Quincy Compressor Net$ync Power$ync Gateway Owner's Manual
The Quincy Compressor Net$ync Power$ync Gateway is the ideal solution for monitoring and controlling air compressors. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, this device provides a comprehensive range of capabilities for optimized and efficient compressor management. The Net$ync Power$ync Gateway allows for remote monitoring of compressor status, pressure settings, and fault codes, empowering users with real-time insights into their compressor's performance.
QUINCY COMPRESSOR NET$YNC II – POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma bar Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma NET$YNC™ QUINCY POWERSYNC GATEWAY Ma Contents: 1.0 Safety 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 3.0 Version notes Introduction 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.0 4.10 Commissioning procedure Physical checks Air compressor pressure set points Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma configuration Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma network address Input pressures Input pressure sensor Output pressure signal calibration Pressure set points Menu navigation Menu items and settings 5.11.1 Menu map 5.11.2 Operating pressure set points 5.11.3 Error log menu 5.11.4 Pressure unit select 5.11.5 Network address 5.11.6 Pressure averaging factor 5.11.7 Internal pressure sensor enable 5.11.8 Delivery pressure maximum level 5.11.9 Internal pressure maximum level 5.11.10 Pressure calibration 5.11.11 Aux alarm input configuration 5.11.12 Analogue output function 5.11.13 Error log reset 5.11.14 Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma operating hours Diagnostics Operation 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 8.0 9.0 10.0 Guidelines Location Interconnecting cables Power supply Airbus485™ connection Device terminal PCB Airmaster™ XPM Ao2 module Airbus485™ signal cable routing Pressure sensor connection 4.9.1 4-20mA Delivery pressure sensor 4.9.2 4-20mA Delivery pressure sensor & Internal pressure sensor Q485 interface connection 4.10.1 Q485 general 4.10.2 Compressor status monitoring 4.10.3 Pressure switch regulation control 4.10.4 Service maintenance switch 4.10.5 Aux alarm input 4.10.6 Aux trip input 4.10.7 Remote output Commissioning 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 6.0 7.0 Net$ync Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma Basic requirements Air compressor pressure monitoring General operation Installation 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 Warning Installation Operation Maintenance User interface Display Status symbols Indicators Start Stop Compressor status Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma status User menu items Power failure auto restart Fault codes Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma status block diagram Parts list Technical data Wiring diagram Limit of Liability Trademarks The publisher and the author make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties, including without limitation warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales or promotional materials. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for damages arising here from. The fact that an organisation or website is referred to in this work as a citation and/or a potential source of further information does not mean that the author or the publisher endorses the information the organisation or website may provide or recommendations it may make. Further, readers should be aware that internet websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared between when this work was written and when it is read. Copyright © 2011 Compressor Quincy Compressor. All rights reserved. Page 1 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT PLEASE READ THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE EQUIPMENT THAT CONTAINS THIS PRODUCT, YOU ARE CONSENTING TO BE BOUND BY THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE PLACE OF PURCHASE. Quincy Compressor LLC ("QUINCY COMPRESSOR") and its suppliers grant to Customer ("Customer") a nonexclusive and non-transferable single user license to use the QUINCY COMPRESSOR software ("Software") in object code form solely on a single Net$ync™ product. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY AUTHORIZED ABOVE, CUSTOMER SHALL NOT: COPY, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION; MODIFY THE SOFTWARE; REVERSE COMPILE OR REVERSE ASSEMBLE ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE SOFTWARE; OR RENT, LEASE, DISTRIBUTE, SELL, OR CREATE DERIVATIVE WORKS OF THE SOFTWARE. Customer agrees that aspects of the licensed materials, including the specific design and structure of individual programs, constitute trade secrets and/or copyrighted material of QUINCY COMPRESSOR. Customer agrees not to disclose, provide, or otherwise make available such trade secrets or copyrighted material in any form to any third party without the prior written consent of QUINCY COMPRESSOR. Customer agrees to implement reasonable security measures to protect such trade secrets and copyrighted material. Title to Software and documentation shall remain solely with QUINCY COMPRESSOR. LIMITED WARRANTY PRACTICE, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW. IN NO EVENT WILL QUINCY COMPRESSOR OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT, OR DATA, OR FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE EVEN IF QUINCY COMPRESSOR OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. In no event shall QUINCY COMPRESSOR' or its suppliers' liability to Customer, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, exceed the price paid by Customer. The foregoing limitations shall apply even if the above-stated warranty fails of its essential purpose. The above warranty DOES NOT apply to any beta software, any software made available for testing or demonstration purposes, any temporary software modules or any software for which QUINCY COMPRESSOR does not receive a license fee. All such software products are provided AS IS without any warranty whatsoever. This License is effective until terminated. Customer may terminate this License at any time by destroying product including any documentation. This License will terminate immediately without notice from QUINCY COMPRESSOR if Customer fails to comply with any provision of this License. Software, including technical data, is subject to Belgium export control laws. Customer agrees to comply strictly with all such regulations. This License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Belgium. If any portion hereof is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this License shall remain in full force and effect. This License constitutes the entire License between the parties with respect to the use of the Software. QUINCY COMPRESSOR warrants that for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of shipment from QUINCY COMPRESSOR the Software substantially conforms to its published specifications. Except for the foregoing, the Software is provided AS IS. This limited warranty extends only to Customer as the original licensee. Customer's exclusive remedy and the entire liability of QUINCY COMPRESSOR and its suppliers under this limited warranty will be, at QUINCY COMPRESSOR or its service centre’s option, repair, replacement, or refund of the Software if reported (or, upon request, returned) to the party supplying the product to Customer. In no event does QUINCY COMPRESSOR warrant that the Software is error free or that Customer will be able to operate the Software without problems or interruptions. This warranty does not apply if the software (a) has been altered, except by QUINCY COMPRESSOR, (b) has not been installed, operated, repaired, or maintained in accordance with instructions supplied by QUINCY COMPRESSOR, (c) has been subjected to abnormal physical or electrical stress, misuse, negligence, or accident, or (d) is used in ultra hazardous activities. DISCLAIMER EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED IN THIS WARRANTY, ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS, AND WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE Page 2 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma Section 1: Safety Section 1.1: Safety warning: and that there is no risk to persons or property. Failure to observe safety precautions or implement safe working practises may be considered dangerous practice or misuse of the product. Section 1.2: Installation Warning: Warning: Warning: Warning: Risk of danger Risk of electric shock Risk of high pressure Consult manual Do not install or operate the Net$ync Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma (hereinafter can be referred to as the device) until you and all personnel concerned have read and established a working understanding of the device inclusive of duties to be performed while installing, operating and maintaining the device. This manual contains IMPORTANT SAFETY DATA and should be kept with the device at all times. When installing, commissioning, operating or carrying out service or maintenance on the device, personnel must use relevant safe working practise and observe all relevant local health and safety requirements and regulations. Lethal voltages are used within the device. Electricity has the potential to cause severe personal injury or death. Isolate the source of power to the device when required to do so. Use extreme caution when carrying out electrical checks. Compressed air has the potential to cause severe personal injury or death. Use extreme caution when carrying out compressed air related checks. A requirement of fault-free operation and fulfilment of any right to claim under guarantee is that documentation is observed. This document is subject to changes without notice, if in doubt, do not proceed! It is not possible to anticipate every circumstance that might represent a potential hazard. If the operator employs an operating procedure, an item of equipment or a method of working which is not specifically recommended the user must ensure the product will not be damaged or made unsafe Installation work must only be carried out by a competent person under qualified supervision. A fused isolation switch must be fitted between the main power supply and the device. The device should be mounted in such a location as to allow operational and maintenance access without obstruction or hazard and to allow clear visibility of indicators at all times. Section 1.3: Operation Operation may only be done by trained personnel according to safe engineering practises and with the observance of all relevant local health and safety requirements and regulations. Never remove or tamper with safety devices, guards or insulation materials fitted to the device. The device must only be operated at the supply voltage and frequency for which it is designed. Do not open access panels or touch electrical components while voltage is applied unless it is necessary for measurements, tests or adjustments. This work must only be carried out by a qualified electrician or technician equipped with the correct tools and appropriate protection against electrical hazards. All air compressors and/or other machine equipment connected too, and controlled by, the device should have a warning sign attached stating ‘THIS UNIT MAY START WITHOUT WARNING' next to the display panel. If an air compressor and/or other machine equipment connected too, and controlled by, the product is to be started remotely, attach warning signs to the machine stating ‘THIS UNIT CAN BE STARTED REMOTELY’ in a prominent location, one on the outside of the machine, the other inside the machine control compartment. Page 3 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma 1.4 Maintenance Maintenance must only be carried out by competent personnel under qualified supervision. If replacement parts are required use only genuine parts from the original equipment manufacturer. Before competent personnel under qualified supervision remove any access panels or carry out work on the device, isolate from the source of supply power using relevant and local safe isolation procedures. Ensure that all instructions concerning operation and maintenance are strictly followed and that the complete device, with all accessories and safety devices, is kept in good working order. The accuracy of sensor devices must be checked on a regular basis. They must be renewed when acceptable tolerances are exceeded. Always ensure any pressure within a compressed air system is safely vented to atmosphere before attempting to remove or install a sensor device. The product must only be cleaned with a damp cloth, using mild detergents if necessary. Avoid the use of any substances containing corrosive acids or alkalis. Net$ync products can reduce energy usage by well over 30%, typically delivering savings in the tens of thousands of pounds, dollars or Euros per year (consult your product supplier or visit www.Net$ync.eu) 3.2 Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is a specialised air compressor supervisory and control unit designed to function in cooperation with an air compressor management system. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma can be integrated with an Quincy PowerSync air compressor to provide advanced management system supervisory and control functionality. Each Quincy PowerSync air compressor in a system, that requires Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma integration, must be equipped with an individual Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma. A management system can accommodate multiple Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is intended to provide a method of system integration for a Quincy PowerSync air compressor that is not equipped with any inherently available or accessible means of remote connectivity. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will provide all required functionality to enable total synergy with the energy control functions of the management system. 3.3 Basic requirements Do not paint the control facial or obscure any indications, controls, instructions or warnings Section 2: Version notes: Version E** Notes ** The Quincy Powersync air compressor must be equipped with a 4-20mA type pressure sensor, that is used for regulation control. A Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will accommodate a pressure sensor range of 1.0bar to 600bar. 3.4 Air compressor pressure monitoring Section 3: Introduction 3.1 Net$ync™ Net$ync™ is the compressor and vacuum system product range of QUINCY COMPRESSOR LLC. Net$ync™ products are used to fully integrate compressed air or vacuum systems on a production site, optimise air or vacuum generation and manage key aspects of the system with dedicated, but easy to use, visual software. For multiple compressor or vacuum pump installations, Some Quincy Powersync air compressors are equipped with a package delivery pressure sensor and a second internal pressure sensor. The internal pressure sensor is generally used for internal air/oil filtration differential pressure monitoring and/or internal pressure safety functions. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is able to accommodate this requirement without affecting functionality of the compressor control system internal pressure sensor feature(s). Page 4 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma 3.5 General operation Most air compressors are equipped with a method of sensing pressure. An air compressor regulates using the compressor package delivery pressure as a control signal. This functionality also enables the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma to continuously compensate for any pressure differential that may occur across local air treatment, along air pipe work or between different locations in a compressed air network. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will automatically compensate for any pressure differential in a system. For example: P PC 4-20mA PS PN The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma monitors the compressor pressure sensor as an input and simulates the pressure sensor signal as an output. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma uses this method to modify the pressure signal and manipulate the behaviour of the air compressor. This functionality enables the management system to utilise the compressor in a coherent manner and optimise total system efficiency and maintain air quality. 4-20mA The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma becomes the air compressor pressure sensor. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma also monitors compressor status and continuously reports status information to the Net$ync™ management system. This function enables the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma to simulate the features of standard network compressor integration. PD If the Net$ync™ management system is detecting a network air pressure (PN) of 6.9bar, and the system target pressure requirement (P) is 7.0bar, the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will immediately calculate that a pressure rise of 0.1bar is required to achieve and maintain system target pressure (P). Due to pressure differential across a local compressed air treatment system (PD) the compressor is currently operating at 7.4bar. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will manipulate the compressor pressure signal (PS) to cause the compressor to increase delivery pressure (PC) to 7.5bar. This action will increase system pressure to the required target pressure. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will continuously re-calculate and manipulate the compressor pressure signal (PS) to accommodate changes in demand and compensate for any local or compressed air network pressure differentials. Section 4: Installation System pressure and management system ‘target’ pressure information is routinely transmitted to the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma. Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma uses this information to calculate the difference between the compressor delivery pressure and the system ‘target’ pressure. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma utilises pressure signal manipulation to continuously re-align compressor output with system requirements. 4.1 Guidelines Information regarding the compressor control system, method of operation and regulation settings, is required. Knowledge of Quincy Powersync compressor regulation methods, experience working with compressor control systems and basic principle knowledge of compressed air systems, is also required to be able to successfully install and commission this product. Page 5 XPM-TAC24 1 2 3 4 X01 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma L N Dependent on compressor type and installation eLLCironment additional fixings, wiring, cabling, terminations and terminals will be required for installation. E L N E Check the input voltage select link wires on the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma power supply PCB, adjust if necessary. 4.2 Location XPM-TAC24 1 The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is wall mounting using coLLCentional screw fixings. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma must be located adjacent to the air compressor so as to limit 4-20mA pressure sensor cable length between the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma and the air compressor to less than10 metres (32 feet). 4.5 2 3 4 X04 VOLTAGE SELECT 230Vac 1 2 3 4 X04 VOLTAGE SELECT 115Vac 4.3 Interconnecting cables Airbus485™ connection 10m ma C0 LED LED C0 1 C0 C0 Q485 2 2 4 3 3 1 6wire : 1.0-1.5mm2 earth shielded i-PCB 2 #1 Delivery Pressure 2wire, twisted pair 0.5-1.0mm2, earth shielded 3 #2 ? Internal Pressure 2wire, twisted pair 0.5-1.0mm2, earth shielded 2wire + earth 115/230Vac, 5A 4 Note: Cables identified as type (3) are only required for a two pressure sensor type compressor installation. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is intended to operate as part of a Net$ync™ management system using the Airbus485™ network protocol. Device networking uses a two-wire, twisted pair, earth shielded (cable type ‘2’) RS485 data cable. Connect the data cable wires to terminal X07 located on the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma’s Airmaster™ S1 device controller. X07 2 L2 L2 L1 Note: L1 Polarity is important. 4.6 Device terminal PCB Check the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma terminal PCB type selector (J1) is correct for a Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma. 28 KC- 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 VSD/EX KC- 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 4.4 Power supply 1 2 X01 3 5 4 6 7 X02 9 10 8 X03 X04 11 13 15 12 14 16 17 18 X05 19 21 20 22 X06 23 24 9 25 26 8 7 6 X07 27 29 28 30 5 4 3 X08 X09 31 32 33 34 J1 A fused switching isolator must be installed to the main incoming power supply, external to the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma. The isolator must be fitted with a fuse of the correct rating to provide adequate protection to the power supply cable used (in accordance with local electrical and safety regulations). Connect the main incoming power supply wires to the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma power supply PCB as illustrated: R05 R06 4.7 Airmaster™ XPM-Ao2 module Check the 4-20mA output mode selectors of Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma Ao2 module are in the ‘PASSIVE’ mode position. To do this, locate the back plate DIN rail mounted Airmaster™ XPM Ao2 module and remove its top cover. Page 6 2 1 E QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma 4.9 Pressure sensor connection X06 X03 4-20mA(2) C010 Pressure sensor connectivity is dependent on air compressor and control system type. 1) Disconnect the air compressor pressure sensor wires from the compressor controller and connect to the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma terminals as indicated on the following connection diagrams. 2) If it is necessary to follow the route of power supply cables for a short distance (for example: from a compressor unit to a wall along a suspended cable tray) attach the RS485 or signal cable on the outside of an earthed cable tray such that the cable tray forms an earthed electrical interference shield. 3) Where possible, never route an RS485 or signal cable near to equipment or devices that may be a source of electrical interference (for example: 3-phase power supply transformer, high voltage switchgear unit, frequency iLLCerter drive module, radio communications antenna). 3 2 1 2 L1 RS485 X05 1 2 1 ANA2 - 1 LED1 2 screen L2 VDC X06 4-20mA(2) X03 #2 X04 Ao2 +24VDC 1) Never route an RS485 data communications or low voltage signal cable alongside a high voltage 3-phase power supply cable. If it is necessary to cross the path of a power supply cable(s), always cross at a right angle. 3 ANA2 + These terminals are not located on the main terminal PCB of the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma! Note: RS485 data communications and other low voltage signals can be subject to electrical interference. This potential can result in intermittent malfunction or anomaly that is difficult to diagnose. To avoid this possibility always use earth shielded cables, securely bonded to a known good earth at one end. In addition, give careful consideration to cable routing during installation. X01 #1 X02 - ANA1 4.8 Airbus485™ and signal cable routing Pressure signal output terminals are located on the XPM-Ao2 module within the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma. + ANA1 X02 2) Connect the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma output pressure signal terminals to the air compressor control system pressure sensor terminals as indicated on the following connection diagrams. ANA3 - 4-20mA(1) ANA3 + C03 0V PASSIVE MODE 4-20mA(1) Failure to protect low voltage pressure signals between the compressor and Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will result in unstable and/or erratic pressure readings; resulting in unstable and/or erratic compressor regulation behaviour. Always use earth shielded, twisted Page 7 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma pair, cables. Ensure the earth shielding is securely bonded to a known good earth at the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma end. 4.9.1 ‘4 – 20mA’ delivery pressure sensor 1 4-20mA 1 4-20mA + - +VDC +VDC signal signal Powersync GATEWAY + Delivery Pressure - Sensor XPM-Ao2 4-20mA(1) X07 IC = 1 25 26 27 28 29 30 ANA1 + #1 X02 1 + - +VDC +VDC signal signal + Delivery Pressure - Sensor Page 8 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma 4.9.2 4 – 20mA Delivery pressure sensor & 4 – 20mA Internal pressure sensor 1 4-20mA 2 4-20mA 1 4-20mA +VDC + - +VDC signal signal + Delivery Pressure - Sensor 4-20mA + - +VDC +VDC signal signal + Internal Pressure - Sensor 2 4-20mA(1) 4-20mA(2) X07 IC = 2 25 26 27 28 29 30 ANA2 + - XPM-Ao2 ANA1 - + #2 #1 X03 X02 1 + - + - +VDC +VDC signal signal +VDC +VDC signal signal + Delivery Pressure - Sensor + Internal Pressure - Sensor 2 Page 9 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma determine air compressor status. All three status-monitoring input signals are required. READY 4.10 ‘Q485’ Interface connection 4.10.1 ‘Q485’ general An ‘Q485’ is a requirement for a Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma installation. The ‘Q485’ is a DIN rail mountable unit designed to be installed within the air compressor control or switchgear area and connected to the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma using a six-wire cable. The ‘Ready’ connection is intended to indicate that the compressor is in a ‘started’ state, has no operational inhibiting fault condition and is ready to respond to Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma regulation without manual intervention. Ready Input READY LAMP 0V +V The The ‘Q485’ is used for air compressor status monitoring. C01 C02 C04 ALARM RUN READY C04 i-PCB READY input will accept 12V to 250V ac (50/60Hz) or dc. 5 Caution: Do not connect a voltage greater than 250Vac/dc to this input. C03 1 2 3 4 6 LED 1 LED 2 X01 VSD Box 1 2 3 4 5 6 The ‘Q485’ uses a 12V to 250V ac/dc input voltage detection system and universal relay contact control outputs (250Vac/dc @ 5A maximum). Integrated directly into the circuits of an air compressor, the ‘Q485’ avoids the need for additional relays or remote inputs. The ‘Q485’ also acts as an electrical barrier between the compressor and the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma providing protection and voltage isolation. 4.10.2 Compressor status monitoring The ‘Q485’ is fitted with a six-pin terminal C04 for compressor monitoring. The ‘Q485’ uses three inputs (Ready, Run and Loaded) to This input must be connected to the terminals of a ‘ready’ or ‘operational’ lamp, or other circuit of the air compressor control system, that will be energised when the air compressor is in started (standby or running) condition. The voltage to this input must de-energise when the air compressor is stopped and unavailable to produce air upon a load signal or the Emergency Stop button is pressed or when the air compressor experiences a fault that prevents the air compressor from running. When the air compressor ready lamp, or other control circuit, is energised the ‘Q485’ will detect the voltage and signal the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma that the air compressor is ready and available to load and produce air when a load request signal is given. Note: The ‘Q485’ input common terminal must always be connected to the neutral, common or 0V line of the applied input Ready Input, Alternative Connection Method: In instances where a coLLCenient voltage Page 10 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma signal for a air compressor ready condition is not available the ‘Ready’ input can be connected directly to a constant air compressor control system power supply voltage (12V to 250Vac or dc). This will signal the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma that the air compressor is ready and available at all times when power is applied to the air compressor. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma has a built-in function to determine when a air compressor is not responding, or is in a shutdown condition, regardless of a constant ready signal. If the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma requests a compressor to run/load, but fails to detect a RUN signal within 60 seconds, the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will regard the air compressor as ‘not ready’ and indicate the air compressor as not available. If a RUN signal is detected at any time, the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will automatically reset the air compressor ‘not ready’ condition and reestablish control. +Vac F1 12V to 250Vac must be applied to the ‘Run’ MAIN (LINE) CONTACTOR 0V +V ALARM RUN READY C04 terminals when the air compressor motor is running. For a fixed speed air compressor this input can be connected to the control terminals A1 and A2 (coil) of the main starter contactor of the air compressor. When the air compressor control system energises the main contactor, the ‘Q485’ will detect the voltage across the contactor coil terminals and signal the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma that the air compressor is running. MAIN (LINE) CONTACTOR +V 0V 0Vac +V 0V AUXILIARY SWITCH READY Safety: Never connect the READY input positive connection directly to the output of a control system transformer; always connect after a fuse or circuit breaker. If a normally closed contact of an Emergency Stop button is included in the air compressor power supply circuit, connect after the Emergency Stop button contacts. This will instantly indicate a air compressor ‘not ready’ condition if the Emergency Stop button is activated. RUNNING ALARM RUN READY C04 Alternatively, if the main contactor coil voltage is greater than 250Vac, a contactor auxiliary switch can be used to apply a suitable voltage to the ‘Run’ input terminals. Note: The ‘Q485’ input common terminal must always be connected to the neutral, common or 0V line of the applied input voltage. LOADED The RUN input will accept 12V to 250V ac (50/60Hz) only (DC cannot be used). Caution: Do not connect a voltage greater than 250V to this input. ALARM = LOAD The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma uses the ‘Q485’ ALARM input to detect the load condition of the air compressor. There is no Page 11 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma Alarm input facility on the ‘Q485’ when used with a Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma. An auxiliary ‘Alarm’ input terminal within the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is available. variable speed types). Note: A fault, which stops the air compressor, and/or prevents the air compressor from running, is determined from the ‘Run’ and ‘Ready’ inputs; Alarm detection is optional and is not a requirement. ‘Q485’ Internal Output Circuits +V LOAD SOLENOID The input accept 250V LOAD will 12V to ac 0V C OUT NO 1 Load C Seq IN NO OUT C IN C 3 OUT NC ALARM RUN 2 IN NC READY C04 SEQ Relay 1&2 (50/60Hz) or dc. LOAD Relay 3 Contacts :250Vac/dc @ 5A maximum Caution: Do not connect a voltage greater than 250Vac/dc to this input. The ‘Load’ input can be connected to the terminals of the air compressor’s load solenoid; or other accessible part of the control circuit that is energised when the air compressor is loaded. Note: The ‘Q485’ input common terminal must always be connected to the neutral, common or 0V line of the applied input voltage. Running 0v 4.10.3 ALARM RUN READY C04 Pressure switch regulation control In ‘Pressure Control’ mode the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will also control the ‘Q485’ load/unload relay outputs in accordance with the set load and unload pressure set points. The ‘Q485’ load/unload relay contacts can be used for air compressor controllers that have ‘pressure switch’ load/unload regulation (fixed speed and C03 SEQ LOAD GND CONT UNL DI1 DI2 +20V 24Vac The C01 and C02 terminal functions of the ‘Q485’ are intended to control load and unload regulation of the air compressor. Pressure Switch Regulation: For air compressors fitted with an electromechanical pressure switch a six-pin terminal C02 has been provided to enable connection to a pressure switch that has a two wire or three-wire connection. When connected the pressure switch remains in circuit. If the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is stopped or experiences a failure or loss of power, pressure control will automatically revert back to the pressure switch and the air compressor will continue to operate in ‘Local’ mode. Note: The NC (normally closed) and NO Page 12 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma (normally open) terminal references of the ‘Q485’ are related to internal connection functions and should not be referenced to the connections of a air compressor pressure switch (which will generally be in reverse order). contact closure for remote pressure control enable. A remote load enable input provides the facility to change the air compressor load regulation from internal control to a remote switching source. Note: Air compressors that use electronic pressure detection but are not equipped with a remote pressure control enable feature will not automatically revert to local control if the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is stopped or experiences a fault or loss of power. Two Wire Pressure Switch Connections: 0V Load and Sequence Connection: +V COMPRESSOR CONTROLLER INPUTS LOAD SOLENOID Local/Remote or Remote Load Enable Remote Load C NC NO C NC NO Inputs Common IN OUT C02 LOAD SOLENOID 0V +V RUN-ON TIMER C SEQ C Three Wire Pressure Switch Connections: LOAD C01 Note: Air compressor controller inputs common voltage may be 0V or +V. The local/remote pressure regulation input and/or remote load input logic of some electronic pressure sensor type controllers are reversed, in this instance the ‘pressure switch’ outputs (terminal C02) can be used to establish alternative logic control connections. NC C NO NC C NO For Example: IN OUT C02 Remote Load/Unload Regulation: For air compressors fitted with a ‘Remote/Local Pressure Regulation’ and a ‘Remote Load/Unload’ digital input a four-pin terminal C01 has been provided. If the air compressor controller ‘Local/Remote Pressure Control’ input is a normally open type; Remote when closed, but the ‘Remote Load’ input is a normally closed type; load when open, the ‘Q485’ pressure switch terminal contacts can be used to achieve the correct switching logic. C02 NO This terminal provides volt free contact closure for load control and also provides volt free OUT C NC NO IN C NC Local/Remote common Exam ine the Remote Load common Page 13 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma 4.10.4 Service maintenance switch The ‘Q485’ is equipped with a volt-free input (terminal C05) that can be used to remove the air compressor from Net$ync™ management system control, without generating a fault condition, during maintenance or servicing periods. C05 1 2 When the ‘Service Maintenance Switch’ input terminal pins are connected together, using a volt-free switching contact, the Net$ync™ management device will indicate that the air compressor is not available but will not generate an Alarm, Trip or Shutdown condition. The Net$ync™ management device will also remove the air compressor from the sequence strategy and substitute with an alternative available air compressor if necessary. When the ‘Service Maintenance Switch’ inputs are open circuit again the air compressor will automatically be accepted back in to the sequence strategy and will be utilised as and when next required. The use of a ‘key switch’ is recommended for this purpose and to prevent the switch contacts being inadvertently left in the closed circuit condition after service maintenance is complete. DO NOT connect any external voltage source to the pins of terminal C05. Note: This function is only available with management unit models equipped with ‘Service Maintenance Switch’ functionality. For 4.10.5 Auxiliary alarm input The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is equipped with an auxiliary ‘Alarm’ input. This input can be used to detect a air compressor ‘Warning’ or ‘Alarm’ condition. The input can also be used to detect an ‘Alarm’ condition of auxiliary equipment associated with the air compressor. The Net$ync™ management system unit will regard the alarm as a air compressor alarm. X04 As Aux Alarm 13 14 15 16 Do not attempt to utilise the Load/Sequence ‘Electronic Pressure Control’ (terminal C01) and the ‘Pressure Switch Control’ (terminal C02) output connections at the same time. These two output functions are internally connected and a short circuit condition and/or malfunction may result. Net$ync™ management units that do not provide this function the pins of terminal C05 must not be utilised. Activating the ‘Service Maintenance Switch’ function with a Net$ync™ management device not equipped for the function will disrupt the ‘Air compressor Loaded’ detection facility. default the auxiliary ‘Alarm’ input is normally open, Alarm on closed circuit condition. If required this can be reversed in the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma setup menu to be normally closed, alarm on open circuit. 4.10.6 Auxiliary trip input The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is equipped with an auxiliary ‘Trip’ input. The input can be used to detect a air compressor shutdown trip condition. The input can also be used to monitor other auxiliary equipment associated with the air compressor and initiate a air compressor trip condition. The management system unit will regard the trip as a air compressor shutdown trip and will remove the air compressor from sequence; the air compressor will run-on for the air compressor controller’s set run-on time and stop. X04 As 13 14 15 16 ‘Q485’ internal output circuit diagram to establish any desired switching logic that may differ from normal practice. Aux Trip default the auxiliary ‘Trip’ input is normally open, Trip on closed circuit condition. If required this can be reversed in the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma setup menu to be Page 14 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma normally closed, trip on open circuit. 5.2 Physical checks Note: The maximum cable length for Auxiliary ‘Alarm’ or ‘Trip’ inputs is 100m. 4.10.7 Remote outputs Air compressor running: The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is equipped with a volt-free relay contact output (R5) to indicate when the air compressor is detected as running. The output contacts will close when the air compressor is running. Before applying power to the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma ensure that the power supply connections are correct and secure and that the operating voltage selector is set correctly for the power supply voltage in use; 115Vac or 230Vac (+-10%), 50/60Hz; see ‘Installation’. Check and ensure all pressure sensor, output pressure signal and ‘Q485’ connections are correctly installed and secure. Group Alarm: 5.3 Air compressor pressure set points The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is equipped with a volt-free relay contact output (R6) to indicate Group Alarm. The Group Alarm relay contacts are normally closed and will open in the following conditions:- Establish the following pressure set point values from the air compressor control system. 1) Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma power failure 2) Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma internal fault condition 3) Input pressure sensor fault 4) Air compressor ‘Not Ready’ R6 R5 31 32 33 34 X09 Group Alarm Compressor Running X08 Relay contact rating: CE: 250V @ 4A max UL: 115V @ 4A max Establishing the correct air compressor pressure set point values is critical to successful Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma operation. 1) Air compressor ‘Load’ pressure set point. The pressure at which the air compressor will start/load. 2) Air compressor ‘Unload’ pressure set point. The pressure at which the air compressor will stop/offload. 3) The maximum Delivery pressure level (and maximum Internal pressure level if used) set in the air compressor controller. This value will be the Excess or High pressure Alarm safety level. COMPRESSOR Pressure Set Points Excess or Alarm Pressure 5.0 Commissioning 5.1 Commissioning procedure It is recommended that installation and commissioning be carried out by an authorised and trained product supplier. Information regarding the compressor control system, method of operation and regulation settings, is required. Knowledge of Quincy PowerSync air compressor regulation methods, experience working with compressor control systems and basic principle knowledge of compressed air systems, is also required to be able to successfully install and commission this product. 0.5bar (7psi) Unload Pressure 0.5bar (7psi) Load Pressure If the air compressor pressure set points have been set with small differentials then the pressure set points of the air compressor will require adjustment before proceeding. It is recommended that the pressure differential between the ‘load’ and ‘unload’ pressures is a minimum of 10 psi. Page 15 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma 5.4 Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma configuration pressure sensor are required for Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma ‘input’ pressure sensor calibration. Apply power to the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma. If the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma automatically starts (the green started indicator illuminates or flashes) press the STOP button. The main value display should show a pressure value; for example 0.0 bar. If the display shows dashes (- - - -) check the ‘Delivery‘ pressure sensor connections. Note: Wire polarity is important. Using the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma menu routines set the ‘IC’ (I/O Configuration Type) item of menu P03 to the correct setting for the pressure sensor input/output configuration. If an ‘Internal’ pressure sensor is in use press DOWN to view the ‘P2’ pressure value in the User menu ‘items’ display. The ‘P2’ value display should show a pressure value; for example 0.0 bar. If the display shows dashes (- - - -) check the ‘Internal’ pressure sensor connections. See ‘Installation Configurations’ and ‘Menu Items’. Note: Wire polarity is important. 5.5 Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma network address Using the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma menu routines set the ‘Ad’ (Airbus485™ Network Address) item of menu P03 to the Net$ync™ management system controller air compressor identification number (1 to 12). Each air compressor in a system must have a unique Airbus485™ network address (air compressor identification number) and each must correspond to the Net$ync™ management system setup. At this stage the displayed pressure values will probably be incorrect; this is normal. Calibrate the input ‘Delivery’ pressure sensor, and input ‘Internal’ pressure sensor if used, following the input ‘Pressure Sensor Calibration’ procedure below: Input and Output pressure calibration is critical for successful Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma operation. 5.7 Input pressure sensor calibration 5.6 Input pressure sensor(s) The offset and range of the pressure sensor(s) used on the air compressor must be established for Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma pressure sensor calibration. Generally this information is indicated on the pressure sensor label. The majority of pressure sensor(s) have a minimum pressure (offset) of 0(zero) bar gauge with a ‘range’ applicable to the application. For example “0.0 – 16.0 bar” where 0(zero) bar is the ‘offset’ minimum and 16.0 bar is the ‘range’ or maximum. Some pressure sensor(s) have non-zero offset. For example -1.0 (minus 1bar) to 15bar; this type of pressure sensor can measure negative or vacuum pressure. In this instance the ‘offset’ is “–1.0 bar” (minus 1bar) and the ‘range’ is 16.0 bar. Remember the ‘range’ is the difference between the minimum and maximum values and not the maximum value referenced to 0(zero) bar ‘atmospheric’. The correct ‘offset’ and ‘range’ values of each Using the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma menu navigation procedure, select menu page P04 (Input Pressure Calibration). The ‘items’ of this menu enable calibration of the pressure sensor(s) connected to the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma. Enter the ‘OFFSET’ value for the ‘Delivery’ pressure sensor in the ‘Do’ menu item. For example: if the pressure sensor is (0 to 16.0 bar) enter ’0.0 bar’ as the offset value; if the pressure sensor is (–1.0 to 15 bar) enter ’1.0 bar’ (minus 1bar) as the offset value. Enter the ‘RANGE’ value for the ‘Delivery’ pressure sensor in the ‘Dr’ menu item. For example: if the pressure sensor is (0 to 16.0 bar) enter ’16.0 bar’ as the range value; if the pressure sensor is (–1.0 to 15 bar) then the range value is also ‘16.0 bar’. When the ‘Delivery’ pressure sensor offset and range menu items are selected the menu page display value will change to show the actual detected ‘Delivery’ pressure measurement. This value can be used to compare with a Page 16 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma ‘known’ pressure applied to the ‘Delivery’ pressure sensor for accurate calibration purposes. An independent and accurate means of measuring the applied pressure is required. 1) Subject the ‘Delivery’ pressure sensor to atmosphere (0bar). 2) Adjust the ‘Do’ pressure ‘offset’ value until the ‘Delivery’ pressure displayed by the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma shows 0(zero) bar. 3) Apply a known pressure to the ‘Delivery’ pressure sensor. It is recommended that the applied pressure is representative of normal working pressure levels. It is not important if the applied pressure is static or continuously fluctuating. 4) Adjust the ‘Dr’ pressure ‘range’ value until the ‘Delivery’ pressure displayed by the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma shows the same as the ‘known’ applied pressure. If an ‘Internal’ pressure sensor is also in use, follow the same procedure described above applying adjustments to the ‘Io’ (Internal offset) and ‘Ir’ (Internal range) menu items. When these menu items are selected the menu page display value will change to show the actual detected ‘Internal’ pressure measurement. 5.8 Output Pressure Signal Calibration Using the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma menu navigation procedure, select menu page P05 (Output Pressure Calibration). The ‘items’ of this menu enable calibration of the pressure signal(s) transmitted to the air compressor controller. Enter the ‘OFFSET’ value for the ‘Delivery’ pressure signal in the ‘Do’ menu item. Set this value will to same as the initial ‘Delivery’ pressure sensor input ‘offset’. Enter the ‘RANGE’ value for the ‘Delivery’ pressure signal in the ‘Dr’ menu item. Set this value to the same as the initial ‘Delivery’ pressure sensor input ‘range’. When the output ‘Delivery’ pressure signal offset and range menu items are selected the menu page display value will change to show the actual detected input ‘Delivery’ pressure measurement. This value represents the pressure the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is attempting to transmit to the air compressor controller and can be used to compare with the air compressor controller’s displayed pressure value. 1) Subject the input ‘Delivery’ pressure sensor to atmosphere (0bar). 2) Adjust the ‘Do’ pressure signal ‘offset’ value until the compressor controller’s delivery pressure display value shows 0(zero) bar. 3) Apply a known pressure to the input ‘Delivery’ pressure sensor. It is recommended that the applied pressure is representative of normal working pressure levels. It is not important if the applied pressure is static or continuously fluctuating. 4) Adjust the ‘Dr’ pressure signal ‘range’ value until the compressor controller’s delivery pressure display value shows the same as the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma delivery pressure. If an ‘Internal’ pressure sensor is also in use, follow the same procedure described above applying adjustments to the ‘Io’ (Internal offset) and ‘Ir’ (Internal range) pressure output signal menu items. When these menu items are selected the menu page display value will change to show the actual detected ‘Internal’ pressure measurement. It is recommended that Input and Output pressure calibration is examined, and adjusted if necessary, on a routine periodic basis. 5.9 Pressure Set Points Establishing and implementing the correct pressure set points is critical for successful Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma operation. Using Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma menu navigation, select menu page P03 (Configuration). 1) Set the ‘Dm’ (Delivery Pressure Maximum Limit) to the air compressor’s ‘Excess Delivery Pressure Alarm’ or ‘Immediate Stop’ pressure setting. 2) If an ‘Internal’ pressure sensor is in use set the ‘Im’ (Internal Pressure Maximum Limit) to the air compressor’s ‘Excess Internal Pressure Alarm’ pressure setting. Typically this value will be at least 0.8bar (12psi) above the excess or alarm ‘delivery’ pressure limit. Using Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma menu navigation, select menu page P01 (Pressure Set Points). 1) Set the ‘Pu’ (Unload) pressure set point to the air compressor’s ‘Unload’ pressure set point value. 2) Set the ‘PL’ (Load) pressure set point to the Page 17 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma compressor’s ‘Load’ or ‘Target’ pressure set point value. Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma Pressure Set Point Control: display list is page ‘P00’. All parameters and options are assigned to menu mode pages ‘P01’ or higher. All Page ‘P00’ items are view only and cannot be adjusted. Normal operational Mode (Page P00): When the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma ‘loads’ the air compressor it will force the output ‘Delivery’ pressure signal to a pressure value 0.2bar (3psi) below the set ‘Unload’ pressure set point. This manipulation will force the compressor to respond to the low pressure value and the compressor will load. When the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma detects the air compressor has loaded the pressure signal is returned to normal active ‘pressure control’ values. When the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma ‘unloads’ the air compressor it will force the output ‘Delivery’ pressure signal to a pressure value 0.2bar (3psi) above the set ‘Unload’ pressure set point. This manipulation will force the air compressor to respond to the high pressure value and the air compressor will unload. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will hold this pressure value to maintain offload operation regardless of actual delivery pressure fluctuations. COMPRESSOR Pressure Set Powersync GATEWAY Control Pressures Powersync Pressure Set Excess or Alarm Pressure Pu Unload Pressure Load Pressure Unload Request P - Unload Pressure Pu - Max Control Pressure P - Load Pressure PL - Load Request 5.10 Menu navigation Page 0 Page 1 Page 2 Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Value Value Value Value Value Value Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 At device initialization, all display elements and LED indicators are switched on for three seconds, the display will then show the software version code for a further 3 seconds before initialization is complete and the normal operating display (Page P0) is shown. In page P00 ‘normal operational display mode’ the main display will continuously show the detected delivery pressure and the Item display will show the first item of the ‘User’ menu. User menu ‘Items’ can be selected using the Up or Down buttons at any time. Pressing the Enter button will lock any selected Item display and inhibit return to the default display. When an Item display is locked the lock key symbol will slow flash. To unlock an Item display press Up or Down to view an alternative Item display or press Reset or Escape. No Item values, options or parameters can be adjusted in page ‘P00’. If a fault condition occurs the fault code becomes the first list item and the display will automatically jump to display the fault code. More than one active fault code item can exist at any one time. Value Value Value Value Value Access Code: Access to page list displays higher than page ‘P00’ is restricted by access code. To access menu mode pages press UP and DOWN together, an access code entry display is shown and the first code character will flash. Use PLUS or MINUS to adjust the value of the first code character then press ENTER. The next code character will flash; use UP or DOWN to adjust then press ENTER. Repeat for all four code characters. Display Item Structure: All value, parameter or option selection displays are grouped into menu lists. Items are assigned to a list according to type and classification. Items that can be used to select options or modify functions are assigned to ‘menu mode’ lists. Items that a User may require to view during routine operation, detected pressure for example, are assigned to the normal operational mode list. Lists are identified by page number; the normal User If the code number is less than 1000 then the first code character will be 0(zero). To return to a previous code character press ESCAPE. When all four code characters have been set to an authorized code number press ENTER. An iLLCalid code will return the display to normal operational mode; page ‘P00’. Access Code Timeouts: When in menu mode, if no key activity is Page 18 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma detected for a period of time the display will automatically reset to the normal operational display; Page ‘P00’. Menu Mode Navigation: In menu mode the main value display will flash and show the Page number. To select a page press UP or DOWN. For each page the display will show the first Item of the page list. To view a page list press ENTER, the Page number will stop flashing and the Item display will flash. Press UP or DOWN to view the selected page list items. To select an Item value for modification press ENTER, the Item display will stop flashing and the Value display will flash. The value or option can now be modified by pressing UP(Plus) or DOWN(Minus). To enter a modified value or option in memory press ENTER; alternatively the modification can be abandoned, and the original setting maintained, by pressing ESCAPE. Press ESCAPE at any time in menu mode to step backwards one stage in the navigation process. Pressing ESCAPE when the page number is flashing will exit menu mode and return the display to normal operational mode; page ‘P00’. Page 0 Page 1 P age 2 Item 1 It em 2 It em 3 It em 4 It em 5 It em 6 Value Value Value Value Value Value Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 It em 1 It em 2 It em 3 It em 4 It em 5 Value Value Value Value Value Press and hold RESET for two seconds at any time to immediately exit menu mode and return to the normal operational mode display. Any value or option adjustment that has not been confirmed and entered into memory will be abandoned and the original setting maintained. A flashing Key symbol displayed with any Item indicates the Item is locked and cannot be modified. This will occur if the Item is view only (non adjustable) or in instances where the item cannot be adjusted while the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is in the operational STARTED state. 5.11 Menu items and settings 5.11.1 Menu map MENU P00 - User P1 Delivery Pressure - Output (view only) P2 Internal Pressure - Output (view only) OP Output Percentage (view only) MENU P01 - Pressure Set Points Pu Unload Pressure PL Load Pressure MENU P02 – Error Log Hr PowerSync IO Interface Operating Hours 01 Error Log #1 to 15’ Error Log #15 MENU P03 - Configuration P> Pressure Units Select Ad Network Address (Compressor No.) PA Pressure Averaging Factor IP I/O Configuration (Type) Dm Delivery Pressure Maximum Level Im Internal Pressure Maximum Level MENU P04 – Input Pressure Calibration Do Delivery Pressure ‘Offset’ Dr Delivery Pressure ‘Range’ Io Internal Pressure ‘Offset’ Ir Internal Pressure ‘Range’ MENU P05 – Output Pressure Calibration Do Delivery Pressure ‘Offset’ Dr Delivery Pressure ‘Range’ Io Internal Pressure ‘Offset’ Ir Internal Pressure ‘Range’ MENU P06 / Diagnostics See ‘Diagnostics’ MENU P10 – Unit Configuration D7 Aux Alarm Input Configuration D8 Aux Trip Input Configuration Page 19 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma Ao Er Hr Analogue Output Function (4-20mA) Error Log Reset PowerSync IO Interface Operating Hours Adjust MENU P16 – Analogue Output Diagnostic See ‘Diagnostics’ Note: Menus P07, 8, 9 and 11 to 15 are not used. 5.11.2 Operating pressure set points Establishing and maintaining the correct pressure set point values (Pu and PL) is critical to the successful operation of Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma control functions. See ‘Commissioning - Pressure Set Points’ 5.11.3 Error log menu The first item of the log error menu is the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma operational hours (Hr). This is an indication of the accumulated hours the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma has been operational and is used to time-stamp fault codes in the error log. The hours counter has no other function. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma operating hours counter is NOT intended as a measure of compressor operation or running hours; the hours counter will differ from, and operate independently from, the compressor hours counter. Each error log item will show the fault code alternating with the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma operational hours when the fault occurred. The error log stores the last 15 faults in chronological order; item ‘01’ is the most recent fault. 5.11.4 Pressure units select Selects the display pressure units (bar, psi or kPa) 5.11.5 Network address System network address; must be set to the compressor identification number used by the management system controller for the compressor (1 to 12). Each air compressor in a system must have a unique identification number. 5.11.6 Pressure averaging factor Pressure corrections supplied by the Net$ync™ management system are averaged to prevent abrupt changes and enable smooth and controlled pressure adjustments. The Net$ync™ management device updates pressure information approximately every two seconds. The ‘Pressure Averaging Factor’ is the number of previous pressure corrections that are used for averaging. For example: a factor of ‘2’ will average the most recent pressure correction value received with the previous two values received. If system Page 20 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma volume is large and/or pressure variations are slow a higher ‘Pressure Averaging Factor’ can be used to dampen response and smooth control pressure changes. If system volume is small and/or pressure variations are fast a lower ‘Pressure Averaging Factor’ should be used to enable a faster response. In some instances pressure differential across air treatment and/or small diameter pipework can result in sudden and abrupt changes in detected pressure. See ‘Commissioning - Pressure Sensor Calibration’. 5.11.11 Auxiliary alarm input configuration Determines the input configuration for the auxiliary Alarm input: ‘0’ – Normally open, Alarm when closed ‘1’ – Normally closed, Alarm when open 6 A higher ‘Pressure Averaging Factor’ can be used to dampen this effect. Auxiliary Trip Input Configuration Determines the input configuration for the auxiliary Trip input: 5.11.7 Internal pressure sensor enable 0: No internal pressure sensor connected 1: Internal pressure function enabled If the internal pressure sensor function is disabled (0) the second analogue output will replicate the first analogue output 5.11.8 Delivery pressure maximum level If the detected Delivery pressure input exceeds this setting ‘Pressure Control’ is disabled and the detected Delivery pressure (and Internal pressure if in use) is transmitted directly to the air compressor controller without alteration. This is intended as a safety feature that will allow the safety functions of the air compressor controller to respond to excess pressure situations. 5.11.9 Internal pressure maximum level If the detected internal pressure input exceeds this setting ‘Pressure Control’ is disabled and the detected Delivery and Internal pressure is transmitted directly to the air compressor controller without alteration. This is intended as a safety feature that will allow the safety functions of the air compressor controller to respond to excess pressure situations. Note: Internal air compressor pressure will increase over time with an increase in air/oil separator element differential and will generally be 0.8bar (12psi) above delivery pressure. ‘0’ – Normally open, Trip when closed ‘1’ – Normally closed, Trip when open 5.11.12 Analogue output function The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma controller is equipped with a 4-20mA auxiliary output. The output can be used to remotely signal the selected analogue value. ‘0’ – Disabled ‘9’ – Detected Delivery pressure ‘10’ – Detected Internal pressure 5.11.13 Error log reset Adjust to ‘RST’ and press ENTER to clear and reset the ‘Error Log’ menu. 5.11.14 Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma operating hours Allows adjustment of the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma operating hours counter. The accumulated hours counter is used for ‘Error Log’ time-stamp only and has no other function. 6.0 Diagnostics The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma controller is equipped with comprehensive diagnostic functions. Each input can be examined individually and each output can be manually activated or manipulated individually. 5.11.10 Pressure calibration Input and Output pressure calibration is critical to the successful operation of Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma functions and must be examined, and adjusted if necessary, periodically on a routine basis. Airmaster™ S1 Controller Diagnostics: MENU P06 / Diagnostics Page 21 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma D1 Digital Input 1 D2 Digital Input 2 D3 Digital Input 3 D4 Digital Input 4 D5 Digital Input 5 D6 Digital Input 6 D7 Digital Input 7 D8 Digital Input 8 ------------------------------------------------------------R1 Relay Output 1 R2 Relay Output 2 OFF R3 Relay Output 3 R4 Relay Output 4 ON R5 Relay Output 5 R6 Relay Output 6 ------------------------------------------------------------A1 Analogue Input 1 bar <> mA A2 Analogue Input 2 bar <> mA A3 Analogue Input 3 bar <> +VDC ------------------------------------------------------------Ao Analogue Output 4.0 to 20.0mA Analogue Output: The output can be manually adjusted by selecting the item. Use PLUS and MINUS to adjust and ENTER. The output will return to normal operational value upon menu exit. XPM-Ao2 Module Diagnostics: MENU P16 / XPM-Ao2 Diagnostics A1 Analogue Output 1 4-20mA #1 A2 Analogue Output 2 4-20mA #2 A3 Analogue Output 3 Not used Analogue Outputs: Each output can be manually adjusted by selecting the item. Use PLUS and MINUS to adjust and ENTER. The output will return to normal operational value upon menu exit. Digital Inputs: A1: A2: A3: Delivery Pressure 4-20mA Internal Pressure 4-20mA Not used D2 and D6 (connected to the ‘Q485’) are the only digital inputs that will detect a pulsing signal. 7.0 Operation 7.1 User Interface D2: Q485 Compressor Ready/Run Status OFF Not Ready ON Ready Pulsing Running 5 9 2 bar 6 D6: Q485 Compressor Load/Maintenance OFF Loaded ON Not Loaded Pulsing Service Maintenance 3 7 4 The pulse signal is 24VDC at 50/60Hz. A DC voltage meter will detect this as 12VDC +-4V. 1 8 10 Relay Outputs: Each relay output can be energised and deenergised manually by selecting the item. Use PLUS and MINUS to adjust and ENTER. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Analogue Inputs: The item will alternate between the detected value and the electrical measurement on the input terminals. An independent measuring device can be used to check the displayed electrical measurement. A1: A2: A3: 10) LCD Display START Button STOP Button RESET Button ESCAPE Button UP, PLUS Button DOWN, MINUS Button ENTER Button Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma Active Indicator FAULT Indicator Delivery Pressure 4-20mA Internal Pressure 4-20mA Not used 7.2 Display Page 22 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma Run Indicator (Green LED) A OFF - Pressure Control Off, Stopped The prim bar psi ary kPa displ ay valu e (A) will conti B nuo usly show the detected ‘Delivery’ pressure. The pressure is derived from the compressor ‘Delivery’ pressure sensor and the displayed value is not manipulated or adjusted. The compressor controller ‘Pressure Display’ may not represent the actual true local pressure(s) when Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma ‘Pressure Control’ is active. Use the PowerSync IO Interface ‘Input’ pressure display(s) for local pressure reference. The ‘User Menu’ item display (B) will show the selected user menu item. Press UP or DOWN to scroll through the display ‘items’ list. 7.3 Status Symbols Power Failure Auto Restart (always on) Communicating with System Management Controller Flashing - No Communications with System Management Controller Compressor Running Compressor Loaded Flashing - Not Responding, Compressor Not Running When Required Flashing - Not Responding, Compressor Not Loading When Required Service Maintenance function active Delivery Pressure or Internal Pressure has exceeded the maximum set limit Compressor Not Ready Fault, Auxiliary Input Alarm/Trip Pressure Control OFF or inhibited Load Request to compressor Unload Request to compressor Pressure Control Active 7.4 Indicators Flashing - Pressure Control ON, waiting for compressor to respond ON - Pressure Control On, Started Fault Indicator (Red LED) OFF – No fault Flashing – Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma Fault Condition (see Fault Codes) The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will report that the air compressor is ‘Not Available’ to the system management controller when the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is in a stopped or fault condition. 7.5 Start Press START to activate Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma pressure control. The run indicator (9) will illuminate or flash. The air compressor must be in a started state (running or in standby) before Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma pressure control will function. When started the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will begin to manipulate the pressure signal(s) to the air compressor controller – ‘Pressure Control’ is active. Pressure Control will de-activate automatically if communications with the system management controller is disrupted or not connected; the detected pressure from the pressure sensor(s) is retransmitted to the air compressor control directly. When communications are reestablished the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will automatically re-activate ‘Pressure Control’. 7.6 Stop Press STOP to de-activate Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma pressure control. The run indicator (9) will extinguish. When stopped the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will not manipulate or adjust the pressure signal(s) to the air compressor Page 23 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma controller; the detected pressure from the pressure sensor(s) is re-transmitted to the air compressor control directly. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will report that the air compressor is ‘Not Available’ to the Net$ync™ system management controller when the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is in a stopped condition. Note: During air compressor service or routine maintenance the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma can be stopped to return the air compressor to normal local pressure regulation. Internal Output Pressure: The internal output pressure is manipulated during ‘Pressure Control’ to simulate and maintain the actual detected differential between the ‘Input’ delivery pressure and the ‘Input’ Internal pressure. This functionality allows compressor controller differential pressure monitoring functions to be maintained regardless of Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma output pressure signal manipulation. Powersync IO Interface Status: Compressor status 7.7 The detected status of the compressor is indicated by the PowerSync IO Interface display status symbols (see Status Symbols) 7.8 Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma status Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma operation is indicated by the ‘Run’ LED indicator (see Indicators). Pressure Control status is indicated by the ‘pressure’ status symbols (see Status Symbols). 7.9 User menu items To view the ‘User Menu Items’ press UP or DOWN. The ‘Item’ display value will scroll through the available items. P1 P2* OP C> Status ‘Delivery’ output pressure transmitted to the air compressor controller. ‘Internal’ output pressure transmitted to the air compressor controller. Output Percentage Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma The central ‘item’ display value (B) is the compressor system identification number (network address number). This is the same as the compressor system identification number shown on the system management controller. The ‘right hand’ display value indicates the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma status condition (see Status Block Diagram). 7.10 Power failure auto restart is always active and cannot be de-activated. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will restart if the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma was in an operational started status before the break or failure of the main power supply occurred. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will not re-start if it was not in an operational started status before the break or failure of the main power supply occurred. 7.11 (*) The ‘Internal’ output pressure item is only shown if the ‘Internal’ pressure control function is activated (IC = 2). Power failure auto-restart Fault Codes If a Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma fault, or auxiliary input fault, occurs the ‘Item’ display will show a fault code: Delivery Output Pressure: The delivery output pressure is manipulated during ‘Pressure Control’ and will differ from the actual ‘Input Delivery’ pressure displayed as the main display value. Pressure control function can be observed by comparing the ‘Output’ delivery pressure with the actual detected ‘Input’ delivery pressure. The two pressures will be identical when ‘Pressure Control’ is not active. 0080E Auxiliary Input Shutdown Trip 0115E 4-20mA Delivery P. Sensor Fault 0125E 4-20mA Internal P. Sensor Fault 0135E 4.5VDC Delivery .P. Sensor Fault 0821E Short Circuit Condition Detected Check all inputs and outputs. 0845E S1 Controller Communications with XPM-Ao2 unit disrupted 2070A Auxiliary Input Alarm Page 24 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma Press RESET to reset the fault code display when the fault condition is resolved. 7.12 Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma status block diagram The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma User menu ‘Status’ display item (C>) continuously shows the network address and the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma status block number. For Example: Network Address = 1 (Compressor 1) State Block = 3 (Ready To Start) The ‘status block number’ enables Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma operational status to be established from the status block diagram. STARTED: The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is in a started state. The START button has been pressed or the Auto-Restart has started the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma. The ‘Active’ indicator (9) will be illuminated or flashing. relay will pulse every 10 seconds. If the air compressor fails to respond within 60 seconds the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will regard the air compressor as ‘not available’. The Net$ync™ management system will indicate that the air compressor is not available and will remove the compressor from sequence. The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will continue to pulse the ‘Q485’ load relay every 10 seconds. If the air compressor was shutdown or stopped, and is manually re-started, the load pulses will cause the air compressor to start and run. This action will automatically reset the ‘not available’ condition. If the appropriate air compressor status signals are re-established the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will automatically reset the ‘not available’ condition and pressure control will resume. The Net$ync™ management system will automatically reset and accept the air compressor back into sequence. Power On GATEW Fault State GATEW Fault 1 2 Initialise No Fault Initialisation Complete PRESSURE CONTROL: 3 Ready To Start The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is regulating the air compressor. Start OR AutoStart STARTED If communications with the management system exist the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will manipulate the pressure signal(s) and switch the ‘Q485’ load/unload relay contacts. If no communications with the Net$ync™ management system exist the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma will not manipulate the pressure signal(s) but will switch the ‘Q485’ load/unload relay contacts. The detected pressure(s) are transmitted directly to the air compressor controller. STOP Compressor NOT READY Ready = False NO RESPONSE STOP No RUN Response 6 No Load Request 5 Run = False Ready = True AND Run = True Run = True STOP Run = False Ready AND Run = True Compressor RUNNING 7 Ready = False Load Response Timeout Ready = False No LOAD Response 8 No Load Request Load = True The Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma is attempting to run and load the air compressor but the air compressor is not responding. The ‘Active’ indicator (9) will flash. Compressor READY Run Response Timeout Ready = False STOP NO RESPONSE: PRESSURE CONTROL Ready = True STOP Ready = True 4 STOP Load = False Ready = True AND Run = True AND Load = True Compressor LOADED 9 Run = False Ready = False When the Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma fails to detect the correct air compressor ‘running’ and ‘loaded’ signals the ‘Q485’ load Page 25 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma 8.0 Parts List Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma Item Part No. Description - 2014000039 Kit, Quincy Powersync mA- 1 2014000029 Unit, Q485 XPM-Ao2 XPM-PSU24 XPM -TA C24 3 4 5 2 AirMaster S1 1 6 9.0 Technical data 7 i-PCB Quincy Powersync GATEWAY Ma Dimensions Weight Mounting Enclosure Supply Power Temperature Humidity 291mm x 241mm x 152mm 6.5kg (14lb) wall, 4 x screw fixings IP54, NEMA 12 230Vac +/- 10% 115Vac +/- 10% 50VA 0°C to 46°C (32°F to 115°F) 95% RH non-condensing Installation and Mounting Dimensions 24mm 238mm 24mm 236mm 188mm 8mm Ø 286mm Page 26 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma Wiring diagram X09 Group Alarm R5 R5 Compressor Running 4 3 R6 2 31 32 33 34 1 R5 X02 R6 R6 X08 C023 S1 Controller VSD Box 10.0 C039 A-GND C040 Ai3 + +C Di7 Aux Alarm +C Di8 Aux Trip C025 C024 C045 C046 C047 9 10 7 8 C049 X02 R3 R2 R1 C044 GND 6 + 5 X01 3 2 +20VDC 3 X06 - X03 - X02 Ao1 + 1 2 Ao2 + 1 2 1 XPM Ao2 PASSIVE C03 & C010 + - 24VDC X01 L2 L1 X05 2 1 1 2 3 A-GND Ao3 2 2 1 2 1 X01 X02 24VDC 24Vac 230Vac 10% 115Vac 10% XPM-PSU24 L N E J1 1 0Vac SEQ Di2 Ready/Run Di6 Load/Service - GND R4 LOAD R1 SEQ C043 1 R1 R3 GND 4 24Vac 2 C042 R2 GND i-PCB 10k X03 XPM-TAC24 X02 X01 E E + X06 X05 C026 X04 C027 X03 17 18 19 20 21 22 X04 C028 Di5 +C Di4 Speed Signal +C Di3 +C 11 12 C029 R4 X01 24Vac 2 2 1 L Ao - A-GND 13 14 15 16 C031 C030 C041 N Delivery P. < IN C032 C048 1 - Ai1 4-20mA 23 24 X06 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 C+ Ao C033 X03 RS485#1 RS485#2 X07 L2 L1 L2 L1 X08 Multi485 XPM485 Internal P. < IN C034 A-GND L2 Enercon L1 Network + C038 Ai2 Ai3 0.5 to 4.5VDC Delivery P. < IN - Ai2 4-20mA + C037 +VDC X07 C036 Ai1 X05 25 26 27 28 29 30 C035 +VDC - 0.5-4.5VDC + Delivery P. > OUT 4-20mA + Internal P. > OUT 4-20mA + Delivery P. > OUT Page 27 QUINCY NET$YNC II - POWER$YNC GATEWAY Ma XPM-TAC24 Power supply unit BLACK BLUE ORANGE BROWN WHITE RED GREEN VIOLET 1 T3.15A T1.6A T1.6A T1.0A FH4 FH3 FH2 FH5 2 3 4 X04 1 VOLTAGE SELECT 2 3 4 230V +-10% 230V 115V 115V +-10% IEC 5x20mm T1.0A X02 X03 2 1 1 2 24Vac/1 isolated XPM-Ao2 (Analogue Output) X01 1 X01 #2 X04 X02 +24VDC - ANA1 #1 + ANA1 X01 0V +24VDC Ao2 4-20mA(1) PSU24 X05 X02 X03 X04 + - + - + - 1 2 1 2 1 2 - + 1 2 LED2 X03 2 0VDC X06 3 +8VDC 4-20mA(2) 0VDC ANA3 + L1 screen L2 1 VDC RS485 X05 2 1 LED1 2 NL E 0Vac 1 E 24Vac 2 ANA2 - 3 E XPM-PSU24 (24Vac to 24VDC) ANA2 + 1 ANA3 - 2 LED1 3 4 2 N L 24Vac/2 earthed 3 FH1 LED 1 LED 2 XPM-Ao2 setup ACTIVE MODE PASSIVE X03 4-20mA(2) + - - PASSIVE + X02 4-20mA(1) + +12-30VDC C010 - 500R max - - PASSIVE MODE - ACTIVE C03 XPM-Ao2 + +24VDC 0VDC + ACTIVE 500R max 0VDC +24VDC Page 28 ">
Key Features
- Remote monitoring of compressor status, pressure settings, and fault codes
- User-friendly interface for easy navigation and control
- Configurable pressure set points for precise compressor operation
- Error log function for troubleshooting and maintenance planning
- Network addressability for integration with other systems
Frequently Answers and Questions
How do I set up the Quincy Compressor Net$ync Power$ync Gateway?
Refer to the 'Commissioning' section of the user manual for detailed instructions on setup and configuration.
Can I monitor multiple compressors with the Net$ync Power$ync Gateway?
Yes, the device supports monitoring of multiple compressors through the Airbus485™ connection.
How do I access the user menu and adjust settings?
Use the navigation buttons on the front panel to access the user menu and follow the on-screen prompts to adjust settings such as pressure set points and network address.
What is the purpose of the aux alarm input?
The aux alarm input allows for connection of an external alarm device to indicate abnormal conditions.
How do I reset the error log?
Navigate to the 'Error log reset' menu option and follow the on-screen instructions to clear the error log.