Honeywell Bendix/King KMA 30 Pilot's Manual And Operation Manual
KMA 30 Audio Panel Marker Beacon Receiver Stereo Intercom System with Bluetooth® Connectivity Pilot’s Guide and Operation Manual 202-890-5464 August 2012 Covered under one or more of the following Patent No. 4,941,187, 5,903,227, 6,160,496, 6,493,450 FAA-Approved: TSO C50c, C35d EASA-Approved ETSO C50c, 2C35d August 2012 KMA 30 Pilot Guide Page 1 This pilots guide provides operating instructions for the KMA 30 Audio Panel. Please read it carefully before using the equipment so that you can take full advantage of its capabilities. This guide is divided into operating sections such as Transceiver Selection, Audio Selector, Intercom, and Marker Beacon Receiver, and special functions. The center section provides a handy reference that you can remove. KMA 30 controls Power Switch (1) (EMG-Fail Safe Operation) The power switch controls all audio selector panel functions, intercom and marker beacon receiver. When the unit is turned off, either by pressing the volume control, or if the breaker is pulled removing power, the KMA 30 is in Fail-Safe mode. In this mode, the pilot’s headset is connected to COM 1 for transmit and receive, and connected to unswitched input #1 for priority audio alerts. The fail safe audio will only be heard in the left ear of a stereo headset. Receiver selection Transmitter selection Communications Transmit (XMT) Selection (2) To select COM 1 or COM 2 for transmit, press the button on the bottom row, next to the XMT legend. The bottom and top button indicators light, showing that you will transmit and receive on the selected radio. The audio on the radio selected for transmit cannot be deselected. Communications Receive (RCV) Selection (3) To listen to the other radio, press the upper button, in the RCV (receive) secPage 2 KMA 30 Pilot Guide 202-890-5464 tion. When a com is selected for receive, it will stay selected until manually deselected, even if you select, and then deselect its transmitter. Unless the audio panel is in “split” mode, the KMA 30 gives priority to the pilot’s radio Push-To-Talk (PTT). If the MONITOR function is activated (see pg 16 for more details), the audio from this radio will be muted when the primary radio (selected for transmit) is receiving a signal. In TEL mode, the pilot is connected to the cell phone, but still hears the COM radios selected. The radio PTT will switch the mic to the selected com, and allow continued aircraft communications to continue. (See Page 6—TEL) Audio Selector (4) These buttons select the switched navigation receivers. The DME input (if present) is also shared with AUX. In SPLIT mode, only the pilot will hear selected navigation audio. Cockpit Speaker (5) This switch will place all selected audio on the cockpit speaker when this switch is selected. In “Split” mode, the speaker carries the same audio as the pilot. Depending on installation, important audio alerts such as radar altimeter or autopilot disconnect will come over the speaker even if it is not selected, while other unswitched inputs, will only be present if the SPR button is selected. Consult your professional avionics installer for these important configuration details. Intercom Operation IntelliVox® VOX-Squelch IntelliVox® is a proprietary intercom squelch control. Through the use of digital processors, each microphone is monitored, and opens instantly when human speech is detected. This results in seamless conversations aboard the airplane for crew and passengers, without syllable clipping or fatigueinducing noise. No adjustment of the IntelliVox® squelch control is necessary. There is no field adjustment. The system is designed to block continuous tones, therefore people humming or whistling in monotone may be blocked after a few moments. For consistent performance, any headset microphone must be placed within August 2012 KMA 30 Pilot Guide Page 3 ¼-inch of your lips, preferably against them. It is important to have the microphone element parallel to your mouth, and not twisted inside the cover. Note: For optimum microphone performance, we recommend use of a Microphone Muff Kit from Oregon Aero (1-800-888-6910, ). This will not only optimize VOX performance, but will improve the overall clarity of all your communications. You should also keep the microphone out of a direct wind. Moving your head through an air stream may cause the IntelliVox® to open momentarily. This is normal. The IntelliVox® is designed to work with normal aircraft cabin noise levels (70 dB and above). Therefore, it may not always recognize speech and clip syllables in a quiet area, such as in the hangar, or without the engine running. This is also normal. Intercom Volume Control (7) The small volume control knob adjusts the loudness of the intercom for the pilot and copilot. It has no effect on selected radio levels, music input levels or passengers' volume level. The larger, outer volume control knob controls intercom volume for the passengers. It has no effect on radio or music levels. Mono Headsets in Stereo Installation The pilot and copilot positions work with stereo or mono headsets. If a passenger’s monaural headset is plugged in to a KMA 30 Stereo installation, one channel will be shorted and all passengers will lose one channel unless they switch to the “MONO” mode on the headset. Intercom Modes (8) The intercom has three modes, ISO, ALL and CRW. The description of the intercom mode function is valid only when the unit is not in the "Split" mode. In split mode, the pilot and copilot intercom is controlled with the Mute button. The ICS button cycles through the intercom modes, from top to bottom and then back up. ISO: The pilot is isolated from the intercom and is connected only to the aircraft radio system. He hears the radios (and sidetone during radio transmissions). The copilot and passengers will hear the music sources as configured by the audio panel configuration Function keys. See page 15—Smart Function Keys for more details. While in ISO Mode, the pilot can elect to hear music #1. First, be sure that the ISO mode is selected. Then press and hold the TEL button, then hold the Page 4 KMA 30 Pilot Guide 202-890-5464 ICS mode button for more than one second. The ICS indicator will blink slowly to indicate music is present in ISO. ALL: All parties will hear the aircraft radio and intercom. Crew will hear Music 1, passengers can hear Music 1 or 2. The music mutes in accordance with the muting mode selected. CRW: (Crew) Pilot and copilot are connected on one intercom channel and have exclusive access to the aircraft radios. The passengers have their own intercom. The music that the crew and passengers will hear is determined by the Smart Function Keys. Marker Beacon Operation (9) The Marker Beacon Receiver uses visual and audio indicators to alert you when the aircraft passes over a Beacon transmitter. The Blue, Outer Marker lamp has an associated 400-Hertz 'dash' tone. The lamp and tone will be keyed at a rate of two tones/flashes per second when the aircraft is in the range of the Outer Marker. The Amber, Middle Marker lamp is coupled with a 1300 Hertz tone, keyed alternately with short 'dot' and long 'dash' bursts at 95 combinations per minute. The White, Inner marker lamp has a 3000 Hertz 'dot' tone, and will be keyed at a rate of six times per second. Marker Beacon Receiver audio can be heard by selecting the "MKR" pushbutton switch. There is a service adjustment located on the top of the unit, labeled MKR VOL, to adjust the volume if desired. The MKR button located next to the indicator lights is used to set the receiver sensitivity, to test the indicator lamps, and mute the marker audio. Pressing the MKR button for one second will cause the marker audio to mute. The next beacon received will re-activate the audio. Holding the MKR button for one second also activates marker test, labeled "T/M" and illuminates all three lights simultaneously to confirm the lights (internal and external) are working. Releasing the button returns to the last sensitivity. Split Mode To activate the split mode, push both the COM 1 and COM 2 XMT (bottom) buttons at the same time. All four August 2012 KMA 30 Pilot Guide Page 5 indicators will come on. In the split mode, the pilot is on COM 1, while the copilot is on COM 2. Select either of the com XMT buttons to exit the split mode. It is not possible to have the pilot on COM 2 and copilot on COM 1 in split mode. NO T E: Due to the nature of VHF communications signals, and the size constraints in general aviation aircraft, it is probable that there will be some bleed-over in the Split mode, particularly on adjacent frequencies. Bendix/King makes no warranty about the suitability of Split Mode in all aircraft conditions. Telephone (TEL) (10) The TEL mode serves as a full duplex interface and distribution for telephone systems such as portable cellular phones with earpiece jacks or Bluetooth connectivity. Pressing the button connects the telephone to the users as follows: In ALL intercom mode, all crew and passengers will be heard on the phone when they speak. COM and other selected radio audio is also heard in the headsets. If the pilot or copilot pushes the radio PTT, their mic will be transferred to the selected COM radio. The telephone party will not hear ATC communications, and vice versa. In CREW mode, only the pilot and copilot are connected to the telephone. Passengers will not hear the telephone. In ISO intercom mode, only the pilot will hear the telephone, and only he will be heard. He will also have access to COM 1 or 2, and will transmit on that radio using the PTT. Selected radio audio is provided to the pilot. In cases where the cellular telephone provides sidetone, the audio panel’s internal sidetone can be turned off, by holding the TEL and ADF buttons for more than one second. Warning: United States FCC Regulations contained in 47 CFR § 22.925 contain prohibition on airborne operation of cellular telephones. “Cellular telephones installed in or carried aboard airplanes, balloons or any other type of aircraft must not be operated while such aircraft are airborne (not touching the ground). When any aircraft leaves the ground, all cellular telephones on board that aircraft must be turned off.” (Continued on page 15) Page 6 KMA 30 Pilot Guide 202-890-5464 Quick reference KMA 30 Operation This pull-out section covers advanced operation of the KMA 30. Bluetooth Connection 1. 2. Turn on the KMA 30. From your Bluetooth enabled device, search for other devices, and select the KMA 30. 3. If an access code is required, enter “0000” to connect to the KMA 30, unless this is changed (see FAQ #2) You can now make and receive calls with the audio directed through the audio panel, and stream music to Music input 1. The Bluetooth module can be turned off, of desired, by pushing the AUX and ADF buttons while the unit is being turned on. The module will reset when unit power is next cycled. Bluetooth® FAQ 1. Some Bluetooth terms to know: Hands Free — audio panel acts as a hands free telephone handset A/V Controller — the audio panel has some control over the music streaming device (see FAQ #7). Stereo headset — the audio panel will receive music audio streaming from the KMA 30. Pairing — is when two Bluetooth devices establish communication and “agree” to connect. This occurs the first time the devices “meet” and they will store the information to reconnect easily in the future. Discoverable — the KMA 30 is always “discoverable.” That means it will allow any Bluetooth device within range to detect its presence and attempt to pair. Pairing will only occur when both devices agree, so you will have to accept the pairing on your device. Connection — this occurs when Bluetooth devices that have been previously paired see each other again and reestablish their communication. This can happen automatically, or by prompting the user to accept the connection again. The KMA 30 will always look for paired devices when it is turned on, and connect with the first one that allows connection. August 2012 KMA 30 Pilot Guide Page 7 1. What paring code do I use? a. If your phone requires an access code to complete the pairing, you can use 0000 (all zeros). See the table if you wish to change the audio panels access code to “1234,” or “1111”. 2. a. Hold button on power up Pairing Code NAV 1 0000 (default) NAV 2 1234 MKR 1111 How many devices can I pair with the audio panel? You can pair up to eight devices. After that, the audio panel will “forget” one device when another is added. Due to the nature Bluetooth, we can’t predict which device will be dropped. If your desired device is dropped, simply re-pair the one you want. 3. I’m having problems connecting to multiple devices, and no my regular phone won’t connect. What can I do? a. The device list in the KMA 30 may be full. To clar out all devices, and start fresh, turn the audio panel off. Hold down the NAV 2 and MKR buttons, and turn the unit on. You should hear a chime in the headset indicating that the Bluetooth has reset. 4. How many devices can I use at the same time? a. You can connect multiple devices such as a Smartphone and an iPad for music, but only one telephone can be connected to the audio panel at a time. 5. Can I use a different music source other than my phone? a. Yes, you can. However the music device, must be paired and connected first, before the telephone is turned on. In Smartphone such as Motorola Droid, you should specifically disable the Bluetooth phone or music portion, depending on function to be used. Note, if an iPhone is connected second, you may not be able to stop it from taking over the music. Some phones must manually select the KMA 30 as an audio source for the phone after the music is connected. Page 8 KMA 30 Pilot Guide 202-890-5464 6. My Smartphone didn’t reconnect, what do I do? a. It is most likely that the KMA 30 dropped the pairing either because of added pair that exceeded the limit, or because of some corruption in the stored information. Simply un-pair by deleting the KMA 30 in your Bluetooth phone, and re-pairing with the audio panel. This is often true if you leave the Bluetooth range, and return while the audio panel is still on. Apple iPhone users may have to set their “Settings” “Accessibility” selection for “Incoming Calls” and select “Headset” instead of “Default.” 7. a. 8. a. 9. a. Can I play my laptop movie audio? If your laptop is compatible as Bluetooth A/V source (not all are), yes. Just add the KMA 30 as a Bluetooth device as you would a stereo speaker device. There are also Bluetooth devices available (such as the Sony TMR-BT10A Bluetooth Transmitter Adapter) to plug into the audio output jack that will enable you to stream music to the audio panel. Note: laptop computers with spinning hard drives may fail to work ab0ut 7,500’, due to a loss of air pressure on the disc mechanism. Can the Bluetooth be played through Music 2? No. However, you can engage Music Function, “Music 1, all headsets.” My music quality is very poor, and can only be heard in TEL mode, what’s wrong? Check your Smartphone, and be sure that it is paired with the KMA 30 as a “speaker” or “wireless speaker” in A2DP mode. Split Mode The Split mode puts the pilot on COM 1, while the copilot can use COM 2 independently. To enter the split mode, press both the COM 1 and COM 2 XMT buttons at the same time. To exit, press the desired COM 1 or COM 2 XMT button. August 2012 KMA 30 Pilot Guide Page 9 When you activate the Split mode, the intercom is inhibited to avoid confusion with multiple conversations. To reactivate the intercom, press the Mute button. Note: Split Mode does not turn off NAV, ADF, or AUX selected audio to pilot. However, the copilot will only hear the selected com receiver and unswitched inputs. Telephone Operation When the TEL button is active, the cellular telephone is added to the intercom loop, and who is connected to the phone depends on the intercom mode. You can answer a call by pushing the TEL button while it is ringing. Calls can be answered from the telephone handset or the audio panel. You can disconnect from either the handset or the audio panel. When a call is disconnected or dropped, the TEL button indicator will extinguish after a few moments. Most cellular telephones do not provide sidetone (where you hear yourself speak). The KMA 30 provides this sidetone. If you want to turn cell phone sidetone off, hold both the TEL and ADF buttons at Telephone ISO ALL CRW Pilot Copilot Passengers On phone Not connected the same time, for more than one second. Music Muting Music source #1 (front panel jack and Music 1 input) has four muting modes, which are announced in the headset as they are activated. These are: Radio Mute (aircraft radio mutes music), Intercom Mute (intercom conversation mutes music), Mute on (both radio and interAnnunciation “Mute on” LED on Intercom Muted Radio Muted “Mute off” off ♫ ♫ “Radio mute” off ♫ Muted “Intercom mute” off Muted ♫ Page 10 KMA 30 Pilot Guide 202-890-5464 com mutes music), and Mute off (nothing interrupts music). Press the Mute button to cycle through the modes in sequence. Music #2 has muting on or off, and is externally controlled. Music in pilot isolate mode The pilot can elect to listen to Music 1, even in the Pilot Isolate mode. While already in the ISO mode, press and hold the ISO button until the indicator blinks. The ICS indicator will then blink every few seconds to indicate this mode is active. Music muting will follow the modes listed above. Smart Function Keys (SFK) Configuration Secondary functions give the KMA 30 some special capabilities. “Intercom” allows the passengers and crew to converse, in ALL intercom mode, without distracting the crew from radio duties. The passenger microphones are cut out from the crew when the radio is active, and the passengers never hear aircraft radios. Press and hold the TEL button until the audio annunciation starts (about 1 second) to activate the function, and you will hear “Alternate Intercom Function.” Hold the button again to exit, and you will hear “Standard Intercom Function.” “Monitor” activates a Monitor Mode. In this case, the audio from the COM radio that is selected for transmit will mute the other COM audio when it is active. For example, if COM 1 is selected to transmit to ATC, but COM 2 is receiving weather information; the ATC will mute the audio from the weather while ATC is transmitting. In Monitor mode, the RCV COM indicator will blink every few seconds as a “Intercom” TEL “Monitor” AUX “Music” Mute Alternate Intercom Mode Monitor Mode Music Distribution State 1 Alternate Intercom Function State 2 Standard Intercom Function August 2012 State 1 State 2 State 1 State 2 State 3 Monitor on Monitor off Standard music distribution Alternate music distribution” Music 1 all headsets KMA 30 Pilot Guide Page 11 status indication. Monitor mode is set to off when the unit is turned off. “Music” controls music distribution, and has three states; Standard Music Distribution, Alternate Music Distribution and Music 1 All Headsets. Music 1 (the Bluetooth device or the Music 1 input on the rear connector) can be distributed to all headsets depending on intercom mode. In Standard Music Distribution, Music 1 is provided to the crew, and Music 2 is independently provided to the passengers. In Alternate Music Distribution, Music 1 is provided to everybody in the ALL intercom mode, and Music 2 becomes active, for the passengers only, when the intercom is in the CREW mode. The front panel jack is also available to the passengers in the ISO and ALL intercom modes. The KMA 30 will announce the Alternate Intercom and Music distribution functions at unit power up. To defeat the announcement at power up, hold the TEL and AUX buttons for about two seconds. The feature can be enabled using the same sequence. NOTE: SFK are not available in the split mode. Standard Music Distribution Front Panel Jack Music 1 Input Music 2 Input Alternate Music Distribution Music 1 All Headsets All Crew Crew Crew ISO Copilot* All Crew & Pass Crew Crew ISO Copilot* & Pass All Crew Crew Crew ISO Copilot* Crew Crew Copilot* Crew & Pass. Crew Copilot* & Pass. Crew & Pass. Crew & Pass. Copilot*& Pass. Pass. Pass. Pass. Pass. *Pilot has Music 1 option in ISO mode “Smart” Front Panel Jack When music 1 is actively playing through the rear panel input, the front jack automatically becomes an advisory audio input, and is NOT muted by radio or intercom conversations. This is useful for connecting portable traffic or terrain alert devices. If Music 1 is not active, the mute mode should be deselected. Page 12 KMA 30 Pilot Guide 202-890-5464 Recorder Playback The internal recorder is always storing the audio from the radio selected for transmit. To play back the last incoming audio, hold the RCV (top) button on the radio selected to transmit for one second, and release. The playback will start. Playback stops if the radio becomes active, but the new incoming message will not be recorded. When the radio stops, press play and you will be in the same message you had playing. To hear an earlier message, hold the COM RCV button until playback stops again, and then press again to begin playing the next earlier message. Repeat until you hear the message you wanted. Incoming new messages will stop playback, and you can then restart. A remote playback switch may also be installed. Note: when you switch from one transmitter to another, the recordings are lost. Blinking indicators This chart shows you what the blinking LEDs mean. What is blinking? How often? What it means COM 1 or COM 2 XMT Every 1 second Pilot or copilot is transmitting COM 1 or COM 2 RCV Every 3 seconds Monitor mode activated ICS mode Every 3 seconds Pilot has music in ISO Mute and SPR buttons Every 1 second PA Mode active August 2012 KMA 30 Pilot Guide Page 13 Notes: Page 14 KMA 30 Pilot Guide 202-890-5464 (Continued from page 6) Utility Jack The 2.5 millimeter (3/32”) jack on the front of the KMA 30 has three distinct functions: • Cell phone input (wired) • Advisory audio input • Music input (wired) Cellular phone When a cellular telephone is connected to this jack using an adapter cord, the KMA 30 audio panel will connect the intercom to the cell phone when the “TEL” button is pressed (10). When the TEL mode is off, the telephone ringer audio will be heard if it is present on the telephone’s output (ringer may be muted by radio and intercom). Audio Advisory Input The front jack can be used as a priority advisory input for auxiliary systems such as a GPS terrain advisory or portable traffic watch system. To prevent radio or intercom from muting this input, press the “Mute” button until MUTE is off. NOTE: The front jack is no substitute for the certified installation of alerts such as the GPS waypoint or autopilot tones. These still must be hard wired into the back by your installer. “Smart Jack” Function When the KMA 30 has an audio signal on music #1 from the rear connector, the front panel jack automatically becomes a Priority Advisory input, and is heard in the crew headphones, and this input will NOT be muted by radio or intercom., if the Music 1 audio is actively playing. Music Input When used as a music input, the front panel jack (and Bluetooth) music are treated as Music #1. Using the Music function button, it can be distributed to all users, depending on the intercom mode. Smart Function Keys (SFK) With voice feedback, the configuration process is self-directed. These functions are non-essential and non-required. Note: annunciations will be stopped by any audio received on the com radio selected for transmit. To use these function keys, INTERCOM, MONITOR, and MUSIC – press and hold the desired function key until the audio annunciation of the mode begins. NOTE: Functions are not available in the split mode. August 2012 KMA 30 Pilot Guide Page 15 There are three special functions. “INTERCOM” function is related to the intercom audio distribution, and allows the crew to mute passengers’ intercom feed when radios are active. The “MONITOR” function mutes the secondary communication radio audio when the primary radio (the one selected to transmission) is active. “MUSIC” function controls how music is distributed in your airplane. There are two music sources available to the KMA 30, in addition to the Bluetooth stream. Music 1 input at the rear connector) and Music 2 is wired into the rear connector). The volume of the function selection annunciations and recorder playback can be adjusted through a hole on the top of the unit marked “ANN VOL.” “INTERCOM” Function Function INTERCOM controls the distribution of aircraft radio and passenger intercom. In the “Standard Intercom Function” mode, aircraft radios are distributed to all, when the intercom is in the ALL mode. In CREW mode, only the pilot and copilot positions will hear aircraft radios. When in “Alternate Intercom Function,” the passengers will NEVER hear aircraft radios, even in the ALL mode. In addition, when in the ALL intercom mode, passengers will be able to converse with the crew, unless the aircraft radio becomes active, when the intercom audio from the passengers to the pilot and copilot is stopped, so the crew can focus on the radio. Passengers will always be able to talk to each other. To activate this function, hold the TEL button until the audio announces “Alternate Intercom Function,” when activated, or “Standard Intercom Function” when deactivated.” The alternate mode is announced at power up, unless the power on announcement has been defeated. (See pg 17.) “MONITOR” Function This function turns the MONITOR Function on and off. When the Monitor is on, the audio from the COM that is selected for reception only (only top LED illuminated) will be muted when the radio that is selected to transmit becomes active. This function is useful if you are copying weather from AWOS on COM 2, but have clearance delivery tuned in on COM 1. With the monitor active, the AWOS audio will be silenced when clearance delivery starts to speak. To activate the Monitor Function press and hold AUX. The audio will announce Page 16 KMA 30 Pilot Guide 202-890-5464 “Monitor On,” when activated, and “Monitor Off” when deactivated NOTE: This mode is NOT remembered through power cycles, to prevent inadvertent blocking of desired audio on the next trip. “Music” Distribution Function The Music Function has three modes. To cycle Music distribution modes, press and hold MUTE button until the annunciation starts. • When “Music Number One, All Headsets” is selected, Music 1 (Bluetooth source, or rear connector) will be distributed to all headsets and is independent of the intercom mode switch. Therefore, even in the CREW mode, the passengers will hear Music 1, although though they will not hear the crew intercom or radios. This mode allows you to use a single in-flight entertainment source. The music muting follows the front panel MUTE mode. • When you press “MUSIC” function again for a second, you’ll hear, “Alternate Music Distribution.” In this mode, Music 2 will be heard only when the intercom is in the CREW mode, and only the passengers will hear it. Music 1 (Bluetooth, Rear input, and Front Panel Jack) will be provided to passengers’ headset in ISO and ALL intercom modes. Press again, and you will hear “Standard Music Distribution.” In this mode, Music 2 becomes active, and will always be presented to the passengers. Music 1 is only available to the pilot and copilot. The intercom mode switch will not have any affect on the music distribution. Music 2 is always heard by the • passengers, and never heard by the pilot and copilot. This mode is useful if your passengers have a different interest in entertainment or are watching a DVD, but do not want to be excluded from the intercom conversations. Alternate Music distribution modes are remembered ant power off, and announced at power on, unless the power on announcement has been defeated. Power on announcement If the Intercom or Music Distribution has changed from the factory default, the configuration will be played when the unit is powered up. To defeat this announcement, hold the TEL and AUX buttons for two seconds. The feature can be enabled using the same sequence. Music Muting (6) There are two SoftMute™ muting circuits. The front panel "Mute" button has four modes, and controls the Mute function for Music 1, front panel, and Bluetooth. The SoftMute™ circuit will cut the music completely out whenever there is conversation on the radio, the intercom, or both, depending on the “Mute” mode selected. When that conversation stops, the music returns to the previous level comfortably, over a second or so. August 2012 KMA 30 Pilot Guide Page 17 The mute mode functions are controlled through sequential pushes of the Mute button, and include voice annunciations of the mode selected. • Mute On - music will mute with either intercom or aircraft radio MUTE button is LED lit. Voice annunciation is "Mute on." • Radio Mute - Radio will mute music, but intercom will not mute music - MUTE LED is OFF. Annunciation is "Radio mute." • Intercom Mute - Radio will not mute music, intercom will mute music - MUTE LED is OFF. Annunciation is "Intercom mute." • Mute Off - The “Karaoke” mode - music will not mute except during radio transmissions.- MUTE button LED is OFF. Annunciation is "Mute off." When the KMA 30 is turned on, it always begins in crew “Mute on” mode. The passengers’ intercom also has a SoftMute™ circuit. If the passengers hear the radio, or talk on the intercom, the music will mute. If the audio panel is in CREW mode, then the radio reception will not affect the passenger music. If the passengers are listening to the music 1 input or front panel input, their Karaoke Mode is controlled by the front panel “Mute” button. If the passengers are listening to the music 2 input, their Karaoke Mode is activated by an external switch installed either in the aircraft, or connected to the AUX button logic output pin on the KMA 30. Consult your installer for details. Music 1 Volume The music level is set at the factory at a comfortable level. We recommend adjusting the entertainment volume at the sources. However, the Music 1 volume can be adjusted from the front panel, if desired, by pressing SPR button. NOTE: Increasing this music level can increase the amount of aircraft electrical system noise as well. The Music 1 volume can be adjusted from the front panel, if desired, by pressing and holding the Music Volume (SPR) key. Press the MUSIC VOL (SPR) for more than one second, a tone will be heard indicating the volume level is changing and the music volume will begin to change. The volume will either increase or decrease, depending on the last action. To reverse the volume change, release the MUSIC VOL (SPR) button, and press and hold again, and the volume will change. Continue to hold until the desired level is reached. Note: Since it is possible to turn the volume completely off, you may need to turn the volume up if you don’t hear music when you expected to. It will take about 12 seconds to go from minimum to maximum volume. Page 18 KMA 30 Pilot Guide 202-890-5464 Swap Mode (Switch from COM 1 to COM 2 remotely) The external “swap” button allows you to switch between the COM transmitters without having to reach up to the audio panel, and is a handy way to switch to Ground Control when exiting the runway. This optional switch is usually mounted on the control yoke or a convenient place by the pilot position. See your avionics installer for more information. Internal Recorder System The Intercom Recording System is a continuous loop recorder, (last message received will be the first heard), the recorder has 45 seconds of recording time, or up to eight messages. There are no buttons to press to start recording. The system automatically begins to record the instant the radio selected for transmit becomes active. Only the pilot and copilot will hear the playback audio. To play back the last recorded message, you press and hold the COM RCV pushbutton associated with the selected radio transmitter for about one second. The message must stop playing before accessing the prior message. To cancel the playback, press and hold the playback button for two seconds. The next time the button is pressed for one second, the next earlier message will be heard. If the radio becomes active while a message is playing, the message playback will stop. The new audio will not be stored. Press play to restart the message you were playing. Messages are lost when a different radio is selected for transmission. The playback will stop whenever there is more incoming selected com audio, and the message can be replayed from the beginning. Note: an external playback button may also be installed in a convenient location. See your installer. Public Address Function (if enabled) To enter PA mode, press both the Mute and SPR buttons at the same time. The Mute and SPR LEDs will blink to indicate the audio panel is in PA mode. The copilot can continue to use the selected com while the pilot will be heard over the speaker. To exit push Mute and SPR again. This mode is also reset when power is cycled. Backlighting The white text backlighting is controlled by the aircraft dimmer, while the green indication LEDs are automatically controlled by the light sensor on the KMA 30. August 2012 KMA 30 Pilot Guide Page 19 Warranty Seller’s obligation and Buyer’s sole remedy under this warranty is repair or replacement, at Seller’s election, of any Product Nonconformance. All Products repaired or replaced are warranted only for the unexpired portion of the original warranty period. Seller assumes round trip shipping costs for Nonconforming Products in an amount not to exceed normal surface shipping charges to and from Seller’s nearest warranty repair facility for such Products. The party initiating transportation bears the risk of loss or damage to Products in transit. If Seller reasonably determines, after analysis of the returned Product, that a Nonconformance does not exist, then Buyer will pay all expenses related to the improper return including, but not limited to, analysis and shipping charges. Seller will not be liable under this warranty for: (1) maintenance, repair, installation, handling, packaging, transportation, storage, operation or use of Products which is improper or otherwise not in compliance with Seller’s instruction; (2) Product alteration, modification or repair by anyone other than Seller or those specifically authorized by Seller; (3) accident, contamination, foreign object damage, abuse, neglect or negligence after Product shipment to Buyer; (4) damage caused by failure of a Sellersupplied Product not under warranty or by any hardware or software not supplied by Seller; (5) use of counterfeit or replacement parts that are neither manufactured nor approved by Seller for use in Seller-manufactured Products; (6) products not manufactured by Honeywell (but manufacturer’s warranty is passed through to Buyer to the extent permitted); or (7) Products normally consumed in operation or which have a normal life inherently shorter than the foregoing warranty period including, but not limited to, consumables (e.g. flashtubes, lamps, batteries, storage capacitors). Seller has no obligation under this warranty unless Buyer maintains records that accurately document operating time, maintenance performed and the nature of the unsatisfactory condition of Seller’s Product. Upon Seller’s request, Buyer will give Seller access to these records for substantiating warranty claims. THESE WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER WRITTEN, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, EVEN IF INFORMED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES AND NOTWITHSTANDING THE FAILURE OF THE ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY. NO EXTENSION OF THIS WARRANTY WILL BE BINDING UPON SELLER UNLESS SET FORTH IN WRITING AND SIGNED BY SELLER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. Manufactured for Bendix/King, A Division of Honeywell International Inc. Albuquerque, NM 87113, USA Bendix/King, Inc. 2012 © Copyright Notice Copyrighted information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Bendix/King reserves the right to improve or change the products or contents of this manual, without notification of any person or agency. The contents of this pilot’s guide may be downloaded, stored and reprinted for personal use provided that this copyright information is included. Commercial use is strictly prohibited. For further information contact the Publications Manager at (865) 988-9800 Page 20 KMA 30 Pilot Guide 202-890-5464 ">

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