Qsan XCubeSAN XS3224D, XCubeSAN XS5226S Hardware Manual
Qsan XCubeSAN XS5226S is a high-performance storage area network (SAN) solution designed for businesses demanding reliable and scalable storage. It provides flexible storage options with support for various disk drives, enabling you to tailor your system to specific needs. With its dual path configuration, the XS5226S ensures high availability and data redundancy, offering peace of mind and continuous operation. Ideal for applications such as virtualization, database management, and media workflows, the XS5226S delivers the speed and reliability needed for modern businesses.
User Manual XCubeSAN Hardware Manual For XS7200 / XS5200 / XS3200 Part Number: QSUM1601A Published: May 2016 Edition: 1.0 Copyright © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted without written permission from QSAN Technology, Inc. Edition 1.0 (May 2016) This edition applies to QSAN XCubeSAN XS7200 / XS5200 / XS3200. Note that this document was produced based on beta code and some screens may change when it becomes generally available. QSAN Technology, Inc. 4F., No.103, Ruihu St., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel: +886-2-7720-2118 Fax: +886-2-7720-0295 Email: [email protected] Website: www.qsan.com Notices This document could include typographical errors or technical inaccuracies. Changes are made to the document periodically. These changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. QSAN may make improvements or changes in the products. All features, functionality, and product specifications are subject to change without prior notice or obligation. Document contained herein is subject to change without notice. The references in this document to non-QSAN websites are provided for convenience only. They do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those websites. The documents at those websites are not part of the materials for QSAN products. Using those websites is at your own risk. Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurements may have been estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment. This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental. Trademarks QSAN, the QSAN logo, and qsan.com are trademarks or registered trademarks of QSAN Technology, Inc. All products and trade names used in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Regulatory statements FCC Statement This device has been shown to be in compliance with and was tested in accordance with the measurement procedures specified in the Standards and Specifications listed below. Technical Standard: FCC Part 15 Class A (Verification) IC ICES-003 CE Statement This device has been shown to be in compliance with and was tested in accordance with the measurement procedures specified in the Standards and Specifications listed below. Notices i Technical Standard: EMC DIRECTIVE 2004/108/EC (EN55022 / EN55024) UL Statement Rack Mount Instructions - The following or similar rack-mount instructions are included with the installation instructions: 1. Elevated Operating Ambient - If installed in a closed or multi-unit rack assembly, the operating ambient temperature of the rack environment may be greater than room ambient. Therefore, consideration should be given to installing the equipment in an environment compatible with the maximum ambient temperature (Tma) specified by the manufacturer. 2. Reduced Air Flow - Installation of the equipment in a rack should be such that the amount of air flow required for safe operation of the equipment is not compromised. 3. Mechanical Loading - Mounting of the equipment in the rack should be such that a hazardous condition is not achieved due to uneven mechanical loading. 4. Circuit Overloading - Consideration should be given to the connection of the equipment to the supply circuit and the effect that overloading of the circuits might have on overcurrent protection and supply wiring. Appropriate consideration of equipment nameplate ratings should be used when addressing this concern. 5. Reliable Earthing - Reliable earthing of rack-mounted equipment should be maintained. Particular attention should be given to supply connections other than direct connections to the branch circuit (e.g. use of power strips). CAUTION: The main purpose of the handles is for rack mount use only. Do not use the handles to carry or transport the systems. The ITE is not intended to be installed and used in a home, school or public area accessible to the general population, and the thumbscrews should be tightened with a tool after both initial installation and subsequent access to the panel. Warning: Remove all power supply cords before service This equipment intended for installation in restricted access location. Access can only be gained by SERVICE PERSONS or by USERS who have been instructed about the reasons for the restrictions applied to the location and about any precautions that shall be taken. Access is through the use of a TOOL or lock and key, or other means of security, and is controlled by the authority responsible for the location. ii © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. CAUTION: (English) Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by incorrect type. Please replace the same or equivalent type battery use and dispose of used batteries according to the instructions. ATTENTION: (French) IL Y A RISQUE D'EXPLOSION SI LA BATTERIE EST REMPLACEE PAR UNE BATTERIE DE TYPE INCORRECT. METTRE AU REBUT LES BATTERIES USAGEES CONFORMEMENT AUX INSTRUCTIONS. VORSICHT: (German) Explosionsgefahr bei unsachgemasem Austausch der Batterie. Entsorgung gebrauchter Batterien nach Anleitung. ADVERTENCIA: (Spanish) Las baterias pueden explotar si no se manipulan de forma apropiada. No desmonte ni tire las baterias al fuego. Siga las normativas locales al desechar las baterias agotadas. : (Simplified Chinese) : (Traditional Chinese) Notices iii Contents Notices .................................................................................................................... i Trademarks ........................................................................................................................................................ i Regulatory statements ...................................................................................................................................... i Preface ...................................................................................................................ix About This Manual ...........................................................................................................................................ix Technical Support ............................................................................................................................................ix Notes and Cautions ..........................................................................................................................................ix Conventions .......................................................................................................................................................x Revision History .................................................................................................................................................x Chapter 1 Overview....................................................................................................... 1 1.1. 1.2. XCubeSAN Series Overview .................................................................................................................. 1 XCubeSAN All Series Models ................................................................................................................ 2 Chapter 2 Product Components .................................................................................... 4 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. Front Panel Components ...................................................................................................................... 4 System Front Panel Components ......................................................................................................... 4 System Disk Drive Numbering .............................................................................................................. 5 Supported Disk Drives for XCubeSAN Series ....................................................................................... 5 Rear Components and Layout .............................................................................................................. 6 2.5.1. XCubeSAN Series Controller Module ......................................................................................... 6 2.5.2. XCubeSAN Series Power Supply Unit (PSU) .............................................................................. 7 2.5.3. XCubeSAN Series Fan................................................................................................................. 8 2.5.4. XCubeSAN Series Rear Layout and Components ..................................................................... 8 2.5.5. XCubeSAN Series Disk Drive Tray Indicators ............................................................................ 9 Chapter 3 Installing the System .................................................................................. 10 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. Installation Checklist ........................................................................................................................... 10 Installing the Rail Kit ............................................................................................................................ 10 Removing a Disk Drive Tray ................................................................................................................ 12 Installing a Disk Drive into the Disk Drive Tray ................................................................................... 15 Installing a Disk Drive with the Tray into the System ........................................................................ 16 Connecting the System to the Host .................................................................................................... 17 3.6.1. Dual Path Configuration ........................................................................................................... 17 3.6.2. Single Path Configurations ....................................................................................................... 18 3.7. Connecting Power Cords and Power on the System ......................................................................... 18 3.7.1. Before Power on the System for the First Time ...................................................................... 18 3.7.2. AC Power Supply ....................................................................................................................... 19 3.8. Testing the System Connections ........................................................................................................ 19 Chapter 4 Major Components Replacement ................................................................ 21 4.1. iv Installing/Removing a Controller Module........................................................................................... 21 4.1.1. Removing a Controller Module ................................................................................................. 21 4.1.2. Installing a Controller Module .................................................................................................. 22 © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. Installing/Removing a Power Supply Unit (PSU) ............................................................................... 23 4.2.1. Removing the Power Supply Unit ............................................................................................. 24 4.2.2. Installing a Power Supply Unit .................................................................................................. 25 Installing/Removing a Fan .................................................................................................................. 26 4.3.1. Removing a Fan......................................................................................................................... 26 4.3.2. Installing a Fan .......................................................................................................................... 27 Installing the Optional DIMM............................................................................................................... 28 Installing/removing the Host Card ..................................................................................................... 28 4.5.1. Installing the Host Card ............................................................................................................ 29 4.5.2. Removing the Host Card ........................................................................................................... 30 Installing/Removing the Cache-to-Flash Module ............................................................................... 31 4.6.1. Installing the Cache-to-Flash Modules .................................................................................... 31 4.6.2. Removing the Cache-to-Flash Modules ................................................................................... 32 Chapter 5 Deployment Types and Cabling ................................................................... 33 5.1. 5.2. Deployment Types ............................................................................................................................... 33 Cabling the System .............................................................................................................................. 33 5.2.1. Dual Path Deployment .............................................................................................................. 33 5.2.2. Single Path Deployment ........................................................................................................... 35 5.2.3. Multi-server Attached Cabling .................................................................................................. 36 Chapter 6 LED Descriptions ........................................................................................ 39 6.1. Front Panel LEDs ................................................................................................................................. 39 6.1.1. LEDs of Buttons and Indicators Module .................................................................................. 39 6.1.2. Disk Drive LEDs ......................................................................................................................... 40 6.2. Rear Panel LEDs ................................................................................................................................... 41 6.2.1. XCubeSAN Series Controller LEDs ........................................................................................... 41 6.2.2. XCubeSAN Series Power Supply Unit LED ............................................................................... 42 Chapter 7 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................... 43 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. 7.7. Troubleshooting for System Startup Failure ...................................................................................... 43 Troubleshooting for Communication Loss (internal/external) ......................................................... 43 Troubleshooting for Power Supply Unit ............................................................................................. 43 Troubleshooting for Fan ...................................................................................................................... 44 Troubleshooting for Disk Drive ........................................................................................................... 44 Troubleshooting for a Damaged System ........................................................................................... 44 Troubleshooting for the Wet System .................................................................................................. 45 Chapter 8 Support and Other Resources ..................................................................... 46 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. Accessing Support............................................................................................................................... 46 Accessing Update ................................................................................................................................ 46 Documentation Feedback ................................................................................................................... 46 Appendix ................................................................................................................. 47 Glossary and Acronym List ............................................................................................................................ 47 End-User License Agreement (EULA) ............................................................................................................ 48 Index ................................................................................................................. 51 Contents v Figures Figure 1-1 Figure 1-2 Figure 2-1 Figure 2-2 Figure 2-3 Figure 2-4 Figure 2-5 Figure 2-6 Figure 2-7 Figure 2-8 Figure 3-1 Figure 3-2 Figure 3-3 Figure 3-4 Figure 3-5 Figure 3-6 Figure 3-7 Figure 3-8 Figure 3-9 Figure 3-10 Figure 3-11 Figure 3-12 Figure 3-13 Figure 3-14 Figure 3-15 Figure 3-16 Figure 3-17 Figure 3-18 Figure 3-19 Figure 4-1 Figure 4-2 Figure 4-3 Figure 4-4 Figure 4-5 Figure 4-6 Figure 4-7 Figure 4-8 Figure 4-9 Figure 4-10 Figure 4-11 Figure 4-12 Figure 4-13 Figure 4-14 Figure 4-15 vi XCubeSAN Series Supports up to 446 Drives ................................................................................. 1 XCubeSAN All Series Models .......................................................................................................... 2 Buttons and Indicators Module (BIM) ............................................................................................. 4 LFF & SFF System Front Panel Components .................................................................................. 5 System Disk Drive Numbering of XCubeSAN Series ...................................................................... 5 XCubeSAN Series Controller Module .............................................................................................. 6 Power Supply Unit for XCubeSAN Series ........................................................................................ 7 Fan for XCubeSAN Series ................................................................................................................ 8 XCubeSAN Series System Rear Layout and Components ............................................................. 8 Disk Drive Indicators of XCubeSAN Series ..................................................................................... 9 First Step of the Rail Kit Installation .............................................................................................. 11 Second Step of the Rail Kit Installation ......................................................................................... 11 Second Step of the Rail Kit Installation ......................................................................................... 12 Fourth Step of the Rail Kit Installation .......................................................................................... 12 Front Side Components of LFF Disk Drive Tray ............................................................................ 13 Unlock and Open the Carrier Handle of a Disk Drive Tray (LFF) .................................................. 13 Unlock and Open the Carrier Handle of a Disk Drive Tray (SFF) .................................................. 14 Hold the Carrier Handle and Pull out the Disk Drive Tray (LFF) ................................................... 14 Hold the Carrier Handle and Pull out the Disk Drive Tray (SFF) .................................................. 15 Flip the Disk Drive (LFF) ................................................................................................................. 15 Flip the Disk Drive Tray & Install Disk Drive into the Tray (LFF) ................................................... 16 Align the Disk Drive & Install into the Tray (SFF) .......................................................................... 16 Install the Tray with Disk Drive and Lock the Release Button Lock ............................................ 17 Install the Tray with Disk Drive and Lock the Release Button Lock (SFF) .................................. 17 One server/one HBA/dual path ..................................................................................................... 17 Two servers/one HBA per server/dual path ................................................................................. 18 One server/One HBA/Single path .................................................................................................. 18 One server/one HBA per Server/single path ................................................................................. 18 AC Power Supply – PSU Power Cord Connect ............................................................................. 19 Mechanic Components of a Controller Module ........................................................................... 21 Steps of Removing a Controller Module ....................................................................................... 22 Detail Steps for Installing a Controller Module ............................................................................. 23 Power Supply Units installed in the Different System Chassis .................................................... 24 Removing the Power Supply Unit .................................................................................................. 25 Installing a Power Supply Unit in the System Chassis ................................................................. 25 Mechanic Components of Fans .................................................................................................... 26 Removing a Fan .............................................................................................................................. 27 Installing a Fan ............................................................................................................................... 27 Installation Sequence of Additional Optional DIMM .................................................................... 28 Removing Dummy Host Card Cage ............................................................................................... 29 Install Host Card into Controller Cage .......................................................................................... 29 Finished Installed Host Card in the Controller Cage .................................................................... 29 Remove Host Card from the Controller Cage ............................................................................... 30 Pull out the Host Card and Install Dummy Host Card Cage ........................................................ 30 © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. Figure 4-16 Figure 4-17 Figure 4-18 Figure 4-19 Figure 5-1 Figure 5-2 Figure 5-3 Figure 5-4 Figure 5-5 Figure 5-6 Figure 5-7 Figure 5-8 Figure 5-9 Figure 5-10 Figure 5-11 Figure 6-1 Figure 6-2 Figure 6-3 Figure 6-4 Finished Installed Dummy Host Card Cage .................................................................................. 30 Cache-to-Flash Modules ................................................................................................................ 31 Components of Cache-to-Flash Modules ..................................................................................... 31 Installing/Removing Cache-to-Flash Modules.............................................................................. 32 One Server/One HBA/ Dual Paths Cabling.................................................................................... 33 One Server/One HBA/One DAS System/Dual Path Cabling......................................................... 34 One Server/One HBA/2 DAS Systems Fault-tolerance Expansion Cabling ................................ 34 One Server/One HBA/Ten DAS Systems Fault-tolerance Expansion Cabling ............................ 35 One Server/One HBA/Single Path Cabling .................................................................................... 35 One Server/One HBA/One DAS System/Single Path Cabling ...................................................... 36 Two Serves/One HBA per Server/Dual Path Cabling ................................................................... 36 Two Servers/One HBA per Server/Single Path Cabling ............................................................... 36 Four Servers/One HBA per Server/Single Path Cabling ............................................................... 37 Two Servers/One HBA per Server/Two Switches/Dual Path Cabling ......................................... 37 Ten Servers/One HBA per Server/Dual Path Cabling ................................................................... 38 Buttons and Indicators Module (BIM) ........................................................................................... 39 XCubeSAN Series LFF Disk Drive LEDs ......................................................................................... 40 XCubeSAN Series Controller LEDs ................................................................................................ 41 XCubeSAN Series Power Supply Unit LED .................................................................................... 42 Contents vii Tables Table 1-1 Table 1-2 Table 1-3 Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Table 2-3 Table 2-4 Table 2-5 Table 2-6 Table 2-7 Table 2-8 Table 3-1 Table 3-2 Table 4-1 Table 4-2 Table 4-3 Table 4-4 Table 4-5 Table 4-6 Table 5-1 Table 6-1 Table 6-2 Table 6-3 Table 6-4 viii XS7200 All Series Models ................................................................................................................ 2 XS5200 All Series Models ................................................................................................................ 2 XS3200 All Series Models ................................................................................................................ 3 Description of Buttons and Indicators Module ............................................................................... 4 Description of LFF & SFF System Front Panel Components ......................................................... 5 Supported Disk Drives for XCubeSAN Series ................................................................................. 6 Description of XCubeSAN Series Controller Module Components ............................................... 6 Description of XCubeSAN Series Power Supply Unit ..................................................................... 7 Description of XCubeSAN Series Fan Components ....................................................................... 8 Description of XCubeSAN Series Rear Components ..................................................................... 8 Description of Disk Drive Indicators ................................................................................................ 9 Installation Checklist ...................................................................................................................... 10 Components on the Front Side of LFF & SFF Disk Drive Tray...................................................... 13 Mechanic Components of a Controller Module ........................................................................... 21 Mechanic Components of a PSU .................................................................................................. 24 Mechanic Components of a Fan ................................................................................................... 26 XCubeSAN Series Available Host Cards List ................................................................................ 28 XCubeSAN Series Cache-to-Flash Module List ............................................................................ 31 Cache-to-Flash Modules ................................................................................................................ 32 Deployment Types .......................................................................................................................... 33 Descriptions for LEDs of Buttons and Indicators Module ........................................................... 39 Descriptions for LEDs of LFF & SFF Disk Drive LEDs ................................................................... 40 Descriptions of XCubeSAN Series Controller LEDs ...................................................................... 41 Descriptions of Power Supply Unit LED ........................................................................................ 42 © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. Preface About This Manual This manual is the introduction of QSAN storage system and it aims to help users know the operations of the disk array system easily. Information contained in this manual has been reviewed for accuracy, but not for product warranty because of the various environments / OS / settings. Information and specification will be changed without further notice. For any update information, please visit www.qsan.com and your contact windows. Before reading this manual, it assumes that you are familiar with computer skills such as hardware, storage concepts and network technology. It also assumes you have basic knowledge of Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID), Storage Area Network (SAN), Fibre Channel (FC), Internet SCSI (iSCSI), Serial-attached SCSI (SAS), Serial ATA (SATA), technology. CAUTION: Do not attempt to service, change, disassemble or upgrade the equipment’s components by yourself. Doing so may violate your warranty and expose you to electric shock. Refer all servicing to authorized service personnel. Please always follow the instructions in this user’s manual. Technical Support Thank you for using QSAN Technology, Inc. products; if you have any questions, please contact QSAN Support. We will reply to you as soon as possible. Website: http://www.qsan.com/en/contact_support.php Email: [email protected] (09:00 GMT+8 ~ 18:00 GMT+8, 09:00 GMT ~ 18:00 GMT) Skype ID: qsan.support (09:00 GMT+8 ~ 18:00 GMT+8, 09:00 GMT ~ 18:00 GMT) Notes and Cautions This manual uses the following symbols to draw attention to important safety and operational information. NOTE: NOTE provides helpful information, guidelines, or suggestions for performing tasks more effectively. Preface ix CAUTION: CAUTION indicates that failure to take a specified action could result in damage to the software or hardware. Conventions The following table describes the typographic conventions used in this manual. Conventions Description Bold Indicates text on a window, other than the window title, including menus, menu options, buttons, fields, and labels. Example: Click OK button. <Italic> Indicates a variable, which is a placeholder for actual text provided by the user or system. Example: copy <source-file> <target-file>. [ ] square Indicates optional values. brackets Example: [ a | b ] indicates that you can choose a, b, or nothing. { } braces Indicates required or expected values. Example: { a | b } indicates that you must choose either a or b. | vertical bar Indicates that you have a choice between two or more options or arguments. / Slash Indicates all options or arguments. underline Indicates the default value. Example: [ a | b ] Revision History x Date Version Author Description 2016/05/20 1.0 Greg Chen Initial release. © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. 1. Overview Thank you for purchasing QSAN Technology, Inc. products. QSAN XCubeSAN Storage is a highperformance storage solutions combining outstanding performance with high reliability, availability, flexibility, and manageability. 1.1. XCubeSAN Series Overview Built for Work, Designed to Impress XCubeSAN series, the most advanced modern technology meets the most outstanding QSAN storage yet. XCubeSAN series is a whole new era of power, performance, and capacity SAN system. XCubeSAN series gives all the business customers the performance and reliable storage you need, now with the newest generation Intel Xeon processor. XCubeSAN series base system equips with onboard four 10G BASE-T ports, it meets the requirement of 10GbE SAN system. XCubeSAN series also has four slots to expand host connectivity. Three types of host card are available for selection: 16Gb FC, 10GbE, and 1GbE host cards. XCubeSAN series is fully modular design, the modular components including controllers, power supply units, and fans. These components are fully redundant to guarantee zero downtime for service. High Availability Dual-controller active-active system design Hot pluggable and redundant components: RAID controller, cooling fan module, power supply module Non-disruptive firmware upgrade Large Capacity Expansion XCubeSAN provides excellent storage expansion capability among the SMB High-End SAN storage system in market. XCubeSAN provides onboard 4x min SAS HD ports (SFF-8644) for capacity expansion use. It supports up to 446 drives through XD5300 (QSAN 12Gb SAS3 XCubeDAS series), hybrid storage with SSD, SAS and NL-SAS HDDs. Figure 1-1 XCubeSAN Series Supports up to 446 Drives Overview 1 1.2. XCubeSAN All Series Models XCubeSAN series supports various form factors: Large form factor (LFF): 12-disk 2U chassis, 16-disk 3U chassis, and 24-disk 4U chassis. Small form factor (SFF): 26-disk 2U chassis. Figure 1-2 XCubeSAN All Series Models Table 1-1 Model XS7200 All Series Models Controller Type XS7224-D Dual Controller LFF 24-disk 4U Chassis XS7224-S Single Controller LFF 24-disk 4U Chassis XS7216-D Dual Controller LFF 16-disk 3U Chassis XS7216-S Single Controller LFF 16-disk 3U Chassis XS7212-D Dual Controller LFF 12-disk 2U Chassis XS7212-S Single Controller LFF 12-disk 2U Chassis XS7226-D Dual Controller SFF 26-disk 2U Chassis XS7226-S Single Controller SFF 26-disk 2U Chassis Table 1-2 Model 2 Form Factor & Bay Count XS5200 All Series Models Controller Type Form Factor & Bay Count XS5224-D Dual Controller LFF 24-disk 4U Chassis XS5224-S Single Controller LFF 24-disk 4U Chassis XS5216-D Dual Controller LFF 16-disk 3U Chassis XS5216-S Single Controller LFF 16-disk 3U Chassis XS5212-D Dual Controller LFF 12-disk 2U Chassis XS5212-S Single Controller LFF 12-disk 2U Chassis XS5226-D Dual Controller SFF 26-disk 2U Chassis © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. XS5226-S Table 1-3 Model Single Controller XS3200 All Series Models Controller Type SFF 26-disk 2U Chassis Form Factor & Bay Count XS3224-D Dual Controller LFF 24-disk 4U Chassis XS3224-S Single Controller LFF 24-disk 4U Chassis XS3216-D Dual Controller LFF 16-disk 3U Chassis XS3216-S Single Controller LFF 16-disk 3U Chassis XS3212-D Dual Controller LFF 12-disk 2U Chassis XS3212-S Single Controller LFF 12-disk 2U Chassis XS3226-D Dual Controller SFF 26-disk 2U Chassis XS3226-S Single Controller SFF 26-disk 2U Chassis Overview 3 2. Product Components 2.1. Front Panel Components XCubeSAN series features a unique design: buttons and indicators module (BIM) on the right ear. Buttons and indicators module integrates functional buttons and indicators, which can be easy to operate and read by users. The figure below is the detail information about buttons and indicators module. 2.2. Figure 2-1 Buttons and Indicators Module (BIM) Table 2-1 Number Description of Buttons and Indicators Module Description 1 System Power Button/LED 2 Unit Identification (UID) Button/LED 3 System Access LED 4 System Status LED 5 USB Port System Front Panel Components Figures and the table below demonstrate LFF & SFF system front panel components. 4 © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. 2.3. Figure 2-2 LFF & SFF System Front Panel Components Table 2-2 Number Description of LFF & SFF System Front Panel Components Description 1 System Left Ear 2 Disk Drive Tray 3 System Right Ear 4 Buttons and Indicators Module (BIM) System Disk Drive Numbering Figures below demonstrate system disk drive numbering of XS5200 series. Disk drive numbering for LFF system is from the top of first row in the left column; this numbering rule can balance the disk drive weight distribution and easy for users to do disk drive zoning management. SFF system disk drive numbering is single row and from left to right. Figure 2-3 2.4. System Disk Drive Numbering of XCubeSAN Series Supported Disk Drives for XCubeSAN Series The table below shows supported disk drives for XCubeSAN series, which can be a reference for users to purchase suitable disk drives for the system. Product Components 5 Table 2-3 Supported Disk Drives for XCubeSAN Series Form Factor Drive Type Connection Interface LFF 3.5” HDD SAS, NL-SAS SFF 2.5” HDD SAS, NL-SAS SFF 2.5” SSD SAS, SATA *Note NOTE: Due to standard supported disk drive interface of XCubeSAN series is SAS; users must purchase and install a bridge board for SATA interface SSD before installing into the system. 2.5. Rear Components and Layout Rear side of XCubeSAN series accommodates two controller modules, power supply units, and fans in the individual slot. Figures and contents below will introduce rear side components of XCubeSAN series and its layout. 2.5.1. XCubeSAN Series Controller Module The figure and table below provide descriptions of each component of the XCubeSAN series controller module. XCubeSAN series supports controller hot swappable replacement. = Controller Status LED = Dirty Cache LED = Master/Slave LED = Unit Identification (UID) LED Figure 2-4 XCubeSAN Series Controller Module Table 2-4 Number 6 Description of XCubeSAN Series Controller Module Components Description 1 Host Card Slot #1 (host card is optional part) 2 Buzzer Mute Button 3 Host Card Slot #2 (host card is optional part) © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. 4 Reset to Factory Default Button 5 Console Port (3.5mm jack to RS232) 6 Service Port (UPS) 7 Management Port 8 USB Port #1 9 USB Port #2 10 10GbE iSCSI (RJ45) Port #1 11 10GbE iSCSI (RJ45) Port #2 12 12Gb/s Mini SAS HD Port #1 13 12Gb/s Mini SAS HD Port #2 *NOTE #1 *NOTE #2 NOTE: 1. Console cable (NULL modem cable) to connect from console port of the storage system to RS 232 port of the management PC. The console settings are on the following: Baud rate: 115200, 8 data bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control; terminal Type: vt100. 2. XCubeSAN supports the traditional UPS via serial port and network UPS via SNMP. If using the UPS with serial port, connect the system to UPS via the included cable for communication. (The cable plugs into the serial cable that comes with the UPS.) Then set up the shutdown values for when the power goes out. 2.5.2. XCubeSAN Series Power Supply Unit (PSU) XCubeSAN series equips two redundant and hot swappable PSUs. The PSU for 3U/4U system and 2U system is the same but the installation direction is different. The figures and tables below descript the location and major components of PSU in different form factor systems. Figure 2-5 Power Supply Unit for XCubeSAN Series Table 2-5 Description of XCubeSAN Series Power Supply Unit Product Components 7 Number Description 1 PSU Release Tab 2 PSU Power Cord Connect 3 PSU Handle 4 PSU LED Indicator 2.5.3. XCubeSAN Series Fan XCubeSAN series equips two redundant and hot swappable fans. The fan for 4U/3U system chassis or 2U system chassis is different. Figures and tables below descript the location and major components of the fan that installed in the different system chassis. Figure 2-6 Fan for XCubeSAN Series Table 2-6 Number Description of XCubeSAN Series Fan Components Description 1 Fan Release Tab 2 Fan Handle 2.5.4. XCubeSAN Series Rear Layout and Components Figures and the table below describe the layout and components of XCubeSAN series rear side. 8 Figure 2-7 XCubeSAN Series System Rear Layout and Components Table 2-7 Description of XCubeSAN Series Rear Components © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. Number Description 1 Power Supply Unit (PSU) #1 2 Fan #1 3 Controller Module #1 4 Controller Module #2 5 Fan #2 6 Power Supply Unit (PSU) #2 2.5.5. XCubeSAN Series Disk Drive Tray Indicators Figures and the table below provide descriptions of LFF and SFF disk drive tray indicators. Figure 2-8 Disk Drive Indicators of XCubeSAN Series Table 2-8 Number Description of Disk Drive Indicators Description 1 Disk Drive Power LED 2 Disk Drive Status LED Product Components 9 3. Installing the System 3.1. Installation Checklist This chapter will show you the procedures of installing and initializing the system. To ensure a successful installation, perform the tasks that are listed in the table below. Table 3-1 Step Installation Checklist Task Where to find the detail procedure 1 Installing the rail kit. Installing the Rail Kit 2 Removing empty disk drive trays Removing a Disk Drive Tray from the chassis. 3 Installing a disk drive into the disk Installing a Disk Drive into the Disk drive tray. Drive tray Installing a disk drive with the tray Installing a Disk Drive with the Tray into the system. into the System 5 Connecting the system to the host. Connecting the System to the Host 6 Connecting power cords and power Connecting Power Cords and Power on the system. on the System Testing the system connections Testing the System Connections 4 7 NOTE: Rail kit is the optional part of all XCubeSAN series, if you do not purchase QSAN qualified rail kit, you can skip the first step of the system installation task. If customers need QSAN qualified full extension thin slide with tool-less bracket: AA612 series, please contact QSAN authorized reseller. 3.2. Installing the Rail Kit The QSAN qualified rail kit is an innovated tool-less, slide type, and easy-to-install rail kit. This slide type rail kit can fit all XCubeSAN series models. CAUTION: The whole system is very heavy. To prevent any potential unexpected accident might occur to damage the system or threaten the installer’s safety; we strongly recommend at least two certified operators or engineers to perform the system installation. 10 © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. First Step of the Rail Kit Installation 。 Take the rail kit from the carton. (the rail kit is on the EPE of the system) 。 Pull the inner member out and slide the intermediate member back. Figure 3-1 Second Step of the Rail Kit Installation 。 Figure 3-2 First Step of the Rail Kit Installation Install the inner member onto the chassis. Second Step of the Rail Kit Installation Third Step of the Rail Kit Installation 。 Install the outer member/bracket assembly to the frame. 。 Repeat this installation step for the other side. Installing the System 11 Figure 3-3 Fourth Step of the Rail Kit Installation 。 Pull the middle member fully extended in locked position. 。 Ensure ball bearing retainer is located at the front of the middle member. 。 Insert chassis into middle-outer member. 。 When hitting the stop, pull/push release tab to unlock and retract chassis into rack. 。 Use M5*20 screws to fasten the chassis ear. Figure 3-4 3.3. Second Step of the Rail Kit Installation Fourth Step of the Rail Kit Installation Removing a Disk Drive Tray Figures and the table that immediately follow provide descriptions of each component on the front side of the LFF and SFF disk drive tray. 12 © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. Figure 3-5 Front Side Components of LFF Disk Drive Tray Table 3-2 Components on the Front Side of LFF & SFF Disk Drive Tray Item Number Description 1 Carrier Handle Release Button 2 Release Button Lock 3 Carrier Handle Note NOTE: If the release button lock is at OPEN status, the indicator will show RED color to remind user that the carrier handle might have a chance to accidentally pop out and result in disk drive sliding out from the system chassis. Please make sure the release button lock is always at CLOSE status. Following contents and figures are detail steps of removing disk drive tray from the system. Unlock release button lock: push the lock from left to right. (LFF and SFF trays) Push the carrier handle release button (from right to left for LFF tray; from top to bottom for SFF tray), then the carrier handle will automatically pop out to its maximum angle. Figure 3-6 Unlock and Open the Carrier Handle of a Disk Drive Tray (LFF) Installing the System 13 Figure 3-7 Hold the carrier handle and pull the disk drive tray out until it is free of the disk drive bay. Repeat steps above for another empty disk drive trays that you would like to remove. Figure 3-8 14 Unlock and Open the Carrier Handle of a Disk Drive Tray (SFF) Hold the Carrier Handle and Pull out the Disk Drive Tray (LFF) © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. Figure 3-9 3.4. Hold the Carrier Handle and Pull out the Disk Drive Tray (SFF) Installing a Disk Drive into the Disk Drive Tray Following contents and figures are detail steps of installing a disk drive into the disk drive tray. For LFF disk drive, flip the disk drive to the back side and place on a desktop or other stable place. Figure 3-10 Flip the Disk Drive (LFF) For LFF disk drive, flip the empty disk drive tray (carrier handle direction is opposite to the disk drive connector) and align 4 disk drive tray screw holes with the disk drive. For SFF disk drive, align the disk drive with the tray (carrier handle direction is opposite with the disk drive connector) and align 4 disk drive tray screw holes with the disk drive. Install and tighten four screws to secure disk drive well within the tray. Installing the System 15 3.5. Figure 3-11 Flip the Disk Drive Tray & Install Disk Drive into the Tray (LFF) Figure 3-12 Align the Disk Drive & Install into the Tray (SFF) Installing a Disk Drive with the Tray into the System Following contents and figures are detail steps of installing a disk drive with the tray into the system. Check if the carrier handle is at open status; if the carrier handle is at close status, please follow procedures of opening the carrier handle in Removing a Disk Drive Tray section. 16 Align a disk drive with the tray to the empty bay you would like install. © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. Push the tray with disk drive all the way into the empty disk drive bay and then push back the carrier handle to the close status and then lock the release button lock. 3.6. Figure 3-13 Install the Tray with Disk Drive and Lock the Release Button Lock Figure 3-14 Install the Tray with Disk Drive and Lock the Release Button Lock (SFF) Connecting the System to the Host XCubeSAN series equips two 10GbE iSCSI (RJ45) ports onboard per controller for data host connection and 4-ported SAS3 expansion ports for capacity expansion by adding more XCubeDAS series enclosures. Following contents are examples of connecting the system to data host. Learn more about other types of cabling; please refer to Deployment Types and Cabling section. 3.6.1. Dual Path Configuration One server/one HBA/dual path Figure 3-15 One server/one HBA/dual path Installing the System 17 Two servers/one HBA per server/dual path Figure 3-16 Two servers/one HBA per server/dual path 3.6.2. Single Path Configurations One server/one HBA/single path Figure 3-17 One server/One HBA/Single path Two servers/one HBA per server/single path Figure 3-18 3.7. One server/one HBA per Server/single path Connecting Power Cords and Power on the System 3.7.1. Before Power on the System for the First Time Install all disk drives in the system so the controllers can identify and configure them at power-up. 18 Connect all the cables and power cords to the system before pressing power button. © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. Generally, when powering up, please make sure to power up the system(s) and associated data hosts in the following sequence: SAN system first: this ensures that disks in the system have enough time to completely spin up before being scanned by data hosts and controller modules. Data host last (if powered down for maintenance purposes) 3.7.2. AC Power Supply XCubeSAN series is equipped with a power button for switching system on/off that relies on power cords. For switching system power on, plug the power cord into the power cord connect on the system rear side and then plug the other end of the power cord into the wall outlet. Repeat this sequence for the other side of PSU. Figure 3-19 AC Power Supply – PSU Power Cord Connect To power off the system: 3.8. Stop all I/O from hosts to the system. Shut down the system by the method described below: 。 Keep pressing power button for 4 seconds. 。 Use CLI to shut down system power. 。 Use CubeView to shut down the system remotely. Testing the System Connections If all system components and disk drives are installed properly and well function, data host(s) should detect the system after it powering on. User can use following method for testing the system connections: Use storage management software that installed in the data host to verify connections. Use QSAN web UI to search every XCubeSAN series models that connect to data host. Installing the System 19 If users cannot find any XCubeSAN series that connect to data host by following installation and test procedures, please refer to Troubleshooting section for immediate basic troubleshooting. 20 © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. 4. Major Components Replacement 4.1. Installing/Removing a Controller Module 4.1.1. Removing a Controller Module CAUTION: The controller module is heavy; please use both hands while installing, removing, or carrying the controller module. Recommended place for removing a controller module: the system is on the well secured rack or on the stable place. For single controller series, controller cage must install in the slot #1 (upper side) and must install dummy controller cage for empty slot to ensure the system cooling. Figure 4-1 Mechanic Components of a Controller Module Table 4-1 Number Mechanic Components of a Controller Module Description 1 Release Lever 2 Screw Major Components Replacement 21 Following contents and figures are detail steps of removing a controller module from the system chassis. Use Phillips screwdriver to loosen the screws on each release levers. Pull down two release levers at the same time and then pull out about half length of the controller module by holding two release levers. Use one hand to hold one end of the controller module (the side with release levers) and the other hand hold the bottom of the controller; pull out the controller module until it is free from the system chassis. Figure 4-2 Steps of Removing a Controller Module 4.1.2. Installing a Controller Module Following contents and figures are the detail steps of installing a controller module from the system chassis. Make sure the position of two release levers of the controller is at downward. Align and place the controller to the empty controller slot. Push the controller module all the way into the controller slot until the position of two release levers move upward automatically. 22 © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. Pull up two release leavers until it totally parallel with the controller cage and then use Phillips screw driver to tighten two screws. Figure 4-3 4.2. Detail Steps for Installing a Controller Module Installing/Removing a Power Supply Unit (PSU) XCubeSAN series uses the same power supply unit (PSU) but the installation direction for 4U/3U and 2U system chassis is different. Please refer to following information for the PSU installing / removing guide. CAUTION: The power supply unit is heavy; please use both hands while installing, removing, or carrying the power supply unit. Recommended place for installing/removing a power supply unit: the system is on the well secured rack or on the stable place. Major Components Replacement 23 4.2.1. Removing the Power Supply Unit Figures below are power supply units installed in 4U/3U or 2U system chassis. Figure 4-4 Power Supply Units installed in the Different System Chassis Table 4-2 Number Mechanic Components of a PSU Description 1 PSU Release Tab 2 PSU Handle Following contents and figures are detail steps of removing a power supply unit from the system chassis. Disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet; then remove the other end from power cord connect on the PSU. Hold the PSU handle first, and then press the release tab. Pull out the power supply around half of the total PSU length. Use one hand to hold one end of the power supply unit (the side with release tab) and the other hand hold the bottom of the power supply unit; pull out the power supply unit until it is free from the system chassis. 24 © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. Figure 4-5 Removing the Power Supply Unit Repeat three steps above if there is another power supply unit needs to be removed. 4.2.2. Installing a Power Supply Unit Following contents and figures are detail steps of installing a power supply unit into the system chassis. Use one hand to hold one end of the power supply unit (the side with release tab and handle) and the other hand hold the bottom of the power supply unit; then align the power supply unit with the empty PSU slot. Installation direction: Push the power supply unit all the way into the empty slot until hear the “click” sound from the release tab. Figure 4-6 Installing a Power Supply Unit in the System Chassis Repeat two steps above if there is another PSU needs to be installed. Major Components Replacement 25 4.3. Installing/Removing a Fan XCubeSAN series uses different fan for 4U/3U and 2U system chassis. Please refer to following information for the fan installing/removing guide. CAUTION: The fan is heavy; please use both hands while removing, holding, or carrying a fan. The fan for XCubeSAN series is hot swappable fan, but power off the system to do the fan installing or removing is recommended. Recommended place for installing/removing a fan: the system chassis is on the well secured rack or on stable places. 4.3.1. Removing a Fan Figure 4-7 Mechanic Components of Fans Table 4-3 Number Mechanic Components of a Fan Description 1 Fan Release Tab 2 Fan Handle Following contents and figures are detail steps of removing a fan from the system chassis. Hold the fan handle first, and then press the fan release tab. Pull out the fan around half of the total fan module length. Use one hand to hold one end of the fan (the side with release tab and handle) and the other hand hold the bottom of the fan; pull out the fan until it is free from the system chassis. 26 © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. Figure 4-8 Removing a Fan Repeat two steps above if the other fan needs to be removed as well. 4.3.2. Installing a Fan Following contents and figures are detail steps of installing a fan into the system chassis. Use one hand to hold one end of the fan (the side with release tab and handle) and the other hand hold the bottom of the fan module; then align the fan with the empty fan slot. Installation direction of LFF and SFF systems is the same. Push the fan all the way into the empty slot until hear the “click” sound from the release tab. Figure 4-9 Installing a Fan Repeat two steps above if the other fan needs to be installed as well. Major Components Replacement 27 4.4. Installing the Optional DIMM Default quantity of the DIMM for XCubeSAN series is one strip per controller and installed in slot #1. If users purchase additional optional QSAN qualified or compatible DIMM, installation sequence should be #3 #2 #4. Figure 4-10 4.5. Installation Sequence of Additional Optional DIMM Installing/removing the Host Card The host card is an optional part for XCubeSAN series. If users want to expand host connectivity, there are three types of host cards that are available for selection: 16Gb FC, 10GbE, and 1GbE host cards. The table below is the available host card list. Table 4-4 XCubeSAN Series Available Host Cards List Host Card Type Model Name Description 16Gb Fibre Channel HQ-16F4S2 4-ported 16Gb FC host card 10GbE iSCSI HQ-10G4S2 4-ported 10GbE iSCSI (SFP+) host card 1GbE iSCSI HQ-01G4T 4-ported 1GbE iSCSI (SFP+) host card CAUTION: Host card is NOT hot swappable. Hot plug in/out the host card might damage the system. Users should remove the controller cage from the system chassis before installing/removing host card. Please DO NOT attempt to hot plug in/out the host card. 28 © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. 4.5.1. Installing the Host Card Following contents and figures are detail steps of installing a host card into the system. Remove the controller from the system chassis. (refer to Removing a Controller Module section) Remove the dummy host card cage by loosening two screws of the dummy host card cage and then take dummy host card cage from controller cage. Align the host card to the slot to be installed and then push all the way into the controller cage until hear a “click” sound and make sure the host card is well connected with the connector in the controller cage. Repeat procedures above if there are other host cards to be installed. Install controller cage into system chassis if the host card installation completes. (Refer to Installing a Controller Module section) Figure 4-11 Removing Dummy Host Card Cage Figure 4-12 Install Host Card into Controller Cage Figure 4-13 Finished Installed Host Card in the Controller Cage Major Components Replacement 29 4.5.2. Removing the Host Card Following contents and figures are detail steps of removing a host card from the system. Press host card release button and disconnect the host card with the connector in the controller cage. Pull the host card out until it is free from the controller cage. Install the dummy host card in the empty host card slot and tighten two screws. Repeat procedures above if there are other host cards need to be removed. To ensure the system cooling, please install all dummy host card cages if host cards are removed. 30 Figure 4-14 Remove Host Card from the Controller Cage Figure 4-15 Pull out the Host Card and Install Dummy Host Card Cage Figure 4-16 Finished Installed Dummy Host Card Cage © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. 4.6. Installing/Removing the Cache-to-Flash Module The Cache-to-Flash module is an optional part for XCubeSAN series. It is a combination of flash memory and power module for write-back data protection when encounter sudden electricity power off incident. The table below is the available Cache-to Flash module list. Table 4-5 XCubeSAN Series Cache-to-Flash Module List Power Module Type Model Name Description BBM C2F-BMC2F Battery-Backed Module (BBM): Retain memory up to 64GB Super Capacitor C2F-SPC2F Super Capacitor Module (SCM): Retain memory up to 16GB CAUTION: Flash module of Cache-to-Flash modules is hot swappable, but user must press attention button until the flash module status LED is blinking before removing the flash module from the system chassis. 4.6.1. Installing the Cache-to-Flash Modules Figure 4-17 Cache-to-Flash Modules Figure 4-18 Components of Cache-to-Flash Modules Major Components Replacement 31 Table 4-6 Number Cache-to-Flash Modules Description 1 Flash module 2 Power module (BBM or Super Capacitor) 3 Flash module release tab 4 Flash module attention button 5 Flash module handle 6 Flash module status LED 7 Flash module power LED 8 Power module release tab 9 Power module handle Following contents and the figure are detail steps of installing the cache-to-flash modules. Remove the dummy cache-to-flash cage by losing the screw on it and then take the dummy cage from the system chassis. The same procedure for both sides. Align the flash module cage to the slot and then push it all the way into the system chassis until hear a “click” sound. Repeat procedures above for the power module. 4.6.2. Removing the Cache-to-Flash Modules Following contents and the figure are the detail steps of removing the cache-to-flash modules. Press attention button of flash module until the flash module status LED is blinking. Press release button of flash module and pull out until it is free from system chassis. Install the dummy cache-to-flash cage and then use Phillips screw driver to tighten it. Repeat procedures above for the power module but no need to press attention button. Figure 4-19 32 Installing/Removing Cache-to-Flash Modules © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. 5. Deployment Types and Cabling 5.1. Deployment Types XCubeSAN series supports following deployment types: Table 5-1 Deployment Types Deployment Type Description Dual Path In a dual path deployment, two paths are connected from the (for dual controller module) data host to the system. In a dual path deployment, both controllers in the system are used. Due to dual path deployment provides two paths and dual controller system supports real-time fail over, so the data and the access will be protected. In dual domain deployment mode, disk drives must support dual paths I/O (SAS interface). Single Path In a single path deployment, only one path is connected from (for dual or single controller the data host to the system. In a single path deployment, only models) one controller in the enclosure is used. Multi-server Attached In multi-server attached deployment, more than one server is connected to the system. In multi-server attached deployment, both single and dual path deployment modes are supported. 5.2. Cabling the System Following examples illustrate how to do the cabling for XCubeSAN series system. Recommend SAS cable length for the host connection: less than 3 meters. XCubeSAN series supports maximum up to 446 drives for the system storage space expansion; single and dual path cabling are supported. 5.2.1. Dual Path Deployment One server/one HBA/dual path cabling Figure 5-1 One Server/One HBA/ Dual Paths Cabling Deployment Types and Cabling 33 One server/one HBA/one DAS system/dual path cabling Figure 5-2 One Server/One HBA/One DAS System/Dual Path Cabling One server/one HBA/2 DAS systems fault-tolerance expansion cabling Figure 5-3 34 One Server/One HBA/2 DAS Systems Fault-tolerance Expansion Cabling © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. One server/one HBA/Ten DAS systems fault-tolerance expansion cabling Figure 5-4 One Server/One HBA/Ten DAS Systems Fault-tolerance Expansion Cabling 5.2.2. Single Path Deployment One server/ one HBA/ single path cabling Figure 5-5 One Server/One HBA/Single Path Cabling Deployment Types and Cabling 35 One server/one HBA/one DAS system/single path cabling Figure 5-6 One Server/One HBA/One DAS System/Single Path Cabling 5.2.3. Multi-server Attached Cabling Two servers/one HBA per server/dual path cabling Figure 5-7 Two Serves/One HBA per Server/Dual Path Cabling Two Servers/ one HBA per server/ single path cabling Figure 5-8 36 Two Servers/One HBA per Server/Single Path Cabling © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. Four Servers/ one HBA per server/single path cabling Figure 5-9 Four Servers/One HBA per Server/Single Path Cabling Two Servers/ one HBA per server/two switches/dual path cabling Figure 5-10 Two Servers/One HBA per Server/Two Switches/Dual Path Cabling If customers purchase optional host cards, following is the cabling example: Ten servers/one HBA per server/dual path cabling Two servers connect to on-board 10GbE iSCSI (RJ45) port. Eight servers connect to optional host cards. Host card types: 4F3 (16Gb FC SFP+); 4P2 (10Gb iSCSI SFP+); 4T1 (1GBASE-T) XS5200 supports different host card in the same controller, however, the server must connect the same type of host card if doing dual path cabling. Deployment Types and Cabling 37 Figure 5-11 38 Ten Servers/One HBA per Server/Dual Path Cabling © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. 6. LED Descriptions 6.1. Front Panel LEDs XCubeSAN series features a unique buttons and indicators module (BIM) on the right ear. Please refer to following contents for definitions of LED behaviors. 6.1.1. LEDs of Buttons and Indicators Module Figure 6-1 Buttons and Indicators Module (BIM) Table 6-1 Number Descriptions for LEDs of Buttons and Indicators Module Description Definition 1 Enclosure Power Power Button Button/LED Press the button one time to turn ON the system power and keep pressing for 4 seconds to turn OFF the system power. Power LED White: power is ON (at least one power supply unit is supplying power to the system). White blinking: the system is in the stage of boot or shutdown. 2 Off: the system shutdown. Unit Identification UID (Unique Identity) button (UID) Button/LED Press the button one time to turn it ON; press it again to turn it OFF. UID (Unique Identity) LED LED Descriptions 39 Press the button to turn it ON, and press it again to turn it OFF. 3 Blue: the system has been identified. Off: the system has not been identified. Enclosure Access Enclosure Access LED LED (Indicate the host interface connectivity.) Blue Blinking: the host interface activity is on-going. Off: no host interface activity. 4 Enclosure Status Status LED LED (Indicate current health status of the system.) Amber: system error (PSU failed, abnormal voltage, temperature is at critical high/low, any cooling fan module failed or removed, degraded mode, any pool failed.) Amber Blinking: firmware is upgrading or rebuilding. Off: the system is healthy. 5 USB Port For LCM 6.1.2. Disk Drive LEDs XCubeSAN Series LFF & SFF Disk Drive LEDs Figure 6-2 XCubeSAN Series LFF Disk Drive LEDs Table 6-2 Number Descriptions for LEDs of LFF & SFF Disk Drive LEDs Description Definition 1 Disk Drive Power LED Blue on: the disk drive is inserted and no data access. 40 © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. Blue blinking: the disk drive is accessing data. 2 Disk Drive Status LED Off: no disk drive is inserted. Off: the disk drive is healthy. Amber ON: the disk drive is error. Amber blinking (interval of 0.5 sec): the disk drive is rebuilding. Amber blinking (interval of 0.05 sec): identify the disk drive. 6.2. Rear Panel LEDs 6.2.1. XCubeSAN Series Controller LEDs Figure 6-3 XCubeSAN Series Controller LEDs Table 6-3 Number Descriptions of XCubeSAN Series Controller LEDs Description Definition 1 Controller Status LED Solid Green: Controller status normal. Solid Red: System booting or controller failure. 2 3 Master / Slave LED (only for dual controllers) Dirty Cache LED 4 Unit Identification (UID) LED 5 Management Port Connection LED 6 Management Port Solid Green: This is the Master controller. Off: This is the Slave controller. Solid Amber: Data on the cache waiting for flush to disks. Off: No data on the cache. Solid Blue: identified. Off: The enclosure is not being identified. Solid Green: the connection is built and normal. Off: no connection is built. Amber Blinking: data accessing The enclosure has been LED Descriptions 41 7 Accessing LED 10Gb Port #1 LED 8 (lower port) Blinking Yellow: data accessing Blinking Yellow: data accessing 6.2.2. XCubeSAN Series Power Supply Unit LED Figure 6-4 XCubeSAN Series Power Supply Unit LED Table 6-4 Number Descriptions of Power Supply Unit LED Description Definition 1 PSU LED Green: PSU is on and OK Blinking green: PSU is off, 5VSB is on Amber: critical event caused shutdown Blinking Amber: PSU warning events (high temp, high power, high current, slow fan, under input voltage) 42 © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. 7. Troubleshooting CAUTION: We suggest most of the repairs are done by a certified technician. You should only perform some simple troubleshooting or repairs which are defined in your product documentation. System damage due to the troubleshooting or repair would affect your product warranty. If you are not quite sure the problem of the XCubeSAN series system, we strongly recommend you to contact your local support directly or get help from QSAN Support. 7.1. Troubleshooting for System Startup Failure If your system encounters malfunction during startup, please check if: The PSU LED is on. Power cords are well secured. The system failure LED light is on. See Rear Panel LEDs section. There is a constant grinding or other abnormal sound when you access the disk drives. A message is displayed on the screen from web UI. If the case not belongs to the scenario above, please contact your local support or get help on line at www.QSAN.com/contact_support. 7.2. Troubleshooting for Communication Loss (internal/external) If your system loses communication with the host or other connected systems, please check if: The management port or controller module is failed. See Rear Panel LEDs section. Connection cable falls from the host or the enclosure. Connection cable fault: suggest replacing another cable to check if the communication loss is due to the connection cable fault. 7.3. Troubleshooting for Power Supply Unit Power supply unit LED is amber or amber blinking. See XCubeSAN Series Power Supply Unit LED section. The power supply unit is not installed properly. Regarding to installing of the power supply unit, please see Installing/Removing a Power Supply Unit section. Troubleshooting 43 If the power supply unit is installed properly and the power indicator LED is not on, check if the power cord on the system or the plug on the outlet is well secured. (repeat the same procedure for the other power supply unit) If finished checking all steps above but the problem is still unsolved, please contact your local support or get help on line at www.QSAN.com/contact_support. 7.4. Troubleshooting for Fan If your fan module of the system doesn’t work properly, please check if: The fan module is not installed properly. Regarding to installation of a fan, pleases see Installing/Removing a Fan section. If the cooling fan module is installed properly, check if: 。 The internal/external airflow is obstructed. 。 The ambient temperature is too high. 。 The power supply unit is properly installed. If finishes checking all steps above but the problem is still unsolved, please contact your local support or get help from QSAN Support. 7.5. Troubleshooting for Disk Drive If the disk drive in your system encounters abnormal status, please follow checking steps below: Disk drive power LED is off: 。 Check if the status of controller, power supply unit, and cooling fan is normal. 。 Remove the disk drive from the enclosure. See Removing a Disk Drive Tray section. 。 Check connectors of disk drive and backplane are not damaged. 。 Reinstall the tray with a disk drive. See Installing a Disk Drive with the tray into the system section. If the disk drive problem is not resolved but the system is healthy, please contact your local support of disk drive. 7.6. Troubleshooting for a Damaged System If your system accidently encounters damaged issue (collision by external force or fall down from the rack), please check follow steps: 44 Check if following components are properly installed: 。 Disk drives. 。 Controller(s). 。 Power supply units. © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. 。 Cooling modules. 。 Power cords. 。 Host card(s). <optional part> 。 BBM/super capacitor module. <optional part> 。 Cache to flash module. <optional part> 。 Top cover. Check if all cables are properly connected, well secured, and no damaged pins in the connectors. If the system still does not start or run properly, please contact your local support or get help from QSAN Support. 7.7. Troubleshooting for the Wet System If your system encounters wet problem, please follow steps below: Turn off the system and disconnect all cables. Remove following components from your system: 。 Power cords 。 All connection cables 。 Disk drives. 。 Controller(s). 。 Power supply units. 。 Fans. 。 Host card(s). <optional part> 。 BBM/super capacitor module. <optional part> 。 Cache to flash module. <optional part> 。 Top cover. Let the system dry completely (at least 24 hours). Reinstall all components into the system. Connect all cables and turn on the power of system. If the system does not start or run properly, please contact your local support or get help from QSAN Support. Troubleshooting 45 8. Support and Other Resources 8.1. Accessing Support After installing your device, locate the serial number on the side sticker of the chassis and use it to register your product at https://partner.qsan.com/ (End-User Registration). We recommend registering your product in QSAN partner website for firmware updates, document download, and latest news in eDM. To contact QSAN Support, please use the following information. Website: http://www.qsan.com/en/contact_support.php Email: [email protected] (09:00 GMT+8 ~ 18:00 GMT+8, 09:00 GMT ~ 18:00 GMT) Skype ID: qsan.support (09:00 GMT+8 ~ 18:00 GMT+8, 09:00 GMT ~ 18:00 GMT) Information to collect Product name, model or version, and serial number Operating system name and version Firmware version Error messages Product-specific reports and logs Add-on products or components Third-party products or components Please refer System Information section to download system information for service by clicking Download Service Package button. 8.2. Accessing Update To download product updates, please go to the following website: https://www.qsan.com/en/download.php 8.3. Documentation Feedback QSAN is committed to providing documentation that meets your needs. To help us improve the documentation, email any errors, suggestions, or comments to [email protected]. When submitting your feedback, include the document title, part number, revision, and publication date located on the front cover of the document. 46 © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. Appendix Glossary and Acronym List Common Terminology Item Description SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface SAS Serial Attached SCSI S.M.A.R.T. Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology WWN World Wide Name HBA Host Bus Adapter SES SCSI Enclosure Services NIC Network Interface Card BBM Battery Backup Module SCM Super Capacitor Module FC / iSCSI / SAS Terminology Item Description FC Fibre Channel FC-P2P Point-to-Point FC-AL Arbitrated Loop FC-SW Switched Fabric iSCSI Internet Small Computer Systems Interface LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol MPIO Multi-Path Input/Output MC/S Multiple Connections per Session MTU Maximum Transmission Unit CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol. An optional security mechanism to control access to an iSCSI storage system over the iSCSI data ports. iSNS Internet Storage Name Service SAS Serial Attached SCSI Dual Controller Terminology Appendix 47 Item Description SBB Storage Bridge Bay. The objective of the Storage Bridge Bay Working Group (SBB) is to create a specification that defines mechanical, electrical and low-level enclosure management requirements for an enclosure controller slot that will support a variety of storage controllers from a variety of independent hardware vendors (“IHVs”) and system vendors. 6G MUX Bridge board is for SATA II disk to support dual controller mode. End-User License Agreement (EULA) Please read this document carefully before you use our product or open the package containing our product. YOU AGREE TO ACCEPT TERMS OF THIS EULA BY USING OUR PRODUCT, OPENING THE PACKAGE CONTAINING OUR PRODUCT OR INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE INTO OUR PRODUCT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO TERMS OF THIS EULA, YOU MAY RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE RESELLER WHERE YOU PURCHASED IT FOR A REFUND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESELLER'S APPLICABLE RETURN POLICY. General QSAN Technology, Inc. ("QSAN") is willing to grant you (“User”) a license of software, firmware and/or other product sold, manufactured or offered by QSAN (“the Product”) pursuant to this EULA. License Grant QSAN grants to User a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-distributable, nonassignable, non-sub-licensable license to install and use the Product pursuant to the terms of this EULA. Any right beyond this EULA will not be granted. Intellectual Property Right Intellectual property rights relative to the Product are the property of QSAN or its licensor(s). User will not acquire any intellectual property by this EULA. License Limitations User may not, and may not authorize or permit any third party to: (a) use the Product for any purpose other than in connection with the Product or in a manner inconsistent with the design or documentations of the Product; (b) license, distribute, lease, rent, lend, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of the Product or use the Product in any commercial hosted or service bureau environment; (c) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or attempt to discover the source code for or any trade secrets related to the Product, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation; (d) adapt, modify, alter, translate or create any derivative works of the Licensed Software; (e) remove, alter or obscure any copyright notice or other proprietary rights notice on the Product; or (f) circumvent or 48 © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. attempt to circumvent any methods employed by QSAN to control access to the components, features or functions of the Product. Open Source The Product may contain open source components licensed to QSAN. User may visit QSAN’s website to learn specifics of the open source components and the respective license terms thereof (“Open Source License”). The terms of the Open Source License will control solely with respect to the open source components to the extent that this EULA conflicts with the requirements of the open source with respect to your use of the open source components, and, in such event, you agree to be bound by the Open Source License with respect to your use of such components. Disclaimer QSAN DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF PRODUCT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WORKMANLIKE EFFORT, TITLE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. ALL PRODUCTS ARE PROVIDE “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. QSAN MAKES NO WARRANTY THAT THE PRODUCT WILL BE FREE OF BUGS, ERRORS, VIRUSES OR OTHER DEFECTS. IN NO EVENT WILL QSAN BE LIABLE FOR THE COST OF COVER OR FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SIMILAR DAMAGES OR LIABILITIES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA, INFORMATION, REVENUE, PROFIT OR BUSINESS) ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT OR OTHERWISE UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS EULA OR THE PRODUCT, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER THEORY EVEN IF QSAN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Limitation of Liability IN ANY CASE, QSAN’S LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS EULA OR THE PRODUCT WILL BE LIMITED TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT ACTUALLY AND ORIGINALLY PAID BY CUSTOMER FOR THE PRODUCT. The foregoing Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability will apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the exclusions and limitations set forth above may not apply. Termination If User breach any of its obligations under this EULA, QSAN may terminate this EULA and take remedies available to QSAN immediately. Miscellaneous 1. QSAN reserves the right to modify this EULA. 2. QSAN reserves the right to renew the software or firmware anytime. 3. QSAN may assign its rights and obligations under this EULA to any third party without condition. 4. This EULA will be binding upon and will inure to User’s successors and permitted assigns. Appendix 49 5. This EULA shall be governed by and constructed according to the laws of R.O.C. Any disputes arising from or in connection with this EULA, User agree to submit to the jurisdiction of Taiwan Shilin district court as first instance trial. 50 © Copyright 2016 QSAN Technology, Inc. All Right Reserved. Index C C2F ........................................................................ 31 Controller Module ................................................. 21 D DIMM ..................................................................... 28 Disk Drive .............................................................. 44 LED ..................................................................... 40 Numbering ........................................................... 5 Tray .................................................... 9, 12, 15, 16 F Fan ............................................................... 8, 26, 44 L LED Disk Drive .......................................................... 40 Front Panel ........................................................ 39 PSU .................................................................... 42 Rear Panel ......................................................... 41 LFF ........................................................................... 2 P PSU ........................................................ 7, 18, 23, 43 LED..................................................................... 42 R Rail Kit ................................................................... 10 H Host Card .............................................................. 28 S SFF........................................................................... 2 Index 51 ">

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Key features
- High performance SAN
- Scalable storage
- Flexible disk drive support
- Dual path configuration
- High availability and data redundancy
- Virtualization, database, media workflows
Frequently asked questions
The XS5226S can support up to 26 drives, offering ample storage capacity.
The manual lists supported disk drives, including both Large Form Factor (LFF) and Small Form Factor (SFF) drives. Refer to the manual for specific models.
Dual path configuration provides redundancy and high availability, ensuring that your data remains accessible even if one path fails.