Diamond Diagnostics Prolyte Service Manual
Diamond Diagnostics Prolyte is a compact and user-friendly analyzer designed for quick and easy service and repair. It features modular construction with replaceable assemblies for efficient troubleshooting. The system uses a peristaltic pump to draw fluid through the analyzer, a probe motor to aspirate samples, and a sample detector to communicate fluid position. The analyzer can perform blood, serum, plasma, and urine analysis, and offers features like calibration, washing, and diagnostics.
DIAMOND DIAGNOSTICS Service Manual Diamond Diagnostics Inc Holliston, MA. USA www.diamonddiagnostics.com Service Manual Contents Chapter 1........................................................................................................................................................1 Product Description ................................................................................................................................1 1.a System Overview .................................................................................................................................1 1.b Front and Rear Assembly Components ..............................................................................................4 1.c Electrode Housing Assembly Components .........................................................................................8 1.d Replacement List ...............................................................................................................................10 Chapter 2......................................................................................................................................................11 Troubleshooting......................................................................................................................................11 2.a Troubleshooting Overview.................................................................................................................11 2.b Troubleshooting Guide ......................................................................................................................12 2.c DC Power Verification .......................................................................................................................13 2.d Display Verification ............................................................................................................................13 2.e Probe Motor Verification ....................................................................................................................14 2.f Printer Verification .............................................................................................................................15 2.g Sample Detector Verification .............................................................................................................16 2.h Serial Communication Verification.....................................................................................................17 Chapter 3......................................................................................................................................................18 Repair .........................................................................................................................................................18 3.a Repair Overview ................................................................................................................................18 3.b Recommended Tools ........................................................................................................................18 3.c Rear Housing Removal .....................................................................................................................19 3.d Rear Housing Installation ..................................................................................................................19 3.e Power Supply Removal .....................................................................................................................21 3.f Power Supply Installation ..................................................................................................................21 3.g Printer Removal .................................................................................................................................22 3.h Printer Installation..............................................................................................................................22 3.i CPU Board Removal .........................................................................................................................25 3.j CPU Board Installation ......................................................................................................................25 3.k Display Removal................................................................................................................................27 3.l Display Installation.............................................................................................................................27 3.m Pump Motor Removal........................................................................................................................30 3.n Pump Motor Installation.....................................................................................................................30 3.o Probe Motor Assembly Removal .......................................................................................................32 3.p Probe Motor Assembly Installation ....................................................................................................32 3.q Guide Rod Removal ..........................................................................................................................35 3.r Guide Rod Installation .......................................................................................................................35 3.s Electrode Jack Removal....................................................................................................................37 3.t Electrode Jack Installation.................................................................................................................37 P R O L Y T E 1 Chapter A N A L Y Z E R Product Description 1.a System Overview The proLYTE analyzer is designed to make service and repair quick and easy. Modular construction is used throughout the design. The basic operating system consists of a motor which drives the peristaltic pump. The peristaltic pump draws the desired fluid through the system. A second motor drives the sample probe through the solutions valve to aspirate the appropriate fluid for pumping: sample; standards; or air. The sample detector in the fluid path communicates the position of the fluid in the line. Please note that mechanical and electrical assemblies can be replaced. Follow the instructions in the TROUBLESHOOTING SECTION to determine if assembly replacement is necessary. Refer to the Replacement List in this section which lists replaceable assemblies, components, and appropriate part numbers. 1 P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R RUN CALIBRT’N YES NO ANALYZE BLOOD? YES Whole Blood, Serum, or Plasma Analysis NO DAILY CLEANER? YES End/Beginning of Day Cleaning NO STANDBY MODE? YES Fluid Conservation, Maintenance NO *SECOND MENU?* YES NO *ANALYZE URINE?* YES Urine Analysis NO *SEE RESULTS?* YES Results Displayed, Printed, Deleted NO *PACK USAGE?* YES Check % Pack Used, Install New Pack, Reset % Countdown NO *QUAL CONTROL?* Run Controls, See Last Control, See/Print Statistics, Delete Results YES NO *OPER FUNCTS?* “On Demand” Calibration, Wash, Solution Prime, Probe Wiping, I.D.#, Syringe Sample, Diluted Values YES NO *DIAGNOSTICS?* Check: Calibration Values; Fluid Flow; Electrode Values; Sample Detector; Pump Calibration YES NO *DATE/RANGES?* st Change Date/Time, Cal Frequency, 1 Cal, Set Na/K/Cl Ranges 2 YES NO P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R Table of Symbols ▲ NOTES Helpful information or references to other related sections of the manual. KEY INFORMATION Could take the proLYTE analyzer out of operation. 3 P R O L Y T E 1.b A N A L Y Z E R Front and Rear Assembly Components This section describes the main assemblies of the proLYTE front and rear assemblies. Refer to Figures P1, P2, and P3 for the location of each component. Front Housing front case of the analyzer Power Supply powers the analyzer Entry Module connection for the power cable Fuse Bay holds 2 fuses Power Supply Cable connects the power supply to the CPU assembly Voltage Selector to select 110V or 220V power source CPU Board contains the CPU board with digital components and analog sensor inputs: Auto-Sampler Port port for Auto-Sampler device Serial Port port for RS-232 for serial device Display Assembly shows proLYTE prompts/results on LCD screen Display Screen 2 line display Display/Sample Detector Cable connects the display to the CPU assembly and sample detector to the display board Peristaltic Pump Assembly peristaltic pump to move fluids through the analyzer Peristaltic Pump Motor powers pump Peristaltic Pump Head Assembly contains pump rotor and rollers Peristaltic Pump Connection connects the pump to the CPU assembly Probe Motor Assembly moves the probe arm Linear Actuator powers lead screw Probe Motor Support holds probe motor assembly in place Sample Probe Position Locator indicates the home position for the sample probe arm Optical Switch senses the location of the probe arm using the position locator and connects to the CPU board Probe Arm holds and moves the probe to aspirate samples and calibrants Printer prints a hard copy of analysis, diagnostics or maintenance results Printer Cable connects the printer to the CPU assembly Electrode Jack(s) connects electrodes to the CPU assembly Rear Housing rear case 4 P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R Paper Feed Button Printer Front Housing Rear Housing Probe Arm Sample Probe Display Screen Electrode Jacks Yes/No Touchpad Solutions Valve Peristaltic Pump Figure P1 Front Assembly 5 P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R Probe Position Locator Display Cable CPU Board Serial Port Linear Actuator Auto-Sampler Port Power Supply Cable Optical Switch Connection Printer Cable Linear Actuator Connection Voltage Selector Peristaltic Pump Connection Entry Module AC/AC Step Down Transformer Power Supply Figure P2 Rear Assembly 6 Fuse Bay P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R Electrode Jacks CPU Mounts Probe Motor Support Optical Switch Peristaltic Pump Assembly Peristaltic Pump Motor Figure P3 – Rear Assembly 7 P R O L Y T E 1.c A N A L Y Z E R Electrode Housing Assembly Components This section describes the components of the proLYTE electrode assembly. Refer to Figure P4 for the location of each component. Electrodes sodium, potassium, chloride, and reference Sample Detector detects presence of air/liquid, sets sample position inside electrodes Internal Filling Solution 2 molar KCL solution, acts as a “salt bridge” for the reference electrode Fill Plug prevents the internal filling solution from evaporating Membrane Assembly creates the connection between the reference electrode and the other electrodes 8 P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R Membrane Assembly Fill Plug Fill Solution Electrode Housing Sample Detector Potassium Electrode Sodium Electrode Chloride Electrode Locating Pins Reference Electrode Figure P4– Electrode Housing Assembly 9 P R O L Y T E 1.d A N A L Y Z E R Replacement List Description Electrode Housing Na/K/Cl Power Supply CPU Board Display, 2 Line Pump Probe Motor Assembly Sample Probe Position Sensor Stepper Motor Daughter Board Printer Electrode Jack Part No. ME-0885D ME-1676D ME-1937D ME-1901D ME-1271D ME-1392D ME-1306D ME-1148D ME-1296D ME-0173D The CPU Board is supplied with the software installed to operate the proLYTE. 10 P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R 2 Chapter Troubleshooting 2.a Troubleshooting Overview This section describes troubleshooting of the mechanical and electrical functions of the proLYTE analyzer. This section is based on the principle of replacing suspected faulty assemblies with new assemblies. Diamond Diagnostics recommends keeping an inventory of functioning test assemblies for troubleshooting the proLYTE. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide in this section to determine the cause and corrective action that must be taken to properly service the proLYTE analyzer. 11 P R O L Y T E 2.b A N A L Y Z E R Troubleshooting Guide Refer to the chart below to help determine the problem and corrective action needed. Problem Description Blank Display Problem Source Power Malfunction or Defective Display Corrective Action Steps No Response to YES/NO buttons Power Malfunction or Defective Display Connection Display Assembly Verification DC Power Verification Blank Display, Beeping Faulty EEPROM Installation or Power Malfunction Inspect EPROM Installation DC Power Verification “PRB” Errors Probe Motor Malfunction Pump Motor Malfunction Probe Motor Verification “PMP” Errors or No Pump Movement AC Power Verification DC Power Verification Display Verification Perform PUMP CAL test In DIAGNOSTICS? Menu Pump Motor Verification Printer Verification Printer Does Not Print Sample Detector Test Failure Result 255 Or 000 Printer Malfunction Sample Detector/Circuit Malfunction Bad Electrode Voltages Electrodes or Signal Input Malfunction Check Electrode Installation And Performance Signal Input Verification Serial Transmission Failure Serial Cable or Transmission Protocol Serial Communication Verification Sample Detector Verification 12 P R O L Y T E 2.c A N A L Y Z E R DC Power Verification 1. Remove the rear housing. See Rear Housing Removal in the REPAIR SECTION for details. 2. Connect the power cord first to an outlet, then to the entry module. 3. Connect the reference side of the voltage meter to TP12 on the CPU board. 4. Verify the voltage at each test point listed below. Test Point TP1 TP2 TP3 TP10 TP11 Value 5.00 V 36.0 V 5.00 V 2.50 V -5.00 V Tolerance +/- 0.15 V +/- 2.0 V +/- 0.15 V +/- 0.10 V +/- 0.15 V 5. If any of the voltage values in STEP 4 are not within specification, AND the AC power verification is successful, replace the CPU board. 2.d Display Verification 1. Disconnect the display cable from the CPU board. See Display Assembly Removal in the REPAIR SECTION for details. 2. Connect a known good display assembly to the CPU board and connect the main power cord. Verify that the test display is operative. Based on the test results, take the appropriate corrective action. -Display Blank and/or YES/NO buttons DO NOT operate: Remove the test display cable. Perform AC and DC power verification. If the AC and DC power tests are successful, replace the CPU board with a new CPU board, and return to normal operation. See CPU Board Removal in the REPAIR SECTION for details. -Display On and YES/NO buttons function: Remove the original display assembly and replace with a new display assembly. See Display Assembly in the REPAIR SECTION for details. 13 P R O L Y T E 2.e A N A L Y Z E R Probe Motor Verification 1. Disconnect the power cord, wait ten seconds, then reinstall the power. The probe arm should move down and back up. If there are no error messages, resume normal operation. If a “PRB” error occurs, proceed to STEP 2. 2. Remove the sample probe from the probe arm. For details refer to proLYTE Operator’s Manual. Remove and reinstall the power cord. The probe arm should move down and back up. If there are no error messages examine and if necessary replace the sample probe, solutions valve and/or probe wiper. If a “PRB” error occurs, proceed to STEP 3. 3. If the probe arm does not move at all perform the following operations. A. Visually inspect that the actuator and retaining ring are correctly installed on the probe motor lead screw. If the installation is incorrect, refer to CPU Board Removal and Probe Motor Installation in the REPAIR SECTION for details. B. Check that the probe motor wires are completely seated inside the 4-pin connector as follows: - Remove the probe motor connector from the bottom left of the CPU Board (position P3). Compress the strain-relief cap against the probe motor connector to firmly seat the wires. Reinstall the probe motor connector into the CPU Board. C. Repeat STEP 1. If no errors occur, resume normal operation. 4. If the probe arm moves and stops anywhere except the top position, or if the probe arm vibrates against the top of the proLYTE housing, replace the probe position sensor. To replace the sensor, first remove the CPU Board and the probe position locator. Refer to Probe Motor Assembly Removal in the REPAIR SECTION for details. 5. If the probe does not move at all, check for a short circuit on the CPU Board between TP12 and TP2. If there is a short circuit, replace the Stepper driver daughter board at positions U35 and U36. See Front and Rear Assembly Components in the Product Description Section. 6. If no short circuit is found, replace the probe motor assembly. Refer to the Probe Motor Assembly in the REPAIR SECTION for details. 14 P R O L Y T E 2.f A N A L Y Z E R Printer Verification 1. Press the printer paper advance button. If the printer head moves proceed to STEP 2. If the printer head does not move, proceed to STEP 3. 2. Verify that the printer is on. Turn the printer on by pressing “NO” to the PRINTER OFF? question in the USER OPTIONS section. 3. If the printer is still not working, remove the power cord from the analyzer and wait for ten seconds, then install the power cord back into the entry module. The printer head should move across the paper and the paper should advance forward printing “proLYTE”. 4. If the printer is still not working, remove the printer cover and check for any paper obstruction in the printer head area. Remove any obstructions if possible, without damaging the printer assembly or printer window. If an obstruction is present and cannot be removed, replace the Printer Assembly. Refer to Printer Removal and Installation in the REPAIR SECTION for details. 5. If there are no obstructions, but the printer does not work, perform the following steps. a. b. c. d. 6. Remove the rear housing as detailed in the REPAIR SECTION. Remove the printer cable at the bottom right of the CPU board. Compress the strain-relief cap to firmly seat the printer cable. Reinstall the printer cable into the CPU Board. If the printer still does not print, connect a test printer assembly to the CPU Board. If the test printer works, install a new printer assembly. If the test printer does not work, replace the CPU board. Refer to CPU Board Installation in the REPAIR SECTION for details. 15 P R O L Y T E 2.g A N A L Y Z E R Sample Detector Verification 1. Remove the electrode housing from the analyzer. See the proLYTE Operator’s Manual for further details. 2. Remove the sample detector from the front housing. 3. Install the sample detector into the sample detector receptacle. ▲ Do not install the electrode housing or pump tubing at this time. 4. Proceed to the DIAGNOSTICS? menu and perform the SAMPLE DETECTOR TEST?. -With the sample detector installed, the value on the display screen should be less than 200. -With the test in progress, remove the sample detector. The display should rapidly change to 255. If the sample detector test meets these specifications, resume normal operation. A value of 255 with the sample detector installed indicates a bad connection. Proceed to STEP5 to check the sample detector circuit. 5. Reinstall the sample detector. Look at the left side of the sample detector. A red light must shine from the LED hole. If there is no red light, install a known good sample detector. If there is still no red light, replace the Display Assembly. Refer to the REPAIR SECTION for information. 6. If the TEST sample detector red light is on, check the four connecting pins on the ORIGINAL sample detector. The pins must face straight out forming a rectangle. If the pins are bent against the black plastic body, straighten the pins using a small flat head screwdriver. 7. Reinstall the original sample detector and repeat STEP 4. -If the red light comes ON: Reassemble the proLYTE and perform a SOLUTIONS PRIME and a SAMPLE DET. TEST. Resume normal operation. -If the red light remains OFF: Install a new sample detector. 16 P R O L Y T E 2.h A N A L Y Z E R Serial Communication Verification 1. Connect the proLYTE analyzer to a device with a known working serial port. Use a known good proLYTE serial cable, part no. ME-1334D. Make cross connections as required (e.g. 2 to 3; 4 to 5). 2. Refer to the following serial interface specifications. Serial Interface Specifications Serial Cable Settings Connector Pin Type 25-pin, D-Sub Male RS-232 Pin Assignments Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 5 Pin 7 RS-232 Protocols Transmission Rate Bit Configuration Bit Parity Control Codes All lines end with Carriage return line feed (CRLF) All transmission is ASCII string 3. Chassis, Not Connected TxD RxD RTS CTS Signal Ground 1200 baud 8 data bits, 1 stop None None When correctly linked the proLYTE will transmit to the external device all of the data that is printed by the proLYTE printer, in the same format. 17 P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R 3 Chapter Repair 3.a Repair Overview Always consult the TROUBLESHOOTING SECTION first to determine the problem before attempting to repair the analyzer. Always remove the solutions pack and the electrode housing from the analyzer before beginning any repair work. Refer to the proLYTE Operator’s Manual for detailed instructions. Follow the assembly and removal instructions in the order outlined in this section unless otherwise noted. Always unplug the power cord from the analyzer before beginning any repair work. Note that only complete mechanical and electronic assemblies can be replaced. Refer to the Replacement List in the PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SECTION which lists replaceable assemblies as well as consumable items. Consult the list to determine the appropriate replacement item and part number. 3.b Recommended Tools The following is a list of the tools required to perform repairs on the proLYTE analyzer. Please refer to this list to determine the appropriate tool and size needed. 0.050 Hex Driver 5/16” Hex Driver 3/16” Hex Driver Phillips Screw Driver, One Small Phillips Screw Driver, One Large Allen Wrench, 1/16 inch Scissors Hex Nut Driver, 11/32 inch, electrode jack installation and removal tool Volt Meter 18 P R O L Y T E 3.c A N A L Y Z E R Rear Housing Removal 1. Disconnect the power cord from the entry module, see figure below. 2. Detach the four screws from the rear housing using a Phillips head screw driver, as shown below. 3. Separate the front and back housing. See Figure P5. 3.d Rear Housing Installation 1. Align and attach the front and back housing. See figure below. Verify that all cable connectors are attached properly. Refer to figures in the PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SECTION for detail. Verify that all wires are contained within the front housing before proceeding. 2. Perform steps 1 and 2 from Rear Housing Removal in reverse . Figure P5 – Rear Housing Removal 19 P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R Figure P5 – Rear Housing Removal (Cont) 20 P R O L Y T E 3.e A N A L Y Z E R Power Supply Removal 1. Disconnect the power supply cable from the CPU board, see Figure P6. 2. Detach the four screws from front housing, using a Phillips head screw driver. 3. Remove the four screws holding the power supply. 4. Lift and remove the power supply assembly from under the CPU board. ▲ Support analyzer when power supply is removed to avoid tipping. 3.f Power Supply Installation 1. Slide the power supply assembly under the CPU board, as shown in figure below. Fit into the alignment holes in the bottom of the front housing. 2. Perform steps 1,2 and 3 from Power Supply Removal in reverse. Figure P6 – Power Supply Removal/Installation 21 P R O L Y T E 3.g A N A L Y Z E R Printer Removal 1. Remove the printer lid from the printer. 2. Remove the paper roll from the printer bay. 3. Remove the rear housing. 4. Detach the printer cable from the retaining clamps located along the right side of the CPU board. 5. Detach the two screws using a Phillips head screw driver. Remove the printer body, as shown in Figure P7. 6. Pull the printer cable up from behind the CPU board, while holding the printer body as shown in Figure P8. 3.h Printer Installation 1. Slide the printer cable behind the CPU board. 2. Install the printer body into place. See Figure P8. 3. Attach the two screws using a Phillips head screw driver. See Figure P7. 4. Connect the printer cable to the CPU board. 5. Using scissors, cut the beginning of the paper roll into a “V” shape. Insert the paper into the feeder slot inside the printer bay, and press the paper feed button. 6. Place the printer roll into the printer bay. 7. Place the printer lid onto the printer. 8. Attach the printer cable to the retaining clamps located along the right side of the CPU board. 22 P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R Printer Bay Figure P7 – Printer Removal/Installation 23 P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R Printer Connection Figure P8 – Printer Removal/Installation 24 P R O L Y T E 3.i A N A L Y Z E R CPU Board Removal 1. Remove the display cable from the top of the CPU board shown in Figure P9. 2. Disconnect the electrode jacks from behind the CPU board. See figure below for the location of the electrode jacks. To disconnect, gently pull electrode jack straight away from the connector pin of the CPU board. ▲ The connector pins are extremely delicate. Avoid pin breakage when removing the electrode jacks, gently pull the electrode jacks straight away from the pins. If a pin breaks the entire CPU board will require replacement. 3. Disengage the CPU board from the four plastic mounting posts as shown. 4. Slide the CPU board off the mounting posts. See Figure P9. 3.j CPU Board Installation 1. Align the CPU board with the plastic mounting posts. Snap the right side mounting posts of the CPU board into place. 2. Connect the electrode jacks to the back of the CPU board. To connect, gently push the electrode jack straight into the connector pin. See figure below to determine the proper connector pin position on the CPU board and the recommended installation order. ▲ Do not bend the connector pin when installing the electrode jack. If a pin breaks the entire CPU board will require replacement. 3. Snap the left and center mounting posts of the CPU board into place. 4. Attach the display cable to the CPU board. Push the display cable tabs to the front to secure cable in place. See Figure P9. 5. Connect the probe motor, sensor, pump motor, power supply and printer cables to the CPU board, see Figure P9. 25 P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R Figure P9 – CPU Board Removal/Installation 26 P R O L Y T E 3.k A N A L Y Z E R Display Removal 1. Detach the two screws from the sample detector board using a Phillips head screw driver. 2. Move and hold the display cable to expose the three display assembly screws. Detach the three screws from the display assembly using a Phillips head screw driver. See Figure P10. 3. Carefully remove the display cable from the LCD screen, holding both items together. See Figure P11. ▲ Notice the orientation of the LCD screen which is extremely important when installing the display assembly. The display has soldered leads located on the bottom of the LCD screen. ▲ There is an orientation notch on the display adapter. The display mounts on the two posts below the window. When installing the display adapter, the orientation notch is located on the top inside edge of the adapter. 3.l Display Installation 1. Place the foam pad on the display board between the screen and mounting plate. 2. Place the LCD screen on top of the foam pad. The orientation of the LCD screen is extremely important, see Figure P11. The display has soldered leads located on the bottom of the LCD screen. 3. Position the front housing so that the front of the analyzer is facing down. Align the display assembly and insert into place, as shown in Figure P11. Use mounting holds as a guide. 4. Hold the display in place and attach the three screws using a Phillips head Screw driver. See Figure P10. 5. Align the sample detector board so the sample detector cable is positioned on the right side. Attach the two screws lightly, using a Phillips head screw driver, see Figure P10. 6. Install the sample detector in the front of the analyzer to verify the sample detector board alignment. When properly aligned fully tighten the sample detector screws. 27 P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R Figure P10 – Display Removal/Installation 28 P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R Figure P11 – Display Removal/Installation 29 P R O L Y T E 3.m A N A L Y Z E R Pump Motor Removal 1. Remove the pump tubing from the front of the analyzer. 2. Detach the four screws from the front of the analyzer, using a Phillips head screw driver or 1.5 Hex as applicable. See Figure P12. 3. Remove the pump motor assembly, as shown in Figure P13. 3.n Pump Motor Installation 1. Install the pump motor assembly through the front housing, as shown in Figure P13. The pump motor wires are positioned below the pump when properly aligned. 2. Attach the four screws into the front of the analyzer, using a Phillips head screw driver. See Figure P12. 3. Using a tie wrap cable, secure the loose wires under the pump motor to the lead screw/probe motor wires and the sensor wires. 4. Install the pump tubing. 30 P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R Figure P12 – Display Removal/Installation Figure P13 – Display Removal/Installation 31 P R O L Y T E 3.o A N A L Y Z E R Probe Motor Assembly Removal 1. Detach the screw at the top of the probe position locator, using a Phillips head screw driver, as shown in figure below. Remove the washer. 2. Remove the probe position locator. 3. Remove the retaining ring from the actuator, using the retaining ring pliers. The retaining ring must be replaced once removed. DO NOT stretch out the retaining ring with the pliers. Disengage the actuator from the top of the lead screw assembly. ▲ Save the retaining ring. 4. Detach the three screws from the probe motor bracket, using a Phillips head screw driver, as shown in Figure P14. 5. Remove the probe motor/lead screw assembly. 3.p Probe Motor Assembly Installation 1. Place the probe motor assembly into place. See Figure P14. 2. Attach the three washers and screws to the probe motor assembly bracket, using a Phillips head screw driver. See Figure P14. ▲ The other two screws are located on the bottom edge of the bracket. 3. Insert the actuator through the top of the lead screw assembly. Install the retaining ring onto the actuator using the retaining ring pliers. DO NOT stretch out the retaining ring with the pliers. 4. Place the probe motor cable wires into the retaining clamp. Secure the wires to the sensor cable wires with a tie wrap cable. The optimum location for the tie wrap cable is slightly to the left of the retaining clamp. 5. Install the solutions valve. 6. Remove the black thumb grip from the solutions valve. Install the sample probe as normal. Refer to Figure P14 for details. A. With the probe hole facing to the left, toward the inside body of the proLYTE, align the probe collar with the notch on the top of the probe arm. When aligned, snap the probe into the probe arm. 32 P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R B. Manually move the probe arm until the sample probe hole is aligned with the top chamber on the solutions valve. ▲ When the sample probe is aligned, DO NOT move the probe arm until the probe motor installation is complete. 7 Place the locator into position. The locator should be seated inside the probe position sensor and inside the mounting bracket slot. 8. Attach and slightly tighten the washer and screw at the top of the position locator. Do not fully tighten the screw. 9. Align the probe position locator slot within the center of the optical switch. Gently move the locator to the left and visually confirm the alignment. Refer to Figure P2 for correct alignment. ▲ Confirm that the sample probe hole is aligned with the top chamber on the solutions valve before continuing. 10. When alignment is complete, fully tighten the probe position screw into place using a Phillips head screw driver. 33 P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R Figure P14 – Probe Motor Removal/Installation 34 P R O L Y T E 3.q A N A L Y Z E R Guide Rod Removal 1. Remove the sample probe from the probe arm and the solutions valve. Remove the solutions valve. 2. Detach the screw from the bottom of the guide rod, using a Phillips head screw driver. Remove the washer. 3. Remove the guide rod and probe arm assembly, down and away from the housing. 3.r Guide Rod Installation 1. Install the guide rod. To install, first insert the guide rod into the alignment hole located in the top wall of the front assembly. 2. Attach the washer and screw to the bottom of the guide rod, using a Phillips head screw driver. 35 P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R Figure P15 – Guide Rod Removal/Installation 36 P R O L Y T E 3.s A N A L Y Z E R Electrode Jack Removal 1. Insert the electrode jack wires into the supplied 11/32 inch nut driver. 2. Remove the hex nuts using the nut driver. 3. Pull the electrode jacks from the front housing of the analyzer, as shown in Figure P16. 3.t Electrode Jack Installation 1. Push the electrode jacks through the holes in the front of the analyzer, see Figure P16. 2. Insert the electrode jack wires into the 11/32 inch nut driver. 3. Attach the hex nut using the nut driver and tighten. 37 P R O L Y T E A N A L Y Z E R Figure P16 – Electrode Jack Removal/Installation 38 ">

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Key features
- Modular design
- Replaceable assemblies
- Peristaltic pump
- Probe motor
- Sample detector
Frequently asked questions
The Prolyte analyzer can perform analyses on whole blood, serum, plasma, and urine.
The main components include the CPU board, pump motor, probe motor, display, and electrode housing.
The sample detector senses the presence of air or liquid in the fluid path and communicates the position of the fluid inside the electrodes.
First check for any paper obstructions. If no obstructions are found, try connecting a test printer assembly to the CPU board. If the test printer works, replace the original printer assembly. If the test printer doesn't work, replace the CPU board.