KCM-MD Short Plate ¼" + ⅜" + ½" 75 2371061-10.2022 Kwik Cast KCM-MD SHORT PLATE ¼" + ⅜ + ½" BLK-BLU #2363081 LOT NUMBER: Info | Shop 3LSH+DQJHU * 1 Made in Taiwan 2a Hilti = trademark of Hilti Corp., Schaan, LI 7 613024 195367 2b ⌀ = 11/16" 3 4 5a 5b* 0" hmin = 2 ½" ¼" 0" ⅜" 0" UL/FM Listing does not cover the ¼ inch rod size ½" * Turn threaded rod until bottomed out to ensure full thread engagement ">

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