Quincy Compressor Net$ync II VSD Gateway VSD Parts Manual
Quincy Compressor Net$ync II VSD Gateway VSD is a specialized air compressor supervisory and control unit designed to function in cooperation with a Net$ync II air compressor management system.
The VSD Gateway integrates with an air compressor to provide advanced Net$ync II system supervisory and control functionality. It enables total synergy with the energy control, VSD compressor aware, functions of the management system unit.
The VSD Gateway also provides a method of integration for non-variable speed type air compressors that lack remote system connectivity. It simulates all features of a standard network compressor integration.
MANY0706A.GB – Net$ync II VSD Gateway User Manual bar Net$ync II VSD GATEWAY Net$ync II VSD Voltage Gateway Index 1.0 Introduction 1.1 General Operation 2.0 Operation 2.1 User Interface 2.2 Display 2.3 Status Symbols 2.4 Indicators 2.5 Start 2.6 Stop 2.7 Compressor Status 2.8 VSD Gateway Status 2.9 User Menu Items 2.10 Power Failure Auto-Restart 2.11 Fault Codes 2.12 VSD Gateway Status Block Diagram Health and Safety Refer to Net$ync II Safety Manual 3.0 Parts List 4.0 Technical Data 5.0 Wiring Diagram Refere to Section Indicated Note Important or Caution, Safety Page 1 User Manual 2. INTRODUCTION The Net$ync II VSD Voltage Box is a specialised air compressor supervisory and control unit designed to function in cooperation with a Net$ync II air compressor management system. The VSD Gateway can be integrated with an air compressor to provide advanced Net$ync II system supervisory and control functionality. Each air compressor in a system, that requires VSD Gateway integration, must be equipped with an individual VSD Gateway. A Net$ync II system can accommodate multiple VSD Gateways. The VSD Gateway is intended to provide a method of system integration for a VSD (Variable Speed Drive) air compressor that is not equipped with any inherently available or accessible means of remote connectivity. In conjunction with a ‘speed monitoring kit’ (available separately) the VSD Gateway will provide all required functionality to enable total synergy with the energy control, VSD compressor aware, functions of the management system unit. A VSD Gateway can also be used to provide a method of integration for a non-variable speed type air compressor that is not equipped with any inherently available or accessible means of remote system connectivity. Page 2 Net$ync II VSD Voltage Gateway 2.1 General Operation All air compressors are equipped with a method of sensing pressure. An air compressor regulates using the compressor package delivery pressure as the control variable. This functionality also enables the VSD Gateway to continuously compensate for any pressure differential that may occur across local air treatment, along air pipework or between different locations in a compressed air network. The VSD Gateway will automatically compensate for any pressure differential in a system. For example: P PC PS PN +VDC VSD The VSD Gateway monitors the compressor pressure sensor as an input and simulates the pressure sensor signal as an output. The VSD Gateway uses this method to modify the pressure signal and manipulate the behaviour of the air compressor. This functionality enables the management system unit to utilise the compressor in a coherent manner and optimise total system efficiency and maintain air quality. VSD Box +VDC The VSD Gateway becomes the air compressor pressure sensor. The VSD Gateway also monitors compressor status and continuously reports status information to the management system unit. This function enables the VSD Gateway to simulate all features of a standard network compressor integration. PD If the management system unit is detecting a network air pressure (PN) of 6.9bar, and the system target pressure requirement (P) is 7.0bar, the VSD Gateway will immediately calculate that a pressure rise of 0.1bar is required to achieve and maintain system target pressure (P). Due to pressure differential across a local compressed air treatment system (PD) the compressor is currently operating at 7.4bar. The VSD Gateway will manipulate the compressor pressure signal (PS) to cause the compressor to increase delivery pressure (PC) to 7.5bar. This action will increase system pressure to the required target pressure. The VSD Gateway will continuously re-calculate and manipulate the compressor pressure signal (PS) to accommodate changes in demand and compensate for any local or compressed air network pressure differentials. System pressure and management system ‘target’ pressure information is routinely transmitted to the VSD Gateway. The VSD Gateway uses this information to calculate the difference between the compressor delivery pressure and the system ‘target’ pressure. The VSD Gateway utilises pressure signal manipulation to continuously re-align compressor output with system requirements. Page 3 User Manual 3. OPERATION 3.2 Status Symbols 5 9 2 bar 6 3 7 1 8 10 4 Power Failure Auto Restart (always on) Communicating with System Management Unit Flashing - No Communications System Management Unit Compressor Running Compressor Loaded Flashing - Not Responding, Compressor Not Running When Required Flashing - Not Responding, Compressor Not Loading When Required 3.1 User Interface 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) LCD Display START Button STOP Button RESET Button ESCAPE Button UP, PLUS Button DOWN, MINUS Button ENTER Button VSD Net$ync II Active Indicator FAULT Indicator 3.2 Display Service Maintenance function active Delivery Pressure or Internal Pressure has exceeded the maximum set limit Compressor Not Ready Fault, Auxiliary Input Alarm/Trip Pressure Control OFF or inhibited Load Request to compressor Unload Request to compressor Pressure Control Active 3.4 Indicators A Run Indicator (Green LED) bar psi kPa OFF - Pressure Control Off, Stopped Flashing - Pressure Control ON, waiting for compressor to respond ON - Pressure Control On, Started Fault Indicator (Red LED) B OFF – No fault The primary display value (A) will continuously show the detected ‘Delivery’ pressure. The pressure is derived from the compressor ‘Delivery’ pressure sensor and the displayed value is not manipulated or adjusted. Flashing – VSD Net$ync II Fault Condition (see Fault Codes) The compressor controller ‘Pressure Display’ may not represent the actual true local pressure(s) when VSD Net$ync II ‘Pressure Control’ is active. Use the VSD Net$ync II ‘Input’ pressure display(s) for local pressure reference. The ‘User Menu’ item display (B) will show the selected user menu item. Press UP or DOWN to scroll through the display ‘items’ list. Page 4 The VSD Net$ync II will report that the compressor is ‘Not Available’ to the system management unit when the VSD Net$ync II is in a stopped or fault condition. Net$ync II VSD Voltage Gateway 3.5 Start 3.9 User Menu Items Press START to activate VSD Gateway pressure control. The run indicator (9) will illuminate or flash. To view the ‘User Menu Items’ press UP or DOWN. The ‘Item’ display value will scroll through the available items. The compressor must be in a started state (running or in standby) before VSD Gateway pressure control will function. P1 When started the VSD Gateway will begin to manipulate the pressure signal(s) to the compressor controller – ‘Pressure Control’ is active. Pressure Control will de-activate automatically if communications with the system management unit is disrupted or not connected; the detected pressure from the pressure sensor(s) is re-transmitted to the compressor control directly. When communications are re-established the VSD Gateway will automatically re-activate ‘Pressure Control’. 3.6 Stop Press STOP to de-activate VSD Gateway pressure control. The run indicator (9) will extinguish. When stopped the VSD Gateway will not manipulate or adjust the pressure signal(s) to the compressor controller; the detected pressure from the pressure sensor(s) is re-transmitted to the compressor control directly. The VSD Gateway will report that the compressor is ‘Not Available’ to the system management unit when the VSD Gateway is in a stopped condition. During compressor service or routine maintenance the VSD Gateway can be stopped to return the compressor to normal local pressure regulation. 3.7 Compressor Status The detected status of the compressor is indicated by the VSD Gateway display status symbols (see Status Symbols) 3.8 VSD Box Status VSD Gateway operation is indicated by the ‘Run’ LED indicator (see Indicators). Pressure Control status is indicated by the ‘pressure’ status symbols (see Status Symbols). P2* SP** C> ‘Delivery’ output pressure transmitted to the com pressor controller. ‘Internal’ output pressure transmitted to the com pressor controller. Percent motor speed VSD Gateway Status (*) The ‘Internal’ output pressure item is only shown if the ‘Internal’ pressure control function is activated (IC = 2). (**) The percentage motor speed item is only shown if a ‘Speed Monitoring Kit’ is fitted and the function is activated (Menu P08). Delivery Output Pressure: The delivery output pressure is manipulated during ‘Pressure Control’ and will differ from the actual ‘Input Delivery’ pressure displayed as the main display value. Pressure control function can be observed by comparing the ‘Output’ delivery pressure with the actual detected ‘Input’ delivery pressure. The two pressures will be identical when ‘Pressure Control’ is not active. Internal Output Pressure: The internal output pressure is manipulated during ‘Pressure Control’ to simulate and maintain the actual detected differential between the ‘Input’ delivery pressure and the ‘Input’ Internal pressure. This functionality allows compressor controller differential pressure monitoring functions to be maintained regardless of VSD Gateway output pressure signal manipulation. Percentage Motor Speed: The percentage of detected motor speed compared to maximum motor speed. This value provides a direct indication of variable speed compressor output regulation. VSD Gateway Status: The central ‘item’ display value (B) is the compressor system identification number (network address number). This is the same as the compressor system identification number shown on the system management unit. The ‘right hand’ display value indicates the VSD Gateway status condition (see Status Block Diagram). Page 5 User Manual 3.10 Power Failure Auto-Restart Power failure auto restart is always active and cannot be deactivated. The VSD Gateway will re-start if the VSD Gateway was in an operational started status before the break or failure of the main power supply occurred. The VSD Gateway will not re-start if it was not in an operational started status before the break or failure of the main power supply occurred. 3.11 Fault Codes If a VSD Gateway fault, or auxiliary input fault, occurs the ‘Item’ display will show a fault code: PRESSURE CONTROL: The VSD Gateway is regulating the compressor. If communications with the management system exist the VSD Gateway will manipulate the pressure signal(s) and switch the ‘Q485’ load/unload relay contacts. If no communications with the management system exist the VSD Gateway will not manipulate the pressure signal(s) but will switch the ‘Q485’ load/unload relay contacts. The detected pressure(s) are transmitted directly to the compressor controller. NO RESPONSE: The VSD Gateway is attempting to run and load the compressor but the compressor is not responding. The ‘Active’ indicator (9) will flash. 0080E 0135E 0125E 0821E Auxiliary Input Shutdown Trip +VDC Delivery P. Sensor Fault +VDC Internal P. Sensor Fault Short Circuit Condition Detected Check all inputs and outputs. 0845E S1 Controller Communications with XPM-Vo2 unit disrupted 2070A Auxiliary Input Alarm When the VSD Gateway fails to detect the correct compressor ‘running’ and ‘loaded’ signals the ‘Q485’ load relay will pulse every 10 seconds. If the compressor fails to respond within 60 seconds the VSD Gateway will regard the compressor as ‘not available’. The management system will indicate that the compressor is not available and will remove the compressor from sequence. The VSD Gateway will continue to pulse the ‘Q485’ load relay every 10 seconds. Press RESET to reset the fault code display when the fault condition is resolved. If the compressor was shutdown or stopped, and is manually re-started, the load pulses will cause the compressor to start and run. This action will automatically reset the ‘not available’ condition. 3.12 VSD Gateway Status Block Diagram The VSD Gateway User menu ‘Status’ display item (C>) continuously shows the network address and the VSD Gateway status block number. For Example: Network Address = 1 (Compressor 1) State Block = 3 (Ready To Start) The ‘status block number’ enables VSD Gateway operational status to be established from the status block diagram. STARTED: The VSD Gateway is in a started state. The START button has been pressed or the Auto-Restart has started the VSD Gateway. The ‘Active’ indicator (9) will be illuminated or flashing. Page 6 If the appropriate compressor status signals are re-established the VSD Gateway will automatically reset the ‘not available’ condition and pressure control will resume. The management system will automatically reset and accept the compressor back into sequence. Some VSD air compressor types are unable to maintain minimum speed operation for a prolonged period of time and may stop regardless of demand or ‘load’ signal. The VSD Gateway will accommodate this behaviour without entering a ‘No Response’ state if the initial response to the VSD Gateway ‘load’ request was successful and no other compressor fault condition is detected. The VSD Gateway and management system status report will follow the actual compressor status regardless of continued ‘load’ request indications. Net$ync II VSD Voltage Gateway Power On VSD Gateway Fault State VSD Box Fault 1 2 Initialise No Fault Initialisation Complete 3 Ready To Start Start OR AutoStart STARTED STOP Compressor NOT READY Ready = False NO RESPONSE Run Response Timeout Ready = False STOP No RUN Response 6 No Load Request Compressor READY Run = False PRESSURE CONTROL Ready = True STOP Ready = True 4 5 Ready = True AND Run = True Run = True STOP Run = False Ready AND Run = True Load Response Timeout Ready = False STOP No LOAD Response 8 No Load Request Load = True STOP Compressor RUNNING Load = False 7 Ready = False Ready = True AND Run = True AND Load = True Compressor LOADED 9 Run = False Ready = False Page 7 User Manual 4.0 Parts List Net$ync II VSD Voltage Box Item Part No. 2014000033 2014000034 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description Kit, VSD Gateway Unit, VSD Gateway Manual, User CD Controller, S1 VSD Unit, XPM-PSU24 Unit, XPM-Vo2 Unit, XPM-TAC24 PCB, Terminal VSD Gland, Set - Pg13.5 Unit, Q485 XPM-Vo2 3 6 7 5.0 Technical Data VSD Gateway Dimensions Weight Mounting Enclosure Supply Power Temperature Humidity Page 8 291mm x 241mm x 152mm 11.45” x 9.45” x 6.0” 6.5kg (14Ib) wall, 4 x screw fixings IP54, NEMA 12 230Vac +/- 10% 115Vac +/- 10% 50VA 0°C to 46°C (32°F to 115°F) 95% RH non-condensing 4 5 2 1 XPM-PSU24 Q485 Net$ync II VSD Voltage Gateway 6.0 Wiring Diagram X09 R6 R6 Group Alarm X08 R5 R5 Compressor Running 4 3 R6 2 31 32 33 34 1 R5 X02 VSD Gateway S1 Controller C 023 C 038 Ai2 C 039 A-GND C 040 Ai3 + +C Di7 Aux Alarm +C Di8 Aux Trip C 025 C 046 C 047 9 10 7 8 C 049 6 X01 3 C 043 SEQ GND +20VDC Di2 Ready/Run Di6 Load/Service - GND R4 LOAD R1 SEQ 3 2 X01 X02 24VDC 24Vac X03 1 X02 2 Ao1 + 1 0-5VDC 1-5VDC 0 .5 -4 .5 VDC L2 L1 X05 + - 24VDC X01 2 1 1 2 Ao2 + + + Internal P. > OUT Delivery P. > OUT 3 2 1 2 XPM-Vo2 1 230Vac 10% 115Vac 10% XPM-PSU24 L N E J1 1 0Vac 2 1 R1 R3 GND 5 4 24Vac 2 X03 XPM-TAC24 X02 E X01 E 2 1 L C 042 R2 GND i-PCB C 045 + X03 10k C 044 X02 C 024 C 041 N + X05 C 026 R4 X01 24Vac 2 X04 C 027 Ao - A-GND X03 C 028 Internal P. < IN Di5 +C Di4 Speed Signal +C Di3 +C 17 18 19 20 21 22 C 029 Ai2 +VDC 13 14 15 16 C 031 C 030 C 048 1 X06 23 24 X04 X06 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 C+ Ao C 032 R3 R2 R1 L2 L1 RS485#2 X08 L2 L1 RS485#1 X07 L2 Enercon L1 Network Multi485 C 033 - Ai1 not used C 034 A-GND Delivery P. < IN + A-GND Ai3 +VDC 11 12 X05 C 037 X07 C 036 Ai1 XPM485 25 26 27 28 29 30 C 035 +VDC Page 9 User Manual Page 10 ">

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Key features
- Provides advanced Net$ync II system supervisory and control functionality
- Integrates with VSD air compressors for energy control and VSD awareness
- Enables integration for non-variable speed air compressors lacking remote connectivity
- Simulates all features of standard network compressor integration
- Continuously compensates for pressure differentials in the compressed air network
- Monitors compressor status and reports to the management system unit
Frequently asked questions
To provide advanced supervisory and control functionality for air compressors integrated with the Net$ync II air compressor management system.
Yes, it can provide a method of integration for non-variable speed type air compressors that lack remote system connectivity.
It continuously monitors and adjusts the compressor pressure signal to maintain the desired system pressure, compensating for pressure differentials across local air treatment, pipework, or the compressed air network.
The primary display value shows the detected delivery pressure, while the user menu item display shows the selected user menu item.