Lode Valiant Plus 932902 Service Manual
The Lode Valiant Plus 932902 is a high-performance treadmill designed for use in a medical environment. It offers a wide range of features such as adjustable speed, incline, and optional heart rate monitoring. The treadmill is also compatible with external ECG and pulmonary equipment for comprehensive diagnostic testing. With its robust construction and advanced technology, the Lode Valiant Plus 932902 is ideal for conducting stress tests and evaluating physical status in a variety of clinical settings.
Service manual TREADMILL ERGOMETERS 0344 Intended Use A Lode treadmill is a diagnostic tool intended to be used as a stress test device in a medical environment. The main goal of the use of a Lode treadmill is to create reproducible stress tests. The following parameters can be measured: • Speed (km/h or Miles/h) • Time (minutes and seconds) • Distance (km Miles Meters) • Optional: Heart rate (beats per minute) • Grade (%) In combination with other diagnostic tools, like ECG or pulmonary function equipment, other important physiological data can be obtained, allowing a physician to evaluate a test subject’s physical status. A Lode treadmill is designed both for manual operation and control by external ECG-, pulmonary equipment. In combination with optional software, the ergometer can also be controlled by a PC. The Lode treadmill has to be operated under the supervision of well-trained medical specialists, like cardiologists, pulmonologists and physiotherapists. The ultimate judgment whether a test subject should undertake a stress test with an ergometer and which protocols should be used must be made by the responsible medical specialist, based on the limitations of each individual, the medical history and all other applicable circumstances. Neither Lode BV nor her distributors take any responsibility for the final use of its equipment. Contra Indication The Lode treadmills are to be operated by classified personnel only. As stated in the intended use, the Lode treadmills are intended to be used in a medical environment. During the intended use the test subject will deliver energy. Application of the wrong dosis of energy could lead to permanent damage of the test subject’s health. Maintenance The Lode treadmills should be calibrated once a year. In case any damage is observed of the Lode treadmill. Lode B.V. or her representative should be informed in order to execute the necessary repair(s). Service of the Lode treadmills is restricted to factory-trained personnel only. Precautions Caution: This device should only be sold by, or on the order of authorized persons. Caution: Not suitable for use in the presence of flammable anaesthetics. Possible hazards Using the Lode treadmills according to intended use, contra indications, maintenance, precaution and common sense stated above may not eliminate all hazards. Possible residual hazards could be: wrong installation, wrong use, wrong dose, wrong interpretation of readings, mechanical breakdown of parts, software failure. Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 List of Symbols used On/Off switch External Input External Output Type B Electrical Safety Separate collection of electric and electronic equipment Copyright Lode BV, June 2009, all rights reserved. Manufacturer information: Lode BV Zernikepark 16 NL-9747 AN Groningen, The Netherlands ℡: +31 50 571 28 11 : +31 50 57167 46 @ : [email protected] : www.lode.nl Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 Warnings Observe the following precautions when servicing the treadmill: • Do not start the walking belt when someone is on the treadmill. The belt could start moving immediately, and sudden start and subsequent loss of balance could cause serious personal injury. • High voltage is present when the treadmill hood is removed and the treadmill is plugged in. • Do not wear loose clothing around the rotating machinery. • Never place your fingers near rotating parts. Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 Tabel of contents 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................ 7 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 FINAL ASSEMBLIES .............................................................................................................................. 14 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS VALIANT 932900 & 932910 .................................................................... 8 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS VALIANT REHAB 932901 & 932911 ...................................................... 10 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS VALIANT PLUS 932902 & 932912 ......................................................... 12 FINAL ASSEMBLY VALIANT 932900 & VALIANT REHAB 932901........................................................ 15 FINAL ASSEMBLY VALIANT PLUS 932902........................................................................................... 16 CONTROLUNIT ASSY ........................................................................................................................... 17 PROCEDURES.......................................................................................................................................... 18 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 REPLACEMENT CONTROLLER BOARD .................................................................................................. 19 REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTION GRADE POTENTIOMETER ....................................................................... 24 REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTION GRADE MOTOR ...................................................................................... 27 REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTION BELT & DECK ........................................................................................ 29 RS232 SETUP ...................................................................................................................................... 34 4 SCHEMATICS AND LAY-OUTS ........................................................................................................... 35 5 TROUBLE SHOOTING........................................................................................................................... 37 5.1 6 ERROR MESSAGE “STOP” .................................................................................................................. 38 MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................................................................... 40 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 GENERAL MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................... 41 SPEED CALIBRATION ........................................................................................................................... 42 GRADE CALIBRATION ......................................................................................................................... 46 WALKING BELT TENSION .................................................................................................................... 48 WALKING BELT ALIGNMENT ............................................................................................................... 49 MOTOR BELT TENSION ........................................................................................................................ 50 INCLINATION SYSTEM ......................................................................................................................... 51 Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 1 Technical specifications Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 7 1.1 Technical specifications Valiant 932900 & 932910 LODE TREADMILL VALIANT 932900 & 932910 SPEED RANGE - km/h - mph 0,5 – 20 km/h 0.3 – 12 mph HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT FRONT SIDE 0 – 25% WALKING SURFACE 50 x 150 cm MAXIMUM PATIENT WEIGHT 160 kg POWER REQUIREMENTS - Motor 230 VAC, 50-60 Hz 115 VAC, 50-60 Hz. ( Between two Phases) 1,8 kW DIMENSIONS (L x B x H), cm 213 x 90 x 135 cm WEIGHT 149 kg ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Operational: - temperature ºC (ºF) - humidity ( non condensing) % - air pressure kPa 14 – 40 ºC (57 – 104 ºF) 30 - 90 70 - 106 Storage: - temperature ºC (ºF) - humidity ( non condensing) % - air pressure kPa -25 - 70ºC (13 – 167 ºF) 10 - 95 50 - 106 STANDARD & SAFETY NORMS ISO 9001:2000, ISO 13485:2003, IEC 601-1 SAFETY / EMERGENCY STOP - magnetic lanyard - stop button standard optional INTERFACE RS232 HEARTRATE optional REAR ELEVATION - mechanically: –10% – 0% - electrically: -10% - 0% optional optional Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 8 LODE TREADMILL VALIANT 932900 & 932910 ENTRANCE PLATE optional ANTI SLIP STRIPS optional SIDE HANDRAILS FIXED (HEIGHT 850 MM) optional SIDE HANDRAILS ADJUSTABLE - height: 791 – 954 mm - width : 440 – 975 mm optional PEDIATRIC FRONT HANDRAIL optional PEDIATRIC SIDE HANDRAIL - height: 600 - 763 mm - width : 440 – 975 mm optional ARM SUPPORT optional WIDER / LONGER RUNNING SURFACE optional SAFETY BELT AND FALLSTOP optional MOBILE FALLSTOP optional BODY WEIGHT UNLOAD SYSTEM optional Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 9 1.2 Technical specifications Valiant Rehab 932901 & 932911 LODE TREADMILL VALIANT 932901 & 932911 SPEED RANGE - km/h - mph 0,1 – 12 km/h 0.1 – 7.5 mph HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT FRONT SIDE 0 – 25% WALKING SURFACE 50 x 150 cm MAXIMUM PATIENT WEIGHT 160 kg POWER REQUIREMENTS - Motor 230 VAC, 50-60 Hz 115 VAC, 50-60 Hz. ( Between two Phases) 1,8 kW DIMENSIONS (L x B x H), cm 213 x 90 x 135 cm WEIGHT 149 kg ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Operational: - temperature ºC (ºF) - humidity ( non condensing) % - air pressure kPa 14 – 40 ºC (57 – 104 ºF) 30 - 90 70 - 106 Storage: - temperature ºC (ºF) - humidity ( non condensing) % - air pressure kPa -25 - 70ºC (13 – 167 ºF) 10 - 95 50 - 106 STANDARD & SAFETY NORMS ISO 9001:2000, ISO 13485:2003, IEC 601-1 SAFETY / EMERGENCY STOP - magnetic lanyard - stop button standard optional INTERFACE RS232 HEARTRATE optional REAR ELEVATION - mechanically: –10% – 0% - electrically: -10% - 0% optional optional Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 10 LODE TREADMILL VALIANT 932901 & 932911 ENTRANCE PLATE optional ANTI SLIP STRIPS optional SIDE HANDRAILS FIXED (HEIGHT 850 MM) optional SIDE HANDRAILS ADJUSTABLE - height: 791 – 954 mm - width : 440 – 975 mm optional PEDIATRIC FRONT HANDRAIL optional PEDIATRIC SIDE HANDRAIL - height: 600 - 763 mm - width : 440 – 975 mm optional ARM SUPPORT optional WIDER / LONGER RUNNING SURFACE optional SAFETY BELT AND FALLSTOP optional MOBILE FALLSTOP optional BODY WEIGHT UNLOAD SYSTEM optional Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 11 1.3 Technical specifications Valiant Plus 932902 & 932912 LODE TREADMILL VALIANT PLUS 932902 & 932912 SPEED RANGE - km/h - mph 1 – 25 km/h 0.6 – 15.6 mph HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT FRONT SIDE 0 – 25% WALKING SURFACE 60 x 170 cm MAXIMUM PATIENT WEIGHT 160 kg POWER REQUIREMENTS - Motor 230 VAC, 50-60 Hz 115 VAC, 50-60 Hz. ( Between two Phases) 1,8 kW DIMENSIONS (L x B x H), cm 233 x 102 x 135 cm WEIGHT 170 kg ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Operational: - temperature ºC (ºF) - humidity ( non condensing) % - air pressure kPa 14 – 40 ºC (57 – 104 ºF) 30 - 90 70 - 106 Storage: - temperature ºC (ºF) - humidity ( non condensing) % - air pressure kPa -25 - 70ºC (13 – 167 ºF) 10 - 95 50 - 106 STANDARD & SAFETY NORMS ISO 9001:2000, ISO 13485:2003, IEC 601-1 SAFETY / EMERGENCY STOP - magnetic lanyard - stop button standard optional INTERFACE RS232 HEARTRATE optional REAR ELEVATION - mechanically: –10% – 0% - electrically: -10% - 0% optional optional Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 12 LODE TREADMILL VALIANT PLUS 932902 & 932912 ENTRANCE PLATE optional ANTI SLIP STRIPS optional SIDE HANDRAILS FIXED (HEIGHT 850 MM) optional SIDE HANDRAILS ADJUSTABLE - height: 791 – 954 mm - width : 440 – 975 mm optional PEDIATRIC FRONT HANDRAIL optional PEDIATRIC SIDE HANDRAIL - height: 600 - 763 mm - width : 440 – 975 mm optional ARM SUPPORT optional WIDER / LONGER RUNNING SURFACE optional SAFETY BELT AND FALLSTOP optional MOBILE FALLSTOP optional BODY WEIGHT UNLOAD SYSTEM optional Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 13 2 Final assemblies Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 14 Item no. Quantity per assy 2.1 Final assembly Valiant 932900 & Valiant Rehab 932901 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 4 2 1 1 Part Number 932962 932935 932950 932951 932960 932321 932934 932167 932159 932928 ON REQUEST Description CONTROL UNIT STICKER VALIANT WALKING BELT DECK COVER EXTRUSION PROFILE ASSY ROLLER REAR STICKER SIDE BARS COSMETIC STICKER FRONT WHEEL VALIANT COVER VALIANT FRONT HANDRAIL Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 15 Item no. Quantity per assy 2.2 Final assembly Valiant Plus 932902 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 1 1 Part Number 932962 932935 932950 932951 932960 932981 932934 ON REQUEST 932973 932928 ON REQUEST Description CONTROL UNIT STICKER VALIANT WALKING BELT DECK COVER EXTRUSION PROFILE BALL BEARING ROLLER STICKER SIDE BARS COSMETIC STICKER FRONT WHEEL VALIANT COVER VALIANT FRONT HANDRAIL Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 16 Item Number Quantity per assy 2.3 Controlunit assy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 Partnumber 932149 932937 932148 932952 932969 932700 -- Description COVER LEFT, CONTROLUNIT KEYBOARD FOLIE CONTROL UNIT COVER RIGHT, CONTROLUNIT MAGNET EMERGENCY SWITCH DUMMY PLUG EMERGENCY SWITCH MAINBOARD CONTROL UNIT ( INCL.RS232 CONNECTOR) SCREW M4 X 12 Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 17 3 Procedures Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 18 3.1 Replacement controller board 1. Open the control unit by removing the four Allen screws at the back of the control unit (fig 1) 2. Remove the two black side covers. (fig 2 and fig 3) 3. Take the control board out by sliding the board from the clips (fig 4) 4. Remove the connectors from the board (fig 5, fig 6 , fig 7 and fig 8) 5. Take out the cable clamb from the flatcable (fig 9) 6. Slide out the control board (fig 10) 7. Remove the screw (M8) that holds the control panel (fig 11) 8. Take off the aluminium housing (fig 12) 9. If you need to replace the 25-wire ribbon cable that runs through the chassis of the handgrip, cut-off the connector at one end and pull the ribbon cable out. 10. To pull the new cable through the chassis use a fishing tape and slide it through the pipe first (fig 13) 11. Use a pair of tweezers to grab the end of the fishing tape(fig 14) 12. Pull out the fishing tape ( fig 15) 13. Connect the new ribbon cable with tape to the fishing tape (fig 16) 14. Guide the cable through the hole while you pull the fishing tape ( fig 17 and fig 18) 15. Push the cable into the control unit (fig 19) 16. Install the control unit in reversed order as described above. 17. The connector on the 26 wire flat cable should be connected with the marked cable (red/bleu) at the side of the connector with the square solder island. Best visible at the not component side of the circuit board. 18. Be careful the ribbon cable can be connected in two ways. See (fig 20) for the correct connection. 19. Do not forget to place the dummy plug in the control unit at the treadmill, which has to be used when there is no extra emergency stop installed at the handle bar (fig 21 and fig 22) 20. If the Valiant has been controlled by an external device do not forget to set the correct RS232 protocol and baudrate for the communication. Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 19 Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3 Fig 4 Fig 5 Fig 6 Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 20 Fig 7 Fig 8 Fig 9 Fig 10 Fig 11 Fig 12 Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 21 Fig 13 Fig 14 Fig 15 Fig 16 Fig 17 Fig 18 Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 22 Fig 19 Fig 20 Fig 21 Fig 22 Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 23 3.2 Replacement instruction grade potentiometer You can find the grade potentiometer at the right side of the treadmill under the walking deck. Fig.1: Location Grade potentiometer Fig.2: Bottom side treadmill If, for some reason, the grade potentiometer is broken, the treadmill could be in a specific angle. To change the potentiometer, the best position would be the 25 % angle. Sometimes the treadmill doesn’t allow you to set the angle to 25 % because of the defective potentiometer. e.g. “STOP” will be displayed. In this case you should lift the rear end of the treadmill (the opposite side of where the motor is located.) Place this end on a stable frame so you have space to work under the treadmill. Fig 3: Lift backside of the treadmill WARNING Remove the power cable from the treadmill before you start working on the treadmill. Remove the allen screw which holds the potentiometer in position. Desolder the wires from the potentiometer. Heat the gear wheel at the axle of the potentiometer and slide it off without damaging it. Remove the screw which holds the potentiometer in the metal plate. Put the new potentiometer, 10-turns 10K, into the metal plate and fasten it with the screw. Place the gear wheel on the axle again buy using Loctide # 638. Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 24 Resolder the wires onto the potentiometer. Fig. 4: Wiring the potentiometer. Now you have to open the front cover of the treadmill, by removing the white housing. See service manual appendix B. When the white housing of the motor compartment has been removed connect a DC voltmeter to pin 2 ( U-elevation) and 3(GND) of connector 5. The DC meter should be in the range from 0-20 volt. Fig.5: Connector 5, Power supply board. Fig.6: Enlarged If the treadmill is not is the highest position, set U-elevation by turning the potentiometer at 0,5 Volt and press the “arrow up” key till the grade indicates 25%. The treadmill should elevate to 25%. At the display you will see the set angle and the actual angle. The actual angle at the display of the control unit will remain 2-3% (because the potentiometer is not mounted in the treadmill.) When the treadmill has reached 25% you can turn the potentiometer till U-elevation has reached 4.30 Volt ± 0.05 Volt. Read the Voltage from your DC Voltmeter. Now switch off the treadmill and place the potentiometer with the gear back in position. Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 25 Fig.7 & 8: Potentiometer gear positioning When you switch on the Valiant the treadmill should first go to the lowest position. Now you are able to start and use the treadmill. Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 26 3.3 Replacement instruction grade motor Required tools: • • Allen Key #4 Wrench 14 mm ( 2X) Instruction 1. Put the Valiant on its side 2. Remove the 4 Allen screws to take away the black metal plate that prevent to touch the electronics (fig 1&2) 3. Remove the plug from the grade motor out of the power supply (fig 3) 4. Remove the bolt from the side of the motor (fig 4) 5. Remove the bolt from the side of the axle (fig 5) 6. Turn the axle clock wise till the end switch clicks (fig 6) 7. Place the adjustable feet of the treadmill in the lowest position. 8. Mount the new motor under the treadmill 9. Reassemble the treadmill in the opposite direction 10. Make sure you reconnect the power to the grade motor (fig 3) Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 27 Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3 Fig 4 Fig 5 Fig 6 Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 28 3.4 Replacement instruction belt & deck Required tools • Allen key #3,#4,#5,#6 • Slotted screw driver #2 • Philips screw driver #2 • Ring spanner #10 Instruction 1. Use the slotted screwdriver to remove the cable from the controller to the Motor compartment of the Valiant (figure 1) 2. Remove the #3 Allen screws at the back side of the white housing (figure 2) 3. Remove the pin plug out of the left and right side of the white housing (figure 3) 4. Now remove the white housing, be careful with the earth potential plug (figure 4) 5. In case side rails are mounted on the Valiant it is wise to remove them first you can use Allen key #4 for this (figure 5) 6. Remove the Allen screws #6, on left and right side of the roller, that hold the back roller of the treadmill (figure 6 & 7) 7. Use a Philips screwdriver #2 to remove the two Philips screws in the cosmetic strip (figure 8) 8. Slide out the strip (figure 9) 9. Slide out the roller (figure 10) 10. Remove the cosmetic covers of the Philips screws that hold the deck in place (figure 11) 11. Now untighten and remove the Philips screws by using Philips screw driver #2 and ring spanner #10 (see figure 12) 12. Go to the output shaft, which is the front roller of the treadmill. Use Allen key #5 to remove the two screws left and right that holds the black safety bracket of the this roller (figure 13) 13. Now untighten the two Allen screws #5 for only one turn counter clock wise. These are located at the bottom side of the treadmill (figure 14) 14. Now you are able to remove the safety bracket (figure 15) 15. You can access the two aluminium fixation blocks that hold the front roller in position (figure 16) 16. Remove the belt from the motor to the front roller. (see figure 17 & 18) 17. Slide out the front roller (figure 19 & 20) 18. You are able to lift the deck and remove the belt (figure 21) 19. After you have removed the belt remove the deck as well (figure 22 & 23) 20. Only the chassis of the treadmill will be left (figure 24) 21. Place the new belt and deck in position and reassemble the Valiant treadmill in the opposite direction as described above. Important steps are the fixation of the safety bracket of the front roller. The two Allen screws at the bottom side of the treadmill can easily be forgotten (see figure 14 ). Make sure you align the belt and adjust the tension of the belt according the specifications in this service manual. Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 29 Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 30 Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 31 Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 32 Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 33 3.5 RS232 setup The Valiant is default shipped with the LODE RS232 communication protocol. It can be set to the following RS232 protocols. 0 1 2 3 4 5 LODE RS232 Protocol HP Cosmos RS232 Protocol Trackmaster RS232 Protocol ( default) Woodway RS232 Protocol Trackmaster RS232 Protocol in which data sent in Km/h will be displayed in Miles/h Trackmaster RS232 Protocol in which data sent in M/h will be displayed in Km/h. Switch on the Valiant, Press and hold the two keys on the picture for 10 seconds and you will enter the service menu of the Valiant You can change the RS232 by following the procedure below: • Select “Prot id” and select the RS232 that you need to establish communication between your device and the Lode Treadmill.( see for the correct RS232 protocol in the list above) • Press the red button to leave the service menu. • Switch off the Valiant The Lode Valiant is now ready for external control. Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 34 4 Schematics and lay-outs Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 35 Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 36 5 Trouble shooting Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 37 5.1 Error Message “STOP” When the error message “Stop” is displayed, follow this procedure: See if this connector is connected properly. This connector is mounted on the control board in the control unit. You can take the connector out and make a short in stead of the two red wires. Does it still show the message “STOP” on the display proceed with the following step: Make sure J4 is shorted at the power supply board in the Valiant ( under the white cover) You could try to measure between pin 6 and 8 of the DB 25 these should be short circuit When open the message stop will be displayed. Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 38 Flat cable J6 DB 25 J3 1 1 3 2 5 3 7 4 9 5 11 6 13 7 15 8 17 9 19 10 21 11 23 12 25 13 2 14 4 15 6 16 8 17 10 18 12 19 14 20 16 21 18 22 20 23 22 24 24 25 26 NC Signal OUT3 GND GND INS GND SAFESW1 GND SAFESW2 IN2 15 Volt IN3 15 Volt GND OUT4 OUT0 OUT1 IN4 OUT2 GND IN6 GND GND 15 Volt 15 Volt IN1 GND Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 39 6 Maintenance Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 40 6.1 General Maintenance Visual inspection: • Housing • Display • Cables, sockets e.g.line voltage entrance • User Interface, e.g. a keyboard Mechanical check-up • Technical cleaning of mechanical parts • Freewheel assembly • Braking assembly, bearings • Saddle assembly/handle bar assembly Inspection electronics • Primary and secundary electronic circuits • Options. Software/Firmware • Software/Firmware revision and/or update Calibration • Checking calibration dynamic Safety test • We advise to do a safety test after repair and maintenance according to the IEC601-1-1, in some countries it is presubscribed by the government to do so. Maintenance Sticker • Place a visible sticker on the housing with recommended date for maintenance. ATTENTION The walking belt and deck are self-lubricating. Never use any additional lubrication! Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 41 6.2 Speed calibration Km/hour Meters/sec Miles/hour Counts pro 2 minutes For Calibration of the Speed from the Valiant treadmill you can use a Tachometer which can directly measure the speed at the walking belt. A cheaper and even accurate method for calibration of the speed of the treadmill is counting the revolutions of the belt. The belt length of the standard Valiant is 350 cm (137,8 ”) Place a marker on the walking belt and count for two minutes how many times the marker passes a certain point at several different belt speeds. In the table you will find how many counts pro 2 minutes you should measure. 0,5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 0,14 0,28 0,56 0,83 1,11 1,39 1,67 1,94 2,22 2,50 2,78 3,33 3,89 4,44 5,00 5,56 0,31 0,62 1,24 1,86 2,49 3,11 3,73 4,35 4,97 5,59 6,21 7,46 8,70 9,94 11,18 12,43 4,8 9,5 19,0 28,6 38,1 47,6 57,1 66,7 76,2 85,7 95,2 114,3 133,3 152,4 171,4 190,5 Table 1 In case the values measured are out of range, the accuracy should be within 5%, the speed should be readjusted. Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 42 Readjusting the speed: 1. Switch off the valiant and remove the front cover, see for instructions in this service manual 2. Switch the Valiant to “standby” 3. Switch the relay on by pushing the switch to “1” (see fig.1) and hold it in this position. Fig 1 4. Press the “DSPL” button on the Yaskawa servo amplifier several times till the “PRGM” LED light up red. (see fig. 2) 5. Select with the buttons to increase or decrease the constant no./data value till you read no. 09 in the display and press DATA/ENTER. 6. Now you are able to increase or decrease the number on the display ( 0,5 meter/sec per digit) e.g. if the measured speed is 5 meter/sec off you can increase or decrease the number on the display with 10 digits. 7. To store the value press DATA/ENTER again. 8. To leave the menu press “DSPL” once, the LED “FREF” Is burning green now. 9. Release the switch on the relay. 10. Check the speed from the Valiant again during normal operation. 11. If necessary readjust again. 12. When done reassemble the Valiant (see this service manual for details) Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 43 Fig 2 FREF Frequency reference Setting/monitoring (GREEN) F/R Operator RUN Command FWD/REV Selection (GREEN) Fout Output frequency Monitor (GREEN) IOUT Output current Monitor (GREEN) LO/RE LOCAL/REMOTE Selection (RED) MNTR Multi-function Monitor (GREEN) PRGM Constant no./data (RED) Fig 3 Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 44 Factory settings Below you find the default settings of the Valiant Servo Amplifier for the 932900 and 932901. This are the default settings from Valiant serial number 20060086 . Before serial number 20060086 the value for N11 was 50, the value for N13 was 20 and the value for N63 was 1. N79 presents the software version of the servo amplifier. = Valiant setting Parameter # and setting N1 1 N2 1 N3 2 N4 1 N5 0 N6 0 N7 0 N8 0 N9 120 N10 230 N11 52 N12 3,5 N13 19 N14 0,1 N15 10 N16 6 N17 2 N18 6 N19 2 N20 0 N21 0 N22 0 N23 0 N24 0 N25 0 N26 0 N27 0 N28 0 N29 6 N30 100 N31 0 N32 6,4 N33 2 N34 8 N35 0 N36 2 N37 5 N38 3 N39 6 N40 1 = Factory settings Parameter # and setting N41 100 N42 0 N43 0,1 N44 0 N45 1 N46 13 N47 1 N48 10 N49 0 N50 0 N51 0 N52 50 N53 0,5 N54 0 N55 0 N56 170 N57 160 N58 0 N59 0 N60 160 N61 0,1 N62 0 N63 0,8 N64 4,0 N65 48 N66 0 N67 2 N68 0 N69 0 N70 0 N71 2 N72 2 N73 10 N74 0 N75 0 N76 rdy N77 0 N78 Fault history N79 062 Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 45 6.3 Grade calibration Calibration procedure grade You can follow the procedure for the grade calibration during maintenance. The grade should be within 1%, If the grade of the Valiant is not within specifications, check if the grade motor and grade potentiometer are working properly and make sure there is no obstruction in its way up or down. You can use an angle measurement tool to measure the grade of the Valiant. Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 46 But it can also be done as follows: - You can measure the height at a certain point (o) - After that you can measure the length (a) on the floor. - The grade can be calculated as follows: Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 47 6.4 Walking belt tension The walking belt can be tightened by means of the two outmost socket screws placed on the feed at the end of the frame: First decrease the tension on the walking belt fully by turning both tightener socket screws anti-clockwise. To prevent from unnecessary disturbance of the walking belt alignment the number of turns should be kept equal on both socket screws. The walking belt tension can be adjusted according to procedure 1 or 2: 1. When the walking belt is quit slack, start the walking belt at minimum speed. Turn both tightener socket screws an equal number of turns clockwise until the walking belt, when it is slowed down with your feet, just stops slipping on the driven roller. Then give both tightener socket screws 2.5 additional turns. 2. When the walking belt is quit slack, put two marks (on adhesive tape) in the middle of the walking belt with 1000 mm. distance between them. Turn both tightener socket screws an equal number of turns clockwise until the distance between the two marks is 1003 mm (the walking belt is stretched 3 mm. over a length of 1000 mm.). After each adjustment of the walking belt tension the alignment of the belt should be checked. Caution: Do not tighten the belt to much. This will shorten the service life of the walking belt and it will make the drive motor run unnecessary heavy. Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 48 6.5 Walking belt alignment The alignment of the walking belt is correct when the belt runs in the middle of the supporting plate. The walking belt alignment can be adjusted by means of the socket screw located at the left side of foot at the end from the frame. Set for a speed of approx. 10 km/h; the walking belt will react faster to adjustments made at a high speed. To adjust the walking belt alignment, use the left socket screw. To make the belt move to the left side, turn the socket screw anti-clockwise. When the walking belt moves too much towards to the left side, turn the same socket screw clockwise (see figure). Make sure to use only the left socket screw to adjust the walking belt tension, using both socket screws could result in a high walking belt tension. This will shorten the service life of the walking belt and it will make the drive motor run unnecessary heavy. The figure above shows the Valiant from the rear side. Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 49 6.6 Motor belt tension The tension of the motor belt can be checked by pulling the belt up and down in the middle between both pulleys. The full stroke must be about 10 mm. To change the tension of the belt remove the locking nut on the spanner socket screw of the motor belt. Turning the adjustment nut on the spanner socket screw will tilt the motor upwards (increase tension), or downwards (decrease tension). Caution: Do not over tighten the belt. This will shorten the service life of the motor belt and it will make the drive motor run unnecessary heavy. Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 50 6.7 Inclination system Remove the cover of the motor drive unit. Loosen the socket screw of the mounting bracket of the elevation feedback potentiometer. Turn the gear wheel of the potentiometer away from the driven gear wheel. Switch on the main supply, the inclination system will move to the lowest position and you must switch the main power supply OFF BEFORE the wheels contact the housing. Turn the potentiometer fully clockwise (seen from the left side of the Valiant). Turn the bracket back to the position where both gear wheels connect. Turn the gear wheel of the potentiometer half round anti-clockwise, without moving the driven gear wheel, before fastening. After adjustment of the potentiometer a functional test of the inclination system should be carried out. Caution: There must be some tolerance between the gear wheel of the potentiometer and the gear wheel of the elevation unit. This is to avoid damage of the potentiometer. Inclination system lubrication The gearing wheels and spindle should be lubricated annually with white grease. Service manual Valiant treadmill V1.00 51 ">

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Key features
- Speed range: 1-25 km/h
- Incline: 0-25%
- Walking surface: 60 x 170 cm
- Max weight capacity: 160 kg
- RS232 interface
- Optional heart rate monitoring
- Compatible with external ECG and pulmonary equipment
Frequently asked questions
The maximum speed is 25 km/h (15.6 mph).
The incline range is 0 to 25%.
The maximum weight capacity is 160 kg.
It has an RS232 interface.
Yes, the treadmill is compatible with external ECG and pulmonary equipment.