JPS HS Harmonic Synthesizer User manual
Below you will find brief information for Harmonic Synthesizer JPS HS. This user manual will guide you through all the features and settings of the JPS Harmonic Synthesizer, including its two digital oscillators, digital harmonic generators, analog envelopes, and the voltage-controlled dynamic filter. The document also covers the sequencer, modulation, and external control voltage options. You'll learn about the different waveforms, shapes, and sound creation techniques possible using this synthesizer. The manual also includes setup information, tuning instructions, and a detailed explanation of the control panel.
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.rPs HAE!MIil IT rMtlltt =VII?I{E=?2EE gvll?HEEITEE .l t a NMWWWHW a "G. I 6 ollo 3 o0 EE 6rG ,9 .rPst HAFlf,tgl/lE OI I e RNG - **o ------- ooo EITF /. HSEI]IONIC EENEBflTOftS [;il:jfi.lfiiifi ifijlfiiffi -l-,,[:i:I a;;-;"t';',-6 6 O =vulr{E=ltEE! r ffi ffi o ffiffi @@trtrtrtrtr @trtrtrtrtrtr OBC o oo oo "]f.8. ! ,\ -/7.-\\-\ e-.v --SWEEF E;; -- n:r A 1i \v/ A. / ' o(()) ()()() \Y/ \:r/ FFE ^--;;r'r^ \ r//-\.r\ ((r, '-\\ o o -',-1[rtl'L rcLY _.o /4. r1\ \\ -// r\ \\ -// o o _.o --_;+iH 2 ENVELOPE _.o _.o ,A' () /4. \\Y7 "..o /A' () ",igB a o o o o o .FIg--@ @ a o @a 6 .6 o ..rP=t t{aE!M!! iE{EEitEFl 2 5^r€9 O* o3( O* Cv E- Etu En! t Osc T6. qEh Enr. Etu FE n Dr@ S*s V A) n \J n \J /\ \J ooooooooooo@o_@oooo GaE Owrid.3 ffiO ooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooo Flr Fii. Fn. Lo Brnd H, LFO Sq ilde O*1 0*2 Oe1 0$2 O*1 Gc2 0*1 0*2 O*t 0-1 O$' Os, O*1 O$2 Rore Rar. ft@ fki* Nds vhr. vDr. Tm. rH. pa pa pirch * * OO ooOOOOo OOOOO 9;:t DHG Crd o!rs. Fruie Hm Rs s.'cct PTrcH BCND WHEET RANGES H-)^ * ^[-lE IHJ'oo**'FlHl oscrLLAToR I DHG Sirr o@ rk ls 9..; F..d Cned S* SEOUENCER 'CC 99 OSCrLrrrOi 2 EXTER{AT CONTR Tr.ENS > FILTER FREOUENCY > VIBRATO OEPII] EXPRESSION > AMPUIUDE MOO WHEET AFTERTCXJCH Srss m m m .14:+ .-//-\\E (, OVERSAI'#IE ,5jJ" (,'\\ .rl SMRYADOER rrPst t{AElMErlllE =viltHE=I2EE! 2 CONGRATULATIONS ! You have acqujred the latest advances in synthesizer technologyl rock-solid stable digital oscillators and a low-noise, all-analog audio path comprising voltage-controlled envelopes' low-frequency modulation' frequency modulation and a triple-output filter. The Jps Harmonjc synthesizer features oscillators provide a nearly infinite variety of permutations through rnanipulation of uptosixteenindividua]harmonicsandshapingcontrolsperoscillator.Eachosci]latorcan also sjmultaneously produce up to six preset waveforms for a big, rich sound' The tlvo .,PS HAFIME!FI?E =llFI?HE=I=EF! SET-UP INFORI,4ATION: Connecti ons a. b. c. d. A.C. power cord plugs into any convenience outlet - jt draws very little. Volume and Filter pedais pluq into jacks labelled ,,Pedals,, underneath. No mjstake can be made between "Volume" and "Filter,,jacks because of different sizes. The synthesizer can be operated without the pedals being connected - you nerely lose the control over the tl,lo functions. Mono audio outputs for 0scillator l and 0s.illator 2 Voices are labelled ,,Osc 10ut,,and "0sc 2 out". The signals are low-level, high-impedance. Any microphone or gujtar-type input will provide sufficient amplification. The audio system should have tllleeters to reproduce the high frequencies being generated by the synthesizer. "VCF Filter ln" allows external signals to be processed through the Dynamjc Filter. other audio sources such as organs, guitars, microphones or electric pianos can be passed through the filter for special effects. If some sources are too low jn level to produce the desired effects, a small battery-operated preamp module can be jnserted just before the VCF Input. Stereo vs. Several companies manufacture such modules for use wjth gujtars. For the best performance, two separate audio systems should be used for Left and Rjght audio outputs. However, if t!,lo are not available, both Left and Rjght can be,,mixed,,into one ampljfjer having a two-channel input. For your convenience, both oscillators can be independently panned left or right from the front of the instrument itself, to a true stereo output. Mono: II1P0RTANT N0TE: DSP Usage a. The Harmonic Synthesizer can scale to use a great deal of resources in terms of sample rate and polyphony. For best results tve recomend setting the mjnjmum values durjng sonq construction, untjl you need to render your track, when you can turn the values up. b. Polyphony can be extended from 1up to 64 voices. The more voices you add the more DSp t.liill be required for live playback. Set this fjgure to the lowest value yo! need. Remember that polyphony allocation includes voices ifl release as well as key on. c. I/]hen using a system sanple rate of 44.1 or 4BkHz, adjust the,,oversample,,to 2x for nonnal use, or turn it to the "off" position if needing to save more system resources. you lliill notice some aliasing lrlten turned off, but much less at 2x ; this will be further reduced if selecting 4x oversampljng, and will not be noticeable when selecting Bx oversampling, Usjng Bx oversampling will dramatically increase osp use, but is the best quality, so select Bx prior to exporting your finjshed song to give you the best quality on your rendered output. Consider "2x" as the live/draft setting, ,,8x,,as,,export,,setting. d. If using high system sample rates, 88.2 or 96kHz, oversampljng can still be of benefjt. However, we recomend exporting at 96kHz rate even when using a system sample rate of 44.1 or 4BkHz to get the highest sound quality, and downsample that exported *.wav later. e. The "oversample" control state is not saved wjth patches, but is saved withjn song-fjles. r,PS HAFIMEIIIIE =1!II?H==?2EE! PROCEDURE TUNING .rps HAFIMEAiE El'FliHEEltEE t-- -- -- oDo 8llJ"l OTEITfl L HflRIIONIE EENEflfTNRS I Lft. :-fti 2 I I l'. l-a , r'l'fi -l IT:JTT @ ffiffi$ffi$ffiffffffiffiffffiffffiffi U (r) :, l I,[ ;,;i;i, OFNG Dtrtrtrtrtrtr etrtrtrtrtrtr OSC 2 Ei'IVELOPE 1L ,lf.P. l-L, t-l tl 6[="r. i( ll ur ,-, ...V/ I NL o l7-..: (6 6 ()) )l ()) (/)) )\7 FLAI'\7.URP oF)s:.1/ Hoooa g (a) o .:+{3.tx** : ( ll -r) '8.#8" .,.o o0 ((na o o OYNAMIC FTLTEFI cv l-uP loowN.lT ^ l\ n ll -9WEEF<TH ^ ||. f) )sz ( r Your JPs Harmonic Synthesizer features two tl ) oo .EE,}Y/ FLATVSHqFF "!e. ?aig "ri" * oooH 6r:F- " ra) oFi digital oscillators To select switch on the left,rii"f,-.""iifut.t to edlt, adjust the "DHG Edit select" to the 1 or 2 label to ;;;; "i;" of the panel An LED will light next ili";a; *tti"t o""it1uto" is belng edited All controls in the Digital ff."a""i" ;;;i;;;";, section are available to adjust uniquely for each Generators -;;;.ft ror ttre rins modulation controL "Rins"' which is onlv available for oscillator 2. the panel beside the tuning sLider are a good Digital i"aflation of A440 tuning set the Tune for the two above' "pp""J.f"Generators, then proceed to tune by ear as indicated u'u'"roai" by tuning the 0scillator 2 iri"r""ii"g "beating" effects can be achieved sliders^are +/- 12 semitones' v.i".-"ligfitly sha.f. rh. range of the tuning the shift.key of an attached rir," t,-rniig control'can be achieved by holding by directly inputting the value i"yl.."a, I. precise values can be achieved inio u" upp.opriate MIDI sequencer lane of your usual recording softv'are NOTE: Markings on .rPS HAFlMEllltE gviltHE=?==F! \{AVEFORM SHAPE .rPst ltaFlM!tl]lE =vl]?HE=llEEl f OI EITE t HFBI]IONII EENEHFTOBS -- .ffi T U fit,Htff ffi ,fi,,,,fl.i[,,[i[,,fi.,,fr,l[ 1234 I I ooo RNG ffi i rufi o fl . lrfirf i:Ll:. r t ,,t 'll irl::,J ,| it ,,,;;;i";; tr o /t-.., ()) /-\ (,1 \:r/ :^\ /^\ {i\-vl )) (t) \7 Y wE l .!=?F"4r' 'a'" -=\.i\N a/"\\ l |U: .L1 I|) ,r !'r ( ,r\ (. @ 6r.- nEr A .^ /\ / \ , ((,)) l() (// ...o \\ ,/l 00 I ti) () ilDowNuP^cv 1/ ) srarE -t::? \'v (l )j loFF).'=, tun!:z/sa# t) e () () o* () ta) )\r' ,.",.v.,",, I ^ I ) \::7 {i ) () ED nrA PoFrA. al .-rl(ll ^ the "Shape" slider to adjust the voltage shaping and manipulate the oscillator waveform from a tone rich in harmonics into a basic sine. The default position is "6". You can use In addition to the Harmonic Generator, Oscillator 1 can produce six further voices, using preset buttons "C1arinet", "Pulse", "I'1ute", "Horn", "Reed" and "Strings". These can all be used on their own or in combinatlon. Oscillator 2 can produce five additional voices: "Pulse", "F1ute", "Horn", "Reed" and "Complex". oscillator 2 can also be synced to Oscillator 1by pressing the "Sync" preset button, and Oscilfator 1 can ring modulate Oscillator 2 by pressing the "Ring" button below the "DHG Edit Select" switch. At least one Oscillator l voice must be engaged for the ring modulation to have any effect, although Oscillator 1 can be set to a zero volurne if its audio output is not required. Ring modulation and oscillator sync can be used together. Experiment using different oscillator tunings when using these two features ! high frequencies of all voices can be attenuated with the manual filter, all volces except for "Pu1se" can be adjusted with the "Shape" controller. The and .,PS; I]AEIMEilIE =VIIIHE=Iz=E! SHAPE WAVEFORM .rPs BIT.RATE -S]NE llaFritlrFlt! =+ lr{E=llEE! c/) osc osc Fins vrbdo TEmoro Fl[.r Potu/ o* osc F@ 2 s@p o.c os. 05. 05 le \-/ n Gr^ C! tfr. tB Er!. 2 iiod. a6o au.o De4 st@ n n n oooooooooooooooooo , En€Lr€ lnitmal Nft lnpd Cufr.s Envelots P,.r1 Mod. An€c E&i (EO-O rcOO O O O OO ('*O @'.*.0,0,* 7 3 ! 10 N ]2 13 14 ]5 ]6 O , ffiO O SliAPE FILT TIJNE O ffi VOL O O O Q O O G{) scareorczcv ooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooo Fra o s€q. Ncs Gcr Trco Psss Pass P6s Rai. Rate F@. 0..2 0-r o*1 os.2 OEr 0*2 0{t Osl Os2 O*2 O*r O*2 vil. Tm Tm Pa Ps Pibh Pibh Abh Plbh Por6 Por6 osc2 Im o.!il Ire hj OOOOOOOSrcs OOOOOOO::"": Hm s*td tr Pd* DHC Crnt Puse Frute Hdn Re€d PIICH BEND WHEET PA&Es * ^CllE lHC,,o*",(lE Ei---l^ DHC Frut Red Cmdr SEOUENCEE 'oo 00 TYPE "6 #%fti:;i'S#fi:r'' '6- I ExPPE5sloN t AVoJTJDE ovERsAI{RE I sIEREO TNARYADDER The JPS Harmonic Synthesizer utilises the original 5-bit circuitry of the original RMI when using a shaped sine value of "6", and the Binary Adder is set to its default "S" position. naturally 1ow resolution of the tone generators does create some quantisation noise which may be noticeable when using pitch bend or vibrato functionality. This is expected behaviour and perfectly nornal. The to reduce the leve1 of quantisation noise, your synthesizer may be legitimately modified, with no risk to your warra[ty, by increasing the voltage of the Binary Adder, up to 8 bits (fully shaped), which will produce a more detailed tone which is less prone to quantisation noise. You can even lower it to use just 4 bits for an even noisier and more 'lo-fi" tone if you really like that sort of thing. Should you wish Unlike the oversarnple range, the Binary Adder setting is saved with patches. JPS; HAE!ME!F{?E =VFI?HE=I=EE! MANUAL LOW-PASS FILTERS .tPs HAE|M! tE =vFt?HE=r=EF! tOIEITF I U a t --tooo -- HflflIYIENI[ EENEHflTOffS o : arr- i |illl o |,l |,il fl[il1ilil|ilil,l 13 14 15 i6 ORING ss.#-F sHArE FtrrER i':i: ;:lll Ilr i:l.lll ;,-;,;.,;; @trtrtrtrtrtr @trtrtrtrtru ()i OSC 2 ENVEIOPE o /a) ( l ;E?E. 6(( ()) tl o \\ ...4 _.o -// lLDowN@ ^j .v +nED Et* {a /a) ,/)) \:/ .,.?'iJ:s*-* '.,' ..r^ .4. , \ ,ra\ )) (( )) ()() t"-Yl* "J.#1. n o REL (o () rO ,i) @ ti) ...o /A ()l oFF^i=7 ()t E' o ...o 0a ,4. ()) ar\Y/<r..e @ After you have arrived at a setting on the Harmonic Generator, should you desire a slight attenuation of highs for a more mel1ow tone, it is easily accomplished with the manual filter without resetting the harmonics. Raising the slider attenuates the highs. ITPS HAEIMEIRIE -NORMAL GENERATORS ENVELOPE -.rPS ltAElMrFll! =rl lH==t=EF! r-- -|1, 2 O n n'.F tlU :tl lr L B f-g:l ') Il tIr rrl ll l' ll Ilr Ill ll I] ll ll ll rl tl l, I rl \ n .. I OOO i..r"q n n i1 fl n S t}' tl Iil'u Ll u |,u L ,ll T' 'r-r I I'l uu ll il ll il fU) {:t : l"fil ; 1l:r i l{ i i.lI: i ll: :ll :,ll ',-;;.,;; RLNG @trtrtrtrtr E1@8trtrtrtrtr .-.", ff:^l"':,:'iF *!** oo@@ \\ -/l o-\=/ /a \\ () lt1; "1L}* -tu, (C tl ,6 f_uP^cv LoowN l ll srArc -)=< .vr- (r) (^ ) @o (-) / \ ( ) () OYNAMIC FILTER - ArH Biig ((,, () t.) () ra) \:7 >:! '--a: ,.p rFEMuuNr Eqr Attack Sustain I Decav I Release J-r:J-r- features a full analogue ,-\ () ",f1, ..p gffi *.1 **" HI".p RMI envelope JPS enveloDe The JPS synthesizer () 1':.7sro" -,D 'BE",5!" FFEE \\ ^\\ 6 (( )) 6 'r- 1( )l!,1 rcLi /z^\ PITCH BENO i ll i*.)Y Eo @ o e 6 vtsF4llg \xr'v \W/\\_\ wsEEr OSC E ENVELOPE Attack I "ADSR" envelope Decay/Release control' TomimictheoliginalRMl"Normal"envelopemode,youshouldonlyadjustthe stage set to its "Attack" and "Release" stages, while leaving the "Sustain" (see page 22) ' ,ru" f",r"f . set Attack and Decay curves to linear JPS HAEIMtIIIIE gVFI?HEEI?2EFI ENVELOPE rrPs CENERATORS HAEMEA?! -PERCUSSION -- =VFl?HE=trEE! - DIGITFT Hfl BI]It]NIE EENERFTOHE TI IIIIi'ri i,q n,[fifl,'il'l ,il LLll UUtjUL 3 O RrNc 4 5 5 7 3 e r0 ll i2 13 14 10 tooo m;:l [li6 (\=7 )) ,lfllt lf,l. III ;",;;;;; @@trtrtrtrtr @8trtrtrtrtr o It l, @ o O6C 2 ENVELOPE Fo@o@ 6 @ ,,if.E. ...o l-l tl (c "*P. "."o "..o.."o.^.. "..o @ ()) a 'r-1( )lr.', ...o oc aa aFFY /A () oFF^Y/ ,":,. () FlAr.vs pp Eg8 6) the original Rl'lI "Percussion" envelope mode, you should just use the stages, and leave "Attack" and "Sustain,, stages set to their 1eve1. Set the "Re1ease" stage to the sane position as the ,,Decay, stage to a1low the sound to decay at the same rate even after the note is releaaed earIy. Set Decay curve to a non-linear value (see page 22). To mimic "Decay " minimum .,PS HAFIMEF{IE =VF{IH==I2EF! GENERATOBS ENVELOPE . OSC --- ";' E I L Ii lr '.rl il |rr l,lJ ut] : t]ull ll ll llll lr O 11 -ooo tsilJEF (J HAElMglll! =+ll?ll=gr=EE t-- -Dt EITF t HflflIYIENIE EENEHRTEHS EOT ift .4" I ,11 li t}, ft, [] ,fl il fl fl Il tl fl Il tl fl I]'llll flr: l .rps OHC TR] G RELEASE 2345 [11 lJ u11 11 12 13 11 ilu IU' 14 i: r .l i lL: :l:t .;i;i"d; RNG r@trtrtrtrtrtr @trtrtrtrtrtr o /t\ () (ul ts 'BEt*o ...o ,/ \\ \r /r\-, ,r/ \\ t_!' ^ cv -5WEEP- () ".," o M6no 3t+( x..".. (n a -'L1UtL^ : ...o srrc () "..o ^ o o HOO@Q o *]c rO ,*" t,\: Ltil I ...o o ."o EQ oo 6 capability The JPS synthesizer features a three-stage release triggering oscillator 2. This Provides some amazing possibilities when used together with Osclllator on 1. be Switch the "Trig" button from "0n" to "Re]" and oscillator 2 will Note released note,is when that ;;t;;;";-""a *ien tl,e note is pressed, but ,Attack" the is change. iir"i-tir. functions of the osc 2 envelope controls determined by the 1evel' set i;", when the note is released to a ;;; ii"u.ii "Hold" wlll sustain the released note for a specified to return to ;i;" at that leve1. "Decav" is the time the notesettakes p;;i;; .i"orrt.ol. "HoId" to zero sound' iilence after the hold For a percussive note-off with "Level"' ;;;-;;; ;;iy "Attack" and "Deciv", setting the volume JPS HAEIMEFI?E =+FIIiHE=I2EEI CONTROL SEQUENCER 12 .rPSl }lAE!MAr]l! E:lt rllEEr=EE Bt EtTF --_ a L HflHI]IONII EENEEflTORs rOOO 8-JH -- i l[ilfl[il,il ililil[ilil[il[:il 14 15 16 .7\ l!,)l ih.,rir, (()) itrl:ilt: ;,";,;;.. il SH^PE nttER i I R|NG mmntrtrtrtrl@trtrtrtrtrtr o t-t U tt lJ {i ) () "e-r'\r' \-/^.F\N /Z \\ ( ) 'L 1( \:7 /11,,,1 Nr/-' fl,89. n I /.\ \\r\\, // @ \\ -, "..o t'{['e)) 'J"fli' "f,:? FREE' .w-//- \\-\ rcLi /a^:\ ,- \\ (J s" .P*,*\rr-* ...fJ _.o ()) () "..)v ^D o@ (O!,---Jl 1 () t\ qEE9,.' /:^\ () ..",\7s,AP .effi" _.o , ;.*d8 "il, a "WEEP-E;r".rt"'o ."7 ..}" a .JY.6-, O I *i-C *;-a) ollU : v .i* -"'.T€.t{." OEE>Y FLAT':'/SHARP OYNAMIC FILTER +E@E^c, - is activated by fllcking the "Mode" switch up or down from its centrat "off" position. Moales of operatioo are "sequential", or "random" is the sequencer ip""a i" set by turning knob. A pilot light indicates when"on" If keys are in operation. If no keys are he1d, the light will remain In the teing trela, the light will putse when the sequence "resets" "seqientiai" mode, this pulse of light will serve as a "downbeat" i,rai".to, for most rhythnic patterns or bass lines ln the "random" mode' it will pulse with each note. Sequencer "sequencer Rate" to sync to host or be free running. In addition the sequencer can play polyphonically by gating the chords at the set rate To do itii- clrange "sequencer Type" from "Sequential" to "Gated"' Random gaied sequencer wilt add random "rests" The pilot The speed can be switched via SEOUENCER o 0 light wiLl not Llght for rests. hands are busy with cont"ots or another inatnrment, the sequencer can If your be i'programmed" by selecting "Hold" while the notes are played You can now release the notes and the sequencer will continue to play that sequence yo" play a new set of notes, switch the sequencer back to "Key" mode' ""tif or stop playback entirelY. .,PS' HAEIMEIFIiE =VFI?HE=I=EEI MODULATION .,PS I 9 a O RrNG *--. CONTROL g+ ?HE=!!EE! t OI EITfr t IlflBIIIONII GENEBST EEE ll E]IEi il L] IUUL ] flfi|flft ,,J. Ii ilfl11ilil]il[lll'llflfl,I], ,U I] U, U iU ro) ,l Il ,,r r L rl ,l L L .l rl r, Il IJil ,tlll.ttrtlll 'v/ ti 1234 9lon12 II 14 13 ,,l rlrsr i'{H# r{oh 15 I€ u SHIPE FtrrER tri@trtrtrtrtrtr ,r Rrio - tlur ll r0ix ll o o n 13 HAFIMERIE hErhr;;;l l DLr Nrr ,,iEE. S e \\:r'' 6 "r"#r. "..o /^)6..",\:=-r."".. ...\:/ {B!!rc ".6",n:5HffiK t t- (o(o .#BiE*" o+p | .4. tr ) o.F)\:,7 () \7 c(D DYNAMIC FILTER t\ roowN {a srAr c /E/ r'-) \-_7,/ nEwuM o r/^:r, \gr , . .A ""..""*, (J, Mioi tsla 0rA D+rH fLr-]Loli!r/HEH - "!e. (t or'.- ) !=l !-,, cF! 6i1 () The Harmonic Synthesizer features a common ,,LFO Rate,, used Tor modulating the frequency and amplirude of Oseiffator and Uscr tlator 2. and che frequency of rhe Dynamic Filter.I -trr" However, you can use external inputs to ii*"a internal LFO for any or all of these in order "r"""_ "iJ" i".""-t1."-' modulations at different rates or for additional t""rriu.rt shapes, thus vastly expanding the sonic p.""ilifiii""-of'-ifr. internal ,A\ /r\ Fur\:/*^., o oF; !4iEio TMo o Ee o* o* oE=o< Tr12l2irod. ooo00 instrument be set to ,,Mono,,, 60 that it starts from zero when the instrument is first turned on and does not reset. ifris-i! p.eferatfe for vibrato effects. I{hen moved to ,,po1y,, tfre r,rO *av.ioii il restartea uni-quely for each hote played. which can be particulariy interesting when used jn coniunctjon with the tremolo effect. tf,. hosL !empo or be free-running. ""i"'"r, be syDced Lo a The LFO can Set the.M,odulation Shape for each 0scillator, then the Frequency uodulation amount ("Vibrato Depth',) and Amptitude Modufation .rorniil,f""rofo O.ptf,,,). Tf you enabte Aftertouch via the MIDI section, set the ,,Vibrato Depth,, to the value you wish to apply to the maximum aftertoucf, f.r"f y"" send, thus vibrato wilt be zero until aftertouch is applied, i" if-t", maximum Vibrato Depth level set. "p .rPst HAFlMtil?E =Vil?HE=?==F! PITCH DEVIATION CONTROLS 14 .::1111:I^ttiE=!=EFr - - - - ooo *"*o DIEITFI == ,ll il ll il I Il ll I ll Il l] fl It n .d.nn I .[l fl l] B (() II .II HflHIIONIC ITENEHflTDB e O RNG |]![!!r] !t]ll uit S fl IJ ll il,i,l] ull \v7 tu ff .;,;,,,;; @trtrtrtrtrtr @trtrtrtrtrtr o "iEee. n ( -/ir ",?15E"u ()l ()) - "..[l tl l( xO,*" "tr; )) / "..\-r 4. /^ ,"9" () Ee ","2\( \ ,,=: (1. )l u.R,-Q],;ra oFFP () "*o._,o.._" "..o o ..ts" o .4\ () .-.>'! ._o "!8. 6e 6r----'l ro!# *4.m" ?igg n)\ |fr, 6 Pitch Deviation Upon Attack: ,Depth,, control determines the point at which the "s1ide"-begins. Setting ,,Depah,, controt to ,,ff^t;i-*iii pitch the to start "flat" and slide up to the correct pitch. ;Sha;;; wo.k8 "u,.,"" in reverse, as you would.expecr. Se!ring the ,,Dep!h, control aI 12:0b in center of rrs !rave1 wlIl cause no deviation. ,,Time,, control determinesthe the wilt take to travel from the deviated pitch to tfru-"o."""t-Olt"tr. time it r,PS' HAEIME'FIIE =VFI?HEEI=EF! MODULATION NOISE JPS IIAEIMERIE EIVII?HE=IzEF! t-r E t -------rooo HfrRMg IE EENEHfrTOftS | I1 I ll 11, fl Il Il t. Ir t' tr I ll lt. I ll |l .ll fl ll.t,,,,,,,,.,...,. ll ll ll U:ll U ll ll ll l] ll l] ll, 1l ll OI I 15 EITfl 13 14 15 11 IJ 16 fl ll .ll:;fl .ll ll TU' SHAPE FtrTER I1'II iI ;.,".,,; i:ll::t i oRNa @trtrtrtrtrtr @trtrtrtrtrtr o o OSC 2 ENVELOPE /ru t()) ,Pe. n () tl ti) o o \ l\ o (/A',)) l\/ r, l!,) F€L g =-\: .1- g \!-il g o ( (, ()i 11 )FurL @ @ ;x"n=i"' fa I ra\ rtr srArc /}; \7 () 'tsEts'"". () L@wN .,4\ \(,/, /\ () r\ ) tt .",4 () ,=.. () /A' () / \ () oo @ oscillator can be frequency-modulated by noise in infinitely variable degrees. Noise "frequency" or "color" can be controlled from "pink" to "whlte". "Pink" noise can be interesting for creating "sample & ho1d" type effects. Most useful, however, is the "white" - turned fu11y clockwise. To maintain a sense of pitch, do not adjust the depth beyond the 12:00 position. Noise modulation is most com only used in creating drums, traps, and other percussion instruments. It is also effective in producing wind, thunder, and whistles. It is up to you to experiment. Noise Modulation: Either JPE HAEIMEIFIIE .,TS AEIEIMAFI FlI AEIEIAI| AEISMAR F* AF:EV O ctioRus O rLArGEn O PriAsEn 'ol@EE!! IE +# # ## ++oll#sG 6{A}A tt*r ar 6/^\o ffi "u,r IEFT FEEDSACh R|GHT II MOD a{c}a E standard js a handy all-in-one-box for all The ACID AN FX ARRAY tidy and easy-to-use package. It nakes the pe'fect companion for any your pedal effects needs in guitar or electronic a key- board. The system comprises 1. glsllB.lLQltr Apply the distortion to just the Lo, Mid or Hjgh bands' or All frequencies, and adiust the Drive amount' the selected band' 1. Use the Dirty Gain knob to boost or reduce the input level into bands' 2. The Clean knob boosts or reduces the input level into the non-selected is selected, Clean Gain }!ill adjust the distortion threshold' 3. 2. Ulhere qualjty chorus using the latest technology' Select from one of eight (select "ENs")' Adiust the drv different types, four chorus (select "CHO")' four ensemble than the 12 o'clock to l,let signal levels t{ith dry and wet control: vie recorrnend no more Ensemble' position when requiring Chorus, and set fully to the right when using effect. Set the Rate (Hz or sync), the Range, and the co]or to taste.Leavethecolorcontrolto12o,clockpositionfornocolor,tothe]eftfor sttitch applies an offset negative, or right for positive coloration (feedback)' The offset to the right channel for a stereo flanging effect' FLANGER: 4. PIIASEBT 6. "All" C!!BIJS: A high 3. 5. six effects in serjes' A f]anger pedal A big s-stage phaser effect' Controls are the same as the Flanger' The delay can operate tiith delavs !E!AI: A simple and highly efficient stereo delay' (left input parallel to the input (i.e., left input to left delay' "PAR') or cross-stereo by turninq to right delay and vice versa, 'X-S')' Channel delay time can be set to "off" to fully fully to the left, and no feedback will be applied to that channel; set Dry/l'Jet channel' and a delayed signal on wet and you'll effectively have a dry signal on the "off" times the same' the other. For a pseudo mono delay, set both Left and Right delay and adiust the vintage delay. Add a gentle modulation with the od control' style reverb leave damp at length of the Reverb using Decay and Damp' For Hall/Plate Damp and lower the Decay' minimun. For a shorter, room-style reverb increase the BEIEB9T A VOLTAGE JPS CONTROLLED HAElMttl!E =\tlllttE=ltEE DI EITF I E il il il il,il a O 1 RNc FILTER 2 3 4 5 I HFflIIIENII || 5 7 il il 3 16 - EENER ETEHE ---rooo l [ il,il,|,il'fi il | 13 14 ls t6 :rl .rf} !il,lIit.l: :ll , () ;,"i,.; SH^PE alrER @trtrtrtrtrtrl@trtrtrtrtru o \r ,, ,rffi. .Lli I WNEEL llL I 1f1,",r, .r^\ I (t) ti) 11 OsC 2 ENVELOPE oo ner .A 6(()) &,v /r^\ (,)) 6 (1, o..):::a/ *I8F.t 'PI:{o) (o) o FLrEFcl-noow--+i-." nE , u* o) ...o o _.o E,,sT'.;--Ei---oqn ()) MD 6, 6 oFF):::a/ .A, /A\ ,A ()()() o ,A ()) oFF)\7 B @ ...o , (( \ )) FL^r\/SHAFF FN ;;ffi ere !8 "rL *. @o -@_p fl Voltage-Controlled Filter: Mode Switch - "Filter off" position passes 0scillator 1 voice unaffected by the filter. "Static,' position turns on the filter allowing either a fixed frequency and/or modulated with a sine tremulant. The rate of the tremulant is set by the master "LFO Rate',. ,,Up,' or "Down" positions cause rising or falling ramp envelope modulations from the starting Frequency. Envelope "Speed" and "Depth" are controllable. you can connect a monophonic external envelope to the "Filter Sweep Dnv.',, and setting the sweep control to "Cv" mode. The sine tremulance can be overridden using the "Filter Trem. Mod" input for using different moduLation shapes or rates from the internal options. "Mod W." position activates modulation wheel control of the filter frequency, from the set frequency value (wheel down) to fully closed filter (wheel up). For ful1 range modulation wheel control, set the Frequency to maximum. Tremulance can also be applied in "Mod W." mode. Low, band, and high pass outputs are mixable. Typical "wow" effects are created by modulating the fu11 "Low Pass" with some "Q" (resonance). ,Notch,, filter effects are created by mixing low and high pass outputs in varying proportions. oscillator 2 can also be routed through the filter when selecting "Osc 2 0n,, Any stereo separation applied using the oscillator pa[-pots is maintained. .rPst l{AElMailtE PORTAMENTO CONTROLS 17 HAElUt!!Rt! gv t]{=gtrEE! JPS ---- r ooo DIGITfl T HflBMNNtI GENEHflTNBS :ftI;:fl::"f]: I E ''iL it i e O RNG 6[3Et .fir$l lIr:. (U' OsC 2 ENVELOPE o tl It: ':{. [.EEF]ET;] tr@ qtrtrtrtr tr rr n i il l(i )) (r )) () i,Llh r.) .v "..\-/ n tl .:^\ (() /a=., () na. .A () .A, 6())()()() 6,Y /A' ,4, o 'BEvfh" 00 I .,.o () () ()--^ #E)V7 /A (, / \ () .' ar.V7*aFe ,A Lt, *:- ".t- s6\ ..p FD Orfl o Portamentor This very popular synthesizer effect refers to the sliding from one pitch played to the next pitch played. The JPS Harmonic Synthesizer is unique because of two features of the portarnento - independent controls for each oscillator, and "follow-through" effect, causing the final desired pitch to be achieved without having to hold the key down. In most cases, you witl find the 9 o'clock setting the most trlusically useful. To activate the portamento affect, play the first note required, then play the note to which you want to slide. If you set a fairly long "Release" time, you can let go of the second note before it has reached that pitch, and the portamento will continue to slide up until it reaches the desired pitch, or the release has finished its decay, whichever is reached first. .TPS; HAEIME'N?E CRITICAL rrps ANALOG a{aFlMEr tE DI CONTROLS =vAtuE=l=EF! - 18 --- rooo ffi@ EITflT HSftIYIENIC EENEBFTORS ."_j, I B ffffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A I lO fi 12 13 l{ t5 E 16 ORNG supE FtrrER o ll @trtrtrtrtrtr @trtrtrtrtrtr o ! @ @ o O* 2 a REMEMBER ."o @ "-**F__ - _"@ _.@ aa .#ffi., (o) o H@@o@ @ .r_t(r/t"l, (o)) ENVELOFE @ EXACT ANAIOG SETTINGS may o o _.o _.o._,@.^.. "ri. o o o o vary from instrument to instmment, not to mention the varying taste of the individual owners. Therefore, you should set your panel controls to look as closely as possible to the presets, then EXPERIMENT with each variable control by adjusting it to either side of the initial setting. You will note that noise modulation, VCF outputs and sine modulation are not included as critical because they are usually full ,,on,' or ful1 "off". .rP-el fJAlllttllt! EuniftEEtlrEE! 19 CONTROLS \{HEEL P I TCH r-- -- -- HAEIMERIE g+Fl?llE=t=EF! .tps ooo DIEITf L HflRIXONTC EENEERTEffE f ililil[il[[[' n, l,[ n' ili[ .[ 33#',! \J .4. [il[ (U' $ oRNc qmuutrtrtrlmmstrtrE@ Hoooo tu, OgC 2 ENVELOPE lill '* \- r( -rl ,l \\ -2' Mo "J"#1" a () o .."o.^.. a (U' _.o swEEP_TH |;;*1:6"' 5, .,.=#J€.?=1-*: 61 (J 0 o 'r- 1i ))-1/.1 _.o o "!3" (i) 00 /l=:. / \ (i () )t 6rA .EE):7 FLATvsHARp EiBB ".P ..P 'ii. "+. ".P s PITCH BENO WHEEI RAI{GES EI)^,'^[3 {EIt,**^'(I3 I OSCILLAIOR 2 OSCLLLATOR EXrEB{AI CoNrmrllPs WiEEL > FILTER FREOUENCY AFTERIOITH > VIBMTO D€PTII trIOD FJORESSION > AI'IPIITLJDE s,K* \-)) OVERSC'ITPI.! ",-f \=/ AINARYADDER you can also use the In addition to the key triggered Pitch Bend envelope each.oscillator ' can be i.a"*..i"Jtii"n wrr""i uilix" other synthesizers' and in set to different 'ans's (up to 24 semitones) ' ;;;;"i;;;";;"t1y positions' ai'.."tio" iol both the up and the down pitcheffects -wheeL using pitch bend! "iin". ;;;;i;pi"g some unique opport'nities for creative Try setting "Osc 1 UP" to (+)12 -3 and "Osc 2 Down" to -7. .,PS' anal "osc 1Down" to (+)7, and "osc 2 Up" to HAEIMEIFIIE =VFIIHESI2EE! POLYPHONY AND MIDT CONTBOL .rPst HAEIMI| IE =1,II?HE=?!EE -- DI 20 ooo -- C EITfr I. HflB]IIONIE EENERRTI]HE | | il fl Il Il fl ll I fl,rl t Il Ir I I .a.iil () l|l ,il | ll Ll I],] 1l i] | t] U il 11,.[ \.:/ Il gI ll ll e U 11 13 14 15 t6 ORNG 11 ll --; ";i;;; 11 ssarE FtrrEF @trtrtrtrtrtr1@trtrtrtrtrtr o '( )i (( I l\-//-\Y^!\ 'r-1( /lx,! *r I t()) I OSC 2 ENVELOPE o g1\'/ ro O'fr' oF )':=/ T *I8f.."", //--\ \( ,r)., (l , L, "..)./ o (( ) "..o (lr rtl o 'BEts*" (\l o uii"a ","* | ,.r^. ,A ,a\ (( 6(())(( )) \v \7 )) (U' &, 'v REL 'a ...o o ,ll (, tul o dE The instrurent is velocity sensitive. To enable velocity control of notes through performance turn on the ',Ve1,, function. you can also control the overall amplitude of the output using an expression pedal connected to the volume pedal jack on the underside of the device, and enabfe it by turning "Exp" to the on position. Remember to record and store the expreision vaiue, or you Tay find the output level is lower than expected next time you turn the device on. You can control the finat output 1eve1 using the ,,Master Output " control. Three voice modes are available to the Harmonic Synthesizer using a three_ position_ switch. In the down position the instrument is monophonic (one voice per oscillator) with automatic re-triggering. In the middle position you will find a monophonic legato option. In the up position the instrument is fully polyphonic, allowing you to play chords, or bass and lead Iines together. Do be aware that the device can get very hot when using too many voices and could start to mett. \{e strongly recomnend setting the polyphony to the lowest value appropriate for the particular performance, ].r"irrg ih"' polyphony "Voice SeIect,, display. rTPS HAEIMI,FIIE =VF{?HEEI=EE! EXTERNAI, CONTROL YOLTAGE 2t rrPst HAFltrtr l! g+R?t{EElrEE! cl) :i :l fr"*^"r l:s," r#ff:'^ffi,ff,"rs ry "* o_ oooo oe!oeoooooood'oooo rY;J #iT JH_ ry.bF o*-,d* Pi.h Md. w d.;"* A,!e.. w. q.'1 EM'. 9 92 O O Ofifi7 3 9 grc g!-g+-rc-CoO oo*o*,* fre X D 13 14 15 , Go O O OO <:*O oO-O-O-O-!.|[i!6,j, g .***",* "^ J OIG 16 SHA'E FILT TUNE VOT goooooqaeQaaoooooooo 999oooooooo6o@o66660oo6 j*,*,i*,*, .* ;* !tr H ffij m:*t m: * * Qag B::! ffit A:g ff:lOOOOooo *le<t PITCH DHG Clrn pds. Fluie Hm AEiD WHEE! MNGES ffi^*^G ll M lHl mwrr lr osc[LAToR I OSCTLLATOR WHEEL ,AFIERTCTICN EXPRESSION St!. OOOOOOO*:, P!* ,* oHG SsE > FILTER FREOI]EIICY > VIBRATO DEPiH > AMFUT].JDE '* SEQUENCER oo ** ;:: "*."* o 'oc CC 2 EXTERMT COI{mOU.ERS IlilOO Reed ffi ffi ffi ffi *2.3- '*, () "( )' OVFXSAfiPI.E EIMTTYIDD€E afl the functions of the_JpS Harnonic Synthesizer can be controlled -:;;";"-;;":. via external "control voltage,_ f ,cv,.t i"o"t", output via sequencers or alternative modulation souices. Envelop" .. mO connections to "Internal Over-rides,, wilt automaticalfy ai""o.rrr."[-tfri inter.ral -th;'Dynuri sou.ce, ,Filter except for the SveeD,,, which requires fi"g c Filter,s "S!,/eep" controt ro rhe ,,cv, serring.. vorrug. ""i inio',n" synthesizer Nearly should be carried out at lhe modulirio, ""uii;! "ori".. The DHG1 and DHG2 harrnonic ,,CV,, inputs include a global voltage scafer oscillator, but individual inputs shoulddobe scaled froD the source those for controllins pitch :::";,;::il"*+"s rrre rlirer ]:ryr:: pass mlxers. do nrovide local scal ing knobs Der and mod wheels, and "Filt. Freq., CV sers rhF nirvgiqsl kn65 ,ufr", !o -"u""t.for rhe .input values. sLart or cenrre posit ion" of" th. .oaufutuJ-i""qJir"r",rr.luseA to adjusl che r fi -tter envelope or fil Ler t remulant . respecL i vely ). If connecting an external audio source to the ,,VCF Input,, that audio witl be routed through the filter and output through ,,Osc f 0,;l; the Stereo Out in a position determined ty-lfr"-o""iriii"" in mono, and through 1 pan-pot. .TPS HAFIMEIII?E =VFI?HE=I=EE! FJ XTERNAL .,P€' VOLTAGE CONTROL HAF:M!!AIE 2 Sweep o =|lIIIHE=I=EF! vDl4r flqqo F Lre. os. os. osc Os. Lm ooococoooo 0\€., 22 3es O!e., OOOO ;" l,i; ,1e5 ^;.; , O O rcO O O rc O O OO rcC}O O O C}.Q scrLeorcc, FLl 12 13 14 t5 , o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oos.A'EDrc,c! 16 SHAPE TUNE VOr oooooocoocooooooccooooc o oo o oo o o o o o oo o e, o o o o o ooro \os or1 O*2 O.r Oe2 o*1 Gc2 0rr o<2 otcl * "^ i*! 8$ir &:l ** *" Seq Csci ?P,! SEALJENCER EU.*^[-lE u'-^'r:lE r osc lLrroR C'O QT C RiTE i\e > AII,IPI.TLIOE Ei2iIESS ON '::-./ BINARYADDEN If a slower or faster rise or fa1l time is desired on the envelopes, the voltage adjustment of the attack and decay can be easily performed without voiding the warranty. Set the "Attack" to 12:00 for a liuear rise, or turn to the left for a slower rise (Exp), or to the right for a faster rise (Log) For "Decay", turn completely to the left for a linear fal1, and turn to the right for a steeper fa1l. Note this adjusts both decay and release voltage curves. Likewise the decay curve of the Filter Sweep and Portamento/Pitch Bend attack cao be adjusted in the same manner. Attack RMI "Percussion" e[velope Decay/Release Decay/Release RMI "Normal" JPS enYelooe Sustain Attack "Linear" "70% Log" .'PS "Li near" . "Li near" HAFIMEIF{?E EI+FI?H==I=EEI 23 By now, you should have a rough idea of where the controls are and what effects they should have on the sound. You are about ready to put at1 this raw knowledge to practical use, but before you do, G0 BACK AND oNCE AGAIN READ THE PAGE ON CRITICAL ANAIOG CONTROLS. It will only take a minute. Tho6e controls are what it,s all about _ interfacing the hunan being with the electronic machine. you have an idea of what you would like to hear, but the machine doesn't. you must te1l it through the controls. Now, read that page, and 1et,s get on with the best part _ making the sounds.--.. Now go through the folder "Set-Up Sheets,' (pages 24-55). NqlE: When referring to the Set-Up Sheets, ANY CONTROLS NOT APPLIED SHOULD BE IN TI]E 'OFF' OB "UINIMUM' POSITION. DOING YOUR O\{N THING: The most exciting thing about synthesis is creating your own voices. Having Set-UpB created by someone e1se, you probably have some ideas of Of course, you can stil1 create further variations on the Set-Ups tried several your own. by re-combining But if you just them want I to enjoy our lovely presets, then feel free to do that! rTPS HAEIMIITIIE =VFI?HEEI=EE! 56 : Your JPS Harmonic Synthesizer is actually two svnthesizers in one unit. \{e feel that more musical excitement is created when two things are happening at once. This is what you paid for when you bought the instrument, and now, you should take fu1l advantage of its potential. Here's how: oscillators at the same time. When you reach for osc 1 or osc 2 to set up a sound, think to yourself: Vhenever possible, use both "Vhat differences are there between the two voices, and ho{r can T use these differences to my advantage?" Remember, Osc 1 can use the Voltage-Controlled Dynarnic Filter with mod wheel pedal control while Osc 2 remains static, thus sounds that require filter can go to the Osc 1 voice. osc 2 can be tuned differently. When you have set sounds in both 0sci11ators, their relatio[ships two categories: "Doubling" or "Contrasting". wilt falI into Doubling - Contrasting JPS' Creating the or instnaent in both of sound is enhanced by same sound oscillators. Bichness subtleties in differences of "attack" and "re1ease" parameters, "beats" or "phasing" caused by slight differences in tuni[g between oscillators. - different instmments in two Oscillators. Interesting muaic is full of contrasts in many forms. The successful synthesist will be fully aware of a1f areas in which he or she can create contrasts. Of course, the trick ls to apply these contrasts to the music being performed. Creating HAEIMEF{IE =VIIIHE=I==E! of contrasts: Horizontal There are two types Horizontal - Contrasts appearing in sequence of time, exampl e: fl ute/vi ol a/fl ute/vi ol a, etc. - Vertical and Vertjcal Contrasts appearing between each other exanpl e: fl ute at the same tjme. viola A sequence of time occurs as music is performed, 0n paper, as music js perforrned, jt moves from left to right - horizontal. l{hen two or more musjcal lines are played at the same time, their arrangement on paper is vertical . Therefore, t9lo musical ljnes (one above the other) can progress from left to rjght, creating both horizontal and vertical relatjons, example: flute/horn/flute/horn/flute/horn, etc. vi ol a/bass/vi ol a/bass/vi ol a/bass, etc. HOlrJ TO GENERATE CONTRASTS: The contrasts shown above were between different instruments. 0n your synthesizer, you are given four areas in which to create contrasts: I,IAVEFORII 1. - l,Javeform Vertical - 2. Amplitude - Horizontal 3. Frequency 4. Envelope - - vs. rich / - FREQUENCY . ENVELOPE vs. even harmonics, etc. rapid changes can be made tvith the preset Voices or gradual changes can be made l,ith the Harmonic Generator sliders. create contrasting instruments on oscillator l and oscillator 2 and set to an opposabl e pan position odd harmonics loud vs. soft, - use volume pedal use contrasting high vs. low - - / for dynamjc changes intensities on osc I and osc 2 Vojces. pitched vs, non-pitched (noise-modulated). with octave Shifters, or add noise modulatjon. use contrasting octaves between oscjllator l and Oscillator 2, tune Oscilla_ tor 2 to a djfferent interval, such as a third, fjfth or sixth, or add nojse ,rodul at i on to one voice. change octaves slow and long vs. fast and short. Horizontal Vertical - - Horjzontal Vertical AI.IPLITUDE mellow Horizontal Vertical - - rTPS - change envelope generator settings lllhile playjng. use contrasting envelope generator settings for Oscillator 0sci ll ator 2 voices HAEIMEFIIE I and =+II?HE=I=EF! 58 A NOTE OF IMPORTANCE: Most synthesizer performers make few changes while playing, the"efore their music becomes uninteresting. To maie yoru music" inleresting, you should constantly be thinking about your nexl change while you ari ' playing. Get in the habit of practicing your chanles as an integral part of your music. Adding vibrato, tremolo, or dynamii changes are as critical as playing the correct note!!! SOME HELPFUL HINTS: (which may be obvious Always have as many controls as possible set up in to you already) advance. if exanple you are using one of the preset \{aveforms, have the Harmonic Generator sliders set-up in advance of their next usage. example if you are not using the Sequencer, for the next usage. example if you are not using Vibrato or Tremolo, have the LFo Bate set in advance at the proper speed alrd pre-select the sine wave on the Tremulant Shape controls. Since Vibrato is often used, it is helpful to leave the Vibrato Depth controls in the ,,minimum,, position, but not "off". The pitot light will remain ,'on,, but the have its speed set in advance function not in effect. example if noise modulation is not being used, the most eommon use will be "white" noise, therefore have the Noise Frequency control set fully clockwise in advance. example if the Dynamic Filter is not being used, it should be set for all the parameters of its next usage. Comnon usage would up call for Speed and Depth to be set at 12rOO, Q at 10i00, a;d Low pass full. Filter modulation wheel should be closed. example: if only one voice is being used, al1 of the controls for the other voice should be set in advance of their next usage. the JpS Harmonic Synthesizer for elaborate sequences other instruments, keep in nind that the Volume pedal completeiy stopswith the sound when in-the fulIy-closed position. Therefore, compiete s-et_ups can be arranged in advance without being heard, then, ,r..Lly open the Votume Pedal to start the sequence. In the ,,sequential', mode, the Sequencer pilot Larnp serves as a "down-beat,, indicator, assuming the lowest note is on the down-beat, giving you a chance to synchronize yourself with the beat before listening to it. Remember, you can add accents on various beats with the \{hen using Expression or Mod lrheel. ..rTS' HAEIME'ilIE =VFIIIHEE!?=EF! 59 Vell, that's it.... .....sorry, we've run out of You are on your own from idea6. now on. to prove our faith to you, we have included a blank Set-Up sheet on the next page you can photocopy to jot down your ideas so that they won't be forgotten. And If fact, if you come up with some wilners, don't keep them a seeret. Instead, send them to JPS and we may add them in a future update, and we'd like to include some new ideas! Don't forget to fill Thanx Now out your WABRANTY CARD so that sre have a record of you. . go enjoy the world of harmonic synthesis! have somehow inspired you to such heights of creativity that you can't help but share your success, drop us a line! Here's where we are: Should y,/e Jiggery-Pokeiy Sound https : / /wwr,,. facebook. com/JiggeryPokerySound rTPS HTFIMIIFIIE =Vil"HE=?=EFI SET-UP PATCH SHEET NAME ..tPst HAFIi|I| !r gv ?HE=ttEFl a--------------- ooo DlElTFt rlBRl'|0NIC ffi iff ffii ffi ff iff e lllri i:ll:; illf: iIii iff EENERflT0RE ffii ffi ffij ffi ffi iff .x' il 15 16 s'^PE FtrrER .ll...ll.: :.fl.::..1].,:.[ :[i :ft::l'] .:f']: .fl,,il,i:|...::.[i:::[L,fti ll 'll: ::ll: :fl::fi lt,rlt ill ,lL:11j lf:f|:l:l[:i:[..I ,ll,,ll,Ill rlJ ill ,,,|j:i,[,,i[,,:,lJ:,,,1J,i,lJ;,,U,,l] l0 oRNa o ll oc.IAvE .'iT'. ll,',5'' ;ll [] llI V 12 13 14 15 15 suPE n[ER rlll illl ffii ; i::iii-i i:.iTli ilfi i1+.i :::lLt i::tt.l ;.1f.: r. il i ! ll i i.ll l ;;;;,;,; @trtrtrtrtrtr @trtrtrtrtrtr OsC 2 ENVELOFE o oo ,A' () /4. () \srl v ^.\Ii- -a(r/* "..o _.o l^\ / () OFF}\:/ () \ 6) FLAi\:,Z*^FP *r ,A .A. , ' o(()) ()()() _\\ FFEE .v j//-\-Y\N turv //-^-^w:;.i:,|/^ .r--{( (.) r.) (( \7 )) .""* r .;. \7 )F1r'4, ."sffi*" o 6) _.o /^\ ()l ,A' o ..,o oo /A.. () d.)s7 ,.",\7*""" OYNAMIC FILTER l;;X'rn"" srArc .}< NOTES: n v .,PE a o o o o ""igB 16, \7 ",ic. @ HAE ATI! g+N?HEgt=EI! &!eb ketu,e & Gc ooooooQQooo@@ooooo 6r!4 , O (:ffircO mOO O OOOOk**,- 'rcOOmooOotreotrco@*"*"ooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooo ffitooooooo oooooootr# ffi---]. 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'.:. l,:::i.ij:l .tPSt l{AFlMtFltE E+ll?llEEl2EE! vr.o.o shop JPS Hamonic Synlhesizer Rack Exlension: user guide lovingly recrealed and adapled from lhe original RMI Harmonic Synthesizer manual They don'l wrile 'em like lhat anymore. 'Reason' .Rack Exlension' and associaled logos are l.ademarks of Propellerhead Soflware AB. All commercial symbols sre protected lrade names of lheir holder and lheir inclusion wiihin this guide and the associaled Reason Rack Extension product are merely indicativo and do not constitute ondors€mont ofihis producl by any pariy. Produced and Designed by Mait Black. Coded by ScuzzyEye Spec al lhanks 1o the JPS Bela and Demo leam O 2015 Jiasery-Pokery Sound. All riahts reseryed, Ema : suppoar@tiggery Web: Tw JiGGERY.POXERY pokerycom M.ti99ery' lts @liqqeryPokerymb lacb@k I qqeryPokery5ound tr|II-A.I=EEU (OF " ' F-?ro1\lf Ifi-IE Rack Extensions . . . portabtesing]e-channelosclllarorloraudioandcv.alesynthesisandLros,leaturingl2Swavelorms osci[ator ammo 4q,R Modutation osdflatoE Ammo IOOIA Modulation Ammo ,2OOSR Modutation m xing 4-channet Lro gene.ator w th audio output, fealuing 1 36 wavelorms and advanced modulation and Electro Switch comparator saH, generaror audio synthesi2eradds and 4'channelLFo Advanced synthesizer .AnansiMid6ideMasteringRourer'Mi.ysidealdiorouterwithnoiocompatibiLitycheck'3.inmelgerand3.oullpltter spitter . ch.dotte Envetope Generator 9 stage EG with iime,level, curue and velocty conrlolPer stage, and a pl ority-se ectable MlDlro_cv_prch D rackunit oimension the.lassic Rolard ensemblesand Totslring synth based on lhe . chenifle BBD choru, Etrsemlrte Realislic BBo chorusdevice, .combo3loUniqueo,gan-Ihelegendaryourchelectroni(home/churcholgan,be5tknownaslhe,.lare,organojoxygeneandEqlinore lmertcan tone*treet orqan and Leslie combo in hlghly Meak able and addi.tile Rack Exlension lormal compact Rack Extension fo.mat. Baqs o''!n combo compal oryan -The ctasric tatian rransinor orgao nowln a brillant, easy 10 use and equally 50sleeli n Jor rhal in$ant _Theclassic Rack Exte nsio ln a fantasllc Brirish tGnsslororgan combo continental oryan zer and Rhapsodv 610 sling ensemble! clo.e, synthes one Harnmond monrrer:an allin combo x-705 spa.e organ an inspnar onattranke.tynrh . , . . , . . (ombo B3r o|g;n rtr-e iamous rtsysters/pha*hven;.,UR.hannefLp,dcontrotabLelsonereolnvertngwdthadlusi,stereoPhaseinveneBandphasecorrelalionmeterng ,P; Harmoni( Synthetizer vintage addtve svntheszer emllation, ba*d on the utra ra@ RMlkeyboard Lotth cv Det.y;ptitts and m 4x4 chamet(v sptitrerwirh independenily adjustabtegain and inveuioncontoh, channetdelay, (oing .MirandacvDelayMe,ger.4x4Channelcvme4erwith.dep€ndentlyadjustablegaioandinveGioncontrob,channeldeay'andmirroinq .ModrcdAudioBypas'-Merger4x5channelneleoaudiomelgelwthindePendentlyswt(hab]eoutpltrandautojadeContlol . Shetob audio Byp;ss Sptitte; 4 x 5.hannetnereo audio tptitter with independenlly swird ableoutpuls, mrori.g, and auro lade connol flee! . SuPerspider Bundle.Anansi' llsy' Lollh' Mnanda, Mordred and shelob] buy all5 x aidget oneand a coupleol knobs on another abso !te]y , . BBD devi.e, with muLripe delay modstncludinq paraltet, seiat, and reveEe delay device fealuring a single sleerp ke delav lne' wirh sr;erpike BBD Detay Ensemble vinragertyte 6,tap Tltus BBD Delay tine A Lightweighl l! 'eve6e ReFills .Guita6vo!'l+2:[email protected]'mutes'siqnatureL6et'ecrsandkey{wilching . Etementj: v<tor synthesis workiation Massive parch .olle.tion fealuring Korg wavestatioMMs2ooo, wa dorf Blofe d and Roland sc_8850 . Ad.litionri Mntage Addltive synthesi2eE DK svnergy+ K,wa K5m+ IhorFM' . Blue Menie: virtually an ARP26oo -ftorand Kong based anaogue svnlh ma'hine . Kings of Kong ctassic Drum Ma.hins, - rhe premi€r ReFlllor Reason 5+, with ove.50 classicbeat boxes lor Kong orum D$ . n"tl org"nJrr.S - rr.mond Bl + Farfsa aombo compacr + vox conl nentalin one brllant ReF ll. also avaiable for neason E$enra s . 83 Tof,ewheelsv1.5 _th€ original24_blt non_L€slie samples ReFillwith advanced rorary tp€ker emu aion .FarfsaComboCompa<tDeluxevl.5-fiecompletesetoiolglnal24.bltasasamp]escoverng,bolhstandaldandDeluxemodels . vox continent lvr.S acomptetesetoto ginal empler fom the cassic c3ooorgan, featuing originaland exrended conrflentaliootages . . Hammond N@a(hord' the near:nt que pre WW2 monsier polvphonic valve svnthesizer lrom the Hollow sln archive Retrospedivq 40 yea6 ot synthesizer HinonF over 1 Gb oI vlnrage empLes fiom synths a.d el(tronic keyboads FreeFills . . . . . . Additives demove.son ofaddtons the ianbnr (om/grouP,additives Additives rGcts from PuF challenge 12 can be found al hnPr^ounddoud a-BlT MagicThe ZX SPe<trum ReFill Classi( Drum Ma<hine Coll€tion v1.1 Eminent jlo Stringj." v3 averyodsetofsahptesolmiscela.eousquality,soyoudontneedthisanymore Harpe tlser* y;, every nole recorded in 24_bt a196kHz, so n! much better! _th€ famous Lase. Harpsound the Elka 5vnthex preset46 "Ring Mod" un que organ for Moog Taurur Bass Ra.k iow ivlh synth6izef'v1.! mlormalo. on these oroduds and Ior dned down oads olthese atenve6Dis, plusa wide €nqeolqreai Combmalorskins please vist Fo. more www.jiggery-Pokerycom ' " n.ludessampes cen*d Irom Holowsun com demo ReFi ls for Retosoecl ve Youvegotlhit ovelvComboSl0
Key Features
- Two digital oscillators
- Digital harmonic generators
- Analog envelopes
- Voltage-controlled dynamic filter
- Sequencer
- Modulation controls
- External control voltage options
- Various waveforms and shapes
- Preset voices and custom sound creation
- Detailed control panel