LUMEL N14 network parameter meter User’s manual
Below you will find brief information for network parameter meter N14 N14. This programmable digital panel instrument is designed to measure 3-phase, 3 or 4-wire power network parameters in balanced or unbalanced systems. It displays measured values and transmits them digitally via the RS-485 interface. It also offers features such as control and optimization of power electronic devices, systems and industrial installations. You can use this meter to measure RMS voltage and current, active, reactive and apparent power, active and reactive energy, power factors, frequency, and mean active power (e.g. 15-min mean power).
METER OF NETWORK N14 TYPE USER’S MANUAL METER OF NETWORK N14 TYPE USER’S MANUAL CONTENTS Page 1. APPLICATION...............................................................................5 2. METER SET..................................................................................5 3. BASIC REQUIREMENTS, OPERATIONAL SAFETY...................6 4. MOUNTING...................................................................................6 5. METER DESCRIPTION.................................................................7 6. N14 PROGRAMMING.................................................................12 7. RS-485 INTERFACE...................................................................20 8. ERROR CODES..........................................................................25 9. TECHGNICAL DATA...................................................................25 10. ORDER CODES..........................................................................28 11. MAINTENANCE AND GUARANTEE..........................................29 September 2007 1. APPLICATION The N14 meter is a programmable digital panel instrument destined for the measurement of 3-phase, 3 or 4-wire power network parameters, in balanced or unbalanced systems with the simultaneous display of measured quantities and digital transmission of their values. This network parameter meter enables the control and optimization of power electronic devices, systems and industrial installations. The N14 meter ensures the measurement of: RMS voltage and current, active, reactive and apparent power, active and reactive energy, power factors, frequency, mean active power (e.g. 15-min mean power). Voltages and currents are multiplied by given current and voltage ratios of measuring transformers. Indications of power and energy take into consideration programmed ratio values. The value of each measured quantity can be transmitted to the master system through the RS-485 interface. The relay output signals the exceeding of the chosen quantity and the impulse output can be used for the consumption control of the 3-phase active energy. The meter is fixed to the panel by means of screw holders. 2. METER SET The meter set includes: - N14 meter 1 pc - user’s manual 1 pc - guarantee card 1 pc - holder to fix the meter in a panel 2 pcs When unpacking, please check the completeness of the set. 3. BASIC REQUIREMENTS AND OPERATIONAL SAFETY In the security scope, the meter meets the requirements of EN 61010-1 standard. Remarks concerning the operator safety: lAll operations concerning the meter installation and connections should be carried out by qualified skilled personnel and national regulations for the prevention of accidents must be observed. lBefore connecting the meter to the power, one must check the correctness of connections. lDo not connect the meter to the network through an autotransformer. lBefore the removal of the meter housing, one must disconnect its supply and all measuring circuits. lThe housing removal from the meter during the guarantee contract causes its cancellation. lThe meter fulfils requirements concerning the electromagnetic compatibility in the industrial environment. lIn the building installation should be a switch or a circuit breaker, situated near the meter, easy accessible for the operator and suitably marked. 4. MOUNTING The meter is adapted to be mounted in a panel by means of holders acc. to fig.1. The meter housing is made of a self-extinguishing plastics. Meter dimensions: 96 ´ 96 ´ 70.5 mm. One must prepare a hole of 91+0.5 ´ 91+0.5 mm in the panel which the thickness should not exceed 6 mm. The meter must be introduced from the panel front with disconnected supply voltage. At the rear side of the meter there are terminal strips which enable the connection of wires up to 2.5 mm2. After the insertion into the hole, fix the meter by means of two holders. Fig. 1. Overall meter dimensions 5. METER DESCRIPTION 5.1. Current inputs All current inputs are galvanically isolated (internal current transformers). The meter is adapted to co-operate with external current transformers. Displayed current values and derived quantities are automatically re-counted by the quantity of the introduced external transformer ratio. Current inputs are defined in the order as 1 A or 5 A. 5.2. Voltage inputs Quantities on voltage inputs are automatically recounted by the quantitiy of the introduced external voltage transformer ratio. Voltage inputs are defined in the order as 3 x 57.7/100 V, 3 x 230/400 V or 3 x 400/690 V. 5.3. Connection diagrams Direct measurement in a 3-wire network Semi-indirect measurement in a 3-wire network Fig. 2 Meter connection diagrams in a 3-wire network Indirect measurement with the use of 2 current transformers and 2 or 3 voltage transforme3rs in a 3-wire network. Direct measurement in a 4-wire network Semi-indirect measurement in a 4-wire network 10 11 Fig. 3 Meter connection diagrams in a 4-wire network Indirect measurement with the use of 3 current transformers and 2 or 3 voltage transformers in a 4-wire network. 6. N14 PROGRAMMING 6.1. Frontal panel Fig. 4 Frontal panel 6.2. Messages after switching the supply on After switching the supply on, the meter carries out the display test and displays the name of the N14 meter and the current program version. Where: n.nn is the number of the current program version or the number of a custom-made version. Caution! If at the moment of the start, the message Err Cal lub Err EE appears, one must contact an authorized service. Fig.5. Message after the meter start 12 6.3. Working modes Fig.6. Working modes of N14 meter 13 6.4. Parametr preview Quantities are displayed in the measurement mode acc. to the settled tables. The pressure of the (left) or (top) causes the transition between displayed quantities. The preview of 3-phase values: mean, minimal and maximal is accessible after pressing the acceptation (Enter) push. During the preview of these values, the pressure of the (left) push cancels minimal values, however the (top) push, maximal values. Accessible measuring quantities Basic quantities (L1, L2, L3 indexes are backgroung lighted) Table 2 Symbol indexes are background lighted Values displayed in: VLN VLL A W Var VA PF kWh kVarh Hz Wh (15 min) PAu row 1 U1 U12 I1 P1 Q1 S1 PF1 f1 row 2 U2 U23 I2 P2 Q2 S2 PF2 min min row 3 U3 U31 I3 P3 Q3 S3 PF3 EnP EnQ max max Mean, minimal, maximal quantities (indexes 3L, min, max are background lighted). Table 3 Symbol indexes are background lighted Values displayed in: VLN row 1 U mean row 2 row 3 min max phase VLL A U mean between Imean phase min max phase min max W Var VA Pmean Qmean Smean min max min max min max phase phase phase PF PFmean phase min max At capacity load, the index showing the load character is background lighted. The exceeding of the upper indication range is signaled on the display by upper horizontal dashes. The mean active power 15-min PAu is displayed after a full interval of the 15-min mean time. In case when the full interval of time is not expired, the message Err is displayed. The display of errors was described in the chapter 8. The alarm relay switching on is signaled by the AL index background lighting. 14 6.5. Setting of parameters The entry in the programming mode is carried out by pressing and holding during ca 3 sec. and pushes. The entry in the programming mode is protected by the access code. In case when there is no code, the program transits into the programming option. The inscription SET (in the first column) and symbols of respective levels P, C, A are displayed. Fig. 7. Menu setup 6.5.1. Setting of meter parameters Select the mode P in options (by the choice by the push. or pushes) and confirm Voltage ratio Energy erasing Erasing of 15-minut active power Restoration of manufacturer values Displayed information SEC t_I t_U En0 PA0 dEF 0 1 1 no no no 0...999 1...10000 1...4000 YES/no YES/no YES/no Default value Range of changes Current ratio Parameter name Access code Table 4 15 Following values are set by means of and pushes: Position of the decimal digit is selected by the push, the digit value is increased by the push. The active position is signalled by the cursor. The value is accepted by the push or abandoned by pressing the push. During the acceptation, one can check if the value is contained in the range. In case of the value setting beyond the range, the meter remains in the parameter edition mode, however the value is set on the maximal value (if the value is too high) or on the minimal value (if the value is too small). Caution: to display and set 4 and 5-digit parameters (t_U, t_I) two lower display rows are used. 6.5.2. Setting of communication parameters In options, select the mode C and confirm the choice by the push. Meter address Interface mode Displayed information Adr trY bAU dEF 1 8n2 9.6 k no 1...247 8n2, 8e1, 8o1, 8n1 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4 k YES/no Range of changes 16 Restoration of manufacturer values Parameter name Default value Interface rate Table 5 6.5.3. Setting of alarm parameters In options, select the mode A and confirm the choice by the push. Parameter name Monitored quantity Kind of alarm operation Upper switchhing value (in %) Lower swit ching value (in %) Time delay of the reaction (in sec.) Restoration of manufacturer values Table 6 Displayed information A_n A_t Aon Aof Adt dEF Default value oFF nor 101 99 0 no 0...120 0...120 0...300 YES/no Range of changes see nor, on, oFF, table 7 hon, hoF Selection of monitored quantity: Table 7 Displayed parameter Quantity monitored by the alarm off U_1 Voltage of phase 1 Alarm disabled I_1 Current of phase 1 P_1 Active power of phase 1 q_1 Reactive power of phase 1 S_1 Apparent power of phase 1 PF1 Active power factor of phase 1 U_2 Voltage of phase 2 I_2 Current of phase 2 17 Table 7 P_2 Active power of phase 2 q_2 Reactive power of phase 2 S_2 Apparent power of phase 2 PF2 Active power factor of phase 2 U_3 Voltage of phase 3 I_3 Current of phase 3 P_3 Active power of phase 3 q_3 Reactive power of phase 3 S_3 Apparent power of phase 3 PF3 Active power factor of phase 3 U_A Mean phase voltage I_A Mean phase current P Active 3-phase power q Reactive 3-phase power S Apparent 3-phase power PFA F Mean power factor Frequency U12 Phase-to-phase voltage between phase 1 and 2 U23 Phase-to-phase voltage between phase 2 and 3 U31 Phase-to-phase voltage between phase 3 and 1 U4A Mean phase-to-phase voltage PAu Active 3-phase 15-minute power 18 a) nor Aon > Aof b) nor Aon Aof c) On d) OFF Fig. 8. Alarm types: a),b) normal c) disabled d) enabled. 19 Remained types of alarms: hon – always enabled; hof – always disabled. Example of alarm setting: Set the alarm of nor for Aon > Aof, for the monitored 3-phase active Power P Version: 5 A; 3 x 230/400 V. Alarm enabled after exceeding 3800 W, alarm disabled after decreasing 3100 W. Calculation: rated 3-phase active Power: P = 3 x 230 V x 5 A = 3450 W 3450 W – 100% 3450 W – 100% 3800 W – Aon% 3100 W – AoF% Therefore: Aon = 110 % AoF = 90% Set: Monitored quantity: P; Kind of alarm: nor, Aon 110, AoF 90. 7. INTERFEJS RS-485 Set of the N14 meter serial link parameters: l identifier 0xAC l meter address 1...247 l baud rate 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4 kbit/s, l working mode Modbus RTU, l information unit 8N2, 8E1, 8O1, 8N1, l maximal response time 1000 ms. l Implemented functions: 03, 16, 17 -03 - register readout, -16 - register write, -17 - device identification. Manufacturer’s settings: address 1, baud rate 9600 bit/s, RTU 8N2 mode. Register map of the N14 meter. In the N14 meter, data are placed in 16 and 32-bit registers. Process variables and meter parameters are placed in the address area of registers in the way dependent on the variable value type. 20 Bits in the 16-bit registers are numbered from the youngest to the oldest (b0-b15). 32-bit registers include numbers of float type in the IEEE-745 standard. Table 8 Address range Type of value Description 4000 – 4019 Integer (16 bits) Value placed in one 16-bit register. Description of registers are included in the table 9. Registers for write and readout. Float (32 bits) Value placed in one 32-bit register. Description of registers are included in the table 10. Registers for readout. 7500 – 7555 Table 9 Table of 16 – bit register for N14 meter Register Operations address Range Description 4000 RW 4001 RW 1...10000 Ratio of the current transformer 0…999 Access code to parameters 4002 RW 1..4000 Ratio of the voltage transformer 4003 RW 0,1 Erasing of watt-hour meters Default 0 1 1 0 4004 RW 0,1 Erasing of 15-minute active Power PAV 0 4005 RW Erasing of min. and max. 0 4006 RW 0,1 0,1...30 Quantity on the relay output 4007 RW 0...4 Output type: 0 – nor, 1- on, 2 - oFF,3 - hon, 4 - hoFF 0 0 4008 RW 0...120% Upper value of alarm switching (relay) 101 4009 RW 0...120% Lower value of alarm switching (relay) 99 4010 RW 0...300s Delay of alarm switching 0 4011 RW 0...247 Address in MODBUS network 1 Transmission mode: 0->8n2, 1->8e1, 2->8o1, 3->8n1 0 4012 RW 0...3 21 Table 9 4013 RW 0...3 Baud rate: 0->4800, 1->9600 2->19200,3->38400 4014 RW 0...1 Acceptation of above transmission parameters 4015 R 0...15258 Active energy, two older bytes 1 0 0 4016 R 0...65535 Active energy, two younger bytes 0 4017 R 0...15258 Reactive energy, two older bytes 0 4018 R 0...65535 Reactive energy, two younger bytes 0 4019 R 0...65535 Status register – description below 0 Status register: Bit 15 – relay output state „1” – On, „0” - off Bit 14 – „1” – FRAM damaged Bit 13 – „1” – lack of calibration or erroneous calibration Bit 12 – „1” – active calibration Bit 11 – reserved Bit 10 – „1” – the interval of power averaging does not elapse Bit 09 – „1” –error of parameter values in FRAM Bit 08 – „1” – error of energy value in FRAM Bit 7 – reserved Bit 6 – „1” – too small voltage for frequency measurement Bit 5 – „1” – too small voltage in phase C Bit 4 – „1” – too small voltage in phase B Bit 3 – „1” – too small voltage in phase C Bit 2 – current range „0” – 1 A~; 1” – 5 A~ Bit 1 Bit 0 voltage range 0 0 57,8 V~ 0 1 230 V~ 1 1 400 V~ 22 Table 10 Table of 32 bit registers for N14 meter Register Operation address Description 7500 R Voltage of phase L1 7501 R Current of phase L1 7502 R Active power of phase L1 7503 R Reactive power of phase L1 7504 R Apparent power of phase L1 7505 R Active power factor of phase L1 7506 R Ratio of reactive power/active power of phase L1 7507 R Voltage of phase L2 7508 R Current of phase L2 7509 R Active power of phase L2 Reactive power of phase L2 7510 R 7511 R Apparent power of phase L2 7512 R Active power factor of phase L2 7513 R Ratio of reactive power/active power of phase L2 7514 R Voltage of phase L3 7515 R Current of phase L3 7516 R Active power of phase L3 7517 R Reactive power of phase L3 7518 R Apparent power of phase L3 7519 R Active power factor of phase L3 7520 R Ratio of reactive power/active power of phase L3 7521 R Mean 3-phase voltage 7522 R Mean 3-phase current 7523 R 3-phase active power 7524 R 3-phase reactive power 7525 R 3-phase apparent power 7526 R Mean active power factor 7527 R Ratio of mean reactive Power/mean active power 23 Table of 32 bit registers for N14 meter 7528 R Frequency 7529 R Phase-to-phase voltage L1-L2 7530 R Phase-to-phase voltage L2-L3 7531 R Phase-to phase voltage L3-L1 7532 R Mean phase-to-phase voltage 7533 R Mean 15-minute active power 7534 R Reserved 7535 R Reserved 7536 R Mean minimal 3-phase voltage 7537 R Mean maximal 3-phase voltage 7538 R Mean minimal 3-phase current 7539 R Mean maximal 3-phase current 7540 R Minimal 3-phase active power 7541 R Maximal 3-phase active power 7542 R Minimal 3-phase reactive power 7543 R Maximal 3-phase reactive power 7544 R Minimal 3-phase apparent power 7545 R Maximal 3-phase apparent power 7546 R Minimal active power factor 7547 R Maximal active power factor 7548 R 7549 R 7550 R 7551 R 7552 R 7553 R 7554 R 7555 R 24 Table 10 Minimal mean 3-phase reactive power factor/active power factor ratio Maximal mean 3-phase reactive power factor/active power factor ratio Minimal frequency Maximal frequency Minimal mean phase-to-phase voltage Maximal mean phase-to phase voltage Minimal mean 15-minute active power Maximal mean 15-minute active power 8. ERROR CODES Messages about errors can appear during the meter operation. Reasons of these errors are presented below. Err - when the voltage or current is too low during the meter work: - Pf i, tj i below 10% Un, In - f below 10% Un - The full time intervał of power averaging PAu does not elapse. 9. TECHNICAL DATA Measuring ranges and admissible basic errors are presented in the table 11. Measured value Indication range Table 11 Measuring range L1 L2 L3 S Basic error Current 1/5 A L1...L3 0.00...9.99 kA 0.02...6 A~ l l l ± 0.5% Voltage L-N 0.0...289 kV 2.9...440 V~ l l l ± 0.5% Voltage L-L 0.0...500 kV 10...760 V~ l l l ± 1% Frequency 45.0...70.0 Hz 45.0...65.0 Hz l l l ± 0.2% -999 MW...0.00 W ...999 MW -2.64 kW...1.4 W ...2.64 kW l l l l ± 1% -999 Mvar...0.00 var ...999 Mvar -2.64 kvar...1.4 var l ...2.64 kvar l l l ± 1% Apparent power 0.00 VA...999 MVA 1.4 VA...2.64 kVA l l l l ± 1% Power factor PF 0.00 cap...1.00...0.00 ind 0.2 cap...1,00 ...0.2 ind l l l l ± 2% Active power Reactive power Active energy 0...99 999 999.9 kWh l ± 1% Reactive energy 0...99 999 999.9 kvarh l ± 1% Ku - ratio of voltage transformer: 1... 4000 Ki - ratio of current transformer: 1... 10000 25 Power consumption: - in the supply circuit - in the voltage circuit - in the current circuit 6 VA 0.05 VA 0.05 VA Display field 3 ´ 3 LED digits 14mm height red colour Relay output relay, voltageless, NOC contacts load capacity: 250 V~/ 0.5 A~ Serial interface RS-485 Transmission protocol MODBUS RTU Impulse energy output output of O/C type, passive acc. to EN 62053-31 Impulse constant of the O/C type output 500 imp/kWh, independently of set ratio Ku, Ki Protection degree ensured by the housing: - from the frontal side - from terminal side IP 40 IP 10 Weight 0.3 kg Dimensions 96 96 70.5 mm Panel cut-out dimensions 91+0.5 91+0.5 mm Reference conditions and rated operating conditions: - supply voltage 85...253 V d.c. or a.c., 40...400 Hz - input signal: 0...0.005...1.2 In; 0.05...1.2 Un; for voltage, current 0...0.1...1.2 In; 0...0.1...1.2 Un; for power factors Pf i, t i, frequency 45...65...500 Hz; sinusoidal (THD 8%) 26 - power factor 0...0.2 cap ...1...0.2 ind ...0 - ambient temperature - 25...23...+55C - storage temperature - 30... +70C - relative air humidity - admissible peak factor: - current - voltage 25... 95% (condensation inadmissible) - external magnetic field 0... 40... 400 A/m 2 2 - short duration overload capacity (5 s): - voltage inputs 2 Un (max.1000 V) - current inputs 10 In - work position any - warm-up time 5 min. Additional errors in % of the basic error: - from frequency of input signals < 50% - from ambient temperature changes < 50%/10C Standards fulfilled by the meter: Electromagnetic compatibility: - noise immunity acc. to EN 61000-6-2 - interference emission acc. to EN 61000-6-4 Safety requirements acc to EN 61010-1 standard: isolation between circuits: basic, installation category III, pollution degree 2, maximal working voltage in relation to earth 600 V height over sea level, < 2000 m. 27 10. ORDER CODES Table 9 NETWORK PARAMETER METER N14 - X X XX X Input current In 1 A (X/1)................................................................. 1 5 A (X/5)................................................................. 2 Input voltage (phase/phase-to-phase) Un 3 57.7/100 V...............................................................1 3 230/400 V................................................................2 3 400/690 V................................................................3 Kind of version standard............................................................................. 00 custom-made.....................................................................XX Additional requirements without an extra quality inspection certificate.............................8 with a extra quality inspection certificate....................................7 acc. to customer’s agreement*................................................. X * The version code is established by the manufacturer ORDER EXAMPLE The N14-2-2-00-7 code means: N14 – network parameter meter of N14 type 2 – input current 5 A (X/5) 2 – input voltage 3 x 230/400 V 00 – standard version 7 - delivered with an extra quality inspection certificate 28 11. MAINTENANCE AND WARRANTY The N14 network parameter meter does not require any periodical maintenance. In case of some incorrect operations: 1. In the period of 12 months from the date of purchase: One should take the transducer down from the installation and return it to the Manufacturer’s Quality Control Dept. If the unit has been used in compliance with the instructions, the Manufacturer warrants to repair it free of charge. 2. After the warranty period: One should turn over the transducer to repair it in a certified service workshop. The disassembling of the housing causes the cancellation of the granted warranty. Spare parts are available for the period of five years from the date of purchase. Our policy is one of continuous improvement and we reserve the right to make changes in design and specifications of any products as engineering advances or necessity requires and revise the above specifications without notice. 29 30 31 SALES PROGRAM n n n n n n n n n n n n MEASUREMENT DIGITAL and BARGRAPH PANEL METERS CONTROL MEASURING TRANSDUCERS RECORDING ANALOG PANEL METERS (DIN INSTRUMENTS) ANALOG and DIGITAL CLAMP-ON METERS INDUSTRIAL and HOUSEHOLD CONTROLLERS CHART AND PAPERLESS RECORDERS POWER CONTROL UNITS and INVERTERS WATT-HOUR METERS AUTOMOTIVE DASHBOARD INDICATORS ACCESSORIES FOR MEASURING INSTRUMENTS (SHUNTS) MEASURING SYSTEMS (ENERGY, HEAT, CONTROL) CUSTOM-MADE MEASURING ELECTRONIC DEVICES. WE ALSO OFFER OUR SERVICES IN THE PRODUCTION OF: n ALUMINIUM ALLOY PRESSURE CASTINGS n PRECISION ENGINEERING AND THERMOPLASTICS PARTS n PRESSURE CASTING DIES AND OTHER TOOLS n VARIOUS ELECTRONIC SUB-ASSEMBLIES (MSD TECHNOLOGY) QUALITY PROCEDURES: According to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 international requirements. All our instruments have CE mark. For more information, please write to or phone our Export Lubuskie Zak³ady Aparatów Elektrycznych LUMEL S.A. ul. Sulechowska 1, 65-022 Zielona Góra, Poland Tel.: (48-68) 3295 100 (exchange) Fax: (48-68) 3295 101 e-mail:[email protected] Export Department: Tel.: (48-68) 329 53 02 or 53 04 Fax: (48-68) 325 40 91 e-mail: [email protected] 32 ">

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Key features
- Measures 3-phase power network parameters
- Displays measured values
- Transmits data digitally via RS-485 interface
- Programmable
- Measures RMS voltage and current
- Measures active, reactive, and apparent power
- Measures active and reactive energy
- Measures power factors
- Measures frequency
- Measures mean active power
Frequently asked questions
The meter meets the requirements of EN 61010-1 standard. Qualified skilled personnel should carry out all operations concerning the meter installation and connections, and national regulations for the prevention of accidents must be observed.
The meter is adapted to be mounted in a panel by means of holders. Prepare a hole of 91+0.5 ´ 91+0.5 mm in the panel, the thickness of which should not exceed 6 mm. The meter must be introduced from the panel front with disconnected supply voltage. At the rear side of the meter, there are terminal strips which enable the connection of wires up to 2.5 mm2.
To enter the programming mode, press and hold the 'up' and 'down' buttons for approximately 3 seconds. The entry is protected by an access code. To set parameters, select the mode 'P', 'C', or 'A' in options and confirm your choice with the 'Enter' button. You can then use the 'up' and 'down' buttons to select the value and the 'Enter' button to confirm your selection.