INSTALLATION GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SAFETY AND LIABILITY .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. TOOLS AND SUPPLIES .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 3. INSTALLATION PROCESS ................................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1 Getting started ................................................................................................................................................. 4 3.2 Fillers ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.3 General install information..................................................................................................................... 11 3.4 Appliances............................................................................................................................................................. 11 2 1. SAFETY AND LIABILITY The decision has been made to install the cabinets and accessories yourself. This Installation Guide is meant to assist you in the general installation process. The installation of cabinetry can be a challenging task and we do recommend that you use a qualified cabinet installer. However you may have the skill set to complete the installation on your own. J Collection has no control over the installation, so you are responsible and liable for completing the install correctly and safely. SAFETY AND LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: lease note that the following instructions are only a guide to cabinet installation. P J Collection will not be liable for any damage to cabinets, cabinet hardware, flooring, walls, etc., due to improper installation or mishandling of cabinets. T o reduce the risk of serious or fatal injury, read and understand this Installation Guide before commencing with the installation. J Collection Installation Guide is not intended to cover every possible contingency that might be encountered during installation or to endorse the use of any particular tool. J Collection hereby expressly disclaims all warranties and all liability for any claims for injury or death related to or based upon the use of this Installation Guide. A qualified service professional should be used for any electrical or gas line work. All gas, electrical and water connections must be shut off in any work area. ITEMS THAT YOU SHOULD CONSIDER: Do you have experience with carpentry and cutting miters? R equired tools: for a quality installation you will require several tools. They can be expensive and require experience to operate in a safe and efficient manner. Condition of the site: floors are level, walls are square and level. Basic plumbing and electrical skills may also be required. It is recommended that there are two people when installing the cabinets. 3 2. TOOLS AND SUPPLIES The following may or may not be required depending on the complexity of your installation: • UL approved safety goggles, steel toed shoes and earplugs. • Drill and bits, compressor, pin nailer and nails. • • • • • • • Table saw, miter saw, jig saw. Clamps, levels, squares, straight edge, line levels. Extension cord, lighting, ladders. Stud finder, handle jig, circuit tester. Tape measure, screwdrivers, hammer pencil, masking tape. Installation wood screws (1 1/8” and 2 1/2”) and screw caps (for wood stud construction). Carpenter glue. 3. INSTALLATION PROCESS UNDERSTANDING OUR CABINET CODES - EXAMPLES CODE DESCRIPTION W1830 Wall cabinet 18” wide and 30” high WA2440 Wall angle corner cabinet 24” wide and 40” high B30 Base cabinet, 30” wide and 34 1/2” high T302484.5 Pantry cabinet, 30” wide, 24” depth and 84 1/2” high • All measurements will be referred to in imperial. 3.1 GETTING STARTED • • • • Check to make sure the cabinets and accessories that you have received are what you ordered. If anything is not on site, then do not start your project until you have everything required. Double check that you have all the required tools. Appliances should be moved to another room for easier maneuvering in the work area. Walls should be finished with the first coat of paint applied. 4 94 ½” tall cabinet with 40” wall cabinet 84 ½” tall cabinet with 30” wall cabinet All Dimensions From Finish Floor We realize that not all floors are perfectly level. All J Collection base and tall cabinets come with adjustable legs to level your cabinets to make this installation simple and efficient. Follow the steps below to properly install. INSTALL BASE CABINETS: Draw a level line on your wall 34 1/2" up from the highest point on your floor. Adjust the cabinet legs of your base cabinet to bring the top of each box up to the level line. Using a level, level the base cabinets back to front from the wall out. Cabinet legs are adjustable for leveling INSTALL WALL CABINETS: For all wall cabinets draw a level line or chalk line at 54 1/2" up from the highest point of your floor. Install each wall cabinet box so the bottom edge is level with the line. 5 1) V erify that walls are square and level. Walls that are out of square or level will make installation of cabinets more difficult. You can use the 3, 4, 5 method to check your corner. 2) C heck the floor for level and make note of where the highest points are before installing cabinets. 3) S nap a chalk line or draw a level line at 34 1/2" from the highest point of your floor. Your base cabinets will be adjusted up to that line (top of base cabinet without countertop). Snap another chalk line or draw a level line at 54 1/2 (20” above your base 34 1/2 base cabinet line). The bottom of your wall cabinets will be adjusted up to that line. It may be helpful to draw out your cabinet layout on the wall. This will give you a guide to follow as you go. If you choose, install a 1x4 or 2x4 ledger board onto the wall at the bottom of your wall cabinet height to give a support for the wall cabinet to set your wall cabinets on when installing. This can assist in keeping them level. This method requires you to screw into your wall and could require hole patching. 4) U sing a stud finder, mark out all of the wall studs that will be behind your cabinets. 6 5) S tarting with the corner wall cabinet, install 4, 2 1/2" cabinet screws through the fastening strips on the cabinet into the wall studs. Be sure to check for level before fastening the cabinet into place. If you do not have a corner, start with the end closest to a wall, making sure to leave room for the required filler as per your plan. 6) T he next cabinet will be set into place and clamped to the previously installed cabinet. Clamp the two cabinet boxes together so that the front, top and bottom faces are flush. Verify that the cabinet is level and install 4 cabinet screws through the fastening strips into the wall studs. With cabinets still clamped and flush, connect together using 1 1/8" particle board screws. 7) S et base cabinet legs to be level with the 34 1/2" chalk line. Adjust the base cabinet legs so the top of the cabinet box is level with the line previously drawn on the wall at 34 1/2" high. 7 8) S tart with the corner cabinet. Make sure the cabinet is level, then install 2 cabinet screws through the top-fastening strip into the wall studs. If you do not have a corner, start with the cabinet closest to the wall, making sure to leave the correct space for the required filler. 9) T he next cabinet will be set into place and clamped to the previously installed cabinet. Clamp the two cabinet boxes together so that the front, top and bottom faces are flush. Verify that the cabinet is level and install 2 cabinet screws through the fastening strip into the wall studs. With cabinets still clamped and flush, connect cabinets together using 1 1/8" particle board screws. 10) C lick the toe-kick clip into place on the cabinet leg. Set the toe-kick and push down on the clips, until the toe-kick is locked into place. 8 FILLER STRIP INSTALLATION If a filler strip is required, measure the distance between the cabinet and the wall and cut the filler strip to match. 3.2 FILLERS Fillers are needed to take up odd dimensions when cabinets are installed next to a wall. They will also allow clearances for doors and drawers to operate properly when turning a corner with a blind corner cabinet. Hold the filler in place; turn it over and on the back side make a pencil mark at top and bottom where it should be cut. To prevent chipping when cutting fillers, place masking tape over the surface that is being cut. Join the two marks with a pencil line and saw along that line. Put the filler in place and drill a pilot hole at hinge level through the cabinet and into the filler. Attach the filler to the adjacent cabinet by fastening together with wood screws. SINK/COOKTOP INSTALLATION 1) When installing a sink or cooktop, trimming may be necessary to fit within the cabinet. Mark cutout lines where the sink or cooktop will be using the countertop template that is provided, to ensure correct measurements. Cut along the marked lines using a jigsaw. 9 BBC (base blind corner) cabinets may be pulled out from the corner if required and the room is available. When installing a base cabinet at a right angle to a BBC cabinet you must use a filler to provide clearance for door and drawer handles. The filler width required is usually 1 3/4” - 3” depending on the type of pull used on the cabinets. Cut the 3” filler to required width. Fasten the filler to the two adjacent cabinets by drilling through the side of the cabinet into the filler. Screw together. Ensure cabinets are square in corner and attach the unit to the wall. Make sure all cabinets are plumb and level. The remaining base cabinets are installed in the same manner. Using the two C-clamps, align stiles, drill and screw together. Proceed around the room making sure all cabinets are plumb and level, shimming where necessary, then tighten all screws. • Minimum 42 3/4" does not allow for filler/hardware clearance. • Maximum 45 3/4" is with 3" filler attached to be flush with the door. Filler not included. Trim this side of the filler to make it fit 30" #8 x 1 1 /2" screws 18" 3" filler Install the remaining base cabinets by aligning the fronts of the cases. Clamp the cabinets together and attach using the 1 1/8” screws. Level the cabinet, adjust as required and attach to the wall studs using 2 1/2” screws through the hanging rail located at the top of the base cabinet. After inserting the screws remove the clamps. Base Corner Cabinet (BC36LS) - Base corner cabinets are placed squarely in the corner, leveled and adjusted as required. They are held in place by cabinets on either side. Counter sink screws on BC36LS door handles. Dishwasher Gables - Measure 24 1/8” over from the cabinet at the front and the back and draw a line on the floor. Draw a plumb line on the wall from the floor to the base cabinet line. These lines mark the position of the inside of the dishwasher Gable. Install a ledger board 24 1/8” long below the base cabinet guideline. The panel is then installed by attaching it to the ledger strip, floor and countertop with metal L-brackets. 10 3.3 General Install Information • The front edge of a fridge gable should be flush with front of the cabinet doors. • Install bumpers on all door and drawer fronts, especially corner cabinets. • • Install all cabinets level and plumb. All cutouts for piping should be as close to pipes as possible with a clean cutout edge. Fridge and Dishwasher Panels/Gables • • Fridge panels are fastened to the upper cabinet from the inside of the cabinet. The panel is to be level and plum with the cabinet. Make sure to add the filler if specified. Where applicable, raise panels to allow for installation of hardwood flooring (typically 13/16” above sub-floor). Be aware of its construction: 3/4” hardwood, engineered hardwood, laminate, tile or linoleum flooring have various requirements. The bottom is to be attached to the finished floor with silicone or an L-bracket. 3.4 Appliances Today’s appliances are available in all shapes and sizes. Because of this, you must confirm opening sizes against the Spec Sheet provided with your paperwork, as well as the manufacturer's specifications. • Standard Dishwasher openings are to be 24” wide (unless otherwise specified). • Standard Range openings are to be 31 1/4” wide between base cabinets (unless otherwise specified). • • Standard Fridge Opening is 36” wide x 72” high (unless otherwise specified). Slide-in Ranges – the opening and finished counter height is crucial when dealing with slidein ranges. Type of flooring and countertop thickness has to be taken into account. Fillers or scribe on each side maybe required to make sure drawers and doors clear the range. If base cabinets are set too low or high the range will not sit flush with the countertop. Countertop top should be 36” unless otherwise noted. Note: Never attempt to move an appliance on finished flooring. Do not connect or disconnect any appliance that is hard-wired or connected to a water source. Always ask for help before attempting to move an appliance, as appliances are often heavy and there is a high risk of personal injury or property damage if not properly handled. 11 ">

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