Maplin N73CG Operator's Instruction Manual

Maplin N73CG is a compact multimeter that measures DC and AC voltage, DC current, resistance, diode function, temperature, and transistor function. It also includes an audible continuity test. The device has a 3.5-digit, 7-segment LCD display and is powered by a 9-volt battery. It comes with a set of test leads, a K-type thermocouple, and an instruction manual. Maplin N73CG is an ideal tool for laboratory, workshop, hobby, and home applications.

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User questions


Mary F.

What is the correct polarity for test leads when using the multimeter?
The polarity of the test leads is important for certain measurements. For DC Voltage, connect the red lead to "V Ω mA" and the black lead to "COM". For Diode testing, the red lead connects to the anode and black to the cathode. For Temperature Measurement (K-type thermocouple), use the same connection as DC Voltage. For Audible Continuity, connect red to "V Ω mA" and black to "COM". While the manual doesn't specify polarity for AC Voltage, DC Current, and Resistance, generally, red is positive and black is negative.
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