WAGNER Unica 4-270 Translation Of The Original Operating Manual
WAGNER Unica 4-270 is a double-diaphragm pneumatic pump designed for transferring various fluids. It features a 4.5:1 pressure ratio and a 270cm³ (cc) pumped volume per double stroke. The unit is suitable for numerous fluid-handling applications within service circuits, particularly in furniture, kitchen, joinery, and metal industries.
Translation of the original Operating Manual Unica 4-270 N Edition 09 / 2015 Medium pressure Double diaphragm pump II 2G IIB T4 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL Contents 1 1.1 1.2 ABOUT THESE INSTRUCTIONS Languages Warnings, notes and symbols in these instructions 5 5 5 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Safety instructions for the operator Electrical equipment Personnel qualifications A safe work environment Safety instructions for staff Safe handling of WAGNER spray units Earth the unit Material hoses Cleaning Handling hazardous liquids, varnishes and paints Touching hot surfaces Correct use Use in an explosion hazard area Correct use Explosion protection identification Max. surface temperature Safety regulations 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 PRODUCT LIABILITY AND WARRANTY Important notes on product liability Warranty CE-Conformity 11 11 11 12 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 DESCRIPTION Field of application Using in accordance with the instructions Examples of application areas Extent of delivery Data Materials used for components in contact with the product Technical data Dimensions and connections Performance diagrams Functioning Pump Air supply unit (optional) 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 17 18 19 19 20 5 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 STARTING UP AND OPERATING Installation and connection Pump wall-mounting installation Pump installation on ground frame Compressed air supply circuit Suction circuit Delivery circuit 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 3 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL Contents 5.1.6 5.1.7 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.3 5.4 Example of typical installation Earthing Start up Safety regulations Pressure release procedure Pump washing Filling with working fluid Pump stop Finishing work and cleaning Storing for long periods of time 23 24 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 6 6.1 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.3 6.3.1 FAULT LOCATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Troubleshooting and solution Maintenance Lubrication Washing and storing Regular check of sealing and tightness Plan of preventive maintenance Pump repair Maintenance of the hydraulic circuit Operations on the hydraulic circuit during maintenance Hydraulic circuit emptying Hydraulic circuit filling 30 30 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 36 36 36 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 ACCESSORIES Wall mounting kit Stand kit Compressed air supply kit Spring kit for product valves Suction hose kit 37 37 38 39 40 41 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.4 8.5 8.5.1 SPARE PARTS How to order spare parts Overview modules Air motor Pneumatic feeler Reversing valve Hydraulic circuit Fluid section Pump No. U581.00 42 42 44 45 47 48 49 51 52 4 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 1 ABOUT THESE INSTRUCTIONS 4HIS OPERATING MANUAL CONTAINS INFORMATION ABOUT THE OPERATION REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE UNIT !LWAYS FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS WHEN OPERATING THE UNIT 1.1 LANGUAGES 4HIS OPERATING MANUAL IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES ,ANGUAGE 0ART .O ,ANGUAGE ZZB028GER 'ERMAN %NGLISH &RENCH $UTCH ZZB028FRE )TALIAN 3PANISH ZZB028ITA $ANISH 3WEDISH -0ORTUGUESE 4URKISH -- 0ART .O ZZB028ENG -ZZB028SPA --- 1.2 WARNINGS, NOTES AND SYMBOLS IN THESE INSTRUCTIONS 7ARNING INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MANUAL POINT OUT PARTICULAR DANGERS TO USERS AND EQUIPMENT AND STATE MEASURES FOR AVOIDING THE HAZARD 4HESE WARNING INSTRUCTIONS FALL INTO THE FOLLO WING CATEGORIES $!.'%2 $ANGER IMMINENT DANGER .ON OBSERVANCE WILL RESULT IN DEATH SERIOUS INJURY AND SERIOUS MATERIAL DAMAGE 4HIS LINE WARNS OF THE HAZARD 0OSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILING TO OBSERVE THE WARNING INSTRUC TIONS 4HE SIGNAL WORD POINTS OUT THE HAZARD LEVEL 3)()??'" 7ARNING POSSIBLE DANGER .ON OBSERVANCE CAN RESULT IN DEATH SERIOUS INJURY AND SERIOUS MATERIAL DAMAGE 4HE MEASURES FOR PREVENTING THE HAZARD AND ITS CONSEQUENCES 7!2.).' 4HIS LINE WARNS OF THE HAZARD 0OSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILING TO OBSERVE THE WARNING INSTRUC TIONS 4HE SIGNAL WORD POINTS OUT THE HAZARD LEVEL 3)()??'" #AUTION A POSSIBLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION .ON OBSER VANCE CAN RESULT IN MINOR INJURY 4HE MEASURES FOR PREVENTING THE HAZARD AND ITS CONSEQUENCES #!54)/. 4HIS LINE WARNS OF THE HAZARD 0OSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILING TO OBSERVE THE WARNING INSTRUC TIONS 4HE SIGNAL WORD POINTS OUT THE HAZARD LEVEL 4HE MEASURES FOR PREVENTING THE HAZARD AND ITS CONSEQUENCES 3)()??'" #AUTION A POSSIBLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION .ON OBSER VANCE CAN CAUSE MATERIAL DAMAGE 3)()??'" #!54)/. 4HIS LINE WARNS OF THE HAZARD 0OSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILING TO OBSERVE THE WARNING INSTRUCTIONS 4HE SIGNAL WORD POINTS OUT THE HAZARD LEVEL 4HE MEASURES FOR PREVENTING THE HAZARD AND ITS CONSEQUENCES .OTE PROVIDE INFORMATION ON PARTICULAR CHARACTERISTICS AND HOW TO PROCEED 5 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL 2 GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 2.1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE OPERATOR +EEP THESE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS TO HAND NEAR THE UNIT AT ALL TIMES !LWAYS FOLLOW LOCAL REGULATIONS CONCERNING OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ACCIDENT PREVEN TION 2.1.1 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT %LECTRICAL PLANT AND UNIT 4O BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS WITH REGARD TO THE OPERATING MODE AND AMBIENT INmUENCES -AY ONLY BE MAINTAINED BY SKILLED ELECTRICIANS OR UNDER THEIR SUPERVISION -UST BE OPERATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SAFETY REGULATIONS AND ELECTROTECHNICAL REGU LATIONS -UST BE REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY IN THE EVENT OF PROBLEMS -UST BE PUT OUT OF OPERATION IF THEY POSE A HAZARD -UST BE DE ENERGIZED BEFORE WORK IS COMMENCED ON ACTIVE PARTS )NFORM STAFF ABOUT PLANNED WORK OBSERVE ELECTRICAL SAFETY REGULATIONS 2.1.2 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS %NSURE THAT THE UNIT IS OPERATED AND REPAIRED ONLY BY TRAINED PERSONS 2.1.3 A SAFE WORK ENVIRONMENT %NSURE THAT THE mOOR OF THE WORKING AREA IS ANTI STATIC IN ACCORDANCE WITH %. 0ART e MEASUREMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH $). %NSURE THAT ALL PERSONS WITHIN THE WORKING AREA WEAR ANTI STATIC SHOES EG SHOES WITH LEATHER SOLES %NSURE THAT DURING SPRAYING PERSONS WEAR ANTI STATIC GLOVES SO THAT THEY ARE EARTHED VIA THE HANDLE OF THE SPRAY GUN #USTOMER TO PROVIDE PAINT MIST EXTRACTION SYSTEMS CONFORMING TO LOCAL REGULATIONS %NSURE THAT THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS OF A SAFE WORKING ENVIRONMENT ARE AVAILABLE n -ATERIALAIR HOSES ADAPTED TO THE WORKING PRESSURE n 0ERSONAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT BREATHING AND SKIN PROTECTION %NSURE THAT THERE ARE NO IGNITION SOURCES SUCH AS NAKED mAME GLOWING WIRES OR HOT SURFACES IN THE VICINITY $O NOT SMOKE 2.2 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR STAFF !LWAYS FOLLOW THE INFORMATION IN THESE INSTRUCTIONS PARTICULARLY THE GENERAL SAFETY IN STRUCTIONS AND THE WARNING INSTRUCTIONS !LWAYS FOLLOW LOCAL REGULATIONS CONCERNING OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ACCIDENT PREVEN TION 6 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL 2.2.1 SAFE HANDLING OF WAGNER SPRAY UNITS 4HE SPRAY JET IS UNDER PRESSURE AND CAN CAUSE DANGEROUS INJURIES !VOID INJECTION OF PAINT OR CLEANING AGENTS .EVER POINT THE SPRAY GUN AT PEOPLE .EVER REACH INTO THE SPRAY JET "EFORE ALL WORK ON THE UNIT IN THE EVENT OF WORK INTERRUPTIONS AND FUNCTIONAL FAULTS n 3WITCH OFF THE ENERGYCOMPRESSED AIR SUPPLY n 3ECURE THE SPRAY GUN AGAINST ACTUATION n 2ELIEVE THE PRESSURE FROM THE SPRAY GUN AND UNIT n "Y FUNCTIONAL FAULTS )DENTIFY AND CORRECT THE PROBLEM PROCEED AS DESCRIBED IN CHAP u4ROUBLE SHOOTINGh )N THE EVENT OF SKIN INJURIES CAUSED BY PAINT OR CLEANING AGENTS .OTE DOWN THE PAINT OR CLEANING AGENT THAT YOU HAVE BEEN USING #ONSULT A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY !VOID DANGER OF INJURY THROUGH RECOIL FORCES %NSURE THAT YOU HAVE A lRM FOOTING WHEN OPERATING THE SPRAY GUN /NLY HOLD THE SPRAY GUN BRIEmY IN ANY ONE POSITION 2.2.2 EARTH THE UNIT %LECTROSTATIC CHARGES CAN OCCUR ON THE UNIT DUE TO THE ELECTROSTATIC CHARGE AND THE mOW SPEED INVOLVED IN SPRAYING4HESE CAN CAUSE SPARKS AND mAMES UPON DISCHARGE %NSURE THAT THE UNIT IS EARTHED FOR EVERY SPRAYING OPERATION %ARTH THE WORKPIECES TO BE COATED %NSURE THAT ALL PERSONS INSIDE THE WORKING AREA ARE EARTHED EG THAT THEY ARE WEARING ANTISTATIC SHOES 7HEN SPRAYING WEAR ANTISTATIC GLOVES TO EARTH YOURSELF VIA THE SPRAY GUN HANDLE 2.2.3 MATERIAL HOSES %NSURE THAT THE HOSE MATERIAL IS CHEMICALLY RESISTANT TO THE SPRAYED MATERIALS %NSURE THAT THE MATERIAL HOSE IS SUITABLE FOR THE PRESSURE GENERATED IN THE UNIT %NSURE THAT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS VISIBLE ON THE HIGH PRESSURE HOSE n -ANUFACTURER n 0ERMISSIBLE OPERATING OVERPRESSURE n $ATE OF MANUFACTURE 4HE ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE OF THE COMPLETE HIGH PRESSURE HOSE MUST BE LESS THAN -/HM 7 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL 2.2.4 CLEANING $E ENERGIZE THE UNIT ELECTRICALLY $ISCONNECT THE PNEUMATIC SUPPLY LINE 2ELIEVE THE PRESSURE FROM THE UNIT %NSURE THAT THE mASH POINT OF THE CLEANING AGENT IS AT LEAST + ABOVE THE AMBIENT TEM PERATURE 4O CLEAN USE ONLY SOLVENT FREE CLOTHS AND BRUSHES .EVER USE HARD OBJECTS OR SPRAY ON CLEANING AGENTS WITH A GUN !N EXPLOSIVE GASAIR MIXTURE FORMS IN CLOSED CONTAINERS 7HEN CLEANING UNITS WITH SOLVENTS NEVER SPRAY INTO A CLOSED CONTAINER %ARTH THE CONTAINER 2.2.5 HANDLING HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS, VARNISHES AND PAINTS 7HEN PREPARING OR WORKING WITH PAINT AND WHEN CLEANING THE UNIT FOLLOW THE WORK ING INSTRUCTIONS OF THE MANUFACTURER OF THE PAINTS SOLVENTS AND CLEANING AGENTS BEING USED 4AKE THE SPECIlED PROTECTIVE MEASURES IN PARTICULAR WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES AS WELL AS HAND PROTECTION CREAM IF NECESSARY 5SE A MASK OR BREATHING APPARATUS IF NECESSARY &OR SUFlCIENT HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY /PERATE THE UNIT IN A SPRAY BOOTH OR ON A SPRAYING WALL WITH THE VENTILATION EXTRACTION SWITCHED ON 7EAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING WHEN WORKING WITH HOT MATERIALS 2.2.6 TOUCHING HOT SURFACES 4OUCH HOT SURFACES ONLY IF YOU ARE WEARING PROTECTIVE GLOVES 7HEN OPERATING THE UNIT WITH A COATING MATERIAL WITH A TEMPERATURE OF ²# ²& )DENTIFY THE UNIT WITH A WARNING LABEL THAT SAYSu7ARNING HOT SURFACEh /RDER .O )NFORMATION LABEL 3AFETY LABEL 2.3 CORRECT USE 7!'.%2 ACCEPTS NO LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE ARISING FROM INCORRECT USE 5SE THE UNIT ONLY TO WORK WITH THE MATERIALS RECOMMENDED BY 7!'.%2 /PERATE THE UNIT ONLY AS AN ENTIRE UNIT $O NOT DEACTIVATE SAFETY EQUIPMENT 5SE ONLY 7!'.%2 ORIGINAL SPARE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES 8 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL 2.4 USE IN AN EXPLOSION HAZARD AREA 2.4.1 CORRECT USE 4HE UNIT IS SUITABLE FOR WORKING LIQUID MATERIALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLASSIlCATION INTO EXPLOSION CLASSES 2.4.2 EXPLOSION PROTECTION IDENTIFICATION As defined in the Directive 94/9/CE (ATEX 95), the unit is suitable for use in areas where there is an explosion hazard. CE: Ex: II: 2: G: IIB: T4: II 2G IIB T4 Communautés Européennes Symbol for explosion protection Unit class II Category 2 (Zone 1) Ex-atmosphere gas Explosion class Temperature class: maximum surface temperature < 135°C; 275°F. 2.4.3 MAX. SURFACE TEMPERATURE Max. surface temperature: Permissible ambient temperature: same as the permissible material temperature see under Technical data, Section 4.3.2 2.4.4 SAFETY REGULATIONS Safe handling of WAGNER spray units Internal explosive zone can be generated if the pump runs dry. J Ensure that the pump is filled with sufficient working or cleaning medium. Mechanical sparks can form if the unit comes into contact with metal. In an explosive atmosphere: J Do not knock or push the unit against steel or rusty iron. J Do not drop the unit. J Use only tools that are made of a permitted material. Ignition temperature of the pumped material J Check that the ignition temperature of the pumped material is higher than the max. allowable surface temperature. Medium supporting atomizing J To atomize the material, use only weakly oxidizing gases, e.g. air. 9 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL 3URFACE SPRAYING ELECTROSTATIC $O NOT SPRAY UNIT PARTS WITH ELECTROSTATIC EG ELECTROSTATIC SPRAY GUN #LEANING )F THERE ARE DEPOSITS ON THE SURFACES THE UNIT MAY FORM ELECTROSTATIC CHARGES &LAMES OR SPARKS CAN FORM IF THERE IS A DISCHARGE 2EMOVE DEPOSITS FROM THE SURFACES TO MAINTAIN CONDUCTIVITY 5SE ONLY A DAMP CLOTH TO CLEAN THE UNIT WARNING Gas mixtures can explode if there is an incompletely filled pump! Danger to life from flying parts. J Ensure that the pump and suction system are always completely filled with cleaning agent or working medium. J Do not spray the unit empty after cleaning. SIHI_41_0025_GB 10 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL 3 PRODUCT LIABILITY AND WARRANTY 3.1 IMPORTANT NOTES ON PRODUCT LIABILITY !S A RESULT OF AN %# REGULATION EFFECTIVE AS FROM *ANUARY THE MANUFACTURER SHALL ONLY BE LIABLE FOR HIS PRODUCT IF ALL PARTS COME FROM HIM OR ARE APPROVED BY HIM AND IF THE DEVICES ARE PROPERLY lTTED OPERATED AND MAINTAINED )F OTHER MAKES OF ACCESSORY AND SPARE PARTS ARE USED THE MANUFACTURER@S LIABILITY COULD BE FULLY OR PARTIALLY NULL AND VOID 4HE USAGE OF ORIGINAL 7!'.%2 ACCESSORIES AND SPARE PARTS GUARANTEES THAT ALL SAFETY RE GULATIONS ARE OBSERVED 3.2 WARRANTY 4HIS UNIT IS COVERED BY OUR WARRANTY ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS 7E WILL AT OUR DISCRETION REPAIR OR REPLACE FREE OF CHARGE ALL PARTS WHICH WITHIN MONTHS IN SINGLE SHIFT MONTHS IN SHIFT OR MONTHS IN SHIFT OPERATION FROM DATE OF RECEIPT BY THE 0URCHASER ARE FOUND TO BE WHOLLY OR SUBSTANTIALLY UNUSABLE DUE TO CAUSES PRIOR TO THE SALE IN PARTICULAR FAULTY DESIGN DEFECTIVE MATERIALS OR POOR WORKMANSHIP 4HE TERMS OF THE WARRANTY ARE MET AT OUR DISCRETION BY THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE UNIT OR PARTS THEREOF 4HE RESULTING COSTS IN PARTICULAR SHIPPING CHARGES ROAD TOLLS LABOUR AND MATERIAL COSTS WILL BE BORNE BY US EXCEPT WHERE THESE COSTS ARE INCREASED DUE TO THE SUBSEQUENT SHIPMENT OF THE UNIT TO A LOCATION OTHER THAN THE ADDRESS OF THE PURCHASER 4HIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER DAMAGE CAUSED BY 5NSUITABLE OR IMPROPER USE FAULTY INSTALLATION OR COMMISSIONING BY THE PURCHASER OR A THIRD PARTY NORMAL WEAR NEGLIGENT HANDLING DEFECTIVE MAINTENANCE UNSUITABLE COATING PRODUCTS SUBSTITUTE MATERIALS AND THE ACTION OF CHEMICAL ELECTROCHEMICAL OR ELECTRICAL AGENTS EXCEPT WHEN THE DAMAGE IS ATTRIBUTABLE TO US !BRASIVE COATING PRODUCTS SUCH AS REDLEAD EMULSIONS GLAZES LIQUID ABRASIVES ZINC DUST PAINTS AND SIMILAR REDUCE THE SERVICE LIFE OF VALVES PACKINGS SPRAY GUNS NOZZLES CYLINDERS PISTONS ETC !NY WEAR RESULTING FROM THE AFOREMENTIONED CAUSES IS NOT COVERED BY THIS WARRANTY #OMPONENTS NOT MANUFACTURED BY 7AGNER ARE SUBJECT TO THE WARRANTY TERMS OF THE ORIGI NAL MAKER 4HE REPLACEMENT OF A PART DOES NOT EXTEND THE WARRANTY PERIOD OF THE UNIT 4HE UNIT SHOULD BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIPT 4O AVOID LOSS WARRANTY ANIY APPARENT DEFECT SHOULD BE NOTIlED TO US OR THE DEALER IN WRI TING WITHIN DAYS FROM DATE OF SALE OF THE UNIT 4HE RIGHT TO COMMISSION WARRANTY SERVICES TO A THIRD PARTY IS RESERVED 7ARRANTY CLAIMS ARE SUBJECT TO PROOF OF PURCHASE BY SUBMITTING AN INVOICE OR DELIVERY NOTE )F AN INSPECTION lNDS DAMAGE NOT COVERED BY THE PRESENT WARRANTY THE REPAIR WILL BE CAR RIED OUT AT THE EXPENSE OF THE PURCHASER .OTE THAT THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT IN ANY WAY RESTRICT LEGALLY ENTITLED CLAIMS OR THOSE CONTRAC TUALLY AGREED TO IN OUR GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS * 7AGNER !' 11 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 3.3 CE-CONFORMITY Herewith we declare that the supplied version of: Pneumatic pump with article no.: Mod. Unica 4-270 N U581.00 Complies with the following directives applying to it: 2006/42/EC 94/9/EC Atex-directives Applied standards, in particular: UNI EN ISO 12100-1 UNI EN 809 UNI EN 1127-1 UNI EN ISO 12100-2 UNI EN 14121-1 EN 12621 UNI EN 563 UNI EN ISO 3746 UNI EN ISO 13463-1 Marking: II 2G IIB T4 %# #ERTIlCATE OF #ONFORMITY 4HE CERTIlCATE IS ENCLOSED WITH THIS PRODUCT4HE CERTIlCATE OF CONFORMITY CAN BE REORDERED FROM YOUR 7!'.%2 REPRESENTATIVE QUOTING THE PRODUCT AND SERIAL NUMBER 0ART NUMBER Unica 4-270 ZDI.15 12 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 4 DESCRIPTION 4.1 FIELD OF APPLICATION 4.1.1 USING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS The pneumatic diaphragm pump can be used to process many types of fluids. Before proceeding to operate the pump with a certain fluid, make sure that the fluid is compatible with the materials used for the fluid section (Paragraph 4.3.1). #!54)/. !BRASIVE MATERIALS AND PIGMENTS 'REATER WEAR OF THE PARTS CARRYING THE MATERIAL 5SE SUITABLE COMBINATIONS OF DEVICES PACKAGES VALVES ETC 3)()??'" 4.1.2 EXAMPLES OF APPLICATION AREAS The main use of the Unica 4-270 N pump is for fluid transfer inside service circuits. Other typical applications are given below. Application Unica 4-270 N Furniture industry Kitchen manufactures Joinery Wooden cowls manufacturers Metal industries Legend recommended limited suitability less suitable 13 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL 4.2 EXTENT OF DELIVERY Double-diaphragm pneumatic pump composed of: - Integrated pneumatic motor - Pumping stage CE-conformity see Operating manual in english Operating manual for other languages see Chapter 3.3 Part No.: ZZB028ENG Chapter 1.1 The delivery note shows the exact scope of delivery. Accessories: see chapter 7. 4.3 DATA 4.3.1 MATERIALS USED FOR COMPONENTS IN CONTACT WITH THE PRODUCT Suction ducts Valves balls Valves seats Valve bodies Diaphragms O-rings Stainless steel EN 1.4301 (X 5 CrNi 18-10, AISI 304) Stainless steel EN 1.4028 (X 30 Cr 13, AISI 420) Stainless steel EN 1.4301 (X 5 CrNi 18-10, AISI 304) Acetal (POM) PTFE PTFE 14 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 4.3.2 TECHNICAL DATA Description Unit Pressure ratio Pumped volume per double stroke (DS) Unica 4-270 N 4,5 :1 cm³ (cc) 270 Max. operating pressure MPa bar psi 2,7 27 391.6 Max. peak pressure MPa bar psi 3 30 435.1 Max. recommended operating speed DC/min DS/min 30 Min. - Max. motor air inlet pressure MPa bar psi 0.2-0.6 2-6 29-87 Ø air inlet connection (male) Zoll Inch G 1/2“ Min. Ø compressed air hose mm Inch 13 0.512 Air consumption at 0.6 MPa; 6 bar; 87 psi per DS nl scf 16 Noise level* with max. allowable air supply pressure dB(A) 77.5 Ø piston of air motor mm Inch 200 8.0 Material inlet connection (female) Zoll Inch G 3/4“ Material outlet connection (female) Zoll Inch G 3/4“ Weight kg lb 46 101.2 Material pH value pH 3.5 ÷ 9 Max. material pressure at pump inlet MPa bar psi 2 20 90 Range of material temperature °C; F +5° ÷ +80°; (+41 ÷ +176) Range of environmental temperature °C; F +4° ÷ +40° ; (+39.2 ÷ +104) Allowable sloping position at work <) ° ± 10 Hydraulic fluid volume needed l 0.7 * A rated sound pressure level measured at 1m distance according to UNI EN ISO 37461997. 15 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL Description Unit Unica 4-270 N Dry suction height m ft 4 13,1 Liquid suction height m ft 8 26,2 7!2.).' /UTGOING AIR CONTAINING OIL 2ISK OF POISONING IF INHALED &UNCTION PROBLEM AIRMOTOR 0ROVIDE WATER FREE AND OIL FREE COMPRESSED AIR QUALITY STANDARD AS PER )3/ M MGMÃ 3)()??'" 16 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 4.3.3 DIMENSIONS AND CONNECTIONS Unica 4-270 N mm; inch A B C D E F 362; 14.3 83; 3.3 422; 16.6 180.5; 7.1 171.5; 6.8 384; 15.1 Unica 4-270 N mm; inch G H I J K L 209; 8.2 164; 6.5 412; 16.2 G 3/4“ G 3/4“ G 1/2“ I B J G E F C D H A K L C_41_00002 17 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 4.3.4 PERFORMANCE DIAGRAMS Example Stroke frequency DS/min Material pressure bar (MPa) <psi> 6b ar 6 bar Air consumption nl/min <scfm> ar 4b 4 bar ar 2b 2 bar C_41_00003 Material flow volume - water l/min <gpm> Diagram Unica 4-270 N Stroke frequency DS/min nl/min bar (MPa) <psi> <scfm> 10 0 <435> 30 40 50 60 A A <35> 750 22.5 (2.25) <26.5> <326> Material pressure 1000 B B 15 (1.5) 500 <218> <17.7> C C 7.5 (0.75) 250 Air consumption 30 (3) 20 <8.8> <109> 0 0 0 2.8 5.6 8.4 11.2 14.0 16.8 l/min <0.74> <1.48> <2.22> <2.96> <3.70> <4.44> <gpm> Material flow volume - water A = 6 bar; 0.6 MPa; 87 psi Air pressure B = 4 bar; 0.4 MPa; 58 psi Air pressure C = 2 bar; 0.2 MPa; 29 psi Air pressure 18 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 4.4 FUNCTIONING 4.4.1 PUMP 1 Product delivery manifold 2 Product suction manifold 3 Reversing valve unit 4 Compressed air inlet fitting 5 Pneumatic motor protection 6 Fluid section 7 Grounding connection 8 Product inlet fitting 9 Product outlet fitting 10 Safety valve 1 9 6 5 7 3 8 10 4 2 C_41_00005 Generalities The double-diaphragm pump is operated by a pneumatic reciprocating motor. The diaphragms‘ movement inside the fluid section (6) is obtained by a hold-and-grasp system that makes them integral with the motor shaft. At the end of each phase the compressed air is directed to the opposite chamber by dedicated commutating valves named feelers. The motor has a tandem configuration: two pistons simultaneously push the pump shaft. During each stroke of the shaft, the paint is sucked and pumped into the delivery ducts at the same time. Pneumatic motor Thanks to its reversing system (3) the pneumatic motor needs no lubrication. The compressed air supply is obtained by a pressure reducer and a ball valve available on request with the pump. The pneumatic motor is equipped with a safety valve containing a pre-loaded spring. The safety valve is mounted and calibrated in the factory. When the pressure exceeds the max. allowed operating value, the valve opens and discharges the exceeding pressure. Safety valve Besides having the aim to limit the max. inlet pressure of compressed air into the pneumatic motor, the safety valve (10) can be also used as depressurizing valve for the motor. To depressurize the motor, just pull the dedicated exhaust ring when the ball valve is closed (part n°3 in the diagram in Paragraph 4.4.2). The ring on the safety valve also allows to check the good performance of the valve itself. Use the safety valve ring to depressurize the pneumatic motor, in addition to the pressure outlet procedure in the fluid side. Depressurize the pneumatic motor before any pump disassembly or maintenance work. 19 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL WARNING Overpressure! Risk of injury from bursting components. Frequently check the safety valve efficiency by pulling the ring. SIHC_0026_GB Fluid section The fluid section has been designed to work as a double-diaphragm pump with interchangeable suction and delivery valves. 4.4.2 AIR SUPPLY UNIT (OPTIONAL) 1 2 3 Pressure regulator Control air gauge Motor air shut-off valve 3 1 2 C_41_00006 20 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL 5 STARTING UP AND OPERATING 5.1 INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION The Unica 4-270 N diaphragm pump can be wall-mounted or floor-mounted. For an example of typical installation, see Paragraph 5.1.6. The picture does not represent the most suitable solution in all situations and it‘s given only as mere example. Please refer to a Wagner authorised technician for further information about the best mounting solution for each user’s special needs. To make operation and maintenance easier, install the pump so that the pneumatic supply inlet and the pneumatic supply/suction fittings are easily accessible. Install the pump in a horizontal position. To have support about how to integrate the pump in a pre-existing plant or for a customised location, please refer to a Wagner authorised technician. Always use original Wagner spare parts. 5.1.1 PUMP WALL-MOUNTING INSTALLATION The Unica 4-270 N pump installation kit for wall-mounting can be supplied on request. Part number: Wall mounting kit: T6151.00 For any information regarding the kit‘s content and assembling, please refer to the correspondent paragraph in chapter 7 - Accessories. 5.1.2 PUMP INSTALLATION ON GROUND FRAME The Unica 4-270 N pump installation kit on ground frame can be supplied on request. Part number: Ground frame kit: T6148.00 For any information regarding the kit’s content and assembling, please refer to the correspondent paragraph in chapter 7 - Accessories. WARNING Inclined surface! Risk of accidents if the unit rolls away/falls. Place the frame with the pump horizontally. Lock the frame. SIHC_41_0012_GB 21 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL 5.1.3 COMPRESSED AIR SUPPLY CIRCUIT Firmly install all components of the compressed air supply circuit, by anchoring them on a wall or frame. Make sure the system is correctly connected to a grounding terminal. Install a general air shut-off valve (A), so that the compressed air flow in the supply circuit can be controlled. Mount a compressed air line filter (B). Its function is to remove any dirt and condensate residue from the supply line. Connect the S462.00A hose to the high-pressure special control fitting (L) on the pneumatic inlet of the Unica 4-270 N pump before the pressure regulator. Install a pressure regulator (C) on the pump to adjust the pressure of the air entering the pneumatic motor and to be able to choose the desired working speed. The Unica 4-270 N pump performs on the working fluid a pressure of 4.5 times the supply air pressure, with peak values of 30 bar. Install a motor air shut-off valve (D) downstream the pressure controller: this allows to open/shut off the air flow supplying the pneumatic motor. 5.1.4 SUCTION CIRCUIT Use electrically conductive pipes (see Paragraph 2.2.3). Connect the working fluid suction system to the pump by means of a system of pipes and fittings (E). For the correct pump inlet thread diameters, please see Paragraph 4.3.2 - Technical Data. Use a system of pipes suitable for the working conditions. Make sure that the height difference between the product level in the tank and the pump suction unit does not exceed the max. allowed suction height given for the pump (see Paragraph 4.3.2 - Technical Data). 5.1.5 DELIVERY CIRCUIT Use electrically conductive pipes (see Paragraph 2.2.3). Connect the pump to the delivery circuit through a system of pipes and fittings (F).For the correct pump outlet thread diameters, please see paragraph 4.3.2 - Technical Data. Install a purge valve (G) for the fluid, which allows to easily release the remaining pressure inside the system in case the working session stops. The risks deriving from an unattended system in pressure are thus reduced. Install a product shut-off valve (H) allowing to isolate the pump from the service circuit. 22 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 5.1.6 EXAMPLE OF TYPICAL INSTALLATION B A F H D C G L E S462.00A I C_41_00011 23 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 5.1.7 EARTHING WARNING Discharge of electrostatically charged components in atmospheres containing solvents! Explosion hazard from electrostatic sparks. Clean the pump only with a damp cloth. SIHC_41_0041_GB 7!2.).' (EAVY PAINT MIST IF EARTHING IS INSUFlCIENT 2ISK OF POISONING )NSUFlCIENT PAINT APPLICATION QUALITY %ARTH ALL UNIT COMPONENTS %ARTH THE WORKPIECES BEING PAINTED 3)()??'" Earthing schema (example per painting applications) Conveyor Workpiece Pump R max < 1 MΩ Spraying stand C_41_00007 Paint container Anti-static floor 24 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL Cable cross sections Pump Paint container Conveyor Spraying booth Spraying stand 4 mm²; AWG 11 6 mm²; AWG 10 16 mm²; AWG 5 16 mm²; AWG 5 16 mm²; AWG 5 Procedure: 1. Screw on earthing cable with eyelet terminal. 2. Clamp the earthing cable clip to a earth connection on site. 3. Earth the material (paint) container to a local earth connection. 4. Earth the other parts of the system to a local earth connection. 25 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL 5.2 START UP 5.2.1 SAFETY REGULATIONS Every time before starting up the following points should be observed as laid down in the operating instructions: - That it is possible to observe the safety regulations in Chap. 2. - That the starting up procedure has been carried out properly. 7!2.).' (IGH PRESSURE SPRAY JET $ANGER TO LIFE FROM INJECTING PAINT OR SOLVENT .EVER REACH INTO THE SPRAY JET .EVER POINT THE SPRAY GUN AT PEOPLE #ONSULT A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY IN THE EVENT OF SKIN INJURIES CAUSED BY PAINT OR SOLVENT )NFORM THE DOCTOR ABOUT THE PAINT OR SOLVENT USED .EVER SEAL DEFECTIVE HIGH PRESSURE PARTS INSTEAD RELIEVE THE PRESSURE FROM THEM AND REPLACE 3)()??'" 7!2.).' 4OXIC ANDOR mAMMABLE VAPOR MIXTURES 2ISK OF POISONING AND BURNS /PERATE THE UNIT IN A SPRAYING BOOTH APPROVED FOR THE WORKING MATERIALS OR /PERATE THE UNIT ON AN APPROPRIATE SPRAYING WALL WITH THE VENTI LATION EXTRACTION SWITCHED ON /BSERVE NATIONAL AND LOCAL REGULATIONS FOR THE OUTGOING AIR SPEED 3)()??'" WARNING Gas mixtures can explode if there is an incompletely filled pump! Danger to life from flying parts. J Ensure that the pump and suction system are always completely filled with cleaning agent or working medium. J Do not spray the unit empty after cleaning. SIHI_41_0025_GB 26 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL Before every start-up, the following points should be observed as laid down in the operating manual: - Check the admissible pressures - Check all connections for leaks - Check hoses for damage It should be ensured that the unit is in the following state before carrying out any work on it: - Interrupt compressed air supply. - Depressurise the pump and the product delivery circuit. Emergency stop In case of unexpected events, it is necessary to close immediately the compressed air supply and discharge the pressure from the pump service circuit. 5.2.2 PRESSURE RELEASE PROCEDURE 1. Interrupt the pump compressed air supply. 2. Open the usage and discharge the remaining pressure inside the pump and circuit. 3. To guarantee a complete depressurisation of the pneumatic motor, pull the ring of the safety valve (see Paragraph 4.4.1). 5.2.3 PUMP WASHING The Unica 4-270 N pump is tested in the factory with oil. In case eventual testing fluid residues may contaminate the working material, carry out a preliminary washing using a solvent compliant with the product. To perform the washing see the instructions in the following paragraph, considering the solvent instead of the working material. 27 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL 5.2.4 FILLING WITH WORKING FLUID This description refers to the exemplifying picture given in Paragraph 5.1.6. 1. Make sure the pump is correctly connected to a grounding terminal. Please see Pragraph 5.1.7 - “Grounding” for further information. 2. Check the tightness of all fittings and make sure they are tight enough. 3. Connect the pump suction duct to the tank with the working fluid (I). For example, if a suction hose is used, dip it in the barrel of the product to be pumped. 4. Connect the pump delivery duct to the usage. If a washing is in progress, direct the product outlet hose into the container collecting the solvent. 5. Close the pump air pressure regulator (C) , pressurise the compressed air supply line and open the air shut-off valve on the pump (D). 6. Slowly open the air pressure regulator on the pump (C) until it starts working. Have the pump work slowly until all the air left inside the suction and delivery circuits has been discharged. Continue until the pump has correctly primed. 7. Only if the pump is being washed with solvent, have it cycle until the clean solvent flows inside the delivery circuit. Then close the pump air pressure controller (C). Attention! - Never operate the pump at high speed with no fluid inside. - Slow down the pump during priming. - High running speed without material can damage the diaphragm. 5.2.5 PUMP STOP For a short-term stop, perform the pressure release procedure (Paragraph 5.2.2). For a long-term stop, such as an overnight standstill: 1. Clean the pump fluid section by washing it with a compliant solvent. 2. Leave the solvent inside the pump fluid section. 3. Perform the pressure release procedure (Paragraph 5.2.2). For a stop preceding maintenance or disconnection of the pump, see the instructions given in Paragraph 5.3. 28 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL 5.3 FINISHING WORK AND CLEANING Note The device should be cleaned for maintenance purposes, etc. Ensure that no remaining material dries and sticks. Procedure: 1. Follow the procedure foreseen to stop the pump -> chapter 5.2.5 2. Follow the procedure foreseen for washing -> chapter 5.2.3. 3. Clean and check the suction system and, in particular, the suction filter. 4. When using a high-pressure filter: Clean and check the filter insert 5. Clean the external part of the system. 7!2.).' "RITTLE lLTER PRESSURE REGULATOR 4HE CONTAINER ON THE lLTER PRESSURE REGULATOR BECOMES BRITTLE THROUGH CONTACT WITH SOLVENTS AND CAN BURST &LYING PARTS CAN CAUSE INJURY $O NOT CLEAN THE CONTAINER ON THE PRESSURE REGULATOR WITH SOL VENT 3)()??'" 6. Fill the system with detergent following the instructions given in paragraph 5.2.4 “Filling with working fluid”. WARNING Gas mixtures can explode if there is an incompletely filled pump! Danger to life from flying parts. J Ensure that the pump and suction system are always completely filled with cleaning agent or working medium. J Do not spray the unit empty after cleaning. SIHI_41_0025_GB 5.4 STORING FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME When storing the pump for long periods of time it is necessary to thoroughly clean it and protect it from corrosion. Replace the water or the solvent in the pump delivery circuit with a suitable preservative oil. Procedure: 1. Carry out Paragraph 5.3 „Shutting down and cleaning“, points 1 through 6. 2. Fill the system with conservative liquid following the instructions given in paragraph 5.2.4. 3. Protect the air motor with pneumatic oil: connect an oiler to the compressed air inlet and have the pump perform a few double strokes. 29 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 6 FAULT LOCATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 6.1 TROUBLESHOOTING AND SOLUTION Problem Cause Solution The pump does not work • Air motor does not work or stops • Open and close the ball valve on the pressure regulator unit or disconnect compressed air supply for a short time • No pressure indication (pressure regulator defect) • Disconnect the compressed air supply for a short time or repair or replace the pressure controller. • In painting applications, obstruction of the spraying nozzle • Clean nozzle as laid down in the instructions • Insufficient supply of compressed • Overhaul the pneumatic delivery plant air In painting applications, unsatisfactory spraying quality • In painting applications, obstruction of the cartidge filter inside spray gun or of the highpressure filter • Clean the parts and use a suitable working material • Obstruction of the pump fluid section or of the high-pressure pipes (for example, hardened products inside the delivery pipes) • Dismantle the pump and clean, replace high-pressure hose • Excess of grease or dirt inside the reversing valve spool (the pneumatic motor stops at end stroke) • Remove dirt or grease in excess. Check the reversing valve body. • Please see instructions for use of the spraying device (for example, a spraygun) IMPORTANT: In all cases where pump parts or pressurized pipes need to be disassembled, follow the pressure release procedure as described in Paragraph 5.2.2 before performing maintenance. 30 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL Troubleshooting and solution Problem Cause Solution Irregular working cycle of the pump; in painting applications the material jet collapses (pulsation) • Excessive material viscosity • Dilute working material • Spraying pressure too low • Increase air inlet pressure, without ever exceeding the max. allowable value. Use smaller nozzle. • Product valves clogged • Clean pump fluid section, if necessary let the detergent act inside it for some time. • Foreign body in the suction valves • Remove the foreign bodies in the suction valves, clean and check the valve seats. • Insufficient diameter of compressed air supply hose • Mount a pneumatic supply hose with larger diameter -> technical data, paragraph 4.3.2 • Worn valves, seals or diaphragms • Replace the worn components • Obstructed control air filter or working air filter. • Check filters and if necessary clean them • Insufficient diameter of compressed air feeding hose • Push the anti-stall rod to unblock the pneumatic motor. Use a pneumatic feeding hose having a larger diameter. -> Paragraph 4.3.2. “Technical data” • Piloting system air supply hose wrongly assembled after the pump air pressure regulator • Push the anti-stall rod to unblock the pneumatic motor. Assemble the piloting system air supply hose before the pump pressure regulator -> Paragraph 5.1.3. “Compressed air supply air” • Reversing valve blocked or damaged • Check the reversing valve and replace it, if necessary • Insufficient piloting pressure • Check the compressed air feeding line and increase it, if necessary -> Paragraph 4.3.2. “Technical data” The pump doesn‘t work (pneumatic motor stall) IMPORTANT: In all cases where pump parts or pressurized pipes need to be disassembled, follow the pressure release procedure as described in Paragraph 5.2.2 before performing maintenance. 31 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL Troubleshooting and solution Problem Cause The pump works • The connections on the suction regularly but does not system leak and the pump sucks suck the working fluid air Solution • Tighten the fittings and remove leaks • Obstructed suction filter • Clean filter • Obstructed suction valves • Clean the pump fluid section with detergent and if necessary let the detergent act for some time (in case, purge the device) The pump runs when the gun is closed • Packings, valves worn • Replace parts Loss of power due to ice formation in the pneumatic motor • Presence of large quantities of • Install a drier in the compressed air condensate in the compressed air supply circuit or, if already existing, check supply circuit its performance IMPORTANT: In all cases where pump parts or pressurized pipes need to be disassembled, follow the pressure release procedure as described in Paragraph 5.2.2 before performing maintenance. If the problem is not listed above consult your WAGNER Service Center. 32 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL 6.2 MAINTENANCE 7!2.).' )NCORRECT MAINTENANCEREPAIR $ANGER TO LIFE AND EQUIPMENT DAMAGE /NLY A 7!'.%2 SERVICE CENTER OR A SUITABLY TRAINED PERSON MAY CARRY OUT REPAIRS AND REPLACE PARTS /NLY REPAIR AND REPLACE PARTS THAT ARE LISTED IN THE CHAPTER 3PARE PARTS CATALOG "EFORE ALL WORK ON THE UNIT AND IN THE EVENT OF WORK INTERRUP TIONS $ISCONNECT THE CONTROL UNIT FROM THE MAINS 2ELIEVE THE PRESSURE FROM THE SPRAY GUN AND UNIT 3ECURE THE SPRAY GUN AGAINST ACTUATION /BSERVE THE OPERATING AND SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS WHEN CARRYING OUT ALL WORK 3)()??'" 6.2.1 LUBRICATION No lubrication is required for the pneumatic motor. An excessive lubrication may cause system failure. Regularly check the condition of compressed air filters mounted on the pneumatic motor piloting system (parts nr. 25 in the diagram in Paragraph 8.3). Replace them if necessary. 6.2.2 WASHING AND STORING Before stopping the pump for a period of time in which the fluid may harden inside the curcuit and damage the system, carry out a washing with suitable solvent. Please see Paragraph 5.3 “Disconnection and cleaning” for the relevant procedure. 6.2.3 REGULAR CHECK OF SEALING AND TIGHTNESS Before each use of the pump: 1. Make sure that all fluid conveying pipes have no wear signs or damages. Replace them if necessary. 2. Check the sealing and tightness of all threaded fittings. Make sure there are no leaks. Check screws tightness at least once every two months. Please see this manual for information about the correct tightening torques. 6.2.4 PLAN OF PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Work out a plan of preventive maintenance including the above checks, basing on the usage history of the pump. The wear of components depends on the using conditions. It is important to replace the parts subject to wear (e.g. valve seats or membranes) in due time, in order not to have the system damaged, which can be avoided by means of a plan of preventive maintenance. 33 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 6.3 PUMP REPAIR Before carrying out any maintenance operation: 1. Possibly wash the pump fluid section (see Paragraph 5.2.3) 2. Release the pressure inside the pump following the procedure described in Paragraph 5.2.2. 3. Disconnect the pump from the compressed air supply line and disconnect the fluid section from the external suction and service circuits. 4. Remove the pump from the installation site and take it to a suitable place for the maintenance work. How to carry out a repair Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance is to be carried out according to the schemes and procedures given in this manual for Use and Maintenance, In all cases: 1. Refer to a Wagner authorised technician. 2. Use only Wagner original spare parts. 3. Before assembling parts, make sure they are clean and, if necessary, lubricated. 4. Avoid damaging gaskets’ sealing surfaces during maintenance. 5. Whenever the pump is assembled, replace all o-rings in the fluid section which have already been subject to previous tightening. 6. Avoid using silicone-based or silicone-contanining lubricants. 6.3.1 MAINTENANCE OF THE HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT The Unica 4-270 N pump includes a fluid-mechanical conservation system granting the best possible performance of the diaphragms under normal working conditions. The hydraulic circuit is normally full of working fluid filled in the factory. The safety card of the working fluid can be supplied on request. Before carrying out any maintenance involving the hydraulic circuit, the working fluid has to be removed as described in Paragraph The quantity of working fluid necessary to fill the circuit is about 1 l. It is advisable to use only Wagner spare fluid: Order number Hydraulic fluid Unica 4-270 N pump (1-litre bottle) Z126.00 The fluid-mechanical system inside the hydraulic circuit needs no maintenance and the circuit doesn’t usually need disassembling. The need to disassemble it may arise in case it is necessary to replace parts inside the pump which are subject to maintenance. If lacking Wagner spare fluid after carrying out the maintenance, it is possible to temporarily fill the hydraulic circuit with water; however, it is advisable to replace it with Wagner working fluid as soon as possible. For further information please refer to a Wagner authorised technician. An explanatory picture is given below. The assembling diagram of the hydraulic circuit is given in Paragraph 8.4. 34 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL Cap Outlet valve Working fluid 35 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL OPERATIONS ON THE HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DURING MAINTENANCE If the pump is subjected to maintenance regarding the fluid section which not implies the disassembling of the diaphragm covers (parts nr. 16 given in the picture of Paragraph 8.5), the hydraulic circuit system does not undergo any particular change and the following operations are not necessary. If the maintenance in the fluid section concerns components whose access to or disassembly of require the disassembling of the pump covers (picture Paragraph 8.5), then the following operations (emptying and filling up the hydraulic circuit with working fluid) are necessary. If the maintenance concerns the pneumatic motor or the hydraulic circuit itself, the following operations are necessary. WARNING: the best possible performance of the vacuum system inside the hydraulic circuit is important to guarantee the longest possible life of the membranes. The following operations are hence to be carried out only by Wagner authorised technicians. HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT EMPTYING Referring to the assemblying picture in Paragraph 8.4: 1. Get a container to collect the hydraulic fluid and place it under the pump. 2. Disconnect hose nr. 17 from quick coupling nr. 10 and extract the hydraulic fluid collecting it in the dedicated container. Dispose of the fluid in compliance with the local law regulation. HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT FILLING After maintenance, remount the various pump sections except the outer protections (parts 3 and 4 in the diagram in Paragraph 8.2), connect the pump to the compressed air supply line, see the picture given in Paragraph 8.4 and proceed as follows: 1. Unscrew caps nr. 11 and valve bodies nr. 12. 2. Fill the hydraulic circuit with working fluid. 3. With the pump air pressure reducer completely closed, open the motor air shut-off valve (parts C and D, diagram in Paragraph 5.1.6). 4. Paying great attention to squirts, slowly open the air pressure reducer and run one/two cycles of the pneumatic motor. Then close the pressure controller. This operation allows emptying the residual air in the hollows of the hydraulic circuit. 5. Refill the hydraulic circuit with working fluid. 6. Remount valves nr. 12. 7. Run the pump for about one minute, collecting the excess hydraulic fluid discharged by valves nr. 12 in the previously used container. 8. Remount caps nr. 11 and the rest of the pump. 11 12 D C C_41_00020 36 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 7 ACCESSORIES 7.1 WALL MOUNTING KIT 4 3 2 1 C_41_00009 NOTE: If you are not going to use the original screws (4) included in the frame kit, make sure not to use too long screws, that could damage the sealing of the pump external covers. Pos. K Qty. Description Wall mounting kit No. T6151.00 1 4 Washer K509.62 2 2 Wall bracket E3239.62 3 4 Contact washer K572.62 4 4 M8x18 screw K136.62A = Wearing part 37 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 7.2 STAND KIT 3 2 1 NOTE: If you are not going to use the original screws (3) included in the frame kit, make sure not to use too long screws, that could damage the sealing of the pump external covers. Pos. K C_41_00010 Qty. Description No. Stand kit T6148.00 1 2 Stand frame E3238.92 2 8 Contact washer K572.62 3 8 M8x70 screw K193.62 = Wearing part 38 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 7.3 COMPRESSED AIR SUPPLY KIT 7 8 3 1 2 5 C_41_00012 4 6 Pos. K Qty. Description No. Compressed air supply kit T6152.00 1 1 Air cut-off valve M104.00 2 1 Nipple M206.04 3 1 Pressure regulator 9999506 4 1 Reduction unit M203.04 5 1 Pressure gauge P903.00 6 1 Hose nylon d4 L=370 mm S462.00A 7 1 Nipple M631.62 8 1 Fitting M652.00 = Wearing parts 39 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 7.4 SPRING KIT FOR PRODUCT VALVES 3 1 2 4 C_41_00023 Pos. K Qty. Description No. 1 Spring kit Unica 4-270 N T6169.00 1 4 Valve guide B0373.07 2 4 Spring H293.03 3 4 PTFE O-ring seal L228.05 4 4 PTFE O-ring seal L227.05 = Wearing parts 40 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 7.5 SUCTION HOSE KIT 1 2 3 C_41_00024 Pos. K Qty. Description No. 1 Suction hose kit Unica 4-270 N T4021.00I 1 1 Stainless steel reduced nipple M812.03B 2 1 Stainless steel suction pipe T409.00EI 3 1 Stainless steel filter 0250245 = Wearing parts 41 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL 8 SPARE PARTS 8.1 HOW TO ORDER SPARE PARTS !LWAYS SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION TO ENSURE DELIVERY OF THE RIGHT SPARE PART 0ART .UMBER DESCRIPTION AND QUANTITY 4HE QUANTITY NEED NOT BE THE SAME AS THE NUMBER GIVEN IN THE u1UANTITYh COLUMN 4HIS NUMBER MERELY INDICATES HOW MANY OF THE RESPECTIVE PARTS ARE USED IN EACH SUBASSEMBLY 4HE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS ALSO REQUIRED TO ENSURE SMOOTH PROCESSING OF YOUR ORDER !DDRESS FOR THE INVOICE !DDRESS FOR DELIVERY .AME OF THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED IN THE EVENT OF ANY QUERIES 4YPE OF DELIVERY REQUIRED AIR FREIGHT OR MAIL SEA ROUTE OR OVERLAND ROUTE ETC -ARKS IN SPARE PARTS LISTS .OTE TO COLUMNu+h IN THE FOLLOWING SPARE PARTS LISTS U 7EARING PARTS .OTE .O LIABILITY IS ASSUMED FOR WEARING PARTS L .OT PART OF STANDARD EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE HOWEVER AS ADDITIONAL EXTRA 7!2.).' )NCORRECT MAINTENANCEREPAIR 2ISK OF INJURY AND DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENT 2EPAIRS AND PART REPLACEMENT MAY ONLY BE CARRIED OUT BY SPE CIALLY TRAINED STAFF OR A 7!'.%2 SERVICE CENTER "EFORE ALL WORK ON THE UNIT AND IN THE EVENT OF WORK INTERRUP TIONS 3WITCH OFF THE ENERGYCOMPRESSED AIR SUPPLY 2ELIEVE THE PRESSURE FROM THE SPRAY GUN AND UNIT 3ECURE THE SPRAY GUN AGAINST ACTUATION /BSERVE THE OPERATING AND SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS WHEN CARRYING OUT ALL WORK 3)()??'" 42 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL 43 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 8.2 OVERVIEW MODULES 1 1 1 2 (*) 3 (*) 2 (**) (**) Hydraulic circuit (Ref. Par. 6.3.1) 1 Fluid section Fluid section Air motor 1 2 (*) 4 2 (**) 1 1 1 Pos. K Qty. Description No. 1 16 5x8 screw K1072.03 2 8 Contact washer K571.62 3 1 Pump upper protection E3235.71 4 1 Pump lower protection E3236.71 = Wearing parts 44 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 8.3 AIR MOTOR (*) 1 2 3 a) 25+14+22 14+15 4 6 14+15 4 20 a) 50 Nm; 37 lbft 18+17 14+15 18+21 14 15 7 (*) 25+16+22+22 14+15 14 22 14 17 (***) (**) 18 25 15 Nm; 11.1 lbft 24 19(***) 22 19(**) 10 11 16 8 5 a) 3 a) 50 Nm; 37 lbft 20 a) 1 9 13 12 26 2 7 4 24 15 Nm; 11.1 lbft 14 14 6 15 4 23 27 28 23 18 21 a) Apply a small quantity of grease C_41_00030 45 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL Pos. K 1 Qty. Description No. 2 Motor piston B0329.01 2 2 NBR O-Ring seal L115.06 3 2 NBR O-Ring seal L224.06 4 4 NBR O-Ring seal L145.06 5 1 Motor rod D449.03 6 2 Motor cylinder D635.12 4 Muffler H527.07 1 Motor body F1012.01 7 8 9 1 Reversing valve unit ISO 3 P497.00A 1 Air inlet block B0330.71A 1 NBR O-Ring seal L105.06 12 1 Conical nipple 1/2” M206.04 13 4 M8x75 SS Socket screw K106.62 14 5 Fast fitting L 1/8x4 M335.00 15 2 Hose nylon d4 L=130 mm S462.00 16 1 Fast fitting T 1/8”x4 M348.00 17 1 Hose PU d14x10 L=210 mm S463.00 18 2 Fast fitting L 1/2x14 M415.00 2 Lip seal L481.06 20 2 Pump rod D450.03A 21 1 Hose PU d14x10 L=610 mm S463.00A 22 1 Hose nylon d4 L=370 mm S462.00A Loctite 542 50ml; 50cc Z201.00 Pneumatic feeler T714.00 10 11 19 23 24 25 1 2 Filter 0367314 26 1 Safety valve P484.00C2 27 1 Air fitting 1/2” M428.00 28 1 Fitting M5x4 M303.00 Pneumatic motor service set T9089.00 = Wearing parts = Included in motor service set T9089.00 46 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 8.3.1 PNEUMATIC FEELER 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C_41_00015 Spare parts list Feeler Pos. K 1 Qty. Description No. Pneumatic feeler T714.00 1 Feeler cap B0331.04 2 1 NBR O-Ring seal L118.06 3 1 Seal gasket L420.06 4 1 Feeler rod B0333.03 5 1 Feeler body B0332.04 6 1 NBR O-Ring seal L230.06 7 1 Seal gasket G602.06 8 1 Feeler shutter A144.04 9 1 Feeler spring H202.03 Loctite 601 50ml; 50cc Z203.00 10 = Wearing parts = Included in motor service set T9089.00 47 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 8.3.2 REVERSING VALVE 8 1 7 11 6 4 10 5 3 9 2 6 3 1 12 13 C_41_00022 Spare parts list Reversing valve Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 K Qty. Description Reversing valve 4 Socket screw 1 Rod cover 2 Cover seal gasket 1 O-Ring seal 1 Rod 2 Damper 1 Valve body 6 O-Ring seal 1 Spool assembly 1 Detent 1 Detent cap 1 Valve seal gasket 1 Pos. seal gasket set 3,4,6,8,12 No. P497.00A K183.62 B0055.71A G7010.07B L172.06 B0049.04B P519.00A B0053.71A L199.06 P519.00B P519.00E B0054.71A G737.06BA T9076.00A 48 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 8.4 HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT 50 Nm; 37 lbft 5 1 2 10 11 18 6 7 12 13 8 Part 4 Pneumatic Motor unit (Ref. Par. 8.3) 9 (**) 3 15 4 (*) (**) 16 5 50 Nm; 37 lbft 10 10 11 12 13 50 Nm; 37 lbft 5 9 (*) 8 7 Part 4 Pneumatic Motor unit (Rif. Par. 8.3) 6 18 2 Hydraulic fluid compartment (Ref. Par. 6.3.1) REMARK: 17 The hydraulic circuit is normally full of working fluid filled in the factory. In case of disassembly of the hydraulic circuit, the fluid is to be previously extracted as indicated in the instructions given in Paragraph 6.3.1, and later refilled. 1 16 4 3 10 5 50 Nm; 37 lbft C_41_00031 49 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL Pos. K Qty. Description No. 1 2 Inner diaphragm disc B0337.01A 2 2 Bellows ring B0335.03 3 12 5x16 screw K114.03 4 12 Washer 5 K515.03 K1071.62 5 4 12x270 screw 6 2 Bellows G010.07 7 2 NBR O-Ring seal L137.06A 8 2 Slip band L823.08 9 2 Lip seal L481.06 10 4 Fast fitting 1/2x14 M415.00 11 2 Bleed plug M071.07 12 2 Check valve T6199.00 13 2 NBR O-Ring seal L225.06 15 2 Inner flange F1013.71 16 2 Reduction unit 3/4x1/2 M427.00 1 Hose PU d14x10 L=210 mm S463.00 2 Bellows flange (2 parts) B0334.03 1 Hydraulic fluid (1L bottle) Z126.00 17 18 = Wearing parts = Included in the cpl. hydraulic circuit service-set T9093.00 = Included in the hydraulic circuit valve service-set T9094.00 50 EDITION 09 /2015 Unica 4-270 N. PART NO. ZZB028ENG OPERATING MANUAL 8.5 FLUID SECTION 25 Nm; 18.5 lbft 1 4 45 Nm; 33 lbft 9 5 2 6 10 7 11 3 8 26 21 4 28 5 24 25 12 13 6 15 7 28 14 8 21 45 Nm; 16 5 11 10 6 33 lbft 9 7 8 4 16 5 6 3 7 8 4 22 1 25 Nm; 18.5 lbft C_41_00032 (*) The diaphragms are the outer walls of the hydraulic circuit, which is normally filled with working fluid. Before removing them, extract the fluid as described in Paragraph 6.3.1. 51 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL 8.5.1 PUMP NO. U581.00 Pos. K Qty. Description No. 1 8 M8x35 socket screw K138.62 2 1 Delivery manifold F1015.03M K312.62 3 8 M8 self-locking nut 4 4 PTFE O-Ring seal L228.05 5 4 Ball rest 0368507 6 4 1 1/8” ball K814.03 7 4 Ball seat B0348.03 8 4 PTFE O-Ring seal L227.05 9 20 10x30 socket screw K105.62 10 4 Self-threading rivet K1041.62A 11 2 Plate Z5026.00 12 1 Anti-rotation bracket E0042.62 13 1 Eyelet terminal Y622.00B 14 1 Square nut 6 K343.62A 15 1 Grub screw 6x25 K040.02D 16 2 Outer cover F1014.03 2 Diaphragm G930.07C 1 Suction manifold F1015.03A Loctite 542 50ml; 50cc Z201.00 21 22 23 24 1 Washer K562.02 25 1 Nut 6 K316.62 26 1 Stick label Z510.00 2 Flat gasket G7041.06 28 =Wearing parts = Included in cpl. diaphragms service-set T9092.00D = Included in cpl. valve service-set T9090.00D = Included in product o-ring set T9091.00D 52 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL 53 EDITION 09 /2015 PART NO. ZZB028ENG Unica 4-270 N. OPERATING MANUAL Germany J. WAGNER GmbH Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 18 Postfach 1120 D- 88677 Markdorf Telephone: ++49/ (0)7544 / 5050 Telefax: ++49/ (0)7544 / 505200 E-Mail:[email protected] Switzerland J. WAGNER AG Industriestrasse 22 Postfach 663 CH- 9450 Altstätten Telephone: ++41/ (0)71 / 757 2211 Telefax: ++41/ (0)71 / 757 2222 E-Mail: [email protected] Belgium WAGNER Spraytech Benelux BV Veilinglaan 56 B- 1861 Wolvertem Telephone: ++32/ (0)2 / 269 4675 Telefax: ++32/ (0)2 / 269 7845 E-Mail: [email protected] Denmark WAGNER Spraytech Scandinavia A/S Kornmarksvej 26 DK- 2605 Brøndby Telephone: ++45/ 43 271 818 Telefax: ++45/ 43 43 05 28 E-Mail [email protected] United Kingdom WAGNER Spraytech (UK) Ltd. Haslemere Way Tramway Industrial Estate GB- Banbury, OXON OX16 8TY Telephone: ++44/ (0)1295 / 265 353 Telefax: ++44/ (0)1295 / 269861 E-Mail: [email protected] France J. WAGNER France S.A.R.L. 5, Ave. du 1er Mai – BP 47 F- 91122 Palaiseau-Cedex Netherlands WAGNER SPRAYTECH Benelux BV Zonnebaan 10 NL- 3542 EC Utrecht PO Box 1656 3600 BR Maarssen Telephone: ++31/ (0)30 / 241 4155 Telefax: ++31/ (0)30 / 241 1787 E-Mail: [email protected] Italy WAGNER COLORA S.r.l. Via Italia, 34 I- 20060 Gessate (MI) Japan WAGNER Spraytech Ltd. 2-35, Shinden Nishimachi J- Daito Shi, Osaka, 574-0057 Telephone: ++81/ (0)720 / 874 3561 Telefax: ++81/ (0)720 / 874 3426 E-Mail: [email protected] Austria J. WAGNER GmbH Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 18 Postfach 1120 D- 88677 Markdorf Telephone: ++49/ (0)7544 / 5050 Telefax: ++49/ (0)7544 / 505200 E-Mail:[email protected] Sweden WAGNER SVERIGE AB Muskötgatan 19 S- 25466 Helsingborg Telephone: ++46/ (0)42 150 020 Telefax: ++46/ (0)42 150 035 E-Mail: [email protected] Spain WAGNER Spraytech Iberica S.A. Ctra. N- 340, Km. 1245,4 E- 08750 Molins de Rei (Barcelona) Telephone: ++34/ (0)93/ 680 0028 Telefax: ++34/ (0)93/ 668 0156 E-Mail: [email protected] Czechoslovakia WAGNER s.r.o. Na Belidle 1/63 C- 15000 Praha 5 Telephone: ++420/ (0)2/ 573 123 24 Telefax: ++420/ (0)2/ 545 001 E-Mail: [email protected] USA Walter Pilot North America 46890 Continental Drive Chesterfield, MI 48047 USA Telephone: ++1/ 877 / 925-8437 Telefax: ++1/ 586 / 598-1457 http://www.waltherpilotna.com Telephone: ++33/ (0)1 / 69 19 46 76 Telefax: ++33/ (0)1 / 69 81 72 57 E-Mail: [email protected] Telephone: ++39/ 02 / 9592921 Telefax: ++39/ 02 / 95780187 E-Mail: [email protected] 54 %$ &) #%24 ) /RDER NUMBER ZZB028ENG 'ERMANY * 7!'.%2 'MB( /TTO ,ILIENTHAL 3TR 0OSTFACH $ -ARKDORF 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX % -AIL SERVICESTANDARD WAGNER GROUPCOM 3WITZERLAND * 7!'.%2 !' )NDUSTRIESTRASSE 0OSTFACH #( !LTSTËTTEN 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX % -AIL REP CH WAGNER GROUPCH WWWWAGNER GROUPCOM ">
Key features
- Double-diaphragm pump
- Pneumatic operation
- 4.5:1 pressure ratio
- 270cm³ volume per double stroke
- Suitable for various fluids
- Wall-mount or floor-mount
- CE-certified
- ATEX certified
Frequently asked questions
The maximum operating pressure is 2.7 MPa (27 bar, 391.6 psi).
The material temperature should be between +5°C and +80°C (+41°F and +176°F), while the environmental temperature should be between +4°C and +40°C (+39.2°F and +104°F).
The maximum allowed suction height is 8 meters (26.2 feet).