Emdeon eCashiering User guide
Below you will find brief information for eCashiering. This guide covers important features of eCashiering, which is a web-based application used to process payments online. You can learn about payment management, digital delivery, account summary, reporting, and user administration.
eCashiering Table Of Contents
Payment Management ............................................................................. 3
Digital Delivery Account Managment ....................................................... 7
Account Managment ................................................................................ 9
Standard Reports (Daily Activity Report) ............................................... 11
User Administration (Adding a User) ..................................................... 22
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eCashiering User Guide
Emdeon eCashiering is a web-based application used to process payments online. This centralized approach provides real-time authorization of credit card and eCheck transactions. The screens present in this document may change with time based on system improvements and solution feature innovations.
Throughout this manual, Emdeon Patient Connect and Emdeon eCashiering will be referred to in the shortened form
Logging In To eCashiering
1. Type the following URL to access eCashiering: https://ecashiering.ixt.com
. The following login page will appear.
2. Type in your Username and Password
(Use the Tab button or click to move from the Username field to the Password field).
3. Click on the Submit button or press Enter on your keyboard.
4. The eCashiering Home page will appear.
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eCashiering Tab
Payment Management
A credit card void is processed to stop an authorized transaction from charging a consumer’s credit card. Whereas a credit card refund returns a portion or all of a settled payment transaction to the patient’s credit card.
Void/Refund Transactions
There are two ways to navigate to the void/refund page:
Method 1
1. Click eCashiering | Payment Management | Void/Refund.
2. Enter the Transaction ID. The transaction ID is the receipt number.
3. Click View. The Void/Refund page appears (See page 4 for an example of this page)
Method 2
1. Click the Reporting | Standard Reports | Daily Activity.
2. Enter the Account Number and click the Search button.
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3. The Search Results page appears.
4. Locate the payment to be voided/refunded.
5. Click Receipt Number. The Receipt page appears.
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Void Receipt Page
On this page you can:
Click the Printable Version button to print a hard copy of the patient receipt.
Click the Email Receipt button to email a copy of the patient receipt.
Can Void/Refund a transaction. (Select Users only)
Click the Back button to return to the Daily Activity Results page.
6. Click Void /Refund.
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Void/Refund Page: Void a Transaction
7. Click Void the entire transaction radio button and click Submit.
8. The Receipt page appears.
Void/Refund Page: Issue a Refund
9. Click the Issue a refund radio button. The Refund Amount defaults to the full amount of the payment.
• To refund the entire payment, click the box under Select and click the Submit button.
• To refund part of the payment, click the box under Select and enter the desired Refund Amount. Click the Submit button. You will be prompted to confirm refund amount. Click Ok or Cancel.
10.Click Submit button. The Receipt Window appears.
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Digital Delivery Account Management
This feature allows you to display all the patients enrolled for Digital Delivery. This section allows you to send invites, enroll and unenroll patients.
1. To generate the Digital Delivery Account Management report select eCashiering|Digital Delivery Account
2. Enter the desired search criteria and click Search to perform the search.
3. The following screen will appear displaying the search results.
a. This screen displays all patients eligible for Digital Delivery by Name, Account #, Enrollment ID, Email, and enrollment status.
b. Click any heading to sort the results by that column in an ascending or descending manner.
c. To input more information or narrow search results, click Modify Search
4. Select the desired account by clicking the patient’s name.
5. The following screen appears and displays the selected account. From here you can review the patient’s account profile.
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6. Under Delivery Preferences you can view if the patient is signed up for digital delivery.
a. If the patient is not signed up for digital delivery, you can select ‘Invite’, to send an email to the patient inviting them to sign up for digital delivery.
7. Under Email Notification you can view or resend a copy of any email and see the date sent, tracking id, email type, and status.
Patient Pay Online Tab
Account Summary
Account Summary allows you to see the number unique site visits, enrollments, secure communications, change of address, change of insurance and online registration in a specific timeframe.
1. Select Patient Pay Online|Account Summary to generate a report displaying this criteria
2. Select the year and the following report will display the numbers for today, month to date and year to date.
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Account Management
Account Management allows you to see changes (example: address change, email change, insurance change, etc.) made to a specific account
1. Select Patient Pay Online|Account Management to generate a report displaying these changes.
2. Enter the desired search criteria and click Search to perform the search.
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3. The following screen will appear displaying the selected search criteria.
4. Access the account of any displayed individual by clicking on the associated account number from any search result. This brings you to the Account Information screen. From here you can access the following a) View Account b) Disable Account. c) Change Delivery Options: i. Email Only or Email and Print Mail must be selected for Digital Delivery. d) View Email Changes. e) View Statement Date(s) (listed as Statement History on the link bar). f) View Payment History. g) View Secure Communications (listed as Secure Communications on the link bar). h) View Address Changes.
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Reporting Tab
Standard Reports, Custom Reports and Digital Delivery Reports are available under the Reporting tab.
Daily Activity Report
The Daily Activity report allows the office to view all payment activity by date or account number. If an account number is entered, it will return all activity for that account regardless of when the transaction was executed.
To access the Daily Activity Report click Reporting | Standard Reports and select the Daily Activity Report from the
Standard Reports drop down menu. The Daily Activity Report search page appears.
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To see all account transactions by date:
1. Check the box ‘Search Transactions By Date’
2. Chose a date in Start Date calendar by clicking on a specific date. a. You can change the Start Date and End Date calendars by clicking the calendar icon and selecting the intended date.
3. Choose a date in End Date calendar by clicking on a specific date.
4. Click the Search button.
To search by Account Number and return all account transaction activity:
1. Check the box ‘Search By Entering Patient Name, Account Number or Receipt ID’
2. Select the field you wish to search by (example primary account or name)
3. Type the patient name or number in the text box listed above the field box.
4. Click the Search button.
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Daily Activity Results Page
On the above page you can see or do the following:
New Search: Perform a new search.
Download: Download the report results to Excel (csv) format.
Account: Patient account number.
Source: The system in which the payment was originally processed.
Receipt: ID number of the patient receipt. Click this link to view the payment details.
Transaction: System generated transaction ID number.
Date: The transaction date.
Method: Type of credit card or eCheck.
Amount: Payment amount.
Checking/CC: Last four digits of the payment method account number.
• The top of the page shows the chosen date range and on the bottom of the page shows the total amount of each type of payment.
If you click the Receipt Number from the Daily Activity Report, this will open the below receipt window.
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Receipt Window Page
In this window you can:
Click the Printable Version button to print a hard copy of the patient receipt.
Click the Email Receipt button to email a copy of the patient receipt.
Can Void/Refund a transaction. (Select Users only)
Click the Back button to return to the Daily Activity Results page.
Custom Reports
The Custom Reports feature has been designed to be a flexible report writing tool utilized by customers to generate reports containing diverse data elements with various formulas, formats and graphical charts.
To create a custom report: Click Reporting | Custom Reports.
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There are eight steps that can be used to customize a report:
Step 1
Choose the fields you want to include on the report. You can change the layout of your report by changing the Order number in the box to the right of the selected field names. Fields are ordered from left to right.
The chart below can be consulted for further information about the fields that are available in section one and what data those fields contain.
Custom Report Field Name
What it means
Primary Account Name
Primary Account Number
Sub Account Name
Sub Account Number
Date of Service
Receipt ID
Transaction ID
Transaction Date
Settlement Date
Amount Due
Payment Amount
Payment Source
Payment Type
Guarantor Name
Guarantor Number
Patient Name
Patient Account Number
Facility Identifier as loaded with the statement data
From the statement
Unique number given by Emdeon per transaction
From PayPal
Date the transaction was executed
The date received from the processor
Amount Due from the statement
Amount received from patient payment
Web interface where payment was entered
Sale or Refund
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Payment Method
CC or Check Number
Money Order Number
Check Number
Billing Name
Billing Address
Billing City
Billing State
Billing Zip code
Billing Comments
Processor Comments
Physical Payment Other
IXT Batch ID
Settlement Batch ID
Email Address
Phone Number
Drawer Name
Group Name
User Name
Merchant Code
Authorization Code
Invoice Number
AVS Street Match
AVS Zip Match
CSC Match
Visa, MC, Cash, and Adjustment (discount) last four of CC, full check number when physical payment is taken
Business Check #
Guarantor Name and details when paying against a statement or
Billing information when making a quick pay
Any comments coming back from PayPal
When physical payment is taken this is whatever is entered as the description
Batch ID from IXT
Batch ID from PayPal / Gateway - could be delayed
When entered by the person taking the payment this will be populated
When entered by the person taking the payment this will be populated
Will populate once the item is closed
Associated with the user
Associated with the user
Merchant Account paid by the action of taking the payment
Yes / No response - not required
For commercial accounts, this is used in the place of the
‘Account Number’
Yes / No response - not required
Yes / No response - not required
Yes / No response - not required
Step 2
This step does not pertain to your office so please skip step 2.
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Step 3
Select Report options: In this step you can decide Payment Methods, Transaction Types, Settlement Statuses and
Transaction Sources that are included in your report.
Step 4
Select a transaction date or date range using one of the radio buttons or by entering a From and To date.
Step 5 (Optional)
Filter the transactions which will appear on your report using any of the fields available in Step 1.
Note: If more than one of the criteria in step 5 is used, a transaction must match ALL the criteria specified.
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Step 6
This option allows you to control how fields are sorted and/or grouped in your reports. You can apply as many as five sort conditions on your report. Show Tabular shows the line items that up a report, not just summary.
You can choose to include a summary and/or a graph in your report.
Note: Graph/chart does not appear on downloaded version.
Step 7 (Optional)
Save the report by entering a report name. In order to share your custom report with Users in your group, the report must be saved.
1. Once steps 1 – 8 are complete, click the Generate button, to view the custom report.
2. Click Share the Report to allow users access to this report. When you click the Share This Report button, a page will open listing the Users in your group. Select the Users you want to share the report with by clicking the check box next to their name.
• Only the original User that created report can edit the report.
• Users must have access to custom reports feature in order to run report that is shared with them.
3. Click Back to return to the Custom Reports Setup page.
4. Click Clear Form button to restore the Custom Reports Setup defaults for all options.
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Digital Delivery Reports
This screen allows you to search reports by date range using various levels of detail.
1. Select Reporting|Digital Delivery Reports – Select the report type and date range you wish to generate the report for and then hit search
Report Type Description
Account Summary
Adoption Report
Document Delivery Method
Includes payment specific data broken down on an account level. You can track patient enrollment stats, documents emailed & average days to pay
Includes enrollment specific data such as enrolled users, adoption rates, documents successfully emailed, documents viewed & average days to pay
Displays document delivery information including total deliveries, breakdown by delivery option and payment statistics by account
Document Notification Status Includes statement delivery mechanism, file status and number of payments
Document Status Search
Includes document tracking and associated invoice/payment information
Enrollment Status
Failed Emails
Unviewed Documents
Vendor Account Summary
Displays patient enrollment status data such as enrolled, unenrolled, In Process,
Invited and unsubscribed.
Displays failure statistics within the desired period and with the desired failure type.
Includes files that were delivered but not viewed by the patient who received them.
Highlights key digital delivery metrics for providers to monitor activity.
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Digital Delivery Report Examples
Account Summary
Adoption Report
Document Delivery Method Summary
Document Notification Status
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Document Status Search
Enrollment Status
Failed Emails
Vendor Account Summary
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Administration Tab
Adding a user
1. If the user has admin rights, they will have the option to add users by selecting Administration|User
2. Click the New User option
3. The first step in the setup of a new user will require you to add the following information:
• Username
• Password – requirements are as follows:
Passwords must be at least eight characters in length.
Passwords must contain both numeric and alphabetic characters. Strong passwords or passphrases will contain all four of the categories listed below: o
English uppercase characters (A through Z) o
English lowercase characters (A through Z) o
Numbers (0 through 9) o
Non alphanumeric characters (e.g., ! $, #, %) o
Passwords are valid for 90 Days
• Name
• Email Address
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4. Under Job Information select ‘All’
5. Under Cash Drawer Assignment select ‘All”
6. Under Service Information the Admin can select the Services that will be available to the user: a) All b) Digital Delivery c) Digital Delivery Reports d) Document Search e) eCashiering Custom Reports f) eCashiering Daily Activity Reports – Daily report of all payments g) eCashiering Digital Delivery Enrollment Status Report h) Online Registration
7. The Admin will also need to select the functions that will be available to the user. The following options are available for your office.
• Can Void/Refund
• Can Email Receipts
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8. Once all of the sections have been addressed, click the Apply Changes at the top or bottom of the page and this user will now be able to access the system.
Password Reset
Once signed in, users can reset their own password by following the steps below:
1. Navigating to Administration | Reset Password.
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2. Enter old password and new password twice and then submit.
Obtaining Username or Password Reset Request
If a user has forgotten their username or password, they can select Forgot Username|Forgot Password from the login page. The following screens will send user details to the user email recorded on the system.
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Password reminders:
Passwords must be rotated at least once every 90 days.
Passwords can NOT be any one of the previous four (4) passwords.
Passwords must be at least eight characters in length.
Passwords must contain both numeric and alphabetic characters. Strong passwords or passphrases will contain all four of the categories listed below:
English uppercase characters (A through Z)
English lowercase characters (A through Z)
Numbers (0 through 9)
Non alphanumeric characters (e.g., ! $, #, %)
Choose a password that is easy for you to remember, but not easily duplicated.
(For example, avoid the names and birthdates of close relatives and pets.)
Contact eServices Support at 1-800-475-5036 if you are unable to obtain your username, reset your password or
locked your account.
Users may leave the application by clicking the Logout link at the top of the page or navigating to the Administration tab and selecting Logout.
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Key Features
- Real-time authorization of credit card and eCheck transactions
- Centralized payment processing
- Void/refund transactions
- Digital delivery account management
- Custom reporting
- User administration