02 0/2/4 0/2/4/6 1/3 18/5 1/3/57 2/4 2/4/6 35 3/57 4/6 5/7 “dd Oh N AA © № a CO CHANNEL 8 INPUT IMAGE TABLE O Available only if Block Transfer protoco! is not selected Figure 4-1 — Redundant RIO Communications Analog 1/0 Parameter Set-Up Description Chapter 4 Programming After hard wiring the analog I/O to the PLC Comm Board terminals, you must set-up parameters in the drive to allow for data flow between the PLC Comm Board and the drive. Each terminal has parameters associated with it as shown in Figure 4-2. Set-Up parameters are used to program the PLC Comm Board functions, and consist of Parameters 392-399, and 400-407. Configuration parameters allow the PLC Comm Board to communicate with the drive, and must be linked to parameters in the drive — Parameters 339-342 and 387-390 — The analog input and output configuration parameters. Each analog input and output is associated with a scaling and offset set-up parameter. These parameters must be adjusted for each analog device. The drive works with internal drive units. Each parameter is a 16 bit word, which allows a range of + 32767 internal units. The drive 1s scaled so that 4096 is equal to one unit of the quantity being regulated. À + 10V DC signal applied to an analog input is converted to a digital value of + 2048, providing a total range of 4096. When calibrating analog inputs, a scale factor is applied to this value, to provide an effective range of + 32767 16 x 2048. The offset parameter determines the offset in volts, applied to the raw analog value before the scale factor 1s applied. This allows you to shift the range of the analog input by + 4096 drive units (+20 volts). TB21 Analog Out 41 coma a par 400 er Analog Out 1 Analog Out #2 Com? a digi panel Analog Out 2 Analog Out #3 QUE {El Far 405 SCALE | Е) Analog Out: Analog Out #4 OMA т dod OFFSET" — ED Analog Out 4 magnet A E [Pra SALE» CE Analog In неон № Persie sBMLE |» GO analog n2 мащию № В Par SNE) (Hi analogs Analog In 44 me o aos OPSET — — —><_342 > Analog In 4 за В -10 ВЕР К] „| SPP Figure 4-2 — Analog 1/0 Block Diagram 4-5 Chapter 4 Programming > + 10V POT 4-6 +10V —10V Analog Input 1 and Analog Input 2 will be used in detailing the scaling and offset parameters. At Analog Input 1, between TB21 terminals 9 and 10, a potentiometer with a range of £10V DC has been connected. Parameter 339 has been linked to Parameter 101 (Velocity Reference) in the drive, which gives the potentiometer control of the external velocity reference. To calibrate the pot to control 100% base speed in both directions, the scaling parameter must be adjusted. The default value of the scale parameters allows a total range of 4096, —2048 to +2048. This allows only 50% base speed in each direction. By setting a scale factor of 2 in Parameter 393 (An In 1 Scale) the digital input is multiplied by 2, providing a range of — 4096 to + 4096, or 100% base speed in both directions. If the user wanted a range of +2 times base speed, the scale factor would have to be 4 (Base Speed = 4096, 2 times Base Speed = 8192, 2048 times 4 = 8192). Parameter 392 (An In 1 Offset) will remain at the default value of zero, allowing the input range to be -10V to +10V. The range of the offset parameter is + 20V DC as shown in Figure 4-3. VELOCITY ANALOG IN 1 REFERENCE A SCALE MULTIPLEXER ¿e PAR 393 PAR 339 PAR 101 D | | X 4 +2048 A +2048 +4096 0 OFFSET 0 0 -2048 | [РА O -2048 —4096 RANGE OF 20V JE Lo _ 7 ` 0 L | | ] ] | | Ï { i mr - a - 2048 SCALE A 0 o FINAL VALUE PAR 401 0 —4096 +4096 Figure 4-3 — Potentiometer with +10V Range to Control 0 to +100% Base Speed For Analog Input 2, a 0 to 10 volt potentiometer will be used to adjust the Torque Reference from —100% to +100%. To accomplish this, both the scale and offset parameters will need to be adjusted. By linking Parameter 340 to Parameter 162, Torque Reference, the potentiometer connected to Analog Input 2 becomes the Torque Reference Signal. This signal must be scaled and offset in order to get the entire + 100% in the 0-10 volt range. A digital range of 8192 (+ 4096) must now be scaled for an analog range of 10 volts, and must be offset so 3 volts on the potentiometer will indicate 0% Torque. 2 |> 0-10v POT Chapter 4 Programming As seen in Figure 4-4, the offset voltage adds the corresponding digital value to the range. In this case, an offset of —5 volts adds a digital value of —1024 to the range. This causes 0 volts on the potentiometer to register as —1024 digital internal to the drive and 10 volts on the potentiometer will be +1024 to the drive. This can then be scaled by a factor of 4 (8192 drive units) so that 0 volts sends a digital value of —4096 for —100% torque, and 10 volts sends a digital value of +4096 for +100% torque. EXT TORQUE A + 2048 SCALE ANALOG IN 2 REFERENCE 1 MULTIPLEXER 9 | (= 4 10%) | PAR 305 PAR 340 PAR 162 0 1 —1024 +4096 to +1024 +4096 2048 | PAR 394 = 5V (-1024) RANGE OF 20V mm 1 _ 4 “ —10V 0 10V i E 1 i | Lo | i { i POTENTIOMETER —10V 0 Sy +10V DIGITAL VALUE —2048 0 1024 +2048 Doan = ge SCALE BY 4 —4096 0 +4086 Figure 4-4 — Potentiometer 0-10V Range to Control +100% Torque Reference Analog outputs are set up similar to analog inputs. Each output has a scale and offset parameter, along with a specific variable parameter used for linking. Differences occur because of the direction of information flow. The drive sends a digital value in drive units, which must be matched to the voltage of the monitoring device. Similar to analog inputs, the analog output converts a £2048 to £10V DC. Thus, when the drive sends +1007% Base Speed (equal to £4096) it must be scaled by 0.5 to be in the proper range (+4096 x 0.5 = £2048). Offset can be + 20V DC, even though the physical limit is +10V DC. This allows you to offset the signal anywhere within the entire range. 4-7 4-8 Chapter 4 Programming In Figure 4-5 Parameter 387 (Analog Output 1) is used as an example to detail the scaling and offset parameters. At Analog Output 1 a meter with a range of 0-10 V DC has been connected. Parameter 387 has been linked to Parameter 146 (Velocity Feedback). In order for the meter to indicate speed in both directions, the scale and offset parameters must be adjusted as shown in Figure 4-5 . Working in the opposite direction as the analog inputs, apply the scale factor first. The drive sends a +4096 digital value to indicate +100% velocity feedback for a total digital range of 8192. The meter, having an analog range of 0-10V DC, requires a digital range of 2048. This is accomplished by applying a scale factor of 0.25 (8192 x 0.25 = 2048). In order to have the 0-10V DC meter indicate +100% feedback, an offset must be applied. Offset parameters for analog outputs will again add the corresponding digital value to the range. In this case, an offset of 5 volts adds a digital value of 1024 to the range. This will allow full range deflection on the O to 10 volt meter, with 5 volts indicating zero speed. —100% +100% B. SPD. 0 SPD. B. SPD VELOCITY | FEEDBACK ANALOG OUT 1 SCALE OFFSET D = PAR 146 PAR 387 PAR 401 PAR 400 5V = 1024 X 0.25 | (42048 oy | A | ov 10 +4096 (+100% SPEED) +1024 +2048 +10V = + 100% BASE SPEED 0 0 +1024 +5V = 0 SPEED —4096 (—100% SPEED) —1024 0 OV = —100% DIGITAL RANGE FROM DRIVE | | | i | | — 4096 0 4096 SCALEDBY 0.25 —1024 0 +1024 OFFSET BY 5V, ADDING 1024 +1024 +1004 +1024 DIGITAL VALUE 0 2048 METER VOLTAGE 0 VOLTS 5 VOLTS 10 VOLTS % BASE SPEED — 100% 0% + 100% Figure 4-4 — Analog Output 1 +100% Speed Indication Parameter Groups Chapter 4 Programming Parameters from 300 to 500 are dedicated to the PLC Comm Adapter Board. PLC Comm Adapter Parameters are divided into (8) groups based on functionality. Grouping is an option in addition to the sequential numbered parameter list provided in Chapter 7. Functional groups increase efficiency while helping to reduce programming time. | GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 ADAPTER INFO ADAPTER DIAG SCANport 1/0 MASKS 300 PLC Comm Adpt ID 425 СПА НО Flt Sel 314 Data ln A1 408 Port Enable 301 PLC Comm Version 426 ChARIO Warn Se! 315 DatalnA? 409 Direction Mask 302 PLC Comm Config 430 ChBRIO Fit Sel 316 DatalnBi 410 Start Mask 309 Language Select 431 ChB RIO Warn Sel 317 DatanB? 411 Jog Mask 310 Adv/Basic Select 435 DIP Fault Setup 318 Dataln Ct 412 Reference Mask 436 ChAFault Sts 319 Dataln C2 413 Clear Fault Mask 437 ChAWam Sts 320 Dataln D1 414 Reset Drive Mask 438 ChB Fault Sts 321 DatainD2 415 Local Mask 439 ChB Warn Sts 338 SB Analog In 440 SB Fault Sel 343 Data Out A 441 5SBWam Sel 344 Data Out A2 442 SB Fault Sts 345 Data Out B1 443 SB Warn Sts 346 Data Out B2 347 Data Out C1 348 Data Out C2 349 Data Out D1 350 Data Out D2 367 PtS Logic Cmd In 368 Pt7 Logic Cmd In 386 SB Analog Out 391 SB Analog Sel 416 SB Default Ref GROUP 5 GROUP 6 GROUP7 O GROUPS © OWNERS ANALOG 1/0 CHANNEL A CHANNEL B 369 Stop Owner 339 Analog In 1 303 ChA DIP Switch 304 ChB DIP Switch 370 Dir Owner 340 Analog In 2 305 ChALED State 306 ChB LED State 371 Start Owner 341 Analog In 3 uo 372 Jog1 Owner 342 Analog In 4 373 Jog 2 Owner 387 Analog Out 1 374 Set Ref Owner 388 Analog Out? 375 Local Owner 389 Analog Out 3 376 Flux Owner 390 Analog Out 4 377 Trim Owner 392 Analog in 1 Offset 378 Ramp Owner 393 Analog in 1 Scale 379 Ctrfit Owner 394 Analog In 2 Offset 395 Analog In 2 Scale 396 Analog In 3 Offset 397 Analog In 3 Scale 398 Analog In 4 Offset 399 Analog In 4 Scale 400 Analog Out + Offset 401 Analog Out 1 Scale 402 Analog Out 2 Offset 403 Analog Out 2 Scale 404 Analog Out 3 Offset 405 Analog Out 3 Scale 406 Analog Out 4 Offset 407 Analtog Out 4 Scale © ChB RIO parameters do not exist when redundant RIO protocol is selected. © Parameters included in GROUPs 7 and 8 will vary depending spon the selected communication protocol 4-9 HE! Programming Parameter Descriptions All parameters used by the PLC Comm Adapter card will contain the following information. PARAMETER TYPE — (2) types of parameters are available. Read Only The Value is changed only by the drive and is used to monitor values. Read and Write The Value is changed through programming and can also be used to monitor values. PARAMETER ACCESS — (2) types of parameter access are available. Basic Parameters that are always available to the user. Enhanced Additional parameters that are only available in the enhanced mode. MINIMUM VALUE — The lowest parameter setting possible. MAXIMUM VALUE — The highest parameter setting possible. FACTORY DEFAULT — The value the parameter will default to when the drive is initialized. DRIVE UNITS — The actual value of the parameter stored in the 1336 FORCE parameter table. DISPLAY UNITS — Engineering units that are used to display the parameter value on at a programming terminal (volts, etc.). This group of parameters provides basic PLC Comm Adapter configuration data. PLC Comm Adapter ID The identifier for the PLC Comm Adapter Board. 4-10 Chapter 4 Programming PLC Comm Version The current firmware version of the PLC Comm Adapter Board. PLC Comm Config The encoded value for the current DIP switch configuration of the PLC Comm Adapter Board. This stored value is used in determining if key dip switch values have changed. If they have, a fault will be displayed. Language Select This parameter indicates whether English or an alternate language will be used for parameter and fault display text. Adv/Basic Select This parameter determines whether the basic list of parameters will be available (limited parameters will be displayed), or the advanced list will be available (all parameters will be displayed). Chapter 4 Programming This group of parameters configures the fault and warning diagnostics used by the PLC Comm Adapter Board. ChA RIO Flt Sel This parameter specifies what action the PLC Comm Adapter Board will take when a PLC Controller RIO communications fault occurs at Channel A. ChA RIO Warn Sel This parameter specifies what action the PLC Comm Adapter Board will take when a PLC Controller RIO communications warning occurs at Channel A. 4-12 Chapter 4 Programming ChB RIO Fit Sel This parameter specifies what action the PLC Comm Adapter Board will take when a PLC Controller RIO communications fault occurs at Channel В. ChB RIO Warn Sel This parameter specifies what action the PLC Comm Adapter Board will take when a PLC Controller RIO communications warning occurs at Channel B. 4-13 Chapter 4 Programming DIP Fault Setup This parameter indicates which DIP switch faults the PLC Comm Adapter Board has encountered. ChA Fault Sts This parameter lists the current fault conditions at Channel A of the PLC Comm Adapter Board. ChA Warn Sts This parameter fists the current warning conditions at Channel A of the PLC Comm Adapter Board. ChB Fauit Sts This parameter lists the current fault conditions at Channel B of the PLC Comm Adapter Board. ChB Warn Sts This parameter lists the current warning conditions at Channel B of the PLC Comm Adapter Board. 4-14 SB Fault Sel This parameter indicates which SCANport ports will cause a drive soft fault on loss of communications. SB Warn Sel This parameter indicates which SCANport ports will cause a drive warning on loss of communications. SB Fault Sts This parameter indicates which communications soft faults the drive has encountered at the SCANport ports. SB Warn Sts This parameter indicates which communications warnings the drive has encountered at the SCANport ports. Chapter 4 Programming 4-15 Chapter 4 Programming Data In A1-D2 These parameters contain image words 1-8 from the SCANport output image fable. SB Analog In This parameter is a source used to convert a +10V analog input value to a +32767 value. This digital value can then be linked to one of the 1336 FORCE input parameters. Data Out A1-D2 These parameters contain image words 1-8 from the SCANport input image table. Pt6 Logic Cmd In This logic command parameter is for Port 6. This parameter is permanently linked to Parameter 52 — Logic Command Word. This group of parameters is used to configure 1/0 communications through the PLC Comm Adapter SCANport ports. Pt7 Logic Cmd In This logic command parameter is for Port 7. This parameter is permanently linked to Parameter 52 — Logic Command Word. SB Analog Out This parameter provides the analog output value sent over the SCANport fo Ports 1-5. SB Analog Sel This parameter indicates which port (1-5) to get the SCANport analog input value that appears in Parameter 338 — SB Analog In. SB Default Ref This parameter indicates what the default reference SCANport uses if no reference is requested from a SCANport port. This value is read on power up only. This parameter's value will change when a system reset/power cycle occurs. Chapter 4 Programming Chapter 4 Programming This group of parameters contains binary masks for all control functions. The masks control which ports can issue control commands. Each mask contains a bit for each SCANport port. Individual bits can be set to 0 to deny control or 1 to allow control. м ны соды сл я т. 2. = gs 38: 4 ge in NOT USED SCANport Port 1 SCANport Port 2 SCANport Port 3 SCANport Port 4 SCANport Part 5 SCANport Port 6 SCANport Port 7 Y ti vy Port Enable This parameter indicates which SCANport ports have the ability to accept commands listed in Parameters 409-415. Dir Mask This parameter controls which SCANport ports can issue forward/reverse commands. Start Mask This parameter controls which SCANport ports can issue start commands. Jog Mask This parameter controls which SCANport ports can Issue jog commands. 4-18 Ref Mask This parameter controls which SCANport ports can select an alternate reference or preset speed. Cir Fault Command This parameter controls which SCANport ports can generate an auxiliary fault. Reset Drive Mask This parameter controls which SCANport ports can reset a fault. Local Mask This parameter controis which SCANport ports are allowed to take exclusive control of drive logic commands except Stop (Stop will be accepted from any device regardless of who has control). Exclusive local control can only be taken while the drive is stopped. Chapter 4 Programming 4-19 Chapter 4 Programming This group of parameters contains binary information to display which group of parameters are issuing control commands. Each owner parameter has a bit for each SCANport port. MASK NOT USED SCANport Port 1 SCANport Port 2 SCANport Port 3 SCANport Port 4 SCANport Port 5 SCANport Port 6 SCANport Port 7 Y y Y YY Stop Owner This parameter displays which SCANport ports are presently issuing a valid Stop command. Dir Owner This parameter displays which SCANport port currently has exclusive control of direction changes Start Owner This parameter displays which SCANport ports are presently issuing a valid Start command. Jog1 Owner This parameter displays which SCANport ports are presently issuing a valid Jog1 command. 4-20 Chapter 4 Programming Jog2 Owner This parameter displays which SCANport ports are presently issuing a valid Jog2 command. Set Ref Owner This parameter displays which SCANport port currently has exclusive control in selecting the command frequency source. Local Owner This parameter displays which SCANport port has requested exclusive control of all drive logic functions. If a SCANport port is in local lockout, all other functions (except stop) on all other SCANport ports are locked out and non-functional. Fiux Owner This parameter displays which SCANport ports are presently issuing a valid Flux Enable command. 4-21 Chapter 4 Programming Trim Owner This parameter displays which SCANbus port is presently issuing a Trim Enable command. Ramp Owner This parameter displays which SCANbus port is presently issuing a Ramp command. Cir Fault Owner This parameter indicates which SCANbus port is presently issuing a Clear Fault command. 4-22 Analog In 1-4 These parameters are source parameters that are the result of converting £10V signals to £32767 values using associated scale and offset parameters. Each digital value can then be linked to other 1336 FORCE parameters. Analog In 1-4 Offset These parameters determine the offset applied to the raw Analog In 1-4 values before the scale factor is applied. This allows the user to shift the range of the analog input. Analog In 1-4 Scale These parameters determine the scale factor or gain for Analog In 1-4 values. À +10V DC signal applied to Analog In 1-4 at TB21 is converted to a +2048 digital value used by the 1336 FORCE. Before the digital value is displayed or transferred to the drive, the scale factor is applied allowing an effective digital range of £32767 (16 x 2048). The absolute digital value is clamped at 32767. Scale Factor | Drive Units 1 2048 2 4096 4 8192 16 32767 Chapter 4 Programming This function group contains the parameters needed to configure analog 1/0 signals (offset, scale, etc.). 4-23 Chapter 4 Programming Analog Out 1-4 These parameters are sink parameters used to convert +32767 values to a +10V signal. Each digital value is linked to a 1336 FORCE source parameter which provides a value that will be scaled and offset. The results of these operations are converted to a voltage signal where £2048 results in a +10V output. Analog Out 1-4 Offset These parameters determine the offset applied to the Analog Out 1-4 values after the scale factor is applied. This allows the user to shift the range of the analog output. Analog Out 1-4 Scale These parameters determine the scale factor or gain for Analog In 1-4 values. A +2048 value corresponds to a +10V output signal at TB21. The value sent (linked) to Analog Out 1-4 is scaled by the corresponding scale parameter before it is offset and converted to an analog signal. Scale Factor | Drive Units 1 32767 1/2 16383 1/4 8192 1/16 2048 4-24 ChA DIP Switch This source parameter indicates the DIP switch settings used for Channel A of the PLC Comm Adapter Board. ChA LED State This parameters contain the current LED state for Channel A as displayed by LEDs D4, D6 and D7 on the PLC Comm Adapter Board. ChARIO In 1-8 These parameters are source parameters that contain the first eight words or groups of data from the PLC Controller output image table. The data is transferred to the drive by the RIO scanner every rack scan. The value can be used by the PLC Comm Board directly or by other drive functions through a configuration link. The available parameters depend on rack size and protocol selection. NOTE: Parameter 329 is not used when Block Transfer Protocol is enabled. Chapter 4 Programming This function group contains the parameters needed to configure Channel A communications for the PLC Comm Adapter Board. Parameters 322-427 will not exist if the PLC Comm Adapter Board is configured for DH+ protocol. 4-25 Chapter 4 Programming ChA RIO Out 1-8 These parameters are sink parameters that contain the first eight words or groups of data to the PLC Controller input image table. The data is transferred to the PLC Controller every rack scan. The value can be provided by the PLC Comm Board directly or by other drive functions through a configuration link. The available parameters depend on rack size and protocol selection. NOTE: Parameter 358 is not used when Block Transfer Protocol is enabled. Redund Chan No This parameter determines which channel number will be used by the 1336 FORCE for control purposes. Data and messages from the selected channel will be passes to the drive, while data and messages from the other channel will be discarded. The choices are 0 = Channel A and 1 = Channel B. This parameter is only active when both channels are set-up for RIO and the redundant mode is selected on the DIP switches. Image from the 1336 FORCE will go to both PLCs regardiess of parameter setting. 4-26 Chapter 4 Programming This function group contains the parameters needed to configure Channel B communications for the PLC Comm Adapter Board. Parameters 330-366 will not exist if the PLC Comm Adapter Board is configured for DH+ protocol. ChB DIP Switch This source parameter indicates the DIP switch settings used for Channel B of the PLC Comm Adapter Board. ChB LED State This parameters contain the current LED state for Channel B as displayed by LEDs D4, D6 and D7 on the PLC Comm Adapter Board. ChB RIO In 1-8 These parameters are source parameters that contain the first eight words or groups of data from the PLC Controller output image table. The data is transferred to the drive by the RIO scanner every rack scan. The value can be used by the PLC Comm Board directly or by other drive functions through a configuration link. The available parameters depend on rack size and protocol selection. NOTE: Parameter 337 is not used when Block Transfer Protocol is enabled. 4-27 Chapter 4 Programming ChB RIO Out 1-8 These parameters are sink parameters that contain the first eight words or groups of data to the PLC Controller input image table. The data is transferred to the PLC Controller every rack scan. The value can be provided by the PLC Comm Board directly or by other drive functions through a configuration link. The available parameters depend on rack size and protocol selection. NOTE: Parameter 366 is not used when Block Transfer Protocol is enabled. 4-28 Chapter Objectives Block Transfer Remote 1/0 Module Status Word Chapter Advanced Programming Chapter 5 provides the following information. e Block Transfer Explanation e Block Transfer Message Structures e DH+ Message Structures Discrete Transfer is the method used by a PLC Controller to transfer data to and from the PLC Comm Board during every rack scan. The PLC Comm Adapter Board transfers this data to and from the SCANport device. Block Transfer is the method used by a PLC Controller to transfer data that does not require continuous updates. To perform this function, the PLC Comm Board provides a status word to the PLC during the normal discrete transfer scan. This status word occupies the first module group in the PLC 1/O image table for the designated rack. The status word 1s then used by the PLC program to control the BTW and BTR functions of the PLC Controller. The Remote 1/0 Status Word is returned from the PLC Comm Board in addition to the Block Transfer Status Word.The Remote I/O Status is the first word associated with the rack in the PLC input image table. This status word indicates the condition of the PLC Comm Board and is not part of the standard Block Transfer Instructions in the PLC program. Figures 5-1 and 5-2 detail the information contained in this word. Individual bits from this word are used in the PLC program to control the Block Transfer Functions as shown in the Block Transfer Examples in this chapter. or 17] 16] [15] 14] [12] BLOCK TRANSFER READY (BT READY) BLOCK TRANSFER WRITE IN PROGRESS (BTW IN PROG) BLOCK TRANSFER READ AVAILABLE (BTR AVAIL) BLOCK TRANSFER WAIT (BT WAIT) BLOCK TRANSFER ERROR (BT ERROR) BLOCK TRANSFER WRITE AVAILABLE (BTW AVAIL) RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE Figure 5-1 — PLC Comm Board Status Word 5-1 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming Data Storage 5-2 Block Transfer Ready — Indicates that the Scanbus Device and PLC Comm Board are communicating and are ready to process Block Transfers. Block Transfer Write In Progress — Indicates a Block Transfer Write is in progress between the PLC Controller and PLC Comm Board. This bit is cleared when the data transfer to the PLC Comm Board is complete. Block Transfer Read Data Available o — Indicates the PLC Comm Board has data available for the PLC Controller to read. | Block Transfer Wait — Indicates that the PLC Comm Board is communicating with the SCANport device. This bit is cleared when the data transfer between the PLC Comm Board and SCANport device is complete. Block Transfer Error @ — indicates that an error has occurred during communications with the SCANport device or the BTW data table is invalid. Block Transfer Write Available © — Indicates the PLC Comm Board is ready to receive a Block Transfer Write. O These bits are used in the PLC Block Transfer Example program on the following pages. BTW DATA AT BTW BTW REQUEST ~~ PLC COMM BOARD COMPLETE COMPLETE BT WRITE AVAILABLE STATUS BIT 15 BT WAIT STATUS BIT 13 BT READ DATA AVAILABLE STATUS BIT 12 t BT WRITE IN PROGRESS | | | | STATUS BIT 11 0GRESS Figure 5-3 — Bit Timing In order to use the Block Transfer Instructions in the PLC program, it is necessary to reserve several words for data storage. Some of these words are required for internal use by the Block Transfer Function and some contain the Block Transfer Message Information. In the PLC-5, the BTW and BTR blocks require the use of (2) sets of words. Figures 5-5 and 5-6 illustrate the BTW and BTR blocks used for Block Transfer in the PLC-5 along with example information associated with these blocks. A brief description of the information contained in these blocks specifically for the PLC-5 follows. For more detailed information on the PLC-5 and the PLC-3 refer to your PLC Control Manual. Chapter 5 Advanced Programming —— BY BTR Block Transfer Write — (EN) — — Block Transfer Read — (EN —— Rack: 1 Rack: 1 Group: 0 [--(0№ — Group: 0 FH(DN) — Module: 0 Module: 0 Control Block: N111:0 E=-(ER) —— Control Block: N111:30 (ER) —— Data File: N111:5 Data File: N111:50 Length: 20 Length: 24 Continuous: N Continuous: N Figure 5-5 — PLC 5/15, 5/25 Block Transfer Instructions — BTW BTR Block Transfer Write — (EN) — —— Block Transfer Read — (EN) —— Rack: 1 Rack: 1 Group: 0 (ON — — Group: 0 -0N—— Module: 0 Module: 0 Control Block: BT112:0 (ER) —— Control Block: BT112:1 (ER) — Data File; N117:0 Lengih: 6 Continuous: N Figure 5-6 — PLC 5/40, 5/60 Block Transfer Instructions Data File: — N117:100 Length: 8 Continuous: N Rack — The rack number is determined by the RIO switch settings on the PLC Comm Board. Group — The group number of the first group in the rack associated with the PLC Comm Board. In Figure 5-5, the rack has been set up as a full 8 group rack, therefore, the first group is 0. If 1/2 rack is selected the first group in the rack is 0 or 4. If 1/4 rack is selected, the first group in the rack is 0, 2, 4, or 6. 5-3 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming PLC-5 Block Transfer Rung Example 5-4 Module — The module number associated with the Block Transfer in the associated slot. In all cases this will be O. Control Block — A predefined set of words which contain bit information associated with the PLC Block Transfer Function. In the PLC-5/15 and 5/23, the control block requires (5) contiguous words. In Figure 5-5, Words N111:0 through N111:4 have been reserved for the bit array in the BTW block and Words N111:90 through N111:94 have been reserved for the BTR block. In the PLC-5/40 and 5/60 the control block may be either an integer type, and would require (5) contiguous words, or a Block Transfer Type and would require (1) element, as shown in Figure 5-6. Data File — The address of the message sent by the BTW or received by the BTR block and contains both header and data information. The number of words required for the data file is dependent on the type of message being sent. In Figure 5-5, N111:5 is the first word in the data file for the BTW block and N111:50 is the first word for the BTR block. Refer to the message description section in this chapter for the header and data that must be included in the data file. Length — The length of the Block Transfer Message in words. This will vary depending on the message being sent. The BTW and BTR instruction lengths may be different. Refer to the message examples in this section for the minimum lengths required for each message. Continuous — Specifies whether the Block Transfer Block is to be executed continuously or only when the rung is true. This should always be set to N. The programs shown in Figures 5-7 and 5-8 are examples of Block Transfer Programming for the PLC Comm Board. Figure 5-7 is for a PLC5/15 or 5/25. Figure 5-8 is used for PLC 5/20, 5/40, 5/60 or 5/80. The BTW AVAIL, BTR AVAIL, and BT ERROR bits from the module status word (1:020 in these examples) are used in these examples. The examples also show how user logic can be used to enable or disable the Block Transfer Operations. Chapter 5 Advanced Programming Rung 2:0 BT BT Read { Write User Available Available Logic BTR AVAIL BTW AVAIL 1:000 1:020 1:020 — BTW JE 1/F BLOCK TRANSFER WRITE ENJH——— - - 0 JE 5 Rack UD BT Group 0 (DN) Error coa 0 ontro! Block N10:0 ER 1.020 Data File N10:10 ER) — L Length 64 L Continuous N 14 BT Read Rung 2:1 Available BTR AVAIL 1:020 — BTR 1 E BLOCK TRANSFER READ —EN— Rack 02 12 Group 0 HDN) Module 0 Control Block N10:80 E (ER) Data File N10:90 Length 64 Continuous N BT Rung 2:2 Error BT ERROR BTU Error Counter 1:020 — CTU ] E com Up 41:0 ounter : } 14 Preset 32767 OU Accum 0 (DN) Rung 2:3 ] EndofFile E Figure 5-7 — Block Transfer Example PLC 5/15, 5/25 The first rung causes a Block Transfer Write to the PLC Comm Board when the user logic bit is true. There 1s no data available from the drive for the PLC to read when the drive is ready to accept a Block Transfer Write. The second rung causes a Block Transfer Read from the PLC Comm Board whenever there is data available from the drive for the PLC to read. The BTR rung is not conditioned with any user logic since a Block Transfer Read should occur whenever there is data available for the PLC to read from the PLC Comm Board. The third rung causes a counter to increment each time the BT ERROR bit (1:020/14) goes true. This bit can be used to detect problems with the link from the PLC Controller to the SCANport device. 5-5 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming Rung 2:0 BT BT Read Write User Available Available Logic BTR_AVAIL BTW_AVAIL 1:000 1:020 1:020 — BTW JF 1 /F FE BLOCK TRANSFER WRITE EN) = > 00 VC, “15 Rack 02 EN BT Group о (DN) Error Module 0 Control Block BT11:0 ER Be oR Data File N10:10 ER :02 Length 64 — Е Continuous N 14 BT Read Rung 2:1 Available BTR_AVAIL 1:020 — BTR JE BLOCK TRANSFER READ —EN-— — Rack 02 12 Group 0 HDN) Module 0 Control Block BT11:1 ER Data File N10:90 (ER) Length 64 Continuous N | BT Rung 2:2 Error BT_ERROR BTU Error Counter 1:020 — CTU J E oun Up ci ounter : 14 Preset 32767 CU ——— Accum 0 —DN) Rung 2:3 J Г 7 End of File С Figure 5-8 — Block Transfer Example PLC 5/20, 5/40, 5/60, 5/80 ADDITIONAL NOTES REGARDING BLOCK TRANSFER PROGRAMMING 1. A Block Transfer Subroutine can be used to transfer more data than can be moved in a single Block Transfer. If this is done, the Block Transfers must be carefully sequenced so that one Block Transfer Write and one Block Transfer Read occur for each portion of the sequence. One method of doing this is to set a latch bit to enable the Block Transfer Write and unlatch this bit when the Block Transfer Write is completed. When the Block Transfer Read completes, the program can then set up the data for the next transfer. 2. The status bits from the BTW and BTR Control files (EN, DN, ER) may change at any time during a program scan. If they are used by the program they should be copied to a file and the program should use the copied versions. 5-6 DH+ Communications DH+ Command Set Chapter Advanced Programming Each channel of the PLC Comm Adapter Board can be configured for DH+ communications. Configuration as a DH+ device allows the drive to look like a station on the DH+ link. DH+ features include: o 57.6K, 115K and 230Kbaud communication rates. e Parameter read and write messages for block of parameters. e A method similar to RIO Block Transfer that allows the PLC Controller to issue drive messages via DH+. The PLC Comm Adapter Board supports a limited set of PC commands by emulating a section of PLC-5 memory. The memory area emulated determines what specific request or action the PLC Comm Board will take. Below is a list of the supported commands. WHO ACTIVE The station number of the PLC Comm Adapter Board as defined by it's DIP switch settings will be displayed on the WHO ACTIVE screen of the PLC software. It will read PLC-5/15 1336T next to the selected station number. PLC 5 TYPED READ (N10:1-497) Memory area N10:0-497 translates into a read parameter value from the 1336 FORCE. Any attempts to read outside of this range will result in an error response. The values 0-497 are interpreted by the 1336 FORCE as parameter numbers. For example, to read the value of Parameter 133 the MSG instruction would request N10:133 with a size of one element. A size of 10 would read parameters 133-142. PLC 5 TYPED WRITE (N10:1-497) Memory area N10:0-497 translates into one or more write parameter values to the 1336 FORCE. Any attempts to write outside of this range will result in an error response. The values 0-497 are interpreted by the Drive as parameter numbers. For example, to write a value to Parameter 119 — Preset Speed 1, the MSG instruction would specify N10:119 with a size of one element. A size of 10 will write to parameters 119-128. PLC TYPED READ (N30:0-497) This request translates into a read parameter full message in the 1336 FORCE. Each parameter specified will result in 20 words of data (actual value, minimum value, maximum value, descriptor and parameter text. The maximum number of parameters that can be read using this service 1s (50). PLC 5 TYPED READ (N40:1-39) This message emulates the RIO Block Transfer Functions available on the PLC Comm Adapter Board with the exception of the multiple parameter read. Refer to the message structure section that follows for details on the available messages and their use. 5-7 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming PLC 5 TYPED WRITE (N40:0-39) This message emulates the RIO Block Transfer Functions available on the PLC Comm Adapter Board with the exception of the multiple parameter write. Refer to the message structure section that follows for details on the available messages and their use. Rung 2:0 DH+ station ID is 11. This rung will read parameters 100-109 when bit B3/0 is toggled from zero to one. The parameter information is stored in N20: 0-9 in this PLC. The drive BLOCK SIZE = 9 WORDS Press a function key to change a value. >| Rem Prog Forces: None Data: Formatted Size in Elements Drive 1 Enable Message Command Parameter Read to Drive 1 B3 … MSG Е SEND/REC MESSAGE —EN-——— Control Block N7:0 (ON) — ER) MESSAGE INSTRUCTION DATA MONITOR FOR CONTROL BLOCK N7:0 Communication Command: PLC-5 TYPED READ PLC-5 Data Table Address: N20:0 Ignore if timed-out: 0 TO Size in Elements: 10 to be retried: 0 NR Local/Remote: LOCAL awaiting execution: 0 EW Remote Station: N/A continuous: 0 CO Link ID: N/A error: OER Remote Link Type: N/A message done: 0 DN Local Node Address: 11 message transmitting: OST Destination Data Table Address: N10:100 message enabled: 0 EN control bit addr: N7:0/15 ERROR CODE: 0 (DEC) 5/10 File Temp Toggle Bit Figure 5-9 — PLC5/15 Sample Program — RUNG 2:0 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming Rung 2:0 This rung will read parameters 100-109 on a continuous basis by using the Message Block enable bit to toggle the next message. The parameter information is stored in N20: 0-9 in the PLC. The drive DH+ station ID is 11. Drive 1 Message Enable Bit Parameter Read Drive 1 N7:0 — MSG ИЕ SEND/REC MESSAGE EN 15 Control Block N7:0 —(DN) — ER) MESSAGE INSTRUCTION DATA MONITOR FOR CONTROL BLOCK N7:0 Communication Command: PLC-5 TYPED READ PLC-5 Data Table Address: N20:0 Ignore if timed-out: 0TO Size in Elements: 10 to be retried: 0 NR Local/Remote: LOCAL awaiting execution: 0 EW Remote Station: N/A continuous: 0 CO Link ID: N/A error: O ER Remote. Link Type: N/A message done: 0 DN Local Node Address: 11 message transmitting: OST Destination Data Table Address: N10:100 message enabled: 0 EN control bit addr: N7:0/15 ERROR CODE: 0 (DEC) BLOCK SIZE = 9 WORDS Press a function key to change a value. > Rem Prog Forces: None Data: Formatted 5/10 File Temp Size in Toggle Elements Bit Figure 5-10 — PLC5/15 Sample Program — RUNG 2:1 5-9 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming Rung 2:2 This rung will read parameters 500-999 when bit B3/1 is toggled from zero to one. The parameter values to be sent to the drive are stored in N30:0-499. Drive 1 Enable Message Read Parameter Read from Drive 1 B3 — MSG ‘ JE [| SEND/REC MESSAGE —(EN) t 7 ontrol Bloc ON) —(ER) Rung 2:3 ] EndofFile F No More Files MESSAGE INSTRUCTION DATA MONITOR FOR CONTROL BLOCK N7:0 Communication Command: PLC-5 TYPED READ PLC-5 Data Table Address: N30:0 Ignore if timed-out: 0 TO Size in Elements: 30 to be retried: 0 NR Local/Remote: LOCAL awaiting execution: 0 EW Remote Station: N/A continuous: 0 CO Link ID: N/A error: OER Remote Link Type: N/A message done: 0 DN Local Node Address: 11 message transmitting: OST Destination Data Table Address: N10:100 message enabled: 0 EN ERROR CODE: 0 (DEC) BLOCK SIZE = 10 WORDS Press a function key to change a value. control bit addr: N7:20/15 >[ Rem Prog Forces: None Data: Formatted 5/10 File Temp Size in Toggle Elements Bit Figure 5-11 — PLC5/15 Sample Program — RUNG 2:2 5-10 Block Transfer Descriptions Block Transfer Status Word Chapter 5 Advanced Programming The descriptions provided in the remainder of this chapter contain the header and data configurations necessary to setup the data files in the Block Transfer Instructions. Header and data values will vary depending on the operation to be performed. Also included is a description of the status word that is returned from the drive and appears in the Block Transfer Read Header information. In most cases, Header Word 2 of the drive response will contain a negative value (bit 15 = 1) when a Block Transfer operation 1s unsuccessful. In most cases a Status Word is also returned and will indicate the reason for the Block Transfer failure. The location of the Status Word is typically Header Word 4 in the drive response, but will vary depending on the message. Shown below is an explanation of the Status Word codes. STATUS WORD CODES VALUE | DESCRIPTION 0 | NO ERROR 1 | SERVICE FAILED DUE TO AN INTERNAL REASON AND THE DRIVE COUNLD NOT PEFORM THE REQUEST — SOME MESSAGES ARE READ ONLY OR WRITE ONLY 2 | SERVICE NOT SUPPORTED 3 | INVALID VALUE IN BLOCK TRANSFER REQUEST HEADER WORD 2 4 | INVALID VALUE IN BLOCK TRANSFER REQUEST HEADER WORD 3 5 | INVALID VALUE IN BLOCK TRANSFER REQUEST HEADER WORD 4 6 | DATA VALUE QUT OF RANGE 7 | DRIVE STATE CONFLICT — THE DRIVE IS IN AN INCORRECT STATE TO PERFORM THE FUNCTION — THE DRIVE CANNOT BE RUNNING IN ORDER TO PERFOMR CERTAIN FUNCTIONS Chapter 5 Advanced Programming 5-12 Table 5-12 below summarizes the valid command code which will appear in word 2 of the Block Transfer write Header Message. A complete description of the Block Transfer write Header Message is provided on the specified page. PLC DECIMAL CLASS FUNCTION VALUE PAGE PARAMETER READ Parameter Value Read 769 5-13 Continuous Parameter Value Read 1 5-14 Scattered Parameter Value Read 3 5-16 Parameter Read Full 768 5-18 PARAMETER WRITE Parameter Value Write -31999 5-21 Continuous Parameter Value Write -32767 5-22 Scattered Parameter Value Write -32765 5-24 FAULT QUEUE Fault Clear/Reset -30976 5-26 Trip Fault Queue Number 1793 5-27 Fault Entry Read Full 1792 5-28 WARNING QUEUE Warning Clear -30720 5-30 Warning Queue Read Full 2048 5-31 EE MEMORY REQUEST Save/Recall/initialize -31988 5-33 LINK READ Link Parameter Read 2304 5-34 Continuous Parameter Link Read 4 5-35 Scattered Parameter Link Read 5 5-37 LINK WRITE Link Parameter Write -30464 5-39 Continuous Parameter Link Write -32764 5-40 Scattered Parameter Link Write -32763 5-42 Parameter Link Clear -30464 5-44 USER TEST STRING User Text String Read 261 5-45 User Text String Write - -32507 5-47 CLOCK DATA Real Time Clock Data Read 2816 5-49 Real Time Clock Data Write 2816 5-51 RUN TIME ACCUMULATOR Run Time Accumulator Data Read 2817 5-53 Clear Run Time Accumulator -29950 5-54 TIME STAMP Reference Time Stamp Data Read 2816 5-55 Reference Time Stamp Data Write -29952 5-57 Load Clock Into Reference Stamp 0 5-59 Table 5-12 — Block Transfer Message Word 2 Code Definitions PARAMETER READ Parameter Value Read Chapter 5 Advanced Programming MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This message is sent by the PLC Comm Board and will read the 16 bit parameter data value for the parameter number selected. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 3 Words BTR Instruction Length: 4 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE LENGTH 3 0 HEADER WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 769 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 769 — MESSAGE OK WORD 2 PARAMETER NUMBER DATA 31999 — MESSAGE ERROR (Refer to Parameter List in Chapter 7) WORD 3 HEADER PARAMETER NUMBER WORD 3 PARAMETER VALUE OR HEADER STATUS WORD WORD 4 MESSAGE OPERATION The Parameter Value Read function specified in the BTW will read parameter values from the drive and place that value (or an error code) in Word 4 of the BTR Data File. The value shown will be in device units. If an error has occurred, Word 2 of the BTR will return a value of -31999 and Word 4 will contain the status code. EXAMPLE In this example the value of Parameter 20 was requested from a 1336 FORCE and a value of 4096 was returned. 4096 is the internal drive unit value for the Maximum Rated Voltage Parameter. This corresponds to a value of 100% drive rated volts in display units. DATA FORMAT о | 1 |2] 3 | 4 |5 |6 | 7 | 8 | 9 o BTW | DATAFILE| NI0:10 | 3 | 769 | 20 BTR | ат DATA FILE N10:90 0 | 769 | 20 | 4096 O These values vary depending on parameters and products. 5-13 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming PARAMETER READ Continuous Parameter Value Read MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This function reads a continuous list of parameters beginning with the Starting parameter number. The number of parameters to be read is defined by the user. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 4 Words BTR Instruction Length: 5-64 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE LENGTH 4 PLC DECIMAL VALUE 1 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 1 — MESSAGE OK WORD 2 NUMBER OF PARAMETER DATA 32767 — MESSAGE ERROR VALUES TO READ WORD 3 NUMBER OF PARAMETER DATA VALUES TO READ WORD 3 STARTING PARAMETER DATA NUMBER WORD 4 STARTING PARAMETER DATA NUMBER WORD 4 VALUE NUMBER 1 OR DATA STATUS WORD WORD 5 VALUE NUMBER 2 OR DATA STATUS WORD WORD 6 VALUE NUMBER 3 OR DATA STATUS WORD WORD 7 e © . . VALUE NUMBER 60 OR DATA STATUS WORD WORD 64 MESSAGE OPERATION 5-14 The Continuous Parameter Value Read function specified in the BTW will read a consecutive group of parameter values from the device, beginning with the starting parameter number defined in Word 4 of the BTW message. The number of parameters to be read is defined in Word 3 of the BTW message. The values will return in the BTR response, beginning with Word 5 of the message. If an error has occurred in reading any of the values, the response will return a status word with a negative value instead of the parameter value. Continuous Parameter Value Read (continued) EXAMPLE Chapter 5 Advanced Programming In this example, 60 parameters were read from a 1336 FORCE, beginning with Parameter 10. The values of these parameters are returned in the BTR Data File, beginning at N10:94. The values are in drive units. DATA FORMAT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 © o BTW | DATA FILE N10:10 4 1 60 | 10 BTR o 0 o o 0 o o o DATA FILE N10:90 0 1 60 | 10 0 0 0 0 0 | 100 o o o o о © o © o o N10:100 + 0 50 14096 | 60 | 40% 1 6 0 {1000} 0 o o o o o o o © o o N10:110 | 0 0 0 0 | 1000] 1000 | 400 | 400 | 400 | 0 о 0 0 o o o 0 o o o N10:120 | 6144 1 2 | 4710 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 o o o o o o © o o o N10:130 | 64 0 0 15 110241 0 0 | 5811 | 0 18 o o o o o © o o o o N10:140 | O 0 0 | 3597| 0 112808| 6 0 0 17952 o o o e o N10:150 | O 0 0 0 0 O These values vary depending on parameters and products. 5-15 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming PARAMETER READ Scattered Parameter Value Read 5-16 MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This function reads a scattered list of parameters with each parameter defined by the user. The number of parameters to be read must also be defined. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 5-63 Words BTR Instruction Length: 5-63 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 5-63 WORD 1 0 HEADER PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER WORD 1 3 WORD ? PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 3 — MESSAGE OK WORD 2 NUMBER OF PARAMETER DATA 82765 — MESSAGE ERROR VALUES TO READ WORD 3 NUMBER OF PARAMETER DATA VALUES TO READ WORD 3 PARAMETER NUMBER DATA 1 WORD 4 ar | PARAMETER DATA NUMBER 1 WORD 4 0 DATA WORD 5 PARAMETER VALUE OR DATA STATUS WORD 1 WORD 5 PARAMETER NUMBER DATA 2 WORD 6 эт; | PARAMETER DATA NUMBER 2 WORD 6 0 DATA WORD 7 PARAMETER VALUE OR DATA STATUS WORD 2 WORD 7 PARAMETER NUMBER DATA 3 WORD 8 airs | PARAMETER DATA NUMBER 3 WORD 8 0 DATA WORD 9 PARAMETER VALUE OR DATA STATUS WORD 3 WORD 9 e e o . © © e e PARAMETER NUMBER DATA 30 WORD 62 вто | PARAMETER WORD 62 NUMBER 30 DATA О DATA WORD 63 PARAMETER VALUE OR WORD 63 STATUS WORD 30 DATA Scattered Parameter Value Read (continued) Chapter 5 Advanced Programming MESSAGE OPERATION The Scattered Parameter Value Read function specified in the BTW will read a predefined group of parameter values, in any order, from the device. The number of parameters to be read is defined in Word 3 of the BTW Data File. The parameters to be read and their order is defined starting with Word 4. An unused word is left between each parameter request, so the BTR can respond with the parameter value as shown. If an error has occurred in reading any of the values, the response will return a Status Word with a negative value instead of the parameter value. EXAMPLE In this example, (8) parameters were read from a 1336 FORCE, as defined in Word 3 of the BTW Data File. The parameter numbers requested were 5, 7, 8, 20, 18, 17, 19 and 36. The BTR response returned the values of these parameters into the BTR Data File. These values are in drive units. DATA FORMAT о 1 Т2 | з | 4 |5 | 6 | 7 | в | 9 o 0 o © 0 BTW | BW ue] Moto | 19 | 3 | в | 5 | о | 7 | о | 8 | о | 2 0 o o o 0 N1020 | 0 | 81 0 | 17| 0 [11% | о 136] 0 BTR © o o © o © o 0 Bm це) №090 | 0 | 3 | 8 | 5j 6 | 7 [1000| 8 |1000| 20 o o o o o © o © o N10:100 | 4096 | 18 | 4096 | 17 | 51 | 19 | 60 | 36 | 6144 © These values vary depending on parameters and products. 5-17 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming PARAMETER READ Parameter Read Full 5-18 MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This message request provides the requesting Remote I/O source with all known attributes for the parameters requested. This information includes the parameter’s current value, descriptor, multiply and divide value, base value, offset value, text string, group element reference, minimum value, maximum value, default value, and unit text string. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 3 Words BTR Instruction Length: 23 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 3 WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 768 WORD ? PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 768 — MESSAGE OK WORD 2 DATA -32000 — MESSAGE ERROR PARAMETER NUMBER WORD 3 DATA PARAMETER NUMBER WORD 3 PARAMETER VALUE OR DATA STATUS WORD WORD 4 DATA DESCRIPTOR WORD 5 DATA MULTIPLY VALUE WORD 6 DATA DIVIDE VALUE WORD 7 DATA BASE VALUE WORD 8 DATA OFFSET VALUE WORD 9 PARAMETER TEXT DATA CHARACTER 2 | CHARACTER+ | | WORD 10 PARAMETER TEXT DATA CHARACTER 4 | CHARACTER3 | | WORD 11 PARAMETER TEXT DATA CHARACTER 6 | CHARACTERS | | WORD 12 PARAMETER TEXT DATA CHARACTER8 | CHARACTER7 | | WORD 13 PARAMETER TEXT DATA CHARACTER 10 | CHARACTERS | |WORD 14 Parameter Read Full (continued) Chapter 5 Advanced Programming BLOCK TRANSFER READ (CONTINUED) PARAMETER TEXT HEADER CHARACTER 12 | CHARACTER 11 | | WORD 15| PARAMETER TEXT HEADER CHARACTER 14 | CHARACTER 13 | | WORD 16 PARAMETER TEXT HEADER CHARACTER 16 | CHARACTER 15 | | WORD 17 HEADER FILE, GROUP, ELEMENT WORD 18 HEADER MINIMUM VALUE WORD 19 HEADER MAXIMUM VALUE WORD 20 HEADER DEFAULT VALUE WORD 21 UNIT TEXT HEADER CHARACTER? | CHARACTER 1 | | WORD 22 UNIT TEXT HEADER CHARACTER3 | CHARACTER4 | | WORD 23 MESSAGE OPERATION The Parameter Read Full function specified in the BTW will retrieve the attributes of the parameter requested. The attributes for each parameter include the data, minimum and maximum values and the parameter text. The response message will return this information, beginning with Data Word 4. The parameter text will be returned with each data word containing (2) ASCII characters per word. This data will return with the first and second characters in opposite order as shown in the following example. If an error has occurred in the BT, Word 2 of the BTR will return a value of -32000. 5-19 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming Parameter Read Full EXAMPLE (continued) In this example a Parameter Read Full was performed through Block Transfer on a 1336 FORCE. N10:10 shows the Header Message for the BTW. The Data is returned in the BTR Data File, starting with Word 4, for Parameter 20. Word 4 shows the present value in drive units. Word 5 through Word 9 provide scaling information, used to convert drive units to engineering units. Word 10 through Word 17 provide the parameter name. This example shows the response message N10:90 through N10:112 in both binary and ASCII. Note the ASCII information beginning with N10:99. The parameter name characters return in reverse order for each Word. N10:99 has the ASCII value of aM. To read this, invert the Word to read Ma. The next word IX, inverted gives you Xi. These words along with the following two words, form the word Maximum. The parameter name Maximum Voltage can be seen in Word 10 through Word 17 of the response message. In addition, Word 23 is also is returned in this format. This Word provides the units the parameter is defined in — In this example VI. Word 18 contains the file, group and element which are used to reference the parameter. Words 19-21 contain the minimum, maximum and default values of this parameter. DATA FORMAT 0 BTW N10:10 | 3 | 768 | 20 DATA FILE BTR © o | o | o lolo o | o DATA FILE N10:30 | 0 | 768 | 20 | 4096 | 355 | 1 4096 | 460 | 0 |24909 o o o o o o o © o N10:100 |27000|30061| 8301 | 28502|29804| 26465 | 8293 | 1794 | 1024 | 4915 o o o N10:110 | 4096 | 2773429556 E O These Values vary depending on parameters and products. 5-20 PARAMETER WRITE Parameter Value Write Chapter 5 Advanced Programming MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This message sent by the PLC Comm Board will read the 16 bit parameter data value for the parameter number selected. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 4 Words BTR Instruction Length: 4 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE LENGTH | | HEADER 4 WORD 1 0 HEADER WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER -31999 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 769 — MESSAGE Ok WORD 2 PARAMETER NUMBER DATA -31999 — MESSAGE ERROR (Refer to Parameter List in Chapter 7) WORD 3 PARAMETER NUMBER DATA TT WORD 3 PARAMETER VALUE WORD 4 PARAMETER VALUE OR DATA STATUS WORD WORD 4 MESSAGE OPERATION The Parameter Value Write function specified in the BTW will send a new value (specified in Word 4 of the BTW Header Message) to the parameter specified in the BTW Header Word 3. The value must be in device units. If an error has occurred, Word 2 of the response will return a value of -31999 and Word 4 will contain a status code. EXAMPLE In this example the value a value of 4096 was sent to Parameter 20. 4096 1s in drive units and indicates a value of 100% of rated drive volts as defined by Parameter 147 — Drive Rated Volts. DATA FORMAT о |1 |2] 3 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 8 | 9 o | © | BTW | BTW це) №00 | а [81999 20 | 4098 o o BTR | SIR ey | NOS | 0 | 769 | 20 | 4096 O These values vary depending on parameters and products. 5-21 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming PARAMETER WRITE Continuous Parameter Value Write 5-22 MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This function writes to a continuous list of parameters beginning with the starting parameter number. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 5-64 Words BTR Instruction Length: 5-64 Words MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 5-64 WORD 1 0 HEADER WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER -32767 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE | | HEADER 1 — MESSAGE OK WORD 2 NUMBER OF PARAMETER DATA 232767 — MESSAGE ERROR VALUES TO WRITE WORD 3 NUMBER OF PARAMETER DATA VALUES TO WRIT W STARTING PARAMETER DATA UES TOWRITE ORD NUMBER WORD 4 STARTING PARAMETER DATA DAT NUMBER WORD 4 VALUE NUMBER 1 WORD 5 DATA — STATUS WORD WORD 5 VALUE NUMBER 2 WORD 6 DATA — STATUS WORD WORD 6 VALUE NUMBER 3 WORD 7 DATA STATUS WORD WORD 7 ® e e e e . e e DATA VALUE NUMBER 60 WORD 64 STATUS WORD DATA - WORD 64 MESSAGE OPERATION The Continuous Parameter Value Write function specified in the BTW will Write data values to a consecutive group of parameters, beginning with the starting parameter number defined in Word 4 of the BTW message. The number of parameters to be written to is defined in Word 3 of the BTW message. If an error has occurred in writing to any of the values, the BTR Data File status word will contain an error code. If no error has occurred, it will return a value of 0. Continuous Parameter Value Write (continued) EXAMPLE In this example, (8) 1336 FORCE parameter values were written to, Chapter 5 Advanced Programming starting with Parameter 10. The eight parameter values are in device units. Since all of the parameter values were accepted, values of 0 were returned in the BTR status words. DATA FORMAT 0 ; 9 3 4 5 9 o o o o o BTW | DATA FILE N10:10 12 1-327671 6 10 1 1 101 o o N10:20 1 51 o o o o o BTR 14. DATA FILE N10:90 0 1 8 10 0 0 0 o o N10:100 0 0 O These values vary depending on parameters and products. 5-23 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming PARAMETER WRITE Scattered Parameter Value Write MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This function writes to a list of parameters and returns the status of each parameter in its value location. Parameter numbers do not need to be in consecutive order. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 5-63 Words BTR Instruction Length: 5-63 Words 5-24 MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 5-63 WORD 1 О НЕАОЕВ WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER . -32765 WORD ? PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 3 — MESSAGE OK WORD ? NUMBER OF PARAMETER DATA 32765 — MESSAGE ERROR VALUES TO WRITE WORD 3 NUMBER OF PARAMETER DATA VALUES TO WRITE WORD 3 PARAMETER NUMBER DATA WORD 4 ars | PARAMETER DATA NUMBER 1 WORD 4 PARAMETER VALUE DATA 1 WORD 5 DATA STATUS WORD 1 WORD 5 PARAMETER NUMBER DATA 2 WORD 6 ais] PARAMETER DATA NUMBER 2 WORD 6 PARAMETER VALUE DATA 2 WORD 7 DATA STATUS 2 WORD 2 WORD 7 PARAMETER NUMBER DATA 3 WORD 8 ais] PARAMETER DATA NUMBER 3 WORD 8 PARAMETER VALUE DATA 3 WORD 9 DATA STATUS 3 WORD 3 WORD 9 e . . . e o e . PARAMETER NUMBER DATA 30 WORD 62 зто; | PARAMETER DATA NUMBER 30 WORD 62 PARAMETER VALUE DATA 30 WORD 63 PARAMETER VALUE OR DATA STATUS WORD 30 WORD 63 Scattered Parameter Value Write (continued) Chapter 5 Advanced Programming MESSAGE OPERATION The Scattered Parameter Value Write function specified in the BTW will write data values to a defined group of parameters in any order. The number of parameters to be written to 1s defined in Word 3 of the BTW Data File. The parameters to be written to, and their order is defined starting with Word 4. The BTR response message will return a status word for each value written to, indicating if the parameter write was successful. If a transfer is not successful for a given parameter, the value in the parameter number location will be negative (bit 15 =1). EXAMPLE In this example, six parameters were written to in a 1336 FORCE. Word 3 of the BTW message (N10:12) defines the number of parameter values that will be transferred. Each parameter number followed by its value 1s listed in the message beginning with Word 4. The values are entered in drive units. The BTR response (N10:90) returns the status of each parameter write. If the BTW was successful, a zero will be returned. If an error has occurred, the response will return a status code for the error. Note that a value of 600 was sent to Parameter 392 (words N10:7 and N10:8). Word N10:91 indicates the Block Transfer operation was not completely successful. If all parameter values had been successfully transferred, N10:91 would contain the vaiue 3. Word N10:97 contains a negative value indicating the error occurred with Parameter 392. Word N10:98 contains the status code indicating the parameter value is out of range. DATA FORMAT TT, 13 Ta T:1s1 71a BIW моло | 15 |326) 8 | 90 1 1 | 450 | 4 392 | 6000 | 31 DATA FILE | o lolo о | © N10:20 | 10 | 10 | 2 | 12 | 5 BTR N10:90 | о 1-32765 8 | 0 | 0 | 150 0 | 22 613 DATA FILE 0 о o © о N10:100 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 12 | 0 © These values vary depending on parameters and products. 5-25 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming FAULT QUEUE Fault Clear/Reset 5-26 MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This message will activate the fault functions shown below in the message request. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 4 Words BTR Instruction Length: 4 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 4 WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER -30976 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 1792 — MESSAGE OK WORD ? HEADER -30976 — MESSAGE ERROR | 0 WORD 3 9 DATA DATA WORD 3 WORD 4 DATA STATUS WORD WORD 4 MESSAGE OPERATION The Fault Clear/Reset function specified in the BTW will send a fault handling request to the drive. A Fault Clear Request will clear the last fault that occurred. A Clear Fault Queue will clear the entire fault buffer. A drive reset will reset the drive, the fault queue will be cleared, and parameter information stored in EEPROM will be written to RAM. If an error has occurred in the BT, Word 2 of the BTR will return a value of -30976 EXAMPLE In this example, a Fault Clear Request was sent to the drive through the BT. The BTR response indicated a successful clear by returning a value of 1792 in Word 2, and a value of 0 in Word 4. DATA FORMAT o Til2lalalsTelT7Tala BTW | DATA FıLE| N10:10 | 4 |[30976| 0 | 1 o BTR | DATA FILE! N900 | 0 [172] 0 | 0 © These values vary depending on parameters and products. FAULT QUEUE Trip Fault Queue Number Chapter 5 Advanced Programming MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This message provides the fault queue number of the fault that caused the drive to trip. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 3 Words BTR Instruction Length: 4 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE 3 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 1793 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 1793 — MESSAGE OK WORD 2 HEADER -30975 — MESSAGE ERROR 0 WORD 3 9 HEADER | WORD 3 HEADER FAULT QUEUE SIZE WORD 4 MESSAGE OPERATION The Trip Fault Queue Number function will provide the entry number of the fault in the fault queue that tripped the drive The BTR response contains that number in Word 4. The Fauit Queue Number will equal 0 when the drive is not faulted If an error has occurred in the BT, Word 2 of the response will be -30975. EXAMPLE In this example, the first entry in the drive fault queue has caused the drive to trip. Word 4 of the BTR indicates the entry number. DATA FORMAT o Til loa2algalalslel7|sal|oa BTW | exTagne] №1010 | 3 |179 | 0 o BTR N10:90 | 0 [1794] 0 | 1 DATA FILE © These values vary depending on parameters and products. 5-27 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming FAULT QUEUE MESSAGE DESCRIPTION Fault Entry Read Full This function reads the contents of the fault queue entry specified. A message 1s returned which includes the fault text and fault code associated with the specified fault queue entry and the time stamp associated with the fault. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 3 Words BTR Instruction Length: 12 or 16 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE HEADER 3 WORD 1 0 HEADER WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 1792 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER „30076 — MESSAGE ERROR | | WORD 2 FAULT QUEUE ENTRY HEADER NUMBER WORD 3 FAULT QUEUE ENTRY DATA NUMBER WORD 3 FAULT TEXT DATA CHARACTER2 | CHARACTER1 | | WORD 4 FAULT TEXT DATA CHARACTER 4 | CHARACTER3 | | WORD 5 FAULT TEXT DATA CHARACTER 6 | CHARACTERS | | WORD 6 FAULT TEXT DATA CHARACTERS | CHARACTER7 | | WORD7 FAULT TEXT DATA CHARACTER 10 | CHARACTERS | | WORD 8 FAULT TEXT DATA CHARACTER 12 | CHARACTER 11 | | WORD 9 FAULT TEXT DATA CHARACTER 14 | CHARACTER 13 | | WORD 10 FAULT TEXT DATA CHARACTER 16 | CHARACTER 15 | | WORD 11 DATA FAULT CODE VALUE WORD 12 CLOCK TIME DATA SECONDS | REF WORD 13 CLOCK TIME DATA Hour | MINUTE WORD 14 CLOCK TIME DATA DATE | Day WORD 15 CLOCK TIME DATA YEAR [| MONTH WORD 16 5-28 Fault Entry Read Full (continued) Chapter Advanced Programming - MESSAGE OPERATION The Fault Queue Entry Read Full function specified in the BTW will read the contents of the fault queue specified in Word 3 of the BTW Message. The response will return the fault text which can be as ASCII text. The text will have every 2 characters in reverse order and return a time stamp, indicating the day and time the fault occurred. The Clock Time will be returned in the order as seen in the Header Message. This information should be viewed as ASCII text. 1. Reference will indicate AM, with a value of 0, or PM with a value of 1. 2. The Date will indicate the date of the month in ASCII. 3. The Day will indicate the day of the week, with 1 being Sunday, and 7 being Saturday. 4. The Year will indicate the number of the year with 1990 being a reference of 0. The year 1995 would return a value of 5. 5. The Month is a number between 0-12. If an error has occurred, Word 2 of the response will return a negative value. EXAMPLE In this example, Fault Queue Entry #3 was retrieved from the drive. The BTR response returned the ASCII text Drive Reset Flt, with each character reversed. The Fault Code for this example 1s 22. DATA FORMAT о 12 |3] 4 | 5 |6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ATA FILE voto | 3 |172| 3 BIR vioso | 0 [1721 3 [20252] 303t3| 8293 |25038|25971 | 8208 27718 DATA FILE o 0 N10:100 | 8308 | 22 | 7681 | 3594 | 5893 | 1282 ee ere ee Feed E x 8 KR BD o O These Values vary depending on parameters and products. 5-29 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming WARNING QUEUE Warning Clear MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This message will issue a clear warning fault command to the drive. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 4 Words BTR Instruction Length: 4 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE Em e $: a ENS Я MESSAGE LENGTH 4 WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER -30720 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 2048 — MESSAGE OK WORD 2 HEADER -30720 — MESSAGE ERROR ) WORD 3 9 DATA HEADER WORD 3 WORD 4 MESSAGE OPERATION The Warning Clear function specification in the BTW will send a warning fault handling request to the drive. Word 4 of the BTW defines which fault handling option is requested. A value of 1 in Word 4 will clear the last warning fault. A value of 21 will clear the entire warning fault queue. If an error has occurred in the request, Word 2 of the BTR will return a value of -30975. Word 4 of the BTR will respond to the request of BTW Word 4. EXAMPLE In this example, a Clear Fault/Warning request was sent to the drive by putting a value of 1 in Word 4 of the BTW. Word 2 of the BTR indicated a successful clear by returning a value of 2048. DATA FORMAT о | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 BTW | DATAFILE| N10:10 | 4 [3070 0 | 0 BTR | DATAFILE| NOSO | 0 | 2048 | 0 | 1 5-30 WARNING QUEUE Warning Queue Read Full MESSAGE DESCRIPTION Chapter 5 Advanced Programming This message is provided to read the contents of a warning queue entry. The entry is specified by the instance, which includes information such as the warning code, fault event time stamp, and the fault text associated with the specified warning code. This is a read only message. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 3 Words BTR Instruction Length: MESSAGE STRUCTURE resent MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 3 WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 2048 WORD 2 WARNING QUEUE ENTRY DATA NUMBER WORD 3 16 Words 0 HEADER WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 200 — MESSACEERROR | | WORD2 WARNING QUEUE ENTRY HEADER NUMBER WORD 3 —WARNINGTEXT DATA CHARACTER? | CHARACTER1 | | WORD 4 WARNING TEXT DATA CHARACTER4 | CHARACTER3 | | WORD 5 WARNING TEXT DATA CHARACTER6 | CHARACTERS | | WORD 6 WARNING TEXT DATA CHARACTERS | CHARACTER? | | WORD 7 WARNING TEXT DATA CHARACTER 10 | CHARACTERS | | WORD 8 WARNING TEXT DATA CHARACTER 12 | CHARACTER 11 | | WORD 9 WARNING TEXT DATA CHARACTER 14 | CHARACTER 13 | | WORD 10 WARNING TEXT DATA CHARACTER 16 | CHARACTER 15 | | WORD 11 WARNING CODE VALUE WORD 1 > CLOCK TIME DATA SECOND — [1/10 0F SECOND | | WORD 13 CLOCK TIME DATA HOUR | MINUTE WORD 14 5-31 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming Warning Queue Read Full (continued) 5-32 BLOCK TRANSFER READ (CONTINUED) CLOCK TIME DATA DATE | DAY WORD 15 CLOCK TIME DATA YEAR | MONTH WORD 16 MESSAGE OPERATION The Warning Queue Entry Read Full function specified in the BTW will read the contents of the warning queue specified in Word 3 of the BTW Message. The response will return the warning text which can be seen as ASCII text. The text will have every 2 characters in reverse order and return a time stamp indicating the day and time the warning occurred. The Clock Time will be returned in the order as seen in the header message. This information should be viewed As ASCII text. 1. The Day will indicate the day of the week, with 1 being Sunday, and 7 being Saturday. 2. The Year will indicate the number of the year with 1990 being a reference of 0. The year 1995 would return a value of 5. 3. The Month is a number between 0-12. 4. The Date and Time are in hexadecimal format. EXAMPLE In this example, Warning Queue Entry #1 was retrieved from the drive. The BTR returned the ASCII text Vel Fdbk Loss, with each 2 characters reversed. The fault occurred at 10:14AM on Thursday Feb. 23%, 1995. DATA FORMAT 0 4 9 3 A 5 6 7 8 9 BTW DATAFILE N10:10 3 |2048 | 1 BTR . DATA FILE N10:90 0 | 2048| 1 1|25942| 8300 | 25670 [27490 | 19488 | 29551 | 8307 N10:100 | 8224 | 5048 | 7681 | 3594 | 5893 | 1282 EE MEMORY REQUEST Save/Recall/Initialize Chapter 5 Advanced Programming MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This message is sent by the PLC Comm Board and will activate the EE functions detailed in the Message Request. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 4 Words BTR Instruction Length: 3 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 4 WORD 1 О HEADER WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 31998 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE | | HEADER 770 — MESSAGE OK WORD 2 HEADER -31998 — MESSAGE ERROR 0 WORD 3 9 HEADER oe WORD 3 WORD 4 MESSAGE OPERATION The EE Memory function allows 3 different Message Requests. EE Save will save parameter information from working memory or RAM to EEPROM. EE Recall will retrieve the last saved data from EEPROM and place it in working memory or RAM. EE Default Initialize will clear RAM and EEPROM and set all parameter values to default. If an error has occurred, Word 2 of the response will return a value of -31998. EXAMPLE This example is requesting an EEPROM save. DATA FORMAT о 1 |2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | в | 9 o o BTW | DATAFILE| N010 | 4 {31908 0 | 1 o BTR | DATA FILE) Nioso | o | 770) 0 O These values vary depending on parameters and products. 5-33 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming LINK READ Link Parameter Read 5-34 MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This message will read the source parameter number that is linked to the specified sink parameter. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 3 Words BTR Instruction Length: 4 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 3 WORD 1 0 HEADER | WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 2304 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 2304 — MESSAGE OK WORD 2 PARAMETER NUMBER HEADER 30464 — MESSAGE ERROR (Refer to Parameter List in Chapter 7) WORD 3 SINK PARAMETER LINK HEADER WORD 3 SOURCE PARAMETER DATA NUMBER WORD 4 MESSAGE OPERATION The Link Parameter Read function specified in the BTW will read the Source parameter that is linked to the requested sink parameter, defined in Word 3 of the Header Message. The source parameter will be returned in Word 4 of the BTR. If an error has occurred, Word 2 of the BTR will return a value of -30464. EXAMPLE In this example the link associated with Parameter 101 was requested from the drive, The BTW Header Message Word 4 defines the sink parameter of the requested link with a value of 101. The linked source Parameter 330 is returned ın Word 4 of the BTR. DATA FORMAT о |2 13 14| 5 | 6 |7 | 8 Го BTW DATAFILE| MOO | 3 [2304| 101 | 0 BTR | DATA FILE| NO | 0 |2304| 101 | 330 LINK READ Continuous Parameter Link Read Chapter 5 Advanced Programming MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This message will return a list of up to 60 parameters that are linked to each drive parameter in a consecutive list. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 4 Words BTR Instruction Length: 5-64 Words MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 4 WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 4 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 4 — MESSAGE OK WORD 7 NUMBER OF PARAMETER | | HEADER 327664 — MESSAGE ERROR LINKS TO READ WORD 3 NUMBER OF PARAMETER | | HEADER LINKS TO READ WORD 3 STARTING PARAMETER HEADER NUMBER WORD 4 STARTING PARAMETER HEADER NUMBER WORD 4 SOURCE PARAMETER HEADER NUMBER 1 WORD 5 SOURCE PARAMETER HEADER NUMBER 2 WORD 6 . HEADER WORD . HEADER WORD . HEADER WORD SOURCE PARAMETER HEADER NUMBER 60 WORD 64 MESSAGE OPERATION The request must specify the number of links to be read and the starting sink parameter number. The response source will return the parameter number of the source that is linked to each sink parameter. The response returns links for a consecutive list of sink parameters (up to 60 links). If a parameter s not linked, a value of 0 will be returned. 5-35 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming Continuous Parameter Link Read (continued) 5-36 EXAMPLE A Continuous Parameter Link Read is requested for 9 parameter links (word N10:2) beginning with Parameter 359. The Block Transfer response will return the source parameters that are linked to Parameters 359-367. In this example, Parameter 359 is linked to Parameter 56, Parameter 360 is linked to Parameter 143, Parameter 367 is linked to Parameter 380, and Parameters 361-366 are not linked. DATA FORMAT ol 1121312151861 7138] 9 BTW | DATAFILE| N00 | 4 | 4 | 9 | 359 BIR N10:90 | 0 | 4 | 9 | 359 | 56 | 360 | 59 {361 | 81 | 362 DATA FILE! "У N10:100 | 80 | 363 | 168 | 364 | 167 | 365 | 134 | 366 | 26 | 367 N10:110 | 330 LINK READ Scattered Parameter Link Read Chapter 5 Advanced Programming MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This message will return a list of up to (30) links in the source-to-sink order found in the drive. The links do not have to be in consecutive order. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 5-63 Words BTR Instruction Length: 5-63 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 5-63 WORD 1 0 HEADER WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 5 WORD ? PLC DECIMAL VALUE | | HEADER 5 — MESSAGE OK WORD 2 NUMBER OF PARAMETER | | HEADER 32763 — MESSAGE ERROR LINKS TO READ WORD 3 NUMBER OF PARAMETER | | HEADER LINKS TO READ WORD 3 PARAMETER NUMBER HEADER 1 WORD 4 ar 15 | PARAMETER HEADER NUMBER 1 WORD 4 О HEADER WORD 5 SOURCE PARAMETER HEADER NUMBER 1 WORD 5 PARAMETER NUMBER HEADER 2 WORD 6 ar 15 | PARAMETER HEADER NUMBER 2 WORD 6 0 HEADER WORD 7 SOURCE PARAMETER —| | HEADER NUMBER 2 WORD 7 . HEADER WORD , HEADER WORD . HEADER WORD . HEADER WORD ° ° . HEADER WORD PARAMETER NUMBER HEADER 30 WORD 62 ais] PARAMETER HEADER NUMBER 30 WORD 62 9 HEADER WORD 63 SOURCE PARAMETER HEADER NUMBER 30 WORD 63 MESSAGE OPERATION The Scattered Parameter Link Read function requested in the BTW will read up to (30) non-consecutive links made in the drive. The user requests the desired link information by defining the sink parameters in the BTW message. The corresponding source parameters will be returned through the BTR response. 5-37 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming Scattered Parameter Link Read (continued) 5-38 EXAMPLE In this example, a Scattered Parameter Link Read of (4) links was requested through the BTW. Sink parameters 119-367 and 401 were defined as the desired links to be read. The BTR returned the corresponding source parameter values in the words reserved for this information. If an error had occurred for a specific link, the value returned would be negative. DATA FORMAT 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BTW , | DATA FILE N10:10 12 119 0 368 0 367 0 401 N10:20 0 BIW N10:90 0 119 0 368 | 331 | 367 | 330 | 401 DATA FILE Sink | Source | Sink | Source N10:100 0 LINK WRITE Link Parameter Write Chapter 5 Advanced Programming MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This message will write the source parameter link to the sink parameter. This function will write to only (1) link Block Transfer. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 4 Words BTR Instruction Length: 4 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE PLC DECIMAL VALUE -30464 PLC DECIMAL VALUE | | HEADER 2304 — MESSAGE OK WORD ? SINK PARAMETER NUMBER | | HEADER 30464 — MESSAGE ERROR (Refer to Parameter List in Chapter 7) WORD 3 | SINK PARAMETER NUMBER NORD 3 DATA LINK PARAMETER WORD 4 NK NUMBER HEADER WORD 4 MESSAGE OPERATION The Link Parameter Write function specified in the BTW will write the corresponding source parameter link to the defined sink parameter. The sink parameter is defined in Word 3 of the BTW Data File with its’ linked source defined in Word 4. If an error has occurred in the link, Word 20 of the BTR will return a value of -30464. EXAMPLE In this example, a link was defined between the sink parameter defined in Word 3 (Parameter 101 — External Velocity Reference), and the source parameter (Parameter 340 — Analog Input 2). The BTR Header Message confirmed the link by returning a value of 2034 in Word 2, and the link in order of sink-to-source in Words 3 &4. DATA FORMAT о |1 [2 | 3] 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 BTW | BW ope] NOD | 4 |30464[ 101 | 300 BTR N10:90 0 | 2304 | 101 | 340 DATA FILE 5-39 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming LINK WRITE Continuous Parameter Link Write MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This message will write a list of up to (60) consecutive links to the drive, starting at the defined sink parameter. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 5-64 Words BTR Instruction Length: 5-64 Words 5-40 MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 5-64 WORD 1 0 HEADER WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER -32764 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 4 — MESSAGE OK WORD 2 NUMBER OF PARAMETER | | HEADER 32764 — MESSAGE ERROR LINKS TO WRITE WORD 3 NUMBER OF PARAMETER | | HEADER LINKS TO WRITE WORD 3 PARAMETER NUMBER 1 | | HEADER WORD 4 STARTING PARAEMTER HEADER ERE NUMBER WORD 4 LINK NUMBER 1 WORD 5 HEADER — STATUS NUMBER 1 WORD 5 LINK NUMBER 2 WORD 6 HEADER STATUS NUMBER 2 WORD 6 . HEADER WORD . HEADER WORD 7 . HEADER WORD . HEADER | WORD . HEADER WORD , HEADER HEADER WORD LINK NUMBER 60 WORD 64 HEADER STATUS NUMBER 60 WORD 64 MESSAGE OPERATION The Continuous Parameter Link Write function specified in the BTW will write a set of consecutive links to the drive. The number of links to be written is defined in the BTW Header Word 3. The starting sink parameter is defined in Word 4. The consecutive link source parameters are then listed in the remaining Header Words. Up to (60) continuous links can be made with this Block Transfer function. Continuous Parameter Link Write (continued) EXAMPLE In this example, a group of (4) continuous links were sent to the drive, Chapter 5 Advanced Programming starting at Parameter 119. A length of (4) links is defined in Word 3 of the BTW Header Message. Word 4 defines the starting link sink Parameter 119. Words 5-8 then list the source parameters that will be linked to the (4) continuous sink parameters, Parameters 119-122. The BTR message will return the status of the write request. 0’s returned in Words 5-8 indicate that the write was successful. DATA FORMAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 BTW ; DATA FILE N10:0 -32764| 4 | 119 | 339 | 340 | 341 | 342 BTR : DATA FILE N10:90 4 4 | 1194 0 0 0 0 5-41 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming LINK WRITE Scattered Parameter Link Write MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This function writes a scattered group of links to the drive. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 5-63 Words BTR Instruction Length: 5-63 Words 5-42 MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 5-63 WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER -32763 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 5 — MESSAGE OK WORD 2 NUMBER OF PARAMETER | | HEADER 32763 — MESSAGE ERROR LINKS TO WRITE WORD 3 NUMBER OF PARAMETER | | HEADER pr LINKS TO WRITE WORD 3 PARAMETER NUMBER 1 1 | WORD 4 irc | PARAMETER HEADER — NUMBER 1 WORD 4 LINK NUMBER 1 WORD 5 HEADER о STATUS 1 0R ERROR CODE | | WORD = PARAMETER NUMBER? | | WORD 6 a1 | PARAMETER HEADER NUMBER 2 WORD 6 LINK NUMBER 2 WORD pr STATUS 2 OR ERROR CODE | | na , HEADER WORD , HEADER WORD . HEADER WORD . HEADER WORD , HEADER WORD ‚ НЕАОЕВ HEADER WORD PARAMETER NUMBER 30 | | WORD 62 amas] PARAMETER HEADER re NUMBER 30 WORD 62 LINK NUMBER 30 | WORD 63 HEADER STATUS 30 OR ERROR CODE | | orp &3 MESSAGE OPERATION The Scattered Parameter Link Write function will read a predefined group of links in any order from the drive. The number of links to write is defined in Word 3 of the BTW. The links are then defined, followed by each sink’s corresponding source in the remainder of the Header Message. Up to (30) scattered links can be defined with this function. If an incorrect link is defined, the BTR response will return a negative value for the sink parameter, followed by a status or error code. If there is an error in the BT, Word 2 of the BTR will contain a value of -32763. Scattered Parameter Link Write (continued) EXAMPLE Chapter 5 Advanced Programming In this example, (4) scattered links were written to the drive as defined in Word 3 of the BTW. Words 4 & 5 contain the 1% link with Word 4 defining the sink parameter, and Word 5 the corresponding source. Words 6 & 7 contain the next link, in the order of sink-to-source. The remaining (2) links are contained in Words 8-11. The BTR responds with 0 in place of the source parameter to indicate a successful link. DATA FORMAT o | 1l2l3lals5stel7lsala BTW N10:0 | 11 |-327631 4 | 387 | 146 | 388 | 168 | 367 | 330 | 368 DATA FILE * N10:20 | 331 BTR N10:90 | 0 | 5 | 4 |387| 0 | 36 | 0 | 37 | o | 368 DATA FILE| “'* N10:100 | 0 5-43 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming LINK WRITE Parameter Link Clear 5-44 MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This message will delete all user configured parameter links in the drive. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 4 Words BTR Instruction Length: 3 Words MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 4 WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER -30464 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 2304 — MESSAGE OK WORD 2 HEADER -30464 — MESSAGE ERROR ) WORD 3 | 5 HEADER - WORD 3 ATA WORD 4 MESSAGE OPERATION When this request is sent to the drive, all drive parameter links configured by the user will be deleted. If an error has occurred, Word 2 of the BTR will return a value of -30464. EXAMPLE In this example a Parameter Link Clear request was sent through the BTW. ‘The BTR was only required to check for an error. DATA FORMAT 0 1 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BTW , DATA FILE N10:0 4 |-30464 0 1 BTR . DATA FILE N10:90 0 |2304| 0 USER TEXT STRING User Text String Read Chapter 5 Advanced Programming MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This read only message retrieves from the drive the user custom product name/location test string which identifies the product. The text string is 16 characters long. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 3 Words BTR Instruction Length: 11 Words SPER. N MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 3 WORD 1 0 HEADER WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 261 WORD ? PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 261 — MESSAGE OK WORD ? HEADER -32507 — MESSAGE ERROR 0 WORD 3 o HEADER WORD 3 PRODUCT TEXT DATA CHARACTER 2 | CHARACTER 1 WORD 4 PRODUCT TEXT DATA CHARACTER 4 | CHARACTER3 | | WORD 5 PRODUCT TEXT DATA CHARACTER6 | CHARACTERS | | WORD 6 PRODUCT TEXT DATA CHARACTER8 | CHARACTER 7 WORD 7 PRODUCT TEXT DATA CHARACTER 10 | CHARACTER 9 WORD 8 PRODUCT TEXT DATA CHARACTER 12 | CHARACTER 11 | | WORD 9 PRODUCT TEXT DATA CHARACTER 14 | CHARACTER 13 | | WORD 10 PRODUCT TEXT DATA CHARACTER 16 | CHARACTER 15 WORD 11 MESSAGE OPERATION This operation read the user's custom product test string stored in the drive. The response message will return this information beginning with Data Word 4. The text string will be returned with each data word containing (2) ASCII characters per word. This data will return with the 1%* and 2" characters in opposite order as shown in the example. If an error has occurred in the BTW, Word 2 of the BTR will return a value of -32507. 5-45 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming User Text String Read EXAMPLE (continued) In this example, the BTW defined a User Text String Read request in Word 2 of the BTW with a value of 261. The BTR responds by returning a value of 261 in Word 2, indicating a successful read. In addition, it returned the user text string in Data Words 4-11 stored in the drive. The characters of each word are returned in reverse order. The user text string should read Press 8 Level 2. DATA FORMAT 0 4 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BTW . DATA FILE N10:10 3 |261| 0 N10:20 | \00\03 | \01\05 [\00\00 BTR . DATA FILE N10:90 0 | 261 | 0 |21072|21317| 8275 | 8248 [1774017750] 8268 N10:100 {12832 5-46 USER TEXT STRING User Text String Write Chapter 5 Advanced Programming MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This is a write message that stores in the drive the user custom product name/location text string which identifies the product. The text string is 16 characters long. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 11 Words BTR Instruction Length: 4 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 11 WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 0 HEADER -32507 WORD 2 WORD 1 , HEADER PLC DECIMAL VALUE | | HEADER WORD 3 „32507 — MESSAGE EMROR | | WORD 2 PRODUCT TEXT CHARACTER 2 | CHARACTER 1 WORD 4 ERROR CODE VOD PRODUCT TEXT DATA HEADER CHARACTER 4 | CHARACTERS | | WORDS 0 WORD 4 PRODUCT TEXT DATA CHARACTERS | CHARACTERS | | WORD6 PRODUCT TEXT DATA CHARACTERS | CHARACTER? | | WORD 7 PRODUCT TEXT DATA CHARACTER 10 | CHARACTERS | | WORD 8 PRODUCT TEXT DATA CHARACTER 12 | CHARACTER 11 | | WORD 9 PRODUCT TEXT DATA CHARACTER 14 | CHARACTER 13 | | WORD 10 PRODUCT TEXT DATA CHARACTER 16 | CHARACTER 15 | | WORD 11 MESSAGE OPERATION The User Text String Write allows the user to write a custom product identification string to the drive. this string can be 16 ASCII characters long, which will be defined in the 8 words of the BTW. The characters must be entered in the order shown, with the 1% and 2"* character of each word entered in opposite order as shown in the example. 5-47 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming User Text String Write EXAMPLE (continued) In this example, the BTW defined a text string of Press 8 Level 2 to be written to the drive. This information was entered in ASCII text, with the 2 characters of each word entered in opposite order. The BTR returned a value of 261 in Word 2, indicating a successful write. n addition, it returned the text string in Words 4-11. If an error had occurred in the BTW, the BTR would have returned an error code in Word 3 of -32507. DATA FORMAT 0 | 1 3 | 4 | 5 | в | 7 [в Та BTW N10:10 | 11 |-32507| 0 |21072|21317| 8275 | 8248 |17740|17750| 8268 DATA FILE] MO: * N10:20 | 12832 BTR DATA FILE N10:90 261 21072 21317 8275 8248 17740 17750 8268 N10:100 12832 5-48 CLOCK DATA Real Time Clock Data Read Chapter 5 Advanced Programming MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This message is provided to allow the drive to read the specified real time clock. The time in seconds, minutes and hours as well as day, date, month and year can be read by the slave device. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 3 Words BTR Instruction Length: 7 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER | 3 WORD 1 0 WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER | 2816 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 2816 — MESSAGE OK WORD ? HEADER -20052 — MESSAGE ERROR 0 WORD 3 o HEADER WORD 3 CLOCK TIME DATA SECONDS 11/10 0F SECOND | | WORD 4 CLOCK TIME DATA HOUR | MINUTE WORD 5 CLOCK TIME DATA DATE | Day WORD 6 ~~ CLOCK TIME DATA YEAR [| MONTH WORD 7 MESSAGE OPERATION This function will read the real time clock data from the drive. The Clock Time will be returned in the order as seen in the Header Message. This information should be viewed as ASCH text. 1. The Time is based on a 24 hour clock. 2. The Seconds are shown in seconds and 10% of seconds. 3. The Date will indicate the date of the month 1n Hex. 4. The Day will indicate the day of the week, with 1 being Sunday, and 7 being Saturday. 5. The Year will indicate the number of the year with 1990 being a reference of 0. The year 1995 would return a value of 5 — The 5" year on the 1990 year 0 base. 6. The month is a number between 0-12. If an error occurs in the BT, a value of -29952 will be returned in Word 2 of the BTR response. 5-49 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming Real Time Clock Data Read (continued) 5-50 EXAMPLE In this example, the clock was read with a value of 2816 in Word 2 of the BTW. The BTR response indicated a successful read with a value of 2816 in Word 2. 1. Word 4 indicated a changing value for seconds. 2. The Hour value OE indicates hour 14 of a 24 hour clock, or 2 PM. The minute value QA indicates 10, or 12:10 PM. 3. The Date of 17 in ASCII is the 23" and the 5% day of the month, or Thursday. 4. The Year 05 is 1995. 5. The Month of 02 is February. DATA FORMAT 0 | 11 2 | 31] 41/51} 6171809 BTW | DATA FILE| N0:10 | 3 [2816| 0 BTR N10:90 | 0 |2816| 0 | 7681 | 3594 | 5893 | 1282 DATA FILE] "Я CLOCK DATA Real Time Clock Data Write Chapter 5 Advanced Programming MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This message is provided to allow the drive to write the specified real time clock data. This allows the user to write the new real time clock seconds, minutes and hours, as well as day, date, month and year. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 7 Words BTR Instruction Length: 3 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 7 WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 0 HEADER 2816 WORD 2 WORD 1 HEADER PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER WORD 3 20060 — MESSAGEERROR | | WORD 2 CLOCK TIME DATA HEADER SECONDS — 1/10 0F SECOND | | WORD 4 0 WORD 3 CLOCK TIME DATA HOUR | MINUTE WORD 5 CLOCK TIME DATA DATE | Day WORD 6 CLOCK TIME | | DATA YEAR [| MONTH WORD 7 MESSAGE OPERATION This function allows the user to define the clock data for the drive. The clock time will be written in the order as seen in the Header Message. This information should be sent as ASCII text. 1. The Time is based on a 24 hour clock. 2. Seconds are shown in seconds and 10*s of seconds. 3. The Date will indicate the day of the month in Hex. 4. The Day will indicate the day of the week, with 1 being Sunday and 7 being Saturday. 5. The Year will indicate the number of the year will 1990 being a reference of 0. The year 1995 would be defined as a value of 5, the 5" year on the 1990 year O) base. 6. The Month is a number 0-12. If an error occurs in the BT, a value of -29952 will be returned in Word 2 of the BTR response. 5-51 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming Real Time Clock Data Write (continued) 5-52 EXAMPLE In this example, a real time clock data value of Friday, February 10, 1995 12:00 AM was written to the drive. Word 2 defines the request with a value of 2817. 1. Word 4 defines O seconds. 2. Word 5 defines 12:00. 3. Word 6 defines the 6" day (Friday) with a date of the 10%, 4. Word 7 defines 1995 and the second month (February). DATA FORMAT 0 4 3 4 5 6 BTW DATA FILE N10:10 7 12816 0000 | 0000 | 2566 | 1283 BTR DATA FILE N10:90 0 2816 RUN TIME ACCUMULATOR Run Time Accumulator Data Read MESSAGE DESCRIPTION Chapter 5 Advanced Programming This message provides the drive with the accumulated time for running services. This information is in hours and is read only. The function is typically used as a maintenance feature. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 3 Words BTR Instruction Length: 4 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE HEADER MESSAGE LENGTH 3 WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 2817 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 2817 — MESSAGE OK WORD 2 HEADER -29951 — MESSAGE ERROR 0 WORD 3 , DATA WORD 3 ACCUMULATED VALUE IN DATA HOURS WORD 4 MESSAGE OPERATION The Run Time Accumulator Data Read through BTR Word 4, provides the running service time in hours. As a maintenance feature, this information can be used to help define a service schedule for the drive. The accumulated time can be cleared through a clear run time accumulator request. Information can then provide the accumulated run time between each scheduled service. EXAMPLE In this example, the BTW requested the accumulated running time of the drive. The BTR response returned a value of 41 in Word 4, indicating a running time of 41 hours. This value can be monitored, and when a specified running time has accumulated, a maintenance down time can be scheduled. DATA FORMAT о 112 13 [4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | в | 9 BTW | BM це) Мол | 0 [æv| 0 BTR | BIR ug Noo | o [2817] 0 | 4 5-53 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming RUN TIME ACCUMULATOR Clear Run Time Accumulator MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This message provides a way of clearing the run time accumulator data stored in the drive. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 3 Words BTR Instruction Length: 3 Words MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 3 WORD 1 MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 3 WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER -29950 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 2818 — MESSAGE OK WORD 2 HEADER -29950 — MESSAGE ERROR 0 WORD 3 , HEADER WORD 3 MESSAGE OPERATION The clear run time accumulator defines a value of -29950 in the BTW. Word 2 can clear the accumulated run time stored in the drive. This provides the user with the ability to monitor an accumulated time based on a specific event. EXAMPLE This function was requested to clear the accumulated run time in the drive since the last scheduled maintenance downtime. In this example, the BTW requested a clear with a value of -29950 in Word 2. The BTR response indicated a successful clear by returning a value of 2818 in Word 20 of the BTR Header Message. DATA FORMAT о | 1 |2 | 3 | 4 |5 |6 |7 | ве BTW | | DATA FILE N10:10 3 |-29950| 0 BTR ‘ DATAFie] N10:90 | 3 |2818| 0 5-54 TIME STAMP Reference Time Stamp Data Read Chapter 5 Advanced Programming MESSAGE DESCRIPTION The message will read the reference time stamp value from the drive. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 3 Words BTR Instruction Length: 7 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE LENGTH 3 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 2816 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 2816 — MESSAGE OK WORD 2 HEADER -29952 — MESSAGE ERROR REFERENCE NUMBER WORD 3 HEADER WORD 3 CLOCK TIME DATA SECONDS | REFERENCE WORD 4 CLOCK TIME DATA HOUR | MINUTE WORD 5 CLOCK TIME DATA DATE | Day WORD 6 CLOCK TIME DATA YEAR | MONTH WORD 7 MESSAGE OPERATION The reference time stamp can be defined by the user to monitor the time of a specific event. This function will allow this time to be read from the device. The time stamp will be returned in the order seen in the header message. This information should be viewed as ASCII text. 1. The Time is based on a 24 hour clock. 2. Seconds are shown in seconds and 10% of seconds. 3. The Date will indicate the day of the month in Hex. 4. The Day will indicate the day of the week, with 1 being Sunday and 7 being Saturday. 5. The Year will indicate the number of the year will 1990 being a reference of 0. The year 1995 would be defined as a value of 5, the 5* year on the 1990 year 0 base. 6. The Month is a number 0-12. If an error occurs in the BTW, a value of -29952 will be returned in Word 2 of the BTR response. 5-55 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming Reference Time Stamp Data Read (continued) 5-56 EXAMPLE In this example, a reference time stamp data read was requested through the BTW. Word 2 of the BTW defines this request with a decimal value of 2816 for the PLC command code. The BTR response indicates a successful request with a returned value of 2816 in BTR Word 2. Words 4-7 then return the clock data. The clock data indicates a time stamp of February 1995, the 5 day of the week (Thursday), and a date of 23 (17 in ASCID. The hour, minutes and seconds will change according to the time. DATA FORMAT 0 1 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BTW | DATA FILE| 040 | 3 | 2816 | 00 BR N10:90 | 0 |2816| 0 | 7681 | 3594 | 5893 | 1282 DATA FILE! | TIME STAMP Reference Time Stamp Data Write Chapter 5 Advanced Programming MESSAGE DESCRIPTION This message is provided to allow the drive to write the specified real time clock. This allows the drive to write a new reference stamp. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 7 Words BTR Instruction Length: 3 Words MESSAGE STRUCTURE MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 7 WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER -29952 WORD 2 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 2816 — MESSAGE OK WORD ? HEADER -29952 — MESSAGE ERROR 0 WORD 3 9 HEADER CLOCK TIME DATA WORD 3 SECONDS — 11/10 0F SECOND | | WORD 4 CLOCK TIME DATA HOUR | MINUTE WORD 5 CLOCK TIME DATA DATE | DAY WORD 6 CLOCK TIME DATA YEAR | MONTH WORD 7 MESSAGE OPERATION The Reference Time Stamp Data Write will allow the user to define a specific time stamp to be used in the drive. 1. The Time is based on a 24 hour clock. 2. Seconds are shown in seconds and 10% of seconds. 3. The Date will indicate the day of the month in Hex. 4. The Day will indicate the day of the week, with 1 being Sunday and 7 being Saturday. 5. The Year will indicate the number of the year will 1990 being a reference of 0. The year 1995 would be defined as a value of 5, the 5 year on the 1990 year 0 base. 5-57 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming Reference Time Stamp Data Write EXAMPLE (continued) This example has defined the Reference Time Stamp as Friday, February the 10%, 1995. The Hour of 0 indicates a starting time of 10:00AM. This information can then be used to track scheduled maintenance down times or other information as desired. DATA FORMAT о | 1 |2 | 3 | 4 |5 Те Гу ве BTW | | DATA FILE] NIO:10 | 7 [20062 0 | o | o | 2566 1263 5-58 TIME STAMP Load Clock Info Reference Stamp MESSAGE DESCRIPTION Chapter 5 Advanced Programming This message will load the Real time clock data into the reference stamp. PLC BLOCK TRANSFER INSTRUCTION DATA BTW Instruction Length: 3 Words BTR Instruction Length: 3 Words MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 3 WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER 0 WORD 2 0 HEADER WORD 3 MESSAGE OPERATION MESSAGE LENGTH HEADER 0 WORD 1 PLC DECIMAL VALUE HEADER „20060 — MESSAGEERROR | | WORD 2 0 HEADER WORD 3 The Load Clock Info Reference Stamp function specified in the BTW will send the real time clock data to the reference stamp. The reference stamp time will then follow the real time clock data. EXAMPLE In this example, the request to load the real time clock data into the reference stamp was sent through the BTW. The BTR responded with a message of OK. DATA FORMAT BTW DATA FILE| MO:10 BTR DATA FILE] MO 2818 5-59 Chapter 5 Advanced Programming End of Chapter 5-60 Chapter Troubleshooting Chapter Objectives Chapter 6 provides information to guide the user in trouble shooting the PLC Comm Adapter Board. Included is a listing and description of PLC Comm Adapter Faults, Error Messages, Alarms and logic responses to each. ATTENTION: Only qualified personnel familiar with the 1336 FORCE drive system and associated machinery should perform troubleshooting or maintenance functions on the drive. Failure to comply may result is personnel injury and/or equipment damage. Fault and Status LEDs аи LANGUAGE MODULE a Bay | ex 13387 —EN — ser sit bi LT N ENGLISH / ENGLISH | ALLEN-BRADLEY 8 N ga К A ETI ERE AP Status — 03 > Ca E a ЗЕ - Za E AP Status — D5 > e PES Е DORR... HERR... PY < Channel AStatus — 04 LA a E SET E < Channel A Status — D6 Я и п - т т | a RE : rnin” Te N 3 > Channel A Status — D7 arpriióriiriafirá + EEA TE INTL] Fault Out — D11 Ext Fault — D12 Norm Stop — D13 Motor Thermo — D18 Drive Enable — D21 Te ua > Figure 6-1 — PLC Comm Adapter Board Fault and Status LEDs (15) Status and Fault LEDs are located on the PLC Comm Adapter Board to provide a visual indication of board operation. The PLC Comm Adapter Board is a non-serviceable device. Improper configuration will cause the PLC Comm Board to indicate faults and/or hardware malfunctions and should be verified first. Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Domino Processor (DP) Status D1 and D2 Application Processor (AP) Status D3 and D5 CHANNEL A Status D4, D6 and D7 CHANNEL B Status D8, D9 and D10 6-2 These LEDs reflect the operational status of the PLC Comm Adapter Board DIP switches. LED STATE FUNCTION D1 (RED) LED LIT DP Hard Fault LED NOT LIT D2 On or Hardware Malfuction LED BLINKING DP Soft Fauit D2 (GREEN) LED LIT Normal DP Opearion LED NOT LIT D1 On or Hardware Malfuction LED BLINKING DP Warning These LEDs reflect the operational status of the application processor. LED STATE FUNCTION D3 (RED) LED LIT AP Hard Fault LED NOT LIT D5 On or Hardware Malfuction LED BLINKING AP Soft Fault DS (GREEN) LED LIT Normal AP Operation LED NOT LIT D3 On or Hardware Malfuction LED BLINKING AP Warning These LEDs reflect the operational status of either RIO or DH+ communications. LED STATE RIO FUNCTION DH+ FUNCTION D4 4 D8 (RED) LED BLINKING PLC Has Rack Inhibited Duplicate Node Address on DH+ Link D6 4 D9 (YELLOW) LED LIT None Normal DH+ Communications LED NOT LIT None PLC Comm Adapter Faulted LED BLINKING None No Communications over DH+ D7 & D10 (GREEN) LED LIT Normal PLC Controller None Communications LED NOT LIT No Communications to None PLC Controiler LED BLINKING PLC Controller is in None Reset/Program/Test Mode PLC Comm Adapter Status D11, D12, D13, D18 and D21 Chapter 6 Troubleshooting These LEDs reflect the operational status of the drive permissives. LED STATE FUNCTION D11 (RED) LED LIT System Fault Present LED NOT LIT System Fault Not Present D12 (RED) LED LIT External Fault Present LED NOT LIT External Fault Not Present D13 (RED) LEDLIT Normal Drive Stop Signal Present LED NOT LIT Norma! Drive Stop Signal Not Present D18 (RED) LED LIT ‘Motor Thermoguard Open LED NOT LIT Motor Thermoguard Closed D21 (GREEN) LED LIT Drive Enable Signal Present LED NOT LIT Drive Disabled Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Faults and Fault Queues The 1336 FORCE monitors both internal and external operating conditions, responding to incorrect conditions as programmed by the user. Most malfunctions that occur will induce one of (2) types of faults. HARD FAULTS Hard faults indicate that the 1336 FORCE has detected a malfunction where internal recovery is not possible. Hard faults are the most severe type of faults. Hard faults indicate that a major internal component or system has failed and that drive functions may be lost. When a hard fault occurs, recovery can only be accomplished by issuing a Drive Reset or recycling drive power. SOFT FAULTS Soft faults exist to protect drive system components from internal and external malfunctions. Unlike hard faults, in most instances drive control can be maintained. Soft faults indicate that the 1336 FORCE has detected a malfunction that could cause damage to drive control or power components, or the motor. Soft faults may also indicate undesirable external operating conditions. Fault recovery can be accomplished by a clear fault command, clear fault queue, drive reset, or recycling of drive power. FAULT QUEUE All faults that have occurred are shown in the fault queue. Each entry shows the type of fault, and is time & date stamped at occurrence. Fault information is maintained in BRAM until it is commanded to be cleared by a Clear Fault Queue command. A Clear Fault command, Drive Reset command, or recycling drive power will not clear the queue. Up to (32) faults may be displayed, each with the following information. * A fault queue entry number to indicate the position of the fault in the fault queue. * A trip point (TP) to indicate which entry in the fault queue caused the drive to trip (all faults displayed previous to the TP fault occurred after the TP was logged). * A (5) character decimal numbered fault code (described on the next page). * The time and date that the fault occurred. * Descriptive fault text plus all clear fault commands and when they were executed. Fault Code Descriptions Fault Displays Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Pa PLC Comm Adapter fault and warning codes are (5) character decimal numbers that have the following format. S A XXX $ = SOURCE DESIGNATOR 0 = Main Board Velocity Processor 1 = Main Board Current Processor 2 = Reserved 3 = Adapter Processor 4 = PLC Interface Board Processor 5 = Reserved A = AREA DESIGNATOR 0 = General 1 = Motor 2 = Inverter 3 = Motor Control 4 = Adapter 5 = External Device 6 = Communications 7 = Reserved 8 = Reserved 9 = Converter/Brake XXX = INTERNAL FAULT CODE Both HIM and GPT LCD displays indicate a fault or warning by showing the adapter code and fault text. Fault text may be up to (16) characters in length. A FAULT TEXT AND CODE DESCRIPTION ACTION Clear Faults (No Fault) 24000 This entry in the fault or warning None queue is displayed when a clear fault is requested. 6-5 Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Fault Codes 6-6 FAULT TEXT ano CODE DESCRIPTION ACTION Adpt BRAM Cksm 24009 (Soft Fault) Discrepancy between calculated and saved checksum for adapter data. Reset drive. If fault persists, execute BRAM store, then reset drive and Clear faults. Main BRAM Cksm (Soft Fault) 24012 Discrepancy between calculated and Reset drive. If fault persists, execute saved checksum for main control BRAM store, then reset drive and board. clear faults. SW Malfunction (Hard Fault) 24013 Integrity check on board software Reset drive. If fault persists, replace has failed. PLC Comm Adapter Board. SW Malfunction (Hard Fault) 24014 Integrity check on board software Reset drive. If fault persists, replace has failed. PLC Comm Adapter Board. SW Malfunction (Hard Fault) 24015 Integrity check on board software Reset drive. If fault persists, replace has failed. PLC Comm Adapter Board. SW Malfunction (Hard Fault) 24016 Integrity check on board software ~~ Reset drive. If fault persists, replace has failed. PLC Comm Adapter Board. SW Malfunction (Hard Fault) 24017 Integrity check on board software Reset drive. If fault persists, replace has failed. PLC Comm Adapter Board. SW Malfunction (Hard Fault) 24018 Integrity check on board software Reset drive. If fault persists, replace has failed. PLC Comm Adapter Board. AP SW/LM Rev Err (Soft Fault) 24025 PLC Comm Adapter Board Verify board software and language software/language module module versions with A-B. mismatch. Adapter Config Err (Soft Fault) 24026 PLC Comm Adapter has detected Verify DIP switch settings and that board DIP switch settings do not execute a BRAM store to save the match values stored in BRAM. new settings. No AP LM Exists (Нага Fault) 25023 The PLC Comm Adapted has detected Reset drive. If fault persists, replace that a language module has not been. the language module. installed on the PLC Comm Adapter. No AP LM Exists (Нага Fault) 25023 The PLC Comm Adapted has detected Reset drive. If fault persists, replace that a language module has not been. the language module. installed on the PLC Comm Adapter. Fault Codes (continued) Chapter 6 Troubleshooting FAULT TEXT ano CODE DESCRIPTION ACTION No MC LM Exists (Hard Fault) 25024 The PLC Comm Adapted has detected Reset drive. If fault persists, replace that a language module has not been. the language module. installed on the Main Control Board. SB Pt1 Timeout (Warning) 26038 Device connected to Port 1 of None SCANport has been disconnected. SB Pt1 Timeout (Warning) 26039 Device connected to Port 1 of None SCANport has been disconnected. SB Pt2 Timeout (Warning) 26040 Device connected to Port 2 of None SCANport has been disconnected. SB Pi3 Timeout (Warning) 26041 Device connected to Port 3 of None SCANport has been disconnected. SB Pt4 Timeout (Warning) 26042 Device connected to Port 4 of None SCANport has been disconnected. SB Comm Fault (Hard Fault) 26043 Integrity check on board hardware Reset drive. If fault persists, replace has failed. PLC Comm Adapter Board. HW Malfunction (Hard Fault) 34001 Integrity check on board hardware Reset drive. If fault persists, replace has failed. PLC Comm Adapter Board. HW Malfunction 34002 (Hard Fault) Integrity check on board hardware has failed. Reset drive. If fault persists, replace PLC Comm Adapter Board. HW Malfunction 34003 (Hard Fault) Integrity check on board hardware has failed. Reset drive. If fault persists, replace PLC Comm Adapter Board. HW Malfunction 34004 (Hard Fault) Integrity check on board hardware has failed. Reset drive. If fault persists, replace PLC Comm Adapter Board. HW Malfunction 34005 (Hard Fault) Integrity check on board hardware has failed. Reset drive. If fault persists, replace PLC Comm Adapter Board. 6-7 Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Fault Codes (continued) 6-8 FAULT TEXT anp CODE DESCRIPTION ACTION ChA Protocol (Soft Fault) 34006 PLC Comm Adapter has detected an Check parameter 303 — DIP incorrect protocol DIP switch setting. Switch ChA and refer to the table below to verify DIP switch settings. Reset drive. If Fault persists, replace PLC Comm Adapter Board. CHANNEL ALOW sw1 sw2 RIO w/o BIk Trans — OFF OFF RIO w/ BIk Trans OFF ON DH+ ON OFF None ON ON ChB Protocol (Soft Fault) 34007 PLC Comm Adapter has detected an Check parameter 304 — DIP incorrect protocol DIP switch setting. Switch ChB and refer to the table below to verify DIP switch settings. Reset drive. If Fault persists, replace PLC Comm Adapter Board. CHANNELB LOW sw1 sw? RIO w/o BIK Trans OFF OFF RIO w/ BIK Trans OFF ON DH+ ON OFF None ON ON ChA Baud Rate (Soft Fault) 34008 PLC Comm Adapter has detected an Check parameter 303 — DIP incorrect Baud rate DIP switch Switch ChA and refer to the table setting. below to verify DIP switch settings. Reset drive. If Fault persists, replace PLC Comm Adapter Board. CHANNELALOW sw3 sw4 56.7k Baud OFF OFF 115.2k Baud OFF ON 230.4k Baud ON OFF None ON ON ChB Baud Rate (Soft Fault) 34009 PLC Comm Adapter has detected an Check parameter 304 — DIP incorrect Baud rate DIP switch setting. Switch ChB and refer to the table below to verify DIP switch settings. Reset drive. If Fault persists, replace PLC Comm Adapter Board. CHANNELALOW sw3 sw4 56.7k Baud OFF OFF 115.2k Baud OFF ON 230.4k Baud ON OFF None ON ON Fault Codes (continued) Chapter 6 Troubleshooting FAULT TEXT ano CODE DESCRIPTION ACTION ChA Rack Rate (Soft Fault) 34010 PLC Comm Adapter has detected an Check parameter 303 — DIP incorrect rack size DIP switch setting. Switch ChA and refer to the table below to verify DIP switch settings. Reset drive. If Fault persists, replace PLC Comm Adapter Board. CHANNELA SW SW Not LOW 5 6 Last Last “Rack OFF OFF OFF ON Ya Rack OFF ON OFF ON % Rack ON OFF OFF ON Full Rack ON ON OFF OFF Note: Full Rack can only have the Last/Not Last switch set to OFF. ChB Rack Size 34011 (Soft Fault) PLC Comm Adapter has detected an incorrect rack size DIP switch setting. Check parameter 304 — DIP Switch ChB and refer to the table below to verify DIP switch settings. Reset drive. If Fault persists, replace PLC Comm Adapter Board. CHANNELA SW SW Not LOW 5 6 Last Last Y Rack OFF OFF OFF ON Rack OFF ON OFF ON Rack ON OFF OFF ON Full Rack ON ON OFF OFF Note: Full Rack can only have the Last/Not Last bit set to D. ChA Module Group 34012 (Soft Fault) PLC Comm Adapter has detected a Channel A module group that is not valid for the selected rack size. Check parameter 303 — DIP Switch ChA and refer to the table below to verify DIP switch settings. Reset drive. If Fault persists, replace PLC Comm Adapter Board. CHANNEL A HIGH sw1 sw2 Module 0 OFF OFF Module 2 OFF ON Module 4 ON OFF Module 6 ON ON ChB Module Group 34013 (Soft Fault) PLC Comm Adapter has detected a Channel B module group that is not valid for the selected rack size. Check parameter 304 — DIP Switch ChB and refer to the table below to verify DIP switch settings. Reset drive. If Fault persists, replace PLC Comm Adapter Board. CHANNEL B HIGH sw1 sw2 Module 0 OFF OFF Module 2 OFF ON Module 4 ON OFF Module 6 ON ON 6-9 Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Fault Codes (continued) 6-10 FAULT TEXT ano CODE DESCRIPTION ACTION Redund Rack Size (Soft Fault) 34014 PLC Comm Adapter has detected Check parameters 303 & 304 — different rack sizes for Channels A & B when RIO with redundancy was selected. DIP Switch ChA & B. Refer to the table below to verify DIP switch settings — Both channels must have the same rack size. Reset drive. If Fault persists, replace PLC Comm Adapter Board. CHANNELS SW SW Not ABLOW 5 6 Last Last YA Rack OFF OFF OFF ON 72 Rack OFF ON OFF ON %Rack ON OFF OFF ON Full Rack ON ON OFF OFF Note: Full Rack can only have the Last/Not Last switch set to OFF. FAULT TEXT ano CODE Redund Diff Prot 34015 DESCRIPTION (Soft Fault) PLC Comm Adapter has detected redundant operation has been called for, but Channel A is not configured for RIO protocol. ACTION Check parameters 303 & 304 — DIP Switch ChA & B. Refer to the tables below to verify DIP switch settings — Both channels must be configured for RIO protocol when using the redundant mode. If fault persists, replace PLC Comm Adapter Board. CHANNEL ALOW sw8 Non-Redundant OFF Redundant ON CHANNELB LOW sw1 sw2 RIO w/o BIk Trans — OFF OFF RIO w/ Blk Trans OFF ON DH+ ON ОР None ON ON SW Malfunction (Hard Fault) 34016 Integrity check on board software — Reset drive. If fault persists, replace has failed. PLC Comm Adapter Board. ChA Dup Nodeaddr (Soft Fault) 36019 PLC Comm Adapter has detected a — Check parameter 303 — DIP duplicate Channel A DH+ node Switch ChA and refer to the table address. in Chapter 7 to verify DIP switch settings. Reset drive. If Fault persists, replace PLC Comm Adapter Board. ChB Dup Nodeaddr (Soft Fault) 36020 PLC Comm Adapter has detecteda — Check parameter 304 — DIP duplicate Channel B DH+ node address. Switch ChB and refer to the table in Chapter 7 to verify DIP switch settings. Reset drive. If Fault persists, replace PLC Comm Adapter Board. Fault Codes (continued) Chapter 6 NEO FAULT TEXT AND CODE DESCRIPTION ACTION ChB Dup Nodeaddr (Soft Fault) 36020 PLC Comm Adapter has detecteda — Check parameter 304 — DIP duplicate Channel B DH+ node Switch ChB. Refer to the PLC Comm Adapter Board DIP Switch Setting Table in Chapter 7 to verify DIP switch address. Reset drive. If Fault persists, replace PLC Comm Adapter Board. ChA Comm Loss (Warning) 36021 PLC Comm Adapter has detected a Check for a break in the loss of Channel A communications with the PLC Controller. communications cable. Verify that all connections are intact. Clear fault by issuing a Clear Fault, Drive Reset or recycle power. Check parameter 425 — ChARIO FIt Sel to determine the drive response to faults. Par 425 is bit coded. Bits 1 & à determine the fault response to Channel A comm loss. DRIVE FAULT RESPONSE BIT1 BITO No Response OFF OFF Warning OFF ON Fault Trip ON OFF Check parameter 436 — ChA Flt Sts. Bit 5 = 1 indicates a fault if configured to do so in parameter 425 — ChARIO Fit Sel. Check parameter 437 — ChA Warn Sts. Bit 5 = 1 indicates a fault if configured to do so in parameter 426 — ChA RIO Warn Sel. 6-11 Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Fault Codes (continued) FAULT TEXT ap CODE DESCRIPTION ACTION ChA Comm Loss 36022 (Warning) PLC Comm Adapter has detected a loss of Channel B communications with the PLC Controller. Check for a break in the communications cable. Verify that all connections are intact. Clear fault by issuing a Clear Fault, Drive Reset or recycle power. Check parameter 430 — ChB RIO Fit Sel to determine the drive response to faults. Par 430 is bit coded. Bits 3 8 4 determine the fauit response to Channel A comm loss. DRIVE FAULT RESPONSE BIT3 BIT4 No Response OFF OFF Warning OFF ON Fault Trip ON OFF Check parameter 4383 — ChB Flt Sts. Bit 5 = 1 indicates a fault if configured to do so in parameter 430 — ChARIO Fit Sel. Check parameter 439 — ChB Warn Sts. Bit 5 = 1 indicates a fault if configured to do so in parameter 430 — ChA RIO Warn Sel. Fault Codes (continued) Chapter 6 Troubleshooting FAULT TEXT ano CODE DESCRIPTION ACTION ChA Prg/Res/Test 36023 (Warning) PLC Comm Adapter has detected the PLC Controller being switched from the run mode to another mode. Check the PLC mode switch and the 1/0 control reset. Clear fault by issuing a Clear Fault, Drive Reset or recycle power. Check parameters 425 — ChA RIO Fit Sel and 426 — ChA RIO Warn Sel to determine the drive response to faults. These parameters determine the resolution of the condition, either fault, warning or none. Both parameters are bit coded. Bit 0 determines the resolution to ChA Prg/Res/Test. If bit 0 is set in par 425, a soft fault is fogged. If bit 0 is reset in 425 and bit 0 in par 426 is set, a warning fault is logged. If bit 0 is reset in 425 and 426, no action is taken. Bit 1 determines the data output status of a fault. If set to 0, zeros are transmitted. [f set to 1, the last state i$ transmitted. Check Parameter 436 — ChA Fit Sts. Bit 0 = 1 indicates a fault if configured to do so in Parameter 425 — ChA RIO Fit Sel. Check Parameter 437 — ChA Warn Sts. Bit 0 = 1 indicates a fault if configured to do so in Parameter 426 — ChA RIO Warn Sel. 6-13 Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Fault Codes (continued) 6-14 FAULT TEXT ano CODE DESCRIPTION ACTION ChB Prg/Res/Test 36024 (Warning) PLC Comm Adapter has detected the PLC Controller being switched from the run mode to another mode. Check the PLC mode switch and the 1/0 control reset. Clear fault by issuing a Clear Fault, Drive Reset or recycle power. Check parameters 430 — ChB RIO FIt Sel and 431 — ChB RIO Warn Sel to determine the drive response to faults. These parameters determine the resolution of the condition, either fault, warning or none. Both parameters are bit coded. Bit 0 determines the resolution to ChB Prg/Res/Test. If bit 0 is set in par 430, a soft fault is logged. If bit 0 is reset in 430 and bit 0 in par 426 is set, a warning fault is logged. If bit D is reset in 430 and 431, no action is taken. Bit 1 determines the data output status of a fault. if set to 0, zeros are transmitted. If set to 1, the last state is transmitted. Check parameter 438 — ChB Fit Sts. Bit 0 = 1 indicates a fault if configured to do so in parameter 430 — ChB RIO Flt Sel. Check parameter 439 — ChB Warn Sts. Bit 0 = 1 indicates a fault if configured to do so in parameter 431 — ChB RIO Warn Sel. Chapter Objectives Specifications Chapter Specifications and Supplemental Information Chapter 7 provides specifications and supplemental information including a parameter cross reference by number or name, parameter block diagrams, a hardware block diagram, and PLC Comm Adapter Board DIP switch settings. ENVIRONMENTAL ELECTRICAL COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCT COMPATIBILITY Operating Temperature: O to 40°C (32 to 104°F) Storage Temperature: — 40 to 70°C (- 40 to 158°F) Relative Humidity: 5 to 95% Non-Condensing Shock: 15G Peak for 11 ms Duration (+1.0 ms) Vibration: 0.006 Inches (0.15 mm) Displacement, 1G Peak Input Voltage: Supplied by Drive Input Frequency: NA Input Current: NA SCANport Load: 60 mA Vibration: 0.006 Inches (0.15 mm) Displacement, 1G Peak Drive Side: SCANport Peripheral Interface PLC Side: Allen-Bradley RIO/DH+ BAUD Rates: 57.6k, 115.2k, 230.4k Rack Size: 14, 14, 34 or Full The PLC Comm Adapter Board is designed to be used with the following terminal interface devices (TIDs). Drive Tools Allen-Bradley Programmable Controllers © e PLC-2/30 With SD2 e PLC-3 e SLC-500 With 1747-SN Scanner e PLC-5/10, PLC-5/15, PLC-5/25 Family e PLC-5/30, PLC-5/40, PLC-5/40L, PLC-5/60, PLC-5/40L Family, PLC-5/80 * PLC-6 Scanner Modules and Subscanners © These adapters were tested with the current revision level of the listed PLC processors. Earlier versions of these processors may not be compatible. 7-1 BET Cad Specifications and Supplemental Information Software Block Diagram Shown in Figures 7-1a and 7-1b is the parameter linking and interaction within the PLC Comm Adapter Board. SCANport SCANport 1 —» 2 SB Analog In Select (Par 391) SCANport NM UT a 60 ГО —-+ 3 — —› SB Analog In (Par 338) SB Analog Out (Par 386) > 4 —— 5— SB Fault Select (Par 440) SB Fault Status (Par 442) SCANport Image In SB Warning Select (Par 441) SB Warning Status (Par 443) SCANport Image Out Data in A1 (Par 314) Data Out A1 (Par 343) q Data In A2 (Par 315) Data Out A2 (Par 344) 4 9 Data In B1 (Par 316) Data Out B1 (Par 345) 9 3 Data In B2 (Par 317) Data Out B2 (Par 346) 3 4 Data in C1 (Par 318) Data Out C1 (Par 347) 4 5 Data In C2 (Par 319) Data Qut C2 (Par 348) 5 Data In D1 (Par 320) Data Out D1 (Par 349) Data In D2 (Par 321) Data Out D2 (Par 350) Logic Command 1- 2 + 3 Logic Command Word (Par 52 4 Port Enable Mask (Par 408) — Local Mask (Par 415) d (Permanent Link) | ) > + BITO — Ramp Stop tart > — Pt6 Logic Command in 6 (367) | Port 6 $ Jog Mask a a > or) _ Jo Pt7 Logic Command In 7 (368) — Port 7 Clear Fault Mask (Par 413) + BIT3 — Clear Fauit Direction Mask (Par 409) В BIT4 — Forward BITS — Reverse BIT6 — Jog2 BIT7 — Current Limit Stop CBA BIT8 -— Coast-to-Stop BITS — Velocity Ramp Disable 000 — No Change BIT 10 — Flux Enable — Magnetizing Flux 0 7 — | BIT 11 — Process Trim Enable — + IEsEL Spee BIT 12 — Velocity Reference Select A 100 — Preset Speed 3 > Reference Mask (Par 412) |, BIT 14 — Velocity Reference Select C 101 — Preset Speed 4 Reset Drive Mask (Par 414) — BIT 15 — Reset Drive 110 — Preset Speed 5 111 — External Ref2 Stop Owner (Par 369) Direction Owner (Par 370) Start Owner (Par 371) Jog1 Owner (Par 372) Jog2 Owner (Par 373) Set Reference Owner (Par 374) Local Owner (Par 375) Flux Owner (Par 376) Trim Owner (Par 377) Ramp Owner (Par 378) Clear Fault Owner (Par 379) Figure 7-1a — PLC Comm Adapter Software Block Diagram 7-2 RIO Parameters RIO Image In to Drive Chapter 7 Specifications and Supplemental information ChA RIO Fault Select (Par 425) ChA Fault Status (Par 436) ChA RIO Warning Select (Par 426) ChA Warning Status (Par 437) Redundant Channel Number (Par 427) RIO Image Out from Drive RIO Channel A — —» ChA RIO In 1 (Par 322) —» ChA RID In 2 (Par 323) > ChA RIO ln 3 (Par 324) —» ChA RIO In 4 {Par 325) >» ChA RIO In 5 (Par 326) >> ChA RIO In 6 (Par 327) >> ChA RIO In 7 (Par 328) > ChA RIO In 8 (Par 329) RIO Image In to Drive RIO Channel B_> ~» ChB RIO In 1 (Par 330) > ChB RIO In 2 (Par 331) —» ChB RIO In 3 (Par 332) -» ChB RIO In 4 (Par 333) >» ChB RIO In 5 (Par 334) — ChB RIO In 6 (Par 335) — ChB RIO In 7 (Par 336) =» ChB RID In 8 (Par 337) Analog 1/0 Parameters | ИР Switch Setup (Par 435) ChA RIO Out 1 (Par 351) > ChA RIO Out 2 (Par 352) -» ChA RIO Out 3 (Par 353) > ChA RIO Out 4 (Par 354) — ChA RIO Out 5 (Par 355) — СНА RIO Out 6 (Par 356) — ChA RIO Qut 7 (Par 357) — ChA RIO Out 8 (Par 358) — > RIO Channel À ChB RIO Fault Select (Par 430) ChB Fault Status (Par 438) ChB RIO Warning Select (Par 431) ChB Warning Status (Par 439) Analog Input 1 > Analog In 1 Offset (Par 392) —» Analog In 1 Scale (Par 393) > Analog In 1 (Par 339) RIO image Out from Drive ChB RIO Out 1 (Par 359) — ChB RIO Out 2 (Par 360) > ChB RIO Out 3 (Par 361) > ChB RIO Out 4 (Par 362) > ChB RIO Out 5 (Par 363) — ChB RIO Out 6 (Par 364) — ChB RIO Out 7 (Par 365) > ChB RIO Out 8 (Par 366) — —» RIO Channel B Analog Out 1 (Par 387) + Analog Out 1 Scale (Par 401) — Analog Out 1 Offset (Par 400) > Analog Output 1 Analog Input 2 — Analog in 2 Offset (Par 394) — Analog In 2 Scale (Par 395) > Analog In 2 (Par 340) Analog Out 2 (Par 388) + Analog Out 2 Scale (Par 403) — Analog Out 2 Offset (Par 402) р Analog Output 2 Analog Input 3 >| Analog In 3 Offset (Par 396) — Analog In 3 Scale (Par 397) > Analog In 3 (Par 341) Analog Out 3 (Par 389) + Analog Out 3 Scale (Par 405) + Analog Out 3 Offset (Par 404) > Analog Output 3 Analog Input 4 + Analog In 4 Offset (Par 338) —» Analog In 4 Scale (Par 399) > Analog In 4 (Par 342) Analog Out 4 (Par 390) + Analog Out 4 Scale (Par 407) + Analog Out 4 Offset (Par 406) > Analog Output 4 Figure 7-1b — PLC Comm Adapter Software Block Diagram 7-3 Chapter 7 Specifications and Supplemental Information Hardware Block Diagram ТР! TP2 TP3 TP4 TPS DGND +5V +15V AGND -15V |, +) e e e e . и? из U4 Us — LANGUAGE — | E | — MODULE DIP SWITCH DIP SWITCH DIP SWITCH DIP SWTICH | EN DIS CHANNELA CHANNELA CHANNELB CHANNEL B BRAM [ HIGH LOW HIGH LOW Y 3 D1 ] DP STATUS UAPI * 02 AP STATUS |* D3 ) REV X.XX Y DA! * 05 AP FIRMWARE e TP6 * 06 CHANNEL A STATUS DS1 =D; — ¥ D8 | — UDP2 * 09 CHANNEL B STATUS PLC INTERFACE J1 (CHANNEL A) (PORT 6) (PORT7) vor? J2 (CHANNEL В) SCANBUS FAULT OUT * D11 e TPg EXT FAULT + D12 +24 17 NORM STOP + D13 piscERET /O JUMPERS SCANBUS FAULTOUT + pig J8 J9 J10 J11 — = => = DRIVE ENABLE 7 215 | 8 | 8 |S ° е e. © zl zz |z TP15 TP16 TP17 TP18 NES TB21 TB20 10 12348567823 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 e e +10V -10V TP19 TP20 7-4 Figure 7-2 — PLC Comm Adapter Hardware Block Diagram Parameter Cross Reference — By Number No. 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 309 310 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 O Parameters included in Groups 7 and 8 will vary depending upon the selected communications present. Name PLC Comm Adpt 1D PLC Comm Version PLC Comm Config ChA DIP Switch ChB DIP Switch ChA LED State ChB LED State Language Select Adv/Basic Select Data in A1 Data In A2 Data In B1 Data In B2 Data In C1 Data In C2 Data in D1 Datain D2 SB Analog In Analog In 1 Analog In 2 Analog In 3 Analog In 4 Data Out A1 Data Out A2 Data Out B1 Data Out B2 Data Out C1 Data Out C2 Data Out D1 Group © 1 — Adapter Info 1 — Adapter Info 1 — Adapter Info 7 — Channel A 8 — Channel B 7 — Channel A 8 — Channel 8 1 — Adapter info 1 — Adapter Info 3 — SCANport 1/0 3 — SCANport 1/0 3 — SCANport 1/0 3 — SCANport 1/0 3 — SCANport 1/0 3 — SCANport 1/0 3 — SCANport 1/0 —SCAND port 17 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 3 — SCANport 1/0 3 — SCANport 1/0 3 — SCANport 1/0 3 — SCANport 1/0 3 — SCANport 1/0 3 — SCANport 1/0 3 — SCANport 1/0 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 386 387 388 Chapter 7 Specifications and Supplemental Information Name Pt6 Logic Cmd In Pt7 Logic Cmd In Stop Owner Dir Cwner Start Owner Jog 1 Owner Jog 2 Owner Set Ref Owner Local Owner Flux Owner Trim Owner Ramp Owner Cirflt Owner SB Analog Out Analog Out 1 Analog Out 2 Analog Out 3 Analog Out 4 SB Analog Sel An In 1 Offset An In 1 Scale An In 2 Offset An In 2 Scale An In 3 Offset An In 3 Scale An In 4 Offset An In 4 Scale An Out 1 Offset An Out 1 Scale An Out 2 Offset An Out 2 Scale An Out 3 Offset An Out 3 Scale An Out 4 Offset An Out 4 Scale Port Enable Mask Dir Mask Start Mask Jog Mask Ref Mask Cir Fault Mask Reset Drive Mask Local Mask SB Default Ref ChA RIO Fit Sel ChA RIO Warn Sel ChB RIO Flt Sel Ch8 RIO Warn Sel DIP Fault Setup ChA Fault Sts ChA Warn Sts ChB Fault Sts ChB Warn Sts SB Fault Sel SB Warn Sel SB Fault Sts SB Warn Sts Group O 3 — SCANport 1/0 3 — SCANport 1/0 5 — Owners 5 — Owners 5 — Owners 5 — Owners 5 — Owners 5 — Owners 5 — Owners 5 — Owners 5 — Owners 5 — Owners 5 — Owners 3 — SCANport 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog |/0 3 — SCANport 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 6 — Analog 1/0 4 — Masks 4 — Masks 4 — Masks 4 — Masks 4 — Masks 4 — Masks 4 — Masks 4 — Masks 3 — SCANport 1/0 2 — Adapter Diag 2 — Adapter Diag 2 — Adapter Diag 2 — Adapter Diag 2 — Adapter Diag 2 — Adapter Diag 2 — Adapter Diag 2 — Adapter Diag 2 — Adapter Diag 2 — Adapter Diag 2 — Adapter Diag 2 — Adapter Diag 2 — Adapter Diag @ Shaded Parameters do not exist when DH+ is selected. Inputs are variable and dependent on rack size and whether block transfer is enabled. 7-5 Chapter 7 Specifications and Supplemental Information Parameter Cross Reference — By Name No. Name Group © No. Name Group © 310 Adv/Basic Select 1 — Adapter Info 431 ChB RIO Warn Sel 2 — Adapter Diag 392 An In 1 Offset 6 — Analog 1/0 439 ChB Warn Sis 2 — Adapter Diag 393 An In 1 Scale 6 — Analog 1/0 413 Clr Fault Mask 4 — Masks 394 An In 2 Offset 6 — Analog 1/0 379 Cirfit Owner 5 — Owners 395 An In 2 Scale 6 — Analog 1/0 435 DIP Fault Setup 2 — Adapter Diag 396 An In 3 Offset 6 — Analog 1/0 409 Dir Mask 4 — Masks 397 An In 3 Scale 6 — Analog 1/0 370 Dir Owner 5 — Owners 398 An In 4 Offset 6 — Analog 1/0 376 Flux Owner 5 — Owners 399 An In 4 Scale 6 — Analog 1/0 307 Func BIk Chksum 1 — Adapter Info 400 An Out 1 Offset 6 — Analog 1/0 308 Func Blk iD 1 — Adapter Info 401 An Qut 1 Scale 6 — Analog 1/0 372 Jog 1 Owner 5 — Owners 402 An Out 2 Offset 6 — Analog 1/0 373 Jog 2 Owner 5 — Owners 403 An Out 2 Scale 6 — Analog 1/0 411 Jog Mask 4 — Masks 404 An Out 3 Offset 6 — Analog 1/0 309 Language Select 1 — Adapter Info 405 An Qut 3 Scale 6 — Analog 1/0 415 Local Mask 4 — Masks 406 An Out 4 Offset 6 — Analog 1/0 375 Local Owner 5 — Owners 407 An Out 4 Scale 6 — Analog 1/0 300 PLC Comm Adpt 1D 1 — Adapter Into 339 Analog In 1 6 — Analog 1/0 302 PLC Comm Config 1 — Adapter Info 340 Analog In 2 6 — Analog 1/0 301 PLC Comm Version 1 — Adapter Info 341 Analog In 3 6 — Analog 1/0 408 Port Enable Mask 4 — Masks 342 Analog In 4 6 — Analog 1/0 367 Pt6 Logic Cmd In 3 — SCANport 1/0 387 Analog Out 1 6 — Analog 1/0 368 Pt7 Logic Cmd In 3 — SCANport 1/0 388 Analog Out 2 6 — Analog 1/0 378 Ramp Owner ‚5 — Owners 389 Analog Out 3 6 — Analog 1/0 390 Analog Out 4 8 — Analog 1/0 303 ChA DIP Switch 7 — Channel A Reset Drive Mask 4 — Masks 436 ChA Fault Sts 2 — Adapter Diag 338 SB Analog In 3 — SCANport 1/0 305 ChA LED State 7 — Channel A 386 SB Analog Out 3 — SCANport 1/0 391 SB Analog Sel 3 — SCANport 1/0 416 SB Default Ref 3 — SCANport 1/0 440 SB Fault Sel 2 — Adapter Diag 442 SB Fault Sts 2 — Adapter Diag 441 SB Warn Sel 2 — Adapter Diag 443 SB Warn Sts 2 — Adapter Diag 314 Data In A1 3 — SCANport 1/0 315 Data in A2 3 — SCANport 1/0 316 Data in B1 3 — SCANport 1/0 317 Data In B2 3 — SCANport 1/0 318 Data in C1 3 — SCANport 1/0 319 Data In C2 3 — SCANport 1/0 320 Data In D1 3 — SCANport 1/0 321 Data In D2 3 — SCANport 1/0 343 Data Out A 3 — SCANport 1/0 344 Data Out A2 3 — SCANport 1/0 345 Data Out B1 3 — SCANport 1/0 426 ChA RIO Warn Sel 2 — Adapter Diag 346 Data Out B2 3 — SCANport 1/0 437 ChA Warn Sts 2 — Adapter Diag 347 Data Out C1 3 — SCANport 1/0 304 ChB DIP Switch 8 — Channel B 348 Data Out C2 3 — SCANport 1/0 438 ChB Fault Sts 2 — Adapter Diag 349 Data Qut D1 3 — SCANport 1/0 306 ChB LED State 8 — Channel B 350 Data Out D2 3 — SCANport 1/0 pter Di 374 Set Ref Owner 5 — Owners nde 410 Start Mask 4 — Masks 371 Start Owner 5 — Owners 369 Stop Owner 5 — Owners 377 Trim Owner 5 — Owners © Parameters included in Groups 7 and 8 will vary depending upon the selected communications present. O Shaded Parameters do not exist when DH+ is selected. Inputs are variable and dependent on rack size and whether block transfer is enabled. 7-6 Chapter 7 Specifications and Supplemental information PLC Comm Adapter Board DIP Switch Settings DIP SWITCHES U2 (CHANNEL A) OR U4 (CHANNEL B) DIP SWITCHES U3 (CHANNEL A) OR U5 (CHANNEL B) SWi SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SWE SW7 SW8 SWi SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SWE SW7 SW8 PROTOCOL Redundant 6 RIO Rack Address or DH+ Station Address. 10 OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF 11 OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON 12 OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF 13 OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON 14 OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF 15 OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON 16 OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF 17 OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON © Address 00 only valid for DH+ configuration. Chapter 7 Specifications and Supplemental Information DIP SWITCHES U2 (CHANNEL A) OR U4 (CHANNEL B) DIP SWITCHES U3 (CHANNEL A) OR U5 (CHANNEL B) SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SWE SW7 Swe SWi SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SWE SW7 SW8 RIO Rack Address or DH+ Station Addr 7-8 CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE Se AB We Want Our Manuals to be the Best! You can help! Our manuals must meet the needs of you, the user. This is your opportunity to make sure they do Just that. By filling out this form you can help us provide the most useful, thorough, and accurate manuals available. Please take a few minutes to tell us what you think. Then mail this form, FAX it, or send comments via E-Mail. 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Box 760 Mequon, WI 53092-9907 hbebracalirab eri re 1336 FORCE™, SCANport™ and DH+™ are trademarks of Allen-Bradley Company, Inc., a Rockwell International Company. PLC® is a registered trademark of Allen-Bradley Company, Inc., a Rockwell International Company. AB AL | Е N - B R AD L EY Allen-Bradley has been helping its customers improve productivity and quality for 90 years. We “UY AROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL COMPANY design, manufacture and support a broad range of control and automation products worldwide. They include logic processors, power and motion control devices, man-machine interfaces, sensors and a variety of software. Allen-Bradley is a subsidiary of Rockwell International, one of the world’s leading technology companies. va | 7 With major offices worldwide. Algeria * Argentina e Australia * Austria » Bahrain * Belgium * Brazil e Bulgaria * Canada * Chile e China, PRC e Colombia * Costa Rica e Croatia * Cyprus e Czech Republic e Denmark e Ecuador e Egypt * El Salvador Finland e France e Germany * Greece * Guatemala * Honduras * Hong Kong e Hungary * Iceland e India e Indonesia * Israel e Italy e Jamaica * Japan * Jordan * Korea * Kuwait e Lebanon * Malaysia * Mexico * New Zealand * Norway * Oman e Pakistan e Peru * Philippines * Poland e Portugal * Puerto Rico e Qatar * Romania * Russia-CIS e Saudi Arabia * Singapore e Slovakia e Slovenia e South Africa, Republic e Spain e Switzerland e Taiwan e Thailand * The Netherlands e Turkey * United Arab Emirates * United Kingdom e United States * Uruguay * Venezuela * Yugoslavia World Headquarters, Allen-Bradley, 1201 South Second Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204 USA, Tel: (1) 414 382-2000 Fax: (1) 414 382-4444 Publication 1336 FORCE-5.7 — March, 1995 - P/N 74002-101-01(B) Supersedes Publication 1336 FORCE-5.7 Dated February, 1995 ; «Copyright 1995, Allen-Bradiey Company, Inc. 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Key features
- RIO and DH+ support
- Discrete and Analog I/O
- Block Transfer
- Drive Parameter Control
- Fault Monitoring
- Multiple Communication Rates
- Rack Size Configurable
- Redundant Mode
- Discrete PLC Programming
- Logic Command Bit Mapping
Frequently asked questions
Refer to Chapter 3 of the user manual for a detailed start-up procedure. It outlines the DIP switch settings for configuring the adapter for RIO communications. You will need to set the protocol, Baud rate, rack size, redundancy, starting group, and address.
The PLC COM ADPTR SER A supports 57.6K, 115K, and 230K baud communication rates. The specific rate can be selected using DIP switches as described in the manual.
Similar to configuring for RIO, Chapter 3 of the manual describes the DIP switch settings for DH+ communication. You'll need to set the protocol, Baud rate, and the station address on the adapter board.
The manual recommends Belden 9463 twinaxial cable for connecting the adapter to RIO and DH+ networks. It also specifies minimum cable length and proper termination requirements.
The adapter has four analog inputs and four analog outputs with a range of +10V and 12-bit resolution. You can use the parameters in Chapter 4 to scale the values to your desired units.
Chapter 6 of the user manual provides information on fault and status LEDs and fault codes. You can use the LEDs to diagnose any issues and the fault codes to identify specific problems.