Howden WRVi, WRVi255, WRVi321 Service Manual
Howden WRVi255 is a rotary, oil-injected compressor designed for refrigeration applications. It features capacity control achieved through a hydraulic slide valve, allowing for efficient operation at varying loads. The WRVi255 utilizes a robust oil system that lubricates bearings, balances pistons, and seals the shaft. This compressor is engineered for long-lasting performance and ease of maintenance.
WRV & WRVi COMPRESSOR RANGE SERVICE MANUAL INDEX TO SECTIONS Page Number SECTION 1 FOREWORD 2 SECTION 2 DESCRIPTION 2.1 The WRV / WRVi Compressor 2.2 Compression Cycle 2.3 Gas System 2.4 Oil System 2.5 Oils 4 5 6 7 7 8 SECTION 3 INSTALLATION 3.1 Alignment of Compressor Couplings 3.2 Alignment Tolerance 3.3 Dowelling 3.4 Piping 9 10 11 12 12 SECTION 4 FIRST START UP 4.1 First Start 13 14 SECTION 5 NORMAL OPERATION 5.1 Normal Start 5.2 Normal Stop 15 16 16 SECTION 6 PROCEDURES DURING SHUT DOWN 6.1 Procedure on Shut Down 6.2 Inhibiting Oils 17 18 18 SECTION 7 MAINTENANCE 7.1 General Comments 7.2 Preparation for Annual Inspection 7.3 Dismantling Procedure for Annual Inspection 7.4 Checking Clearances Guide Block Thrust Bearing 7.5 Re-assembly after Annual Inspection 19 20 21 21 28 28 29 30 SECTION 8 SECTION 9 SECTION 10 OVERHAUL 8.1 General Procedure 8.2 Dismantling 163 Compressor for Major Overhaul 8.3 Re-assembly 163 Compressor after Overhaul Rotor to Main Casing Outlet End Clearance 8.4 Dismantling 204, 255 & 321 Compressors for Major Overhaul Journal Bearing Clearances Rotor Weights 8.5 Re-assembly 204, 255 & 321 Compressors after Overhaul Thrust Bearing Nip Rotor to Main Casing Outlet End Clearance 32 33 34 38 39 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.1 Torque Specifications 9.2 Procedure for Fitting Lockwashers 9.3 Special Tool List 49 50 53 54 SPARES 10.1 Recommended Spares List 1 41 42 45 46 46 47 56 57 SECTION 1 FOREWORD 2 READ CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING AND STARTING YOUR COMPRESSOR These instructions have been prepared to ensure that your compressor gives long and satisfactory service. Detailed instructions for carrying out an annual inspection or overhaul procedure is included for the following range of compressors: MK1G-1K/WRV163 MK6-6D/WRV204 MK6-6D/WRVi255 MK6-6C/WRVi321 MK1/WRVi365 The entire manual should be read before reverting to any one section for specific information. One copy should be given to the personnel responsible for installing and operating the compressor. All requests for information, services or spares should be directed to: HOWDEN COMPRESSORS Compressor Business Unit 133 Barfillan Drive Glasgow G52 1BE UK Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Website: or HOWDEN COMPRESSORS LLC 1850B North Gravers Road Plymouth Meeting PA 19462 USA 0044 (0)141 882 3346 0044 (0)141 882 8648 [email protected] Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Website: 001 610 313 9800 001 610 313 9215 [email protected] All enquiries should be accompanied by the Howden Compressors Contract Number and the Compressor Serial Number, taken from the nameplate on the side of the compressor body. HOWDEN COMPRESSORSCOMPRESSORS 3 HOWDEN SECTION 2 DESCRIPTION 4 2.1 THE WRV COMPRESSOR The Howden WRV & WRVi Oil Injected Compressor is a positive displacement, capacity controlled, oil flooded, rotary machine. Compression is achieved by the meshing of two helical rotors on parallel shafts housed in a casing. The accurately machined helical rotors are called Male and Female. The Male (driving) rotor has four lobes which mesh with six flutes in the female (driven) rotor, both rotors having the same outside diameter. Each rotor is supported by two plain white metal, thick walled, journal bearings fitted adjacent to the compression chamber. Angular contact bearings, offloaded by internal balance pistons accommodate the axial thrust load. Capacity control is achieved by means of a hydraulically controlled slide valve in the compressor. This allows internal gas re-circulation, thus controlling the capacity from 100% down to nominally 10% with power saving. Various methods of hydraulic cylinder control are available and the appropriate literature provided by the compressor set supplier, should be studied before carrying out any work on this equipment. 5 2.2 THE COMPRESSION CYCLE (DIAGRAMMATIC ONLY) 1. Gas is drawn in to fill the interlobe space between adjacent lobes on top side of rotors at Inlet End. 2. As the rotors rotate, the interlobe space moves past 3. 4. When the interlobe space becomes exposed the inlet port so sealing the interlobe space. Viewed from the top side of rotors at Inlet End. Continued rotation progressively reduces the space occupied by the gas, causing compression. Viewed from underside of rotors at Discharge End. to the outlet port the gas is discharged. Viewed from the underside of rotors at Discharge End. 6 2.3 DESCRIPTION OF A GAS SYSTEM FOR A TYPICAL REFRIGERATION COMPRESSOR SET Gas is drawn into the compressor through a non-return valve and then a strainer is fitted directly on the inlet flange and discharged into an oil tank/separator. The non-return valve is necessary to prevent the compressor being “motored” in the reverse direction when it is stopped with high gas pressure at the outlet. If necessary, a second non-return valve is positioned at the outlet of the tank to prevent the entry of gas or liquid refrigerant. Primary separation of the oil mixed with the gas is achieved in the tank, secondary separation takes place in a wire mesh element separator positioned close to the tank outlet. In some separator designs the wire mesh is replaced by a separator cartridge. The separated oil drains into the oil tank. A further secondary separator vessel may also be fitted where a very high separation efficiency is required. The oil separated is usually drained into the compressor through a small bore pipe which can be fitted with a protective filter and an isolating valve. 2.4 DESCRIPTION OF AN OIL SYSTEM FOR A TYPICAL REFRIGERATION COMPRESSOR SET Oil at outlet pressure is drawn from the tank by the oil pump, passed through a cooler and micronic filters to the manifold where it is fed to the bearings, balance piston, shaft seal, compression chamber and hydraulic actuator. When liquid refrigerant injection is used there is no oil cooler. A differential pressure relief valve in the system before the filters maintains a manifold pressure in the range of 30 psi (2 kg/cm²) for a standard range compressor set and 40 psi (2.7 kg/cm²) for an ‘H’ designated compressor set. When the compressor operates on a continuous duty, duplex micronic filters may be fitted, allowing one filter element to be changed while the other is in operation. Approved lubricating oils for refrigeration compressors are listed under Section 2.5. 7 2.5 RECOMMENDED LUBRICATING OILS Howden compressors are fitted, as standard, with neoprene ‘O’ rings. These ‘O’ rings are compatible with the majority of standard refrigerants and many oils, but compatibility with all possible combinations of refrigerant and oil cannot be guaranteed. Should you wish to review this matter, please do not hesitate to contact Howden Compressors Limited, who will be pleased to provide recommendations and costs for any special ‘O’ ring materials which may be required. Typical Standard Refrigerants: R717, R22, R134a, R404A R407C, R410A, R507 Typical Oils: Mineral Oil Polyol Ester Oil Poly Alkylene Glycol Oil Alkyl Benzene Oil Oil Viscosity: For the majority of ammonia refrigeration applications, oil viscosity of 68 centistokes at 40ºC is the appropriate selection. However, with many other refrigerants, eg; R134a with high condensing temperatures, or applications involving hydrocarbon gases, a specific oil selection is required. Howden Compressors Limited offer a consultancy service to all users of HCL product. Please consult the applications department of HCL who will be happy to advise on grade of oil applicable to the refrigerant or gas at the specific duty application. 8 SECTION 3 INSTALLATION 9 3.1 ALIGNMENT OF COMPRESSOR COUPLINGS The couplings supplied with this compressor must be aligned using the method described below: If a compressor only is supplied the coupling alignment tolerance figures can be seen under Section 3.2. During alignment checks, both half couplings should be rotated together from 0° to 90°, 180°, 270° and 360° and readings of radial and facial alignment recorded. Turning both half couplings together ensures that readings are recorded at the same point on each half coupling, thus eliminating the effect of any irregularities on the outside diameters, or faces of the half coupling. Commence alignment by setting the faces of the coupling halves parallel in the vertical plane. The axes will now be parallel in the horizontal plane and further adjustment to obtain the correct centre heights will require equal shimming under each foot of the unit being adjusted. The units are now positioned vertically and horizontally. Further adjustment to obtain the correct coupling gap, radial and facial alignment, will only require movement of one unit on the existing shim size. Coupling gap dimensions should be set with the couplings held in a repeatable position, ie, hard together or hard apart. This ensures that each coupling half is removed to the same axial position as each check is made. The actual coupling gap should be correct when the shafts are in their normal running condition. If the combined float of the driving and driven shaft exceeds the coupling gap tolerance, the value and direction of float for both shafts will be shown on the General Arrangement Drawing. When setting the gap the axial float of each shaft should be determined and the “hard together” or “hard apart” dimension calculated. Example: Compressor driven directly by a turbine. Compressor shaft float 0.050mm (0.002”) Turbine shaft float 0.250mm (0.010”) The normal running position of the compressor shaft is towards the turbine and the turbine normally runs thrusting towards the compressor. Required gap 3.175mm (0.125”) If the gap is checked with the couplings “hard apart” it should be: Plus Compressor shaft float 0.000mm (0.000”) Plus Turbine shaft float 0.250mm (0.010”) = “Hard apart” gap 3.425mm (0.135”) 10 3.1 ALIGNMENT OF COMPRESSOR COUPLINGS (Continued) If the gap is checked with the couplings “hard together”, ie, in the normal running condition, it should be equal to the required coupling gap: 3.175mm (0.125”). NOTE: If a “limited float” coupling is used with an electric motor whose shaft has no thrust bearing, the gap must be correct with the motor shaft on its magnetic centre. In this instance the facial alignment check should be made, rotating the driven half coupling only as the drive (motor) half coupling is not located axially, or preferably by a “double-clock” method, which avoids the problem of repeated axial position. 3.2 ALIGNMENT TOLERANCE The maximum acceptable line-up tolerance for couplings on compressor installations is as follows: RADIAL TOLERANCE FACE TOLERANCE Application A. Motor to Gearbox or Compressor ie couplings operating up to 3,600 rpm Radial Tolerance Face Tolerance 0.15mm (0.006”) TIR TIR 0.005mm/cm or 0.005”/in Dia. Of coupling B. Gearbox to Compressor i.e. couplings operating above 3,600 rpm Radial Tolerance Face Tolerance 0.10mm (0.004”) TIR TIR 0.005mm/cm or 0.005”/inch Dia. Of coupling Radial Tolerance Eccentricity = ½ TIR on circumference TIR denotes Total Indicator Reading obtained by Clockgauge 11 3.3 DOWELLING Only one unit of any assembly will be dowelled before despatch. Dowels should be fitted to ease realignment when components are removed for overhaul. 3.4 PIPING Before installing the piping the compressor inlet and outlet ports should be inspected to ensure no dirt is present. Note that the pipes and fitting used should not restrict flows. To avoid this always use piping with a bore ¼” larger than the thread diameter of the compressor port, eg, WRV 204 oil injection connection thread is ¾” BSP and so a 1” OD pipe should be used. NOTE: All piping should be supported so that no strain is transmitted to the compressor casings. The piping should be inspected for cleanliness before installation. As each pipe is connected to the compressor, the coupling alignment should be checked to ensure that no alteration has taken place. If alignment has altered the compressor is being strained and the piping supports must be adjusted. It is not sufficient merely to re-align the drive unit as this will not correct the strain being imposed on the compressor. Oil injected refrigeration compressors must have a suction strainer permanently fitted directly on the compressor inlet. 12 SECTION 4 FIRST START UP 13 4.1 FIRST START Installation of the compressor will have been carried out in accordance with Section 3 of this manual. The Commissioning Engineer should however ascertain that the correct procedures have been followed, in particular the coupling alignment must be checked, then proceed as follows: 1. 2. 3. Disconnect the coupling between the drive and the compressor and check that the direction of rotation is correct to drive the compressor in a clockwise direction, looking on the compressor input shaft. (Anti-clockwise if compressor MRV model). Fill the oil tank with lubricating oil of the correct grade to the required level as indicated on the tank level sight glass. 4. Ensure that the manifold and oil pipes to the compressor are clean then start the lubricating pump motor to circulate the oil and clean the system. 5. The lubricating oil pressure differential control valve should be set to give a 30 psi (2 kg/cm²) oil manifold differential pressure for a standard range compressor and 40 psi (2.7 kg/cm²) oil manifold differential pressure for an ‘H’ designated compressor at correct operating temperature, with clean oil filter elements fitted. 6. Check the operation of any safety trips fitted by running the drive unit disconnected from the compressor and mechanically operating the trips, check that the actual settings are in accordance with the contract specification. The lubricating oil differential pressure trip can be set at 12 psi (0.85 kg/cm²) on a standard range compressor and 22 psi (1.54 kg/cm²) on ‘H’ designated compressors by partially closing the oil filter outlet isolation valve and thereby reducing the differential oil pressure. As the filters become dirty the differential oil pressure will drop to these figures, which are the minimum accepted value. 7. Check that the compressor turns freely by hand and reconnect the coupling between the drive unit and the compressor. 8. Check that the cooling water is turned on to the lubricating oil cooler, if fitted. 9. Check that all gas inlet and outlet isolating valves are open. 10. Start the lubricating oil pump motor. NOTE: The compressor should be unloaded prior to start up. If the compressor is started without first being unloaded a higher starting torque will be required. 11. Start the drive unit and check that all gauges are indicating correctly. 12. Run the compressor for 30 minutes at minimum gas flows and check that all readings are normal, then operate the capacity control valve to the required position. This position will be indicated on the dial mounted on the hydraulic cylinder. 13. If possible, check the slide valve control over the full range of capacity. 14 SECTION 5 NORMAL OPERATION 15 5.1 5.2 NORMAL START 1. Check the level of the oil in the tank. 2. Check that all the necessary gas, oil and water valves are open. 3. Start the lubricating oil pump motor. 4. Ensure the capacity control valve is in the fully unloaded position. 5. Start the drive unit and check that all gauges are indicating normal readings. NORMAL STOP 1. Stop the drive unit. 2. After the compressor stops, the control system should be operated to move the slide valve into the off load position unless the control system does this automatically. 3. After the compressor stops rotating, stop the lubricating oil pump motor. 4. Close all gas and water isolating valves. The compressor is now ready for the next start up sequence. NOTE: A log should be kept of the instrument readings so that deviations from normal running conditions can be easily seen by the Engineer in charge of the installation. 16 SECTION 6 PROCEDURES DURING SHUTDOWN 17 6.1 PROCEDURES DURING SHUTDOWN The Howden WRV Screw Compressor operates on an oil/gas mixture and short periods of shutdown will not adversely affect the unit. If the compressor is shut down for an extended period the lubricating oil pump should be operated for approximately ten minutes weekly, to distribute oil throughout the set. Turn the compressor driveshaft a few times every week by hand. This will help to avoid Brinelling of the anti-friction bearings. If the shutdown period is three months or more the above procedure should be continued and, in addition, the compressor set should be run for one hour every three months. Alternatively, for greater corrosion protection, the normal lubricating oil can be drained off, replaced with inhibiting oil and the set run for one hour initially, then one hour every three months. NOTE: Before the compressor set is returned to normal use, the inhibiting oil must be removed and the system filled with regular oil. During a shutdown period in cold conditions any water cooled items of plant should be drained, or the cooling water flow maintained to prevent frost damage. 6.2 INHIBITING OILS APPROVED FOR USE WITH HOWDEN SCREW COMPRESSORS A list of approved inhibiting oils suitable for use on the Howden Screw Compressor prior to a prolonged shutdown is shown in Fig. 1. If you have any doubts about the compatibility of these oils with your gas please contact the manufacturer or your dealer. SHELL ENSIS ENGINE OIL 10W ESSO RUST-BAN 335 OR 337 MOBIL MOBILARMA 524 CALTEX CALTEX PRESERVATION OIL 10W Fig. 1 18 SECTION 7 MAINTENANCE 19 7.1 GENERAL COMMENTS The compressor is designed to give long periods of trouble free operation with the minimum of maintenance. A yearly inspection is recommended for all Howden Compressor installations. Some installations may require an annual statutory insurance survey. The purpose of the yearly inspection survey is to check if there is any significant wear of the thrust bearings, slide valve guide block or PTFE seals and, if any wear is found, for these components to be renewed. Where axial movement condition monitoring equipment is fitted to the compressor, a continuous indication of the thrust bearing condition is monitored and the bearing check can be extended to once every two years. It is not anticipated, however, that a major overhaul will be required until approximately after four years operation. After this time the thrust bearings must be renewed. When the compressor is being inspected or overhauled it must be dismantled in a clean area. The inspection overhaul procedure is different between the WRV163 & WRV204 compressors and the, WRVi255, WRVi321 & WRVi365 compressors due to construction variations. Please ensure that the correct procedure is used for the size of compressor involved. Always refer to the sectional and external arrangement drawings. All fasteners should be torqued to the value specified as stated under Torque Specifications in Section 9.1 using appropriate torque wrenches. All lockwashers, tabwashers, ‘O’ rings and PTFE seals must be renewed on assembly. Section 9.2 describes lockwasher assembly procedure. Special tools to ease dismantling and re-assembly can be provided, as listed in Section 9.3. Details of these can be obtained from the Compressor Business Unit, Howden Compressors. Section 10 details all Part Numbers of normally replaceable components. 20 7.2 PREPARATION FOR ANNUAL INSPECTION Before dismantling the compressor, certain precautions should be taken in the interests of safety: 1. Isolate the drive unit. 2. Depressurise and purge the system. 3. Disconnect the drive unit coupling from the compressor. 4. Place a receptacle under the outlet end of the compressor to catch any oil which may drip from the hydraulic cylinder when the cylinder cover is removed or when the outlet end cover is removed. 5. Ensure all lifting equipment, ie, eye bolts, slings, and shackles are safe and serviceable. To enable a check to be made of floats and condition of seals and guide block on the compressor during annual maintenance, a certain amount of dismantling is required. This differs slightly between the 163 compressor and the 204, 255, 321 & 365 compressors. 7.3 DISMANTLING PROCEDURE FOR ANNUAL INSPECTION Commence at discharge end with the Hydraulic Actuator No matter which size compressor is involved, extract the 3 off cap screws holding the Aluminium cover to the cylinder cover, if fitted, and remove. Extract the cap screws securing the Cylinder Cover to the Hydraulic Cylinder and remove the cover, including the limit switches and indicator spindle which are attached to it (Fig. 2). NOTE: Some compressors will have a LPI sensor fitted as an option instead of switches, and will not have the cylinder switch cover fitted. 21 7.3 DISMANTLING PROCEDURE FOR ANNUAL INSPECTION (Continued) Fig. 2 Fig. 3 NOTE: The indicator spindle has to clear a dowel pin which moves along the spiral groove in the spindle, therefore this cover must be kept in an axial position when withdrawing until the spindle clears the dowel pin (Fig 3). The LPI Sensor is housed inside a sensor well attached to the cover and this must also be removed axially. IMPORTANT: It is essential that the spiral groove engaging the dowel pin is marked for correct reassembly to avoid damage to the potentiometer. Move the slide valve to bring the actuator piston to the outer end of the cylinder. Do not move the slide valve past its minimum position at the capacity stop as it may come off the guide block at the inlet end of the compressor when unlocking the piston lockwasher and locknut. Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Unlock the piston lockwasher and locknut and remove (Fig. 4). Remove the actuator stop sleeve, if fitted, from the cylinder bore (Fig. 5). Withdraw the piston (Fig. 6) using the appropriate tool listed for the compressor size. See Section 9.3. 22 7.3 DISMANTLING PROCEDURE FOR ANNUAL INSPECTION (Continued) Removing the Combined Outlet Cover/Cylinder 163 Compressor Fit an eyebolt to the tapped hole at the top of the outlet cover, attach a sling to the eyebolt to support the weight of the cover (Fig. 7). Fig. 6 Fig. 7 23 7.3 DISMANTLING PROCEDURE FOR ANNUAL INSPECTION (Continued) Extract the set pins securing the discharge cover to the main casing body. (Fig. 8) Push the piston rod to the bottom of the cylinder. Carefully draw the cover clear of the piston rod/valve spindle. Care should be taken to prevent damage to the actuator cylinder which is part of the cover. At this stage, the slide valve can be withdrawn from the compressor for a visual inspection. (Fig. 9) Fig. 8 Fig. 9 A light shone from the slide valve bore will permit a visual inspection of the rotors. (Fig. 10-11) Fig. 10 Fig. 11 24 7.3 DISMANTLING PROCEDURE FOR ANNUAL INSPECTION (Continued) Removing the Cylinder and End Cover WRV204, WRVi255, WRVi321 & WRVi365 Compressors The hydraulic cylinder and end cover are separate items in the above compressor and are removed as follows: Removing the Hydraulic Cylinder Extract the cap screws or setscrews securing the cylinder to the end cover (Fig. 12). Support the cylinder with a sling and using the jacking holes provided in the cylinder flange, jack out the cylinder (Fig. 13). Fig. 12 Fig. 13 Removing the End Cover Extract most of the set pins securing the outlet end cover to the main casing (Fig. 14). Fig. 14 25 7.3 DISMANTLING PROCEDURE FOR ANNUAL INSPECTION (Continued) Fit an eye bolt to the top of the outlet cover flange and use suitable lifting equipment to support the weight of the cover (Fig. 15). Remove the set pins locating the cover to the main casing and remove the cover. Fig. 15 Fig. 16 Take care to avoid damage to the piston rod/valve spindle (Fig. 16). Removing the Slide Valve Withdraw the slide valve using suitable lifting equipment to support the weight of the valve, especially on WRVi255, WRVi321, & WRVi365 compressors (Fig. 17). Fig. 17 26 7.3 DISMANTLING PROCEDURE FOR ANNUAL INSPECTION (Continued) Now that the slide valve has been removed by shining a light from the valve bore, a visual inspection of the rotors can be achieved (Figs. 18 - 19). Fig. 18 Fig. 19 PTFE Seals. The compressor has now been dismantled enough to permit the inspection and replacement of the PTFE seals and ‘O’ rings in the actuator cylinder, (Fig. 20) also the piston, should they be required (Fig. 21). Fig 20 Fig 21 Fig. 20 Fig. 21 27 7.4 CHECKING CLEARANCES Guide Block The guide block which locates the slide valve should also be checked for wear every 30,000 hours or every 4 years whichever comes first. See Fig. 22 and relative table for dimensions. Guide Block to Slide Valve Slot Fig. 22 Compressor Size by Rotor Diameter 163 mm 204mm 255mm 321mm 365mm 28 Dimension ‘W’ Clearance 24.987/24.975 mm (0.984”/0.9833”) 29.987/29.975 mm (1.181”/1.180”) 41.262/41.250 mm (1.625”/1.624”) 44.990/44.965 mm (1.771”/1.770”) 0.046/0.013 mm (0.0018”/0.005”) 0.046/0.013 mm (0.0018”/0.005”) 0.050/0.013 mm (0.002”/0.005”) 0.060/0.010mm (0.0024”/0.004”) 49.991/49.965mm 0.065/0.009mm (0.0025”/0.004”) 7.4 CHECKING CLEARANCES (Continued) To check the Thrust Bearing Float To check the thrust bearing float, set a dial indicator up axially on the shaft end. Access must be gained to the inlet end of the female rotor by removing the rotor cover. Push or pull the rotor, to its limit in either direction. Record the indicator reading and then push or pull the rotor to its limit in the opposite direction. The difference in indicator readings is the thrust bearing axial float. This procedure must be followed for both male and female rotors. This reading should not exceed 0.025mm (0.001”). Any increase over this reading will necessitate replacement of the thrust bearings. The thrust bearings are fitted with a small pre-load, the maximum float permitted is 0.025mm (0.001”). If in excess of this the bearings must be changed. NOTE: Should the thrust bearing float be within limits, no further work on the rotors is recommended, i.e. journal bearing clearances would not necessarily be measured. Any increase on this figure will necessitate replacement of the thrust bearings, the procedure for which is described per Section 8.2-8.3 or 8.4-8.5. Maximum Thrust Bearing Float Please note that due to a change in bearing selection, which now means that bearings are fitted with a pre-load condition, the maximum float permitted is 0.025mm (0.001”) regardless of compressor size. Fig. 23 NOTES: It is extremely important that the fasteners on the thrust bearing retaining plates of the WRV163 and WRV204 compressors are torqued exactly to the specified setting of 14Nm. Over-torquing will not permit correct operation of the thrust bearing, resulting in premature failure. Should the thrust bearing float be within limits, no further work on the rotors is recommended, ie, journal bearing clearances would not necessarily be measured. Where the thrust bearing float is outside limits and, therefore, the thrust bearings have to be slackened off and removed, the opportunity would then be taken to measure journal bearing condition, and proceed as for major overhaul. Where a compressor is fitted with condition monitoring, no check on the thrust bearings will be required. See Section 7.1. A 4 yearly check on the guide block wear, and an annual check on the PTFE seal condition is all that is necessary. 29 7.5 RE-ASSEMBLY AFTER ANNUAL INSPECTION When all checks and corrections have been made, and assuming no major problems have developed, the compressor can be re-assembled. (Refer to the Sectional Arrangement drawing supplied and torque specifications as advised under Section 9.1) WRV163 Compressor Ensure the guide block is in position in the slide valve bore, insert the slide valve and push it all the way to the ‘on load’ position (Fig. 24). Insert an eyebolt into the outlet end cover flange and with the aid of suitable lifting equipment reassemble the outlet end cover/hydraulic cylinder (Fig. 25). Secure with set pins to the main casing. Remove the lifting sling and eyebolt. Fig. 24 Fig. 25 Refit the piston into place in the hydraulic cylinder. Secure with new lockwasher and locknut (Fig. 26). Replace the actuator stop sleeve. Fit the cylinder end cover, taking care to ensure the dowel is properly located in the spiral groove of the indicator spindle (Fig. 27). Fig. 26 Fig. 27 Secure the cover with cap screws. Ensure the limit switches are in position securely fastened, assemble the limit switch cover, if fitted, and secure with cap screws. For compressors fitted with LPI sensors, refit the cylinder end cover and secure the cover with capscrews. Refit and secure the LPI sensor. 30 7.5 REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE FOR ANNUAL INSPECTION (Continued) WRV204, WRVi255, WRVi321 & WRVi365 Ensure the guide block is in position in the slide valve bore, insert the slide valve and push it all the way to the on load position (Fig. 28). Insert an eyebolt into the outlet end cover flange and with the aid of suitable lifting equipment reassemble the outlet end cover and secure (Fig. 29). Fig. 28 Fig. 29 Attach a sling to the hydraulic cylinder, re-assemble to the outlet end cover and secure with cap screws (Fig. 30). Refit the piston into place in the hydraulic cylinder. Secure with new lockwasher and locknut (Fig. 31). Replace the actuator stop sleeve. Fit the cylinder end cover taking care to ensure the dowel is properly located in the spiral groove of the indicator spindle (Fig. 32). Fig. 31 Fig. 30 Fig. 32 Secure the cover with cap screws. Ensure the limit switches are in position securely fastened, assemble the limit switch cover, if fitted, and secure with cap screws. For compressors fitted with LPI sensors, refit the cylinder end cover and secure the cover with capscrews. Refit and secure the LPI sensor. 31 SECTION 8 OVERHAUL 32 8.1 GENERAL PROCEDURES Although a yearly inspection and maintenance programme is recommended if no condition monitoring equipment is fitted, it is essential that a major overhaul is carried out after approximately 4 years operation or earlier, dependant on site conditions. To carry out a major overhaul proceed as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. If necessary, isolate, depressurise and purge the system. Disconnect the driving and driven half coupling. Disconnect all gas and oil pipes attached to the compressor. Remove the ¾” or 1” BSP taper plug from the bottom of the inlet end cover, and collect the oil which drains off. Remove the gas inlet strainer. Remove the dowel pins (if fitted) and the holding down bolts from the compressor feet. Lift the compressor to the location, which should be a clean, dry area, where dismantling and assembly will take place. Notes about Dismantling and Re-assembly The dismantling and assembly method varies slightly between the WRV163 & WRV204 compressors and the WRVi255, WRVi321 & WRVi365 compressors due to differences in construction. It is, therefore, essential the correct procedure is used for the size of compressor involved. Reference should always be made to the Sectional Arrangement drawing supplied. Use only proper locknut spanners to avoid damage to the locknut slots. Special tools to facilitate assembly and dismantling operations can be supplied on request. A list of special tools is located in Section 9.3 of this manual. All lockwashers, tabwashers, ‘O’ rings and PTFE seals must be renewed on assembly. All lockwashers must be assembled according to the procedure as described per Section 9.2. All fasteners should be torqued to the specified values as stated under Section 9.1. 33 8.2 DISMANTLING 163 COMPRESSOR FOR MAJOR OVERHAUL The compressor to be dismantled as per procedures for Annual Inspection under Section 7.3 then proceed: Checking Journal Bearing Clearance (163mm) At this point in the dismantling procedure the journal bearing clearance should be checked to determine whether the journal bearings need to be replaced as part of the compressor overhaul. Ensure the thrust retaining plate on the WRV163 compressor is removed (Figs. 33-34). Fig. 33 Fig. 34 Procure a piece of round bar ½” (13mm) diameter and approximately 14” (355mm) long. Set up a dial indicator in a convenient position on the main casing to allow the spindle of the dial indicator to lie on the rotor or rotor locknut. Set the dial indicator to zero. Insert the short piece of bar into the hole on the end of the rotor shaft. By raising and lowering the bar, a reading is shown on the dial indicator. This reading is the shaft lift, by removing 0.001” (0.025mm) from this reading because of the angle of lift, you are left with the bearing clearance. Check this figure against the table of bearing clearances shown on Fig. 35. 34 8.2 DISMANTLING 163 COMPRESSOR FOR MAJOR OVERHAUL (Continued) Repeat the procedure on both rotors. If there is any doubt about the clearance of a bearing, renew the bearing. As the inlet end bearings are more lightly loaded they then only require to be inspected if the outlet end bearings require to be replaced. Compressor Size 163 Fig. 35 Drawing Clearance mm 0.070/0.1102 WRV163 Bearing Journal Clearances Drawing Clearance inches 0.0028”/0.0043” Maximum Allowable Clearance 0.150mm/0.006” Carry on the dismantling procedure by unlocking the lockwashers and locknuts securing the thrust bearings (Figs.36 & 37) and remove. The adjusting ring behind the thrust bearing has threaded extensions which enable the ring to be extracted by the use of jacking screws, the operation of jacking out the adjusting ring withdraws the thrust bearing with it (Figs. 37-39). Fig. 36 Fig. 37 Fig. 38 Fig. 39 35 8.2 DISMANTLING 163 COMPRESSOR FOR MAJOR OVERHAUL (Continued) Removing the Inlet Shaft Seal (163mm) Withdraw the driven half coupling key from the input shaft. Extract the cap screws (Fig. 40) from the shaft seal cover and, using the jacking screw holes provided in conjunction with the T-bar jacking tools, remove the shaft seal cover. Follow on with the removal of the Input Shaft Seal Assembly (Figs. 41-42), ie, the stationary seat with ‘O’ ring seal, the shaft seal and balance piston/labyrinth seal. Jacking holes are provided for withdrawing the balance piston using ‘T’ bar tools. Fig. 41 Fig. 40 Fig. 42 36 8.2 DISMANTLING 163 COMPRESSOR FOR MAJOR OVERHAUL (Continued) Removing the Inlet End Cover (WRV163mm) Fit an eyebolt into the tapped hole at the top of the inlet cover flange. Attach a sling to the eyebolt and support the weight of the cover using some form of lifting gear (Fig. 43). Fig. 43 Fig. 44 Extract most of the screws securing the inlet cover to the main casing. Remove the dowel pins locating the inlet cover to the main casing (Fig.44). Remove the rest of the screws and carefully slide the inlet cover over the extended shaft of the male rotor, taking the ‘O’ ring seal with it taking great care to avoid damaging the inlet end journal bearings, which are situated in the inlet end cover (Fig. 45). Fig. 45 37 8.2 DISMANTLING 163 COMPRESSOR FOR MAJOR OVERHAUL (Continued) Removing the Rotors (163mm) Now that the inlet and outlet end casings and the thrust bearings have been removed as described previously, the rotors can be withdrawn from the main casing as shown in Figs.46-47. See table Fig. 48 for estimated rotor weight. Fig. 46 Fig. 47 ESTIMATED WEIGHTS OF ROTORS Rotor Male Size lbs kg 163/1.80 93 42 163/1.45 79 36 Fig. 48 Female lbs 71 59 kg 32 27 The journal bearings can now be extracted from the Main and Inlet casings using an extractor tool. See Tool List Section 9.3. Fit new journal bearings using assembly tool in preparation for re-assembly. The journal bearings are located by a dowel pin and are retained by circlips. 8.3 RE-ASSEMBLY 163 COMPRESSOR AFTER OVERHAUL When repair or rectification work has been completed the compressor should be assembled as follows. 1. Lubricate the bearing bores with lubricating oil and lift in the rotors, ensure the lobes mesh at the serial numbers on the rotors. 2. Assemble the inlet casing to the main casing, locate with the dowel pins, and secure with set pins. (See Torque Specification in Section 9.1) 3. Locate the thrust bearing adjustment plates over the rotor shafts at the outlet end and slide them into position. Heat the angular contact thrust bearings using an oil bath or induction heater to a temperature of approx 100°C and assemble to the rotors. 4. Prior to wire locking the thrust retaining plate in place, it is necessary to check that the rotor outlet end clearance is correct. 5. Fit lockwasher/locknut and secure (Fig. 36). 38 8.3 RE-ASSEMBLY 163 COMPRESSOR AFTER OVERHAUL (Continued) Checking Rotor to main casing Outlet End Clearance (163mm) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Remove the thrust retaining plate (if fitted). The adjusting plate behind the thrust bearings has two lugs with tapped holes for withdrawal purposes. Insert jacking screws into the lugs and lightly tension the screws until resistance if felt (Fig. 49). The action of tightening the screws draws the rotors hard against the outlet end of the main casing. Remove the jacking screws. Replace the thrust retaining plate and the retaining screws (Figs. 33-34). Fit a clock gauge in a suitable point on the casing with the spindle of the gauge touching the end of the rotor (Fig 50). Set the clock dial to zero. Torque up the plate retaining screws using a torque wrench to 14Nm. Note the movement on the clock gauge. This is the rotor outlet end clearance and should correspond to the table as per Fig. 51. Adjustment, if necessary, is carried out by machining of the thrust bearing withdrawal plates. Fig. 49 Rotor Outlet End Clearance 163 Compressor 0.050/0.075mm 0.002/0.003” Fig. 50 Maximum Allowable Clearance 0.100mm 0.004” Fig. 51 WRV 163 Outlet End Clearance 39 8.3 RE-ASSEMBLY 163 COMPRESSOR AFTER OVERHAUL (Continued) When the clearances are finalised, the retaining cap screws on the Thrust Retaining Plate should be wire locked using the following method: The grade of wire used should be 1/16” diameter Annealed S.S. Safety Wire. Adjustment, if necessary, is carried out by machining of the adjusting plate behind the thrust bearings (Fig. 52). Re-assemble the combined outlet cover/cylinder (163mm) Re-assembly as described per Section 7.5 for 163 compressor, then proceed: Re-assemble the input shaft seal (163mm) Re-assemble the components in the following sequence: 1. 2. 3. 4. Assemble the balance piston on the rotor shaft, locating dowel with the driving pin facing outward. Lubricate the shaft seal and assemble to the rotor shaft, locate in the outward facing dowel/driving pin of the balance piston. Assemble the stationary seat with a new ‘O’ ring fitted on the outside diameter recess. Fit the seal housing with new ‘O’ ring and secure with capscrews, tightening them in a systematic order to avoid tilting. The torque setting of the cap screws is 35lbs ft (48Nm). To complete the assembly fit the coupling key and compressor driven half coupling. 40 8.4 DISMANTLING WRV204, WRVi255, WRVi321 & WRVi365 COMPRESSORS FOR MAJOR OVERHAUL The compressor to be dismantled as per procedure for Annual Inspection under Section 7.2, then proceed: Checking Journal Bearing Clearance (WRV204) As per procedure for WRV163 Section 8.2 Checking Journal Bearing Clearance (WRVi255, WRVi321 & WRVi365) Slacken back the set pins securing the thrust housing end cover, to ensure it is not binding on the outer rim of the thrust bearing (Figs. 53-54). This necessitates the use of a slightly different technique for measuring bearing lifts, since there is no longer a hole in the rotor end in which to insert a lever to lift the rotor. In this case, the dial indicator must be mounted on top of the rotor. The rotor end must be jacked or levered up at the bottom of the thrust retaining plate to obtain a reading. The bearing clearance is equal to the indicated reading minus 0.001” (0.025mm). Repeat the procedure on the other rotor. If there is any doubt about the clearance of a bearing, renew the bearing. As the inlet end bearings are more lightly loaded they only require to be inspected if the outlet end bearings show signs of wear. Fig. 53 Fig. 54 41 8.4 DISMANTLING 204, 255, 321 & 365 COMPRESSOR FOR MAJOR OVERHAUL (Continued) If the journal bearing clearance inspection shows the bearing diametrical clearance is less than the maximum allowable, (see Fig. 55), the advantages of a further period of trouble free running with new journal bearings should be considered before deciding to re-use the existing bearings. Compressor Size Drawing Clearance mm Inches 204 255 321 0.070/0.110 0.095/0.136 0.130/0.170 0.0028”/0.0043” 0.0037”/0.0054” 0.0052”/0.0068” Maximum Allowable Clearance 0.150mm/0.006” 0.180mm/0.007” 0.226mm/0.009” 365 0.175/0.220 0.0069”/0.0087” 0.295mm/0.012” Fig. 55 Journal Bearing Clearances Removing the Input Shaft Seal After the driven half coupling and key have been removed, extract the cap screws from the shaft end cover and using the jacking holes provided and using ‘T’ bar jacking tools, remove the shaft cover (Fig. 56). Fig. 56 42 8.4 DISMANTLING 204, 255, 321 & 365 COMPRESSOR FOR MAJOR OVERHAUL (Continued) Removing the Input Shaft Seal (Continued) Pull out the shaft seal, taking care not to damage the carbon face of the seal. (Fig. 57) Withdraw the inlet balance piston using T-bar jacking tools in the jacking holes provided. (Fig. 58) Follow this up by removing the stationary seat from the seal cover. Fig. 57 Fig. 58 Removing the Vi adjuster-WRVi255, WRVi321 & WRVi365 Compressors. Remove the retaining clip at the back of the square Vi adjusting screw and push the adjusting screw into the compressor. Extract the capscrews fixing the Vi cover and remove the cover. Removing the Inlet End Cover Fit an eyebolt at the top of the inlet end cover to the main casing (Fig. 59). Remove the dowel pins locating the inlet cover to the main casing. Fig. 59 Fig. 60 Fig. 61 43 8.4 DISMANTLING 204, 255, 321 & 365 COMPRESSOR FOR MAJOR OVERHAUL (Continued) Removing the Inlet End Cover (Continued) Remove the rest of the set pins and carefully slide the inlet cover over the extended shaft of the male rotor taking the ‘O’ ring seal with it (Figs. 60-61). Removing the Rotors In preparation for removing the rotors, unlock the thrust bearing lockwasher (Fig. 62) and remove the bolts from the male and female rotors (Fig. 63). A construction variation between the above compressors and the WRV163 & WRV204 compressor is that thrust bearing housings are fitted in the WRVi255, WRVi321 & WRVi365 compressors. Before removing the rotors, the thrust bearings must be withdrawn. It has been known that the thrust housings, which have jacking holes provided for removal purposes, have been used as bearing extractors by jacking out the housings and drawing the bearings off with them. This method of thrust bearing removal is not recommended. The risk of the thrust housing flange being distorted, due to the tight fit of the thrust bearing, is a possibility and would have a detrimental effect on the outlet end clearance. The correct procedure is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove the set screws securing the thrust housings to the main casing. Fit three long studs and a jacking plate (See Tool Section 9.3). Using a suitable hydraulic jack and cylinder between the jacking plate and the end of the rotor shaft , apply pressure to the cylinder with the pump, press each rotor in turn out of the thrust bearings and the casings (Fig. 64). The rotors will require to be carefully supported as shown (Figs. 65-66) and the weight of the various sizes of rotors is given in the following table (Fig. 67). Fig. 62 Fig. 63 44 8.4 DISMANTLING 204, 255, 321 & 365 COMPRESSOR FOR MAJOR OVERHAUL (Continued) Fig. 64 Fig. 65 204/1.10 204/1.65 255/1.10 255/1.65 255/2.20 321/1.32 321/1.65 321/1.93 365/1.65 Estimated Weights Male Female lbs Kgs lbs kgs 128 58 98 44 171 78 131 59 267 121 231 106 353 160 298 135 437 198 364 161 527 239 435 197 630 286 515 234 763 346 593 269 990 450 770 350 365/1.93 1111 Rotor Size Fig. 66 505 891 405 Fig. 67. Rotor Weights The thrust bearing sleeves and the angular contact thrust bearings can now be easily removed. The balance piston and balance piston sleeves are now accessible and, with the aid of the screwed ‘T’ bars, (see Special Tool List, Section 9.3) the pistons and sleeves are removed. The journal bearings can now be extracted from the Main and Inlet casings using an extractor tool. See Tool List Section 9.3. Fit new journal bearings using assembly tool in preparation for re-assembly. The journal bearings are located by a dowel pin and are retained by circlips. 45 8.5 RE-ASSEMBLY WRV204, WRVi255, WRVi321 & WRVi365 COMPRESSORS AFTER OVERHAUL When repair or rectification work has been completed, the compressor should be assembled as follows: 1. Lubricate the bearing bores with lubricating oil and lift in the rotors, ensure the lobes mesh at the serial numbers on the rotors. Assemble the inlet casing to the main casing, locate with the dowel pins, and secure with set pins. (See Torque Specification in Section 9.1) 2. For WRV204 Refer to Section 8.2 Re-assembly WRV163 Compressor after overhaul. 3. For WRVi255, WRVi321 & WRVi365 compressors proceed as follows: 4. Assemble the balance piston sleeves into the outlet end casing, fit the balance pistons followed by the thrust bearing sleeves. 5. Heat the angular contact thrust bearings using an oil bath or induction heater to a temperature of approx 100°C, and assemble to the rotors. 6. Fit bearing retaining plate and lockwasher and secure (Fig. 63). Torque as per specification Section 9.1 The angular contact thrust bearings are designed to take axial thrust only. The thrust bearing is not a tight fit on the OD in the thrust housing. This being the case, it is necessary to clamp the outer ring of the bearing to prevent it from rotating with the rotor. To do this the thrust plate is to be ground to give an interference on the outer race of the bearings and the required interference is as shown in the table below (Fig. 68). Compressor Size Interference fit in outer race 255 mm 0.0015”/ 0.004” 0.038mm/ 0.100mm 321 mm 0.0015”/ 0.0045” 0.040mm/ 0.115mm 365 mm 0.0015”/ 0.004” 0.038mm/ 0.100mm Fig. 68 Thrust Bearing Nip Fig. 69 At this stage of the assembly, the rotor outlet end clearance must be checked to ensure the clearance is correct (Fig. 69). Checking Rotor to Main Casing Outlet End Clearance For WRV204 Compressors refer to WRV163 procedure Sect 8.3 For WRVi255, WRVi321 & WRVi365 Compressors slacken the set screws securing the thrust bearing housing to the main casing. Do not remove them. 46 8.5 RE-ASSEMBLY WRVi255, WRVi321 & WRVi365 COMPRESSORS AFTER OVERHAUL (Continued) Checking Rotor Outlet End Clearance Insert the jacking screw into the holes provided on the bearing housing flange and lightly tighten the jacking screws until resistance is felt. The action of tightening the jacking screws draws the rotors against the outlet face of the main casing. Ensure the adjusting pieces are located between the flange of the thrust sleeve and main casing. (Fig 71) Set up a dial indicator on a convenient part of the main casing with the indicator spindle touching on the end of the rotor. Remove the tension from the jacking screws and ease them back a few threads. Set the dial indicator to zero. Apply the torque wrench to the set screw securing the thrust bearing housing to the main casing and tighten the screws to the specified torque value (used in Section 9.1). NOTE: The movement shown on the indicator dial is the rotor outlet end clearance. Check it against the table, Fig. 70. Compressor Size 204 mm 255 mm 255/220 321 mm 365mm Rotor Outlet End Clearance 0.002”/0.003” (0.050/0.075mm) 0.003”/0.004” ( 0.008”/0.010” (0.200/0.250mm) 0.012”/0.014” (0.300/0.350mm) 0.012”/0.014” (0.300/0.350mm) Maximum Allowable Clearance 0.004” (0.100mm) 0.005” (0.125mm) 0.011” (0.280mm) 0.015” (0.375mm) 0.015” (0.375mm) Fig. 70 Rotor to Main Casing Outlet End Clearance Adjustment, if necessary, is carried out by machining of the adjusting washers behind the thrust bearing sleeve (WRVi255, WRVi321 & WRVi365) (Fig. 71). WRV204 Compressor rotor outlet end clearance is carried out by grinding the balance pistons (Fig 72 ) . Fig. 71 Fig. 72 47 8.5 RE-ASSEMBLY WRV204, WRVi255, WRVi321 & WRVi365 COMPRESSORS AFTER OVERHAUL (Continued) Re-assemble the Outlet End Cover and Hydraulic Cylinder Re-assembly as described per Section 7.5 for WRV204, WRVi255, WRVi321 & WRVi365 compressors. Then proceed: Re-assemble the Vi Cover WRVi255, WRVi321 & WRVi365 Compressors. Pull Vi adjusting screw until the nut is against the inlet cover. Refit the Vi adjuster cover ensuring new ‘O’ rings are in place and secure with fixing capscrews. Refit circlip retaining ring to secure adjusting screw to cover. NOTE: Reset Vi adjusting screw to original position. Re-assemble the Input Shaft Seal Re-assemble the component in the following sequence: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enter the inlet balance piston ensuring it locates on the drive dowel. Lubricate the shaft seal and assemble to the rotor shaft, locate in the outward facing dowel/driving pin of the inlet balance piston. Refit balance piston sleeve (WRV204 Only). Fit new ‘O’ ring to stationary seat and fit to seal cover, ensuring seat locates on anti-rotation dowel. Fit the seal cover with a new ‘O’ ring and secure with cap screws, tightening in a systematic fashion to avoid tilting. To complete the assembly, fit the coupling key and the compressor driven half coupling. 48 SECTION 9 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 49 9.1 TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS Fig.73 Torque Specifications for Fasteners on WRV163 compressors. PART NUMBER R25055 G26019 M0216050 M0313050 R16154 G25062 G39007 G25058 G29012 G21015 TYPE OF FASTENER 40mm Locknut Actuator Piston ¼” UNC x 5/8” Long Set Screw Piston Seal Retaining Plate M12 x 60 Long Capscrew Cylinder to outlet cover ½” x 2” Long Set Screw Inlet and Outlet Casings Locknut M42 Slide Valve ½” x 1” Long Capscrew Thrust Bearing Clamp Plate 50mm Locknut Thrust Bearing Retaining Locknut 3/8” x 1” Long Capscrew Rotor Cover Plates M16 x 40mm Long Capscrew Cylinder End Cover to Cylinder 5/8” x 2” Long Setscrew Superfeed Flange TORQUE lb ft TORQUE Nm 206 150 4 5.5 37 50 40 55 165 225 10 14 210 284 18 25 88 120 80 108 Fig.74 Torque Specifications for Fasteners on WRV204 compressors. PART NUMBER TYPE OF FASTENER TORQUE lb ft 40mm Locknut R25055 150 Actuator Piston G26019 ¼” UNC x 5/8” Long Set Screw 4 Piston Seal Retaining Plate M12 x 60 Long Capscrew M0216050 37 Cylinder to outlet cover M16 x 60mm Long Set Screw M0316060 88 Inlet and Outlet Casings 36mm Locknut R20313 125 Slide Valve M16 x 40mm Long Capscrew G29012 10 Thrust Bearing Clamp Plate M12 x 40mm Long Setscrew G27001 69 Bearing Retaining Plate M10 x 30 Long Capscrew G29007 22 Rotor Cover Plates M16 x 40mm Long Capscrew G29012 88 Cylinder End Cover to Cylinder 3/4” x 1-3/4” Long Setscrew G21047 140 Superfeed Flange 50 TORQUE Nm 206 5.5 50 120 167 14 95 30 120 190 9.1 TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS (Continued) Fig. 75 Torque Specifications for Fasteners on WRVi255 compressors. PART NUMBER TYPE OF FASTENER TORQUE lb ft R25055 40mm Locknut 150 Actuator Piston G26019 ¼” UNC x 5/8” Long Set Screw 4 Piston Seal Retaining Plate M0212045 M12 x 45 Long Capscrew 37 Cylinder to outlet cover M0116070 M0212035 VR25126-2 M0116050 M0116060 G21026 M0112025 G21039 M16 x 70 Long Set Screw Inlet and Outlet Casings M12 x 35 Long Capscrew Vi Housing & Rotor Cover Locknut M42 Slide Valve M16 x 50 Long Capscrew Bearing Retaining Plate M16 x 60 Long Setcrew Thrust Housing 3/8” UNC x 1” Setscrew Thrust Plate M12 x 25 Setscrew Vi Screw Stop Plate 5/8”UNC x 1-1/2” Long Setscrew Superfeed Flange 5.5 50 88 120 37 50 165 225 175 240 88 120 18 25 37 50 80 108 Fig. 76 Torque Specifications for Fasteners on WRVi321 compressors. PART NUMBER TYPE OF FASTENER TORQUE lb ft R32115 1-3/4” Locknut 180 Actuator Piston G21026 3/8”UNC x 1” Long Set Screw 18 Piston Seal Retaining Plate M0216060 M16 x 50 Long Capscrew 88 Cylinder to outlet cover M0216050 M16x 70 Long Set Screw 88 Inlet and Outlet Casings M0324080 M24 x 80 Long Capscrew 295 End Casings to Main Casings M0216040 M16 x 40 Long 88 Vi Housing to Inlet VR3149-2 M60 Locknut 270 Piston Rod to Slide Valve G21016 ½”UNC x 1” Long Setcrew 80 Bearing Retaining Plate M0120070 M20 x 70 Long Setscrew 170 Thrust Housing M0120060 M20 x 60 Long Setscrew 170 Thrust Plate M0116040 M16 x 40 Long Setscrew 88 Vi Screw Stop Plate G22006 ¾” UNC x 2” Long Set Screw 140 Superfeed Flange 51 TORQUE Nm 206 TORQUE Nm 245 25 120 120 400 120 363 110 230 230 120 190 9.1 TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS (Continued) Fig. 77 Torque Specifications for Fasteners on WRVi365 compressors. PART NUMBER TYPE OF FASTENER TORQUE lb.ft VR36148-2 45mm Locknut 180 Actuator Piston G21026 3/8”UNC x 1” Long Set 18 Screw Piston Seal Retaining Plate M0216060 M16 x 60 Long Capscrew 88 Cylinder to outlet cover M0124100 M24 x 100 Long Set Screw 295 Inlet and Outlet Casings M0216045 M16 x 45 Long 88 Vi Housing to Inlet VR36149-2 45mm Locknut 180 Piston Rod to Slide Valve M0110030 M10 x 30 Long Setcrew 22 Bearing Retaining Plate M0216060 M16 x 60 Long Capscrew 88 Rotor covers M0120070 M20 x 70 Long Setscrew 170 Thrust Housing M0120060 M20 x 60 Long Setscrew 334 Bearing retaining Plate M0216045 M16 x 45 Long Setscrew 88 Cylinder End cover G22019 ¾” UNC x 2¼”” Long Set 140 Screw Superfeed Flange 52 TORQUE Nm 245 25 120 400 120 245 30 120 230 460 120 190 9.2 PROCEDURE FOR FITTING LOCKWASHERS This instruction applies to all lockwashers used on Howden Compressors, for the purpose of retaining, in position, the locknuts locating the bearings, thrust collars, pistons, etc. A typical example of the items concerned is shown below (Fig.105). Assembly method: In all cases where this type of lockwasher is used, the components must be assembled without the lockwasher and torqued to the prescribed value. The locknut must then be removed, the lockwasher dipped in oil and placed on the shaft, the locknut replaced and again torqued to the prescribed value. This assembly process limits the amount of relative movement between the locknut and the lockwasher under torque, and avoids the possibility of the inner tank being damaged. 53 9.3 SPECIAL TOOLS Tools can be provided for ease of dismantling/assembly. requirement. However, they are not a mandatory WRV163 Compressor Tools Part No. Locknut Spanner 30mm for Valve Spindle Locknut Spanner 40mm for Piston Locknut Spanner 50mm for Thrust Bearing Piston Withdrawal Gear Pull Rod for Slide Valve Withdrawal Tool for Output Shaft Balance Piston Jacking Screws to Thrust Bearing Bearing Extraction Tools for WRV163 Dummy Thrust Bearing WRV163 Jacking Bolt 14T ¼” UNC 19274J 19187J 17916J 163045J 163046J 163122J 163123J 163063J 163188J 32436JC WRV204 Compressor Tools Part No. Locknut Spanner 40mm for Piston Locknut Locknut Spanner 36mm Assembly/Withdrawal Tool for Journal Bearings Jacking Plate for Rotor Removal when using Hydraulic Jack 19187J 204-5009 204-5101 204-5088 WRVi 255 Compressor Tools Part No. Locknut Spanner M50 T-Screws for Extractor purposes Assembly/Withdrawal Tool for Crane Seal and Labyrinth Seal Assembly Tool for Journal Bearings Assembly/Withdrawal Tool for Balance Piston Withdrawal Tool for Balance Piston Sleeves Locknut Spanner 40mm for Piston Locknut Locknut Spanner 60mm Piston Rod to Slide Valve T-Screws for Pulling Piston to Off Load Position Rotor Jacking Plate 33152J 17411J 17413J 54 17414J 17418J 32747J 19187J 33181J 32784J 33180J 9.4 SPECIAL TOOLS (Continued) WRVi 321 Compressor Tools Part No. Jacking Plate for Rotor Removal when using a Hydraulic Jack Extractor for Balance Pistons Extractor for Inlet Balance Piston Sleeve and Mechanical Seal Locknut Spanner for Piston – (WRVi321 Only) T-Screws for Extraction purposes 5/8” UNC T-Screws for Pulling Piston to Off Load Positions Extractor Tool for Balance Piston Sleeves Extractor Tool for Piston Thrust Bearing Assembly Tool Journal Bearing Assembly and Withdrawal Tool Jacking Screws for Thrust Housings Locknut Spanner for Coupling Locknut Spanner M60 32919J WRVi365 Compressor Tools Part No. Jacking Plate for Rotor Removal when using a Hydraulic Jack T- Screw for Balance Pistons – M10 T-Screw for Actuator Piston – 3/8” UNC T-Screw for Actuator Piston – 1/2” UNC T-Bar Jacking Tool – M16 Housings & Covers M45 Socket – Valve Locknut Locknut Spanner - Actuator Piston Actuator Piston Extractor Tool Balance Piston Sleeve Tool 365WP 55 32920J 32921J 32922J 32924J 32993J 32949J 32927J 32928J 32929J 32994J 32995J 32948J 32999J 32784J 32993J 510019J 33183J 360001J 32927J 32949J SECTION 10 SPARES 56 10.1 WRV WRVi RECOMMENDED SPARES LIST Spares are available for all WRV compressors in the form of the following kits: SHAFT SEAL KIT Shaft seal and cover ‘O’ Ring ANNUAL INSPECTION KIT All ‘O’ Rings and seals required for an annual inspection. JOURNAL BEARING KIT 1 Set of Inlet and Outlet Journal Bearings. THRUST BEARING KIT 1 Set of Thrust Bearings. NOTE: An Annual Inspection Kit is required when changing the journal bearing or the thrust bearings. For further information and details of the above, please contact our Compressor Business Unit directly. HOWDEN COMPRESSORS Compressor Business Unit 133 Barfillan Drive Glasgow G52 1BE UK Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Website: HOWDEN COMPRESSORS LLC 1850B North Gravers Road Plymouth Meeting PA 19462 USA or Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Website: 0044 (0)141 882 3346 0044 (0)141 882 8648 [email protected] 57 001 610 313 9800 001 610 313 9215 [email protected] RECOMMENDED SPARES LIST HOWDEN COMPRESSOR MODELS: Mk1G/H WRV(H) 163/145 & 180 Replacement Shaft Seal Kit – KS163 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION KWS163-1G Input Shaft Seal c/w Cover ‘O’ Ring QUANTITY 1 Annual Inspection Kit – KW163-1 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY G31002 Spring Washer – ½” 48 G33001 Bonded Seal ⅜” BSP 3 G33002 Bonded Seal ½" BSP 1 G33003 Bonded Seal ¾” BSP 2 G33004 Bonded Seal 1” BSP 1 G33008 Bonded Seal ¼” BSP 4 G51001 Ball Bearing (Actuator Spindle) 1 G72002 Locking Wire – 1/32” Dia. 2 metres Q4521 Lockwasher 50mm (Thrust Bearings) 2 Q5163 Lockwasher 40mm (Piston) 1 R16044 Lockwasher 30mm (Piston Rod / Slide Valve) 1 R16164 PTFE Ring (Actuator Piston) 1 R20044 Joint for Superfeed 2 R25145 PTFE Ring (Piston rod) 1 R16101 - OK ‘O’ - Ring Kit containing: G44001 – ‘O’Ring (Piston Rod) 1 G44005 – ‘O’Ring (Actuator Spindle) 1 G44006 –‘ O’Ring (Cylinder Cover) 1 G44052 – ‘O’Ring (Main / Inlet / Outlet) 2 G44053 – ‘O’Ring (Actuator Piston) 1 G44054 – ‘O’Ring (Rotor Covers) 2 G44055 – ‘O’Ring (Cylinder Spigot) 1 G60004 Retaining Ring (Actuator spindle – Outer) 1 G60005 Retaining Ring (Actuator spindle – Inner) 1 G60114 Retaining Ring (Journal Bearings) 4 Suction and Discharge joints are not part of Inspection Kit. These are available at extra cost as required. Replacement Thrust Bearing Kit – KWT163 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION G51081 Angular Contact Bearing QUANTITY 4 Replacement Journal Bearing Kit – KWJ163 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION R16063 Outlet End Journal Bearing R16083 Inlet End Journal Bearing G34045 Dowel Pin ¼” QUANTITY 2 2 4 Note: For Viton or Fluorosilicone ‘O’ Rings please contact: Howden Compressors Limited, Compressor Business Unit, 133 Barfillan Drive, Glasgow, G52 1BE, UK Telephone: +44 (0)141 882 3346 Fax: +44 (0)141 882 8648 58 RECOMMENDED SPARES LIST HOWDEN COMPRESSOR MODELS: Mk6 6A & 6B WRV(H) 204/110, 145, 165 & 193 Replacement Shaft Seal Kit – KS204 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION KWS204 Input Shaft Seal c/w Cover ‘O’ Ring QUANTITY 1 Annual Inspection Kit – KW204-6 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY R20224 Rotor Locking Plate 2 G26019 Tuflock Screw ¼” UNC x ⅝” LG 6 G31015 Spring Washer M16 56 G33001 Bonded Seal ⅜” BSP 2 G33003 Bonded Seal ¾” BSP 4 G33004 Bonded Seal 1” BSP 3 G33008 Bonded Seal ¼” BSP 4 G34060 Dowel Pin 6mm Dia. x 10mm LG 4 G51001 Ball Bearing (Actuator Spindle) 1 G72002 Locking wire – 1/32” Dia. 2 metres Q5163 Lockwasher 40mm ( Actuator Piston) 1 R20313 Locknut (Slide Valve) 1 R20493 Superfeed Joint 1 R25055 Piston Locknut 40mm 1 R20065 PTFE Piston Ring 1 R25145 PTFE Piston Rod Ring 1 R20101 - OK ‘O’ Ring Kit containing: G44001 – ‘O’Ring (Piston Rod) 1 G44005 – ‘O’Ring (Actuator Spindle) 1 G44007 – ‘O’Ring (Actuator Piston) 1 G44021 – ‘O’Ring (Main / Inlet / Outlet) 2 G44071 – ‘O’Ring (Rotor Covers) 2 G44072 – ‘O’Ring (Cylinder Spigot) 1 G44073 –‘ O’Ring (Cylinder Dia.) 1 G44074 – ‘O’Ring (Cylinder Face) 2 G60004 Retaining Ring (Actuator spindle – Outer) 1 G60005 Retaining Ring (Actuator spindle – Inner) 1 G60178 Circlip (Journal Bearings) 4 Suction and Discharge joints are not part of Inspection Kit. These are available at extra cost as required. Replacement Thrust Bearing Kit – KWT204 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION G51034 Angular Contact Bearing QUANTITY 4 Replacement Journal Bearing Kit – KWJ204-5/6 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY R20232 Inlet End Journal Bearing 2 R20242 Outlet End Journal Bearing 2 G34060 Dowel Pin 6mm 4 Note: For Viton or Fluorosilicone ‘O’ Rings please contact: Howden Compressors Limited, Compressor Business Unit, 133 Barfillan Drive, Glasgow, G52 1BE, UK Telephone: +44 (0)141 882 3346 Fax: +44 (0)141 882 8648 59 RECOMMENDED SPARES LIST HOWDEN COMPRESSOR MODELS: Mk6 & 6A 6B WRVi 255/110, 130, 145, 165, 193 Replacement Shaft Seal Kit – KS255-6 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY KWS255-6 Input Shaft Seal c/w Cover ‘O’ Ring 1 Annual Inspection Kit – KW255-6 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY G26019 Tuflock Screw ¼” UNC x ⅝” LG 6 G32009 Straight Tab Washer ⅜” 8 G32013 Straight Tab Washer ⅝” 6 VR25500-BK Bonded Seal Kit containing: G33001 – Bonded Seal ⅜” BSP 6 G33003 – Bonded Seal ¾” BSP 3 G33004 – Bonded Seal 1” BSP 2 G33005 – Bonded Seal 1-¼” BSP 2 G33008 – Bonded Seal ¼” BSP 4 G51001 Ball Bearing (Actuator Spindle) 1 G55012 Gasket – S/Feed 1 Q5163 Lockwasher 40mm (Piston) 1 R25125 PTFE Ring (Actuator Piston) 1 R25135 Adjusting Washer (Thrust Bearings) 6 R25883 Rotor Locking Plate 2 G60009 Circlip (Journal Bearings) 4 G60086 Circlip (Vi Adjuster) 1 M0702016 Spring Washer – 16 Dia. 56 R25145 PTFE Ring (Piston Rod / Guide Bracket) 1 VR25101 - OK ‘O’ Ring Kit containing: G44001 – ‘O’Ring (Piston Rod) 1 G44002 – ‘O’Ring (Piston) 1 G44005 –‘ O’Ring (Ind. Spindle) 1 G44008 – ‘O’Ring (Casing) 2 G44020 – ‘O’Ring (Cylinder. Spigot) 1 G44070 – ‘O’Ring (Covers) 3 G44075 –‘ O’Ring (Act. Cylinder.) 2 M6000269 –‘ O’Ring (Cylinder. Flange.) 1 M6002962 – ‘O’Ring (Vi Spindle) 2 M6009453 – ‘O’Ring (Cover) 1 G60004 Retaining Ring (Actuator spindle – Outer) 1 G60005 Retaining Ring (Actuator spindle – Inner) 1 Suction and Discharge joints are not part of Inspection Kit. These are available at extra cost as required. Replacement Thrust Bearing Kit – KWT255 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION G51035 Angular Contact Bearing Replacement Journal Bearing Kit – KWJ255 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION R25663 Inlet End Journal Bearing R25643 Outlet End Journal Bearing G36005 Dowel Pin QUANTITY 4 QUANTITY 2 2 4 Note: For Viton or Fluorosilicone ‘O’ Rings please contact: Howden Compressors Limited, Compressor Business Unit, 133 Barfillan Drive, Glasgow, G52 1BE, UK Telephone: +44 (0)141 882 3346 Fax: +44 (0)141 882 8648 60 RECOMMENDED SPARES LIST HOWDEN COMPRESSOR MODELS: Mk6 6A WRV 321, ALL L/D’S Replacement Shaft Seal Kit – KS321-6 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION KWS321-6 Input Shaft Seal c/w Cover ‘O’ Ring QUANTITY 1 Annual Inspection Kit – KW321-6 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY G32009 Straight Tab Washer ⅜” 6 G32014 Straight Tab Washer ½” 8 G33001 Bonded Seal ⅜” BSP 2 G33002 Bonded Seal ½” BSP 4 G33003 Bonded Seal ¾” 4 G33004 Bonded Seal 1” BSP 1 G33005 Bonded Seal 1-¼” BSP 1 G33006 Bonded Seal 1-½” BSP 2 G33007 Bonded Seal 2” 2 G51001 Ball Bearing (Actuator Spindle) 1 G55101 Joint 3” NB 1 G60004 Retaining Ring (Actuator spindle – Outer) 1 G60005 Retaining Ring (Actuator spindle – Inner) 1 G60070 Circlip (Female I.E. Journal Bearing) 2 G60071 Circlip (O.E. Journal Bearings) 2 M0702024 Spring Washer – M24 64 M0704020 Straight Tab Washer – M20 6 M6602040 Circlip (Vi Adjuster) 1 R32015 PTFE Piston Ring (Actuator Piston) 1 R32055 PTFE Piston Rod Ring (Piston Rod / Guide Bracket) 1 R32135 Lockwasher 1-¾” UNC (Actuator Piston) 1 R32175 Adjusting Washer (Thrust Bearings) 6 R32555 Rotor Locking Plate 2 VR32101 - OK WRV 321 ‘O’ Ring Kit containing: G44005 –‘O’Ring (Actuator Spindle) 1 G44030 – ‘O’Ring (Actuator Cylinder Spigot) 1 G44038 – ‘O’Ring (Actuator Piston) 1 G44046 – ‘O’Ring (Seal housing / Rotor Covers) 3 G44048 – ‘O’Ring (Piston Rod / Cylinder Bore) 1 G44049 – ‘O’Ring (Actuator Cylinder / End Cover) 2 G44050 – ‘O’Ring (Balance Piston Sleeves) 2 G44051 – ‘O’Ring (Main Casing / Inlet / Outlet) 2 G44072 – ‘O’Ring (Vi Adjuster Dia) 1 M6003962 – ‘O’Ring (Vi Adjuster Face) 2 M6026935 – ‘O’Ring (Actuator Cylinder Dia) 1 Suction and Discharge joints are not part of Inspection Kit. These are available at extra cost as required. Replacement Thrust Bearing Kit – KWT321 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION G51063 Angular Contact Bearing Replacement Journal Bearing Kit – KWJ321 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION R32063 Inlet End Journal Bearing R32083 Outlet End Journal Bearing G36013 Dowel Pin QUANTITY 4 QUANTITY 2 2 4 Note: For Viton or Fluorosilicone ‘O’ Rings please contact: Howden Compressors Limited, Compressor Business Unit, 133 Barfillan Drive, Glasgow, G52 1BE, UK Telephone: +44 (0)141 882 3346 Fax: +44 (0)141 882 8648 61 RECOMMENDED SPARES LIST MODELS Mk1 WRVi 365, ALL L/D’S Replacement Shaft Seal Kit – KWS365 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION KWS365 Input Shaft Seal c/w Cover O’ring XR12112-3 QUANTITY 1 Annual Inspection Kit – KW365 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY G32020 Tab Washer ¾” 8 G32021 Tab Washer 7/16” 12 G55074 Joint 4” NB (Superfeed Port) 1 M0701024 Plain Washer 24mm 72 M6601240 Circlip – Internal (Journal Bearings) 4 M6602060 Circlip – External (Vi Adjuster) 1 Q4521 Lockwasher 50mm (Piston Rod / Actuator Piston) 1 R32175 Adjusting Washer (Thrust Bearings) 8 R32555 Rotor Locking Plate 2 R36401-BK Bonded Seal Kit G33001 Bonded Seal 3/8” BSP 5 G33002 Bonded Seal ½” BSP 3 G33003 Bonded Seal ¾” BSP 4 G33004 Bonded Seal 1” BSP 2 G33006 Bonded Seal 1-1/2” BSP 2 G33007 Bonded Seal 2” BSP 3 VR36101-OK O-Ring Kit containing: G44005 – O’Ring – (Actuator Spindle) 1 G44079 – O’Ring – (Core Hole Cover, bott) 1 G44050 – O’Ring – (Female Rotor Cover) 2 XR12112-3 – O’Ring - (Seal Housing) 4 M6005953 – O’Ring – (Adjusting Screw) 2 M6009453 – O’Ring – (Core Hole Cover, Side) 1 M6011453 – O’Ring – (Vi Cover) 1 M6022625 – O’Ring – (Cylinder Spigot) 1 M6031935 – O’Ring – (Cylinder Spigot) 1 M6035935 – O’Ring – (Actuator Cylinder) 2 M6089168 – O’Ring – (Main Casing / Covers) 2 VR36134-3 Turcon Glyd Ring T40 1 VR36135-3 O’Ring (Glyd Seal) 1 VR36141-3 Turcon Glyd Ring T40 1 Suction and Discharge joints are not part of Inspection Kit. These are available at extra cost as required. Replacement Thrust Bearing Kit – KWT365 DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER G51063 Angular Contact Bearing QUANTITY 5 Replacement Journal Bearing Kit – KWJ365 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION M6510020 Spring Pin VR36086-2 Inlet End Journal Bearing VR36088-2 Outlet End Journal Bearing QUANTITY 4 2 2 62 Printed in the UK – Issue HCL/September 2012 © Howden Compressors Limited 63 ">

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Key features
- Rotary Compressor
- Oil-Injected
- Capacity Control
- Hydraulic Slide Valve
- Oil System
- Long-lasting
- Easy Maintenance
Frequently asked questions
Capacity control is achieved by a hydraulically controlled slide valve that allows for internal gas recirculation, adjusting capacity from 100% down to 10%.
The WRVi255 has an oil system that delivers oil to bearings, balance piston, shaft seal, compression chamber, and hydraulic actuator.
The manual recommends mineral oil, polyol ester oil, poly alkylene glycol oil, and alkyl benzene oil, but the specific selection depends on the refrigerant and application.