PTU51 825B124A Ultrasonic level transmitter Technical Data Housing material: Mechanical installation: Sensor protection degree: Electrical connection: PP or PVDF 1”GAS M IP68 IP68 or IP69K male connector with 5/10/15/20m linking cable Working temperature: -25° ÷ +75°C Pressure: da 0,5 a 1,5 bar (absolute) Power supply: 24Vdc Power consumption: 1,5W Analog output: 4÷20mA max 750ohm Digital communication: MODBUS RTU Measure range: 0.3÷6m [In case of non perfectly reflecting surfaces, the maximu distance value will be reduced] Blind distance: 0,3m Temperature compensation: digital from -30 to 80°C Accuracy: ±0,2% (of the measured distance) not better than ±3mm Resolution: 1mm Calibration: VLW601 prog. module with 4 buttons or by MODBUS RTU Warm-up: 30 minutes typical LCD Display: VLW601 wall mounting module PTU51 Mechanical Installation Important!!! close to the sensor there is a “blind zone” of 0.3m where the instrument can’t measure (see fig.3). To reach a good and safe measurement, avoiding spurious echoes (not reflected by the surface), take care of the positioning of the PTU51 sensor and check that no obstacles are interferring with the ultrasonic waves emission lobe (see fig.2). fig.1 fig.3 fig.2 Install perpendicularly to the surface applied solution for the application Do not use with foaming products Avoid to install in case of product level distance <0.3m from the sensor PTU51 dimensions- dimensions 1. DIMENSIONS Fig.4 Brown GND (0V) Re d +24Vdc White SD A D isplay Ye llow + 4÷20mA Gre e n A (RS485) Blue B (RS485) Pink +3.3V D isplay Gre y SC L D isplay Tab.1 2. CONNECTIONS Table 1 shows the cable color/signal corresponding 3. CONFIGURAZIONE The PTU51 configuration and calibration can be done in two different ways: - via MODBUS RTU by PC - by the keyboard VLW601 module 3.1 Via MODBUS RTU 3.1.1 MODBUS RTU PC connection (fig.10) 1) RS232 or USB connector 2) PTU51 3) RS232/485 or USB/RS485 interface module Fig.10 Page 2 of 16 PTU51 Configuration 3.2 Via VLW601 3.2.1 Keyboard/display module VLW601 (fig.11) The VLW601 module can be the easy way to configure your PTU51. The VLW601module has a large matrix LCD (Fig.12) Also you can view the measure with: - 2 values (small characters) - 1 value (big characters) The operating manual allows an easy and fast start-up through the keyboard. Note: if VLW601 is connected, MODBUS RTU is not enable. Fig.11 4. VLW601 MODULE The VLW601 programming module has 4 buttons (Fig.12) that allows for all transmitter control and programming operational functions: - From “RUN” mode: press - Press to enter “PROGRAM” mode, press to quit to move the cursor on the parameter you want to use and confirm with - To edit numbers, press to modify the digit shown in negative, press confirm and store the number. Press to edit the next digit, press to to quit In the display top right there is always a number, eg. "1.2". This number is the menu or parameter index that’s displayed The menu structure is represented on page 4 and page 5 Fig.12 Page 3 of 16 PTU51 Programming menu structure 5. MENU STRUCTURE 5.1 Programming menu 1. SETUP – in this menù it’s possible to set the basic adjustment of the sensor 2. DISPLAY – in this menù it’s possible to setup the sensor display mode an adjust the contrast of LCD 3. DIAGNOSTIC - in this menù it’s possible to test and check the sensor, display peak values and measure status. 4. SERVICE - in this menù it’s possible to set com mode and output mode. 5. INFO - this menù show firmware revision, serial number and manufacturer information Page 4 of 16 Pag. 4 di 24 PTU51 Programming menu structure Pag. 5 di 24 Page 5 of 16 PTU51 - Configuration 6. CONFIGURATION 6.1 SETUP (1) From “RUN” mode press then move the cursor on “SETUP” and confirm with Select the parameters by moving the cursor with , and confirm with 6.1.1 ACTUAL LEV. 4mA to associate the actual measure with 4mA output value; Press the following message will be displayed: to confirm OK TO CONFIRM; press 6.1.2 ACTUAL LEV. 20mA Press to associate the actual measure with 20mA output value; the following message will be displayed: OK TO CONFIRM; press to confirm 6.1.3 SET DISTANCE 4mA Press Use to display the value of distance associated with 4mA output. and to modify that value. to confirm Press 6.1.4 SET DISTANCE 20mA Press Use Press to display the value of distance associated with 20mA output. and to modify that value. to confirm Page 6 of 16 PTU51 - Configuration 6.1.5 MEDIUM Press to access the settings change. There are 3 possible configurations: Solids - granular solids measurement Liquids - liquids measurement Liquids Pipe - liquids measurement in pipe reference Press to select the product type. Press to confirm 6.1.6 FILTER COEFFICENT Press to access the settings change. input a value from 1 to 100 (10 default) to smooth the response of the sensor: the biggest is the value, the smoothest is the response Use and to modify that value. Press to confirm 6.1.7 BLIND DISTANCE Press to access the settings change. represent the “BLIND ZONE” of the sensor. Input the desired value in order to avoid measures near the surface of the sensor (if necessary). The minimum value is 300mm Use and to modify that value. Press to confirm Page 7 of 16 PTU51 - Configuration 6.2 DISPLAY (2) From “RUN” mode press , then move the cursor on “DISPLAY” and confirm with Select the parameters by moving the cursor with , and confirm with 6.2.1 DISPLAY VALUES Press to access the settings change. It’s possible to select if one value with big digits or two values are shown on the display in “RUN” mode With the button you can select the parameter to be programmed. Press to confirm. 6.2.1.a VALUE Press to access the settings change. only one value is displayed; it’s possible to choose from 5 parameters. With the button you can select data to display. Press Page 8 of 16 to confirm. PTU51 - Configuration 6.2.1.b VALUES Press to access the settings change. Two values are displayed; it’s possible to choose which one is the primary and which is the secondary, each with a choice of 5 parameters With the button you can select data to display Press to confirm. 6.2.2 ECHO MAP NOT YET AVAILABLE. 6.2.3 CONTRAST Press to access the settings change. it’s possible to adjust the contrast of LCD, simply increasing or decreasing the value of a parameter from 0 to 63 (16 default) Use and to modify that value. Press to confirm. Page 9 of 16 PTU51 - Configuration 6.3 DIAGNOSTIC (3) From “RUN” mode press , then move the cursor on “DIAGNOSTIC” and confirm with With the Press button you can select the parameter to be programmed. to confirm. 6.3.1 FALSE ECHO DETECT Press to access the "FALSE ECHO DETECT" function. It’s necessary to imput the empty distance (distance from the instrument to the bottom of the tank) Use and to modify that value. Press to confirm. The system will automatically scan and store all echoes separating false echoes from the real one that match the empty distance. After this,the following message is displayed: FALSE ECHO DETECT DONE If something’s not corretct (e.g wrong empty distance value, obstacles that hides the bottom) the following message is displayed FALSE ECHO DETECT ERROR Note: False echo detect procedure is not recommended for pipe and stand-pipe applications 6.3.2 FALSE ECHO MAP NOT YET AVAILABLE 6.3.3 MEASURE STATUS Press to access the “MEASURE STATUS” function. It’s possible to display the gain of the system, with values from 0 to 255. While displayed, the automatic gain control is not active Page 10 of 16 PTU51 - Configuration 6.3.4 FROZEN GAIN Press to access the “FROZEN GAIN” function. It’s possible to fix a value of gain (from 1 to 255) and consequently disable the automatic gain control. Once the value is 000 the automatic gain control restarts Use and to modify that value. Press to confirm. 6.3.5 MAX GAIN TH Press to access the “MAX GAIN TH” function. it’s possible to input a value of gain that it should be not reached. If the gain is above this value, an error occours. Use and to modify that value. Press to confirm. 6.3.6 PEAK VALUES Press to access the “PEAK VALUES” function. The system store the maximum distance and the minimum distance measured since the power is turned ON. It’s possible to see those values or reset the values With the button you can select the function. Press to confirm. 6.3.6.I DISPLAY VALUES Press to access the “DISPLAY VALUES” function. Displays the max. and min. distance measured from reset or power on. Page 11 of 16 PTU51 - Configuration 6.3.6.II RESET VALUES Pressing erase all the stored values 6.3.7 OUTPUT SIMULATION Press to access the “OUTPUT SIMULATION” function. It’possible to force the analog output to a desired value. Use and to modify that value. to exit Press The output returns to its normal function in only in “RUN” mode. 6.3.8 AGITATORS Press to access the “AGITATORS” function. It’s possible to set the agitator’s impellers presence recognition. With the setting "0000" function is disabled Use to select the distance to be set and press 2 times to change the value in the menu 3.7.1 In the line " - upper" sets the distance of the sensor from the agitator blades top. In the line “ - lower” sets the distance of the sensor from the agitator blades bottom. In the line " - upper" sets the distance of the sensor from the second agitator blades top. In the line “ - lower” sets the distance of the sensor from the second agitator blades bottom. Use Press and to modify that value. 2 time to confirm. Page 12 of 16 PTU51 - Configuration 6.4 SERVICE (4) From “RUN” mode press , then move the cursor on “SERVICE” and confirm with Select the parameters by moving the cursor with , and confirm with 6.4.1 OUTPUT SAFE MODE Press to access the “OUTPUT SAFE MODE” function. It’s possible to choose a value of analog output durin condition of system’s internal errors. “HOLD LAST VALUE” keep the output at the level corresponding at last valid measure.” With the button you can select the operation mode. Press to confirm 6.4.2 COM MODE Can assign the address UID in this submenu, for a MUDBUS RTU network. Use and Press to modify that value. to confirm. 6.4.3 LANGUAGE NOT YET ACTIVE. 6.4.4 PASSWORD NOT YET ACTIVE. Pag. 13 di 24 Page 13 of 16 PTU51 - Quick Guide 6.4.5 CHECK FREQUENCY Press to access the “CHECK FREQUENCY” function. It’s possible to check the computed emission frequency of the sensor 6.4.6 F-WINDOW Press to access the “F-WINDOW” function. With the enabled AGITATORS function, it’s possible to set the threshold for acquisitions in succession that the same echo signal must reach to be considered valid, in the agitators working area. With the disabled AGITATORS function, F-WINDOW is the static filter updating speed. 6.5 INFO (5) From “RUN” mode press , then move the cursor on “INFO” and confirm with Informations about manufacturer, firmware version and serial number are displayed. Page 14 of 16 PTU51 - Quick Guide 7. QUICK GUIDE 7.1 0% Calibration For the 0% (4mA) calibration are possible 2 procedures: for self-learning (7.1.1) or by inserting the corresponding distance (7.1.2) 7.1.1 ACTUAL LEV. 4mA From “RUN” mode press and confirm with cursor with then move the cursor on “SETUP” . Select the “ACTUAL LEV. 4mA” parameters by moving the , and confirm with OK TO CONFIRM; press the following message will be displayed: to confirm. 7.1.2 SET DISTANCE 4mA then move the cursor on “SETUP” From “RUN” mode press and confirm with cursor with . Select the “SET DISTANCE 4mA” parameters by moving the , and confirm with with 4mA output; use Press and to display the value of distance associated to modify that value. to confirm. 7.2 100% Calibration For the 100% (20mA) calibration are possible 2 procedures: for self-learning (7.2.1) or by inserting the corresponding distance (7.2.2) 7.2.1 ACTUAL LEV. 20mA From “RUN” mode press and confirm with cursor with then move the cursor on “SETUP” . Select the “ACTUAL LEV. 20mA” parameters by moving the , and confirm with the following message will be displayed: to confirm. OK TO CONFIRM; press 7.2.2 SET DISTANCE 20mA From “RUN” mode press and confirm with cursor with . Select the “SET DISTANCE 20mA” parameters by moving the , and confirm with with 20mA output; use Press then move the cursor on “SETUP” and to display the value of distance associated to modify that value. to confirm. Page 15 of 16 PTU51 Warranty Products supplied by SGM LEKTRA are guaranteed for a period of 12 (twelve) months from delivery date according to the conditions specified in our sale conditions document. SGM LEKTRA can choose to repair or replace the Product. If the Product is repaired it will mantein the original term of guarantee, whereas if the Product is replaced it will have 12 (twelve) months of guarantee. The warranty will be null if the Client modifies, repair or uses the Products for other purposes than the normal conditions foreseen by instructions or Contract. In no circumstances shall SGM LEKTRA be liable for direct, indirect or consequiential or other loss or damage whether caused by negligence on the part of the company or its employees or otherwise howsoever arising out of defective goods PTU51 - Factory Test Certificate In conformity to the company and check procedures I certify that the equipment: PTU51............. Serial n. ...................... is conform to the technical requirements on Technical Data and it is made in conformity to the SGM-LEKTRA procedure Quality Control Manager ............................................. Production and check date ............................................. SGM LEKTRA s.r.l. Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 49 20090 Rodano (Milano) tel. ++39 0295328257 r.a. fax ++39 0295328321 e-mail: [email protected] web: Documentation subject to technical change with no prior warning ">