Monarch Water HE Series, Master HE CS200 HE Service Manual
Monarch Water Master HE CS200 HE is a high-efficiency water softener designed for residential and commercial applications. It features a 22-inch resin tank, providing a high capacity for softening hard water. It utilizes a timed regeneration cycle with an option for days override, allowing you to customize regeneration frequency. The unit comes equipped with an 85HE valve body assembly, a 3/4-inch adapter, and an air check system. It has a 2-line display with intuitive programming features to easily set water hardness and adjust regeneration schedules.
Parts and Service Guide Europe Effective November 2019 Monarch HE Series Water Softeners ‘Suppliers to H.M. the Queen’s Estate at Sandringham’ T +44 (0)1986 784759 F +44 (0)1986 784769 [email protected] Table of Contents General Valve Installation ................................................................................................................................. 4 Planning the installation ................................................................................................................................ 4 Electrical connection ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Obtain your water hardness .......................................................................................................................... 4 Setting the electronic controller.................................................................................................................... 5 Setting the time of day .................................................................................................................................. 5 Set water hardness ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Flush the softener.......................................................................................................................................... 5 Option – Monarch Rapid-Fit Bypass .................................................................................................................. 6 Converting Domestic models to Horeca models ............................................................................................... 7 To convert to Time, Hardness with Days Override – CS Models ................................................................... 7 Company label guide chart ........................................................................................................................ 7 HE Performance Testing .................................................................................................................................... 8 MAQ001HE/E - MiniAqua HE (MN0913) ....................................................................................................... 8 MIDM002HE/E – Midi HE (MN0916) ............................................................................................................. 8 MAS003HE/E – Master HE (MN0922) ........................................................................................................... 8 MATR004HE/E – Matrix HE (MN0935) .......................................................................................................... 8 Monarch Default Unit Sizes ............................................................................................................................... 9 Troubleshooting Guide .................................................................................................................................... 10 Water not soft ............................................................................................................................................. 10 Unit using excessive salt .............................................................................................................................. 10 Low water pressure ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Resin in drain line ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Excessive water in brine tank / Softener running to overflow .................................................................... 11 Control cycles continuously ......................................................................................................................... 11 Flow to drain continuously .......................................................................................................................... 11 Softener fails to regenerate ........................................................................................................................ 12 Iron in softened water ................................................................................................................................. 12 Salt water in service line .............................................................................................................................. 12 Softener fails to draw brine ......................................................................................................................... 12 Main PCB not working ................................................................................................................................. 13 Drain flow restrictor jammed sideways in the valve ................................................................................... 13 Corroded PCB and ribbon cable .................................................................................................................. 13 Unit running out of capacity ........................................................................................................................ 13 Error Codes Displayed ................................................................................................................................. 13 2 Side, Front, Top – Mini Aqua HE/CS100 .......................................................................................................... 14 Side, Front, Top – Mini Aqua HE/CS100 HE – Coloured .................................................................................. 15 Side, Front, Top – Midi HE/CS150 HE .............................................................................................................. 16 Side, Front, Top – Midi HE/CS150 HE – Coloured............................................................................................ 17 Side, Front, Top – Master HE/CS200 HE .......................................................................................................... 18 Side, Front, Top – Master HE/CS200 HE – Coloured ....................................................................................... 19 Side, Front, Top – Matrix HE/CS300 HE ........................................................................................................... 20 Side, Front, Top – Matrix HE/CS300 HE ........................................................................................................... 21 Main Cabinet parts List – Exploded View ........................................................................................................ 22 Main Cabinet parts List – Exploded View – Coloured ..................................................................................... 23 Control Valve Parts List – Exploded View ........................................................................................................ 24 Power Head Parts List – Exploded View .......................................................................................................... 25 3 General Valve Installation Water Pressure 20 – 70 psi (1.5 – 5bar) Electrical Supply Uninterrupted AC Existing Plumbing Free of any deposits or build-ups inside pipes Softener Location Locate close to drain and connect according to local plumbing regulations Bypass Valve Always provide for a bypass valve if unit is not equipped with one CAUTION • Do not exceed 120psi (8.3 bar) • Do not exceed 43°C (110°F) • Do not subject the unit to freezing conditions Planning the installation Locate the softener tank and brine tank close to a drain where the system will be installed. The surface should be clean and level. Perform all plumbing according to local plumbing codes. Use a ½” minimum pipe or tubing size for the drain line. Flexible drain line should be limited to 2 metres. Any solder joints near the valve must be done before connecting any piping to the valve. Always leave at least 6” (152 mm) between the valve and joints when soldering pipes that are connected to the valve. Failure to do this could cause damage to the valve. Electrical connection With the power off, connect the transformer - supplied - to a continuous electrical supply. Push the flying lead from the transformer into the adaptor on the lead coming from the controller. Obtain your water hardness Run hard water for approx. 1 minute and rinse the test tube well. Fill the test tube up to the 10ml level. Add 2 drops of the dark solution and mix gently. If the water sample contains hardness it will turn red. Add the dark solution in batches of 5 drops, holding the dropper bottle 45 degrees. 4 Mix gently after each 5 drops. Count the drops needed until the colour of the sample in the test tube changes from a dark red to a dark blue/green. You need this figure for when SET WATER HARDNESS (step XX) Setting the electronic controller Turn on power and the softener display will say WELCOME. The Display is a 2 line display showing both the Model No and also Time and Hardness. The Time and Hardness will alternate every 10 seconds. To finalise commissioning of the softener, you need to set both Time (24hr clock in hours and minutes) and the water hardness as determined by the amount of drops in your water hardness test. Setting the time of day Wait until display shows Time of Day. If Time of Day is correct, skip to ‘SET HARDNESS’. Press Up button to show flashing Hours. Please note it is a 24hr clock. Press Up or Down button to set Hours. Press @ to confirm Hours. After confirming Hours with (), display will show minutes flashing. Use Up and Down button to set Minutes. Press @ to confirm Minutes. Set water hardness Wait until display changes to Hardness. Press ‘Up’ Button to show Set Hardness with no flashing. Use ‘Up’ Button to set number as determined by your water hardness test. Press @ to confirm setting. Flush the softener Add water until there is approximately 1” (25mm) of water above the grid plate. If the tank does not have a grid, add water until it is above the air check in the brine tank. Do not add salt to the brine tank at this time. If the unit has a bypass valve, place it in the bypass position. Slowly turn on the main water supply. Open a cold soft water tap nearby and let water run a few minutes or until the system is free of foreign material resulting from the plumbing work. Close the water tap when water runs clean. Place the bypass in the service position and let water flow into the salt tank. When water flow stops, slowly open a cold water tap nearby and let water run until air is purged from the unit. Then close the tap. 5 Option – Monarch Rapid-Fit Bypass The Monarch Rapid-Fit Bypass is available ¾” and 1” mbsp. The Rapid-Fit also has 3/8” connections for both hard and soft water tee points. It features a 1” high flow check valve built into the body to comply with local water authority guidelines, giving a service flow rate of 80 lpm. Order reference: BYPASS34 (3/4” mbsp) BYPASS44 (1” mbsp) 6 Converting Domestic models to Horeca models Connect to power supply and turn on Display will show WELCOME then change to alternate between Time and Hardness. If required Model No not shown, progress to below. Press Scroll button and hold for 10 seconds. Display will change to System Settings Press ‘Up’ arrow within 10 seconds of display saying System Settings and display will change to flashing display Set Date, time, etc Values within display will flash. These can be adjusted by Up and Down keys, but do not need adjusting. Press Scroll button repeatedly until display advances to: NOTE: Flashing text is correct text. Press ‘Up’ arrow to change display to ON Press Scroll button and display changes to EXIT Press ‘Up’ button to confirm Exit. Display will revert back to alternating display To convert to Time, Hardness with Days Override – CS Models Display will show WELCOME then change to alternate every 10 seconds between Time, Hardness and Override Press ‘Up’ + ‘Down’ buttons together for 5 seconds to enter Factory Settings. Display will change to Valve Settings & 85HE Up-flow. Press Scroll button repeatedly until Company Label shows in display. Go down list by using ‘Down' button until model number is highlighted. In case of CS100 HE only, use ‘Up’ button. Press Scroll button to confirm. Display will change to Salt Efficiency Press Scroll button and hold for 3 seconds. Display will return to alternating display where new model number will be shown, plus Time, Hardness and Override will change every 10 seconds. Programming is complete. Disconnect power Company label guide chart Model Grey/marble small unit Grey/marble middle unit Grey/marble large unit Grey/marble largest unit Height 479mm 554mm 707mm 1038mm 7 Horeca CS100 HE CS150 HE CS200 HE CS300HE Domestic MiniAqua HE Midi HE Master HE Matrix HE HE Performance Testing All at 2.4-2.5 bar with motive water flow approx. 0.65 lpm + brine draw of approx. 0.2 lpm. Injector: Black 0000 with black throat BLFC: 0.2usgpm DLFC: 1.5usgpm MAQ001HE/E - MiniAqua HE (MN0913) 4.26 litres saturated brine @ 6 lpm flow rate @ 480ppm Virgin resin full capacity @ 1500 litres Thereafter average capacity after 3 tests @ 930 litres MIDM002HE/E – Midi HE (MN0916) 5.68 litres saturated brine @ 8 lpm flow rate @ 480ppm Virgin resin full capacity @ 2900 litres Thereafter average capacity after 3 tests @ 1460 litres MAS003HE/E – Master HE (MN0922) 8.52 litres saturated brine @ 10 lpm flow rate @ 480ppm No virgin resin capacity test undertaken as MN0913 and MN0916 resin used from previous tests Average regen capacity after 3 tests @ 2100 litres MATR004HE/E – Matrix HE (MN0935) 14.2 litres saturate brine @ 8 lpm flow rate @ 440ppm Virgin resin full capacity @7250 litres Thereafter average capacity after 3 tests @ 3840 litres COMPANY LABEL Unit Resin Litres Backwash mins Every 7th regen Brine Draw mins Rinse mins Water use per regeneration Mini AQUA HE CS100 HE 9x13 9 1 50 2 43.4 Midi HE CS150 HE 9x16 12 1 60 3 51.9 Master HE CS200 HE 9x22 18 2 90 4 80.3 Matrix HE CS300 HE 9 x 35 30 6 68 6 139.4 8 Monarch Default Unit Sizes Salt Efficiency Water usage NSF44 grain/lb salt gal/1000 grain > < 3350 5 478 292 g/Kg salt ML/g 20180920 150x380=57000 85HE UF vaDefault value COMPANY LABEL Unit: Capacit y factor capacity L @STD hardness ppm 225ml/[email protected] @STD Resin Refill Rate Backwash L L/M Mins Eco STD Rinse Refill DLFC Square M BW Hcap Mins Mins gpm M2 M/H Brine Draw Mins Injector slow rinse Slow rinse gpm M/H 300 350 400 480 500 550 Mod:M/AQUA HE Mod:CS100 HE 9x13, 9L 0.86 9 0.8 1 35 50 57 2 4.7 1.5 0.041 8.3 #0000BLK 0.172 1.0 1,471 1,261 1,103 919 882 802 Mod:MIDI HE Mod:CS150 HE 9x16, 12L 1 12 0.8 1 40 60 69 3 6.3 1.5 0.041 8.3 #0000BLK 0.172 1.0 2,280 1,954 1,710 1,425 1,368 1,244 Mod:MASTER HE Mod:CS200 HE 9x22, 18L 1 18 0.8 2 65 90 103 4 9.4 1.5 0.041 8.3 #0000BLK 0.172 1.0 3,420 2,931 2,565 2,138 2,052 1,865 Mod:MATRIX HE 9x35,30L Mod:CS300 HE 1 30 1.2 6 41 68 82 6 10.4 2.0 0.041 11.1 #000Grey 0.3 1.7 5,700 4,886 4,275 3,563 3,420 3,109 MODEL PS12 HE 8x15, 8L 0.86 8 0.8 1 40 50 56 2 4.2 1.5 0.032 10.6 #0000BLK 0.172 1.2 1,307 1,120 980 817 784 713 MODEL PS15 HE 8x24, 14L 1 14 0.8 2 45 60 70 4 7.3 1.5 0.032 10.6 #0000BLK 0.172 1.2 2,660 2,280 1,995 1,663 1,596 1,451 MODEL 14 10x16, 13L 1 13 0.8 2 65 75 85 3 6.8 1.5 0.051 6.7 #0000BLK 0.172 0.8 2,470 2,117 1,853 1,544 1,482 1,347 Mod:GS4000 HE 10x26, 25L 1 25 1.2 5 36 60 70 5 8.7 2.0 0.051 8.9 #000Grey 0.3 1.3 4,750 4,071 3,563 2,969 2,850 2,591 Mod:GS6000 HE 10x35, 35L 1 35 1.2 8 51 82 98 8 12.2 2.0 0.051 8.9 #000Grey 0.3 1.3 6,650 5,700 4,988 4,156 3,990 3,627 tank vol. water total water usage per regeneration @ STD COMPANY LABEL Total with BW override BW SR FR Fill Total liters liters liters liters liters liters ml/gram hard Unit: Brine Vol. ml STD ECO Hcap Minutes Minutes Minutes Slow rinse L L Minutes Mod:M/AQUA HE Mod:CS100 HE 9x13, 9L 5.7 32.6 1.4 3.8 43.4 38.5 98 87 4,261 18.9 6.3 25.3 9.8 4.04 15.5 Mod:MIDI HE Mod:CS150 HE 9x16, 12L 5.7 39.1 2.1 5.0 51.9 47.0 76 69 5,682 25.3 8.4 33.7 12.9 5.22 20.0 Mod:MASTER HE Mod:CS200 HE 9x22, 18L 11.4 58.6 2.8 7.5 80.3 70.6 78 69 8,523 37.9 12.6 50.5 17.5 5.98 23.0 Mod:MATRIX HE 9x35,30L Mod:CS300 HE 45.4 77.2 4.3 12.5 139.4 100.5 82 59 14,205 40.6 13.5 54.1 31.6 12.4 27.3 MODEL PS12 HE 8x15, 8L 5.7 32.6 1.4 3.3 43.0 38.1 110 97 3,788 16.8 5.6 22.4 9.3 4.18 16.1 MODEL PS15 HE 8x24, 14L 11.4 39.1 2.8 5.8 59.1 49.4 74 62 6,629 29.5 9.8 39.3 16.6 7.64 29.3 MODEL 14 10x16, 13L 11.4 48.8 2.1 5.4 67.7 58.0 91 78 6,155 27.4 9.1 36.5 15 6.68 25.7 Mod:GS4000 HE 10x26, 25L 37.9 68.1 3.6 10.4 119.9 87.5 84 61 11,837 33.8 11.3 45.1 27.3 11.3 24.9 Mod:GS6000 HE 10x35, 35L 60.6 93.1 5.7 14.6 173.9 122.0 87 61 16,572 47.3 15.8 63.1 38.3 15.9 35.0 9 Troubleshooting Guide 1 2 3 4 Water not soft Unit using excessive salt Low water pressure Resin in drain line 1.1 Bypass valve open. Close bypass valve. 1.2 Out of salt. Add salt to tank. 1.3 Plugged injector / screen Clean parts. 1.4 Flow of water blocked to brine tank. Check brine tank refill rate. 1.5 Leak between valve and central tube. Check if central tube is cracked or Oring is damaged. Replace faulty parts. 1.6 Internal valve leak. Replace valve seals, spacer, and piston assembly. 1.7 Flow meter jammed Remove obstruction from flow meter 1.8 Flow meter cable disconnected or not plugged into meter cap Check meter cable connection to timer and meter cap 1.9 Improper programming Reprogram the control to the proper regeneration type, inlet water hardness, capacity or flow meter size. 2.1 Improper salt setting Check salt usage and salt setting 2.2 Excessive water in brine tank See #5 2.3 Improper programming Check programming and reset as needed 3.1 Iron or scale builds up in line feeding unit. Clean pipes. 3.2 Iron build up inside valve or tank. Clean control and add resin cleaner to clean bed. Increase regeneration frequency. 3.3 Inlet of control plugged due to foreign material. Remove piston and clean control valve. 4.1 Air in water system. Check well system for proper air eliminator control. 4.2 Incorrect drain line flow control (DLFC) button. Check for proper flow rate. 10 5 6 7 Excessive water in brine tank / Softener running to overflow Control cycles continuously Flow to drain continuously 5.1 Plugged injector or screen. Clean parts. 5.2 Foreign material in brine valve. Clean parts. 5.3 Plugged drain line flow control Clean flow control 5.4 Brine valve failure Replace brine valve 5.5 Improper programming Check programming and reset as needed 5.6 Check injector assembly Possible rolled / twisted O-Ring. Replace. 6.1 Timer not operating properly Replace timer 6.2 Faulty micro switches and/or harness Replace faulty micro switch harness 6.3 Faulty cycle cam operation Replace cycle cam or reinstall 7.1 Valve settings incorrect Check valve settings 7.2 Foreign material in control valve. Remove piston assembly and inspect bore. Remove foreign material and check control in various regeneration positions 7.3 Internal control leak. Replace seals, spacers, and piston assembly. 7.4 Control valve jammed in backwash, brine or rinse position Replace piston and seals and spacers 7.5 Timer motor stopped or jammed teeth Replace timer motor and check all gears for missing teeth 7.6 Timer not operating properly Replace timer 7.7 Piston is stuck in position. Motor may have failed or gears have jammed or disengaged Check for power to motor. Check for loose wire. Check for jammed gears or Replace faulty gears disengaged. parts. 11 8 9 Softener fails to regenerate 8.1 Electrical service to unit has been interrupted Assure permanent electrical service (check fuse, plug, chain or switch) Check / reset time of day 8.2 Controller is not operating properly Replace controller 8.3 Defective valve drive motor Replace drive motor 8.4 Improper programming Check programming, reset as needed 9.1 Iron content exceeds recommended parameters Add iron removal pre-filter system Iron in softened water Check backwash, brine draw and brine tank fill. Increase frequency of regeneration. Increase backwash time 9.2 Fouled resin bed 10 11 Salt water in service line Softener fails to draw brine Ensure softener does not regenerate at the same time the iron filter backwashes. 10.1 Plugged injector system Clean injector and replace screen 10.2 Timer not operating properly Replace timer 10.3 Foreign material in brine valve Clean or replace brine valve 10.4 Foreign material in brine line flow control Clean brine line flow control 10.5 Low water pressure Raise water pressure 10.6 Improper programming Check programming, reset as needed 11.1 Drain line flow control is plugged Clean drain line flow control 11.2 Injector is plugged Clean or replace injectors 11.3 Injector screen is plugged Replace screen 11.4 Line pressure is too low Increase line pressure (line pressure must be at least 20 psi at all times) 11.5 Internal control leak Replace seals and spacers and/or piston assembly 11.6 Improper programming Check programming, reset as needed 12 11.7 Timer not operating properly Replace timer 11.8 Insufficient rinse time See above and all points under #5 Main PCB not working 12.1 No power Check electrical service and transformer. 12.2 PCB has failed Replace PCB 13.1 Wrong assembly direction Change the direction of DLFC 13 Drain flow restrictor jammed sideways in the valve 14 Corroded PCB and ribbon cable 14.1 Too long refill duration, salt water go into the board of the PCB Replace PCB 15 Unit running out of capacity 15.1 Blending valve is opened Close blending valve 12 16 Error Codes Displayed Power softener off, count to 20, power back on again. Press the Regen button as soon as the LED display lights up (Welcome message is too late). The forced regen may re-align the cam magnet. ER0101 Service ER0102 Brine ER0103 Backwash ER0104 Rinse ER0105 Refill Check whether the motor is working or not, and then check the PCB (replace a new PCB), then check whether the piston and gears are stuck / blocked or not (change piston/gears). 13 461 MONARCH WATER Mini Aqua HE CS100 HE 204 40 405 479 CONNECTION HEIGHT 270 133 50.8 450 MONARCH WATER NEXT GENERATION HIGH EFFICIENCY (HE) MARKER DESIGNER PCS REV.NO SIGNATURE TECHNOLOGIST STANDARD 14 INSPECTION AUTHORIZATION DATE NUMBER/SET STAGE REMARK S 1 SCALE 1:5 SOURCING FROM PROJECTION TOTAL PAGES: Order ref: MAQ001HE/E 1 PAGE NO. 1 FORMAT:A3 ZZ 461 MONARCH WATER Mini Aqua HE CS100 HE 204 40 405 479 CONNECTION HEIGHT 270 133 50.8 450 MONARCH WATER NEXT GENERATION HIGH EFFICIENCY (HE) MARKER DESIGNER PCS REV.NO SIGNATURE TECHNOLOGIST STANDARD 15 INSPECTION AUTHORIZATION DATE NUMBER/SET STAGE REMARK S 1 SCALE 1:5 SOURCING FROM PROJECTION TOTAL PAGES: Order ref: MAQ001HE/E 1 PAGE NO. 1 ZZ 461 MONARCH WATER Midi HE CS150 HE 279 480 40 554 CONNECTION HEIGHT 270 133 50.8 450 MONARCH WATER NEXT GENERATION HIGH EFFICIENCY (HE) MARKER DESIGNER PCS REV.NO SIGNATURE TECHNOLOGIST STANDARD 16 INSPECTION AUTHORIZATION DATE NUMBER/SET STAGE REMARK S 1 SCALE 1:5 SOURCING FROM PROJECTION TOTAL PAGES: Order ref: MIDM002HE/E 1 PAGE NO. 1 FORMAT:A3 ZZ 461 MONARCH WATER Midi HE CS150 HE 279 480 40 554 CONNECTION HEIGHT 270 133 50.8 450 MONARCH WATER NEXT GENERATION HIGH EFFICIENCY (HE) MARKER DESIGNER PCS REV.NO SIGNATURE TECHNOLOGIST STANDARD 17 INSPECTION AUTHORIZATION DATE NUMBER/SET STAGE REMARK S 1 SCALE 1:5 SOURCING FROM PROJECTION TOTAL PAGES: Order ref: MIDM002HE/E 1 PAGE NO. 1 FORMAT:A3 ZZ 461 MONARCH WATER Master HE CS200 HE 432 633 707 40 CONNECTION HEIGHT 270 133 50.8 450 MONARCH WATER NEXT GENERATION HIGH EFFICIENCY (HE) MARKER DESIGNER PCS REV.NO SIGNATURE TECHNOLOGIST STANDARD 18 INSPECTION AUTHORIZATION DATE NUMBER/SET STAGE REMARK S 1 SCALE 1:5 SOURCING FROM PROJECTION TOTAL PAGES: Order ref: MASM003HE/E 1 PAGE NO. 1 FORMAT:A3 ZZ 461 MONARCH WATER Master HE CS200 HE 432 633 707 40 CONNECTION HEIGHT 270 133 50.8 450 MONARCH WATER NEXT GENERATION HIGH EFFICIENCY (HE) MARKER DESIGNER PCS REV.NO SIGNATURE TECHNOLOGIST STANDARD 19 INSPECTION AUTHORIZATION DATE NUMBER/SET STAGE REMARK S 1 SCALE 1:5 SOURCING FROM PROJECTION TOTAL PAGES: Order ref: MASM003HE/E 1 PAGE NO. 1 FORMAT:A3 ZZ MONARCH WATER Matrix HE CS300 HE CONNECTION HEIGHT 763 633 1038 40 461 270 133 50.8 450 MONARCH WATER NEXT GENERATION HIGH EFFICIENCY (HE) MARKER DESIGNER PCS REV.NO SIGNATURE TECHNOLOGIST STANDARD 20 INSPECTION AUTHORIZATION DATE STAGE REMARK S NUMBER/SET SCALE 1 1:8 SOURCING FROM PROJECTION TOTAL PAGES: 1 Order ref: MATR004HE/E PAGE NO. 1 FORMAT:A3 ZZ MONARCH WATER Matrix HE CS300 HE CONNECTION HEIGHT 763 633 1038 40 461 270 133 50.8 450 MONARCH WATER NEXT GENERATION HIGH EFFICIENCY (HE) MARKER DESIGNER PCS REV.NO SIGNATURE TECHNOLOGIST STANDARD 21 INSPECTION AUTHORIZATION DATE STAGE REMARK S NUMBER/SET SCALE 1 1:8 SOURCING FROM PROJECTION TOTAL PAGES: 1 Order ref: MATR004HE/E PAGE NO. 1 FORMAT:A3 ZZ 29 85HE System Exploded View 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 MW50021314 MW07000249 Monarch Cabinet Label 0913 Cabinet Body 0916 Cabinet Body 0922 Cabinet Body 0935 Cabinet Body MW02170173 Overflow Adaptor Assembly MW02030028B Central Tube with 13" Central Tube with 16" Central Tube with 22" Central Tube with 35" MW07000246 19 20 28 21 9 27 26 8 MW07000247 MW07000248 MW02030078B MW02030034C MW02030082 25 7 24 6 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 22 5 23 4 3 24/25 2 MW16020412 1 3 Collector Collector Blue 0913 Pressure Tank MW07500916E Blue 0916 Pressure Tank MW07500922E Blue 0922 Pressure Tank MW07500935E Blue 0935 Pressure Tank MW07060077 Top Distributor MW11040017 UK Transformer (230V, 650mA, 12V) MW21319006 3/4" Adaptor MW26010143 O-ring 22.4x3.55 MW02170136 Inlet & Outlet Connector Assembly Overflow Tube Hoop MW22018737 85HE Valve Body Assembly MW07050140 MW13000401 Right Plate Left Plate MN Range Top Cover MN Range Salt Lid Front Plate Fixing Plate Screw-ST2.9x6.5 MW05031023L 85HE Display PCB (up flow) MW07050141 MW07032013 MW07032014 MW07050142 MW07032016 MW07032017 Display PCB Housing Operation Lable MN Range Top Plate 3/8" Riser Tube MN0913 Air Check MN0916 Air Check MN0922 Air Check MN0935 Air Check Nylon Belt 5x250 Filter Screen Bag Description MW50032211 MW07032015 MW20090003 MW07010141G MW07010142G MW19010103 MW62000662 Part Number 28 DESIGNER PCS SIGNATURE REV.NO TECHNOLOGIST STANDARD 22 INSPECTION AUTHORIZATION DATE STAGE REMARK S NUMBER/SET SCALE 1 1:7 SOURCING FROM PROJECTION TOTAL PAGES: 1 1 1 1 1 1 MN0913 MN0916 MN0922 MN0935 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 0.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quanti ty MN0913 MN0916 MN0922 MN0935 Remark MN0913/0916/0922 EXPLODED VIEW 27 MARKER MN0913 MN0916 MN0922 MN0935 MONARCH WATER --29 MN0913 MN0916 MN0922 MN0935 001x10 Food Grade Resin MW07010155G 2 1 Item Collector MW07500913E MW07010029B 26 Collector 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PAGE NO. 1 FORMAT:A3 ZZ 29 85HE System Exploded View 10 12 11 13 14 15 16 18 17 MW50021314 MW07000249 Monarch Cabinet Label 0913 Cabinet Body 0916 Cabinet Body 0922 Cabinet Body 0935 Cabinet Body MW02170173 Overflow Adaptor Assembly MW02030028B Central Tube with 13" Central Tube with 16" Central Tube with 22" Central Tube with 35" MW07000246 19 20 28 21 9 27 26 8 MW07000247 MW07000248 MW02030078B MW02030034C MW02030082 25 7 24 6 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 22 5 23 4 3 24/25 2 MW16020412 1 3 Collector Collector Blue 0913 Pressure Tank MW07500916E Blue 0916 Pressure Tank MW07500922E Blue 0922 Pressure Tank MW07500935E Blue 0935 Pressure Tank MW07060077 Top Distributor MW11040017 UK Transformer (230V, 650mA, 12V) MW21319006 3/4" Adaptor MW26010143 O-ring 22.4x3.55 MW02170136 Inlet & Outlet Connector Assembly Overflow Tube Hoop MW22018737 85HE Valve Body Assembly MW07050140 MW13000401 Right Plate Left Plate MN Range Top Cover MN Range Salt Lid Front Plate Fixing Plate Screw-ST2.9x6.5 MW05031023L 85HE Display PCB (up flow) MW07032017 Display PCB Housing Operation Lable MN Range Top Plate 3/8" Riser Tube MN0913 Air Check MN0916 Air Check MN0922 Air Check MN0935 Air Check Nylon Belt 5x250 Filter Screen Bag Description MW07050141 MW07032013 MW07032014 MW07050142 MW07032016 MW50032211 MW07032015 MW20090003 MW07010141G MW07010142G MW19010103 MW62000662 Part Number 28 DESIGNER PCS REV.NO SIGNATURE TECHNOLOGIST STANDARD 23 INSPECTION AUTHORIZATION DATE STAGE REMARK S NUMBER/SET SCALE 1 1:7 SOURCING FROM PROJECTION TOTAL PAGES: 1 1 1 1 1 1 MN0913 MN0916 MN0922 MN0935 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 0.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quanti ty MN0913 MN0916 MN0922 MN0935 Remark MN0913/0916/0922 EXPLODED VIEW 27 MARKER MN0913 MN0916 MN0922 MN0935 MONARCH WATER --29 MN0913 MN0916 MN0922 MN0935 001x10 Food Grade Resin MW07010155G 2 1 Item Collector MW07500913E MW07010029B 26 Collector 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PAGE NO. 1 FORMAT:A3 ZZ 85HE Control Valve Exploded View 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 13 14 15 56 52 51 57 16 58 17 15 50 18 55 49 7 54 15 53 48 24 47 46 44 45 42 41 40 39 38 37 43 34 23 22 21 36 35 34 32 30 Brine Line Elbow Nut 1 30 MW26010103 O-Ring-Ø25X3.55 1 57 MW30110004 Tube Insert 1 29 MW05056063 O-Ring-Ø78.74X5.33 1 56 MW30020013 Brine Line Elbow 1 28 MW07060007 Valve Bottom Connector 1 55 MW05031033 O-Ring-Ø8X1 1 27 MW05010037 Screw-ST2.9X10 2 54 MW05056206 BLFC-0.2GPM 1 26 MW05030004 85HE End Cover 1 53 MW05031010 85HE BLFC Fixed Sleeve 2 25 MW05030013 O-Ring-Ø30X2.65 1 52 MW05056105 Retaining Ring 1 24 MW05056133 Mixing Valve Insert 1 51 MW05010049 Special Washer 1 23 MW05056154 O-Ring-Ø6.3X1.8 1 50 MW05056093 Injector Screen 1 22 MW05056138 O-Ring-Ø14X1.8 1 49 MW05056030 Injector Cap 1 21 MW05056132 Mixing Valve Nut 1 48 MW05056031B Injector Spacer 1 20 MW05056131 Mixing Valve Screw 1 47 MW05056054 Injector Stem 1 19 MW05056130 Hexagonal Knob 1 46 MW05056134 O-Ring-Ø12X2 1 18 MW05056172 Secure Clip-s(grey) 2 45 MW05056075 Seal Mat 1 17 MW05031002B 85HE Valve Body 1 44 MW05056156 Injector Nozzle Plug 1 16 MW05056186 DLFC-2# 1 43 MW05031013 Injector Plug Body 1 15 MW05056081 O-Ring-Ø12.5X1.8 3 42 MW05031027 Screw-M5X25(Hexagon With Washer) 4 14 MW05010082 Drain Fitting-B 1 41 MW05031004 85HE Injector Cover Cap 1 13 MW05031005 85HE Spacer 1 40 MW05031018 O-Ring-Ø40X2.65 1 12 MW05056021 Spacer 8 39 MW05031003 85HE Injector Cover Body 1 11 MW05056073 Seal 5 38 MW05056103 Injector Screen 1 10 MW05057002 85HE Piston(Electrical Upflow) 1 26 1 29 28 27 MW30040097M Black Injector Nozzle 0000# 1 MN0913/16/22 9 MW05031014 85HE Piston Retainer 1 MW30040080 Injector Nozzle 000# 1 MN0935 8 MW05031011 85HE End Plug 1 MW30040096M Black injector Throat 1 MN0913/16/22 7 MW05056070 Quad Ring 2 MW30040089 Injector Throat 1 MN0935 6 MW05031015 85HE Quad Ring Plug Cover 35 MW05031012 85HE Injector Fixed Sleeve 1 5 MW05056097 Piston Pin 1 34 MW05031019 O-Ring-Ø12X1.5 2 4 MW05031032 BNT85HE Piston Rod 1 33 MW05031020 O-Ring-Ø8X1.5 2 3 MW05056047 End Plug Retainer 1 32 MW05031021 O-Ring-Ø18X3 1 2 MW05056087 Screw-M5X12(Hexagon) 3 31 MW05031022 O-Ring-Ø32X3 1 1 MW05056508 Screw-M5X12(Hexagon With Washer) 7 Item Part Number Description Qty Item Part Number Description Qty 36 25 33 19 MW21389033 37 33 31 20 58 Remark 1 Rmrk MONARCH WATER MARKER DESIGNER PCS REV.NO SIGNATURE INSPECTION STAGE REMARK NUMBER/SET SCALE 2:9 TECHNOLOGIST STANDARD 24 DATE AUTHORIZATION 85HE CONTROL VALVE EXPLODED VIEW SOURCING FROM PROJECTION TOTAL PAGES: 1PAGE NO. 1 FORMAT:A3 85HE Power Head Exploded View 11 8 12 17 MW05010029F Power Cable 1 19 MW05010108 Meter Assembly 1 18 MW12100024 Wiring Harness 1 17 MW05030024B 85HE Cover(Gray) 1 16 MW05031009 85HE Brine Gear (Upflow) 1 15 MW05010023 Magnet(3X2.7) 1 14 MW13000462 Screw-ST4.2X12(Large Washer) 1 13 MW05031025 85HE Main Pcb(Upflow) 1 12 MW05010037 Screw-ST2.9X10 4 11 MW05056013 Power Strain Rlief 1 10 MW05056550 Motor-12V/2rpm 1 9 MW05056098 Motor Pin 1 8 MW05056084 Screw-ST3.5X13 10 7 MW05031006 85HE Mounting Plate 1 6 MW13000463 Screw-ST2.9X13(Large Washer) 1 5 MW05031008 85HE Main Gear 1 4 MW05030009 85HE Drive Gear 1 3 MW05010046 Meter Strain Rlief 1 2 MW05010035 Strain Rlief 1 1 MW05030005 85HE Mounting 1 Item Part Number Description 18 8 10 20 13 19 9 8 20 14 7 6 15 5 Quantity Remark 4 16 3 MONARCH WATER 2 MARKER DESIGNER 1 PCS REV.NO SIGNATURE INSPECTION STAGE REMARK NUMBER/SET SCALE 2:5 TECHNOLOGIST STANDARD 25 DATE AUTHORIZATION POWER HEAD EXPLODED VIEW SOURCING FROM PROJECTION TOTAL PAGES: 1PAGE NO. 1 ">

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Key features
- High Capacity
- Timed Regeneration
- Days Override Option
- 85HE Valve Body Assembly
- Air Check System
- 2-Line Display
Frequently asked questions
The Master HE CS200 HE has a 22-inch resin tank, providing a capacity of 18 liters.
The Master HE CS200 HE has a timed regeneration cycle. You can adjust the frequency using the display panel and choose from different options, including a days override feature to manually change the regeneration schedule.
The Master HE CS200 HE utilizes an 85HE valve body assembly.