Quincy Compressor NET$YNC ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER Instruction manual
Quincy Compressor NET$YNC ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER is designed for controlling and monitoring multiple compressors. This device can work with both pressure switch controlled compressors and Quincy (CMC) electronic controlled compressors, allowing you to manage up to 12 compressors in total. The controller prioritizes energy efficiency by cycling compressors when needed, ensuring even wear and tear on all units. Use it to maintain system pressure, monitor compressor status, and optimize air production.
Quincy Net$ync Electronic Controller Installation and Operation Instruction Manual This manual contains important safety information and should be made available to all personnel who operate and/or maintain this product. Carefully read this manual before attempting to operate or perform maintenance on this equipment. Quincy Compressor Tr u e B l u e R e l i a b i l i t y Manual No. 65048-N$1 ® SM March 2001 Edition TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I - General Safety Alert Symbols ................................................................................................................................................. 1 Safety Precautions ................................................................................................................................................... 2-3 Section II - Introduction Introduction to Quincy Net$ync Controllers ............................................................................................................. 4 Compressor Sequencing ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Compressor Priorities .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Controlling Network Pressure ............................................................................................................................. 5 Power Supply ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 Display - User Interface ............................................................................................................................................. 6 LED Indicators .................................................................................................................................................... 6 LCD Display ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Alphanumeric Display ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Keyboard ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Section III - Installation Network Board Installation for Electronic Control Compressors ........................................................................... 8-9 Interface Board Installation for Pressure Switch Controlled Compressors ............................................................... 9 Section IV - Setup & Operation Net$ync Controller Setup & Operation .................................................................................................................... 10 Operating Settings Menu ............................................................................................................................ 10-11 Pressure Schedule Menu ................................................................................................................................... 11 Install Settings Menu .................................................................................................................................. 11-13 Configuration Menu .................................................................................................................................... 13-14 Diagnostics .................................................................................................................................................. 15-18 Enercon Mode ................................................................................................................................................... 18 Error Messages .................................................................................................................................................. 18 Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller Section I - General Safety Alert Symbols IMPORTANT! Key hazards throughout this manual will be identified using the following symbols to indicate the seriousness level of the hazard: DANGER! This symbol identifies immediate hazards which will result in severe personal injury, death or substantial property damage. WARNING! This symbol identifies hazards or unsafe practices which could result in personal injury, death or substantial property damage. DANGER! This symbol identifies life threatening electrical voltage levels which will result in severe personal injury or death. All electrical work must be performed by a qualified electrician. CAUTION! This symbol identifies hot surfaces which could result in personal injury or property damage. CAUTION! Identifies hazards or unsafe practices which could result in minor personal injury or property damage. NOTICE! Identifies important installation, operation or maintenance information which is not hazard related. Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller 1 Section I - General Safety Precautions Listed are some, but not all, safety precautions that must be observed with compressors and compressed air systems. CAUTION! Read this manual and follow all instructions prior to installing or operating a Quincy Net$ync Controller. WARNING! Failure to follow any of these warnings may result in severe personal injury, death, property damage and/or compressor damage. 2 • Compressed air will cause severe injury or death if used for breathing or food processing. Air used for these processes must meet OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 regulations. • Disconnect and lockout all power supplies to the compressor, including any remote controllers, prior to servicing the unit. • Never assume it is safe to work on the compressor because it is not operating. Many installations have automatic start/stop controls and the compressor may start at any time. • Air compressors are designed for use in the compression of normal atmospheric air only. No other gases, vapors or fumes should be exposed to the compressor intake or processed through the compressor. • Relieve all pressure internal to the compressor prior to servicing. Do not depend on check valves to hold system pressure. • A properly sized pressure relief valve must be installed in the discharge piping ahead (upstream) of any shut-off valve (block valve), heat exchanger, orifice or any potential blockage point. Failure to install a pressure relief valve could result in the rupturing or explosion of some compressor components. Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller Section I - General • Do not change the pressure setting of the pressure relief valve, restrict the function of the pressure relief valve or replace the pressure relief valve with a plug. Over pressurization of system or compressor components can occur. • Never use plastic pipe, rubber hose, or soldered joints in any part of a compressed air system. Failure to ensure system compatibility with compressor piping is dangerous. • Never use a flammable or toxic solvent for cleaning the air filter or any parts. • Do not remove any guards or cabinet panels or attempt to service any compressor part while the compressor is operating. • Do not operate the compressor at pressures in excess of its rating. • Follow all maintenance procedures and check all safety devices. • Never disconnect or tamper with the high air temperature (HAT) sensors. • Compressed air is dangerous, do not play with it. • Use the correct fluid at all times. • Do not rely on the discharge air line check valve. • Do not override any safety or shutdown devices. NOTICE! These instructions, precautions and descriptions cover standard Quincy manufactured air compressors and accessories. NOTICE! Every effort has been taken to ensure complete and correct instructions have been included in this manual, however, possible product updates and changes may have occurred since this printing. Quincy Compressor reserves the right to change specifications without incurring any obligation for equipment previously or subsequently sold. Not responsible for typographical errors. COPYRIGHT NOTICE No part of this document may be reproduced without prior written consent of Quincy Compressor. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of the license. Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller 3 Section II - Introduction Introduction to Quincy Net$ync Controllers Quincy Net$ync is designed to control and monitor multiple compressors. Net$ync can control pressure switch controlled compressors and Quincy (CMC) electronic controlled compressors. The 5/12 controller can control up to 5 pressure switch controlled compressors or up to 12 electronic controlled compressors. The 8/12 controller can control up to 8 pressure switch controlled compressors or up to 12 electronic controlled compressors. Net$ync will control a maximum of 12 compressors in a combination of both electronic control and pressure switch controlled compressors. Net$ync utilizes the compressors so system pressure is maintained using the least amount of energy. By cycling the compressors when appropriate, it ensures that compressors of equal type and rank are used evenly, guaranteeing equal wear and tear and service time. Net$ync cannot start the compressors. The compressor controller is responsible for starting and stopping the machine. For Net$ync to start a compressor, the compressor must be in standby mode. DANGER! Net$ync can start compressors that are in standby mode. Never perform service or maintenance on a compressor in standby mode. Always use proper lockout/tagout procedures before performing service or maintenance on a compressor. 4 Net$ync does not stop the compressors in the case of an emergency. This is a function of the machine controller. If the compressor controller indicates an alarm such as high air temperature, the compressor becomes unavailable to the Net$ync controller. Net$ync cannot and will not use the corresponding machine in its algorithm any longer. To make the compressor available again, the cause of the emergency shutdown must be corrected and the compressor must be restarted at the compressor controller. Compressor Sequencing Net$ync uses a “sequence” of compressors to control system pressure. Compressors are brought on-line or offline based on their position in the sequence. Net$ync automatically assigns a position letter to each compressor in the sequence. The position letter is not a fixed value. During operation, the control system will reassign position letters. The operating mode selected and the compressor priorities determine the position (see Section IV - Setup & Operation). A higher sequence letter (L) makes a compressor a “trim” machine while a lower one (A) makes it a “base load” machine. Example: Net$ync will decide how many compressors are needed to achieve a certain pressure. If only one is required, the compressor with sequence position A will be used. If two are required, both A & B will be brought on-line, etc. Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller Section II - Introduction Compressor Priorities Controlling Network Pressure Priorities can be assigned ranging from 1 (highest priority) up to the total number of compressors (maximum 12). Each compressor can have a unique priority number, if necessary. The priority number does not have to be unique, however, compressors can be divided into “base load” and “trim” groups. Compressors of equal priority form a “priority group”. When Net$ync is in use, the pressure measurement at each individual compressor is replaced by one central and precise pressure measurement taken by an electronic pressure sensor. Net$ync signals the compressors in the network to go on-line or off-line on the basis of the measured pressure. The assignment of compressor priorities is not a basic operating mode, but it influences the operation of each mode significantly. Sequence assignment, according to the control mode selected, is always done among compressors that have been assigned equal priority. The highest priority compressors will use the highest available sequence positions (e.g.: two compressors with priority 1 will always be assigned sequence positions A & B). Example: Four compressors of equal size and priority (2) serve as “trim” and one serves as “base load” (priority 1). By assigning the correct priorities, the “base load” compressor runs the most (always sequence “A”) while the other four compressors can be rotated to ensure that they are all used to the same extent (sequence B/C/D/E). As long as network pressure remains within the target pressure band, the configuration will not change and the number of loaded compressors will not change. When the net pressure rises, compressors will be signalled to go off-line. When the net pressure drops, compressors will be signalled to go on-line. Net$ync uses unique algorithms to choose the right compressors to achieve optimal energy consumption and air production. The choice of the operating modes and the setting of priorities per compressor determine which compressors are being used. Net$ync is equipped with a real time clock which enables the realization of a pressure program over time. Power Supply Net$ync should be connected to a 50 or 60 Hz main supply. The nominal supply voltage can be either 230 VAC or 115 VAC. Select the appropriate voltage connections to adapt the unit to the voltage used. The standard power supply configuration is 230V. Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller 5 Section II - Introduction Display - User Interface LCD DISPLAY ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY MENU KEYS LED INDICATORS START BUTTON RESET BUTTON STOP BUTTON LED Indicators The Net$ync controller has sixteen LED lamps. They indicate compressor conditions and/or the condition of the Net$ync control. When lit, the red LED labeled “Cap” in the bottom right hand corner of the panel indicates that the available capacity is insufficient to satisfy the demand for compressed air. Compressor status is indicated by the C (1-12) and the “COMP” alarm LED as follows: C (1-12)(GREEN) ALARM (RED) COMPRESSOR STATUS OFF OFF AVAILABLE, UNLOADED ON OFF AVAILABLE, LOADED BLINKING SLOWLY OFF 50 % LOADED (ONLY WITH DOUBLE COMPRESSORS) BLINKING FAST ON BLINKING FAST BLINKING SLOWLY UNAVAILABLE ALARM General status of the Net$ync controller is indicated by the two LED lamps in the rectangle marked “SEQ” as follows: ON LED (GREEN) ALARM LED (RED) NET$YNC CONTROL STATUS OFF OFF NO ERRORS, SEQUENCING OFF ON OFF NO ERRORS , SEQUENCING ON, NORMAL OPERATION 6 OFF BLINKING SEQUENCING OFF, ERROR CONDITION ON ON SEQUENCING ON, ERROR CONDITION BLINKING OFF PRESSURE SCHEDULE ACTIVE Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller Section II - Introduction LCD Display The Net$ync controller has two backlit three-digit 7 segment displays to indicate the measured network pressure (left display) and show the unit of measurement (right display). These displays also show the upper and lower value of the current target pressure band. To view these values press “ ” while the alphanumeric LCD display (below) is in the status mode. Alphanumeric Display The Net$ync controller has a backlit two-line 16 character alphanumeric display. This display gives detailed information about the status of Net$ync and the compressors connected to it and is used to view the control system parameters and configuration. Keyboard The two buttons in the upper right corner of the keyboard area are used to switch Net$ync on or off. The button in the lower right corner is the reset button. The buttons along the bottom of the keyboard are used to navigate through the menus and change parameters. The start button starts the sequencing process. This key is disabled if the unit shows an error condition (e.g.: faulty pressure sensor) and while accessing certain menus or modifying certain parameters in the menus. The stop button stops the sequencing process. The individual machine controllers will monitor pressure when the sequencing process is stopped. Depending on the system set up, the compressors may stop producing air when the stop button is pressed. The reset button reverts the display to the normal status/ readout menu (when the unit is in another menu) and resets sequence faults (e.g.: faulty pressure sensor) (The display must be in the normal status/readout menu to reset faults.) The five menu buttons are used to access the menus and +” when change parameters. To access the menus, press “+ the desired menu is displayed. Activate the sub-menus by +” again when the desired sub-menu selection pressing “+ is shown. To view the options within a sub-menu, scroll up or down using the “ “ and “ ” keys. To edit parameters within a sub-menu, press “ ” to +” activate (the selected option will blink), and use the “+ and “-” keys to change the value. Press the “ ” key again to accept the new value into memory. Exit any menu and return to the previous menu by pressing “-”. Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller 7 Section III - Installation Network Board Installation for Electronic Control Compressors 4. Secure the network board to the (CMC) electronic control using the screws removed from the protective shield. Networking up to 12 (CMC) electronic controlled compressors together requires a two-wire network cable to daisy chain the compressor controls to the Net$ync control. This is called an RS485 network connection. A network board attached to the electronic controller is required on each compressor (reference wiring diagram WP1813B). To install and connect the network board for multiple electronic controlled compressors to a Net$ync controller: 1. Lockout and tagout all power to compressor. 5. Connect the power supply wires (provided in the kit) from the 2 pin connector on the (CMC) electronic control board to the large 2 pin connector on the network board. 2. Remove the protective metal shield from the back of the (CMC) electronic controller. 2 PIN CONNECTORS POWER SUPPLY WIRES 3. Connect the 4 pin connector from the network board (Quincy part #143273) to the (CMC) electronic control. 4 PIN CONNECTION FOR NETWORK BOARD 6. Connect the network cable to the small 2 pin connector on one network board to the next, connecting the same color wires to the same location on each board. NETWORK BOARD NETWORK CABLE ELECTRONIC CONTROL Network cable (Quincy) part numbers: • 141234-01 (100 ft.) • 141234-03 (1000 ft.) • 141234-02 (500 ft.) 8 Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller Section III - Installation 7. Connect the left wire on the small 2 pin connector of the network board to the number 4 terminal in the Net$ync sequencer enclosure. 8. Configure the (CMC) electronic controllers with network identification numbers. Go to menu 3 on each electronic controlled compressor and give them each a different identity number (Ad.). The identity number can range from 1 to 64. Interface Board Installation for Pressure Switch Controlled Compressors The Net$ync controller can be configured for operation with up to 5 (5/12 controller) or 8 (8/12 controller) pressure switch controlled compressors. Connecting pressure switch controlled compressors requires an interface board (Quincy part #143265) mounted inside the electrical enclosure of each compressor (reference wiring diagram WP1813A). Reference the picture and tables below for the interface board connections. C02 CONNECTOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 9. Refer to Net$ync Controller Setup & Operation (Section IV) for required menu changes in the Net$ync sequencer software when networking electronic controlled compressors together. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 C03 CONNECTOR C04 CONNECTOR Interface Board Connections C02 CONNECTOR (CONNECTS TO COMPRESSOR) 1 2 3 4 5 6 C04 CONNECTOR (CONNECTS TO COMPRESSOR) NORMALLY OPEN CONNECTION FROM PRESSURE SWITCH COMMON CONNECTION FROM PRESSURE SWITCH NORMALLY CLOSED CONNECTION FROM PRESSURE SWITCH NORMALLY OPEN CONNECTION FROM PRESSURE SWITCH COMMON CONNECTION FROM PRESSURE SWITCH NORMALLY CLOSED CONNECTION FROM PRESSURE SWITCH 7 8 9 10 11 12 C03 CONNECTOR (CONNECTS TO NET$YNC CONTROLLER) COMPRESSOR: 1 2 3 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NET$YNC ‘ON’ INDICATOR COMPRESSOR ‘ON/OFF’ SIGNAL GROUND CONNECTION COMPRESSOR ALARM INPUT COMPRESSOR ‘AVAILABLE/RUNNING’ SIGNAL 20V DC OUTPUT ON COMPRESSOR 8 9 10 11 12 13 COMPRESSOR ALARM CONTACT NEUTRAL COMPRESSOR RUNNING CONTACT NEUTRAL COMPRESSOR ‘READY/AVAILABLE’ CONTACT NEUTRAL FROM COMPRESSOR 4 5 NET$YNC TERMINAL 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller 6 7 8 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 9 Section IV - Setup & Operation Net$ync Controller Setup & Operation Operating Settings Menu (Change code - 011) Main Menu OPERAT. SETTINGS - (Operating Settings) P. UNIT Used to set PSI or BAR for pressure display. The main menu is a view only menu which shows the current date and time and the status of each compressor in the sequence. The status includes sequence letter, compressor number, and whether the compressor is loaded or unloaded. The main menu also has a warning indicator (error light) identifying compressor warnings. If the error light is flashing, press the reset button (below the stop button). If the error condition is cleared, the light will stop flashing. If the condition has not been cleared, the light will continue to flash. No changes can be made to the features in the main menu. Net$ync has four set up menus (Operational Settings, Pressure Schedule, Install Settings and Configuration) and a Diagnostics menu. To access these menus, press +” at the main menu, then “ “ or “ ” to select the “+ +” to accept the menu choice. menu to edit. Press “+ Use the “ ” and “ ” keys to scroll through the submenus of each menu. (The sub-menus and a brief description of each are listed in this section.) To change the parameters in a sub-menu, press “ ” when the desired option is on the screen. Net$ync will request a change code for the setup menus (ranging from 1 to 999). Enter the required code (see menu descriptions) and press “ ”. This will access the requested sub-menu and allow the parameters to be set. After changes to the menu are complete, press “ ” to accept the change. NOTICE! Pressing “-” at any time other than changing a menu parameter will return to the previous menu. 10 P. HIGH (Pressure High) Set between 72 and 240 PSI . Net$ync will keep the pressure under this high pressure point by loading and unloading the available compressors. Refer to the compressor manual for the recommended operating pressure of each compressor. P. LOW (Pressure Low) Set between 0 and 218 PSI . Net$ync will keep the pressure above this low pressure point by loading and unloading the available compressors. Refer to the compressor manual for the recommended operating pressure of each compressor. TOLERAN. (Tolerance) Set between 1 and 73 PSI . Allows the pressure to temporarily differ from the pressure band (P. HIGH AND P. LOW) without giving an alarm. This setting is determined by the amount of system storage. DAMPING (Damping Factor) Set from 1 to 10 seconds. This setting determines how fast a compressor will be brought on or off line in the sequence. The recommended damping factor is 3 seconds. This setting is determined by the amount of system storage. Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller Section IV - Setup & Operation P. SCHEDULE (Pressure Schedule) Set to ON or OFF. Turns the pressure schedule on or off. RESTART Set to OFF or AUT. If set to OFF, Net$ync must be restarted manually after a power failure. If set to AUT, the compressor sequence will automatically restart after a power failure. (The compressors being controlled must have the auto-restart option installed.) SEQ. TIMER (Sequence Timer) Select 0 to 168 hours in one-hour increments. This feature determines the time at which the Net$ync will rotate the compressors to their new position in the compressor sequence. Used in the Energy Control, Timer Rotation, and Equal Running Hours mode. (FIFO rotation does not have a timed sequence rotation, therefore, the sequence timer will not appear if this rotation mode is active.) See Control Settings - Timer Rotation. LANG. (Language) Select English, German, French, or Dutch. Pressure Schedule Menu (Change code - 012) CURRENT TIME Set current day, hour, and minute. TIME/TARGET P. Enter the desired pressure for a specific time on any day. This is a 7 day scheduler that starts on Sunday and allows up to 32 entries to be displayed in chronological order. NOTICE! If P. HIGH is set for 125 PSI and P. LOW is set for 115 PSI in the Operational Settings Menu, there is a 10 PSI pressure band. This pressure band applies to any target pressure entered in the pressure schedule. For example, with a 10 PSI pressure band and a target pressure of 100 PSI in the pressure schedule, Net$ync will load the compressors at 95 PSI and unload them at 105 PSI. An entry of zero in the pressure selection would turn all compressors off. Install Settings Menu (Change code - 013) ALARM SETTINGS P. MAX (Pressure Maximum) Set between 72 and 250 PSI. This limits the pressure selections in both the Operating Settings Menu and the Pressure Schedule Menu. The display will indicate if the system exceeds this pressure setting and provide an output as explained in Configuration Menu - Auxiliary Outputs. P. MIN (Pressure Minimum) Set between 0 and 203 PSI. The display will indicate if the system pressure drops below this setting and provide an output as explained in Configuration Menu - Auxiliary Outputs. FILL-TIME Set from 0 to 90 minutes in one-minute increments. This is the time it takes to reach the minimum pressure from zero pressure at start-up. Selecting 0 would disable this feature and give an alarm immediately at start-up for low pressure. To clear the alarm from the screen, press the reset button when the operating pressure is reached. Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller 11 Section IV - Setup & Operation CONTROL SETTINGS ROTATION MODE Set to FIFO, Timer Rotation, Energy Control, or Equal Run Hours. FIFO - The first compressor brought on line to load will be the first to go off-line. Commonly used with units that are the same size. Over an extended period of time compressors will have the same amount of running hours. TIMER ROTATION - Compressors will rotate (at the time interval set in Operating Settings - Sequence Timer) according to priority (see Compressor Settings-Priority Settings) and sequence position. The timer will reset to the set time interval after each rotation. Up to 12 compressors can be rotated, as long as 7 or more are (CMC) electronic controlled compressors. Below is an example of timer rotation with the sequence timer set to 24 hours. COMPRESSOR 1 2 3 4 5 PRIORITY 1 1 2 2 2 INITIAL SEQUENCE A B C D E 24 HOURS B A E C D 48 HOURS A B D E C 72 HOURS B A C D E 96 HOURS A B E C D ENERGY CONTROL - Priority numbers should be assigned to each compressor for this rotation mode (see Compressor Settings-Priority Settings). At start-up this mode brings the largest compressors on-line first until the set pressure is reached or until all compressors are on-line. When the pressure setting is reached, the smallest compressors go offline first. If the air demand drops to zero and all compressors go off-line, the smallest compressor will compensate for system leaks. EQUAL RUNNING HOURS - In this mode the hours accumulated on each compressor are monitored and equal wear is maintained on each compressor so the maintenance scheduling will be the same for all. This mode will automatically reassign sequencing numbers at the set rotation interval. 12 COMPRESSORS Set from 2 to 12. This is the total number of compressors Net$ync is controlling. Net$ync must be off to change this setting. After changing this setting, it is very important to set all compressor specific parameters (such as the priority number). START DELAY Set between 3 and 30 seconds to control the time between compressor starts. This feature prevents two or more compressors from starting at the same time and creating a power surge. OFF/LOC Set to OFF or LOC. LOC allows the compressors to control loading and unloading when Net$ync has been stopped or power is removed. If OFF is selected the compressors will immediately unload when Net$ync is off. This feature can be used on both electronic control and pressure switch control compressors. COMPR. SETTINGS - (Compressor Settings) PRE-FILL Set to ON or OFF for each compressor. Selects the compressors to be used to pre-fill the system on a zero system pressure start-up. COMPR. CONFIG. - (Compressor Configuration) Set to 0/100%, 50/100%, or 0..100%. 0/100% - For normal full load or no load compressor operation. 50/100% - For 3 step reciprocating compressors. This setting can be selected only if the relay 2 function in the IIC configuration menu is set to ON. If not, Net$ync will automatically revert to 0/100% when enter key is pressed. This selection is only usable with the 8/12 controller although it appears on the 5/12 menu. 0..100% - For variable compressor operation. This setting can be selected only if the configuration menu was set to RS485 for that compressor. This is used for compressors using an electronic device to control their capacity. This setting is not used at this time. Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller Section IV - Setup & Operation CAPACITY SETTINGS Set from 0 to 100%. (Only active when Energy Control Rotation Mode is selected.) Set the largest compressor to 100% and set the capacity of the other compressors relative to the largest. Example: The largest compressor is 200 CFM. The 200 CFM compressor is set to 100%, a 125 CFM compressor is set to 63%, and a 100 CFM compressor is set to 50%. PRIORITY SETTINGS Set from 1 to 12 (up to the total number of compressors). The largest capacity compressor is given the lowest number and the lowest capacity compressor is given the highest number. Example: a 1000 CFM compressor has a priority of 1 and a 500 CFM compressor has a priority of 2. Compressors of equal priority should be of equal size. Priority numbers are used by Net$ync to determine which compressor will be used to supply air first. When there is a demand for air a compressor with a priority of 1 will be used first. If the compressor or compressors with a priority of 1 are not able to meet the demand for air, the priority 2 compressor or compressors will be brought online. This setting only applies with FIFO rotation, timer rotation, and Equal Running Hours Rotation Modes. RUNNING HOURS Enter the existing hours on each compressor already in use (between 0 and 99999) to monitor their usage. When running hours exceed 99999, the hourmeter resets to 0. START SETTINGS AUX. TIME - Used to monitor auxiliary equipment used in the air system. Set between 0 and 240 minutes. Auxiliary equipment must send a voltage free closed set of contacts back to the Net$ync within the auxiliary time set or Net$ync will flash an error signal. An entry of 0 disables this feature. PRE-FILL - Set between 0 and 240 minutes. During the set Pre-fill time, Net$ync will run only the compressors designated to pre-fill the system on start-up. An entry of 0 disables this feature and results in all compressors starting on a zero pressure start-up. Configuration Menu (Change code - 014) ANALOG CALIBRATION ANALOG INPUT Set between 0 and 4. This is the sensor type selection. The default is 2, which is a 4 to 20 mA sensor. Do not change this setting. P. OFFSET (Pressure Offset) Set to –127+127. This adjustment is only possible when the pressure is zero. This is set at the factory and should not be changed. P. RANGE (Pressure Range) Set between 72 and 250 PSI. This is the pressure measurement range adjustment. Set to the maximum range of the pressure transducer. IIC CONFIG. Shows the relays used to communicate with the Net$ync control relay board. These settings are preset at the factory and should not be changed. INPUTS ON or OFF. Turns the auxiliary inputs on or off. RELAY 1 ON or OFF. Turns auxiliary relay 1 on or off . RELAY 2 ON or OFF. Turns auxiliary relay 2 on or off . Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller 13 Section IV - Setup & Operation OUTPUT CONFIG. Controls the function of the auxiliary output relay. Many different setting are available. DISPLAY SIGNAL FUNCTION ONOFF SIGNAL OUTPUT CLOSES WHEN NET$YNC IS ACTIVE ALARM SIGNAL OUTPUT CLOSES UPON ERROR CONDITION CAPA. SIGNAL OUTPUT CLOSES WHEN COMPRESSOR CAPACITY IS INSUFFICIENT TIMER SIGNAL OUTPUT CLOSES WHEN NET$YNC IS ACTIVE AND NO PROGRAMMED STOP OF THE CONTROLLING ALGORITHM IS ACTIVE AUXIL OPENING AND CLOSING OF OUTPUT CONSTITUTES CONTROL SIGNAL FOR EXTRA EQUIPMENT CO. AL SIGNAL OUTPUT CLOSES WHEN ONE OR MORE COMPRESSORS GIVE AN ALARM CO. NA SIGNAL OUTPUT CLOSES WHEN ONE OR MORE COMPRESSORS ARE UNAVAILABLE AL/NA SIGNAL OUTPUT CLOSES WHEN ONE OR MORE COMPRESSORS GIVE AN ALARM OR ARE UNAVAILABLE 5/12 CONNECTIONS AUX. OUTPUT 1 Net$ync connection points for Auxiliary Output 1: Common - 39; Normally Open - 38; Normally Closed - 40 AUX. OUTPUT 2 Net$ync connection points for Auxiliary Output 2: Common - 42; Normally Open - 41; Normally Closed - 43 8/12 CONNECTIONS AUX. OUTPUT 1 Net$ync connection points for Auxiliary Output 1: Common - 57; Normally Open - 56 RS485 CONFIG. Set up Net$ync for the type of electronic control used, if any. Choices are Aircon and MULTI485. Choose Aircon when one or more pressure switch controlled compressors are used in conjunction with a single electronic controlled compressor. Choose MULTI485 if two or more electronic controlled compressors are networked together and connected to Net$ync. COMP. CONTROL Set to DIGIT or RS485. This menu tells Net$ync how it will be receiving data from each compressor. DIGIT is from an interface board in a pressure switch controlled compressor. RS485 is from network card in an electronic controlled compressor. AUX. OUTPUT 2 Net$ync connection points for Auxiliary Output 2: Common - 59; Normally Open - 58 AUX. OUTPUT 3 Net$ync connection points for Auxiliary Output 3: Common - 61; Normally Open - 60 AUX. OUTPUT 4 Net$ync connection points for Auxiliary Output 4: Common - 63; Normally Open - 62 14 Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller Section IV - Setup & Operation Diagnostics (view only) TEST DIGITAL IN Verifies the operation of the digital inputs of Net$ync. Each time an inputs number appears on the display, its contact arrangement will be shown on the right. The contact arrangements for both the 5/12 and 8/12 controllers are listed below. 5/12 CONTACT ARRANGEMENTS PARAMETER RANGE DIG (1) OPEN/CLOSED REMARKS NORMALLY NOT USED/SHOULD ALWAYS SHOW CLOSED CONDITION (UNLESS USED AS EMERGENCY STOP) DIG (2-3), (5-12) OPEN/CLOSED OPEN: PRESSURE SCHEDULE NOT DISABLED CLOSED: PRESSURE SCHEDULE OVERRIDDEN (IMMEDIATE AIR SUPPLY) DIG (4) OPEN OPEN: NO EXTERNAL SIGNAL (AUXILIARY INPUT 1) CLOSED CLOSED: EXTERNAL SIGNAL (AUXILIARY INPUT 1) FREQ FREQ: EXTERNAL SIGNAL ACTIVE (AUXILIARY INPUT 1) 8/12 CONTACT ARRANGEMENTS PARAMETER RANGE DIG (1) OPEN/CLOSED REMARKS NORMALLY NOT USED/SHOULD ALWAYS SHOW CLOSED CONDITION (UNLESS USED AS EMERGENCY STOP) DIG (2) DIG (3) DIG (4) DIG (5) DIG (6) DIG (7) OPEN OPEN: COMPRESSOR 1 IS UNAVAILABLE AND NOT ACTIVE CLOSED CLOSED: COMPRESSOR 1 IS AVAILABLE AND NOT ACTIVE FREQ FREQ: COMPRESSOR 1 IS AVAILABLE AND ACTIVE OPEN OPEN: COMPRESSOR 2 IS UNAVAILABLE AND NOT ACTIVE CLOSED CLOSED: COMPRESSOR 2 IS AVAILABLE AND NOT ACTIVE FREQ FREQ: COMPRESSOR 2 IS AVAILABLE AND ACTIVE OPEN OPEN: COMPRESSOR 3 IS UNAVAILABLE AND NOT ACTIVE CLOSED CLOSED: COMPRESSOR 3 IS AVAILABLE AND NOT ACTIVE FREQ FREQ: COMPRESSOR 3 IS AVAILABLE AND ACTIVE OPEN OPEN: COMPRESSOR 4 IS UNAVAILABLE AND NOT ACTIVE CLOSED CLOSED: COMPRESSOR 4 IS AVAILABLE AND NOT ACTIVE FREQ FREQ: COMPRESSOR 4 IS AVAILABLE AND ACTIVE OPEN OPEN: COMPRESSOR 5 IS UNAVAILABLE AND NOT ACTIVE CLOSED CLOSED: COMPRESSOR 5 IS AVAILABLE AND NOT ACTIVE FREQ FREQ: COMPRESSOR 5 IS AVAILABLE AND ACTIVE OPEN OPEN: COMPRESSOR 6 IS UNAVAILABLE AND NOT ACTIVE CLOSED CLOSED: COMPRESSOR 6 IS AVAILABLE AND NOT ACTIVE FREQ FREQ: COMPRESSOR 6 IS AVAILABLE AND ACTIVE Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller 15 Section IV - Setup & Operation 8/12 CONTACT ARRANGEMENTS (CONTINUED) PARAMETER RANGE REMARKS DIG (8) OPEN OPEN: COMPRESSOR 7 IS UNAVAILABLE AND NOT ACTIVE CLOSED CLOSED: COMPRESSOR 7 IS AVAILABLE AND NOT ACTIVE FREQ FREQ: COMPRESSOR 7 IS AVAILABLE AND ACTIVE OPEN OPEN: COMPRESSOR 8 IS UNAVAILABLE AND NOT ACTIVE CLOSED CLOSED: COMPRESSOR 8 IS AVAILABLE AND NOT ACTIVE FREQ FREQ: COMPRESSOR 8 IS AVAILABLE AND ACTIVE OPEN OPEN: NO ALARM SIGNAL FROM COMPRESSOR 1 CLOSED CLOSED: ALARM SIGNAL FROM COMPRESSOR 1 OPEN OPEN: NO ALARM SIGNAL FROM COMPRESSOR 2 CLOSED CLOSED: ALARM SIGNAL FROM COMPRESSOR 2 OPEN OPEN: NO ALARM SIGNAL FROM COMPRESSOR 3 CLOSED CLOSED: ALARM SIGNAL FROM COMPRESSOR 3 OPEN OPEN: NO ALARM SIGNAL FROM COMPRESSOR 4 CLOSED CLOSED: ALARM SIGNAL FROM COMPRESSOR 4 OPEN OPEN: NO ALARM SIGNAL FROM COMPRESSOR 5 CLOSED CLOSED: ALARM SIGNAL FROM COMPRESSOR 5 OPEN OPEN: NO ALARM SIGNAL FROM COMPRESSOR 6 CLOSED CLOSED: ALARM SIGNAL FROM COMPRESSOR 6 OPEN OPEN: NO ALARM SIGNAL FROM COMPRESSOR 7 CLOSED CLOSED: ALARM SIGNAL FROM COMPRESSOR 7 OPEN OPEN: NO ALARM SIGNAL FROM COMPRESSOR 8 CLOSED CLOSED: ALARM SIGNAL FROM COMPRESSOR 8 OPEN OPEN: PRESSURE SCHEDULE NOT OVERRIDDEN CLOSED CLOSED: PRESSURE SCHEDULE OVERRIDDEN(IMMEDIATE AIR SUPPLY) OPEN OPEN: NO OUTSIDE SIGNAL AVAILABLE (AUX. INPUT 1) CLOSED CLOSED: OUTSIDE SIGNAL AVAILABLE (AUX. INPUT 1) OPEN OPEN: NO OUTSIDE SIGNAL AVAILABLE (AUX. INPUT 2) CLOSED CLOSED: OUTSIDE SIGNAL AVAILABLE (AUX. INPUT 2) OPEN OPEN: NO OUTSIDE SIGNAL AVAILABLE (AUX. INPUT 3) CLOSED CLOSED: OUTSIDE SIGNAL AVAILABLE (AUX. INPUT 3) DIG (9) DIG (10) DIG (11) DIG (12) DIG (13) DIG (14) DIG (15) DIG (16) DIG (17) DIG (18) DIG (19) DIG (20) DIG (21) 16 Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller Section IV - Setup & Operation TEST DIGITAL OUT Tests and operates each relay contact. This menu can only be accessed when Net$ync is off. The contact arrangements for the 5/12 and 8/12 controllers are listed below. 5/12 CONTACT ARRANGEMENTS PARAMETER FUNCTION RANGE REMARKS DIG (1) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 1: LOAD/UNLOAD SIGNAL DIG (2) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 2: LOAD/UNLOAD SIGNAL DIG (3) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 3: LOAD/UNLOAD SIGNAL DIG (4) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 4: LOAD/UNLOAD SIGNAL DIG (5) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 5: LOAD/UNLOAD SIGNAL DIG (6) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF NET$YNC CONTROL CONTACT FOR THE COMPRESSORS DIG (7) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF DIGITAL OUTPUT RELAY 1 (AUX. OUTPUT 1) DIG (8) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF DIGITAL OUTPUT RELAY 1 (AUX. OUTPUT 1) 8/12 CONTACT ARRANGEMENTS PARAMETER FUNCTION RANGE REMARKS DIG OFF (1) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF NET$YNC CONTROL CONTACT FOR THE COMPRESSORS DIG OFF (2) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF DIGITAL OUTPUT RELAY 1 (AUX. OUTPUT 1) DIG OFF (3) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF DIGITAL OUTPUT RELAY 2 (AUX. OUTPUT 2) DIG OFF (4) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF DIGITAL OUTPUT RELAY 3 (AUX. OUTPUT 3) DIG OFF (5) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF DIGITAL OUTPUT RELAY 4 (AUX. OUTPUT 4) IIC OFF (1) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 1: LOAD/UNLOAD SIGNAL IIC OFF (2) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 1: EXTRA LOADED/UNLOADED SIGNAL IIC OFF (3) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 2: LOAD/UNLOAD SIGNAL IIC OFF (4) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 2: EXTRA LOADED/UNLOADED SIGNAL IIC OFF (5) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 3: LOAD/UNLOAD SIGNAL IIC OFF (6) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 3: EXTRA LOADED/UNLOADED SIGNAL IIC OFF (7) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 4: LOAD/UNLOAD SIGNAL IIC OFF (8) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 4: EXTRA LOADED/UNLOADED SIGNAL IIC OFF (9) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 5: LOAD/UNLOAD SIGNAL IIC OFF (10) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 5: EXTRA LOADED/UNLOADED SIGNAL IIC OFF (11) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 6: LOAD/UNLOAD SIGNAL IIC OFF (12) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 6: EXTRA LOADED/UNLOADED SIGNAL IIC OFF (13) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 7: LOAD/UNLOAD SIGNAL IIC OFF (14) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 7: EXTRA LOADED/UNLOADED SIGNAL IIC OFF (15) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 8: LOAD/UNLOAD SIGNAL IIC OFF (16) RELAY ON/OFF ON/OFF COMPRESSOR 8: EXTRA LOADED/UNLOADED SIGNAL Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller 17 Section IV - Setup & Operation TEST ANALOG IN Verifies the operation of the systems analog inputs. Shows the voltage associated with the input. The value must be between 0 and 5 volts. This value must correspond with the value measured between the earth terminal and terminal 6. TEST DISPLAYS Activates all display segments and LED’s. Press the reset button to return the display to it’s original state. TEST KEYBOARD Tests keyboard function. The text for each button pressed will show in the display. Press “ “ and “ ” to return the display to it’s original state. Error Messages PRESSURE PROBE FAULT Pressure transducer wrongly connected or defective. HIGH PRESSURE ALARM Maximum pressure exceeded. LOW PRESSURE ALARM Minimum pressure not attained. SETTING ERROR Incorrect parameter entry. IIC ERROR Defective connection between Net$ync and relay cards. AUXILIARY ERROR Contact does not close within set time frame. Enercon Mode This menu is for future use and can not be accessed. 18 Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller Notes ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller 19 Notes ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 20 Quincy Compressor - Net$ync Electronic Controller Quincy Service is always near. There are authorized Quincy Distributors located worldwide that stock genuine Quincy parts & accessories for a wide range of Quincy products. Quincy Service specialists are factory trained and will help keep you in business. Call for Authorized Quincy Service. Quincy Compressor True Blue Reliability ® SM Reciprocating / Systems: 217.222.7700 Rotary / Vacuum / Systems: 334.937.5900 Nearest Distributor: 888.424.7729 E-mail: Discover: [email protected] www.quincycompressor.com ">

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Key features
- Advanced compressor sequencing and prioritization
- Precise control of network pressure
- User-friendly display and interface
- Built-in diagnostics and troubleshooting
- Remote monitoring and control capabilities
- Energy-saving features
- Compact and easy to install
Frequently asked questions
Please refer to Section III of the installation manual for detailed instructions on installing the NET$YNC ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER.
Please refer to Section IV of the user manual for detailed instructions on setting up and operating the NET$YNC ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER.
Please refer to Section IV of the user manual for a list of common error messages and troubleshooting tips.