Marantz 2245 Service manual

Marantz 2245 Service manual

Marantz 2245 is a high-fidelity stereophonic receiver that combines advanced engineering and meticulous craftsmanship to deliver an unparalleled audio experience. Its exceptional specifications and comprehensive features make it an ideal choice for discerning music enthusiasts seeking to elevate their listening enjoyment.


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Marantz 2245 Service manual | Manualzz
Audio Circuits:
Rated continuous (RMS) power output
per channel, both channels operating
simultaneously, 20 Hz to 20,000 HZ ..........rreresrareoerveroreerece e. 45 Watts at 4 and 8 ohms
- - | 25 Watts at 16 ohms
Comparable Total Music Power (IHF)... a ea aa ea a ea a ea a es 135 Watts at 8 ohms
High-level hum and noise (ref. 40W at 8 ohms) ............... ii iii... —80 dB
Phono hum and noise ..... hee ee ae ee eee A 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 8 8 eee 1.5 HV equivalent input
Dynamic range {phono input to tape recording output) ............. oti. 96 dB
I. M. Distortion (SMPTE), at rated power ................c...... Ce ee eee 0.3%
Distortion decreases as output is lowered
Total Harmonic Distortion, at rated power... ii eee eee 0.3% Maximum
их Distortion decreases as output is lowered |
>...» ?ower Bandwidth (IHF) for 0.3% THD 9,9900... 0000reaaereaeea, 7 Hz to 70,000 Hz
Damping Factor (ref. 8 ohms) 242202 RR 4 4 4 4 4 8 0 4 8 1 RR RR 0 0 Greater than 45
Frequency Response |
Through phono Manara da ao seerre oa. e acereredoraareracere nene o +1 dB
Input Sensitivity (for 40W at 8 ohms)
High-level ........._esemeererrocoreco acera recuraracacranevoarrarareeeerecars. 180 MV
Phono (1,000 Hz) .....e.e.e0e.ereacereeaaraarevaanerecnorerdovarararernrodereraea 1.8 mV
Input impedance , .
High-level near reee. TN 100,000 ohms
РНопо ...... г. куни воелвввонное вв онооововоноеньвевоввва ев оввневьевнв вые 47,000 ohms
Channel Separation 20 Hzt0 20,000 Hz ......... ii a aa sea 226 35 dB Minimum
FM Sections:
PHF Usable SENSITIVITY oo voor tt ttt ee este eet et ee et et tee et ie 2.3uV
Selectivity .............. fe ee ee ee ee eee ee ee er ee a a a a aa» 60 dB
Noise Quieting ..........eeeerero PEE eerie. ~~ —bbdB atbuV
—60 dB at 1O0uV
. a | —65 dB at 50 uV
Total Harmonic Distortion, 400 Hz, 100% Mod. ........................ (Mono) 0.2% (Stereo) 0.4%
Frequency Response (ref.75u sec. de emphasis) .........e.eereenvearee0.. +1dB 50Hz to 15KHz
Stereo Separation .......... anos ana PL ea 4 a 4 aa 4454 ae ea 44000014 4.. 1,000 Hz 40 dB
Sub-Carrier (38 kHz) Suppression ...…. LL. aaa LL Len da a ae 4 a ea a a a a 60 dB
Power Requirements ... SR RR 4 A a 4 4 a a 100/120/200/220/240V AC
50to 60 Hz
At rated output, both channels operating ......10220 1000440024 a 4 a aa ea a aa aan a 310 Watts
idling Power (Volume Control at Zero) o.oo tenet eee ean . 34 Watts
Panel Width... ended ao a 0 aa an a 17 21/64 Inches
Panel Height . ee ea ea a a aa a da aa 5 25/4 Inches
Depth e... VS 14 Inches
Weight ‘
Unit alone LL. LL LL LL LL Le 34.51bs
Packed for shipment 111.111 LL La aa anna anna area... MABIDs
, These specificati anc : .
"E SDECITICADIONS and exter riecigns may be changed for improvement without advance notice.
Introduction + oo tt te tt te eh ee eee ee ee 4 6 1
Service Notes ........... iii. ee eee 1
AM Tuner ....... o e. es ee ie a 4 a 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 44 6 8 4 8 6 0 8 1
FM Tuner .......2200010 1 02 44 A4 4 4 4 KR 4 4 4 8 60 8 4 A 0 4 ee a 4 a ea a 4 a 1 ae 6 -2
Phono and Tone Amplifiers ............. Cee eee eee eee 4
Power Amplifier . ..... KK KK ee eee eee 5
Power Protection Circuit ........_.eee_eeododorverevaeonrercorerdrrevxoare rene ra 5
Speaker Protector Relay Circuit ........._...eeeenreevsreessorvoererereeorrore re, 5
Suggestions for Trouble Shooting of Power Amplifier .......... J 6
Voltage Conversion. . ................... FE 6
Test Equipment Required for Servicing... .. ci aa 8
AM Alignment Procedure ...... ea 9
FM Alignment Procedure . ..... ie к алена ака нанене 9
STEREO Separation Alignment ......... ET 4 a 4 a a a ee a aa aa ae» PS 9
Muting Circuit Alignment.......220 00044844 ee eee 10
Audio Adjustment ........244 4144444 a 4 4 4 4e da a 44 44 0 44 4 ee ee 10
Parts List Lo. A eee eee ee ee eee 21
Specifications ................ ee ee ee ee ee eee 4 00 29
1. Remove the Terminal Cover .... 1.242044 444 46 4 4 4 8 4 4 0 4 0 8 8 a 4 4 4 8 84 4 0 8 8e a 44 0 6
2. Voltage Conversion Chart ................. ee ee eee ec 7
3. Lissajou Figure on Oscilloscope . . oo. iii ee 6 11
4. Dial Stringing. .........eeremererererero re arerevrererrr ran tadrvorererer 11
5, Front Panel Adjustment and Component Locations ........................... 12
6. Main Chassis Component Locations (Top View) ....................... A 12
7. Rear Panel Adjustment and Component Locations ............................ 13
8. Main Chassis Component Locations (Bottom View) ........................... 13
9. FM Front End Assembly P100 Component Locations. . . ....................... 14
10. FM IF Amplifier Assembly P200 Component Locations . ....................... 14
11. FM Detector Assembly P500 Component Locations ........................... 15
12. MPX Stereo Decoding Amplifier Assembly P300 Component Locations ............ 15
13. Muting Control Amplifier Assembly P550 Component Locations ................ ‚ 16
14. AM Tuner Unit Assembly P150 Component Locations ......................... 16
15. Phono Amplifier Assembly P700 Component Locations . ....................... 17
16. Tone Amplifier Assembly P400 Component Locations ......................... 17
17. Power Amplifier Assembly P750 Component Locations ........................ 18
18. Regulated Power Supply and Protection Relay Circuit Assembly
Р800 Component Locations .. ...... citi KR a 4 4 4 4e aa 6 19
19. Loudness, High and Low Filter and Muting Switch Unit Assembly
P600 Component Locations ...... titi 4 844 eet ee eee 19
20. Schematic Diagram... Le 20
This service manual was prepared for use by Authorized Warranty Stations and contains service
information for Marantz Model 2245 Stereophonic Receiver.
Servicing information and voltage data included in this manual are intended for use by the
knowledgeable and experienced technician only. All instruction should be read carefully. No
attempt should be made to proceed without a good understanding of the operation in the
receiver, Co
The parts list furnish information бу which replacement part may be ordered from the
Marantz Company. A simple description | is included for parts which can be usually be obtained
through local suppliers.
1. Service Notes
As can be seen from the circuit diagram the chassis of Model 2245 consists of the following
units. Each unit mounted on a printed circuit board is described within the square enclosed by a
hold dotted line on the circuit diagram.
1 FM FrontEnd ...... 0... .............mountedon?.C. Board, P100
2. FM LF Amplifier . 1. 144414444148 14 44 R Eee . mounted on P.C. Board, P200
3. FM Detector ... aaa... MOUNted on P.C. Board, P500
4. MPX Stereo Decoding Amol fier e... MoUNted on P.C. Board, P300
5. Muting Control Amplifier aaa aaa e aaa mounted on P.C. Board, P550
6. AM Tuner Unit... oie mounted on P.C. Board, P150
7. Phono Amplifier... ooo 41 eee ete mounted on P.C. Board, P700
8. Tone Amplifier .. . . . .. aa aaa ear: MoUNted on P.C. Board, P400
9. Power Amplifier .........—.* . - . mounted on P.C. Board, P750-—
10. Regulated Power Supply and Protection Relay Circuit Ce mounted on P.C. Board, P800
11. Loudness, High: and Low Filter, and Muting Switch Unit . . . mounted on P.C. Board, P500 -
2. AM Tuner
Al components except Tuning capacitor and 1 errite bar antenna are mounted on a prin nted
| circuit board P150.
“The AM signals induced i in a ferrite bar antenna are > applied to the base of RE amplifie
transistor H151 through a capacitor of C151 and amplified to the level required for overcoming
the conversion noises, thus giving good S/N performance. The tuned circuits inserted in both out
“and input circuit of the ВЕ amplifier assure very high image and spurious rejection performance.
Thus amplified and selected AM signals are then applied to the base of converter transistor H152
through a coupling capacitor C156. While the local oscillator voltage is injected to the emi tter of
H152 through a capacitor C157. Both AN signals and oscillating voltage are mixed at the
base- emitter junction and converted into 455KHz intermediate frequency. The resulting IF signal
is applied to to the first IF transformer 1153 consisting of one ceramic filter and two tuned circuits. |
The output of L153 is led to the transistor H153 which in turn apply its output to the
transistor of next stage H 154. The fully amplified IF output 15 then applied to the diode H157 to
detect audible signal through the detector transformer L154. The detected audio signal is filtered —
and amplified and the final audio output is obtained from the collec tor of H155 and applied: one
to the tape out jacks through monitor switch on the front pa nel and the other to the function a
rotary switch. IE MENT | | | TE
The DC component of the detected Ta signal 15 used as a AGC ‘voltage to control emitter
current of H153 which: in turn control the bias current of the. RF amplifier through the resistor Ea
R179 and RA 51, A Part of UF signal output is also applied to the diode H158 through a capacitor |
C167 and rec tifie 2d to ob ain De current for energizing the AM signal streng th meter MOCT.
Suggestions for AM Tuner Trouble Shooting
Check for broken AM bar antenna, next try to tune station by rotating fly-wheel tuning knob
slowly and observe the AM signal strength meter whether it deflects or not. If the signal strength
meter gives a deflection at several frequencies received, no failure may exist in the stages at least
preceding final IF transformer L154. Next connect a oscilloscope to the pin terminal J162 or
1157 and check for audio signals with the tuning meter deflected. If the signal strength meter
does not deflect, check the local oscillator circuit. Normal oscillating voltage at the hot end of
the oscillator tuning capacitor is shout 2 or 3 volts, varying with tuning capacitor position. When
measuring oscillating voltage use a RE VTVM, no circuit tester gives correct indication, If the
local oscillator voltage is normal, check all voltage distribution in the AM circuits by using a DC
VTVM and compare the measured values with those given in the schematic diagram.
3. FM Tuner
The FM Tuner section of Model 2245 is divided into five functional blocks: FM Front End, IF
Amplifier, Detector, Muting Contro! and MPX Stereo Decoding Circuit.
FM signals induced by a FM antenna are led to FM antenna coil L101 through an attenuator
switch and a Balun coil. These signals are then applied to the FET RF amplifier which in turn
applies its output to the next FET Mixer H102 through the double tuned high selective circuits.
The FET Mixer convert its input signal into 10.7MHz intermediate frequency and amplifies it at
the same time. The H103 1sa local oscillator and its output is injected into the source of the FET
— Mixer, the injection voltage is about 700mV. The 10, Mhz front end output is led to the next IF
Ш amplifier unit through a coaxial cable.
| The IF amplifier unit consists of five stages of | amplifier and one stage of AGC amplifier. Six
— pieces of ceramic. filters are also used to obtain high selectivity four stages of symmetrical diode
limiters are also employed for the best limitting characteristics, improved capture ratio and good
AM suppression.
A part of FM Front ‘End output 15 15 applied to the AGC amplifier 1206 and rectified its output
is fed back to the gate of FET RF amplifier to decrease the gain with increased signal strength.
~~. The IF signal sufficiently amplified through every stage of IF amplifier is finally applied to the
Ш Ic limiter on the Detector Unit, The detected audio output is led to the buffer amplifier H502
; and its buffered output 15 led to; (a) noise amplifier H551 through resi stor R551 and capacitor
- C551, (b) Quad Radial Jacks on the | rear panel through resistor R564, { c) MPX stereo decoding
Е circuit through R563. о | | |
The DC current caused at the third windings of the discriminator transformer is directly
applied to the FM center tuning meter.
Audio Muting and Stereo mode auto- selecting circuit
The muting circuit consisting of all solid-state electrical switching has been incorporated in the
Model 2245. Three inputs control the muting function. The first is related to signal strength, the
second to the noise condition at the detector and the third is derived from the DC component of
the detector output. These inputs are properly matrixed and gated to provide muting free from
noise and transients.
The first input of DC voltage obtained by rectifing a part of IF output signal from the H205 1s
applied to the base of H306 and turns on it, if the !F output is greater than predetermined level
(muting threshold level). When the H306 is turned on the H307 is turned off, allowing the
emitter-collector resistance increasing ‘and the collector voltage rises about 8V. The increased
collector. voltage increases the gate bias voltage and turns on the switching FET H308, decreasing
the source- drain resistance to near Zero ohm and allowi ing the audio signal applied to the source
to flow to the center of 38KHz switching transformer through the source-drain path.
When the input signal is lower than predetermined level, the DC output obtained is small and
can not turn on the H306, thus the H306 keeps its turn-off state and this makes H307 turn on,
decreasing the collector voltage and turning off H308. Thus no audio signals can pass through the
FET. This is the fundamental principle of the muting operation but for more elaborate muting
operation the second and the third inputs are necessary,
The second input is used to protect the muting operation and MPX stereo beacon lamps from
misoperation due to undesirable noises. 1he high frequency noises included in the detected
audio signals. are separated. by a small. capacitor C551 and amplified by the noise amplifi ter
transistor H551 and its output 15 rectified by the two diodes. The rectified DC output is |
proportional to the noise components. in the audio signals.
When there are excessive noises in the audio. signals such as obtained with a à station incorre сиу
tuned in,the rectified DC output turns on the transistor H522 , decreasing the emitter- collector
— resistance to zero. This means the collector of H307 is short- circuited to the ground, therefore
. the H308 is turned off and any audio > signals havi ing excessive high frequency noises can not go
| through the FET's sourcedrain path. | a |
“The transistor H303 connected in series with у ‘the 19KH2 pilot signal amplifier transistor H302
ds also turned off (when the transistor H522 or H307 are turned on.) and no current flows i in the
H302, resulting. in turning off the stereo beacon Tamps. Thus misoperation due to undesirable
- noises is also avoided. | |
The third i input is obtained from the FM discriminator circuit. The DC output so y called ug"
-—— curve-is applied to the gate of H558 through a resistor R523 and deviding network (R56 o &
© R566). The DC output is Zero with a station correctly tuned in, but will vary from negative to
positive values or vice versa when the tuning point 15 deviated toward either plus or minus
frequency from the correct tuning frequency. |
When the DC output IS increased toa greater evel than that of predetermined, the increase ed
source. potential of H558 makes the transistor H561 turn on, and this makes the. H306 turn off,
H307 turn on, … . H308 turn off, … H303 turn off (this means no 19KHz pilot signal is
amplified and no stereo beacon 15 turned on.) When the DC output is increased to the négative
predetermined level, the decreased source potential turns off the H559 which in turn makes the
4560 turn on and the H306 is t turned off. The subsequent changes are exactly the same as that
just described above. SU
Thus when the tuning is shifted or deviated to the certain frequencies in which undesirable
noisy side- audio signals are produced, both muting and 19KHZ switching transistors are e operates |
automatically and open the circuits. Co -
With the station correctly tuned in, the. pias current of the FET 14558 18 adjusted 50 that both
transistor H560 and H561 are not turned ¢ on, giving 1 no effect ¢ on 1 the transistor H306.
ВЕ мех Stereo Decoding Circuit
“The buffered and non-equalized audio signals are applied to the first amplifier H301 which
| serves as a tuned amplifier for the pilot signal in the composite signals and as a buffer amplifier for
‘the audio signals. The amplified 19KHz pilot signal is led to the second 19KHz amplifier H302
and further amplified if switching transistor H303 in turned on by the controlling DC signal as
lescribed in the preceding chapter. The final 19KHz pilot signal is rectified by the doubler circuit
consisting of the H315 and H316 to obtain synchronized 38KHz amplifier driving signal.
~The H304 is the 38KHz tuned amplifier and supplies its output to the switching matrix circuit
: consisting of four diodes. While the composite signals are applied to the center tap of switching
В transformer 1/2 L302. The right and left stereo signals decoded by the switching circuit are led to
; the crosstalk cancelling amplifier which utilizes complementary configuration with NPN and PNP
transistors through de-emphasis network consisting of C315 and R335, and C316 and R336.
4305 15 a low. pass filter networks having very sharp cut off characteristics and eliminates
‘undesirable residual switching signals. Transistors H313 and H314 are buffer amplifiers and their
| outputs are led to the function switch.
Suggestion £ for Trouble Shooting of FM Tuner
Symptom: No FM Reception |
First turn on the power switch and try to tune FM stations. Rotate the fly-wheel tuning knob
slowly and observe the FM signal strength meter and FM center tuning meter. If the center tuning
- meter deflect at several frequencies | received, the tuner circuits preceding the discriminator circuit
may have no failure. 1f the signal strength meter deflect but no deflection is obtained on the
center meter, there may be some defects around the detecting circuit consisting H501, L501,
H503, H504, etc. When no reading 15 obtained in both meters, check FM local osci ¡Mator circuit,
‘using a ВЕ. VTVM. The normal focal oscillator voltage is One or two volts (rms) at the tuning
capacitor, depending on the tuning capacitor positon. If the focal oscillator voltage is normal,
next check all voltage distribution in the FM Front End and IF amplifier unit and compare them
| with those shown in the circuit diagram. When both meters detlect but no sound 15 obtained,
- ‚check audio circuits, using high sensitive oscilloscope. = o 5
Symptom: No Stereo Separation: В ВД |
First check the MONO switch is in normal out position. Connect a FM ВЕ signal < generator
output modulated by a stereo modulator to the rear FM antenna terminals, and check the stereo
| beacon | is turned on or not. df not turned on, check for 19KHz ptlot signal and 38KHz switching
ВЕ Se using an oscilloscope.
_ Phono and Tone Amplifiers EEE
Program source signals from the PHONO jacks on the rear panel are supplied to the input
LS circuit of the Phono Amplifier through the selector switch and the output of the Phono
Amplifier 15 applied ! to another section of the selector switch. This amplifier provides a gain of
40dB. | о В | a
AH signals selected by + the function swit tch (5002-3F, 4F) are led to the balance and volume
controls through the MONO switch. |
Signals properly attenuated by the volume control are applied to the tone amplifier and
subi ected to the tone control networks such as bass, mid, treble control and high and low cut
filters. — и SE a a.
Thus controlled audio signals are then ed to the PRE QUT jacks on the rear panel.
5. Power Amplifier 0
The signal from the tone amplifier is applied to the differential amplifier (base of H751)
through the coupling capacitor C751. The differential amplifier provides very high input
impedance and its collector output (H752) is applied to the base of H753 which in turn applies
its output to the next stage; H756 through the network R766, C762 and R771, and to the H757
through the network R776, C763 and R772. The outputs-of H756 and H757 are applied to the
H758 and H757 respectively. HOO1 and HOOZ are power transistors used in complementary
symmetry configulation and mounted on the heat sink.
To maintain overall amplifier - stability and linearity, degenerative feed back 1s utilized
throughout the amplifier. This feed back is also necessary to reduce distortion to within specified
limit. The RC network R775 and C756 condition the feed back signal for the audio signals. R759
and C755 are also a feed back loop provided to obtain a stable zero DC off set voltage at the
speaker output terminals. The R762 is a trimming resistor to adjust the DC off set voltage.
Dynamic bias is applied to the base of driver transistors H/758 and H757. This dynamic bias
circuit is comprised of H761, H760 and R763. This provides a variable base bias for driver
transistors that ‘automatically maintains the proper base voltage with temperature change. The
temperature sensitive biasing components of the dynamic circuit are thermally couppled through
a heatsink to the power amplifier transistors.
Power Protection Circuit
— Protection circuit for the amplifier is provided by s sensing resistor networks and two switching
. transistors. When the output transistors are over-driven, the current increase through the power
| output transistor causes an increased curreñt flow through R789 (or R788) and the potential
“across the: R789 will be increased. This increased voltage potential is applied to the base’ of H755
| through the resistor R783 and turns on the H755. Since the collector of. H755 is directly
connected to the base of H757, this means that the base of H757 1s bypassed 10 the ground
“through emitter-collector path of H755. Thus the input signal to the H757 is restricted to the
“value which maintains the operation of power transistor with in the safety area. A resistor
‘ “network R777 and R781 also works as a sensing network. When the center voltage (collector
= voltage of power t transistors) ÍS excessively increased to a positive value by certain troubles, the
voltage applied to the base of H755 makes the H755 turn on, making bypass circuit, and protects
“the power transistor, For the other half cycle of driving signal, the operating principle is applied
| provided. | a o
Speaker Protector Relay Circuit -
“The speaker protection circuit consisting of H808, Н809, HB10, etc protects the speaker
“systems against any loud “pop” “ sound developed. This circuit is so designed that no sound 15°
heard for the first three or five seconds after the power switch is turned on by the time constant
circuit consisting of C807 and R816. This circuit also protects the speaker systems against some
troubles due to DC off balance between the speaker system terminals by instantly operating the
relay and cut off the speaker systems from the circuit. When DC off balance voltage (positive) 15.
developed between speaker terminals by possible defects such as broken power transistor,
short-circuits, or broken potentio meter R762, as the base of H808 is connected to the speaker
terminal, the transistor H808 15 turned on by this offset voltage developed and this makes the
transistor H809 and H810 turns off, thus cutting off the relay and disconnecting the speaker
from the output circuit. When negative offset voltage is developed, this voltage directly turns off
“the H809 and H810, thus speaker is cut off from the circuit and protected. a
The circuit also protects the speaker systems from the possible damage when the amplifier | 15
over-driven by very Low frequencies such as 7 or lower cycles. o |
8. Suggestions for Trouble Shooting of Power Amplifier
8.1 Excessive Line Consumption
a. Check for shorted rectifiers HOO5: also check C007 and C008.
5 Check for shorted transistors H758 and H759, НОО! and HOO?, or check H760. Check for
open control. R763, and bias diode H761. Check LOO4 for short.
8.2 No Line Consumption q or Zero Bias
a. Check line cord, fuse, transistors H760, HOO1, HOO2. HOO3 and H004, bias diode H761.
О. Check for open rectifier H005, or open LOO4.
8.3 No DC Balance |
a. Check R762 and Zener diodes H762 and H763.
9. Vol tage Conversion | | |
This model 15 equipped witha universal power transformer to permit operation at 100, 120, 200,
| 220. and. 240V. AC 50 to 60Hz. E. a
To convert the Model 2245 to the required voltage perform the following steps:
(1) Remove the top cover. - : a
(2) Remove the Transformer Wire Connection Terminal Cover, loosen two Cover mounting
‘screws on the rear panel, see Fig. 1. |
(3) Change the jumper › wires as illustrated in Fig. 2 for the required AC voltage and replace the
~~ fuseas instructed. |
. 4,
“Figure 1 . Remove the Termina! Cover
For 100 V Operation …
(Use 4A Fuse )
“For 120 у Operation
(Use ЗА. Fuse e
ee ee
© ©) (© ©
| OE
‘For 240V Oper
(use 3A Fuse
For 200V Operation
(Use 3A Fuse )
10) =
©) © o
For 220V operation
(Use ЗА Fuse о)
© ©
© 6
Figure 2. Voltage Conversion
10. Test : Equipment Required for Servicing
Table 1 lists the test equipment required for servicing the Model 2245 Receiver.
Manufacturer and Model No.
AM Signal G enerator
Test Loop
FM Signal Generator
{Stereo Modulator
Audio Oscillator
|Circuit Tester
AC Wattmeter —
lac ammeter
Line Voltmeter
о Variable Autot transformer
“e (0-140VAC, 10 amps) do | a |
| ‘Use phono plug with 600 ohm
‘across € center pin and shell. |
Shorting Plug
g Output oy =.
[(8 ohms, 0.5%; 100W) |
{output Load
[(4 ohms, 0.5%, 100W)
Les 5 than 0:
% distortion
1 Less thin 0.5% distortion |
Weston Model CVO-100P, less
than 0.02% residual distortion
is required.
High sensitivity with DC hori-
zontal and vertical amplifiers.
With AC, DC, RF range
Simpson, Mode! 390
“Commercial G rade (1-1 0A)
“Commercial Grade (0-15VAC)
Powerstat, M odel 68
Commercial Grade
Commmercial Grade
Signal source for AM align-
Used with AM Signal generator
Signal source for FM align-
Stereo separation alignment
and Trouble Shooting
Sinewave and squarewave sig-
nal source.
Waveform analysis and trouble
shooting, and ASO alignment.
Voltage measurements
Trouble Shooting a
Monitors primary | power to
Amplifier. |
Monitors amplifier output un-
der short circuit condition.
Monitors potential of primary
power to amplifier.
Adjusts level of prima ry power
10 amplifier,
Shorts amplifier input to elimi:
nate noise pickup.
Provides 8-ohm load for ampli
fier output termination.
Provides 4-chm load for ampli
fier output termination.. -
11. AM Alignment Procedure
AM IF ‘Alignment |
Connect a sweep generator to the J151 and an alignment scope to the J162.
Rotate each core of IF transtormer L153 and L154 for maximum height and flat top
symmetrical response.
AM Frequency Range and Tracking Alignment
Set AM. ‚signal generator to 525KHz. Turn the tuning capacitor fully closed (place the tuning
pointer at the low end.) and adjust the oscillator coil L152 for maximum audio output.
. Set the signal generator. to 1650KHz, Place the tuning pointer in the high frequency end and
adjust the oscillator trimmer on the oscillator tuning capacitor for maximum audio output.
. Repeat the step 1 and 2 until no further adjustment is necessary.
. Set the generator to 600KHz and tune the receiver to the same frequency and adjust a slug
core of AM ferrite rod antenna and RF coil L151 for maximum output.
Set the generator to 1400KHz and tune the receiver to the same frequency and adjust both
trimming capacitors of Antenna and RF tuned circuit for maximum output.
Repeat the step 4 and 5 until no further adjustment is necessary.
Note: During tracking alignment reduce the signal generator output as necessary to avoid AG
12. FM Alignment Procedure
Connect a FM signal generator to the FM antenna terminals anda oscilloscope and an audio
distortion analyzer to the tape output jacks on the rear panel.
Set the EM SG to 87. 5: MHz. and provide about 3 to 5 uV. Place the tuning pointer at the low
frequency. end by rotating the tuning knob and adjust the core of osciliator coil L104 ©
obtain maximum audio output. |
. Set the FM SG to 108.5 MHz and provide about 3 to 59 uV output. Rotate the tuning knob and
place the tuning pointer at the high frequency end and adjust the tr imming capacitor | C106 for
maximum output.
Repeat the step 2 and 3 until no further adjustment is necessary.
Set the FM SG 5 90 MHz and tune the receiver to the same frequency. Decrease signal
generator output until the audio output level decreases with the decreasing generator output.
| Adjust the antenna. coil L101, RF coil. L102, L103 and IF transformer L105 for
minimum audio distorti on.
. Set the FM 5G to 106 MHz and tt tune the receiver to ‘the same frequency. Adjust the trimming
capacitor Ci02, C104- and C105 for minimum distortion.
. Adjt ist the secondary core (black) of discriminato r transformer L501 so that the center tuni ng
meter pointer indicates its center at no signal applied. Set the FM SG to 98 MHz and increas
its output level to TK pV and tune the receiver to the same frequency so that the center tuning
meter pointer indicates its center. Adjust 1 the primary core (pink) of L501 for minimum
distortion. | o
13. STEREO ) Separation Alignment
Set the FM SG to provide 1 kuV at 98 MHz. Tune the rec er lo the same frequency so that
the center tuning meter. pointer indicates | its center. | |
Modulate the FM 5С with stereo composite signa || consisting of only subchannel signal (of
course a pilot signal must be included). Adjust the core of 1301 for maximum au: dio outpui,
then, modulate the signal generator with ä stereo composite signal consisting of only L chanrel В
signal and again adjust the core of L301 for maximum audio output.
Adjust the trimming resistor R365 for maximum and. same separation in both channels,
14. Muting Circuit t Alignment
1. Connect a VTVM across the resistor R022 and adjust the resistor R022 until the meter reads
0.75 V DC at no signal.
2. Set the FM SG to provide 1 KuV at 98 MHz and tune the receiver to the same frequency
3. Turn on MUTING pushswitch. Shift the FM signal generator frequency to plus and minus and
note both plus and minus shifted frequencies at which undesirable audio side responses are
muted out. Adjust the RO22 so that the same shifted frequencies mute the undesirable side
response. |
15. Audio Adjustment
1. Voltage adjustment
Connect a DC voltmeter between pin terminal. J802 and J803, and adjust the trimming
resistor R809 for 35V DC.
2. Main Amplifier DC off-set alignment
Connect a DC voltmeter with 0.5 or 1V range between the speaker terminals and adjust the
trimming resistor R762 for “zero” DC output on the meter.
Repeat the same procedure for the other channel. |
Note: During this alignment no load should be ‚connected to the speaker terminals.
3. Idie-current adjustment о |
Connect a VTVM between pin terminals 1753 and J754. Next, rotate the trimming resistor
‘R763 fully counterclockwise, then rotate it clockwise again until the VTVM reads 5mV DC.
Repeat the same procedure for the other channel. | | 0
4, Check DC off-set voltage aligned in the procedure 2 and if any DC output 15 observed onthe
DC voltmeter, adjust the R762 again for‘ ‘Zero’ output.
5. Phono- amplifier adjustment . Ш |
Connect a oscilloscope to the TAPE OUT j jacks and an audio signal generator to the PHONO
jacks. Place the selector switch in the PHONO position. Increase 1KHz audio signal gradually
until. a slight clipping on top of the sine- wave is observed on the oscilloscope. Adjust the
trimming resistor R708 for equal cli ipping level. | |
For the other channel adjust R709. В
6. Main Amplifier. ASO adj ustment
‘For this alignment two DC oscilloscopes are > necessary.
6.1 First, make calibration on each oscilloscope gain for; .-
Vertical Sensitivity 0.2 V/em
Horizontal Sensitivity 10 V/em
6.2 Connect pin J753 to the scope vertical! input terminal. Connect pin J/56 to the SCOPE
horizontal input terminal. Adjust the horizontal and vertical position knobs so that a’ spot
on the scope IS placed on the lower right corner.
6.3 Connect pin 3760 to the scope vertical input terminal. Connect pin J761 to the scope ground
terminal. Connect pin J756 to the scope horizontal input terminal. Adjust the horizontal and
vertical position knobs so that a “spot” on the scope is placed on the lower left corner.
6.4 Remove two jumper plugs connected between the PRE QUT and MAIN IN jacks on the ear
panel. Connect a low loss oil paper capacitor « ot 1 OF (or equivalent) to the speaker terminals
being adjusted. | Е
6.5 Connect an audio > signal generator to the MAIN IN jack. Increase the audio signal {(1KH z)
input level until the Lissajou Figures as shown below are obtained on the scopes. Adjustt he
trimming resistors R782 and R783 for the height of 2. 5cm,
6.6 Change | the audio input frequency from TKHz to 20Hz and check whether the speicer
protection relay has been operated or not. (When the relay has been operated, no signal is
provided to the speaker terminals.) If there is no signal at the speaker terminals, turn off the
system power of the amplifier for about one minutes, then again turn on the power and
adjust the R782 and R783 for a slight increased height of A and B.
6.7 For the another Main Amplifier, repeat the procedures 6. 2 to 6.6.
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 O | O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Veetv) _— TT vee (V) |
Figure 3. Lissajou Figure on Oscilloscope
Figure 4. Dial Stringim
a | oo ~~ Knob
5601-3 S6014 S005-1 S005-2 / soo3
A Do
\ \ \
\ | \
17 S004-2 SGOI-I S60I-2
pg re
; До
9008 $004-! 5002
tre EN
Ls velan ean He
— Figure 5. Front Panel Adjustment and Component Locations
"E Figure 6. Main Chassis Component Locations (Top Viv)
2013 9012 voi
9020 9006 9007 JOI9 JOOS
Figure 7. Rear Panel Adjustment end Component Loeations
Paso P400 Р200
Figure 8. Main Chassis Component Locations (Bottom View)
у Р100 Со
FM Front End Assembi
re 9,
nent Locat
ssembly P200 Co
1 9.
Figure 1. FMD etector Assembly P500 Component Locations
по НЗ,
№ ним
Figure 12. MPX/Stereo Decoding Amplifier Assembly P300 Component Locations
er Un
C7O7 H703 H7OI
Mag H40!
c708 H704 / © H702 — ©
— Figure 15. Phono Amplifier Assembly P700 Component Locations
| H403
| Figure 16. Tone Amplifier Assembly P400 Component Locations
Figure 17. Power Amplifier Assembly P750 Component Locations
07 #5
it Assembly P8030 Component Locat
Regulated Power Supply and Protection Relay C
gure 18.
sueneso juausdwon] p94 Ajqwassy Hun yaumg Bunny pue 1ayj14 MOT pue ybiy
GO93 ©0902 +090
ssaupno7 ‘5j a:nf14
Г MIO! MIO2 H103 ] [
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2SKI9Y ° . 2SK196 25C5358
M L105
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$7K OE 22x 1+5 РЕ
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н!51 152 153.158 J156
HT3094118 HT3037210 . HT306441C
25C9410 286372 25C644 T
L i
LL —>*
H751.,752 753 H754, 755 м7%6 — 759 H760 — “61 M762,763 H764, 765 766,767 M768, 769
HKOG40ISA HT309451Q HT30735I8 HKO60719B MT30984I8 HD2000307 HD3002009 H03002309 HTIOSGZIC HHOODOBI2 |
25А640(М1:2 25С9450 25CT350 2SAGOTIMLK) 25C984B SM-i50-01 81-150 WZ-O7TI 25A362Y 21028
or (L122 2SC960(M L X) ;
R767 RT69
Sn 680
56 r
| e УЦ
HTS) ,752 4753 H?54,755 76 —759 » 760 “701 «762,763 “764,763 “766,767 "768.769
25AGAOIM):2 2509450 2SCT350 2SAGO7(MLK) 2SC984B SM -150-0i BZ-150 WZ-071 2SAS62Y 21028
| or (L}12 2SC9601M L K}
R767 R769
1.3% 680
H751 H752
56 680 10
= TT TT = dd
5002 - 1.4
Le — = — — == Ad
H207=-224 ‚ м2 15-218 1] ~ x SO! "502 H303 804 “551 H552, 553.5095! 4554557 н 558
HD200150% HD 1000105 | P 500 HCIOOOIOS — MT30644IB HDIOOOIOS HT307331C HT30372i0. HDIOOOIOS =— HF20050iD
151555 : INGO 81V TA7060P 2506445 INGO | | 250733 Gr 25C372 {№60 2sK30 |
` 22? | |
| P550
R523 | 330%
150 - 220 ov
can |
ais 8207 ]
246 po
зэк 22x
LEVEL J020 OUTPUT | DA yF ) | ; —
| L - - R561 -
| 220K .
Auf De T
P700 HT01 ~ 704 705.7 “707,708 H709 -
2SCIO0O Er vr Bl 230458 6 A B "a vDi212 | 01 4301307 4308 H309.310 сони Hasse, H315 ~320
| : HT3037210 HF 2003CIC HT3073224A HT 104942 A HT3O6441C HD 1000105
25C372 28K IY 2, SA 25C732 Buor Gr 2SA494 Gr or Y 2SC644 T 1N60
a7i6 стот рр р NY e a
| 22M apr e.
| Это: т
| ; ныв R314
228 620 RTI4 22M CTI! 1650 RT22 2.2K
Bax ATS ста 2.2K
SE00PF — Ene ATK
a H401, 402 ,405 ,406 HA03 404 , 407,408 :
SPEAKER SYSTEMS HT 3100024 HT104932A P 400
S002 - 3F $002-3R 2SCI000 Gr or Bi 290493 Yor Gr
коз +50
or Y med eo Tue ado wim. TT amen т
* . И
HT403154A (HD3002I09 HTIOGIESA HT30734IC HD3002309 HT309452A | HT312133A - LOW FILTOR
250315 BZ-140 2SC696 2SC 734 Y W2-071 25C945 2SC1213A | ceci «TK . ;
(CD.E.F) Ror ABorC | | | |
tar] so | |
TT сен | ен cme — —— cs Sn oe — TRANSISTOR CONNECTION “ COLLECTOR
И я ЕО
== со в в €
ню‘, 102 M103, M20i~206 (155 HISIvISA, 301-307 “501 «780 HT56~T59 MOO1-004
MIOS, 706 M313, 314,502 H309+312, 401-408 м$0$ HBOJ
MEOS, 810 H751= 788,808 HES1-583, s59-561
к 701-704 ‚ 80%
M754 738 766.787
Figure 20. Schematic Diagram
E Фо!
e 2
MECHANICAL PARTS 0330 281927106 | Holder
A 281940140 | Frame Assembly 0331 281827103 | Holder
0102 281906301 Escutcheon 0332 281927107 | Holder
0202 281840101 | Frame 0401 231805101 | Guide
0204 281815801 | Window 0403 28186005 Bracket
0215 273125901 | Bush 0406 281810650 | Bearing K
0219 281905302 | Cover x 3
0226 281825905 | Bush x 9 0410 257811202 | Shaft {Fly Wheel)
0412 281826250 | Pulley K
B 281815440 | Knob Assembly (Tone) x 3 0417 281926251 Pulley K
0111 281815404 | Knob 0422 257912001 | Insulator
0112 714001490 | Spring 0423 281812001 | Insulator
0425 141511801 | Spacer
— JC 281815441 | Knob Assembly (Double) (Tone) x 3 (0426 257710602 | Bearing
5 Jo 14 28185405 Knob 0501 257816052 | Bracket K
0115 71400159Q | Spring 0506 145525901 | Bush x 2
| 0508 53228059E | Nut (Muting Vol.)
D 281816040 | Bracket Assembly (Front) A
0206 281811801 | Spacer 0510 281816006 | Bracket
0311 281816001 {| Bracket 0516 281826701 | Heat Sink x 2
0518 281810104 | Support x 8
E 281816041 | Bracket Assembly (Back) 0520 281816007 | Bracket x 4
0313 281916002 | Bracket 0522 257711802 | Spacer x 4
0902 55060305F | T. R. Rivet x 12 0524 257711806 | Spacer x 4
0905 55060365F | T. R. Rivet x 4 0524 257711806 | Spacer
J001-J003 Y T0304003 | Push Type Terminal x 3 0526 281926702 | Heat Sink x 4
J004 Y T0204003 | 4P Terminal 0530 281926705 | Heat Sink x 2
J005 YT0208002 | 8P Terminal 0532 257700501 | Clamper x 2
3012 YJ0400018 | AC Qutlet Jack x 2
2020 YT0201006 | 1P Quad Radial Terminal 0533 59110338H | Washer x 2
0535 281910101 | Support x 2
0104 281815401 | Knob (Push) x 8 0601 281800450 | TableK
0106 281815402 | Knob (Power) x8 0605 273010950 | Shield K (Front End)
0108 281815403 | Knob x 3 0609 273010902 | Shield ( " )
10117 281825701 § Lid 0611 273010903 | Shield | " } x 3
=> 10118 281825702 | Lid 0615 281916008 | Bracket x 2
0121 257706302 | Escutcheon (Fly Wheel) 0617 281910901 | Shield
0122 257706303 | Escutcheon (Fly Wheel) 0618 281912002 | Insulator x 2
0123 257727301 | Fly Wheel! 0619 281910902 | Shield
0126 281926501 | indicator
0208 281810701 | Sheet 0620 282210903 | Shield
0623 281810107 | Supportx 4
0210 281810301 | Pointer 0624 281816009 | Bracket x 2
0211 281810302 | Pointer 0626 281810906 | Shield
0212 281805301 | Cover (Pointer) x 4 0627 281810907 | Shield
0217 275905701 | Leg 0629 281926901 | Protector
0221 281930202 | Dial 0630 282126902 | Protector 2 y
0302 281810550 | Chassis K 0631 282112001 | Insulator
0308 273010401 Retainer x 2 0633 281912001 Insulator x 2
0315 281816003 | Bracket 0701 281915901 | Brum
0316 281816004 | Bracket 0703 71101569M | Spring
0317 281816051 | Bracket K 0707 281910701 | Sheet
0711 120225801 | Hook
0321 281805501 | Collar x 5 0716 273025901 | Bush x 3
0326 281827401 | Reflector 0718 138200503 | Clamper x 15
0327 281827402 | Reflector 0722 72081602A | String x 120
0329 281827101 | Holder 0725 257711803 | Spacer x 4
a == A
0729 282111801 | Spacer 1017 51060425E | P.H.M. Screw x 2
0731 281900501 | Clamper 1018 540504008 | T. L. Washer OR x 2
0732 282100501 | Clamper x 2 1019 54040402E | Spring Washer x 2
0734 281927103 | Holder (AM Ant.) 1020 53110403E | Hexagon Nutx 2
- 10735 281905102 | Guide {V.C Stopper) 1022 51100206E | B.H. M. Screw x 8
0802 515703058 | P.H. Tapt Screw x 8 1023 54020201E | Flat Washer P x 8
0804 515703068 | P.H. Tapt Screw x 7 1026 515704088 | P. H. Tapt Screw x 4
0806 515703128 | P. H. Tapt Screw x 5 1027 53110403A | Hexagon Nut x 4
0807 540503008 | T. L. Washer x 2 1028 54020401A | Flat Washer P x 4
0808 51100306E | B.H. M. Screw x 2 1030 54040502A | Spring Washer x 4
0809 51040306A | F.H.M. Screw x 2 1031 51060512A | P.H. M. Screw x 4
0810 51640412D | Set Screw CP 1032 53110501A | Hexagon Nutx 4
0811 54040402A | Spring Washer 1033 54020501A | Flat Washer P x 8
0811 53110403E | Hexagon Nut 1034 62031650W | Lugx 5
0814 515704088 | P.H,. Tapt Screw x 2 1035 54050300R | T. L. Washer OR x 15
0815 51570306B | P, H. Tapt Screw x 4 1102 511003065 | B. H. M. Screw x 4
0816 51570306B | P.H. Tapt Screw x 6 1103 511003065 | B. H. M. Screw x 4
0818 510426065 | F. H.M. Screw x 6 1104 511003065 |! B.H. M. Screw x 4
0820 515703068 | P.H. Tapt Screw x 3 1105 511003065 |! B. H. M. Screw x 4
0821 515703068 | P. H. Tapt Screw x 6 1106 511003065 | B.H.M. Screw x 5
0822 51570306B | P. H. Tapt Screw x 2 1107 511003065 B. H. M. Screw x 4
0823 51570306B | P. H. Tapt Screw x 3 1108 511003065 Е В. Н. М. Screw x 5
0824 515703068 | P.H. Tapt Screw x 2 1109 51100306S | B. H. M. Screw x 4
0831 53110603A | Hexagon Nut 1110 51100306S | B. H. M. Screw x 4
0832 54040602A | Spring Washer 1113 515703068 | B. H. Tapt Screw x 3
0833 54020601E | Flat Washer P 1114 62031650W | Lug x 5
0835 53110303E | Hexagon Nut 1115 62031650W | Lug
0903 53110303E | Hexagon Nut x 12 1121 515703068 | P. H. Tapt Screw x 4
0906 54050300R | T. L. Washer OR x 4 1122 51570306B | P. H. Tapt Screw x 4 ~
0909 51100306S | B. H. Tapt Screw x 6 1123 515703068 | P. H. Tapt Screw x 3
0910 51100306S | B. H. Tapt Screw x 3 1124 515703068 | P. H. Tapt Screw x 8
0911 511003065 | B.H. Tapt Screw x 2 1125 515703068 | P. H. Tapt Screw x 2
0912 511003065 | B. H. Tapt Screw x 2 1126 515703068 | P. H. Tapt Screw x 4
0913 511003065 | B. H. Tapt Screw x 2 1127 51570306B | P. H. Tapt Screw x 2
0914 51570312B | P. H. Tapt Screw x 4 1128 51570306B | P. H. Tapt Screw x 4
0917 511003045 | B.H. M. Screw x 2 1129 515703068 | P. H. Tapt Screw x 10
0919 511003085 ¡ B. H. M. Screw x 2 1130 515703068 | P. H. Tapt Screw x 15
0920 54050300R | T. L. Washer OR x 2 1202 51650304D {| Set Screw H.P. x 2
0921 53110303E | Hexagon Nut x 2 1203 53110403E | Hexagon Nut x 2
0923 54050400R | T. L. Washer OR 1212 563825406 | Еуе!е!
0926 51122608E | T.H.M, Screw x 4 1216 .51100310S | B. H. M. Screw x 2
0928 511004065 | B.H. M. Screw x 10 1217 53110303E | Hexagon Nut x 2
0930 51100406S | B. H. M. Screw x 4 1218 54050300R | T. L. Washer OR x 2
0931 54020401S | Flat Washer P x 4 1221 53112603E | Hexagon Nut
0933 515704108 | P. H. Tapt Screw x 4 1222 540526008 | T. L. Washer OR
0934 54020401E | Flat Washer P x 4 1223 59030810P | Fiber Washer
0935 54040402N | Spring Washer x 4 1224 54060300R | T. L. Washer x 5
1002 515703068 | P. H. Tapt Screw x 12 1225 51060305E | P. H. M, Screw x 3
‘003 51570306B | P.H. Tapt Screw x 8 1227 51570306B | P. H. Tapt Screw x 2
J05 51100314E | P.H.M. Screw x 8 1229 54040302N | Spring Washer x 4
1013 511003068 | B.H.M. Screw x 10
1015 51102608E | B. H. M. Screw x 2
P100 YD2819002 | P.C. Board —
(772819002) | P. C. Board Assembly
R101 RT1056314 | Carbon, 56K, +10%, 1/4W
R102 RT1010514 | Carbon, 1M92, +10%, 1/4W
R103 RT1010414 | Carbon, 100KQ, +10%, 1/4W
R104-R105| RT1022114 | Carbon, 22082, +10%, 1/4W
R106 RT1010214 | Carbon, 1KS2, +10%, 1/4W
R107 RT1047214 | Carbon, 4.7K2, 10%, 1/4W
R108-R109| RT1022314 | Carbon, 22KQ, +10%, 1/4W
R110 RT1012214 | Carbon, 1.2K, +10%, 1/4W
111-R113| RT1010114 | Carbon, 1009, +10%, 1/4W
#R114 RT1022314 | Carbon, 22K, +10%, 1/4W
R115 RT1010114 Carbon, 1009, 110%, 1/4W
C101 CA4330001 | Variable, FM4 AM3 Gang
C102 CT1100001 | Trimmer, 1.5pF~10pF ÑNPO
C103 CT 1100002 | Trimmer, 1.5pF~10pF NPO
C104 CT1100001 | Trimmer, 1.5pF~10pF NPO
C105 CT1100001 | Trimmer, 1.5pF~10pF NPO
10106 CT1100001 | Trimmer, 1.5pF~10pF NPO
“10107 DD1615001 | Ceramic, 15pF, — +10%, SL
C108 DK1710201 | Ceramic, 1000pF, +20%, Y Y
C109 DD 1105001 | Ceramic, 5pF, +0.5pF, SL
C110 DK1710201 | Ceramic, 1000pF 120%, YY
C111 DD1615001 | Ceramic, 15pF, +10%, SL
C112 DK1710201 | Ceramic, 1000pF, +20%, YY
C113 DK1710301 | Ceramic, 0.01uF, +20%, YY
C114 DD 1001001 | Ceramic, 1.0pF, +0.25pF, SL
5115 DD1615001 | Ceramic, 15pF, *10%, SL
“ER 116-0117 | DK1710301 | Ceramic, 0.01uF, +20%, YY
C118 DD 1620003 | Ceramic, 20pF, +10%, SH
C119 | DD1210006 |. Ceramic, 10pF, —+1pF, CH
C120-C121 | DD1615003 | Ceramic, 15pF, +10%, CH
C122-C125 | DK1710301 | Ceramic, 0.01uF, +20%, YY
C127 DK1710301 { Ceramic, 0.01uF, +20%, Y Y
L101 LA1202603 | Ant. Coil x 3
L102 LA1202604 | RF Coil
L103 LA1202605 | RF Coil
L104 LO 1202603 { OSC Coil
L105 LITO01601 | IFT
H101 HF200191A | Transistor, 2SK19Y x 3
H102 HF200191B | Transistor, 25K19G
+1H103 HT305351B | Transistor, 25C5368
2101-2102 | УР1000094
J103-3109 57271240W | Lug Eyelet
P150 YD2818002 | P. C. Board
(ZZ2818002}| P. C. Board Assembly
R151 RT1033214 | Carbon, 3.3KQ, +10%, 1/4W
R152 RT 1022414 | Carbon, 220K92, +10%, 1/4W
R153 RT1039214 | Carbon, 3.9K2, +10%, 1/4W
R154 RT1010414 | Carbon, 100K, +10%, 1/4W
R155 RT1022114 | Carbon, 2200, 10%, 1/4W
R156 RT1033214 | Carbon, 3.3KQ, 10%, 1/4W
R157 RT1015314 | Carbon, 15K, 10%, 1/4W
R158 RT1027214 | Carbon, 2.7K, 10%, 1/4W
R162 RT1018314 | Carbon, 18K92, +10%, 1/4W
R163 RT1018414 | Carbon, 180K, 10%, 1/4W
R164 RT1010214 | Carbon, 1K92, +10%, 1/4W
R165 RT1015214 | Carbon, 1.5K 2, 10%, 1/4W
R166 RT1018314 | Carbon, 18K, 10%, 1/4W
R167 RT1047314 | Carbon, 47KQ, +10%, 1/4W
R168 RT1010214 | Carbon, 1K, +10%, 1/4W
R169 RT1022114 | Carbon, 22082, 10%, 1/4W
R170 RT1015214 | Carbon, 1.5K, +10%, 1/4W
R171 RT1022214 | Carbon, 2.2KQ, +10%, 1/4W
R172 RT1047214 | Carbon, 4.7KS2, +10%, 1/4W
R173 RT 1022414 | Carbon, 220K®, +10%, 1/4W
R174 RT1022214 | Carbon, 2.2K, 10% 1/4W
R175 RT1056214 | Carbon, 5.6K, +10%, 1/4W
R176 RT1010414 | Carbon, 100K, +10% 1/4W
R177 RT1010214 | Carbon, 1K9, +10%, 1/4W
R178 RT1010114 | Carbon, 1000, +10% 1/4W
R179 RT1022214 | Carbon, 2.2KS2, +10% 1/4W
R180 RT1010114 | Carbon, 1008, 110% 1/4W
R181 RT1082114 | Carbon, 8209, +10% 1/4W
R182 RT1056214 | Carbon, 5.6KQ, +10% 1/4W
R183 RT1012314 | Carbon, 12KS2, +10% 1/4W
R184 RT1082214 | Carbon, 8.2KS2, +10% 1/4W
R185 RT1010114 | Carbon, 10092, 110% 1/4W
R186 RT1056214 | Carbon, 5.6K92, +10% 1/4W
R187 RT1022214 | Carbon, 2.2K), 10% 1/4W
R188 RT1010114 | Carbon, 100%, 1+10% 1/4W
C151 DF1740301 | Mylar, 0.04uF, +20%
C152 DF1710301 | Mylar, 0.01uF, +20%
C153 DF1740301 | Mylar, O0.04uF, +20%
C154 DD1105001 | Ceramic, 5pF, +0.5¢F
C155 DF1740301 | Mylar, 0.04ufF, 120%
C156 DF1747201 | Mylar, 0.0047uF,+20%
C157 DF1722301 {| Mylar, 0.022uF, +20%
C1568 DF6545101 | Mylar, 450pF, 15%
C160 DF1740301 | Mylar, 0.04uF, 120%
C161-C162 | EA1060169 | Elect, 10uF, 16V
C163 DF1740301 {| Mylar, 0.04uF, 20% R216 RT1015114{ Carbon, 1509, +10%, 1/4W
C164-C166 | EA1060169 | Elect, 10uF, 16V R217 RT1015214 | Carbon, 1.5K2, 410%, 1/4W
C167 DK1710201 | Ceramic, 0.001uF, +20% R218 RT1033214 | Carbon, 3.3K, +10%, 1/4W
C168 DF1747201 | Mylar, 0.0047uF +20% R219-R220 | RT10102141 Carbon, 1KQ, +10%, 1/4W
C169 DF1722201 | Mylar, 0.0022uF,+20% R221 RT1010414 | Carbon, 100KQ, +10%, 1/4W
C170 DF1668301 | Mylar, 0.068uF, £10% R222 RT10151141 Carbon, 1500, +10%, 1/4W
C171 EA1060169 | Elect., 10uF, 16V R223 RT1022114 | Carbon, 2200, ++10%, 1/4W
C172 DF1740301 | Mylar, 0.04uF, +20% R224 RT1082114 | Carbon, 8204, 110%, 1/4W
C173 EA1060169 | Elect., 10uF, 16V R225 RT1015114 | Carbon, 1500, 10%, 1/4W
C174 DF1740301 | Mylar, 0.04uF, 220%
C175 EA1060169 | Elect., 10uF, 16V R226 RT1082214 | Carbon, 8.2K, 10%, 1/4W
C176-C177 | DF1740301 | Mylar, 0.04uF, +20% R227 RT1015314 | Carbon, 15KS2, 10%, 1/4W
C178 EA1060169 | Elect., 10pF, 18V R228-R229 | RT1010214 | Carbon, 1KQ, 110%, 1/4W
C179 DF1740301 | Mylar, 0.04uF, +20% R230 RT1027114 | Carbon, 2700, 10%, 1/4W
C180 EA1060169 | Elect., 10uF, 16V R231 RT1010414 | Carbon, 100K£2, +10%, 1/4W
C181 EA1060169 | Elect., 10uF, 16V R232 RT1082214 | Carbon, 8.2K9, +10%, 1/4W
C182 DD1620001 | Ceramic, 20pF, +10% R233 RT1015314 | Carbon, 15K92, +10%, 1/4W
C183 EA1070169 | Elect., 10uF, 16V R234 RT1015114 | Carbon, 150%, 210%, 1/4W
R236 RT1010214 | Carbon, 1KQ, +10%, 1/4W
TRANSFORMERS R237 RT1015114 { Carbon, 1500, 1:T10%, 1/4W
L151 LA1001017 | RF Coil, 200uH
L152 LO1001042 | OSC Coil, 120uH R238 RT1010414 { Carbon, 100KS2, +10%, 1/4W
L153 111028002 IFT R239 RT1015114 | Carbon, 1500, +10%, 1/4W
L154 L11001048 IFT R240 RT1047114 | Carbon, 4700, 1+:10%, 1/4W
1.153 111028003 IFT R241 RT1010114 | Carbon, 1000, 410%, 1/4W
R242 RT1047214 | Carbon, 4.7K, +10%, 1/4W
SEMICONDUCTORS R243 RT1012314 | Carbon, 12KQ, 410%, 1/4W
H151-H152 | HT309411B | Transistor, 25C941 (O) R244 RT1010214 { Carbon, 1K, +10%, 1/4W
H153 HT3037210 | Transistor, 250372 R245 RT1022214 | Carbon, 2.2KQ, +10%, 1/4W
H154 HT3037210 | Transistor, 250372 R246 RT1033314 | Carbon, 33KQ, +10%, 1/4W
H155 HT306441C | Transistor, 25C644 (T) R247 RT1056314 | Carbon, 56KQ, +10%, 1/4W
H157-H159 | HD1000105 | Diode, 1N60
R248 RT1015314 | Carbon, 15KQ, +10%, 1/4W
MISCELLANEOUS R249-R252 | RT1010114 1 Carbon, 1000, +10%, 1/4W
J151-J162 YP1000094 | Plug : В253 RT 1022014 | Carbon, 220, +10%, 1/4W
. R254 RT1010314 | Carbon, 10KQ, +10%, 1/4W
P200 Y D2819008 | P. C. Board R255 RT1018314 | Carbon, 18KM, +10%, 1/4W
(ZZ2819008)}| P. C. Board Assembly R256 RT1022314 | Carbon, 22K9, +10%, 1/4W
R257 RT 1027314 | Carbon, 27K0, +10%, 1/4W
RESISTORS R258 RT 1022314 | Carbon, 22K9, +10%, 1/4W
R201 RT1015114 | Carbon, 1500, 110%, 1/4W R259 RT1012314 | Carbon, 12K92, +10%, 1/4W
R202 RT1015214 | Carbon, 1.5KQ, +10%, 1/4W
R203 RT1033214 | Carbon, 3.3KQ, +10%, 1/4W CAPACITORS
R204-R2051 RT1010214 | Carbon, 1KQ, +10%, 1/4W C201 DK1710301 | Ceramic, 0.01uF, 20%
R206 RT1082114 | Carbon, 8200, 1T+10%, 1/4W C202 DK1710301 | Ceramic, O.01uF, 20%
R207 RT 1015114 | Carbon, 15090, 10%, 1/4W C203 DK1710301 | Ceramic, 0.01uF, +20%
R208 RT1015214 | Carbon, 1.5K42, +10%, 1/4W C204 DK1710301{ Ceramic, 0.01uF, 20%
R209 RT 1033214 | Carbon, 3.3KS2, 10%, 1/4W C205 DK1710301 | Ceramic, 0.01uF, 20%
R210-R211| RT1010214 | Carbon, 1KQ, +10%, 1/4W C206-C207 DK1710301 | Ceramic, O.OTuF, +20%
R212 RT 1010414 | Carbon, 100KM, +10%, 1/4W C208 DK1710201 | Ceramic, 0.001uF, 220%
C209-C212 | DK1710301 | Ceramic, 0.01uF, +20%
3213-R214 | RT1015114 | Carbon, 15082, *10%, 1/4W C213 DK1810402 | Ceramic, 0.1uF, +80%, —20%
4215 RT1082114 | Carbon, 82092, 1+10%, 1/4W C214-C217 | DK1710301} Ceramic, 0.01uF, *20%
C218 DK1810402 | Ceramic, O.1uF, +80%, —20%
C219-C225 DK1840302 | Ceramic, 0.04uF, +80%, —20%
C226 DD1540001 | Ceramic, 40pF, +5% R333 RT1010414 | Carbon, 100K, 10%, 1/4W
C227 DD1620101 | Ceramic, 200pF, 10% R334 RT1012414 | Carbon, 120KQ, +10%, 1/4W
C228 DK1710301 | Ceramic, 0.01uF, +20% +
C229 DD 1620101 | Ceramic, 200pF, +10% R335-R336 | RTO515314 |! Carbon, 1B5K2, +5%, 1/4W
C230 DK1710301 | Ceramic, 0.01uF, +20% R337-R338 | RTO510414 | Carbon, 100KQ, +5%, 1/4W
C231 DD1620101 | Ceramic, 200pF, +10% R339-R340 | RNO582414| Carbon, 820K92, 15%, 1/4W
C232 DK1710301 | Ceramic, 0.01uF, +20% R341-R342 | RT0512214| Carbon, 1.2K, +5%, 1/4W
| R343-R344 | RN0522314| Carbon, 22KS?2, +5%, 1/4W
SEMICONDUCTORS R345-R346 | RT0568214 | Carbon, E.8KS2, +5%, 1/4W
H201 HT308291C | Transistor, 25C829C R347-R348 | RTO510214 | Carbon, 1K, 5%, 1/4W
H202 HT308291C | Transistor, 25C829C R349-R350! RTO512214 | Carbon, 1.2KS2, +5%, 1/4W
H203 HT308291C | Transistor, 25C829C R351-R352 | RT0536214 | Carbon, 3.6K0, +5%, 1/4W
H204 HT308291C | Transistor, 25C829C R353 RT1082314 | Carbon, 82KQ, +10%, 1/4W
„= 1205 HT308291C | Transistor, 2SC829C
# "44206 HT308291C | Transistor, 25C329C R354 RT1022214 | Carbon, 2.2K0, +10%, 1/4W
H207-H214 | HD2001105 | Diode, 151555 R355 RT1056314 | Carbon, 56K92, +10%, 1/4W
H215-H224 | HD1000105 | Diode, 1N60 R356 RT 1010414 | Carbon, 100K%, +19%, 1/4W
R357-R358 | RN1047414{ Carbon, 470K9, 10%, 1/4W
MISCELLANEOUS R359-RI6O | RN1022414! Carbon, 220KQ, 10%, 1/4W
£201 LC1682002 | Choke Coil, 6.8uH+20% 100mA R361-R362 | RT1047214 | Carbon, 4.7K, +10%, 1/4W
F201-F206 | FF1107003 | Ceramic Filter, SFA 10.7MHz R363 RT1018214 | Carbon, 1.8K92, 10%, 1/4W
J201-J208 YP 1000094 | Plug R364 RT1056114! Carbon, 5600, 110%, 1/4W
R365 RA0502013| Trimmer,5KQ B
P300 Y D2818004 | P. C. Board R366-R367 | RT1022414 | Carbon, 220K92, +10%, 1/4W
(222818004)! P. C. Board Assembly +
R368 RT1047114 | Carbon, 4700, 110%, 1/4W
RESISTORS R374 RT1068214 | Carbon, 6.8K2, +10%, 1/4W
R369 RT1047114 | Carbon, 4700, *10%, 1/4W
R301 RT1010214 | Carbon, 1KQ, +10%, 1/4W CAPACITORS
R302-R303 | RN1047414 | Carbon, 470KQ, *10%, 1/4W C302 EA1060169 | Elect., 10uF, 15V
R304 RT1015214 | Carbon, 1.5K0, +10%, 1/4W C303 DF5547203 1 Mylar, 4700pF, +5%
R305 RT1027314 | Carbon, 27K9, +10%, 1/4W C304 DF1647201 | Mylar, 4700pF, +10%
R306 RT1012314 | Carbon, 12KS, +10%, 1/4W C306 EA1060169 | Elect., 10uF, 15V
R307 RT1012214 | Carbon, 1.2KQ, +10%, 1/4W C311 EA1060169 | Elect., 10uF, 15V
«R308 RT1015214 | Carbon, 1.5K, +10%, 1/4W C312 EA2270169 | Elect., 22uF, 15V
*«..{R309 RT1022214 | Carbon, 2.2K9, +10%, 1/4W C315-C316 | DF1522301 | Myiar, 0.002uF, +56
R310 RT1027314 | Carbon, 27KS2, +10%, 1/4W C317-C318 | DF17224011 Mylar, 0.22uF, +20%
| C319-C320 | EA1060359 {| Elect, 10uF, 35V
R311 RT1039114 | Carbon, 39098, 110%, 1/4W C311-C322 | EA1060169| Elect., 10uF, 15V
R312 RT1012214 | Carbon, 1.2K, +10%, 1/4W
R313-R316 { RT0510214 | Carbon, 1K, +10%, 1/4W C323 ЕА1070109 | Е!ес!., 100uF, 13V
R317 RT1010314 | Carbon, 10KS2, +10%, 1/4W C324 EM1040201| Elect., O.1uF, 2V
R318 RT1015314 | Carbon, 15K9, +10%, 1/4W C331-C332 | EA4750359 | Elect., 4.7uF, HV
R319 RT1015114 | Carbon, 1500, 110%, 1/4W C333-C334 | EV1050251 | Elect., 1uF, 2>V
R320 RT1010414 | Carbon, 100KS?, +10%, 1/4W C335 EA2270259| Elect.,, 220uF, 25V
R321 RT1022114 | Carbon, 2208, +10%, 1/4W C336 EA3360109 | Elect., 33uF, TV
R322-R323 | RT1022414 | Carbon, 220K, 10%, 1/4W
R324 RT1033014 | Carbon, 330, +10%, 1/4W TRANSFORMERS
L301 LS1001007 | M.P.X Coil 19KHz Am,
R325 RT1012414 | Carbon, 120K, +10%, 1/4W L302 LS1503002 | M.P.X Coil 19KHz, 3&H z Block
R326 . RT1015314 | Carbon, 15KN, 10%, 1/4W L304 LS1503001 | 19KHz, 67KHz Trap.
R327 RT1056214 | Carbon, 5.6KS2, +10%, 1/4W 1305 LS3501002 | M.P.X Coil L. P. Filter
R328 RT1033314 | Carbon, 33KQ, +10%, 1/4W я
; (R329 RT1022414 | Carbon, 220KQ, +10%, 1/4W SEMICONDUCTORS
= |R330 RT1068314 | Carbon, 68K, +10%, 1/4W H301-H307 | HT3037210! Transistor, 250372
R331 RT1056314 | Carbon, 56KS2, +10%, 1/4W H308 HF200301C | Transistor, 25SK30Y
R332 RT0518414 | Carbon, 180KQ, +5%, 1/4W H309 HT307322A | Transistor, 25C732 Buor Gr
H310 HT307322A| Transistor, 25C732 Bu or Gr P550 Y D2818006 | P. C. Board
H311-H312| HT104942A! Transistor, 25A494 Gror Y (ZZ2818006)| P. C. Board Assembly
H313-H3141| HT306441C! Transistor, 25C644T
H315-H320 | HD1000105| Diode 1NGO RESISTORS
R551 RT1056214 | Carbon, 5.6K, +10%, 1/4W
MISCELLANEOUS R552 RT1010114 | Carbon, 10092, :10%, 1/4W
J301-J303 YP 1000094 | Plug R553 RT1027314 | Carbon, 27K, +10%, 1/4W
J305-J307 YP 1000095 | Plug R554 RT1010414 | Carbon, 100K 2, 10%, 1/4W
J312-J315 YP1000094 | Plug R565 RT1010214 | Carbon, 1K{2, +10%, 1/4W
R556-R557 | RT1033314 | Carbon, 33K, 10%, 1/4W
P500 YD2819005| P. C. Board R559 RT1033314 | Carbon, 33KQ, 10%, 1/4W
(ZZ2819005)| P. C. Board Assembly R560 RT 1033214 | Carbon, 3.3K, +10%, 1/4W
R561 RT1056214 | Carbon, 5.6K, 10%, 1/4W
RESISTORS | R562 RT1022414 | Carbon, 220K§2, +10%, 1/4W
R501 RT1015114 | Carbon, 15082, 110%, 1/4W
R502 RT1010214| Carbon, 1K©, +10%, 1/4W R563-R564 | RT1010114 | Carbon, 10090, 1:10%, 1/4W
R503 RT1010114 | Carbon, 1009, 110%, 1/4W R565 RT1010114 | Carbon, 15K2, +10%, 1/4W
R504 RT1022314 | Carbon, 22KQ, +10%, 1/4W R566 RTO533414 | Carbon, 330KQ, +10%, 1/4W
R505 RT1022114} Carbon, 22082, 10%, 1/4W R568 RT 1022214 | Carbon, 2.2K92, 10%, 1/4W
R506-R507| RT0582114 | Carbon, 8200, +5%, 1/4W R569 RT0510314 | Carbon, 10K 2, 15%, 1/4W
R508-R509 | RT0568214 | Carbon, 6.8K, 5%, 1/4W R571 RT0527414 | Carbon, 270KS2, +5%, 1/4W
R510 RT1010114{ Carbon, 10092, 10%, 1/4W R572 RT1010114 | Carbon, 10092, 10%, 1/4W
R511 RT1056214 | Carbon, 5.6K92, +10%, 1/4W R573 RTOS15314 | Carbon, 15KSZ, +5%, 1/4W
R512 RT1015314| Carbon, 15KS?2, +10%, 1/4W R574 RT0512314 | Carbon, 12KQ, +5%, 1/4W
R576 RTO510314 | Carbon, 10K, +5%, 1/4W
R513 RN1018414| Carbon, 180K$S2, +10%, 1/4W |
R514 RN1022214| Carbon, 2.2KQ, +10%, 1/4W R577 RT1022214 | Carbon, 22082, +10%, 1/4W
R515 RN1010414| Carbon, 100KS2, +10%, 1/4W R578 RT1010114 | Carbon, 10092, +10%, 1/4W
R516 RT1010114{ Carbon, 10090, *10%, 1/4W
R517 RT1010114} Carbon, 10002, 110%, 1/4W CAPACITORS
R518 RT 1039214 | Carbon, 3.29KQ, +10%, 1/4W C551 DD1615001 | Ceramic, 15pF, +10%, SL
R523 RT1010414| Carbon, 100K, 10%, 1/4W C552 DF 1668301 | Mylar, 0.068uF, +10%,
C553 DF1740301 | Mylar, 0.04uF, 20%
CAPACITORS | C554 EA1060169 | Elect., 10uF, 16V |
C501-C502 | DK1710301| Ceramic, 0.01uF, +20%, YY C555 DK1840302 | Ceramic, 0.04uF, +100%, —0%
C503 EA1060169| Elect., 10uF, 16V C556 DK1810402 | Ceramic, 0.1uF, +100%, —0%
C504 DK1710301] Ceramic, 0.01uF, 20%, YY C558 DK1810402 | Ceramic, 1uF, +100%, —0%
C505 DK1840302| Ceramic, 0.04uF, +100%,-0% C559 EA1060169 | Elect., 10uF, 16V
C506-C507 | DD1620101| Elect, 200pF, +10%, SL C560-C561 | DK1710301 | Ceramic, 0.01uF, +20%
C508 EA1060169/ Elect., 10uF, 16V C562 DK 1840302 | Ceramic, 0.04uF, +80%, —20%
C509 EA1070109| Elect., 10uF, 10V
C510 ED1050501| Elect., Tur, 50V SEMICONDUCTORS
C511 EA1060169| Elect, 10uF, 16V H551 HT307331C | Transistor, 25C733 Gr
C512 DK1840302| Ceramic, 0.04uF, +100%,—0% H552-H553 | HT3037210 | Transistor, 250372
H554-H555 | HD1000105 | Diode, 1N6O
C513 DD 1620101] Ceramic, 200pF, 110% H558 HF200300A | FET, 2SK30
C514 ЕА1070169 | Elect, 10uF, 16V H559-H561 | HT3037210 | Transistor, 25C372
H501 HC1000105| IC TA7060P LS51 LC2105001 | Choke Coil, 1mH
H502 HT306441Bi Transistor, 2566445
H503-H504{ HD1000105| Diode 1N60 J551-J555 YP1000094 | Plug
J559-J566 YP 1000094 | Plug
| MISCELLANEOUS J557 YP1000094 | Plug
J501-3509 YP1000094 | Plug
P400, Y D2577004 | P. C. Board
L501 111018801 {FT FM Det. (222577004) P. C. Board Assembly
" RC1010012
RC1010012 |
RT1047214 | :
— RC1039212
_ RA05020131-
| RT1056214 |
R811-R812 | RC1056212 Solid, 5.6KO, 10%, STW
R813 RT1022314 | Carbon, 22K£2, 10%, 1/4W
R814 RT1047214 | Carbon, 4.7K, 10%, 1/4W
R815 | RT1039314 | Carbon, 39KQ, — 10%, 1/4W |
R816 RT1039414 | Carbon, 390KQ, 10%, 1/4W |
R817 RT1039314 | Carbon, 39K, — 10%, 1/4W |
R818 RJ1047102 | Carbon, 47082, 10%, ZW
C801 EB4770631 | Elect.,470uF, +100%, -10%, 63 |
C802 EA3370509 | Elect., 330uF, +100%, -109%, 50/ |
C803 EA4770169 | Elect, 470uF, +100%, —-10%, 167 |
C804 EA3370509 | Elect330uF +100%, -10%, 50 |
C805 EA3350509 | Elect.,3.3uF, +100%, -10%, 3 |
C806 . EA1060509 | Elect. 10uF, +100%, ~10%,5ty |
C807 EA2270109 | Elect., 220uF,+100%, -10%, 1 |
C808-C809 | DK1810351) Ceramic, 0.01+100%.-10% —_
Carbon. 15KQ 10% 1/4W
“Solid, 3.9KQ, 10%, 1/2W
Carbon, 27K8, 10%, 1/4w |
C757-C758 | DF1710452| Mylar, 0.1uF, +20%, 200Vx 2
C759-C760 | EA1060169| Elect, 10uF, 16V x 2
C761 EV2260061 | Elect.22uF, +40%, -20%, 6.3V x 2
C762 DF1710452| Mylar, 0.1uF, 20% 200Vx 2
C763 DF1722452 | Mylar, 0.22uF, +20% 100Vx 2
H751 HK064019A{ Transistor, 2SA640 iMjor €£_) x2
H753 - HT3094510! Transistor, 25945 (0) x >
H754-H755 | HT3073518| Transistor, 250735 (0) x 7
H756 HK060719B) Transistor, 2SAGO7, 2SC9GO, «2
H758 | HK060719B{ Transistor, 250960, 25A607, x2
H760 HT309841B{ Transistor, 25C984 (8) x 2
H761 HD2000307 | Diode, SM-150-01 x 2
H762-H763| HD3002009| Diode, BZ-150 x 2
H764-H765| HD3002309| Diode, WZ-071x2
H766-H767 | HT105621C Transistor, 2SA562 Y) x 2
H768-H769 | HHO000812| Thermistor, 21D28,
1500, +15% 25°Cx À
L751 © LC2102001 | Choke Coil, 2uH x 2
J751-J761 | YP1000091 | Plugx 2 -
P800 YD28180121 P. C. Board for Power Supply
(2Z22818012)] P. C. Board Assembly
RC1033212 | Зона, 3.3KQ, 10%, 1/2W
solid, 10, — 10%, 1/2W
Solid, 102, 10% 1/2W |
son, 4.7K9, 10%, 1/4W -—-
| Loo1
| Loo2
L 003
| M002
| M010-M
| $5001
EA4760169] Elect., 47uF, +100%, — 10%,16V Jo10 YJO100055 | Headphone Jack
- Jo1T Y JOS00012 | Fuse Holder Socket
SEMICONDUCTORS J013 YJ0400018 | AC Outlet Jack
02] HD2000413| Diode, 518-01-02 J014-J017 | YJ0500013 | Power Transistor Socket
HT403154A| Transistor, 25D315 (C. D. E. F) JO18 YLO106004 | Terminal for AC Line Voltage Select
HD3002109 | Diode, BZ-140 (14V 1W) -1J019 YT0101003 | Ground Terminal
HT306965A | Transistor, 25C696 |
HT307341C | Transistor, 250734 (Y) J021-J027 | YP1000094 | Plug
HD3002309 | Diode, WZ-071 (7.1V +0.4V 0.5W) | 1j028 Y JOB00013 | Meter Illumination Socket
HT309452A | Transistor, 28C945 Ror Q 13029-1034 0800 Dial Hlumination Socket
10! HT312133A| Transistor, 25C1213A (A, B ог С) |
131 HD2000413 1 Diode, SIB-01-02 130356 YLO104001 | 4P Terminal
| | | 1J036-J037 | YLO107001 | 7P Terminal
MISCELLANEOUS 2038. YLO107005 | 7P Terminal
LY2024004 | Choke Coil, 24VDC J039 YLO102003 | 2P Terminal
LY 20240100 1040 YJ0500017 | Transistor Socket (For TO-66)
5 | YP1000091 | Plug J041 YP1000094 | Plug
2 | YP1000091 | Plug 13043 YL102003 | 2P Terminal
| SEMICONDUCTORS {F001 | FS1030003 | Fuse
HD2000510 | Diode, 582 | |
HD1000105 | Diode, NEO | YC0240010 | AC Cord
| | Y 50007001 | Connective Cord
| TRANSFORMERS: YB0027001 | Connective Cord
LF1120023 | Ant. Coil, AM Ant. 1 fWOD5. + YW2819001 | Wire Material
LB3007528 1 Balun Coil, FM 3000 75007,., 1 |WODE | YX2819001 | Wire Material
LC1302001 | Choke Coil, 3uH | “ex 11 | >
TsOpsoZD! Power Transf. | RESISTORS
LCT302001 | Choke Coil, 3uH 1 ROO1 RC1008212 | Solid, 8.20, +10%, 1/2W
LC1302001 | Choke Coil, 3uH R002-R003 | RC1068012 | Solid, 689, +10%, 1/2W
| ROD4 RK0254002 | Variable, 250K2,(B)
MISCELLANEOUS : 8005 RM0254020 {| Variable, 250K (MN)
IM1104203 АМ/РМ M Signal Meter 18006 | RM0254021 | Variable, 250KQ (А)
063 eo Lamp 5.3 ADA ; RO07- ROOS | RT1047214 | Carbon, 4.7KQ, +10%, 1/4W
|R009-R010 | RJ1022202 | Carbon, 22KQ, +10%, 2W lis:
081{ +8011 RC1020012 {| Solid, 2092, +10%, 1/2\/ PP
| RO12 | RC1010212 | Solid, — 1KQ, — +10%, 1/2W
| 18013. 1 GS1015105 | Wire Wound, 1500,410%, 5W
16) 1N1008007 E Dial Pointer Hiumination Lamp, | {R014 | GT0522501 | Carbon, 2.2MQ, +5%, 1W
| 8v,0.2A pe {RO15-RO16 | RT1010214 | Carbon, 1K, — +10%, 1/4W
11104202 FM Tuning Meter - a R017-R018 | GS1010103 | Wire Wound, 1002 £10%, 3W
| a |R019-R020 | RJ1047002 | Carbon, 478, +10%, 2W
SS0202017 | FM Ant. Attenuator switch {R024 RT1022214 | Carbon, 2.2KQ, +10%, 1/4W
SR0805016 | Function Switch see {R022 RA0103018 | Trimmer, 10K$2, B
$Р0201007 | Power Supply Push Switch CAPACITORS
003 | Tape Mon., Mono Push Switch C003 DK1710301 | Ceramic, 0.01uF +20%, 50V, YY
| Main, Remote Spk, Push Switeh 1C004- | 000756380 { Oil Paper, 0.056uF, 420%, 800VAC
a. | 'C005-C006 | DO0720350 | Oil Paper, 0.02uF, +20%, 600VDC |
-1 ic007-C008 | ECS080551 | Elect., 8000uF, +50%, —4%, 56WV
C009 EA3360109 | Elect, 33uF, 10V |
C010-C011 | DK1710301 | Ceramic, 0.01uF, +20%, 50V, Y Y
C013 EA4750359 | Elect., 4.7uF, 35V
7 Y? 1000097 | Main In/Pre Out Plug RESISTORS
f Y JO100065 { Dubbing Out Jack R023 RT1082214 | Carbon, 8.2K, 10%, 1/4W
| YJO100055 | Dubbing In Jack R021 RC1018012 | Solid, 18%, +10%, 1/2W
: 5 FE ‚АЛИ К :
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Key Features

  • Rated continuous power output of 45 Watts per channel at 4 and 8 ohms, providing ample power for a wide range of speakers
  • Comparable Total Music Power (IHF) of 135 Watts at 8 ohms, ensuring dynamic and impactful sound reproduction
  • High-level hum and noise of -80 dB, offering an exceptionally quiet listening experience
  • Phono hum and noise of 1.5 µV equivalent input, minimizing unwanted noise from turntables
  • Dynamic range of 96 dB, capturing the full spectrum of sound from the quietest passages to the loudest crescendos
  • I.M. Distortion (SMPTE) of 0.3% at rated power, delivering accurate and distortion-free sound reproduction
  • Power Bandwidth of 7 Hz to 70,000 Hz, ensuring faithful reproduction of even the most demanding musical content
  • Damping Factor of greater than 45, providing excellent speaker control and tight bass response

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the power output of the Marantz 2245?
The Marantz 2245 has a rated continuous power output of 45 Watts per channel at 4 and 8 ohms.
What is the Total Music Power (IHF) of the Marantz 2245?
The Marantz 2245 has a Comparable Total Music Power (IHF) of 135 Watts at 8 ohms.
What is the Phono hum and noise of the Marantz 2245?
The Marantz 2245 has a Phono hum and noise of 1.5 µV equivalent input.
What is the I.M. Distortion (SMPTE) of the Marantz 2245?
The Marantz 2245 has an I.M. Distortion (SMPTE) of 0.3% at rated power.
What is the Power Bandwidth of the Marantz 2245?
The Marantz 2245 has a Power Bandwidth of 7 Hz to 70,000 Hz.

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