Regulus LK 830 1F Four-way mixing valve, Kvs 10 Owner's Manual
Regulus LK 830 1F Four-way mixing valve, Kvs 10 is a high-quality mixing valve designed for use in heating and cooling systems, offering reliable and efficient performance. Its compact design and durability make it suitable for various applications, including underfloor heating, radiator systems, and domestic hot water systems. The valve ensures precise temperature control and efficient energy usage, making it an ideal choice for optimizing comfort and reducing energy consumption.
MPa/bar Rozsah pracovních teplot Operating temperature range Max. pracovní tlak Max. operating pressure °C -10 1.0/10 REGULUS spol. s r.o. Do Kout ů 1897/3 • 143 00 Praha 4 • CZ Tel.: ++420-241 765 191 • Fax: ++420-241 763 976 [email protected] • [email protected] • Skladovací teplota Storage temperature °C -10 +60 +110 Návod na montáž a obsluhu | Mounting and Operating Instructions Směšovací ventil bivalentní | Bivalent Valve LK 830 2 2b 2 1 2a 1 L - levé provedení | left-hand version R - pravé provedení | right-hand version Štítek otočte dle příslušného schematu zapojení. | Turn the label depending on the appropriate connection diagram. Výrobce: ">

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