Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN Operation Manual
Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN is a versatile printer packed with features for efficient document production. It boasts EcoPrint technology for reduced energy consumption and automatic media type selection for seamless printing. The optional document finisher allows for professional stitching, adding to its capabilities. This guide will help you understand its features, load paper, use the operator panel and troubleshoot any issues.
Operation Guide Please read this Operation Guide before using the printer. Keep it close to the printer for easy reference. Please read the Operation Guide before using the printer. Keep it close to the printer for easy reference. The sections of this guide and parts of the printer marked with symbols are safety warnings meant to protect the user, other individuals and surrounding objects, and ensure correct and safe usage of the printer. The symbols and their meanings are indicated below. WARNING: Indicates that serious injury or even death may result from insufficient attention to or incorrect compliance with the related points. Caution NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY IMPROPER INSTALLATION. Notice on Software SOFTWARE USED WITH THIS PRINTER MUST SUPPORT THE PRINTER’S EMULATION MODE. The printer is factory-set to emulate the PCL. The emulation mode can be changed by following the procedures described in Chapter 3. Notice CAUTION: Indicates that personal injury or mechanical damage may result from insufficient attention to or incorrect compliance with the related points. The information in this guide is subject to change without notification. Additional pages may be inserted in future editions. The user is asked to excuse any technical inaccuracies or typographical errors in the present edition. Symbols The symbol indicates that the related section includes safety warnings. Specific points of attention are indicated inside the symbol. No responsibility is assumed if accidents occur while the user is following the instructions in this guide. No responsibility is assumed for defects in the printer’s firmware (contents of its readonly memory). ....... [General warning] ....... [Warning of danger of electrical shock] ....... [Warning of high temperature] The symbol indicates that the related section includes information on prohibited actions. Specifics of the prohibited action are indicated inside the symbol. ........ [Warning of prohibited action] ......... [Disassembly prohibited] The symbol indicates that the related section includes information on actions which must be performed. Specifics of the required action are indicated inside the symbol. ......... [Alert of required action] ........ [Remove the power plug from the outlet] ........ [Always connect the printer to an outlet with a ground connection] Please contact your service representative to order a replacement if the safety warnings in the guide are illegible or if the guide itself is missing. (fee required) This guide, any copyrightable subject matter sold or provided with or in connection with the sale of the page printer, are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. Copying or other reproduction of all or part of this guide, any copyrightable subject matter without the prior written consent of Kyocera Corporation is prohibited. Any copies made of all or part of this guide, any copyrightable subject must contain the same copyright notice as the material from which the copying is done. Regarding Tradenames PRESCRIBE is a registered trademark of Kyocera Corporation. KPDL and KIR (Kyocera Image Refinement) are trademarks of Kyocera Corporation. Diablo 630 is a product of Xerox Corporation. IBM Proprinter X24E is a product of International Business Machines Corporation. Epson LQ-850 is a product of Seiko Epson Corporation. Hewlett-Packard, PCL, and PJL are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. Centronics is a trade name of Centronics Data Computer Inc. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple computer, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. PowerPC is trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. CompactFlash is a trademark of SanDisk Corporation. ENERGY STAR is a U.S. registered mark. All other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies. This Kyocera Mita page printer uses PeerlessPrintXL to provide the HP LaserJet compatible PCL 6 language emulation. PeerlessPrintXL is a trademark of The Peerless Group, Redondo Beach, CA 90278, U.S.A. This product was developed using the Tornado™ Real Time Operating System and Tools from Wind River Systems. This printer contains UFST™ and MicroType® from Agfa Corporation. 1 IBM PROGRAM LICENSE AGREEMENT THE DEVICE YOU HAVE PURCHASED CONTAINS ONE OR MORE SOFTWARE PROGRAMS (“PROGRAMS”) WHICH BELONG TO INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION (“IBM”). THIS DOCUMENT DEFINES THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS BEING LICENSED TO YOU BY IBM. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE, THEN WITHIN 14 DAYS AFTER YOUR ACQUISITION OF THE DEVICE YOU MAY RETURN THE DEVICE FOR A FULL REFUND. IF YOU DO NOT SO RETURN THE DEVICE WITHIN THE 14 DAYS, THEN YOU WILL BE ASSUMED TO HAVE AGREED TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The Programs are licensed not sold. IBM, or the applicable IBM country organization, grants you a license for the Programs only in the country where you acquired the Programs. You obtain no rights other than those granted you under this license. The term “Programs” means the original and all whole or partial copies of it, including modified copies or portions merged into other programs. IBM retains title to the Programs. IBM owns, or has licensed from the owner, copyrights in the Programs. 1. License Under this license, you may use the Programs only with the device on which they are installed and transfer possession of the Programs and the device to another party. If you transfer the Programs, you must transfer a copy of this license and any other documentation to the other party. Your license is then terminated. The other party agrees to these terms and conditions by its first use of the Program. This limitation will not apply to claims for bodily injury or damages to real or tangible personal property for which IBM is legally liable. IBM will not be liable for any lost profits, lost savings, or any incidental damages or other economic consequential damages, even if IBM, or its authorized supplier, has been advised of the possibility of such damages. IBM will not be liable for any damages claimed by you based on any third party claim. This limitation of remedies also applies to any developer of Programs supplied to IBM. IBM’s and the developer’s limitations of remedies are not cumulative. Such a developer is an intended beneficiary of this Section. Some jurisdictions do not allow these limitations or exclusions, so they may not apply to you. 4. General You may terminate your license at any time. IBM may terminate your license if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this license. In either event, you must destroy all your copies of the Program. You are responsible for payment of any taxes, including personal property taxes, resulting from this license. Neither party may bring an action, regardless of form, more than two years after the cause of action arose. If you acquired the Program in the United States, this license is governed by the laws of the State of New York. If you acquired the Program in Canada, this license is governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario. Otherwise, this license is governed by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Program. Typeface Trademark Acknowledgement All resident fonts in this printer are licensed from Agfa Corporation. You may not: Helvetica, Palatino and Times are registered trademarks of Linotype-Hell AG. 1) use, copy, modify, merge, or transfer copies of the Program except as provided in this license; 2) reverse assemble or reverse compile the Program; or 3) sublicense, rent, lease, or assign the Program. ITC Avant Garde Gothic, ITC Bookman, ITC ZapfChancery and ITC Zapf Dingbats are registered trademarks of International Typeface Corporation. 2. Limited Warranty The Programs are provided “AS IS.” THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES COVERING THE PROGRAMS (OR CONDITIONS), EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. 3. Limitation of Remedies IBM’s entire liability under this license is the following; 1) For any claim (including fundamental breach), in any form, related in any way to this license, IBM’s liability will be for actual damages only and will be limited to the greater of: a) the equivalent of U.S.$25,000 in your local currency; or b) IBM’s then generally available license fee for the Program 2 Agfa Japan License Agreement 1. “Software” shall mean the digitally encoded, machine readable, scalable outline data as encoded in a special format as well as the UFST Software. 2. You agree to accept a non-exclusive license to use the Software to reproduce and display weights, styles and versions of letters, numerals, characters and symbols (“Typefaces”) solely for your own customary business or personal purposes at the address stated on the registration card you return to Agfa Japan. Under the terms of this License Agreement, you have the right to use the Fonts on up to three printers. If you need to have access to the fonts on more than three printers, you need to acquire a multi-user license agreement which can be obtained from Agfa Japan. Agfa Japan retains all rights, title and interest to the Software and Typefaces and no rights are granted to you other than a License to use the Software on the terms expressly set forth in this Agreement. 3. To protect proprietary rights of Agfa Japan, you agree to maintain the Software and other proprietary information concerning the Typefaces in strict confidence and to establish reasonable procedures regulating access to and use of the Software and Typefaces. 4. You agree not to duplicate or copy the Software or Typefaces, except that you may make one backup copy. You agree that any such copy shall contain the same proprietary notices as those appearing on the original. 5. This License shall continue until the last use of the Software and Typefaces, unless sooner terminated. This License may be terminated by Agfa Japan if you fail to comply with the terms of this License and such failure is not remedied within thirty (30) days after notice from Agfa Japan. When this License expires or is terminated, you shall either return to Agfa Japan or destroy all copies of the Software and Typefaces and documentation as requested. 6. You agree that you will not modify, alter, disassemble, decrypt, reverse engineer or decompile the Software. 7. Agfa Japan warrants that for ninety (90) days after delivery, the Software will perform in accordance with Agfa Japanpublished specifications, and the diskette will be free from defects in material and workmanship. Agfa Japan does not warrant that the Software is free from all bugs, errors and omissions. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY, ARE EXCLUDED. 8. Your exclusive remedy and the sole liability of Agfa Japan in connection with the Software and Typefaces is repair or replacement of defective parts, upon their return to Agfa Japan. IN NO EVENT WILL AGFA JAPAN BE LIABLE FOR LOST PROFITS, LOST DATA, OR ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES CAUSED BY ABUSE OR MISAPPLICATION OF THE SOFTWARE AND TYPEFACES. 9. New York, U.S.A. law governs this Agreement. 10. You shall not sublicense, sell, lease, or otherwise transfer the Software and/or Typefaces without the prior written consent of Agfa Japan. 11. Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at FAR 252-227-7013, subdivision (b)(3)(ii) or subparagraph (c)(1)(ii), as appropriate. Further use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions applicable to restricted rights software as set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (c)(2). 12. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTAND IT, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE BOUND BY ANY STATEMENT OR REPRESENTATION NOT CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT. NO CHANGE IN THIS AGREEMENT IS EFFECTIVE UNLESS WRITTEN AND SIGNED BY PROPERLY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES OF EACH PARTY. BY OPENING THIS DISKETTE PACKAGE, YOU AGREE TO ACCEPT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. 3 Contents Contents ....................................................... 4 Introduction .................................................. 6 1 For More Information............................................................ 6 2 Guide to the Operation Guide .............................................. 6 IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ FIRST .......... 7 Chapter 1 Names of Parts ......................... 1-1 Chapter 2 How to Load Paper................... 2-1 1 How to Load Paper............................................................ 2-1 1.1 Loading Paper into the Paper Cassette ............... 2-1 1.2 Loading Paper into the MP (Multi-Purpose) Tray... 2-2 1.3 Setting Envelopes ................................................ 2-3 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel ........ 3-1 1 Understanding the Operator Panel.................................... 3-1 1.1 Operation Indicators............................................. 3-2 1.2 Message Display.................................................. 3-2 1.3 Interface Indicator ................................................ 3-2 1.4 Paper Size Indicator............................................. 3-3 1.5 Paper Type Indicator............................................ 3-3 1.6 Keys ..................................................................... 3-3 2 Using the Operator Panel.................................................. 3-4 2.1 Menu Selection System ....................................... 3-4 2.2 Using the Menu Selection System ..................... 3-10 2.2.1 Printing the Menu Map ............................ 3-10 2.2.2 Printing Status Page ............................... 3-10 2.2.3 e-MPS ..................................................... 3-11 2.2.4 Changing the Interface Parameters ........ 3-18 2.2.5 Changing the Emulation.......................... 3-22 2.2.6 Setting the Default Font .......................... 3-24 2.2.7 Using Page Set Menus ........................... 3-26 2.2.8 Setting the Print Quality .......................... 3-30 2.2.9 Operating an Option Hard Disk ............... 3-31 2.2.10 Operating a RAM Disk .......................... 3-34 2.2.11 Operating a Memory Card..................... 3-36 2.2.12 Paper Handling ..................................... 3-40 2.2.13 Other Modes ......................................... 3-47 4 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting....................... 4-1 1 General Guide....................................................................4-1 2 Print Quality Problems .......................................................4-2 3 Indicators and Messages ...................................................4-4 3.1 Indicators ..............................................................4-4 3.2 Maintenance Messages ........................................4-4 3.3 Error Messages.....................................................4-6 4 Correcting a Paper Jam .....................................................4-8 4.1 Jam in Paper Cassette..........................................4-9 4.2 Jam at the MP Tray...............................................4-9 4.3 Jam in Left Cover 1.............................................4-10 4.4 Jam in Left Cover 2.............................................4-11 4.5 Paper Jam at the Option Document Finisher......4-11 Chapter 5 Paper Selection ........................ 5-1 1 General Guidelines ............................................................5-1 1.1 Paper Availability ..................................................5-1 1.2 Paper Specifications .............................................5-1 1.3 Selecting the Right Paper .....................................5-1 2 Special Paper.....................................................................5-3 2.1 Transparency (Overhead Projection Film) ............5-3 2.2 Adhesive-Backed Labels ......................................5-4 3 Paper Type.........................................................................5-5 Chapter 6 Maintenance ............................. 6-1 1 Toner Container Replacement ...........................................6-1 1.1 Toner Container Replacement Interval .................6-1 1.2 Replenishing Toner...............................................6-1 Appendix A Fonts..................................... A-1 Appendix B Expansion Memory.............. B-1 1 Removing the Main Circuit Board ..................................... B-1 1.1 Notes on Handling the Main Circuit Board and DIMM ............................................................ B-1 1.2 Removing the Main Circuit Board from the Printer .. B-1 2 Installing DIMMs................................................................ B-2 2.1 Removing DIMM .................................................. B-2 2.2 Testing the Expansion Memory ........................... B-2 CONTENTS Appendix C Host Computer Interface..... C-1 1 Parallel Interface............................................................... C-1 1.1 Parallel Interface Communication Modes............ C-1 1.2 Interface Signals.................................................. C-1 2 Serial Interface ................................................................. C-2 2.1 Interface Signals.................................................. C-2 3 RS-232C Protocol............................................................. C-3 4 RS-232C Cable Connection ............................................. C-4 4.1 Preparing an RS-232C Cable.............................. C-4 4.2 Connecting the RS-232C Cable .......................... C-4 4.3 Setting the RS-232C Parameters........................ C-4 Appendix D Option Units ......................... D-1 1 Available Options.............................................................. D-1 2 Installing Option Units....................................................... D-3 2.1 PF-70/75 Paper Feeders..................................... D-3 2.2 DF-70/71/75 Document Finishers ....................... D-3 2.3 Network Interface ................................................ D-3 2.4 Hard Disk............................................................. D-4 2.5 Memory Card....................................................... D-4 Appendix E Specifications .......................E-1 Glossary .................................................... 1-1 Index .......................................................... 1-1 5 Introduction The Kyocera Mita page printer has many desirable features, such as the EcoPrint function that reduces the power consumption and the Auto Media Type Selection function that selects the media automatically before printing. If you install the option document finisher to the printer, you can also make stitching. This Operation Guide has the following chapters: Chapter 1 Names of Parts This chapter explains the name and function of each part of the printer. This section explains the following topics: • For More Information... • Guide to the Operation Guide 1. For More Information... Item 2. Guide to the Operation Guide Description Chapter 2 How to Load Paper This chapter explains how to load paper into the paper cassette and MP tray. Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel This chapter explains the message display, indicators and keys on the operator panel, and how to make various settings from the operator panel. Installation Guide (paper manual) Describes procedures from the printer setup to printing a test page. Operation Guide (this manual) Guides you through topics concerning the operations and maintenance of the printer. Chapter 4 Troubleshooting This chapter explains how to handle printer problems that may occur, such as paper jams. Printer Driver Guide Describes how to install and set the printer driver. This guide is contained in the latter half of this guide. Chapter 5 Paper Selection This chapter explains the types of paper that can be used with the printer. PRESCRIBE Programming Manual Describes how to use the PRESCRIBE commands and their parameters in detail for experienced users. This manual is contained in the CDROM supplied with the printer. PDF417 Two-Dimensional Bar Includes a PDF417 overview Code Implementation Manual and explains PRESCRIBE commands for use with two-dimensional barcodes. This manual is contained in the CD-ROM supplied with the printer. Chapter 6 Maintenance This chapter explains how to replace the toner container, waste toner box, and how to care for your printer. Appendix A Fonts This appendix explains about fonts and lists the printer’s internal fonts. Appendix B Expansion Memory This appendix explains how to expand the printer’s memory. Appendix C Host Computer Interface This appendix explains the pin assignment and specifications for the printer’s parallel interface and serial interface. Appendix D Option Units This appendix introduces the available options for use with the printer. Appendix E Specifications This appendix lists the printer’s specifications. Glossary This glossary explains the terminology used in this manual. 6 IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ FIRST Caution Labels Caution labels have been attached to the printer at the following locations for safety purposes. BE SUFFICIENTLY CAREFUL to avoid fire or electric shock when removing a paper jam or when replacing toner. Label 2 High temperature inside. Do not touch parts in this area, because there is a danger of getting burned. ...................... Label 1 High voltage inside. NEVER touch parts in this area, because there is a danger of electric shock. ........................................ Label 3 Do not incinerate toner and waste toner box. Dangerous sparks may cause burn. ................ Label 4 Moving parts inside. May cause personal injury. Do not touch moving parts. .... 7 Installation Precautions Environment Power Supply/Grounding the Printer CAUTION WARNING • Avoid placing the printer on or in locations which are unstable or not level. Such locations may cause the printer to fall down or fall over. This type of situation presents a danger of personal injury or damage to the printer. ......................................................................... • Avoid locations with humidity or dust and dirt. If dust or dirt becomes attached to the power plug, clean the plug to avoid the danger of fire or electrical shock. ..... • Avoid locations near radiators, heaters, or other heat sources, or locations near flammable items, to avoid the danger of fire. ........................................................ • To keep the printer cool and facilitate changing of parts and maintenance, allow access space as shown below. Leave adequate space, especially around the left cover, to allow air to be properly ventilated out of the printer. ................................................................... • DO NOT use a power supply with a voltage other than that specified. Avoid multiple connections in the same outlet. These types of situations present a danger of fire or electrical shock. ................................................ • Plug the power cord securely into the outlet. If metallic objects come in contact with the prongs on the plug, it may cause a fire or electric shock. ............................. • Always connect the printer to an outlet with a ground connection to avoid the danger of fire or electrical shock in case of an electric short. If an earth connection is not possible, contact your service representative. ............................................................................. Other Precautions • Connect the power plug to the closest outlet possible to the printer. 15 Rear: > =10 cm (3- /16") Handling of Plastic Bags WARNING Left: 5 > =60 cm (23- /8") Right: > =70 cm (27-9/16") 3 Front: > =100 cm (39- /8") • Always use the caster stoppers to stabilize the printer once it is in place to keep it from moving and/or falling over and causing injury. .............................................. Other Precautions • Adverse environmental conditions may affect the safe operation and performance of the printer. Install in an air-conditioned room (recommended room temperature: around 20 °C, humidity: around 65 % RH) and avoid the following locations when selecting a site for the printer. • Avoid locations near a window or with exposure to direct sunlight. • Avoid locations with vibrations. • Avoid locations with drastic temperature fluctuations. • Avoid locations with direct exposure to hot or cold air. • Avoid poorly ventilated locations. • If the floor is delicate against casters, when this product is moved after installation, the floor material may be damaged. 8 • Keep the plastic bags that are used with the printer away from children. The plastic may cling to their nose and mouth causing suffocation. .................................. Precautions for Use Cautions when Using the Printer WARNING • DO NOT place metallic objects or containers with water (flower vases, flower pots, cups, etc.) on or near the printer. This type of situation presents a danger of fire or electrical shock should they fall inside. ............ • DO NOT remove any of the covers from the printer as there is a danger of electrical shock from high voltage parts inside the printer. ............................................... • DO NOT damage, break or attempt to repair the power cord. DO NOT place heavy objects on the cord, pull it, bend it unnecessarily or cause any other type of damage. These types of situations present a danger of fire or electrical shock. .......................................................... • NEVER attempt to repair or disassemble the printer or its parts as there is a danger of fire, electrical shock or damage to the laser. If the laser beam escapes, there is a danger of it causing blindness. ............................ • If the printer becomes excessively hot, smoke appears from the printer, there is an odd smell, or any other abnormal situation occurs, there is a danger of fire or electrical shock. Turn the power switch OFF (O) immediately, remove the power plug from the outlet and contact your service representative. ........................... • For safety purposes. ALWAYS remove the power plug from the outlet when performing cleaning operations. ................................................................... • If dust accumulates within the printer, there is a danger of fire or other trouble. It is therefore recommended that you consult with your service representative in regard to the cleaning of internal parts. This is particularly effective if accomplished prior to seasons of high humidity. Consult with your service representative in regard to the cost of cleaning the internal parts of the printer. ................................... • If anything harmful (paper clips, water, other fluids, etc.) falls into the printer, turn the power switch OFF (O) immediately. Next, remove the power plug from the outlet to avoid the danger of fire or electrical shock. Then contact your service representative. ...... Other Precautions • DO NOT place heavy objects on the printer or cause other damage to the printer. • DO NOT remove or connect the power plug with wet hands, as there is a danger of electrical shock. ......... • During printing, some ozone is released, but the amount does not cause any ill effect to one’s health. If, however, the printer is used over a long period of time in a poorly ventilated room or when printing an extremely large number of copies, the smell may become unpleasant. To maintain the appropriate environment for print work, it is suggested that the room be properly ventilated. • ALWAYS contact your service representative for maintenance or repair of internal parts. ............................. CAUTION • DO NOT pull the power cord when removing it from the outlet. If the power cord is pulled, the wires may become broken and there is a danger of fire or electrical shock. (ALWAYS grasp the power plug when removing the power cord from the outlet.) ..................... • ALWAYS remove the power plug from the outlet when moving the printer. If the power cord is damaged, there is a danger of fire or electrical shock. ................ • If the printer will not be used for a short period of time (overnight, etc.), turn the power switch OFF (O). If it will not be used for an extended period of time (vacations, etc.), remove the power plug from the outlet for safety purposes during the time the printer is not in use. ............................................................................. • DO NOT open the front cover, turn off the main switch, or pull out the power plug during printing. • DO NOT touch electrical parts, such as connectors or printed circuit boards. They could be damaged by static electricity. • DO NOT attempt to perform any operations not explained in this handbook. • CAUTION: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure. • When lifting or moving the printer, pull up the 4 handles on both sides of the printer, then ALWAYS carry the printer by the designated 4 handles with at least 4 people, one person to a handle................................... 9 Cautions for Toner Handling CAUTION • Do not incinerate toner and toner containers. Dangerous sparks may cause burn. ....................................... • Never open the toner container or waste toner box. .... • Make sure not to inhale the toner, and not to rub your eyes or touch your mouth with the hands stained with the toner. And make sure not to stick to your skin. ...... • For the disposal of old toner container and waste toner box, consult your dealer. Or dispose of the toner or toner containers in accordance with Federal, state and Local rules and regulations. ........................................ • Keep the toner container and the waste toner box away from children. ..................................................... Other Precautions • If the printer will not be used for an extended period of time, remove the paper from the cassette, return it to its original package and reseal it. 10 Chapter 1 Names of Parts A B 1 0 9 C D E F 8 2 7 3 6 4 5 M G L K J I H 1-1 Chapter 1 Names of Parts N O P Q R S 1 Operator panel Contains the keys and indicators for operating the printer. 2 Front cover Open to replace the toner container or waste toner box. 3 Paper cassette 2 Second cassette that holds up to about 500 sheets of standard paper. 4 Paper guide Adjust to the length of the paper to be set in the paper cassette. 5 Paper stopper Hold the lever and adjust the paper guide to the width of the paper to be set in the paper cassette. 6 Paper cassette 1 First cassette that holds up to about 500 sheets of standard paper. 7 Handles for transport These handles must be held by at least 4 persons when lifting or moving the printer. 8 MP (Multi-Purpose) tray Load paper here when printing onto small-size or special paper. 9 Main switch Turn ON (I) before starting to print. 0 Face-down tray Printed paper is stored here. A Toner container B Toner container release lever Operate to replace the toner container. C Waste toner box Waste toner is collected. D Cleaning knob Pull and push back in after toner container replacement or when print images become soiled with toner. 1-2 E Main charger unit When replacing the toner container, install the grid cleaner to clean the grid. F Cleaning brush Used to clean the internal part of the printer. G Power cord H Power cord connector 220 to 240 V-models only. I Option unit connector When using the option device, connect its cable to this connector. J Handles for transport These handles must be held by at least 4 persons when lifting or moving the printer. K Left cover 2 Open when a paper jam occurs inside the left cover 2. L Lock lever Pull up to open the left cover 1. M Left cover 1 Open when a paper jam occurs. N Memory card slot O Optional network interface card slot (OPT2) For optional network interface card. P Parallel cable connector Connect the parallel cable to this connector in the parallel printing. Q Network cable connector Connect the network cable to this connector in the network printing. R Serial cable connector Connect the serial cable to this connector in the serial printing. S Optional hard disk unit slot (OPT1/HDD) For optional hard disk unit. Chapter 2 How to Load Paper 1. How to Load Paper Paper can be loaded into the two paper cassettes and the MP tray. 1.1 Loading Paper into the Paper Cassette 3 Hold the paper stopper and move it to align with the required paper length. 4 Set the paper flush against the left-hand wall of the paper cassette. Up to about 500 sheets of standard paper (80 g/m2) can be loaded into the each paper cassette. Inch specifications Each paper cassette can be set to hold paper of any desired size from 11 × 17 to 5-1/2 × 8-1/2". Metric specifications Each paper cassette can be set to hold paper of any desired size from A3 to A5R. 1 Pull the paper cassette out toward you as far as it will go. Do not pull more than one paper cassette out at a time. 2 Hold the paper guide and move it to align the paper guide with the required paper width. Paper sizes are marked inside the paper cassette. 2-1 Chapter 2 How to Load Paper IMPORTANT • There is a sticker ( in the illustration) indicating paper capacity attached to the inside of the paper cassette. Do not load paper above this limit. • When loading paper into the paper cassette, make sure that the print side is facing upward. (The print side is the side facing upward when the package is opened.) • Check that the paper guide makes secure contact with the paper. If there is a gap, adjust the position of the paper guide. • If small-size paper jams occur frequently under high temperature and high humidity conditions, reduce the number of sheets to the level line indicated on the sticker . 1.2 Loading Paper into the MP (Multi-Purpose) Tray Special paper as well as standard paper can be loaded into the MP tray. When printing onto transparencies or thick paper, be sure to use the MP tray. NOTE • The number of sheets of standard paper that can be loaded in the MP tray at a time is approximately 200. • When using transparencies, load a single sheet at a time. IMPORTANT When setting special paper, such as transparencies and thick paper, into the M tray, select the type of paper by referring to 3.Paper Type on page 5-5. UPPER LEVEL 5 6 Set the supplied paper size plate so that the size of the paper loaded can be checked by looking at the front of the paper cassette. Gently push the paper cassette back in. NOTE Before leaving the printer in disuse for a prolonged period of time, remove the paper from the paper cassette(s) and seal it in its original packaging to protect from moisture. Also, when storing paper in a high temperature and high humidity environment, seal it in a moisture-proof bag. 2-2 1 Open the MP tray. 2 Adjust the insert guides to the size of the paper to be loaded. Chapter 2 How to Load Paper 3 Insert the paper along the guides as far as it will go. 3 Open the flap of the envelope and set it with the copy side facing upward. With the flap facing the outside, insert the envelope into the slot along the insert guides as far as it will go. IMPORTANT When loading paper into the MP tray, make sure that the print side is facing upward. (The print side is the side facing upward when the package is opened.) If the leading edge of the paper is curled, straighten it out before loading the paper in the MP tray. NOTE Incorrectly loading envelopes can result in printing in the wrong orientation or on the wrong side. 1.3 Setting Envelopes When using the optional printer function, envelopes can be set in the MP tray. 1 Open the MP tray. 2 Align the insert guides with the envelope size. 2-3 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel This chapter explains the following topics: • Understanding the Operator Panel • Using the Operator Panel 1. Understanding the Operator Panel The operator panel has an LCD message display, indicators, and eight keys. Operation Indicators (See page 3-2) Message Display (See page 3-2) READY DATA ATTENTION Ready - - - A4 PLAIN INTERFACE SIZE Paper Type Indicator (See page 3-3) Paper Size Indicator (See page 3-3) TYPE GO MENU Interface Indicator (See page 3-2) ENTER CANCEL Keys (See page 3-3) 3-1 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 1.1 Operation Indicators The following indicators light up during normal operation and when the printer needs attention. Indicator The message display gives information in the form of short messages. The eight messages listed below are displayed during normal warm-up and printing. Description Flashing: Indicates when an error occurs that you can clear by yourself. Lit: Indicates that the printer is on-line. The printer prints received data. Off: Indicates that the printer is off-line. Data can be received but will not be printed. Also indicates when printing is automatically stopped due to occurrence of an error. READY Flashing: Indicates data transfer is taking place. Lit: Indicates either that data is being processed, or that data is being written to the memory card. DATA Flashing: Indicates when the printer needs maintenance attention or the printer is warming up (Please wait). Lit: Indicates when a problem or an error occurs that you can clear by yourself. (For example, paper jam occurs.) ATTENTION 1Flashing: Indicates when no paper is detected. Fast-Flashing: Indicates that a paper jam is occurring. Lit: Indicates that the MP tray is selected. 3 1.2 Message Display 1 2 2Flashing: Indicates when the cassette or paper is not detected, or when the paper is loading. Fast-Flashing:Indicates that a paper jam is occurring. Lit: Indicates that the cassette is selected. 3Flashing: Indicates that there is paper jam in the optional finisher. Lit: Indicates that the document finisher is being selected. Other messages that may appear when the printer needs the operator’s attention are explained on page 4-4. Message Meaning Self test The printer is self-testing after power-up. Please wait The printer is warming up and is not ready. When the printer is switched on for the first time after the toner container is installed, (Adding toner) also appears. Ready The printer is ready to print. Processing The printer is receiving data, generating graphics, reading a memory card/hard disk, or printing. Sleeping The printer is in Sleep mode. The printer wakes from Sleep mode whenever a key on the operator panel is pressed, the cover is opened or closed, or data is received. The printer then warms up and goes online. The time that the printer takes to enter Sleep mode depends on the Sleep Timer setting. Cancelling data Jobs inside the printer are being canceled. To cancel a job, see the table on page 3-3. Waiting The printer is waiting for the end-of-job command before printing the last page. Pressing the GO key allows you to obtain the last page immediately. FormFeed TimeOut The printer is printing the last page after a waiting period. 1.3 Interface Indicator The interface Indicator shows the interface that is currently used. It uses the following abbreviations: PAR SER NET OPT --- Standard bi-directional parallel interface Serial interface (RS-232C) Network interface Option network interface card No interface is active. Each interface has a timeout time of 30 seconds during which the other interface should wait to receive a print job. Even if a print job has been completed on the interface, you should wait for this period until the other interface begins printing the job. 3-2 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 1.4 Paper Size Indicator 1.6 Keys This Indicator shows the paper size of the current paper cassette. The following abbreviations are used to indicate the paper sizes. Message Display Paper Size Message Display Paper Size The operator panel keys are used to configure the printer. Note that certain keys have the secondary function. NOTE Settings made with these keys effect only the interface currently in use. A3 ISO A3 DL ISO DL* A4 ISO A4 C5 ISO C5* A5 ISO A5 b5 ISO B5* A6 ISO A6* EX Executive* B5 JIS B5 #6 Commercial 6-3/4* B6 JIS B6* #9 Commercial 9* LT Letter HA Japanese Postcard* LG Legal OH Return Postcard* MO Monarch* CU Custom Size BU Business* C4 ISO C4 B4 B4 O2 Oficio II LD Ledger ST Statement FO Folio Y2 Youkei2* Y4 Youkei4* Key GO CANCEL * With only the MP tray feeding NOTE While the printer is processing data, the SIZE display indicates the paper size selected by the application software. 1.5 Paper Type Indicator This shows the paper type defined for the current paper cassette. Automatic cassette switching is available according to the paper type. MENU The paper type can be specified at the operator panel. See Customizing Paper Type on page 3-45. Paper Type Message Display Auto ROUGH PLAIN Plain LETTERHEA Letterhead TRNSPRNCY Transparency* COLOR Color PREPRINT Preprinted PREPUNCH Prepunched LABELS Labels* ENVELOPE Envelope* BOND Bond CARDSTOCK Cardstock* RECYCLED Recycled VELLUM Vellum* CUSTOM1 (to 8) Rough • Used to select the emulation, font, character code set; to read an memory card, and more. • When pressed during mode selection, terminates the setting and the printer returns to the Ready condition. Used as the 1 key in the mode selection function. • Used as the 2 key in the mode selection function. • Displays online help messages on the message display when paper jam errors occur. When pressed in the Ready condition, displays explanations of online help messages. When pressed while the online help is displayed, cancels the online help. Custom 1 (to 8) * With only the MP tray feeding ENTER 3-3 • Cancels a printing job. To cancel, proceed as follows: 1 Check if Processing is displayed in the message display. 2 Press the CANCEL key. Print Cancel? appears in the message display and then interface to be canceled appears. Parallel Serial Network Option (appears only when an option network interface card is installed) 3 Select the interface to cancel using the 3 or 4 key and then press the ENTER key. Printing from the selected interface will stop. Cancelling data appears in the message display and printing stops after the current page is printed. • Resets numeric values, or cancels a setting procedure. • Used to stop the sounding of the alarm buzzer indicating an error. Used to access a desired item or to enter numeric values. In some of the control procedures, the 1 and 2 keys are used to enter or exit a sub item. Paper Type None • Switches the printer on-line and off-line. • Prints and feeds out one page. Used to access a desired item or enter numeric values. In some of the control procedures, the 1 and 2 keys are used to enter or exit a sub item. The following abbreviations are used to indicate the paper type. Message Display Function Finalizes numeric values and other selections. Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 2. Using the Operator Panel This section explains how to use the menu selection system. The MENU key on the operator panel allows you to use the menu to set or change the printer environment such as the number of copies to print, emulation, etc., to your specific needs. Settings can be made when Ready is indicated on the printer message display. The printer obeys the most recently received printer settings sent from the application software, or from the printer driver, which take priority over operator panel settings. 2.1 Menu Selection System The following is the hierarchy diagram of the menu selection system of the printer. The vertical transition is made with the 3 and 4 keys and horizontal transition is made with the 2 and 1 keys. To change or finalize configuration on an item, use the ENTER key. These items will not appear unless the printer is installed with the applicable option. Ready PAR A4 PLAIN MENU Key Print Ready PAR MenuA4Map PLAIN Print Status Page e-MPS > >Quick Copy >Private/Stored >Print VMB Data >List of VMB >List of Code JOB >e-MPS > Configuration >>Quick Copy 32 >>Temp. Code JOB Size 0500MB >>Perm. Code JOB Size 0500MB >>VMB Size 0500MB Continued on the next page 3-4 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel Continued Interface Parallel Interface Serial Interface Network Interface Option > >Parallel I/F Auto > > > >Baud rate 9600 >Data Bits 8 >Data Bits 7 >Stop Bits 1 >Stop Bits 2 >Parity None >Protocol DTR (pos.)&XON >Barcode Mode Off >Barcode Mode On >NetWare Off >NetWare On > >>NetWare Frame Auto >TCP/IP Off >TCP/IP On > >>DHCP OFF >Ether Talk Off >Ether Talk On >>IP Address >>Subnet Mask >Network Status Page Off >Network Status Page On >OPT. StatusPage Off >OPT. StatusPage On Continued on the next page 3-5 >>Gateway Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel Continued Emulation PCL 6 Emulation KC-GL > >Code Set IBM PC-8 > >KC-GL Pen Width > >>Pen(1) Width 01 dot(s) >KC-GL Page Set [SPSZ] Emulation KPDL Emulation KPDL (AUTO) >Print KPDL Errs Off > Emulation Line Printer Emulation IBM Printer > >Print KPDL Errs Off >Alt. Emulation PCL 6 > > Emulation > DIABLO US Emulation > EPSON LQ-850 >Code Set IBM US >Code Set DIALO US >Code Set LQ US Font > >Font Select > Internal >Font Select > Option >>I001 >>Courier Regular >>Courier Dark >>Letter Gothic Regular >>Letter Gothic Dark Page Set > >List of Internal Fonts >>Size 012.00 point(s) >List of Option Fonts >>Pitch 10.00 cpi >Copies 001 >Zoom [CS]→[CS] >Orientation Portrait >Orientation Landscape >Page Protect Auto >Page Protect on >LF Action LF only >CR Action CR only >Wide A4 Off >Wide A4 On Continued on the next page 3-6 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel Continued Print Quality > >KIR Mode On >KIR Mode Off >EcoPrint Mode Off >EcoPrint Mode On >Resolution Fast 1200 mode >Print Density 03 Opt. ROM >Read Data > >List of Partition Hard Disk >Read Data > >Write Data >Delete Data >List of Partition RAM DISK Mode Off RAM DISK Mode On > >RAM Disk Size 0008 MByte >read Data >Write Data >Delete Data >List of Partition Memory Card > >Read Fonts >Read Data >Write Data >Delete Data >Format >List of Partition Continued on the next page 3-7 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel Continued Paper Handling > >MP Tray Mode Cassette >MP Tray Mode First >MP Tray Size A4 >MP Tray Type Plain >Cassette1 Size > >>Unit mm >>Unit inch >Cassette 1 Type Plain >Feed Select Cassette 1 >Duplex Mode None >Stack Select Face-down tray >Stitch Adjust > >>A4/Letter 000 >>B4 000 >>A3/Ledger 000 >Override A4/LT Off >Override A4/LT On >Type Adjust Custom 1 >Reset Type Adjust > >>Paper Weight Normal >>Duplex Path Enable >>Duplex Path Disable Continued on the next page 3-8 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel Continued Life Counters > >Total Print 0123456 >New Toner Installed Others > >MSG Language English >Form Feed Time Out 030sec. >Sleep Timer > 030 min. >>Sleep Mode On >>Sleep Mode Off >Print HEX-DUMP >Printer Reset >Resource Prot. Off >Buzzer On >Buzzer Off >Auto Continue > Mode Off >Auto Continue > Mode On >>Auto Continue Timer 030sec. >Service >>Print Status Page > >>Print Event Log >>Developer >>Drum 3-9 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 2.2 Using the Menu Selection System This section explains the procedure for using the menu selection system. The menu selection system is activated by the MENU key while the printer is Ready. 2.2.2 Printing Status Page If you want to check the printer’s current status, including memory available and option settings, you can find the information you need on the status page. 2.2.1 Printing the Menu Map The printer prints a full list of menu selections. Note that menus indicated on the list may vary depending on which option units are installed on the printer. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Print Status Page appears. Print 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Print Menu Map appears. Status Page 3 Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. Print Print Status Page Menu Map 3 Press the ENTER key again. The printer prints a status page. NOTE Print For a full description of the status, see the following sample status page. Menu Map ? 4 4 Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. ? Press the ENTER key again. The printer prints a menu map. The following is a sample status page. The numbers below refer to the contents explained on the next page. FS-9500DN Page Printer FS-9500DN Page Printer MENU MAP STATUS PAGE Firmware Version: Hardware Information 1 Released: Memory 2 4 3 Page Information Network Status Installed Options 5 Emulation 7 6 Error Log 8 Toner Gauge 9 100 0 Interfaces 0 KIR Test pattern ON A When the Network Status is turned on, the Network Interface Status Page will be printed after the Printer Status. (See page 3-20.) 3-10 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel NOTE Items and values on the status page may vary depending on the printer’s firmware version. 1 Software Version This information shows the firmware version and date of issue of the printer. 2 Hardware Information This information shows various printer settings, such as the size and type of the paper in the paper cassettes. 3 Memory This shows the amount of total memory installed in the printer, the amount of currently available memory, and the current status of the RAM disk. See Setting RAM Disk Size on page 3-34. 4 Page Information This shows the print resolution, number of copies, and the total page count. In either job mode, when printing a document, the print data is transferred from the computer to the printer then stored on the printer’s hard disk. Since copies of the document are printed using the stored data, printing is performed faster with less computer spooling time and less network traffic. NOTE To use the e-MPS system, an optional hard disk must be installed in the printer. For details, see Appendix D Option Units. Job Retention Job Retention has four modes as summarized below. These modes are selected when you choose on the printer driver through the application software: Quick Copy Primary function 5 Installed Options This shows the option(s) installed in the printer. 6 Network Status This shows the IP address, Subnet Mask address, and Default Gateway address for the network interface. 7 Emulation This shows all available emulations of the printer. The printer is shipped from the factory with PCL 6 emulation selected as the default. 8 Error Log This shows the last three instances of the following four types of errors, listing them in the order of their occurrence: KPDL Error Press GO; Memory overflow Press GO; Print overrun Press GO; File not found Press GO. The most recent error is displayed on the top line of the Error Log. For error remedies, see Maintenance Messages on page 4-4. Error information is cleared when the printer’s power is turned off. 9 Toner Gauge This shows the approximate level of remaining toner. When the value is 100, the toner container is full. 0 Interface Information This information shows the default font and the default emulation for all interfaces installed in the printer. A KIR Test Pattern KIR is the Kyocera’s original smoothing function. This test pattern shows the effect of the KIR (Kyocera Image Refinement) system. To later print additional copies Proof-and-Hold To proof the first copy before printing multiple copies Storing started Printer driver Printer driver Retrieved by Operator panel Operator panel Default number of Same as storing copies printed at retrieval One less Maximum number of jobs stored* 32,expandable to 50 32,expandable to 50 PIN security No No Data after printing Retained Retained Data when power off Deleted Deleted Primary function To hold the document in printer to prevent unauthorized access To electronically store documents such as fax cover pages Storing started Printer driver Printer driver Retrieved by Operator panel Operator panel Private Print Default number of Same as storing copies printed at retrieval Stored Job One Maximum number of jobs stored* Private jobs are de- Depends on the leted automatically hard disk capacity once it is retrieved. PIN security Yes Yes (Option) 2.2.3 e-MPS Data after printing Deleted Retained e-MPS is an abbreviation for ‘enhanced-Multiple Printing System’ which implements the following functions that are available from the printer driver: Data when power off Deleted Retained • Job Retention • Job Storage 3-11 *Jobs in excess will cause the earlier ones to be deleted. Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel Job Storage Job storage stores print jobs either temporarily or permanently, or in virtual mailboxes, as you click an appropriate radio button on the printer driver when printing from a computer. If you select Temporary or Permanent job storage, you can choose to have a unique number and barcode automatically assigned to each job as it is stored in the printer. This barcode appears on the printed document. The barcode reader can be used to reprint the document by reading the barcode from the original document or from a List of Code Jobs. For details on this list, see Printing a List of Code Jobs on page 3-15. Job storage requires a hard disk installed in the printer. However, printing barcoded job IDs on documents is possible using the RAM disk feature of the printer. On how to use the RAM disk, see Operating a RAM Disk on page 3-34. Virtual Mailbox Virtual mailbox is part of Job Storage, which stores print jobs on the hard disk without printing. It enables you to retrieve jobs later from the operator panel, the Print Disk Manager utility (in the CDROM), or the barcode reader. Each mailbox may be used by an individual who desires to share the printer in this mode. By default, each mailbox is numbered from ‘Tray 001,’ ‘Tray 002,’ ... etc. To ‘post’ a job in one of these mailboxes, you assign a numbered or named mailbox on the printer driver when printing. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Quick Copy appears followed by the user name (Harold, in this example). The user name is assigned at printing using the printer driver. >Quick Copy Harold 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears before the user name. >Quick Copy ?Harold 6 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired user name, Arlen, in this example. >Quick Copy ?Arlen 7 To retrieve the stored job for printing, see Retrieving Jobs from Virtual Mailbox (VMB) on page 3-15. Press the ENTER key. The job name entered in the printer driver (Report, in this example) appear with a blinking question mark (?) before the letters. >Arlen ?Report NOTE The virtual mailbox can be used in PCL 6 emulation only. Using Quick Copy This mode enables you to print the requested number of copies of a job, simultaneously storing the job on the hard disk. When additional copies are required, you can reprint the required number of copies from the printer operator panel. To print a job as a quick copy job, see Printer Driver Guide. The default number of print jobs that can be stored on the hard disk is 32. This value can be increased to up to 50 from the e-MPS Configuration menu. For details, see Changing e-MPS Configuration on page 3-16. When the number of jobs reaches the limit, the oldest job will be overwritten by the new one. When the printer is turned off, all stored jobs will be deleted. Printing Additional Copies using Quick Copy To print additional copies of a job stored in the printer: 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until e-MPS > appears. e-MPS > 8 Press the 3 or 4 key to scroll to the desired job title. 9 Press the ENTER key. The number of copies to be printed can be set. To increase the copy count, press the 3 key; to decrease the copy count, press the 4 key. >Report Copies 10 Press the ENTER key to finalize the copy count. The printer prints the specified number of copies for the job. Deleting a Quick Copy Job All quick copy jobs are automatically deleted when the printer is turned off. If you desire to explicitly delete a stored quick copy job, proceed as follows: 1 Follow steps 1 through 8 in the above section to display the title of the job to be deleted. 2 When the title of the job to be deleted is displayed, e.g. Report, below, press the ENTER key. The cursor below the copy count starts to blink. >Report Copies 3 001 001 Press the 2 key. 3-12 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3 Press the 4 key repeatedly until Delete appears below the title. 7 Press the ENTER key. The job name entered in the printer driver (Report, in this example) appears with a blinking question mark (?) before the letters. >Report Delete >Arlen _ ?Report 4 Press the ENTER key. The stored quick copy job is deleted. 8 Press the 3 or 4 key to scroll to the desired job title. 9 Press the ENTER key. The number of copies to be printed can be set. To increase the copy count, press the 3 key; to decrease the copy count, press the 4 key. Using Proof-and-Hold When you print multiple copies, this mode first prints one copy so that you can proof it before continuing to print the remaining copies. Since you can proof the printouts before printing the remaining copies, wastage of paper can be reduced. The printer prints one copy and, at the same time, saves the print job on the hard disk. You can also change the number of copies when resuming printing from the operator panel. When the printer is turned off, all stored jobs will be deleted. >Report Copies 10 Printing Remaining Copies of a Proof and Hold Job Printing a Proof-and-Hold job on the operator panel is similar to printing a quick copy job. To print remaining copies of a job held in the printer: 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until e-MPS > appears. e-MPS > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Quick Copy appears followed by the user name (Harold, in this example). The user name is assigned at printing using the printer driver. >Quick Copy Harold 5 001 Press the ENTER key to finalize the copy count. The printer prints the specified number of copies for the job. Printing a Private Job In private printing, you can specify that a job is not printed until you release the job from the operator panel. At sending the job from the application software, you can specify a 4-digit access code in the printer driver. The job is released for printing by entering the access code on the operator panel. Thus, this function ensures confidentiality of the print job. When the printer is turned off, all the print jobs will be deleted. Releasing a Private Job 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until e-MPS > appears. e-MPS > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Private/ Stored appears. The name entered in the printer driver (Harold, in this example) also appears. Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears before the user name. >Private/Stored >Quick Copy Harold ?Harold 6 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired user name, Arlen, in this example. 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears before the user name. >Private/Stored >Quick Copy ?Arlen 3-13 ?Harold Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 6 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired user name (Arlen, in this example). >Private/Stored ?Arlen 7 Press the ENTER key. The user name and the job name (Agenda, in this example) entered in the printer driver appear with a blinking question mark (?). Storing a Print Job You can download a job to the hard disk without printing it. This allows you to store print jobs that are frequently needed such as fax cover pages, check lists, and order forms, for printing at any later time using the operator panel. The print jobs are not deleted even when the printer is turned off. To print a stored job through the operator panel: ?Agenda 8 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired job title. 9 Press the ENTER key. The ID input line appears. Enter the four-digit access code entered in the printer driver and press the ENTER key. To enter the ID, Press the 1 or 2 key to move the cursor to the number to be changed and then enter the correct number by pressing the 3 or 4 key. >Agenda 10 Press the ENTER key. The private job is deleted from the hard disk. Releasing a Stored Job >Arlen ID 4 0000 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until e-MPS > appears. e-MPS > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Private/ Stored appears. The name entered for User Name in the printer driver (Harold, in this example) also appears. You can set the number of copies to be printed. To increase the copy count, press the 3 key; to decrease the copy count, press the 4 key. >Private/Stored >Agenda Copies 11 Harold 001 Press the ENTER key to finalize the copy count. The printer prints the specified number of copies for the job. 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) before a user name appears. >Private/Stored ?Harold Deleting a Private Job 1 Follow steps 1 through 8 in the above section. 2 When the title of the job to be printed is displayed (Agenda, in this example), press the ENTER key. Enter the four-digit access code entered in the printer driver and press the ENTER key. 6 >Agenda Copies 3 001 >Private/Stored ?Arlen 7 Press the 4 key repeatedly until Delete appears for the number of copies. Press the ENTER key. The user name and the job name entered in the printer driver (Agenda, in this example) appear with a blinking question mark (?) before the letter. >Arlen ?Agenda >Agenda Delete Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired user name (Arlen, in this example). 8 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired job title. 3-14 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 9 Press the ENTER key. If you entered an access code for the printer driver, the ID input line appears. Enter the four-digit access code entered in the printer driver. 2 e-MPS To enter the ID, Press the 1 or 2 key to move the cursor to the number to be changed and then enter the correct number by pressing the 3 or 4 key. >Agenda ID 10 0000 Copies 11 001 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >List of Code JOB appears. >List of Code JOB 5 Press the ENTER key to finalize the copy count. The printer prints the specified number of copies for the job. >Agenda ?Copies 001 > 3 Press the ENTER key. You can specify the number of copies to print. To increase the copy count, press the 3 key; to decrease the 4 key. >Agenda Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until e-MPS > appears. Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. >List of Code JOB ? 6 Press the ENTER key again. The printer prints a Code Job list as shown below. Deleting a Stored Job FS-9500DN Page Printer 1 Follow steps 1 through 8 in the above section. 2 When the title of the job to be printed is displayed (Agenda, in this example), press the ENTER key. PERMANENT CODE JOB LIST >Agenda Copies 3 001 Press the 4 key repeatedly until Delete appears for the number of copies. Retrieving Jobs from Virtual Mailbox (VMB) To retrieve the jobs posted in the virtual mailbox, proceed as follows. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until e-MPS > appears. >Agenda Delete 4 Press the ENTER key. The stored job is deleted from the hard disk. Printing a List of Code Jobs If you select Permanent Job Storage on the printer driver, you can have a List of Code Job printed using the operator panel. The List of Code Job may be used to read the barcode ID for the stored job you want to reprint by using a barcode reader. See Appendix D Option Units. A sample Code Job List is shown on page 3-15. 1 3-15 Press the MENU key. e-MPS > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Print VMB Data appears. The virtual mailbox number will also appear. >Print VMB Data Tray001: Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel If you have named the virtual mailbox with an alias on the printer driver, the alias (Richard, in this example) will follow the number: You can change the following parameters for e-MPS operation: • Maximum number of Quick Copy/Proof-and-Hold jobs • Maximum space assigned to temporary code jobs • Maximum space assigned to permanent code jobs • Maximum space assigned to virtual mailboxes >Print VMB Data Tray001:Richard 5 Changing e-MPS Configuration Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >Print VMB Data NOTE The total amount of storage area specified must not exceed the total size of the hard disk. Otherwise, you may only be able to accommodate a smaller number of print jobs than specified. Tray001? 6 Press the ENTER key. The document in the mailbox is printed and automatically deleted from the mailbox. Printing a List of VMB A Virtual Mailbox list includes the jobs currently stored in the mailboxes. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until e-MPS > appears. e-MPS Changing the Maximum Number of Quick Copy/Proofand-Hold Jobs This changes maximum number of Quick Copy/Proof-and-Hold jobs from 0 to 50. The default is 32. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until e-MPS > appears. e-MPS > > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >List of VMB appears. 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >e-MPS Configuration > appears. >e-MPS > Configuration >List of VMB 5 Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. 5 Press the 2 key. 6 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >>Quick Copy appears. >List of VMB ? >>Quick Copy 32 6 Press the ENTER key again. The printer prints a list of jobs currently posted in the virtual mailboxes as shown below. 7 Press the ENTER key. A blinking cursor (_) appears. >>Quick Copy FS-9500DN Page Printer 32 VIRTUAL MAIL BOX LIST 8 Press the 3 or 4 key to increase or decrease the value at the blinking cursor. The value can be set between 0 and 50. Use the 2 and 1 keys to move the cursor right and left. 3-16 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 9 10 When the desired maximum number of jobs is set, press the ENTER key. Press the MENU key. The display returns to Ready. Maximum Space Assigned to Temporary Code Jobs This changes the hard disk space that holds temporary code jobs. You can change the maximum space from 0 to 9999 (megabytes). The actual maximum size depends on the size of free hard disk space, however. The default size is 1/6 of the total hard disk space, rounded off in units of 50 MB. For example, if the total hard disk space is 3.2 GB, the default size is 500 MB. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until e-MPS > appears. e-MPS Maximum Space Assigned to Permanent Code Jobs This changes the hard disk space that holds permanent code jobs. You can change the maximum space from 0 to 9999 (megabytes). The actual maximum size depends on the size of free hard disk space, however. The default size is 1/6 of the total hard disk space, rounded off in units of 50 MB. For example, if the total hard disk space is 3.2 GB, the default size is 500 MB. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key and select e-MPS >. e-MPS > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >e-MPS Configuration > appears. > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >e-MPS Configuration > appears. >e-MPS > Configuration >e-MPS 5 Press the 2 key. 6 Press the 3 or 4 key and select >>Perm. Code JOB Size. > Configuration 5 Press the 2 key. 6 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >>Temp. Code JOB Size appears. >>Perm. Code JOB Size 7 0500MB Press the ENTER key, the message display shows a blinking cursor (_). >>Temp. Code JOB Size >>Perm. Code JOB 0500MB Size 7 To change the maximum disk space, press the ENTER key. A blinking cursor (_) appears. 8 Press the 3 or 4 key to increase or decrease, respectively, the value at the blinking cursor. Use the 2 and 1 keys to move the cursor right and left. 9 When the desired size is displayed, press the ENTER key. 10 Press the MENU key and the message display returns to Ready. >>Temp. Code JOB Size 0500MB 8 Press the 3 or 4 key to increase or decrease, respectively, the value at the blinking cursor. Use the 2 and 1 keys to move the cursor right and left. 9 When the desired size is displayed, press the ENTER key. 10 3-17 Press the MENU key. The display returns to Ready. 0500MB Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel Maximum Space Assigned to Virtual Mailboxes (VMB) 2.2.4 Changing the Interface Parameters This changes the hard disk space for virtual mailboxes. You can change the maximum space from 0 to 9999 (megabytes). The actual maximum size depends on the size of free hard disk space, however. The default size is 1/6 of the total hard disk space, rounded off in unit of 50 MB. For example, if the total hard disk space is 3.2 GB, the default size is 500 MB. The printer is equipped with both a parallel and serial interface or a network interface. Various printing environment parameters such as the default emulation can be changed independently on different interfaces by using the printer’s menu selection system. Select the interface to apply the changes in the procedure described below. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key until e-MPS > appears. e-MPS NOTE > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key and select >e-MPS Configuration >. >e-MPS > Configuration 5 6 This interface selection described below does not select which interface data will be received from. The printer automatically selects an interface. Changing Parallel Interface Modes The parallel interface mode of this printer supports a bi-directional/high-speed mode. Normally, this interface is used under the default setting Nibble (high). For details, see Appendix C Host Computer Interface. After setting the interface, be sure to reset the printer or turn the power off at least once. The new setting will be enabled thereafter. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Interface > appears. One of the interface names shown below appears, indicating the current interface. Press the 2 key. Parallel (default) Serial Network Option (only when an optional network interface card is installed) Press the 3 or 4 key and select >>VMB Size. >>VMB Size 0500MB 7 3 To change the maximum size, press the ENTER key. The message display shows a blinking cursor (_). Interface > ?Parallel >>VMB Size If Parallel is not displayed, press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Parallel appears. 0500MB 8 Press the 3 or 4 key to increase or decrease, respectively, the value at the blinking cursor. Use the 2 and 1 keys to move the cursor right and left. 9 When the desired size is displayed, press the ENTER key. 10 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. Press the MENU key to exit the menu selection. 4 Press the ENTER key again. 5 Press the 2 key. The message display changes to the communication mode menu. 6 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >Parallel I/F ?Nibble (high) 3-18 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 7 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired mode. The display changes as shown below. Press the ENTER key. 6 Nibble (high) (default) AUTO Normal High speed 8 Press the 2 key. Each time the 3 or 4 key is pressed, the setting item and current setting change as shown below. >Baud Rate 9600 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. >Data Bits You can set the baud rate, data bits, stop bits, parity, and protocol for the serial interface. Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Interface > appears. One of the interface names shown below appears, indicating the current interface. >Stop Bits >Parity None >Protocol DTR(pos.)&XON Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >Barcode Mode Interface Off ?Parallel 4 Definable parity: None (default), Odd, Even, Ignore Definable protocol: DTR (pos.) & XON (default), DTP (positive), DTR (negative), XON/XOFF, ETX/ ACK If set to On when the option barcode reader is installed, the mode of the serial interface will be the barcode mode. Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Serial appears. Interface 7 ?Serial 5 Definable data bits: 1 (default), 2 1 Parallel (default) Serial Network Option (only when an optional network interface card is installed) 3 Definable stop bits: 7, 8 (default) 8 Changing Serial Interface Modes 1 Definable baud rates: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 (default), 19200, 38400,57600, 115200 Display the setting item to be changed and press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. The following example explains how to change the baud rate. The settings for other items can be changed in a similar manner. Press the ENTER key again. >Baud Rate ? 9600 8 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired setting. The baud rate can be selected from 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 (default), 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200. NOTE Some computers may not be compatible with a baud rate of 115200 bps. If you set the baud rate to 115200 and communication problems occur, lower the baud rate. 3-19 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 9 Display the desired baud rate and press the ENTER key. 10 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. 6 Press the 2 key. Each time the 3 or 4 key is pressed, the display changes as shown below. >NetWare On Changing Network Interface Parameters This printer is equipped with the network interface. >TCP/IP For details on networking, refer to the “Quick Configuration Guide”. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Interface > appears. One of the interface names shown below appears, indicating the current interface. On >EtherTalk Off Parallel (default) Serial Network Option (only when an optional network interface card is installed) 3 If turns ON, print the standard Network Interface Status Page after the Printer Status Page. See page 3-10. >Network Status Page On Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >Opt. StatusPage On Interface If turns ON, print the optional Network Interface Status Page after the Printer Status Page. See page 3-10. ?Parallel 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Network appears. Interface ?Network 5 Press the ENTER key again. 7 The following example explains how to activate TCP/IP protocol to connect the printer in the network. You can select Netware or EtherTalk in a similar manner. >TCP/IP > On If TCP/IP is currently displays Off, select On using the 3 or 4 key. Press the ENTER key again. >TCP/IP ? Off >TCP/IP > On 3-20 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 8 Press the 2 key. Each time the 3 or 4 key is pressed, the item changes as shown below. >>DHCP 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Interface > appears. Off Interface > Parallel >>IP Address 3 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. Interface >>Subnet Mask ?Parallel 4 >>Gateway Interface 9 Display the item to be set and press the ENTER key. For DHCP, a question mark (?) appears. For IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway, the cursor (_) blinks. Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Network appears. ?Network 5 Press the ENTER key again. The question mark (?) disappears Interface 10 For DHCP, select On or Off using the 3 or 4 key. For IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway addresses, press the 3 or 4 key to change the number (000 to 255) where the cursor is blinking. You can use the 1 and 2 key to move the cursor right and left. Network 6 To obtain these addresses, consult your network administrator. 11 12 Page 7 Printing a Network Interface Status Page You can print out a status page for the network interface. The network interface status page shows the firmware version, the network addresses, and other information under various network protocols about the network interface. The default setting is On (print). The network interface status page will be printed out after the printer status page. On The default setting is On. If it is set to Off, change it as follows. Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >Network Status Page ? On 8 Select On using the 3 or 4 key. >Network Status Page ? Off NOTE Printing out a network interface status page may not be possible with some optional network interface cards. For details, see the manual for the network interface. Press the 2 key and then press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until the message display indicates >Network Status Page. >Network Status Press the ENTER key. Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. > 9 Press the ENTER key again. >Network Status Page 3-21 Off Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 10 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. 6 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. After changing the emulation, you have the option to change the character code set. Available character code sets vary depending on the current emulation. FS-9500DN Page Printer NETWORK STATUS PAGE KPDL (AUTO) Emulation KPDL is the Kyocera’s implementation of the PostScript language. The KPDL (AUTO) emulation enables the printer to automatically change the emulation mode according to the data received when printing. In addition to KPDL (AUTO) emulation, you can use the operator panel to set another emulation mode that is used very often. The default setting is PCL 6. Network Status Page 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Emulation > appears. 2.2.5 Changing the Emulation Emulation The emulation mode for the current interface can be changed. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Emulation appears. One of the emulation names shown below appears, indicating the current emulation. PCL 6 (default) KC-GL KPDL KPDL (AUTO) Line Printer IBM Proprinter DIABLO 630 EPSON LQ-850 3 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. Emulation PCL 6 3 4 5 Press the ENTER key. The 2 key allows access to sub item >Code set. Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. Emulation ?PCL 6 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until KPDL (AUTO) appears. Emulation ?KPDL (AUTO) 5 Press the ENTER key. 6 Press the 2 key. When > Alt. Emulation is displayed, press the 3 or 4 key. The names of alternative emulations appear. ?PCL 6 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until the desired emulation mode appears. > PCL 6 (default) KC-GL Line Printer IBM Proprinter DIABLO 630 EPSON LQ-850 7 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. Alt. Emulation ?PCL 6 3-22 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 8 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until the desired alternative emulation appears. 9 Press the ENTER key. 10 10 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Auto Printing of KPDL Error The printer can be set to print error data during KPDL emulation. If this is set to On, error data will be printed only when trouble occurs during printing. The factory default setting is Off. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Emulation > appears. Emulation 9 > The KC-GL emulation mode enables you to set the pen widths in dots, for pen numbers 1 to 8, and the KC-GL page size. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Emulation appears on the message display. Emulation 3 ?PCL 6 4 ?KC-GL 5 ?KPDL 5 Press the ENTER key. 6 Press the 2 key. The message display changes to that shown below. If >Print KPDL Errs is displayed when the KPDL (AUTO) emulation is selected, press the 3 or 4 key to change it. >Print KPDL Errs Off 7 ?Off 8 Select On using the 3 or 4 key. >Print KPDL Errs ?On 3-23 Press the ENTER key. Emulation > KC-GL 6 Press the 2 key to move to the >KC-GL Pen Width submenu. >KC-GL > Pen Width 7 Press the 2 key. >>Pen(1) Width Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >Print KPDL Errs Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until KC-GL appears. Emulation Select KPDL or KPDL (AUTO) using the 3 or 4 key. Emulation If the current emulation is other than KC-GL, press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. Emulation ?PCL 6 4 > PCL 6 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. Emulation Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. KC-GL Pen Width PCL 6 3 Press the ENTER key. 01 dot(s) 8 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until the desired pen number of 1 to 8 appears. 9 When the desired pen number is displayed, press the ENTER key. Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 10 To change the pen width, press the 2 key, then press the ENTER key. A blinking cursor appears at the width value. 3 Press the 2 key to select an internal font, press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Internal appears. >Font Select >>Pen(1) Width > Internal 02 dot(s) To select an option font, press the ENTER key while > Font Select > is displayed. Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until the message display indicates Option.This operation is possible only when option fonts are installed in the printer. Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until the desired pen width in dots (00 to 99) appears. When the desired pen width is displayed, press the ENTER key. 11 To set the KC-GL page size, press the 1 key, then press the 3 or 4 key until >KC-GL Page Set is displayed. 12 To change the page size, press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. 4 Press the 2 key. >> I000 The letter before the number indicates the type of font as follows: >KC-GL Page Set ? [SPSZ] Letter Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until the desired page size (A2, A1, A0, B3, B2, B1, B0, and SPSZ) appears. When selecting SPSZ, printing will be done with the paper size specified by the PRESCRIBE SPSZ command. For details, see Programming Manual in the CD-ROM. 13 Press the ENTER key to set the page set you just selected. 14 Press the MENU key. The display returns to Ready. 5 Description I Internal fonts S Soft (down load) fonts M Fonts in an option memory card H Fonts in a RAM disk or hard disk O Fonts in an option ROM Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >>?I000 2.2.6 Setting the Default Font You can select the default font for the current interface. In addition to the internal fonts, all fonts that are downloaded to the printer memory, or fonts stored on a memory card, hard disk, or option ROM, can be selected as the default font. 6 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until the desired font number appears. For font numbers of the internal fonts, see List of Fonts on page A-1. >Font Select In this menu, you can also set the type and pitch for Courier and Letter Gothic; as well as print a font list. Selecting the Default Font 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Font > appears. Font > Internal 7 When the desired font is displayed, press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. > 3-24 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel Changing Type for Courier/Letter Gothic Courier or Letter Gothic font type can be selected as Regular or Dark. For example, to change the type of Courier, proceed as follows: 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Font > appears. 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Check that Internal is displayed and press the 2 key. >Font Select Font > > Internal 5 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Size appears. >Size 3 4 012.00 point(s) Press the 2 key. Check that Internal is displayed and press the 2 key. >Font Select Regular 6 012.00 point(s) 7 Press the 3 or 4 key to increase or decrease the value of the figure where the cursor is blinking. The font size can be set between 4 and 999.75 points, in 0.25-point increments. You can use the 2 and 1 key to move the cursor right and left. 8 When the desired size is displayed, press the ENTER key. 9 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Courier appears. >>Courier Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. Press the ENTER key. A blinking cursor ( _ ) appears. >Size > Internal 5 6 Setting the Character Pitch for Courier/Letter Gothic >>Courier You can set the character pitch for fixed-pitch fonts when the default font is Courier or Letter Gothic. ? Regular 7 Select Regular or Dark using the 3 or 4 key. 1 Press the MENU key. 8 Press the ENTER key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Font > appears. 9 Press the MENU key and the message display returns to Ready. Font Changing the Font Size You can change the size of the default font. If the default font is a fixed-pitch font such as Courier or Letter Gothic, the character pitch can be changed instead of the font size. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Font > appears. 3-25 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Check that Internal is displayed and press the 2 key. >Font Select Font > > Internal > Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 5 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Pitch appears. 5 Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. (Internal Fonts) >Pitch >List of 10.00 cpi 6 Internal Fonts? Press the ENTER key. A blinking cursor ( _ ) appears. (Optional Fonts) >List of >Pitch Option Fonts ? 10.00 cpi 7 Press the 3 or 4 key to increase or decrease the value of the figure where the cursor is blinking. The character pitch can be set between 0.44 and 99.99 characters per inch, in 0.01 character-per-inch increments. You can use the 2 and 1 keys to move the cursor right and left. 6 Press the ENTER key again. Processing appears, then Ready. The printer prints a list of fonts with a short sample and font ID (number) for each font. Internal Scalable and Bitmapped Fonts List Font Name 8 When the desired size is displayed, press the ENTER key. 9 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Scalable/Bitmap Password PRESCRIBE Selection [FSET] Font ID Internal Scalable and Bitmapped Fonts List Font Name Scalable/Bitmap Password PRESCRIBE Selection [FSET] Font ID Printing a List of Fonts To help in selecting fonts, you can print a list of the fonts including option fonts. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Font > appears. Font > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until List of Internal Fonts appears. List of Option Fonts appears. 2.2.7 Using Page Set Menus (Internal Fonts) In Page Set menus, you can set the number of copies, the page orientation, and other settings regarding pagination. List of Fonts >List of Internal Fonts (Optional Fonts) >List of Option Fonts Setting the Number of Copies You can set the number of copies of each page to be printed for the current interface. The number of copies can be set between 1 and 999. The number of copies can be set whenever the message display indicates Ready. 1 Press the MENU key. 3-26 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Page set > appears. Page Set The message display will show the messages given in the following table. Source size indicator > [CS] Current cassette size 3 4 [LG] [LG] Legal size (8-1/2 × 14 inches) [LG]98% Press the 2 key. Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Copies appears. >Copies 001 5 Target size indicator [CS] [CS]98% Press the ENTER key. A blinking cursor ( _ ) appears. >Copies 001 6 Press the 3 or 4 key to increase or decrease the value of the figure where the cursor is blinking. It can be set between 1 and 999. You can use the 2 and 1 keys to move the cursor right and left. 7 When the desired size is displayed, press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Selecting the Reduced Print [LT] [LT] Letter size (8-1/2 × 11 inches) [A4] [LT]98% [LD] Ledger size (12 × 15-1/2 inches) [LD] [LD]98% [ST] [ST] [O2] [O2] [FO] [FO] [A5] (14.8 × 21 cm) [A5] [A5]98% [B5] (18.2 × 25.7 cm) [B5] [A5] [B5]98% [A4] (21 × 29.7 cm) [A4] [LT] [B5] [A5] [A4]98% [B4] (25.7 × 36.4 cm) [B4] [B5] [A4] [B4]98% [A3] (29.7 × 42cm) [A3] [A4] [B4] [A3]98% You can print with the reduced size. This menu is used to set the source paper size and the paper size to use after reduction. NOTE Printed results when making reductions differ from equivalent size printing. Sometimes the line width of characters may not be consistent or lines may appear in figures or image patterns. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Page Set > appears. Page Set Bring up the Zoom menu. The following display will appear. > >Zoom [CS]→[CS] Target size indicator Source size indicator Source size indicator...This is the paper size before reduction. This must be the same as the paper size set for print data from the computer. Target size indicator...This is the paper size after reduction. This must be the same as the paper size set for the paper cassette. 3-27 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Zoom appears. >Zoom [CS]→[CS] Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking cursor (_) appears under the paper size. 5 >Zoom Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >Orientation [CS]→[CS] ? Portrait 6 Press the 3 or 4 key to select source size. Both sizes change will simultaneously. 6 Select Portrait or Landscape using the 3 or 4 key. 7 8 Press the 2 key to move the cursor to the target size. 7 Press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. To make a reduced print, press the 3 or 4 key to select the target size. >Zoom Page Protect Mode [CS]→[CS]98% 9 10 Although Auto is the default setting and this menu does not usually appear, Page Protect will be forcibly set to On if a Print overrun Press GO error occurs due to insufficient printer memory. Be sure to return this setting to Auto in order to maintain high printer memory efficiency. This can be done as follows. Press the ENTER key. Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Page Set > appears. Selecting the Printing Orientation You can select the portrait or landscape page orientation. The page orientation can be set whenever the message display indicates Ready. Page Set Portrait Landscape 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Page Protect appears. >Page Protect 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Page Set > appears. Page Set > On 5 > Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >Page Protect ? On 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Orientation appears. >Orientation Portrait 6 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Auto appears. >Page Protect ? Auto 7 Press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. 3-28 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel Linefeed (LF) Action This procedure instructs the printer what to do when it receives a linefeed code (character code 0AH). Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >CR Action appears. >CR Action 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Page Set > appears. Page Set 4 CR only 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >CR Action > ? CR only 6 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >LF Action appears. CR only CR and LF Ignore CR >LF Action LF only 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >LF Action ? LF only 6 Ignore LF 7 A carriage-return is performed. (Default) A carriage-return and linefeed are performed. The carriage-return code is ignored. 7 When the desired action is displayed, press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Wide A4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until desired linefeed action appears. LF only CR and LF Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until desired carriagereturn action appears. A linefeed is performed. (default) A linefeed and carriage return are performed. The linefeed is ignored. When the desired action is displayed, press the ENTER key. Turn this On to increase the maximum number of characters that can be printed in a line for A4 page (78 characters at 10 pitch) and Letter size page (80 characters at 10 pitch). This setting is effective only in PCL 6 emulation. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Page Set > appears. Page Set 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Carriage-Return (CR) Action This procedure instructs the printer what to do when it receives a carriage-return code (character code 0DH). 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Page Set > appears. 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Wide A4 appears. >Wide A4 Page Set > Off 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >Wide A4 3 3-29 > Press the 2 key. ? Off Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 6 Select On or Off using the 3 or 4 key. 7 Press the ENTER key. 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >KIR Mode ? On 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. 2.2.8 Setting the Print Quality You can make the following settings to enhance the print quality: Kyocera Image Refinement (KIR), a software algorithm for increasing printout quality; EcoPrint, a printing mode that reduces toner consumption during printing; printing resolution; and Adjustment of the Print Density. 6 Select On or Off using the 3 or 4 key. 7 Press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. EcoPrint KIR (Kyocera Image Refinement) This printer incorporates the KIR (Kyocera Image Refinement) smoothing function. At a resolution of 600 dpi this function provides high print quality by providing the software enhancement of print resolution. The EcoPrint enables you to reduce the amount of toner consumed on the page so as to save your printing costs. You can set EcoPrint mode On, as follows. (The factory default setting is Off. ) The EcoPrint mode setting is On when the printing image becomes lighter, yet very readable. EcoPrint setting is Off (default) With KIR Off EcoPrint setting is On With KIR On (default) NOTE NOTE The EcoPrint setting has no effect on the print speed. Set the print density to 3 when setting the KIR mode. For details on print density, see page 3-31. You can monitor the KIR test pattern, the last line on a status page, to make the optimum KIR mode setting. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Print Quality > appears. Print Quality > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >KIR Mode appears. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Print Quality > appears. Print Quality > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >EcoPrint Mode appears. >EcoPrint Mode Off >KIR Mode On 3-30 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >EcoPrint Mode 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Print Quality > appears. ? Off Print Quality > 6 Select On or Off using the 3 or 4 key. 7 Press the ENTER key. 3 Press the 2 key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Print Density appears. Resolution You can set the default print resolution in three ways: 300 dpi, 600 dpi and Fast 1200 mode. The clarity of printed characters and graphics becomes sharper in this order. (The factory setting is Fast 1200 mode.) 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Print Quality > appears. 03 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >Print Density Print Quality > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Resolution appears. >Resolution Fast 1200 mode 5 >Print Density Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >Resolution ? Fast 1200 mode ? 03 6 Select the print density from five steps from 01 (light) to 05 (dark) using the 3 or 4 key. 7 Press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. 2.2.9 Operating an Option Hard Disk By installing the option hard disk into the printer, the e-MPS function can be used. The printer’s menu selection system allows you to perform the following operations on the hard disk. If the option hard disk is not formatted, the >Format option will automatically appear on the display. • Reading data • Writing data • Deleting data • Printing of list of partitions 6 Select Fast 1200 mode or 300 dpi, 600 dpi using the 3 or 4 key. Reading Data 7 Press the ENTER key. Data stored on a hard disk can be read. To read data on a hard disk, proceed as follows. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Adjusting the Print Density The print density can be adjusted in five steps: from 01 (light) to 05 (dark). The factory setting is 03. 3-31 1 Press the MENU key. Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Hard Disk > appears. 5 Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. >Write Data ? Hard Disk > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Read Data appears. The data name also appears. 6 Press the ENTER key. Processing appears, then Waiting. 7 In this state, send the file from the computer to the printer. The file is written onto the hard disk and given a destination name (also referred to as a partition name) which the printer automatically assigns one after another as follows: >Read Data DataH001 5 DataH001 (first data), DataH002 (second data), DataH003 (third data)... Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears before the data name. >Read Data In the example above, if the file TEST.TXT is the first data to be written onto the hard disk, the destination name will be DataH001. ?DataH001 6 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired data name. 7 Press the ENTER key. Processing appears and the reading of data from the hard disk starts. Writing Data When writing to a hard disk, a name is assigned to the file automatically. You can use the procedure explained later in this section to print a list of data names for confirmation. To write data onto a hard disk, proceed as follows. As the printer receives data, the message display changes to Processing, then when the end of the data is received, the message display changes to Waiting. 8 Check that the message display has changed to Waiting, then press the GO key. This writes file to the hard disk and instructs the printer to automatically print out a hard disk write information page as shown below. FS-9500DN Page Printer First check that the hard disk is properly formatted. Otherwise, the >Write Data message to be explained below will not be shown on the message display. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Hard Disk > appears. Hard Disk 3 4 > Press the 2 key. Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Write Data appears. >Write Data WRITE INFORMATION Partition Type: Type of data written (currently only type 2 is supported). Partition Name: The destination name of data written to the hard disk. Write Partition Length: The size of the written data on the memory hard disk. Others: Error information. When the hard disk write information page is printed, the message display returns to Ready. If the writing was not completed successfully, an error code appears on the message display. For details, see Error Messages on page 4-6. If this happens, press the GO key. The message display returns to Ready. 3-32 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 9 Repeat above steps until you have transferred all data (files) that you want to write to the hard disk. Each time you finish writing data, a hard disk write information page is printed from the printer showing the information explained in step 8 above, but pertaining only to the data just written. To see all data contained in the hard disk at once, print a list of data names as explained. See Printing a List of Data Names on page 3-33. Deleting Data It is possible to use the printer to delete data from a hard disk one by one. To delete data from a hard disk, proceed as follows. 2 Hard Disk 3 4 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Hard Disk > appears. Hard Disk > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Delete Data appears. The data name also appears. Press the 2 key. Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >List of Partitions appears. Partitions 5 Press the MENU key. > >List of Check that the hard disk contains data. Otherwise, the >Delete Data menu will not appear on the message display. 1 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Hard Disk > appears. Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. >List of Partitions 6 ? Press the ENTER key. Processing appears and the printing of the list starts. FS-9500DN Page Printer PARTITION LIST Device Information Partition Information >Delete Data DataH001 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears before the data name. >Delete Data ?DataH001 6 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired data name. 7 Press the ENTER key. Processing appears and the data is deleted from the hard disk. The message display returns to Ready. Printing a List of Data Names The printer prints a list of all data names (referred to as partitions) stored in a hard disk for reference. To print a list of data names for the hard disk, proceed as follows. 1 Press the MENU key. The printout (example above) includes the following information; Device Name/Number: HARD DISK/0 is indicated for the hard disk. Capacity: The total capacity of the hard disk in bytes. Used Space: The total size of the data stored in the hard disk in bytes. Free Space: The size of the capacity remaining in the hard disk for storing further data, including the amount of memory that the printer uses for its system. Partition Name: The name of the written data assigned automatically by the printer. Partition Size: The size of the written data in bytes. Partition Type: The type of the written data i.e., whether it is host data (Data) or font data (Font). When the list of file names (partition list) for the hard disk is printed, the message display returns to Ready. It also prints out the Directory Status List to confirm the directory or data that is written in PJL or KPDL (PostScript). 3-33 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 2.2.10 Operating a RAM Disk The RAM disk is a memory space shared within the printer memory that can temporarily store print jobs. The RAM disk can be used only for electronic sorting. The stored print job can then be used to print multiple copies of the job reducing the total amount of time required to print the whole job. It acts similarly to the hard disk except that the data is effective only when the printer is powered up. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key to select On. >RAM Disk Mode ? 5 On Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) disappears and > appears on the right side. RAM Disk Mode To set up the RAM disk, the option hard disk must not be installed. > On To use the RAM disk, activate and enter the desired size of the RAM disk in the manner described below. The maximum RAM disk size can be calculated as follows: 6 Press the 2 key. Maximum RAM size = Total printer memory minus 24 MB 7 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >RAM Size appears. The data size also appears. For example, if the total memory installed in your printer is 32 MB (Default), you can set 8 MB of RAM disk. If you attempt to set the RAM disk size beyond this restriction, the printer automatically rounds it down so that the size is always 24 MB less than the total printer memory. Once the RAM disk size is set, the printer must be reset. >RAM Disk Size 0008 MByte 8 To activate RAM disk in the printer’s memory, first you must use the printer’s menu selection system. The printer’s menu selection system allows you to perform the following operations on the RAM disk. • Setting RAM disk size • Reading data • Writing data • Deleting data • Printing of list of partitions By default, the RAM disk is not activated (Off). To confirm the RAM disk size or activate the RAM disk, proceed as follows: Disk Press the ENTER key. A blinking cursor (_) appears. >RAM Disk Size 0008 MByte 9 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired size. Definable RAM disk size: 0001 to 1024 (display of size varies depending on the installed RAM size.) 10 Press the ENTER key. The selected RAM disk size is activated. 11 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Setting RAM Disk Size 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until RAM Disk Mode > appears. RAM Disk Mode Off 3 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. RAM Disk Mode ? Off 3-34 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel Reading Data Data stored on a RAM disk can be read. To read data on a RAM disk, proceed as follows. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until RAM Disk Mode > appears. RAM Disk Mode > 5 >Write Data ? 6 Press the ENTER key. Processing appears, then Waiting. 7 In this state, send the file from the computer to the printer. On The file is written onto the RAM disk given a destination name (also referred to as a partition name) which the printer automatically assigns one after another as follows: 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Read Data appears. The data name also appears. DataH001 (first data) DataH002 (second data) DataH003 (third data)... >Read Data In the example above, if the file TEST.TXT is the first data to be written onto the RAM disk, the destination name will be DataH001. DataH001 5 Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears before the data name. As the printer receives data, the message display changes to Processing, then when the end of the data is received, the message display changes to Waiting. >Read Data ? DataH001 6 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired data name. 7 Press the ENTER key. Processing appears and the reading of data from the RAM disk starts. 8 Check that the message display has changed to Waiting, then press the GO key. This writes the file to the RAM disk and instructs the printer to automatically print out a RAM disk write information page as shown below. FS-9500DN Page Printer Writing Data WRITE INFORMATION When writing onto a RAM disk, a name is assigned to the file automatically. You can use the procedure explained later in this section to print a list of data names for confirmation. 1 2 Press the MENU key. Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until RAM Disk Mode > appears. RAM Disk Mode > On 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Write Data appears. >Write Data 3-35 Partition Type: Type of data written (currently only type 2 is supported). Partition Name: The destination name of data written to the card. Write Partition Length: The size of the written data on the memory card. Others: Error information. When the RAM disk write information page is printed, the message display returns to Ready. If the writing was not completed successfully, an error code appears on the message display. For details, see Error Messages on page 4-6. If this happens, press the GO key. The message display returns to Ready. Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 9 Repeat above steps until you have transferred all data (files) that you want to write to the RAM disk. Each time you finish writing data, a RAM disk write information page is printed from the printer showing the information explained in step 8 above, but pertaining only to the data just written. To see all data contained in the RAM disk at once, print a list of data names as explained. See Printing a List of Data Names on page 3-33. Deleting Data It is possible to use the printer to delete data from a RAM disk one by one. To delete data from a RAM disk, proceed as follows. Printing a List of Data Names The printer prints a list of all data names (referred to as partitions) stored in a RAM disk for reference. (Printing a list is also available for a font card.) To print a list of data names for the RAM disk, proceed as follows. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until RAM Disk Mode > appears. RAM Disk Mode Check that the RAM disk contains data. Otherwise, the >Delete Data will not appear on the message display. > On 1 Press the MENU key. 3 Press the 2 key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until RAM Disk Mode > appears. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >List of Partitions appears. RAM Disk Mode > >List of On 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Delete Data appears. The data name also appears. >Delete Data DataH001 5 Partitions 5 Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. >List of Partitions ? 6 Press the ENTER key. Processing appears and the printing of the list starts. Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears before the data name. FS-9500DN Page Printer PARTITION LIST Device Information >Delete Data ?DataH001 6 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired data name. 7 Press the ENTER key. Processing appears and the data is deleted from the RAM disk. The message display returns to Ready. Partition Information See Printing a List of Data Names on page 3-33 for details on device information. 2.2.11 Operating a Memory Card The printer is equipped with a slot for a memory card. By inserting a memory card into the printer, the following operations become available. For details about the handling of the memory card, see Appendix D Option Units. • Reading font data • Reading data • Writing data • Deleting data • Formatting memory card • Printing of list of partitions 3-36 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel Reading Font Data If a memory card with the font data is already inserted into the slot when the printer is turned on, the fonts are automatically read into the printer. To re-read fonts into the printer from a memory card, proceed as follows. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Memory Card > appears. Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Read Fonts appears. Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. >Read Fonts Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears before the data name. >Read Data ?DataS001 6 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired data name. 7 Press the ENTER key. Processing appears and the reading of data from the memory card starts. Writing Data Data can be written to a memory card until no space is left for storing. When writing to a memory card, a name is assigned to the file automatically. You can use the procedure explained later in this section to print a list of data names for confirmation. >Read Fonts 6 DataS001 > 3 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Read Data appears. The data name also appears. >Read Data 5 Memory Card 5 4 ? Press the ENTER key. Processing appears and the reading of data from the memory card starts. >Read Fonts To write data to a memory card, proceed as follows. First check that the memory card is properly formatted. Otherwise, the >Write Data message to be explained below will not be shown on the message display. If the memory card inserted in the memory card slot is not formatted, the >Format will automatically appear on the display. See Formatting on page 3-38. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Memory Card > appears. Processing 7 Press the MENU key to return to Ready. Memory Card Reading Data Data stored on a memory card can be read. To read data on a memory card, proceed as follows. 1 2 Press the MENU key. Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Memory Card > appears. > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Write Data appears. >Write Data Memory Card 3 3-37 Press the 2 key. > 5 Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. >Write Data ? Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 6 Press the ENTER key. Processing appears, then Waiting. 7 In this state, send the file from the computer to the printer. The file is written onto the memory card given a destination name (also referred to as a partition name) which the printer automatically assigns one after another as follows: Repeat above steps until you have transferred all data (files) that you want to write to the memory card. Each time you finish writing data, a memory card write information page is printed from the printer showing the information explained in step 8 above, but pertaining only to the data just written. To see all data contained in the memory card at once, print a list of data names as explained. See Printing a List of Data Names on page 3-39. Deleting Data It is possible to use the printer to delete data from a memory card one by one. DataS001 (first data), DataS002 (second data), DataS003 (third data)... In the example above, if the file TEST.TXT is the first data to be written onto the memory card, the destination name will be DataS001. As the printer receives data, the message display changes to Processing, then when the end of the data is received, the message display changes to Waiting. 8 9 Check that the message display has changed to Waiting, then press the GO key. This writes the file to the memory card and instructs the printer to automatically print out a memory card write information page as shown below. FS-9500DN Page Printer To delete data from a memory card, proceed as follows. Check that the memory card contains data. Otherwise, the >Delete Data menu will not appear on the message display. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Memory Card > appears. Memory Card > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Delete Data appears. The data name also appears. WRITE INFORMATION >Delete Data DataS001 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears before the data name. Partition Type: Type of data written (currently only type 2 is supported). Partition Name: The destination name of data written to the card. Write Partition Length: The size of the written data on the memory card. Others: Error information. 6 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired data name. When the memory card write information page is printed, the message display returns to Ready. 7 Press the ENTER key. Processing appears and the data is deleted from the memory card. The display returns to Ready. If the writing is not completed successfully, an error code appears on the message display. For details, see Error Messages on page 4-6. If this happens, press the GO key. The message display returns to Ready. >Delete Data ?DataS001 Formatting Formatting allows data to be written to the card. A new memory card must be formatted before it can be used in the printer. Formatting deletes any existing data on the memory card. To format a memory card, proceed as follows. 1 Press the MENU key. 3-38 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Memory Card > appears. Memory Card 2 > Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Memory Card > appears. Memory Card > 3 Press the 2 key. 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Format appears. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >List of Partitions appears. >Format >List of Partitions 5 Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. >Format 5 ? Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. >List of Partitions ? 6 Press the ENTER key. Processing appears and formatting of the memory card starts. 6 Press the ENTER key. Processing appears and the printing of the list starts. When the formatting is successfully completed, the printer automatically prints out a format information page. FS-9500DN Page Printer PARTITION LIST Device Information FS-9500DN Page Printer FORMAT INFORMATION Partition Information The printout (example above) includes the following information. The format information page includes the following items; Device Name/Number: CARD/A is indicated for the memory card. Capacity: Capacity: Used Space: Free Space: The total size of the memory card. The space the printer uses for its system. The space remaining in the memory card for storing data. When the memory card format information is printed, the message display returns to Ready. Printing a List of Data Names The printer prints a list of all data names (referred to as partitions) stored in a memory card for reference. (Printing a list is also available for a font card.) To print a list of data names for the memory card, proceed as follows. 1 3-39 Press the MENU key. The total capacity of the memory card in bytes. Used Space: The total size of the data stored in the memory card in bytes. Free Space: The size of the capacity remaining in the memory card for storing further data, including the amount of memory that the printer uses for its system. Partition Name: The name of the written data assigned automatically by the printer. Partition Size: The size of the written data in bytes. Partition Type: The type of the written data i.e., whether it is host data (Data) or font data (Font). When the list of file names (partition list) for the memory card is printed, the message display returns to Ready. Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 2.2.12 Paper Handling Setting the MP Tray Size You can change the MP tray mode, the paper size and type for each paper source, the sorter mode, the paper source, and paper destinations. When using the MP tray in the cassette mode, you should set the MP tray size to the paper size that is used to format the job to print. If they do not match, printing will not be made on the correct size paper when automatic paper size selection is made by the application (printer driver). The factory setting is A4 or Letter size. MP Tray Mode The MP tray can be used in one of two modes: cassette mode or first mode. The MP tray can hold approximately 200 sheets of paper (A4 size, 0.11 mm thickness). Cassette Mode The cassette mode provides faster printing speed than the first mode. Approximately 200 sheets of paper can be continuously fed in this mode. (This is the factory setting.) First Mode (Automatic Manual Feeding) For more details about the paper sizes that can be fed from the MP tray, see Chapter 5 Paper Selection. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Paper Handling > appears. The printer automatically feeds any paper placed on the MP tray even if another paper source is selected. After all paper in the MP tray is printed, paper will be fed from the paper source originally selected. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Paper Handling > appears. Paper Handling > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >MP Tray Size appears. Paper Handling > >MP Tray Size A4 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >MP Tray Mode appears. >MP Tray Mode 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >MP Tray Size ? A4 Cassette 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >MP Tray Mode ? Cassette 6 Select First or Cassette using the 3 or 4 key. 7 Press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. 3-40 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 6 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired MP tray size. The display changes as shown below. A4 Executive Letter-R Letter Legal Ledger A3 B4 Custom C4 Oficio II Statement Folio Youkei 2 Youkei 4 Hagaki OufukuHagaki Monarch Business Comm.#9 Comm.#6 3/4 DL C5 A6 B6 A5 B5 B5-R ISO B5 A4-R 7 Press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Setting the MP Tray Type You can automatically select the paper cassette according to the selection made by the application (printer driver). The factory default setting is Plain. For more details about the paper types that can be fed from the MP tray, see Paper Size Unit Selection on page 3-42. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Paper Handling > appears. Paper Handling > 3 3-41 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >MP Tray Type appears. >MP Tray Type Plain 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >MP Tray Type ? Plain 6 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired MP tray type. The display changes as shown below. Plain Transparency Preprinted Labels Bond Recycled Vellum Rough Letterhead Color Prepunched Envelope Cardstock Custom (1 to 8) 7 When the desired MP tray type is displayed, press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key and the message display returns to Ready. Cassette Paper Size Display The paper loaded in the cassette will be automatically detected and its size can be displayed in the LCD. To display the correct size, the paper must be properly loaded in the cassette. (For details of loading paper, see Chapter 2 How to Load Paper.) 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Paper Handling > appears. Paper Handling > 3 Press the 2 key. Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Cassette Size appears. The paper size is also displayed. 4 >Cassette1 size Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Cassette1 size appears. >Cassette1 size A4 NOTE • Casette3 Size > or Cassette4 Size > appears when an option paper feeder (PF-70) is installed. • Casette3 Size > appears when an option paper feeder (PF-75) is installed. If option paper feeders are added, Cassette1 Size and Cassette2 Size will appear for the standard paper cassette and Cassette3 Size, and Cassette4 Size will appear for the option paper feeders. 5 5 >>Unit mm 6 The paper size unit (metric or inch system) used in the LCD can be selected beforehand. At the time of Ready or when selecting the size display, the unit for some paper may be replaced with the counterpart as shown in the following table. metric Inch A3 Ledger (LD) B4 Legal (LG) A4 Letter (LT) A4-R (A4) Letter-R (LT) B5 Letter-R (LT) B5-R (B5) Statement (ST) A5 Statement (ST) Folio Legal (LG) Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >>Unit Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Paper Size Unit Selection Press the 2 key. >>Unit appears. ? mm 7 Press the 3 or 4 key to select mm or inch. 8 Select mm or inch, and then, press the ENTER key. 9 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Setting the Cassette Paper Type Make this setting to match the paper type fed from the paper cassette of the printer. If the paper type is set correctly, you can perform printing using the media type selection function from the application (printer driver). The factory default setting is Plain. For more details about the paper types that can be fed from the paper cassette, see Paper Type on page 5-5. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Paper Handling > appears. ( ) abbreviated display For example, when placing the letter size paper in the cassette while “mm” unit is selected. “A4” will be displayed in the LCD. To correct the display, use the following procedures. Paper Handling > NOTE You can set the option paper feeder PF-70 using the same procedures, but when using the paper feeder PF-75, you cannot select the paper size and unit. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Paper Handling appears. 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Cassette 1 Type appears. The paper type also displayed. >Cassette 1 Type Plain Paper Handling > 3 Press the 2 key. 3-42 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel NOTE • >Cassette 3 Type or >Cassette 4 Type appears when an option paper feeder (PF-70) is installed. • >Cassette 3 Type appears when an option paper feeder (PF-75) is installed. 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. 5 >Feed Select ? Cassette1 6 >Cassette 1 Type Cassette2 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired cassette type. The display changes as shown below. Plain Preprinted Bond Recycled Rough Letterhead Color Prepunched Custom(1 to 8) 7 When the desired cassette type is displayed, press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Selecting the Paper Source You can select from which paper source printing will be performed. If no option units are installed, the only selections are the paper cassette and MP tray of the printer. If option paper feeders are installed, they can also be selected. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Paper Handling > appears. Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired paper source. The display changes as shown below according to the installed option units. Cassette1 ? Plain 6 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. MP tray Cassette3 Cassette4 (Printer’s standard upper cassette when option paper feeders are installed) (Printer’s standard lower paper cassette) (printer’s MP tray) (Option upper paper feeder) (Option lower paper feeder) 7 When the desired paper source displayed, press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Setting Duplex Printing Using the duplex unit, you can automatically print on both sides of the paper. The duplex unit is installed underneath the printer. Binding Setups The term binding refers to the manner in which printed pages of paper are joined together (by gluing, stitching, etc.) in book form. The two possible types of binding are long-edge binding, in which pages are joined together along their long edge; and short-edge binding, in which they are joined together along their short edge. In selecting a binding type, you must also consider the orientation of the printed page. You can use long-edge or short-edge binding with either landscape or portrait printing. Depending on the binding type and print orientation, the duplex unit provides four types of binding setups. These are: (1) portrait, long-edge, (2) portrait, short edge, (3) landscape, longedge, and (4) landscape, short-edge. The figure below shows these binding setups. (1) Paper Handling > (2) Portrait, short-edge Portrait, long-edge 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Feed Select appears. >Feed Select Cassette1 3-43 Landscape, short-edge (3) Landscape, long-edge (4) Binding Setups To select duplex printing and binding setup from the operator panel, proceed as follows. Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Paper Handling > appears. Paper Handling > 3 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Stack Select appears. >Stack Select Finisher F-down 5 Press the 2 key. Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. The selected output device will be displayed. >Stack Select ?Finisher F-down 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Duplex Mode appears. 6 >Duplex Mode Face-down tray Finisher F-up Finisher F-down None 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >Duplex Mode ?None 6 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired duplex mode. The display changes as shown below. Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired destination. The output tray changes as shown below. 7 When the desired paper source displayed, press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Adjusting the Stitch Positions None (default) Short edge bind Long edge bind When installing the option document finisher DF-75, adjust the stitch positions using the following procedures. In the default settings, the stitch position is set in the center of the paper. Depending on the paper, a certain amount of deviation will occur. In this case, also use this menu to adjust the stitch position. 7 When the desired duplex mode is displayed, press the ENTER key. The adjustment can be done by moving the stitch position adjustment gear in the document finisher. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. For example, select the range from -57 to +57 (1 = approximately 0.14 mm) to move the stitch position approximately 8 mm as shown in the following figure. The default setting is 000 (center of the paper.) Selecting the Output Device You can select whether printouts will be received by the printer’s face-down output tray or to the optional document finisher’s output tray. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Paper Handling > appears. Default stitch position (center of the paper) Paper Handling > 3 Press the 2 key. Feed direction -57 (Approx. 8 mm) +57 (Approx. 8 mm) 3-44 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 1 Press the MENU key. 3 Press the 2 key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Paper Handling > appears. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Override A4/LT appears. Paper Handling > >Override A4/LT Off 3 Press the 2 key. >Stitch Adjust > appears. 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >Stitch Adjust > >Override A4/LT ? Off 4 Press the 2 key. >>A4/Letter appears. >>A4/Letter 000 5 Press the 3 or 4 key to select A4/Letter, B4 or A3/ Ledger. 6 When the desired paper size is displayed, press the ENTER key. A blinking cursor (_) appears under the value. >>A4/Letter 000 6 Select On or Off using the 3 or 4 key. 7 Press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Customizing Paper Type The following describes the procedure used to set a user-defined paper type for the printer. Eight custom user settings may be registered. After having been set, any of these may be called up when setting the paper type for a paper source. The paper weight and duplex path can be set (see Setting the Paper Weight on page 3-46, and Setting the Duplex Path on page 3-46) after selecting the paper type to be customized as follows. For how to reset the customized settings, see Resetting the Type Adjust on page 3-46. 7 Press the 3 or 4 key to increase or decrease, respectively, the value at the blinking cursor. Use the 2 and 1 keys to move the cursor right and left. Definable value: -057 to 057 8 When the desired value is displayed, press the ENTER key. 1 Press the MENU key. 9 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Paper Handling > appears. Overriding A4 and Letter Size Difference This selects whether to enable or disable the difference between A4 size and Letter size. Under the default setting of Off, the paper size of the paper source is matched to the paper size formatting the jobs. If these differ, a corresponding error message is displayed. When this is set to On, printing is performed even if the actual paper size differs from the paper size formatting the jobs. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Paper Handling > appears. Paper Handling > 3-45 Paper Handling > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Type Adjust > appears. >Type Adjust Custom 1 > Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >Type Adjust > 5 When the desired paper thickness displayed, press the ENTER key. 6 Press the MENU Key. The message display returns to Ready. ? Custom 1 Setting the Duplex Path 6 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired paper type. The display changes as shown below. Custom (1 to 8) Plain Transparency Preprinted Labels Bond Recycled Vellum Rough Letterhead Color Prepunched Envelope Cardstock 7 When the paper type to be customized is displayed, press the ENTER key. 8 Press the 2 key and proceed to Setting the Paper Weight on the following page. Setting the Paper Weight You can set the paper thickness for your custom paper type to be customized. 1 Display the custom paper type (see Customizing Paper Type on page 3-45) and press the 2 key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >>Paper Weight appears. If the paper type is set to Custom, you can set whether or not to enable duplex printing as follows. The default setting is Enable. 1 Display the custom paper type (see Customizing Paper Type on page 3-45) and press the 2 key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >>Duplex Path appears. >>Duplex Path Enable 3 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >>Duplex Path ? Enable 4 Select Enable or Disable using the 3 or 4 key. For details of the default setting for each paper type, see Paper Type on page 5-5. 5 Press the ENTER key. 6 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Resetting the Type Adjust >>Paper Weight Normal 3 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. Resets the custom setting that are set in Customizing Paper Type on page 3-45. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Paper handling > appears. Paper Handling > >>Paper Weight ? Normal 4 Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired paper thickness. The display changes as shown below. For details of the default setting for each paper type, see Paper Type on page 5-5. Normal Heavy (Thick) Extra Heavy Light (Thin) 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Reset Type Adjust appears. >Reset Type Adjust 3-46 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 5 Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Life Counters > appears. >Reset Type Life Counters > Adjust ? 6 Press the ENTER key. All the customized paper weight and duplex path settings will be reset to the default. The message display returns to Ready. 3 Press the 2 key. Verifying the Total Printed Pages and Resetting the Toner Counter 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >New Toner Installed appears You can display the total number of pages printed by your printer for confirmation whenever necessary. The total number of printed pages can also be checked on the status page. Moreover, for proper maintenance scheduling, it will be necessary to reset the toner counter using this menu each time a new toner container is installed. Verifying the Total Printed Pages >New Toner Installed 5 >New Toner This procedure only displays the total number of printed pages. The number cannot be changed. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Life Counters > appears. Life Counters Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. Installed ? 6 Press the ENTER key. The toner counter is reset. 7 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. > 2.2.13 Other Modes 3 Press the 2 key. The modes described in the following pages can be accessed in the Others submenu. To enter the Others submenu, press the 2 key while Others > is displayed. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key until >Total Print appears. The following submenus can be displayed by pressing the 2 key and then the 3 or 4 key. >Total Print 0123456 5 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Resetting the Remaining Toner Counter If the toner container was replaced when Replace toner Clean Printer was not displayed, reset the toner counter as follows so that an accurate toner gauge measurement is indicated on the status page. Note that if this operation is performed when the toner container is not replaced, the toner gauge measurement will not be indicated correctly. Also refer to the Installation Guide supplied with the toner kit when replacing the toner container. 1 3-47 Press the MENU key. • Message Language Selecting • Automatic Form Feed Timeout Setting • Sleep Timer Setting • Received Data Dumping • Printer Resetting • Resource Setting • Alarm (Buzzer) Setting • Auto Continue Setting • Service Menu (for service personnel) Message Language Selecting You can select the language of the messages on the message display by following the procedure given below. 1 Press the MENU key. Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Others > appears. Others > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Form Feed Time Out appears. The default setting is 30 seconds. >Form Feed 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >MSG Language appears. The default message language is English. Time Out 030sec. 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking cursor (_) appears. >Form Feed >MSG Language Time Out 030sec. English 5 To change the language, press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. 6 Press the 3 or 4 key to increase or decrease the value of the figure where the cursor is blinking and set the desired time. The time can be set between 0 and 495 seconds, in 5-second increments. (The printer does not timeout with the value set to 0.) You can use the 2 and 1 keys to move the cursor right and left. 7 Display the desired time and press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. >MSG Language ? English 6 Press the 3 key. The display cycles through the available selections in the following order (The 4 key cycles in the reverse order): English Francais Deutsch Italiano Nederlands Sleep Timer Setting The printer has a sleep timer to conserve power when the printer is not printing, processing, or receiving data. You can adjust the timer value, the length of time the printer waits before entering sleeping mode in the absence of data. 7 Press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Others > appears. Automatic Form Feed Timeout Setting When the printer receives no data for a certain time, it times out and releases the current interface: it prints whatever data it has in its buffer and feeds out the page. You can adjust the time-out time as follows: 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Others > appears. Others > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Sleep Timer > appears. The default setting is 030 min. >Sleep timer Others > > 030 min. 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking cursor ( _ ) appears. >Sleep timer > 030 min. 3-48 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 6 Press the 3 or 4 key to increase or decrease the value of the figure where the cursor is blinking and set the desired time. The timer can be set between 5 and 240 min, in 5-minute increments. You can use the 2 and 1 keys to move the cursor right and left. 7 Press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Received Data Dumping It is possible to print data received by the printer as hexadecimal code for the purposes of debugging programs and files. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Others > appears. Others > Turning Off the Sleep Timer You can turn off the sleep timer function by following the procedure given below. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Others > appears. Others 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Print HEXDUMP appears. >Print HEX-DUMP > 5 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Sleep Timer >appears. >Print HEX-DUMP? >Sleep timer > 6 030 min. 5 Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. Press the ENTER key again. Processing appears for a second, and then Waiting appears. Processing Press the 2 key and display >>Sleep Mode. >>Sleep Mode On 6 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >>Sleep Mode Waiting 7 Send data to be dumped to the printer. The message Processing will be displayed while receiving the data. ? On 7 Once the dumped data you require has been printed, it is possible to cancel the printing of any further dumped data by taking the printer offline by pressing the GO key and then pressing the CANCEL key. Select Off using the 3 or 4 key. >>Sleep Mode ? Off 8 Press the ENTER key. 9 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. 3-49 8 Once all data has been received, the message Waiting will appear. Press the GO key to finish printing. Printer Resetting The procedure described below resets the printer’s temporary conditions, such as the current unit of measurement, page orientation, font, character code set, margins, etc., set by commands to their default values. Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 1 Press the MENU key. 3 Press the 2 key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Others > appears. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Resource Prot. appears. Others > >Resource Prot. Off 3 Press the 2 key. 5 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Printer Reset appears. >Printer Reset 5 6 >Resource Prot. ? Off 6 Press the ENTER key again. Self test appears while the printer is resetting itself, then Please wait followed by Ready. Press the 3 or 4 key to display the desired mode. The display changes as shown below. Off (default) Permanent Perm / Temp Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. >Printer Reset ? Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. 7 When the desired mode is displayed, press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. Alarm (Buzzer) Setting In addition to the message displayed when the paper supply is exhausted, or when paper jamming occurs, an audio warning is made to sound. This is useful, for example, when the printer is in a location some distance from the user. Self test The audio alarm is set to On when leaving the factory. If the alarm is set to Off, it is made not to sound. Please wait Ready 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Others > appears. Others Resource Protection When you switch from the PCL 6 emulation to another, all downloaded fonts and macros are lost. Resource protection preserves these PCL resources in memory so that they are intact when you change the emulation back to PCL 6. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Others > appears. Others > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until > Buzzer appears. >Buzzer On > 3-50 Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 5 Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >Buzzer 7 Press the ENTER key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. ? On Setting the Auto Continue Recovery Time Follow the procedure given below to change the recovery time for Auto Continue. 6 Select On or Off using the 3 or 4 key. 7 Press the ENTER key. 1 Press the MENU key. 8 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Others > appears. Auto Continue Setting Others If an error that still allows you to continue printing occurs (Memory overflow Press GO, Print overrun Press GO, KPDL error Press GO, and File not found Press GO), the next received data is automatically printed after a set period of time elapses. For example, if the printer is shared over a network as a network printer and one person causes one of the above errors, after the set period of time elapses, the data sent from the next person is printed. The factory setting is off. 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Auto Continue Mode > appears. >Auto Continue > For setting the auto continue recovery time, see the next section. 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Others > appears. Others Mode Press the 2 key and display >>Auto Timer. 6 Press the ENTER key. A blinking cursor (_) appears. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Auto Continue > appears. 5 Off Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears. >Auto Continue Mode ? Off 6 3-51 Select On or Off using the 3 or 4 key. 030Sec. 7 Press the 3 or 4 key to increase or decrease the value of the figure where the cursor is blinking and set the desired time. The time must be set between 000 and 495 seconds, in 5-second increments. If set to 000, printing will be continued immediately without allowing any time interval. You can use the 2 and 1 keys to move the cursor right and left. 8 Display the desired time and press the ENTER key. 9 Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready. >Auto Continue > Mode Continue >>Auto Continue Timer Press the 2 key. On 5 > 3 > Service Menu The service menu contains maintenance operations to be performed by service personnel. The Print Status Page, Developer, and Drum menus appear; however, in general, you will only need to use the Print Status Page menus. Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel Printing the Service Status Page The service status page contains printer settings information that is more detailed than the standard status page and is therefore for mostly service purposes. To print a service status page, proceed as follows; 8 Press the ENTER key. The message display indicates Processing and printing starts. NETWORK STATUS PAGE FS-9500DN Page 1 of 4 1 Press the MENU key. 2 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Others > appears. Others > 3 Press the 2 key. 4 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >Service > appears. >Service > 5 Press the 2 key. 6 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until >>Print Status Page appears. >>Print NOTE The network interface status page will be printed after the printer service status page. Status Page 7 Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears. >>Print Status Page ? 3-52 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting This chapter explains how to handle printer problems that may occur. If a problem cannot be corrected, contact your Kyocera Mita dealer. This chapter explains the following topics: • General Guide • Print Quality Problems • Indicators and Messages • Correcting a Paper Jam 1. General Guide If some kind of problem should occur, check the following before concluding the printer is broken; Symptom The printer will not print from the computer. Check Items Check the indicator. READY Check the ! ATTENTION indicator. Corrective Action Off Look through the items below and check anything that seems appropriate. Flashing An error has occurred. Check the message display, and then take measures seeing Indicators and Messages on page 4-4. Lit See the appropriate item below. Flashing Lit A maintenance message appears in the message display. See Indicators on page 4-4. See Maintenance Messages on page 4-4. Print quality is not good. See Print Quality Problems on page 4-2. Paper is jammed. See Correcting a Paper Jam on page 4-8. Nothing lights on the operator panel even when power is turned on and the fan makes no noise. Check that the power cord is properly plugged into the power outlet. The printer prints a status page, but data from the computer is not being printed normally. Check the interface cable. Connect both ends of the interface cable securely. Try replacing the printer cable. For details on the parallel interface for this printer, see Appendix C Host Computer Interface. Check program files and application software. Try printing another file or using another print command. If the problem occurs only with a specific file or application, check the printer settings for that application. Turn off the printer’s power, plug in the power cord securely, and try turning on the printer’s power again. Check that the main switch is really in the ON () position. If you still cannot correct a printer problem even after checking the above, please contact your Kyocera Mita dealer. 4-1 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 2. Print Quality Problems As the following table shows, there are many possible causes of print quality problems, such as blank output. The troubleshooting procedure for each type of problem is explained below. If you still cannot solve the problem, contact your Kyocera Mita dealer. Printed Results Corrective Action Completely blank printout Check the toner container. Open the printer front cover and check that the toner container is correctly installed in the printer. See Toner Container Replacement on page 6-1. All-black printout Check the main charger unit. Open the printer front cover and check that the main charger unit is correctly installed. Dropouts, horizontal streaks, stray dots Clean the charger wire. Open the printer front cover. Pull the cleaning knob slowly in and out a few times. See Toner Container Replacement on page 6-1. Refresh drum. See the following procedures in the operator panel and try cleaning the drum surface using the printer’s built-in cleaning system. 1. Press the MENU key, and then press the 3 or 4 key to display >Others. 2. Press the 2 key , and then press the 3 or 4 key to display >Service >. 3. Press the 2 key, and then press the 3 or 4 key to display >>Drum. And then press the ENTER key twice. 4. The message display shows Please wait, and then the drum starts turning and stops after approx.3 minutes. The printer reverts to Ready. Black or white vertical streaks Check the operator panel. If the Toner low TK-70 message is displayed and the ! ATTENTION indicator is flashing, install a new toner kit. See Toner Container Replacement on page 6-1. Clean the charger wire. Open the printer front cover. Pull the cleaning knob slowly in and out a few times. See Toner Container Replacement on page 6-1. (Continued on next page) 4-2 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting Printed Results Faint or blurred printing Corrective Action Check the EcoPrint setting. When this setting is On, switch it to Off on the operator panel. (See Setting the Print Quality on page 3-30.) Check the operator panel. • If the Toner low TK-70 message is displayed and the ! ATTENTION indicator is flashing, install a new toner kit. See Toner Container Replacement on page 6-1. • Set the print density from the operator panel to a higher level than the current setting. See Adjusting the Print Density on page 3-31. • Make sure the paper type setting is correct. See Paper Type on page 5-5. Clean the charger wire. Open the printer front cover. Pull the cleaning knob slowly in and out a few times. See Toner Container Replacement on page 6-1. Grey background. Refresh drum. See the following procedures in the operator panel and try cleaning the drum surface using the printer's built-in cleaning system. 1. Press the MENU key, and then press the 3 or 4 key to display >Others. 2. Press the 2 key , and then press the 3 or 4 key to display >Service >. 3. Press the 2 key, and then press the 3 or 4 key to display >>Drum. And then press the ENTER key twice. 4. The message display shows Please wait, and then the drum starts turning and stops after approx.3 minutes. The printer reverts to Ready. Check the operator panel. If the Toner low TK-70 message is displayed and the ATTENTION indicator is flashing, install a new toner kit. See Toner Container Replacement on page 6-1. Check the print density. Display the print density menu from the operator panel and select a lighter density setting. See Adjusting the Print Density on page 3-31. Clean the charger wire. Open the printer front cover. Pull the cleaning knob slowly in and out a few times. See Toner Container Replacement on page 6-1. Check the charger unit installation. Open the printer front cover and check that the main charger unit is correctly installed and seated as far as it will go. See Toner Container Replacement on page 6-1. Dirt on the top edge or back of the paper Check the paper chute and the ramp. Open the printer left cover and check for toner on the paper ramp. Clean the paper ramp using a soft, dry, lint-free cloth. See Toner Container Replacement on page 6-1. Check the transfer roller. Open the printer left cover 1 and check the transfer roller. If the transfer roller is dirty with toner, try printing several pages. Transfer Roller Characters out of position. 4-3 Check the file or program. Check whether the problem is being caused by a PRESCRIBE command error. If the problem occurs only with a specific file or program, the most likely cause is an error in a parameter to a command or command syntax. Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 3. Indicators and Messages The tables on the following pages indicate how to respond to problems indicated by the operator panel indicators and messages. 3.1 Indicators Indicator READY DATA ATTENTION Condition Description Flashing An error occurs that you can clear by yourself. Lit The printer is on-line. The printer is ready to print. Off The printer is off-line. The printer stores but does not print received data. Also indicates when printing is automatically stopped due to occurrence of an error. Flashing Data transfer is taking place. Lit Either data is being processed, or data is being written onto the option memory card or hard disk. Flashing The printer needs maintenance attention or the printer is warming up (Please wait). Lit A problem or an error occurs that you can clear by yourself. (For example, a paper jam occurs.) Off Operations are normal. 3.2 Maintenance Messages The following table lists maintenance messages that you can deal with by yourself. If Call service person appears, turn off the printer, disconnect the power cord, and contact your Kyocera Mita dealer. Message Corrective Action The paper has run out. Supply paper according to the paper source displayed (paper cassette, MP tray, or optional paper feeder). Add paper (paper source) Messages indicating the printer status (Ready, Please wait, Processing*, Waiting, and FormFeed Time Out*) are displayed alternately. * These messages will not appear when the number of copies is set to 2 or more. Add staples No staples are installed in the stapler. Set it in the stapler. Call service ####:0123456 #### represents a mechanical error (#=0, 1, 2, ...). Call for service. The printer does not operate when this message is displayed. The total number of pages printed is also indicated, e.g. 0123456. Call service F###: F### represents a controller error (#=0, 1, 2, ...). Call for service. The printer does not operate when this message is displayed. Call service person F0 This message means an error in data communications between the printer controller and the operator panel. Call for service. The printer does not operate when this message is displayed. Chad box full The punch unit chad box of the option document finisher is full. Discard the chads. Check chad box Press GO The punch unit waste box of the DF-70 document finisher is full or is not installed correctly. Check if the box is properly installed, and then discard the chads if the box is full. Press the GO key to resume printing. Clean printer Press GO Clean the inside of the printer. See Toner Container Replacement on page 6-1. This message will be displayed when replacing the toner container after the message Replace toner Clean printer is displayed. After cleaning the inside of the printer, press the GO key and the printer will be ready for printing. Close finisher cover Close the option document finisher cover. 4-4 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting Message Corrective Action Close front cover Close the printer front cover. Close left cover 1 (-3) Close the printer left cover. If left cover of the option paper feeder is open, 2 or 3 is displayed. Close reverse adapter Close the reverse adapter cover of the option document finisher. Face-down tray paper full The face-down tray has become full (approx. 500 pages). You must remove all printed pages from the face-down tray. When the printer senses that the face-down tray is empty again, it will continue printing ;Ò into the face-down tray. Finisher tray 1(2) paper full The finisher tray is full. When removing the paper, printing will be resumed, “1” indicates the upper tray, while “2” indicates the lower tray. Finisher path error The option document finisher is not installed correctly. Install it correctly. Install MK The maintenance kit (MK-700 for FS-9100DN/MK-701 for FS-9500DN) needs to be replaced. Replace the maintenance kit since the total number of printed pages has reached 500,000. Call for service. The maintenance kit includes a drum unit, developer unit and so on. Load Cassette 1(to4) (paper size)/(paper type)* There is data for printing that matches with a paper cassette setting (paper size, paper type), but there is no paper in the paper cassette. Set paper into the paper source as displayed on the operator panel, and press the GO key to restart printing. However, the paper source numbers (3 to 4) are only displayed when there is an option paper feeder installed. *(paper size) and (paper type) are displayed flashing alternately. Or, if you want to print from a different paper source press the 3 or 4 key to display Use alternative? and you can change the source for paper feeding. After selecting a paper source and pressing the MENU key, Paper Handling > appears. By pressing the 2 key, the paper type settings menu appears. After setting the correct paper type, press ;Ò the ENTER key and printing starts. There is no paper cassette set (paper size, paper type) that matches with the data for printing, so printing is done from the MP tray. Set paper into the MP tray that matches the paper size and type shown on the display and press the GO key to restart printing. Load MP tray (paper size)/(paper type) *(paper size) and (paper type) are displayed flashing alternately. Or, if you want to print from a different paper source press the 3 or 4 key to display Use alternative? and you can change the source for paper feeding. After selecting a paper source and pressing the MENU key, Paper Handling > appears. By pressing the 3 key, the paper type settings menu appears. After setting the correct paper type, press ;Ò the ENTER key and printing starts. Missing chad box The punch unit chad box of the DF-70 is not installed correctly. Install it correctly. Missing toner container Install the toner container. See Toner Container Replacement on page 6-1. The printer does not operate when this message is displayed. Missing stapler unit The stapler unit is not installed correctly in the document finisher. Install it correctly. Missing waste toner box Install the waste toner box. See Toner Container Replacement on page 6-1. The printer does not operate when this message is displayed. Option interface Error ## A failure has occurred with the option network interface card. Check the option network interface card installed in the printer. Paper jam ############### Open the front cover or left cover and correct the paper jam (or paper mis-feeding in the paper cassette). The location of the paper jam is also indicated in place of the #’s. Online help messages which are useful for correcting the paper jam will be displayed by pressing the ? key. (See Correcting ;Ò a Paper Jam on page 4-8.) ;Ò:Alarm buzzer sounds when an error occurs. Press the CANCEL key to stop the alarm buzzer. (Continued on next page) 4-5 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting Message Replace toner Clean printer Corrective Action ;Ò Replace the toner container using a new toner kit. The printer does not operate when this message is displayed. See Toner Container Replacement on page 6-1. Replace waste toner box Replace the old waste toner box with the new one which is included in theTK-70 toner kit. The message will also be shown if the waste toner box has become full. The waste toner box should be replaced when the message display eventually shows Toner low TK-70. See Toner Container Replacement on page 6-1. Toner low TK-70 Replace the toner container using a new toner kit. See Toner Container Replacement on page 6-1. Warning image adapt Printing job cannot be done in current resolution because there is not enough internal memory. Try adding more memory or changing resolution. See Appendix B Expansion Memory. Warning Low memory The printer’s internal memory is running low due to the number of fonts and macros downloaded. Print a status page to see how much user memory is left, and try deleting unnecessary fonts and macros. 3.3 Error Messages The following table lists error messages that can be dealt with by the user. Message File not found Press GO Corrective Action VMB: A VMB tray that was specified for output does not contain any jobs, or the VMB tray is not being used. Confirm the VMB tray. If Auto Continue is set to On, printing will be automatically resumed after a preset period of time. See ;Ò Auto Continue Setting on page 3-51. Format error Memory card This message appears when the printer is in the ready state and the memory card is not formatted, and therefore cannot be read or written. Format error Hard disk Initialization (formatting) of the hard disk is required. Initialize the hard disk. Hard disk err ## Press GO Look at the error code given in place of ## and refer to the corresponding description given below. 01: hard disk format error. If this error recurs even if the power has been turned off and then on, reformat the hard disk. 02: The disk system is not installed. Recheck the requirements for using the system and the devices. 04: There is no available hard disk space. Delete unnecessary files, etc., to free up space. 05: The specified file does not exist in the hard disk. 06: There is no memory available to the hard disk system. Increase the available memory. 10: Formatting is not possible because host data is being spooled on the hard disk.Wait until the hard disk is ready, and then format. 20: The hard disk was installed in the incorrect slot (OPT2). Reinstall the hard disk in a different slot (OPT1/HDD). 85: VMB; Alias error (the alias setting was lost, or the VMB tray corresponding to the alias does not exist). Set the alias again. 97: Code job; The number of permanent code jobs reached the limit value, and no more can be saved. Either delete some unnecessary jobs, etc., or increae the limit. ;Ò 99: A print job for the specified ID does not exist in the hard disk. I/F occupied This message is displayed when you attempt to use the printer’s operator panel to change the environmental settings on the interface from which data are presently being received. ID error The ID entered for a private job, or a stored job is not correct. Check the ID that is set using the printer driver. ;Ò:Alarm buzzer sounds when an error occurs. Press the CANCEL key to stop the alarm buzzer. (Continued on next page) 4-6 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting Message Corrective Action Insert the same memory card You have inserted the wrong memory card when the Insert again message was displayed. Remove the wrong memory card from the printer’s memory card slot and insert the correct memory card. The printer again reads it from the beginning of the data. KPDL error Press GO Current print processing cannot continue. To print out an error report, display > Print KPDL errs from the mode select menu, and select On. Press the GO key to resume printing. You can abandon printing by the CANCEL key. ## If Auto Continue is set to On, printing will be automatically resumed after a preset period of time. See ;Ò Auto Continue Setting on page 3-51. Memory card err Insert again The memory card is accidentally removed from the printer’s memory card slot during reading. If you continue reading the memory card, insert the same memory card into the slot again. The printer again reads it from the beginning of the data. Note: We recommend that you follow the reading procedure from the beginning to ensure correct reading of the memory card. Memory overflow Press GO The total amount of data received by the printer exceeds the printer’s internal memory. Try adding more memory (expansion DIMM). Press the GO key to resume printing. You can abandon printing by the CANCEL key. If Auto Continue is set to On, printing will be automatically resumed after a preset period of time. See ;Ò Auto Continue Setting on page 3-51. MemoryCard err## Press GO Print overrun Press GO This message appears when an error occurs during access to the memory card using the PRESCRIBE RWER command or from the printer’s operator panel. Look at the error code given in place of ## and refer to the corresponding description given below. 01: The memory card does not meet specifications. This memory card cannot be used by this printer. Insert a memory card which can be used by this printer. (See Memory Card (CF) on page D-2.) 02: The memory card is not installed. Recheck the requirements for using the memory card. 04: The capacity of the memory card is insufficient. Clean up files. 05: Specified file not on memory card. ;Ò 06: No memory for use by memory card. Expand printer memory. The data transferred to the printer was too complex to print on a page. Press the GO key to resume printing. (The page may break in some pages.) You can abandon printing by the CANCEL key. Note: After this message is displayed, page protect mode will be On. To maintain optimum use of memory during printing, display >Page protect from the operator panel, and reselect Auto. See Page Protect Mode on page 3-28. If Auto Continue is set to On, printing will be automatically resumed after a preset period of time. See ;Ò Auto Continue Setting on page 3-51. RAM disk error ## Press GO Virtual mailbox full Look at the error code given in place of ## and refer to the corresponding description given below. 01: Format error. Try turning the power off and on again. 02: RAM disk mode is Off. Turn RAM disk mode On. 04: No disk space. Clean up files. 05: Specified file is not on disk. ;Ò 06: No memory for use by disk system. Expand printer memory. The storage area for the VMB is full. Print out accumulated VMB data. ;Ò:Alarm buzzer sounds when an error occurs. Press the CANCEL key to stop the alarm buzzer. 4-7 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 4. Correcting a Paper Jam The Paper jam message is displayed on the message display when paper becomes stuck in the paper transport system, the paper feed timing is incorrect, or paper fails to feed at all. The jam can be corrected by removing the paper. The printer goes off-line when the Paper jam message is displayed. When a paper jam occurs, a paper jam message and the paper jam location are indicated on the message display. Details of the messages and paper jam locations are as follows: Paper jam message Pager jam location Description Reference Page Paper jam Cassette 1(2) A Paper is jammed at the paper cassette or inside the printer. “1” appears with upper cassette, while "2" with lower cassette. 4-9 Paper jam Cassette 3(4) B Paper is jammed at the option paper feeder cassette. When installing the paper feeder PF-70, “3” appears with upper cassette, while “4” with lower cassette. 4-9 Paper jam Finisher C Remove the paper jammed in the paper stacker. (For details, see the operation guide for document finisher) Paper jam MP Transport D Paper is jammed inside the MP transport. 4-9 Paper jam MP Tray E Paper is jammed at the MP tray. 4-9 Paper jam Reverse adapter F Paper is jammed at the reverse adapter of document finisher DF-75. See document finisher DF-75 Operation Guide Paper jam Left cover 1 (to 3) G Paper is jammed in the left cover section. “3” appears when jam occurs in the left cover section of the paper feeder. 4-10 When the jammed paper has been removed, open and close the printer’s front cover. Then the printer automatically warms up, goes on-line, and continues printing. Depending on the point at which the jam occurred, the printer may or may not print the jammed page. If paper jams occur frequently, try using a different type of paper, replace with paper from another ream, turn the stack of paper over, or turn the paper the other way around. Also, look for tiny pieces of paper that may have been torn off and overlooked when the jammed paper was removed. If you cannot solve the problem by changing the paper, there may be a problem with the printer. Contact your service representative. See document finisher DF-75 Operation Guide NOTE When pulling the paper, pull it gently so as not to tear it. Torn pieces of paper are difficult to remove and may be easily overlooked, deterring the jam recovery. Online help messages With the online help message function, this printer can display the procedure to correct a paper jam on the message display. When a paper jam message is displayed, press the ? key. Pressing the 4 key at the online help message display shows the next step; pressing the 3 key shows the previous step. To exit the online help message display, press the ? key. The previously shown paper jam message appears. 4-8 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 4.1 Jam in Paper Cassette 2 If the jammed paper remains at the MP tray, pull up the lever and remove the jammed paper. * If the mised paper cannot be removed, go to the next step. 3 Pull up the lock lever and open left cover 1. 4 Remove the jammed paper. 5 Push the lever (gray colored) to raise the duplex unit and remove the jammed paper. The following procedure also applies to the optional paper feeder. 1 2 3 Pull out the paper cassette. Remove the jammed paper while taking care not to tear it. If the paper has been torn, remove all the scraps from the inside the printer. Close the paper cassette. 4.2 Jam at the MP Tray Paper is jammed at the MP tray. Remove the jammed paper using the procedure given below. 1 4-9 Remove the paper jammed at the MP tray. Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 6 Open the front cover. 11 Remove the jammed paper. 7 Turn the knob clockwise to release the jammed paper from the MP transport tray section. 12 If the paper has been torn, remove the MP transport tray. 8 Remove the jammed paper. 13 Remove the jammed paper. 9 Pull out the MP transport tray. 14 Replace the MP transport tray in its original position. 15 Close the front cover. 4.3 Jam in Left Cover 1 CAUTION 10 Open the MP transport tray cover. • Take care not to leave any small pieces of paper in the printer when removing paper jams as this may result in fire. • The printer’s fixing unit is extremely hot. Take sufficient care when working in this area, as there is a danger of getting burned. 4-10 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 1 Pull up the lock lever and open left cover 1. 2 Remove the jammed paper. 3 4 5 Close left cover 1. 4.4 Jam in Left Cover 2 1 Open left cover 2. 2 Remove the jammed paper. 3 Close left cover 2. Push the lever (gray colored) to raise the duplex unit and remove the jammed paper. If there is jammed paper in the output section, remove it. 4.5 Paper Jam at the Option Document Finisher Paper is jammed at the option document finisher. Remove jammed paper referring to the Document Finisher Operation Guide. 4-11 Chapter 5 Paper Selection This chapter explains the following topics: • General Guidelines • Special Paper • Paper Type 1.2 Paper Specifications The following table summarizes the basic paper specifications. Details are given on the following pages. Item 1. General Guidelines The printer is designed to print on high-quality copier bond paper (the kind used in ordinary dry copier machines), but it can also accept a variety of other types of paper within the limits specified below. NOTE The manufacturer assumes no liability for problems that occur when paper not satisfying these requirements is used. Selection of the right paper is important. Using the wrong paper can result in paper jams, misfeeding, curling, poor print quality, and paper waste, and in extreme cases can damage the printer. The guidelines given below will increase the productivity of your office by ensuring efficient, trouble-free printing and reducing wear and tear on the printer. 1.1 Paper Availability Most types of paper are compatible with a variety of machines. Paper intended for xerographic copiers can also be used with the printer. There are three general grades of paper: economy, standard, and premium. The most significant difference between grades is the ease with which they pass through the printer. This is affected by the smoothness, size, and moisture content of the paper, and the way in which the paper is cut. The higher the grade of paper you use, the less risk there will be of paper jams and other problems, and the higher the level of quality your printed output will reflect. Differences between paper from different suppliers can also affect the printer’s performance. A high-quality printer cannot produce high-quality results when the wrong paper is used. Lowpriced paper is not economical in the long run if it causes printing problems. Specification Weight Cassette: 60 to 105 g/m2 (16 to 28 lb/ream) MP tray: 60 to 200 g/m2 (16 to 53 lb/ream) Thickness 0.086 to 0.110 mm (3.4 to 4.3 mils) Dimensional accuracy ±0.7 mm (±0.0276 inches) Squareness of corners 90° ±0.2° Moisture content 4 to 6 % Direction of grain Long grain Pulp content 80 % or more 1.3 Selecting the Right Paper Laser printing is a process involving laser light, electrostatic discharge, toner, and heat. In addition, as the paper passes through the printer it undergoes considerable sliding, bending, and twisting motions. A high-quality printing paper matching the printer’s requirements withstands all these stresses, enabling the printer to turn out clean, crisp printed copies consistently. Remember that all paper is not the same. Some of the factors to consider when selecting paper for the printer are as follows: Condition of the Paper Avoid using paper that is bent at the edges, curled, dirty, torn, embossed, or contaminated with lint, clay, or paper shreds. Use of paper in these conditions can lead to illegible printing, misfeeding, and paper jams, and can shorten the life of the printer. In particular, avoid using paper with a surface coating or other surface treatment. The paper should have as smooth and even a surface as possible. Paper in each grade is available in a range of basis weights (defined later). The traditional standard weights are 16, 20, and 28 pounds (60 to 105 g/m2). 5-1 Chapter 5 Paper Selection MP tray Size Cassette or MP tray Size Monarch 3-7/8 × 7-1/2 inches Ledger 11 × 17 inches Business 4-1/8 × 9-1/2 inches Legal 8-1/2 × 14 inches Commercial 9 3-7/8 × 8-7/8 inches Letter 8-1/2 × 11 inches Commercial 6-3/4 3-5/8 × 6-1/2 inches Statement 5-1/2 × 8-1/2 inches International DL 11 × 22 cm Folio 210 × 330 mm International C5 16.2 × 22.9 cm ISO A3 297 × 420 mm ISO A6 105 × 148 mm ISO A4 210 × 297 mm JIS B6 128 × 182 mm ISO A5 148 × 210 mm International B5 17.6 × 25 cm JIS B4 257 × 364 mm Executive 7-1/4 × 10-1/2 inches JIS B5 182 × 257 mm International C4 229 × 324 mm oficio II 8-1/2 × 13 inches Hagaki 100 × 148 mm Paper with other sizes (custom sizes) can also be fed from the MP tray. The minimum size paper for manual feed is 88 × 148 mm (31/2 × 5-13/16 inches), fed lengthwise. The maximum size is 297 × 450 mm (11-11/16 × 17-3/4 inches). Oufuku Hagaki 148 × 200 mm Youkei 2 114 × 162 mm Youkei 4 105 × 235 mm Do not use paper that has been coated or surface-treated and contains plastic or carbon. The heat of fusing can cause such paper to give off harmful fumes. Paper that is too light or too heavy can cause misfeeding, jams, and premature wear of the printer. Uneven paper weight can cause multiple feeds, print defects, poor toner fusing, blurring, and other print quality problems. The proper weight is 60 to 105 g/m2 for the paper cassette, and 60 to 200 g/m2 for the MP tray. Bond paper should contain at least 80 % pulp. Not more than 20 % of the total paper content should consist of cotton or other fibers. Thickness (Caliper) Composition Cassettes and an MP tray are available for the paper sizes listed in the table above. The dimensional tolerances are ±0.7 mm (±0.0276 inches) for the length and width. The angle at the corners must be 90° ±0.2°. Thick paper is referred to as high-caliper paper and thin paper as low-caliper paper. The paper used with the printer should be neither extremely thick nor extremely thin. If you are having problems with paper jams, multiple feeds, and faint printing, the paper you are using may be too thin. If you are having problems with paper jams and blurred printing, the paper may be too thick. The proper thickness is 0.086 to 0.110 mm (3.4 to 4.3 mils). Smoothness Moisture Content The paper should have a smooth, uncoated surface. Paper with a rough or sandy surface can cause voids in the printed output. Paper that is too smooth, however, can cause multiple feeding and fogging problems. (Fogging is a gray background effect.) Moisture content is defined as the percent ratio of moisture to the dry mass of the paper. Moisture can affect the paper’s appearance, feedability, curl, electrostatic properties, and toner fusing characteristics. Basis Weight The moisture content of the paper varies with the relative humidity in the room. When the relative humidity is high and the paper absorbs moisture, the paper edges expand, becoming wavy in appearance. When the relative humidity is low and the paper loses moisture, the edges shrink and tighten, and print contrast may suffer. Paper Size Basis weight is the weight of a standard quantity of paper. In the traditional system, the standard quantity is a ream consisting of 500 sheets measuring 17 × 22 inches each. In the metric system the standard quantity is 1 square meter. 5-2 Chapter 5 Paper Selection Wavy or tight edges can cause misfeeding and alignment anomalies. The moisture content of the paper should be 4 to 6%. To ensure the proper moisture content, it is important to store the paper in a controlled environment. Some tips on moisture control are: • Store paper in a cool, dry location. • Keep the paper in its wrapping as long as possible. Rewrap paper that is not in use. • Store paper in its original carton. Place a pallet, etc., under the carton to separate it from the floor. • After removing paper from storage, let it stand in the same room as the printer for 48 hours before use. • Avoid leaving paper where it is exposed to heat, sunlight, or damp. Paper Grain When paper is manufactured, it is cut into sheets with the grain running parallel to the length (long grain) or parallel to the width (short grain). Short grain paper can cause feeding problems in the printer. All paper used in the printer should be long grain. Other Paper Properties Porosity: Refers to the density of the paper structure; that is, how openly or compactly the fibers are bonded. Stiffness: Limp paper can buckle inside the printer, while paper that is too stiff may bind. Either way the result is a paper jam. Curl: Most paper has a natural tendency to curl in one direction. The paper should be loaded so that the natural curl is downward, to counteract the upward curl imparted by the printer. Printed sheets will then come out flat. Most paper also has a top and bottom surface. Loading instructions are usually given on the paper package. NOTE If the paper is considerably curled in one direction, e.g. when the paper was used to print on one side, try to roll the paper in the opposite direction to counteract the curl. Printed sheets will then come out flat. Electrostatic properties: During the printing process, the paper is electrostatically charged to attract the toner. The paper must be able to release this charge so that printed sheets do not cling together in the output tray. Whiteness: The contrast of the printed page depends on the whiteness of the paper. Whiter paper provides a sharper, brighter appearance. Quality control: Uneven sheet size, corners that are not square, ragged edges, welded (uncut) sheets, and crushed edges and corners can cause the printer to malfunction in various ways. A quality paper supplier should take considerable care to ensure that these problems do not occur. Packaging: Paper should be packed in a sturdy carton to protect it from damage during transport. Quality paper obtained from a reputable supplier is usually properly packaged. 2. Special Paper This section explains printing on special paper. The page printer can use the following types of special paper. In this case, set the media type according to the table below. Paper type to be used Media type to be selected Colored paper Color Preprinted paper Preprinted Overhead projector transparencies Transparency Postcards Cardstock Envelopes Envelope Label Labels When using the above types of paper, be sure to use products that are specified for use with photocopiers and/or page printers. Feed paper other than colored paper or preprinted paper from the MP (multi-purpose) tray. Use paper that is sold specifically for use with copiers (heat-fusing type). Label paper and envelopes should not be placed in the cassette. Since the composition and quality of special paper vary considerably, special paper is more likely than white bond paper to give trouble during printing. No liability will be assumed if moisture, etc., given off in printing on special paper causes harm to the machine or operator. NOTE Before purchasing any type of special paper, test a sample on the printer and check that print quality is satisfactory. Specifications for each type of special paper are given below. 2.1 Transparency (Overhead Projection Film) Transparency must be able to withstand the heat of fusing during the printing process. It should satisfy the conditions given in the table below. Item Specification Tolerance of heat Must tolerate at least 190 °C (374 °F) Thickness 0.100 to 0.110 mm (3.9 to 4.3 mils) Material Polyester Dimensional accuracy ±0.7 mm (±0.0276 inches.) Squareness of corners 90° ± 0.2° If transparency jams frequently, pull the top of the sheet very gently as it leaves the printer. 5-3 Chapter 5 Paper Selection 2.2 Adhesive-Backed Labels The basic rule for printing on adhesive labels is that the adhesive must never come into contact with any part of the printer. Adhesive paper sticking to the drum or rollers will damage the printer. Label paper must be manually fed. Label paper has a structure comprised of three layers, as shown in the figure below. The top sheet is printed on. The adhesive layer consists of pressure-sensitive adhesives. The carrier sheet (also called the linear or backing sheet) holds the labels until use. Due to the complexity of its composition, adhesive-backed label paper is particularly likely to give trouble in printing. Top sheet (White bond paper) Adhesive Carrier sheet Adhesive label paper must be entirely covered by its top sheet, with no spaces between the individual labels. Labels with spaces in between are apt to peel off, causing serious paper jam problems. Some label paper is manufactured with an extra margin of top sheet around the edge. Do not remove the extra top sheet from the carrier sheet until after printing is finished. Acceptable Unacceptable Top sheet Avoid long printing runs consisting of envelopes only. Extensive envelope printing can cause premature printer wear. To avoid jamming due to curled envelopes, do not leave more than approximately 10 printed envelopes stacked in the paper trays during multiple envelope printing. Colored Paper Colored paper should satisfy the same conditions as white bond paper, listed in Paper Specifications on page 5-1. In addition, the pigments used in the paper must be able to withstand the heat of fusing during the printing process (up to 200 °C or 392 °F). Preprinted Paper Preprinted paper should have a bond paper base. The preprinted ink must be able to withstand the heat of fusing during the printing process, and must not be affected by silicone oil. Do not use paper with any kind of surface treatment, such as the type of paper commonly used for calendars. Recycled Paper Select recycled paper that meets the same specifications as the white bond paper (see Paper Specifications on page 5-1) except whiteness. Before purchasing recycled paper, test a sample on the printer and check that the print quality is satisfactory. The table below lists the specifications for adhesive label paper. Specification Weight of top sheet 44 to 74 g/m2 (12 to 20 lb/ream) Composite weight 104 to 151 g/m2 (28 to 40 lb/ream) Thickness of top sheet 0.086 to 0.107 mm (3.9 to 4.2 mils) Composite thickness 0.115 to 0.145 mm (4.5 to 5.7 mils) Moisture content 4 to 6 % (composite) Envelopes The printer can print on envelopes using paper with a basis weight of 60 to 79 g/m2 (16 to 21 lb/ream). Envelopes must be manually fed. An envelope is a more complex object than a single sheet of paper. For this reason, it may not be possible to obtain consistent print quality over the entire envelope surface. 5-4 Do not use envelopes that have an encapsulated liquid adhesive. NOTE Carrier sheet Item Many envelopes have a diagonal grain orientation (See Paper Grain on page 5-3). This orientation is more likely to wrinkle and crease on its way through the printer. Before purchasing envelopes for use with the printer, test a sample to verify the envelope’s suitability. Chapter 5 Paper Selection 3. Paper Type The printer is capable of printing under the optimum setting for the type of paper being used. Setting the paper type for the paper source from the printer’s operator panel will cause the printer to automatically select the paper source and print in the mode best suited to that type of paper. A different paper type setting can be made for each paper source including the MP tray. Not only can preset paper types be selected, but it is also possible for you to define and select customized paper types. See Customizing Paper Type on page 3-45. The following types of paper can be set. Paper source Duplex path MP tray Paper Cassette Paper Weight (MP tray available only in Cassette mode) Plain Yes Yes Normal Yes Transparency Yes No Extra Heavy No Preprinted Yes Yes Normal Yes Labels Yes No Normal No Bond Yes Yes Normal Yes Recycled Yes Yes Normal Yes Vellum Yes No Light (Thin) No Rough Yes Yes Normal Yes Letterhead Yes Yes Normal Yes Color Yes Yes Normal Yes Prepunched Yes Yes Normal Yes Envelope Yes No Heavy (Thick) No Cardstock Yes No Heavy (Thick) No Custom 1 (to 8)* Yes Yes Normal Yes Media Type * Yes: Can be stored No: Cannot be stored This is a paper type defined and registered by the user. Up to eight types of user settings may be defined. For details on Customizing Paper Type on page 3-45. 5-5 Chapter 6 Maintenance This chapter explains how to replace the toner container and the waste toner box and how to clean the internal parts of the printer. When you replace the toner container, make sure to clean the internal parts of the printer. 1.2 Replenishing Toner Replace the toner container using the following procedures. 1 Open the printer front cover all the way. 2 Push the lock lever (blue colored) up and gently remove the toner container until its handle appears. 1. Toner Container Replacement The toner container in the printer should be replaced as soon as the message display shows Toner low TK-70 or soon after. If you continue to use the printer, eventually the toner supply will be exhausted at which point the printer will stop printing and the Replace toner Clean printer message will be shown instructing you to install a new toner kit. 1.1 Toner Container Replacement Interval Assuming an average toner coverage of 5 % and Ecoprint mode turned off, the toner container will need replacing approximately once every 40,000 pages.* * For a new printer with a toner kit installed for the first time, the number of copies that can be printed will be approximately 20,000. Toner Kits to be Used Name: TK-70 (40,000 pages) Contents: Toner container Waste toner box Wiper cloth Grid cleaner 2 plastic bags (for disposal of the old toner container and waste toner box) Installation Guide NOTE NOTE • Be sure to distance items such as floppy disks during toner container replacement. • Be sure to clean the inside of the printer when replacing the toner container. • Use of original Kyocera Mita toner kits is highly recommended to prevent printer trouble and ensure the long life of the printer. 6-1 Do not pull the toner container all the way as it can fall off and the toner spots the floor. Chapter 6 Maintenance 3 Grasp the handle on the toner container, push the lock lever up again and gently lift the toner container. 4 Seal up the old toner container with the supplied plastic bag and dispose of it. 7 Grasp the handle on the toner container and insert the toner container along the rail of the printer. When inserting, be sure that the gear side of the toner container faces the printer. Leave the front cover open to allow insertion of the waste toner box. Gear Side To the Printer 5 Lightly tap the new toner on the top 5 to 6 times. 6 Thoroughly shake the toner container (in the direction of the arrow) ten times or more to loosen and mix the toner inside. 8 Hold the toner container by hands and fully insert it into the printer. 9 Remove the old waste toner box as shown in the figure. 6-2 Chapter 6 Maintenance 10 11 Remove the seal from the rear of the old waste toner box, and then close the opening of the box with the seal. Seal up the old waste toner box with the supplied plastic bag and dispose of it. 13 Pull the main charger approximately 5 cm (2 inches) out. 14 While avoiding the main charger roller (A) to be in contact with the grid cleaner pad, push and pull the main charger several times. (Do not push the main charger all the way in. Otherwise, water from the pad will cause the main charger unit to become we and this may affect printing.) Gently pull the cleaning knob as far as it will go, push and pull it several times, and then push it back in. (A) When the grid is clean, remove the grid cleaner from the printer and dispose of it. The grid cleaner is not reusable. 12 6-3 Take out the new grid cleaner from the protective bag, and then remove the cap from the grid cleaner. 15 Fit the new waste toner box to the printer. Chapter 6 Maintenance 16 Remove the blue colored cleaning brush. 17 Pull up the lock lever on the left side of the printer, and open the left cover 1. 18 Clean the separator by moving the cleaning brush from left to right along with the separator. 19 Replacing of toner and cleaning of the internal parts of the printer are completed. Close the front cover and the left cover 1. Allow approximately five minutes before using the printer until the main charger unit has dried up. 6-4 Appendix A Fonts This appendix explains the types of fonts you can use with the printer. A font is a set of characters of a particular design. The design is referred to as a typeface. Several characteristics identify a font. These include the code set (For details on the code sets, read the Programming Manual on the supplied Kyocera Mita Digital Library CD-ROM and Kyocera Mita Network Library CD-ROM), spacing, pitch, height, style, stroke weight, and typeface family. List of Fonts This section contains a full list of the printer’s internal fonts. The printer has 80 PCL fonts and 136 PostScript Level 3 compatible fonts. You can print the font list from the printer by using the printer’s operator panel key. To print a list of fonts, refer to Printing a List of Fonts on page 3-26. Font may be downloaded to the printer’s memory from a option memory card or hard disk. A-1 Appendix A Fonts 3 PCL (Scalable and Bitmap) Fonts A-2 Appendix A Fonts 3 KPDL Fonts (1) A-3 Appendix A Fonts 3 KPDL Fonts (2) A-4 Appendix B Expansion Memory This appendix first explains how to remove the main circuit board and then how to install a DIMM (Dual In-line Memory Module) on the main circuit board. Expanded printer memory enables you to print more complex pages, download more fonts, and define more macros. 1. Removing the Main Circuit Board The main circuit board of the printer is equipped with two sockets for memory expansion. Expansion memory is available in the form of DIMMs. 1.2 Removing the Main Circuit Board from the Printer Remove the main circuit board completely from the printer as follows: 1 Turn off the printer and disconnect the power cord and printer cable. 2 Remove the two screws from the printer. 3 Pull the main circuit board all the way out of the printer. NOTE The expansion memory should be installed only by a Kyocera Mita authorized dealer or Kyocera Mita certified technician. Kyocera Mita shall not be liable for damage due to improper installation of the expansion memory. The following instructions are intended for the technician only. 1.1 Notes on Handling the Main Circuit Board and DIMM Protect the electronics by taking these precautions: • Before touching the main circuit board and DIMM, touch a water pipe or other large metal object to discharge yourself of static electricity. While doing the work, it is recommended that you wear an antistatic wrist strap. • Touch the main circuit board and DIMM only at the edges. YES B-1 NO NOTE Before pulling the main circuit board out, clear away the area, behind the printer. Foreign objects, accidentally sticking to the back of the main circuit board, can cause serious damage to the printer. Appendix B Expansion Memory 2. Installing DIMMs 2.1 Removing DIMM DIMMs to be used To remove a DIMM, carefully pull the end clips outwards, then pull the DIMM out of the socket. See your Kyocera Mita dealer for purchasing information of the DIMMs that are best suited for use with this printer. 16 MB, 32 MB, 64 MB, and 128 MB DIMMs can be used for memory expansion. Return the main circuit board to the printer by reversing the procedure explained in Removing the Main Circuit Board from the Printer on page B-1. Insert the DIMM into the socket as shown below. 1 Remove the DIMM from its package. 2 Open the clips on both ends of the DIMM socket. 3 Insert the DIMM into the socket, so that the notches on the DIMM align with the corresponding protrusions in the socket. 4 Close the clips of the DIMM socket to secure the DIMM. 2.2 Testing the Expansion Memory After you finish installing DIMMs in the printer, test the printer to see if the installation was successful. To test the expansion memory, proceed as follows: 5 When you finish installing the DIMM, reinsert the main circuit board into the printer by reversing the removal procedure. 1 Make sure the printer is turned off. Plug the power cord into the printer and turn the printer on. 2 Press the MENU key on the operator panel. 3 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly until Print Status Page appears. 4 Press the ENTER key twice. 5 If the installation was successful, the amount of memory shown on the status page will correspond with the amount of expanded memory. (The factory installed memory size is 32 MB.) B-2 Appendix C Host Computer Interface This appendix explains the signals used in the printer’s parallel and RS-232C interfaces. It also lists pin assignments, signal functions, timings, connector specifications, and voltage levels. The RS-232C protocols are also covered. Finally, it explains how to use the printer in a multi-computer environment. This appendix explains the following topics: • Parallel Interface • Serial Interface • RS-232C Protocol • RS-232C Cable Connection 1. Parallel Interface 1.1 Parallel Interface Communication Modes The printer features fast data transmission with the parallel interface. The parallel interface mode can be activated from the operator panel. See Changing Parallel Interface Modes on page 3-18. NOTE Use a parallel printer cable that complies with the IEEE1284 standard. Nibble (high) [default] High speed data communication is used in compliance with the IEEE1284 standard. Ordinarily, you should leave this setting unchanged. Auto The printer automatically changes its communication mode to the one the host computer is currently using. Normal The printer uses the standard communication method prescribed for Centronics interfaces. High-speed This mode enables faster data transmission between the printer and the host computer. (Select this mode if printing problems occur when the printer is connected to a workstation.) 1.2 Interface Signals The pins of the parallel interface connector carry the signals listed in the table in Parallel Connector Pin Assignment. Asterisks C-1 in the table indicate signals that are low active. The table also indicates whether each signal is incoming or outgoing with respect to the printer. Parallel Connector Pin Assignment Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 In/out In In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out Out Out Out 13 Out 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 In In Out 33 34 35 36 Out In Description Strobe* [nStrobe] Data 0 [Data 1] Data 1 [Data 2] Data 2 [Data 3] Data 3 [Data 4] Data 4 [Data 5] Data 5 [Data 6] Data 6 [Data 7] Data 7 [Data 8] Acknowledge* [nAck] Busy [Busy] Paper Empty [PError], returns paper empty status if FRPO O2=2 Online (Select) [nSelect], returns off-line status if FRPO O2=2 Auto-feed [nAutoFd] Not connected 0 V DC Chassis GND +5 V DC Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ignored [nInit] Error*, returns error status if FRPO O2=2 [nFault] Not connected Not connected Power Ready Ignored [nSelectIn] [ ]: Signal names in the Auto mode and Nibble (high) mode (IEEE1284). In the Auto mode and Nibble (high) mode, these signals are bidirectional. Appendix C Host Computer Interface Detailed descriptions of the signals follow. Strobe* [nStrobe] (Pin 1) A negative-going Strobe* pulse causes the printer to read and latch the data on the Data 0 [1] to Data 7 [8] signal lines. Data 0 [1] to Data 7 [8] (Pins 2 to 9) These eight signals form the data byte sent from the host computer to the printer. Data 7 [8] is the most significant bit. Acknowledge* [nAck] (Pin 10) This negative-going pulse acknowledges the previous character received by the printer. Busy [Busy] (Pin 11) This signal is high when the printer is busy and low when it is able to accept more data. Paper Empty [PError] (Pin 12) This signal goes high when the printer has received a print job and run out of paper. Online [Select] (Pin 13) This signal is high when the printer is online and low when the printer is offline. It goes low when the GO key is pressed to set the printer offline. +5 V DC (Pin 18) This line is connected to the printer’s +5 V DC line (+5 V ±0.5 V, maximum 400 mA [Serial and Parallel total], fused). RS-232C Signal Pin Assignment Pin In/out Signal Description 1 - FG Frame ground 2 Out TXD Transmit Data 3 In RXD Receive Data 4 Out RTS Request To Send 5 In CTS Clear To Send 6 In DSR Data Set Ready 7 - SG 11 - +5 V DC 20 Out DTR Signal Ground Reserved Data Terminal Ready Brief descriptions of the signals follow. FG - Frame Ground - (Pin 1) This pin is connected directly to the printer frame. TXD - Transmit Data - (Pin 2) This output carries asynchronous data sent by the printer to the computer. It is used mainly in handshaking protocols. RXD - Receive Data - (Pin 3) This input carries serial asynchronous data sent by the computer to the printer. Error* [nFault] (Pin 32) When the high-speed parallel line control is on (FRPO O2=2), this line returns error status. RTS - Request To Send - (Pin 4) This output is always held high (above 3 volts). Power Ready (Pin 35) This signal is high when the printer is turned on. CTS - Clear To Send - (Pin 5) DSR - Data Set Ready - (Pin 6) Unused. NOTE The Paper Empty, Online, and Error signals are not used unless enabled by the FRPO command (O2 parameter). 2. Serial Interface 2.1 Interface Signals The pins of the printer’s RS-232C interface connector carry the signals listed in the table below. The table also indicates whether each signal is incoming or outgoing with respect to the printer. SG - Signal Ground - (Pin 7) All signals can transmit between the printer and the host computer to send each signal with a signal ground. +5 V DC - (Pin 11) This line is connected to the printer’s +5 V DC line (+5 V ±0.5 V, maximum 250 mA, fused). DTR - Data Terminal Ready - (Pin 20) This output is used as a buffer nearly-full handshake line. It is held high (above 3 volts) when the buffer can accept more data. RS-232C Interface Voltage Levels The voltage levels of the interface signals conform to EIA RS232C specifications. SPACE is from 3 volts to 15 volts. MARK is from –3 volts to –15 volts. Voltages between –3 volts and 3 volts are undefined. SERIAL Connector The connector marked IOIOI (RS-232C) on the rear panel is a DB-25S connector. Use a DB-25P connector (or equivalent) for the connector on the cable. C-2 Appendix C Host Computer Interface 3. RS-232C Protocol A protocol is a set of rules the computer follows in sending data to the printer. They are indicated on the status page. Parameters can be changed from the operator panel. See Changing Serial Interface Modes on page 3-19. The parameters and their identification codes are given below. H1: Baud rate H5: Protocol logic Parameter value Meaning 0 Combination of 1 and 3 below 1 DTR, positive logic 2 DTR, negative logic 3 XON/XOFF 4 ETX/ACK 5 XON/XOFF recognized only as protocol Parameter value Baud rate 12 1200 24 2400 The factory default setting is 0. 48 4800 96 9600 H6: Buffer nearly-full threshold This is a percentage from 0 to 99. The factory default setting is 90. 19 19200 38 38400 57 57600 11 115200 The factory default setting is 9600 baud. NOTE Some computers may not be compatible with a baud rate of 115200 bps. If you set the baud rate to 115200 and communication problems occur, lower the baud rate. H2: Data bits 7 or 8; the factory default setting is 8. H3: Stop bits 1 or 2; the factory default setting is 1. H7: Buffer nearly-empty threshold This is a percentage from 0 to 99. The factory setting is 70. The factory default settings of the buffer nearly-full and nearlyempty thresholds (H6 and H7) are subject to change without notification. The gap between the nearly-full and nearly-empty thresholds allows the computer to send a fairly large amount of data in a continuous stream. H8: Received-data buffer size This is the size of the input buffer, specified in units of 10 Kbytes. The factory default setting is 6, meaning 60 Kbytes. PRESCRIBE FRPO D0 command The PRESCRIBE FRPO D0 command is provided to allow manipulating XON/XOFF when an error has occurred on the serial interface. The following table summarizes the error status corresponding to different D0 values. H4: Parity Parameter value Meaning 0 None 1 Odd 2 Even 3 Ignore The factory default setting is None (0 on the status printout). C-3 Timing of XON transfer to host while Ready or Waiting Serial interface error Error not handled Error handled XON sent every 3 to 5 seconds D0=0 (default) D0=1 XON not sent D0=10 D0=11 Appendix C Host Computer Interface 4. RS-232C Cable Connection 5 Baud rate=9600 bps, data bits (character length)=8 bits, stop bits=1, parity=none 4.1 Preparing an RS-232C Cable After obtaining an RS-232C cable, check that it is wired correctly, referring to the table in RS-232C Signal Pin Assignment on page C-2. If you have an IBM communication adapter cable type 1502067, you will have to resolder the wiring at the printer end of the cable. The procedure is as follows. 1 Remove the plastic cover from the printer end of the cable. 2 Next to each of the wires inside the cable is a bare shield wire. Solder all these shield wires together into a single bundle. 3 Using a section of flat wire about 3 mm wide and 15 mm long, connect the bundle of shield wires to the metal facing of the connector. Check that the solder connections are secure. 4 Desolder wires 2 and 3, then resolder them in crossed configuration. Solder wire 2 to pin 3 and wire 3 to pin 2. Cover the solder joints with thermofit tube. 5 Cut wires 4, 5, 6, and 20. 6 Solder wires 5 and 6 together and connect them to pin 20. Cover the solder joints with a thermofit tube. Leave wire 4 unconnected. 7 Tape all remaining loose ends, or seal them with a thermofit tube. 8 Attach the plastic cover back on. The printer RS-232C parameters are factory-set to the following values: The two RS-232C protocols are XON/XOFF and DTR. The printer performs both of them simultaneously, using positive logic for DTR. If you are uncertain as to the printer’s current parameter settings, you can reset them to the values listed above by following the procedure explained in Printer Resetting on page 3-49. 6 Set the computer to the same parameters as the printer. On many computers this can be done by setting DIP switches before the power is turned on. Another method is as follows: 4.3 Setting the RS-232C Parameters Windows 95/98/ME 1 Click on the Start button in the Windows 95/98/ME task bar and align the cursor with Settings, then click on Control Panel from among the items displayed. 2 The control panel folder opens. Double click on System. 3 System Properties opens. Click on the Device Manager tab, then click on the COM port to be used. 4 Click on the Properties button. 4.2 Connecting the RS-232C Cable Check that the power of both the printer and the computer is switched off. 1 Discharge yourself of static electricity by touching a metal object such as a doorknob. 2 Plug the printer end of the RS-232C interface cable into the printer’s RS-232C connector and attach it in place. 3 Plug the other end of the cable into the computer’s RS232C interface connector. 4 Turn on the printer. C-4 Appendix C Host Computer Interface 5 The Properties sheet is displayed for the selected COM port. Click on the Port Settings tab and set the port properties. 6 After setting the properties, click the OK button. DOS 1 Enter the following commands: C:\>MODE COM1:96,N,8,1,P C:\>MODE LPT1:=COM1 2 To test the interface, enter the following: CTRL P C:\>DIR CTRL P The software settings made using the above procedures are temporary. On most computers, permanent settings must be made with DIP switches. If you want to use a different baud rate or change any of the other RS-232C parameters, this can be accomplished from the printer’s operator panel. See Changing the Interface Parameters on page 3-18. C-5 Appendix D Option Units This appendix explains how to install each option unit. Also refer to the manuals of the respective option units. 1. Available Options The printer has the following options available. For instructions on installing individual options, refer to the documentation included with the option. Memory Card (CF) Network Interface Card Expansion Memory (DIMM 16/32/64/128MB) Document Finisher DF-71 Paper Feeder PF-70 Hard Disk Unit Paper Feeder PF-75 Barcode Reader BC-1 Reverse Unit RA-1* Document Finisher DF-75 Punch Unit PH-2A/2B/2B *: For facedown high-speed printing. D-1 Appendix D Option Units PF-70 Paper Feeder Holds approximately 500 sheets of A5 to A3 (11 × 17" in Ledger) size paper. Up to two paper feeders can be attached to the bottom of the printer. PF-75 Paper Feeder Holds approximately 3000 sheets of A4, B5 or Letter size (8.5 × 11") paper. Only one paper feeder can be attached to the bottom of the printer. Network Interface Card Is used to communicate using the network protocols such as NetWare, TCP/IP or EtherTalk. DF-70/DF-71 Document Finishers Provide finishing with about 3,000 sheets at a time with highspeed and large-capacity processes. DF-71 also provides a punch function. They are installed at the left side of the printer. DF-75 Document Finisher Provides the staple, punch (option), offset and stitch functions. It is installed at the left side of the printer. BC-1 Barcode Reader Reads the barcode (ID code) printed on the paper when reprinting with the code job function. It is connected to the printer with the serial interface. Other Options • Hard Disk Unit Enables the electronic sorting and job retention functions. To be inserted into the slot OPT1/HDD designed for it on the main circuit board of the printer. • Memory Card (CF) This is a microchip card that may contain option fonts, macros, and forms. Insert the memory card into the memory card slot located on the right of the printer. See your dealer for purchasing information regarding the memory Cards that are best suited for use with this printer. • Memory DIMM See your dealer for purchasing information of the DIMM that are best suited for use with this printer. See Appendix B Expansion Memory for the installation procedure. D-2 Appendix D Option Units 2. Installing Option Units 2.1 PF-70/75 Paper Feeders PF-70 or PF-75 Paper Feeder can be installed below the printer. PF-70 Paper Feeder holds approximately 500 sheets of A4 to A3 (11 × 17" in Ledger) size paper. 2.3 Network Interface The FS-9100DN/FS-9500DN have the standard Network interface. This printer supports the TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, NetBEUI, and EtherTalk protocols, so the network printing under various platforms such as Windows, Macintosh, UNIX, and NetWare is available. An option network interface card can be added by the following procedure. 1 Turn off the printer and disconnect the power cord and printer cable. 2 Remove the two screws from the option interface slot cover (OPT2). 3 Insert the network interface card and secure it with the screws removed in step 2. 4 Connect the network cable. 5 Set the network address from the printer operator panel (for details about the modes, see Changing Network Interface Parameters on page 3-20). PF-70 PF-75 Paper Feeder holds approximately 3000 sheets of A4, B5 or Letter size (8.5 × 11") paper. PF-75 For details of installing the optional paper feeder in the printer, see the PF-70/75 Installation Guide. 2.2 DF-70/71/75 Document Finishers DF-70/71/75 Document Finisher can be installed to the printer. DF-70/71 DF-75 For details of installing the optional finisher in the printer, see the DF-70/71/75 Installation Guide. D-3 Appendix D Option Units 2.4 Hard Disk Insert the hard disk into its slot on the main circuit board of the printer. If a hard disk unit is installed in the printer, received data can be rasterized and stored on this hard disk. This enables high-speed printing of multiple copies using an electric sort function. Also, you can use the e-MPS functions. For details, see eMPS on page 3-11. 2.5 Memory Card Insert the memory card into the memory card slot located the right side of the printer. A memory card is a microchip card that may contain option fonts, macros, forms, etc. The printer reads the contents of the card into its internal memory when printer is turned on. For details of available memory cards, see your dealer. For details of available hard disks, see your dealer. 1 Turn off the printer and disconnect the power cord and printer cable. 2 Remove the two screws and remove the slot cover (OPT1/HDD). 1 Turn off the printer. NOTE Do not insert or remove a memory card while the power is on. If the memory card is removed while the printer is on, damage could result in the printer’s electronics or the memory card. 2 3 Insert the optional hard disk unit into the slot. 4 Tighten the two screws to secure the hard disk unit to the main circuit board. D-4 Insert the memory card in the slot. Insert it with its label surface facing toward the outside, connector end first. Push it in all the way. Appendix E Specifications Specifications Specifications Description Item FS-9100DN FS-9500DN Printing method Electrophotography, laser scan Printing speed ( ): MP tray A4/Letter : 36 (27) pages/minutes B4 : 20 (19) pages/minutes A3 : 19 (17) pages/minutes Resolution Fast 1200 mode 600 dpi with KIR (Kyocera Image Refinement) 300 dpi with KIR (Kyocera Image Refinement) First print Approx. 7 seconds or less (During printing) (A4 or Letter size, depending on input data) Approx. 40 seconds (During low power mode) Approx. 67 seconds (During sleep mode) A4/Letter : 50 (30) pages/minutes B4 : 26 (23) pages/minutes A3 : 26 (20) pages/minutes Approx. 5 seconds or less (During printing) Approx. 95 seconds (During low power mode) Approx. 135 seconds (During sleep mode) Warm-up time Approx. 60 seconds or less (from power on/ Approx. 130 seconds or less (from power sleep mode) at 23 °C, 120 or 230 V on/sleep mode) at 23 °C, 120 or 230 V Controller PowerPC 750 CX (350 MHz) Main memory 32 MB, expandable up to 288 MB Operating system Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT/2000, Macintosh, Linux Interfaces Parallel 1, IEEE1284 Serial 1, RS-232C Network 1, Protocol support:IPX/SPX, TCP/IP, DLC Option 2, Network interface card and hard disk (KUIO-LV) Memory card slot One Memory card (CF) Self test Performed at power-up Maximum duty cycle 180,000 pages/month Drum Amorphous silicon drum Developer Mono-component dry developer Main charger Positive scorotron charger Transferring Negative charger roller Separation DC brush separation Drum cleaning Blade cleaner Drum discharging Illumination by eraser LED array Fuser Heat roller and pressure roller Toner saving EcoPrint mode Paper Plain paper (See Chapter 5 Paper Selection) PowerPC 750 CX (400 MHz) 300,000 pages/month E-1 Appendix E Specifications Item Description FS-9100DN FS-9500DN Paper feed trays Cassette : A5 to A3/Ledger size universal cassette. Holds 500 sheets of thickness 0.11 mm MP tray : 88 × 148 mm (3-1/2 × 5-13/16") to 297 × 450 mm (11-11/16 × 17-3/4") (See page 5-2). Holds 200 sheets of thickness 0.11 mm Capacity of output tray Face-down tray − 500 sheets of thickness 0.11 mm Ambient conditions Temperature Humidity Optimum conditions Altitude Illumination Power requirements 120 V, 60 Hz, max. 10.8 A (U.S.A./Canada) 220-240 V, 50 Hz/60 Hz, max. 5.6 A (European countries) Max. allowable voltage fluctuation: ±10 % Max. allowable frequency fluctuation: ±2 % 120 V, 60 Hz, max. 10.9 A (U.S.A./Canada) 220-240 V, 50 Hz/60 Hz, max. 5.7 A (European countries) Max. allowable voltage fluctuation: ±10 % Max. allowable frequency fluctuation: ±2 % Power consumption Max.: During printing: During standby: During low power mode: During sleep mode: Max.: During printing: During standby: During low power mode: During sleep mode: Operating noise (in accordance with ISO 7779 [Bystander Position, sound pressure level at the front]) During printing: LpA=54 dB(A) During standby: LpA=31 dB(A) During sleep mode: Immeasurably low Dimensions 585 (23) wide × 615 (24-1/2) high × 639 mm (25-1/8") deep Weight 67 kg (148 lb), main unit only E-2 : 10 to 32.5 °C (50 to 90.5 °F) : 20 to 80 % RM : 23 °C (73.4 °F), 60 % RM : Max. 2,000 m (6500 feet) : Max. 1,500 lux 1,400 W 680 W 140 W 99 W 16 W 1,400 W 790 W 150 W 70 W 16 W During printing: LpA=55 dB During standby: LpA=31 dB During sleep mode: Immeasurably low Glossary Cassette mode This is an operation mode for the MP tray. When this mode is used, approximately 200 sheets of plain paper can be fed continuously, the same as for the cassette. Cassette mode is specified as the factory setting, but you can change this setting from the printer’s operator panel. dpi (dots per inch) This indicates the number of dots printed per inch, and is the unit of printer resolution. EcoPrint This is a printing mode that controls toner consumption. Pages printed in the Ecoprint mode are lighter than pages printed in the normal mode. The default setting is Off. Emulation This refers to emulation of manufacturers’ printers. The printer emulates the operation of the following printers: PCL 6, KC-GL, Line printer, IBM Proprinter, DIABLO 630, EPSON LQ-850, and KPDL. Expansion memory This option is used to increase printer memory. The printer has two expansion sockets, into both of which you can install a 16 MB, 32 MB, 64 MB, or 128 MB DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module). See your Kyocera Mita dealer to purchase the DIMM that is best suited for use with this printer. First mode This is an operation mode for the MP tray. If there is paper inserted in the MP tray, the first paper will always feed from there even if another paper source is selected. IEEE1284 This is a standard used when connecting a printer to a computer, and was established by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in 1994. KIR (Kyocera Image Refinement) This is Kyocera Mita’s original smoothing function. It uses software to enhance the printer’s resolution and produce high-quality printing. The default setting is On. Kyocera Mita Digital Library This is contained on the CD-ROM supplied with the printer. The contents of the CD-ROM include manuals, printer drivers, and various utilities. KM-NET VIEWER This is a network management tool that can be used with the Kyocera Mita FS series. You can view information for printers connected to the network using SNMP commands. KM-NET VIEWER is contained on the Kyocera Mita Digital Library CDROM supplied with the printer. MB (mega byte) This unit is used to express data quantities and memory capacities. 1 MB is equivalent to 1024 kB, or 1,048,576 bytes. MP tray This is an abbreviation for Multi-Purpose tray. The MP tray is used instead of the cassette when printing on envelopes, postcards, transparency sheets, and labels. Offline The printer can receive data, but cannot print. Turn the printer online if you want to print. Online The printer can output received data. Operator panel This is located on the top of the printer. The panel consists of the message display, three indicators and eight keys. The message display shows the printer’s status. Press the keys when you want to switch the printer between online and offline status, or to cancel printing. Outline font With outline fonts, characters’ outlines are represented by numerical expressions, and fonts can be enlarged, reduced, or painted in different ways by changing the numeric values of those expressions. Printing remains clear even if you enlarge fonts, since the letters are defined by an outline. You can specify font size in steps of 0.25 points up to 999.75 points. Parallel Interface With this interface, data transfer between the printer and the computer takes place on 8-bit chunks. The printer can perform IEEE1284 compatible bi-directional communications. Glossary-1 Glossary Printer driver The printer driver makes it possible for you to print data created using application software. The printer driver for the printer is on the Kyocera Mita Digital Library CD-ROM supplied with the printer. Install the printer driver on the computer connected to the printer. RAM disk This is a virtual disk drive that uses part of the printer’s memory. With RAM disk you can set any memory size arbitrarily, and use electronic sorting (to reduce print time). Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) This is a protocol for the management of networks that use TCP/ IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). Sleep mode This mode is activated after a specified amount of time elapses. The printer goes into economy mode and a minimum amount of power is consumed. You can change the amount of time before the printer goes into sleep mode from the printer’s operator panel. The default setting is 30 minutes. Status page This lists printer conditions, such as the printer’s memory, the total number of copies printed, and paper source settings. Glossary-2 Index A F Access code 3-13, 3-14 Adhesive label 5-4 Alarm (buzzer) setting 3-50 Amorphous silicon drum E-1 Auto continue 3-51 Automatic manual feeding 3-40 Face-down tray 1-2, 3-44 Font 3-24, A-1 Font list 3-26, A-1 Front cover 1-2 G Grid cleaner 6-1, 6-3 B Barcode reader 3-19, D-1, D-2 Binding 3-43 C Cassette paper size 3-41 Charger unit 1-2, 4-2, 6-3 Cleaning brush 1-2, 6-4 Cleaning knob 1-2, 6-3 Code job 3-12, 3-15 Permanent code jobs 3-17 Temporary code jobs 3-17 D H Handles for transport 1-2 Hard disk 3-31, D-4 I Indicators 3-2, 3-3, 4-4 Interface 3-2, 3-18, C-1 Internal fonts 3-24, A-1 J Job retention 3-11 Job storage 3-12 DIMM B-1 Document finisher 3-44, D-1, D-3 Drum 4-2, 4-3 Refresh drum 4-2, 4-3 Duplex 3-43, 3-46, 5-5 Binding 3-43 K E L EcoPrint 3-30, 1-1 e-MPS 3-11, 3-16 Code jobs 3-15 Private job 3-13 Proof-and-hold 3-13 Quick copy 3-12 Stored job 3-14 Virtual mailbox 3-15 Emulation 3-22, 1-1 Envelopes 2-3, 5-4 Error messages 4-6 Expansion memory B-1, 1-1 Keys 3-1, 3-3 KIR 3-30, 1-1 KM-NET VIEWER 1-1 KPDL 3-22, A-3 Kyocera Mita Digital Library 1-1 Left cover 1 1-2, 4-10 Lock lever 1-2, 4-11, 6-4 M Main charger unit 1-2, 4-2 Main circuit board B-1, D-4 Main switch 1-2 Maintenance 6-1 Charger wire 4-2, 4-3 Grid cleaner 6-3 Separator 6-4 Maintenance messages 4-4 Index-1 Index Memory card 3-36, D-4 Memory expansion B-1 Menu map 3-10 Menu selection system 3-4, 3-10 Message display 3-1, 3-2 Message language 3-47 MP (multi-purpose) tray 1-2, 2-2, 4-9, 5-2, 5-5 Cassette mode 3-40, 1-1 First mode 3-40, 1-1 Paper guide 2-1 MP transport 4-8 N Network 3-11, D-3 Network interface 1-2, 3-2, 3-20, D-3 O Online help messages 3-3, 4-5, 4-8 Operator panel 1-2, 3-1, 3-4, 1-1 Operator panel indicators 4-4 Option units D-1, D-3 Orientation 3-28, 3-43 P Paper cassette 1-2, 2-1, 4-9 Paper feeder 4-8, D-2, D-3 Paper grain 5-3 Paper size 3-3, 3-41, 5-2 Paper size indicator 3-1, 3-3 Paper size plate 2-2 Paper specifications 5-1 Paper stopper 1-2, 2-1 Paper type 3-3, 3-45, 5-5 Paper type indicator 3-1, 3-3 Paper weight 3-46, 5-2 Parallel interface 3-18, C-1, 1-1 Partition 3-32, 3-33, 3-35, 3-38, 3-39 PCL fonts A-1 Plastic bag 6-1, 6-2 Preprinted paper 5-3, 5-4 PRESCRIBE 4-3, C-3 Print density 3-31, 4-3 Print quality 3-30, 4-2 Printer driver 3-11, 1-2 Protocol 3-19, C-1, C-3 Punch unit 4-4, D-1 R RAM disk 3-34, 4-7, 1-2 Recycled paper 5-4 Index-2 Reduced print 3-27 Resolution 3-31, E-1 Resource protection 3-50 RS-232C 3-2, C-2, C-3, C-4 RS-232C Cable C-4 S Separator 6-4 Serial interface 3-2, 3-19, C-2 Service status page 3-52 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 1-2 Sleep mode 3-2, 3-49, 1-2 Sleep timer 3-2, 3-48, 3-49 Special paper 2-2, 5-3 Specifications 5-1, E-1 Status page 3-10, 3-21, 3-52, 1-2 Stitch position 3-44 T TK-70 4-2, 4-3, 4-6, 6-1 Toner container 1-2, 3-11, 6-1 Toner kit 6-1 Transfer roller 4-3 Troubleshooting 4-1 Interface 4-1 V Virtual mailbox (VMB) 3-12, 3-15, 3-18 W Waste toner box 1-2, 6-1 Wiper cloth 6-1 Kyocera Mita Corporation 2-28, 1-Chome, Tamatsukuri, Chuo-ku Osaka 540-8585, Japan Phone: (06) 6764-3555 ©2001, 2002 by KYOCERA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. Revision 1.3., 2002. 2 Printer Driver Guide for Notice The information in this guide is subject to change without notification. Additional pages may be inserted in future editions. The user is asked to excuse any technical inaccuracies or typographical errors in the present edition. No responsibility is assumed if accidents occur while the user is following the instructions in this guide. No responsibility is assumed for defects in the printer’s firmware (contents of its read-only memory). This guide, any copyrightable subject matter sold or provided with or in connection with the sale of the page printer, are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. Copying or other reproduction of all or part of this guide, any copyrightable subject matter without the prior written consent of Kyocera Corporation is prohibited. Any copies made of all or part of this guide, any copyrightable subject must contain the same copyright notice as the material from which the copying is done. Preface This guide contains information on how to install, configure, and use the printer drivers for the Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN and FS-9500DN printers. The printer drivers and other utility software are supplied on the Kyocera Mita Digital Library CD-ROM, other additional CDROM, and from the Internet. The driver CD-ROM’s is included with the printer. The CD-ROM’s supports different printer drivers for the following operating systems: • Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows ME • Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000 • Apple Macintosh OS 7 or greater • IBM OS/2 Version 2.0 or greater • Linux Regarding Tradenames PRESCRIBE is a registered trademark of Kyocera Corporation. Microsoft, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. PCL is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. CompactFlash is a trademark of SanDisk Corporation. The guide focuses on using the printer driver on Windows 95 and Windows 98. The latest Kyocera Mita printer drivers and utilities are readily available at the following web site: NOTE For improvement purposes, the user interface design and functionalities of the printer driver may vary depending on the version. The diagrams used throughout this guide are only for examples. Contents Chapter 1 Installing the Printer Driver...........................................................................1-1 Chapter 2 Setting the Defaults .......................................................................................2-1 2.1 Adding Option Devices (Setup)...................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.1 Installing the Paper Feeder (PF-70) ................................................................................. 2-1 2.1.2 Installing the Paper Feeder (PF-75) ................................................................................. 2-2 2.1.3 Installing the Document Finisher (DF-70/DF-71) .............................................................. 2-3 2.1.4 Installing the Document Finisher (DF-75) ......................................................................... 2-4 2.1.5 Installing the Hard Disk..................................................................................................... 2-5 2.1.6 Using the RAM Disk.......................................................................................................... 2-5 2.1.7 Selecting the User Name.................................................................................................. 2-6 2.1.8 Selecting the Printer Description Language ..................................................................... 2-7 Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software .......................................................3-1 3.1 Setting the Paper Size ................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1.1 Custom Size Settings ....................................................................................................... 3-3 3.1.2 Advanced Media Settings ................................................................................................. 3-4 3.2 Setting the Duplex Printing ............................................................................................................ 3-5 3.3 Using the Booklet Mode................................................................................................................. 3-6 3.4 Using the Document Finisher (DF-70/DF-71) ................................................................................ 3-7 3.5 Using the Document Finisher (DF-75) ........................................................................................... 3-8 3.6 e-MPS ............................................................................................................................................ 3-9 3.6.1 Using Job Retention ....................................................................................................... 3-10 3.6.2 Using Virtual Mailbox Printing......................................................................................... 3-15 3.6.3 Using Code Job .............................................................................................................. 3-18 Chapter 1 Installing the Printer Driver Kyocera Mita Digital Library CD-ROM will automatically start to play its installation menu which guides you through the installation of the printer driver. NOTE 5 Click Next. 6 In the Select a driver language window, click on the desired language. 7 Click Next. 8 Check the contents, and then click Next. To make CD-ROMs play automatically when inserted in the CDROM drive, the Auto insert notification for the CD-ROM drive must be activated. This feature is activated by default for all Windows platforms. For details, refer to Windows Help. To install, proceed as follows: 1 Set the Kyocera Mita Digital Library CD-ROM in your PC’s CD-ROM drive. After awhile, the Kyocera Mita Digital Library splash screen appears. 2 Click Install Drivers. The Kyocera Mita Setup Wizard window begins. 3 Click Next. 4 In the Select a device model window, click FS9100DN or FS-9500DN. 1-1 Chapter 1 Installing the Printer Driver 9 In the End user license agreement window, check the contents, and then click Accept. 10 In the Select driver options window, check the True Type screen fonts. To use Kyocera Mita printer command language PRESCRIBE as module, check the Prologue/Epilogue Module if you use it, and then click Next. 11 Continue to follow the rest of the wizard and complete the installation. 1-2 Chapter 2 Setting the Defaults This section explains how to set defaults on option devices installed on the printer. Settings made in this way will become effective for all application software. To temporarily change the settings, make printer settings from the application. See Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software. 3 Click the Device Settings tab. 4 Check Paper Feeder (cassette 3, 4) in the Device Options list box. 5 Click the OK button. 2.1 Adding Option Devices (Setup) The Device Settings tab enables you to setup option devices such as the paper feeder so that the printer can recognize them. Each printer has a unique set of options that are listed in the Device Settings window. If you have attached one or more printer options, check that option. 2.1.1 Installing the Paper Feeder (PF-70) Check that the option paper feeder (PF-70) is installed on the printer correctly. PF-70 1 Browse Start > Settings > Printers. 2 Right click on the Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX icon and then click Properties. The Properties dialog box is displayed. 2-1 Chapter 2 Setting the Defaults 2.1.2 Installing the Paper Feeder (PF-75) 4 Check Large Capacity Feeder in the Device Options list box. 5 Click the OK button. Check that the optional paper feeder (PF-75) is installed on the printer correctly. PF-75 1 Browse Start > Settings > Printers. 2 Right click on the Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX icon and then click Properties. The Properties dialog box is displayed. 3 Click the Device Settings tab. 2-2 Chapter 2 Setting the Defaults 2.1.3 Installing the Document Finisher (DF-70/DF-71) 4 Check Finisher in the Device Options list box. 5 Click the OK button. Check that the optional document finisher (DF-70/DF-71) is installed on the printer correctly. DF-70/DF-71 1 Browse Start > Settings > Printers. 2 Right click on the Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX icon and then click Properties. The Properties dialog box is displayed. 3 2-3 Click the Device Settings tab. Chapter 2 Setting the Defaults 2.1.4 Installing the Document Finisher (DF-75) 4 Check Booklet Stitcher in the Device Options list box. 5 Click the OK button. Check that the optional document finisher (DF-75) is installed on the printer correctly. DF-75 1 Browse Start > Settings > Printers. 2 Right click on the Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX icon and then click Properties. The Properties dialog box is displayed. 3 Click the Device Settings tab. 2-4 Chapter 2 Setting the Defaults 2.1.5 Installing the Hard Disk Check that the optional hard disk is installed in the printer correctly. 2.1.6 Using the RAM Disk Turn the RAM disk mode On and set its size using the printer’s operator panel beforehand. 1 Browse Start > Settings > Printers. 1 Browse Start > Settings > Printers. 2 Right click on the Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX icon and then click Properties. 2 Right click on the Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX icon and then click Properties. The Properties dialog box is displayed. The Properties dialog box is displayed. 3 Click the Device Settings tab. 3 Click the Device Settings tab. 4 Check Hard Disk in the Device Options list box. 4 Check RAM Disk in the Device Options list box. NOTE When installing hard disk, make sure to remove the check mark of the RAM Disk. 5 2-5 Click the OK button. NOTE When using RAM disk, make sure to remove the check mark of the Hard Disk. Chapter 2 Setting the Defaults 5 Set the same RAM disk size as the printer’s operator panel. 2.1.7 Selecting the User Name You can register your name to the printer driver. After registration, you can select the name from the operator panel when printing using the e-MPS function. 1 Browse Start > Settings > Printers. 2 Right click on the Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX icon and then click Properties. The Properties dialog box is displayed. 6 3 Click the Device Settings tab. 4 Click the User botton. The User Settings dialog box is displayed. Click the OK button. 2-6 Chapter 2 Setting the Defaults 5 Enter the User Name and Department name, and click the OK button. 2.1.8 Selecting the Printer Description Language Select the printer description language adequate for the data to be printed from among PCL XL, PCL 5e and KPDL (PostScript compatible). When using the virtual mailbox function, select PCL XL or PCL 5e. The default setting is PCL XL. 1 Browse Start > Settings > Printers. 2 Right click on the Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX icon and then click Properties. The Properties dialog box is displayed. 6 2-7 Click the OK button. 3 Click the Device Settings tab. 4 Click the User botton. The User Settings dialog box is displayed. Chapter 2 Setting the Defaults 5 Select PCL XL, PCL 5e, or KPDL in the Page Description Language drop down list, and click the OK button. 6 Click the OK button. 2-8 Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software This section uses a document created using Microsoft Word as an example of how to print from applications. 6 Click the Properties button in the Print dialog box. The Properties dialog box is displayed. 7 Click on the Page Size drop down list. Select the proper page size. A5 was selected for the following example. 3.1 Setting the Paper Size 1 Set paper of the size specified for the document in the application into the printer’s paper cassette. (For details on how to set paper sizes, refer to the Installation Guide.) Be sure that the document is correctly formatted with the paper size you intended to use. To do this, from the Word task bar, select File, Page Setup, Paper Size and select the paper size. 2 Browse File > Print. The Print dialog box will be displayed. 3 4 5 3 Click on the Name drop down list, all the printers installed under Windows are listed. Select Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX. 4 Select the range of the pages you want to print in the document, All or Current page in Page range. To print part of the document, check Pages, then enter page numbers separated by commas. 5 Specify the number of copies you want to print in the Number of copies combo box in Copies. 3-1 Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software 8 Select Same as Page Size in the Print Size drop down list, and then click the OK button. 10 Select the desired media in the Media Type drop down list. Paper will be fed from the paper feeder to which the selected Media Type is set. 11 The Print dialog box is displayed again. Click the OK button to start printing. NOTE When printing with the different print size from the page size, select the desired size in the Print Size drop down list. When printing using non-standard size paper, see Custom Size Settings on page 3-3. 9 Normally, select Auto Source Selection. Then, the paper will be fed from the paper feeder in which the paper with the selected Paper Size (step 7) is installed. NOTE Settings made from applications are not saved when the application is closed. The default settings are restored when the application is opened the next time. To change the printer driver default settings, make printer settings from Windows. 3-2 Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software 3.1.1 Custom Size Settings The MP tray can feed non-standard paper sizes. It can accommodate sizes ranging from 88 to 297 mm in width and 148 to 450 mm in length. The procedure for setting custom sizes from the printer driver is explained below. 1 Display the printer driver’s Properties dialog box from the application software, then click Custom button. 4 Select the unit of measurement, Inches or Millimeters. 5 Enter the height and width of the custom size in Size. 6 Click the OK button. The custom paper size is added to the Customized Paper Sizes list. 7 Click the OK button. The Properties dialog box is displayed again. 8 Select the Custom Size from the Paper Size drop down list. 9 In the printer’s operator panel, press the MENU key and press the 3 or 4 key until Paper Handling > appears. Next, press the 2 key followed by the 3 or 4 key until >MP Tray Size appears. Then, get the MP tray size to Custom. 10 Set the selected size of papers in the MP tray. In the Print dialog box, click the OK button to start printing. . 2 3 The Custom Page Size dialog box will appear, then click the Add button. The Edit Paper Size dialog box will appear. Enter a name for your custom size in Name. Name settings Paper size Units 3-3 Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software Page Insert: Different type of paper can be inserted before the pages. You can also print on the inserted page. Enter the page to be inserted in the Insert Before Pages box, and then select the paper cassette in the Source for Page drop down list. 3.1.2 Advanced Media Settings You can use the advanced media setting mode. There are three advanced media settings: Cover Mode, Page Insert, and Transparency Interleaving. 1 2 Display the printer driver’s Properties dialog box from the application software, then click the Settings button. Transparency Interleaving: Backing can be inserted into transparency from the designated paper feeder. You can also print on the inserted backing. In the Source for Backing drop down list, select the paper cassette in which the paper to be inserted is installed. The Advanced Media Settings dialog will appear. Select Cover Mode, Page Insert or Transparency Interleaving. Cover Mode: Print the cover with another paper. You can also print on the back side of the cover. In the Source for Cover drop down list, select the paper cassette in which the paper for cover is installed. 3 Click the OK button. 3-4 Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software 3.2 Setting the Duplex Printing 1 Browse File > Print. The Print dialog box will be displayed. 2 Click on the Name drop down list, all the printers installed under Windows are listed. Select Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX. 3 Select the range of the pages you want to print in the document, All or Current page in Page range. To print part of the document, Check Pages, then enter page numbers separated by commas. 4 Specify the number of copies you want to print in the Number of copies combo box in Copies. 5 Click the Properties button in the Print dialog box. The Properties dialog box is displayed. 6 Click the Layout tab. 7 Click Print on Both Sides (Duplex) and then check the Flip on Long Edge or Flip on Short Edge radio button. The graphic icon will change to illustrate your selection. Portrait, long-edge Binding Portrait, short-edge Binding Landscape, short-edge Binding Landscape, long-edge Binding NOTE When you select Booklet Mode, double-sided pages will be printed as aligned in the stitching mode. See Using the Booklet Mode on page 3-6. 8 Click the OK button. To change the default setting to duplex printing, make this setting from Windows. 9 3-5 The Print dialog box is displayed again. Click the OK button to start printing. Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software 3.3 Using the Booklet Mode If you select Booklet Mode, double-sided pages with the stitching areas will be printed. When selecting Booklet Mode with the document finisher DF-75, double-sided stitching print will be done. NOTE Stitching print supports the print sizes: A3, Ledger, B4, A4-R and Letter-R. 1 In the Print dialog, click the Properties button and then click the Output tab. 2 Select Finisher [Face-down] as Output to. 3 Click the Layout tab, and then check the Booklet Mode box, then select Left Edge Binding or Right Edge Binding. 4 Click the Output tab, and then check the Staple box. Booklet is automatically selected. 5 Click the OK button. The Print dialog box is displayed again. 6 Click the OK button to start printing. 3-6 Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software 8 3.4 Using the Document Finisher (DF-70/DF-71) If you want to collate the output pages, check the Collate box. DF-70 provides the staple function, while DF-71 provides the punch function. 1 Browse File > Print. The Print dialog box will be displayed. 2 3 4 2 Click on the Name drop down list, all the printers installed under Windows are listed. Select Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX. 3 Select the range of the pages you want to print in the document, All or Page range. To print part of the document, check Pages, then enter page numbers separated by commas. 4 Specify the number of copies you want to print in the Number of copies combo box in Copies. 5 Click the Properties button in the Print dialog box. The Properties dialog box is displayed. 6 Click the Output tab. 7 Select Finisher [Face-down] or Finisher [Face-up] as Output to drop down list, and click the OK button. 3-7 Finishing Options Collate: sets whether the pages are collated or not. Reverse Page Order: prints in the reverse page order. Staple: selects the staple position: Upper Left, Upper Right or Booklet (stitching position). Offset: Outputs pages while shifting them alternately for each document. Punch: selects the hole punch type: 2-Hole, 3Hole or 4-Hole. 9 10 Click the OK button in the Properties dialog box. The Print dialog box is displayed again. Click the OK button to start printing. Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software Finishing Options Collate: sets whether the pages are collated or not. Reverse Page Order: prints in the reverse page order. Staple: selects the staple position: Upper Left, Upper Right or Booklet (stitching position). Offset: outputs pages while shifting them alternately for each document. Punch: selects the hole punch type: 2-Hole, 3Hole or 4-Hole. 3.5 Using the Document Finisher (DF-75) DF-75 provides the staple, punch and double-sided stitching print functions. 1 Browse File > Print. The Print dialog box will be displayed. 2 3 7 Click the Layout tab, check the Booklet Mode checkbox, and then select Left Edge Binding or Right Edge Binding. 8 Click the Media tab, and then click on the Page Size drop down list. Select the proper page size. A5 was selected for the following example. 4 2 Click on the Name drop down list, all the printers installed under Windows are listed. Select Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX. 3 Select the range of the pages you want to print in the document, All or Current page only in Page range. To print part of the document, check Pages, then enter page numbers separated by commas. 4 Specify the number of copies you want to print in the Number of copies combo box in Copies. 5 Click the Properties button and then click the Output tab. 6 Click on the Output to drop down list. Select Finisher [Face-down] or Finisher [Face-up]. To use the staple or punch function, select [Face-down]. 3-8 Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software 9 Select Same as Page Size in the Print Size list, and then click the OK button. 3.6 e-MPS e-MPS provides the following three types of functions. • Job Retention • Virtual MailBox • Code Job (Temporary and Permanent) If you use any of the e-MPS functions, you can quickly multiple prints with one document data stored in the hard disk, saving you more times than performing the same printing several times. Job Retention This function allows you to save print jobs to the option hard disk and print them out as desired at the operator panel. When printing, select a Job Retention mode at the printer driver. NOTE When printing with the different print size from the page size, select the desired size in the Print Size drop down list. When printing using non-standard size paper, See Custom Size Settings on page 3-3. 10 Once you finish making paper size settings, the Print dialog box is displayed again. Click the OK button to start printing. NOTE Settings made from applications are not saved when the application is closed. The default settings are restored when the application is opened the next time. To change the printer driver default settings, make printer settings from Windows. The following four modes are available: • Quick Copy Printing See page 3-10 • Proof and Hold Printing See page 3-11 • Private Printing See page 3-12 • Job Storage Printing See page 3-13 For how to make the settings, see the pages of the respective modes. Four Job Retention modes have the following benefits: • Quick Copy: When you need another copy of a finished print job, you can print it out at the printer operator panel. There is no need to print from the computer again. • Proof and Hold: When printing multiple copies, this mode first prints only one copy for proofing, allowing you to decide whether to continue printing the remaining copies or cancel printing at the operator panel. In this way, you can reduce the waste of paper. • Private Print: Confidential print jobs can be printed out when you are at the printer. This mode saves print jobs in the printer without printing until you instruct the printer to do so at the operator panel. Printing using this mode requires the 4-digit access code you set using the printer driver. • Job Storage (Stored Job): This mode allows you to store print jobs that are frequently needed, such as fax cover pages, checklists, and order forms, for printing later. Using the operator panel, you can then print them out as required at anytime and at any number of copies. You can set the 4-digit access code, if necessary. Virtual MailBox Virtual mailbox is the ability to store print jobs in the virtual mailboxes on the hard disk, enabling you to retrieve and print it later from the printer’s operator panel or the option barcode reader (BC-1). You can later print out only the jobs you desire using the operator panel on the printer. When printing, make the settings at the printer driver. For how to make the settings, see Using Virtual Mailbox Printing on page 315. You can send a print job either to all the virtual mailbox trays at the same time or to the desired trays only. Since you perform printing by selecting the desired trays using the operator panel, you can print out only the jobs you desire. 3-9 Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software Code Job (Temporary and Parmanent) Code Job reduces the time to print multiple copies and enables the use of option barcode reader (BC-1) to print jobs stored on the hard disk. 2 Click on the Name drop down list, all the printers installed under Windows are listed. Select Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX. 3 Select the range of the pages you want to print in the document, All or Current page in Page range. To print part of the document, check Pages, then enter page numbers separated by commas. 4 Specify the number of copies you want to print in the Number of copies combo box in Copies. 5 Click the Properties button. The Properties dialog box is displayed. Click the Output tab and then click the Job Settings button. When printing, select a type of code job at the printer driver. The following two types of code jobs are available: • Permanent Code Job • Temporary Code Job For how to make the settings, see Using Code Job on page 318. You can print out frequently needed print jobs, such as fax cover pages, checklists, and order forms, using the option barcode reader. If you store a print job and print it out with a barcode ID attached, you can print that job any time later by simply reading the barcode ID. You can print a list of code jobs at the operator panel. There are two types of code jobs: permanent code job and temporary code job. When the storage memory becomes insufficient, temporary code jobs will be automatically deleted in order from the oldest and permanent code jobs will not. 3.6.1 Using Job Retention Quick Copy Printing This allows you to print as many additional copies as you want until the printer is turned off, it is useful in cases such as when there are sudden increases in the required number of copies during a meeting. To print, proceed as follows. 1 Browse File > Print. The Print dialog box will be displayed. 3-10 Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software The Job Settings dialog box will appear. Proof and Hold Printing You can check the first copy before printing the remaining copies, paper wastage can be avoided. The print jobs will be deleted when the printer is turned off. To print, proceed as follows. 6 7 Browse File > Print. The Print dialog box will be displayed. 2 Click on the Name drop down list, all the printers installed under Windows are listed. Select Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX. 3 Select the range of the pages you want to print in the document, All or Current page in Page range. To print part of the document, check Pages, then enter page numbers separated by commas. 4 Specify the number of copies you want to print in the Number of copies combo box in Copies. Check the Job Storage checkbox and then check the Quick Copy. Click the OK button. The Print dialog box is displayed again. Click the OK button to start printing. The print job will be saved to the hard disk as it is printed. If additional copies are required, print using the Quick Copy sub menu in the e-MPS menu at the printer operator panel. For details, see Chapter 3 in the Operation Guide. 3-11 1 Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software 5 Click the Properties button. The Properties dialog box is displayed. Click the Output tab and then click the Job Settings button. 7 Click the OK button. The Print dialog box is displayed again. Click the OK button to start printing. The print job will be stored to the hard disk as it is printed. The printer will first print only one copy if you set to print multiple numbers of copies, allowing you to check the printouts. If there is no problem, resume printing the remaining copies using the Quick Copy sub menu in the e-MPS menu at the printer operator panel. For details, see Chapter 3 in the Operation Guide. Private Printing You need to enter a password to retrieve the job, confidentiality is assured even if you share the printer with others. Print jobs will be deleted when they are printed or when the printer is turned off. To print, proceed as follows. The Job Settings dialog box will appear. 6 Check the Job Storage checkbox, and then check the Proof and Hold. 1 Browse File > Print. The Print dialog box will be displayed. 2 Click on the Name drop down list, all the printers installed under Windows are listed. Select Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX. 3 Select the range of the pages you want to print in the document, All or Current page in Page range. To print part of the document, check Pages, then enter page numbers separated by commas. 3-12 Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software 4 Specify the number of copies you want to print in the Number of copies combo box in Copies. 5 Click the Properties button. The Properties dialog box is displayed. Click the Output tab and then click the Job Settings button. 7 Set the desired 4-digit access code using any numbers between 0 and 9. This number is synonymous with the user ID which is required to enter at the printer operator panel when retrieving. 8 Click the OK button. The Print dialog box is displayed again. Click the OK button. The print job will be stored to the hard disk without printing. To print, use the Private/Stored sub menu in the e-MPS menu at the printer operator panel. For details, see Chapter 3 in the Operation Guide. Job Storage (Stored Job Printing) Select this if you want to store frequently needed print jobs, such as forms, to print them later as required. The print jobs will not be deleted when the printer is turned off. To print, proceed as follows. 1 Browse File > Print. The Print dialog box will be displayed. 2 Click on the Name drop down list, all the printers installed under Windows are listed. Select Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX. 3 Select the range of the pages you want to print in the document, All or Current page in Page range. To print part of the document, check Pages, then enter page numbers separated by commas. The Job Settings dialog box will appear. 6 3-13 Check the Job Storage checkbox, and then check the Private Print. Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software 4 Specify the number of copies you want to print in the Number of copies combo box in Copies. 5 Click the Properties button. The Properties dialog box is displayed. Click the Output tab and then click the Job Settings button. 7 You can add security to the print job. To do so, check the Access Code checkbox and enter the desired 4digit access code using any numbers between 0 and 9. You must enter this number at the printer operator panel when printing. 8 Click the OK button. The Print dialog box is displayed again. Click the OK button. The print job will be stored to the hard disk without printing. The Job Settings dialog box will appear. To print, use the Private/Stored sub menu in the e-MPS menu at the printer operator panel. For details, see Chapter 3 in the Operation Guide. 6 Check the Job Storage checkbox, and then check the Job Storage. 3-14 Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software 3.6.2 Using Virtual Mailbox Printing 4 Click the User button. The User Settings dialog box is displayed. 5 Select PCL XL or PCL 5e in the Page Description Language drop down list. 6 Double-click Hard Disk in the Device Options list. NOTE The VMB function is available only when PCL 5e or PCL XL is selected as emulation. Virtual mailbox is the ability to store print jobs in the virtual mailboxes on the hard disk, enabling you to retrieve and print it later from the printer's operator panel or the option barcode reader (BC-1). A maximum of 255 virtual mailboxes can be set up, making it possible to allocate documents not just for individual departments or groups, but even for individual people. The print jobs will not be deleted when the printer is turned off. 3 Before Using VMB To use the VMB functions, select PCL XL or PCL 5e and then set the Mailbox Name and Virtual Output Tray beforehand. Follow these procedures. 1 2 Browse Start > Settings > Printers. Right-click on the Kyocera FS-9100DN KX, and then select Properties. The Hard Disk Settings dialog box will be displayed. 3 3-15 Select the Device Settings tab. Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software 7 Enter the mailbox name under Mailbox Name, and the tray number in the Virtual Output Tray, and then click the Save button. 3 Using VMB Printing 1 Browse File > Print. The Print dialog box will be displayed. 2 Click on the Name drop down list, all the printers installed under Windows are listed. Select Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX. 3 Select the range of the pages you want to print in the document, All or Current page in Page range. To print part of the document, check Pages, then enter page numbers separated by commas. 4 Specify the number of copies you want to print in the Number of copies combo box in Copies. NOTE The Multiple virtual mailbox tray number can be specified at a time using commas (,) and hyphen (-). The Mailbox Name will be displayed in the Defined Names list box. 8 Click the OK button to quit the Hard Disk Settings dialog box. 9 In the Kyocera FS-9100DN KX Properties dialog box, click the OK button. 10 Click the X button in the upper-right side of the dialog box. To print, proceed as follows. 3-16 Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software 5 Click the Properties button in the Print dialog box. The Properties dialog box is displayed. Click the Output tab and click the Job Settings button. 7 Click the Selection button. The Virtual Mailbox Selection dialog box will appear. Select one or more mailboxes from the list of Defined Names. 8 Click the OK button. The Print dialog box is displayed again. Click the OK button. The print job will be stored to the hard disk without printing. The Job Settings dialog box will appear. To print, use the Print VMB Data sub menu in the e-MPS menu at the printer operator panel and specify the virtual mailbox numbers. You can also print the list of virtual mailbox trays. For details, see Chapter 3 in the Operation Guide. 6 3-17 Check the Job Storage checkbox, and then check the Virtual Mail Box [VMB]. Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software 3.6.3 Using Code Job 5 A unique number and barcode is automatically assigned to each job as it is stored on the printer. The number appears when jobs are listed in utilities such as KM-NET Printer Disk Manager or KM-NET VIEWER. The number is also printed, together with its barcode, on the code Job List. The code Job List can be printed using the list of Code Job menu of the printer. Barcode printing jobs will be displayed as code jobs on the printer operator panel. Click the Properties button. The Properties dialog box is displayed. Click the Output tab and click the Job Settings button. The barcode and number can also be printed on the original document that is printed when the job is stored on the hard disk. This barcode can be printed on the first page as a code for the whole document, or on every page, so that each individual page of the document can be accessed with the barcode reader. To print, proceed as follows. 1 Browse File > Print. The Print dialog box will be displayed. The Job Settings dialog box will appear. 6 2 Click on the Name drop down list, all the printers installed under Windows are listed. Select Kyocera Mita FS-9100DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX. 6 Check the Job Storage checkbox and then the Temporary or Permanent radio button. 7 When using the option barcode reader, click the Option button. The Job Storage Option dialogbox will appear 3 Select the range of the pages you want to print in the document, All or Current page in Page range. To print part of the document, check Pages, then enter page numbers separated by commas. 4 Specify the number of copies you want to print in the Number of copies combo box in Copies. 3-18 Chapter 3 Printing Through Application Software 8 Check the Barcode checkbox, and then do the settings. 9 Set whether or not to print the barcode on the printouts. The barcode can also be printed in various positions on the page, with or without its code number as shown here by selecting its position in the printer driver. 10 Lower right (horizontal) Lower right (vertical) Upper right (vertical) Upper right (horizontal) 1 2 3 4 Upper left (horizontal) Upper left (vertical) Lower left (vertical) Lower left (horizontal) 5 6 7 8 Click the OK button. The Print dialog box is displayed again. Click the OK button to start printing. The print job will be stored to the hard disk as it is printed. The option barcode reader can be used to reprint the document by reading the barcode from the Job List or from the original document. 3-19 Kyocera Mita Corporation 2-28, 1-Chome, Tamatsukuri, Chuo-ku Osaka 540-8585, Japan Phone: (06) 6764-3555 ©2001 by KYOCERA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. Revision 1.1., 2001. 11 ">

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Key features
- EcoPrint
- Auto Media Type Selection
- Optional Document Finisher
- Operator Panel
- Paper Loading
- Troubleshooting
- Toner Replacement
- Expansion Memory
Frequently asked questions
The manual provides detailed instructions on how to load paper into the paper cassette and MP tray.
EcoPrint reduces the printer's power consumption, promoting energy efficiency.
Yes, the printer's emulation mode can be changed by following the procedures described in Chapter 3 of the manual.