Nuance Device Registration Service, Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client, Ricoh ESA Unified Client, Xerox EIP Unified Client User Guide
Below you will find brief information for Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client, Ricoh ESA Unified Client, Xerox EIP Unified Client.. This guide offers insight into managing applications, devices, and device groups with the Device Registration Service, a web-based interface used to register Unified Clients on multifunction devices. It covers the Konica Minolta iOption, Ricoh ESA, and Xerox EIP Unified Clients, each merging AutoStore scan and Output Manager print functionality.
Device Registration Service User Guide
Version 7.0
Device Registration Service
User Guide
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Device Registration Service User Guide
Version 7.0
Welcome to the Device Registration Service........................................... 4
Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client....................................................... 5
Ricoh ESA Unified Client..........................................................................30
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Device Registration Service User Guide
Version 7.0
Troubleshooting Device Registration Service........................................ 93
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Device Registration Service User Guide
Version 7.0
Welcome to the Device
Registration Service
The Device Registration Service web-based interface enables you to manage applications, devices, and device groups.
Use the Device Registration Service to register Unified Clients on devices. A Unified Client is a component that merges AutoStore scan and Output Manager print functionality on a device. The device properties determine the scan and print functions that are available to users.
Configuring a Unified Client through Device Registration Service consists of the following high-level steps:
1. Add an application for a Unified Client type and configure the application properties.
2. Add devices and configure their properties.
3. If necessary, add device groups to organize the devices for an application.
4. Register the Unified Client on the device.
System configuration procedures vary depending on your business requirements and the Unified Client type. Refer to the section for your Unified Client for more information.
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Device Registration Service User Guide
Version 7.0
Konica Minolta iOption Unified
The Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client is a web-based client that merges AutoStore scan and Output Manager print functionality on Konica Minolta iOption MFP devices. The Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client has an authentication module and language interfaces for Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian,
Norwegian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Latin American), and Swedish.
When a user starts the Konica Minolta Unified Client on a device, the client connects to the embedded web server hosted by AutoStore or Output Manager. The embedded web server uses the MFP device IP address to retrieve device configuration data from Device Registration Service. This data determines how the Konica Minolta Unified Client behaves and how it contacts the AutoStore and Output Manager servers.
The following figure illustrates the architecture for a system that includes the Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client:
Before you set up and register the Konica Minolta iOption Unfied Client in Device Registration Service, configure the
Konica Minolta OpenAPI and configure the device to use the authentication application.
Configure Konica Minolta OpenAPI
1. Log on to the MFP with the Admin password (Utility > Administrator Settings).
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Device Registration Service User Guide
Version 7.0
2. Press System Connection > OpenAPI Settings.
3. Configure OpenAPI settings.
Configure the device to use the Authentication Application
Complete the following procedures in the order listed to configure a device for the Authentication Application:
How to configure a device to use SSL for Web Services (OpenAPI)
Create a self-signed certificate in security tab
Create a self-signed certificate in security tab
1. Open a web browser and log on to the MFP as an administrator.
2. Click the Security tab and click SSL/TLS Setting.
The following page appears if the certificate is not installed:
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Device Registration Service User Guide
Version 7.0
3. Click Setting.
4. Select Create a self-signed certificate.
5. Click OK.
6. Specify certificate values and click OK.
Do not close the browser while the system generates the certificate.
7. Click OK.
8. If your browser indicates that the security certificate is not valid, accept the certificate to continue with
Set up OpenAPI to use SSL
1. Click the Network tab and click OpenAPI Setting.
2. Select Use SSL/TLS and click OK.
Note: This automatically uses port 50003.
3. Click OK.
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How to set up WebDAV to use SSL
1. Open a web browser and log on to the MFP as an administrator.
2. On the Network tab, select WebDAV Settings > WebDAV Server Settings.
3. Select ON from the WebDAV Settings drop-down list.
4. Select SSL Only from the SSL Setting drop-down list and click OK.
5. Press OK.
How to set up TCP Socket Setting to use SSL/TLS
1. Open a web browser and log on to the MFP as an administrator.
2. Click the Network tab and click TCP Socket Setting.
3. Select Use SSL/TLS Port No.(SSL).
4. Click OK.
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Configure the Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client
How to add an application
This task explains how to create a Konica Minolta iOption application profile in Device Registration Service. The application profile defines the server settings for AutoStore, Output Manager, and Device Registration Service.
1. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
2. Click Applications.
3. Click Add Application on the Applications toolbar.
4. Type an application name.
5. Select Konica Minolta iOption from the Application Type drop-down list box.
6. Configure application properties as described in the following table:
AutoStore Server Address
The IP address, computer name, or DNS name of the machine that hosts AutoStore Server. The default is the local IP address. You must specify an address when using AutoStore or when using both AutoStore and
Output Manager.
Device actions use this address. If you do not specify this address and you enable AutoStore Scan, error code
518 appears when you perform the
Register Unified
Client action.
Output Manager Server Address
The IP address of the machine that hosts the Output
Manager server. The default is the local IP address.
You must specify an address when using Output
Manager or both AutoStore and Output Manager.
Device actions use this address if you do not enter an address for
AutoStore Server Address. If you do not specify this address and you enable
Print Release, error code 519 appears when you perform the
Unified Client action.
Output Manager Service URI
The URI for the Output Manager server. The default
URI is in the following format: http://local_I
:8068. You must specify a value when using Output Manager or both AutoStore and Output
You can specify HTTP or HTTPS protocols. If necessary, configure Output Manager for the selected protocol.
Web Application Port
The port number used by the web application. The default is 3348.
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Use SSL for Web Application
Application OpenAPI Port
Verify that this port number matches the port number that you specified when configuring AutoStore or
Output Manager:
• If you use AutoStore only, you specified the port number when configuring the component in
AutoStore Process Designer.
• If you use AutoStore and Output Manager, you specified the port number when configuring the component in AutoStore Process Designer.
• If you use Output Manager only, you specified the port number when configuring Server port on the
Clients tab in the Set General Preferences settings of the Administration module in Output Manager.
If this port does not match the Web Server Port in the
AutoStore Process Designer Konica Minolta iOption component Preferences setting, Connection erro r appears on the device panel when a user presses the application button.
If you use Output Manager only and this port does not match the Server Port setting on the Clients tab in the Set General Preferences settings of the
Administration module of Output Manager, Conne ction error appears on the device panel when a user presses the application button.
Enables secure socket layer (SSL) for the web application. The default is False.
If this value does not match the Use SSL setting in the
AutoStore Process Designer Konica Minolta iOption component Preferences settings, Connection err or appears on the device panel when a user presses the application button.
If you use Output Manager only and this value does not match the Use SSL setting on the Clients tab of the Set
General Preferences settings in the Administration
Module of Output Manager, Connection error appears on the device panel when a user presses the application button.
The Konica Minolta OpenAPI port number for the
Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client. The default is
This port number is used to run the embedded KM
Konica Minolta OpenAPI server for a web application.
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Authority OpenAPI Port
The Konica Minolta OpenAPI port number for the
Authority application. The default is 13353.
This port number is used to run the embedded Konica
Minolta OpenAPI Server for an authentication application.
7. Click Save application.
How to add a Konica Minolta iOption device
This task explains how to create a device profile for the Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client. The profile enables you to manage Unified Client, AutoStore, Output Manager, and authentication settings on the device through Device
Registration Service.
1. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
2. Click Devices.
3. Click Add Device on the Devices toolbar.
4. Type a device name.
5. Type the IP address or DNS address of the device.
The address is specific to the device and does not appear when you configure properties for a device group.
6. Type the administrator user name for the device.
The default is admin. The user name is not required to perform an action on the device.
7. Type the password for the administrator user name.
By default, there is not a password and the field is empty.
8. Select the target application.
9. Configure device properties as described in the following table:
Default Functionality
Property Description
Determines the default functionality for the client:
• Output Manager: The Print Release page appears when a user presses the application button on the device panel.
• AutoStore: The AutoStore page appears when a user presses the application button on the device panel.
Enable Print Release
Enables Output Manager print functionality. The default value is False.
Display destination specific documents only
Enables the user to see only printing jobs that are associated with a specific destination or with a group of destinations. The default value is False.
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Enable Scan
Application Name
Open API Login Name
Open API Password
Property Description
Enables AutoStore scan functionality. The default value is False.
The application name that appears on the device panel.
The login name for the Open API authentication layer. This setting is required if you use the OpenAPI authentication layer on the device.
To use the OpenAPI authentication layer on a device, turn on OpenAPI authentication and configure a user name and password. The login name specified here must then match the user name specified for the
OpenAPI settings on the device.
The password for the Open API authentication layer.
This setting is only required if you use the OpenAPI authentication layer on the device.
To use the OpenAPI authentication layer on a device,
OpenAPI authentication needs to be turned on and you must configure a user name and password . The password specified here must then match the password specified for the OpenAPI settings on the device.
10. Click Add Device on the Add Device toolbar.
How to import device information
This task explains how to import device information into Device Registration Service from Output Manager or a CSV file.
1. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
2. Click Devices.
3. Click Import on the Devices toolbar and select the import method:
• To import device information from the Output Manager server, select Import from OM.
Type the address of the Output Manager server, select the application profile, optionally select the device group, and click Import from OM. Device Registration Service only imports devices that are marked as
Unified Client devices in Output Manager.
• To import device information from a CSV file, select Import from file.
Browse to the CSV file and click Upload.
4. Close the Import Results window.
5. If necessary, edit the device properties: a) Select the device in the Devices pane.
b) Click Edit on the Details toolbar.
c) Update the device properties.
d) Click
Save on the Details toolbar.
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Version 7.0
Import guidelines
This topic provides guidelines for importing Konica Minolta iOption device information into Device Registration
Service with a comma separated values (CSV) file.
Header information
The first row in the CSV file is the header row that contains header values for device information. Header values appear in the following order: Name, IP, ApplicationProfile, DeviceGroup, Properties, I nheritPropertyFromGroup, SerialNumber, Username, Password. The subsequent rows list the corresponding values for each device separated by commas. Use the same header row when importing devices for all
Unified Client types.
You can omit values other than Name, IP, and ApplicationProfile. The first row must always contain the header row because the Device Registration Service uses the headers to identify imported values. If you omit a value, make sure to insert the comma.
Konica Minolta iOption properties
When you add a property to the file, do not include a space in the property name. The following table describes the properties that you can include in the file:
Note: An asterisk indicates a required property.
DefaultFunctionality (*)
EnablePrintRelease (*)
EnableScan (*)
Determines the default functionality for the Unified
Client. This is specified by one of the following options:
• Output Manager: The Print Release page appears when the user presses the application button on the device panel.
• AutoStore: The AutoStore page appears when the user presses the application button on the device panel.
Enables Output Manager print functionality. The default value is False.
Enables AutoStore scan functionality. The default value is False.
The default application name that appears on the device panel.
The user name for Open API.
The password for the Open API user name.
Sample import file
The following example shows Konica Minolta iOption import file entries:
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Device Registration Service User Guide
Version 7.0
IP, Applicati onProfile,, Konica Pro file,
,, Konica Pro file,
Prope rties,
InheritPr opertyFro mGroup,
SerialN umber,
DefaultFun ctionality=
EnablePrin tRelease=t rue,
DefaultFun ctionality=
EnablePrin tRelease=t rue,
Usern ame,
How to register the Unified Client
This task explains how to register the Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client on the MFD.
1. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
2. Click Devices and select the device.
3. On the Details toolbar, select Register Unified Client from the drop-down list box.
4. Click Perform selected action.
5. Optional: To view registrations for a device, select the device and click Refresh status on the Details toolbar.
The following example shows registrations for a device:
After registration, a button with the application name appears in the APP section on the device.
How to Register Unified Client Authentication
This task explains how to use Device Registration Service to register Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client authentication on the device.
1. Verify that you configured the device for authentication as described in
Configure the device to use the
2. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
3. Click Devices and select the device.
4. On the Details toolbar, select Register Authentication from the drop-down list box.
5. Click Perform selected action.
How to export device information
This task explains how to export Konica Minolta iOption device information to a CSV file.
1. Click Devices.
2. On the Devices toolbar, click Export.
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Device Registration Service exports the device information to a CSV file in the following format:
Name, IP, Application, Device Group, Property Name=Property Value, Inherit
Property From Group, Serial Number, Username, Password
Tip: You can use the exported CSV file as a template to import device information.
How to add a device group
This task explains how to create a group to organize devices in Device Registration Service. The device group is a single configuration point for managing multiple devices for an application.
1. Click Devices.
2. On the Devices toolbar, click Add Device Group.
3. Enter the Name, Username and Password for the device group.
4. From the drop-down list box, select the target application.
5. Configure device group properties.
Devices and device groups share properties.
How to add a Konica Minolta iOption device
on page 11 provides more information on the properties that you can configure.
6. On the Add Device Group toolbar, click Add Device Group.
How to add a device to a device group
This task explains how to add a device to a device group.
1. Click Devices.
To add an existing device to a group, highlight the device and drag it to the device group.
2. Select the device group.
3. Click Add Device.
4. Type a device name and the device address.
5. Specify the property inheritance value:
• To inherit properties from the device group, select True for Inherit Properties from Group.
• To configure specific device properties, select False and configure the properties.
How to add a Konica Minolta iOption device
on page 11 provides more information on configuring device properties.
6. Click Add Device.
How to perform device actions
1. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
2. Click Devices.
3. Select a device.
4. On the Details toolbar, select an action as described in the following table:
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Version 7.0
Register Unified Client
Action Description
Registers the Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client on the device. Registration adds a button with the application name to the APP section on the device.
Note: Because devices are registered while the server is running, it is not necessary to restart the server after adding and registering new devices.
Unregister Unified Client
Register Authentication
Deregisters the Unified Client from the device. The button with the application name is removed from the application software section on the device.
Registers Unified Client authentication on the device.
After you register authentication, the authentication application controls access to the device. End users cannot view the device menus and the application software section until authentication is complete.
Unregister Authentication
Deregisters authentication on the device. After you deregister authentication, the device shows the normal menu screen.
5. Click Perform selected action.
Konica Minolta iOption return codes
The following table describes the return codes that can appear in the Device Registration Service
Action History
pane for a Konica Minolta iOption device or device group.
Return Code
Successful Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client registration.
Successful authentication registration.
Successful Unified Client deregistration.
Successful authentication deregistration.
Device is offline.
Device is online.
Device is online and one of three applications is registered.
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Return Code
Device is online and two of three applications are registered.
Device is online and all three applications are registered.
Konica Minolta iOption device registration failed.
Konica Minolta iOption device deregistration failed.
Unable to proceed. Please restart device.
Invalid password. Please retry login.
Unable to connect to device. Please restart device.
Maximum registered applications exceeded. Remove unused applications and retry.
Device is locked. Retry later.
Logo icon file does not exist. Contact Notable Solutions
The device solution key file not found. Contact Notable
Solutions Support.
Invalid Output Manager server address. Enter correct server address and retry.
Registration was unsuccessful on the device.
Device does not support iOption. Add iOption or use the
Native Scan connector.
Invalid password. Enter the valid password and retry.
Deregistration failed because Unified Client is not registered.
OpenAPI SSL is not enabled on the device. Authority registration requires OpenAPI SSL. See Device
Registration Service Help to enable OpenAPI SSL.
Registration failed due to insufficient device memory.
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Return Code Description
Invalid AutoStore server address. Enter the valid address and retry.
Invalid web application port number. Enter the valid port number and retry.
How to view device information
1. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
2. Click Devices.
3. To filter device and device group information that appears in the Devices pane, type or select criteria in the Filter pane and click
4. To view action history for a device or device group, select the device or device group in the Details pane.
The Action History pane shows the following information:
Time stamp of when the action was attempted.
Attempted action.
Action taken and the result.
Status for the action.
Indicates if the action was successful.
Name of the device.
Return code
IP address of the device.
Return code returned by the device. The values shown on the device type.
Application navigation
This topic provides general information on navigating the Unified Client application on the Konica Minolta iOption device panel.
The device properties that you configured determine if AutoStore, Output Manager, or both AutoStore and Output
Manager options appear on the device panel. If you configured the Unified Client for both AutoStore and Output
Manager functionality, you can toggle between them on the device.
The Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client initially shows an authentication screen unless authentication has been registered for the device, in which case single sign-on is attempted.
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The initial screen that appears depends on the default functionality that is set for the device and the settings on the
AutoStore or Output Manager server. You can configure AutoStore to not require a login. Output Manager always requires user identification.
If Output Manager is the default application, the Start Print Release screen appears and shows the print jobs that are waiting to be printed.
You can select documents and then press Print, Print All, Delete, Change Settings or Info.
The following table describes the options available through the interface:
View Printed Jobs
Toggles the view to show documents for the current user that have been printed.
Documents in the printed jobs list are in a retained state, which may be configured by an administrator to have an expiration period.
View Unprinted Jobs
Toggles the view to show documents for the current user that are unprinted.
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Print All
Change Settings
Routes selected documents to the device and releases them for printing.
Routes all documents in the list to the device and releases them for printing.
Prompt to confirm deletion and then permanently deletes the selected documents.
Adjusts print preferences of the selected documents.
Press Done to return to the documents view. Any changes are submitted to Output Manager.
View document details.
Switches to AutoStore. Output Manager passes the current user credentials to AutoStore. AutoStore accepts or rejects the credentials depending on its settings.
Switches to Output Manager.
Returns to the previous screen.
Closes the Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client.
The Info button shows information about the selected document.
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If you configured the Unified Client for both Output Manager and AutoStore, toggle between the applications by pressing the AutoStore scanner button or the Output Manager printer button.
In the following example, Output Manager is the active application. Pressing the scanner button switches to
In the following example, AutoStore is the active application. Pressing the printer button switches to Output Manager.
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The Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client provides an authentication service for Konica Minolta MFPs. The service enables authentication through card readers and a touch screen. The credentials obtained from the MFP are available to the Unified Client and other applications running on the device. You can also apply access control by restricting specific users from features on the MFP.
Card reader authentication
Most Konica Minolta MFPs support USB-attached card readers. Contact Konica Minolta Support to determine which card readers are compatible with your MFP and if any firmware upgrades are required.
When the user authenticates through a card reader, the MFP sends the card ID to Output Manager. If a match is found, the authentication service grants access based on the ACL configured for the user for that MFP. The service also provides information about the user, such as the user name and email address. If a match is not found, the MFP enables the user to associate the card to the user name. Subsequent use of the card results in user authentication.
Use the Output Manager Console to configure card login settings. In the Administration application, select Set
General Preferences and select the Security tab. Click Help when the Security tab is active for more information on configuring security settings.
During two-phase authentication, the user provides a Personal Identification Number (PIN) after swiping a card.
When you configure Output Manager to require two-phase authentication, the MFP prompts the user for the PIN after swiping the card.
Touchscreen authentication
An end user can authenticate through the MFP touchscreen. If no user is logged on at the MFP, the console shows the
Output Manager log on screen. Depending on the Output Manager configuration, the end user can log in by entering a card ID, by entering a card ID and a PIN, or by entering a user name and password.
Figure 1: Prompt to enter domain user name and password
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Figure 2: Prompt to enter card ID
Troubleshooting the Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client
Authentication connection errors
on page 23
Unified Client application connection errors
on page 24
Unified Client resets too quickly
on page 25
Unified client registration error messages
Authentication registration error messages
on page 27
Unified Client deregistration error messages
on page 28
Orphan Unified Client button on the device
on page 29
Authentication connection errors
Follow these steps to resolve an authentication connection error on a device:
• Verify that the AutoStore and Output Manager servers are started.
• Verify that the port specified in the application settings for a device in the Device Registration Service matches the port specified in AutoStore or Output Manager:
• If you are using AutoStore or both AutoStore and Output Manager, confirm the
Web Application Port value in the application settings matches the AutoStore component port setting
• If you are only using Output Manager, confirm the Web Application Port value in the application settings matches the Server Port value on the Clients tab in the Output Manager Administration application.
on page 9 provides more information on application settings.
• Verify that the Use SSL for Web Application setting specified in the application settings for the device in the
Device Registration Service matches the Use SSL setting in AutoStore or Output Manager:
• If you are using AutoStore or both AutoStore and Output Manager, confirm the
Use SSL for Web
Application setting in the application settings matches the Use SSL setting for the AutoStore component.
• If you are only using Output Manager, confirm the Use SSL for Web Application setting in the application settings matches Use SSL on the Clients tab in the Administration module of Output Manager.
on page 9 provides more information on application settings.
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• Test the Authority Application by creating a dummy device without registering it on an actual device in Device
Registration Service and then typing the following address in a web browser: http://server_IP_address:3348/Authority
This assumes that Device Registration Service uses default web application port 3348 and the Use SSL value is
• Test the OpenAPI Authority by typing the following address in a web browser: http://server_IP_address:13353
This assumes the OpenAPI authentication uses default port 13353 and the Use SSL value is set to False.
• Restart the device and the AutoStore or Output Manager service.
• Verify that there is no firewall software or hardware blocking the specified port and that IP routing has been set up to enable communication on this port.
Unified Client application connection errors
• Verify that the AutoStore and Output Manager servers are started.
• Verify that the port specified in the application settings for a device in the Device Registration Service matches the port specified in AutoStore or Output Manager:
• If you are using AutoStore or both AutoStore and Output Manager, confirm the port used by the device in
Device Registration Service matches the Web Server Port setting in the Preferences for the Konica Minolta iOption component in AutoStore Process Designer.
• If you are only using Output Manager, confirm the Web Server Port setting in the application settings matches the Server Port setting on the Clients tab in the Output Manager Administration application.
on page 9 provides more information on application settings.
• Verify that the
Use SSL for Web Application setting specified in the application settings for the device in the
Device Registration Service matches the
Use SSL setting in AutoStore or Output Manager:
• If you are using AutoStore or both AutoStore and Output Manager, confirm the
Use SSL for Web
Application setting in the application settings matches the Use SSL setting for the AutoStore component.
• If you are only using Output Manager, confirm the Use SSL for Web Application setting in the application settings matches Use SSL on the Clients tab in the Output Manager Administration application.
on page 9 provides more information on application settings.
• Test the Authority Application by creating a dummy device without registering it on an actual device in Device
Registration Service and then typing the following address in a web browser: http://server_IP_address:3348/Authority
This assumes the Device Registration Service uses default web application port 3348 and the Use SSL setting is
• Test the OpenAPI application by typing the following address in a web browser: http://server_IP_address:13351
This assumes the OpenAPI application port uses default port 13351 and the Use SSL setting is False.
• Restart the device and the AutoStore or Output Manager service.
• Verify that there is no firewall software or hardware blocking the specified port and that IP routing has been set up to enable communication on this port.
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Version 7.0
Unified Client resets too quickly
Problem description
When the user is working on the Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client screen, the screen resets after one minute, even if the user pressed buttons on the screen within the last minute.
The Auto Reset System setting in the MFP is set to 1 minute.
The Auto Reset Setting controls the timeout for the MFP client. This timeout is not reset when buttons are pressed in a browser-based application such as the Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client.
Increase the device timeout interval to 3 minutes.
Complete these steps to increase the device timeout interval:
Note: The MFP administrator password is required to access the Administrator Settings menu.
1. Change System Auto Reset Time to 3 minutes in the MFP control panel:
Press Utility > Administrator Settings > System Settings > Reset Settings > System Auto Reset > System
Auto Reset Time.
2. Find the Priority Mode used when the MFP resets:
Press Utility > Administrator Settings > System Settings > Reset Settings > System Auto Reset > Priority
3. Make a note of this setting (the default is Copy) and then change the Auto Reset setting for the function:
Press Utility > Administrator Settings > System Settings > Reset Settings > Auto Reset.
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4. Change the value for the appropriate function to 3 minutes:
• If priority function was Main Menu or Copy, change the value for the Copy reset.
• If priority function was
Scan, change the value for the Scan/Fax reset.
• If priority function was User Box, change the value for the User Box reset.
• If priority function was Web Browser, change the value for the Web Browser reset.
Unified client registration error messages
Unable to proceed. Please restart device.
Invalid password. Please retry login.
The device may be in faulted state or the device does not support
OpenAPI. If the device is started and this error still occurs, contact Notable
Solutions Support.
Verify that you enter the correct device admin password in the device
Details pane in Device Registration
Unable to connect to dev ice. Please restart devi ce.
Maximum registered applic ations exceeded. Please r emove unused applications and retry.
Device is locked. Please retry later.
Verify that the device is not in authentication mode or application mode.
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Version 7.0
Code Message
Logo icon file does not e xist. Contact Notable Sol utions Support.
Device solution key file not found. Contact Notabl e Solutions Support.
Invalid Output Manager s erver address. Enter corr ect server address and re try.
The Output Manager server address is blank. Enter the Output Manager server on the Applications tab in
Device Registration Service or set
Enable Print Release as False in the device Details pane.
iOption not supported on device. Add iOption or u se the Native Scan connec tor.
Invalid password. Enter t he valid password and re try.
Invalid AutoStore server address. Enter the valid address and retry.
Reenter your credentials using a valid password.
The AutoStore server address is blank. Enter the AutoStore server on the Applications tab of Device
Registration Service or set
Scan as False in the device Details pane.
Invalid Web application p ort number. Enter the val id port number and retry.
The Web Application Port setting is blank or contains a negative number. Enter a valid port number for Web Application Port on the Application tab of Device
Registration Service.
Authentication registration error messages
Registration requires that the device is on and functioning normally. Ping the device or access PageScape to verify that the device is communicating with the network. The AutoStore and Output Manager services do not have to be running when you perform the registration.
Unable to proceed. Please restart device.
The device may be in a faulted state or the device does not support
OpenAPI. If the device is started and
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Device Registration Service User Guide
Version 7.0
Code Message Comments
this error still occurs, contact Notable
Solutions Support.
Invalid password. Please retry login.
Verify that you enter the correct device administrator password.
Unable to connect to dev ice. Please restart devi ce.
Device is locked. Please retry later.
Verify that the device is not in authentication mode or application mode.
Invalid Output Manager s erver address. Enter corr ect server address and re try.
The Output Manager server address is blank. Either enter the
Output Manager server address on Applications tab of DRS or set Enable Print Release as False on Devices tab of the Device
Registration Service.
Unified Client deregistration error messages
Un-registration requires that the device is on and functioning normally. Ping the device or access PageScape to verify that the device is communicating with the network.
Unable to proceed. Please restart device.
The device may be in a faulted state or the device does not support
OpenAPI. If the device is started and this still occurs, contact Notable
Solutions Support.
Invalid password. Please retry login.
Verify that you enter the correct device administrator password.
Unable to connect to dev ice. Please restart devi ce.
Device is locked. Please retry later.
Verify that the device is not in authentication mode or application mode.
Unregistration failed bec ause no unified client ha s been registered.
There is no registered Unified Client application.
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Version 7.0
Orphan Unified Client button on the device
Use the Konica Minolta MFP component to remove the button:
1. Open the Konica Minolta MFP component Properties dialog box.
2. Click Device Manager.
3. Enter values for IP Address and Admin password and click the Application list button.
4. Select the Unified Client application and click Delete.
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Version 7.0
Ricoh ESA Unified Client
The Ricoh ESA Unified Client merges Output Manager print and AutoStore scan functionality on a Ricoh Multi-
Function Device (MFD) or Multi-Function Printer (MFP). Use Device Registration Service to install the Ricoh
Unified Client on the device and to configure the device with Output Manager server and AutoStore server settings.
Your business requirements determine if your environment uses Output Manager or AutoStore or if your environment uses both Output Manager and AutoStore.
The Ricoh ESA Unified Client supports Output Manager and AutoStore authentication through user name and password, card identification (ID) with an optional personal identification number (PIN), and card swipe with an optional PIN.
The Ricoh ESA Unified Client supports single sign-on (SSO) for the following systems:
• Adaptable Authentication API (AAA): Ricoh SSO infrastructure.
• Internal authentication: built-in MFD logon mechanism.
• Card Authentication Package (CAP): Card logon product from Ricoh.
The Ricoh ESA Unified Client can collect accounting data to enable you to track usage for up to three billing accounts.
System Requirements
This topic describes system requirements for the Ricoh ESA Unified Client.
Version 6.0 SP1
Output Manager
The Ricoh Unified Client supports devices with the following versions of the Java platform:
• 4.x
• 5.x
• 7.x, except for 4-line LCD devices
• 10.x
• 11.x
• 12.x
Refer to the Ricoh brand matrix to determine the Java platform version on a device.
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Card readers
CAC Authentication
The Ricoh Unified Client provides localization support for the following languages:
• Spanish (Latin American)
• German
• Italian
• Dutch
• Danish
• Swedish
• French
• Portuguese (Brazilian)
• Norwegian
• Finnish
The Ricoh Unified Client has been tested for the following card readers:
• RFIDeas, MS3-00M1AKU, pcSwipe, Card: magnetic stripe.
• RFIDeas, RDR-6081APU pcProx. Card: HID.
• RFIDeas, RDR-6381APU pcProx. Card: Indala
Motorola 26 bit.
• RFIDeas, RDR-7581APU pcProx. Card:
DesFire CSN
• ISO 14443A/15693 CSN
For RFIDeas readers, the second to last character in the model number indicates the device color (P=Pearl,
K=Black, and W=White). Differences in this character do not affect device compatibility.
To run the Ricoh Unified Client with the CAC solution, ensure compliance with the following before installing the Ricoh Unified Client:
• CAC Authentication application is set to have first priority.
• Device heap stack is set to a minimum of 45 MB.
Configure the Device
Configure a device for external authentication
Complete the procedures in this section to use external authentication to control user access to device functions. You configure access control settings through Enhanced External Charge Unit Management in Output Manager.
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How to turn off internal authentication
Turn off internal authentication before turning on Enhanced External Charge Unit Management.
1. On the MFP console, press the User Tools hard key or soft key on the Smart Operation Panel.
2. Press System Settings > Administrator Tools.
3. Page down to User Authentication Management.
4. Press User Authentication Management > Off > OK.
5. On the Administrator Tools tab, press Administrator Authentication Management > User Management >
Off > OK.
How to turn on Enhanced External Charge Unit Management
Turn on Enhanced External Charge Unit Management to activate the settings that control user access to device functions.
1. On the MFP console, go to a function other than User Tools. For example, go to the Copy function.
2. Enter one of the following key sequences depending on the Java platform version on the device:
Java platform
7.x or earlier
Key sequence
Press Clear Modes, type 107 on the numeric keypad, and press and hold Clear/Stop for 5 seconds.
Reset, type 107 on the numeric keypad, press and hold
C for 5 seconds.
Press Reset, type 806182 on the numeric keypad, press and hold C for 5 seconds.
The SP mode options appear.
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3. Press System Sp.
The SP mode service options appear.
4. Press SP-5XXX and page down until 5113 appears.
5. Press 5113 > 2 to show the COPY : SP-5-113-002 page.
6. Press 1: Expansion Device 1 > OK.
7. Press Exit.
8. Restart the device.
How to configure user access to device functions
Use Enhanced External Charge Unit Management to configure user access to device functions.
1. On the MFP console, press the User Tools hard key or soft key on the Smart Operation Panel.
2. Press System Settings > Administrator Tools.
3. Page down and press Enhanced External Charge Unit Management.
4. Press the category functions for which you want to restrict user access.
For example, if you press Full Color, Single Color, and Two-color and you do not press Black & White for the
Copier category, users can only make black and white copies of documents.
Do not restrict access to the Printer category options and do not restrict access to JavaTM/X in the Other
Functions category. The following figure shows sample settings:
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5. Press OK.
Configure a device for internal authentication
To enable authentication through the built-in login screen of the device, enable Internal Authentication at the device or partially through the Web Image Monitor application.
How to configure LDAP and user authentication at a device
This task explains how to configure LDAP and user authentication at the device.
1. Verify that external authentication is turned off as described in
Select functions for access control
2. Verify that Enhanced External Charge Unit Management functions are not selected.
For information about configuring these functions, see
Select functions for access control
3. Configure the LDAP server required for authentication: a) On the MFP console, press the User Tools hard key or soft key on the Smart Operation Panel.
b) Press System Settings > Administrator Tools.
c) Page down and press Program / Change / Delete LDAP Server.
d) Press Program > Change and press the LDAP server that you want to configure.
e) Configure LDAP server settings.
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Contact your system administrator for the server settings for your environment.
f) Press OK to return to Administrator Tools.
4. Set user authentication to the LDAP server: a) Press Administrator Tools.
b) Page down and press Administrator Authentication Management.
c) Press
Administrator Authentication Management, press On next to Admin. Authentication, and press
d) On the Administrator tab, press User Authentication Management > LDAP Auth.
e) Next to LDAP Servers, select the LDAP server that you configured and press Next.
f) For Copier, press None > Next.
g) Next to
Other Functions, turn off Document Server, Facsimile, and Scanner, and press OK.
5. Optional: On the Administrator Tools tab, press Enhanced Authentication Management > On > OK.
This setting affects the device logon screen but not the operation of Output Manager.
6. Restart the device.
How to configure LDAP and user authentication
This task explains how to configure LDAP and user authentication on a workstation using the Ricoh Web Image
Monitor application.
1. Log on to the Web Image Monitor.
2. Browse to the Configuration page.
3. Click LDAP Server under Device Settings.
Internal authentication requires LDAP authentication.
4. Select the LDAP server and click Change.
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5. Configure LDAP server settings.
Contact your system administrator for the server settings for your environment.
6. Click OK and then click OK to return to the Configuration page.
7. Click Administrator Authentication Management under Device Settings.
8. For User Administrator Authentication, select On.
9. Click OK to return to the Configuration page.
10. Click User Authentication Management under Device Settings.
• For
User Authentication Management, select LDAP Authentication from the drop-down list box.
• For LDAP authentication, select the LDAP server you configured.
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11. Click OK to return to the Configuration page.
12. Restart the device.
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Internal authentication and Address Book
Use the settings configured in this section as a template to create an entry in the device Address Book. A user has access to a function if it is enabled by internal authentication through the Output Manager server at login or the user settings in the Address Book. It is recommended that you turn off the functions in the Address Book so only the server settings are active.
For existing users in the Address Book, it is recommended that you turn off the functions locally or remotely through the Web Image Monitor application. You can also delete user accounts so new accounts with correct settings are created the next time the users log in.
Single sign-on integration
An application participates in single sign-on (SSO) in an authority role or listener role.
In the authority role, the application provides the original login for a user and sends login information to other SSO listener applications. In the listener role, the application receives login information through SSO from the authority application.
The Ricoh ESA Unified Client can function in the authority role for the following authentication modes:
• Output Manager Authentication with Device Access Control
• OM Authentication
• Device Authentication.
As the authority, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client notifies its listeners for login and logout events.
The Ricoh ESA Unified Client can function in the listener role for the following authentication modes:
• External AAA Provider
As a listener, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client shows a not-logged-in message rather than a login screen when no user is logged in.
Single sign-on under AAA
The AAA infrastructure requires a provider that can broadcast the authority login information to listeners.
Figure 3: AAA infrastructure for single sign-on
To configure the Ricoh ESA Unified Client as the AAA authority, follow these steps:
1. In Device Registration Service, select the device in the Devices pane.
2. In the Details pane, set Authentication to OM Authentication with Device Access Control or OM
3. Set OM Enable SSO Provider to True.
4. Install the Ricoh Unified Client as described in
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When the above flag is turned on, both the Unified Client Xlet and the SSO provider servlet are installed on the device. Device actions such as Start and Stop apply to both applications.
To configure the Unified Client as a AAA listener, set Authentication to External AAA Provider. The Unified
Client listens to AAA login and logout events through Output Manager or AutoStore depending on whether
Print Release is set to True or False.
Single sign-on under internal authentication
Internal authentication allows applications to participate in SSO by registering a login plug-in for the SSO authority or an event listener for a SSO listener.
Figure 4: Internal authentication infrastructure for single sign-on
To configure the Ricoh ESA Unified Client as the internal login authority, set Authentication to Device
Authentication in the device Details pane in Device Registration Service.
To configure the Ricoh ESA Unified Client as an internal listener, set Authentication to CAP.
How to configure SNMPv3 settings
This procedure explains how to configure the device SNMPv3 settings that are required for using SNMPv3 with the
Ricoh ESA Unified Client.
1. Log on to the Web Image Monitor application as an administrator.
2. Click Device Management > Configuration.
3. Click SNMPv3 under Network.
4. Configure SNMPv3 settings as described in the following table:
Account Name(User)
Authentication Password(User)
Encryption Password(User)
Specifies the user account that the device uses for SNM
Specifies the password for the user account.
Specifies the password that the device uses for encrypt ion.
Use the same settings when you add a Ricoh ESA device in Device Registration Service and configure it for
Refer to the Ricoh device documentation for more information on other device settings.
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Configure the Ricoh ESA Unified Client
How to add an application
This task explains how to create a Ricoh ESA application profile in Device Registration Service. The application profile defines the server settings for AutoStore, Output Manager, and Device Registration Service.
1. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
2. Click Applications.
3. Click Add Application on the Applications toolbar.
4. Type an application name. For example:
Ricoh Production
5. Select Ricoh ESA from the Application Type drop-down list box.
6. Configure application properties as described in the following table:
AutoStore Server Address
IP address, computer name, or DNS name of the
AutoStore server.
AutoStore Server Port
Port number that the AutoStore server uses to communicate with clients. Verify that this port number matches the port that is set for the AutoStore server.
The default is 8084.
Output Manager Server Address
IP address of the Output Manager database management server.
Output Manager Server Port
Port number that the Output Manager database management server uses to communicate with clients.
Verify that this port number matches the port that is set for the Output Manager database management server.
The default is 8068 for HTTP and 8069 for HTTPS.
DRS Server Address
IP address of the server that hosts Device Registration
DRS Server Port
Port that the Device Registration service uses to communicate with clients. Verify that this setting matches the port that is set for the Device Registration
Service. The default is 8753.
Communication profile
HTTP or HTTPS, depending on the
Communication setting described in
on page 41.
7. Click Save application.
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How to add a Ricoh ESA device
This task explains how to create a device profile for the Ricoh ESA Unified Client. The profile enables you to manage the Ricoh ESA Unified Client, AutoStore, Output Manager, and authentication settings on the device through Device
Registration Service.
1. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
2. Click Devices.
3. Click Add Device on the Devices toolbar.
4. Type a device name.
5. Type the IP address or DNS address of the device.
The address is specific to the device and does not appear when you configure properties for a device group.
6. Type the administrator user name for the device.
The default is admin. The user name is not required to perform an action on the device.
7. Type the password for the administrator user name.
By default, there is not a password and the field is empty.
8. Select the target application.
9. Configure device properties as described in the following table:
Remote Install Password
Remote password for the device. Use this password to upload the Ricoh ESA Unified Client Xlet to the Ricoh
ESA device. The default password is ricoh.
Enable Print Release
Set to True to enable users to release Output Manager print jobs after logging in to the device.
Enable Scan
Set to True to enable users to scan documents through
Default Functionality
Select if Output Manager or AutoStore settings appear by default after users log in to the device.
Select the authentication mode that controls how users log in to the device.
provides more information on authentication modes.
If you select OM Authentication with Device
Access Control, OM Authentication, or AutoStore
Authentication and the device has a Smart Operation
Panel, set SmartPanel Compatibility Mode to True.
Secure Communication
Set to True to enable secure socket layer (SSL) communication through HTTPS. Set to False to communicate through HTTP.
Log Level
Set the log level as follows:
• Error: Errors appear in the log file.
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OM Date Format
OM Date Time Format
AS Application Name
AS Status Refresh Interval
AS Batch Scan Timeout
OM Application Timeout
Display Destination Specific Documents Only
• Warning: Errors and warnings appear in the log file.
• Information: Errors, warnings, and information messages appear in the log file.
• Debug: All message types and debugging messages appear in the log file.
Specify the format that Output Manager uses to the show date.
Specify the format that Output Manager uses to show the date and time.
Specify the name of the application that appears on the device panel.
Specify the refresh interval for AutoStore in seconds.
The default is 60 seconds.
When batch scanning mode is enabled, specifies the period of inactivity in seconds at the device panel before the Ricoh ESA Unified Client sends the batch scan job to AutoStore. For example, you use the default of 60 seconds. If a user scans a batch of 12 documents and leaves the device, the Ricoh ESA
Unified Client sends the job to AutoStore 60 seconds after the last document enters the scanner.
Specify the period of inactivity in seconds at the device panel before the Ricoh ESA Unified Client automatically logs a user off the device.
On a device that operates with a Java platform version older than 10.x, the period of inactivity starts with a key or button click when the Ricoh ESA Unified Client is active on the panel. On a device that operates with
Java platform version 10.x or newer, the period of inactivity starts with a key or button click from any application.
Set to True to show print jobs for only the device that you are configuring. For example, you set the value to
True for device A. When users view print jobs at the device A panel, they see only the print jobs that they have submitted to device A. If the value is False, users see the print jobs that they have submitted to device A and to other destinations.
As a best practice, use the default value of False.
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OM Enable SSO Provider
SmartPanel Compatibility Mode
Use SNMPv3
Device Context Name
Account Name
Authentication Password
Encryption Password
Set to True to enable single-sign-on (SSO) through a provider if users log in and log out through a device configured for Output Manager functionality. Verify that the following requirements are satisfied to enable
• A third-party application wants SSO through the
Ricoh ESA Unified Client login.
• A Notable Solutions SSO provider is installed.
Enables authentication compatibility between the
Ricoh ESA Unified Client and Ricoh devices that have a Smart Operation Panel.
Set the value to True if the device has a Smart
Operation Panel and the Authentication value is
OM Authentication with Device Access Control, OM
Authentication, or AutoStore Authentication. The
Ricoh ESA Unified Client shows a graphical
button because the Smart Operation Panel does not have a Logout key.
Set the value to False for Ricoh devices that do not have a Smart Operation Panel. Users log out by pressing the Logout key on the standard device panel.
Set the value to True to configure the Unified Client to support version 3 of the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP).
Specify the context name that the device uses for SNM
Specify the account name that the device uses for SNM
Pv3 authentication.
Specify the password that the device uses for SNMPv3 authentication.
Specify the password that the device uses for SNMPv3 encryption.
10. Click Add Device on the Add Device toolbar.
How to import device information
This task explains how to import device information into Device Registration Service from Output Manager or a CSV file.
1. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
2. Click Devices.
3. Click Import on the Devices toolbar and select the import method:
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• To import device information from the Output Manager server, select Import from OM.
Type the address of the Output Manager server, select the application profile, optionally select the device group, and click Import from OM. Device Registration Service only imports devices that are marked as
Unified Client devices in Output Manager.
• To import device information from a CSV file, select Import from file.
Browse to the CSV file and click Upload.
4. Close the Import Results window.
5. If necessary, edit the device properties: a) Select the device in the Devices pane.
b) Click Edit on the Details toolbar.
c) Update the device properties.
d) Click Save on the Details toolbar.
Import guidelines
This topic provides guidelines for importing Ricoh ESA device information into Device Registration Service with a comma separated values (CSV) file.
Header information
The first row in the CSV file is the header row that contains header values for device information. Header values appear in the following order: Name, IP, ApplicationProfile, DeviceGroup, Properties, I nheritPropertyFromGroup, SerialNumber, Username, Password. The subsequent rows list the corresponding values for each device separated by commas. Use the same header row when importing devices for all
Unified Client types.
You can omit values other than Name, IP, and ApplicationProfile. The first row must always contain the header row because the Device Registration Service uses the headers to identify imported values. If you omit a value, make sure to insert the comma.
Ricoh ESA properties
When you add a property to the file, do not include a space in the property name. The following table describes the properties that you can include in the file:
Note: An asterisk indicates a required property.
EnablePrintRelease (*)
EnableScan (*)
DefaultFunctionality (*)
Set to True to enable users to release Output Manager print jobs after logging in to the device. The default value is True.
Set to True to enable users to scan documents through
AutoStore. The default value is True.
Specifies the default functionality for the client. Options are:
Output Manager
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Authentication (*)
LogLevel (*)
Determines the authentication mode. Options are:
OM Authentication with Device Access Control
OM Authentication
Device Authentication
AutoStore Authentication
External AAA Provider
provides more information on authentication modes.
If you select
OM Authentication with Device
Access Control, OM Authentication, or AutoStore
Authentication and the device has a Smart Operation
Panel, set SmartPanel Compatibility Mode to True.
Set to
True to enable secure socket layer (SSL) communication through HTTPS. Set to
False to use unsecure communication through HTTP. The default value is
The level of logging. There are four options:
• Error: Errors appear in the log file.
• Warning: Errors and warnings appear in the log file.
• Information: Errors, warnings, and information messages appear in the log file.
• Debug: All message types and debugging messages appear in the log file.
The default is Debug and provides for the most detailed logging.
Specify the format that Output Manager uses to the show date.
Specify the format that Output Manager uses to show the date and time.
Specify the name of the application that appears on the device panel.
Specify the refresh interval for AutoStore in seconds.
The default is 60 seconds.
When batch scanning mode is enabled, specifies the period of inactivity in seconds at the device panel before
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the Ricoh ESA Unified Client sends the batch scan job to AutoStore. For example, you use the default of 60 seconds. If a user scans a batch of 12 documents and leaves the device, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client sends the job to AutoStore 60 seconds after the last document enters the scanner.
Specify the period of inactivity in seconds at the device panel before the Ricoh ESA Unified Client automatically logs a user off the device. The default is 300 seconds.
On a device that operates with a Java platform version older than 10.x, the period of inactivity starts with a key or button click when the Ricoh ESA Unified Client is active on the panel. On a device that operates with Java platform version 10.x or newer, the period of inactivity starts with a key or button click from any application.
Set to True to show print jobs for only the device that you are configuring. For example, you set the value to
True for device A. When users view print jobs at the device A panel, they see only the print jobs that they have submitted to device A. If the value is False, users see the print jobs that they have submitted to device A and to other destinations.
The default is True.
Set to True to enable single-sign-on (SSO) through a provider if users log in and log out through a device configured for Output Manager functionality. Verify that the following requirements are satisfied to enable SSO:
• A third-party application wants SSO through the
Ricoh Unified Client login.
• A Notable Solutions SSO provider is installed.
The default is False.
Enables authentication compatibility between the Ricoh
ESA Unified Client and Ricoh devices that have a Smart
Operation Panel.
Set the value to True if the device has a Smart
Operation Panel and the Authentication value is
OM Authentication with Device Access Control, OM
Authentication, or AutoStore Authentication. The Ricoh
ESA Unified Client shows a graphical Logout button because the Smart Operation Panel does not have a
Logout key.
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Property Description
Set the value to False for Ricoh devices that do not have a Smart Operation Panel. Users log out by pressing the
Logout key on the standard device panel.
Sample import file
The following example shows Ricoh import file entries:
Applicati onProfile,
Ricoh Prof ile,
Ricoh Prof ile,
Ricoh Gro up,
Ricoh Gro up,
Prope rties,
InheritPr opertyFro mGroup,
TRUE, EnablePrint
Release=tru e~EnableSc an=true,
Release=tru e~EnableSc an=true,
SerialN umber,
Usern ame,
admin, admin,
ricoh ricoh
How to export device information
This task explains how to export Ricoh ESA device information to a CSV file.
1. Click Devices.
2. On the Devices toolbar, click Export.
Device Registration Service exports the device information to a CSV file in the following format:
Name, IP, Application, Device Group, Property Name=Property Value, Inherit
Property From Group, Serial Number, Username, Password
Tip: You can use the exported CSV file as a template to import device information.
How to add a device group
This task explains how to create a group to organize devices in Device Registration Service. The device group is a single configuration point for managing multiple devices for an application.
1. Click Devices.
2. On the Devices toolbar, click Add Device Group.
3. Enter the Name, Username and Password for the device group.
4. From the drop-down list box, select the target application.
5. Configure device group properties.
Devices and device groups share properties.
information on the properties that you can configure.
6. On the Add Device Group toolbar, click Add Device Group.
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How to add a device to a device group
This task explains how to add a device to a device group.
1. Click Devices.
To add an existing device to a group, highlight the device and drag it to the device group.
2. Select the device group.
3. Click Add Device.
4. Type a device name and the device address.
5. Specify the property inheritance value:
• To inherit properties from the device group, select
True for Inherit Properties from Group.
• To configure specific device properties, select False and configure the properties.
on page 41 provides more information on configuring device properties.
6. Click Add Device.
Ricoh authentication modes
The following table describes the authentication modes that you can use for a Ricoh ESA device or Ricoh ESA device group.
OM Authentication with Device Access Control
OM Authentication
Output Manager manages authentication. Output
Manager controls login and logout protocols on the device for the Notable Solutions Unified Client. All device functions such as copying and faxing are made available only after the user logs into the device.
Login at the device will be by user name and password credentials or a card used that can be swiped at the device.
Accounting which encompasses the tracking of the number of printing, copying, scanning and faxing jobs is enabled.
Once logged in, the user can toggle between Output
Manager and AutoStore if AutoStore has been installed.
However, the initial application that will display upon login is controlled by the
Default Functionality
Configure a device for external authentication
more information on the
OM Authentication with
Device Access Control option.
Output Manager manages authentication. Output
Manager controls login and logout protocols on the device for the Ricoh ESA Unified Client only. Other device functions such as copying and faxing are not affected. The user provides user name and password
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Device Authentication
AutoStore Authentication
External AAA Provider
login credentials at the device or swipes a card at the device.
Once logged in, the user can toggle between Output
Manager and AutoStore if AutoStore has been installed.
The initial application that appears after login is controlled by the Default Functionality property.
The device manages authentication. The internal authentication component of a device controls login and logout protocols. Output Manager controls access to the
Ricoh ESA Unified Client. The user provides user name and password login credentials at the device or swipes a card at the device.
Once logged in, the user can toggle between Output
Manager and AutoStore. The initial application that appears after login is controlled by the
Functionality property.
Configure a device for internal authentication
provides more information on the Device Authentication option.
AutoStore manages authentication.
The Ricoh ESA component in AutoStore supports
Microsoft Windows, Active Directory, NetWare, and custom scripting authentication types.
Once logged in, the user can toggle between AutoStore and Output Manager if Output Manager has been installed. The initial application that appears after login is controlled by the Default Functionality property.
To complete AutoStore Authentication, refer to the
Ricoh ESA component Help for more information.
Adaptable Authentication API (AAA) is a sign-on (SSO) infrastructure used by Ricoh to manage authentication.
Output Manager or AutoStore can control access to the
Ricoh ESA Unified Client. If the
Enable Print Release
and Enable Scan values are True and the Default
Functionality value is AutoStore, AutoStore controls access to the Ricoh ESA Unified Client. If the
Print Release and Enable Scan values are True and the
Default Functionality value is Output Manager, Output
Manager controls access to the Ricoh ESA Unified
Users log in at the device with a common access card
(CAC). For AutoStore, other options can include third-
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Mode Description
party applications, such as Equitrac. These applications must be installed prior to using this option.
Once logged in, a user can toggle between AutoStore and
Output Manager if both applications have been installed.
Card Authentication Package (CAP) is a card login product used by Ricoh to manage card authentication.
Output Manager or AutoStore can control access to the
Ricoh ESA Unified Client. If the
Enable Print Release
and Enable Scan values are True and the Default
Functionality value is AutoStore, AutoStore controls access to the Ricoh ESA Unified Client. If the
Print Release and Enable Scan values are True and the
Default Functionality value is Output Manager, Output
Manager controls access to the Ricoh ESA Unified
Users log in at the device with CAP. CAP must be installed prior to using this mode of authentication.
Once logged in, the user can toggle between AutoStore and Output Manager if both applications have been installed.
Note: The Output Manager detailed history by device report shows entries for native copy, Output Manager print, and AutoStore scan jobs. The report does not show entries for native scan and fax jobs.
How to perform device actions
1. On the Device Registration Service web client, click Devices.
2. Select a device.
3. On the Details toolbar, select an action as described in the following table:
Installs the Ricoh ESA Unified Client Xlet on the device.
Uninstalls the Ricoh ESA Unified Client Xlet on the device.
Starts the Ricoh ESA Unified Client Xlet on the device.
Stops the Ricoh ESA Unified Client Xlet on the device.
Install and Start
Installs the Ricoh ESA Unified Client Xlet on the device and then starts the Ricoh ESA Unified Client.
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Update Menus
Install and Reboot
Action Description
Updates device registration configuration and menus for the AutoStore application on the device.
Reboots the device.
Install the Ricoh ESA Unified Client Xlet on the device and then reboots the device.
4. Click Perform selected action.
How to view device information
1. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
2. Click Devices.
3. To filter device and device group information that appears in the Devices pane, type or select criteria in the Filter pane and click
4. To view action history for a device or device group, select the device or device group in the Details pane.
The Action History pane shows the following information:
Time stamp of when the action was attempted.
Attempted action.
Action taken and the result.
Status for the action.
Indicates if the action was successful.
Name of the device.
Return code
IP address of the device.
Return code returned by the device. The values shown on the device type.
Ricoh ESA return codes
Ricoh ESA return codes appear for device actions that you perform through Device Registration Service.
The following return codes appear in the Action History.
Return Code Description
Xlet is not installed.
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Return Code
Xlet is installed.
Xlet is initializing.
Xlet has started.
Xlet has stopped.
Xlet has paused.
Xlet is inactive.
Xlet status cannot be determined.
Configure Output Manager
This procedure provides the high-level steps for configuring Output Manager server settings for the Ricoh ESA
Unified Client.
Complete the following procedure if the device Authentication property is set to OM Authentication or OM
Authentication with Device Access Control.
1. Start the Output Manager Console application and log in.
2. Configure SSL settings as described in
3. Configure devices as described in
Configure Output Manager devices
4. Configure copy quota settings as described in
Configure copy quota for users
How to configure the SSL port
Follow the steps in this procedure to configure the Output Manager SSL port for the Ricoh ESA Unified Client.
1. On the Output Manager machine, select Start > All Programs > NSi > NSi Output Manager Server > OM
Server Configuration.
2. Click the SSL Certificate Manager tab and configure the port for DdmInterface.
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Click Help for more information on configuring SSL settings.
How to configure Output Manager devices
This topic describes how to configure devices in the Output Manager Console.
1. On the Output Manager server, select Start > All Programs > NSi > NSi Output Manager Console and connect to the Output Manager server.
2. In the Devices application, right-click the device and select Configure.
3. Click the Device Details tab.
4. For Embedded client type, verify that Ricoh is selected.
Configure devices for accounting
If a device is configured for accounting, complete the following tasks:
• Configure the device for external authentication.
Configure a device for external authentication
• Enable Output Manager login for the Unified Client.
• Set Manage login in Output Manager to External.
Configure devices for access control
Configure devices for accounting
How to configure device for accounting
This procedure describes how to configure a device for accounting.
If the
Device Configuration dialog box for the device is not open already, follow the instructions in
before continuing with this procedure.
Note: Accounting data for Output Manager print jobs and Ricoh ESA Unified Client scan jobs is always recorded, regardless of settings configured with this procedure.
1. In the Device Configuration dialog box, click the Device Details tab.
2. For Cost Management, select Prints or Copies depending on your business requirements.
3. If you selected Copies, specify the cost per page.
If the Ricoh ESA Unified Client is already started, restart it to implement the changes.
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How to configure device for access control
This procedure shows how to create access control profiles for users, groups, and departments.
Device Configuration dialog box for the device is not open already, follow instructions in
before continuing with this procedure.
Perform these steps only if access control is required.
Access control can be configured for users, groups, and departments. If access control is not configured, a default profile with full access is provided for new users.
1. In the Device Configuration dialog box, click the Device Details tab.
2. Select Unified client.
3. In the Unified Client box, click Configure access control.
4. Click the appropriate tab to configure access control for Users, Groups, or Departments.
5. Click the browse button (...) for the user, group, or department that you want to configure.
6. In the Manage MFP ACL Profiles dialog box, you can create or edit ACL profiles for the selected user, group, or department.
7. Click New to create an MFP ACL profile.
You do not need to restart the Unified Client to implement the changes. The changes take effect the next time users log in to the Unified Client.
How to configure device for print preferences
MFP Kiosk Preferences profiles make print preference available to users.
If Device Configuration dialog box for the device is not open already, follow instructions in
before continuing with this procedure.
Perform these steps only if you want users to adjust print preferences before printing.
1. In the Device Configuration dialog box, click the Device Details tab.
2. Select Unified client.
3. In the Unified Client box, click New.
4. Type a name for the profile in the Name field.
5. Optional: Type a profile description in the Description field.
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6. Click the arrow next to any item to expand an option group.
7. Select the check box next to a print option to add it to the Selected items list.
8. Click OK.
If the Unified Client is already started, restart it to implement the changes.
How to configure login methods
This procedure describes how to configure the login methods for Output Manager users.
1. Start the Output Manager console and connect to the server.
To start the console, select Start > NSi > NSi Output Manager Console > Output Manager Console.
2. Click the Administration application.
3. In the Administration options, click Set General Preferences.
4. In the Administration - Set General Preferences settings, click the Security tab.
5. Select options in the External client login section as described in the following table:
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Allow user name / password
The user can log in by entering user name, password, and selecting a domain.
Allow card swipe
Allow manual card ID entry
The user can log in through a card swipe. The user must also enter a PIN if
Require PIN with card swipe
is selected.
The user can log in by entering an ID. The user must also enter a pin if Require PIN with manual entry is also selected.
Allow unmasked card ID
The card ID will be readable as it is entered. If you clear this check box, the card ID will be masked.
Default manual login method
Select the default user login method:
• Card ID Entry
• User Name/Password
Require PIN with card swipe
Require PIN with card ID entry
Users must also enter a pin when using a card swipe.
Users also enter a PIN when using manual card ID entry.
6. Click Apply.
7. Restart Output Manager.
How to configure billing accounts
This procedure describes how to configure billing accounts and scan properties for Output Manager users.
1. Start the Output Manager Console and connect to the server.
To start the console, click Start > NSi > NSi Output Manager Console > Output Manager Console.
2. Click the Administration application.
3. In the Administration options, click Manage Billing Accounts.
4. In the Administration - Manage Billing Accounts settings, you can create or edit a billing list and its billing accounts.
5. You can create secondary billing accounts under the main accounts.
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The following steps associate the billing lists to users:
6. Click the Administration application again, and in the Administration options, click Manage Users.
7. In Administration - Manage Users, select a user and click the Device Profile column to select or edit an existing profile or to create a new profile.
8. In a profile, you can create a single billing list, two billing lists, or one primary list and one secondary list.
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9. Click OK.
You do not need to restart the Ricoh ESA Unified Client. Users see the changes after their next login.
How to configure copy quotas
This procedure describes how to configure the copy quota for a user.
1. Start the Output Manager Console and connect to the server.
To start the console, click Start > NSi > NSi Output Manager Console > Output Manager Console.
2. Click the Administration application button.
3. In the Administration options, click Manage Users.
4. In the Administration - Manage Users pane, click the Balances tab.
5. For a user, select the check box in the Set Balance column, and click the browse button (...) in the Allowances
Profile column to create or edit profiles.
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6. Click New or Edit to set allowances for print and copy.
7. Click OK to save changes to the profile and then click Close.
8. Click the profile list the Allowances Profile column to assign the allowances profile to the user.
You do not need to restart the Ricoh ESA Unified Client. Users see the changes after their next login.
Configure AutoStore
Configure the authentication for the Ricoh ESA component to work with AutoStore or Output Manager authentication.
1. In AutoStore Process Designer, add the Ricoh ESA capture component to a task.
2. Double-click the component.
3. On the Authentication tab, select the Authentication type value as follows:
• For authentication through Output Manager, select None.
• For authentication through AutoStore:
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• If Authentication is set to OM Authentication in the device Details pane in Device Registration Service, select an authentication type that resolves login information to user names on the Output Manager server.
Do not select None.
• If Authentication is set to AutoStore Authentication, select any authentication type.
4. Configure settings for the selected authentication type.
Refer to the Ricoh ESA component Help for more information.
5. Optional: Configure options required by the workflow on the other tabs.
6. Click OK.
How to install the Ricoh ESA Unified Client
Use Device Registration Service to send configuration settings to the MFD.
Before performing this procedure, configure an application profile on the Applications tab and specify it in a device profile on the Devices tab.
1. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
2. Click Devices and select the device.
3. In the Details pane, select Install or Install Start from the drop-down list box.
4. Click Perform selected action.
5. Install the Ricoh Xlet: a) Go to the Device Registration Service installation directory (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\N
Si\Device Registration Service\Service\Plugins\) and copy the file to the desktop.
b) Unzip the file to a temporary folder on the desktop and open the UnifiedESAXlet.dalp file in a text editor.
c) At the bottom of the file, modify the deviceRegServer and deviceRegPort arguments for your Device
Registration Service instance as shown in the following example:
<argument>deviceRegPort=8353</argument> d) Save the file and create an updated file from the temporary folder.
e) Replace the original file in the Device Registration Service installation directory (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\NSi\Device Registration Service\Service\Plug ins\) with the updated file.
If the arguments have the correct connection information, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client starts.
on page 61 contains more information on factors that may affect how the Ricoh ESA
Unified Client starts.
6. Install the SSO Xlet: a) In the Device Registration Service Devices pane, select the device.
b) Click Edit on the Details toolbar.
c) Select
True for OM Enable SSO Provider.
d) Click Save.
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The system adds the SSO Xlet file to the Device Registration Service installation directory (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\NSi\Device Registration Service\Service\Plugins
on page 41 provides more information on the
OM Enable SSO Provider
7. Optional: To view registrations for a device, select the device and click Refresh status on the Details toolbar.
Ricoh ESA Unified Client startup scenarios
Startup scenarios depend on the login application and if Output Manager and AutoStore are enabled and licensed.
Startup behavior depends on the following:
• Output Manager — Licensed or unlicensed
• AutoStore — Licensed or unlicensed
• Output Manager — Enabled or disabled
• AutoStore — Enabled or disabled
• Login application — Output Manager or AutoStore
• Default application — Output Manager or AutoStore
Ricoh ESA Unified Client Operations
Output Manager login
This section describes how to configure login settings and how to log on to Output Manager through the Ricoh ESA
Unified Client.
Login settings
This topic describes settings that control the Ricoh ESA Unified Client login to Output Manager.
The Ricoh ESA Unified Client login is configured in the Output Manager Console by the External client login
The External client login The settings define three login methods and two PIN options:
• User name and password login.
• Card swipe login, with optional PIN.
A PIN can be treated as password for a card ID.
• Manual card ID entry login, with option for a PIN.
After you change login settings on the Output Manager server, restart the Ricoh ESA Unified Client to implement the changes. Depending on the selections in the External client login settings, users see different login options at the
Ricoh ESA Unified Client.
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Typically, all three login methods are enabled. Depending on the default login method selected at the Output Manager server, the user sees either the user name and password login or the manual card ID entry login.
Figure 5: User name/password login screen
Figure 6: Manual ID entry login screen
A user can press Switch to switch between these to methods. If one of the methods is not enabled, the switch button does not appear. For example:
Figure 7: Manual ID entry disabled
Since the Card Swipe Login is always available, there is no need to switch to it and it cannot be specified as a default login method in the Output Manager server. When Card Swipe Login is the only method enabled, the screen prompts to swipe a card.
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Figure 8: Card Swipe login only
The following screen shows when no login method is available.
Figure 9: No login method available
The user name, password, and card ID or PIN are entered using a soft keyboard.
Figure 10: Soft keyboard
When the Allow unmasked card ID check box is cleared, the entry is obscured as the user types characters.
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Figure 11: Soft keyboard with mask
User name and password entry
This section describes options when supplying a user name and password to log in.
User name and password entry supports the following user types:
• Microsoft Windows domain
• Output Manager
• LDAP realm
The domain, Output Manager, or realm is selected in the Domain list box:
If the login fails, an error message shows Invalid user name or password:
Manual ID entry
This section describes options for the manual ID entry login.
Manual ID entry login prompts for both ID or server or registers an unrecognized user. By default, the manual ID login provides fields for both card ID and PIN for logging onto the server. If the PIN option is disabled, the Ricoh
ESA Unified Client shows the login screen without the PIN field.
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If a login fails, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client prompts the user to register an ID or PIN.
If the user presses Yes, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client prompts the user to log in to assign an ID or PIN.
If the assignment is successful, the user can use the card ID or PIN for future logins.
Card swipe
This topic describes options for the card swipe login.
This login type supports the following features:
• Card can be swiped when the Ricoh ESA Unified Client is not the active application on the device panel. The
Ricoh ESA Unified Client performs a login in the background. This is very helpful when the Unified Client is providing SSO to other applications. The active application could log in the user after receiving the SSO notification.
• Card can be swiped when the device is in energy-saving sleep mode. The Ricoh ESA Unified Client wakes up the device and logs in the user.
If the
Require PIN with card swipe option is not selected, the card swipe logs in a user with a registered card ID. If the
Require PIN with card swipe option is selected, the user enters a PIN.
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If a login fails, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client prompts the user to register an ID or PIN.
If the user presses
Yes, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client prompts the user to log in to assign an ID or PIN.
If the assignment is successful, the user can use the card ID or PIN for future logins.
AutoStore login
The Ricoh ESA Unified Client shows an AutoStore login screen when it is configured to use the AutoStore login.
The following figure shows a sample screen for the Active Directory login on AutoStore.
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Ricoh ESA Unified Client screen layout
After a user logs in, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client shows the AutoStore workflow or the Output Manager screen.
The Ricoh ESA Unified Client screen that appears depends on the settings that you configure in
on page 41.
Figure 12: AutoStore workflow screen (large panel)
Figure 13: AutoStore workflow screen (small panel)
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Figure 14: Output Manager screen (large panel)
Figure 15: Output Manager screen (small panel)
• The Release my print button in AutoStore does not appear if only scanning is enabled.
• The Home button in Output Manager does not appear if only printing is enabled.
• The number of jobs retrieved from the Output Manager server is limited to 40.
• Some buttons are disabled when no jobs are selected.
Advanced Output Manager operations
Billing accounts
The user can configure a billing account for each print at login or at each release.
The login billing accounts list is called Default Billing Accounts. They are recorded as part of the accounting data for
Copy, Scan, Print, and Fax operations.
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Figure 16: Default billing accounts
The Billing Accounts button is enabled only if Prompt for billing accounts at login is selected at the Output
Manager server. This selection allows a logged in user to change the default billing accounts during a login session.
Print settings
The Ricoh ESA Unified Client can be configured to let users press the
Settings on the console before releasing selected jobs.
The Ricoh ESA Unified Client shows the settings that are available and in the order they are set up in the Output
Manager server.
Figure 17: Settings screen (large panel)
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Figure 18: Settings screen (small panel)
There are three commands in the Settings screen.
Set the preferences for the jobs on the Output Manager server.
Set the preferences and then release the jobs according to the preferences. If billing lists are assigned, the
Ricoh ESA Unified Client prompts the user with billing
account options as described in
Cancel the print operation.
Job information
The job information screen shows job details.
The user can select one or more jobs and press Info to view information about each job.
Figure 19: Job Information screen
When multiple jobs are selected, the user can press Previous and Next to navigate the information screens for the jobs.
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Printed jobs
The printed jobs lists show information about completed print jobs.
The user can view previously printed jobs by pressing Print Jobs.
Figure 20: The printed jobs list
The number of jobs retrieved is limited to 40. When the user presses Print Jobs, it changes to Unprinted Jobs. This allows users to switch from one list to the other.
The Ricoh ESA Unified Client supports the following logout options at the MFD:
Logout button
The user logs out by pressing Login/Logout on the device panel. The Ricoh ESA Unified Client shows the login screen after the user logs out. For 10.x and later devices, the user can press Login/Logout to log out even when the application is not the current application on the device panel.
If the Ricoh ESA Unified Client is configured for compatibility with Smart Operation Panel devices, the user can log out by pressing the graphical Logout button on the Smart Operation Panel display.
Logout by card swipe
While logged in, the user can swipe a card again to log out. This is a convenient way to log out when the application is not the current application on the panel, even for pre-10.x devices.
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Auto logout
If the user forgets to log out, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client automatically logs out the user after the user has not been active on the MFD control panel for a specified time-out interval. The time period is specified as the number of seconds through the OM Application Timeout property in the device Details pane in Device Registration Service.
Energy Saving Mode logout
When the device enters Energy Saving Mode while the user is logged in, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client logs out the user before the device shuts down.
Powered off logout
When the device is powered off manually or through auto-power off timer, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client logs out the user before the device shuts down.
Internal login
When you configure the Ricoh ESA Unified Client to do internal login, it is integrated with the built-in login of a device.
Depending on the setting for Enhanced Authentication Management, the user sees either of the following two login screens:
Figure 21: Enhanced Authentication Management set to On
Figure 22: Enhanced Authentication Management set to Off
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In either case, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client supports both user name and password and card swipe login for a card
ID already registered. A card swipe is ignored if the card ID is not already registered.
The user can log out by pressing Login/Logout on the device panel at any time, even when the Ricoh ESA Unified
Client is not the active application. The device shows its login screen again after the user has logged out.
There is no automatic logout when the Ricoh ESA Unified Client is configure for internal login. The
autoLogoutTime setting is ignored.
Access control
The Ricoh ESA Unified Client controls device access for the following scenarios:
• Authentication is set to OM Authentication with Device Access Control or Device Authentication.
have been configured for users on the device.
Access control under external authentication
When external authentication is enabled, a user who is not logged in sees a screen like the following:
If the user is logged in but not permitted access in any profile, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client notifies the user of insufficient permissions.
Access control under internal authentication
When internal authentication is enabled, a user who is not logged in sees the device login screen. If the user logs in but lacks permissions to a feature, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client notifies the user of insufficient permissions.
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The Ricoh ESA Unified Client uses accounting flags to perform accounting operations. Collecting accounting data is achieved through the following actions:
• Output Manager server tracks print activity.
• Output Manager server tracks AutoStore scan activity.
• Print and native copy activities are tracked according to the accounting flags. AutoStore scan activities are also tracked.
The Ricoh ESA Unified Client records accounting data for color and black and white content as follows:
• When a user logs in at a device, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client reads the device print and copy counters. When the user logs out, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client reads the counters and records the differences since the start of the session.
• The Ricoh ESA Unified Client records data for configured billing accounts. When the user changes the billing accounts while logged in, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client records the counter differences before each change.
• For an Output Manager print job, the Output Manager server records its accounting data at the end of the job regardless of the accounting settings. The Output Manager server uses the recorded print counters to reconcile the accounting data.
• For an AutoStore scan job, the Ricoh ESA Unified Client records its accounting data at the end of the job regardless of the accounting settings.
Quota management
This topic describes how to enable quota management on a device.
Configure the following to have Output Manager to use quota management:
Do this
Enable external authentication
Set manageLogin to external
Set the allowance profile
Configure a device for external authentication
Configure copy quota for users
Note: Output Manager cannot do quota management on 2.x devices, as they do not support external authentication.
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Quota is checked at login time, and during and after a copy session. After the limit is reached, the Ricoh ESA Unified
Client issues a command to stop copy. The command turns off all device functions, including copy, scan, and fax.
Depending on the device capabilities, it may continue copying pages before its functions are turned off. The Ricoh
ESA Unified Client shows the following screen on the device:
Output Manager also issues error beeps and shows a quota reached message:
Troubleshooting the Ricoh ESA Unified Client
This topic provides information for troubleshooting problems with the Ricoh ESA Unified Client application.
Error codes
Table 1: Ricoh ESA Unified Client error codes
J201, J301
Failed security check due to:
• A demo signature expired.
• Corrupted device registry information when a device was not shut down properly.
Uninstall and reinstall the application.
Disk out of space for one of the following reasons:
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Code Description
• Failed to copy application zip file to the install directory.
• Cannot start in standard time due to missing file, wrong .dalp file format, or thread takes too long.
Java class reference missing for one of the following reasons:
• Missing library.
• An application exception.
• For a 10.x device, this can occur when installing with
Web Image Monitor. You can use RxopGuiClient instead of Web Image Monitor.
A4 small panel scanner settings
Typically, the MFP device automatically detects the scan settings that you configure. If the MFP device does not detect the scan settings and the device panel shows an error, map the device model code to the scanner bed value:
1. Locate the file on the server (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\NSi\Device Registration Service
2. Extract the file from the ZIP file and open it in a text editor.
3. Configure the properties file by adding an entry for your device in the following format:
4. Save your changes to the file and reinstall the Xlet.
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Xerox EIP Unified Client
The Xerox Extensible Interface Platform (EIP) Unified Client is a web-based client that uses a subset of the Xerox
Extensible Interface EIP Application Programming Interface (API) to merge AutoStore scan and Output Manager print functionality on Xerox MFDs.
The Xerox Unified Client consists of a web client and authentication module on the AutoStore server. A Xerox MFD connects over the network to the web client using HTTP or HTTPS.
The following figure illustrates the architecture for a system that includes the Xerox EIP Unified Client:
Web client
The web client for the Xerox Unified Client is a web site hosted by the web server embedded in either the AutoStore or Output Manager server. The ANT Galio browser navigates to this web site based on the URL that was provided during registration. The embedded web server uses the configuration settings to show and order pages. Business requirements determine if your environment uses AutoStore or Output Manager. The client provides language interfaces for Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish
(Latin American), and Swedish.
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Version 7.0
Configure the Xerox EIP Unified Client
How to add an application
This task explains how to create a Xerox EIP Connect application profile in Device Registration Service. The application profile defines the server settings for AutoStore, Output Manager, and Device Registration Service.
1. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
2. Click Applications.
3. Click Add Application on the Applications toolbar.
4. Type an application name.
5. Select Xerox EIP Connect from the Application Type drop-down list box.
6. Configure application properties as described in the following table:
AutoStore Server Address
The IP address, computer name, or DNS name of the machine where the AutoStore server is installed. The default is the local IP address.
Important: An entry must be made when using AutoStore or both AutoStore and Output
Output Manager Server Address
The IP address of the machine where Output Manager server is installed. The default is the local IP address.
Important: An entry must be made when using Output Manager or both AutoStore and
Output Manager.
Output Manager Web Service URI
The URI for the Output Manager server in the following format: http://<LOCAL IP ADDRESS
You can specify HTTP, Net.TCP, or HTTPS protocols.
Output Manager settings should be configured to support the selected protocol.
Important: An entry must be made when using Output Manager or both AutoStore and
Output Manager.
Web Application Port
The port number used by the web application. The default is 3241.
Verify that this port number matches the port number that you specified when configuring AutoStore or
Output Manager:
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Application Timeout
Use SSL for Web Application
• If you use AutoStore only, you specified the port number when configuring the component in
AutoStore Process Designer.
• If you use AutoStore and Output Manager, you specified the port number when configuring the component in AutoStore Process Designer.
• If you use Output Manager only, you specified the port number when configuring Server port on the
Clients tab in the Set General Preferences settings of the Administration module in Output Manager.
Enables secure socket layer (SSL) for the web application. The default is True.
The time after which the Unified Client will timeout.
The default is 60 seconds.
7. Click Save application.
How to add a Xerox EIP device
This task explains how to create a device profile for the Xerox EIP Unified Client. The profile enables you to manage
Unified Client, AutoStore, Output Manager, and authentication settings on the device through Device Registration
1. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
2. Click Devices.
3. Click Add Device on the Devices toolbar.
4. Type a device name.
5. Type the IP address or DNS address of the device.
The address is specific to the device and does not appear when you configure properties for a device group.
6. Type the administrator user name for the device.
The default is admin. The user name is not required to perform an action on the device.
7. Type the password for the administrator user name.
By default, there is not a password and the field is empty.
8. Select the target application.
9. Configure device properties as described in the following table:
Application Name
The application name that appears on the device for the default application.
Enable Print
Enables Output Manager print functionality. The default value is False.
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Display destination specific documents only
Enable Scan
SNMP GET community name
SNMP SET community name
Default Functionality
Enables the user to see only printing jobs that are associated with a specific destination or with a group of destinations. The default value is False.
Enables AutoStore scan functionality. The default value is False.
This is the GET community name SNMP configuration value specified on the device. Enter either public or
private. The default is “public.
This is the SET community name SNMP configuration value specified on the device. Enter either public or
private. The default is “private.
The default functionality for the client:
Output Manager
10. Click Add Device on the Add Device toolbar.
How to import device information
This task explains how to import device information into Device Registration Service from Output Manager or a CSV file.
1. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
2. Click Devices.
3. Click Import on the Devices toolbar and select the import method:
• To import device information from the Output Manager server, select Import from OM.
Type the address of the Output Manager server, select the application profile, optionally select the device group, and click Import from OM. Device Registration Service only imports devices that are marked as
Unified Client devices in Output Manager.
• To import device information from a CSV file, select Import from file.
Browse to the CSV file and click Upload.
4. Close the Import Results window.
5. If necessary, edit the device properties: a) Select the device in the
Devices pane.
b) Click Edit on the Details toolbar.
c) Update the device properties.
d) Click Save on the Details toolbar.
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Xerox EIP import properties
Properties that can be included in a CSV import file for a Xerox device.
Note: When you select a property, the property name should not include a space in the property name. For example, Default Functionality should be DefaultFunctionality.
Note: The properties marked with a * are required.
ApplicationName (*)
EnablePrintRelease (*)
EnableTrace (*)
The name that appears on the device for the default application.
Enables Output Manager print functionality. The default value is False.
Enables trace logging. The default value is False.
This is the GET community name SNMP configuration value specified on the device. Enter either public or
private. The default is public.
This is the SET community name SNMP configuration value specified on the device. Enter either public or
private. The default is private.
How to export device information
This task explains how to export Xerox EIP device information to a CSV file.
1. Click Devices.
2. On the Devices toolbar, click Export.
Device Registration Service exports the device information to a CSV file in the following format:
Name, IP, Application, Device Group, Property Name=Property Value, Inherit
Property From Group, Serial Number, Username, Password
Tip: You can use the exported CSV file as a template to import device information.
How to add a device group
This task explains how to create a group to organize devices in Device Registration Service. The device group is a single configuration point for managing multiple devices for an application.
1. Click Devices.
2. On the Devices toolbar, click Add Device Group.
3. Enter the Name, Username and Password for the device group.
4. From the drop-down list box, select the target application.
5. Configure device group properties.
Devices and device groups share properties.
information on properties that you can configure.
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6. On the Add Device Group toolbar, click Add Device Group.
How to add a device to a device group
This task explains how to add a device to a device group.
1. Click Devices.
To add an existing device to a group, highlight the device and drag it to the device group.
2. Select the device group.
3. Click Add Device.
4. Type a device name and the device address.
5. Specify the property inheritance value:
• To inherit properties from the device group, select
True for Inherit Properties from Group.
• To configure specific device properties, select False and configure the properties.
on page 79 provides more information on configuring device properties.
6. Click Add Device.
How to perform device actions
1. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
2. Click Devices.
3. Select a device.
4. On the Details toolbar, select an action as described in the following table:
Register Unified Client
Action Description
Registers the Unified Client on the device.
Register Authentication
Registers Authentication on the device.
Register Accounting
Registers Accounting on the device.
Unregister Unified Client
Deregisters the Unified Client on the device.
Unregister Authentication
Deregisters Authentication on the device.
Unregister Accounting
Deregisters Accounting on the device.
Restarts the device.
5. Click Perform selected action.
How to register the Unified Client
This task explains how to register the Xerox EIP Unified Client on the MFD.
1. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
2. Click Devices and select the device.
3. On the Details toolbar, select Register Unified Client from the drop-down list box.
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4. Click Perform selected action.
Connect to Output Manager
You can configure Output Manager to use HTTP, HTTPS, or Net.TCP to connect to clients. The default is HTTP. The procedures in this section describe how to change settings to use HTTPS or Net.CFG.
How to use Net.TCP to connect to Output Manager
Follow the steps in this procedure to use Net.TCP to connect to Output Manager.
1. Browse to the the Xerox web.config file (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\NSi\AutoStore
Workflow 6\ASXeroxEIPWeb20) and open it in a text editor.
2. Enclose the HTTP section in XML comment tags, which is the default protocol.
These are the <endpoint address="http://DBMSERVER ... /> endpoints near the end of the <clie nt> element, which is usually at the end of the web.config file.
Tip: Insert <!-- before the first endpoint in the section and --> after the last endpoint in the section.
3. Remove the XML comment tags from the Net.TCP section, which are the <endpoint address="net.tcp:
//DBMSERVER ... /> endpoints, usually the last ones in <client> element.
Tip: Add --> to the end of the comment line (which starts with that starts with <!-- ) before the first e ndpoint in the section, and remove --> from the end of the section.
This specifies Net.TCP connections to NSi Output Manager, so now there are three ways to connect: HTTP
(default), HTTPS, and Net.TCP.
4. Save the web.config file.
5. Change the URI setting for the Device Registration Service to https://IP_address:8070, where the IP_ad
dress is the IP address for the Output Manager server, and 8070 is the Net.TCP port on the server.
To do this, change the URI section on the
Applications tab of the Device Registration Service web client.
For example, if the default setting is (where is the IP address of the Output Manager server and 8068 is the port used for HTTP), then for Net.TCP change it to net.tcp:// to specify the port for Net.TCP.
How to use HTTPS to connect to Output Manager
Follow the steps in this procedure to use HTTPS to connect to Output Manager.
1. Browse to the Xerox web.config file (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\NSi\AutoStore Wo rkflow 6\ASXeroxEIPWeb20) and open it in a text editor.
2. Enclose the HTTP section in XML comment tags, which is the default protocol.
These are the <endpoint address="http://DBMSERVER ... /> endpoints near the end of the <clie nt> element, which is usually at the end of the web.config file.
Tip: Insert <!-- before the first endpoint in the section and --> after the last endpoint in the section to comment it out.
3. Remove the XML comment tags from the HTTPS section, which are the <endpoint address="https://
DBMSERVER ... /> elements, near the end of the <client> element.
Tip: Add --> to the end of the comment line at the beginning of the section so it appears as <!-- us e the following endpoints for HTTPS connections to Output Manager -->.
Remove --> after the last element in the section.
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Version 7.0
This specifies HTTPS connections to Output Manager, so now there are two ways to connect: HTTP (default), and
4. Save the web.config file.
5. Change the URI setting for the Device Registration Service to https://IP_address:8069, where the IP_ad
dress is the IP address for the Output Manager server, and 8069 is the HTTPS port on the server.
To do this, change the URI section on the
Applications tab of the Device Registration Service web client.
For example, if the default setting is (where is the IP address of the Output Manager server and 8068 is the port used for HTTP), then for HTTPS change it to net.tcp://1 to specify the port for HTTPS.
6. Bind port 8069 to HTTPS connections in the Output Manager server settings.
How to view device information
1. Browse to the Device Registration Service (for example,
2. Click Devices.
3. To filter device and device group information that appears in the Devices pane, type or select criteria in the Filter pane and click
4. To view action history for a device or device group, select the device or device group in the Details pane.
The Action History pane shows the following information:
Time stamp of when the action was attempted.
Attempted action.
Action taken and the result.
Status for the action.
Indicates if the action was successful.
Name of the device.
Return code
IP address of the device.
Return code returned by the device. The values shown on the device type.
Xerox EIP return codes
Xerox EIP return codes displayed for actions that are performed in the Device Registration Service.
Return Code
Unified Client is already registered.
Unified Client registration succeeded.
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Return Code
Accounting registration succeeded.
Authentication registration succeeded.
Unified Client deregistration succeeded.
Accounting deregistration succeeded.
Authentication deregistration succeeded.
The device is already configured for authentication.
Unified Client, Authentication and Accounting are not registered.
Unified Client and Accounting are not registered,
Authentication is registered.
Authentication and Accounting are not registered,
Unified Client is registered.
Unified Client and Authentication are not registered,
Accounting is registered.
Unified Client and Accounting are registered,
Authentication is not registered.
Unified Client and Authentication are registered,
Accounting is not registered.
Authentication and Accounting are registered, Unified
Client is not registered.
Unified Client, Authentication and Accounting are registered.
Unsupported action.
Unable to get device status.
Registration failed. Enable Scan, Print or both.
Unified Client registration failed.
An exception was encountered. Please review the error log for additional details.
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Return Code Description
Accounting registration failed.
Authentication registration failed.
Authentication is not registered on this device.
Accounting deregistration failed.
Authentication deregistration failed.
Unable to connect to device.
Unable to initialize communications with device.
SSL is required for authentication.
Application navigation
The web client for the Xerox Unified Client is a web site hosted by the web server embedded in either the AutoStore or Output Manager server. The ANT Galio browser navigates to this web site based on the URL that was provided during registration. The embedded web server uses the configuration settings to show and order pages. Possible scenarios include configurations where either AutoStore or Output Manager is present.
Log on to the Xerox Unified Client
You can configure AutoStore to allow users to either require or not require users to log in to the Xerox Unified Client.
Output Manager always requires user credentials. The AutoStore and Output Manager documentation describes login requirements. Typically, a user enters the appropriate web address in a browser and then enters credentials on the login page.
Figure 23: Output Manager login page
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Figure 24: AutoStore login page
After the user logs in, the Xerox Unified Client initially shows unprinted documents in table format.
Figure 25: Initial view in the Xerox Unified Client
Secure Print page
This page first appears after a user logs in to the Xerox Unified Client.
The page initially shows unprinted print jobs for the current user. Press View Printed Jobs to view a list of released print jobs.
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View Printed Jobs
View Job Info
Print All
Shows a list of printed documents. The documents are in a retained state and may have an expiration period as configured by the Output Manager administrator.
Switches to a page that shows more information about selected documents. Press Done to return to the documents view.
Routes the selected documents to the MFD and releases them for printing.
Routes and releases all of the unprinted documents.
Permanently deletes selected documents. The user can cancel this action.
Adjusts print preferences for the selected documents.
Press Done to return to the documents view. Any changes are submitted to Output Manager. Pressing
Cancel returns to the documents view without submitting changes to Output Manager.
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Command buttons
Scan image
Switches to the AutoStore capture component. Output Manager passes the login credentials for the current user to AutoStore. Depending on
AutoStore settings, AutoStore accepts or rejects the credentials.
Switches to Output Manager.
Ends the Unified Client session and returns to the login screen.
Closes the Xerox Unified Client application.
Properties page
This page shows properties for a selected print job.
Access the page by selecting print jobs on the Secure Print page and pressing View Printed Jobs. Press Done to return to the print jobs list.
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Command buttons
Scan image
Switches to the AutoStore capture component. Output Manager passes the login credentials for the current user to AutoStore. Depending on
AutoStore settings, AutoStore accepts or rejects the credentials.
Switches to Output Manager.
Ends the Unified Client session and returns to the login screen.
Closes the Xerox Unified Client application.
Settings page
Use this page to adjust print preferences for selected documents.
Access the page by selecting print jobs on the Secure Print page and pressing Settings. Press Done to save changes and return to the print jobs list. Press Cancel to discard changes and return to the print jobs list.
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Command buttons
Scan image
Switches to the AutoStore capture component. Output Manager passes the login credentials for the current user to AutoStore. Depending on
AutoStore settings, AutoStore accepts or rejects the credentials.
Switches to Output Manager.
Ends the Unified Client session and returns to the login screen.
Closes the Xerox Unified Client application.
The Xerox Unified Client can provide a Convenience Authentication (CA) service for Xerox MFDs. This is implemented as a web service hosted by the EWS. It allows for card reader and touch screen authentication. The credentials obtained are available to the Xerox Unified Client and other applications running on the device. On MFDs that support the Xerox Job Limits API, functional access control can also be enforced. This is where a user can be restricted from using features or functions of the MFD.
Card reader authentication
The Xerox EIP Unified Client component supports card reader authentication.
If the MFD supports card readers, you can configure card reader authentication for the Xerox EIP Unified Client. The primary reader types are proximity card readers and magnetic stripe card readers. Contact Xerox Support to determine which card readers are compatible with the MFD and if firmware upgrades are required.
You configure card reader authentication through the Administration application in the Output Manager Console.
Select Set General Preferences and select the Security tab. Select Allow card swipe to enable the feature. Click
Help on the Security tab for more information.
Two-phase authentication requires a personal identification number (PIN) after a card swipe. Enable two-phase authentication by selecting Require PIN with card swipe on the Security tab in the Output Manager Console.
Proximity card readers require the user to pass a proximity card to initiate the authentication process. The event is communicated to the authentication service on the embedded web server along with the card ID. If a match is found, the authentication service grants access and provides information about the user such as user name and email address.
If a match is not found, the user is given the opportunity to provide additional authentication data to enable a new proximity card for future use.
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Magnetic stripe cards typically contain more information than a proximity card. They store data in different formats.
The Xerox EIP Unified Client includes a financial card parser that allows Output Manager to identify the user or give the user the option to register the card.
Touch screen authentication
A user can authenticate at an MFD device through its touch screen console. The user presses the button on the top right of the MFD touch screen.
Press Alternate Login to continue the process manually. Depending on the Output Manager settings, the MFD might prompt the user to log in with a card ID and PIN, or with a user name and password.
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Version 7.0
Troubleshooting Device
Registration Service
The following table provides troubleshooting information for the Device Registration Service and the Device
Registration Service web client:
Windows service does not start.
Web client reports service is down.
One or more configuration settings m ay be invalid.
If the Windows service has been set t o run under a network account, ensur e the account has local administrator permissions.
If connecting to SQL Server, click
Verify under Properties to ensure the connection information is valid.
The Windows service that hosts the
Web service may not have been start ed or was unable to start.
Use the
NSi Device Management
Configuration Tool to ensure that th e Web service has been stated. If the service fails to start, verify the databa se connection by clicking
Verify in d atabase properties.
Ensure the
Service Port number set in the
Service tab of the NSi Device
Management Configuration Tool is not in use elsewhere.
Web client reports access is denied.
Application does not appear in the
Application drop-down list box whe n creating a device.
Importing devices reports Applicatio n Profile was not found for all rows.
The user does not belong to the A ccess Group set in the
Imported file is not in CSV format, o r does not follow the expected impor t format.
NSi Device
Management Configuration Tool.
The application for the specific devic e type has not been created.
Add the user to the Window group se t with the
Access Group field on the
Service tab of the configuration tool, or clear the
Access Group field to al low all users.
Create an application in the
Application section of the Web clie nt. When prompted for
Type, select the option that matches t he type of device you want to create a device for.
Verify that the imported file is a text file in comma separated value (CSV
) format with the .csv extension. If you are using Microsoft Excel, use th e
Save As option to save the file as a
CSV file.
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Version 7.0
Web client does not connect to servic e when SSL is enabled.
File path to certificate is invalid, or t he password is incorrect.
Import headers should appear in the following order: Name, IP, Appli cationProfile, DeviceType,
DeviceGroup, Properties, In heritPropertyFromGroup, S erialNumber, Username, Pass word. Refer to the import guidelines topic in the section for your Unified
Client type for more information.
Use the
NSi Device Management
Configuration Tool to verify the
Certificate Path and Certificated
Password settings on the Security ta b. Ensure that the httpCfg.exe ut ility has not been removed from unde r the Service folder of the Device Re gistration Service installation folder.
With the
Windows service stated, verify the certificate has been installed in the local
Windows certificate store.
A self-signed certificate should be found under Personal
Certificates on the local machine.
Cannot connect to Web client when
SSL is enabled.
Web client does not load in the brow ser.
File path to certificate is invalid, or t he password is incorrect.
One or more configuration settings m ay be invalid, or the service is not sta rted.
Web client does not connect to service when SSL is enabled
in this ta ble for more information.
Use the
NSi Device Management
Configuration Tool to verify that the Client Port number set on the
Service tab is not in use elsewhere.
Verify that the service has been started, then use the Web client link at the bottom of the Service tab in the
NSi Device Management
Configuration Tool to launch the
Web client.
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Version 7.0
Get an Error in Opening Win dow error message when starting De vice Configuration Manager.
FIPS was enabled without clearing th e SSL settings.
Close Device Configuration Manag er and then disable FIPS. Start Devi ce Configuration Manager, select th e Security tab, clear the Enable SSL
on Web Service and Enable SSL on
Web Client options, and then enable
Service verification
You can verify the Device Registration Service Web Service by using the DRS Service Tester utility
(NSi.DeviceManagement.ServiceTester) located in the Service subfolder of the Device Registration Service installation folder (for example, C:\Program Files\NSi\Device Registration Service\Service\).
Figure 26: Service Tester dialog box
The utility requires the service address to verify the presence of the web server. Entering a service address and clicking the Get Device Configurations returns an Object not found error message. If the service is not available at the specified address, a communication error appears.
The Device Registration Service Web Service address for the Unified Client is: http://server name or IP address:port number/DeviceManagementService/ transfer
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The Device Registration Service Web Client address formula for the Device Registration Service Web Client is: http://server name, or IP address:port number/DeviceManagementService/
Note: The default port for the Device Registration Service Web Service is port 8753. You can use the Device
Registration Service Configuration Tool to change the default port.
To verify the presence of the Web Service and a registered device, enter the Service Address and Device Address, and then click Get Device Configurations. A device address in this instance may be either an IP address or a server name. You can specify the host computer name for the Web Service in the Optional Device Host box. The utility uses the host name to look up the device in the Device Registration Service repository if the specified
Device Address
is not found. If the device is not found in the Device Registration Service repository, an Object not found message appears. If the device is found, its properties appear.
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Key features
- Manage applications, devices, and device groups
- Register Unified Clients on multifunction devices
- Merge AutoStore scan and Output Manager print functionality
- Configure Konica Minolta iOption Unified Client
- Configure Ricoh ESA Unified Client
- Configure Xerox EIP Unified Client
- Perform device actions such as registration, deregistration, and authentication
- View device information and action history
- Troubleshoot Unified Client issues