Niobrara PMEUCM DTM Installation Manual
Below you will find brief information for PMEUCM DTM. This manual covers the PMEUCM DTM development and installation procedures. It provides an overview of the UCM DTM development process and installation procedure. DTM stands for Device Type Manager. DTMs are special files that provide information concerning the configuration and operation for the PMEUCM.
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Installation Manual
This manual covers the PMEUCM DTM development and installation procedures.
Effective: January 18, 2016
Niobrara Research & Development Corporation
P.O. Box 3418 Joplin, MO 64803 USA
Telephone: (800) 235-6723 or (417) 624-8918
Facsimile: (417) 624-8920
All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Subject to change without notice.
© Niobrara Research & Development Corporation 2016. All Rights Reserved.
CPU DIO Limitations...........................................................................10
DIO Connection Limits....................................................................10
DIO Byte Count Limits....................................................................10
Hot Standby Implications......................................................................12
Inputs Not Bumpless........................................................................12
Outputs are Bumpless.......................................................................12
Remote Rack Mounting Only...........................................................12
3 SE PME DTM Library..............................................................................13
4 Adding the PMEUCM to Unity Pro..........................................................19
Adding the PMEUCM to Unity Hardware Catalog Manager..........20
Header Information...............................................................................26
Assembly Information...........................................................................27
Rules for assemblyID.......................................................................27
Rules for assemblyPath....................................................................27
Rules for RPI....................................................................................28
Example assemblyPath for single Ethernet/IP half-duplex..............29
Example assemblyPath for single Ethernet/IP full-duplex...............30
Example assemblyPath for dual Ethernet/IP full-duplex..................31
Language Tags Rules........................................................................32
Examples of Language tagnames.....................................................32
Rules for Input Data.........................................................................32
Input Data Tagnames (Required)......................................................34
Input Data Tagnames (Optional)......................................................35
Output Data Tagnames (Required)...................................................36
Output Data Tagnames (Optional)....................................................37
Configuration Data................................................................................37
Automatic Incremental Variables..........................................................37
VarLoopStart, x, y.............................................................................37
6 NRD PTK DTM UTIL..............................................................................39
Editing the .TXT file.............................................................................39
Start Notepad....................................................................................39
Open the file.....................................................................................40
Open the NRD DTM Tool................................................................42
Installing a new file..........................................................................42
Making Changes to a File.................................................................46
Removing an Entry...........................................................................49
Restore after DTM Upgrade….........................................................50
Rebuild .txt from Unity Pro .xys…..................................................50
7 QLOAD the Example1 UCM Application................................................57
Determine the Installed Application......................................................57
Halting a running Application...............................................................58
Erasing the Installed Application..........................................................58
QLOAD Example1.qcc.........................................................................60
DTM Hardware Catalog Update...........................................................69
Steps for Modifying the Installed DTM................................................83
Link the DTM to the PMEUCM Hardware..........................................83
Transfer Project to PLC.........................................................................87
PLC Set Address...............................................................................87
PLC Connect....................................................................................88
Transfer Project to PLC....................................................................89
Transfer to FDR Server.........................................................................91
Cycle Power on the PMEUCM.......................................................92
PTK Board Controlled Lights..........................................................95
UCM OS Controlled Lights..............................................................96
USER Controlled Lights...................................................................96
Example code for blinking lights.....................................................97
LCD and Joystick Operation.................................................................98
Data Echo Config.............................................................................99
PLCOUT Data..................................................................................99
PLCIN Data....................................................................................101
Contents iv
Modbus Registers................................................................................104
Modbus 6x Files.............................................................................109
Contents v
1 Introduction
The Niobrara PMEUCM is a user programmable communication card for the Schneider
Electric x80 PAC platform. It is capable of running a custom application for performing communication translations between serial and/or Ethernet protocols for the Modicon
M580 Automation platform. The exchange of data between the M580 PAC and the
PMEUCM across the Ethernet bacplane is controlled by a DTM. This document provides on overview of the UCM DTM development process and installation procedure.
DTM stands for Device Type Manager. DTMs are special files that provide information concerning the configuration and operation of some sort of 'field device'. Typical field devices may be motor drives, electric meters, or the PMEUCM.
DTMs are used with a software package called a FDT (Field Device Tool). Unity Pro includes a built-in FDT. DTMs are installed into the FDT (Unity Pro) and then used to configure the remote device. The DTMs conform to a standard so field devices from different vendors may all be configured within a single FDT.
The M580 PAC relies heavily on DTMs. Many of the Schneider-Electic x80 cards use
DTMs for their configuration. All CAPP member x80 cards (like the PMEUCM) use a
DTM to tell the M580 which variables are exchanged with the card, static and dynamic configuration, etc.
The PMEUCM is different from other x80 cards because it does not use just a single
DTM. Products like the SCAIME PMESWT0100 have a single DTM that uniquely defines all configuration aspects of the card. The PMEUCM is 'user programmable' which means that the data structure that needs to be exchanged with the M580 will be dependent upon the 'user program'.
A customer may have a PMEUCM application that communicates with an inkjet printer.
This program may need to exchange data like a string for the label, commands to start/stop printing, feedback about ink levels. A specific DTM for this application will be needed.
A different customer may have a PMEUCM application that communicates with an automotive dynamometer. This application would require variables like wheel speed,
power, start/stop/coast, etc. Obviously, this application needs a different DTM than the printer app.
Developing a custom DTM for each PMEUCM application would be cost prohibitive. Fortunately, Unity Pro includes a 'Generic PTK DTM' which allows a specific type of XML (DDXML) file to be imported into the Unity Pro package and be used as a DTM.
Building one of these DDXML files by hand is tedious, so Niobrara has developed a utility that will generate a proper DDXML file from a simple comma separated text file (.txt) and automatically installs it into the location required by
Unity Pro. A simple update of the DTM Hardware Catalog inside Unity Pro is all that is needed to bring a custom PMEUCM DTM to the M580.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 1 Introduction 8
2 DIO Overview
All PME devices operate as an Ethernet/IP DIO device to the M580 CPU. This means that the I/O data communication between the M580 CPU and the PMEUCM is done by means of an Ethernet/IP data exchange across the backplane.
Wben the PMEUCM located in the CPU rack, this data exchange happens completely across the Ethernet backplane between the CPU and the PMEUCM PTK interface.
In the case of the PMEUCM located in an eRIO rack, the exchange happens across the
RIO ring from the CPU through the CRA and across the Ethernet backplane to the
PMEUCM PTK interface.
Each Ethernet/IP message from the CPU is transported via the RIO ring, through the CRA, and across the Ethernet backplane to the PMEUCM.
The update time of the I/O Data between the CPU and PMEUCM is controlled by the Request Packet Interval (RPI) The RPI is typically 10mS and may be adjusted using the DTM of the PMEUCM.
CPU DIO Limitations
There are several limiting factors concerning DIO use with the M580 PLC. The two most common limits are the number of device connections and the number of bytes exchanged.
DIO Connection Limits
The different M580 CPU models feature limits on the number of Ethernet/IP
(EIP) connections, Modbus/TCP (MB) connections and combined EIP+MB
connections. Table 2.1 shows the connection limits for M580 CPUs.
DIO Byte Count Limits
Along with limitations on the number of possible DIO devices that may be connected to a single M580 CPU, there are limits on the total amount of bytes of data exchanged.
The actual limiting factor will usually be the total number of PLC Input or Output
PMEUCM DTM Manual 2 DIO Overview 10
bytes used by the DIO. Exceeding the PLC's limit on any of these items will result in a failure to build the proposed system inside Unity Pro.
Table 2.1: CPU DIO Limits
For example, the SCAIME PMESWT0100 Weighing module's DTM configures
118 bytes of PLC input data and 32 bytes of PLC output data per card. The maximum number of PMESWT0100 cards that may be installed in a 581020
CPU is limited to 17 cards. This is because having 18 cards would exceed the maximum allowed number of DIO input bytes for the CPU.
18 modules x 118 bytes/module = 2124 bytes
The PMEUCM setup includes several simple example applications with DTM files. EXAMPLE6 includes 1960 bytes of PLC inputs and 1960 bytes of PLC outputs. A 581020 CPU would not be able to include a both the SCAIME
PMESWT0100 card and a PMEUCM running EXAMPLE6.
118 (SWT bytes) + 1960 (UCM bytes) = 2078 bytes total
A 582020 CPU would need to be used because it has 4096 bytes available for
Notice that the byte limitation includes all DIO connections from the CPU.
PME modules + Modbus/TCP slaves + Ethernet/IP slaves
Consider a 584040 CPU that is scanning 30 Holding Registers from each of 15
Modbus/TCP electric meters. This action uses 900 bytes of the 2048 PLC inputs available.
(15 slaves) x (30 register/slave) x (2 bytes/register) = 900 bytes total
This PLC would then be able to include 9 PMESWT0100 weighing modules.
2048 – 900 = (1148 available bytes) / (118 byes/module) = 9.73 modules
PMEUCM DTM Manual 2 DIO Overview 11
One option to consider when running into DIO byte count restrictions would be to move some of the DIO to an BMENOC3*1 module. The NOC is capable of controlling its own DIO on its own Ethernet ports.
NOTE: The PME modules (PMEUCM, PMESWT) are not supported as DIO in the BME NOC. PME modules must be installed as M580 CPU DIO.
Hot Standby Implications
The PMEUCM may be used in M580 Hot Standby systems (HSBY) remote
Ethernet rack.
Inputs Not Bumpless
Like most DIO connections, the PLC Input data from a PME module is not
“bumpless” during a transfer from Secondary to the new Primary. The
Ethernet/IP connections will be closed and the module “Freshness” will drop to 0 during during the transfer. The data may not be available for several PLC scans after the transfer as the Ethernet/IP connections are re-established.
Outputs are Bumpless
The “Holdup Time” on the PTK board to the UCM is 3 seconds. This is normally sufficient to keep the PLC outputs at the last known state during a transfer from Secondary to the new Primary.
Remote Rack Mounting Only
The PMEUCM may only be used in a remote Ethernet rack in a M580 HSBY system. The PMEUCM may not be mounted in either HSBY CPU rack.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 2 DIO Overview 12
3 SE PME DTM Library
The latest version of Schneider Electric's PME DTM Libraray must be installed before attempting to use the PMEUCM. The PMEUCM requires many newly added features to the PME DTM.
The latest Unity 8.1 version is available at Niobrara's web site:
PMEUCM DTM Manual 13
NOTE: Unity Pro V8.1 must be closed before installing the
NOTE: Installing a new version of the PME_DTM_LIBRARY will remove all currently installed DDXML files from the repository. Use the
File>Restore feature of the NRDPTKDDXMLUTIL program to recover the
previously installed DTMs. (See page 50)
After downloading the file, extract it and run the
SETUP.exe program.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 3 SE PME DTM Library 14
PMEUCM DTM Manual 3 SE PME DTM Library 15
If you have a previous version of the PME DTM Libraray installed, you may be prompted to Repair or Remove the previous installation. Select Repair.
When finished a screen like the following should be displayed.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 3 SE PME DTM Library 16
If you have not installed the PMEUCM_SETUP.EXE program and added the
PMEUCM0202 to the Unity Hardware Catalog, proceed immediately to the next chapter before starting Unity Pro.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 3 SE PME DTM Library 17
4 Adding the PMEUCM to Unity Pro
Unity Pro versions 8.1 and higher provide a method for adding third party modules to their hardware catalog. Niobrara provides the necessary .cpx file as part of
PMEUCM_SETUP.EXE. The user may access this file at
, or from the CD provided with the PMEUCM. When inserted into a PC, the provided CD will launch a website. The user can choose a software package to install, as shown below.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 19
Download and run PMEUCM_SETUP.EXE. A box will appear prompting the user to choose a directory in which to install. The default is C:\Niobrara , as shown below.
Adding the PMEUCM to Unity Hardware Catalog Manager
NOTE: Unity Pro must be not be running to access the Hardware Catalog
After the setup program is finished, start the Hardware Catalog Manager, located at Start>All Programs>Schneider Electric. In the File menu, click on Import
User Devices, as shown below.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 4 Adding the PMEUCM to Unity Pro 20
Choose the folder where PMEUCM_SETUP.EXE installed the .cpx file.
This is normally the 'c:\Niobrara\DTM\' folder.
Inside the DTM folder is the file M580_PME_UCM_0202.cpx. Choose this file, then click Open.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 4 Adding the PMEUCM to Unity Pro 21
The Hardware Catalog Manager will show a dialog box displaying its progress.
When it is finished, it will appear as below.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 4 Adding the PMEUCM to Unity Pro 22
Close the Hardware Catalog Manager, and start Unity Pro. The PMEUCM can now be chosen from the Hardware Catalog under the “Third party products” section.
The PMEUCM is now ready to have its DTM configured
PMEUCM DTM Manual 4 Adding the PMEUCM to Unity Pro 23
5 Designing the TXT File
A comma separated variable text file (TXT) is used by the NRDPTKDTMUTIL.EXE
program to generate the custom DDXML file used by Unity Pro's Generic PTK DTM.
This txt file is simple to configure using a standard text editor like MS Notepad.
The following rules are enforced by the compiler utility:
The filename of the txt file must have a single underscore “_”.
The filename should be of the format “PME UCM 0202_name.txt” where
“name” is the project name.
More than one underscore is not allowed.
Decimal points and commas are not allowed.
Spaces are allowed.
The format of each line is tagname, tagdata followed by a new line.
Only one tagname is allowed per line.
Leading spaces and Tab characters before the tagname are ignored.
Tab characters between the comma and the tagdata are ignored.
Leading spaces between the comma and the tagdata are ignored.
Trailing spaces between the tagdata and new line are ignored.
Empty lines are ignored.
Some tagnames include modifiers that are separated by commas.
Commas are not allowed inside tagdata. Use a semi-colon instead.
Tagnames are not case sensitive.
Tagdata may be case sensitive.
assemblyID and assemblyPath tagnames are required as a pair. These tagnames must be adjacent to each other.
There must be at least two assemblyID and assemblyPath pairs.
The varType 'STRING' must be preceded by the varLength tagname.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 25
Language fields must be presented in the same order throughout the document. For example, if 'En-En' is listed first, followed by 'Fr-Fr' then this order must be followed whenever both EN and FR are referenced by a description.
If the very first character of a line is #, the line is ignored. This may be used to add comments.
The 'Header' SW is the only required header value.
Header Information
The first block of information includes data about the application.
fileCreator fileModifiedBy fileCreationDate
Description Default Value if Ommited
Name of the person or company building the file.
Name of person or company modifying the file.
Hardcoded date or 'now' to use the PC's time/date.
'now' fileModifiedDate Hardcoded date or 'now' to use the PC's time/date.
'now' productID Must start with 'PME UCM
0202' followed by a unique identifier for this DTM.
'PME UCM 0202 name' where 'name' is the text following the underscore in the source file name.
Usually the text following the 0202 in the productID
'name' i.e. the text following the underscore in the source file name.
Number of the software version. This is the value shown in the Unity Pro
DTM Browser as the
Required. Should be of the form xx.xx
normally 01.00
FW Set to match the Firmware
Version of the PTK board.
(Ignored at this time)
Set to match the Hardware
Version of the PTK board.
(Ignored at this time)
PMEUCM DTM Manual 5 Designing the TXT File 26
Assembly Information
The data is transported between the M580 CPU and the PMEUCM using an
Ethernet/IP explicit data connection. Each of these connections is limited to a total of around 500 bytes each in and out. This 500 byte limit includes the header information tacked on by the M580 and the PTK card. Sometimes it is desirable to have more than one Ethernet/IP data connection between the M580 and the
PMEUCM. The assemblyID and assemblyPath tagnames are used to define these connections. The update timing of these assemblies may be set using the assemblyDefaultRPI tagname.
Rules for assemblyID
The first group of InputVars must be assemblyID = 1.
The first group of OutputVars must be assemblyID = 2.
◦ assemblyIDs must be sequential with InputVars EVEN numbers while
OutputVars must be ODD numbers
InputVars follow the sequence 1, 3, 5, 7
OutputVars follow the sequence 2, 4, 6, 8
The maximum assemblyID is 8.
assemblyID settings are valid in a top-down fashion. Variables defined after an assemblyID declaration are included in that assembly until the next assemblyID statement is reached.
NOTE: assemblyID 1 and 2 are the only functional assemblies with PTK
Rules for assemblyPath
The first InputVars assemblyPath must be 101.
The first OutputVars assemblyPath may be 101 or 102.
Choosing 101 sets the PTK<>UCM interface for full-duplex operation and provides the maximum throughput between the M580 and
Choosing 102 sets the PTK<>UCM interface for half-duplex operation.
assemblyPath settings are valid in a top-down fashion. Variables defined after an assemblyPath declaration are included in that assembly until the next assemblyPath statement is reached.
NOTE: Single Ethernet/IP half-duplex is the only method that functions with the
PTK V1.02.005.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 5 Designing the TXT File 27
Rules for RPI
The RPI for the assembly group may be optionally set using assemblyDefaultRPI.
The minimum supported RPI is 4mS.
The maximum supported RPI is 500mS.
The tagname assemblyMinRPI can be used to limit the lowest settable
RPI on a connection. This may be useful for restricting the bandwidth used by a secondary connection.
The tagname assemblyMaxRPI may be used to limit the highest settable
RPI for a connection. This may be useful for restricting the update time of the Primary Connection.
RPI settings apply to both input and output channels. It is only necessary to set RPI commands on the INPUT assemblies. The DTM Utility will automatically apply RPI settings to the OUTPUT assembly.
The following default settings are used if the RPI tagnames are omitted:
Assembly 1,2
Default = 10mS
Min = 4 mS
Max = 500mS
Assembly 3,4
Default = 50mS
Min = 4mS
Max = 500mS
Assembly 5,6
Default = 100mS
Min = 20mS
Max = 500mS
Assembly 7,8
Default = 300mS
Min = 40mS
Max = 500mS
PMEUCM DTM Manual 5 Designing the TXT File 28
Example assemblyPath for single Ethernet/IP half-duplex
SW, assemblyID, assemblyPath, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, v varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, v varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, assemblyID, assemblyPath, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us,
.15=Run; LSB=Runtime Error
UCM Runtime Error Halt Line Number
102 outputVars
REAL out_01 out_01 outputVars
DINT out_02 out_02 outputVars
UINT out_03 out_03 outputVars
UINT out_04 out_04
PMEUCM DTM Manual 5 Designing the TXT File 29
Example assemblyPath for single Ethernet/IP full-duplex
SW, assemblyID, assemblyPath, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, assemblyID, assemblyPath, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us,
.15=Run; LSB=Runtime Error
UCM Runtime Error Halt Line Number
101 outputVars
REAL out_01 out_01 outputVars
DINT out_02 out_02 outputVars
UINT out_03 out_03 outputVars
UINT out_04 out_04
Notice that the both the first and second assemblyPaths are set to 101.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 5 Designing the TXT File 30
Example assemblyPath for dual Ethernet/IP full-duplex
SW, assemblyID, assemblyPath, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, assemblyID, assemblyPath, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, assemblyID, assemblyPath, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, assemblyID, assemblyPath, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us, varHeading, varType, varName, varLabel,en-us,
101 outputVars
REAL out_01 out_01 outputVars
DINT out_02 out_02
102 outputVars
UINT out_03 out_03 outputVars
UINT out_04 out_04
.15=Run; LSB=Runtime Error
UCM Runtime Error Halt Line Number
PMEUCM DTM Manual 5 Designing the TXT File 31
Language Tags Rules
Tagnames that require language tags must include a single language tag.
Tagnames requiring language tags must be inserted in the same order throughout the txt file.
Language tags are not case sensitive.
Language tags follow the tagname with a comma.
The following Language Tags are valid:
En or en-us
Fr or fr-fr
De or de-de
It or it-it pt-br
Es or es-es
English (United States)
French (standard)
German (standard)
Italian (standard)
Portuguese (Brazil)
Spanish (standard)
Examples of Language tagnames
varLabel,en-us, varLabel,fr-fr,
Gross Measurement
Mesure en Brut
Input Data
Rules for Input Data
VarHeading must be the first tagname varType STRING must be preceded by varLength varTypes REAL, DINT, UDINT, and DWORD must be aligned on a 4byte boundary starting from the first byte assigned.
VarTypes INT, UINT, and WORD must be aligned on a 2-byte boundary starting from the first byte assigned.
A maximum of 428 bytes of Input data may be defined in the Primary
(first) Ethernet/IP assembly. The 72 byte PTK header is always included in the first input assembly.
A maximum of 500 bytes of Input data may be define for assemblies 2, 4,
6, and 8.
The first variable must be UCM_Runtime_Status. The UCM operating system always places this WORD variable into the PLC INPUT data
PMEUCM DTM Manual 5 Designing the TXT File 32
• structure.
The second variable must be UCM_Halt_Line_Number. Again, the OS places this UINT value into the PLC INPUT data structure.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 5 Designing the TXT File 33
Input Data Tagnames (Required)
varHeading varLength varType varName varLabel varDescription varAccess varPersistent
Length of string that follows
Must be the first field for a variable.
varType=STRING for
STRING variable
Text Field
Text Field
Text Field
ConditionalReadWrite noAcccess
Requires Language tag
Requires Language tag
Defaults to varLabel if ommited.
Defaults to 'Read' for
Input, 'Read/Write' for
Output if ommited.
Defaults to 'True' for
Input and 'False for
Output if ommited.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 5 Designing the TXT File 34
Input Data Tagnames (Optional)
varDefault varLowLimit varHiLimit varWarning varDescription varUnit
Value Notes
Signed Decimal number Sets the default value for the variable.
Signed Decimal number Sets the lowest allowed value.
Signed Decimal number Sets the highest allowed value.
Text Field
Text Field
Text Field
Requires Language tag
Requires Language tag
PMEUCM DTM Manual 5 Designing the TXT File 35
Output Data
Output Data Tagnames (Required)
varHeading InputVars
Value Notes
Must be the first field for a variable.
varLength Length of string that follows Required for varType=STRING varType
Type Byte Length
4 variable
4 varName varLabel varDescriptio n varAccess
Text Field
Text Field
Text Field
ConditionalReadWrite noAcccess varPersistent
Requires Language tag
Requires Language tag
Defaults to varLabel if ommited.
Defaults to 'Read' for Input,
'Read/Write' for Output if ommited.
Defaults to 'True' for Input and
'False for Output if ommited.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 5 Designing the TXT File 36
Output Data Tagnames (Optional)
varDefault varLowLimit varHiLimit varWarning varDescription varUnit
Value Notes
Signed Decimal number Sets the default value for the variable.
Signed Decimal number Sets the lowest allowed value.
Signed Decimal number Sets the highest allowed value.
Text Field
Text Field
Text Field
Requires Language tag
Requires Language tag
Configuration Data
Configuration Data is not supported at this time.
Automatic Incremental Variables
It can become tedious to define a number of variables that share the same parameters and only differ by variable name. The DTM Utility supports automatic incremental naming of a variable where the name includes a three character number that varies from a starting point to a finish point.
# The following loop creates PLC_OUT_B000 through PLC_OUT_B009
# 0=Start, 9=End varLoopStart, 0, 9 varHeading, varType, outputVars
BYTE varName, PLC_OUT_B% varLabel,en-us,Process data from PLC varLoopEnd
VarLoopStart, x, y
VarLoopStart marks the beginning of an automatic variable generation. It includes two parameters. The first parameter is the starting value and the second is the ending value. The first value must be smaller than the second value. The
PMEUCM DTM Manual 5 Designing the TXT File 37
maximum number of variables generated is 500.
The varName must include a '%' character at the end of the string. This % character is replaced by the 3 digit number generated by the varLoop. The number is always 3 digits and includes leading zeros.
VarLoopEnd denotes the end of a VarLoopStart segment. The trailing comma and any parameter are ignored and may be ommited.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 5 Designing the TXT File 38
Editing the .TXT file
Any text editor (like MS Notepad) may be used to edit the .TXT file used to generate the
For this exmple, the file c:\Niobrara\DTM\PME UCM 0202_Example1.txt is used.
Start Notepad
The first step is to open Notepad. It is usually found under Start > Programs >
Accessories > Notepad.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 39
Next, it is a good idea to turn on the “Status Bar”. This setting is found under
“View, Status Bar”. The Status Bar shows the line number and column location of the cursor. The line number is helpful if there is an error compiling the .txt
Open the file
Next select File, Open and then browse to c:\Niobrara\DTM\ and open the file:
“PME UCM 0202_Example1.txt”
Open the NRD DTM Tool
The next step is to open the Niobrara DTM Tool. Select Programs > Niobrara >
PMEUCM > DTM > DTM Utility.
The tree on the left of the screen shows the PTK DTMs installed in Unity Pro. In this case, it shows the PME SWT 0100 Weighing Module from SCAIME.
Installing a new file
Select File > “Install new .txt...” and then browse to the c:\Niobara\PMEUCM\DTM\ folder and select the file to install “PME UCM
After selecting “Open”, the main screen should now change to show a new entry in the tree.
Status information is displayed on the right side of the screen. If there is an error during the compile, the error description and source code line number will be displayed.
Expanding the tree for the bptest3in4out entry shows quite a few details.
The SW Version number is shown:
This is the value from the txt file:
Next is the structure of the PLC INPUT data.
The heading shows the total number of bytes of PLC INPUT data. In this case there are 12 bytes of data. The number following (84) gives the total number of byes including the PTK header information.
The next segment is the assemblyID information. The assemblyID = 1 and Path
= 101 are from the .txt file. The Instance = x271B, File = 58100, and Byte Count
= 12 values are useful in configuring the UCM application. AssemblyIDs 1 and 2 also include the total byte count with the header information (+72 bytes for inputs and +26 bytes for outputs).
The variables start with the UCM_Runtime_Status. This is a WORD variable.
The number 1000 that follows is the Ethernet/IP reference number assigned to this variable. These numbers always start at 1000 and are automatically generated by the DTM Utility. The value 0 that follows the 1000 is the byte offset from the beginning of the structure. The offset value is useful when doing the UCM programming.
The PLC OUTPUT data structure follows.
Again there is the byte count of outputs 14, followed by the total byte count including the PTK overhead of 26 bytes (40). The assemblyID = 2 and Path =
102 are from the .txt file. The Ethenet/IP index 1006 is next followed by the byte offset from the start of the data structure.
Making Changes to a File
Making a change to the installed DTM is a simple as modifying the txt file, saving it, and then performing the Import function again.
In this example, the SW version is changed from 1.00 to 1.01. Also, the varType of In_01 is changed from an UINT to a UDINT. The new version is saved with the same filename.
Now, back in the NRD DTM Utility, do a File > “Install new .txt...” and select the same filename.
Note: It is not necessary to remove the installed DTM to make modifications.
Simply Install the same file again.
Note: The INTPUT Byte Count has changed from 12 to 14 because the INT was changed into a DINT.
Expanding the tree shows the new structure for the PLC INPUT data:
Notice that the bytes offset of In_02 is now 8 because In_01 is a UDINT (4 bytes).
Removing an Entry
Highlight one of the DTM names in the tree and select File > “Remove from
A prompt will appear asking for conformation of the removal.
Select “OK” to remove the DTM entry.
Select “Cancel” to keep the DTM entry.
Restore after DTM Upgrade…
The File > “Restore after DTM Upgrade” menu item is used to recover installed
DDXML files from the repository after an update to the DTM has been performed.
Rebuild .txt from Unity Pro .xys…
The File > “Rebuild .txt from Unity Pro .xys...” menu item is used to recover a
.txt source file from an active Unity Pro project. This may be necessary if the original .txt file is lost and the only information available about the application variable structure is the Unity Pro project.
NOTE: The file rebuilding function makes the following assumptions:
All PLC_INPUTS are placed in assemblyID = 1 with PATH = 101
All PLC_OUTPUTS are placed in assemblyID = 2 with PATH = 102
RPI is set to 10mS
NOTE: It is necessary to inspect the PMEUCM source file to determine if more assemblyID definitions or PATH adjustements are required.
The first step is to open the Project Browser in the Unity Pro project and right click on the Variables & FB Instances to select “OPEN”.
The Data Editor will open. Narrow down the displayed items to only include
“Device DDT”.
Now right click on the PME_UCM_0202_EXAMPLE1 structure and select
“Export Selected”.
Now Export the file with the .xsy extension into the c:\Niobrara\PMEUCM\DTM\ folder.
Now select File > “Rebuild .txt from Unity Pro .xsy” and select the new file.
NOTE: If prompted “OK to overwrite PME UCM 0202_EXAMPLE1.txt”, select
Cancel because the .txt file is already present and need not be rebuilt.
NOTE: The generator will make the new txt file with the name “PME UCM
0202_name.txt” format.
Now the .txt file may be opened in Notepad and altered if necessary.
When satisfied that the new .txt file will work, it may be now be installed like normal using FILE > “Install new.txt”.
7 QLOAD the Example1 UCM Application
The standard PMEUCM is shipped from the factory with the Example1 application preloaded. The following chapters use the Example1 application and this chapter explains how to install this application.
NOTE: It is good practice to follow these procedures even if the Example1 application is already installed in the PMEUCM.
Determine the Installed Application
The first step is to determine what (if any) application is currently installed and possibly running in the test PMEUCM.
For the purposes of this manual, it is best to stop and erase any installed application, reset the module to factory defaults, and qload the Example1.qcc file.
Install the module in an Ethernet slot of a powered M580 rack. The module will beep, blink some lights at the top, and eventually show something on the front LCD screen.
If the screen shows “Example1” at the top then the proper application is already loaded, but it is a good idea to qload a new copy anyway.
If the screen shows the OS default splash screen with App:Er=0, then the currently loaded application is halted.
If the screens shows something else, some other application may be loaded and should be
PMEUCM DTM Manual 57
halted and erased at this time.
Halting a running Application
Most PMEUCM applications written by Niobara will include some type of screen driver with standardized menus. Use the joystick to navigate the menu to exit to the OS.
NOTE: Push “in” on the joystick for the “Enter” selection.
If the application does not include this type of screen driver but shows the OS screens, navigate to the Main > App > Switch > Halt screen.
If all else fails, push the joystick “IN” for “Enter” and “UP” at the same time and hold for 10 seconds. This will cause the application to halt and exit to the OS.
Erasing the Installed Application
Once the screen is under the UCM OS control, it is simple to erase the installed application.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 7 QLOAD the Example1 UCM Application 58
Notice that the App:Er=8 after the erase command is processed. Error 8 means that the checksum for the application is bad and the app will not run.
Factory Default
Now reset the module to factory defaults.
NOTE: Factory defaults does not erase a user application. It simply sets the
Ethernet and serial ports to their default settings.
The module will reboot and come up with the following settings:
PMEUCM DTM Manual 7 QLOAD the Example1 UCM Application 59
E1 IP Address
E2 IP Address
E1 and E2 Subnet Mask
E1 and E2 Default Gateway
OS Modbus/TCP Port
S1 and S2 Mode
S1 and S2 Baud Rate
S1 and S2 Parity
S1 and S2 Data Bits
S1 and S2 Stop Bits
S1 and S2 Driver
Factory Default Value
Modbus RTU Slave
RS-232 (Fixed)
NOTE: Rebooting the UCM does not reboot the PTK board inside the
PMEUCM0202. Cycling power on the rack or the PMEUCM will reboot both the UCM board and PTK board.
QLOAD Example1.qcc
The QLOAD utility is used to load applications into the PMEUCM. Start
QLOAD by Start > Programs > Niobrara > QLOAD.
The first time QLOAD is started, it should look something like this:
PMEUCM DTM Manual 7 QLOAD the Example1 UCM Application 60
Click on the Browse button and select this file: c:\Niobrara\PMEUCM\DTM\Example1.qcc
Now select the ModbusTCP tab.
Make sure that the IP Address is set to match the PMEUCM E1 port of, the TCP Port is set to 502, Modbus Drop is 255, and Application 1 radio button is set.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 7 QLOAD the Example1 UCM Application 61
Connect the Ethernet port of the computer to E1 on the PMEUCM with a standard CAT5/6 cable.
Set the Ethernet port of the computer to be on the same 10.10.10.x subnet as the
Press “Start Download” to begin the loading of the program into the PMEUCM.
When the download is finished, the program should automatically start and the screen should look something like this:
PMEUCM DTM Manual 7 QLOAD the Example1 UCM Application 62
8 Unity Pro Operations
NOTICE: The newest version of the PTK_DTM_Libraray must be installed before
attempting to use the PMEUCM. See Chapter 3.
New Project
This example starts with a new project in Unity Pro XL V8.1.
The PME UCM 0202 will be installed in the CPU rack slot 2.
The M580 P581020 is the chosen CPU.
All of the IP Addresses will be left at their default settings.
The CPU will be at default IP Addresses of and
The PME UCM backplane (PTK) will be at
The PME UCM E1 and E2 ports will be at and
PMEUCM DTM Manual 63
The BME P58 1020 CPU is chosen, along with a BME XBP 0400 four slot
Ethernet backplane.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 64
After selecting the “PLC Bus” in the Structural View Tree, right click on the
Ethernet ports of the CPU to open the configuration submodule.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 65
The FTP server must be enabled in the PLC for any PTK Partner module to function. The easy way to enable this server is to select “Unlock Security”.
After unlocking the security, click the check box in the tool bar to accept the change.
Now close the submodule.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 66
After right clicking on slot 2, a “New Device” is added to slot 2.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 67
The PME UCM 0202 is selected from the “Third Party products” section.
The UCM will now appear in the rack.
The PLC rack window may now be closed.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 68
DTM Hardware Catalog Update
The next step is to force an update of the DTM Catalog. The DTM Catalog is accessed through Tools > Hardware Catalog.
The Hardware Catalog Window should appear and look something like this:
Click on the “DTM catalog” tab at the bottom.
Then Click on the “Update” button.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 69
A message box should pop up asking if it is ok to update the catalog. Select
Note: This box opens every time the Update button is clicked – even if the catalog is updated twice in a row with no other changes.
A progress window pops open.
After the catalog update is complete, the new Niobrara DTM device should be listed in the hardware catalog. Also, the “User Errors” display should show
“Information: The update of the Dtm catalog is finished”
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 70
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 71
Now, Open the DTM browser by selecting Tools > DTM Browser.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 72
The DTM Browser will open and show a tree with the CPU at
Right click on the CPU and select “Add”.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 73
A window will pop up showing all of the installed DTMs. Scroll down until you reach the PME UCM 0202 EXAMPLE1 device by Niobrara.
NOTE: This installation is using the original version of the EXAMPLE1 file with all variables being INTs.
Notice that it has the version 01.00 which matches the SW version in the txt file.
Press Enter or “Add DTM” to load the DTM for the PMEUCM. A window will pop up with information about the DTM.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 74
At this point the “Alias name” may be modified. The can be very handy for shortening the variable names created by the DTM.
Pressing “OK” will add the DTM device to the DTM Browser.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 75
The PMEUCM is now added to the tree below the PLC.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 76
Unity Variables
At this point the variables defined in the DTM are not yet present in the Unity
Project. This is because the project has not been Analyzed or Built. Opening the
“Variables & FB instances” item will verify that there are no variables in the system.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 77
Now select Build > Analyze Project. A window will pop up showing the progress.
After the completion of the Analyze Project, two variable structures will appear.
One for the CPU and one for the PMEUCM.
Notice that the PMEUCM structure includes Freshness BOOLs and both Input and Output structures.
The Freshness BOOL values are 0 if the PLC is unable to connect with the
PMEUCM via Ethernet/IP across the backplane. If the data connection is working, the Freshness variables will have the value 1.
The Input structure includes 76 bytes of PTK header information. Most of this can be ignored in normal operation. The UCM data starts after the “Free2”
BYTE. Variables named FreeX are place holder variables that are used to align certain variable types to 2, 4, or 8 byte boundaries in the PLC memory.
A closer look at the UCM variables shows they match the names, types, and descriptions from the txt file.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 78
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 79
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 80
The Output variable structure includes the 26 byte PTK header information followed by the UCM data.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 81
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 82
Steps for Modifying the Installed DTM
1. Edit the txt file.
2. Save the changes in the txt file.
3. “Install” the txt file with the NRD DTM Util.
4. Perform an UPDATE on the DTM Hardware Catalog in Unity Pro.
5. Delete the UCM DTM item from the DTM Browser.
6. Add the UCM DTM item back into the DTM Browser.
7. BUILD or ANALYZE the Project to generate the new variables.
NOTE: Step 5 is vitally important. Simply updating the DTM Hardware Catalog does not affect installed DTMs. Installed DTMs must be removed and then
Added for the changes to the DTM to occur.
Link the DTM to the PMEUCM Hardware
Once the variable lists have been finalized, it is time to actually associate the
DTM instance with the actual PMEUCM device. This is done inside the DTM
Browser window.
Right click on the CPU and select Open.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 83
NOTE: The “Source IP Address” is a pull-down listing of all of the IP Addresses of the Unity Pro PC. Make sure to select an address that is on the same subnet as the M580 PLC. In this case the IP Address of is selected since the PLC is at
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 84
After Setting the Source IP Address, click on the PME_UCM_0202_… entry in the list on the left.
Select the “Address Setting” Tab.
The “Identifier” must be modified to define the exact Rack and Slot occupied by
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 85
In this example, the PMEUCM is located in the CPU rack, Slot 3. Therefore, the
Identifier must be set for “Mx80_02_PMEUCM02”.
NOTE: If the PMEUCM is located in a remote rack, the YYY value is the thumbwheel (rotary switches) setting of the eCRA, not necessarily the logical rack number.
Build All
After setting the Identifier, it is time to do a Build All of the Project.
Select “Build > Rebuild All Project”
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 86
Transfer Project to PLC
After a successful Build, it is time to transfer the project to the M580. Connect the Ethernet port of the PC to the Service Port of the M580.
PLC Set Address
Select PLC > Set Address and choose TCPIP for the Media and set the Address of the M580 (
It is usually a good idea to try the “Test Connection” button to make sure that the
PC can connect with the M580.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 87
PLC Connect
Now select PLC > Connect to open a connection to the M580 CPU.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 88
Transfer Project to PLC
After connecting, transfer the project to the PLC.
The Transfer Project to PLC window should look something like this:
It is usually convenient to check the PLC Run after Transfer box.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 89
If the PLC is in RUN, you will be prompted to Stop the M580.
WARINING: Stopping a running PLC may result in injury or death. Make sure that you understand the consequences of halting a running program.
The transfer should look like this:
The Run confirmation screen will be shown if the “Run after Transfer” was selected.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 90
Selecting “OK” will start the PLC.
Transfer to FDR Server
An additional step that must be followed after any configuration change within the DTM is the “Transfer to FDR Server”.
This is accomplished by right clicking on the UCM's entry in the DTM Browser, select “Device Menu”, “Additional Functions”, and finally “Transfer to FDR
A progress box will be shown during the transfer.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 91
A confirmation box will be shown to show the success of the transfer.
A box will then be shown to remind the user of the requirement to cycle power on the PTK board (entire PMEUCM module) before the new settings will be used.
Cycle Power on the PMEUCM
There are three methods of cycling power on the PMEUCM.
1. The quickest is to press the “Reset” button on the power supply of the
PMEUCM's rack.
WARTING: Cycling power on the rack will also restart every device in that rack which may result in injury or death.
2. Remove the mounting screw on the PMEUCM and remove it from the powered rack. Re-install the PMEUCM into the rack to cycle power on the entire device.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 92
3. Remote resetting of the PMEUCM may be done through the DTM
Browser. Right click on the PMEUCM entry in the DTM Broweser and select “Connect”.
If the connection is successful you will be able to select: Device Menu >
Additional Functions > Reset Device.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 93
Otherwise this windows will be shown:
Cycling power on the PMEUCM is the most reliable method for forcing the PTK card to reboot.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 8 Unity Pro Operations 94
9 Using Example1
LED Panel
Most of the LED indicators on the top panel are controlled by the user application.
Example1 blinks many of these lights at different rates just for fun. Other LEDs are controlled by the PTK board or the UCM operating system.
PTK Board Controlled Lights
The top three lights are controlled by the PTK board. The meaning of these lights is described in the following table.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 95
Label Color Description
RUN Green ON – The PTK board is properly configured and exchanging data across the backplane with the M580 PLC.
NOTE: This is NOT an indication of the run/halt state of the
ERR Red The blink pattern of the ERR light indicates the state of the PTK backplane interface.
Blink Rate Meaning
Steady OFF If RUN light is ON – No errors present
If RUN light is OFF – No backplane configuration
Steady ON UCM has not started backplane operation or invalid MAC address or no Ethernet link
2 blinks ON No IP Address
3 blinks ON Invalid configuration
4 blinks ON Duplicate IP Address
5 blinks ON Awaiting served IP Address
6 blinks ON IP Address invalid
7 blinks ON Error on UCM board
PWR Green The PMEUCM has proper 24Vdc power from the Ethernet backplane when lit.
UCM OS Controlled Lights
The ETHLINK1 and ETHLINK2 lights are controlled by the UCM operating system.
ON – Link OK on port E1
OFF – NO Ethernet Link on port E1
ON – Link OK on port E2
OFF – NO Ethernet Link on port E2
USER Controlled Lights
The LEDs labeled 1 through 6 on the top panel are under control of the running application. Lights 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 are blinked at various timed rates as an example for controlling these lights. Light 5 is used to indicate the UCM's status of the communication with the M580 PLC.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 96
NOTE: While the label on the top panel shows the number 1 through 6, the UCM programming language labels these lights as 3 through 8. This is because UCM lights 1 and 2 are the red LEDs behind the LCD to maintain compatibility with other Niobrara UCM products with these two LEDs behind the LCD (MUCM,
Color Example1 Functional Description
Green Toggles at 50mS rate
Yellow Toggles at 100mS rate
Green Toggles at 200mS rate
Yellow Toggles at 400mS rate
Red ON – Data comms with PLC BAD
OFF – Data comms with PLC GOOD
Red Toggles at 800mS rate
Example code for blinking lights
At the end of Thread 1 of the program Example1.ucm2 are several timers that expire to change on/off state of the blinking lights.
if expired(lighttimer[3]) then set timer lighttimer[3] 50 toggle light 3 endif if expired(lighttimer[4]) then set timer lighttimer[4] 100 toggle light 4 endif if expired(lighttimer[5]) then set timer lighttimer[5] 200 toggle light 5 endif if expired(lighttimer[6]) then set timer lighttimer[6] 400 toggle light 6 endif if expired(lighttimer[8]) then set timer lighttimer[8] 800 toggle light 8 endif
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 97
LCD and Joystick Operation
The front panel LCD provides status information about the PMEUCM and user interaction with the setup and operation of the card/application.
Most of the UCM code for controlling the screen and handling the joystick input is in Thread 2 of Example1.ucm2. In fact, most of the code for this program is the screen driver.
The information displayed on the “splash” screen varies depending on the configuration and state of the PTK board.
The text “ACTIVE” or “INACTIVE” describes the backplane operation.
ACTIVE means that the UCM is exchanging data with the M580 while
INACTIVE means that it is not.
PLC: RUN or STOP shows the UCMs understanding of the state of the M580
NOTE: RUN is only possible if the connection is ACTIVE. STOP will always be displayed if the connection is INACTIVE. This description may not actually represent the RUN/STOP state of the CPU if the link is INACTIVE.
V1.02.007 shows the software version of the PTK board. This value may not be displayed if the UCM is unable to configure the PTK board. The most likely reason is that the PMEUCM is installed in an unconfigured slot of an active PLC system.
PVL:00.01 shows the PVL version of the SPI interface between the UCM board and the PTK board.
BP IP Address indicates the actual IP Address on the Ethernet backplane. In the above screen shots, the PTK board is at or If the
PMEUCM is mounted in a powered slot of a rack without a PLC, the PTK board will revert to an IP address determined by its MAC address.
E1 IP Address shows the IP Address of the E1 port on the PMEUCM. By default it is
E2 IP Address shows the IP Address of the E2 port on the PMEUCM. By default it is
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 98
The backlight time is controlled user code. In this case there is a timer that keeps the backlight on for 60000 mS when there is no activity of the joystick. At the end of this timer, the UCM code changes the screen back to the splash screen.
Moving the joystick will cause the application to show various menus to access status or setup screens. Move the highlighted cursor around with the joystick.
Typically a right press will act as “Enter” while a left press will act as “Escape”.
Sometimes a push in “Enter” is needed (Factory Default for example).
Data Echo Config
The Example1 performs one of three different tasks:
1. Echo PLCOUT data to PLCIN data
2. Echo the inversion of PLCOUT to PLCIN
3. Allow the user to manually edit the PLCIN data from the front panel
The mode of operation is set in the Data menu screen by moving selecting the bottom entry and moving the joystick to the right to cycle through the options.
The PLCOUT data may be vied by selecting the PLCOUT menu item. The radix of the displayed value may be changed between SIGNED, UNSIGNED and HEX by moving the joystick right while on the PLCOUT data screen.
In the following example, an animation table has been built to allow modification of the PLCOUT data to the UCM.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 99
Now, the PLCOUT data may be viewed on the PMEUCM screen:
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 100
The data returned to the M580 by the UCM depends upon the setting of the
ECHO, INVERTED, or EDITABLE menu item on the Data menu.
ECHO – The data is copied directly so In_01 = Out_01 and In_02 = Out_02.
Viewing the PLCIN screens:
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 101
INVERTED – The data is copied and negated so in_01 = -out_01 and in_02 =
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 102
EDITABLE – The PLCIN data is set from the front panel of the PMEUCM.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 103
Modbus Registers
A close inspection of Thread 1 in Example1.ucm2 shows that the PLCOUT data is copied to output[200] through output[206]. These output registers may be accessed as Modbus Holding registers through the built-in Modbus/TCP server of the PMEUCM OS.
The PLCIN data is copied to output[500] through output[503].
The NRDTOOL program may be used to inspect/modify these Modbus registers.
NRDTOOL may be started by Start > Programs > Niobrara > NRDTOOL
To open a new Modbus/TCP connection to the PMEUCM, Select File >Open
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 104
Select the Modbus TCP tab.
Enter the IP Address of E1 ( for the Host.
Make sure that the Port is set to match the OS Port of the UCM (502 default).
Make sure that the radio button is set to 4x.
Make sure that the Slave Address is set to 255.
Now click “Connect”
The screen should now show the first block of 4x Holding Registers.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 105
Typing in a value in the blue cursor enters the new value. Typing in 200 in the
Register number will cause the viewer to jump to register 200.
Notice that now the PLCOUT data is shown.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 106
Type in the number 500 in the REGISTER column and the screen will jump to the location of the PLCIN data.
Notice that register 502 has the value 5034 that was entered from the front panel.
Because the DATA configuration is still set for EDITABLE, we can manually enter data in this Modbus viewer and see the new data show up in the M580.
Move the cursor into the SIGNED column on register 503 and change the -333 value to 1234 and press ENTER.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 107
Now look in Unity Pro and see that In_04 has changed to 1234.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 108
Modbus 6x Files
NRDTOOL may be used to directly inspect the data in the Modbus 6x files used for passing data between the PMEUCM and the PTK board.
Inspecting Thread 1 of Examle1.ucm2 shows this line:
read file 58201 offset 0 BPOutputs { Copy outputs from backplane block 1}
This instruction copies the PLCOUT data from backplane block 1 located in 6x file 58201 into the array of bytes variable BPOutputs. The offset 0 means to start the file read at byte offset 0 (the beginning of the file).
Note: File 58201 is used because this is the file specified by the DTM. Looking at the DTM Utility, we see file 58201 listed in the Output assembly.
Before we look at the 6x file, change the starting register back to 200 to see the
PLCOUT data:
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 109
Now Open a new connection in NRDTOOL by selecting File >Open connection.
Select 6x Registers then enter 58201 in the 6x File and press “Connect”
Move the cursor up to register 0.
Look at the data in HEX and notice that the data is byte swapped. This is
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 110
because the data in the 6x file is straight from the Ethernet/IP data handed to the
UCM by the PTK board. This explains the code in Thread 1 that swaps the byte order of the data as it copies to/from the OUTPUT[] registers.
We can look at the PLCINPUT data 6x file as well.
First change the start register from 200 back to 500.
Inspecting Thread 1 again shows the following line of code: write file 58100 offset 4 BPInputs { Copy inputs to backplane block 0}
This procedure copies the data from the byte array BPInputs to 6x file 58100.
Again looking back at the DTM shows why file 58100 is chosen.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 111
Also notice that the first 4 bytes of this file are the UCM Runtime Status and Halt
Line Number. The UCM operating system automatically fills in these two values so the UCM application must start its data with an offset of 4 bytes as shown in the WRITE FILE line of code above.
Open a new connection in NRDTOOL with 6x file 58100.
Again notice that the hex values are byte swapped because of the Ethernet/IP data
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 112
structures. Also notice that the data starting in register 500 is in register 2 of the
6x file because of the 4 byte offset of the write file command.
Using the 6x file register viewer can be very handy when byte aligning the data in a UCM application.
NOTE: Accessing the 6x files associated with the PTK SPI interface has a big impact on the performance of the backplane. These registers should only be accessed during troubleshooting and not normal operation.
PMEUCM DTM Manual 9 Using Example1 113
Key Features
- User programmable communication card
- Communication translations between serial and Ethernet protocols
- Custom application for Modicon M580 Automation platform
- Data exchange between M580 PAC and PMEUCM
- DTM for configuration and operation
- Generic PTK DTM for custom DDXML file import
- NRDPTKDDXMLUTIL utility for generating DDXML files
- Compatibility with Unity Pro software
- Support for multiple Ethernet/IP connections
Frequently Answers and Questions
What is a DTM?
How do I install the PMEUCM DTM?
What is a DDXML file?
How do I create a custom DDXML file for my application?
What are the limitations on the amount of data that can be exchanged between the M580 CPU and the PMEUCM?
Related manuals
Table of contents
- 4 1 Introduction
- 6 2 DIO Overview
- 7 CPU DIO Limitations
- 7 DIO Connection Limits
- 7 DIO Byte Count Limits
- 9 Hot Standby Implications
- 9 Inputs Not Bumpless
- 9 Outputs are Bumpless
- 9 Remote Rack Mounting Only
- 10 3 SE PME DTM Library
- 11 Installation
- 16 4 Adding the PMEUCM to Unity Pro
- 17 Adding the PMEUCM to Unity Hardware Catalog Manager
- 22 5 Designing the TXT File
- 23 Header Information
- 24 Assembly Information
- 24 Rules for assemblyID
- 24 Rules for assemblyPath
- 25 Rules for RPI
- 26 Example assemblyPath for single Ethernet/IP half-duplex
- 27 Example assemblyPath for single Ethernet/IP full-duplex
- 28 Example assemblyPath for dual Ethernet/IP full-duplex
- 29 Language Tags Rules
- 29 Examples of Language tagnames
- 29 Input Data
- 29 Rules for Input Data
- 31 Input Data Tagnames (Required)
- 32 Input Data Tagnames (Optional)
- 33 Output Data
- 33 Output Data Tagnames (Required)
- 34 Output Data Tagnames (Optional)
- 34 Configuration Data
- 34 Automatic Incremental Variables
- 33 VarLoopStart, x, y
- 34 VarName
- 34 VarLoopEnd
- 35 Editing the .TXT file
- 35 Start Notepad
- 36 Open the file
- 38 Open the NRD DTM Tool
- 38 Installing a new file
- 42 Making Changes to a File
- 45 Removing an Entry
- 46 Restore after DTM Upgrade
- 46 Rebuild .txt from Unity Pro .xys
- 53 7 QLOAD the Example1 UCM Application
- 53 Determine the Installed Application
- 54 Halting a running Application
- 54 Erasing the Installed Application
- 55 Factory Default
- 56 QLOAD Example1.qcc
- 59 8 Unity Pro Operations
- 59 New Project
- 65 DTM Hardware Catalog Update
- 73 Unity Variables
- 79 Steps for Modifying the Installed DTM
- 79 Link the DTM to the PMEUCM Hardware
- 82 Build All
- 83 Transfer Project to PLC
- 83 PLC Set Address
- 84 PLC Connect
- 85 Transfer Project to PLC
- 87 Transfer to FDR Server
- 88 Cycle Power on the PMEUCM
- 91 9 Using Example
- 91 LED Panel
- 91 PTK Board Controlled Lights
- 92 UCM OS Controlled Lights
- 92 USER Controlled Lights
- 93 Example code for blinking lights
- 94 LCD and Joystick Operation
- 95 Backlight
- 95 Menus
- 95 Data Echo Config
- 95 PLCOUT Data
- 97 PLCIN Data