Updated 08/30/10 Installation Instructions for 40002 HEI Distributor Assembly Note: We recommend that you read the entire instruction sheet before beginning the installation. 1. Without disconnecting any of the ignition wires, remove the existing distributor cap from the distributor base. 2. Select a fixed point on the engine or firewall and crank the engine until the rotor is facing this position. Make a mark on the engine or firewall so that the new distributor can be installed in the same position. 3. Loosen the distributor clamp (do not remove) and push away from the distributor base. 4. Remove the distributor from the engine. The rotor will turn as the distributor is removed due to the cut of the distributor and camshaft gears. You will need to take this into consideration later in step 7 during the installation of the new distributor. 5. Place the new gasket over and not into the distributor hole in the intake manifold. 6. Remove the distributor cap, coil and coil cover as an assembly from the new distributor. 7. Insert the new distributor into the engine by engaging the oil pump drive and camshaft gear while aligning the rotor with the mark you made earlier taking into consideration the amount of rotor movement needed to engage the gears. If, for some reason, the distributor does not seat fully you may need to turn the oil pump drive slightly with a long screwdriver prior to installation in order to engage the oil pump drive. 8. Install the distributor clamp and tighten. 9. Install the new distributor cap, coil and coil cover assembly and plug the 3-pin connector into the cap in the B+, GND and C- positions. 10. Using the old cap as a reference remove and install one ignition wire at a time. This will assure the correct position for the firing order. 11. Connect the remaining power and tach wires as follows: a) Connect the switched 12-gauge wire from a 12 volt source to the BAT terminal on the distributor cap. b) For vehicles not originally equipped with HEI we recommend Jeg’s HEI Power/Tach Feed Wire Kit #555-10552. Follow steps 11a & 11c. c) To utilize a tachometer, if so equipped, connect the trigger wire from the tachometer to the TACH terminal on the distributor cap. 12. Start the engine, check and adjust the initial timing with a timing light. 13. Connect the vacuum advance unit by means of a vacuum hose to a ported vacuum outlet. This will be located above the throttle plate(s) at the base of the carburetor. 14. The advance mechanism can be adjusted by inserting a 3/32” hex wrench into the vacuum hose nipple on the canister at the base of the distributor. 1) Clockwise increases the advance 2) Counter-clockwise reduces the advance. 1-800-345-4545 ">

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