TTS Performance Suite Administrator Manual

TTS Performance Suite Administrator Manual

The Performance Suite is a software designed for administrating and managing organizational processes, documents, and content. It is versatile and enables users to create and maintain comprehensive documentation, including process models, courses, and test scenarios. It also allows for rights management, user administration, and efficient handling of document workflows.


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TTS Performance Suite Administrator Manual | Manualzz





Copyright © TTS Knowledge Products GmbH. All rights reserved. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual

19. January 2016

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

........................................................................................................................ 1



........................................................................................................................................ 1

2 Document and document types maintenance

........................................................................ 3




Accessing the Document types maintenance view

.............................................................. 3

How to create a document type

............................................................................................... 4

What's the significance of the order in which document types appear in the tree?

..... 6




How to structure document types within the tree

............................................................... 8

How to remove a document type

............................................................................................ 9

How to display checked-out documents

............................................................................. 10

3 User maintenance

............................................................................................................. 12














How to switch over to the Maintenance view for universal settings

............................. 12

How to create an author role

................................................................................................. 13

How to administer user accounts

.......................................................................................... 20

How to create a new user account

........................................................................................ 20

How to delete an existing user account

.............................................................................. 22

Role objects and their functions

Modeling rights

Documentation rights

............................................................................................ 24

......................................................................................................................... 24

.............................................................................................................. 26

What are authorization assignments?

.................................................................................. 29

How to create a new authorization assignment

................................................................ 29

How to edit an authorization assignment

........................................................................... 32

How to delete an authorization assignment

....................................................................... 34

How to display and manage the active users

..................................................................... 36


How to display and manage checked-out licenses

........................................................... 36


How to export user account data to Excel

.......................................................................... 38

4 Workflow maintenance

...................................................................................................... 40



How to define a workflow

The workflow concept

....................................................................................................... 40

............................................................................................................. 40

5 Configuration management

............................................................................................... 46


Managing multiple configurations

........................................................................................ 46

6 Creating a process model

.................................................................................................. 48


How to edit the logical process levels

.................................................................................. 48

7 Documentation management settings

................................................................................ 51

ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page I of II






How to set up a new document repository (file system)

................................................. 51

How to set up a new document repository (URL)

............................................................. 53

How to export the Content Runtime Environment

............................................................ 56

How to update a document repository's Content Runtime Environment

.................... 57

How to define file types

.......................................................................................................... 59


How to define file extensions

................................................................................................. 61

8 Administering object properties: Metadata maintenance

..................................................... 62














How to switch over to the Metadata maintenance view

.................................................. 62

How to edit the global properties of an object

.................................................................. 64

How to create a new object property

................................................................................... 65




How to export / import server metadata

Export server settings

Import server settings

............................................................................. 72

.............................................................................................................. 72

.............................................................................................................. 77

9 Importing structures from Excel

......................................................................................... 80

Excel import - the basics

Column extractors

......................................................................................................... 80

.................................................................................................................... 80

Other configuration elements

................................................................................................ 81

How to import user accounts and their settings from Excel

........................................... 82

User import via Excel: Configuration

.................................................................................... 84

How to import documents along with their structures from Excel

................................ 89

Document import via Excel: Configuration

......................................................................... 91

How to import existing process structures from Excel

..................................................... 96

Process import via Excel: Configuration

............................................................................... 99

Setting up which information is displayed in the list view

............................................. 107

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1 Introduction

1.1 Objective

The Administrator Manual outlines the settings that can only be introduced by an administrator. It should be regarded as a supplement to the User Manual – the content of which it is assumed the reader is already familiar with.

Which Workbench views are specifically intended for an administrator's eyes?

The Workbench offers two additional views for administrators. It's possible to switch from one to the other via the tasks at the left border of the screen:

If the navigation pane is not displayed, use this button to show it.

Document types

Each document is assigned a particular document type – such as 'user documentation', 'process documentation' or 'system documentation'. The document type offers a way of grouping documents together based on their content, and is therefore crucial to improving clarity.

Document types are specified in the Document types maintenance view and can be configured as the administrator sees fit.

Various editing rights can be defined for document types in the maintenance roles

(please also refer to: How to create a maintenance role). ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 1 of 109


This is where universal settings are introduced, such as those specifying the logical process levels for the process model and settings relating to the administration of document repositories. This is also where the various users are administered.

Other administration functions

In addition to the Administration views, there are some additional administration functions which have been implemented as reports (for importing process structures from Excel tables, for example). These administrator reports can be found on the other views, but they can only be accessed by an administrator. Settings that are made on a one-off basis during the installation process – and which only have to be modified in exceptional circumstances – are stored in XML-based configuration files.

Such settings can only be accessed by the server administrator and they are not supported by a web-based interface. Administration reports and configuration files will be described in greater detail toward the end of the manual. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 2 of 109

2 Document and document types maintenance

2.1 Accessing the Document types maintenance view

The Document types maintenance view, with which all the document types used can be maintained centrally, is accessible via the Document types task.

Um den Bildausschnitt in der Dokumentation zu bearbeiten, öffnen Sie das Kontextmenü.


Please switch over to the task.

Here, the various document types have a tree-like structure - meaning that the document types can either be displayed on a single-level hierarchy or nested into each other as you see fit. In this example, the 'System documentation' document type has been subdivided into

'Testcase' and 'Test Report'. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 3 of 109

2.2 How to create a document type

The first step in creating a new document type involves selecting the higher-level document type in the tree.


Select the User documentation document type


Now use the New document type button ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 4 of 109

A dialog then opens. Start by specifying a Title for the new document type. If you want to maintain the title in several languages, you should use the language toggle at the top righthand corner of the dialog.


Start by activating the input field for the Title.

A dialog then opens. Start by specifying a Title for the new document type. If you want to maintain the title in several languages, you should use the language toggle at the top righthand corner of the dialog.


Specify a title for the document type. In this example: Course manual.

One or more document repositories can also be assigned to a document type. When an author creates a document of this type, only the above document repositories will be offered for selection (if only one document repository is to be assigned, the Wizard will automatically skip this step). ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 5 of 109

You can define advanced document properties to specify which of a document type's properties are to allow editing. The 'Content language' and 'Edit status' checkboxes are always selected as document properties and can therefore not be deactivated.

The document properties available for selection depend on the configuration. Consequently, the advanced document properties may also contain other entries.


Activate the input field for the Technical name.

Specify a technical name. Each document type has to have a unique technical name, which may not include special characters such as German umlauts. The technical name is primarily required for the TT Accelerator (to facilitate the filtering-out of particular document types, for example).


Specify the technical name for the document type. In this example: course_manual.


Confirm your entries via the OK button.

The new document type then appears in the tree and it is selected by default.

2.3 What's the significance of the order in which document types appear in the tree?

Wherever it's possible for an author to select a document type, the various document types are presented according to their position within the tree. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 6 of 109

If Workbench has been configured in the standard manner, the documents in the Process maintenance area are displayed sorted according to document type.

Similarly, when the Web Publisher has been configured in the standard manner, documents are displayed sorted according to the document type. However, only released documents are displayed. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 7 of 109

2.4 How to structure document types within the tree

Directly moving document types

This button is for moving the selected document type up a position.

This button is for moving the selected document type down a position.

This button is for downgrading the selected document type.

This button is for upgrading the selected document type. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 8 of 109

Whenever a document type is moved, all subordinate document types are automatically included in the operation.

2.5 How to remove a document type

To remove a document type, start by highlighting it in the tree.


In this example, select the Course manual document type.

To remove a document type, start by highlighting it in the tree.

A document type can be irrevocably deleted via the Delete button.

Um den Bildausschnitt in der Dokumentation zu bearbeiten, öffnen Sie das Kontextmenü. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 9 of 109

If you are sure that you want remove the document type, confirm the confirmation prompt that then appears by clicking the Delete button.

Whenever a document type is deleted, all linked documents are automatically included in the deletion operation. However, the confirmation prompt warns you of this and also quotes the number of affected documents, as well as the processes to which the documents have been assigned.

2.6 How to display checked-out documents

You can also display a list of all checked-out documents. The corresponding report is accessed via the Documents - Tools task.


Click the Checked-out documents button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 10 of 109

A dialog then appears in which you can select Document types and the properties that are to be included, plus the criterion according to which the list is to be sorted. The dialog also allows you to specify the output format. You can choose between a Website (HTML), Excel and

Search result.

To create the list, change the options as you see fit and then click the OK button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 11 of 109

3 User maintenance

3.1 How to switch over to the Maintenance view for universal settings

A separate Maintenance view is provided for universal settings. It can be accessed via the

Settings task:

The settings are subdivided into the following categories:


User account maintenance, Define maintenance roles and External group assignments.

Process model

Maintain logical process levels.


Repository maintenance, File types and File extensions.

Region and language

Manage locale settings that are necessary to carry out validations in an international setting.

Object management

Setting up the objects that can be used in the server, plus their properties: e. g. Document,

Document type, Role, Course, Test plan.

Operational structuring

Set up and maintain workflows that define a document's life cycle. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 12 of 109

3.2 How to create an author role

An author role (in previous versions of tt knowledge force, the term "maintenance role" was used) specifies which functions are available to - and can thus be used by - a user who has been assigned to this particular author role. The purpose of author roles is to ensure that each user has access to only those functions in the user interface that he/she actually requires to perform his/her specific tasks. It's possible for a user to be assigned several author roles at the same time (e.g. trainer and author). He/she then has access to all functions that are available for the selected author roles.

To create a new author role, you can avail of the New author role button under the 'Define' ribbon.


Click the Settings tab.


Click the Define author roles menu item.


Click the Search button.


Click the New author role button.

Sometimes, you need a new role that actually is just a slight variation of an existing author role. To speed up the creation of new author roles, you can "clone" any existing role using this button , then introduce the changes to the copied role in the same way as outlined.

To edit an existing author role, click this button associated with it. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 13 of 109

This accesses a dialog in which you can define the new author role. The first section is for specifying general properties - the Title and Technical name - of the author role. These fields are mandatory. Further settings on the Properties tab include:


The first authorizations that need to be specified involve logging-on to the components of tt knowledge force. By default, each author role is authorized to log-on to both the Workbench and the Web Publisher (Portal). You can also set the workspace to be opened by default when switching to the ''Structuring and modeling' perspective.

The settings concerning the Role selection screen let you specify whether a user with this author role will be presented with a special start screen where he/she can choose the desired scope (e.g. Author, Translator, ... or "All scopes") and whether the present author role is to be included in that selection screen.

Content transports

Here you can grant users the right to import and export data to/from the Workbench via content distribution packages, Excel import, or SAP Solution Manager synchronization. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 14 of 109

At the bottom of the page, you can specify whether a user with this role may use the Object property search and replace function, Validation (Rollout Manager), and reports on checkedout documents.


Click the Structuring and modeling tab.

The next authorizations involve Structuring and modeling. You can separately specify which authorizations the new author role is to enjoy in relation to processes, courses, roles and topics. Note that you can restrict a modeling right to "own processes / courses / roles / topics only". Note that the respective task will be hidden from a user's view if none of the options is enabled. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 15 of 109

Furthermore, you set the right for glossary maintenance.

The authorizations required by the various author roles will vary greatly - depending on your particular company's line of business.


Click the Documentation tab. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 16 of 109

On the documentation tab, the first section lets you specify which rights a user with this author role enjoys with regard to documents stored in the server. As you can see, settings can be introduced for each document type.

If you want to select the checkboxes for an entire column - or remove the selection - you merely need to double-click one of the checkboxes. This will transfer the respective selection to all other checkboxes in the particular group. Alternatively, you can use the checkmark button to set/unset all rights for the respective column.

Please note that you cannot set all options, as the restricted options ("Delete, only own

Documents") and the full options ("Delete") mutually exclude one another.

The next section comprises in-depth settings affecting the rights to locally edit documents, including recording, text editing, template usage, refinement, rerecording and publishing of documents. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 17 of 109

Reducing the rights in this section will result in a much simpler look and feel of the authoring component, which may be useful for inexperienced users.

Note that via the 'Document Editor view' section, you can even restrict this role's perspective in the Document Editor to just 'E-learning' or 'Documentation'.

Note that you can also control the right to delete and / or recreate document versions under

'Version management'. This of course only impacts on repositories for which versioning is enabled.

On the Portal tab, you can grant access to the Web Publisher component. In addition to that, rights to moderate newsfeeds and create articles on the start page ("News" section in the portal) can be controlled. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 18 of 109

On the Guides tab, you can control whether a user with the given role can access the guide management section, upload guides to the portal, and publish guides (making them available to all users of the portal).

The author role will become available as soon as your settings are confirmed by clicking the OK button - it can then be assigned to any user. Needless to say, author roles can also be subsequently edited.

Please note that changes made to an author role will impact on all users to which the particular author role has been assigned. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 19 of 109

3.3 How to administer user accounts

3.3.1 How to create a new user account

First, select the Users -> Administer user accounts entry in the settings tree.

Another way to create or update user accounts is via an Excel import. Please refer to the Importing structures from Excel chapter on how to accomplish this.

To create a new user account, select the New user button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 20 of 109

The dialog that then appears is for maintaining all data relevant to the new user.

For each user, at least a Primary license has to be chosen in order for the user to be able to log on to the server. The following text will remind you to provide a license from the corresponding drop-down field: ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 21 of 109

You can also specify a secondary license, which may enable the user to log on if all licenses of the primary group are currently taken. For users who frequently have to work offline, you may want to Allow checkout licenses.

For external users (like LDAP users), you have to assign at least a primary license via the administrative section "Assign authorizations to external users" ("Externe Berechtigungen pflegen").


Specify a user name. The future user will have to enter this when logging-on to TT

Knowledge Force. In this example: Doe.


Now enter the password. Since the actual characters of the password are not displayed, you have to enter it twice to rule out the possibility of a typing error. The password in this example is 12345.


Enter the first and last names of the new user into the appropriate fields. In this example:

John Doe.

In order for the notification feature to work, you may want to specify the user's e-mail ad-

dress. Note that it can also be provided by the user later on.

The Length of where-used list relates to the assignment display for documents and roles. If the title of one of the elements that appears in this assignment display is too long, it will be abbreviated with '…'. Here you can set the number of characters after which the abbreviation is to appear.


Select the maintenance role(s) to be assigned to the new user by activating the appropriate checkbox(es). In this example: Author.


Confirm your entries by clicking the OK button.

3.3.2 How to delete an existing user account

ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 22 of 109

If you want to delete a user account, enter the user's name (or part of it) into the search screen and then start the search via the Search button.

Select the user you want to delete from the list of users found.

Use the Edit properties... button if you merely want to make changes to an existing user account. This accesses the same dialog as the one used to create a new user account.


Click the Delete user button.


A confirmation prompt then appears. Here you need to confirm the deletion of the user account via the Delete button.


Click the Delete button.

The deletion of a user account cannot be undone. Please be particularly aware that all a user's links to the objects that have been created (such as processes or documents) are then lost. However, the respective user name will still be listed in the change log for the objects. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 23 of 109

3.4 Role objects and their functions

3.4.1 Modeling rights Processes





Assign owner


The role may only view process steps. Changes and deletions are not possible.

The role may create new processes.

The maintenance role may change the metadata and process levels in accordance with process model specifications. However, the process may not be deleted.

Process steps may be deleted. Delete

Assign roles The maintenance role may assign process roles to a process step, assuming that they have been maintained.

Assign documents The role includes the authorization to assign existing documents. In the event that the role also includes the right to create documents, it supports the creation of a new document directly in the process step.

The maintenance role may assign an owner to a process.

For many rights, there is a setting "own ... only" ­- for example, Processes - Delete vs

Delete own processes only. The second setting restricts a user to delete only those objects (here: processes) that he/she currently possesses. Please note that those restrictions cannot be enforced if the same author has the "Assign owner" right. Courses





The role may only view courses. Changes and deletions are not possible.

The role may create new courses.


Assign owner

The maintenance role may change the metadata and courses. However, the course may not be deleted.

Delete Courses may be deleted.

Assign target group The maintenance role may assign process roles to a course, assuming that they have been licensed and maintained.

Assign documents The role includes the authorization to assign existing documents.

The maintenance role may assign an owner to a course.

ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 24 of 109 Test scenario






Assign test cases

Assign owner Roles


The role may only view test scenarios. Changes and deletions are not possible.

New test scenarios may be created.

The maintenance role may change the metadata and test scenarios.

However, test scenarios may not be deleted.

Test scenarios may be deleted.

Test cases may be added to a test scenario by this role.

The maintenance role may assign an owner to a test scenario.






The role may only view process roles. Changes and deletions are not possible.

New process roles may be created.

The maintenance role may change the metadata and roles. However, roles may not be deleted.

Roles may be deleted.

The maintenance role may assign an owner to a role.


Assign owner Topics






The role may only view topic folders. Changes and deletions are not possible.

The role may create new topics.

The maintenance role may change the metadata and topic folders. However, the topic may not be deleted.

Topic folders may be deleted. Delete

Assign documents The role includes the authorization to assign existing documents.

Assign owner The maintenance role may assign an owner to a topic.

ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 25 of 109

3.4.2 Documentation rights Documentation






Create variant


The role may only view the respective document type. Changes and deletions are not possible.

New documents of this type may be created.

The maintenance role may access and edit documents of the respective document type. However, documents may not be deleted.

Documents of this document type may be deleted.

The role may create variants of documents with the given type.

Assign owner The role may change the owner of a documentation object.

Republish The role may republish documents of a given type. knowledge creation

Maintenance role Function

Record applications This component supports the recording of all kinds of IT applications (e.g. SAP,

Microsoft, Web applications etc.).

Insert textboxes and work on media objects

Allows users to add presentation objects, including text boxes. Please note that the text editing right can be granted separately (see below).

Edit text

Insert AutoTexts

Supports the editing of existing text (textboxes or standard text).

Supports inserting of dynamic AutoTexts.

Insert and edit hyperlinks

Fill in default templates

Supports the creation and maintenance of hyperlinks.

Supports the use of complex objects which were created with the Template Designer.

Transfer templates and further template functions

Allows users to apply a template (e.g. to turn a textbox into a template textbox) and to use additional template functions, like accessing information on the template. knowledge creation (enhancements)

Maintenance role

Insert tables and images

Classify steps


Advanced editing functions for documentation and e-learning. Advanced functions refer to the insertion of tables or images and their editing functions.

Allows users to add presentation objects, including text boxes. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 26 of 109

Insert PowerPoint

Edit QuickAccess signature

Supports the insertion of existing PowerPoint slides into a TT document.

Editing functions for QA signatures.

Insert SmartComponents

Supports the insertion of SmartComponents in the e-learning. knowledge review

Maintenance role Function

Create test questions Is a pre-requisite for the generation of test questions.

Create assessment Is a pre-requisite for the generation of assessments. E-learning refinement

Maintenance role

Arrange, bind and group objects

Add effects

Manage additional paths


Insert steps

Edit comments and feedbacks

Allows adding steps to a given tt document.

Allows editing of the comments and feedbacks (usually displayed in the comment window of the tutorial control).

Display lists involving media objects and texts

Allows authors to list all presentation objects and texts (via the "View" tab)

Change object sequence

Allows authors to change the sequence of objects in the various lists, thereby changing their appearance.

Insert AutoShapes Allows authors to add AutoShapes (e. g. rectangles or circles) to an e-learning.

Work with object links Allows authors to insert and edit objects that are merely links to existing objects.

Insert interactions Allows authors to insert interactions on any presentation object.

Contains a plethora of functions aimed at tuning the layout of presentation objects via the arrange, group, and bind task.

Grants access to the Effects task.

Grants access to the parallel paths function. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 27 of 109 Multimedia

Maintenance role Function

Add flash and films Allows authors to add flash and video files to an e-learning.

Generate speaker texts Allows authors to create speaker text from almost any text in the document.

Add sound

Use external media Templates

Allows authors to include sound files in an e-learning.

Allows authors to employ an external media database.

Maintenance role

Lay out global templates


Supports the design of page templates with a fixed layout and pre-defined placeholders, as well as the design of object templates. This involves global templates that can be used by all users.

Lay out your own templates

Supports the design of page templates with a fixed layout and pre-defined placeholders, as well as the design of object templates. This involves own templates that can only be used by this user. Updating and document variants

Maintenance role

Update recordings


Form variants


Supports the ReRecording of recorded sequences for updating purposes, including the option of specifying different input data.

Allows users to form a variant of an existing document by changing at least one so-called "variant forming" property. Note that the right is also dependent on the per document type setting on the documentation grid.

Export and import texts Work support

Supports the exchange of text with translation management systems based on


Maintenance role

Generate tasks


Supports the creation of tasks that help keep track of changes that are yet to be done.

Export and import - as well as send - TTCP

(from local workspace)

Allows users to use the ttcp export format to store and send tt documents.

Duplicate documents

(in the local workspace)

Allows users to duplicate a document stored in the local workspace. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 28 of 109 Exports

Maintenance role Function

Export documents

(from local workspace)

Allows authors to create an e-learning or documentation export from locally stored files.

Export manual Is a pre-requisite for the generation of manuals.

Export WBT This component generates Web Based Trainings incl. the distributor page and interfaces to LMS systems.

3.5 What are authorization assignments?

In conjunction with a log-in module, which supports logging-in to directory services or Single

Sign-On systems, an authorization assignment supports the assignment of authorizations in tt knowledge force to groups and individual users from these external systems.

To recognize external groups and users, tt knowledge force uses the login module-specific names of the respective objects. In the case of the LDAP login module, this is the Distinguished Name (DN) of the LDAP group or of the LDAP user. Other login modules may use other identifiers. Please refer to the documentation for the respective login module for a description of the specific group and user names.

3.6 How to create a new authorization assignment


Click the New external user group button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 29 of 109

First, you'll have to specify a License to enable the mapping. Make sure to specify at least a primary license. A secondary license is optional.


Open the dropdown button next to Primary license.


Select a license from the dropdown list. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 30 of 109

Next, enter the login module-specific name of the group or user into the Name field. In the case of the LDAP login module, this is the Distinguished Name (DN) of the respective entry in the LDAP directory.


In this example, enter: CN=Back office,OU=Groups,DC=CTU,DC=local into the

Name field.


Specify the type of group assignment. In this example, please select Group.


Assign Author roles to the group or user name by clicking Add/remove roles... just above the Author roles area.

Select one or more Author roles from the list and confirm your choice with OK.


Select one or more Author roles. In this example: Author.


Confirm the settings made via the OK button.

If needed, select the desired Process role(s) in the same way as shown for the Author role. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 31 of 109

3.7 How to edit an authorization assignment

Start by searching for the external group assignment that you want to edit.

If you enter an asterisk (*) as your search term, the search results will display all external group assignments.


To edit one of the external group assignments, click the appropriate Edit properties button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 32 of 109

This dialog allows you to edit the properties of the external group assignment.


In this example, change the assignment of Author roles by clicking Add/remove roles... just above the Author roles area. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 33 of 109


Proceed with this example by adding the Translator Author role from the selection list.

To do so, insert the appropriate checkmark.


Confirm your changes via the OK button.

As expected, the particular Author role has been added.


Conclude your editing activities by clicking the OK button.

3.8 How to delete an authorization assignment

Start by searching for the authorization assignments that you want to delete.

If you enter an asterisk (*) as your search term, the search results will display all authorization assignments. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 34 of 109


Click the Search button.

Now, select the authorization assignments that you want to delete.


In this example, select the checkboxes for the first, third and last two search results.


To delete the selected assignments, click the Delete user group button.


To permanently delete the selected assignment(s), confirm the confirmation prompt via the Delete button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 35 of 109

3.9 How to display and manage the active users


To display the list of active users, click the Show active users entry in the settings tree.

The list of active users shows all users that are currently logged on. It also shows how many of the existing licenses are in use.

The End user session button allows the administrator to log-out users. Since it is impossible to log oneself out, one person in the list is usually unselectable (checkbox is inactive).

3.10 How to display and manage checked-out licenses

To quickly get an overview how many users have currently checked-out a license (thus diminishing the total number of licenses currently available to other users on the server), the administrator can use a dedicated list: ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 36 of 109


Click the Settings tab.


Click the Show checked-out licenses tree item.

All users who have currently checked out a license will be listed. In the example, only one user has done this. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 37 of 109

To enable a user to check out a license, the corresponding checkbox "Allow checkout license" must be enabled in the user profile. Please refer to the "How to administer user accounts" section.

How to release a license that a user forgot to check back in:

First, select the checkbox of the user whose license you want to "free".

Next, click the Release license button.

To prevent unrequested use, the release feature only works after a Release Code has been entered. In order to get such a code, please contact tts support, specifying the given Request Code. Then, click the Release license button to force the selected user's license to be released.

3.11 How to export user account data to Excel


Click the Export users button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 38 of 109


Click the Next button.

Once the export files have been generated, you can click the hyperlinks to open / save those files.

Please note that two files are generated during the export process:

1. the actual export file (Excel format, *.xls)

2. the corresponding configuration file.

Both files are necessary for a proper import procedure: While the Excel file contains the user and account data in a structured way, the configuration file defines the exact data structure of the Excel list. Therefore, you may always want to download both files.

Sample files can be found as a zipped archive in the program's installation folder at

/contrib/importsamples/ ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 39 of 109

4 Workflow maintenance

4.1 How to define a workflow

4.1.1 The workflow concept

With the Workflow administration settings, you define the workflow of all documents stored on the Workbench. You can define all existing statuses and the way they interact.

A basic model of a workflow would look something like this:

Planning (as an initial status, here referred to as an entry status).

Work in progress (while documents are being edited).

Quality Management (as the status following the 'Work in Progress' state. Documents may be rejected in this state, thus brought back to the Work in progress state, or promoted to the Released state).

Released (as a final state: all released documents are set to be visible to end-users).

All workflow settings are made on the Settings tab:


Click the Settings tab.


Click the Workflows tree item.

Let's assume that you'd like to alter the Default workflow that is already contained in the setup. Alternatively, you could create a workflow from scratch by clicking the New workflow button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 40 of 109

If need be, you can delete a custom workflow by selecting it and clicking the Delete work-

flow button. Please note that you cannot delete the default workflow.


Click the Edit workflow button.

The default workflow is now shown. Basically, a workflow must contain entries for the following categories:



The actions defined can then be used to create valid transitions from one state to another.


First, place the cursor in the empty Title input field next to Status.


Enter planning as a Title.


Click the Technical Name input field.


Enter planning into the Technical Name field.


Click the Add button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 41 of 109

tt knowledge force automatically detects inconsistencies in the workflow. With the current settings, the "Planning" status would be useless, as it is not linked to the workflow in any way. This can be changed by making the 'planning' status the Entry status of the workflow.


Click the Entry status radiobutton.

As a consequence of the change to the entry status, a new inconsistency has now arisen, due to the fact that there is currently no action defined to promote a document from the planning status to any other status.


Fill in the Actions: Title field (example: planning_working).


Fill in the Actions: Technical Name field (example: planning_working).


Click the button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 42 of 109

The new Action can now be used in the 'Transition' matrix to make it possible to promote a document that is in the 'Planning' state to enter the 'working' state.

The 'Transition' matrix contains the source states in the very first column, whereas the possible target states can be found in the upper row. In order for the "Planning to working"-action to be useful, it is now set for the 'planning' row - 'working' column junction.


Click the dropdown button.


Click the planning_working list item.

The workflow concept is now fully functional, with an entry state, at least one published state, and enough actions and transitions defined.

Note that there are several transitions marked as "No action". These are either set automatically at the junctions of identical states, or user-defined where a dropdown list is available.

Next, assign a function to the freshly defined 'planning_working' action. This function will be called whenever the action is performed on an object.


Click the Assigned Functions button in the planning_working row.


Click the Add function button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 43 of 109


Click the dropdown button.


Click the NotifyOwnersFunction list item.

The Assigned Functions explained:

CleanupVersionsFunction: all superfluous versions of a document will be deleted upon calling the function. The only versions that are retained are: any version that ever was in a 'published' state, as well as all versions that are newer than the last published version.

IncreaseVersionFunction: by performing the action, the document version is increased by a version, while the document revision is set to the default value. For example, if the

"quality_released" action is performed for a document that was version 2.3, the document version will be 3.0 afterwards.

NotifyOwnersFunction: the document owner and assignees will receive an e-mail if the action is performed for one of their documents.

NotifyOwnerOnlyFunction: only the document owner (not the assignees) will receive an e-mail if the action is performed for one of their documents.

NotifyAssigneeOnlyFunction: only the document assignees (not the owner) will receive an e-mail if the action is performed for one of their documents.

NotifyRoleMembersTargetState: all persons who are in charge of documents in the target state will be notified once a document enters the new state.

RevokePublishingFunction: upon calling this function, the document will no longer appear in the portal until a new version is published. A use case would be a status change to an "obsolete" state. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 44 of 109


Click the OK button.

Updating workflow settings may take some time, especially if a large number of documents are affected by the changes. Please be patient. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 45 of 109

5 Configuration management

5.1 Managing multiple configurations

With Design Manager enabled, the server can handle multiple configurations. Via the Set-

tings > Manage configurations tree entry, you can check which configurations currently exist on the server. If need be, you can also delete unused configurations:


Click the Settings tab.


Click the Manage configurations tree item.

As you can see, there are currently nine different configurations on the server. The "ttn" configuration is not used by any documents, so you can delete it:


Click the checkbox next to ttn.


Click the Delete configuration button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 46 of 109

You are prompted to confirm that you really want to delete the unused configuration. Continue by clicking "Delete".


Click the Delete button.

The configuration has been deleted.

As noted, you cannot delete a configuration as long as there are documents that use it.

To quickly list all documents that use a given configuration, you can avail of this button in front of the configuration in question:


Click the Show assigned documents as search result... button.

All documents that currently use the selected configuration are then shown as a search result. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 47 of 109

6 Creating a process model

6.1 How to edit the logical process levels


Click the Define process levels tree entry.

The server supports up to 20 logical process levels to which a process can be assigned.

It is impossible to delete the top process level (the Root level in this example). If one of the other process levels is deleted, a dialog prompts you to assign the processes that were previously assigned to the deleted process level to other process levels.


To edit the properties of a process level, use the Edit properties... button for the process level in question. In this example, edit the properties of the Integration process level. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 48 of 109

The technical name acts as a unique identifier for the respective process level. It is used in the

Publisher, for example, to help depict the process levels with different templates.

The Min and Max settings are for specifying how often the respective logical level can be nested within the Process tree. Thanks to the nesting option, the Process structure tree can actually contain more than seven process levels.

In this example, a minimum of 1 nesting has been defined for "Integration process". This value means that the "Integration process" level has to appear at least once before the nextdeepest level can be selected.

An asterisk (*) has been set as the maximum nesting depth for "Integration process". Consequently, any number of other "Processes" can be created below a process before an "Activity"

(Process step) has to follow.

The following values are supported (n stands for any integer > 0):

Min Max


Level has to appear at least n times


Level can be nested a maximum of n times


Level can be skipped (optional level)


Level can be nested as often as desired


Click the button next to the Color input field.

It's possible to use different colors to distinguish between the process levels in the tree. To change the color of a level, simply click the color field in front of the respective level's name and then select a new color in the Color selection dialog.

The color value can also be entered directly as a three-digit or six-digit hexadecimal color code.


Select a Color to close the selection window. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 49 of 109

You can define Extended process properties to specify which properties of a particular process are to support editing.

The advanced process properties on offer will vary in accordance with the respective customer configuration. If you have any questions, please contact your application consultant.


To close the Process level window, click the OK button.

Any subsequent changes to the process level model may result in a situation where the

Process structure tree is no longer consistent with the new model. The procedure for recognizing and eliminating such inconsistencies is outlined in the "How to rectify a process model that has become inconsistent due to restructuring" section of the user manual. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 50 of 109

7 Documentation management settings

7.1 How to set up a new document repository (file system)

To set up new document repositories, open the Settings task and then select the Setup re-

positories tree entry. Then, use the New repository button.

The following functions are available for creating document repositories:

New repository

This button is for setting up a new document repository.

Delete repository

This button allows you to remove the selected objects from the list of document repositories.

Repository Explorer

This button is for opening the Repository Explorer in which you can manually assign documents to a file repository.

Update CRE

This button is for starting a dialog in which you can update the Content Runtime Environment.


This button allows you to republish all documents stored in the repository. Please note this is a resource and time consuming task.


This button refreshes the current view. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 51 of 109


Click the New repository button.

When adding a document repository, the first Wizard step involves selecting the repository type. You can choose between Filesystem, URL or WebDAV.


Click the OK button.

The second Wizard step is for specifying all settings regarding the document repository. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 52 of 109

Display name

All repository types have a Display name field in which a title should be entered for the particular document repository. This will be displayed when authors wish to switch from one document repository to the other, for example.

The display name can be entered in various languages. Should the need arise, you can change over to a different language via the language toggle at the top right-hand corner of the dialog.

The actual repository type determines which other input fields appear.

Root directory

Use this field to specify a folder on the server where the repository is to be stored.

Display URI

This field is for specifying the address of the web server that is to be used for display purposes.

Content Runtime Environment-URI and Team Trainer Player-URI

The Workbench and Publisher support the use of a main Player (Content Runtime Environment) which is deployed to display all TT simulations. This avoids a situation whereby a separate Player would have to be uploaded for each simulation.

The main Player is stored in a special folder in the document repository – its path is specified via the 'Content Runtime Environment-URI' field.

Each document repository requires its own main Player. This is because the Player is unable to play simulations which are stored on other servers due to JavaScript-related security restrictions.

Once you have entered all parameters for the repository, click the OK button. If you would like to make sure that the paths you defined are accessible, enable the "Immediately validate availability" option before proceeding.

7.2 How to set up a new document repository (URL)

URL repositories are used to store hyperlinks to internal or external web pages. Thus, authors can create documents that actually simply mirror content already available, like files on the intranet or internet.

When setting up a URL repository, you can optionally define a Base URL. In the example, this will be the English wikipedia's website. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 53 of 109


Click the New repository button.


Click the Please select the type of the new repository combobox.


Click the URL list item.


Click the OK button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 54 of 109

Assign a name to the new repository.

You can enter several Display names here - one for each screen language. To enter a

Display name for another language, just open the dropdown currently set to "English

(US)" and switch to the desired language (like "German (Germany)").


Fill in the Display name field (example: Wikipedia (En)).

As mentioned earlier, you can specify a so-called Base URL. If you provide a Base URL, this will have the following effects:

Authors will only need to fill in the missing parts of the document URL to create a link.

Authors will not be able to provide links to documents or files that are not stored on the server specified here.


Fill in the Base URL field (example:


Fill in the Technical name field (example: wiki_en).

By default, the "Validate availability immediately" option is checked. You are advised to leave this option enabled, unless you encounter problems with this setting (this may be the case if the connection to the given Base URL is currently unavailable).


Click the OK button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 55 of 109

The new repository has been created.

Please note that you have to create at least one document type that uses the new repository - otherwise, authors won't be able to create URL documents.

7.3 How to export the Content Runtime Environment

The content runtime environment is used to update the main Player in the tt knowledge force server or the tt offline player (TTOP). This may come in handy if e.g. the centralized server features an older version of the CRE than the client computer.


Click the Preferences dropdown button.


Click the Export Content Runtime Environment menu item. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 56 of 109

You then need to indicate a name and the storage location for the content runtime environment and click Save.

Note: In order to import a CRE file into the server, you need to be logged in with Administrator rights.

7.4 How to update a document repository's Content Runtime Environment


Click the Update CRE button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 57 of 109

The first step of the Wizard for updating the Content Runtime Environment allows you to select which repositories are to be updated. There is only one repository in this example.


Select the Documents repository.


Click the Next > button.

The second Wizard step is for specifying the appropriate file from your file system and updating the Content Runtime Environment by clicking the Next> button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 58 of 109

7.5 How to define file types

It's also possible to edit the file types stored in the system.

All the file types stored in the system are listed under Settings > Define file types. To edit a particular file type, click the associated Edit button.


Click the Edit button in front of the "AVI Video" file type.

Some of the file types in the list are not released for editing purposes. Such file types can be neither selected, nor edited. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 59 of 109

In addition to the title of the file type, you can also define several MIME types here. You can also select one of the MIME types as the default type. If you don't do this, the MIME type that was first added to the list will be automatically chosen as the default one.

Clicking one of the icons opens a dialog in which you can select an image which is used to depict the particular file type.

All corresponding file extensions are also deleted whenever a file type is deleted. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 60 of 109

7.6 How to define file extensions


Click the Edit properties... button in front of the avi file extension.

Here you can change the name of the file extension. You also have the option of using a selection list to assign a different file type to the file extension. The MIME types available for selection depend on the particular file type. The MIME types stored for every file type can be changed via the definition of file types (please refer to the How to define file types section). ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 61 of 109

8 Administering object properties: Metadata maintenance

8.1 How to switch over to the Metadata maintenance view

Administrators can create and edit metadata of objects. The object properties can be changed via the Settings task:


Click the Settings task.

The following Objects are available (depending on the license):


Document type


Glossary term ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 62 of 109

Glossary category


Course section

Course category


Process type

Organizational unit



Author role

Test plan

Test scenario

In the Settings tree, select a category from the Object management branch.

In the example, the Document Object is explored:


Click the Document tree item.

As you can see, you can easily edit, create or delete the properties associated with the selected object. The following chapters will explain the necessary steps. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 63 of 109

8.2 How to edit the global properties of an object


Click the Edit entity... button.

In the pop-up window, you can alter the global properties of the selected object. Note that you cannot change its technical name.

For Documents, you can define which pieces of information are shown in lists (e.g. in the course view). If you place a tick mark in the box in front of a property, the property will be displayed. For the Title of a document, you may also want to activate the

"Wrap text" option, which will cause long titles to break and use a second line. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 64 of 109


When you have finished: Click the OK button (at the bottom of the window).

If you enable the 'Tasks' option, authors will quickly see in the list view (e.g. in their workspace) whether a document contains open tasks that need their attention.

8.3 How to create a new object property

When you select a tree item below the Object management section in the settings tab, its currently defined properties are listed to the right.

In the example, let's assume you want to introduce a property to define a course's difficulty.

To accomplish this, start by adding a new property:


Click the New property button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 65 of 109


Enter Degree of difficulty into the Title field.


Click the Technical name input field.


Enter difficulty into Technical name field.


Click the Open dropdown button for Display type.


Click the Multiple selection (check box) list item. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 66 of 109

As you can see, the possible values of the property have changed in accordance with the change in type.


Click the Edit the values of the property hyperlink. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 67 of 109


Enter beginner into the Technical name field.


Click the Title input field.


Enter Beginner into the Title field.


Click the Add value button.

The new value and its Technical name have been added. Now repeat the steps to add a

'Professional and an 'Intermediate' value.

For your convenience, the cursor is already active in the Technical name field.

You can easily change the order of the values: You can easily change the order of the values:


Click the Intermediate list item.


Click the Move up button.


Click the OK button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 68 of 109

By default, the new property will automatically be displayed in the Web Publisher. To hide the property from portal users, uncheck the Display in portal option.


Click the OK button.


Click the Close button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 69 of 109


Click the Courses tab.


Click the Properties tab.


Click the Edit properties... button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 70 of 109

As you can see, the freshly created property "Degree of difficulty" is available to describe the course.


Click the Professional list item.


Click the OK button to confirm the change.

The course has now been marked as "Degree of difficulty: Professional". ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 71 of 109

8.4 How to export / import server metadata

8.4.1 Export server settings

You can export server settings to a single file.

The settings package may include:

Author roles

Object definitions

Properties definitions

Please note that the rights granted to certain author roles with regard to document types are not included in the export.


Click the Settings tab.


Click the Support tab.


Click the Export server settings button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 72 of 109

As usual, you have to provide at least the information for the fields that appear in bold print: a Title and the Technical name of the transport. For reference purposes, you may also want to use the Description and Version fields.


Enter Server settings into the Title field.


Enter serversettings into the Technical name field.


Click the Next > button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 73 of 109

In the second step, you can define which Author roles and objects to include in the transport. In the Example, select the Author, Copy editor, and Developer author roles.


Click the Author checkbox.


Click the Copy editor checkbox.


Click the Developer checkbox.

Now switch over to the Object administration tab.


Click the Object administration tab. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 74 of 109

In the example, let's assume you would like to include all settings in the export. To do this, simply double-click any of the checkboxes, e.g. the process checkbox.


Double-click the process checkbox.


Click the Next > button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 75 of 109

After a few seconds, the transport package is available for download.


Click the Download transport package. hyperlink.


Click the Save button.


Click the Save button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 76 of 109


Click the Close button.

8.4.2 Import server settings


Click the Import server settings button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 77 of 109


Click the Choose File button.


Click the list item.


Click the Open button.


Click the Next > button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 78 of 109

To check the contents of the package, you may want to click the

hyperlink to see a summary of the settings to be imported (the summary comes in the form of an Excel file).


Click the Next > button.

The settings have been imported.


Click the Close button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 79 of 109

9 Importing structures from Excel

9.1 Excel import - the basics

Excel imports are carried out with the help of two files:

• a configuration file (containing the necessary technical information)

• and an Excel file (containing the necessary content-related information).

Each row of the Excel file contains a main dataset (process, document or user) that is about to be imported, as well as any additional information regarding secondary objects. This could involve maintenance roles, (process) roles or organizational units, for example.

If they don't already exist, secondary objects are generated and - where possible - automatically assigned to the main object.

Extractors are used for both the read-out and for interpreting the data. They are configured via the configuration file for the import.

9.1.1 Column extractors

There are three types of extractors:

Untyped extractors for object-specific attributes

<extractor name="AnyName">

<set-parameter name="column" value="A"/>

<set-parameter name="property" value="language"/>


These extractors simply read-out the value at the corresponding position. It is, however, also possible to link them with value mappers (described below).

Typed extractors (technicalName, entityValueList, propertyValue)

<extractor name=" AnyName " type="technicalName">

<set-parameter name="column" value="B"/>


These extractors are used in various imports.

Specific extractors (processStructure,processLevel) ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 80 of 109

These extractors are import-specific and perform specific tasks.

9.1.2 Other configuration elements

The value-mapping construct: value mappers can be used within the extractors. They merely replace values in the Excel file with substitute values.

The value-mapping construct: value mappers can be used within the extractors. They merely replace values in the Excel file with substitute values.


<mapping importValue="Global" systemValue="area"/>

<mapping importValue="Prozess" systemValue="process"/>

<mapping importValue="Prozessschritt" systemValue="processstep"/>


This function is particularly useful when one wants to replace abstract technical names

with human-readable representations in the Excel sheets. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 81 of 109

9.2 How to import user accounts and their settings from Excel

You can easily import user accounts and their settings from Excel. To do this:


Click the Settings tab.


Click the Administer user accounts tree item.


Click the Maintain tab.


Click the Import users button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 82 of 109

When performing a user Excel import, you can choose from the following options:

Operations are defined in the actual list.

When this is set, it is expected that the operation that is to be applied to the users

(create, delete or update) is stored at each main dataset within the Excel file (please refer to the "Option" section under untyped extractors).

The list contains all users.

Existing users, who are not in the Excel sheet, will be deleted.

The list contains only new users or updates for existing users.

Only new users will be added, or existing users will be updated.

The list contains users to be deleted.

All users referred to in the list will be removed.


Click the The list contains only new users or updates for existing users radiobutton.


Click the Next > button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 83 of 109


Click the Close button.

9.3 User import via Excel: Configuration

General information on the user Excel import

When performing a user Excel import, you can choose from the following options:

Operations are defined by the list itself.

When this is set, it is expected that the operation that is to be applied to the users

(create, delete or update) is stored

at each main dataset within the Excel file. (please refer to the "Option" section under untyped extractors).

The list contains all users.

Existing users, who are not in the Excel sheet, will be deleted.

The list contains only new users or updates for existing users.

Only new users will be added, or existing users will be updated.

The list contains users to be deleted.

All users referred to in the list will be removed.

Each row of the Excel file contains a main dataset (a user) as well as optional secondary datasets for roles and/or author roles.

Both roles and author roles can be created with this import.

Roles and author roles are automatically assigned to the user (main dataset). ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 84 of 109

General parameters





"sample" ( "sample" sheet)

"1" ( 1st sheet)


Name of the Excel sheet on which the import information is found, or the sheet no. (beginning with 1) dataBeginRow Integer value beginning with


Indicates the row where the data begins.

"2", for example, would mean that the data starts on the second row. The first row can then be used for column headers.

Examples from the configuration file:

<!-- first two rows may be used as the header -->

<set-parameter name="dataBeginRow" value="3"/>

<!-- name of the Excel sheet to be used -->

<set-parameter name="sheet" value="sample"/>

The following untyped user import-specific extractors can be used.



Value range

add, delete, update


Indicates whether the user is to be added, deleted or updated.

Name of the primary license group licgroup fblicgroup

The license group to be primarily used

The license group to be used secondarily

Name of the secondary (fallback) license group checkoutlic 0,1 0 = User does not have the right to use concurrent licenses.

1 = User has the right to use concurrent licenses.

authmode intern, extern, both password User's password intern = Login via the Workbench

extern = Login via LDAP

both = User can use either of the two login variants

Password in plain text ldapServer ldap server ip and port e.g. ldapserverdomain:389

Is used by the Simple LDAP Login module to facilitate authentication via an LDAP server.

ldapUserDN LDAP distinguished name of the user

The unambiguous LDAP name that is to be used to identify the user.

firstname The user's first name lastname The user's family name ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 85 of 109

email The user's e-mail address editLanguage e.g. de-de, en-us, fr-fr Editing language in RFC1766 (the default editing language will be used if this is not configured) uiLanguage e.g. de, en, fr dialogSize small, normal, big

User interface language in ISO639 (the default user interface language will be used if this is not configured)

Default normal clipLength Integer that indicates the length of the where-used list

Default 15

Parameters Function



Extracts the user's technical name. This is identical to the user's login name and is therefore necessary. entityValueList


Extracts technical names from a comma-separated list of the secondary objects (roles / author roles) that are to be assigned.

The roles / author roles will be created if they do not yet exist, and they will be automatically assigned to the user.

The following typed extractors can be used during the user import.

Parameters Value range Description

column A - ZZ Excel identifier for the column to be evaluated

Available parameters for the technicalName extractor:

Mode of operation:

As an input value, the technicalName extractor is given a column from which the user's username is to be read-out.

Example from the configuration file:

<extractor name="name" type="technicalName">

<set-parameter name="column" value="B"/>


Example from the Excel file:


1 Operation

Login name



Primary license group

Allow license checkout for concurrent licenses

First name

2 add tester1 tester1 Both 11111 1

Family name

UI language

Umberto Eco de


Editing language de-de ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 86 of 109

3 add tester2 tester2 Intern 11112 1 Dan Brown de de-de

4 add tester3 tester3 extern 11113 0

Parameters Value range Description

column A-ZZ

Tom Clancy en en-us

Excel identifier for the column to be evaluated, with the titles of the roles or author roles.

Titles are displayed in a comma-separated list here.

titleLanguage Language code

(RFC1766) e.g. de-de

To be used with the "column" parameter. This indicates the language to be used to search for a role / author role with the specified title.

idColumn A-ZZ Excel identifier for the column to be evaluated in which the technical names of the role / author role are found. Technical names are displayed in a comma-separated list here.

targetEntity role, mrole

Available parameters for the entityValueList extractor:

Mode of operation:

Indicates that objects of the (process) roles or author roles types are to be assigned. They will be created if they don't already exist.

The entityValueList extractor supports two different ways of searching for existing objects.

Via the technical names. The extractor is given a column - via the "idColumn" parameter - in which a comma-separated list of the technical names for roles / author roles is expected.

Via the title of the object. The extractor is given a comma-separated list of titles for roles / author roles - via the "column" parameter - as well as the language, via the "title-

Language" parameter. There is then a search for existing objects with these titles in the appropriate language.

If both exist, the search for existing objects always takes precedence over the technical names.

Roles and author roles that do not already exist will be created.

Roles and author roles are automatically assigned to the user (main dataset).

It's possible that several extractors of this type are found on the same row - e.g. an extractor for roles and an extractor for author roles.

It is currently not possible to hierarchically subdivide imported roles in the tree structure. All objects are created on the top level of the Role tree.

If technical names are indicated - but not the titles - the technical name will be used as the object title.

If the titles are indicated - but not the technical names - the technical name will be filled with the title (in a modified form if necessary). ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 87 of 109

Even when the "titleLanguage" has been indicated, the title will still always be created in the user's current editing language.


1 Process title on level 1 Process title on level 2 Process title on level 3 Process level no.

Technical name of the process

2 Process 1 - Level 1

3 Process 1 - Level 1 Process 2 - Level 2





4 Process 1 - Level 1 Process 2 - Level 2 Process 3 - Level 3 Process step 11113

5 Process 1 - Level 1 Process 2 - Level 2 Process 4 - Level 3 Process step 11114

Example from the Excel file:

Example from the configuration file (assignment via the technical names of the process


<!-- match roles using techn. names -->

<extractor name="Roles" type="entityValueList">

<set-parameter name="idColumn" value="L" />

<set-parameter name="targetEntity" value="role" />


<!-- match mroles using techn. names and author role titles in English -->

<extractor name="MRoles" type="entityValueList">

<set-parameter name="column" value="K"/>

<set-parameter name="titleLanguage" value="en-us"/>

<set-parameter name="idColumn" value="K" />

<set-parameter name="targetEntity" value="mrole" />



1 Oper-


3 ation add add

Login name tester1 tester2

Password tester1 tester2


Primary license group

Checkout licenses

First name both intern





Family name

UI language

Editing language

Maintenance roles - technical name

Umberto Eco de de-de admin

Dan Brown de de-de mrole1,Author

Roles - technical name

4 add tester3 tester3 extern 11113 0 Tom Clancy en en-us mrole1 role1,role2 ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 88 of 109


The order in which the extractors appear within the configuration file is important.

The following order should be used:

Operation (specific attribute)

• technicalName (Login name)

Other user-specific attributes

• entityValueList assignments to roles / author roles.


Sample files are included in the TT Knowledge Force package.

They can be found zipped in the Knowledge Force subfolder

{TTKF HOME}/contrib/importsamples/

The ZIP file contains a subfolder named /users which contains the following files:

• user-add-import-sample.xls (Excel file for importing sample users)

• user-delete-import-sample.xls (Excel file for deleting sample users)

• user-import-sample.xml (Configuration file with the Import Descriptor for the sample import).

9.4 How to import documents along with their structures from Excel

During our work on customer projects, we devised a function that facilitates the import of existing documents en bloc. This function – which has also been implemented as an administrator tool – is based on an Excel table that contains the attributes of documents, as well as the location where the associated document files have been stored. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 89 of 109


Click the Documents tab.


Click the Tools tab.


Click the Import list of documents button..

In the first step of the wizard, you have to select the appropriate Excel file (that contains the import description) and the corresponding Configuration file (XML).

You may also want to specify the Default document type, which will be assigned to all imported documents for which the type specified in the Excel file is not available.


Click the Next button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 90 of 109

In the second and last step of the wizard, you can choose to Download the result of the import process. It will be displayed as an Excel file.


To exit the dialog window: click the Close button.

9.5 Document import via Excel: Configuration

General information on the document Excel import

When performing a document Excel import, a standard document type has to be selected.

This will be used as the document type for the main dataset whenever the document type from the Excel file cannot be assigned.

Each row of the Excel file contains a main dataset (a document).

General parameters





"sample" ( "sample" sheet)

"1" ( 1st sheet)


Name of the Excel sheet on which the import information is found, or the sheet no. (starting with 1) importServerInstance Technical name of the server instance for imported objects

Technical name of the server instance to which the imported objects are to be assigned. If it doesn't exist, a new server instance object will be created in the database.

dataBeginRow Integer value beginning with


Indicates the row where the data begins.

"2", for example, would mean that the data starts on the second row. The first row can then be used for column headers.

ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 91 of 109

Examples from the configuration file:

<!-- first two rows may be used as the header -->

<set-parameter name="dataBeginRow" value="3"/>

<!-- name of the Excel sheet to be used -->

<set-parameter name="sheet" value="sample"/>

<!-- technical name of the server instance to be used/created -->

<set-parameter name="importServerInstance" value="importInstance"/>


title language

Value Description

The document's title The title has to be specified

The language of the document, e.g. de-de

The language has to be specified resourceType The document's resource/MIME type url Relative URL within the file repository

The MIME type has to be specified, assuming you are not dealing with a placeholder document.

The document's relative URL in the file repository. If a document with this URL already exists, only a placeholder will be imported (is merely used for checking – the actual document URL will be generated automatically).

repository Technical name of the file repository

The file repository has to be assigned to the document type. If no file repository has been defined, the document will be created as a placeholder and will not have any content.

docType Technical name of the document type

If no document type has been defined in the Excel file, the standard document type that was selected for the import will be used.

localPath File path of the document that is to be imported

The local file system's path to the document that is to be imported.

For example,


(unix) "/var/tmp/file.txt"

If this attribute is not specified, the document will be imported as a placeholder and will not have any content.

The following attributes can be defined via an untyped extractor:

Parameter Value range

column A - ZZ


Excel identifier for the column to be evaluated for the technical name property The name of the attribute to be filled

Techn. name of the meta attribute (e.g. description, language etc.)

Untyped extractors receive only two parameters. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 92 of 109

Example from the configuration file (untyped extractor for the language):

<extractor name="LanguageOfTheDocument">

<set-parameter name="column" value="A"/>

<set-parameter name="property" value="language"/>




Language of the document

Title of the document

2 de-de Test document import (txt)

Description of the document

Technical name of the document type

Technical name of the file repository

Local path to the document

MIME type of the document

This is the test document in plain text.

document rep1 C:\...\plaintext_doc ument.txt


3 de-de Test document import (ppt)

This is the test document as a PowerPoint file.

document rep1 C:\...\powerpoint_ document.ppt

G application/vnd.mspowerpoint

4 de-de Test document import (tt)

This is the TT test document.

Example from the Excel file: document rep1

Parameter Function

C:\...\tt5_documen t.ttcp

application/xteamtraining-sequence technicalName (optional) Extracts the object's technical name (if no technical names have been specified, they will be generated automatically) propertyValue (optional) Extracts the value of a property that is assigned to the object (meta attribute)

Example from the configuration file (the document's technical name):

<extractor name="TechnicalNameOfTheDocument" type="technicalName">

<set-parameter name="column" value="A/>

</extractor> ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 93 of 109

Example from the configuration file (the document's meta-attribute description – "de-

scription" is the technical name of the meta attribute):

<extractor name="DescriptionOfTheDocument" type="propertyValue">

<set-parameter name="column" value="D"/>

<set-parameter name="systemProperty" value="description"/>


The following typed extractors can be used during the document import.

Parameter Value range Description

column A - ZZ Excel identifier for the column to be evaluated

Available parameters for the technicalName extractor:

Mode of operation:

As its input value, the technicalName extractor is given a column from which the document's technical name is to be read out.

Example from the configuration file:

<extractor name="name" type="technicalName">

<set-parameter name="column" value="D"/>


Example from the Excel file:


Test document import




Language of the document

Title of the document

2 de-de



Value range

A - ZZ


Description of the document Technical name of the document

This is the test document as a placeholder.



Excel identifier for the column to be evaluated for the technical name systemProperty Technical name of the meta attribute

Techn. name of the meta attribute (e.g. description, language etc.) partExpression Regular expression An optional regular expression. This describes the part of the meta attribute value that will actually be imported.

ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 94 of 109

Available parameters for the propertyValue extractor:

Mode of operation:

As its input values, the propertyValue extractor is given the technical name of the meta attribute, as well as a column from which the value of the meta attribute is to be read-out.

Whenever you are dealing with a multilingual meta attribute, the meta-attribute value (assuming that the meta attribute for the object with the technical name exists) will always be created in the current editing language of the user carrying out the import.

Meta-attribute values of the meta-attribute lists type have to match the preconfigured ranges.

Example from the configuration file:

<extractor name="Description" type="propertyValue">

<set-parameter name="column" value="C" />

<set-parameter name="systemProperty" value="description"/>


Example from the Excel file:



Language of the document

Title of the document Description of the document Technical name of the document

2 de-de Test document import


This is the test document as a placeholder.

Sample files are included in the TT Knowledge Force package. document01

They can be found zipped in the Knowledge Force subfolder

{TTKF HOME}/contrib/importsamples/

The ZIP file contains a subfolder named /documents which contains the following files:

• document-import-sample.xls (Excel file for importing sample documents)

• document-import-sample.xml (configuration file with the Import Descriptor for the sample import)

Sample documents - with which the document import can be tested - are also included. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 95 of 109

9.6 How to import existing process structures from Excel

The Workbench comes with a special function which facilitates the import of existing process structures from Excel tables. This means that you can skip the task of manually structuring a new process model.

In addition to the process titles, any number of other process attributes can also be extracted

– even the automatic recognition and assignment of roles is supported. The Process import function has been implemented as a tool and it can be accessed on the Tools tab in the Pro-

cesses task.


Click the Processes tab.


Click the Tools tab.


Click the Import list of processes button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 96 of 109


Select the Excel table that you want to use for the import from the file system.

To ensure that the Excel file is imported without a hitch, it may not contain AutoFilters.

Please remove any AutoFilters before importing.

In addition to selecting an Excel file, you should also choose an XML-based configuration file.

The configuration file helps you to adapt the import mechanism to suit the actual structure of existing process tables. Among other things, it includes information on how the process information is distributed among the columns, which columns contain roles, etc.


Use the appropriate Browse button to select the configuration file from your file system. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 97 of 109

Due to the enormous functional scope and flexibility of the import mechanism, we will not discuss the actual structure of the configuration file here. Please refer to the next chapter for details.

If you uncheck "Keep the root", you can force the current root process to be replaced by the first process in the Excel file.


Click the Next button.

If you wish to download and check the result of the import (as an Excel file), click the red hyperlink.


Click the Close button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 98 of 109

The processes have been imported.

9.7 Process import via Excel: Configuration

General information on the process Excel import

The process Excel import also supports the option to retain the root process. If this is selected, the root node will be replaced with the root from the import. However, this also means that all processes that used to be in the Workbench will be lost.

Each row of the Excel file contains a main dataset (a process), as well as optional secondary datasets for roles / organizational units.

Both roles and organizational units can be created with this import. Roles are automatically assigned to the process (main dataset).

General parameters

Name Value Description

sheet Examples:

"sample" ( "sample" sheet)

"1" ( 1st sheet) synchronizeProcesses

Name of the Excel sheet on which the import information is found, or the sheet no. (beginning with 1) strategy importServerInstance Technical name of the server instance for imported objects

Technical name of the server instance to which the imported objects are to be assigned. If it doesn't exist, a new server instance object will be created in the datattkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 99 of 109


dataBeginRow Integer value beginning with


Indicates the row where the data begins.

"2", for example, would mean that the data starts on the second row. The first row can then be used for column headers.

Examples from the configuration file:

<!-- first two rows may be used as the header -->

<set-parameter name="dataBeginRow" value="3"/>

<!-- name of the Excel sheet to be used -->

<set-parameter name="sheet" value="sample"/>

<!-- technical name of the server instance to be used/created -->

<set-parameter name="importServerInstance" value="importInstance"/>

<!-- always uses "synchronizeProcesses" -->

<set-parameter name="strategy" value="synchronizeProcesses"/>

Parameter Function



Extracts the technical name of the process (if no technical names have been specified, they will be generated automatically) propertyValue (optional) Extracts the value of a property that is assigned to the object (meta attribute) entityValueList Extracts technical names from a comma-separated list of the secondary objects

(roles / organizational units) that are to be assigned.

The following typed extractors can be used during the process import.

Parameter Function

processStructure Extracts the position of the process within the Process tree processLevel Extracts the object's process level

The following process-specific extractors can be used.

Parameter Value range Description

column A - ZZ Excel identifier for the column to be evaluated

Available parameters for the technicalName extractor:

Mode of operation:

As its input value, the technicalName extractor is given a column from which the technical name of the process is to be read out.

Example from the configuration file:

<extractor name="name" type="technicalName"> ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 100 of 109

<set-parameter name="column" value="E"/>


Example from the Excel file:


1 Process title on level 1

Process title on level 2

Process title on level 3


2 Process 1 - Level 1

3 Process 1 - Level 1 Process 2 - Level 2

Process level no.

Technical name of the process

Technical names of the assigned roles




11112 role1 role1,role2

4 Process 1 - Level 1 Process 2 - Level 2 Process 3 - Level 3 Process step 11113

Parameter Value range Description

role3 column A - ZZ Excel identifier for the column to be evaluated for the metaattribute value systemProperty Technical name of the meta attribute

Techn. name of the meta attribute (e.g. description, language etc.) partExpression Regular expression An optional regular expression. This describes the part of the metaattribute value that will actually be imported.

Available parameters for the propertyValue extractor:

Mode of operation:

As its input values, the propertyValue extractor is given the technical name of the meta attribute, as well as a column from which the value of the meta attribute is to be read out.

Whenever you are dealing with a multilingual meta attribute, the meta-attribute value (assuming that the meta attribute with the technical name exists) will always be created in the current editing language of the user carrying out the import.

Meta-attribute values of the meta-attribute lists type have to match the preconfigured ranges.


1 Process title on level 1


Process title on level 2

2 Process 1 - Level 1

3 Process 1 - Level 1 Process 2 - Level 2


Process title on level 3


Process level no.

Technical name of the process

Meta-attribute description





A top-level process

A second-level process

4 Process 1 - Level 1 Process 2 - Level 2 Process 3 - Level 3 Process step 11113 A third-level process ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 101 of 109

5 Process 1 - Level 1 Process 2 - Level 2 Process 4 - Level 3 Process step 11114 Another third-level process

Example from the Excel file:

Example from the configuration file:

<extractor name="Description" type="propertyValue">

<set-parameter name="column" value="F" />

<set-parameter name="systemProperty" value="description" />




Value range

A - ZZ


Excel identifier for the column to be evaluated with the technical name of the process level emptyStrategy parentSuccessor Adds the process level (assuming it's new) of the preceding process level. If no preceding process level exists, it will be added at the end.

value mapping

Available parameters for the processLevel extractor:

Mode of operation:

Specification regarding the conversion of the Excel identifier into the technical name of a process level.

The processLevel extractor reads out the specified column, converts the process level's identifier into its technical name and assigns the appropriate process level to the process.

The following fallback mechanisms are used for this:

If a process level with this technical name exists, it will be used.

If the superior process (parent node) has a process level which also has a subordinate process level, the subordinate process level will be assigned to the process.

The same process level as that from the preceding imported process will be selected.

Value-mapping (optional)

Thanks to value mapping, the Excel file may contain human-readable identifiers for process levels. They will then be replaced with their technical names by the extractor. The specification regarding how they are to be converted can be found in the value-mapping element.

Parameter Value range Description

importValue Arbitrary systemValue Technical name of the process level

Human-readable identifier for the process level

The tech. name of the process level ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 102 of 109


1 Process title on level 1

2 Process 1 - Level 1

Process title on level 2


Process level no.

Technical name of the process

Global 11111

3 Process 1 - Level 1 Process 2 - Level 2 Process 11112

4 Process 1 - Level 1 Process 2 - Level 2 Process 3 - Level 3 Process step 11113

5 Process 1 - Level 1 Process 2 - Level 2 Process 4 - Level 3 Process step 11114

Example from the Excel file:

Example from the configuration file:

<extractor name="ProcessLevel" type="processLevel">

<set-parameter name="column" value="D"/>

<set-parameter name="emptyStrategy" value="parentSuccessor"/>


<mapping importValue="Global" systemValue="area"/>

<mapping importValue="Process" systemValue="process"/>

<mapping importValue="ProcessStep" systemValue="processstep"/>



Parameter Value range Description

Process title on level 3 startColumn A - ZZ endColumn A - ZZ

Excel identifier for the first column to be evaluated

Excel identifier for the last column to be evaluated strategy fullpath

Available parameters for the processStructure extractor:

Mode of operation:

The processStructure extractor is given a series of columns as its input values.

Each of these columns in the Excel sheet contains a level from the Process tree.

Put another way, one cell contains the title of the process in the corresponding level.

The processes (identified via their titles) from the lower levels are structured hierarchically according to the sequence quoted in the processes tree structure.

Each dataset therefore contains the title of the process to be created, as well as its predecessors' titles in the Process tree.

The title of the process is always created in the current editing language of the user carrying out the import. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 103 of 109

You need to ensure that the processes that are specified as predecessors either already exist or were imported before the actual process/dataset.


1 Process title on level 1

Process title on level 2

2 Process 1 - Level 1

3 Process 1 - Level 1 Process 2 - Level 2

Process title on level 3


Process level no.

Technical name of the process





4 Process 1 - Level 1 Process 2 - Level 2 Process 3 - Level 3 Process step 11113

5 Process 1 - Level 1 Process 2 - Level 2 Process 4 - Level 3 Process step 11114

Example from the Excel file:

Example from the configuration file:

<extractor name="ProcessStructure" type="processStructure">

<set-parameter name="strategy" value="fullpath"/>

<set-parameter name="startColumn" value="A"/>

<set-parameter name="endColumn" value="C"/>


Parameter Value range Description

column A-ZZ Excel identifier for the column to be evaluated, with the titles of the roles or organizational units.

Titles are displayed in a comma-separated list here.

titleLanguage Language code

(RFC1766) e.g. de-de

To be used with the "column" parameter. This indicates the language to be used to search for a role / organizational unit with the specified title.

idColumn A-ZZ Excel identifier for the column to be evaluated in which the technical names of the role / organizational unit are found. Technical names are displayed in a comma-separated list here.

targetEntity role, orgunit Indicates that objects of the (process) roles or organizational units types are to be assigned. They will be created if they don't already exist.

Available parameters for the entityValueList extractor:

Mode of operation:

The entityValueList extractor supports two different ways of searching for existing objects. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 104 of 109

Via the technical names. The extractor is given a column - via the "idColumn" parameter - in which a comma-separated list of the technical names for roles / organizational units is expected.

Via the title of the object. The extractor is given a comma-separated list of titles for roles / organizational units - via the "column" parameter - as well as the language, via the "titleLanguage" parameter. There is then a search for existing objects with these titles in the appropriate language.

If both exist, the search for existing objects always takes precedence over the technical names.

Roles and organizational units that do not already exist will be created.

Roles will be assigned to the process (main dataset), whereas organizational units will be merely created.

If a single row contains both an extractor for roles and an extractor for organizational units, this does not mean that the role is subordinate to the organizational units.

It is currently not possible to hierarchically subdivide imported roles or organizational units in the tree structure. All objects are created on the top level of the Role tree.

If technical names are indicated - but not the titles - the technical name will be used as the object title.

If the titles are indicated - but not the technical names - the technical name will be filled with the title (in a modified form if necessary).

Even when the "titleLanguage" has been indicated, the title will still always be created in the user's current editing language.

1 Process title on level 1


Process title on level 2

2 Process 1 - Level 1

3 Process 1 - Level 1 Process 2 - Level 2


Process title on level 3


Process level no.

Technical name of the process





4 Process 1 - Level 1 Process 2 - Level 2 Process 3 - Level 3 Process step 11113

5 Process 1 - Level 1 Process 2 - Level 2 Process 4 - Level 3 Process step 11114

Example from the Excel file:

Example from the configuration file (assignment via the technical names of the process


<extractor name="Roles" type="entityValueList">

<set-parameter name="idColumn" value="F" />

<set-parameter name="targetEntity" value="role" />

</extractor> ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 105 of 109


The order in which the extractors appear within the configuration file is important.

The following order should be used:

• technicalName

• processStructure

• processLevel

• entityValueList

• propertyValue


Sample files are included in the TT Knowledge Force package.

They can be found zipped in the Knowledge Force subfolder

{TTKF HOME}/contrib/importsamples/

The ZIP file contains a subfolder named /processes which contains the following files:

• process-import-sample.xls (Excel file for importing sample processes)

• processt-import-sample.xml (configuration file with the Import Descriptor for the sample import) ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 106 of 109

9.8 Setting up which information is displayed in the list view

You can customize which data is displayed in the list view. In this example, the "Documents" list in the "Processes" view is to be modified to include the technical names of the listed documents.To accomplish this:


Click the Settings tab.

As the list settings for the "Document" object are to be changed, "Document" must be selected in the tree. As this is already highlighted, you can simply proceed now.


Click the Edit object button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 107 of 109


Click the Technical name checkbox.


Click the OK button. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 108 of 109


Click the Courses tab.

As you can see, the list now contains the Technical name property which was just selected. ttkf 2015 r2 Professional - Administrator manual Page 109 of 109


Key Features

  • Process modeling and documentation
  • Content management and distribution
  • User and rights management
  • Document workflow automation
  • Integration with various systems
  • Report generation and data export
  • Security and access control

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the main components of the TTS Performance Suite?
The TTS Performance Suite includes features for managing document types, users, permissions, process models, document repositories, and workflows. It allows you to define the structure and behavior of your documentation processes.
How can I access and manage user accounts in the Performance Suite?
You can access user account management by navigating to the 'Settings' tab and selecting 'Users.' From there, you can create new user accounts, edit existing ones, or delete accounts. You can also assign roles and permissions to users, ensuring appropriate access levels.
What kind of workflows can I define using the Performance Suite?
The Performance Suite enables you to define workflows for various documentation processes, such as document creation, review, approval, and publication. These workflows can be customized to fit specific needs, ensuring that documents progress through defined steps with appropriate approvals.

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