Quick Reference
PD8050 System
Instrument Overview
AI positioning camera
Laser pointer
Gain +
Gain -
Dry point contact
Transducer elements
Instrument Overview
Tablet holder
WiFi module
Power ON/OFF
8 channel
Single handle
16 channel
UTH100 Universal tablet holder for Pundit PD
UHA100 Universal tablet holder with chest harness
Can also be used as an iPad stand
Technology - 8 channels
3 cm
1 channel =
3 transducer elements
Connected in parallel
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8
21 cm
Technology - Operating principle
One channel transmits
The signal is received on the other 7 channels
Each channel transmits in turn
A complete cycle is completed in ms
The individual signals are used to create a
B-scan image in real time
Technology - B-scan
Real time imaging
Scanning surface
21 cm
Back wall echo
B-scan slice perpendicular to scanning surface
Technology - C-scan or Time Slice
Real time imaging
A time slice or C-scan shows the amplitude of the signal at a chosen depth
We can adjust the thickness of the slice and move it to any depth
Recommended Workflow
Tips on structural assessment.
Structural assessment with the PD8050 is typically done for the following cases:-
Thickness measurement – e.g. tunnel lining thickness
Concrete quality assessment by means of ultrasonic pulse velocity measurements
Verification of the presence or absence of structural defects, in particular voids, delaminations and honeycombs.
Verification of the presence or absence of voids inside tendon ducts.
In all cases a good starting point is the recommended measurement settings
Case 1 – It is important to know the expected thickness of the tunnel and select the appropriate depth of field. This will usually be the intermediate range.
Because of the large amount of reinforcement used in tunnels, it is typically not advisable to use the near field setting as this has a reduced transmission voltage.
Case 2 – In this case it is necessary to know the thickness of the element being tested and to set the appropriate depth of field.
Case 3 – For this investigation it is necessary to find out as much information as possible on the suspected default. Are there drawings of the structure available?
How thick is the structure? What kind of defect is suspected? (e.g. a void caused by concrete not flowing freely due to dense reinforcement). Is the approximate depth of the suspected defect known? Have any destructive tests been carried out to confirm the presence of a defect? Once this is known, the starting point is to try and locate a position on the structure where there is a back wall echo clearly visible and then to compare this with the images taken at the suspected defect locations.
Case 4 – This technique involves locating the tendon duct with a GPR instrument and then carrying out a full 3D matrix scan along the duct to look for variations in amplitude which indicates the likely presence of voids. There are a number of guidelines available on this technique that the user is advised to consult for further information.
Other than case 4, the best way to proceed is to try and detect a clean back wall image at some point on the structure.
Recommended Workflow
Tips on obtaining a good back wall image .
Perform a provisional investigation. Without saving any data, move the sensor around the surface to try to locate a back wall echo.
If no back wall is immediately visible, try the following:-
Try rotating the probe diagonally to reduce the influence of reinforcement.
Try increasing the linear gain and digital TGC if no back wall echo is immediately visible.
(Note: in order to do this the auto gain function must be switched off.)
If this fails, try increasing the analog gain and TGC.
If this still does not work, then it may be necessary to use a lower frequency, either by setting the depth of field to far field, or by manually adjusting,
Reasons why a back wall image may not be visible:
Coating on the surface with de-bonding to the concrete. Typically results in a totally red reflection from the top of the scan.
Near to surface defect. Typically results in a totally red reflection from near the top of the scan.
The element is too thick. Typically, the scan will be completely blue if there are no objects present.
There is too much reinforcement or poor concrete quality causes too much attenuation.
There are voids or honeycombs in the path. Typically, the objects will be visible as significant red, orange, yellow echoes.
There are delaminations not visible due to destructive interference which block the path to the back wall. This occurs when the delaminations or voids have very rough surfaces which scatter the reflections. The scan may appear totally blue in this case, even though there may be large defects visible.
This has been known to occur in steel fibre reinforced concrete and verified by destructive testing.
Recommended Workflow
Check Measurement
Adjust Gain and TGC
Calibrate Pulse Velocity
Provisional Investigation
Recommend Measurement Settings
Initial settings recommended to give a reasonable image on concrete without the need to calibrate the pulse velocity on the test object.
Measuring Presets
Measuring mode Line scan
Depth of field
A.I. Positioning
Intermediate field
Image Stabilizer
Metric or Imperial depending on region
Advanced Measuring Presets
Half Cycle Off
Analog Gain
Analog TGC
Pulse Delay
36 dB
0 dB
8 ms
Full matrix 3D for 3D imaging
Grid scan for large area heat maps
Near field for objects < 30 cm thick
Far field for objects > 1m thick
ON (Requires AI measurement tape)
10 dB for objects thick objects (ca. 1m)
Recommend Measurement Settings
Initial settings recommended to give a reasonable image on concrete without the need to calibrate the pulse velocity on the test object.
Image Processing
Auto Gain
Global Pulse
Signal and Envelope
If auto gain is off, then set Linear Gain and Digital
TGC to default values (0, 0)
Advanced Image Processing
Surface Wave
Raw Data Offset
Removes noise caused by surface waves
Only change this if it can be calibrated with 1 st
2 nd back wall echoes and
Depth of Field – Custom Settings
If desired the depth of field settings can be individually adjusted
Tx Frequency (kHZ)
Tx Voltage (V)
Max Transmission Time (µs)
Low frequency – reduces resolution close to surface, increases penetration depth
High frequency – increased resolution close to surface, decreases penetration depth
Adjust transmission signal strength
(Note! – On adjusting the voltage there is a short delay until it reaches the new voltage level)
Adjusts the maximum transmission range
Analog Gain and TGC
For most test objects it is recommended to leave the Analog Gain and TGC at the default values and to use the digital gain and TGC in Image Processing to obtain a good image.
TIP – double tap on the slider to reset to the defaults (36, 0)
However, particularly for deep objects it may be desirable to increase the analog gain and TGC.
In total there is 80 dB of gain available.
NOTE! If analogue gain and TGC are adjusted, remember to reset to the default values on completion of the test.
Maximum Total Gain
Gain + TGC
= 80dB
Time gain compensation
Range 0 – 20 dB
Range 0 – 80 dB
Advanced Settings – Half Cycle
Can help to distinguish near surface objects that are close to each other.
Tx Pulse Rx waveform
Pulse begin Pulse begin Pulse inversion through
Reflection at a concrete/air boundary
Advanced Settings – Image Stabilizer
Used to reduce flicker on the real time B-scan image
The image displayed on screen is a combination of the latest real-time image data combined with a percentage of the previous image data. The percentage is determined by the slider.
Slider set to 1 = no stabilization – Image presentation is immediate but it flickers
Slider set to 8 = maximum stabilization – Image takes longer to build up, but there is no flicker
Advanced Settings – Pulse Delay
Used for accurate depth estimations
A-scan amplitude
Raw Data
Tone burst
Time of flight
Back wall echo
Advanced Settings – Raw Data Offset
Introduces a delay between transmission pulses.
Functionality used for research.
Tx Pulse
Default 8 ms
8 ms e.g. 16 ms
Tx Pulse
16 ms
8 ms
Tx Pulse
Pulse Velocity Calibration – 1 st and 2 nd Back Wall Echo
This method provides the most accurate depth information. It requires two clear back wall echoes and must be carried out at a location of known depth
1 st and 2 nd back wall echoes are required for the calibration
Calibrates both raw data offset and global pulse velocity
Pulse Velocity Calibration – 1 st and 2 nd Back Wall Echo
Swipe in from the left with one finger to show the A-scan
Align the cursors to the peaks of the 1 st and 2 nd echoes back wall
Pulse Velocity Calibration – 1 st and 2 nd Back Wall Echo
Tap on the 1 st back wall echo tag to enter the known depth of the test object
Tap on “Done” to complete the calibration
Pulse Velocity Calibration – 1 st and 2 nd Back Wall Echo
Orange colour indicates that the tag is being used to calibrate the pulse velocity
Pulse Velocity Calibration – Only One Back Wall Echo
A 2 nd back wall echo is not always available. If only one back wall echo is available, then this method is recommended.
Only the 1 st back wall echo is visible
Long press to add a back wall tag manually and align with the peak of the
Set raw data offset to the default value
(-30 µs)
Pulse Velocity Calibration – Only One Back Wall Echo
Tap on the tag to open the information panel
Tap on “Set depth” to enter the known depth, which calibrates the global pulse velocity
Pulse Velocity Calibration – Only One Back Wall Echo
Orange colour indicates that the tag is being used to calibrate the pulse velocity
Workflow - Line Scan – Data Collection
Scan parallel to the long axis of the sensor. Combine B-scans with or without an overlap to create a line scan.
Analog gain and TGC can only be adjusted before saving the first Bscan
After that the controls are blocked
Digital gain and TGC can be adjusted at any time and also on the completed scan
Workflow – Line Scan – Default Spacing
Unless AI positioning is being used, it is necessary to set the X spacing, i.e. how far you wish to move the sensor between snapshots.
#1 #2
21 cm 21 cm 21 cm
63 cm
Workflow – Line Scan – X Spacing Overlap
Smoother images can be achieved by overlapping B-scans. In this case it is necessary to set the number of channels you wish to overlap.
#1 #2
#3 #4
15 cm 15 cm 15 cm
66 cm
Workflow – Line Scan – X Spacing > 21 cm
For quicker scans over greater distances it is possible to leave a gap between B-scans. Particularly useful when scanning over large distances when looking for larger defects.
31 cm
10 cm
10 cm
Workflow – Full 3D Matrix – Data Collection
Scan parallel to the short axis of the sensor.
Analog gain and TGC can only be adjusted before saving the first Bscan
After that the controls are blocked
Digital gain and TGC can be adjusted at any time and also on the completed scan
Workflow – Full 3D Matrix – Image Creation
B-scans are interpolated to create 3D images up to 1.5m in length.
Workflow – Full 3D Matrix – First Snapshot
Gain and TGC can be adjusted before the first snapshot is taken. Switch to the B-scan view to adjust the transmission parameters as required before commencing with the scan.
Time Slice View
Swipe down with two fingers to view B-scan
B-scan View
Adjust gain and TGC
Swipe down with two fingers to revert to time slice view
Workflow – Full 3D Matrix – 2nd Snapshot
Unless AI positioning is being used, it is necessary to set the Y spacing, i.e. how far you wish to move the sensor between snapshots.
10 cm
10 cm
Workflow – Time Slice View - Detail
Unless AI positioning is being used, it is necessary to set the Y spacing, i.e. how far you wish to move the sensor between snapshots.
10 cm
21 cm
Interpolated image
10 cm
10 cm
10 cm
10 cm
10 cm
10 cm
Workflow – Full 3D Matrix – 2nd Snapshot
The maximum length of a Full 3D Matrix scan is 1.5m.
#5 60 cm
Workflow – Full 3D Matrix – Review Mode
Tap to select B-scan
Slider sets slice thickness for both
Time Slice View and
3D View
Slider sets break points for colour layers
B-scan View
Swipe down with two fingers to view Time
Time Slice View
Swipe down with two fingers to view 3D
3D View
Swipe down with two fingers to view B-scan
Workflow – Full 3D Matrix – 8 channel / 16 channel
Multiple 3D Matrix scans can be combined to create larger volume scans using the optional Pundit Vision Software.
21 cm 45 cm
Workflow – Post-processing and Analytics Software
Advanced visualization and analysis of ultrasonic pulse-echo data.
Phase evaluation
Obtain more information about material composition based on phase evaluation
Combine your data
By combining 3D
Matrix scans or line scans you can create larger volume 3D images.
Combine orthogonal
3D scans for maximum information
Pundit Vision
Workflow – AI Positioning
Enables faster and more precise data acquisition.
• Can be used both with Line scan and Full 3D
Matrix scan
• Up to 10 tapes can be connected in series for longer line scans up to 15 m.
AI positioning tape accessory
(Set of 10x 1.5 m tapes)
AI positioning tape fixed to scanning surface
Camera detects the position of the Bscan using the AI positioning tape
Workflow – AI Positioning
Faster scans – does not require constant spacing or careful placement of the sensor. As long as the tape is visible in the camera window, the B-scan will be placed in the correct position.
Current B-scan is positioned precisely
Turn on AI
Camera is activated
Workflow – AI Positioning – Multiple Tapes
When working with multiple tapes it is necessary to inform the system which tape is being used.
E.g. Swipe left with two fingers to move to the next tape
Current B-scan is positioned correctly
The tape number appears here
Workflow – AI Positioning – 16 channel tape position
When using AI positioning for Full 3D Matrix scans with the 16 channel instrument, there is a difference between the
PD8000 and PD8050 versions
PD8050 PD8000
Primary Secondary Secondary Primary
Workflow – Grid Scan – Data Collection
One measurement is made in each cell to create a colour-coded heat map of back wall depth or pulse velocity
Useful for uniformity testing and for identifying weak or suspect areas
Workflow – Grid Scan – Set-up
The grid that you set up here corresponds to a real grid defined on the structure
Drag or long press to type in grid size
(max 338 cells e.g. 18 x 18)
Tap to set cell size
10 cm to 200 cm
Set starting coordinates for grid
Select Backwall
Depth or Pulse
Tap when ready
Workflow – Grid Scan – Additional Set-up Pulse Velocity
In order to calculate the pulse velocity, it is necessary to enter the known back wall depth.
Note; for structures of varying depth it is possible to adjust individual cells later.
Set known backwall depth
Workflow – Grid Scan – Measurement Screen
The grid scan relies on an AI function to automatically detect the back wall echo.
If it is unable to detect the back wall, the user may set the tag manually.
Back wall is detected automatically by AI and a tag is created
Current Cell
B-scan of current cell
Record measurement for the current cell
Centre button on left handle can also be used to record measurement for the current cell
Workflow – Grid Scan – Measurement Screen Actions
When a measurement is taken, the next cell automatically becomes the active cell unless the user wishes to change this manually.
Double tap to make active cell
Black = outside the colour slider range
No back wall detected by AI
Stop measurement
Centre button on right handle can also be used to stop measurement
Workflow – Grid Scan – Re-open a saved file
Grid scans can cover very large areas. It is possible to take a break from scanning, then re-open the file and continue where you left off.
Continue scanning
New scan
Workflow – Grid Scan – Review Modes
Long press to delete tag
Tap to edit tag information
Drag to reposition
Grid Scan View
Swipe down with two fingers to view B-scan of active cell
Tap to select
B-scan View
Swipe down with two fingers to revert to
Grid Scan View
Workflow – Grid Scan – Review Screen
Long press to delete tag
Tap to edit tag information
Drag to reposition
Export data
Activate augmented reality
Adjust colour slider
Workflow – Grid Scan – Adjust Colour Slider
The colour slider allows you to quickly highlight weak spots and suspect areas.
Useful for setting a minimum thickness or an acceptable pulse velocity.
Tap to enter min value
Drag to position break points
Tap to enter max value
Workflow – Augmented Reality
Augmented reality allows the scan to be projected onto the surface of the test object
Activate AR to project the scan onto the surface of the test object
Workflow – Augmented Reality – Marker Position
AR marker aligns with bottom center of a 3D scan
AR marker aligns with bottom left of a grid scan
Workflow – Augmented Reality
Workflow – Augmented Reality
Workflow – Augmented Reality
Workflow – Augmented Reality
Image Interpretation – Understanding Echoes – Colour Coding
The echoes are colour coded to make image interpretation simpler.
Strong echoes occur when there is a boundary between two materials with differing acoustic impedances.
The strongest echoes are from a concrete / air boundary.
Strongest echoes are yellow, orange and red.
Image Interpretation – Reflections at Boundaries
The main boundaries encountered in reinforced concrete are concrete / air and concrete / steel.
The strongest echoes are from the concrete / air boundary which occur at the back wall and at defects such as voids, honeycombs and delaminations.
Concrete / Steel boundary
Ca. 43% echo
š¯‘… =
− š¯‘§
) 2
2 R = energy reflected
Z1 = acoustic impedance concrete
Z2 = acoustic impedance 2nd material
Back wall echo
Concrete / Air boundary
Ca. 99% echo
Image Interpretation – Multiple Echoes
The ultrasonic wave bounces backwards and forwards within an element. So particularly for thinner elements, it is quite common to see multiple echoes of the back wall and other large objects such as large voids and delaminations.
Scanning surface
1 st back wall echo
2 nd back wall echo
3 rd back wall echo
Image Interpretation – Multiple Echoes - Explanation
The image below shows the path travelled by the signal to create the 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd back wall echoes.
1 st back wall echo
Signal reflects once and travels a distance 2x D
2 nd back wall echo
Signal reflects 3x and travels a distance 2x D
3 rd back wall echo
Signal reflects 5x and travels a distance 3x D
Image Interpretation – Crack Detection
Cracks or delaminations that run more or less parallel to the scanning surface can be detected.
Cracks that are vertical or at a steep angle cannot be detected.
In this location the angle of the crack is too steep. The echo is reflected away from the receiver.
Image Interpretation – Shadowing
Larger objects create shadows on the back wall. Likewise, a shadow on the back wall most likely indicates the presence of an object, even if it cannot be seen directly.
Shadow on the back wall
Image Interpretation – Grouting Defects
Voids inside tendon ducts due to grouting defects, cause stronger echoes than those from fully grouted ducts.
This principle has been successfully used to locate grouting defects. (Note! It is always advisable to confirm by drilling and performing a visual inspection.
For more information on the product use of the product, please refer to the PD8050 documentation
It is available for download on
For safety and liability information, please download at
Subject to change. Copyright © 2022 by Proceq SA, Schwerzenbach. All rights reserved.
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