Translation of the original Operating manual GA 2800EA GA 2805EA Edition 12/2008 Electrostatic Air spray gun for automatic operating mode with flat or round jet nozzles "? 0102 II 2G EEx 0.24 mJ T6 (Atex 95) EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL Contents 1 1.1 1.2 ABOUT THESE INSTRUCTIONS Languages Warnings, notes and symbols in these instructions 5 5 5 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.6 2.7 GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Safety instructions for the operator Electrical equipment Personnel qualifications A safe work environment Safety instructions for personnel Safe handling of WAGNER spray units Earth the unit Material hoses Cleaning Handling hazardous liquids, varnishes and paints Touching hot surfaces Correct use Safety-relevant information about discharges Use in an explosion hazard area Correct use Explosion protection identification Maxi. surface temperature Safety instructions Establishment of stationary electrostatic systems German Regulations and guidelines 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.5 PRODUCT LIABILITY AND WARRANTY Important notes on product liability Warranty CE-Conformity PTB Conformity Certification 11 11 11 12 13 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 DESCRIPTION Area of application, using in accordance with the instructions What kind of spraying material can be applied Scope of supply Technical data Function Design of spray gun Functions of the gun Air atomizing spray process Round and flat jet Round jet Flat jet Electrostatic effect 14 14 14 15 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 5 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 PREPARATION BEFORE STARTING WORK Set up and connect Typical electrostatic spraying system Ventilation of the spray booth 20 20 20 21 3 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL Contents 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.2 5.2.1 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.4.5 Air Supply Fluid (Paint) hoses Earthing Preparation of paint Viscosity conversion table Start-up General rules for handling the spray gun Preparation Working Start-up for spraying Adjust the spray angle with flat jet nozzles Fitting or changing round jet nozzle Changing from round jet nozzle to flat jet nozzle Fitting or changing flat jet nozzle 21 21 22 24 24 25 25 26 27 27 27 28 29 29 6 6.1 MAINTENANCE Finishing work and cleaning 30 31 7 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 32 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 REPAIR WORK Replacing the value seat Exchange of complete valve rod Exchange of valve rod seals Electrode replacement Adjusting the valve movement Replacing the paint hose 34 34 35 36 37 38 39 9 9.1 9.1.1 9.2 9.2.1 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 ACCESSORIES Nozzles EA Flat-jet Paint Output measured with synthetic enamel EA Round jet nozzles (Supra) Paint output measured with synthetic enamel Electrical cables Hoses and fittings Valve seat and Valve needle head - Plastic Miscellaneous 40 40 40 41 41 42 42 42 42 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 SPARE PARTS How to order spare parts? Spare parts list GA 2800EA Spare parts list GA 2805EA Spare parts list valve rod EA 43 43 44 46 48 4 EDITION 12/2008 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA PART NO. DOC350731 OPERATING MANUAL 1 ABOUT THESE INSTRUCTIONS 4HISOPERATINGMANUALCONTAINSINFORMATIONABOUTTHEOPERATIONREPAIRANDMAINTENANCE OFTHEUNIT !LWAYSFOLLOWTHESEINSTRUCTIONSWHENOPERATINGTHEUNIT 4HISEQUIPMENTCANBEDANGEROUSIFITISNOTOPERATEDINACCORDANCEWITHTHISMANUAL %LECTROSTATICSPRAYGUNSMAYBEOPERATEDONLYBYTRAINEDPERSONNEL #OMPLIANCEWITHTHESEINSTRUCTIONSCONSTITUTESANINTEGRALCOMPONENTOFTHEGUARANTEE AGREEMENT 1.1 LANGUAGES 4HISOPERATINGMANUALISAVAILABLEINTHEFOLLOWINGLANGUAGES ,ANGUAGE 0ART.O ,ANGUAGE 'ERMAN 350730 %NGLISH &RENCH $UTCH 350732 )TALIAN 350734 3PANISH $ANISH 350737 3WEDISH 0ART.O 350731 350733 350755 350736 The corresponding service instructions are available under the following order number: Language: Part No. Language: Part No. German English 350985 350986 1.2 WARNINGS, NOTES AND SYMBOLS IN THESE INSTRUCTIONS Warning instructions in this manual point out particular dangers to users and equipment and state measures for avoiding the hazard. These warning instructions fall into the following categories: Danger - imminent danger. Non-observance will result in death, serious injury and serious material damage. 4HISLINEWARNSOFTHEHAZARD 0OSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILING TO OBSERVE THE WARNING INSTRUC TIONS4HESIGNALWORDPOINTSOUTTHEHAZARDLEVEL 3)()??'" Warning - possible danger. Non-observance can result in death, serious injury and serious material damage. 4HEMEASURESFORPREVENTINGTHEHAZARDANDITSCONSEQUENCES 7!2.).' 4HISLINEWARNSOFTHEHAZARD 0OSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILING TO OBSERVE THE WARNING INSTRUC TIONS4HESIGNALWORDPOINTSOUTTHEHAZARDLEVEL 3)()??'" Caution - a possibly hazardous situation. Non-observance can result in minor injury. $!.'%2 4HEMEASURESFORPREVENTINGTHEHAZARDANDITSCONSEQUENCES #!54)/. 4HISLINEWARNSOFTHEHAZARD 0OSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILING TO OBSERVE THE WARNING INSTRUC TIONS4HESIGNALWORDPOINTSOUTTHEHAZARDLEVEL 4HEMEASURESFORPREVENTINGTHEHAZARDANDITSCONSEQUENCES 3)()??'" Caution - a possibly hazardous situation. Non-observance can cause material damage. 3)()??'" #!54)/. 4HISLINEWARNSOFTHEHAZARD 0OSSIBLECONSEQUENCESOFFAILINGTOOBSERVETHEWARNINGINSTRUCTIONS4HESIGNALWORD POINTSOUTTHEHAZARDLEVEL 4HEMEASURESFORPREVENTINGTHEHAZARDANDITSCONSEQUENCES Note - provide information on particular characteristics and how to proceed. 5 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 2 GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 2.1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE OPERATOR +EEPTHESEOPERATINGINSTRUCTIONSTOHANDNEARTHEUNITATALLTIMES !LWAYSFOLLOWLOCALREGULATIONSCONCERNINGOCCUPATIONALSAFETYANDACCIDENTPREVEN TION 2.1.1 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT %LECTRICALPLANTANDUNIT 4O BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS WITH REGARD TO THE OPERATINGMODEANDAMBIENTINmUENCES -AYONLYBEMAINTAINEDBYSKILLEDELECTRICIANSORUNDERTHEIRSUPERVISION -USTBEOPERATEDINACCORDANCEWITHTHESAFETYREGULATIONSANDELECTROTECHNICALREGU LATIONS -USTBEREPAIREDIMMEDIATELYINTHEEVENTOFPROBLEMS -USTBEPUTOUTOFOPERATIONIFTHEYPOSEAHAZARD -USTBEDEENERGIZEDBEFOREWORKISCOMMENCEDONACTIVEPARTS)NFORMSTAFFABOUT PLANNEDWORKOBSERVEELECTRICALSAFETYREGULATIONS 2.1.2 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS %NSURETHATTHEUNITISOPERATEDANDREPAIREDONLYBYTRAINEDPERSONS 2.1.3 A SAFE WORK ENVIRONMENT %NSURETHATTHEmOOROFTHEWORKINGAREAISANTISTATICINACCORDANCEWITH%.0ART eMEASUREMENTINACCORDANCEWITH$). %NSURETHATALLPERSONSWITHINTHEWORKINGAREAWEARANTISTATICSHOESEGSHOESWITH LEATHERSOLES %NSURETHATDURINGSPRAYINGPERSONSWEARANTISTATICGLOVESSOTHATTHEYAREEARTHEDVIA THEHANDLEOFTHESPRAYGUN #USTOMERTOPROVIDEPAINTMISTEXTRACTIONSYSTEMSCONFORMINGTOLOCALREGULATIONS %NSURETHATTHEFOLLOWINGCOMPONENTSOFASAFEWORKINGENVIRONMENTAREAVAILABLE n-ATERIALAIRHOSESADAPTEDTOTHEWORKINGPRESSURE n0ERSONALSAFETYEQUIPMENTBREATHINGANDSKINPROTECTION %NSURE THAT THERE ARE NO IGNITION SOURCES SUCH AS NAKED mAME GLOWING WIRES OR HOT SURFACESINTHEVICINITY$ONOTSMOKE 2.2 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERSONNEL !LWAYSFOLLOWTHEINFORMATIONINTHESEINSTRUCTIONSPARTICULARLYTHEGENERALSAFETYIN STRUCTIONSANDTHEWARNINGINSTRUCTIONS !LWAYSFOLLOWLOCALREGULATIONSCONCERNINGOCCUPATIONALSAFETYANDACCIDENTPREVEN TION 6 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 2.2.1 SAFE HANDLING OF WAGNER SPRAY UNITS The spray jet is under pressure and can cause dangerous injuries. Avoid injection of paint or cleaning agents: Never point the spray gun at people. Never reach into the spray jet. Before all work on the unit, in the event of work interruptions and functional faults: – Switch off the energy/compressed air supply. – Secure the spray gun against actuation. – Relieve the pressure from the spray gun and unit. – By functional faults: Identify and correct the problem, proceed as described in chap. „Trouble shooting“. In the event of skin injuries caused by paint or cleaning agents: Note down the paint or cleaning agent that you have been using. Consult a doctor immediately. Avoid danger of injury through recoil forces: Ensure that you have a firm footing when operating the spray gun. Only hold the spray gun briefly in any one position. 2.2.2 EARTH THE UNIT Electrostatic charges can occur on the unit due to the electrostatic charge and the flow speed involved in spraying.These can cause sparks and flames upon discharge. Ensure that the unit is always earthed. Earth the work pieces to be coated. Ensure that all persons inside the working area are earthed, e.g. that they are wearing antistatic shoes. When spraying, wear antistatic gloves to earth yourself via the spray gun handle. 2.2.3 MATERIAL HOSES %NSURETHATTHEHOSEMATERIALISCHEMICALLYRESISTANTTOTHESPRAYEDMATERIALS %NSURETHATTHEMATERIALHOSEISSUITABLEFORTHEPRESSUREGENERATEDINTHEUNIT %NSURETHATTHEFOLLOWINGINFORMATIONISVISIBLEONTHEHIGHPRESSUREHOSE n -ANUFACTURER n 0ERMISSIBLEOPERATINGOVERPRESSURE n $ATEOFMANUFACTURE 4HEELECTRICALRESISTANCEOFTHECOMPLETEHIGHPRESSUREHOSEMUSTBELESSTHAN -/HM 7 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 2.2.4 CLEANING $EENERGIZETHEUNITELECTRICALLY $ISCONNECTTHEPNEUMATICSUPPLYLINE 2ELIEVETHEPRESSUREFROMTHEUNIT %NSURETHATTHEmASHPOINTOFTHECLEANINGAGENTISATLEAST+ABOVETHEAMBIENTTEM PERATURE 4OCLEANUSEONLYSOLVENTFREECLOTHSANDBRUSHES.EVERUSEHARDOBJECTSORSPRAYON CLEANINGAGENTSWITHAGUN !NEXPLOSIVEGASAIRMIXTUREFORMSINCLOSEDCONTAINERS 7HENCLEANINGUNITSWITHSOLVENTSNEVERSPRAYINTOACLOSEDCONTAINER %ARTHTHECONTAINER 2.2.5 HANDLING HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS, VARNISHES AND PAINTS 7HENPREPARINGORWORKINGWITHPAINTANDWHENCLEANINGTHEUNITFOLLOWTHEWORK INGINSTRUCTIONSOFTHEMANUFACTUREROFTHEPAINTSSOLVENTSANDCLEANINGAGENTSBEING USED 4AKE THE SPECIlED PROTECTIVE MEASURES IN PARTICULAR WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES PROTECTIVE CLOTHINGANDGLOVESASWELLASHANDPROTECTIONCREAMIFNECESSARY 5SEAMASKORBREATHINGAPPARATUSIFNECESSARY &ORSUFlCIENTHEALTHANDENVIRONMENTALSAFETY/PERATETHEUNITINASPRAYBOOTHORON ASPRAYINGWALLWITHTHEVENTILATIONEXTRACTIONSWITCHEDON 7EARSUITABLEPROTECTIVECLOTHINGWHENWORKINGWITHHOTMATERIALS 2.2.6 TOUCHING HOT SURFACES 4OUCHHOTSURFACESONLYIFYOUAREWEARINGPROTECTIVEGLOVES 7HENOPERATINGTHEUNITWITHACOATINGMATERIALWITHATEMPERATUREOF²#²& )DENTIFYTHEUNITWITHAWARNINGLABELTHATSAYSu7ARNINGHOTSURFACEh /RDER.O )NFORMATIONLABEL 3AFETYLABEL 2.3 CORRECT USE 7!'.%2ACCEPTSNOLIABILITYFORANYDAMAGEARISINGFROMINCORRECTUSE 5SETHEUNITONLYTOWORKWITHTHEMATERIALSRECOMMENDEDBY7!'.%2 /PERATETHEUNITONLYASANENTIREUNIT $ONOTDEACTIVATESAFETYEQUIPMENT 5SEONLY7!'.%2ORIGINALSPAREPARTSANDACCESSORIES 8 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 2.4 SAFETY-RELEVANT INFORMATION ABOUT DISCHARGES The plastic parts of the spray gun are charged electrostatically by the high-voltage field of the spray pistol. Harmless discharges (brush discharges) are possible after contact with plastic parts. They are completely harmless for people. The corona discharge at the electrode end is visible during darkness at a distance of between 4 and 10 mm; 0.15 and 0.4 inches, between the spray gun and spray object. 2.5 USE IN AN EXPLOSION HAZARD AREA 2.5.1 CORRECT USE 4HEELECTROSTATICSPRAYGUN'!%!AND'!%!ISSUITABLEFORSPRAYINGLIQUIDMATE RIALSPARTICULARLYCOATINGMATERIALSUSINGTHEAIRATOMIZINGMETHOD #OATINGMATERIALSCONTAININGSOLVENTSOF%XPLOSION#LASS))!MAYBEUSED4HESPRAYGUN MAYONLYBEUSEDINCOMBINATIONWITHACONTROLUNIT%0' 2.5.2 EXPLOSION PROTECTION IDENTIFICATION !SDElNEDINTHE$IRECTIVE#%!4%8THEUNITISSUITABLEFORUSEINAREASWHERE THEREISANEXPLOSIONHAZARD ))'%%XM*4 #% #OMMUNAUTÏS%UROPÏENNES .OMINATEDTESTINGBODY04" %X 3YMBOLFOREXPLOSIONPROTECTION )) 5NITCLASS)) #ATEGORY:ONE ' %XATMOSPHEREGAS % %UROPEANSTANDARD %X %XPLOSIONPROTECTION M* -AXIGNITIONENERGY 4 4EMPERATURECLASS 2.5.3 MAXI. SURFACE TEMPERATURE s -AXSURFACETEMPERATURE s 0ERMISSIBLEMATERIALTEMPERATURE s 0ERMISSIBLEAMBIENTTEMPERATURE 2.5.4 ²#²& ²#²& ²#²& SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 3AFEHANDLINGOF7!'.%2SPRAYUNITS -ECHANICALSPARKSCANFORMIFTHEUNITCOMESINTOCONTACTWITHMETAL )NANEXPLOSIVEATMOSPHERE $ONOTKNOCKORPUSHTHEUNITAGAINSTSTEELORRUSTYIRON $ONOTDROPTHEGUN 5SEONLYTOOLSTHATAREMADEOFAPERMITTEDMATERIAL 9 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL )GNITIONTEMPERATUREOFTHECOATINGMATERIAL %NSURETHATTHEIGNITIONTEMPERATUREOFTHECOATINGMATERIALISABOVETHEMAXIMUM SURFACETEMPERATURE 3URFACESPRAYINGELECTROSTATIC $ONOTSPRAYUNITPARTSWITHELECTROSTATICEGELECTROSTATICSPRAYGUN -EDIUMSUPPORTINGATOMIZING 4OATOMIZETHEMATERIALUSEONLYWEAKLYOXIDIZINGGASESEGAIR #LEANING )F THERE ARE DEPOSITS ON THE SURFACES THE UNIT MAY FORM ELECTROSTATIC CHARGES &LAMES OR SPARKSCANFORMIFTHEREISADISCHARGE 2EMOVEDEPOSITSFROMTHESURFACESTOMAINTAINCONDUCTIVITY 5SEONLYADAMPCLOTHTOCLEANTHEUNIT 2.6 ESTABLISHMENT OF STATIONARY ELECTROSTATIC SYSTEMS 4HESPRAYGUNISACOMPONENTOFASTATIONARYSPRAYINGSYSTEM7HENESTABLISHSTATIONARY SPRAYINGSYSTEMSSTRICTLYCOMPLYWITHREGULATION%.!MONGOTHERTHINGSITISRE QUIREDTHATSWITCHONOFHIGHVOLTAGEISONLYPOSSIBLEWITHAKEY"UTITMUSTBEPOSSIBLETO SWITCHOFFHIGHVOLTAGEWITHOUTANYKEYFORINSTANCEWITHAEMERGENCYSTOPBUTTON 2.7 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) GERMAN REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES BGV A2 BGV D15 BGV D25 CHV 9 CHV 11 BGR 104 BGR 132 BGR 180 i) ZH 1/406 j) BGI 740 k) BGI 764 Electrical units and equipment Working with liquid ejection devices Using coating materials Regulations on flammable liquids Regulations on electrical equipment in Ex areas Explosion protection rules Avoiding ignition risks Setting up for cleaning with solvents for cleaning workpieces with solvents Guidelines for liquid ejection devices Painting rooms and equipment Electrostatic coating Note: All titles can be ordered from Heymanns Publishing House in Cologne or download from Internet. 10 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 3 PRODUCT LIABILITY AND WARRANTY 3.1 IMPORTANT NOTES ON PRODUCT LIABILITY !SARESULTOFAN%#REGULATIONEFFECTIVEASFROM*ANUARYTHEMANUFACTURERSHALL ONLYBELIABLEFORHISPRODUCTIFALLPARTSCOMEFROMHIMORAREAPPROVEDBYHIMANDIFTHE DEVICESAREPROPERLYlTTEDOPERATEDANDMAINTAINED )FOTHERMAKESOFACCESSORYANDSPAREPARTSAREUSEDTHEMANUFACTURER@SLIABILITYCOULDBE FULLYORPARTIALLYNULLANDVOID 4HEUSAGEOFORIGINAL7!'.%2ACCESSORIESANDSPAREPARTSGUARANTEESTHATALLSAFETYRE GULATIONSAREOBSERVED 3.2 WARRANTY 4HISUNITISCOVEREDBYOURWARRANTYONTHEFOLLOWINGTERMS 7EWILLATOURDISCRETIONREPAIRORREPLACEFREEOFCHARGEALLPARTSWHICHWITHINMONTHS INSINGLESHIFTMONTHSINSHIFTORMONTHSINSHIFTOPERATIONFROMDATEOFRECEIPTBY THE0URCHASERAREFOUNDTOBEWHOLLYORSUBSTANTIALLYUNUSABLEDUETOCAUSESPRIORTOTHE SALEINPARTICULARFAULTYDESIGNDEFECTIVEMATERIALSORPOORWORKMANSHIP 4HETERMSOFTHEWARRANTYAREMETATOURDISCRETIONBYTHEREPAIRORREPLACEMENTOFTHE UNITORPARTSTHEREOF4HERESULTINGCOSTSINPARTICULARSHIPPINGCHARGESROADTOLLSLABOUR ANDMATERIALCOSTSWILLBEBORNEBYUSEXCEPTWHERETHESECOSTSAREINCREASEDDUETOTHE SUBSEQUENTSHIPMENTOFTHEUNITTOALOCATIONOTHERTHANTHEADDRESSOFTHEPURCHASER 4HISWARRANTYDOESNOTCOVERDAMAGECAUSEDBY 5NSUITABLE OR IMPROPER USE FAULTY INSTALLATION OR COMMISSIONING BY THE PURCHASER OR A THIRD PARTY NORMAL WEAR NEGLIGENT HANDLING DEFECTIVE MAINTENANCE UNSUITABLE COATING PRODUCTS SUBSTITUTE MATERIALS AND THE ACTION OF CHEMICAL ELECTROCHEMICAL OR ELECTRICAL AGENTSEXCEPTWHENTHEDAMAGEISATTRIBUTABLETOUS !BRASIVE COATING PRODUCTS SUCH AS REDLEAD EMULSIONS GLAZES LIQUID ABRASIVES ZINC DUST PAINTSANDSIMILARREDUCETHESERVICELIFEOFVALVESPACKINGSSPRAYGUNSNOZZLESCYLINDERS PISTONSETC!NYWEARRESULTINGFROMTHEAFOREMENTIONEDCAUSESISNOTCOVEREDBYTHIS WARRANTY #OMPONENTSNOTMANUFACTUREDBY7AGNERARESUBJECTTOTHEWARRANTYTERMSOFTHEORIGI NALMAKER 4HEREPLACEMENTOFAPARTDOESNOTEXTENDTHEWARRANTYPERIODOFTHEUNIT 4HEUNITSHOULDBEINSPECTEDIMMEDIATELYUPONRECEIPT 4OAVOIDLOSSWARRANTYANIYAPPARENTDEFECTSHOULDBENOTIlEDTOUSORTHEDEALERINWRI TINGWITHINDAYSFROMDATEOFSALEOFTHEUNIT 4HERIGHTTOCOMMISSIONWARRANTYSERVICESTOATHIRDPARTYISRESERVED 7ARRANTYCLAIMSARESUBJECTTOPROOFOFPURCHASEBYSUBMITTINGANINVOICEORDELIVERYNOTE )FANINSPECTIONlNDSDAMAGENOTCOVEREDBYTHEPRESENTWARRANTYTHEREPAIRWILLBECAR RIEDOUTATTHEEXPENSEOFTHEPURCHASER .OTETHATTHISWARRANTYDOESNOTINANYWAYRESTRICTLEGALLYENTITLEDCLAIMSORTHOSECONTRAC TUALLYAGREEDTOINOURGENERALTERMSANDCONDITIONS *7AGNER!' 11 EDITION 12/2008 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA PART NO. DOC350731 OPERATING MANUAL 3.3 CE-CONFORMITY Herewith we declare that the supplied version of Electrostatic control unit EPG 3000 in conjunction with: Automatic gun GA 2800 EA Automatic gun GA 2805 EA Complies with the following guidelines 98/37/EG 89/336/EWG 2002/95/EG 94/9/EG 73/23/EWG 2002/96/EG Applied standards, in particular: EN 12100-1 EN 1953 EN 55022 EN 61000-4-4 EN 61000-6-1 EN 12100-2 EN 50176 EN 60204-1 EN 61000-4-6 EN 61000-6-2 EN 1050 EN 55011 EN 61000-4-2 EN 61000-4-11 EN 61000-6-3 EN 61000-6-4 Applied national technical standards and specifications, in particular: For Germany see paragraph 2.7 Marking: Electrostatic control unit 0102 II (2) G Automatic gun 0102 II 2G EEx 0,24 mJ T6 CE Certificate of Conformity The certificate is enclosed with this product.The certificate of conformity can be reordered from your WAGNER representative, quoting the product and serial number. Part number: 381891 12 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 3.5 PTB CONFORMITY CERTIFICATION 13 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 4 DESCRIPTION 4.1 AREA OF APPLICATION, USING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS The electrostatic spray guns can only be used with the control units designed for that purpose: Part No. Description Operating mode 381021 Control unit EPG 3000 Single control unit 381022 Control unit EPG 3000 USA Single control unit 381020 Control unit EPG 3000 Modular painting system 350015 Control module HVM 2082 In control cabinet operation: 350017 Pneumatic module PPM 2000 S 350023 Pneumatic module PPM 2000 S-2 4.1.1 WHAT KIND OF SPRAYING MATERIAL CAN BE APPLIED ➞ Paints containing solvents of the explosion class II A. ➞ Enamels, primers, textured paints etc., which have a specific resistance of > 50 kΩ (according to the WAGNER or Ransburg scale). ➞ The effectiveness of the spraying action is always dependant on the composition of the paint being used, e.g. pigments or resin. Note With very highly conductive materials or those with a very high electrical resistance, the electrostatic effect does not work as efficiently. The relationship between the values of the high-voltage (kV) and the current (µA), shown on the HVM 2082, denotes the charging capacity of a spray material. ➞ High kV value, low µA value (no wrap around) = Paint with too high el. resistance. ➞ Low kV value, high µA value (no wrap-around) = Paint with too low el. resistance In the event of application problems, contact your WAGNER branch and the paint manufacturer. 14 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 4.2 SCOPE OF SUPPLY Qty Part No. Description 1 350028 Automatic spray gun GA 2800EA 1 350029 Automatic spray gun GA 2800EA USA 1 350046 Automatic spray gun GA 2805EA 1 350047 Automatic spray gun GA 2805EA USA 1 2301861 Automatic spray gun GA 2800EA with short cable 1 350074 Automatic spray gun GA 2805EA with short cable 350074 2301861 350047 350046 350029 350028 The standard equipment includes: Quantity Part No. Description 1 1 1 1 1 1 179901 Universal spanner 1 1 1 1 1 1 353210 Nozzle spanner Air 1 1 1 1 1 1 350910 Set of seals, valve rod 1 1 1 1 1 1 350382 Hose fitting ø 10 mm; ø 0.39 inch, 1/4“ 1 1 1 1 1 1 350346 Hose fitting ø 10 mm; ø 0.39 inch, 3/8“ 1 1 1 1 1 1 9100579 Instruction tag 1 1 1 1 1 1 381891 CE-Declaration of Conformity 1 - 1 - 1 1 350730 Operating manual German - 1 - 1 - - 350731 Operating manual English 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chap. 1 An operating manual in the local language The spray gun is delivered without nozzle set. By the GA 2800 the form air adjustment is directly at the spray gun. By the GA 2805 the form air for the beam spread adjustment is supplied by external. The spray gun with note „short cable“ has a cable length of only 0.2 m; 0.7 ft The standard cable length is 11 m; 36.1 ft 11 m; 36.1 ft. For special versions the delivery note applies. 15 EDITION 12/2008 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA PART NO. DOC350731 OPERATING MANUAL 4.3 TECHNICAL DATA Maxi. air pressure Maxi. atomizing air pressure Maxi. material pressure Input voltage Input current Output voltage Output current Polarity Maxi. discharge energy (accord. EN 50176 classification for type A) Material hose connection Length material hose Atomizing air connection Fan air connection Control air connection Cable length Weight (without cables) Working temperature range Maxi. temperature material Min. el. material resistance Maxi. el. material resistance Sound power at 0.4 MPa; 4 bar, 58 psi air pressure (depending on nozzle used) Sound power at 0.2 MPa; 2 bar, 29 psi air pressure (depending on nozzle used) 0.8 MPa; 8 bar; 116 psi 0.8 MPa; 8 bar; 116 psi 0.8 MPa; 8 bar; 116 psi maxi. 17 Vpp maxi. 0.9 A maxi. 80 kV DC maxi. 100 µA DC negative 0.24 mJ ø 10 mm; ø 0.39 inch 15 m; 49.2 ft ø 10 mm; ø 0.39 inch ø 8 mm; ø 0.31 inch ø 8 mm; ø 0.31 inch 11 m; 36.1 ft or 0.2 m; 0.7 ft 1.440 kg; 3.17 lb +5 - +40 °C; +41 - +104 °F 60 °C; 140 °F 50 kΩ* 1250 kΩ* 82 dB(A) 65 - 79 dB(A) * after WAGNER/Ransburg scale Dimensions mm; inch 141; 5.6 GA2805EA 217; 8.5 70; 2.8 400; 15.8 97; 3.8 445; 17.5 GA2800EA B_00153 16 EDITION 12/2008 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA PART NO. DOC350731 OPERATING MANUAL 4.4 FUNCTION 4.4.1 DESIGN OF SPRAY GUN ! " $ ) + $ # & ( ' - * '!%! % '!%! , "? ( ' A Tension nut for valve rod G2 Air cap flat jet B Housing H Nozzle C Cascade I Control air connection (red) D1 Fan air regulation GA 2800EA J Atomizing air connection (blue) D2 Fan air connection GA 2805EA K Gun holder E Head piece L Paint hose connection F Gun barrel M Connection to control unit N Protection cap G1 Nozzle nut round jet 4.4.2 FUNCTIONS OF THE GUN Note Operation of the spray gun in conjunction with the control unit EPG 3000 is described in this operating manual. ➞ The high voltage at the spray gun GA 2800EA or GA 2805EA is activated when the control unit EPG 3000 is switched on. ➞ The control piston integrated on the valve rod in housing (B) of the spray gun GA 2800EA or GA 2805EA is subjected to pressure at the same time and opens the air valve for the atomizing air. ➞ Paint valve in the gun barrel (F) is opened via valve rod movement after the valve for the atomizing air is opened. ➞ The spray jet width is adjusted via the air control knob on the control unit EPG 3000 or via the fan air regulation (D1) on the spray gun GA 2800EA in the case of flat jet spraying. ➞ The high voltage at the spray gun can be adjusted at the voltage regulator in the control unit EPG 3000 and can be adapted to the paint or to the spraying object. ➞ Securing the gun: 1. Switch off the mains at the EPG 3000 2. Switch off the air supply at the EPG 3000 3. Relieve the pressure on the spray gun and the system. 17 EDITION 12/2008 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA PART NO. DOC350731 OPERATING MANUAL 4.5 AIR ATOMIZING SPRAY PROCESS 4.5.1 ROUND AND FLAT JET In this process, the material (paint) is fed to the nozzle with low pressure 0.05-0.2 MPa; 0.52 bar; 7-29 psi. The atomizing air at approx. 0.25-0.4 MPa; 2.5-4 bar; 36-58 psi produces a soft jet, which largely eliminates the problem of overlapping boundaries. 4.5.2 ROUND JET The jet is cone-shaped. Spray pattern "? 1 = Atomizing air 4.5.3 2 = Material 3 = Nozzle nut FLAT JET The spraying angle can be changed by adjusting the „fan air“. Depend on the material and the output, a large range of nozzles and air caps are available to suit your needs (see paragraph 9.1). Spray pattern Spraying angle "? 1 = Atomizing air 2 = Material 3 = Air cap 4 = Fan air 18 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 4.5.4 ELECTROSTATIC EFFECT The spray gun produces an electrostatic field by means of the high voltage electrode. As a result, the particles of paint, which have been atomized by the spray gun, are carried to the earthed object by kinetic and electrostatic energy where they adhere, finely distributed, to the object being sprayed. Charged particles Electrode Grounded object "? Advantages of electrostatics: Very efficient spraying Little over spray Coating of entire circumferences due to an electrostatic field Less working time • • • • 19 EDITION 12/2008 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA PART NO. DOC350731 OPERATING MANUAL 5 PREPARATION BEFORE STARTING WORK 5.1 SET UP AND CONNECT 5.1.1 TYPICAL ELECTROSTATIC SPRAYING SYSTEM WARNING Incorrect installation/operation! Risk of injury and damage to equipment When putting into operation and for all work, read and follow the operating instructions and safety regulations for the additionally required system components. SIHI_0050_GB ! # & " % $ "? A Spraying booth B Object C Conveyor D Control cabinet E Movement device system F Electrostatic automatic air spray gun The spray gun GM 2800EA or GA 2805EA must be used a part of an air electrostatic spraying system. The spraying system shown in the figure is only one example of an electrostatic air spraying system. It is not an actual system design. Contact your WAGNER distributor for assistance in designing a system to meet your needs. The operating instructions and the safety regulations for the additional system components used must be read before starting-up. 20 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 5.1.2 VENTILATION OF THE SPRAY BOOTH WARNING Toxic and/or flammable vapor mixtures! Risk of poisoning and burns Operate the unit in a spraying booth approved for the working materials. -or Operate the unit on an appropriate spraying wall with the ventilation (extraction) switched on. Observe national and local regulations for the outgoing air speed. SIHI_0028_GB 5.1.3 AIR SUPPLY The use of an air filter with the air regulator (D) ensures that only dry, clean atomising air gets into the spray gun. Dirt and moisture in the atomising air reduce the spraying quality and the appearance of the finished piece. 5.1.4 FLUID (PAINT) HOSES #!54)/. )MPURITIESINTHESPRAYINGSYSTEM 3PRAYGUNBLOCKAGEMATERIALSHARDENINTHESPRAYINGSYSTEM &LUSHTHESPRAYGUNANDPAINTSUPPLYWITHASUITABLECLEANINGAGENT 3)()??'" DANGER Bursting hose, bursting threaded joints! Danger to life from injection of material Ensure that the hose material is chemically resistant. Ensure that the spray gun, threaded joints and material hose between the unit and the spray gun is suitable for the pressure generated in the unit. Ensure that the following information can be seen on the highpressure hose: - Manufacturer - Permissible operating pressure - Date of manufacture. SIHI_0029_GB 21 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 5.1.5 EARTHING Perfect earthing of all system components (work pieces, conveyor, paint supply system, control unit, spray booth or spraying stand, see illustration) is a prerequisite for optimum coating efficiency and safety. 7!2.).' $ISCHARGE OF ELECTROSTATICALLY CHARGED COMPONENTS IN ATMO SPHERESCONTAININGSOLVENTS %XPLOSIONHAZARDFROMELECTROSTATICSPARKSORmAMES %ARTHALLUNITCOMPONENTS %ARTHTHEWORKPIECESBEINGPAINTED 3)()??'" WARNING Heavy paint mist if earthing is insufficient! Risk of poisoning Insufficient paint application quality Earth all unit components. Earth the workpieces being painted. SIHI_0003_GB A badly earthed work-piece will result in: Very poor wrap-around Uneven coating thickness Spray-back onto the spray gun, i.e. contamination • • • The prerequisites for perfect earthing and coating are: Clean work piece suspension Earthing of spray booth, conveyor system and hangers to the building earth in accordance with the operating instruction or the manufacturer‘s information Earthing of all conductive parts within the working area The earthing resistance of the work piece must not exceed 1 MΩ (Mega Ohm). Connect the control unit to the mains system earth. • • • • • 22 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL Earthing scheme (example) Conveyor Control module Earthing cable Pump Work piece R max < 1 MΩ Spraying stand Paint container B_00137 Floor, antistatic System earth System earth Minimum cable cross-section Control unit Pump Paint container Movement unit Conveyor Spraying booth Spraying stand 4 mm² (AWG 12) 4 mm² (AWG 12) 4 mm² (AWG 12) 16 mm² (AWG 6) 16 mm² (AWG 6) 16 mm² (AWG 6) 16 mm² (AWG 6) 23 EDITION 12/2008 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA PART NO. DOC350731 OPERATING MANUAL 5.2 PREPARATION OF PAINT The viscosity of the paints is of great importance. The best results are obtained with paints between 15 and 30 DIN sec. (measured in immersion flow cup DIN 4 mm ; 0.16 inches). In the case of application problems contact the paint producer. 5.2.1 VISCOSITY CONVERSION TABLE MILLI0ASCALX 3ECM0AS #ENTIPOISE 0OISE $).#UP MMIN &ORD#UP :AHN 24 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 5.3 START-UP 5.3.1 GENERAL RULES FOR HANDLING THE SPRAY GUN ➞ Observe safety instructions in chapter 2. DANGER High voltage field! Danger to life from malfunctioning heart pacemakers Ensure that persons with heart pacemakers: Do not work with the electrostatic spray gun. Remain outside the area of the electrostatic spray gun/workpiece. SIHI_0049_GB WARNING Unintentional putting into operation! Risk of injury Before all work on the unit, in the event of work interruptions and functional faults: Switch off the energy/compressed air supply. Relieve the pressure from the spray gun and unit. Secure the spray gun against actuation. By functional faults: Identify and correct the problem, proceed as described in chap„Trouble shooting“. SIHI_0065_GB 25 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 5.3.2 PREPARATION ➞ Earthing the spraying system and make sure that all other conductive parts within the work area are earthed. ➞ Secure the spray gun to the lifting unit with the suspension bracket or suspension bolt (accessories) ➞ Connect material hose to pump. ➞ Connect the air hose ø 10 mm; ø 0.39 inches (marked blue) to oil-free, dry air supply (approx 0.25 MPa; 2.5 bar; 36.3 psi with regulator. ➞ Connect the air hose ø 8 mm; ø 0.31 inches (marked red) for the control air to the control unit EPG 3000. ➞ When using flat jet nozzles: Connect the air hose ø 8 mm; ø 0.31 inches (marked green) for the fan air to the control unit EPG 3000. ➞ Connect electrical cable to the control unit. 7!2.).' 3PARKSFORMWHENTHEPLUGISREMOVED %XPLOSIONHAZARD 7HENUSINGTHESPRAYGUNINEXPLOSIONHAZARDAREAS 3ECURE THE CABLE CONNECTION WITH THE SUPPLIED LOCKING CLAMP 3)()??'" "? "? Old equipment New equipment ➞ Visually check the permissible pressures for all the system components. ➞ Set material pressure and use a suitable medium (solvent or water) to check that connections do not leak. ➞ Relieve system pressure and spray gun. 26 EDITION 12/2008 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA PART NO. DOC350731 OPERATING MANUAL 5.4 WORKING 5.4.1 START-UP FOR SPRAYING 1. Switch on the material supply, adjust from approx. 0.05-0.15 MPa; 0.5-1.5 bar; 7-22 psi, and the control unit. 2. Spray on a test object. 3. Adjust the spray pressure and atomizing air in accordance with the nozzle and object. Note The paint output volume can be changed by: ➞ Changing the material pressure. or ➞ Fitting another flat. See accessories. 5.4.2 ADJUST THE SPRAY ANGLE WITH FLAT JET NOZZLES Spray gun GA 2800EA The spray pattern can be adjusted to suit the object being sprayed using the fan air regulator on the gun. Other nozzle sizes can be used to obtain larger or smaller spraying patterns. Spray gun GA 2805EA The spray pattern can be adjusted to suit the object being sprayed using the fan air regulator on the EPG 3000. Other nozzle sizes can be used to obtain larger or smaller spraying patterns B_00115 Higher fan air pressure = Wide spray angle Smaller fan air pressure = Narrow spray angle Fan air regulator 27 EDITION 12/2008 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA PART NO. DOC350731 OPERATING MANUAL 5.4.3 FITTING OR CHANGING ROUND JET NOZZLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Switch off control unit. Relieve spray gun and unit pressure! Replace paint with cleaning solvent, and Thoroughly flush spray gun. Relieve spray gun and unit pressure! Unscrew nozzle nut (B) by hand and remove it. 7. Remove the nozzle body (C) and the nozzle insert Supra (A). 8. Unscrew nozzle insert Supra (A) with the nozzle spanner (I) from the nozzle body (C) 9. Re-assembly in reverse order. Note: To protect the electrode needle replace the cap (D) when the gun is not in use. $ + !# " # ! ) "? 28 EDITION 12/2008 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA PART NO. DOC350731 OPERATING MANUAL 5.4.4 CHANGING FROM ROUND JET NOZZLE TO FLAT JET NOZZLE #!54)/. $EFECTIVEELECTRODE -ATERIALDAMAGEDUETOFUNCTIONALFAULTS $ONOTDAMAGETHEELECTRODE 3)()??'" Perform steps 1 and 7 of paragraph 5.4.3 8. Place flat jet nozzle (E) into air cap (F). Place booth of them onto the sleeve (G) 9. Screw nozzle nut (H) on the gun body (K). Adjust desired jet level by means of air cap horns (L). Tighten air cap nut (F) by hand on the gun body (K) + Round jet nozzle !# " + % ( ' , Flat jet nozzle "? & 5.4.5 FITTING OR CHANGING FLAT JET NOZZLE Perform steps 1 and 5 of paragraph 5.4.3 6. Unscrew nozzle nut (H) by hand. 7. Remove air cap (F) and flat jet nozzle (E) 8. Mounting: According to steps 8 and 9 of paragraph 5.4.4 29 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 6 MAINTENANCE ➞ See safety regulations in chapter 2 The spray gun and the unit must be cleaned every day. Use only the cleaning solvent recommended by the material manufacture. CAUTION Cleaning agent in the air duct! Functional faults caused by swollen seals Never immerse the spray gun in cleaning agent. SIHI_0066_GB WARNING Incorrect maintenance/repair! Risk of injury and damage to the equipment Repairs and part replacement may only be carried out by specially trained staff or a WAGNER service center. Before all work on the unit and in the event of work interrup tions: - Switch off the energy/compressed air supply. - Relieve the pressure from the spray gun and unit. - Secure the spray gun against actuation. Observe the operating and service instructions when carrying out all work. SIHI_0004_GB 30 EDITION 12/2008 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA PART NO. DOC350731 OPERATING MANUAL 6.1 FINISHING WORK AND CLEANING DANGER Exploding gas/ air mixture! Danger to life from flying parts and burns Never spray into a closed container. Earth the container. SIHI_0008_GB 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Switch off control unit. Relieve spray gun and system pressure. Replace the cleaning supply. Close down the atomization air supply, i.e., turn air regulator on the EPG 3000 to 0. Thoroughly flush spray gun ! Relieve spray gun and system pressure. Clean gun with solvent recommended by the manufacturer and dry with a cloth or blow gun. #!54)/. 3OLVENTINAIRCONDUIT &UNCTIONALFAULTSCAUSEDBYSWOLLENSEALS !LWAYSPOINTTHESPRAYGUNDOWNWHENCLEANING %NSURETHATNEITHERPAINTNORCLEANINGAGENTENTERSTHEAIRDUCT 3)()??'" The gun attachment (X) may only be changed by the WAGNER Service Station. "? X 31 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 7 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE Problem Cause Solution Insufficient material output • Nozzle too small • Select larger nozzle (see chapter 9.1) • Material pressure too low • Increase material pressure • Material viscosity too high • Thin material in accordance with the manufacturers instructions • Filter in material supply clogged • Clean or replace filter • Nozzle is clogged • Clean or replace nozzle • Union screw is screwed in too far. • Turn union screw anticlockwise • Wrongly adjusted atomizing air and / or fan air • Readjust the atomizing air or fan air • Nozzle too large • Select smaller nozzle (see chapter 9.1) • Material viscosity too high • Thin material acc. to manufacturers instruction. • Material pressure too high • Reduce material pressure • Damaged nozzle • Replace nozzle • Damaged electrode • See chapter 8.4 for repairs Poor spray pattern Leaking air valve • Damaged seals on the valve rod • Sealing screw loose Poor wrap round • Poor earthing at object or electrostatic effect • Paint resistance too high / to low Back spraying • Exchange seals (see chapter 8.3) • Tighten sealing screw • Check earthing of object or hanger with ohmmeter • Check resistance of paint in accordance with paragraph 4.1.1 • Spraying pressure too high • Adjust spraying pressure • Object not earthed • Check earthing • Distance between spray gun and work piece too large • Reduce distance between spray gun and work piece 32 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL Troubleshooting and Maintenance Problem Cause Solution No wrap round • No high voltage • Check function of control unit in accordance with its manual • Air-passages damp • Cleaning air-passages and drying • Conductive sediments in the material hose • Clean or replace the material hose • High conductive paint • Use original Wagner material hose with at least 7.5 m; 25 ft length • Paint conductivity too high • Check resistance of paint in accordance with paragraph 4.1.1 Leaking material • Damaged needle head (20)* at the nozzle • Changing needle head Leaking air valve • Damaged seals on the valve rod • Exchange seals (see paragraph 8.3) Attention: * = Positions are shown in the part lists and drawings of chapter 10. 33 EDITION 12/2008 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA PART NO. DOC350731 OPERATING MANUAL 8 REPAIR WORK WARNING Incorrect maintenance/repair! Danger to life and equipment damage Only a WAGNER service center or a suitably trained person may carry out repairs and replace parts. Only repair and replace parts that are listed in the chapter "Spare parts catalog". Before all work on the unit and in the event of work interruptions: - Disconnect the control unit from the mains. - Relieve the pressure from the spray gun and unit. - Secure the spray gun against actuation. Observe the operating and service instructions when carrying out all work. SIHI_0048_GB 8.1 REPLACING THE VALUE SEAT 1. Remove nozzle according to paragraph 5.4.3 or 5.4.5. 2. Use nozzle key 2800 (I) to unscrew valve seat. Replace, and tighten carefully. 3. Reassemble nozzle in reverse order. Flat jet nozzle Round jet nozzle G B_00174 I 34 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 8.2 EXCHANGE OF COMPLETE VALVE ROD #!54)/. $EFECTIVESEALINGSURFACE %QUIPMENTDAMAGETOTHEGUN #OATINGERROR $ONOTDAMAGETHESEALINGSURFACE 3)()??'" X U Y V D S 4 W 9 G Attention: Do not damage sealing surfaces B_00160 1. Remove nozzle according to paragraph 5.4.3 and 5.4.5 2. Remove valve seat according to paragraph 8.1. 3. Loosen front packing screw (V) 1/ 2 to 1 turn, using the packing key (W) (available as accessory), in order to relieve the packing from the valve stem. 4. Unscrew tension nut (X), and remove compression spring (U). 5. Unscrew locking piece (Y) using spanner, size 17 mm; 0.70 inches. 6. Remove sealing screw (4) using spanner, size 6 mm; 0.28 inches, from the paint seal housing (9). #!54)/. ,EAKINGSPRAYGUN 2ISKOFINJURYFROMCOATINGMATERIALCOMINGOUT $ONOTREMOVETHEPAINTSEALINGSLEEVE 3)()??'" 7. Carefully pull out complete valve rod using surface (D) – replace if necessary. 8. Reassemble in reverse order – do not forget to screw in the centre packing screw (4). 9. Carefully tighten the packing screw (V) using the packing key (W) until light resistance is felt on the valve stem when pulling the valve rod. 10. Fit valve seat (G) according to paragraph 8.1 11. Fit nozzle according to paragraph 5.4.3 resp. 5.4.5 35 EDITION 12/2008 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA PART NO. DOC350731 OPERATING MANUAL 8.3 EXCHANGE OF VALVE ROD SEALS #!54)/. $EFECTIVESEALINGSURFACE %QUIPMENTDAMAGETOTHEGUN #OATINGERROR $ONOTDAMAGETHESEALINGSURFACE 3)()??'" 1. Remove valve rod as described in paragraph 8.2 2. Hold with universal spanner at surface (D) and unscrew valve sealing element (1/E) using a small pliers. 3. Remove compression ring with O-ring (2) and seal (3). 4. If the tappet seal is faulty, undo the nut (6) with the universal spanner and pull out the tappet seal (7). 5. Replace the O-ring (2), the front seal (3) and, if necessary, the tappet seal (7) or the piston seal ( 5). 6. Reassemble valve rod in reverse order and secure thread with Loctite 270. See paragraph 8.2. CAUTION Unsuitable tool! Damage to seals and sealing surfaces Do not hold the valve rod with pliers or a similar tool. SIHI_0006_GB 3 D E 1 2 4 5 Attention: Do not damage sealing surfaces 7 6 B_00140 Note Secure threads with Loctite 270 36 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 8.4 ELECTRODE REPLACEMENT "? Electrode If the electrode is damaged (bent or broken) by incorrect handling, the valve needle head (12) must be replaced. #!54)/. $EFECTIVESEALINGSURFACE %QUIPMENTDAMAGETOTHEGUN #OATINGERROR $ONOTDAMAGETHESEALINGSURFACE (15) 3)()??'" 1. Remove valve rod as described in paragraph 8.2. 2. Carefully clamp the valve rod extension (11) and pull off the needle head (12) using small pliers. 3. Manually press the new needle head (12) onto the resistor housing (13). Note For easier assembly fit the valve needle with the electrode pressed into a cork. 4. Refit valve rod as described in paragraph 8.2. #!54)/. #ONTACTSPRINGINCORRECTLYlTTED 0OORCOATINGRESULT %NSURETHATCONTACTSPRINGENGAGES 3)()??'" 11 12 14 13 B_00141 15 15 37 EDITION 12/2008 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA PART NO. DOC350731 OPERATING MANUAL 8.5 ADJUSTING THE VALVE MOVEMENT After changing a nozzle or needle nozzle, the valve movement can be adjusted by turning the union screw (19) of the tension nut (1). The adjustment can be locked with union nut (67). X Set by the factory: Distance = 1.5 mm; 0.06 inch. R Turning right = Reducing the valve movement, that means less material output. L Turning left = Enlarging the valve movement, that means more material output. 1 R L X= m 1.5 m/ 0.0 in 59 ch 19 67 B_00159 38 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 8.6 1. 2. 3. 4. REPLACING THE PAINT HOSE Unscrew nut (A) using the universal spanner. Pull material hose (B) out of the connection (C). Remove insert (D), clamping ring (E) and nut (A) from material hose. Pull the material hose back through the protective sleeve (F) and remove it. If the material hose has been ordered per meter, strip the insulation from 75 mm; 3.0 inch at both ends (see special accessory 9.4) 7!2.).' $AMAGEDMATERIALHOSE 2ISKOFINJURYFROMCOATINGMATERIALCOMINGOUT %LECTRICSHOCKRISK 7HEN REMOVING INSULATION ENSURE THAT THE INNER HOSE IS NOT DAMAGED 3)()??'" 5. Fit the nut (A) and clamping ring (E) over the material hose (B). 6. Insert the cleaned or new sealing sleeve (D) into the material hose (B). 7. Wet the material hose (B) on the insert length with high voltage oil Note The high voltage oil protects against high voltage burn-through (leakage to earth or atmosphere) 8. Insert material hose (B) into the connection (C) as far as it will go. 9. Pull the union nut (A) over the clamping ring (E) and gently tighten it with the universal spanner. " "? # $ % ! Mounting with insulating oil 39 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 9 ACCESSORIES 9.1 NOZZLES EA FLAT-JET Part No. 363228 363229 363230 363231 363232 363233 363234 363235 Description Nozzle set EAF 0.6 Nozzle set EAF 0.8 Nozzle set EAF 1.0 Nozzle set EAF 1.2 Nozzle set EAF 1.4 Nozzle set EAF 1.6 Nozzle set EAF 1.8 Nozzle set EAF 2.0 Colour black yellow red green brown white blue black 2303641 353968 353973 353960 353961 353962 353963 353964 Air cap assy. EAF 0.6 Air cap assy. EAF 0.8 Air cap assy. EAF 1.0 Air cap assy. EAF 1.2 Air cap assy. EAF 1.4 Air cap assy. EAF 1.6 Air cap assy. EAF 1.8 Air cap assy. EAF 2.0 black yellow red green brown white blue black 2303640 353969 353970 353955 353956 353957 353958 353959 Flat jet nozzle EAF 0.6 Flat jet nozzle EAF 0.8 Flat jet nozzle EAF 1.0 Flat jet nozzle EAF 1.2 Flat jet nozzle EAF 1.4 Flat jet nozzle EAF 1.6 Flat jet nozzle EAF 1.8 Flat jet nozzle EAF 2.0 black yellow red green brown white blue black "? "? "? Note: Only install EAF nozzles parts with the same colour (air cap colour and nozzle colour must be identical). 9.1.1 PAINT OUTPUT MEASURED WITH SYNTHETIC ENAMEL Unit: GA 2800EAF Viscosity: 22 DIN 4 sec 800 Output in g/min. 700 600 ø 0.8 ø 1.0 500 ø 1.2 ø 1.4 400 ø 1.6 300 ø 1.8 ø 2.0 200 100 0 1 bar Material pressure in bar 2 bar 3 bar B_00170 40 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 9.2 EA ROUND JET NOZZLES (SUPRA) Part No. Description 363238 Nozzle set EAR Supra "? 353966 Outer nut Supra "? 353965 Nozzle body Supra 353952 Nozzle insert Supra EA "? "? 353210 Nozzle spanner 2800 EA "? 9.2.1 PAINT OUTPUT MEASURED WITH SYNTHETIC ENAMEL Unit: Viscosity: GA 2800EAR 22 DIN 4 sec Output in g/min. BAR BAR BAR %!23UPRA "? Paint pressure (bar) 41 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 9.3 ELECTRICAL CABLES Part No. Description 350272 Gun cable extension 7.5 m; 24.6 ft 350513 Gun cable extension 10 m; 32.8 ft 350514 Gun cable extension 15 m; 49.2 ft 236219 Earth cable 4 mm²; AWG 12 assy. 3 m; 9.8 ft with clamp 130215 Earth cable 4 mm²; AWG 12 assy. 10 m; 32.8 ft with clamp 9.4 HOSES AND FITTINGS Part No. Description 381150 Air hose ø 7/10 mm; ø 0.28/0.39 inches black (order by the meter) 9987095 Air hose ø 7/10 mm; ø 0.28/0.39 inches blue (order by the meter) 381151 Air hose ø 5.5/8 mm; ø 0.22/0.31 inches red (order by the meter) 381152 Air hose ø 5.5/8 mm; ø 0.22/0.31 inches green (order by the meter) - Material hose ø 6/12 mm; ø 0.24/0.47 inches Contact your WAGNER branch for special precut lengths 353701 9.5 Material hose set EA. The set includes 7.5 m; 24.6 ft material hose ø 6/12 mm; ø 0.24/0.47 inch stripped, union nut, clamping ring and insert (for hose replacement see paragraph 8.6) VALVE SEAT AND VALVE NEEDLE HEAD - PLASTIC Part No. Description 350902 Nozzle needle head assy. PEEK 350904 Valve seat assy. PEEK Replace set metal 179052 9.6 Material valve metal GA 2800EA/ GA 2805EA/ GM 2800EA (see spare parts list valve rod pos. 18 and 20) MISCELLANEOUS Part No. Description 353805 Packing key (for replacing the front valve rod seal) 350364 Mounting bolt ø 12 mm; ø 0.47 inch (alternative to mounting bracket) 9994682 Protection glove against over spray 259005 High voltage tester HV 200 139008 Paint resistance measuring unit 999080 Wet film thickness gauge 50342 Viscosity cup DIN 4 353702 HV-oil for fitting the material hose see paragraph 8.5 42 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL 10 SPARE PARTS 10.1 HOW TO ORDER SPARE PARTS? !LWAYSSUPPLYTHEFOLLOWINGINFORMATIONTOENSUREDELIVERYOFTHERIGHTSPAREPART 0ART.UMBERDESCRIPTIONANDQUANTITY 4HEQUANTITYNEEDNOTBETHESAMEASTHENUMBERGIVENINTHEu1UANTITYhCOLUMN4HIS NUMBERMERELYINDICATESHOWMANYOFTHERESPECTIVEPARTSAREUSEDINEACHSUBASSEMBLY 4HEFOLLOWINGINFORMATIONISALSOREQUIREDTOENSURESMOOTHPROCESSINGOFYOURORDER !DDRESSFORTHEINVOICE !DDRESSFORDELIVERY .AMEOFTHEPERSONTOBECONTACTEDINTHEEVENTOFANYQUERIES 4YPEOFDELIVERYREQUIREDAIRFREIGHTORMAILSEAROUTEOROVERLANDROUTEETC -ARKSINSPAREPARTSLISTS .OTETOCOLUMNu+hINTHEFOLLOWINGSPAREPARTSLISTS U 7EARINGPARTS .OTE.OLIABILITYISASSUMEDFORWEARINGPARTS L .OTPARTOFSTANDARDEQUIPMENTAVAILABLEHOWEVERASADDITIONALEXTRA WARNING Incorrect maintenance/repair! Risk of injury and damage to the equipment Repairs and part replacement may only be carried out by specially trained staff or a WAGNER service center. Before all work on the unit and in the event of work interrup tions: - Switch off the energy/compressed air supply. - Relieve the pressure from the spray gun and unit. - Secure the spray gun against actuation. Observe the operating and service instructions when carrying out all work. SIHI_0004_GB 43 EDITION 12/2008 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA PART NO. DOC350731 OPERATING MANUAL 10.2 SPARE PARTS LIST GA 2800EA 23 2 48 80 70 71 72 73 74 49 G A2 80 0E 22 58 A 59 19 67 76 75 82 4 15 78 3 81 77 93 90 1 39 Must only be removed by WAGNER Service Agency 11 89 31 55 62 14 36 85 84 83 Item K 27 41 24 Attachment must only be removed by WAGNER Service Agency 24 14 61 88 B_00157 79 Qty Part No. Description 1 1 350507 Tension nut 2 1 350108 Valve rod , assembled 3 1 350300 Stopper piece 4 1 9999143 Compression spring 11 2 350319 Distance bush 14 1 9913015 Union nut ◆ 1 9971164 O-ring 15 19 1 9902505 Union screw 22 1 9998254 Screw-in fitting, straight 23 1 350309 Gun holder 24 1 9998290 Clamping ring 27 1 353362 Material connection When assembling gun parts, the Loctite has to be used in accordance with the instructions ◆ = Wearing part ▼ = Various dimensions see accessories in chapter 9 ● = Not part of standard equipment for the spray gun, but is available as an optional extra 44 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL Spare parts list GA 2800EA Item K 31 36 39 41 48 49 55 58 59 61 62 65 66 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 88 88 89 90 93 Qty Part No. 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9900318 9971142 9998987 353350 9900810 350617 350127 9998617 9998770 350600 353390 9920130 9900743 9910508 9913002 350344 9998041 350342 350341 9971319 9904407 353966 353965 Description Hexagon socket head cap screw O-ring Screw-in fitting, straight Sealing sleeve Pan-head screw M2, 4 mm; 0.16 inches long Data plate GA 2800EA ◆ Valve seat assy. metal Compression ring red Compression ring blue Stripped hose, length 15 m; 49.2 ft, ø 6/12 mm; ø 0.24/0.47 inches Protection cap Washer Slotted cheese head screw with slit Knurled nut Cap nut Plate Union nut Nipple Air control knob ◆ O-ring Screw plug ● Outer nut, Supra ● Nozzle body Supra ● ▼ Nozzle set EAF 350214 Air control knob, assy. ● 353952 Nozzle insert Supra ● 363238 Nozzle set EA Supra ● 1 353967 Outer nut EAF ● ▼ 1 Air cap EAF ● ▼ 1 Flat jet nozzle EAF 1 350382 Hose nipple ø 10 mm; ø 0.39 inches, 1/4“ 1 350346 Hose nipple ø 10 mm; ø 0.39 inches, 3/8“ 1 350392 Sealing ring 1 350393 Sealing screw 1 353358 Attachment ring 9992560 Loctite 307, 250 ml 9992538 Loctite Activator (7471 set) 9992590 Loctite 222, 50 ml When assembling gun parts, the Loctite has to be used in accordance with the instructions ◆ ◆ = Wearing part ▼ = Various dimensions see accessories in chapter 9 ● = Not part of standard equipment for the spray gun, but is available as an optional extra 45 EDITION 12/2008 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA PART NO. DOC350731 OPERATING MANUAL 10.3 SPARE PARTS LIST GA 2805EA 19 67 1 3 2 23 48 Attachment must only be removed by WAGNER Service Agency 4 49 G A2 80 0E 96 97 22 58 A 92 98 95 76 39 59 15 82 78 81 77 93 90 11 89 31 55 Must only be removed by WAGNER Service Agency 62 14 36 27 41 24 24 14 61 B_00142 88 85 84 83 79 Item K Qty Part No. Description 1 1 350507 Tension nut 2 1 350108 Valve rod , assembled 3 1 350300 Stopper piece 4 1 9999143 Compression spring 11 2 350319 Distance bush 14 1 9913015 Union nut ◆ 1 9971164 O-ring 15 19 1 9902505 Union screw 22 1 9998254 Screw-in fitting, straight 23 1 350309 Gun holder 24 1 9998290 Clamping ring When assembling gun parts, the Loctite has to be used in accordance with the instructions ◆ = Wearing part ▼ = Various dimensions see accessories in chapter 9 ● = Not part of standard equipment for the spray gun, but is available as an optional extra 46 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL Spare parts list GA 2805EA Item K 27 31 ◆ 36 39 41 48 49 ◆ 55 58 59 61 62 65 66 67 76 ● 77 ● 78 ● 79 ● 81 ● 82 ● 83 ● 84 ● 85 88 88 89 90 92 93 95 96 97 98 Qty 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Part No. 353362 9900318 9971142 9998987 353350 9900810 350621 350127 9998617 9998770 350600 353390 9920130 9900743 9910508 9904407 353966 353965 Description Material connection Hexagon socket head cap screw O-ring Screw-in fitting, straight Sealing sleeve Pan-head screw M2, 4 mm; 0.16 inches long Data plate GA 2805EA Valve seat assy. metal Compression ring red Compression ring blue Stripped hose, length 15 m; 49.2 ft, ø 6/12 mm; ø 0.24/0.47 inches Protection cap Washer Slotted cheese head screw with slit Knurled nut Screw plug Outer nut, Supra Nozzle body Supra ▼ Nozzle set EAF 353952 Nozzle insert Supra 363238 Nozzle set EA Supra 1 353967 Outer nut EAF ▼ 1 Air cap EAF ▼ 1 Flat jet nozzle EAF 1 350382 Hose nipple ø 10 mm; ø 0.39 inches, 1/4“ 1 350346 Hose nipple ø 10 mm; ø 0.39 inches, 3/8“ 1 350392 Sealing ring 1 350393 Sealing screw 1 9998074 Screwed fitting elbow 1 353358 Attachment ring 1 350427 Locking bracket 1 9903314 Phillips head screw M4x16 1 9910202 Hexagonal nut self locking M4 1 350521 Sticker 9992560 Loctite 307, 250 ml 9992538 Loctite Activator (7471 set) 9992590 Loctite 222, 50 ml When assembling gun parts, the Loctite has to be used in accordance with the instructions ◆ = Wearing part ▼ = Various dimensions see accessories in chapter 9 ● = Not part of standard equipment for the spray gun, but is available as an optional extra 47 EDITION 12/2008 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA PART NO. DOC350731 OPERATING MANUAL 10.4 SPARE PARTS LIST VALVE ROD EA "? Item K 1 Qty Part No. Description 1 350324 Valve rod holder 1 350388 Piston seal 5 1 350321 Piston 6 1 9998040 Compression spring 7 1 350354 Valve rod, spring guide 1 179339 Tappet seal 9 1 350323 Nut 10 1 350508 Valve rod 4 8 ◆ ◆★ 11 1 179342 Sealing screw 12 ◆★ 1 350505 Seal 13 ◆★ 1 9971182 O-ring 14 1 179343 Compression ring 15 1 353351 Connecting piece 17 1 353352 Valve rod extension 18 1 350903 Nozzle needle assy. (metal) 19 ◆ 1 179409 Contact spring 20 ◆ 1 350236 Nozzle needle head assy. (metal) ◆ = Wearing part ★ = Included in set of seals valve rod 350910 48 EDITION 12/2008 PART NO. DOC350731 GA 2800EA, GA 2805EA OPERATING MANUAL Germany J. WAGNER GmbH Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 18 Postfach 1120 D- 88677 Markdorf Telephone: ++49/ (0)7544 / 5050 Telefax: ++49/ (0)7544 / 505200 E-Mail:[email protected] Switzerland J. WAGNER AG Industriestrasse 22 Postfach 663 CH- 9450 Altstätten Telephone: ++41/ (0)71 / 757 2211 Telefax: ++41/ (0)71 / 757 2222 E-Mail: [email protected] Belgium WAGNER Spraytech Benelux BV Veilinglaan 58 B- 1861 Wolvertem Telephone: ++32/ (0)2 / 269 4675 Telefax: ++32/ (0)2 / 269 7845 E-Mail: [email protected] Denmark WAGNER Spraytech Scandinavia A/S Helgeshøj Allé 28 DK- 2630 Tåstrup Telephone: ++45/ 43 271 818 Telefax: ++45/ 43 43 05 28 E-Mail [email protected] United Kingdom WAGNER Spraytech (UK) Ltd. Haslemere Way Tramway Industrial Estate GB- Banbury, OXON OX16 8TY Telephone: ++44/ (0)1295 / 265 353 Telefax: ++44/ (0)1295 / 269861 E-Mail: [email protected] France J. WAGNER France S.A.R.L. 5, Ave. du 1er Mai – BP 47 F- 91122 Palaiseau-Cedex Netherlands WAGNER SPRAYTECH Benelux BV Zonnebaan 10 NL- 3542 EC Utrecht PO Box 1656 3600 BR Maarssen Telephone: ++31/ (0)30 / 241 4155 Telefax: ++31/ (0)30 / 241 1787 E-Mail: [email protected] Italy WAGNER COLORA S.r.l Via Fermi, 3 I- 20040 Burago di Molgora (MI) Japan WAGNER Spraytech Ltd. 2-35, Shinden Nishimachi J- Daito Shi, Osaka, 574-0057 Telephone: ++81/ (0)720 / 874 3561 Telefax: ++81/ (0)720 / 874 3426 E-Mail: [email protected] Austria J. WAGNER GmbH Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 18 Postfach 1120 D- 88677 Markdorf Telephone: ++49/ (0)7544 / 5050 Telefax: ++49/ (0)7544 / 505200 E-Mail:[email protected] Sweden WAGNER Industrial Solutions Scandinavia AB Karbingatan 28 S- 25467 Helsingborg Telephone: ++46/ (0)42 150 020 Telefax: ++46/ (0)42 150 035 E-Mail: [email protected] Spain WAGNER Spraytech Iberica S.A. Ctra. N- 340, Km. 1245,4 E- 08750 Molins de Rei (Barcelona) Telephone: ++34/ (0)93/ 680 0028 Telefax: ++34/ (0)93/ 668 0156 E-Mail: [email protected] Czechoslovakia WAGNER s.r.o. Na Belidle 1/63 C- 15000 Praha 5 Telephone: ++420/ (0)2/ 573 123 24 Telefax: ++420/ (0)2/ 545 001 E-Mail: [email protected] USA Walter Pilot North America 46890 Continental Drive Chesterfield, MI 48047 USA Telephone: ++1/ 877 / 925-8437 Telefax: ++1/ 586 / 598-1457 Telephone: ++33/ (0)1 / 69 19 46 76 Telefax: ++33/ (0)1 / 69 81 72 57 E-Mail: [email protected] Telephone: ++39/ 039 / 625021 Telefax: ++39/ 039 / 6851800 E-Mail: [email protected] 49 ED FI CERT I /RDERNUMBER 350731 'ERMANY *7!'.%2'MB( /TTO,ILIENTHAL3TR 0OSTFACH $-ARKDORF 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILSERVICESTANDARD WAGNERGROUPCOM 3WITZERLAND *7!'.%2!' )NDUSTRIESTRASSE 0OSTFACH #(!LTSTËTTEN 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILREPCH WAGNERGROUPCH WWWWAGNERGROUPCOM ">