VQ Model T34 Turbo Mentor / 1560mm Owner's Manual
The VQ Model T34 Turbo Mentor / 1560mm is an almost ready to fly radio control model aircraft that is perfect for intermediate and experienced pilots. With its 1560mm wingspan and realistic scale details, the T34 Turbo Mentor is a great choice for those who want to experience the thrill of flying a radio control model airplane. The T34 Turbo Mentor is made from high-quality balsa and plywood and comes with a powerful electric motor and a 6-channel radio system. It also features optional retractable landing gear and flaps, making it a versatile aircraft that can be flown in a variety of conditions.
Radio control model / Flugmodel BEECHCRAFT T-34C TURBO MENTOR MILITARY TRAINER VQ No: VQA137 ALL BALSA, PLYWOOD CONSTRUCTION AND ALMOST READY TO FLY Instruction manual / Montageanleitung SPECIFICATIONS TECHNISCHE DATEN Wingspan:.........................1560mm (61.4in) Length:................................1170mm (46 in) Electric Motor:.....................See next pager Glow Engine:.................... .46 2-T / .70 4-T RTF Weight: 3.2Kg / 7.05lbs (Will vary with Equipment Used). Radio:......................6 Channel / 6-7 Servos Function: Ailerons-Elevator-Rudder-Throttle Flaps-Optional Retractable Landing Gear. Spannweite:...................................1560mm Lange:............................................1170mm Elektroantrieb.............(siehe nächste Seite) Verbrennerantrieb:...............7.45cc - 11.5cc Fluggewicht:.......................................3.2Kg Fernsteuerung.............6 Kanal / 6-7 Servos PICHLER ARF BY WARNING! This radio controlled model is NOT a toy. If modified or flown carelessly it could go out of controll and cause serious human injury or property damage. Before flying your airplane, ensure the air field is spacious enough. Always fly it outdoors in safe areas and seek professional advice if you are unexperienced. ACHTUNG! Dieses ferngesteuerte Modell ist KEIN Spielzeug! Es ist für fortgeschrittene Modellflugpiloten bestimmt, die ausreichende Erfahrung im Umgang mit derartigen Modellen besitzen. Bei unsachgemässer Verwendung kann hoher Personen- und/oder Sachschaden entstehen. Fragen Sie in einem Modellbauverein in Ihrer Nähe um professionelle Unterstätzung, wenn Sie Hilfe im Bau und Betrieb benötigen. Der Zusammenbau dieses Modells ist durch die vielen Abbildungen selbsterklärend und ist für fortgeschrittene, erfahrene Modellbauer bestimmt. REQUIRED FOR OPERATION (Purchase separately) More info: www.pichler-modellbau.de 10.5x6 for .40 - 2 cycle engine 11x6 for .46 - 2 cycle engine 12x6 for .60 - 4 cycle engine 12x7 for .70 - 4 cycle engine 13x7 for electric motor .60 ~.70 - 4 cycle .46 ~ .50 - 2 cycle Minimum 6 channel radio for airplane with 5 (4 for EP) standard servos and two servo mini. .Motor control x1(for GP) .Elevator x1 .Rudder x1. Aileron x2. Flapx2 mini servo Silicone tube Antrieb Tuning (Kraftvoller Kunstflug): BOOST 60 Brushless Combo Set, Best.Nr. C3174 LiPO Akku RED POWER 4250-5S, Best.Nr. C4547 Luftschraube 13*8, Best.Nr. C2846 GLUE (Purchase separately) EPOXY A CA SILICON Epoxy Glue ( 5 minute type) EPOXY B Cyanoacrylate Glue Silicon sealer Extension for aileron servo, retract servo and Rx battery pack. TOLLS REQUIRED (Purchase separately) Epoxy Glue (30 minute type) Hex Wrench Phillip screw driver Hobby knife Awl Needle nose Pliers Scissors Wire Cutters Sander ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... Masking tape - Straight Edged Ruler - Pen or pencil - Drill and Assorted Drill Bits If exposed to direct sunlight and/or heat, wrinkels can appear. Storing the model in a cool place will let the wrinkles disappear. Otherwise, remove wrinkles in covering film with a hair dryer, starting with low temperature. You can fix the corners by using a hot iron. Bei Sonneneinstrahlung und/oder Wärme kann die Folie erschlaffen bzw. Falten entstehen. Verwenden Sie ein Warumluftgebläse (Haartrockner) um evtl. Falten aus der Folie zu bekommen. Die Kanten können Sie mit einem Bügeleisen behandeln. Nicht zuviel Hitze anwenden ! Low seting Symbols used throughout this instruction manual, comprise: 1.5mm Drill holes using the stated size of drill (in this case 1.5 mm ÿ) ! Take particular care here Hatched-in areas: remove covering film carefully Apply cyano glue Assemble left and right L/R sides the same way. A B Use epoxy glue CA Check during assembly that these parts move freely, without binding X Not included. These parts must be purchased separately Read through the manual before you begin, so you will have an overall idea of what to do. CONVERSION TABLE 3.0mm = 1/8” 1.0mm = 3/64” 4.0mm = 5/32” 1.5mm = 1/16” 5.0mm = 13/64” 2.0mm = 5/64” 6.0mm = 15/64” 2.5mm = 3/32” 10mm = 13/32” 12mm = 15/32” 15mm = 19/32” 20mm = 51/64” 25mm = 1” 30mm = 1-3/16” 45mm = 1-51/64” 1-Aileron and Flap servo Included with the radio set. WING - BOTTOM VIEW Adhesive tape 1-Cut away the covering of the wing bottom where the aileron servo goes. 2-Connect the aileron servo cord to the aileron extension cord. 3-Install the aileron servo on the servo mount. -Switch on the radio (trims centered) then mount the ailerons servo horn in neutral position. -The servo horn should be perpendicular to the servo Do the same way with second wing half. YES 2-Aileron/Flap control horn NO Plastic control horn ..........4 WING - BOTTOM VIEW 2x30mm....8 ..........4 Control horn Alignment Do the same way with second wing half. 1-Depending on the position of the linkage, determine the location of aileron control horn. The horn holes must be perfectly aligned with the axis of articulation. 2-Mark the position of the “foot” of the horn on the aileron. Then, with the drill, make the 2 holes. 3-Install the aileron control horn as shown. 3-Aileron/Flap linkages WING - BOTTOM VIEW 3mm set Screw Aileron pushrod D=5/64”(2mm) 2 mm X Do the same way with second wing half. 4-Electric retract Electric retract must be purchase separately EXTENDED POSITION RETRACTED POSITION ELECTRIC RETRACT LANDING GEAR ON GEAR RECEIVER OFF Do the same way with second wing half. 2mm 5-Fixed gear Main landing gear 3x12mm screw ..........8 3x20mm screw ......16 Nylon gear strap 3x20mm 2mm Nylon gear strap Square plastic x 2 .......4 Ply gear mount flat 2mm Gear mount Square plastic 1 Ply gear mount Gear mount x 2 plate x 2 2 3x20mm 3 6-Fixed gear installation ........2 Thin CA 5/32”(4mm) collar ..........2 1/8x13/32”(3x10mm) ..........8 5/64x15/64”(2x6mm) ..........8 ..........2 6x23mm wooden dowel CA gear cover 1/16 1.5mm Thin CA gear strap CA Gear mount 2mm WING - BOTTOM VIEW 7-Horizontal Stabilizer Securely glue together. If coming off during flight, you lose control of your air plane. Cut away only the covering both the right and left side B’ B Cut away only the covering both the top and bottom side A = A’ B = B’ Both the top and bottom side A B 1-Trial fit the horizontal stabilizer in place . Check the alignment of the horizontal stabilizer. When you are satisfied with the alignment, use a pencil to trace around the top and bottom of the stabilizer where it meets the fuselage. 2-Remove the horizontal stabilizer from the fuselage. Using the sharp hobby knife, carefully cut away the covering inside the lines which were marked above. 3-Spread epoxy (30 minute) onto the top and bottom of the horizontal stabilizer along the area where the covering was removed and to the fuselage where the horizontal stabilizer mounts. A 90 A’ O 90 O 4-Install the horizontal stabilizer into the fuselage and adust the alignment as described in steep 1. IMPORTANT: Please do not clean off the excess epoxy with strong solvent or pure alcohol, only use kerosene to keep the colour of your model not fade. * WARNING: When removing any covering from the airframe, please ensure that you secure the cut edge with CA or similar cement. This will ensure the covering remain tight. 8-Vertical Stabilizer C Cut away only the covering both the right and left side* CA Thin CA A B Both the left and right side C’ 1-Trial fit the vertical stabilizer in place . Check the alignment of the vertical stabilizer. When you are satisfied with the alignment, use a pencil to trace around the right and left of the stabilizer where it meets the fuselage. 2-Remove the vertical stabilizer from the fuselage. Using the sharp hobby knife, carefully cut away the covering inside the lines which were marked above. 3-Spread epoxy (30 minute) onto the right and left and bottom of the vertical stabilizer along the area where the covering was removed and to the fuselage where the vertical stabilizer mounts. 4-Install the vertical stabilizer into the fuselage and adust the alignment as described in steep 1. Allow the epoxy to cure before proceeding to next step. 5-Trial fit the horn. Actuate rudder linkage manually it should not be hard spot. Adjust if necessary. 6-Insert the plate through the foot of the horn. Bond with thin CA glue. Note: The slots for the control horn installation are pre- cut at factory. Securely glue together. If coming off during flight, you lose control of your air plane. C = C’ CA Thin CA Plastic control horn FIN .....................1 RUDDER 9-Elevator Securely glue together. If coming off during flight, you lose control of your air plane. CA 1-Trial fit the horn. Actuate rudder linkage manually it should not be hard spot. Adjust if necessary. 2-Insert the plate through the foot of the horn. Bond with thin CA glue. 3-Repeat the previous procedures to hinge the second elevator to the other side of the horizontal stabilizer. Note: The slots for the control horn installation are pre- cut at factory. Plastic control horn FIN CA Thin CA ELEVATOR ....................2 10-Nose gear Nose gear mount ..............1 Landing gear steering arm 1 Steering linkage 2 3x12mm screw...4 3mm nut, washer...4 4 Steering arm...1 5 3 1- Route the steering linkage into the fuselage and through the fire-wall. 2- Insert “Z” bend of steering linkage inside the hole of front landing gear Steering arm. 3- Position the steering arm inside the front landing gear mount already Attached to the firewall. 4- Slide in the front gear leg with the flat to back through the bearing and steering arm. 5- Screw steering arm on the leg. IN CASE OF ELECTRIC RETRACT LANDING GEAR (Electric retract landing gear and Struts must purchase separately) Steering horn 1 Nose gear pushrod 2 3 11-Engine mount / Engine 5/32x1” 4x25mm screw 1/8x5-1/64” 3x20mm screw ...4 Blind-nut .................4 1/8”(3mm) nut .................4 ! Align the mark on both mounts with the mark on the fuselage B ...4 Using a pencil or felt tipped pen, mark the fire wall where the four holes are to be drilled. A B’ FRONT-VIEW B=B’ Reposition the engine mounts on to the fire-wall. Attach the four blind-nut to the fire-wall as show. Secure them with four 4x25mm screw. Remove the engine mount and drill a 13/64”(5mm) hole through the fire-wall at each of the four marks marked. ! 13/64” 5mm A ! Align the mark on both mounts with the mark on the fuselage Position the engine on to the engine mounts so the distance from the prop hub to the firewall is 5.2”(132mm). Mark the engine mounting plate where the four holes are to be drilled. Remove the engine and drill a 1/8”(3mm) holes through the beam at each of the four marks made above. Reposition the engine on the engine mount beams, aligning it with the holes. Secure the engine to the engine mount using four 1/8x51/64”(3x25mm) screws. 132mm 1/8” 3mm Note: Mark the mounting plate through the engine mounting flanges. Note: Apply Silicon sealer to each of the 1/8x51/64” screw. ! Engine thrust on balk head is already adjust at factory. 12-Fuel tank (in case of glow engine using) 1 2 To muffler Blow 3 Water Filler tube Rubber stopper 3x25mm screw To engine X 3x35 mm screw After confirming the direction . Insert this assembly, clunk end first, into the fuel tank and tighten and screw the fuel tank cap on firmly. Ensure that the fuel tank clunk does not touch the rear of the fuel tank. 4mm Checking for leaks - block the vents and blow into the feed - if in doubt submersing the tank in a blow of water will show up any problems. 13-Electric Motor 6mm Mark here 3mm Mark here 3mm Using a aluminum motor mounting plate as a template, mark the plywood motor mounting plate where the four holes are to be drilled . Remove the motor and drill a 3mm (1/8”) hole at each of the four marks marked. Apply the plywood motor mounting onto the fire-wall. Align the marks on the motor mounting with the marks on the fire-wall. Mark the fire-wall where the four holes are to be drilled. Remove the motor mounting and drill a 5mm hole at each of the four marks marked. Attach the motor to the motor mounting and secure it in place using the four 3x20mm bolts and nuts. Attach the four 6x100mm bolts, washers and nuts to the fire-wall as shown. Firewall SIDE-VIEW Firewall C TOP-VIEW B B=B’ 6x100mm bolt.....4 Plywood motor mounting C=C’ MOTOR MOTOR C’ B’ 6mm nut..........12 6mm washer...16 132mm (5.2”) ! Engine thrust on balk head is already adjust at factory 2.5x10mm screw ...........3 14-Cowling Board or transparent plastic Adhesive tape Cut the opening 130mm 1-Attach the board or transparent plastic on the side of the fuselage with the adhesive tape as show. 2-Using a pencil or felt tipped pen trace around the engine head where it meet the cowl. Cut the opening the board or transparent plastic for the engine head as marked before. 3-Remove the engine and insert the cowl on to the fuselage so the distance from the fire wall to the front of the cowl is 5.1”(130mm). Trace around inside the hole on the board or transparent plastic with a pencil. 4-Remove the cowl from the fuselage and carefully cut the opening for the engine head as marked above. Do the same way with the hole for needle-valve. 5-Again. Insert the cowl on to the fuselage and secure it in place with five 2.5x10mm self tapping screws. 15-Canopy 4x20mm nylon screw 16-Servo FUSELAGE - TOP VIEW Throttle servo Elevator servo FUEL TANK OR LI-PO BATTERY AREA Rudder servo Shift the location of the fuel tank, battery pack, or Li-po battery as needed to obtain the specified CG. 17-Linkages FUSELAGE - TOP VIEW Elevator servo Throttle pushrod FUEL TANK OR LI-PO BATTERY AREA Nose gear pushrod Rudder servo Elevator push rod 18-Linkages Elevator pushrod 3mm set Screw Elevator push rod Elevator pushrod Rudder push rod 2 mm FUSELAGE - TOP VIEW Connector X ................1 2mm ....................3 19-Installation the Wing FUSELAGE - TOP VIEW Aluminum tube 20-Installation the Wing WING 21-Installation the wing 4x25mm plastic screw Secure the wing in place using the 4x25mm plastic bolt 4X25mm screw WING ......2 ......2 22-Decor T A W - 5 CA Cut away only the covering Decal CA FUSELAGE - BOTTOM VIEW Gear door (3mm plywood) Nose Gear door installation Note: Glue the Right and Left gear door on to the cowl only. Please do not glue them on to the fuselage if you want to remove the cowl out of the fuselage. Please do not glue here. CA CA 23-Decal Note: Cut out the stickers and apply them in the proper area. Do not peel the backing paper off all at once. Peel off one corner of the backing and cut off with scissors. Arrange sticker on model and when satisfied adhere the corner without backing. Carefully peel back the rest of the backing while at the same time adhering the rest of the sticker. Try not to make air bubbles, if there are some, carefully puncture sticker (center of bubble) but not model surface with the tip of the knife or sharp pin and squeeze out the air. At curves stretch sticker and apply a little heat so that no ceases occur. Cut off the excess that is produced. TAW-5 TAW-5 T-34C T-34C 24-Balance DO NOT try to fly an out-of-balance model ! Note: If necessary, move the battery pack or add weight to either the tail or nose until the correct balance is achieved. 128mm (5”) Wing center section 25-Control Surface 9mm (23/64”) 32mm (1.25”) 9mm (23/64”) 32mm (1.25”) RUDDER / SEITENRUDER ELEVATOR / HOHENRUDER 6mm (15/64”) 6mm (15/64”) AILERON / QUERRUDER Take off /Start 10mm (25/64”) Landing /Landung 22mm (55/64”) FLAP / LANDEKLAPPEN IMPORTANT: Please do not clean your model with pure alcohol, only use liquid soap with water or use glass cleaner to clean on surface of your model to keep the colour not fade. All details are subject to changewithout notice ! Technische Anderungen und Irrtumer vorbehalten ! ">

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Key features
- Electric Motor
- Optional Retractable Landing Gear
- Flaps
- 6-channel radio system
- Balsa and plywood construction
- Realistic scale details
- Almost ready to fly
Frequently asked questions
Electric Motor
6-channel radio system
Optional Retractable Landing Gear and Flaps