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- 12 Pages
Flexible Web Design Team PureMart template User manual
Below you will find brief information for Virtuemart Template VM2 PureMart. This guide will walk you through the installation process for the PureMart template, from unzipping the files to configuring the plugin and uploading the necessary folders. You will also learn how to customize the template to achieve the look and feel desired for your online store.
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// Flexible – Virtuemart VM2 Template – PureMart FOR VIRTUEMART 2.0.x (ONLY)
// version 1.0
// author Flexible Web Design Team
// copyright (C) 2011-β flexiblewebdesign.com
// license GNU/GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-β3.0.html
Flexible Virtuemart 2 Template – PureMart (for VM2.0.x only)
INSTALLATION PureMart VM 2 Template (in 3 steps):
1. STEP: Explaining the files and folders.
Once you UNZIP the Installation file that you download from our server, you will get 3 folders and 3 files.
Release Notes.txt = Includes the Release History. Check the last page of this PDF to see the Release History.
Plg_flexibleTemplate.zip = is the plugin you need to install it to your joomla. (2. step)
3 folders = you are going to upload them to a specific location. It will be explained in (3.step)
TUTORIAL.PDF = you are now reading it :)
2. STEP: Installing plg_flexibleTemplate.zip Plug-βin to Joomla!
You are going to install it as if you are installing any other joomla plugin/components or module. Basically through Extension Manager.
When you see this Message, it means the plugin is installed to your Joomla!.
As it’s stating there, you need to publish the Plugin.
3. STEP: Copying Folders to proper location
As you remember you got 3 folders (com_virtuemart, mod_virtuemart_cart and mod_virtuemart_search).
Please upload this folder to this path in your server: πππππππ πππ‘ !
/templates/π¦ππ’ππππππππ‘π !
πππππππ πππ‘ !
= is the location where your joomla is installed . π¦ππ’ππππππππ‘π !
= is the joomla template folder you are using currently.
Please take a look at screenshot, in our DEMO page, we are using beez_20 joomla template, and we have installed those folders to here:
These are the folders you need to upload to your server.
Q: Under my HTML folder, there is already a folder called “com_virtuemart”, what should I do .
A: Delete that folder completely, and upload our com_virtuemart instead.
Q: I don’t know what joomla template I am using, or I can’t be sure.
A: Browse your joomla-βbackend panel. And click Extensions -β > Template Manager
From below screenshot, find out which joomla template you are using for “site” location.
Q: I found out my template, and browsed that folder, but there is no HTML folder in it
A: You can create a new folder with the name of “HTML” manually.
The installation is done,
Mission Accomplished :)
Joomla template name
Here comes the fun Part: CONFIGURING PureMart:
You have finished the installation already, here comes the fun part. In order to use our theme and Virtuemart itself as expected (or as you see things in our DEMO); there are some important parameters you want to configure. Since
VM2 is very new concept and completely different than VM1.1.x, let me explain those important parameters with screenshots one-βby one so everyone can easily understand what those are. Open the Joomla! Back-βend and navigate to your Virtuemart Component, then click the "Configuration" link.
1-β If you would like have the same Price layout that you see in our DEMO website:
Which look those below (basically when there is discount, it overrides the old price):
Then you need to enable those pricing parameters below in your Configuration (see the screenshot below). You can select more options (such as: Tax Amount etc..) , but you should at least choose these options below:
If you would like to change your price labels
Base price with tax/Base price without tax to “List Price”,
Sales Price to “Our Price”
Discount to “You Save”.
The file you need to modify is this:
yourdomain.com/language/en-βGB 3 /en-βGB.com_virtuemart.ini
en-βG3 is for English Virtuemarts .It will be what ever language you currently have for your Virtuemart. For example; for French, it is fr-βFR
In this file; look for the text you want to change, and change the text to what you would like then you are done. This file actually is the translation file for your Virtuemart. You can change any text you would like via this Language file.
For example, you can remove the “No Additional Charge” text from this language INI file that appears in the Custom
Field attributes.
2-β In the configuration section, click “Templates” tab from the header bar, take a look at the screenshot below;
Make sure you have the same settings as the screenshot above, which are:
(VM Template – PureMart comes with 2 different category browse page layout versions, each version includes 3 View options: ListView, GridView, MultiGridView. You can change the Default View (the View option that shows off when visitor open the page)
option through Flexilbe VM2 Template plugin. Choose any category layout version that you’d like through Virtuemart Configuration). The category layouts come with our template are: -β
a. default b. flexV2
There might be some more in the dropdown list in VM Configuration but only 2 of them come with our template .
Default Number of categories in a row: 3
(recommended value is 3, but try and see how it looks like with 2, 4 or even 5)
(Choose any product details layout version that you’d like through Virtuemart Configuration). The product details page layouts come with our template are:
a. default b. flexV2
There might be some more in the dropdown list in VM Configuration but only 2 of them come with our template .
(recommended value is 3, but try and see how it looks like with 2, 4 or even 5.)
3-β We are still on “Templates” tab, scroll down the page little bit and look at the screenshot below
Make sure you have enabled the Dynamic Thumbnail Resizing option. For the best use of our template, you should set your thumbnail size 200px by 200px. Making them too large or too small values might create some weird visual bugs. If you already have uploaded pictures, you have an ongoing website and your thumbnails are larger/smaller than these values, and our template might not look cool (You should give it a try and see how it looks, first) I am afraid you should regenerate your thumbnails with 200x200 again Lο Regenerating thumbnail is a tough topic, because just because you change those values, it doesn’t mean your thumbnails will be regenerated automatically by itself, only the pictures that you are going to upload from now on will be generated
sure all you have the EXACT same settings.
4-β Now, click the “Checkout” tab and look below for the screenshot:
Make sure you have the same settings, which are highlighted in the screenshot above.
5-β Okay, now, you change the category layout from Configuration, but some of your categories or products are tend to use some another layout than what you have chosen. There are 2 places that you should check it out for configuring Category Page and Product Detail page layouts. First; click the link that you see in the screenshot below.
Then click any category from the list (start from the first and check all of them one by one), after you click any of them, scroll down the page little bit and look at the screenshot below:
Make sure for that particular category “Default Number of Products per Row” field is 0,
Don’t get confused with the 0 (zero). If this field is 0, it means; it will be whatever number you have submitted from the configuration (which we did it in the Step#3). If it is anything rather than 0, then it will be overwritten for that particular category. Also look at the last 3 fields, and make sure they are:
1-βUser shop default, 2-βNo override, 3-βNo override
Also by using the above configuration, you can set a particular Category layout and Product Detail Page layout for particular categories. It is pretty usefull if you want to use a different layout for different categories, our template already has 2 different Category and Product layout versions, you can use both of them in a single website for different categories. Anyway, There is one more place that you can change Product Detail Layout (this time only product detail layout, not category layout).
Browse your Product list; And choose one of your products from the list.
This field indicates which Product
Detail page will be used for only for this particular product. So it doesn’t matter, what you have chosen from configuration or categories sections. If you change this field to something rather than “no override”, it means it is final and this layout will be used
(of course only for this specific product).
People have asked this so many times, I should mention about it; The shipment icon that you see in our DEMO, that says: 1-β2 days, 24 hours, 3-β5days shipping.. etc. they appear only if you select any of them. While you are in the
product edit page. (the screenshot above was taken from “product edit page”). Click the “Product Status” tab.
And select a Shipment Icon from this dropdown box. Than the icon will start appearing in the product detail page. (For this specific product)
Creating SPECIFICATION TAB IN product details page
Specifications TAB
You should create non-βcart attributes. And they will be listed as “Specifications” in the product details page. To create Non-βCart Custom Attribute, you should submit “ontop” to “layout position” field while you are creating the custom field:
Select, NO to create Non-βcart attribute.
Type: ontop to “layout” field.
Basically you are going to do it for all specification parameters you are going to create (materials, warranty etc..).
Then browse any product, add those custom fields and submit values for them.
You don’t need to do anything for Checkout steps/shopping cart and virtuemart login page design, They will be changed by itself.
Thanks for buying.
Flexible Web Design Team http://www.flexiblewebdesign.com/support
Key Features
- Easy Installation
- Customizable Design
- Compatible with VM2
- Multiple Layout Options
- Detailed Configuration Guide