Shark UL Flight Manual
The Shark UL is a composite, low-wing ultralight airplane designed for fast cross-country flights. It features a retractable undercarriage, tandem seating, and a powerful Rotax 912 ULS engine. This manual provides essential information about its operation, limitations, maintenance, and emergency procedures, ensuring a safe and enjoyable flying experience.
Flight manual UL aircraft FLIGHT MANUAL UL airplane SHARK.AERO s.r.o SHARK.AERO CZ s.r.o. Version: AFM Shark-EN 60_2017-05-17_final created from Czech original version : AFM_Shark-CZ_60_2017-04-22_certifikat.doc Flight manual UL aircraft Airplane Type / version: SHARK UL Serial number: Registration: Date of issue: LAA - Approval number and date: ULL - 05 / 2013 1.3. 2013 / 20.12. 2016 Manufacturer – stamp and signature : The airplane must be operated according to informations and limitations presented in this handbook. This handbook must be available to pilot at any time of the flight. Flight manual UL aircraft LIST OF THE REVISIONS AND THE EPAIRS Number of Ordinal document - It concerns to pages No. No. bulletin Date of issue Signature 1/13 5.3.2013 V.Pekár 2/13 2-1,2-2,2-6,2-9, 3-1 to 3-3, 3-6 to 3-8 4-1 to 4-11 5-1 to 5-5 6-2 7-8 to 7-10 appendix 3-3 format editing 2-6,2-7,6-1 to 6-7 3/13 2-6, 5-1,5-2,6-4,6-5,6-6 4.4.2013 4/15 2-4, 2-6, 7-10, 7-18, 8-6 28.4.2015 J. Skočej 5/16 57-00 6/16 57-02 7/16 57-03 8/16 57-04 9/17 57-05 10/17 57-06 15.3.2013 V.Pekár V.Pekár 1-2,2-3,2-4,2-6, 3-6, 4-3, 19.5.2016 V.Pekár 4-7, 4-11,4-12, 5-2 to 5-6, 6-6, 7-1, 7-10, 7-11, 7-12, 7-14, 7-15, 7-18 to 7-27, 8-6 4-13 17.7.2016 V.Pekár 3-6 to 3-9, 5-2, 5-3, 7-1, 22.8.2016 V.Pekár 7-7, 7-14,7-19 to 7-29 4-15, 6-7 to 6-9 22.12.2016 V.Pekár 1-2, 2-1, 2-8, 2-9, 4-15, 1.2.2017 6-2, 6-4, 6-5 Rewritten as a part of the 1.4.2017 LAA type certification requirements V.Pekár J.Dostál Flight manual UL aircraft Flight manual UL aircraft Content 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. 2.10. 2.11. 2.12. 2.12.1. 2.12.2. 2.13. 2.14. 3. 3.1. 3.1.1. 3.1.2. 3.1.3. 3.1.4. 3.2. 3.3. 3.3.1. 3.3.2. 3.3.3. 3.3.4. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 3.9. 3.10. General ........................................................................ 1-1 Introduction .................................................................. 1-1 Certification bases ....................................................... 1-1 Warnings, cautions and notes ..................................... 1-1 Airplane basic description ............................................ 1-2 Three view drawing...................................................... 1-3 Limitations .................................................................... 2-1 Airspeed ....................................................................... 2-1 Airspeed indicator markings ....................................... 2-1 analog airspeed indicator markings ............................. 2-2 Engine .......................................................................... 2-3 Engine instrument marking .......................................... 2-4 Weight limits ................................................................ 2-5 Center of gravity (CG).................................................. 2-6 Approved maneuvers................................................... 2-6 Maneuvering load factor G .......................................... 2-6 Flight crew ................................................................... 2-6 Kind of operation .......................................................... 2-7 Fuel .............................................................................. 2-7 Approved fuel types ..................................................... 2-7 Fuel tanks capacity ...................................................... 2-7 Other limitations ........................................................... 2-8 Placards ....................................................................... 2-9 Emergency procedures................................................ 3-1 Engine failure and emergency landing ........................ 3-1 Engine failure during take-off run ................................ 3-1 Engine failure during take-off ....................................... 3-1 In-flight engine failure .................................................. 3-2 Carburettor icing .......................................................... 3-2 In-flight engine restart .................................................. 3-2 Fire ............................................................................... 3-3 Engine fire on the ground ............................................ 3-3 Engine fire during take-off............................................ 3-3 Engine fire in flight ....................................................... 3-3 Cockpit / electrical fire .................................................. 3-4 Gliding .......................................................................... 3-4 Precautionary Landing ................................................. 3-4 Blown-Out Tire Landing ............................................... 3-4 Landing with Damaged Landing Gear ......................... 3-5 Landing gear retraction malfunction ............................ 3-5 Landing gear opening malfunction .............................. 3-5 Vibrations from engine or other engine problem ........ 3-6 Flight manual 3.11. 3.12. 3.13. 3.14. 3.14.1. 3.14.2. 3.15. 4. 4.1. 4.1.1. 4.1.2. 4.1.3. 4.1.4. 4.1.5. 4.1.6. 4.1.7. 4.2. 4.2.1. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. 4.9. 4.9.1. 4.10. 4.11. 4.11.1. 4.11.2. 4.11.3. 4.11.4. 4.11.5. 4.11.6. 4.12. 4.13. 4.14. 4.15. 4.16. 4.16.1. 4.16.2. 4.16.3. 4.16.4. UL aircraft Inadvertent icing encounter ......................................... 3-6 Extreme turbulence encounter .................................... 3-6 Electrical system malfunctions .................................... 3-7 Inadvertent Stall and spin recovery ............................. 3-8 Stall recovery ............................................................... 3-8 Spin recovery ............................................................... 3-8 USe of Rescue system ................................................ 3-9 Normal procedures ...................................................... 4-1 Pre-flight inspection ..................................................... 4-1 Cockpit ......................................................................... 4-1 Wing............................................................................. 4-2 Landing gear ................................................................ 4-2 Powerplant ................................................................... 4-2 Control cables .............................................................. 4-3 Tail unit and fuselage .................................................. 4-3 Turning on of electric devices ...................................... 4-3 Engine starting ............................................................. 4-3 Engine warm-up and test............................................. 4-4 Before taxiing ............................................................... 4-4 Taxiing ......................................................................... 4-6 Check on holding line .................................................. 4-6 normal take off ............................................................. 4-7 Climb............................................................................ 4-7 Cruise .......................................................................... 4-8 Approach ..................................................................... 4-8 Descent........................................................................ 4-8 Downwind .................................................................... 4-9 Normal landing ............................................................ 4-9 On Base Leg ................................................................ 4-9 On Final ....................................................................... 4-9 Landing ........................................................................ 4-9 After landing............................................................... 4-10 Engine shut down ...................................................... 4-10 Post-Flight Check ...................................................... 4-10 Short field take-off and landing procedures .............. 4-10 Balked landing procedures ........................................ 4-10 Fuel SYSTEM use ..................................................... 4-11 REPEATED TAKE OFF ............................................. 4-11 High speed flights ...................................................... 4-12 Turbulences ............................................................... 4-12 Maneuvering .............................................................. 4-12 Landing gear opening ................................................ 4-12 Propeller, engine RPM .............................................. 4-13 Flight manual 4.16.5. 4.16.6. 4.16.7. 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.3.1. 5.3.2. 5.3.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 6. 6.1. 7. 7.1. 7.1.1. 7.1.2. 7.1.3. 7.1.4. 7.1.5. 7.1.6. 7.1.7. 7.1.8. 7.1.9. 7.1.10. 7.2. 7.2.1. 7.2.2. 7.2.3. 7.3. 7.3.1. 7.3.2. 7.3.3. 7.3.4. 7.3.5. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. 7.7. 7.7.1. 7.8. UL aircraft Flaps .......................................................................... 4-13 Landing gear retraction .............................................. 4-13 Flutter, high altitude flights ......................................... 4-13 Performance ................................................................ 5-1 Airspeed indicator system calibration .......................... 5-1 Stall speed ................................................................... 5-2 TAKE-OFF Distance .................................................... 5-2 In flight adjustable prop. NEUFORM TXR2-V-70 ....... 5-2 In flight adjustable prop. Woodcomp SR3000/2WN .... 5-3 On ground adjustable prop. DUC SWIRL 1680 ........... 5-3 Landing distance .......................................................... 5-4 Rate of climb ................................................................ 5-4 Cruise, endurance, range ............................................ 5-5 Airplane empty weight and COG determination .......... 6-1 Weight and center of gravity determination for flight .. 6-3 Technical Description of the airplane .......................... 7-1 AIRFRAME .................................................................. 7-2 Fuselage ...................................................................... 7-2 Cockpit canopy ............................................................ 7-2 Engine cowlings ........................................................... 7-2 Wing ............................................................................. 7-3 Ailerons ........................................................................ 7-3 Flaps ............................................................................ 7-3 Horizontal stabilizer ..................................................... 7-3 Elevator ........................................................................ 7-3 Rudder ......................................................................... 7-3 Airplane exterior surface painting ................................ 7-4 Landing gear ................................................................ 7-4 Front undercarriage ..................................................... 7-4 Main undercarriage ...................................................... 7-5 Undercarriage retraction and extension ...................... 7-6 CONTROL SYSTEMS ................................................. 7-8 Elevator control ............................................................ 7-8 Aileron control .............................................................. 7-8 Rudder control ............................................................. 7-9 Flaps ............................................................................ 7-9 Elevator trim tab control ............................................... 7-9 ELECTRIC SYSTEM ................................................. 7-10 Fuel system ............................................................... 7-10 COCKPIT - interior and instruments .......................... 7-12 POWER UNIT.............................................................. 7-16 Technical data ........................................................... 7-17 PROPELLER ............................................................. 7-18 Flight manual 7.8.1. 7.8.2. 7.8.3. 7.8.4. 7.9. 7.9.1. 7.9.2. 7.9.3. 7.10. 7.11. 7.12. 7.13. 7.14. 8. 8.1 8.1.1. 8.1.2. 8.1.3. 8.1.4. 8.1.5. 8.1.6. 8.1.7. 8.1.8. 8.2. 8.3. 8.3.1. 8.3.2. 8.3.3. 8.4. 8.5. 8.6. 9. UL aircraft DUC SWIRL 3 blade, on the ground adjustable propeller, diameter 1680 mm..................................... 7-18 Woodcomp SR 3000 2W two blade in flight electrically adjustable propeller ................................................... 7-19 Woodcomp KW 20W - two blade hydraulically in flight adjustable .................................................................. 7-20 Neuform TXR2-V-70 .................................................. 7-21 Rescue system .......................................................... 7-22 Description of rescue system Stratos/Junkers Magnum 501 ............................................................................. 7-22 The activation mechanism ......................................... 7-23 Rescue system installation ........................................ 7-24 Towing system ........................................................... 7-25 Position lights............................................................. 7-26 Landing Light ............................................................. 7-26 ELT Unit ..................................................................... 7-27 Autopilot ..................................................................... 7-28 Airplane handling, care and maintenance ................... 8-1 Wing Dismounting ....................................................... 8-1 Remove flaps ............................................................... 8-1 Disconnect aileron controls ......................................... 8-2 Disconnect rear wing spar pin ..................................... 8-2 Disassemble the main wing spar pins ......................... 8-2 Disconnect fuel hoses and fuel sensors sockets......... 8-3 Remove wing spars out of center-wing ....................... 8-3 Disconnect pitostatic system hoses ............................ 8-3 Secure wings by hangaring (transport) jigs ................. 8-3 Stabilizer disassembly ................................................. 8-3 Parking and mooring ................................................... 8-4 General ........................................................................ 8-4 Cover of pitot tube ....................................................... 8-4 Mooring ........................................................................ 8-4 Hangaring, Ground Handling ....................................... 8-5 Towing ......................................................................... 8-6 Tire pressure................................................................ 8-6 Supplements ................................................................ 9-1 Flight manual UL aircraft 1. GENERAL 1.1. INTRODUCTION This handbook is provided with your airplane to allow you obtain as much knowledge as possible for the airplane operation. Read this manual before your first flight and make sure you understand all the information summarized here. 1.2. CERTIFICATION BASES This aircraft was manufactured in accordance ultralight airworthiness standards and does not conform to standard category airworthiness requirements. The following standards were used for approval and testing: UL-2 LTF-UL Czech Republic requirements of LAA German requirements for ultralight airplanes ASTM standard Requirements for Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) valid in USA and used as a background for European light airplane standards. 1.3. WARNINGS, CAUTIONS AND NOTES The following definitions applied to WARNINGS, CAUTIONS and NOTES are used in this manual: WARNING: INFORMATION which could prevent personnel injury or loss of life CAUTION: INFORMATION which could prevent damage of equipment NOTE: INFORMATION of special importance to pilot Page 1-1 Flight manual 1.4. UL aircraft AIRPLANE BASIC DESCRIPTION SHARK is an all-composite low-wing ultralight airplane with retractable undercarriage, tandem seats configuration, designed for fast cross-country flights. Airplane is equipped with 100HP Rotax 912 ULS engine and one of propellers acc. paragraph 7.8. Wing span 7,9 m Length 6,85 m Height 2,3 m Wing area 9,5 m2 MAC length 1,237 m 3,53° / 13,8° / 39,8° Swept wing angles Existing version of the airplane, approved by calculations and tests, cover installation of engines Rotax 912ULS with optional equipment. All versions are calculated and tested for MTOW 600kg, but this specific Flight manual has defined limits, valid for UL category in Czech Republic under LAA CZ. Marking of a specific airplane version is defined in introduction of this flight manual. Deviations from the basic version are described in the following box: Page 1-2 Flight manual 1.5. UL aircraft THREE VIEW DRAWING Page 1-3 Flight manual UL aircraft 2. LIMITATIONS All speeds shown in this manual are indicated speeds. The conversion table in chapter 5.1. can be used to get the real speeds. 2.1. AIRSPEED Speed IAS km/h CAS km/h VNE Never exceed speed 327 333 VRA Maximal speed in hard turbulence 249 250 VA Maneuvering speed 175 170 VFE Maximum speed with open flaps 143 140 WARNING: Above Maneuvering speed use only small deflections of control surfaces - the airplane may be easily overloaded! 2.2. AIRSPEED INDICATOR MARKINGS NEVER EXCEED SPEED: 327 - EFIS/EMS Dynon SkyView km/h CAUTION RANGE: 249 - 327 km/h NORMAL OPERATION RANGE: 105 - 249 km/h FLAPS OPERATING RANGE: 50 - 143 km/h Strana 2-1 Flight manual 2.3. UL aircraft ANALOG AIRSPEED INDICATOR MARKINGS NEVER EXCEED SPEED: FLAPS OPERATING RANGE: 327m/h 50 - 143 km/h CAUTION RANGE: NORMAL OPERATION RANGE: 249 - 327 km/h 105 - 249 km/h CAUTION: All speeds in this manual are determined by primary airspeed indicator displayed on EFIS (Dynon SkyView, FLYMAP). Analog airspeed indicator, used as emergency one, may indicate slightly different speeds – see item 5.1. Page 2-2 Flight manual 2.4. UL aircraft ENGINE SHARK is powered by 100HP ROTAX 912 ULS engine. Airplane Engine type Max. take-off power (kW) Max. continuous power (kW) Max. engine speed (5 min) Max. engine speed (continuous) Max. cylinder head temperature (°C) Max. oil temperature (°C) SHARK ROTAX 912 ULS 73,5 69 5 800 ot/min 5 500 ot/min 150 140 0,8 below 3500 rpm Oil pressure - minimum (bar) 2,0 above 3500 rpm Oil pressure: maximum, cold start only (bar) Oil pressure: normal operation (bar) Fuel pressure: min-max (bar) 7 2,0 – 5,0 0,15 – 0,4 -25°C Operation range of outside temperature + 50°C For more details see Operator’s Manual for all versions of Rotax 912 supplied with the engine. WARNING: Flying this aircraft must always be done with the possibility of a safe landing due to loss of engine power. The pilot is fully responsible for consequences of such failure Page 2-3 Flight manual 2.5. UL aircraft ENGINE INSTRUMENT MARKING The airplane is equipped with the integrated engine display. Values can be displayed in the integrated EFIS/EMS (Dynon SkyView, FLYMAP, GARMIN ...), on separate EMS unit (MiniEIS, EMSIS, VIGILUS ...) or on conventional imaging devices. An example of FLYMAP engine operating variables: Warning limits of Indicator Unit: 912 ULS TACH - Max. RPM [1/min] 5800 EGT - Exhaust gas temperature [ºC] 860 CHT - Cylinder head temperature [ºC] 150 OIL - Oil temperature [ºC] 140 - Oil pressure, max [bar] 7 - Oil pressure, min [bar] 0,8 - Oil pressure, normal [bar] 2–5 - Engine room temperature [ºC] 70 70 ERT [ºC] TFUEL - Fuel temperature normal values are displayed in green color values with higher attention are displayed in yellow critical values are displayed in red Page 2-4 Flight manual 2.6. UL aircraft WEIGHT LIMITS Empty weight: standard version Empty weight: fully equiped (kg) (kg) 290 kg 320 kg (max 325 kg) Max. take-off weight: NO Ballistic Recovery System installed (kg) Max. take-off weight: Ballistic Recovery System installed Max. crew weight: 450 kg 472,5 kg (kg) 177 kg (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) calculated for max take-off weight Min. crew weight: Max. crew weight: rear seat Max. one pilot weight: Max. weight in baggage compartment - for solo flight from front seat (kg) Max. weight in baggage compartment (kg) 55 kg 95 kg 110 kg 25 kg 10 kg MAXIMAL CREW WEIGHT (kg) depends on fuel and baggage quantity Fuel tank filling Fuel gauge indication Fuel quantity in liters kg Baggage weight full 3/4 1/2 1/4 30 min of flight 100 75 50 25 5 72 54 36 18 3,6 Max: 10 kg ½ : 5 kg Without baggage Max. crew weight has to be written indelibly for specific measured weight of airplane. WARNING: Do not exceed these weight limits. Pay attention to fuel quantity, especially when 2 persons are on board. DO NOT EXCEED maximum take-off weight. Page 2-5 Flight manual 2.7. UL aircraft CENTER OF GRAVITY (CG) The values for ready to fly airplane (including fuel, crew, baggage). Front center of gravity limit 16 % MAC Rear center of gravity limit 34 % MAC See Section 6 for center of gravity calculation. Retraction of landing gear moves CG 0,5-1% backwards. 2.8. APPROVED MANEUVERS The Shark Airplane may perform: - turns required for normal flying - practicing falls - steep turn (max. bank 60°) WARNING: All maneuvers must be performed with a positive overload because the fuel and lubrication system is designed for positive overloads. All maneuvers must be performed in a maneuver envelope with maximum positive + 4g and negative -2g overload. WARNING: Aerobatics, intentional stalls and spins are prohibited. Maximum angle of bank: 60° 2.9. MANEUVERING LOAD FACTOR G Flap up 0° Maximum positive center of gravity load factor Maximum negative center of gravity load factor +4 -2 Flaps down Maximum positive center of gravity load factor Maximum negative center of gravity load factor +2 0 2.10. FLIGHT CREW Minimum crew on board Maximum crew on board 1 pilot 2 persons Page 2-6 Flight manual 2.11. UL aircraft KIND OF OPERATION WARNING: Only VFR day flights are permitted. WARNING: IFR flights and flying in clouds is prohibited. Flights in icing conditions are prohibited. 2.12. FUEL 2.12.1. Approved fuel types Premium unleaded automtive fuel (Natural 95 in Czech - Standard spec. for Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel, ASTM D 4814) or AVGAS 100 LL. NOTE: Due to the higher lead content in AVGAS, the wear of the valve seats, the deposits in combustion chamber and lead sediments in the lubrication system will increase. Therefore, use AVGAS only if other fuel types are not available. For more details see Operator’s Manual for all versions of Rotax 912 supplied with the engine. 2.12.2. Fuel tanks capacity Standard Fuel tank types Fuel tank capacity (each wing tank) Total fuel capacity Long Range 50 liters 75 liters 100 liters 150 liters 1 liter Unusable fuel Page 2-7 Flight manual 2.13. UL aircraft OTHER LIMITATIONS Max. crosswind component 16 knots ( 8 m/s ) Max. wind in runway direction 30 knots ( 15 m/s ) Maximum outside temperature 50° C Minimum outside temperature -25° C Heavy rain or excessive moisture can cause mild decrease of airplane performance. During these poor conditions we recommend to increase take-off and landing speed approximately about 10 km/hour. WARNING: No smoking on board! Page 2-8 Flight manual 2.14. UL aircraft PLACARDS Production label: SHARK.AERO SHARK UL 034/2017 … The serial number of the particular airplane (total serial number / year of manufacture) Registration label: Matriculation: Producer: SHARK Aero spol. s r.o. Type/Name : SHARK Production number/year: Empty weight: kg Max. take-off weight: 472,5 kg Front and rear seat / luggage weight limit label: Front seat limit solo 2+lugg. 2 max Rear seat limit 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 Luggages limit kg kg kg Basic information placards: This product is not subject of the Czech Civil Aviation Authority approval and is operated at the user's own risk. AEROBATICS MANEUVERS AND INTENTIONAL SPINS ARE PROHIBITED Page 2-9 25 kg 10 kg 0 kg Flight manual UL aircraft Basic LAA CZ label: OPERATION INFORMATIONS AND LIMITS - speeds IAS Matriculation Empty weight kg Max. take-off weight kg Max. payload kg 25 / 10 Min / Max. pilot weight 55 / 110 Max. passanger weigh (rear seat) 95 Stalling speed with flaps VSO 50 Max. speed with not-retracted undercarriage VLO 150 Maximum flap extended speed VFE 143 Max maneuvering speed VA 175 Max speed in hard turbulency VRA 249 Never exceed speed VNE 327 Max. baggage weight for 1 pers. / 2. pers. kg kg kg km/hour km/hour km/hour km/hour km/hour km/hour MAXIMAL CREW WEIGHT (kg) DEPEND ON FUEL AND BAGGAGE QUANTITY Fuel tank filling Baggage weight Fuel gauge indication Fuel quantity in liters full 3/4 1/2 1/4 30min of flight 100 75 50 25 5 Max: 10 kg ½: 5 kg Without baggage Engine limit information: ENGINE SPEED Max. take-off (max 5min) Max. continuous Idling Page 2-10 5 800 rpm 5 500 rpm 1 400 rpm Flight manual UL aircraft 50 liters 75 liters Natural 95 Natural 95 min. MON 85 RON 95 min. MON 85 RON 95 FUEL TANK VOLUME. LIMIT - standard FUEL TANK VOLUME LIMIT - LongRange Baggage max. / solo flight 10 / 25 kg tyre 300 kPa BAGGAGE WEIGHT LIMIT TYRES PRESSURE - on the wing, walk-around area for access to cockpit - on the aerodynamic control surfaces Rescue system info - on the tail / small on the Rescue System cover Page 2-11 Flight manual UL aircraft 3. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES This section provides checklist of emergency situations which may occur. Emergency situations caused by airplane or engine malfunction are extremely rare with proper preflight inspections and maintenance. However, an emergency situation may occur. The guidelines, described in this section, should be applied to solve the problems. All air speed values in this chapter are presented in km/h - Indicated Airspeed. 3.1. ENGINE FAILURE AND EMERGENCY LANDING - 3.1.1. Engine failure during take-off run throttle reduce to idle ignition off master switch off brakes as required 3.1.2. Engine failure during take-off - airspeed - landing site - master switch ignition fuel tank valve fuel pump flaps undercarriage safety belts - 120 km/h - below 150 ft - land straight ahead - above 150 ft - choose suitable landing area in the runway direction or nearest suitable site clear of obstacles. off off shut off extend as needed extended / check tighten after touchdown: - brakes as required Page 3-1 Flight manual 3.1.3. UL aircraft In-flight engine failure - airspeed - trim - landing site selection 120 km/h trim select Check situation, if master switch and ignition are on and fuel valve is open, continue according to procedure 3.2. (in-flight engine start) or by emergency landing according to procedure 3.1.2 (if the engine cannot be started up). 3.1.4. Carburettor icing - airspeed - throttle 140 km/h (optimal) try to find RPM with smallest loss of power - leave the icing area (if possible) - after 1-2 minutes increase slowly engine power to cruise speed - when engine power is not recovered, land on the nearest airfield or off-airfield following the procedure described in Chyba! Nenašiel sa žiaden zdroj odkazov. 3.2. IN-FLIGHT ENGINE RESTART - airspeed 120 km/h - master switch fuel tank valve choke fuel pump throttle on open tank with more fuel (check) closed (as the engine is warm) on idle (when choke is activated), 1/3 of travel otherwise. - ignition on - starter start up - if the engine cannot be started up (not enough power from battery), increase the airspeed to 150-170 km/h to rotate the propeller to support the engine starting. WARNING: Loss of height needed for in-flight engine starting is approximately 600 ft. Page 3-2 Flight manual 3.3. FIRE 3.3.1. - UL aircraft Engine fire on the ground fuel tank valve off throttle full ignition off master switch off leave the airplane and extinguish fire (if possible) fire damage inspect WARNING: DO NOT TAKE ANY FURTHER FLIGHT BEFORE THE FIRE CAUSE HAS BEEN DETERMINED AND REPAIRED. 3.3.2. Engine fire during take-off - throttle idle - fuel tank valve off - if already airborne keep airspeed 120 km/h and land - brakes as necessary to stop the airplane after the airplane stops: - throttle full - ignition off - leave the airplane and extinguish fire (if possible) - 3.3.3. Engine fire in flight fuel tank valve off throttle full airspeed increase – try to extinguish the flames. Do not exceed VNE landing site selection use nearest airfield or a suitable landing site for emergency landing ignition off master switch off airspeed 120 km/h wings flaps extend as needed undercarriage extend/check safety belts tighten perform emergency landing leave the airplane and extinguish fire (if possible) WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RESTART THE ENGINE Page 3-3 Flight manual UL aircraft WARNING: DO NOT TAKE ANY FURTHER FLIGHT BEFORE THE FIRE CAUSE HAS BEEN DETERMINED AND REPAIRED REPAIRED. 3.3.4. Cockpit / electrical fire - cockpit vents and windows open all vents and windows to remove smoke from the cockpit - electric equipment switches switch off all electric equipment not needed for safe landing Land as soon as possible. Extinguish fire as soon as possible. 3.4. GLIDING 125 km/h Optimal gliding speed Gliding ratio (at 125 -135 km/h), no flaps 3.5. 1 : 12 PRECAUTIONARY LANDING - choose suitable landing site, evaluate wind (direction and speed), surface, slope and obstacles - perform a fly-over at a speed of 125 km/h, above the selected landing site at suitable height (150 ft recommended), observe the landing site - follow normal landing checklist and land after touchdown perform following: - 3.6. ignition master switch fuel tank valve brakes off off off as required BLOWN-OUT TIRE LANDING Use normal approach and landing procedure, keep damaged wheel above the ground during the flare as long as possible using ailerons (or elevator for the nose wheel). Page 3-4 Flight manual 3.7. UL aircraft LANDING WITH DAMAGED LANDING GEAR Use normal approach and landing procedure, keep the damaged wheel, or unopened wheel, or wheel with unlocked leg, above ground during the flare as long as possible using ailerons (or elevator for the nose wheel). 3.8. LANDING GEAR RETRACTION MALFUNCTION - switch off landing gear circuit switch/breaker - climb to safe altitude where you can continue flight without stress - switch on landing gear circuit/breaker and activate landing gear opening procedure – speed bellow 130 km/h - check visually locked landing gear struts - do not use airplane if landing gear system is not checked, repaired and adjusted by authorised person. Note: 3.9. Electric system of landing gear has safety switch installed, activated by air pressure from pitostatic tube. This system block retracting below speed 115 km/h, and activates warning sound and blinking alarm if all 3 legs are not opened and locked below this speed. LANDING GEAR OPENING MALFUNCTION If any malfunction occurs during opening procedure of landing gear - switch off landing gear circuit switch/breaker climb to safe altitude where you can continue flight without stress reduce and keep speed on 120 km/h switch on landing gear circuit switch/breaker and activate landing gear opening procedure - if landing gear is not fully opened and locked, activate retracting of LG, and then try to open it again. Combination of plus and minus G load can help release the system if there is a mechanical failure - if some leg of landing gear is not fully open or locked, use landing gear emergency release. Open small flaps, reduce speed to 120 km/h, switch off landing gear circuit, pull off red emergency release handle of dysfunctional leg - check visually locked landing gear struts Page 3-5 Flight manual UL aircraft EMERGENCY LANDING GEAR EXTRACTING - if you have any doubts the landing gear is properly open and locked, check visually yellow-black flag-arrow via check windows this visual check is superior to electronic information in case of one leg stays locked, safe procedure is to retract other legs as well, and perform belly landing. When landing on grass, close flaps, stop engine with 2 blades proppeler in horizontal position to reduce demage to minimum CAUTION: When landing gear emergency release is used, landing gear stays open without possibility to retract it without re-assembling by authorised technician! 3.10. VIBRATIONS FROM ENGINE OR OTHER ENGINE PROBLEM Vibrations: - use engine power with minimal vibrations - in case the airplane has in flight adjustable propeller try to find in manual control regime angle with minimal vibrations - land as soon as possible, consider off-airfield landing if vibrations increase Oil pressure drop - probability of engine failure. In this case reduce engine power and land as soon as possible (before the failure occurs), consider off-airfield landing. 3.11. INADVERTENT ICING ENCOUNTER - throttle - course - altitude increase above normal cruise settings reverse or alter as required to avoid icing climb (if possible) 3.12. EXTREME TURBULENCE ENCOUNTER - airspeed recommend 200 km/h (VRA=249 km/h) - safety belts - loose objects tighten fixed Page 3-6 Flight manual 3.13. UL aircraft ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS In case of electric system malfunction we have 3 indicators providing informations about system status. Charging indicator - red LED on left top edge of instrument panel. Providing primary information about electric regulator status. - normal function: with the ENGINE START switch on, and engine turned off, the LED is blinking, because generator doesnt provide energy. With running engine, generator provides energy, regulator provides volts and ampers to appliances and for battery charging, and LED stops blinking. - failure: is signalised by blinking of red LED, while the engine is running, it signalizes the regulator doesn´t provide energy. Appliances take energy from main battery or backup batteries, which have limited cappacity. The flight may continue for several minutes. Carburator engine will run even in full failure of electric system, energy for spark plugs is generated by magnetos, independent on the rest of the electric system. Engine with injection fuel system is limited by battery capacity, as it needs power for high pressure fuel pump and electronic control unit. Appliances requiring electric power will run until the batteries run out. With both batteries discharged, electric control of landing gear will be inoperative. Emergency opening of landing gear manually will be necessary. Flaps will be inoperative, landing will be possible with closed flaps only. Radio and transponder will be inoperative too. Voltmeter: when the engine is off, voltmeter shows battery voltage. Normal value is between 12 to 13,5 V. Below 11 V the battery is empty and engine start will probably not be possible. With a running engine, voltmeter shows voltage provided by regulator. Normal level is 13,5 - 14,4 V. If failure of regulator occurs, followed by blinking indicator, it is necessary to check volts, if they gradually decrease with time, it signalise loss of battery voltage, battery is discharged. If battery voltage drops under 10,5 V, some instruments stop working. Damage of battery can occur in the same time. Ammeter: shows current flowing from or to the battery. With engine off, ammeter indicates possitive values, battery is providing current, is discharging. Normal level is 1 to 6 Amps, depends on the number of devices turned on. With running engine, batteries are charged, Page 3-7 Flight manual UL aircraft ammeter shows negative values. When the battery is low, ampers can reach -15 Amps. When battery is charged, current slowly decreases. After few minutes of flight, battery is charged, and ammeter starts showing zero values. This indicates fully charged battery. In case of regulator failure, when current is provided by battery, the ammeter shows plus Amps. Procedure: if charging indicator is blinking - switch off all instruments unnecessary for the flight. Make safety landing at the closest airport and fix the problem. 3.14. INADVERTENT STALL AND SPIN RECOVERY Stall or spin should not occur during normal flight and both are prohibited. 3.14.1. Stall recovery - push down the nose of airplane by pushing the control stick – to increase speed - gradually increase power Loss of altitude in straight direction after stall is: 450 - 500 ft = 137 - 150 m 3.14.2. Spin recovery WARNING: Spin characteristics of the airplane have not been tested. A procedure bellow is for information purposes only. - throttle aileron rudder control stick idle neutral opposite to rotation pushed Once the rotation is stopped, get rudder back to neutral position and establish a level flight. Page 3-8 Flight manual 3.15. UL aircraft USE OF RESCUE SYSTEM - engine off - pull red handle of ballistic recovery system placed between legs of both pilots - protect your body WARNING: Rescue system is secured by pin with red flag „REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT“, which needs to be removed before every flight. In case you forget to pull the pin out, remove it before use. CAUTION: When the rescue system is used, damage of airplane always occures. Page 3-9 Flight manual UL aircraft 4. NORMAL PROCEDURES 4.1. PRE-FLIGHT INSPECTION 4.1.1. - Cockpit Master switch and ignition Attachment and position of seats Safety belts Instruments and equipment Control stick Rudder pedals - Rudder and aileron cable control Engine control Brakes Fuel Condition of the composite shell and transparent canopy - Oil quantity Page 4-1 off check, adjust inspect inspect inspect, freedom of movement inspect, freedom of movement (consider nose wheel control) inspect inspect, freedom of movement function check (level) check between MIN and MAX marks Flight manual 4.1.2. UL aircraft Wing - Wing - Hinges, saving - Ailerons - inspect surface and damages inspect inspect, freedom of movement and deflections Flaps, hinges, control tube, bolts, nuts, securing inspect Fuel tank tightness and caps inspect Pitot tube inspect Fuel tank ventilation holes in flap hinges inspect 4.1.3. - - Landing gear and brake system Landing gear leg and attachment Shock absorber of the nose landing gear Rubber shock absorber of the main landing gear Retracting system of undercarriage (locking strut, gas springs, steel springs, cables for retracting, emergency locks + bowdens, servo for front leg, sensors for opened and retracted position) Doors of retractable undercarriage Tire pressure Main and rear wing pins securing Fuel filters Connection and condition of fuel hoses Connectors and wiring to sensors in fuel tank 4.1.4. - Landing gear inspect inspect inspect inspect inspect inspect check inspect inspect inspect inspect Powerplant Engine, propeller general condition inspect Safety pins and wires inspect Engine mount and engine bed inspect Exhaust silencer inspect Ignition system inspect Fuel system - hoses and pump inspect, drain the system Cooling fluid inspect Propeller turn (until you hear burp sound) Oil level check inspect, refill if needed Page 4-2 Flight manual UL aircraft 4.1.5. Control cables - Rudder control cables inspect condition and tension - Turnbuckles, bowdens, safety wire inspect - 4.1.6. Tail unit and fuselage Tail unit surface and damages inspect Control surfaces freedom of movement, deflection Trim tab inspect Nut + securing on stabilizer rear pin inspect Bolts + nuts + controls inspect Fuselage inspect surface 4.1.7. Turning on of electric devices - the audio sequence is played when the EFIS SkyView unit is turned on. It tests the sound. Radio must be turned on. - when the landing gear circuit is turned ON, the signal diodes start blinking and acoustic signal is played. This checks functionality of these devices. - when flaps circuit is turned ON, top green LED starts blinking, and it is necessary to press related button. If flaps are not in zero position, they will retract to zero position. 4.2. - ENGINE STARTING pre-flight inspection completed safety belts adjust and fasten instruments values check, settings canopy closed, locked master switch switch on fuel tank valve (left / full tank) open choke activate (cold engine only) throttle Idle for cold engine, 1/3 of travel for warm engine cowl flaps open pre-heating of carburettors as required fuel pump on (if left tank is used) control stick pulled brakes on propeller area “clear” ignition switch on starter turn on for max 10 sec, then 2 min. cooling after engine start up set the idle speed Page 4-3 Flight manual UL aircraft - instruments check out indication (oil pressure must rise within 10 seconds) - choke switch off slowly (cold engine only) - avionics and other switches switch on as required - 4.2.1. Engine warm-up and test Warm up to operating temperature - first at idle or 2000 RPM for 2 minutes, then at 2500 RPM to reach oil temperature of 50 °C. Check out temperature and pressure values - must be within operating limits all the time. Check out the maximum power - speed around 5000 RPM depends on used propeller - Check out ignition (magnetos) - set 4 000 RPM - drop should not exceed 300 RPM on either magneto - difference between magnetos shouldn´t exceed 120 RPM - Check idle - 1600 RPM ±100 CAUTION: Perform the engine check on suitable terrain heading upwind. Consider also safety of other persons. Do not operate the engine for longer time than necessary and allow sufficient cooling before switching off. 4.3. BEFORE TAXIING Check from left to right: - seat - headset - seatbelts adjust connected locked, tightened Left side of cabin: - items below armrests - check copilot if ready - cabin - cabin windows - kneeboard + pen - fuel tank valve - throttle - choke - cooling (cowl flaps) - ventilations - airstream - items below knees secured, fixed headset, seatbelts closed, locked, front + rear closed, front + rear write down data, time left 2500 rpm closed opened opened secured, fixed Page 4-4 Flight manual UL aircraft Left side of instrument panel: - items in drawer secured, fixed - flaps lever visual check 0,1,2,3, adjust 1 - take-off position - landing gear breaker ON - position of landing switch DOWN (neutral) - landing lights 3 green - landing gear struts arrows visual check of locked position - charging control light off –>check - adjustable propeller auto, take-off or manual, set min. angle Middle of instrument panel: - GPS ON, adjust - EFIS ON, adjust - QNH adjust - AOA/stall warning ON, check function - EMS ON, check pressure and temperature – in green - fuel amount quantity check, minimum 10 litres in left fuel tank - radio ON, adjust frequency, check function - intercom ON if passenger is on board, check function - transponder ON, adjust (7000) - magneto 1+2 ON - master switch ON Right side of instrument panel: - EFIS alarm LED no warning - backup altitude adjust QNH - switches/breakers ON - fuel pump ON - lights ON - optional instruments check + adjust (ELT, CO detect, FLARM, IPHONE..) Right side of cabin: - ventilation - airstream open - heating according to need - ventilation open - control stick free movement elevator + ailerons - trim neutral - items below armrest fixed, secured - items below knees fixed, secured Page 4-5 Flight manual UL aircraft Middle of the cabin: - pedals - brakes - parking brake - handle of rescue system - runway and take-off area - radio 4.4. adjust, free movement press, check function open remove pin (at front seat) check of availability report line-up TAXIING The maximum taxiing speed is 10 km/h (walking speed). Always check brakes functionality as soon as the airplane start taxiing. Do not use too much brake in snowy conditions, melting ice can freeze on brake discs. Check the temperatures in summer to avoid overheating of the engine. In case of high temperatures and VAPOR LOCK risk, open the oil check cap. In temperatures above 70 oC there is a risk of VAPOR LOCK in the engine compartment, let the engine cool down. 4.5. - CHECK ON HOLDING LINE Cabin Control Fuel selector Mouth Flaps Propeller Circuit breakers Engine pressure and temperature Fuel pump Trim Handle of rescue system Radio Page 4-6 closed check, free left opened position 1 take-off set (as needed) check ON neutral release report Flight manual 4.6. UL aircraft NORMAL TAKE OFF - Pedal brakes - Throttle release full power Drive straight ahead. Lift slightly nose wheel at about 50 km/h IAS. Take off at speed around 90 km/h, accelerate and climb. Do not climb until speed 115 km/h is reached. WARNING: Do not take-off when engine is not running smoothly or runway is occupied. initial climb speed 120 km/h engine speed reduce to max 5 500 RPM engine instruments check landing gear retract above 150 ft, when speed is over 120 km/h, check 3 red marks - wing flaps flaps up above 150 ft, at speed 120 km/h - trim trim - fuel pump off, when level flight - Note: In landing gear electric circuit is installed the pressure switch, connected to pitotstatic sytem, and adjusted to speed 115 km/h. This should prevent unintentional retraction of landing gear on the ground. Control unit does not retract landing gear, until the speed is reached. Opening of landing gear is not blocked by this switch. It works at any speed. If all 3 wheels of landing gear are not opened and locked below this speed, pressure switch activates sound and light warning system. Inspection of opened and properly locked landing gear is realized visually via small check windows. 4.7. CLIMB - throttle - airspeed - temperature 5 500 RPM max 120 to 180 km/h as required (130 km/h best angle, 180 km/h best climbing) check maximum, if needed reduce power to avoid overheating Page 4-7 Flight manual 4.8. - UL aircraft CRUISE bring the airplane into horizontal flight in-flight adjustable propeller 4 000 – 5 500 RPM throttle 24 inHg – full (as required) airspeed as required engine instruments check fuel tank valves switch between tanks when necessary WARNING: Do not forget to switch the wing tanks supplying the engine on regular basis to prevent fuel starvation. When both fuel tanks are full or almost full, always select the left tank. Followed values are recommended for ideal airplane use: Standard SHARK version Engine Rotax 912 ULS Take-off power Max. continuous power 75 % 65 % 55 % 4.9. Engine speed (1/min) 5800 5500 5000 4800 4300 Power (kW) 73,5 69,0 51,0 44,6 38,0 Intake Torque pressure (Nm) (in Hg) 121,0 27,5 119,8 27 97,4 26 88,7 26 84,3 24 APPROACH 4.9.1. Descent - throttle - engine instruments as required check WARNING: Avoid prolonged operation with IDLE during the flight as the engine may become overcooled and lose the power. If higher descent is needed, there is possbility to extend flaps under 140 km/h, and extend the undercarriage. Side slip is not efficient, steep descend is reached with flaps III. Page 4-8 Flight manual 4.10. - UL aircraft DOWNWIND power airspeed engine instruments fuel tank valve fuel pump safety belts approach area and landing site undercarriage - TWR 4.11. - 4 000 – 5 000 rpm reduce to 120-130 km/h check left, if there is enough fuel ON, if left tank is selected tighten situation check open (3 green lights on) visual check report (3 green) NORMAL LANDING 4.11.1. On Base Leg power airspeed engine instruments wing flaps adjustable propeller trim final leg airspace 3 000 rpm, or according to need 120 km/h check take-off position ( position I ) take off position trim situation check 4.11.2. On Final - airspeed - power - engine instruments - wing flaps - trim - check of landing site 90 - 110 km/h adjust as needed check landing position (II or III) trim situation check 4.11.3. Landing At a height 30 ft set the engine at idle speed.. Maintain speed of 90-100 km/h till the flare. When flaring at a height of 1-2 ft above the ground, decelerate gradually by pulling the control stick backward till the airplane lands. Keep pulling control stick to avoid immediate contact of the front wheel with the ground. Page 4-9 Flight manual - - UL aircraft 4.11.4. After landing brakes wing flaps trim flaps fuel pump use as needed retract neutral 0 or 1 off 4.11.5. Engine shut down power cool down the engine at 2 000 rpm (if necessary) avionics and other switches off ignition off master switch off fuel tank valve off - closed secure the airplane use parking brake, anchor an airplane, or otherwise secure the airplane against free movement. 4.11.6. Post-Flight Check Check the airplane overall condition. 4.12. SHORT FIELD TAKE-OFF AND LANDING PROCEDURES Normal procedures can be followed for short take off. Use second landing flaps setting together with approach speed 90 - 100 km/h. 4.13. - BALKED LANDING PROCEDURES power airspeed engine instruments wing flaps trim landing gear wing flaps trimming power climb max. 5 500 r.p.m 120 km/h check take-off (position 1) trim retract, check 3 red retract in 150 ft trim max. 5 500 rpm 120 km/h Page 4-10 Flight manual 4.14. UL aircraft FUEL SYSTEM USE Fuel system consists of two integral fuel tanks connected by fuel valve. It is necessary to check fuel level and switch between tanks if needed. According to requirements of engine manufacturer, the fuel system possess of return line back to left fuel tank. Electric fuel pump is installed behind fuel valve, it works for both tanks. NORMAL USE of FUEL SYSTEM: START FROM LEFT FUEL TANK 2. Switch between tanks as needed. 3. Fuel return system draws fuel back into left fuel tank, pilot should check it continuously and switch back to left tank when right one is nearly empty. 1. Do not start from right fuel tank, when left tank is full !!! Excess fuel is returned to the full left tank and continues through air vent out of the airplane. 4.15. REPEATED TAKE OFF During the hot days problem with engine re-startup can occur, caused by overheated fuel in the engine space,. Fuel starts boiling at 70-80°C. Formed bubbles cause irregular fuel supply and engine can fails during take off. This effect is called Vapour Lock. To reduce risk of Vapour Lock, T connection of return line is placed in highest position of fuel hoses. Most of the airplanes has one or two temperature sensors inside engine space and at fuel hose installed, so pilot has information about these temperatures. Temperatures over 60 oC has yellow indication, attention is needed, over 70 oC has red indication, risk of Vapour Lock. Recommendation is to cool engine down, turn airplane against the wind and run engine at idle, or stop it and let it cool down. During hot days, we recommend to keep oil doors on upper motorcowling open, to reduce this problem. There is no risk of Vapour Lock during the flight. After take off engine compartment cools down to temperature about 20 oC above the air temperature. Engine producer recommend to use AVGAZ fuel in case of Vapor Lock issues. Page 4-11 Flight manual UL aircraft WARNING: Before repeated take-off, during the hot days, is necessary to let the engine run for a longer time and test full throttle to be sure the engine fuel supply is without any problems. 4.16. HIGH SPEED FLIGHTS Because Shark cruising speed is higher comparing to average ultralights, there are certain risks the pilot should know about. 4.16.1. Turbulences Shark economy cruise speed is 230 km/h. Normal cruise speed is 250 km/h and during faster flights 270 km/h. Max speed at full continuous power is 280-300 km/h. Max speed depends on installed systems as landing gear doors, airbox, injection, exhaust, weight, temperature, altitude. Speed 250 km/h is possible to use for planning long trips, it is acceptable even in turbulences. Speed 270 km/h is comfortable for passangers when used in conditions of lower turbulences. Speeds over 280 km/h is comfortable only in very low turbulences. In extremely high turbulences is good to reduce speed to 180-200 km/h. 4.16.2. Maneuvering Maneuvering speed, when pilot can use full deflections of system, is 170 km/h, and airplane can reach load factor 4. cruising speed is significantly higher, so is is necessary to use movements of control system. Fast maneuvers can easily strength limits. control Normal smooth exceed 4.16.3. Landing gear opening Approach and entering the traffic pattern is realized at speeds around 250 km/h. At downwind position is needed to decrease speed to 130 km/h, throttle at idle speed, and decrease speed in horizontal flight without descending. Keep in mind it takes some time. Often mistake is late power reducing, higher power than idle, descending. When airplane is descending, speed doesnt decrease, and pilot can get into the stress with next procedures. Unskilled pilots has problems with higher speed range. They tend to fly at higher speeds, because of fear of stall. Page 4-12 Flight manual UL aircraft 4.16.4. Propeller, engine RPM Shark easily increase speed when maneuvering. Careful power control is required to avoid engine overrun. This is important for fixed proppeler, but keep it in mind with electrically adjustable propeller as well, because it takes about 12 seconds to change blade angles from minimum to maximum. Therefore even in constant speed mode is recommended to reduce RPM when maneuvering and work smoothly with throttle. Best propeller is hydraulically controlled, as it react very fast, and risk of engine overrun is minimal. 4.16.5. Flaps At traffic pattern, after opening landing gear, at speed 130 km/h, is recommended to reduce speed to 120 km/h and open flaps 1. Often mistake is higher speed, or speed fluctuation caused by turbulence, or incorrectly pressed button on control panel. Pressure switch, incorporated to flaps control system, is adjusted to 130 km/h. Over this speed flaps will not open, and in case they are already opened, warning will be activated. Therefore is needed to prove if flaps are really open. Another risk associated with flaps is balked landing. Pilot often in stress applies full power, and instead of climb transforms power to speed. Flaps are designed for max. speed 140 km/h. Higher speeds can cause structure overload. 4.16.6. Landing gear retraction Pressure switch is incorporated to control system of landing gear. It prevents retration below speed 115 km/h. It is recommended to keep airplane in light climb, after take-off, and wait till speed increase enough. Pilot can hold the switch for landing gear on, and wait till the airplane reaches required speed. Then the landing gear retraction sequence automaticly starts. It is recommended to check visually, if retracting procedure started – lights blink, or if underarriage is really retracted – 3 red lights on. Flight with opened landing gear is possible, landing gear doors was tested up to 230 km/h. 4.16.7. Flutter, high altitude flights Fast airplanes can have flutter issues. Problems can occur specially during higher speeds in high altitudes, because critical flutter speed decreases with higher altitude. Page 4-13 Flight manual UL aircraft Never exceed speed VNE = 327 km/h (calibrated speed CSA = 333 km/h). Table of VNE changes with increasing altitude: Height m 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 TAS km/h 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 IAS km/h 327 310 298 285 271 263 248 238 224 For higher altitude flights, keep maximum allowed speeds indicated in the previous table, or check TAS displayed by modern EFIS devices. Page 4-14 Flight manual UL aircraft 5. PERFORMANCE These flight performances are valid for the standard version of airplane at maximum take-off weight 472,5 kg, normal flying technique and ISA conditions (seal level, 15°C, 1013 hPa). Actual performance might be different due to pilot skills, weather and airplane conditions. WARNING: Variations in pilot technique as well as weather conditions and airplane setting (e.g. propeller pitch) can cause significant differences in flight performance. 5.1. AIRSPEED INDICATOR SYSTEM CALIBRATION Primary airspeed indicator – EFIS (SkyView, Flymap ...) IAS km/h 50 CAS km/h 65 60 76 70 81 80 88 90 93 100 104 120 122 140 137 160 156 180 174 200 202 220 218 240 240 260 263 280 284 300 305 320 326 327 333 Changing from cruise to take-off or landing configuration does not affect an error of air speed indicator. VS0 VS1 VFO3 VFO2 VFO1 IAS km/h 50 75 100 110 120 CAS km/h 65 85 104 113 122 VLO 130 130 VFE VA VC VRA 143 175 267 249 140 170 270 250 VH 280 284 VNE 327 333 Stall speed in landing configuration Stall speed in clean configuration Maximum speed for flap extending III Maximum speed for flap extending II Maximum speed for flap extending I Maximum speed for extending and retracting landing gear Maximum flap extended speed Design maneuvering speed Design cruise speed- gust intensity loading Maximum turbulence penetration speed Maximum speed in level flight at maximum continuous power. Never exceed speed Page 5-1 Flight manual UL aircraft All speeds described in this manual are written as IAS speed, displayed by primary airspeed indicator!!! IAS - indicated speed of flight, indication of airspeed indicator in your airplane CAS - calibrated speed, real speed of flight (in zero flight level ISA) = compensated for indicator and aerodynamic error 5.2. STALL SPEED Stall speed valid for airplane weight 472,5 kg and wing level flight. Deflection 0° 20° 30° 40° Flaps up Flap take-off position Flaps Flaps 5.3. indicated I II III Stall speed km/hour IAS km/hour CAS 75 68 53 50 85 80 68 65 TAKE-OFF DISTANCE 5.3.1. In flight adjustable prop. NEUFORM TXR2-V-70 Flaps position 20° Grass surface Paved surface (concrete / asphalt) Flaps position 30° Grass surface Paved surface (concrete / asphalt) Flaps position 0° Grass surface Paved surface (concrete / asphalt) Take-off run 125 m 105 m Total take-off distance to 50 ft 225 m 205 m Take-off run Total take-off distance to 50 ft 110 m 100 m 210 m 200 m Take-off run Total take-off distance to 50 ft 270 m 240 m Page 5-2 300 m 270 m Flight manual 5.3.2. UL aircraft In flight adjustable prop. Woodcomp SR3000/2WN Flaps position 20° Grass surface Paved surface (concrete/asphalt) 5.3.3. Take-off run Total take-off distance to 50 ft 130 m 110 m 225 m 210 m On ground adjustable prop. DUC SWIRL 1680 Flaps position 20° Grass surface Paved surface (concrete/asphalt) Take-off run Total take-off distance to 50 ft 185 m 160 m 290 m 270 m Page 5-3 Flight manual 5.4. UL aircraft LANDING DISTANCE Landing 40° Flaps position ground roll 120 m 120 m Grass surface Paved surface (concrete / asphalt) Grass surface Paved surface (concrete / asphalt) 20° Flaps position Grass surface Paved surface (concrete / asphalt) Without flaps (flaps 0°) Grass surface Paved surface (concrete / asphalt) 5.5. Altitude 0 ft 3000 ft 245 m 240 m ground roll Total landing distance from 50 ft 150 m 150 m 290 m 290 m Landing ground roll Total landing distance from 50 ft 175 m 175 m 355 m 355 m Landing ground roll 210 m 210 m Total landing distance from 50 ft Landing 30° Flaps position Total landing distance from 50 ft 530 m 530 m RATE OF CLIMB Woodcomp SR3000/2W N, KW 20N DUC SWIRL 1680 7,5 m/s 6,5 m/s 5,1 m/s 1470 ft/min 1270 ft/min 1000 ft/min 6,2 m/s 5,2 m/s 3,8 m/s 1220 ft/min 1020 ft/min 745 ft/min Neuform TXR2-V-70 Max. rate of climb speed (km/hour IAS) 185 km/h 185 km/h With flaps – take off configuration 0 ft 4,7 m/s 3,8 m/s 2,9 m/s 920 ft/min 745 ft/min 570 ft/min Page 5-4 130 km/h Flight manual UL aircraft Rate of climb diagram m/s (shows the best speeds for climbing with and without flaps). undercarriage retracted, max cont. power Take-off configuration Cruise configuration - Speed EAS (km/hour) Speed Limit of flaps 5.6. CRUISE, ENDURANCE, RANGE SHARK Rotax 912 ULS - 100 HP Measured 2010-07-22 Pekár Economic cruise Medium cruise 55% 65% 75% Max. continuous 4000 4300 4800 5000 5500 km/h 198 200 235 235 249 250 267 270 290 295 Mph knots 124 108 146 127 155 135 168 146 183 159 litres / h 12 16 18 21 25 hour km 8,3 1660 6,3 1470 5,6 1390 4,8 1280 4,0 1180 miles 1030 910 860 790 730 Regime RPM IAS CAS Fuel consumption Endurance Range km/h Long range cruise Page 5-5 Fast cruise Max. cruise Flight manual UL aircraft Graph of required and usable THRUST suggests the best cruise speeds for Shark. Page 5-6 Flight manual UL aircraft 6. AIRPLANE EMPTY WEIGHT AND CENTRE OF GRAVITY DETERMINATION The airplane is weighted standing on main wheels – all tyres must have the correct size and pressure. The airplane has to be levelled for the purpose of c.g. determination. The reference plane is defined on leading edge of wing, where wing and fuselage connect. All operating fluids must be filled to the normal volume and also unusable amount of fuel must be in the fuel tanks. The following values have to be measured: Front wheel reaction R1 = kg Main left wheel reaction R2L = kg Main right wheel reaction R2P = kg X1 = mm X2 = mm Distance between front landing gear and reference lane. Distance between main landing gear and reference line Page 6-1 Flight manual UL aircraft Empty plane weight ML is calculated as follows: ML = R2L + R2P + R1 290 – 325 kg Permitted range for empty weight: Note: different weight limit might apply due to national regulations. Center of gravity for empty plane calculation: Centre of gravity position to MAC: (R2L+ R2P) . X2 - R1. X1 XL = - 114 = [ mm ] x 100 % = [ %MAC ] ML Centre of gravity position XT to MAC in %: XL x 100 % XT = = bMAC 1 237 Permitted centre of gravity range for empty airplane: 15 – 20 % Empty plane weight is calculated and recorded in weighing record, which is integral part of plane documentation: „RECORD about the weighing and location of gravity for UL and LSA airplane Shark“. Weighting must be performed and recorded when any change on the airplane configuration is made: Date Empty weight M [kg] Center of gravity XL , [mm] Page 6-2 XT [%] Performed by Flight manual 6.1. UL aircraft WEIGHT AND CENTER OF GRAVITY DETERMINATION FOR FLIGHT Weight limits are described in section 2 of this manual. Permitted centre of gravity range for airplane ready to fly (including fuel, crew and baggage) is: 16 - 34% When the airplane is occupied according to the following table, the limits can be met for airplane with an empty weight of 290 325 kg and center of gravity between 15 to 20%. solo 2 + baggage 2 max Front seat max Rear seat max Bggage max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 25 kg 10 kg 0 69 kg 88 kg These weights are limited by the rear center of gravity and lower weight of empty airplane, so it is possible to increase these limits for a particular airplane according to the specific weighting data of the individual airplane. Airplane seriál number: Empty plane weight kg CG of empty plane % BSAT solo 2 + baggage 2 max Front seat max Rear seat max Bggage max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 25 kg 10 kg 0 Page 6-3 kg kg Flight manual UL aircraft Airplane with 150 liter tanks should be operated from the front seat, during the solo flight, if there is more than 100 l of fuel in the tanks. ATTENTION: Heavier pilot ALWAYS sits on the front seat! Note: The table of CG limits shown on the following pages is based on an analysis of all permitted occupancy of the airplane in both versions = UL and ELSA, including items that can change during the flight. Emptying a full 100 liter tank shifts the center of gravity 1% forward. Emptying a full 150 liter tank shifts the center of gravity 1.5% forward. By retracting of landing gear, the center of gravity shifts between 0.5 - 1% backward, but it does not affect the given limits. ATTENTION: If the airplane is fully occupied, the maximum take-off weight and CG limit must be checked and maintained, depending on the weight of the pilot, passenger, fuel and luggage. If special equipment is installed, the current CG needs to be determined by a separate calculation or by weighing the take-off weight, including crew, fuel and special equipment. It must be within the permitted range of 16 - 34%. Page 6-4 Flight manual UL aircraft Examples of CG limits (appendix to the table on page 6-3): Empty weight of airplane 290 - 300 kg 15 - 20 % CG LIMITS for empty airplane 19 -20% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 69 kg 88 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 18 -19% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 74 kg 93 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 17 -18% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 80 kg 95 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 16 -17% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 85 kg 95 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 90 kg 95 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 15-16% solo 2+baggage 2 max Page 6-5 Flight manual UL aircraft 300 - 310 kg Empty weight of airplane 15 - 20% CG LIMITS for empty airplane 19 -20% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 72 kg 90 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 18 -19% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 77 kg 95 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 17 -18% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 83 kg 95 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 16 -17% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 88 kg 95 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 95 kg 95 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 15-16% solo 2+baggage 2 max Page 6-6 Flight manual UL aircraft Empty weight of airplane 310 - 320 kg CG LIMITS for empty airplane 15 - 20% 19 - 20% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 74 kg 93 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 18 -19% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 80 kg 95 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 17 -18% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 85 kg 95 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 16 -17% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 90 kg 95 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 15 -16% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 95 kg 95 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 Page 6-7 Flight manual UL aircraft Empty weight of airplane 320- 325 kg CG LIMITS for empty airplane 15 - 20% 19 -20% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 78 kg 95 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 18 -19% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 84 kg 95 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 17 -18% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 89 kg 95 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 16 -17% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 94 kg 95 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 15 -16% Front seat max Rear seat max Luggage max solo 2+baggage 2 max 110 kg 110 kg 110 kg 0 95 kg 95 kg 25 kg 10 kg 0 Page 6-8 Flight manual UL aircraft 7. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE AIRPLANE SHARK is a composite high-performance low-wing airplane with tandem seats and retractable tricycle type undercarriage, designed according to European UL and US Light Sport Airplane criteria. Airplane is powered by 100HP Rotax 912ULS with variable-pitch composite propeller and 100/150 litres integral fuel tanks in the wings. EQUIPMENT: Shark is equipped by upholstered two-seat tandem cockpit with adjustable seats, full dual control (with sidesticks on the right) and throttle levers on the left panels. Elevator trim tab, radio and autopilot OFF button are placed on sidesticks. Instrument panel: equipped by standard EFIS/EMS displays for both pilots has control panel for landing gears, flaps, propeller, transceiver, transponder and optionally GPS, ELT and backup flight indicators. The single-piece cockpit canopy: supported by gas struts, opens to starboard. Baggage compartment: is located behind the rear seat, accessible from the rear pilot seat or through lockable baggage door on the left side of the plane. Page 7-1 Flight manual 7.1. UL aircraft AIRFRAME Carbon-fibre/epoxy airframe consist of glass and aramid fibres, with PVC foam and aramid honeycomb core in sandwich panels. Self-supporting fuselage with integral fin is made as one piece with integral monocoque interior, armrests and floors. Composite wing with carbon main beam and an auxiliary beam carrying hinges of ailerons and flaps have a 60% of trailing edge used for Fowler flap. Wings and stabilizer are dismountable. 7.1.1. Fuselage Monocoque fuselage is made of carbon-glass fibre / epoxy composites with integral fin. The inner monocoque fuselage shell complemented by ribs is glued into the middle part of the fuselage. It creates integral ergonomic structure of cabin for two crew members sitting in tandem configuration, with the luggage space behind the rear seat, accessible from inside, or outher left side of the fuselage. Part of central fuselage creates 1,73m long center-wing, used for main undercarriage retracting. Fuselage airframe includes all necessary hinges of firewall with four engine mounting hinges, BRS and front undercarriage hinges, main undercarriage and cockpit hinges, 2+1 hinges of horizontal stabilizer, 2 hinges of rudder in the rear part, together with bottom fin with tailbump, prepared for optional towing system. 7.1.2. Cockpit canopy One-piece cockpit canopy consist of carbon fibre frame with glued plexiglas windscreen. Canopy is opened by gas strut and hinged on the right side (starboard) by two hinges. Canopy is locked from inside by point lock system, reachable by both pilots, with separate outside key-lock. 7.1.3. Engine cowlings Engine cowlings are fixed to the body by CAM-LOC screws. Bottom cowling has large NACA air intake, with adjustable flap, for cooling of water and oil radiator. Adjustable flap is used during low speeds and taxiing. Top cowling has small air intakes for direct cylinder cooling on both sides. Air from engine compartment is exhausted hrough gills placed on the sides. Top cowling has large door for oil check, which serve as air exhaust hole during hot days. Page 7-2 Flight manual UL aircraft 7.1.4. Wing Shark has trapeze composite wing with speed airfoil and elliptic leading edge in aileron part of wing is optimized for fast cross-country flights. Wing structure is carbon-fibre/epoxy monocoque, with PVC foam panels. Carbon-fibre main beam placed in 25% of airfoil and an auxiliary beam carrying flap levers and aileron hinges has got 60% of the trailing edge occupied by powerful single-slotted flaps. Integral fuel tanks (2x50/75 litres) are between main and rear beams of both wings, with connected fuel gauge, inputs and return line ending into root rib and drain valves. Fuel tank ventilation ends in the last hinge of flaps. Wing is optionally equipped by integral position lights at the leading edge of wing tips. The wings can be dismounted for transport or storage by removing two main pins and one rear wing pin, by dismounting flaps drive, ailerons control, fuel hoses and electrical connector. 7.1.5. Ailerons 40% differential ailerons with carbon monocoque structure are hinged on three carbon hinges attached on the top of monocoque wing. The drive is on the root rib. Aerodynamic forces are balanced by automatic trim tabs. 7.1.6. Flaps Fowler flaps with monocoque sandwich design are hinged on three lever-hinges and driven by root-rib lever. System of electric flaps has deflections 20° (take-off), 30° (short take off/ landing), and 40° (landing). 7.1.7. Horizontal stabilizer Stabilizer has carbon monocoque sandwich design with continual rear beam and auxiliary front beam. Hinges for elevator are attached on the top surface of rear beam. Stabilizer is attached to fuselage by two hinges on the rear fin frame and by one to the rear fuselage bracket. 7.1.8. Elevator Split carbon nonococque elevator is hinged to stabilizer by 3 hinges. Left part is equipped with electric trim-tab. 7.1.9. Rudder Carbon monocoque rudder is hinged in two hinges and controlled by lever on root rib, through wires in bowdens. Page 7-3 Flight manual UL aircraft 7.1.10. Airplane exterior surface painting White two-component acrylic polyurethane topcoat is used. 7.2. LANDING GEAR Retractable tricycle type landing gear is used, equiped by steerable 13x4" nose wheel and 14x4” main wheels Beringer with hydraulic disc brakes. Front undercarriage is retracted backwards into a box behind the firewall. Main undercarriage is retracted to the central wing boxes. 7.2.1. Front undercarriage Parts of front undercarriage are welded from steel tubes and sheets. Front wheel fork is made of carbon. Front leg has bronze bearings with grease-caps. Front leg is controlled by pedals of rudder control. In the opened position the undercarriage is secured by break-struts and held in locked position by two gas springs. Front undercarriage damping is provided by V-shaped composite spring. Page 7-4 Flight manual UL aircraft 7.2.2. Main undercarriage Legs of main undercarriage are welded from steel tubes and sheets, the main parts are hardened for better resistance required by 600kg MTOW. Legs are hinged in two brackets with mounted bearings SKF between centre-wing beams. Legs are retracted to fuselage bays. Main joints are equipped by bronze bearings with grease-caps. Page 7-5 Flight manual UL aircraft Shock absorbers are assembled from five absorber polyurethane blocks EFFBE, which are hinged between lever and root rib of centre-wing by gimbals. Legs are secured in extended position by break-struts and held in locked position by two gas struts and steel springs. Main wheels Beringer with tyres SAVA 14x4 use hydraulic disc brakes Beringer, controlled by toe-brakes on front pedals. 7.2.3. Undercarriage retraction and extension Front undercarriage is retracted by independent electromechanical strut LINAK LA12. Page 7-6 Flight manual UL aircraft Extension and retraction of the main undercarriage - is done by system of 2,5 mm steel cables driven by pulleys and connected to electromechanical strut LINAK LA30. Time of retraction is approximately 15 seconds and extension approximately 10 seconds. Electromechanical strut is placed in the rear cockpit floor, accessible from baggage compartment. Locking Undercarriage legs are secured in retracted position by self-locking electromechanical struts, in extended position by gas struts and springs. Electric strut regulates speed of opening. Strut is stopped by proximity inductive sensors when required position it reached. Emergency landing gear extension - is released by mechanical locks controled by bowdens with rods from front seat, independent for every leg. A pressure switch for landing gear, connected to pitotstatic system, is installed in the electrical circuit. Pressure switch is adjusted to speed 115 km/h. This should prevent unintentional retracting of landing gear while plane is standing on the ground. Control unit does not allow to retract landing gear, until speed 115 km/h is reached. Extension of landing gear is not blocked by any switch and works at any speed. Shortcut connector bypassing this pressure switch is installed on instrument panel for maintenance purposes. In case the speed drops below 115 km/h and any of undercarriage legs stay retracted or unlocked, sound warning signal and flashing of particular LED diode is applied. Opened and locked position of locking struts on all three legs can be checked through small information windows. Visual inspection is always superior to electrical signaling and pilot should use it routinely during undercarriage checkup or in case of any doubts of correct function of electronic system. Extension, retraction and signalization of gear Is controlled by the electronic module designed for this purpose, situated behind the instrument panel on the parachute partition together with other electronic modules. Other components of the system are: - relay switching voltage to the servo of main landing gear - control and display panel, on the instrument panel, associated with flaps controll panel - pressure switch set to 115 km/h, provides signal to control unit - contactless inductive position sensors, placed in the landing gear bays, provide informations about landing gear. - second control and display panel can be optionally placed on the rear instrument panel. Page 7-7 Flight manual 7.3. UL aircraft CONTROL SYSTEMS Full dual control, with right-side sidesticks and adjustable front pedals, equipped by toe-brakes. Flap handle and undercarriage retracting control panel are located on the instrument panel. Throttle and choke levers are placed on the left cockpit panel. Trim control switches are placed on the sidesticks. 7.3.1. 1 Elevator control 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 10 11 12 13 COMP-LET design Elevator is controlled by sidesticks, hinged in control column through system of rods and levers and connected directly with levers of two-piece elevator. 7.3.2. Aileron control Ailerons are controlled by side movements of sidesticks, hinged in control column, through system of rods and levers, hinged in carbon brackets of wings. Automatic tabs attached on root parts of ailerons deflect in opposite direction than ailerons. The servo of trim can be optionally installed on one tab. Page 7-8 Flight manual 7.3.3. UL aircraft Rudder control Rudder is controlled by cables in plastic bowdens and connected at one end with ruddler lever and on the other end with peddals of front undercarriage. This connection allows to control airplane on the ground. System controlling front wheel is automatically disconnection by retraction of undercarriage. The tensioners located in the front and accessible from the cockpit are prestretched to 30 kg. 7.3.4. Flaps Flaps are controlled by electro-mechanical actuator LINAK LA12 placed under the left armrest of rear seat. The short rod at the root rib controls the flaps through the torsion tube with the lever placed on the first flap hinge. System is controlled by electronic module witch has control and signalisation panel placed together with undercarriage panel on front instrument panel. Optionaly can be same panels placed on rear instrument panel. In the flaps electric circuit is pressure switch installed under the dashboard. It is connected to a pitotstatic system and set to block flaps opening and trigger allarm if the speed exceed 130-135km/h. 7.3.5. Elevator trim tab control Carbon trim-tab of elevator is controlled by servo Ray Allen Z2-10A , placed on root part of left elevator. Servo is mounted in front of elevator beam working as a part of elevator weight ballancing. Page 7-9 Flight manual 7.4. UL aircraft ELECTRIC SYSTEM Scheme of electric system in appendix. 7.5. FUEL SYSTEM Page 7-10 Flight manual UL aircraft Air vent of fuel tanks through the external fuel tank flap hinges. Attention: Clogged fuel tank ventilation, caused for example by placing tape over air-vent hole, results in collaps of wing shells creating the fuel tank. This is caused by suction of fuel pump. Page 7-11 Flight manual 7.6. UL aircraft COCKPIT - INTERIOR AND INSTRUMENTS Standard instruments, electronic engine monitoring device MiniEIS, EFIS OBLO EFIS/EMS/GPS DYNON SKYVIEW + backup small EFIS OBLO Page 7-12 Flight manual UL aircraft Page 7-13 Flight manual UL aircraft ARRANGEMENT Access to seats through right-side openable canopy Two composite height adjustable seats with adjustable headrests and pair of four-point safety belts. Dual control with two sidesticks on the right side, dual rudder control pedals connected with front wheel. Throttle lever and choke placed on left panel with engine cooling flap lever - usable in hot weather conditions. Main wheels are equiped by hydraulic brakes, controlled by the toe brakes placed on front pedals and parking brake. The front pedals are adjustable, ends of the unlocking cables are on the sides of the interior panel. Central brake lever for rear pilot is optional. Air vents are placed on the sides of instrument panel. Flaps control, undercarriage retracting control and propeller control panel are on left side of instrument panel. If propeller is hydraulic, controlling lever for both pilots is on side of throttle lever. Right side of instrument panel is used for backup instruments, GPS, 12V plug, starter, magnetos and master switches. Middle panel is used for EFIS (Dynon SKYVIEW, FLYMAP, Garmin), circuit breakers / switches. Radio and transponder are placed in the middle, or on side of EFIS screen, transponder is often controlled via EFIS screen. Trim switch, radio button and autopilot off button are placed on top of sidesticks. Fuel valve is placed on the left armrest behind the throttle. Indication of fuel amount is visible on EFIS/EMS display. In front of front sidestick is button controlling ventilation and heating. On middle panel and side panels of front seat there are red handles for emergency release of landing gear. Windows allowing to check properly locked gear struts are situated on the root of wings and on middle panel. Baggage compartment situated behind the rear seat is accessible from inside or from outside through lockable doors. Ballistic rescue system has 2 independent activation RED grips installed on the middle panel between pilot legs. Below armrests are small storage compartments. Optionally installed towing system with TOST lock has release handle on left panel. Small camera is installed in towing bracket. It displays rear view on the EFIS screen or on the aditional display. Page 7-14 Flight manual UL aircraft REAR INSTRUMENT PANEL Rear instrument panel is part of cabine frame, optionally is equipped with EFIS/EMS screen connected to main device. Instructor configuration has also panel controlling flaps and landing gear. On the central panel are switches for engine start, magnetos, master switch. On the left panel is central brake lever. Optionally the slave radio control panel is installed. Page 7-15 Flight manual 7.7. ► UL aircraft POWER UNIT ROTAX 912 ULS 100HP engine with electric starter, stainless steel exhaust with integral heating. Engine ROTAX® type 912 ULS uncertified - 100 hp at 2380 RPM DESCRIPTION: 4-cylinder 4-stroke water / air cooled flat motor pressure lubrication with a separate 3 liter oil tank 2 CD carburetors Fully equipped 912 ULS 3 DCDI - composite air distribution, alternator and airbox mechanical diaphragm pump electronic double ignition electric starter integrated reducer I = 2.273 (Optionally i = 2.43) ATTENTION: This engine does not meet ICAO aviation standards (FAA, CAA). Can be used in experimental and ultra-light airplane (Sport Flying Devices) only. Page 7-16 Flight manual UL aircraft 7.7.1. Technical data Performances for standard conditions (MSA/ISA). Engine Model 912 ULS D.C.D.I. Engine power Max. 5 min.: 69,0 kW (95,0 hp) 73,5 kW (100,0 hp) Torque Maximum speed Bore: Stroke: Cilinder capacity: Compression ratio: Ignition: Ignition timing: Sparking plugs: Generator output: Voltage: 128 Nm at 5100 RPM 5800 RPM 84,0 mm 61 mm 1352,0 cm3 10,5:1 DUCATI double CDI 4° to 1000 RPM / above 26° ROTAX part no. 297 940 250 W DC at 5 500 RPM 13,5 V at 5500 RPM at 5800 RPM OPERATING FILLING: Fuel: Natural 95 or AVGAS 100 LL Olej: API SF or SG, 100LL, not synthetic oil Coolant: 50% BASF Glysantin-Antikorrosion / 50% water WEIGHT- engine Standard engine with gearbox Oil cooler 886 029 Radiator 995 697 Slip clutch Fuel pump incl. pipes Vacuum pump External alternator 40 A/ 12 V DC Rectifier i=2,43 Page 7-17 56,6 kg (124,8 lb.) 0,5 kg 1,0 kg 1,0 kg 0,2 kg 0,8 kg 3,0 kg 0,1 kg Flight manual 7.8. UL aircraft PROPELLER Shark can be equipped by different propellers: DUC SWIRL Woodcomp SR 3000 2WN Woodcomp KW20W Neuform TXR2-V-70 7.8.1. - 3 blade, on the ground adjustable - 2 blade, in flight electrically adjustable - 2 blade, in flight hydraulically adjustable - 2 blade, in flight electrically adjustable DUC SWIRL 3 blade, on the ground adjustable propeller, diameter 1680 mm Weight of this 3 blade propeller is 4,5 kg. It has carbon core, same as DUC FC WINDSPOON propeller, resistant to heavy loads. This propeller is simple, lightweight, robust, with a stainless steel leading edge. It achieves high cruising speeds, but it is less efficient during take-off. It is therefore not suitable for short grassland airports. Sheet settings are more laborious. Recommended angle is 24º. Page 7-18 Flight manual 7.8.2. UL aircraft Woodcomp SR 3000 2W two blade in flight electrically adjustable propeller Specification: SR 3000/2 – electically in flight adjustable propeller with two wood-composite blades, designed for Rotax 912 UL, Rotax 912 ULS and Rotax 914. Diameter is 1600 or 1700 mm. Blades angle is controlled electrically by servo mechanism and can be adjusted from minimum to maximum angle within approximately 8 second. Constant Speed unit: Control unit placed on instrument panel provides manual control of propeller constant speed mode. Page 7-19 Flight manual UL aircraft PROPELLER BLADE DESIGN Propeller blade has wooden core, wrapped by several layers of carbon. Leading edge is made of durable plastic material providing mechanical protection. 7.8.3. Woodcomp KW 20W - two blade hydraulically in flight adjustable KW 20W has wood-composite blades, designed for Rotax 912 UL, Rotax 912 ULS and Rotax 914. Diameter is 1,7m. Propeller has identical blades and same performance as electrically adjustable SR 3000 2W. Blades adjustment is controlled by hydrulic regulator using oil from engine lubrication system. Oil goes through hollow shaft in gearbox to the piston inside propeller hub. Regulator is controlled by lever placed on side of throttle. Page 7-20 Flight manual UL aircraft 7.8.4. Neuform TXR2-V-70 Neuform TXR2-V-70 is electrically or hydraulically in flight adjustable propeller with two composite blades. The blades are made of glass-fiber and are hollow. Root of blade is duralumin. Outside part of blade leading edge is casted of plastic material with improved resistance to abrasion. Servo controling the angle of the blades is located on the engine gearbox. Mechanical stops and micro switches of maximum and minimum angle of attack are situated on the servo brackets. The minimum angle of attack is set as mechanical stop by spacer rings during propeller assembly. Blade setup provides control unit FLYBOX. Page 7-21 Flight manual 7.9. UL aircraft RESCUE SYSTEM Shark is standardly equipped with ballistic rescue system Stratos/Junkers Magnum 501 with 2 independent release handles. 7.9.1. Description of rescue system Stratos/Junkers Magnum 501 Parachute canopy is pulled out by a specially designed rocket engine. The time required to launch is between 0.6 - 1.2 seconds, depends on the type of system and air temperature. The rocket engine is placed in the rocket case. After the activation by activation handle the movement is mechanically transported by a bowden cable on a percussive device. It activates two percussion caps which ignit the rocket box. After ignition, the rocket escapes under high pressure from the rocket box, towing the rope which releases the cap of the parachute container, and the parachute is pulled out of the container. Then the bag of parachute is discarded and parachute canopy is filled with air. Technical data: Weight Dimensions Rocket engine Area of parachute canopy The number of ropes Max. payload Max. speed Repacking interval Burning time Total impulse at 20ºC Mechanical double ignition 9,65 kg 360x245x200mm Magnum 450 86 m2 32 475 kg 300 km/h 6 years 0,6 sec. 0,303 kNs Page 7-22 21,3 lbs 14,2x9,7x7,9in 926 sqft 1050 lbs 187 mph Flight manual UL aircraft Minimum recommended flight level for system activation is 200 m. But there are known cases of successful application in less than 80 m. It also depends on the horizontal and vertical component of velocity. System lifetime is 18 years, if the revision and repackaging is performed every 6 years. 7.9.2. The activation mechanism Activation mechanism is made of cable with teflon coating and metal bowden. Activation handle has double safety mechanism to prevent accidental launch and lock mechanism for storage and transport. The mechanism is designed to have minimal activation forces under all circumstances. This minimal resistance remains throughout the life of the system. Page 7-23 Flight manual UL aircraft 7.9.3. Rescue system installation Rescue system is installed between firewall and canopy/instrument panel. Two front rescue system belts are hinged on the top of engine mounting hinges and are folded inside of rescue system box. Third belt is going under left cockpit frame to rear hinge, mounted on the top of baggage space frame. If the system is activated, the parachute cover is broken in defined places and the rear strip is ripped off the surface of the fuselage under the left edge of the cab frame. Page 7-24 Flight manual 7.10. UL aircraft TOWING SYSTEM Not installed. Page 7-25 Flight manual 7.11. UL aircraft POSITION LIGHTS Airplane can be optionally equipped by position and strobe lights. Lights are made of transparent material with integrated LED lights. Position lights (red, green and white LEDs) operate constantly. Lights are designed according to the regulations with defined angles and colours. Strobe lights blink. Left wing tip has red position light plus white strobe, right wing tip has green position light plus white strobe, on top of fin is white strobe, rudder has white position light plus white strobe. Strobe flashes are synchronized, three in a row and then break. 7.12. LANDING LIGHT Landing LEDs light can be optionally installed in NACA inlet. Page 7-26 Flight manual 7.13. UL aircraft ELT UNIT ELT unit is installed as option. The unit is attached on the bracket, behind the rear baggage frame. It is accessible through the cover of rear baggage frame. In cover is small window for easy ELT check. Antenna is placed on upper rear part of baggage frame and extended above the fuselage surface. Control panel of ELT is placed on instrument panel. Page 7-27 Flight manual 7.14. UL aircraft AUTOPILOT Airplane can be optionally equipped with an autopilot, mostly dual-axis. Control system is integrated in EFIS system - Dynon SkyView, FLYMAP, Garmin, or Oblo. Elevator servo is located behind baggage compartment rib. Aileron servo is located on right side in front of spar channel of fuselage. System is activated via separate ETA switch/fuse. The system is controlled and programmed through the EFIS display. Flight course can be inserted or planned route can be followed according to GPS coordinates. Autopilot deactivation buttons are located on both control levers. Servo of elevator Page 7-28 Flight manual UL aircraft 8. AIRPLANE HANDLING, CARE AND MAINTENANCE 8.1 WING DISMOUNTING Wing dismounting is an option for hangaring in a limited space or for transport. Wing disassemble The disassembly procedure consists of: - Flaps on – position III (free access to pins on rear wing beam ) Remove flaps Remove sealing tape from fuselage - root ribs gap Disconnect aileron controls below seat and flaps drive – left and right Unlock and dismount rear wing beam hinge pin Unlock and dismount two main wing spar pins Disconnect fuel hoses Disconnect electric socket from fuel sensors Disconnect pitotstatic hoses Remove wing spar brackets from fuselage spar channel Secure wings by using of hangar/transport jigs. 8.1.1. Remove flaps Before wings disassembly there is needed to remove flaps : Remove 3 bolts from flap hinges and one from control tube end in flap root rib. Page 8-1 Flight manual 8.1.2. UL aircraft Disconnect aileron controls Disconnect aileron control rods below seats on left and right side. 8.1.3. Disconnect rear wing spar pin Unlock and dismount pins of rear wing SPAR. (accessible after flaps on) 8.1.4. Disassemble the main wing spar pins Unlock and dismount both pins of main wing beam hinges (accessible from main undercarriage space) Page 8-2 Flight manual 8.1.5. UL aircraft Disconnect fuel hoses and fuel sensors sockets 8.1.6. Remove wing spars out of center-wing With disconnected aileron and flaps control rods and free wing hinges, wing can be dismounted from centre wing box by pulling them out in the direction out of the airplane axis. 8.1.7. Disconnect pitostatic system hoses Disconnect pitostatic hoses before completely removing wing spar from spar channel of centre wing. 8.1.8. Secure wings by hangaring (transport) jigs Repeat the same procedure for second wing. 8.2. STABILIZER DISASSEMBLY Similar to wing it is possible to remove stabilizer as well: - Remove tape sealing gaps - Disconnect pushrods from elevator - Remove safety pin from rear bolt and remove castle nut - Disconnect connector from elevator trim servo - Move rudder on side - Pull stabilizer backward from pins and bearings Page 8-3 Flight manual 8.3. UL aircraft PARKING AND MOORING 8.3.1. General Always secure the airplane when parked. It is recommended to moor airplane in bad weather conditions or when it is left unattended (overnight etc.) Ground equipment: - cover of the pitot tube - securing set for mooring - fabric covers of canopy, wings or aircraft 8.3.2. Cover of pitot tube Use cover of pitot tube while parking, as system protection against blowing air. Cover is provided with a red flag. 8.3.3. Mooring The airplane mooring set consists of the following: - 3 mooring bolts - 2 long and 1 short mooring cables - 2 wing bolts with M8 eye Mooring bolts should be screwed to the ground and the airplane should be moored by cables as shown below: Page 8-4 Flight manual 8.4. UL aircraft HANGARING, GROUND HANDLING Moving the airplane during hangaring, parking, etc. is recommended with empty airplane. Steering rod connected to front wheel axle is allowed. The following list and sketch show surfaces reinforced by extra layers of carbon, to prevent surface dimples caused by ground handling. Reinforced surfaces: - Fuselage-fin connection, circle with radius 350 mm, where fuselage can be pushed down to lift the front wheel Leading edge of fin up to 500 mm height, 100 mm wide on each side. Top part of the wing leading edge, 200 mm wide area Top part of the stabilizer leading edge, 150 mm wide area Area around fuel caps Stepping surface on left wing root - fuselage part Whole upper surface of the wing is reinforced, but maximum load is still limited Spinner is reinforced Root part of propeller blades can be used for towing, dont use the tip parts ! CAUTION – airplane surface is created by thinnest allowed layer of carbon fabric, to keep the lowest possible weight. Under the carbon fibre layer is layer of PVC foam with relatively low firmness and stiffness. Common hand pressure can result in surface damage and complicated repair. Gentle ground handling is therefore highly recommended. CAUTION – airframe has integrated lifting points for landing gear maintenance. Metal brackets with nuts are bolted on front wall of fuselage main spar. If the plane is lifted by pulling the wings, it is necessary to follow basic rules. Supported area should be wide enough and below wing spar, close to checking window of aileron crank. Otherwise wing bottom shell can be broken or damaged. Page 8-5 Flight manual UL aircraft Sketch of reinforced surfaces for ground handling 8.5. TOWING Towing of the airplane by car is not allowed. 8.6. TIRE PRESSURE Nose landing gear Main landing gear 13x4 14x4 Page 8-6 3,5 bar 51 psi 3 bar +/- 0,3 44 psi Flight manual UL aircraft 9. SUPPLEMENTS - List of equipment Weighing protocol Protocol of control surfaces deflections Nivelation protocol Protocol of first test flight MANUALS - according to airplane equipment: - Engine manual - Propeller manual - EFIS / EMS manual - Rescue system manual - Manual ELT - Manual OBLO, backup EFIS - Manual VHF radio - Manual transponder Page 9-1 Flight manual UL aircraft DASHBOARD DEFINITION airplane no. FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS: INSTRUMENT TYPE PROD. NUMBER TYPE PROD. NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 GPS COMMUNICATION: INSTRUMENT 11 12 13 14 15 ENGINE INSTRUMENTS INSTRUMENT TYPE 21 22 23 24 Page 9-2 PROD. NUMBER Flight manual UL aircraft SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: 31 32 33 34 Rescue system installation: Type: Producer: Date of installation: Page 9-3 Flight manual UL aircraft ELECTRIC SYSTEM Page 9-4 ">

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Key features
- Retractable landing gear
- Tandem seating
- Rotax 912 ULS engine
- Composite construction
- Low-wing design
- Fast cross-country flights
- Detailed flight manual
Frequently asked questions
The maximum take-off weight depends on whether a ballistic recovery system is installed. Without the system, it's 450 kg. With the system, it's 472.5 kg.
The Shark UL requires premium unleaded automotive fuel (Natural 95 in Czech) or AVGAS 100 LL. AVGAS is recommended only when other fuel types are unavailable due to potential engine wear.
Reduce throttle to idle, turn off ignition and master switch, apply brakes as needed. If airborne, maintain airspeed of 120 km/h and select a suitable landing site.