Karcher FC 7 Cordless Premium Instruction manual
Kärcher FC 7 Cordless Premium is a cordless hard floor cleaner designed for private households. It effectively cleans various surfaces like PVC, linoleum, tiles, stone, parquet, laminate, and waterproof floor coverings. The device offers two cleaning levels: Level 1 for regular cleaning and Level 2 with increased roller speed and water volume for stubborn dirt. It features an easy-to-use design with a removable hair filter for easy cleaning. The Kärcher FC 7 Cordless Premium also features a built-in charging station for convenient recharging.
FC 7 Cordless Premium 2 20 中文 English 59698310 https://manual-hub.com/ (05/23) 目录 按规定使用................................ 环境保护.................................. 附件和备件................................ 供货范围.................................. 质量保证.................................. 安全提示.................................. 设备上的标志.............................. 设备说明.................................. 安装...................................... 投入运行.................................. 运行...................................... 保养和维护................................ 故障排除.................................. 技术参数.................................. 危险等级 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 7 10 15 17 按规定使用 洗地机仅适用于私人家庭硬质地面的清洁以及仅限在防 水硬质地板上使用。 不得清洁水敏性地面,例如未经处理的木塞板地板,因 为潮气会渗透进去并损坏地面。 该设备适用于清洁 PVC、油毡、瓷砖、石材、已上油和 打蜡的镶木地板、复合地板以及所有防水地板铺层。 环境保护 包装材料可以回收利用。请按照环保要求处理包 装。 电气和电子设备含有宝贵的可再利用的材料以及 诸如电池、蓄电池或油等若使用不当或处理错误 会对人体健康和环境造成潜在性危险的组成部 分。为了设备按规定运行,需要这些组件。用符 号标记的设备不得与生活垃圾一同处理。 内部材料提示 (REACH) 最新的内部材料信息请您在如下链接中查找: www.kaercher.com/REACH 附件和备件 只允许使用原厂附件和备件,它们可以确保设备安全无 故障地运行。 关于附件和备件的信息参见 www.kaercher.com。 供货范围 设备的供货范围都已绘制在包装上。打开包装时请检查 产品是否齐全。附件缺失或运输损坏时,请通知您的经 销商。 质量保证 我们的主管销售公司所发布的质量保证条件在每个国家 均适用。在质量保证期内,如果您的产品发生了任何故 障,我们都将为您提供免费维修,但是这种故障应当是 由于机身材料或制造上的缺陷造成的。如属质量保证情 况,请凭发票联系贵方经销商或就近联系获得授权的客 户服务点。 (地址详见背面。) 安全提示 在您第一次使用设备之前,请先阅读本安全章节和原厂 操作说明书,并遵守。为日后使用或其他所有者使用方 便请妥善保管原厂操作说明书。 ● 除了操作说明书的提示外,还要遵守法律上一般安 全规定和意外事故防范规定。 ● 设备上相应的警告、指示标志为无风险的运行提供 重要提示。 2 危险 ● 提示导致人员重伤或死亡的直接威胁性危险。 몇 警告 ● 提示可能导致人员重伤或死亡的危险状况。 몇 小心 ● 提示可能导致轻度伤害的危险状况。 注意 ● 提示可能产生财产损失的危险状况。 电气组件 危险 ● 不得将设备浸泡在水中。 ● 不得将可导电 的物品诸如螺丝刀或类似物品插入设备的充电插座中。 ● 不得接触触点或电线。 ● 切勿轧过、挤压或穿过锋利 的边缘拖拽电源接线电缆,否则会造成损坏。 ● 设备只 能连接到交流电上。电源电压必须跟型号标牌上给出的 电压一致。 ● 必须通过故障电流保护开关(最大 30 mA)才能运行本设备。 몇 警告 ● 立即用原装部件更换带充电电线的受损充 电器。 ● 执行所有保养与维护工作之前关闭设备并且 拔下电源插头。 ● 该设备包含电气元件。请勿在流水下 或淋浴喷头下清洗设备或吸尘头的顶部或底部,否则水 可能会渗入。 ● 本设备只能由专业电工根据 IEC 60364- 1 标准连接到电气接口上。 몇 小心 ● 只允许经过授权的客户服务人员进行维修 工作。 ● 检查设备和附件,特别是电源连接导线和延长 线缆,在每次运行前都要检查其是否状态正常以及是否 具有运行安全性。如有损坏,拔下电源插头,不得使用 设备。 充电器 危险 ● 决不能用湿手触及电源插头或者插座。 ● 不得在有爆炸危险的环境中使用充电器。 몇 警告 ● 保护电源线免受高温、锋利边缘、油和运 动设备部件的影响。 ● 充电时请勿覆盖蓄电池组,并保 持通风口畅通。 ● 不得打开充电器。只能由专业人员进 行维修作业。 ● 只能使用许可的充电器给蓄电池组充 电。 ● 立即用原装部件更换带充电电线的受损充电器。 몇 小心 ● 请勿在潮湿或脏污状态下使用充电器。 ● 请勿抓住电源线携带充电器。 ● 本设备不得在带有多个 插座的延长线上与其他设备一起使用。 ● 请从插座上拔 下没有连接电源线的电源插头。 注意 ● 仅在干燥的环境下使用和储存充电器。 蓄电池 危险 ● 蓄电池不得承受强光辐射、受热及火烤。 몇 警告 ● 仅限使用随附的原装充电器或者经 KÄRCHER 公司许可的充电器给设备充电。 使用以下适配器: PS07 警告 ● 短路危险。请勿打开蓄电池。另外,难闻的蒸 汽或腐蚀性的液体可能会溢出。 注意 ● 该设备包含不可更换的蓄电池。 不适用于带可更 换式蓄电池的设备 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ 安全处理 危险 ● 窒息危险。让儿童远离包装薄膜。 몇 警告 ● 仅使用本设备来清洗。请注意遵守地方现 行的规定,并在操作设备时留意他人的存在,尤其是儿 童。 ● 请遵守危险区域(例如加油站)内的相应安全 规定。严禁在有爆炸危险的区域内操作设备。 ● 儿童及 不熟悉本说明书的人员不得操作该设备。地方规定可能 会对操作员的年龄有限制。 ● 本设备不得由儿童或身体 能力有限、感官能力弱或理解能力差或不熟悉这些规程 的人员使用。 ● 有感官能力、意识或精神能力障碍人员 或者缺少经验和知识的人员,只有当受到正确监督或由 负责其安全的人员指导如何安全使用设备并理解由此产 生的危险后方才可以使用本设备。 ● 儿童不得玩耍本 设备。 ● 照看好儿童,以确保他们不用设备玩耍。 ● 当 设备连接了电源或正在冷却时,请将设备放在儿童接触 不到的地方。 ● 儿童只有在监督下才允许进行清洁和 用户保养。 ● 保护连接电缆免受高温、锋利边缘、油和 运动设备部件的影响。 ● 身体部位(例如手指、头发) 务必远离旋转的清洁辊 ● 尖锐物体(例如碎片)可能 导致受伤危险。清洁吸尘头时要保护好双手。 몇 小心 ● 如果清洗机之前掉落,存在明显的损坏或 不密封,则不要使用该清洗机。 ● 只根据说明或插图操 作或存放设备。 ● 设备倾倒造成意外事故或损坏。使 用本设备或在设备边工作时,务必确保稳定的站姿。 ● 设备运行期间不可无人看管。 注意 ● 避免设备损坏。不得在水箱内加入溶剂、含有 溶剂的液体或未经稀释的酸(如清洁剂、汽油、油漆稀 释剂和丙酮)。 ● 只有在安装清水箱和污水箱后才能启 动设备。 ● 不得用设备抽吸锋利或较大物体,例如器皿 碎片、鹅卵石或玩具部件。 ● 不得在清水箱中加注醋 酸、除垢剂、香精油或类似物质。另请注意不要用设备 抽吸这些材料。 ● 该设备仅可在带防水涂层的硬质地面 上使用,例如涂漆的镶木地板、涂釉的瓷砖、油毡。 ● 请勿使用该设备清洗地板垫或地毯。 ● 不得将设备放到 对流式加热器的地面回风口上。如果设备拖过地面回风 口上时,它无法吸入溢出的水。 ● 工休时间较长时以及 使用之后关闭设备的主开关和设备开关并且拔下充电器 的电源插头。 ● 勿在 0 °C 以下使用本设备。 ● 防止设 备受到雨淋。不得将设备存放在室外区域。 设备上的标志 ● ● ● 勿在流水下清洗吸尘头的警告提示 位于: – 吸尘头的底部。 作业结束后设备清洁模式的标志位于: – 刻在清洁站的外壳上, – 作为贴纸贴在清水箱的背面。 解锁污水箱/放置底座的标志位于: – 作为贴纸贴在污水箱/放置底座的解锁按钮上: 标志的应用和说明(参见章节 通过冲洗清洁吸尘头)。 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ 3 设备说明 本操作说明书介绍了最大装备。型号不同,供货范围也会有所偏差(参见包装)。 4 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ 1 2 安装 启动/关闭开关 加速功能按钮 提高针对顽固污垢的滚刷转速和水量 3 用于设置清洁等级的按钮 在清洁等级 1 和 2 之间切换 4 显示屏指示器“清洁等级 2” 已提高的滚刷转速和水量 5 显示屏指示器“清洁等级 1” 正常滚刷转速和水量 6 显示屏指示器 “MAX”(红色) 污水箱已满 7 显示屏指示器 “MIN”(蓝色) 清水箱已空 8 显示屏指示器“蓄电池”(绿色) 蓄电池充电状态显示 9 手柄壁挂防滑装置 安装手柄 1. 抓牢主设备。 2. 将电缆插入塑料连接器的导向件中并加以固定。 3. 将手柄装入设备主体内,直至插入至止挡处、听到 卡入的声音。手柄必须牢牢固定在设备中。 10 手柄 11 清水箱 12 可取下的毛发过滤器 13 污水箱和放置底座的解锁按钮 14 清洁辊 (4 x) 投入运行 15 污水箱 充电过程 16 * LED 指示灯 17 毛发过滤器的解锁按钮 18 充电插座 19 放置底座 20 带清洁刷的清洁站 21 带充电电缆的充电器 22 * 石材地板的清洁辊 (4 x) 몇 警告 电源插头损坏会导致火灾风险 如果电源插头损坏,持续连接充电器可能会过热并引起 火灾。 最长在一天后必须拔下充电器的电源插头。 提示 最长在一天后必须拔下充电器的电源插头,因为插接的 充电器会持续耗电。 1. 将充电器的充电电缆插入设备上的充电插座。 23 * 清洁剂 RM 537 (30 ml) 24 * 清洁剂 RM 536 (500 ml) * 选配 2. 将充电器电源插头插入插座。 LED 指示灯显示蓄电池的当前充电状态。 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ 5 装入污水箱 1. 将设备放置在污水箱的中间,以使其位于滚刷之 间,然后听到卡入声。此处水箱的位置并不重要, 因为它从设备的两个纵向方向均可装入。 ● 给完全没电的蓄电池充电时,所有 3 个 LED 指示灯 从下往上依次闪烁。 ● 当蓄电池充电电量达到 1/3 时,最下面的 LED 持续 亮起,两个上部 LED 继续闪烁。 ● 当蓄电池充电电量达到 2/3 时,两个下部 LED 持续 亮起,最上面的 LED 继续闪烁。 ● 蓄电池在 4 小时后充满电。 ● 蓄电池充电后,3 个 LED 指示灯会保持亮起 60 分 钟。经过这个时间后,LED 指示灯熄灭。 3. 充电结束后,请从插座中拔出充电器的电源插头。 4. 从设备上拔下充电电缆。 污水箱必须牢牢固定在设备中。 给清水箱加水 1. 抓住清水箱侧面的凹槽把手并且将其从设备上取 出。 2. 打开水箱封盖并转至一侧。 3. 在清水箱中加入冷水或温水(自来水)。 4. 如有必要,将 KÄRCHER 洗涤剂或护理剂加入清水箱 中。 注意 洗涤剂或护理剂的剂量过多或不足 可能导致糟糕的清洁效果。 注意洗涤剂或护理剂的推荐剂量。 5. 关闭封盖。 6. 将清水箱安装到设备中。 6 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ 提示 从里到外(朝门方向)作业,以使新擦拭的地面上没有 脚印。 清水箱必须牢牢固定在设备中。 运行 一般性操作说明 注意 潮湿 损坏敏感地面 使用设备之前,在不显眼处检查地面的耐水性。 不得清洁水敏性地面,例如未经处理的木塞板地板,因 为潮气可渗透进去并损坏地面。 ● ● 注意 通过来回移动设备清洗地面,清洗速度类似使用吸 尘器时的速度。 严重脏污时激活加速功能。为此按住加速功能按 钮。激活加速功能后,滚刷转速和水量会增加。可 以在清洁等级 1 和清洁等级 2 时开启加速功能。启 用加速功能后,相应清洁等级的显示屏指示器闪 烁。在没有向设备施加压力的情况下,使设备在地 面上缓慢地滑动。 财产损失 尖锐、大型以及笨重的物体会损坏设备。 不得将设备存放在坚硬的粗糙污物和物体上,否则零件 可能会卡在污水箱下方并且对地面和水箱上造成划痕。 开始工作和储存设备之前清除地面上诸如碎片、鹅卵 石、螺栓或玩具部件的物体。 ● 提示 ● 为避免出现条纹图案,在诸如木材或精细陶瓷的敏 感表面上使用之前,请在角落处测试设备。 ● 不要固定在一个地点,而是持续移动。 ● 遵守地面铺层的提示。 根据不同的供货范围,可以使用不同的滚刷。滚刷 的颜色表明它们专门适合哪种应用。 – 灰色/黄色通用滚刷:具有多功能用途 – 带黑色条带的滚刷:清洁不敏感的硬质地面(例 如石材、瓷砖);不适合用于敏感的天然石材地 板(例如大理石、陶质地板) 提示 为了获得最佳清洁效果,首次使用之前在 60°C 的洗衣 机中清洗滚刷。 注意 滚刷松动会导致财产损失 洗衣机可能会损坏。 将滚刷放在洗衣网中,并在洗衣机中装入其他衣物。 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ 7 开始使用其进行工作 注意 不受控制的移动 设备和财产损失 一旦启动设备,清洁辊就会开始转动。 握住手柄,以免设备自行移动。 注意 未使用的清水箱或污水箱 财产损失 开始清洁工作之前,确保清水箱已注水并且污水箱已装 入设备中。 清洁等级 2 显示屏显示亮起。 提示 清洁等级 1 或清洁等级 2 的设置取决于待清洁的表面 (例如:木质或石材地板)。 首次调试时,设备已设置为清洁等级 1。 发生一次工作中断或重新调试后,会始终激活上一次的 清洁等级设置。 4. 如有必要,激活加速功能以清洁顽固的污垢(另请 参见章节 一般性操作说明)。 1. 按下启动/关闭开关。 蓄电池使用时间 设备接通。 正常滚刷转速和水量的清洁等级 1 显示屏显示亮 起。 2. 润湿滚刷。 a 按住加速功能按钮。 b 前后移动设备,直至滚刷充分湿润。 “蓄电池”显示屏指示器显示蓄电池使用时间: ● 3 个 LED 灯亮起 - 3/3(完整的)蓄电池使用时间 ● 2 个 LED 灯亮起 - 2/3 蓄电池使用时间 ● 1 个 LED 灯亮起 - 1/3 蓄电池使用时间 提示 如果滚刷在接通后马上卡住,请取出滚刷,在水龙头下 弄湿并重新装入。 3. 必要时利用清洁等级调节按钮切换到清洁等级 2。 声音或光学信号警告电池已空。 ● 蓄电池电量耗尽之前约 5 分钟,声音信号响两次, 最下面的 LED 闪烁。 ● 蓄电池电量耗尽之前约 1.5 分钟,声音信号响两 次,最下面的 LED 继续闪烁。 ● 蓄电池用完并且设备关机后,最下面的 LED 加速闪 烁 60 秒。 滚刷转速和水量都将增加。 8 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ 清空污水箱 ● 如果污水箱已满,则显示屏指示器“ MAX”(红 色)亮起并且发出一次声音信号。 ● ● 60 秒后,将再次发出声音信号,然后设备关闭。 一旦设备关闭后,显示屏指示器 “MAX”(红色) 闪烁 10 秒钟。 ● 如果污水箱已满,显示屏指示器 “MAX”(红色) 亮起,该过程会再次开始并且重复以下两个步骤: a 设备无法重新启动。 b 设备将继续运行 60 秒,然后再次关闭。 1. 按下启动/关闭开关。 关闭设备。 2. 用脚踩下污水箱的解锁按钮,然后抬起设备。 补加清洗液 ● 如果淡水箱已空,则显示屏指示器 “MIN”(蓝 色)亮起并且发出一次声音信号。 ● 每分钟发出一次声音信号以进行提示。 1. 给清水箱加水(参见章节 给清水箱加水)。 中断运行 注意 润湿滚刷 潮气损坏敏感地面 当工休时间较长时,将设备置于放置底座上,以免因滚 刷潮湿损坏敏感地面。 1. 按下启动/关闭开关。 关闭设备。 2. 将设备置于放置底座上。 提示 如果将没有污水箱的设备放在放置底座上,则必须按下 解锁按钮才能取下设备。 污水箱会从设备上松开。 3. 清空污水箱时,不得抓住污水箱上盖运送污水箱, 而应用双手水平抓住两侧。 4. 通过罩盖中的开口清空污水箱。若遇到顽固污垢, 请取下污水箱的罩盖并且用自来水冲洗污水箱。 5. 装入污水箱(参见章节 装入污水箱)。 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ 9 结束运行 2. 将清洁过的滚刷安装到设备上进行干燥。 1. 按下启动/关闭开关。 关闭设备。 2. 将设备置于放置底座上。 3. 给蓄电池充电(参见章节 充电过程)。 4. 将设备存放在干燥的室内。 注意 顽固污垢 顽固污垢会损坏设备。 建议每次使用后彻底清洁设备。 3. 清洁设备(参见章节 保养和维护)。 保管设备 注意 液体/潮湿的污垢 如果设备在存放期间仍然包含液体/潮湿的污垢,这会 导致气味产生。 存放设备时,请完全清空清水箱和污水箱。 用清洁刷从吸尘头罩盖的毛发过滤器上清除毛发和污垢 颗粒。 使清洁后的滚筒通风晾,例如:在设备所安装的放置底 座上。不得将潮湿的滚刷放在封闭的柜中晾干。 1. 将空的污水箱放入清洁站进行干燥。 a 将设备置于放置底座上并且将其卡入。 b 然后将设备连同放置底座放到清洁站上。 保养和维护 通过冲洗清洁吸尘头 注意 残留污垢或清洁剂 必须定期清洁污水箱和毛发过滤器,以免污垢卡在水箱 或毛发过滤器中。如果运行结束后未清洁设备,污物颗 粒可能会堵塞毛发过滤器和开槽。此外,设备中污垢和 细菌积累会产生难闻的气味。 完成工作后,将设备放入清洁站并开始冲洗过程。 只能通过自动冲洗过程清洗清洁站中的吸尘头,而不要 将水单独注入清洁站中。注意污水箱已装入。 请勿在流水下或淋浴喷头下清洗设备或吸尘头的顶部或 底部,否则水可能会渗入。 提示 如果显示屏指示器 “MAX”(红色)亮起并且污水箱尚 未清空,就无法开始冲洗过程。 提示 吸尘头上的 LED 指示灯在冲洗过程期间已关闭。 1. 按下启动/关闭开关。 10 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ 关闭设备。 2. 排空污水箱并重新插入(参见章节 清空污水箱)。 3. 将设备连同空的污水箱放入清洁站中。 4. 在没有洗涤剂或护理剂的情况下,向清水箱注入 200 ml 清水(参见章节 给清水箱加水)。 提示 冲洗过程开始时,水从清水箱流到滚刷上约 80 秒钟。 在此期间,设备处于静音状态。只有当冲洗过程结束 时,滚刷才开始转动约 30 秒钟。 提示 冲洗过程中不必添加清洁剂。 7. 冲洗过程结束后,发出一个信号音并且显示屏指示 器 “MAX”(红色)亮起。 5. 同时按住启动/关闭开关和用于设置清洁等级的按 钮保持 3 秒钟。 发出一个信号音。 8. 按下污水箱的解锁按钮,然后将设备置于放置底座 上。污水箱仍留在清洁站中。 6. 显示屏指示器从上到下反复亮起。 冲洗过程开始并且持续约 2 分钟。 提示 如果您在污水箱已满时尝试再次打开设备,则显示屏指 示器 “MAX”(红色)闪烁 10 秒钟。 清洁工作无法继续进行。 9. 向内推毛发过滤器的解锁按钮。 头发过滤器松开。 10. 将毛发过滤器放到清洁站中。 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ 11 13. 清洁污水箱(参见章节 清洁污水箱)。 14. 清洁滚刷(参见章节 清洁滚刷)。 15. 清洁毛发过滤器(参见章节 清洁毛发过滤器)。 16. 用湿布清洁吸尘头和滚刷驱动装置的底部。 11. 取下滚刷并且将其放入清洁站中。 提示 请勿在流水下或淋浴喷头下清洗设备或吸尘头的顶部或 底部,否则水可能会渗入。 17. 清空并干燥清洁站。 18. 如果清水箱中仍然有水,请取出并清空清水箱。 清洁污水箱 注意 顽固污垢 顽固污垢会损坏设备。 定期清洁污水箱。 有关污水箱显示屏指示器和清洁污水箱操作步骤的信 息,参见章节 清空污水箱。 1. 取下污水箱罩盖。 12. 根据不同的需要,将清洁站连同污水箱、毛发过滤 器和滚刷拖到厕所冲洗、盥洗盆、垃圾桶处。 2. 用自来水清洁污水箱和罩盖。 3. 另外,污水箱可以在洗碗机内清洁。 提示 在洗碗机内清洁,可能会使污水箱翻盖的橡胶衬面变 粘。但是密封性不受影响。 12 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ 清洁滚刷 注意 滚刷中的残余清洁剂 产生泡沫 每次使用后,请用流水清洗滚刷或在洗衣机中清洁滚 刷。 注意 使用柔顺剂清洁滚刷或使用烘干机可能造成损坏 微纤维的损坏 在洗衣机中清洗时,不得使用衣物柔顺剂。 不得将滚刷放在烘干机中。 注意 滚刷松动会导致财产损失 洗衣机可能会损坏。 将滚刷放在洗衣网中,并在洗衣机中装入其他衣物。 1. 按下启动/关闭开关。 关闭设备。 2. 将设备置于放置底座上。 5. 将清洁辊拧到辊支架的止挡处。请注意设备上滚刷 内侧和辊支架的颜色分配(例如,蓝色对应蓝 色)。 3. 拧下把手凹槽上的清洁辊。 6. 使设备和放置底座上的滚刷干燥。 4. 用流水清洁清洁辊,或在水温最高 60 °C 的洗衣机 中进行洗涤。 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ 13 清洁毛发过滤器 注意 毛发过滤器松开并且可将其取出。 4. 用流水清洗两个毛发过滤器。 5. 用清洁刷去除诸如过滤器梳齿中的顽固污垢。 顽固污垢 顽固污垢会损坏设备。 建议每次使用后彻底清洁设备。 注意 顽固污垢 顽固污垢会损坏设备。 定期使用清洁刷清洗两个毛发过滤器。 注意 在洗碗机中清洗毛发过滤网会造成损坏 刮板边缘可能会由于冲洗过程发生变形,因此无法再正 确地压到滚刷上。这会使清洁效果变差。 不得在洗碗机中清洁毛发过滤器,而是用流水清洗。 1. 按下启动/关闭开关。 关闭设备。 2. 将设备置于放置底座上。 3. 向内推毛发过滤器的解锁按钮。 14 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ 6. 将毛发过滤器装入吸尘头中并且将其卡入。两个毛 发过滤器必须牢牢固定在设备中。 滚刷不转动,清洁等级 1 和清洁等级 2 的显示屏显示 同时闪烁 设备的电机发生阻滞,例如因为滚刷上的压力过大,或 者因为正朝墙壁或角落移动。 关闭设备后重新接通。 滚刷被卡住。 取下滚刷并且检查是否有物体卡在滚刷内。 检查滚刷是否已旋入滚刷支架直至止挡处。 检查吸尘头的毛发过滤器中是否积存污垢并将其清 除。 检查毛发过滤器是否正确装入。为此取下毛发过滤 器并重新装入。 毛发过滤器会卡住滚刷。滚刷未充分润湿。 按下启动/关闭开关。 关闭设备。 向内推毛发过滤器的解锁按钮并取下毛发过滤器。 按下启动/关闭开关。 设备接通。 润湿滚刷。 a 按住加速功能按钮。 b 前后移动设备,直至滚刷充分湿润。 提示 如果滚刷没有充分润湿,请取出滚刷,在水龙头下弄湿 并重新装入。 清洁剂和护理剂 注意 使用不合适的清洁剂和护理剂 使用不合适的清洁剂和护理剂可能会损坏设备并导致失 去保修。 仅限使用 KÄRCHER 清洁剂。 注意正确的剂量。 提示 根据需要,在清洁地面时使用 KÄRCHER 清洁剂或护理 剂。 装入毛发过滤器。 显示屏指示器从上到下反复亮起 该设备处于 2 分钟的冲洗过程中,以便清洗吸尘头 等待约 2 分钟,然后冲洗过程结束并且显示屏指示 器不再亮起(参见章节 通过冲洗清洁吸尘头)。 尽管清水箱已满,显示屏显示“填充清水箱”仍然亮 起。 清水箱支架的传感器脏污。 取下清水箱,用棉签等清洁清水箱支架的传感器。 有关清洁剂和护理剂的用量,请见制造商的用量说 明。 为了避免产生泡沫,先在清水箱加水,然后再加入 清洁剂或护理剂。 为了避免溢出,加水时请留出用于清洁剂或护理剂 的空间。 故障排除 故障原因常常很简单,借助以下概述即可自己排除故 障。如有疑义或故障在这里未列出,请联系授权的客户 服务部。 提示 一旦发生错误,设备将锁定 3 秒钟。 只有当故障排除后,才能重新接通设备。 不得给蓄电池充电 充电插头/电源插头未正确连接。 正确连接充电插头/电源插头。 接通设备时, LED 故障显示灯(显示屏指示器“蓄电 池”)闪烁并且设备未运行 蓄电池已空。 给蓄电池充电(参见章节 充电过程)。 电源使用不正确或有故障。 使用原装电源。 更换损坏的电源。 设备关闭,LED 故障显示灯(显示屏显示“蓄电池 ”)闪烁 设备过热(例如,环境温度过高、使用干燥滚刷或应用 于地毯时)。 让设备冷却约 2.5 小时。 只有当设备相应冷却后,才能重新接通。设备可以 在冷却过程中充电。 填充水的水质过软。 请勿使用蒸馏水进行清洁。 设备无法接通 蓄电池已空。 给蓄电池充电。 充电电缆仍插在设备中。 因为充电电缆插入时无法进行操作,所以取下充电 电缆。 设备在接通时发出响亮的嘎嘎声 滚刷未充分润湿。 润湿滚刷。 a 按住加速功能按钮。 b 前后移动设备,直至滚刷充分湿润。 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ 15 提示 如果滚刷没有充分润湿,请取出滚刷,在水龙头下弄湿 并重新装入。 提示 如果滚刷没有充分润湿,请取出滚刷,在水龙头下弄湿 并重新装入。 地面上有其他清洁剂的残留物。 用水彻底清除滚刷上的残余清洁剂。 不使用清洁剂,用设备和干净的滚刷多次清洁地 面。 清除地面上的残余清洁剂。 吸水性不理想 毛发过滤器未正确放置在设备中。 将毛发过滤器正确装入设备中。 滚刷磨损。 更换滚刷。 设备污水泄漏 污水箱已满。 立即清空污水箱。 污水箱未正确放置在设备中。 将污水箱装入设备中,确保听到卡入声。污水箱必 须牢牢固定在设备中。 毛发过滤器未正确放置在设备中。 检查毛发过滤器是否已正确装入。 污水箱已损坏。 联系授权的客户服务部门。 设备关闭 一旦污水箱的容量超过 200 ml,就启用自动设备关断功 能。 使用其他制造商的清洁剂时,可能会产生过多的泡沫, 并且在达到 200 ml 之前启用自动设备关断功能。 将污水箱排空。 仅使用 KÄRCHER 清洁剂,并注意用量适当。 使用时,设备会钩入接缝 污水箱底面的栓钉已损坏或磨损。 联系授权的客户服务部门。 清水过滤器脏污。 清洁清水过滤器。 a 取下清水箱并且取出清水过滤器。 注意 滚刷已变形。 必须将设备放在放置底座上,而不要放在地面上, 因为滚刷可能会因接触压力而变形。 设备没有吸附污垢 清水箱中没有水。显示屏指示器 “MIN”(蓝色)亮 起,并发出一次信号声。 在清水箱中加水。 清水箱未正确放置在设备中。 插入清水箱,使其牢牢地固定在设备中。 污水箱丢失或未正确放置在设备中。 将污水箱装入设备中,确保听到卡入声。 检查污水箱罩盖是否正确安装(加注搭片必须装入 预设的缺口中)。 毛发过滤器丢失或未正确放置在设备中。 将毛发过滤器正确装入设备中。 滚刷丢失或未正确放置在设备中。 装入滚刷或将清洁辊旋入辊支架直至止挡处。 滚刷脏污或磨损。 清洁或更换滚刷。 必须干燥滚刷 滚刷未充分润湿。 润湿滚刷。 a 按住加速功能按钮。 b 前后移动设备,直至滚刷充分湿润。 取下手柄 经常取下手柄 手柄部件可能会因频繁取下受损。 组装后,不再从主设备上取下手柄。 仅当发送设备进行维修时,才允许将手柄从主设备上取 下。 注意 手柄取出不当 设备损坏 请注意防止主设备与手柄之间的连接电缆损坏。 以 90° 角将螺丝刀插入手柄背面的小孔并且取下 手柄。 b 用流水清洁清水过滤器。 c 重新装入清水过滤器。 清洁效果不佳 滚刷在首次使用前未经清洗。 用洗衣机在 60 °C 温度下清洗滚刷。 滚刷脏污。 清洁滚刷。 滚刷未充分润湿。 润湿滚刷。 a 按住加速功能按钮。 b 用设备来回移动,直到滚刷充分润湿。 使用错误的清洁剂或剂量有误。 仅使用 KÄRCHER 清洁剂,并注意用量适当。 16 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ 技术参数 FC 7 FC 7 电源连接 电压 V 100 240 100 240 相位 ~ 1 1 频率 Hz 50 - 60 50 - 60 防护类型 IPX4 设备防护等级 III IPX4 III 充电器防护等级 II II 80 设备额定功率 W 80 蓄电池额定电压 V 25,20 / 25,20 25,55 25,55 蓄电池型号 锂离子 锂离子 蓄电池充满电时的工作时 间 min 45 45 空蓄电池的充电时间 h 4 4 充电器输出电压 V 30 30 充电器输出电流 A 0.6 0.6 执行清洁等级 1 时的清洁 转/ 辊每分钟转速 分钟 450 450 执行清洁等级 2 时的清洁 转/ 辊每分钟转速 分钟 490 490 执行加速功能时的清洁辊 每分钟转速 530 530 设备性能 转/ 分钟 添加量 清水箱容积 ml 400 400 污水箱容积 ml 200 200 重量(不含附件和清洁 剂) kg 4.3 4.3 长度 mm 310 310 宽度 mm 230 230 高度 mm 1210 1210 尺寸和重量 保留技术参数更改权利。 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ 17 18 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ ࠥ傦䍮᱉δѣളεᴿ䲆ޢਮ ᒪᴾᰛ 中文 https://manual-hub.com/ 19 Contents Intended use........................................................ Environmental protection..................................... Accessories and spare parts ............................... Scope of delivery ................................................. Warranty .............................................................. Safety instructions ............................................... Symbols on the device ........................................ Description of the device ..................................... Installation ........................................................... Initial startup ........................................................ Operation............................................................. Care and service ................................................. Troubleshooting guide ......................................... Technical data ..................................................... 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 23 25 29 34 36 Safety instructions Read this safety chapter and these original instructions before using the device for the first time. Act in accordance with them. Keep the original instructions for future reference or for future owners. ● In addition to the notes in the operating instructions, you also need to take into consideration the general safety regulations and accident prevention guidelines applicable by law. ● Warnings and information notices attached to the device provide important information for hazard-free operation. Hazard levels DANGER Intended use Use the floor cleaner exclusively for cleaning hard floors in your private household and only on waterproof hard floors. Do not clean water-sensitive floor coverings such as e.g. untreated cork floors, since the moisture can penetrate and damage the floor. The device is suitable for cleaning PVC, linoleum, tiled, stone, oiled and waxed parquet, laminate and all waterresistant floor coverings. Environmental protection ● Indication of an imminent threat of danger that will lead to severe injuries or even death. 몇 WARNING ● Indication of a potentially dangerous situation that may lead to severe injuries or even death. 몇 CAUTION ● Indication of a potentially dangerous situation that may lead to minor injuries. ATTENTION ● Indication of a potentially dangerous situation that may lead to damage to property. The packing materials can be recycled. Please dispose of packaging in accordance with the environmental regulations. Electrical and electronic devices contain valuable, recyclable materials and often components such as batteries, rechargeable batteries or oil, which - if handled or disposed of incorrectly - can pose a potential danger to human health and the environment. However, these components are required for the correct operation of the device. Devices marked by this symbol are not allowed to be disposed of together with the household rubbish. Notes on the content materials (REACH) Current information on content materials can be found at: www.kaercher.de/REACH Electrical components DANGER ● Do not immerse the device in wa- ter. ● Never insert conductive objects, e.g. screwdrivers or similar, into the charging socket on the appliance. ● Never touch contacts or lines. ● Do not damage the mains connection cable by running it over, crushing it or pulling it across sharp edges. ● Only connect the device to alternating current. The voltage indicated on the type plate must match the voltage of the power source. ● Only operate the device via a fault current protection switch (maximum 30 mA). 몇 WARNING ● Immediately replace a damaged charger together with charging cable with an original part. ● Switch off the device immediately and remove the mains plug before performing any care and service work. ● The device contains electrical components. Do not clean the device or the top or bottom of the floor head under running water or under a shower spray, otherwise water may enter. ● Only connect the device to an electrical connection which has been set up by a qualified electrician as per IEC 60364-1. Accessories and spare parts Only use original accessories and original spare parts. They ensure that the appliance will run fault-free and safely. Information on accessories and spare parts can be found at www.kaercher.com. Scope of delivery The scope of delivery for the appliance is shown on the packaging. Check the contents for completeness when unpacking. If any accessories are missing or in the event of any shipping damage, please notify your dealer. Warranty The warranty conditions issued by our sales company responsible apply in all countries. We shall remedy possible malfunctions on your device within the warranty period free of cost, provided that a material or manufacturing defect is the cause. In a warranty case, please 20 contact your dealer (with the purchase receipt) or the next authorised customer service site. (See overleaf for the address) 몇 CAUTION ● Have repair work carried out by the authorised customer service only. ● Check the device and the accessories each time before operation, in particular the mains connection and extension cable, to make sure it is safe and working correctly. Pull out the mains plug in case of any damage and do not use the device. Charger DANGER ● Never touch the mains plug and socket with wet hands. ● Do not charge the battery pack in an explosion-hazard environment. English https://manual-hub.com/ 몇 WARNING ● Protect the power cable from heat, sharp edges, oil and moving parts. ● Do not cover the battery pack during the charging process and ensure that the ventilation slits remain clear. ● Do not open the charger. Repairs are only to be carried out by qualified personnel. ● Only charge the battery pack with the approved chargers. ● Immediately replace a damaged charger together with charging cable with an original part. 몇 CAUTION ● Do not use the battery pack when dirty or wet. ● Do not carry the charger by the power cable. ● Do not operate the device together with other devices on an extension cable with multiple power sockets. ● Do not pull the mains plug out the socket using the power supply cable. ATTENTION ● Only use and store the charger in dry rooms. Battery DANGER ● Do not expose the battery to strong sunlight, heat or fire. 몇 WARNING ● Only charge the appliance using the original charger enclosed or with a charger approved by KÄRCHER. Use the following adapter: PS07 WARNING ● Short circuit hazard. Do not open the battery. Irritating vapours or corrosive liquids can also escape. cleaning rollers ● Risk of injury from sharp objects (e.g. splinters). Protect your hands while cleaning the floor head. 몇 CAUTION ● Do not use the appliance if it has been dropped beforehand, is visibly damaged or if it is leaking. ● Only operate or store the device in accordance with the description or figure. ● Accidents or damage due to the device falling over. Before all actions with or on the device, you must make sure that it is stable. ● Never leave the device unsupervised while it is in operation. ATTENTION ● Device damage. Never fill the wa- ter reservoir with solvents, liquids containing solvents or undiluted acids (e.g. detergents, petrol, paint thinners and acetone). ● Only switch on the device when the fresh water tank and waste water tank are installed. ● Do not pick up sharp or larger objects with the device, such as e.g. glass shards, gravel or toy parts. ● Do not fill the fresh water container with vinegar, decalcification agents, essential oils or similar substances. Avoid taking up these substances with the device. ● Use the device only on hard floors with a watertight coating, such as e.g. varnished parquet, enamelled tiles or linoleum. ● Do not use the device for cleaning carpets or carpeted floors. ● Do not guide the device over the floor grilles of convection heating systems. The device cannot vacuum up the escaping water when it is guided over a floor grille. ● In case of longer breaks in operation and after use, switch off the device at the main switch / device switch and pull out the charged mains plug. ● Do not operate the device at temperatures below 0 °C. ● Protect the device from rain. Do not store the device outdoors. Symbols on the device ATTENTION ● This device contains non-replace- ● able batteries. Does not apply to appliances with a replaceable battery pack Safe handling The warning for not cleaning the floor head under running water is located: – on the bottom of the floor head. DANGER ● Risk of asphyxiation. Keep pack- aging film out of the reach of children. 몇 WARNING ● Only use the device for its proper use. Take into account the local conditions and beware of third parties, in particular children, when working with the device. ● Adhere to the respective safety regulations in hazard zones (e.g. service stations). Never operate the device in explosive spaces. ● Children and persons unfamiliar with these instructions are not allowed to operate the device. The age of the operator may be limited by local restrictions. ● The device is not intended for use by children, persons with restricted physical, sensory or mental abilities or persons unfamiliar with these instructions. ● Persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities and persons lacking experience and knowledge may only use the appliance if they are properly supervised, have been instructed on use of the appliance safely by a person responsible for their safety, and understand the resultant hazards involved. ● Children must not play with the appliance. ● Children must be supervised to prevent them from playing with the appliance. ● Keep the device out of the reach of children when it is connected to the mains or when it is cooling down. ● Children may only perform cleaning work and user maintenance under supervision. ● Protect the connection cable against heat, sharp edges, oil and moving unit parts. ● Keep all parts your body (e.g. fingers, hair) away from the rotating ● ● Symbols for unit cleaning mode after finishing work are located: – engraved in the bowl of the cleaning station, – as a label on the back of the fresh water tank. Symbols for unlocking the waste water tank/parking station are located: – as a label on the unlocking button for the waste water tank/parking station. The application and description of the symbols (see chapter Floor head cleaning by means of rinsing process). English https://manual-hub.com/ 21 Description of the device The maximum amount of equipment is described in these operating instructions. Depending on the model used, there are differences in the scope of delivery (see packaging). 22 English https://manual-hub.com/ Installation 1 ON/OFF switch 2 Boost function button Increased roller speed and additional water quantity for stubborn dirt 3 Button for adjusting the cleaning level Switching between cleaning level 1 and 2 4 "Cleaning level 2" indicator Increased roller speed and amount of water 5 "Cleaning level 1" indicator Normal roller speed and amount of water 6 "MAX" indicator (red) The waste water tank is full 7 "MIN" indicator (blue) The fresh water tank is empty 8 "Battery" indicator (green) Indicates the charging state of the battery 9 Wall anti-slip handle Installing the handle bar 1. Hold the basic device firmly. 2. Place the cable in the guide of the plastic connector and fix it. 3. Fit the handle bar all the way to the end stop into the basic device until it audibly latches into place. The handle bar must sit tightly in the device. 10 Handle 11 Fresh water tank 12 Removable hair filters 13 Unlocking button for the waste water tank and park- ing station 14 Cleaning rollers (4 x) 15 Waste water tank Initial startup 16 * LED lighting Charging process 17 Unlocking button for hair filters 18 Charging socket 19 Parking station 20 Cleaning station with cleaning brush 21 Charger with charging cable 22 * Cleaning rollers for stone floors (4 x) 23 * Detergent RM 537 (30 ml) 24 * Detergent RM 536 (500 ml) 몇 WARNING Risk of fire due to defective mains plug A continuously connected charger can overheat and cause a fire if the mains plug is defective. Unplug the charger from the mains after a maximum of one day. Note Unplug the charger from the mains after a maximum of one day, as a plugged-in charger continuously consumes power. 1. Plug the charging cable of the charger into the charging socket on the device. * optional English https://manual-hub.com/ 23 Fitting the waste water tank 2. Plug the mains plug of the charger into the socket. The LED indicator lights display the battery's current charging state. 1. Place the device in the middle of the waste water tank so that it is positioned between the rollers and then audibly clicks into place. The position of the tank is not important because it can be inserted in both longitudinal directions in the device. ● All 3 LED indicator lights flash from bottom to top when charging a completely empty battery. ● The lowermost LED lights up continuously when the battery is 1/3 charged, the two upper LEDs continue to flash. ● When the battery is 2/3 charged, the two lower LEDs light up continuously, the uppermost LED continues to flash. ● The battery is fully charged after 4 hours. ● After the battery has been charged, the 3 LED indicator lights remain on constantly for 60 minutes. After this time, the LED indicator lights go out. 3. Unplug the charger mains plug from the mains socket after charging. The waste water tank must sit tightly in the device. Filling the fresh water tank 1. Grasp the fresh water tank by the recessed grips at the side and remove it from the device. 2. Open the tank cap and turn it to the side. 3. Fill the fresh water tank with cold or lukewarm tap water. 4. Add KÄRCHER detergent or care agent to the fresh water tank as required. 4. Unplug the charging cable from the device. ATTENTION Overdosing or underdosing of the detergent or care agent Can result in poor cleaning results. Follow the dosage recommendations for the detergent or care agent. 5. Close the tank cap. 6. Fit the fresh water tank into the device. 24 English https://manual-hub.com/ Note ● To avoid striped patterns, test the device on an inconspicuous area before using on sensitive surfaces, e.g. wood or fine stone. ● Do not allow it to remain in one area, but keep it in motion. ● Observe the instructions for the floor covering manufacturer. Note Work backwards towards the door so that no footprints are generated on the freshly washed floor. The fresh water tank must sit tightly in the device. Operation General notes on operation ATTENTION Moisture Material damage to sensitive floors Check the surface to be cleaned for water sensitivity at an inconspicuous location before using the device. Do not clean water-sensitive floor coverings such as e.g. untreated cork floors, since the moisture can penetrate and damage the floor. ATTENTION Material damage Damage to the device from pointed, large and/or bulky objects. The device must not be stored and used on hard coarse dirt and objects, as the parts can get stuck under the waste water tank and cause scratches on the floor and tank. Before starting work and storing the device, remove objects such as shards, pebbles, screws or toy parts from the floor. ● ● Floor cleaning is performed using a to and fro movement at the same speed as when vacuuming. Activate the Boost function for heavy soiling. Hold the Boost function button pressed for this. The roller speed and water volume are increased when the boost function is activated. The Boost function can be activated at cleaning level 1 and cleaning level 2. The indicator for the corresponding cleaning level flashes when the Boost function is activated. Allow the device to slide slowly over the floor without exerting any pressure on the device. ● Various different rollers are available, depending on the scope of delivery. The colour of the rollers indi- English 25 https://manual-hub.com/ cates the respective special application for which they are suitable. – Grey / yellow universal rollers: versatile – Rollers with black stripes: For cleaning insensitive hard floors (e.g. stone, ceramic); not suitable for sensitive natural stone floors (e.g. marble, terracotta) Note For an optimum cleaning result, wash the rollers in the washing machine at 60° C before initial use. ATTENTION Material damage due to loose rollers This may damage the washing machine. Place the rollers in a laundry net and load the washing machine with extra laundry. Starting work ATTENTION Uncontrolled motion Damage to the device and material damage The cleaning rollers start rotating as soon as the device is switched on. Hold the handle tight to prevent the device from moving away independently. ATTENTION Fresh water tank or waste water tank not installed Material damage Before starting cleaning work, ensure that the fresh water tank is filled with water and the waste water tank is fitted in the device. 1. Press the ON/OFF switch. The device switches on. The cleaning level 1 indicator for normal roller speed and normal water quantity is lit. 2. Moisten the rollers. a Hold the Boost function button pressed. b Move the device back and forth until the rollers are sufficiently moistened. Note If the rollers block immediately after switching on, remove the rollers, moisten them under the tap and reinsert them. 3. If necessary, switch to cleaning level 2 using the button for adjusting the cleaning level. 26 This increases the roller speed and water volume. The Cleaning level 2 indicator lights up. Note Selection of cleaning level 1 or cleaning level 2 depends on the type of floor to be cleaned (e.g. wooden or stone floor). The device is set to cleaning level 1 after initial start-up. The cleaning level setting last used always remains activated after interrupting and resuming work. 4. If necessary, activate the boost function for cleaning stubborn dirt (see also chapter General notes on operation). Battery run time The "Battery" indicator shows the remaining battery run time: ● 3 LEDs illuminated - 3/3 (full) battery run time ● 2 LEDs illuminated - 2/3 battery run time ● 1 LED illuminated - 1/3 battery run time English https://manual-hub.com/ 1. Press the ON/OFF switch. The device switches off. 2. Press the unlocking button for the waste water tank with your foot and lift the device. Acoustic or optical signals warn of a flat battery. ● An acoustic signal sounds 2 times and the lowest LED flashes approx. 5 minutes before the battery is empty. ● An acoustic signal sounds 2 times and the lowest LED continues to flash approx. 1.5 minutes before the battery is empty. ● The last LED flashes quicker for 60 seconds when the battery is empty and the device has switched off. Emptying the waste water tank ● The "MAX" indicator (red) lights up and an acoustic signal sounds when the waste water tank is full. The waste water tank releases from the device. 3. For draining, do not transport the waste water tank by the top cover, but horizontally with both hands at the narrow sides. 4. Empty the waste water tank through the opening in the cap. In the case of adhering dirt deposits, remove the cover of the waste water tank and rinse the waste water tank with tap water. 5. Fit the waste water tank (see Chapter Fitting the waste water tank). Refilling with detergent ● ● ● ● After 60 seconds, an acoustic signal sounds again and the device switches off. The "MAX" indicator (red) flashes for 10 seconds once the device is switched off. As long as the waste water tank is full and the (red) “MAX” display lights up, the process restarts and the following two steps are repeated: a The device can be switched on again. b The device runs for another 60 seconds and then switches off again. The "MIN" indicator (blue) lights up and an acoustic signal sounds when the fresh water tank is empty. ● The acoustic signal sounds once a minute as a reminder. 1. Fill the fresh water tank (see Chapter Filling the fresh water tank). English https://manual-hub.com/ 27 Interrupting operation ATTENTION Damp rollers Moisture damage to sensitive floors To prevent damage to sensitive floors through wet rollers, place the device in the parking station during longer work breaks. 1. Press the ON/OFF switch. The device switches off. 2. Place the device in the parking station. Note If the device is placed on the parking station without a waste water tank, the unlocking button must be pressed to remove the device. It is recommended to clean the device completely after each application. 3. Clean the device (see Chapter Care and service). Storing the device ATTENTION Liquids/moist dirt Unpleasant odours can develop if the device contains liquids/moist dirt when stored. Completely empty the fresh water tank and waste water tank before storing the device. Use the cleaning brush to remove hair and dirt particles from the hair filters in the floor head cover. Allow the cleaned rollers to dry in the air, e.g. mounted in the device on the parking station. Do not place the wet rollers in an enclosed cupboard to dry. 1. Put the empty waste water tank in the cleaning station to dry. a Place the device on the parking station and let it snap into place. b Then place the device with the parking station on the cleaning station. Ending operation 1. Press the ON/OFF switch. The device switches off. 2. Place the device in the parking station. 2. Fit the cleaned rollers on the device for drying. ATTENTION Adhering dirt deposits Adhering dirt deposits can damage the device in the long term. 28 English https://manual-hub.com/ 3. Charge the battery (see Chapter Charging process). 4. Store the device in a dry room. Note It is not necessary to add detergent for the rinsing process. 5. Hold the ON/OFF switch and the cleaning level adjustment button simultaneously pressed for 3 seconds. An acoustic signal sounds. Care and service Floor head cleaning by means of rinsing process ATTENTION Dirt or detergent residues The waste water tank and the hair filters must be cleaned regularly to ensure that dirt does not accumulate in the tank and hair filters. Dirt particles can clog the hair filters and slots if the device is not cleaned after use. The accumulation of dirt and bacteria can also result in the development of unpleasant odours in the device. On completion of work, place the device in the cleaning station and start the rinsing process. Clean the floor head in the cleaning station only by using the automatic rinsing process and not by pouring water into the station separately. Make sure that the waste water tank is attached. Do not clean the device or the top or bottom of the floor head under running water or under a shower spray, otherwise water may enter. Note The rinsing process cannot be started while the "MAX" indicator (red) is lit and the waste water tank has not been emptied. Note The LED lighting on the floor head remains switched off during the rinsing process. 1. Press the ON/OFF switch. The device switches off. 2. Empty the waste water tank and reinsert it (see chapter Emptying the waste water tank). 3. Place the device with an empty waste water tank in the parking station. 4. Fill the fresh water tank with at least 200 ml of fresh water without a detergent or care agent (see chapter Filling the fresh water tank). 6. The indicators light up repeatedly from top to bottom. The rinsing process starts and takes approx. 2 minutes. English https://manual-hub.com/ 29 10. Place the hair filters in the cleaning station. Note At the start of the rinsing process, the water runs from the fresh water tank onto the rollers for approx. 80 seconds. During this time the device is silent. Only at the end of the rinsing process do the rollers start to turn for approx. 30 seconds. 7. When the rinsing process is finished, a signal tone sounds and the (red) “MAX” display lights up. 11. Remove the rollers and place them in the cleaning station. 12. Transport the cleaning station with waste water tank, hair filters and rollers to the toilet, sink or waste container as required. 8. Press the unlocking button for the waste water tank and place the device on the parking station. The waste water tank remains in the cleaning station. Note The (red) "MAX" display flashes for 10 seconds if an attempt is made to switch the device on again with a full waste water tank. Cleaning work cannot be continued. 9. Press the unlocking button for the hair filters inwards. The hair filters are released. 30 English https://manual-hub.com/ Cleaning the waste water tank ATTENTION Adhering dirt deposits Adhering dirt deposits can damage the device in the long term. Clean the waste water tank regularly. For information on the waste water tank indicator and the procedure for cleaning the waste water tank, see Chapter Emptying the waste water tank. 1. Remove the waste water tank cap. 13. Clean the waste water tank (see chapter Cleaning the waste water tank). 14. Clean the rollers (see chapter Cleaning the rollers). 15. Clean the hair filters (see chapter Cleaning the hair filters). 16. Clean the underside of the floor head and the roller drive with a moist cloth. 2. Clean the waste water tank and cap with tap water. 3. Alternatively, the waste water tank can be cleaned in a dishwasher. Note The rubber inlays of the waste water tank flap can become sticky when cleaned in a dishwasher. This does not affect their sealing ability. Cleaning the rollers ATTENTION Detergent residue in the rollers Foaming Wash the rollers under running water or clean them in a washing machine each time after using the device. ATTENTION Note Do not clean the device or the top or bottom of the floor head under running water or under a shower spray, otherwise water may enter. 17. Empty and dry the cleaning station. 18. If water is still present in the fresh water tank, remove and drain the fresh water tank. Damage due cleaning the rollers with fabric softener or using a clothes dryer Damage to the microfibres Do not use fabric softener when cleaning in a washing machine. Do not dry the rollers in a clothes dryer. ATTENTION Material damage due to loose rollers This may damage the washing machine. Place the rollers in a laundry net and load the washing machine with extra laundry. 1. Press the ON/OFF switch. The device switches off. 2. Place the device in the parking station. English https://manual-hub.com/ 31 5. Twist the cleaning rollers as far as they will go onto the roller holder. Pay attention to the colour coding on the inner side of the roller and on the roller holder (e.g. blue to blue). 3. Unscrew the cleaning rollers via the recessed grip. 6. Allow the rollers to dry on the device and on the parking station. 4. Clean the cleaning rollers under running water on in a washing machine at max. 60 °C. Cleaning the hair filters ATTENTION Adhering dirt deposits Adhering dirt deposits can damage the device in the long term. It is recommended to clean the device completely after each application. ATTENTION Adhering dirt deposits Adhering dirt deposits can damage the device in the long term. Clean both hair filters regularly with the cleaning brush. 32 English https://manual-hub.com/ ATTENTION Damage due to cleaning the hair filters in a dishwasher The washing process can distort the scraper edge and it will no longer press on the rollers correctly. This worsens the cleaning result. Do not clean the hair filters in a dishwasher but rather under running water. 1. Press the ON/OFF switch. The device switches off. 2. Place the device in the parking station. 3. Press the unlocking button for the hair filters inwards. 6. Insert the hair filters into the floor head and allow them to latch into place. Both hair filters must sit tightly in the device. The hair filters are released and can be removed. 4. Clean both hair filters under running water. 5. Remove adhering dirt deposits, e.g. in the filter comb, using the cleaning brush. English https://manual-hub.com/ 33 Cleaning and care agents ATTENTION Use of unsuitable detergents and care agents The use of unsuitable detergents and care agents can damage the device and loss of eligibility for warranty claims. Use only KÄRCHER detergents. Take care to ensure the correct dosage. Note Use KÄRCHER detergent or care agents for floor cleaning as necessary. Observe the manufacturer's dosing quantity recommendations when dosing with detergent or care agents. To prevent foaming, fill the fresh water tank with water first and the add the detergent or care agent. To prevent the tank from overflowing, be sure to leave enough space for the detergent or care agent when filling with water. Troubleshooting guide Malfunctions often have simple causes that you can remedy yourself using the following overview. When in doubt, or in the case of malfunctions not mentioned here, please contact your authorised Customer Service. Note The device is disabled for 3 seconds when a fault occurs. The device cannot be switched on again until the fault has been corrected. The battery is not charging The charging plug/mains plug is not connected correctly. Connect the charging plug/mains plug correctly. The error LED ("Battery" indicator) flashes when the device is switched on and the device does not start The battery is discharged. Charge the battery (see Chapter Charging process). An incorrect or faulty charger was used. Use the original charger. Replace the faulty charger. The device switches off and the LED fault display ("Battery" display) flashes. The device overheats (e.g. at high ambient temperatures, when used with dry rollers or when used on carpet). Allow the device to cool down for approx. 2.5 hours. The device can only be switched on again once it has cooled down enough. The device may be charged while it is cooling down. The cleaning level 1 and cleaning level 2 indicators flash simultaneously and the rollers do not rotate The device has a motor blockage, e.g. due to excessive pressure on the rollers or through movement into a wall/ corner. Switch the device off and back on again. The rollers are blocked. Remove the rollers and check if an object has become stuck in the rollers. Check that the rollers are screwed in as far as they will go onto the roller holder. Check if dirt has accumulated in the hair filters in the floor head and remove any dirt present. 34 Check that the hair filters are fitted correctly. For this, remove the hair filters and then fit then back in place. The hair filters are blocking the rollers. The rollers are not being sufficiently moistened. Press the ON/OFF switch. The device switches off. Press the unlocking button for the hair filters inwards and remove the hair filters. Press the ON/OFF switch. The device switches on. Moisten the rollers. a Hold the Boost function button pressed. b Move the device back and forth until the rollers are sufficiently moistened. Note If the rollers are not sufficiently moistened, remove the rollers, moisten them under the tap and reinsert them. Fit the hair filters. The display lights up repeatedly from top to bottom The device is in the 2-minute rinsing process for cleaning the floor head Wait for about 2 minutes, then rinsing is finished and the display no longer lights up (see Chapter Floor head cleaning by means of rinsing process). The display indicator "Fill fresh water tank" lights up although the fresh water tank is filled. The sensor of the fresh water tank holder is dirty. Remove the fresh water tank and clean the sensor of the fresh water tank holder, e.g. with a cotton swab. The water in the tank is too soft. Do not use distilled water for cleaning. The device cannot be switched on The battery is discharged. Charge the battery. The charging cable is still plugged into the device. Unplug the charging cable, operation is not possible while the charging cable is plugged in. The device rattles loudly when switched on The rollers are not being sufficiently moistened. Moisten the rollers. a Hold the Boost function button pressed. b Move the device back and forth until the rollers are sufficiently moistened. English https://manual-hub.com/ Note If the rollers are not sufficiently moistened, remove the rollers, moisten them under the tap and reinsert them. The rollers have deformed. Only store the device on the parking station and not on the floor, as the rollers may deform due to the contact pressure. The device does not absorb dirt There is no water in the fresh water tank. The "MIN" (blue) indicator lights up and an acoustic signal sounds. Refill the fresh water tank with water. The fresh water tank is not sitting properly in the device. Insert the fresh water tank so that it is firmly seated in the device. The waste water tank is missing or not sitting properly in the device. Insert the waste water tank in the device so that it audibly latches into place. Check whether the lid of the waste water tank is correctly fitted (filler tab must be placed in the recess provided). The hair filters are missing or are not sitting correctly in the device. Fit the hair filters correctly in the device. The rollers are missing or not sitting properly in the device. Fit the rollers or twist the rollers as far as they will go onto the roller holder. The rollers are dirty or worn out. Clean the rollers or replace if necessary. The rollers are too dry The rollers are not being sufficiently moistened. Moisten the rollers. a Hold the Boost function button pressed. b Move the device back and forth until the rollers are sufficiently moistened. Note If the rollers are not sufficiently moistened, remove the rollers, moisten them under the tap and reinsert them. The fresh water filter is dirty. Clean the fresh water filter. a Remove the fresh water tank and take out the fresh water filter. Poor cleaning result Rollers were not washed before initial use. Wash the rollers in a washing machine at 60°C. The rollers are dirty. Clean the rollers. The rollers are not being sufficiently moistened. Moisten the rollers. a Hold the Boost function button pressed. b Move the device back and forth until the rollers are sufficiently moistened. Incorrect detergent or incorrect dosage. Use only KÄRCHER detergent and be sure to use the correct dosage. Foreign detergents are present on the floor. Thoroughly remove all detergent residues from the rollers using water. Clean the floor several times using the device and clean rollers, without using detergent. This removes all detergent residues from the floor. The water absorption is not optimal The hair filters are not sitting correctly in the device. Fit the hair filters correctly in the device. The rollers are worn out. Replace the rollers. The device is losing waste water The waste water tank is full. Empty the waste water tank immediately. The waste water tank is not sitting properly in the device. Insert the waste water tank in the device so that it audibly latches into place. The waste water tank must sit tightly in the device. The hair filters are not sitting correctly in the device. Check that the hair filters are fitted correctly. The waste water tank is damaged. Contact the authorised Customer Service. The device switches on As soon as the waste water tank has exceeded a volume of 200 ml, automatic device shutdown is activated. If detergents from other manufacturers are used, excessive foaming can occur and the device shutdown is activated before the 200 ml level is reached. Empty the waste water tank. Use only KÄRCHER detergent and be sure to use the correct dosage. The device engages in joints when used The knobs on the underside of the waste water tank are damaged or worn. Contact the authorised Customer Service. b Clean the fresh water filter under running water. c Reinsert the fresh water filter. English https://manual-hub.com/ 35 Technical data Removing the handle ATTENTION Frequent removal of the handle The handle components can be damaged by repeated removal. Do not remove the handle from the basic device after assembly. The handle may only be removed from the basic device when the device is sent out for service purposes. ATTENTION FC 7 FC 7 V 100 240 100 240 Phase ~ 1 1 Frequency Hz 50 - 60 50 - 60 Electrical connection Voltage Incorrect removal of the handle Device damage Take care to ensure that the connection cable between the basic unit and the handle is not damaged. Insert a screwdriver at a 90° angle in the small opening at the rear side of the handle and remove the handle. Degree of protection IPX4 IPX4 Device protection class III III II II Charger protection class Nominal power of device W 80 80 Nominal voltage of battery V 25,20 / 25,55 25.20 25.55 Battery type Li-Ion Li-Ion Operating time when bat- min tery is fully charged 45 45 Charging time for an emp- h ty battery 4 4 Output voltage of charger V 30 30 Output current of charger 0,6 0.6 Roller rotations per minute rpm at cleaning level 1 450 450 Roller rotations per minute rpm at cleaning level 2 490 490 Roller rotations per minute rpm with Boost function 530 530 A Device performance data Filling quantity Fresh water tank capacity ml 400 400 Waste water tank capacity ml 200 200 Dimensions and weights Weight (without accessories and cleaning fluids) kg 4,3 4.3 Length mm 310 310 Width mm 230 230 Height mm 1210 1210 Subject to technical modifications. 36 English https://manual-hub.com/ English https://manual-hub.com/ 37 https://manual-hub.com/ https://manual-hub.com/ THANK YOU! MERCI! DANKE! ¡GRACIAS! Registrieren Sie Ihr Produkt und profitieren Sie von vielen Vorteilen. Register your product and benefit from many advantages. Enregistrez votre produit et bénéficier de nombreux avantages. Registre su producto y aproveche de muchas ventajas. www.kaercher.com/welcome Bewerten Sie Ihr Produkt und sagen Sie uns Ihre Meinung. Rate your product and tell us your opinion. Évaluer votre produit et dites-nous votre opinion. Reseñe su producto y díganos su opinión. www.kaercher.com/dealersearch Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG Alfred-Kärcher-Str. 28-40 71364 Winnenden (Germany) https://manual-hub.com/ ">
Key features
- Cordless operation
- Two cleaning levels
- Boost function for stubborn dirt
- Removable hair filter
- Built-in charging station
Frequently asked questions
You can wash the rollers in the washing machine at 60°C or by hand with running water.
It can be used on PVC, linoleum, tiles, stone, parquet, laminate, and all water-resistant floor coverings.
Hold the Boost function button pressed to increase the roller speed and water volume for stubborn dirt.
You can clean the hair filters by hand with running water and a cleaning brush.