Nugen 7000XTR Service Manual
Nugen 7000XTR is a high-performance water softener control valve that offers a wide range of features to improve your water quality. With its ability to handle various regeneration cycles, including immediate, delayed, or volume override, the 7000XTR ensures efficient water softening based on your specific needs. The valve's user-friendly programming modes allow for easy customization of regeneration times, capacity settings, and safety factors.
Model 7000XTR
Service Manual
IMPORTANT: Fill in Pertinent Information on Page 3 for Future Reference
Table of Contents
Job Specification Sheet .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Water Softener Control Valve ................................................................................................................................. 4
Valve Installation and Start-Up Procedures ............................................................................................................ 5
Timer Operation ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Master Programming Mode Flow Chart ................................................................................................................. 9
Master Programming Mode .................................................................................................................................. 13
User Programming Mode & Flow Chart ............................................................................................................... 18
Diagnostic Programming Mode Flow Chart .......................................................................................................... 19
Diagnostic Programming Mode ............................................................................................................................ 20
Power Head Assembly ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Control Valve Assembly ........................................................................................................................................ 24
Bypass Assembly ................................................................................................................................................. 26
2310 Safety Brine Valve ....................................................................................................................................... 27
Troubleshooting - Timer ........................................................................................................................................ 28
Troubleshooting - Control Valve ........................................................................................................................... 30
Water Conditioner Flow Diagrams ........................................................................................................................ 31
Removing the Gear Box Assembly ....................................................................................................................... 35
Inserting the Circuit Board .................................................................................................................................... 36
Connecting the Circuit Board ............................................................................................................................... 37
Dimensional Drawings .......................................................................................................................................... 38
Meter Flow Data ................................................................................................................................................... 39
Injector Flow Data ................................................................................................................................................ 40
The information, specifications and illustrations in this manual are based on the latest information available at the time of printing. The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice.
This manual is intended as a guide for service of the valve only. System installation requires information from a number of suppliers not known at the time of manufacture. This product should be installed by a plumbing professional.
This unit is designed to be installed on potable water systems only.
This product must be installed in compliance with all state and municipal plumbing and electrical codes. Permits may be required at the time of installation.
If daytime operating pressure exceeds 80 psi, nighttime pressures may exceed pressure limits. A pressure reducing valve must be installed.
Do not install the unit where temperatures may drop below 32°F (0°C) or above 125°F (52°C).
Do not place the unit in direct sunlight. Black units will absorb radiant heat increasing internal temperatures.
Do not strike the valve or any of the components.
Warranty of this product extends to manufacturing defects. Misapplication of this product may result in failure to properly condition water, or damage to product.
A prefilter should be used on installations in which free solids are present.
In some applications local municipalities treat water with Chloramines. High Chloramine levels may damage valve components.
Correct and constant voltage must be supplied to the control valve to maintain proper function.
Job Specification Sheet
NOTE: Some options may not be available depending on valve model or other options chosen.
Circle and/or Fill in the Appropriate Data for Future Reference.
System Type: Meter Immediate / Time Clock Delayed / Volume Override Delayed .
Volume Override Immediate / Meter Delayed Weekly Reserve .
Meter Delayed Variable Reserve / Meter Delayed Fixed Reserve ..
Valve Type: .. .
Regenerant Flow: Down Flow / Filter / Downflow Fill First
Display Format: U.S. or Metric (French Degrees, German Degrees, or PPM)
Unit Capacity: _____________ Grains/French Degrees/German Degrees/PPM
Water Hardness: _____________ Grains/French Degrees/German Degrees/PPM
Capacity Safety Factor: Zero or ______ %
Volume Override: _________ (Gallons or M 3 )
Regeneration Day Override: Off or Every ______ Days
Regeneration Time: Delayed _________ AM/PM or ______Immediate
Regeneration Cycle Step #1: . _._.:._._.:._._.
Regeneration Cycle Step #2: . _._.:._._.:._._..
Regeneration Cycle Step #3: ..._._.:._._.:._._..
Regeneration Cycle Step #4: . _._.:._._.:._._..
Regeneration Cycle Step #5: . _._.:._._.:._._.
Regeneration Cycle Step #6: . _._.:._._.:._._..
Auxiliary Relay: Enabled or Disabled
Auxiliary Relay Start 1: .
Auxiliary Relay End 1: ..
Auxiliary Relay Start 2: .
Auxiliary Relay End 2: ..
Chemical Pump: Enabled or Disabled
CPO Aux Relay Volume: _________ (Gallons or M 3 )
CPO Aux Relay: _._.:._._.:._._
Flow Meter Size: 1.25” Turbine
Generic Flow Meter: Maximum Flow Rate: Add _ _ Gallons every _ _ Pulses
Page 3
Water Softener Control Valve
Water Pressure
A minimum of 20 psi inlet water pressure is required for regeneration valve to operate effectively.
Electrical Facilities
An uninterrupted alternating current (A/C) supply is required. Make sure:
• Voltage supply is compatible with unit before installation.
• Current supply is always hot and cannot be turned off with another switch.
Existing Plumbing
Condition of existing plumbing should be free from lime and iron buildup. Replace piping that has heavy lime and/ or iron build-up. If piping is clogged with iron, install a separate iron filter unit ahead of the water softener.
Location of Softener and Drain
Locate the softener close to a clean working drain and connect according to local plumbing codes.
Bypass Valves
Always provide for the installation of a bypass valve if unit is not equipped with one.
•Minimum water pressure 20psig.
•Maximum water pressure 125psig.
•Minimum water temperature 34° F.
•Maximum water temperature 110° F.
•Ambient temperature 34° to 122° F (1° to 50° C)
•Disconnect all power sources before servicing.
•Always operate with cover in place.
This product should be installed by qualified personnel.
Comply with all plumbing codes when installing this product.
Comply with all electrical codes when installing this product.
Valve Installation and Start-Up Procedures
Installation Instructions
1. Place the softener tank where you want to install the unit.
NOTE: Be sure the tank is level and on a firm, clean base.
2. Perform all plumbing according to local plumbing codes.
3. Cut the 1.05” or 32mm distributor tube flush with the top of the tank (A).
— Deburr the outside of the tube (B) after cutting.
— Lubricate the o-ring (C) with non-petroleum based grease.
. Lubricate the distributor 0-ring seal and tank 0-ring seal.
Use only non-aerosol silicone lubricant.
5. Load media and place the control valve on the tank.
6. All soldering MUST be done on any connections requiring soldering prior to connecting the main control valve.
The main control valve will by damaged if it is connected at the time of soldering.
7. Apply Teflon tape to all threaded fittings.
8. On units with a bypass, place in Bypass position.
— Turn on the main water supply.
— Open a cold soft water tap nearby and let water run a few minutes or until the system is free of foreign material (usually solder) resulting from the installation. Close the water tap when water runs clean.
9. Make plumbing connections to valve.
10. Plug the valve into an approved power source.
NOTE: Make all electrical connections according to codes.
11. Place the bypass In Service position. Cycle the valve to the Backwash position, and let the water flow slowly into the mineral tank until the air is purged from the unit.
12. Add water to the brine tank until the top of the air check is covered. Manually step the valve to the Brine Draw
Position, and allow the valve to draw water from the brine tank until it stops.
NOTE: The air check will check at approximately the midpoint of the screened intake area.
13. Manually step the valve to the Brine Refill Position, and allow the valve to return to In Service automatically.
1. With the valve In Service, check that there is at least 1” of water above the grid in the brine tank, if used.
15. Fill the brine tank with salt.
16. Allow the control to run automatically. Setup is now complete.
Page 5
Timer Operation
Valve State:
INI (Initializing)
INI will display on the screen for 30 to 5 seconds when initializing after a power failure reset or programming.
RGQ (Regeneration Queued)
RGQ indicates that the reserve has been entered in a delayed system and regeneration has been queued.
When in the main screen, press the Shift button to toggle service (SRV) with RGQ.
Service (SRV)
SRV will display when the unit is in service.
LED Status Lights:
Blue LED:
Illuminates while the unit is in service and no errors exist. The unit will always be in service unless a regeneration trigger has occurred (green LED light will be displayed).
Green LED:
Illuminates when the unit is in Regeneration mode, unless an error condition exists.
Red LED:
Illuminates when there is an error.
Flow Indicator:
A rotating line (appearing as a rotating star shape) will display on the screen when flow is going through the the meter.
Page 6
Timer Operation
• A time initiated control valve regenerates when the number of programmed days has been reached
• A flow initiated control valve regenerates when the volume count is zero or is below reserve .
System Type
Time Clock Delayed
Meter Immediate
Meter Delayed Fixed Reserve
Meter Delayed Variable Reserve
Meter Delayed Weekly Reserve
Volume Override Immediate
Volume Override Delayed
Regeneration Trigger
A) Day override parameter is reached and B) the time of day matches the regeneration day override time
Regenerates as soon as the volume remaining has been depleted
A) Volume remaining has been depleted to the fixed reserve volume and B) the regeneration time has been reached
A) Volume remaining has been depleted to the variable reserve volume and B) the regeneration time has been reached
A) Volume remaining has been depleted to the weekly variable reserve volume and B) the regeneration time has been reached
As soon as the programmed volume remaining has been depleted from the tank
As soon as soon as the programmed volume remaining has been depleted from the tank and the regeneration time has been reached
Setting the Time of Day
Press and hold the Up or Down button for 2 seconds.
Press the Shift button to select the digit you want to modify.
Press the Up or Down buttons to adjust the value.
Press the Extra Cycle button to return to the normal display screen, or after a 5 second timeout.
NOTE: The “D” button (Diagnostic) can be pressed to exit without saving.
Manually Initiating a Regeneration
When timer is in service, press the Extra Cycle button for 5 seconds on the main screen.
The timer advances to Regeneration Cycle Step #1, and begins programmed time count down.
Press the Extra Cycle button once to advance valve to Regeneration Cycle Step #2 (if active).
Press the Extra Cycle button once to advance valve to Regeneration Cycle Step #3 (if active).
Press the Extra Cycle button once to advance valve to Regeneration Cycle Step # (if active).
Press the Extra Cycle button once to advance valve to Regeneration Cycle Step #5 (if active).
Press the Extra Cycle button once to advance valve to Regeneration Cycle Step #6 (if active).
Press the Extra Cycle button once more to advance the valve back to in service.
NOTE: A queued regeneration can be initiated by pressing the Extra Cycle button. To clear a queued regeneration, press the Extra Cycle button again to cancel. If regeneration occurs for any reason prior to the delayed regeneration time, the manual regeneration request shall be cleared.
Page 7
Timer Operation
Queued Regeneration (RGQ)
From the display screen, while the unit is in service, hold down the Extra Cycle button until “RGQ” displays. The valve will regenerate when the set regeneration time has been reached.
Timer Operation During Regeneration
In the main display screen, the timer shows the current regeneration cycle and the time for that step. The green
LED light will display when the unit is in regeneration. Once all regeneration steps are complete, the timer returns to in service, and displays a blue LED light.
Timer Operation During Programming
The timer enters program mode (unit must be in service). While in the program mode the timer continues to operate normally, monitoring water usage. Timer programming is stored in memory permanently upon a normal exit from programming mode.
Timer Operation During A Power Failure
All program settings are stored in permanent memory. Current valve position, cycle step time elapsed, and time of day are stored during a power failure, and will be restored upon power re-application. Time is kept during a power failure, and time of day is adjusted upon power up (as long as power is restored within 12 hours).
NOTE: The time of day on the main display screen will flash for 5 minutes when there has been a power outage.
The flashing of the time of day can be stopped by pressing any button on the display.
Regeneration Day Override Feature
If the Day Override option is turned on and the valve reaches the set Regeneration Day Override value, the
Regeneration Cycle starts at the programmed regeneration time.
Flow Meter Equipped Timer
As treated water is used, the Volume Remaining display counts down from the calculated system capacity, less the reserve volume. Once capacity reaches the reserve volume, the system will regenerate based on the set regeneration time. If set for an Immediate system, the unit will regenerate immediately once it reaches zero capacity. If it is a Fixed, Variable, or Weekly reserve, the unit will queue a regeneration (RGQ) and count down
Reserve Volume until the set regeneration time.
NOTE: Reserve Volume is only available in a RGQ system.
Volume Remaining
(Less Reserve)
Page 8
Master Programming Mode Flow Chart
NOTE: Depending on current option settings, some displays cannot be viewed or set.
To Set Time of Day:
Press and hold the Up or Down buttons for 2 seconds. Press the Shift button to select the digit you want to modify.
Entering Master
Programming Mode:
1. Press and hold the Shift and Up buttons for 5 seconds.
2. Set the Time of Day display to .
12:01 P.M. or 12:01HR . Then go .
to the main display screen, press .
the Up and Down buttons at the .
same time for 5 seconds.
CAUTION: Before entering Master Programming, please contact your local professional water dealer.
Page 9
Master Programming Mode Flow Chart
NOTE: Depending on current option settings, some displays cannot be viewed or set.
CAUTION: Before entering Master Programming, please contact your local professional water dealer.
Page 10
Master Programming Mode Flow Chart
NOTE: Depending on current option settings, some displays cannot be viewed or set.
CAUTION: Before entering Master Programming, please contact your local professional water dealer.
Page 11
Master Programming Mode Flow Chart
NOTE: Depending on current option settings, some displays cannot be viewed or set.
Page 12
Master Programming Mode
When the Master Programming Mode is entered, parameters can be set to make the timer function as needed.
NOTE: Depending on current option settings, some displays cannot be viewed or set.
Entering Master Programming Mode:
Press and hold the Shift and Up buttons for 5 seconds.
Set the time of day display to 12:01 PM or 12:01HR buttons at the same time for 5 seconds.
(See the User Programming section to learn how to set Time of Day). Then go to the main display screen, press the Up and Down
Exiting Master Programming Mode:
Press the Extra Cycle button once per display until all are viewed. Master Programming Mode is exited and the normal display screen appears.
To exit the Master Programming Mode without saving, press the Diagnostic button.
NOTE: If no keypad activity is made for 5 minutes while in the Master Programming Mode, or if there is a power failure, no changes will be made, and the unit will go back to the main display screen.
Soft Reset: Press and hold the Up and Down buttons for 25 seconds until 12:00PM (or 12:00HR) .
appears. This resets all parameters except for the flow meter totalizer volume.
Master Reset: Hold the Extra Cycle button while powering up the unit. This resets all of the .
parameters in the unit. Check and verify the choices selected in Master Programming Mode.
System Type
This program step selects the system type.
— Press the Up or Down buttons to adjust this value.
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
Valve Type
This program step selects the valve type.
— Press the Up or Down buttons to adjust this value.
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
CAUTION: Before entering Master Programming, please contact your local professional water dealer.
Page 13
Master Programming Mode
Regenerant Flow
This program step selects how the regenerant flows through the tank (must match cam). The selections available will vary depending on the previously chosen valve model.
— Press the Up or Down buttons to adjust this value.
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
Display Format
This program step selects the display format.
— Press the Up or Down buttons to adjust this value.
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
Unit Capacity
This program step selects the timer’s total capacity of hardness that can be removed.
— Press the Shift button to select the digit you want to modify.
— Press the Up or Down buttons to adjust this value.
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
Feed Water (Hardness)
This program step is used to set the feed water hardness. The system will automatically calculate volume remaining based on the unit capacity, capacity safety factor, and feed water hardness entered.
— Press the Shift button to select the digit you want to modify.
— Press the Up or Down buttons to adjust this value.
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
NOTE: Feed Water Hardness will not be shown in Volume Override or Time Clock system types.
CAUTION: Before entering Master Programming, please contact your local professional water dealer.
Page 1
Master Programming Mode
Capacity Safety Factor
This program step is used to set the reserve capacity of the unit. This is a percentage by which the unit’s capacity is reduced.
— Press the Shift button to select the digit you want to modify.
— Press the Up or Down buttons to adjust this value.
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
Volume Override
This program step is used to set the volume override of the unit.
— Press the Shift button to select the digit you want to modify.
— Press the Up or Down buttons to adjust this value.
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
Regeneration Day Override
This program step sets the maximum amount of time (in days) the unit can be in service without a regeneration.
— Press the Shift button to select the digit you want to modify.
— Press the Up or Down buttons to adjust this value.
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
Regeneration Time
This program step sets the time of day for the regeneration to occur in delayed systems.
— Press the Shift button to select the digit you want to modify.
— Press the Up or Down buttons to adjust this value.
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
CAUTION: Before entering Master Programming, please contact your local professional water dealer.
Page 15
Master Programming Mode
Regeneration Cycle Step Programming
This program step programs the Regeneration Cycle step times 1 through 6. Please refer to the chart below
for regenerant flow default cycle steps and times.
Cycle 1
Back Wash
Cycle 2
& Slow
1 Hour
Cycle 3
Cycle 4
Brine Tank Fill
12 Minutes
Cycle 5
Auxiliary Relay Output
The next two displays are part of a series of settings used to program the optional relay output. The first .
setting turns the output on/off during regeneration only. The second turns the output on during service only, every time a set volume of water used has accumulated.
NOTE: When auxiliary outputs are in the OFF (default) setting, press the Up or Down buttons to set the first setting. Then press the Extra Cycle button to advance to the second setting.
a. Timed Auxiliary Relay Output Window (Start & End Time Setting)
This option setting consists of two displays. The first display sets the turn-on time of the output, referenced to the start of the first regeneration cycle. The second display sets the output turn-off time, referenced again to the start of the first regeneration cycle. An OFF setting cancels this setting. All settings are in minutes and output timing is synchronized with regeneration cycle timing.
Start Time: Any time during regeneration.
End Time: At start time, and anytime during the regeneration cycle.
b. Chemical Pump Auxiliary Relay Output Window
This option setting consists of two displays. The first display sets the volume of water flow at which the output turns on. The second display sets the on time (in seconds) of the output.
— Activate output after volume set is reached.
— Press the Shift button to select the digit you want to modify.
— Press the Up or Down buttons to adjust this value.
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
CAUTION: Before entering Master Programming, please contact your local professional water dealer.
Page 16
Master Programming Mode
Flow Meter Size
This program step sets the size of the flow meter.
— Press the Up or Down buttons to adjust this value.
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
Maximum Flow Rate
This program step sets maximum flow rate of the generic flow meter.
— Press the Shift button to select the digit you want to modify.
— Press the Up or Down buttons to adjust this value.
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
Pulses per Gallon/Liter
This program step sets the pulses per gallon/liter for generic flow meters.
— Press the Shift button to select the digit you want to modify.
— Press the Up or Down buttons to adjust this value.
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
End of Master Programming Mode
CAUTION: Before entering Master Programming, please contact your local professional water dealer.
Page 17
User Programming Mode & Flow Chart
NOTE: Depending on current option settings, some displays cannot be viewed or set.
Entering User Mode:
Press and hold the Up and Down .
buttons for 5 seconds.
NOTE: Depending on current option settings, some displays cannot be viewed or set.
Enter User Mode
— Press and hold the Up and Down buttons for 5 seconds.
Set Feed Water Hardness
— Press the Shift, Up, and Down buttons to move the cursor and change the value of the numbers.
— Press the Extra Cycle button to proceed to the next step.
NOTE: Feed Water Hardness will not be shown in Volume Override or Time Clock system types.
Set Regeneration Day Override
— To turn on and set the days, press the Down button.
— Press the Shift, Up, and Down buttons to move the cursor and change the value of the numbers.
— Press the Extra Cycle button to proceed to the next step.
Regeneration Time
— Press the Shift, Up, and Down buttons to move the cursor and change the value of the numbers.
— Press the Extra Cycle button
End of User Programming Mode
Page 18
Diagnostic Programming Mode Flow Chart
NOTE: Depending on current option settings, some displays cannot be viewed or set.
Entering Diagnostic Mode:
Press and release the “D” button.
Press the Extra Cycle button once per display until all displays are viewed and the normal display screen appears.
Press and release the “D” button during this mode to exit the Diagnostic Mode.
Depending on current option settings, some displays cannot be viewed.
Page 19
Diagnostic Programming Mode
NOTE: Depending on current option settings, some displays cannot be viewed.
Overview Diagnostic Mode
The current Diagnostic Programming Mode screen will display until either the Extra Cycle button is pressed through for each screen, or the Diagnostic button is pressed. In the event of regeneration occurring while in the
Diagnostic Programming Mode, the regeneration step and time remaining will be displayed. When regeneration completes, the display will return to the normal time of day display screen.
Entering and Exiting Diagnostic Mode
Press and release the “D” button to enter the Diagnostic Programming Mode. Pressing the Extra Cycle button will move to the next diagnostic screen. Press the Extra Cycle button once per display until all are viewed. Pressing the Diagnostic button while in Diagnostic Mode will cause the unit to leave the Diagnostic Mode and return to the normal time of day display screen.
Current Flow Rate
This program step displays the calculated flow rate for the timer. The below flow rates are the maximum flow rate the timer will read for each meter.
1.25” Turbine: 90 gpm (0.3 m3/m) .
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
Peak Flow Rate
This program step displays the peak flow rate (1 minute average) since the last regeneration.
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
This program step displays the total volume of treated water that passes through the meter.
— Reset to zero by holding the Up and Down buttons for five seconds while in the totalizer screen.
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
Hours Between Last Two Regenerations
This program step displays the time between the last two regenerations saved. .
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
Hours Since Last Regeneration
This program step displays the hours since the last regeneration. .
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
Volume Remaining
This program step displays the volume remaining. The timer will regenerate if the volume remaining is set to zero. The maximum ranges are the same as the maximum volume calculated on the main screen.
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
Reserve Capacity
This program step displays the reserve capacity, ensuring soft water is available at all times. .
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
Previous Day’s Water Usage
This program step displays the previous day’s water usage. .
— Press the Extra Cycle button.
Software Version
This program step displays the timer’s software program version number. .
— Press the Extra Cycle button to exit.
NOTE: Diagnostic Programming Mode will stop if the system goes into a regeneration.
Page 20
Page 21
Power Head Assembly
Page 22
Power Head Assembly
Item No. Quantity Part No. Description
1.......................1....................... 42349.........................
Motor, 2V, 2 RPM, 7000
2.......................1....................... 10218.........................
Switch, Micro
3.......................1....................... 40978.........................
Plate, Upper Support
4.......................1....................... 42356.........................
Circuit Board Assy, XTR7000
5.......................1....................... 40702.........................
Shaft, Encoder, 7000
6.......................1....................... 40703.........................
Gear, Main
7.......................1....................... 40704.........................
Cam, Brine, Downflow
8.......................1....................... 40979.........................
Plate, Lower Support
61635-01 ....................
Cover Assy, 7000-II, Black
6163-01 ....................
Cover Assy, 7000-II, Gray
10......................1....................... 40980.........................
Backplate, 7000
11.......................4....................... 13602.........................
Screw, Phil Rd Hd, 6-32 x 5/16
12......................1....................... 12473.........................
Screw, Hex Wsh, 10-2 x 5/8
13......................2....................... 11805.........................
Scerw, Rd Hd, -0 x 5/8 Type 1
14......................1....................... 40981.........................
Transformer, US 2V, 9.6VA, 7000
19791-01 ....................
Meter Cable Assy, Turbine/SE
16......................1....................... 41122.........................
O-ring, -007
0960-03 ....................
Label, UL Nameplate, 7000, US/2
Page 23
Control Valve Assembly
6................. 1.............................. 40577.........................
Turbine Meter Assy, 7000
7................. 1.............................. 61XXX........................
Injector Assy, 7000
Item No. Quantity Part No. Description
1................. 1.............................. 61050.........................
Valve Body Assy, 7000, 32mm Dist
2................. 1..............................
6152-10 ....................
Piston Assy, 7000, Softener, D/F 35GPM
6153-10 ....................
Piston Assy, 7000, Softener, D/F 28GPM
6152-20 ....................
Piston Assy, 7000, Filter 35GPM
3................. 3.............................. 40576.........................
Clip, H, Plastic, 7000
4................. 1.............................. 61438.........................
Seal & Spacer Kit, 7000, D/F
5................. 1..............................
60016-01 ....................
Brine Valve Assy, 7000, 560CD
Part Number
615-000 .............
615-00 ...............
615-0 .................
Injector Number
Page 2
Control Valve Assembly
Item No. No. Req’d Part Number Description
. 8.....................1....................... 40556..................
Cap, Injector
. 9.....................1....................... 61XXX.................
BLFC Assemblies
. 10...................1...................... 61XXX..................
DLFC Assemblies
Part No.
6150-00 ............
3/8” .......................
6150-12 ............
3/8” ....................... 0.125
6150-25 ............
3/8” ....................... 0.25
6150-50 ............
3/8” ....................... 0.50
6150-100 ..........
3/8” ....................... 1.0
6151-00 ............
1/2” .......................
6151-12 ............
1/2” ....................... 0.125
6151-100 ..........
....................... 0.25
....................... 0.50
....................... 1.0
Not Shown:
. .
. .
Filter Valves
. 11................................... 1.......
13303-01 .............
O-ring, -021, 560CD
. 12................................... 2.......
13302-01 .............
O-ring, -01, 560CD
. 13................................... 1....... 40946..................
Clip, Brine Retaining
. 14................................... 1....... 40945..................
Clip, Drain Retaining
. 15................................... 1....... 40950..................
Screen, Injector, 7000
. 16................................... 1....... 40951..................
O-ring, -220
. 17................................... 1....... 18280..................
Collector, Top, 1” x .011, Gray
. 18................................... 1....... 61419..................
Kit, 1.05” Distributor, Adapter
. 19................................... 1....... 19054..................
O-ring, -12
. 20................................... 1.......
18303-01 .............
O-ring, -336, 560CD
. 23................................... 1....... 61XXX.................
Part No.
....................... 1.7
....................... 2.0
....................... 2.4
....................... 3.0
....................... 3.5
....................... 4.0
....................... 4.5
....................... 5.0
....................... 6.0
....................... 7.0
Part Number DLFC Size GPM
6156-00 ...........................1”..........................
...........................1”.......................... 8.0
...........................1”.......................... 9.0
6156-10 ...........................1”.......................... 10.0
6156-12 ...........................1”.......................... 12.0
6156-15 ...........................1”.......................... 15.0
6156-20 ...........................1”.......................... 20.0
6156-25 ...........................1”.......................... 25.0
6156-30 ...........................1”.......................... 0.0
Tube, Distributor, 32MM
Distributor, 32MM
Collector, 32MM Bayonet
Stuffer Tool Assy, 7000
Plug, Brine Valve, w/O-ring
Plug, Injector, w/O-ring
Page 25
Bypass Assembly
To bypass the valve, turn bypass knob on both sides of the valve to bypass position.
When returning to service, put the inlet into service before the outlet.
Item No. Quantity Part No. Description
. 1....................... 1.................. 40569..................
Bypass Assembly, 7000, Less Clip
. 2....................... 2..................
0563-01 .............
Connector Assy, 1” NPT, w/O-ring
0563-11 .............
Connector Assy, 1” BSP, w/O-ring
0565-01 .............
Connector Assy, 1 1/” NPT w/O-ring
0565-11 .............
Connector Assy, 1 1/” BSP w/O-ring
. 3....................... 2..................
122-01 .............
Connector Assy, 1” & 1/” Sweat, w/O-ring
123-01 .............
Connector Assy, 1 1/” & 1 1/2” Sweat, w/O-ring
. 4....................... 2.................. 40576..................
Clip, H, Plastic, 7000
. 5....................... 1.................. 40951..................
O-ring, -220
Not Shown ....... 1.................. 61462..................
By-Pass Service Kit, 7000 (Includes all internal parts for
7000 bypass assembly - bypass body not included)
Page 26
2310 Safety Brine Valve
Item No. Quantity Part No. Description
. 1....................... 1.................. 60014..................
Safety Brine Valve Assy, 2310
. 2....................... 1.................. 60068..................
Float Assy, 2310, w/30” Rod
. 3....................... 1.................. 60002..................
Air Check, #500
Page 27
Troubleshooting - Timer
If an error is detected, an error screen will alternate with the main display screen every few seconds, and the LED light will be red.
During an error condition, the unit continues to monitor the flow meter and update the remaining capacity.
Once an error condition is corrected, the unit returns to the operating status it was in prior to the error, and regeneration resumes according to normal programming. If an error is cleared by reprogramming the unit in the Master Programming Mode, the volume remaining may be reset to the full unit capacity (as though it had just regenerated). If an error is present, a regeneration can only occur manually by pressing and holding the
Extra Cycle button for 5 seconds. If the unit was in regeneration when the error occurred, it will complete the regeneration cycle and go into service.
When the problem is corrected, and the error no longer displays (it may take several seconds for the unit to stop displaying the error message), the unit will return to normal operation. The LED light will no longer be red , and will turn Green if the unit is regenerating, or Blue if the unit is in service.
A. Flashing/blinking display
B. Unit not responding after going into regeneration
C. Unit displays “ERROR CODE: REPLACE
UNIT” (corrupted UAP)
A. Power outage has occurred. Either wait 5 minutes for blinking to stop, or press any key on the keypad.
B. Verify the unit is configured correctly (ex: wiring valve type). Perform a Master Reset by holding the Shift button and cycling power. Check and verify the choices selected in Master
Programming Mode.
C. Contact your local water treatment professional.
Display Message
Go through all screens in Master Programming Mode.
Go through all screens in Master Programming Mode.
Perform a Master Reset by holding the Shift button and cycling power. Go through all screens in Master Programming Mode. Manually initiate a regeneration cycle by pressing the Extra Cycle button for 5 seconds.
Perform a Master Reset by holding the Shift button and cycling power. Go through all screens in Master Programming Mode. Manually initiate a regeneration cycle by pressing the Extra Cycle button for 5 seconds.
Call your local water treatment professional as soon as possible. Leave the unit running (do not unplug).
NOTE: If the above corrections do not work, please contact your local water treatment professional.
Error Display Screen Examples
Page 28
Troubleshooting - Control Valve
The controller MUST be depressurized before removing any quick connection clips for servicing. The connector should be pushed toward the control while removing clips.
1. Water conditioner fails to regenerate.
2. Hard water.
3. Unit used too much salt.
. Loss of water pressure.
5. Loss of mineral through drain line.
6. Iron in conditioned water.
A. Electrical service to unit has been interrupted
B. Timer is defective.
C. Power failure.
A. By-pass valve is open.
B. No salt is in brine tank.
C. Injector screen plugged.
D. Insufficient water flowing into brine tank.
E. Hot water tank hardness.
A. Assure permanent electrical service
(check fuse, plug, pull chain, or switch)
B. Replace timer.
C. Reset time of day.
A. Close by-pass valve.
B. Add salt to brine tank and maintain salt level above water level.
C. Clean injector screen.
D. Check brine tank fill time and clean brine line flow control if plugged.
E. Repeated flushings of the hot water tank is required.
F. Leak at distributor tube.
G. Internal valve leak.
F. Make sure distributor tube is not cracked. Check O-ring and tube pilot.
G. Replace seals and spacers and/or piston.
A. Improper salt setting.
A. Check salt usage and salt setting.
B. Excessive water in brine tank.
B. See problem 7.
A. Iron buildup in line to water conditioner.
B. Iron buildup in water conditioner.
A. Clean line to water conditioner.
B. Clean control and add mineral cleaner to mineral bed. Increase frequency of regeneration.
C. Remove piston and clean control.
C. Inlet of control plugged due to foreign material broken loose from pipes by recent work done on plumbing system.
A. Air in water system.
B. Improperly sized drain line flow control.
A. Fouled mineral bed.
A. Assure that well system has proper air eliminator control. Check for dry well condition.
B. Check for proper drain rate.
A. Check backwash, brine draw, and brine tank fill. Increase frequency of regeneration. Increase backwash time.
Page 29
Troubleshooting - Control Valve
7. Excessive water in brine tank.
Cause Correction
A. Plugged drain line flow control.
A. Clean flow control.
B. Plugged injector system.
B. Clean injector and screen.
C. Timer not cycling.
E. Foreign material in brine line flow control.
C. Replace timer.
D. Foreign material in brine valve.
D. Replace brine valve seat and clean valve.
E. Clean brine line flow control.
A. Clean drain line flow control.
8. Softener fails to draw brine.
A. Drain line flow control is plugged.
B. Injector is plugged.
C. Injector screen plugged.
B. Clean injector
C. Clean screen.
D. Line pressure is too low.
E. Internal control leak
10. Drain flows continuously.
F. Service adapter did not cycle.
9. Control cycles continuously.
A. Misadjusted, broken, or shorted switch.
A. Valve is not programming correctly.
B. Foreign material in control.
C. Internal control leak.
D. Increase line pressure to 20 P.S.I.
E. Change seals, spacers, and piston assembly.
F. Check drive motor and switches.
A. Determine if switch or timer is faulty and replace it, or replace complete power head.
A. Check timer program and positioning of control. Replace power head assembly if not positioning properly.
B. Remove power head assembly and inspect bore. Remove foreign material and check control in various regeneration positions.
C. Replace seals and piston assembly.
General Service Hints For Meter Control
Problem: Softener delivers hard water
Reason: Reserve capacity has been exceeded.
Correction: Check salt dosage requirements and reset reserve capacity to provide additional reserve.
Reason: Meter is not measuring flow.
Correction on Mechanical Meter: Check with meter checker kit. If volume is not registering, check the meter cap and impeller for debris, and ensure they can move freely.
Correction for Electronic Meter: Check for a short in the meter cable. Ensure that it is programmed as .
a meter, and that the turbine and impeller can move freely.
Page 30
In Service Position
Water Conditioner Flow Diagrams
Backwash Position
0988_REVA 1121_REVA
Page 31
Water Conditioner Flow Diagrams
Brine Position
Slow Rinse Position
Page 32
Second Backwash Position
Water Conditioner Flow Diagrams
Rapid Rinse Position
Page 33
Water Conditioner Flow Diagrams
Brine Tank Refill Position
Page 3
Removing the Gear Box Assembly
1. Unplug the power source.
2. With a 3/8” nut driver, turn the cycle cam counter-clockwise to the position shown in the illustration above.
3. Slightly pull the two tabs outward and push the gearbox slightly upward to remove.
. When returning the valve to service after powerhead disassembly, manually step valve through regeneration using the extra cycle button until the valve is in service.
Page 35
Inserting the Circuit Board
1. To insert circuit board, align notches on left side of board with flexible finger on power head. Apply pressure to left while rotating the board back.
2. When all the way down, snap the circuit board into place under the notches on the right.
Page 36
Connecting the Circuit Board
After the circuit board is installed:
1. Connect the motor wires to the motor connector on the circuit board.
2. Connect the transformer cable to the transformer connector on the circuit board.
3. Connect the meter cable to the meter cable connector on the circuit board.
. Connect the meter cable sensor end to the opening on the valve body.
5. Thread the meter cable and power cable along the path shown in the above illustration.
6. Insert screw to secure circuit board.
Page 37
Dimensional Drawings
Page 38
Meter Flow Data
TR18753 Softener
TR18688 Filter
Page 39
Injector Flow Data
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P/N 28 Rev. A

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