User’s Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 1794 Isolated Universal Input Module Catalog Number: 1794sc-IF8IU ii Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module Important Notes 1. Please read all the information in this owner’s guide before installing the product. 2. The information in this owner's guide applies to hardware Series A and firmware version 1.0 or later. 3. This guide assumes that the reader has a full working knowledge of the relevant processor. Notice The products and services described in this owner's guide are useful in a wide variety of applications. Therefore, the user and others responsible for applying the products and services described herein are responsible for determining their acceptability for each application. While efforts have been made to provide accurate information within this owner's guide, Spectrum Controls assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information herein. Under no circumstances will Spectrum Controls be responsible or liable for any damages or losses, including indirect or consequential damages or losses, arising out of either the use of any information within this owner's guide or the use of any product or service referenced herein. No patent liability is assumed by Spectrum Controls with respect to the use of any of the information, products, circuits, programming, or services referenced herein. The information in this owner's guide is subject to change without notice. Limited Warranty Spectrum Controls warrants that its products are free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service, as described in Spectrum Controls literature covering this product, for a period of 1 year. The obligations of Spectrum Controls under this warranty are limited to replacing or repairing, at its option, at its factory or facility, any product which shall, in the applicable period after shipment, be returned to the Spectrum Controls facility, transportation charges prepaid, and which after examination is determined, to the satisfaction of Spectrum Controls, to be thus defective. This warranty shall not apply to any such equipment which shall have been repaired or altered except by Spectrum Controls or which shall have been subject to misuse, neglect, or accident. In no case shall the liability of Spectrum Controls exceed the purchase price. The aforementioned provisions do not extend the original warranty period of any product which has either been repaired or replaced by Spectrum Controls. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A iii Table of Contents IMPORTANT NOTES ............................................................................................................................................... II NOTICE .................................................................................................................................................................. II LIMITED WARRANTY .............................................................................................................................................. II CHAPTER 1 MODULE OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 1-1 SECTION 1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................................. 1-1 SECTION 1.2 INPUT TYPES AND RANGES.......................................................................................................................... 1-1 SECTION 1.3 DATA FORMATS ....................................................................................................................................... 1-2 SECTION 1.4 FILTER FREQUENCIES ................................................................................................................................ 1-2 SECTION 1.5 HARDWARE FEATURES .............................................................................................................................. 1-2 SECTION 1.6 SYSTEM OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................... 1-3 1.6.1 Module Power-up ..................................................................................................................................... 1-3 SECTION 1.7 MODULE OPERATION ................................................................................................................................ 1-4 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION AND WIRING ............................................................................................................. 2-1 SECTION 2.1 COMPLIANCE TO EUROPEAN UNION DIRECTIVES ............................................................................................. 2-1 2.1.1 EMC Directive ............................................................................................................................................ 2-1 2.1.2 Low Voltage Directive ............................................................................................................................... 2-1 SECTION 2.2 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 2-2 2.2.1 Hazardous Location Considerations .......................................................................................................... 2-2 2.2.2 Prevent Electrostatic Discharge ................................................................................................................ 2-2 2.2.3 Remove Power .......................................................................................................................................... 2-3 2.2.4 Selecting a Location .................................................................................................................................. 2-3 SECTION 2.3 POWER REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 2-3 2.3.1 Wiring the Terminal Base Units (1794-TB3G shown) ................................................................................ 2-3 SECTION 2.4 INSTALLING THE MODULE ........................................................................................................................... 2-5 2.4.1 Mounting the Terminal Base Unit on a DIN Rail ....................................................................................... 2-5 2.4.2 Panel/Wall Mounting ............................................................................................................................... 2-7 2.4.3 Mounting the IF8IU Module on the Terminal Base Unit ........................................................................... 2-9 SECTION 2.5 FIELD WIRING CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................................... 2-10 2.5.1 Field Wiring using a 1794-TB3G and TB3GS Terminal Base .................................................................... 2-10 SECTION 2.6 MODULE INDICATORS .............................................................................................................................. 2-16 CHAPTER 3 CONFIGURING THE 1794SC-IF8IU USING RSLOGIX 5000 .................................................................... 3-1 SECTION 3.1 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ...................................................................................................................... 3-1 SECTION 3.2 MODULE MEMORY MAP ........................................................................................................................... 3-1 SECTION 3.3 CONFIGURE GENERIC PROFILE ..................................................................................................................... 3-2 3.3.1 Add a Local Ethernet Bridge Module ........................................................................................................ 3-3 3.3.2 Add a Remote Ethernet Flex Adapter........................................................................................................ 3-4 3.3.3 Add the Generic Flex Module .................................................................................................................... 3-6 SECTION 3.4 MODULE CONFIGURATION......................................................................................................................... 3-7 3.4.1 Fault Mode [Word 0 (Bits 2,3,4,5,10,11,12,13)] ....................................................................................... 3-9 3.4.2 Input Type [Words 1 – 8 (Bits 0 to 4)] ..................................................................................................... 3-10 3.4.3 Input Filter [Words 1 – 8 (Bits 5 to 7) ...................................................................................................... 3-10 3.4.4 Data Format [Words 1 – 8 (Bits 8 to 10) ................................................................................................. 3-11 3.4.5 Open Circuit Mode [Words 1 – 8 (Bits 12 & 13)] ..................................................................................... 3-12 3.4.6 Disable CJC [Words 1 – 8 (Bit 14)] ........................................................................................................... 3-12 3.4.7 Temperature Units [Words 1 – 8 (Bit 15)] ............................................................................................... 3-12 3.4.8 Low Alarm Threshold [Words 9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30] .......................................................................... 3-13 3.4.9 High Alarm Threshold [Words 10,13,16,19,22,25,28,31] ....................................................................... 3-13 3.4.10 User Alarm Deadband [Words 11,14,17,20,23,26,29,32] ..................................................................... 3-13 3.4.11 Calibration Offset [Words 33 to 40] ...................................................................................................... 3-13 User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A iv Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module 3.4.12 CJC Offset [Words 41 to 48] .................................................................................................................. 3-14 SECTION 3.5 READ INPUT & STATUS DATA .................................................................................................................... 3-14 3.5.1 Input Data [Words 0 to 7] ....................................................................................................................... 3-16 3.5.2 UnderRange Alarms [Word 8 (Bits 0 to 7)] ............................................................................................. 3-16 3.5.3 OverRange Alarm [Word 8 (Bits 8 to 15)] ............................................................................................... 3-16 3.5.4 User Low Alarm [Word 9 (Bits 0 to 7)] .................................................................................................... 3-16 3.5.5 User High Alarm [Word 9 (Bits 8 to 15)] ................................................................................................. 3-16 3.5.6 Open Circuit Alarm [Word 10 (Bits 0 to 7)] ............................................................................................. 3-17 3.5.7 CJC Alarm [Word 10 (Bits 8 & 9)] ............................................................................................................ 3-17 3.5.8 Diagnostics [Word 11 (Bits 0 to 7)] ......................................................................................................... 3-17 APPENDIX A MODULE SPECIFICATIONS ...............................................................................................................A-1 User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A v PREFACE Read this preface to familiarize yourself with the rest of the manual. This preface covers the following topics: Who should use this manual How to use this manual Related publications Conventions used in this manual Rockwell Automation support Who Should Use This Manual Use this manual if you are responsible for designing, installing, programming, or troubleshooting control systems that use Allen-Bradley I/O and/or compatible controllers, such as MicroLogix, CompactLogix, ControlLogix, SLC 500 or PLC 5. How to Use This Manual As much as possible, we organized this manual to explain, in a task-by-task manner, how to install, configure, program, operate and troubleshoot a control system using the 1794sc-IF8IU. Related Documentation The table below provides a listing of publications that contain important information about Allen-Bradley PLC systems. Document Title 1794 Flex IO Product Data CompactLogix System Overview ControlLogix System User Manual ControlNet Modules in Logix5000 Control Systems User Manual EtherNet/IP Modules in Logix5000 Control Systems User Manual Allen-Bradley Programmable Controller Grounding and Wiring Guidelines Document Number 1794-2.1 1769-SO001A-EN-P 1756-6.5.13-SEP99 CNET-UM001C-EN-P ENET-UM001G-EN-P 1770-4.1 If you would like a manual, you can: Download a free electronic version from the internet at Purchase a printed manual by: o Contacting your local distributor or Rockwell Automation representative o Visiting and placing your order o Calling 1.800.963.9548 (USA/Canada) or 001.330.725.1574 (Outside USA/Canada) User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A vi Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module Conventions Used in This Manual The following conventions are used throughout this manual: Bulleted lists (like this one) provide information not procedural steps. Numbered lists provide sequential steps or hierarchical information. Italic type is used for emphasis Bold type identifies headings and sub-headings ! Attention Are used to identify critical information to the reader User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Chapter 1 Module Overview This chapter describes the 1794sc-IF8IU Isolated Universal input module and explains how the module reads current, voltage, RTD, resistance and thermocouple/millivolt analog input data. Included is information about: General description Input types and ranges Data Formats and filter frequencies Hardware Features System overview and module operation Auto-calibration Section 1.1 General Description The isolated universal input module supports current, voltage, RTD, resistance, thermocouple and millivolt type inputs. The module digitally converts and stores analog data from any combination mentioned above. Each input channel is individually configured via software for a specific input device, data format, filter frequency, and provides open-circuit, over-range, under-range detection and indication. Section 1.2 Input Types and Ranges The tables below list the input types and their associated ranges. Input Type B Type Thermocouple C Type Thermocouple E Type Thermocouple J Type Thermocouple K Type Thermocouple N Type Thermocouple R Type Thermocouple S Type Thermocouple T Type Thermocouple 100 Ω Pt α 0.385 200 Ω Pt α 0.385 500 Ω Pt α 0.385 1000 Ω Pt α 0.385 100 Ω Pt α 0.3916 200 Ω Pt α 0.3916 500 Ω Pt α 0.3916 1000 Ω Pt α 0.3916 10 Ω Cu α 0.426 100 Ω Ni α 0.618 User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Range 300 to 1820 ˚C 0 to 2315 ˚C -270 to 1000 ˚C -210 to 1200 ˚C -270 to 1370 ˚C -210 to 1300 ˚C 0 to 1768 ˚C 0 to 1768 ˚C -270 to 400 ˚C -200 to 850 ˚C -200 to 850 ˚C -200 to 850 ˚C -200 to 850 ˚C -200 to 630 ˚C -200 to 630 ˚C -200 to 630 ˚C -200 to 630 ˚C -100 to 260 ˚C -100 to 260 ˚C (572 to 3308 ˚F) (32 to 4199 ˚F) (-454 to 1832 ˚F) (-346 to 2192 ˚F) (-454 to 2498 ˚F) (-346 to 2372 ˚F) (32 to 3214 ˚F) (32 to 3214 ˚F) (-270 to 752 ˚F) (-328 to 1562 ˚F) (-328 to 1562 ˚F) (-328 to 1562 ˚F) (-328 to 1562 ˚F) (-328 to 1166 ˚F) (-328 to 1166 ˚F) (-328 to 1166 ˚F) (-328 to 1166 ˚F) (-148 to 500 ˚F) (-148 to 500 ˚F) 1-2 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module Input Type 120 Ω Ni α 0.672 604 Ω NiFe α 0.518 Resistance Voltage Current Range -80 to 260 ˚C -100 to 200 ˚C 0 to 150 Ω 0 to 1000 Ω 0 to 3000 Ω +/- 50 mV +/- 100 mV 0 to 5V 1 to 5V +/- 10V 0 to 10V 4 to 20 mA 0 to 20 mA (-112 to 500 ˚F) (-148 to 392 ˚F) Section 1.3 Data Formats For each module the data can be configured for: Engineering units x 1 Engineering units x 10 Scaled-for-PID Percent of full-scale Raw/proportional data CJC Engineering Units CJC scaled-for-PID CJC percent of full range Section 1.4 Filter Frequencies The module uses a digital filter that provides high frequency noise rejection for each input signal. The filter for each channel is programmable allowing you to select from six different filter frequencies: 4.17 Hz 10 Hz 16.7 Hz 19.6 Hz 62 Hz 470 Hz Section 1.5 Hardware Features Each module requires a terminal base unit. Terminal base units are connected together to form the backplane for the system. Each base unit contains terminals for field terminations. Field terminations are wired as differential inputs with the exception of User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Chapter 1: Module Overview 1-3 RTD and resistance type inputs. Two cold junction compensation (CJC) sensors can be added to the terminal base unit to enable accurate readings when using thermocouple input types. Each CJC sensor compensates for offset voltages introduced into the input signal as a result of the cold-junction where the thermocouple wires come into contact with the base unit. Module configuration is accomplished using the controller’s programming software. In addition, some controllers support configuration via the user program. In either case, the module configuration is stored in the memory of the controller. Refer to your controller’s user manual for more information. The illustration below shows the module’s hardware features. Figure 1-1 1 2 4 Item Description 1 Module Catalog Number 2 Module key-switch position 3 Removable label 4 Power/Status LED 3 Section 1.6 System Overview The module communicates to the controller through the base unit bus interface. The module also receives 5 and 24V dc power through the bus interface. Note: An external power supply is required for all 2-wire transmitters. 1.6.1 Module Power-up At power-up, the module performs a check of its internal circuits, memory and basic functions. After power-up checks are complete, the module waits for valid channel configuration data. If an invalid configuration is detected, the module generates a configuration error. Once a channel is properly configured and enabled, it continuously converts the input data to a digital value within the currently selected data range. Each time a channel is read by the input module, that data value is tested by the module for an over-range, under-range, or open-circuit condition. If such a condition is detected, a unique bit is set in the channel status word. The channel status word is described in the Input Data File in Chapter 3. Using the module image table, the controller reads the two’s complement binary converted input data from the module. This typically occurs at the end of the program scan or when commanded by the control program. If the controller and the module determine that the data transfer has been made without error, the data is made available to the control program. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 1-4 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module Section 1.7 Module Operation The module measures each analog signal using a dedicated A/D converter for each channel. The converter reads the signal and converts it as required for the type of input selected. If thermocouples are being utilized, the module continuously samples each CJC sensor and compensates for temperature changes at the terminal base cold junction, between the thermocouple wire and the input terminal. See the block diagram below. Isolation Barrier 8 of 8 1 of 8 1794 FLEX Terminal Base Unit 8 Channels & 24VDC PWR MUX Signal Conditioning ADC + FLTR MICROCNTRLR Backplane COMMS Isolated PWR Supply 24 VDC The module is designed to support up to 8 isolated channels of RTD, resistance, voltage, current, or thermocouple. Thermocouple measurements utilize two cold junction compensation sensors placed at two different locations on the terminal base unit. The location of each CJC sensor was chosen to calculate the overall CJC error accurately for each channel. Thermocouple support includes types J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N, and C. In thermocouple mode the 1794scIF8IU will measure thermocouple and CJC voltages and convert the results to a linearized temperature reading. RTD support includes types Pt 385, Pt 3916, Ni 618, Ni 672, Cu 426, and NiFe 518. In RTD and resistance mode the module will inject a constant current through the RTD or resistor, measure the voltage across the resistance and convert to a linearized temperature or resistance reading. The IFIU supports 2 and 3 wired RTD inputs. When configured for current or voltage type inputs, the module converts the analog values directly into digital counts. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring This chapter will cover: Compliance to European union directives General considerations Power requirements Installing the module Field wiring connections Section 2.1 Compliance to European Union Directives This product is approved for installation within the European Union and EEA regions. It has been designed and tested to meet the following directives. 2.1.1 EMC Directive The 1794sc-IF8IU module is tested to meet Council Directive 89/336/EEC Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and the following standards, in whole or in part, documented in a technical construction file: EN 61000-6-4EMC – Generic Emission Standard, Part 2 - Industrial Environment EN 61000-6-2EMC – Generic Immunity Standard, Part 2 - Industrial Environment This product is intended for use in an industrial environment. 2.1.2 Low Voltage Directive This product is tested to meet Council Directive 2006/99/EC Low Voltage, by applying the safety requirements of EN 61131-2Programmable Controllers, Part 2 – Equipment Requirements and Tests. For specific information required by EN61131-2, see the appropriate sections in this publication, as well as the following Allen-Bradley publications: Industrial Automation, Wiring and Grounding Guidelines for Noise Immunity, publication 1770-4.1 Automation Systems Catalog, publication B113 User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 2-2 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module Section 2.2 General Considerations Flex I/O is suitable for use in an industrial environment when installed in accordance with these instructions. Specifically, this equipment is intended for use in clean, dry environments Pollution degree 21 and to circuits not exceeding Over Voltage Category II2(IEC 60664-1)3. 2.2.1 Hazardous Location Considerations This equipment is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D or nonhazardous locations only. The following WARNING statement applies to use in hazardous locations. ! Attention EXPLOSION HAZARD Substitution of components may impair suitability for Class I, Division 2. Do not replace components or disconnect equipment unless power has been switched off or the area is known to be nonhazardous. Do not connect or disconnect components unless power has been switched off or the area is known to be non-hazardous. This product must be installed in an enclosure. All wiring must comply with N.E.C. article 501-4(b). 2.2.2 Prevent Electrostatic Discharge ! Attention Electrostatic discharge can damage integrated circuits or semiconductors if you touch analog I/O module bus connector pins or the terminal block on the input module. Follow these guidelines when you handle the module: Touch a grounded object to discharge static potential. Wear an approved wrist-strap grounding device. Do not touch the bus connector or connector pins. Do not touch circuit components inside the module. If available, use a static-safe work station. When it is not in use, keep the module in its static-shield bag. 1 Pollution Degree 2 is an environment where, normally, only non-conductive pollution occurs except that occasionally a temporary conductivity caused by condensation shall be expected. 2 Over Voltage Category II is the load level section of the electrical distribution system. At this level transient voltages are controlled and do not exceed the impulse voltage capability of the product’s insulation. 3 Pollution Degree 2 and Over Voltage Category II are International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) designations. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Chapter 2: Installation and Wiring 2-3 2.2.3 Remove Power ! Attention Remove power before removing or inserting this module. When you remove or insert a module with power applied, an electrical arc may occur. An electrical arc can cause personal injury or property damage by: Sending an erroneous signal to your system’s field devices, causing unintended machine motion Causing an explosion in a hazardous environment Electrical arcing causes excessive wear to contacts on both the module and its mating connector and may lead to premature failure. 2.2.4 Selecting a Location Reducing Noise Most applications require installation in an industrial enclosure to reduce the effects of electrical interference. Analog inputs are highly susceptible to electrical noise. Electrical noise coupled to the analog inputs will reduce the performance (accuracy) of the module. Group your modules to minimize adverse effects from radiated electrical noise and heat. Consider the following conditions when selecting a location for the analog module. Position the module: Away from sources of electrical noise such as hard-contact switches, relays, and AC motor drives Away from modules which generate significant radiated heat, such as the 1794OB32. Refer to the module’s heat dissipation specification. In addition, route shielded, twisted-pair analog input wiring away from any high voltage I/O wiring. Section 2.3 Power Requirements The module receives power through the bus interface from the +5V dc/+24V dc system power supply. The maximum current drawn by the module is shown in the table below. 5 VDC 24 VDC 80 mA 240 mA The wiring of the terminal base unit is determined by the current draw through the terminal base. Make certain that the current draw does not exceed 10A. ! Total current draw through the terminal base unit is limited to 10A. Separate power connections may be necessary. Attention Methods of wiring the terminal base units are shown in the illustration below. 2.3.1 Wiring the Terminal Base Units (1794-TB3G shown) User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 2-4 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module Do not daisy chain power or ground from the terminal base unit to any ac or dc digital module terminal base unit. ! Attention Daisy-chaining Power IF8u Module IF8u Module Frequency Input Module 24 VDC Note: All modules must be frequency or IF8IU modules for this configuration. Wiring when total current draw is less than 10A Individual Power Digital Input Module IF8u Module Digital Input Module 24 VDC 24 VDC 24 VDC Note: Use this configuration if using any “noisy” dc digital I/O modules in your system. IF8IU module wiring separate from digital wiring Wiring when total current draw is greater than 10A User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Chapter 2: Installation and Wiring 2-5 Combination Power Frequency Input Module IF8u Module Frequency Input Module 24 VDC 24 VDC Note: All modules powered by the same power supply must be frequency or IF8IU modules for this configuration. Total current draw through any base unit must not be greater than 10A Section 2.4 Installing the Module Installation of the analog module consists of: Mounting the terminal base unit Installing the IF8IU module into the terminal base unit Installing the connecting wiring to the terminal base unit If you are installing your module into a terminal base unit that is already installed, proceed to “Mounting the IF8IU Module on the Terminal Base Unit” on page 2-9. 2.4.1 Mounting the Terminal Base Unit on a DIN Rail ! Attention Do not remove or replace a terminal base unit when power is applied. Interruption of the flexbus can result in unintended operation or machine motion. 1) Remove the cover plug (if used) in the male connector of the unit to which you are connecting this terminal base unit. 2) Check to make sure that the 16 pins in the male connector on the adjacent device are straight and in line so that the mating female connector on this terminal base unit will mate correctly. 3) Position the terminal base on the 35 x 7.5mm DIN rail A (A-B 199-DR1; User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 2-6 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module 46277-3) at a slight angle with hook B on the left side of the terminal base hooked into the right side of the unit on the left. Proceed as follows: User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Chapter 2: Installation and Wiring 4) Repeat the above steps to install the next terminal base. 2.4.2 Panel/Wall Mounting Installation on a wall or panel consists of: Laying out the drilling points on the wall or panel Drilling the pilot holes for the mounting screws Mounting the adapter mounting plate Installing the terminal base units and securing them to the wall or panel If you are installing your module into a terminal base unit that is already installed, proceed to “Mounting the IF8IU Module on the Terminal Base Unit” on page 2-9. Use the mounting kit Cat. No. 1794-NM1 for panel/wall mounting. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 2-7 2-8 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module To install the mounting plate on a wall or panel: 1) Lay out the required points on the wall/panel as shown in the drilling dimension drawing. Drilling Dimensions for Panel/Wall Mounting of Flex IO 2) Drill the necessary holes for the #6 self-tapping mounting screws. 3) Mount the mounting plate (1) for the adapter module using two#6 self-tapping screws (18 included for mounting up to 8 modules and the adapter). ! Attention Make certain that the mounting plate is properly grounded to the panel. Refer to “Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines,” publication1770-4.1. 4) Hold the adapter (2) at a slight angle and engage the top of the mounting plate in the indention on the rear of the adapter module. 5) Press the adapter down flush with the panel until the locking lever locks. 6) Position the terminal base unit up against the adapter and push the female bus connector into the adapter. 7) Secure to the wall with two #6 self-tapping screws. 8) Repeat for each remaining terminal base unit. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Chapter 2: Installation and Wiring 2-9 Note: The adapter is capable of addressing eight modules. Do not exceed a maximum of eight terminal base units in your system. 2.4.3 Mounting the IF8IU Module on the Terminal Base Unit The IF8IU isolated input module mounts on a 1794-TB3G or TB3GS terminal base unit. 1) Rotate the key-switch (1) on the terminal base unit (2) clockwise to position 3 as required for the IF8IU module. 2) Make certain the flexbus connector (3) is pushed all the way to the left to connect with the neighboring terminal base/adapter. You cannot install the module unless the connector is fully extended. 3) Make sure that the pins on the bottom of the module are straight so they will align properly with the connector in the terminal base unit. ! This module is UL listed only when used with listed Allen-Bradley catalog numbers 1794-TB3G or TB3GS terminal base units. Attention ! Attention Remove field-side power before removing or inserting the module. This module is designed so you can remove and insert it under backplane power. When you remove or insert a module with field-side power applied, an electrical arc may occur. An electrical arc can cause personal injury or property damage by: sending an erroneous signal to your system’s field devices causing unintended machine motion causing an explosion in a hazardous environment Repeated electrical arcing causes excessive wear to contacts on both the module and its mating connector. Worn contacts may create electrical resistance. 4) Position the module (4) with its alignment bar (5) aligned with the groove (6) on the terminal base. 5) Press firmly and evenly to seat the module in the terminal base unit. The module User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 2-10 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module is seated when the latching mechanism (7) is locked into the module. 6) Repeat the above steps to install the next module in its terminal base unit. Section 2.5 Field Wiring Connections Wiring to the IF8IU module is made through the terminal base unit on which the module mounts. Compatible terminal base units are: Module 1794sc-IF8IU 1794-TB3G 1794-TB3GS Yes Yes 2.5.1 Field Wiring using a 1794-TB3G and TB3GS Terminal Base 1) Connect the individual signal wiring to numbered terminals on the 0–15 row (A) and 17–32 row (B) on the terminal base unit. Connect the input devices as shown in the wiring table on page 2-11 . 2) Terminate shields: to terminals 16 or 33 on row B, or 40 through 45 on row C. 3) Connect +24V dc to terminal 34 on the 34-51 row (C), and 24V common to terminal 35 on the 34-51 row (C). ! Attention To reduce susceptibility to noise, power IF8IU modules and digital modules from separate power supplies. Do not exceed a length of 33ft (10m) for dc power cabling. 4) If daisy chaining the +24V dc power to the next base unit, connect a jumper from terminal 50 (+24V) on this base unit to terminal 34 and from terminal 51 (24V dc common) to terminal 35 on the next base unit. ! Do not daisy chain power or ground from the IF8IU terminal base unit to any ac or dc digital module terminal base unit. Attention User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Chapter 2: Installation and Wiring ! Attention 2-11 The IF8IU module does not receive power from the backplane. +24V dc power must be applied to your module before operation. If power is not applied, the module position will appear to the adapter as an empty slot in your chassis. If the adapter does not recognize your module after installation is completed, cycle power to the adapter. Use supply wire for 10˚C above surrounding ambient. ! Attention Figure 2-1 Table 2-1 Type of Input Connect The Following R IN+ INI Shield1 RTD/Res 2-wire 1 2 RTD/Res 3-wire 0 1 2 Thermocouple 1 2 V/mV Source 1 2 mA Source 1 2 3 1 Shield can be connected to chassis ground terminals 16, 33, and 40…45. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 2-12 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module RTD/Resistance 2-wire 1 Jumper 0 2 3-wire 1 0 2 Thermocouple Numbers 0, 1, 2, and 3 are wiring numbers of the sensor used. For terminal numbers corresponding to R, IN+, IN-, I, refer to Terminal Base Unit Wiring Connections below. 1 + 1 - mV Source 2 1 + mV 2 mA Source 1 + mA 2 3 Table 2-2 Input CJC Sensor Chassis CJC Ground Tail1 CJC1 C37 C38 C39 A1 CJC2 C-46 C-47 C-48 B31 1 Terminals 37, 38, and 39, and 46, 47, and 48 are for cold junction compensation (with 38 and 47 chassis GND). Connect the tail of CJC 1 to terminal 1 and CJC2 to terminal 31 if channels 0…3 or 0…7 are configured for thermocouples. + Table 2-3 Channel Number 1794-TB3G and 1794-TB3GS Terminal Base Units Signal Return (R) Input + Input I Return (IN+) 0 A-0 A-1 1 A-4 A-5 2 A-8 A-9 3 A-12 A-13 4 B-17 B-18 5 B-21 B-22 6 B-25 B-26 7 B-29 B-30 1Terminals 16, 33, and 40…45 are chassis ground. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A (-) A-2 A-6 A-10 A-14 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 (-) A-3 A-7 A-11 A-15 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 Chapter 2: Installation and Wiring ! Attention 2-13 Total current draw through the terminal base unit is limited to 10A. Separate power connections to the terminal base unit may be necessary. The following examples show how to wire the IF8U using the tables and diagrams listed above. Figure 2-2 (RTD & Resistance Wiring Diagram) R User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 2-14 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module Figure 2-3 (Thermocouple Wiring Diagram) Figure 2-4 (Voltage Wiring Diagram) User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Chapter 2: Installation and Wiring 2-15 Figure 2-5 (Current Wiring Diagram) ! Digital and analog power must be supplied by an Isolated Secondary Limited Energy Low Voltage source. Attention User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module 2-16 Section 2.6 Module Indicators The IF8IU module has one status indicator (OK) that is on when power is applied and no hardware faults are present. See figure below. Figure 2-6 1 2 4 Item Description 1 Module Catalog Number 2 Module key-switch position 3 Removable label 4 Power/Status LED 3 Table 2-4 (Module Status LED) Module State New Not Config Idle Active Fault Fatal Fault Condition Power up initialized complete and passed Self-Test. Loads stored configuration, if it exist. Read Module Information Block. (see notes) Module has not received configuration from Master. It can Set and Get attributes. (see notes) Controller in Program mode. Communications normal Controller in Run mode & Communication Is normal FlexIO Comm. Fault or PU bit is one and /Fault=0 Module fails self tests or detects illegal state transition User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A LED Color & State RED, blink @1 Hz GREEN, blink @1 Hz GREEN, solid GREEN, solid GREEN, solid RED, solid Chapter 3 Configuring the 1794sc-IF8IU Using RSLogix 5000 This chapter covers the following subjects: Things you should know Module memory map Configure generic profile Module configuration Reading input/status data Section 3.1 Things You Should Know This chapter describes how to configure the IF8IU module for the ControlLogix and CompactLogix system. In the examples below, the Control Net adapter and/or Ethernet adapter were used for communication between the Logix processor and the Flex IO bus. Note: Refer to the associated I/O scanner documentation if using a SLC controller with Control Net. Note: If using a PLC 5 controller, refer to the PLC 5 controller documentation for Control Net configuration information. ! Attention The Remote I/O and Device Net adapters do not support the 1794scIF8IU module. The IF8IU module is supported only by the Control Net and Ethernet adapters. Section 3.2 Module Memory Map The following figure describes the data mapping for the module. The configuration image is written to the module using tags generated by the “generic Flex module” profile used to represent the IF8IU within RSLogix 5000. See section 3.3.3 for more details. Input data and status data can be read from the module using the input image and status image. Again, tags generated by the “generic Flex module” profile will be used to read the input and status image data. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 3-2 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module Figure 3-1 (Module Memory Map) Read Input Image I:0 to I:7( 8 words) (Input Data) Status Image S:0 to S:3 (4 Words) (Status Data) Read 1794sc-IF8IU Write Configuration Image C:0 to C:48 (49 words) (Configuration Data) Section 3.3 Configure Generic Profile The generic Flex module profile is used to represent the IF8IU module within RSLogix 5000 since there’s no custom profile available. Before the generic profile can be added to the IO configuration, the proper communication module needs to be added to the IO configuration first. Follow the procedure below to add a communication module to RSLogix 5000. 1. Add the new local communication module to your project. 2. Configure the local module, including: a. Naming the module b. Choosing a Communication Format c. Setting the Revision level d. Setting the module location as necessary such as the slot number for a 1756-CNB module e. Choosing an Electronic Keying method 3. Add the new remote module to your project, such as a Flex Control Net adapter or Ethernet Adapter (i.e. 1794-ACN15 or 1794-AENT, respectively). 4. Configure the remote module similarly to the local module 5. Download the configuration to the controller Note: If you are using Control Net, you must schedule the network using “RSNetworks for Control Net” after adding the local and remote communication modules. Note: When you create a new RSLogix 5000 project with the CompactLogix 1769-L32C or L35CR controller, The Controller Organizer creates a Control User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Chapter 3: Configuring the 1794sc-IF8IU for ControlLogix/CompactLogix 3-3 Net port in the local chassis. In this case, you don’t need to add a separate local communication module. Note: When you create a new RSLogix 5000 project with the CompactLogix 1769-L23E, 1769-L32E or L35E controller, The Controller Organizer creates a Ethernet port in the local chassis. In this case, you don’t need to add a separate local communication module. 3.3.1 Add a Local Ethernet Bridge Module After you have started RSLogix 5000 software and created a controller project, you can add Ethernet communication modules. A local Ethernet communication module is a module that resides in the same chassis as the controller. 1. Select a New Module for the I/O Configuration. Right-click on I/O Configuration Select New Module 2. Select the module type from the Select Module Type pop-up. The example below uses a 1756-ENBT module. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 3-4 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module Select the local Ethernet bridge module Click OK 3. Configure the local Ethernet bridge module. Name the module Enter IP address of ENBT Select the module’s slot number Select the module’s revision level Select electronic keying level Click OK 3.3.2 Add a Remote Ethernet Flex Adapter After you have added the local Ethernet communication module, you must add remote Ethernet communication modules. A remote Ethernet module is a module that resides in a separate chassis from the controller. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Chapter 3: Configuring the 1794sc-IF8IU for ControlLogix/CompactLogix ! Attention 1. 3-5 If you plan to use the Flex Control Net adapter, you will need to install the 1794sc-IF8IU EDS file before scheduling the network. The latest EDS files can be found at ( Select a New Module for the I/O Configuration. Right-click on the local communication module Select New Module 2. Select the module type from the Select Module Type pop-up. Select the remote Ethernet communication module. Click OK 3. Configure the remote Ethernet communication module. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 3-6 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module 3.3.3 Add the Generic Flex Module After adding the remote Ethernet communication module, the Generic Flex Module must be added. The Generic Flex Module is required because there is no custom profile for the 1794sc-IF8IU module. The following steps must be followed to add the Generic Flex Module. 1. Select a New Module for the I/O Configuration. Right-click on the local communication module Select New Module 2. Select the module type from the Select Module Type pop-up. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Chapter 3: Configuring the 1794sc-IF8IU for ControlLogix/CompactLogix 3-7 Select Generic Flex Module Click OK 3. Configure the Generic Flex Module (i.e. 1794sc-IF8IU) Name the module Enter “Input Data – INT” for Comm. Format Enter module slot # Enter the input size (Always 8 for the IF8IU) Enter the config. size (Always 49 for the IF8IU) Enter the status size (Always 4 for the IF8IU) Click OK Section 3.4 Module Configuration The addition of the Generic Flex Module profile makes it possible to enter the configuration data for the IF8IU module. The configuration tags for the IF8IU are located under the controller tags. The following figure describes the tag structure allocated by the Generic Flex Module profile. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 3-8 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module [Name of remote communication module]:e:x.Data[0 to 184] e = IF8IU slot number x = Image Type (i.e. C, I, or O) Note: 185 words are allocated by the Generic Flex Module profile, but only 49 are actually used by the IF8IU module for configuration. In the example above, the configuration tags for the first IF8IU module would appear as shown in the image below. Figure 3-2 (Configuration Tags Example) Note: The slot number is “0” and the Image type is “C” for configuration. The following table describes the configuration settings for the 1794sc-IF8IU module. Table 3-1 (Configuration Table) Usage (16 bit words): 15 14 13 12 C:0 R1 R1 F7 F6 C:1 Temp Disable Open Units CJC Circuit Ch0 Ch0 Ch0 C:2 Temp Disable Open Units CJC Circuit Ch1 Ch1 Ch1 C:3 Temp Disable Open Units CJC Circuit Ch2 Ch2 Ch2 C:4 Temp Disable Open Units CJC Circuit Ch3 Ch3 Ch3 C:5 Temp Disable Open Units CJC Circuit Ch4 Ch4 Ch4 C:6 Temp Disable Open Units CJC Circuit Ch5 Ch5 Ch5 User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 11 10 F5 F4 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 9 R1 Data Format Ch0 Data Format Ch1 Data Format Ch2 Data Format Ch3 Data Format Ch4 Data Format Ch5 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R1 R1 F3 F2 F1 F0 R 1 Input Input Filter Type Ch0 CH0 Input Input Filter Type Ch1 CH1 Input Input Filter Type Ch2 CH2 Input Input Filter Type Ch3 CH3 Input Input Filter Type Ch4 CH4 Input Input Filter Type Ch5 CH5 Chapter 3: Configuring the 1794sc-IF8IU for ControlLogix/CompactLogix Usage (16 bit words): 15 14 13 12 11 C:7 Temp Disable Open Units CJC Circuit R1 Ch6 Ch6 Ch6 C:8 Temp Disable Open Units CJC Circuit R1 Ch7 Ch7 Ch7 C:9 CH0 User Low Alarm Threshold C:10 CH0 User High Alarm Threshold C:11 CH0 User Alarm Deadband C:12 CH1 User Low Alarm Threshold C:13 CH1 User High Alarm Threshold C:14 CH1 User Alarm Deadband C:15 CH2 User Low Alarm Threshold C:16 CH2 User High Alarm Threshold C:17 CH2 User Alarm Deadband C:18 CH3 User Low Alarm Threshold C:19 CH3 User High Alarm Threshold C:20 CH3 User Alarm Deadband C:21 CH4 User Low Alarm Threshold C:22 CH4 User High Alarm Threshold C:23 CH4 User Alarm Deadband C:24 CH5 User Low Alarm Threshold C:25 CH5 User High Alarm Threshold C:26 CH5 User Alarm Deadband C:27 CH6 User Low Alarm Threshold C:28 CH6 User High Alarm Threshold C:29 CH6 User Alarm Deadband C:30 CH7 User Low Alarm Threshold C:31 CH7 User High Alarm Threshold C:32 CH7 User Alarm Deadband C:33 CH0_Cal_Offset C:34 CH1_Cal_Offset C:35 CH2_Cal_Offset C:36 CH3_Cal_Offset C:37 CH4_Cal_Offset C:38 CH5_Cal_Offset C:39 CH6_Cal_Offset C:40 CH7_Cal_Offset C:41 CH0_CJC_Offset C:42 CH1_CJC_Offset C:43 CH2_CJC_Offset C:44 CH3_CJC_Offset C:45 CH4_CJC_Offset C:46 CH5_CJC_Offset C:47 CH6_CJC_Offset C:48 CH7_CJC_Offset 1 Reserved set to zero 10 9 8 Data Format Ch6 Data Format Ch7 7 6 5 Input Filter Ch6 Input Filter Ch7 3-9 4 3 2 1 0 Input Type CH6 Input Type CH7 3.4.1 Fault Mode [Word 0 (Bits 2,3,4,5,10,11,12,13)] The fault mode bits are used to enable or disable “broken wire detection”. See table below. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 3-10 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module Table 3-2 (Fault Mode) State Function 0 Disabled 1 Enable Broken Wire Detection 3.4.2 Input Type [Words 1 – 8 (Bits 0 to 4)] Use the table below to select the input type for each channel. Table 3-3 (Input Type) Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bit 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Range: B Type Thermocouple C Type Thermocouple E Type Thermocouple J Type Thermocouple K Type Thermocouple N Type Thermocouple R Type Thermocouple S Type Thermocouple T Type Thermocouple 100 Ω Pt α 0.385 200 Ω Pt α 0.385 500 Ω Pt α 0.385 1000 Ω Pt α 0.385 100 Ω Pt α 0.3916 200 Ω Pt α 0.3916 500 Ω Pt α 0.3916 1000 Ω Pt α 0.3916 10 Ω Cu α 0.426 100 Ω Ni α 0.618 120 Ω Ni α 0.672 604 Ω NiFe α 0.518 R 0 to 150 Ω R 0 to 1000 Ω R 0 to 3000 Ω +/- 50 mV +/- 100 mV 0 to 5V 1 to 5V +/- 10V 0 to 10V 4 to 20 mA 0 to 20 mA 3.4.3 Input Filter [Words 1 – 8 (Bits 5 to 7) Use the table below to select the appropriate filter for each channel. Table 3-4 (Filter Settings) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 ADC Filter: 0 0 0 4.17 Hz 0 0 1 10.0 Hz User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Chapter 3: Configuring the 1794sc-IF8IU for ControlLogix/CompactLogix 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 3-11 16.7 Hz 19.6 Hz 62.0 Hz 470.0 Hz *Unused *Unused 3.4.4 Data Format [Words 1 – 8 (Bits 8 to 10) Select the appropriate data type for each channel using the table below. Refer to Table 3-6 for data type ranges. Table 3-5 (Data Format) Bit 10 Bit9 Bit 8 Format: 0 0 0 Engineering Units 0 0 1 Engineering Units X10 0 1 0 Raw/Proportional Counts 0 1 1 Scaled for PID 1 0 0 Percent of Full Scale 1 1 0 1 CJC EU 1 1 1 0 CJC Scaled for PID 1 1 1 1 CJC Percent of Full Scale 1 If selected, the CJC format will override all ranges/formats and report the indicated CJC value for this channel. Channel zero will report CJC0 directly. Channel 7 will report CJC1 directly. All others will be distributed values between CJC0 and CJC1 based on channel position. Table 3-6 (Data Ranges) Input Type B Type Thermocouple C Type Thermocouple E Type Thermocouple J Type Thermocouple K Type Thermocouple N Type Thermocouple R Type Thermocouple S Type Thermocouple T Type Thermocouple 100 Ω Pt α 0.385 200 Ω Pt α 0.385 500 Ω Pt α 0.385 1000 Ω Pt α 0.385 100 Ω Pt α 0.3916 200 Ω Pt α 0.3916 500 Ω Pt α 0.3916 1000 Ω Pt α 0.3916 Range 300 to 1820 ˚C (572 to 3308 ˚F) 0 to 2315 ˚C (32 to 4199 ˚F) -270 to 1000 ˚C (-454 to 1832 ˚F) -210 to 1200 ˚C (-346 to 2192 ˚F) -270 to 1370 ˚C (-454 to 2498 ˚F) -210 to 1300 ˚C (-346 to 2372 ˚F) 0 to 1768 ˚C (32 to 3214 ˚F) 0 to 1768 ˚C (32 to 3214 ˚F) -270 to 400 ˚C (-270 to 752 ˚F) -200 to 850 ˚C (-328 to 1562 ˚F) -200 to 850 ˚C (-328 to 1562 ˚F) -200 to 850 ˚C (-328 to 1562 ˚F) -200 to 850 ˚C (-328 to 1562 ˚F) -200 to 630 ˚C (-328 to 1166 ˚F) -200 to 630 ˚C (-328 to 1166 ˚F) -200 to 630 ˚C (-328 to 1166 ˚F) -200 to 630 ˚C (-328 to 1166 ˚F) Eng. Units 3000 to 18200 (5720 to 32767) 0 to 23150 (320 to 32767) -2700 to 10000 (-4540 to 18320) -2100 to 12000 (-3460 to 21920) -2700 to 13700 (-4540 to 24980) -2100 to 13000 (-3460 to 23720) 0 to 17680 (320 to 3214) 0 to 17680 (320 to 3214) -2700 to 4000 (-2700 to 7520) -2000 to 8500 (-3280 to 15620) -2000 to 8500 (-3280 to 15620) -2000 to 8500 (-3280 to 15620) -2000 to 8500 (-3280 to 15620) -2000 to 6300 (-3280 to 11660) -2000 to 6300 (-3280 to 11660) -2000 to 6300 (-3280 to 11660) -2000 to 6300 (-3280 to 11660) User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Eng Units X10 300 to 1820 (572 to 3308) 0 to 2315 (32 to 4199) -270 to 1000 (-454 to 1832) -210 to 1200 (-346 to 2192) -270 to 1370 (-454 to 2498) -210 to 1300 (-346 to 2372) 0 to 1768 (32 to 32144) 0 to 1768 (32 to 32144) -270 to 400 (-270 to 752) -200 to 850 (-328 to 1562) -200 to 850 (-328 to 1562) -200 to 850 (-328 to 1562) -200 to 850 (-328 to 1562) -200 to 630 (-328 to 1166) -200 to 630 (-328 to 1166) -200 to 630 (-328 to 1166) -200 to 630 (-328 to 1166) Raw/Prop -32768 to 32767 PID 0 to 16383 Percent 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 3-12 Input Type 10 Ω Cu α 0.426 100 Ω Ni α 0.618 120 Ω Ni α 0.672 604 Ω NiFe α 0.518 Resistance Voltage Current Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module Range -100 to 260 ˚C (-148 to 500 ˚F) -100 to 260 ˚C (-148 to 500 ˚F) -80 to 260 ˚C (-112 to 500 ˚F) -100 to 200 ˚C (-148 to 392 ˚F) 0 to 150 Ω 0 to 1000 Ω 0 to 3000 Ω +/- 50 mV +/- 100 mV 0 to 5V 1 to 5V +/- 10V 0 to 10V 4 to 20 mA 0 to 20 mA Eng. Units -1000 to 2600 (-1480 to 5000) -1000 to 2600 (-1480 to 5000) -800 to 2600 (-1120 to 5000) -1000 to 2000 (-1480 to 3920) 0 to 15000 0 to 10000 0 to 30000 -5000 to 5000 -10000 to 10000 0 to 5000 1000 to 5000 -10000 to 10000 0 to 10000 4000 to 20000 0 to 20000 Eng Units X10 -100 to 260 (-148 to 500) -100 to 260 (-148 to 500) -80 to 260 (-112 to 500) -100 to 200 (-148 to 392) 0 to 1500 0 to 1000 0 to 3000 -500 to 500 -1000 to 1000 0 to 500 100 to 500 -1000 to 1000 0 to 1000 400 to 2000 0 to 2000 Raw/Prop -32768 to 32767 PID 0 to 16383 Percent 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 -32768 to 32767 -32768 to 32767 -32768 to 32767 -32768 to 32767 -32768 to 32767 0 to 31207 6242 to 31207 -31207 to 31207 0 to 31207 6241 to 31207 0 to 31207 0 to 16383 0 to 16383 0 to 16383 0 to 16383 0 to 16383 0 to 16383 0 to 16383 0 to 16383 0 to 16383 3277 to 16383 0 to 16383 0 to 10000 0 to 10000 0 to 10000 0 to 10000 0 to 10000 0 to 10000 0 to 10000 0 to 10000 0 to 10000 2000 to 10000 0 to 10000 3.4.5 Open Circuit Mode [Words 1 – 8 (Bits 12 & 13)] The open circuit mode determines the fail-safe data value each channel is to default to in the event of an open circuit condition. The table below lists the available options. Table 3-7 (Open Circuit Mode) Bit 13 Bit 12 Open Circuit Mode: 0 0 Zero analog value on broken input. 0 1 Set analog value to Max scale on broken input. 1 0 Set analog value to Min scale on broken input. 1 1 Previous Value 3.4.6 Disable CJC [Words 1 – 8 (Bit 14)] This bit is used to disable CJC compensation for the associated channel. Table 3-8 (Disable CJC) State Function 0 CJCs Enabled1 1 CJCs Disabled1 1 This field is only used if the input type is a thermocouple and the format is not a CJC format. No compensation is performed on the thermocouple when disabled. 3.4.7 Temperature Units [Words 1 – 8 (Bit 15)] This bit enables Celsius or Fahrenheit for the associated channel. Note: If the associated channel is not configured for an RTD or thermocouple, the temperature units have no effect. Table 3-9 (Temperature Units) State Function 0 Degrees C 1 Degrees F User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Chapter 3: Configuring the 1794sc-IF8IU for ControlLogix/CompactLogix 3-13 3.4.8 Low Alarm Threshold [Words 9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30] Low alarm threshold setting for channels 0 through 7, respectively. Note: The data range is determined by the data format selected. 3.4.9 High Alarm Threshold [Words 10,13,16,19,22,25,28,31] High alarm threshold setting for channels 0 through 7, respectively. Note: The data range is determined by the data format selected. 3.4.10 User Alarm Deadband [Words 11,14,17,20,23,26,29,32] The deadband is a range through which the measured input may be varied without initiating and alarm response. The deadband setting must adhere to the following rules: The deadband must be greater or equal to zero. The deadband cannot exceed 25% of full scale. The alarm limits including deadband may not exceed the user range limits. The low alarm including deadband may not overlap the high alarm including deadband. If any of these rules are violated, a configuration error is declared, and the alarm is disabled. The notable exception is when the “low” is equal to the “high” and both are set to zero. In this case, user alarms are disabled, the deadband is ignored, and no fault is declared. Note: The data range is determined by the data format selected. The alarm deadband allows the user to define hysteresis for alarms. The alarm set threshold may differ from the alarm clear threshold, depending on the deadband, as illustrated below. A value must transition through the indicated threshold (see dashed arrows) to have the indicated effect. If a CJC format is selected, the alarm limits apply to that CJC format, not to that channel’s analog input. Figure 3-3 (Alarm DeadBand) Low Alarm Threshold (Set) Low Alarm Dead Band High Alarm Threshold (Set) Normal Low Alarm Threshold + deadband (Clear) Dead Band High Alarm High Alarm Threshold – deadband (Clear) 3.4.11 Calibration Offset [Words 33 to 40] The calibration offset value is added to the channel data value. This value may be up to +/- 20% of full scale for the selected range and format or a configuration error will be declared. E.G. +/-10V EU User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 3-14 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module (10000 - -1000) = 20000 20000 X 0.20 = 4000 Cal offset may be between -4000 to + 4000. It must be in the same range and format as the selected channel data and will be added to the final result post scaling. Note: If a CJC format is selected, the cal offset is ignored. 3.4.12 CJC Offset [Words 41 to 48] The CJC offset is added to the CJC temperature value prior to using it to correct the thermocouple value or final scaling for CJC formats. The CJC offset must be within +/- 20% of the CJC full scale: (-25°C (-2500) to 85°C (8500)) or a configuration error will be declared. 8,500 - -2,500C = 11,000 11,000 X 0.20 = 2,200. CJC offset may be between -2,200 to +2,200. It must be formatted in degrees C multiplied by 100. E.G. For a 1°C offset, 1°C X 100 = 100. Section 3.5 Read Input & Status Data Input and status data is read for each channel, converted to a scaled digital value, and stored in the controller tags. The following figure describes the tag structure allocated by the Generic Flex Module profile. [Name of remote communication module]:e:x.Data[0 to 184] e = IF8IU slot number x = Image Type (i.e. C, I, or O) Using the remote Ethernet adapter example, the input/status tags would appear under the controller tags as shown in the figure below. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Chapter 3: Configuring the 1794sc-IF8IU for ControlLogix/CompactLogix Figure 3-4 (Input/Status Tags) Note: The slot number is “0” and the image type is “I”. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 3-15 3-16 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module The table below describes the input and status mapping. Table 3-10 (Input & Status) Usage (16 bit words): I:0 Channel 0 input Data. I:1 Channel 1 input Data. I:2 Channel 2 input Data. I:3 Channel 3 input Data. I:4 Channel 4 input Data. I:5 Channel 5 input Data. I:6 Channel 6 input Data. I:7 Channel 7 input Data. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 S:0 OverRange (CH0/Bit 8, CH1/Bit 9, …) S:1 5User HI Alarms (CH0/Bit8, CH1/Bit9, …) S:2 Reserved CJC Alarm S:3 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 UnderRange (CH0/Bit 0, CH1/Bit 1, …) 5 User LO Alarms(CH0/Bit0, CH1/Bit1, …) 6,4 Open Circuit Alarms (CH0/Bit0, CH1/Bit1, …) Diagnostic Code (See ) 3.5.1 Input Data [Words 0 to 7] Words 0 through 7 display the digital value for channel inputs 0 through 7, respectively. Scaling/range is determined by the data format selected. See 3.4.4 for more details. 3.5.2 UnderRange Alarms [Word 8 (Bits 0 to 7)] The under range flag is set for the associated channel when the channel data value is below the minimum scale for the selected range. 3.5.3 OverRange Alarm [Word 8 (Bits 8 to 15)] The over range flag is set for the associated channel when the channel data value is above the maximum scale for the selected range. 3.5.4 User Low Alarm [Word 9 (Bits 0 to 7)] The user low alarm flag is set for the associated channel when the channel data value is below the user low alarm threshold. 3.5.5 User High Alarm [Word 9 (Bits 8 to 15)] The user high alarm flag is set for the associated channel when the channel data value is above the user high alarm threshold. 4 For the 0 to 20 mA range, a zero reading is valid. Therefore, under range will not trigger at the low terminus of zero, but will instead trigger when the signal goes negative at or below %2.5 of full scale. 20 – 0 = 20. -0.025 X 20 = -0.5mA. 5 Channel specific range alarms will apply to CJC values if a CJC format is selected for that channel. 6 Channel specific open circuit alarm will not be set if a CJC format is selected for that channel. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 0 Chapter 3: Configuring the 1794sc-IF8IU for ControlLogix/CompactLogix 3-17 3.5.6 Open Circuit Alarm [Word 10 (Bits 0 to 7)] If set, the associated channel has detected a shorted or open circuit condition. 3.5.7 CJC Alarm [Word 10 (Bits 8 & 9)] The CJC alarm indicates a broken wire condition for both CJC sensors. Refer to the table below. Table 3-11 (CJC Alarms) Bit 9 Bit 8 CJC Alarm: 0 0 No Errors 0 1 CJC1 is broken. 1 0 CJC2 is broken. 1 1 Both CJC1 and CJC2 are broken. 3.5.8 Diagnostics [Word 11 (Bits 0 to 7)] The diagnostic byte is used to indicate module faults. Refer to the table below for more information. Table 3-12 (Diagnostics) Hex Error Code: Diagnostic: 0x00 NO_ERRORS 0x10 CH0_RANGE_CFG_ERROR 0x11 CH1_RANGE_CFG_ERROR 0x12 CH2_RANGE_CFG_ERROR 0x13 CH3_RANGE_CFG_ERROR 0x14 CH4_RANGE_CFG_ERROR 0x15 CH5_RANGE_CFG_ERROR 0x16 CH6_RANGE_CFG_ERROR 0x17 CH7_RANGE_CFG_ERROR 0x20 CH0_FORMAT_CFG_ERROR 0x21 CH1_FORMAT_CFG_ERROR 0x22 CH2_FORMAT_CFG_ERROR 0x23 CH3_FORMAT_CFG_ERROR 0x24 CH4_FORMAT_CFG_ERROR 0x25 CH5_FORMAT_CFG_ERROR 0x26 CH6_FORMAT_CFG_ERROR 0x27 CH7_FORMAT_CFG_ERROR 0x30 CH0_FILTER_CFG_ERROR 0x31 CH1_FILTER_CFG_ERROR 0x32 CH2_FILTER_CFG_ERROR 0x33 CH3_FILTER_CFG_ERROR 0x34 CH4_FILTER_CFG_ERROR 0x35 CH5_FILTER_CFG_ERROR 0x36 CH6_FILTER_CFG_ERROR 0x37 CH7_FILTER_CFG_ERROR 0x40 CH0_HI_LO_ALARM_CFG_ERROR 0x41 CH1_HI_LO_ALARM_CFG_ERROR 0x42 CH2_HI_LO_ALARM_CFG_ERROR 0x43 CH3_HI_LO_ALARM_CFG_ERROR 0x44 CH4_HI_LO_ALARM_CFG_ERROR 0x45 CH5_HI_LO_ALARM_CFG_ERROR 0x46 CH6_HI_LO_ALARM_CFG_ERROR User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 3-18 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module Hex Error Code: 0x47 0x50 0x51 0x52 0x53 0x54 0x55 0x56 0x57 0x59 0x5F 0x60 0x61 0x62 0x63 0x64 0x65 0x66 0x67 0x70 0x71 0x72 0x73 0x74 0x75 0x76 0x77 0x80 0x90 0x91 0x92 0x93 0x94 0x95 0x96 0x97 0xA0 0xA1 0xA2 0xA3 0xA4 0xA5 0xA6 0xA7 0xB0 0xB1 0xB2 0xB3 0xB4 0xB5 0xB6 0xB7 User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Diagnostic: CH7_HI_LO_ALARM_CFG_ERROR CH0_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR CH1_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR CH2_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR CH3_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR CH4_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR CH5_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR CH6_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR CH7_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR Unused module cfg bits set MODULE_NOT_CONFIGURED CH0 Cal Offset CFG Error CH1 Cal Offset CFG Error CH2 Cal Offset CFG Error CH3 Cal Offset CFG Error CH4 Cal Offset CFG Error CH5 Cal Offset CFG Error CH6 Cal Offset CFG Error CH7 Cal Offset CFG Error CH0 CJC Offset CFG Error CH1 CJC Offset CFG Error CH2 CJC Offset CFG Error CH3 CJC Offset CFG Error CH4 CJC Offset CFG Error CH5 CJC Offset CFG Error CH6 CJC Offset CFG Error CH7 CJC Offset CFG Error FIELD_PWR_FAULT CH0_CAL_ERROR CH1_CAL_ERROR CH2_CAL_ERROR CH3_CAL_ERROR CH4_CAL_ERROR CH5_CAL_ERROR CH6_CAL_ERROR CH7_CAL_ERROR CH0_IOCOMM_FAILED CH1_IOCOMM_FAILED CH2_IOCOMM_FAILED CH3_IOCOMM_FAILED CH4_IOCOMM_FAILED CH5_IOCOMM_FAILED CH6_IOCOMM_FAILED CH7_IOCOMM_FAILED CH0_BROKEN_INPUT CH1_BROKEN_INPUT CH2_BROKEN_INPUT CH3_BROKEN_INPUT CH4_BROKEN_INPUT CH5_BROKEN_INPUT CH6_BROKEN_INPUT CH7_BROKEN_INPUT Chapter 3: Configuring the 1794sc-IF8IU for ControlLogix/CompactLogix Hex Error Code: 0xC0 0xC1 0xC2 User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Diagnostic: CJC0_BROKEN_INPUT CJC1_BROKEN_INPUT CJC_BOTH_BROKEN_INPUT 3-19 3-20 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Appendix A Module Specifications Number of inputs Module Location Nominal input voltage ranges Nominal input current ranges Supported thermocouple types Supported RTD/Resistance types Resolution User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A 8 channels Cat. No. 1794-TB3G, 1794-TB3GS Terminal Base Units ±50 mV, ±100 mV, 0-5 V, 1-5 V, 0-10V, and ±10 V 0-20mA, 4-20mA Type °C Range °F Range B 300…1820 °C (572…3308 °F) C 0…2315 °C (32…4199 °F) E -270…1000 °C (-454…1832 °F) J -210…1200 °C (-346…2192 °F) K -270…1370 °C (-454…2498 °F) N -210…1300 °C (-346…2372 °F) R 0…1768 °C (32…3214 °F) S 0…1768 °C (32…3214 °F) T -270…400 °C (-454…752 °F) RTD 100 Ω Pt α = 0.385 -200…850 °C (-328…1562 °F) 200 Ω Pt α = 0.385 -200…850 °C (-328…1562 °F) 500 Ω Pt α = 0.385 -200…850 °C (-328…1562 °F) 1000 Ω Pt α = 0.385 -200…850 °C (-328…1562 °F) 100 Ω Pt α = 0.392 -200…630 °C (-328…1166 °F) 200 Ω Pt α = 0.392 -200…630 °C (-328…1166 °F) 500 Ω Pt α = 0.392 -200…630 °C (-328…1166 °F) 1000 Ω Pt α = 0.392 -200…630 °C (-328…1166 °F) 10 Ω Cu α = 0.426 -100…260 °C (-148…500 °F) 100 Ω Ni α = 0.618 -100…260 °C (-148…500 °F) 120 Ω Ni α = 0.672 -80…260 °C (-112…500 °F) 604 Ω NiFe α = 0.518 -100…200 °C (-148…392 °F) Resistance 0…150 Ω 0…1000 Ω 0…3000 Ω 16 bits A-2 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module Data format Input Impedance Common mode rejection Isolation voltage (continuous voltage withstand rating) Open circuit protection Overvoltage capability Engineering Units X1 Engineering Units X10 Raw/Proportional Counts Scaled for PID Percent of full scale >1 M ohms for voltage, thermocouple, RTD and resistance inputs 249Ω +/- 1% for current inputs 60 db @ 5V peak-to-peak, 50…60 Hz User power to Backplane:24 VDC continuous Channel to Backplane: 24 VDC continuous Channel to Channel: 24 VDC continuous. Channel to User power: 24 VDC continuous Open circuit detection bias <1 uA with ON/OFF capability Cold junction compensation Range Voltage mode ± 24 VDC continuous (ten minutes) Current mode ± 7.8 VDC continuous (ten minutes) -20…100 °C Cold junction compensator A-B catalog number 1794-CJC2 Flexbus current Power dissipation Thermal dissipation Keyswitch position 80 mA 7.25 W max @ 31.2V dc Max 10.2 BTU/hr @ 31.2V dc 3 Module Accuracy Thermocouple Accuracy with 4.17 Hz filter using Linearization per ITS-90 Type J (-50˚C to 1200˚C): Type J (-210˚C to -50˚C): Type N (-80˚C to 1300˚C): Type N (-250˚C to -80˚C): Type T (-180˚C to 400˚C): Type T (-270˚C to -180˚C): Type K (-180˚C to 1370˚C): Type K (-270˚C to -180˚C): Type E (-130˚C to 1000˚C): Type E (-270˚C to -130˚C): Type C (0˚C to 2315˚C): Type B (600˚C to 1800˚C): Type B (300˚C to 600˚C): Type S (140˚C to -1760˚C): Type S (0˚C to 140˚C): Type R (280˚C to -1760˚C): Type R (0˚C to 280˚C): CJC accuracy User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Accuracy Limit At 25°C 4.17 Hz Filter ± 0.6 °C ± 0.8 °C ± 1.0 °C ± 1.2 °C ± 1.0 °C ± 5.4 °C ± 1.0 °C ± 7.5 °C ± 0.5 °C ± 4.2 °C ± 1.8 °C ± 3.0 °C ± 3.0 °C ± 1.7 °C ± 1.7 °C ± 1.7 °C ± 1.7 °C ± 1.0 °C Accuracy Limit At 055°C 4.17 Hz Filter ± 2.3 °C ± 3.3 °C ± 1.5 °C ± 3.0 °C ± 1.5 °C ± 8.5 °C ± 1.5°C ± 11.5 °C ± 1.5 °C ± 7.3 °C ± 3.5 °C ± 4.0 °C ± 8.0 °C ± 2.6 °C ± 5.0 °C ± 2.6 °C ± 5.0 °C 3.0 °C Repeatability Limit At 25°C & 4.17 Hz filter ± 0.17 °C ± 0.25 °C ± 0.3 °C ± 1.9 °C ± 0.2 °C ± 1.5 °C ± 0.3 °C ± 3.6 °C ± 0.1°C ± 1.2 °C ± 0.9 °C ± 1°C ± 2°C ± 0.55 °C ± 1.0 °C ± 0.4 °C ± 1.0 °C ± 0.8 °C Appendix A: Module Specifications Voltage Accuracy with 4.17 Hz filter ±50 mV range ±100 mV range 0-5 V range 1-5 V range 0-10 V range ±10 V range Current Accuracy with 4.17 Hz filter 0-20 mA range 4-20 mA range Resistance Accuracy with 4.17 Hz filter 0-150 ohms range 0-1000 ohms range 0-3000 ohms range RTD Accuracy With 4.17 Hz filters Platinum 385 (100, 200, 500 and 1000 ohms) (IEC751 1983, Amend 2 1995; JISC 1604 1997) Platinum 3916 (100, 200, 500 and 1000 ohms) (JISC 1604: 1981) Nickel 618 (100 ohms) (DIN 43760 Sept. 1987) Nickel 672(120 ohms) (DIN 43760 Sept. 1987) Nickel-Iron (518) (MINCO Application Aid #18,Date 5/90) Copper 426 (10 ohms) (SAMA RC21-41966) General Specifications Voltage range Supply current Dimensions (with module installed in base) HxWxD approx. Environmental Conditions Temperature, operating Temperature, storage User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A A-3 Repeatability Limit At °25C & 4.17 Hz filter ±10uV ±13uV ±1mV ±1mV ±1mV ±1mV Repeatability Accuracy Accuracy Limit Limit At Limit At 0- At °25C & 4.17 °25C °55C Hz filter ±20uA ±40uA ±1uA ±20uA ±40uA ±1uA Repeatability Accuracy Accuracy Limit Limit At Limit At 0- At °25C & 4.17 °25C °55C Hz filter ±0.15 ohms ±0.25 ohms ±10 milliohms ±1.0 ohms ±2.0 ohms ±100 milliohms ±1.5 ohms ±2.5 ohms ±100 milliohms Accuracy Accuracy Repeatability °C °C Limit Limit At Limit At At °25C & 4.17 °25C 0°55C Hz filter Accuracy Limit At °25C ±20uV ±40uV ±2.5mV ±2.5mV ±5mV ±10mV Accuracy Limit At 0°55C ±35uV ±60uV ±5mV ±5mV ±10mV ±20mV ± 0.7 °C ± 1.2 °C ± 0.1 °C ± 0.6 °C ± 1.1 °C ± 0.1 °C ± 0.3 °C ± 0.5 °C ± 0.1 °C ± 0.3 °C ± 0.5 °C ± 0.1 °C ± 0.4 °C ± 0.7 °C ± 0.1 °C ± 2.4 °C ± 2.8 °C ± 0.1 °C 24V dc nom 240 mA @ 24V dc 94 x 94 x 69 mm (3.7 x 3.7 x 2.7 in.) 0…55 °C (-32…131 °F) –40…85 °C (–40…185 °F) A-4 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module Relative humidity Vibration Shock Operating Non-operating Emissions ESD immunity Radiated RF immunity EFT/B immunity Surge transient immunity Conducted RF immunity Enclosure type rating Signal conductors Thermocouple Millivolt Category7 Power conductors Wire size Category7 Terminal screw torque for cage-clamp terminal base 7 IEC 60068-2-30 5…95% non-condensing IEC60068-2-6: 5 g @ 10…500Hz IEC60068-2-27: 20 g 25 g IEC61000-6-4 CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A (with appropriate enclosure) IEC 61000-6-2: 6 kV contact discharges 8 kV air discharges IEC 61000-6-2: 10 V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 30…2000 MHz 10 V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM at 900 MHz 10 V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM at 1890 MHz IEC 61000-6-2: ±2 kV at 5 kHz on signal ports IEC 61000-6-2: ±2 kV line-earth (CM) on shielded ports IEC 61000-6-4: 10V rms with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 150 kHz…80 MHz None (open-style) Use appropriate shielded thermocouple wire 8 Belden 8761 2 - on signal ports 0.34…2.5 mm2 (22…12 AWG) solid or stranded copper wire rated at 75 °C (167 °F) or greater 1.2 mm (3/64 in.) insulation max 3 - on power ports 0.8 Nm (7 lb-in.) Use this category information for planning conductor routing as described in the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, Allen-Bradley publication 1770-4.1. 8 Refer to the thermocouple manufacturer for proper thermocouple extension wire. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Appendix A: Module Specifications Certifications marked)9 cULus CE 9 (when product is A-5 UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL File E180101. UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL File E140954. EEx European Union 94/9/EEC ATEX Directive, compliant with: EN 60079-15; Potentially Explosive Atmospheres, Protection “nA” (Zone 2) CE European Union 89/336/EEC EMC Directive, compliant with: EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions EN 61326; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B) For the latest up-to-date information, see the Product Certification link at for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates and other certification details. User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A A-6 Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Index 1 G 1794-TB3G · 2-10 1794-TB3GS · 2-10 Generic Profile · 3-2 A H Hazardous Location · 2-2 A/D converter · 1-4 B Base Unit · 2-3 block diagram · 1-4 Broken Input Alarm · 3-17 Broken Input Mode · 3-12 C I Input Data · 3-16 Input Filter · 3-10 Input Type · 1-1, 3-10 Installation · 2-5 K key-switch · 1-3, 2-16 CJC · 2-12, 3-12 CJC Offset · 3-14 Configuration · 3-7 D Data Format · 1-2, 3-11 Data Ranges · 3-11 Deadband User Alarm Deadband · 3-13 Diagnostics · 3-17 DIN Rail · 2-5 Drilling Dimensions · 2-8 L LED Module Status · 2-16 Low Voltage Directive · 2-1 M Memory Map · 3-1 N E EMC Directive · 2-1 Ethernet Bridge Local · 3-3 Noise · 2-3 O Over Range · 3-16 F Fault Mode · 3-9 Filter Frequencies · 1-2 User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A P Panel/Wall Mounting · 2-7 Power Requirements · 2-3 power-up · 1-3 R U Read Input data · 3-14 Remote Ethernet Ethernet Flex Adapter · 3-4 Under Range · 3-16 User High Alarm · 3-13, 3-16 User Low Alarm · 3-13, 3-16 S W Wiring · 2-10 Slot Number · 3-8, 3-14 T Temperature Units · 3-12 User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A Getting Technical Assistance Note that your module contains electronic components which are susceptible to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD). An electrostatic charge can accumulate on the surface of ordinary plastic wrapping or cushioning material. In the unlikely event that the module should need to be returned to Spectrum Controls, please ensure that the unit is enclosed in approved ESD packaging (such as static-shielding / metallized bag or black conductive container). Spectrum Controls reserves the right to void the warranty on any unit that is improperly packaged for shipment. RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) form required for all product returns. For further information or assistance, please contact your local distributor, or call the Spectrum Controls technical Support at: USA - 425-746-9481 Declaration of Conformity Available upon request User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A ©2009-2013, Spectrum Controls, Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. The Encompass logo and Point IO are trademarks of Rockwell Automation. Corporate Headquarters Spectrum Controls Inc. P.O. Box 6489 Bellevue, WA 98008 USA Fax: 425-641-9473 Tel: 425-746-9481 Web Site: E-mail: [email protected] User's Manual Pub. 0300231-03 Rev. A ">

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