BCP SKY6346 Instruction Manual
The BCP SKY6346 is a kitchen playset designed for children 3 years and older. This comprehensive playset includes a variety of features like a sink, oven, microwave, refrigerator, pantry, and more, providing endless opportunities for imaginative play. With multiple pieces to assemble, this playset encourages creative interaction and helps develop your child's fine motor skills and spatial reasoning. The SKY6346 encourages imaginative role-playing and promotes interactive storytelling within a safe and engaging environment.
INSTRUCTION MANUAL Kitchen Playset Ver. 3 SKY5969 + SKY6009 + SKY6346 NOTICE Please retain these instructions for future reference. • This product requires adult assembly and supervision when in use. • This product is intended for indoor use only. • Do not stand on or use any part of this item as a step ladder. • Firmly secure all bolts, screws and knobs before use. • Reconfirm that all bolts, screws, and knobs are secure every 90 days. • Do not use or store this item in the proximity of open flame or flammable/combustible chemicals. • If any parts are missing, broken, damaged, or worn, stop using this item until repairs are made and/or factory replacement parts are installed. • Do not use this item in a way inconsistent with the manufacturer’s instructions as this could void the product warranty. • This product contains small parts. May result in choking hazard for children under 3 years. • To wipe down item, use a damp cloth. Then, wipe it down once more with a dry cloth. AGE RANGE: 3 years old and up TOOLS REQUIRED PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER HAMMER (OPTIONAL) 1 PERSON ASSEMBLY DRILL (OPTIONAL) UP TO 60 MIN. ASSEMBLY HARDWARE A SCREW 28 PCS 2| B DOWEL 38 PCS C SCREW 21 PCS D SCREW 50 PCS HARDWARE E SCREW F SCREW 3 PCS I HANDLE 4 PCS M TAPS 22 PCS J DOOR CATCH 5 PCS HINGE N RIGHT PEG G MICROWAVE HANDLE 1 PC K DOOR INSERT 5 PCS O SINK HINGE H LEFT PEG 5 PCS L FAUCET 1 PC P WALL NAIL 2 PCS 5 PCS 1 PC 1 PC Q WALL ANCHOR R WALL WASHER S DISK WASHER T OVEN HANDLE 1 PC 1 PC 7 PCS 1 PC U HANDLE HOLDER 2 PCS Y BURNERS 2 PCS V PHONE RECEIVER 1 PC Z1 RIGHT HOLDING PEG 1 PC W PHONE 1 PC X SUPPORTS 3 PCS Z2 LEFT HOLDING PEG 1 PC |3 PARTS 1 PANTRY LEFT 1 PC 5 UPPER SHELF 1 PC 9 COUNTER PANEL 1 PC 13 SKIRT 1 PC 17 OVEN DOOR 1 PC 4| 2 PANTRY 3 PANTRY RIGHT 4 PANTRY BACK 1 PC 1 PC 1 PC 6 SHELF DIVIDER 7 LOWER SHELF 8 COUNTERTOP 1 PC 1 PC 1 PC DIVIDER 10 UPPER SHELF BACK 1 PC 14 MICROWAVE 1 PC 18 OVEN BACK PANEL 1 PC 11 MIDDLE SHELF BACK 1 PC 15 SINK/OVEN DIVIDER 1 PC 19 SINK BACK PANEL 1 PC 12 BASE 1 PC 16 SINK CUPBOARD 1 PC 20 PANTRY DOOR 1 PC PARTS 21 REFRIGERATOR 22 OVEN SIDE DOOR 1 PC 25 SAUCE PAN 1 PC PANEL 1 PC 26 DUTCH OVEN 1 PC 23 PANTRY TOP 24 ICE DISPENSER 1 PC 1 PC 27 UTENSILS 28 ICE CUBE 1 SET 4 PCS |5 BEFORE ASSEMBLY Insert two part B dowels into the part 5 upper shelf. 1 2 Insert four part B dowels into the part 6 shelf divider. B x4 B x2 5 3 6 Attach one part I handle to the part 16 sink cupboard door with two part F screws. Attach one part K door insert and one part H hinge peg with four part D screws, two screws each. K 4 Insert four part B dowels into the part 8 countertop. Attach two part M taps and one part L faucet with three part E screws, one screw each. Attach two part Y burners with eight part F screws. H L M x2 Y x2 I 16 D x4 8 F x2 E x3 6| B x4 F x8 BEFORE ASSEMBLY 5 Insert four part B dowels into the part 12 base. 6 Attach three part X supports to the part 11 middle shelf back with three part C screws. B x4 C x3 11 12 X x3 7 Attach one part I handle to the part 17 oven door with two part F screws. 8 Insert four part B dowels into the part 7 lower shelf. Attach one part K door insert and one part N hinge peg with four part D screws, two screws each. I N K B x4 7 D x4 F x2 17 |7 BEFORE ASSEMBLY 9 Insert two part B dowels into the part 9 counter panel. Attach one part Z2 left holding peg and one part Z1 right holding peg with four part D screws, two screws each. 10 Insert two part B dowels into the part 13 skirt. B x2 B x2 13 9 Z2 D x4 11 Z1 Insert four part B dowels into the part 2 pantry divider. 12 Insert two part B dowels into the part 22 oven side panel. Attach two part U handle holders with two part F screws. Place the part T oven handle between the two handle holders. B x4 F x2 22 x2 2 B T 8| U x2 BEFORE ASSEMBLY 13 Attach one part G microwave handle to the part 14 microwave door with two part F screws. 14 Attach one part K door insert and one part N hinge peg with four part D screws, two screws each. Insert four part B dowels into the part 3 pantry right. Attach the part V phone receiver with two part F screws. G N V F x2 K 3 D x4 14 15 F x2 Insert two part B dowels into the part 1 pantry left. B x4 16 Insert four part B dowels into the part 15 sink/oven divider. B x2 B x4 15 1 |9 BEFORE ASSEMBLY 17 Attach one part I handle to the part 20 pantry door with two part F screws. Attach one part K door insert and one part H hinge peg with four part D screws, two screws each. 18 Attach one part I handle to the part 21 refrigerator door with two part F screws. Attach one part K door insert and one part H hinge peg with four part D screws, two screws each. You have completed the pre-assembly. H K I H K 20 D x4 I 21 D x4 F x2 F x2 PRODUCT ASSEMBLY 1 Attach the part 13 skirt to the part 12 base with two part A screws. 2 Attach the part 3 pantry right to the base with two screws. A x2 12 3 13 12 A x2 10 | PRODUCT ASSEMBLY 3 Locate the part 2 pantry divider and insert it into the part 3 pantry right. Attach the part 1 part pantry left with two part A screws and secure the divider with four part A screws. 4 Attach the part 15 sink/oven divider to the base with one part A screws. A x6 1 15 2 3 12 A 5 Attach the part 8 countertop to the part 15 divider with one part A screw. Secure the countertop to the part 3 pantry right with two part A screws. 6 Attach the part 5 upper shelf to the part 6 shelf divider with one part A screw. Attach the part 7 lower shelf to the part 6 shelf divider with one part A screw. Attach the part 15 counter panel to the countertop. 5 A x3 8 9 15 6 7 A x2 | 11 PRODUCT ASSEMBLY 7 Insert the part 4 pantry back between the pantry sides. Attach the shelf assembly to the part 3 pantry right and secure with two part A screws. A x2 4 5 7 3 8 Attach the part 23 pantry top to the pantry sides with four part A screws. Attach the part 22 oven side and secure with six part A screws. 5 23 A x10 7 8 1 3 12 13 12 | 22 PRODUCT ASSEMBLY 9 Secure the part 10, 11, 18, and 19 back panels with eighteen part C screws and seven part S disk washers. 10 11 x18 C S x7 18 10 19 Attach two part J door catches to the part 3 pantry right with four part D screws. Attach two part J door catches to the part 15 divider with four part D screws. Attach one part J door catch to the part 6 shelf divider with two part D screws. 6 D x10 3 J x5 15 | 13 PRODUCT ASSEMBLY 11 Insert the hinge peg on the part 20 pantry door into the opening on the part 23 pantry top. Insert one part N hinge peg into the opening on the part 2 pantry divider, and secure to the pantry door with two part D screws. 23 N 20 2 D x2 12 Attach the part 24 ice dispenser to the part 21 refrigerator door with six part D screws. x6 D 14 | 24 21 PRODUCT ASSEMBLY 13 Insert the hinge peg on the part 21 refrigerator door into the opening on the part 2 pantry divider. Insert one part N hinge peg into the opening on the base and secure to the pantry door with two part D screws. N 21 12 D x2 | 15 PRODUCT ASSEMBLY 14 Insert the hinge peg on the part 16 sink cupboard door into the opening on the part 9 counter panel. Insert one part N hinge peg into the opening on the part 12 base, and secure to the part 16 cupboard door with two part D screws. 9 16 N D x2 16 | PRODUCT ASSEMBLY 15 Insert the hinge peg on the part 17 oven door into the opening on the part 9 counter panel. Insert one part H hinge peg into the opening on the part 12 base, and secure to the part 17 oven door with two part D screws. 17 H D x2 | 17 PRODUCT ASSEMBLY 16 Insert the hinge peg on the part 14 microwave door into the opening on the part 5 upper shelf. Insert one part H hinge peg into the opening on the part 7 lower shelf, and secure to the part 14 oven door with two part D screws. 14 H D x2 18 | PRODUCT ASSEMBLY (OPTIONAL) 17 Combine the part P wall nail, part R wall washer, and part Q wall anchor and use a hammer to drive the nail into the wall through the opening on the part 4 pantry back. Insert part O sink and part W phone. R P Q W O | 19 HELP CENTER Question about your product? We're here to help. Visit us at: help.bestchoiceproducts.com CHAT US! Chat Support Product Inquiry Orders FAQ Product Assembly Returns & Refunds PRODUCT WARRANTY INFORMATION All items can be returned for any reason within 60 days of the receipt and will receive a full refund as long as the item is returned in its original product packaging and all accessories from its original shipment are included. All returned items will receive a full refund back to the original payment method. All returned items will not be charged a re-stocking fee. All returned items require an RA (Return Authorization) number, which can only be provided by a Best Choice Products Customer Service Representative when the return request is submitted. Items received without an RA may not be accepted or may increase your return processing time. Once an item has been received by Best Choice Products, refunds or replacements will be processed within 5 business days. All returns must be shipped back to the Best Choice Products Return Center at the customer’s expense. If the reason for return is a result of an error by Best Choice Products then Best Choice Products will provide a pre-paid shipping label via email. Boxes for return shipping will not be provided by Best Choice Products, and is the customer’s responsibility to either use the original shipping boxes or purchase new boxes. Pictures may be required for some returns to ensure an item is not damaged prior to its return. Items returned are not considered undamaged until they are received by Best Choice Products and verified as such. All damages to items are the customer’s responsibility until the item has been received by and acknowledge by Best Choice Products as undamaged. WARNING Manufacturer and seller expressly disclaim any and all liability for personal injury, property damage or loss, whether direct, indirect, or incidental, resulting from the incorrect attachment, improper use, inadequate maintenance, unapproved modification, or neglect of this product. ">

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Key features
- Realistic design
- Multiple play areas
- Encourages imaginative play
- Durable construction
- Easy assembly
Frequently asked questions
You'll need a Phillips screwdriver, a hammer, and optionally a drill.
Assembly can take up to 60 minutes.
The BCP SKY6346 is recommended for children 3 years old and up.