ETAS MODEL-SIMULATOR is a cloud-based platform designed for continuous integration, test, and validation of software in automotive e/e systems. This tool enables you to run simulations or automated tests in the cloud, significantly speeding up these processes for large tasks. With it, you can retrieve simulation results and download reports, allowing for efficient analysis and development of complex systems.
ETAS MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 Command Line Interface User Guide Copyright The data in this document may not be altered or amended without special notification from ETAS GmbH. ETAS GmbH undertakes no further obligation in relation to this document. The software described in it can only be used if the customer is in possession of a general license agreement or single license. Using and copying is only allowed in concurrence with the specifications stipulated in the contract. Under no circumstances may any part of this document be copied, reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system or translated into another language without the express written permission of ETAS GmbH. © Copyright 2023 ETAS GmbH, Stuttgart The names and designations used in this document are trademarks or brands belonging to the respective owners. MATLAB and Simulink are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. See for a list of additional trademarks. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide R01 EN - 02.2024 Content | 3 Content 1 Safety and Privacy Information 5 1.1 Intended Use 5 1.2 Target Group 5 1.3 Privacy Notice 5 1.4 Technical and Organizational Measures 6 1.5 Safety Advice 6 2 About MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Interface (CLI) 7 2.1 MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI Release 7 2.2 Supported Use Case 9 2.3 Use Case Overview 9 2.4 MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI Setup 9 2.5 MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI Command Reference 10 2.6 MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI Infrastructure Setup 10 2.7 ECU-TEST Specifications (Workspace) 10 3 Setting up the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI on a Local Machine 13 3.1 Prerequisites 13 3.1.1 General 13 3.1.2 Setting up ANSI Colors for Windows Shells 14 3.1.3 Setting up the Environment Properties for the CLI 14 3.1.4 Access 15 CLI Authentification 15 Running the CLI on the Local Machine 16 Authenticating in the CLI 16 Verifying the Upload and Download of Artifacts 17 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference 18 4.1 Commands 19 4.1.1 Error handling 19 4.1.2 General Explanations 19 4.1.3 General Conventions for Uploaded Data 19 4.1.4 Help 21 4.1.5 Description 21 Syntax 21 Version 21 Description 21 Syntax 21 MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide Content | 4 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.1.8 4.2 Test Run 22 Description 22 Syntax 22 Options 22 Examples 22 Behavior of Run Command 22 Input YAML File Details 23 Test Status 25 Description 25 Syntax 25 Options 25 Examples 25 Test Download 26 Description 26 Syntax 26 Options 26 Examples 26 Behavior of Download Command 27 Timeout Parameters 27 Additional Features 28 4.2.1 Consent for Safety Advice 28 4.2.2 Suppression of Safety Advice 28 4.2.3 Sample Configuration 29 4.2.4 Sample Output of the Safety Advice 30 4.2.5 Changing logLevel and Logfile Directory 31 4.2.6 Saving the Command Output in an External File 31 Description 31 Sample Configuration File 34 Output File Details 34 4.2.7 Making a Directory Case-Sensitive In Windows 35 Prerequisites 35 Check If Case-Sensitivity is Enabled 35 Enable Case-Sensitivity of an Existing Directory 35 Disable Case-Sensitivity of an Existing Directory 36 5 Error Scenarios 37 6 FAQ 48 6.1 Why is My Performance Low? 48 6.2 What Is the Difference Between consoleLogLevel and logLevel 48 7 Contact Information 49 MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 1 Safety and Privacy Information | 5 1 Safety and Privacy Information In this chapter, you can find information about the intended use, the addressed target group, and information about safety and privacy related topics. 1.1 Intended Use ETAS Cloud-Services is a cloud-based platform intended for virtualization purposes by providing a toolchain for continuous integration, test, and validation of software in automotive electrical/electronic (e/e) systems. With ETAS MODEL-SIMULATOR, it is possible to run simulations or automated test executions in the cloud in order to significantly speed up this process in particular for large simulation and test tasks. As a result, a report for simulation projects can be retrieved, and simulation or test execution results can be downloaded. The results of the simulation depend on the quality of the plant models and software models as well as on the choice of suitable excitation signals (input stimuli), quality and representativeness of test procedures for the intended development task. The results should therefore be checked for suitability for subsequent investigations by the user. ETAS Cloud-Services runs in a native cloud environment and is offered as a service (SaaS). ETAS GmbH cannot be made liable for damage which is caused by incorrect use and not adhering to the safety information ETAS MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI allows you to run the test executions in the cloud. The CLI can be installed on the local PC or can be integrated into automation scripts. Currently only Windows is supported. 1.2 Target Group This product is directed at trained qualified personnel in the simulation and calibration sector of powertrain ECUs (e.g. calibration engineer, function developer or simulation model developer). Technical knowledge in simulation of vehicle systems and control unit engineering as well as pre-calibration or calibration of those is a prerequisite. 1.3 Privacy Notice The purchaser of this software service is responsible for the legal conformity of processing the data in accordance with Article 4 No. 7 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As the manufacturer, ETAS GmbH is not liable for any mishandling of this data. For more information, please check the privacy policy in the support menu (top right corner of the header). MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 1 Safety and Privacy Information | 6 1.4 Technical and Organizational Measures This service itself does not encrypt neither the personal data nor data categories that it records. Ensure that the data downloaded is secured by means of suitable technical or organizational measures in your own IT system. 1.5 Safety Advice Every user is obliged to read the safety advice document before using the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI and also provide the consent as read and accepted. Every command (except help command and version command) of the MODELSIMULATOR CLI provides the contents of safety advice as output. You have to read the safety advice and provide consent to proceed further with the execution. For more details see "Additional Features" on page 28. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 2 About MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Interface (CLI) | 7 2 About MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Interface (CLI) MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI allows you to run the test executions in the cloud. The MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI can be installed on the local PC or can be integrated into automation scripts. Only Windows is supported. It supports test execution with FMPy. Triggered test execution cannot be stopped. If you want to use a new campaign, you must specify a new name. Otherwise, already uploaded data with the same name will be reused. 2.1 MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI Release The MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI is provided as a ZIP file with the following folders: Documentation: Holds all required documents. l OSS Attributions: Contains a list of open source software (OSS) components used within the product under the terms of the respective licenses. The source code corresponding to the open source components is also provided along with the product wherever mandated by the respective OSS license. MODEL-SIMULATOR-<version>: Holds the executable MODELSIMULATOR CLI file. Templates: Holds the reference template files. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 2 About MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Interface (CLI) | 8 Fig. 2-1: MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI folder structure <version>: Describes the current MODEL-SIMULATOR or MODELSIMULATOR CLI version. <release_version>: Describes the release version of a document. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 2 About MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Interface (CLI) | 9 2.2 Supported Use Case The use of MODEL-SIMULATOR is determined based on the campaign provided. ECU-TEST is a software for testing and validation of embedded systems. MODELSIMULATOR accepts ECU-TEST workspaces which comprises of the test suite and the integrated System-Under-Test such as a Functional Mock-up Units (FMUs). FMPy is an inbuilt library in ECU-TEST used to simulate the FMUs. In addition, VLAB virtual hardware models can also be used for simulation within the ECUTEST workspace. MODEL-SIMULATOR also supports the usage of MOBI (Modular Bus Interface) tool in the cloud. With this, the project specific SPI communication can be translated into readable instructions. Test Execution Simulator: FMPy (provided with ECU-Test) or VLAB (V2.8.3) Test automation tool: ECU-TEST V2023.2.3 from Tracetronic Interface mapping tool: MOBI (V5.0.1) Fig. 2-2: 2.3 General structure of Use Case Use Case Overview You can use the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI to perform the following actions related to test execution: Run test Get status Download result 2.4 MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI Setup To get more information about MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI Setup, see "Setting up the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI on a Local Machine" on page 13. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 2 About MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Interface (CLI) | 10 2.5 MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI Command Reference To get more information about MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI Command Reference, see "MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference" on page 18. 2.6 MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI Infrastructure Setup ETAS MODEL-SIMULATOR Service Desk must create a technical user. You can contact ETAS MODEL-SIMULATOR Service Desk using this link. Once the environment is available, you need to update the externalConfig.yml with the environment access data provided byETAS MODEL-SIMULATOR Service Desk (You can find the template at ETAS MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI <version> > Templates > externalConfig.yml). 2.7 ECU-TEST Specifications (Workspace) The ECU test tool supports external dependencies provided as part of workspaces. An ECU test workspace that make use of a library feature can be uploaded via campaign services. The use of the library feature is optional and both (with library feature and without library feature) campaign structures are supported. For the test execution campaign a dedicated data structure has to be fulfilled for a successful upload. Note All the artifacts required to run the test cases must be packaged inside the workspace. The test bench configuration (.tbc) and test configuration (.tcf) files must contain only the relative paths to any artifacts they refer to within the workspace. If absolute paths are provided the test case execution in the cloud will fail. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 2 About MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Interface (CLI) | 11 Campaigns Without Use of Library Feature The ECU test data has to be zipped (without Report folder) and uploaded for the test execution use case. At least the ZIP file must contain the packages, configurations and workspace folder of the ECU test project for campaigns without libraries. Fig. 2-3: Test execution campaign ZIP file composition (required structure) for campaigns without libraries MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 2 About MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Interface (CLI) | 12 Campaigns With Use of Library Feature For campaigns with libraries the following ZIP file composition has to be considered. ECU test data has to be zipped (without Report folder) and uploaded for the test execution use case. At least the ZIP file must contain a root folder, one or more library workspaces, a project folder with the packages, configurations and workspace folder of the . ECU test project for campaigns with libraries. Fig. 2-4: Test execution campaign ZIP file composition (required structure) for campaigns with libraries MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 3 Setting up the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI on a Local Machine | 13 3 Setting up the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI on a Local Machine 3.1 Prerequisites 3.1.1 General Java (JDK 11) is installed on your PC. If Java (JDK 11) is not installed, go to Java installation and download OpenJDK11. You can check the Java version on your system by executing "java --version" in the command prompt. Proxy configurations are set correctly. Import of Bosch Root CA Certificate Execute the following command to import the certificate as trusted root CA certificate: Adding to default Java Keystore #!/bin/bash keytool -import -trustcacerts -cacerts -storepass changeit alias Bosch-CA-DE -file/C/Temp/BOSCHCA-DE_bin.cer Adding to non-default Java Keystore Note If you want to add the certificate to a Java Keystore that is not the system's default, you need to execute the command from the lib /security folder of the Java installation. Mind the difference. #!/bin/bash ./keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -alias Bosch-CA-DE -file /C/Temp/BOSCH-CA-DE_bin.cer MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 3 Setting up the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI on a Local Machine | 14 3.1.2 Setting up ANSI Colors for Windows Shells To display the color highlights in the command prompt 1. Download the ZIP file from here and extract it to a permanent location. 2. Execute "ansicon.exe -i" from the appropriate directory for your system (x86/x64). 3. Alternatively, place the ansicon executable in your PATH or add its location to your PATH in the system variables. 3.1.3 Setting up the Environment Properties for the CLI To set up the environment properties for the CLI 1. Create a folder named ".ecs" under the user.home directory 2. Copy the externalConfig.yml file from the Templates folder of the CLI delivery into the created folder. 3. Enter the values of the properties mentioned in the YAML file that are required for using the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI. Contact ETAS MODELSIMULATOR Service Desk for any help regarding the values to be filled using this link. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 3 Setting up the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI on a Local Machine | 15 3.1.4 Access CLI Authentification Request a technical user from ETAS MODEL-SIMULATOR Service Desk for authentication when executing commands using this link. ETAS Cloud-Services MODEL-SIMULATOR Request access from ETAS MODEL-SIMULATOR Service Desk for ETAS Cloud-Services using this link. Specify a user name, user email ID, and a reason. Extended File Sharing (for Bosch Associates) To get the extended file sharing access to upload and download files 1. Go to the IdM page. 2. Go to the User Self Service tab. 3. Select Internet Web Access from the table. 4. Go to the Search for Roles tab on the right. 5. Search for Extended Internet Web Access File Sharing. 6. Click the + button in the Action column and add the role to the cart. The + button in the Action column becomes a check mark. 8. Click on the shopping cart button on top right of the page 9. Provide a reason and click Submit. The request is submitted to the manager. Once the manager approves, you will get file sharing privileges. Recommendation for the approving manager: MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 3 Setting up the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI on a Local Machine | 16 Running the CLI on the Local Machine To run the CLI on the local machine: 1. Download the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI-<version>.zip file from the release location to a permanent location on your local machine. 2. Unzip the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI-<version>.zip. 3. Open a new command prompt . 4. Execute the following command to set the Java and CLI path: "set path=<local_path>\jdk-version\bin;<local_path>\<folder_name_of_extracted_cli_zip>\bin" Authenticating in the CLI To authenticate in the CLI you have the following two options: Environmental Variables: Configure the user credentials (technical user credentials) as environment variables (as shown below) so that they are not requested during command execution. Note This configuration is not recommended for local setup. Command prompt: Specify the technical user credentials when you run the command. The prompt asks for the user credentials if they are not provided by environmental variables. The prompt will look like the following: In exchange for these credentials, the CLI receives a refresh token from authenticator service, which is cached. It uses this cached data for further command executions until it expires. After expiration or the cached authentication credentials are inappropriate for the provided environment, you get asked to re-enter the credentials. In most cases this happens due to environment configuration values that were changed after caching the authentication credentials of the previously configured environment. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 3 Setting up the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI on a Local Machine | 17 Verifying the Upload and Download of Artifacts To verify the upload and download of artifacts 1. Log in to the GUI if it is enabled for the environment. 2. The campaign with the given name must be listed there. 3. The test execution project overview must list the project with the given name and the appended sequence number. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 18 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference The following list provides the available commands and features in the MODELSIMULATOR CLI. Commands: "Help" on page 21 "Version" on page 21 "Test Run" on page 22 "Test Status" on page 25 "Test Download" on page 26 Additional Features "Consent for Safety Advice" on page 28 "Changing logLevel and Logfile Directory" on page 31 "Saving the Command Output in an External File" on page 31 "Making a Directory Case-Sensitive In Windows" on page 35 MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 19 4.1 Commands 4.1.1 Error handling The error handling mechanism in the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI is designed to handle an erroneous situation by prompting the user with a clear error message that has the following parts. 1. Which action requested by the user has failed. 2. Conveying the user the probable reason of why the error occurred. 3. What action should be taken to overcome the error. The error handling mechanism detects and informs the user of any missing inputs that need to be provided in the configuration yaml files. Further, any errors with respect to command execution or issues with respect to the cloud infrastructure will also be conveyed to the user. The error message will be displayed along with a suitable error code on the command prompt and logged in the corresponding logs as well. The user can utilize the error code to reach out to the Operations team for further assistance. Additionally, the exit code for errors will be provided as 2 and for successful executions it will be provided as 0. 4.1.2 General Explanations Syntax The general syntax uses the following expressions: ecs: Name of the tool test: Test execution workflow Release Version If the current released MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI is a pre-release version, each output of the command is preceded with the text "Prerelease version of ETAS MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI." InputProperites.yaml InputProperties.yaml is the default yaml file and delivered to you. As a reason it is used as default for Input file path. You can use any other file, provided that it must be a yaml file. 4.1.3 General Conventions for Uploaded Data Following conventions have to be fulfilled for all uploaded data in MODELSIMULATOR CLI: MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 20 Maximum characters: 1024 Can only start with any l lower case characters l upper case characters l numbers l special characters: _ . Can contain any l lower case characters l upper case characters l special characters like: ! - _ . ( ) Not allowed: l other special characters like: ' l white spaces MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 21 4.1.4 Help Description Prints the help text. It is available for each command. Syntax It is possible, to use the help command as it self. help command ecs --help ecs -h It is also possible to use the help command to get help regarding a command or a sub-command. with command ecs <command> -h ecs <command> <subcommand> -h 4.1.5 Version Description Prints the version of the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI. Syntax ecs --version ecs -V MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 22 4.1.6 Test Run Description Triggers the test execution for the given input configuration. Syntax ecs test run [ --nowait ] [Input file path] run: run/execute the tests Options Name Required Description --nowait, -nw No Starts the test execution and returns the control (do not wait for execution to complete). This is a flag. --wait No Starts the test execution and returns the control (waits for execution to complete). This is a flag. Input file path Yes The input YAML file path. Both *.yaml and *.yml extensions are supported. Examples ecs test run -nw C:/CLI/InputProperties.yml ecs test run --nowait C:/CLI/InputProperties.yml ecs test run <c:/temp/InputProperties.yml> Behavior of Run Command wait-mode In this mode, the test execution is triggered and waits until the test execution is completed. Post completion, the results are downloaded if available and then the command execution is completed.. For this mode, the download path must be compulsorily present in inputproperties.yaml. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 23 Note The download of the results is possible even for a test execution group that has a mixture of completed and failed runs. When a download is triggered on such a test execution group, the partial results are downloaded. no wait mode In this mode, the test execution is triggered and command execution gets completed. Basically the command does not wait for the test execution to complete and in case any results need to be downloaded later, a separate command needs to be triggered. Input YAML File Details The file has three sections: inputProperties outputProperties cliConfig inputProperties Contains the attributes that specify where the data is taken from into MODELSIMULATOR. campaignPath: Path of the ECU test workspace in zipped format. vehiclePath: Path of the vehicle configurations in zipped format. name: Name that applies to the current execution. Following conventions have to be fulfilled for name: Maximum characters: 200 Can only start with any: lower case characters upper case characters numbers special characters: _ . Can contain any: lower case characters upper case characters special characters like: ! - _ . ' ( ) Not allowed: other special characters white spaces MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 24 l The campaign is uploaded with the given name. After uploading, it will be used again for the next execution if the same name is specified. l The project uses the same name to which the sequence number is appended. For example, if the name in the file is TEST_CASE_FMPY, then the project name for the first run is TEST_CASE_FMPY.1. This number is incremented continuously for the same name. l The name of the test group is the same as that of the project. workflow: Value of the workflow that must be specified. l Supported value: TEST_ECUTEST_FMPY Properties Mandatory Description vehiclePath No Mandatory for test execution with COSYM only. workflow Yes Always required irrespective of the type of workflow. name Yes Always required irrespective of the workflow. campaignPath Yes Always required irrespective of the workflow. outputProperties Path where MODEL-SIMULATOR writes the data. It is only applicable if the run is triggered without nowait flag. downloadPath: Path to which the reports on the completed test execution are downloaded. cliConfig Configuration for the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI workflow (optional field). The default value is INFO. consoleLogLevel: Depending on the log level set, you get the information in the command prompt. Possible values are: l ERROR l FAILED l INFO l DEBUG l TRACE This is applies only to the current command. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 25 4.1.7 Test Status Description Gets the status of the specified test execution reference name. Note It is assumed that the project name and the name of the text execution group are identical. Syntax ecs test status [ --format | -f ] [ <format value> ] [<reference_name>] status: get the status of the group Note This command returns only the group level execution status, i.e. RUNNING\PROCESSING\COMPLETED\ERROR if the format is not specified. Options Name Required Description --format | -f No Specifies the format in which the output is to be printed. Type: String Supported values: JSON, TABLE reference_name Yes Name of the test execution whose status is to be displayed. Examples ecs test status -f JSON TEST_CASE_FMPY.1 ecs test status TEST_CASE_FMPY.1 ecs test status --format TEST_CASE_FMPY.1> MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 26 4.1.8 Test Download Description Downloads the results of the completed test execution to the specified path. Note It is assumed that the project name and the name of the text execution group are identical. Syntax ecs test download [ < --downloadPath | -p > ] [ < Path > ] [<reference_name>] download: download the results Options Name Required Description --downloadPath | -p Yes Location where the report must be downloaded reference_name Yes Name of the test execution whose results are to be downloaded. Examples ecs test download -p C:\\temp ecs test download --downloadPath C:\\temp MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 27 Behavior of Download Command The download command downloads the test execution results for a specific project reference provided the results are available. By default, the download command waits until the archiving of the results are completed. Additionally, a specific time can be configured to wait for the download to complete. In case, the duration to download exceeds the configured limit then the download command terminates. Note The download of the results is possible even for a test execution group that has a mixture of completed and failed runs. When a download is triggered on such a test execution group, the partial results are downloaded. Timeout Parameters There are timeout parameters for the download command: maxRequests (optional): This is the number of counts that CLI needs to check with ECS cloud whether the archive of the requested test results are competed. It is not mandatory to specify this number. If this number is not specified, the check will be performed until the download is completed. requestFrequency (optional): This is the wait time between each check of whether the process was completed. l It the requestFrequency value is less than 1000, the default value of requestFrequency will be set as 1000. l If there is no value set for requestFrequency, then the default value for requestFrequency is 5000. Fig. 4-1: Timeout parameters MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 28 4.2 Additional Features 4.2.1 Consent for Safety Advice The consent for the safety advice can be provided through CLI or through externalConfig.yml file. Acceptance via CLI: You can provide consent by typing Y, which is case insensitive on the command prompt. Acceptance via externalConfig.yml: You can configure the key safetyadvice.acknowledge in the config file with the required value true\any value. 4.2.2 Suppression of Safety Advice A configuration to control the suppression of safety advice content on command prompt is provided. Supression can be done by providing the flag safetyadvice.suppress value as true in the externalConfig.yml file. However, under few conditions, it won't be possible to suppress the content of safety advice on command prompt even if the value is set to true in the externalConfig.yml file. for release versions at the first use of a new version of MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI for pre-release versions at the first use of a new version of MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI (any first command) on a particular machine + user at the first use of the of MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI (any first command) on a particular machine + user on a new day Note If the safety advice acknowledge has any value other than true in the externalConfig.yml, the user is prompted to accept it via MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI. Irrespective of safety advice content is suppressed or not, the consent has to be provided through the externalConfig.yml or command prompt for further execution of command. The safety advice shall not be output to the prompt in case of the help and version commands. In case of pre-release version, only pre-release text will be output for help and version command. The value for the config properties safetyadvice.suppress and safetyadvice.acknowledge should not start with @ symbol. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 29 In order to suppress or acknowledge the safety advice through externalConfig.yml located in the path user.home/.ecs. , you need to include the properties with valid values as mentioned below. Name Required Description Accepted Values safetyadvice.suppress No Used to sup- true = Suppress press safety the display of advice safety advice on command prompt any value other than true = Do not suppress the display of safety advice on command prompt safetyadvice.acknowledge No Used to true = Consent for provide con- safety advice is sent for provided safety advice any value other than true = Do not provide the consent of safety advice 4.2.3 Sample Configuration Fig. 4-2: Sample Configuration MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 30 4.2.4 Sample Output of the Safety Advice Fig. 4-3: Sample Output of the Safety Advice MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 31 4.2.5 Changing logLevel and Logfile Directory It is possible to change the logLevel and Logfile Directory by using logPath in output section in the externalConfig.yml. logLevel (optional): To change the Log level with respective to application for which the respective information will be logged in log files. If a logpath is not specified, then by default the log path will be created in the .ecs (home) directory. Possible values for logLevel: l OFF l FATAL l ERROR l INFO l DEBUG l TRACE l ALL logPath (optional): To change the folder location where the CLI logfile to be created. Fig. 4-4: LogLevel and logPath 4.2.6 Saving the Command Output in an External File Description When a command is executed in the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI, certain information is output on the command prompt and also in the log file. The subsequent command execution sometimes requires this information as an argument. As a result you must parse the output to extract the data which is cumbersome. To enable this, the MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI provides a configuration where the information about the current command executed and the output of the same could be persisted in a json file. The configuration must be provided in the externalConfig.yml file as below. Output file l folderPath: <valid folder path to store the output file> l format: JSON MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 32 Name Required Description Accepted Values output.file.folderPath Yes Folder location [ValidFolderPath] (Not man- where the out- datory for the put json to be MODEL- created. SIMULATOR CLI functioning) output.file.format No Used to provide JSON/[blank] a format in which the output file needs to be created. Currently only JSON format is supported. The output file name is the name of the test execution given by the user without the sequence number. E.g., if you execute the status command by giving the reference name as TEST.1 then the file name will be test.json. All the subsequent commands executed for the same name, will be part of the test.json file. When the next command is executed for the same reference name, the previously executed command info will be part of the same file in the history section. Note Only if the command execution is success, then information is persisted. If an invalid folder path is provided, then MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI will provide an error message and proceed with the command execution. The value for the config properties output.file.folderPath and output.file.format should not start with @ symbol. When you try to execute a command with a project name that differs only by its case and its sequence number, the output of those commands gets stored in a single JSON file. As the Windows operating system treats two file names that differ only in upper and lower case as a single file, this problem occurs, also described in Fig. 4-5 and Fig. 4-6 MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 33 Fig. 4-5: Project names with upper and lower case Fig. 4-6: JSON file output To solve the problem, see "Making a Directory Case-Sensitive In Windows" on page 35. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 34 Sample Configuration File Fig. 4-7: Sample Configuration File Output File Details The file has two sections: commandInformation history commandInformation This section contains the output information of the recently executed command which can be used as input to the other commands. name Name that applies to the current execution with sequence number which will indicate the number of retries done with the same inputs passed. lastExecutedCommand Command that got triggered recently for the particular test execution. timestamp Timestamp in which the mentioned command is executed for the particular test execution. downloadedPath as download command Contains the test result downloaded path when the command gets executed. status as status command Contains the details as below: MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 35 resultStatus Contains the result information l total: The total number of test cases ran as. l inconclusive: The number of test cases where the result is inconclusive. l success: The number of test cases where the result is a success. l error: The number of test cases where the result is an error. l unavailable: The number of test cases where the result is not available executionResult Contains the test execution status. history This section contains all the information of the previously executed commands, arranged in a manner where the most recently executed command information can be found first. 4.2.7 Making a Directory Case-Sensitive In Windows Prerequisites Changing the case-sensitivity of a directory require elevated permissions (Administrator rights). Changing the case-sensitivity flag also requires “Write attributes”, “Create files”, “Create folders” and “Delete subfolders and files” permissions on the directory. For more information, see the this troubleshooting. Check If Case-Sensitivity is Enabled 1. Execute the command "fsutil.exe file queryCaseSensitiveInfo <path>" in the PowerShell where <path> needs to be replaced with your file path. The command output will look like the below: Enable Case-Sensitivity of an Existing Directory 1. To change a directory in the Windows file system so that it is case-sensitive (FOO ≠ foo), run PowerShell as Administrator. 2. Execute the command "Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux". After being completed, a restart is required. 3. Execute the restart. 4. Execute the command ""fsutil.exe file setCaseSensitiveInfo <path> enable" where <path> needs to be replaced with your file path. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 4 MODEL-SIMULATOR Command Line Reference | 36 The command output will look like the below: After executing the above command you are able to save two files with name that only differs in cases in the same directory. Disable Case-Sensitivity of an Existing Directory 1. To change a directory in the Windows file system back to the case-insensitive default (FOO = foo), run PowerShell as Administrator. 2. Execute the command "fsutil.exe file setCaseSensitiveInfo <path> disable" where <path> needs to be replaced with your file path. If the requested directory has files with names that only differ in its case then you will end up in an error like below: 3. Remove those files and try to execute the command again. After executing the above command, the case-sensitivity is disabled. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 5 Error Scenarios | 37 5 Error Scenarios When working with MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI, you may receive error codes in the CLI. An overview of possible error scenarios and how to correct them is given in the following table. Error Code Error Description Scenario 1020000012 User sign-in failed due to Provided user credentials like user Incorrect username or name and password as an envir- password. Try again with onmental/command prompt is valid user credentials. invalid (non empty but invalid). The user sign-in failed as Provided non-technical user cre- only technical user cre- dentials, CLI supports only technical dentials are permitted for user. CLI authentication. Contact Operations team for relevant technical user details. The password has to be The provided technical user cre- changed before the first dentials has been used without login. Reset the initial pass- resetting the initial password. word in MODELSIMULATOR GUI and retry. User sign-in failed due to An error occurred while trying to User pool client XXX does sign in user using the login cre- not exist. Try again with dentials provided. valid user credentials. 1020000029 Failed to start the test exe- An error occurred while trying to cution. The upload of the upload or create a campaign. campaign is unsuccessful due to an internal error. Try re-uploading the campaign. 1020000030 Failed to complete the run An error occurred while trying to get command execution. the status of a project or group Possible reasons: Internal API call failed. after a test execution was successfully triggered. Server error while processing the request. Contact the Operations team. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 5 Error Scenarios | 38 1020000036 Failed to complete the run An error occurred while trying to command execution as download the test result of the test the download of results execution. failed. It is possible that the download path provided is not valid or some internal error occurred. Try downloading again or if the issue persists, contact Operations team. 1020000046 Failed to get the status of CLI was not able to find the men- the test execution. The tioned test execution project/group provided reference name with the given reference name. XXX is not found. Provide the proper project/group reference. 1020000051 Failed to download the res- The results could not be downult. The test execution is in loaded as the execution is in proPROCESSING state for the gress. requested reference name and hence no results are available for download. Try downloading the results after sometime. Failed to download the res- The results could not be downult. The result archive is in loaded as archiving of results is not RESULTS_SUBMITTED_ completed. FOR_ARCHIVE state for the requested reference name. Wait until the result archive get concluded. Failed to download the res- The results could not be downult. The result archive is in loaded as the archive status is ARCHIVE_REQUEST_ TERMINATED. TERMINATED state for the requested reference name and hence no results are available for download. Contact the Operations team. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 5 Error Scenarios | 39 1020000052 Failed to complete the run An error occurred while trying to command execution as wait until the archive of the test exe- the download of results cution result was completed. failed. An interruption occurred while trying to wait for the results to be archived. Try downloading after some time. 1020000053 Failed to complete the run The archiving of the test execution command execution as result took more than the con- the download of results figured time. failed. The time for archiving of the results exceeded the configured time limit. Try downloading the results after some time. 1020000071 Failed to start the test exe- An error occurred while trying to cution. Upload of the arti- upload or create a artifact as the fact failed due to Identity identity pool ID configured in the Pool XXX not found. Try external configuration file is incor- again with proper identity rect. pool ID. 1020000080 The provided reference Reference name provided in Input- name XXX has invalid char- properties.yaml/ command arguacters. Refer to the CLI ments has invalid characters. user guide for a list of See General Conventions for allowed characters. Uploaded Data for a list of allowed characters. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 5 Error Scenarios | 40 1020000081 Failed to start the test exe- The campaign path provided is not cution. The provided cam- valid. paign path does not exist or is not readable. Provide a valid campaign path. Failed to start the test exe- The provided value for name has cution. The provided more than 200 characters. name: {name-value} has more than {max-character-limit} characters. Provide a name within {max-character-limit} characters. Failed to start the test exe- The provided value for name has cution. The provided ref- invalid characters. erence name XXX has See General Conventions for invalid characters. Uploaded Data for a list of allowed characters. Failed to start the test exe- The provided campaign path does cution. The provided cam- not exist. paign path does not exist The provided campaign path exists or is not readable. Provide but not readable. a valid campaign path. Failed to start the test exe- The provided campaign path is not cution. Provided campaign in ZIP format. file extension is not supported. Provide campaign file in zip format. Failed to start the test exe- The mandatory download path is cution. Download path is not provided when test execution is not provided and is man- triggered in wait mode. datory when test execution is triggered in wait mode. Provide a valid download path. Failed to start the test exe- The provided download path does cution. The provided down- not exists in the local folder path. load path does not exist or The provided download path is not is not writable. Provide a writable. valid download path. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 5 Error Scenarios | 41 Failed to start the test exe- The provided vehicle path does not cution. The provided exist. vehicle path does not exist The provided vehicle path exists or is not readable. Provide but not readable. a valid vehicle path. Failed to start the test exe- The provided vehicle path is not in cution. The provided ZIP format. vehicle file extension is not supported. Provide vehicle file in zip format. 1020000122 Unable to cache the user Error occurred while caching the authentication inform- authentication information. ation. Check the configFile write permissions inside ecs folder. Retry sign in and if the issue persists, contact Operations team. 1020000141 Failed to start the test exe- Provided user credentials like user cution. The provided user name and password as an envir- credentials are empty. Try onmental variable/command again with valid user cre- prompt is an empty string. dentials. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 5 Error Scenarios | 42 1020000164 Failed to start the test exe- Corrupted campaign or missing cution as the uploaded mandatory folders within campaign campaign was in ZIP file. UNAVAILABLE status. The campaign is unavailable because the .workspace folder/s Packages folder/s Configurations folder/s in Root folder were not found. Refer to the user documentation for correct test campaign configuration Failed to start the test exe- Campaign ZIP file is empty. cution. The uploaded campaign was in UNAVAILABLE status. The campaign is unavailable because the uploaded zip file was empty. Refer to the user documentation for correct test campaign configuration. 1020000168 Failed to start the test exe- An error occurred while trying to cution. An interruption wait until the campaign came to occurred while trying to AVAILABLE status. get status for the Campaign. Try uploading the Campaign after some time and if the issue persists, contact Operations team. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 5 Error Scenarios | 43 1020000169 Failed to start the test exe- The created campaign was not in an cution. The uploaded cam- AVAILABLE state within the conpaign is in PROCESSING figured time, hence could not pro- status. Increase the value ceed further. of numberOfRetries attribute in the external configuration file and try to trigger test execution again. 1020000181 Failed to start the test exe- CLI was not able to find the vehicle cution. The vehicle with with the given vehicle name value in name XXX was not found. the external configuration file. Contact Operations team for more information. 1020000187 Failed to start the test exe- An error occurred while uploading cution. The upload of the vehicle. vehicle is unsuccessful due to an internal error. Try re-uploading the vehicle. 1020000188 Failed to start the test exe- The created vehicle was not in an cution. The uploaded AVAILABLE state within the con- vehicle is in PROCESSING figured time, hence could not pro- status. Increase the value ceed further. of maxRequests attribute in the external configuration file and try to trigger test execution again. 1020000191 Failed to start the test exe- Corrupted vehicle or missing mancution. The uploaded datory folders within vehicle ZIP file. vehicle was in Vehicle ZIP file is empty. UNAVAILABLE status. The vehicle is unavailable because the mandatory deployable zip file is not found. . Refer the user documentation for more detailed information about the model configuration MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 5 Error Scenarios | 44 1020000203 Failed to start the test exe- The provided path (campaign path, cution. The provided path vehicle path, download path) in does not have the neces- inputProperties.yaml does not sary security permissions have the necessary security per- to be read/written. Provide missions to be read/written. a valid path with the necessary permissions. 1020000265 Failed to read/display the An error occurred while trying to Safety advice. The safety read the safety advice document to advice packed with the cli- display to the user. ent is either missing or corrupted. Contact the Operations team. 1020000270 The requested output The provided output format format: {reques- provided in external configuration tedOutputFormat} is file for the history file is not sup- invalid, and the acknow- ported. ledgement messages cannot be saved in the requested format. The supported format is JSON. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 5 Error Scenarios | 45 1020000279 Failed to start the test exe- Mandatory key not provided in the cution. Property key XXX external configuration should be present under file/InputProperties.yaml file. XXX in externalConfig.yaml / InputProperties.yaml. Update the mentioned file/files with the suggested changes and retry. Failed to start the test exe- Value is not provided for mandatory cution. Property value of key in the external configuration XXX cannot be empty in file/InputProperties.yaml file. externalConfig.yaml / InputProperties.yaml. Update the mentioned file/files with the suggested changes and retry. Failed to start the test exe- Empty value is provided for mancution. Property value of datory key in the external con- XXX cannot be empty and figuration should be either true or file/InputProperties.yaml file. false in in externalConfig.yaml / InputProperties.yaml. Update the mentioned file/files with the suggested changes and retry. Failed to start the test exe- External configuration file is empty. cution. External config file/Configuration properties file is empty. Update the mentioned file/files with the suggested changes and retry. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 5 Error Scenarios | 46 1020000282 CLI startup failed. The Misaligned one/multiple key in the provided extern- yaml file. alConfig.yaml is invalid. A mandatory set of key is repeated. Property keys may be Special characters provided in front duplicate. Wrong indentation/spaces around the property of any mandatory key. E.g. '!' was added in front of Key 'artifacts'. Some invalid special characters are -! > } | ] ,. Special/junk characters around property keys. Make sure the file is valid by considering the suggested points and retry or contact operations team. 1020000283 Failed to start the test exe- Special characters provided in front cution. YML/YAML pro- of any mandatory key. E.g. '!' was cessing failed due to added in front of Key 'artifacts'. configuration properties Some invalid special characters are file being invalid. Property keys may be -! > } | ] ,. duplicate. Wrong indentation/spaces around the property keys/values in the files. Special/junk characters around property keys. Make sure the file is valid by considering the suggested points and retry or contact operations team. 1020000285 1020000290 CLI startup failed. Contact CLI fails to start because of some operations team. configuration issue. The arguments provided in Invalid arguments provided during the command is invalid. command. Double - with a space. Check the argument or Eg: (double hyphen is before nw) ecs test run – nw syntax and try again. C:\TestData\Cli_Testing\InputProperties.yml MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 5 Error Scenarios | 47 1020000301 Valid value was not Acknowledgment provided for provided for safety advice. safety advice with an invalid value. Provide a valid value. 1020000320 Consent to safety advice Acknowledgment provided for was not provided. Provide safety advice with an invalid value. consent to proceed with command execution. 1020000321 Internal API call failed. Any error that occurred apart from Server error while pro- the specific once listed in this table. cessing the request. Contact the Operations team. 1020000323 CLI startup failed. Property Invalid logpath provided in the value of 'logpath' is not external configuration file that con- valid in externalConfig.yml. tains certain restricted special charProvide a valid path. acters/character combinations. (E.g. add %& in the logpath). MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 6 FAQ | 48 6 FAQ 6.1 Why is My Performance Low? If you notice a performance lag when executing MODEL-SIMULATOR CLI commands, you should increase the number of processors to the maximum in your system. To increase the number of processors 1. Open run command by pressing Windows + R. 2. Execute msconfig to open a new window. The System Configuration Window opens. 4. Navigate to Boot tab. 5. Click Advanced Options. 6. Set the value in the Number of processors tab to the maximum. 7. Click OK. 8. Click Apply. 6.2 What Is the Difference Between consoleLogLevel and logLevel consoleLogLevel in InputProperties.yaml file Depending on the log level set, you get the information directly in the command prompt, see "cliConfig" on page 24. LogLevel in the ExternalConfig.yaml file Depending on the log level set, you get the information in the log file, see "Changing logLevel and Logfile Directory" on page 31. MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide 7 Contact Information | 49 7 Contact Information Technical Support You can contact ETAS MODEL-SIMULATOR Service Desk: ETAS MODEL-SIMULATOR Sevice Project For details of your local sales office as well as your local technical support team and product hotlines, take a look at the ETAS website: ETAS Headquarters ETAS GmbH Borsigstraße 24 Phone: +49 711 3423-0 70469 Stuttgart Fax: +49 711 3423-2106 Germany Internet: MODEL-SIMULATOR V2.2 - User Guide ">

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Key features
- Cloud-based simulation and testing
- ECU-TEST workspace support
- FMPy and VLAB simulation
- MOBI tool integration
- Test execution, status, and download commands
- Safety advice integration
Frequently asked questions
The tool supports ECU-TEST V2023.2.3 for test automation and uses FMPy (provided with ECU-Test) or VLAB for simulation.
You need to install Java JDK 11, configure proxy settings, import the Bosch Root CA Certificate, and set up environment properties in the .ecs folder.
The workspace must be zipped without the Report folder and include the packages, configurations, and workspace folder of the ECU-TEST project. For campaigns with libraries, additional library workspaces are required.