SKG 2AYVT-E3PRO E3 Pro Eye Massager User Manual
SKG 2AYVT-E3PRO is a versatile eye massager with multiple modes to suit your needs. Enjoy air pressure, hot compress and soothing music to relax, ease eye strain, and promote sleep. It's Bluetooth-enabled, rechargeable, and comfortable to wear for long-term use.
英语 Eye Massager 波兰 Enjoy the power-on experience 德语 Ciesz się funkcjonalnością naszych produktów E3 Pro Operating Instructions Power Button Long press for 1.5 Seconds To Turn On/Off Press Briefly To Switch Modes Double Tap To Turn Off Background Music Outer Shell Charging Port Internal Components Viewing Window (Air Pressure + Hot Compress) Operating Steps: 1) Long press the power button for 1.5 seconds to turn the machine on/off. Press it briefly to switch between the four working modes: Vitality Mode, Soothing Mode, Sleep Mode, and Eye Care Exercise Mode. the default mode is Energy Mode. Sleep Mode has no background music. Double tap the power button to turn off music, and double tap it again to turn it on. 2) Manual pairing and connection is required for the first time with Bluetooth devices that have never been connected to the product. The product's Bluetooth name is E3-2. Devices that have previously been connected before will automatically reconnect to the Bluetooth when the product is turned on. A voice announcement “Bluetooth Connected” will be made after a successful connection. 3) When the product's battery is low, a voice prompt will indicate, "Low Battery, Please Charge," and the four indicators will glow red. The product will shut down automatically if it is used further after a voice warning “Battery Depleted, Shutting Down.” 4) The product's charging icon will remain red while charging, and it will turn green when fully charged. 5) The product will shut down automatically while charging if it is on and cannot be turned on while charging. Basic Product Parameters Product Name Eye Massager Model E3 Pro Rated Input Power 10W Rated Input Voltage 5V Battery Capacity 1500mAh/5.55Wh Profitez de l'expérience de mise en marche Bedienungsanleitung *Przed użyciem tego produktu należy najpierw wyregulować pasek do odpowiedniej długości, a następnie założyć go na okolice oczu i dostosować pozycję i napięcie stosownie do potrzeb. Lampka sygnalizacyjna Przycisk zasilania Naciśnij i przytrzyma przez 1.5 sekundy aby włączyć/wyłączyć Naciśnij krótko aby przełączyć tryby Naciśnij dwukrotnie aby wyłączyć muzykę w tle Outer Shell Port ładowania Komponenty wewnętrzne Okienko podglądu (ciśnienie powietrza + kompresja na gorąco) Kroki operacyjne: 1) Naciśnij i przytrzymaj przycisk zasilania przez 1,5 sekundy, aby włączyć/wyłączyć urządzenie. Naciśnij krótko, aby przełączać między czterema trybami pracy: Tryb witalności, tryb uspokajający, tryb snu i tryb ćwiczeń dla oczu. Domyślnym trybem jest tryb energetyczny. Tryb uśpienia nie oferuje muzyki w tle. Naciśnij dwukrotnie przycisk zasilania, aby wyłączyć muzykę i naciśnij go ponownie, aby ją włączyć. 2) W przypadku urządzeń Bluetooth, które nigdy wcześniej nie były połączone z produktem, wymagane jest ręczne parowanie i łączenie. Nazwa Bluetooth produktu to E3-2. Urządzenia, które były wcześniej łączone, automatycznie połączą się ponownie z Bluetooth po włączeniu produktu. Po pomyślnym nawiązaniu połączenia wydany zostanie komunikat głosowy „Bluetooth połączony”. 3) Gdy poziom naładowania baterii produktu jest niski, pojawi się komunikat głosowy „Niski poziom naładowania baterii”, a cztery wskaźniki zaświecą się na czerwono. Produkt wyłączy się automatycznie, po ostrzeżeniu głosowym „Bateria wyczerpana, wyłączanie”, jeśli będzie dalej używany. 4) Ikona ładowania produktu pozostanie czerwona podczas ładowania i zmieni kolor na zielony po pełnym naładowaniu. 5) Produkt wyłączy się automatycznie podczas ładowania, jeśli jest włączony i nie można go włączyć podczas ładowania. Music Icon Charging Icon Ikonka muzyki Ikonka ładowania Air Pressure Icon Hot Compress Icon Ikonka ciśnienia powietrza Ikonka gorącej kompresji Working Mode * Images and diagrams referenced in this manual are for illustrative purposes only, The actual appearance may differ. Genießen Sie das Erlebnis beim Einschalten Instrukcja obsługi *Before using this product, please first adjust the strap to an appropriate length, then wear it on the eye area, and adjust the position and tightness as needed to experience the massage effect. Indicator light 法语 Vitality Mode: Air Pressure 1 + Hot Compress + "Forest Healing" Music Soothing Mode: Air Pressure 2 + Hot Compress + "Mountain Spring" Music Sleep Mode: Air Pressure 3 + Hot Compress Eye Care Exercise Mode: Air Pressure 4 + Hot Compress + "Ethereal Water Realm" Music Tryb pracy *Obrazy i schematy przywołane w niniejszej instrukcji służą wyłącznie celom ilustracyjnym; ich rzeczywisty wygląd może się różnić. Podstawowe parametry produktu Nazwa produktu Masażer do oczu Model E3 Pro Znamionowa moc wejściowa 10W Znamionowe napięcie ładowania 5V Pojemność baterii 1500mAh/5.55Wh Tryb witalności: Ciśnienie powietrza 1 + gorący kompres + muzyka „Leśne uzdrowienie” Tryb uspokajający: Ciśnienie powietrza 2 + gorący kompres + muzyka „Górskie źródło” Tryb snu: Ciśnienie powietrza 3 + gorący kompres Tryb ćwiczeń do pielęgnacji oczu: Ciśnienie powietrza 4 + gorący kompres + muzyka „Eteryczna sfera wody” Instructions de fonctionnement *Bevor Sie dieses Produkt verwenden, stellen Sie bitte zuerst das Band auf eine geeignete Länge ein, tragen Sie es dann auf der Augenpartie und passen Sie die Position und die Festigkeit nach Bedarf an, um den Massageeffekt zu erleben. Anzeigelicht Ein/Aus-Taste Langes Drücken für 1,5 Sekunden zum Ein- und Ausschalten Kurz drücken um zwischen den Modi zu wechseln Doppeltippen zum Ausschalten der Hintergrundmusik Äußere Hülle Ladeanschluss Interne Komponenten Okienko podglądu (Luftdruck + Heißluftkompresse) *Obrazy i schematy przywołane w niniejszej instrukcji służą wyłącznie celom ilustracyjnym; ich rzeczywisty wygląd może się różnić. Schritte zur Bedienung: 1) Drücken Sie die Ein/Aus-Taste 1,5 Sekunden lang, um das Gerät ein- und auszuschalten. Drücken Sie die Taste kurz, um zwischen den vier Betriebsmodi zu wechseln: Vitalitätsmodus, Beruhigungsmodus, Schlafmodus und Augenpflege-Übungsmodus. Der Standardmodus ist der Energiemodus. Im Schlafmodus ist keine Hintergrundmusik zu hören. Tippen Sie zweimal auf die Ein/Aus-Taste, um die Musik auszuschalten, und tippen Sie erneut auf die Taste, um die Musik wieder einzuschalten. 2) Bei Bluetooth-Geräten, die noch nie mit dem Produkt verbunden waren, ist zum ersten Mal eine manuelle Kopplung und Verbindung erforderlich. Der Bluetooth-Name des Produkts lautet E3-2. Geräte, die zuvor verbunden waren, werden automatisch wieder mit dem Bluetooth verbunden, wenn das Gerät eingeschaltet wird. Nach erfolgreicher Verbindung ertönt die Sprachansage "Bluetooth verbunden". 3) Wenn der Akkustand des Geräts niedrig ist, ertönt die Sprachansage "Akku leer, bitte aufladen", und die vier Anzeigen leuchten rot. Das Gerät schaltet sich automatisch aus, wenn es nach der Sprachansage "Batterie leer, wird ausgeschaltet" weiter benutzt wird. 4) Das Lade-Symbol des Produkts bleibt während des Ladevorgangs rot und wird grün, wenn es vollständig geladen ist. 5) Das Gerät schaltet sich während des Ladevorgangs automatisch aus, wenn es eingeschaltet ist und kann während des Ladevorgangs nicht eingeschaltet werden. Produktname Augen-Massagegerät Modell E3 Pro Nenn-Eingangsleistung 10W Nenn-Ladespannung 5V Batteriekapazität 1500mAh/5.55Wh Bouton d’alimentation Appuyer longuement pendant 1,5 secondes pour allumer ou éteindre Appuyer brièvement pour changer de mode Appuyer deux fois pour désactiver la musique de fond Coque extérieure Port de charge Composants internes Fenêtre de visualisation Composants internes (pression d'air + compression à chaud) Étapes d'utilisation : 1) Appuyez longuement sur le bouton d'alimentation pendant 1,5 seconde pour allumer/éteindre l'appareil. Appuyez brièvement sur le bouton pour passer d'un mode de fonctionnement à l'autre : Mode vitalité, mode apaisement, mode sommeil et mode exercice pour les yeux. Le mode par défaut est le mode énergie. Le mode Sommeil ne comporte pas de musique de fond. Appuyez deux fois sur le bouton d'alimentation pour désactiver la musique, et appuyez deux fois de nouveau pour la réactiver. 2) Le couplage et la connexion manuels sont nécessaires pour la première fois avec des appareils Bluetooth qui n'ont jamais été connectés au produit. Le nom Bluetooth du produit est E3-2. Les appareils qui ont été connectés auparavant se reconnectent automatiquement au Bluetooth lorsque le produit est allumé. Une annonce vocale "Bluetooth connecté" sera faite après une connexion réussie. 3) Lorsque la batterie du produit est faible, un message vocal indique "Batterie faible, veuillez charger" et les quatre indicateurs s'allument en rouge. Le produit s'éteint automatiquement s'il est encore utilisé après l'avertissement vocal "Batterie épuisée, arrêt". 4) L'icône de charge du produit reste rouge pendant la charge et devient verte lorsque la charge est complète. 5) Le produit s'éteint automatiquement pendant la charge s'il est allumé et ne peut pas être allumé pendant la charge. Musik-Symbol Lade-Symbol Icône de musique Icône de charge Luftdruck-Symbol Symbol für heiße Kompresse Icône de pression d'air Icône de compression à chaud Arbeits-Modus Grundlegende Produktparameter *Avant d'utiliser ce produit, veuillez d'abord ajuster la sangle à une longueur appropriée, puis portez-la sur le contour des yeux, et ajustez la position et le serrage selon les besoins pour expérimenter l'effet de massage. Témoin lumineux Vitalitäts-Modus: Luftdruck 1 + Heiße Kompresse + "Heilung im Wald"-Musik Beruhigender Modus: Luftdruck 2 + Heiße Kompresse + " Berg-Quelle"-Musik Schlaf-Modus: Luftdruck 3 + Heiße Kompresse Augenpflege-Übungsmodus: Luftdruck 4 + Heiße Kompresse + " Ätherisches Wasserreich" Musik *Les images et les diagrammes mentionnés dans ce manuel sont fournis à titre d'illustration uniquement ; leur aspect réel peut être différent. Mode de fonctionnement Paramètres de base du produit Nom du produit Augen-Massagegerät Modèle E3 Pro Puissance d'entrée nominale 10W Tension de charge nominale 5V Capacité de la batterie 1500mAh/5.55Wh Mode vitalité : Pression d'air 1 + compression chaude + musique "Forest Healing". Mode apaisant : Pression d'air 2 + compression chaude + musique "Mountain Spring". Mode veille : Pression d'air 3 + compression chaude Mode exercice pour les yeux : Pression d'air 4 + Hot Compress + Musique "Ethereal Water Realm" USER MANUAL Tips Please use under normal operating conditions: Temperature: 0℃ to 40℃; Relative Humidity: <80% RH, no condensation; Atmospheric Pressure: 50Kpa to 106Kpa. Please select normal transport and storage conditions: Environmental Temperature Range: -20℃ to +55℃; Relative Humidity Range: ≤95% RH, no condensation; Atmospheric Pressure: 50Kpa to 106Kpa. It is recommended to use the product no more than twice per day for no more than a half-hour at a time, based on the user's specific requirements. Daily maintenance of the product When the surface of the massager is dirty, wipe it with a clean, soft cloth dampened with a little water. Do not wipe with volatile liquids like alcohol. The product cannot be disassembled or washed in water. Please cover the product when not in use for an extended period of time to prevent dust accumulation. Prevent water or other liquids from entering the machine during cleaning to avoid short circuits during use. Troubleshooting Instructions If the product does not work properly, please check if the following situations have occurred. If our suggestions do not solve the problem, please return the product to the dealer for repair. Condition Unable to Power On Unable to Charge /No Charging Indicator Possible Cause 西班牙语 意大利 Disfruta de la mejor experiencia al encenderlo Godetevi un’esperienza che vi dà la carica Instrucciones de uso *Antes de usar este producto, ajusta la correa a una longitud adecuada, luego colócalo en la zona de los ojos y ajusta la posición y la sujeción según sea necesario para experimentar el efecto de masaje. Indicador luminoso Botón de encendido Mantén presionado durante 1.5 segundos para encender/apagar Pulsa brevemente para cambiar los modos Doble toque para apagar la música de fondo Carcasa exterior Puerto de carga Componentes internos Ventana de visualización (presión de aire + compresión caliente) Solution Pasos de funcionamiento: 1) Mantén presionado el botón de encendido durante 1.5 segundos para encender/apagar la máquina. Púlsalo brevemente para cambiar entre los cuatro modos de trabajo: Modo energético, modo relajante, modo sueño y modo de ejercicio para el cuidado de los ojos. El modo predeterminado es el modo energético. El modo sueño no tiene música de fondo. Doble toca el botón de encendido para apagar la música y vuelve a tocarlo para encenderla. 2) Es necesario conectar y emparejar manualmente la primera vez con dispositivos Bluetooth que nunca se hayan conectado al producto. El nombre Bluetooth del producto es E3-2. Los dispositivos previamente conectados se volverán a conectar automáticamente al Bluetooth cuando se encienda el producto. Cuando se haya emparejado correctamente el producto alertará con el mensaje "Bluetooth connected". 3) Cuando la batería esté baja, oirá decir "Low Battery. Please Charge" y los cuatro indicadores se iluminarán en rojo. El producto se apagará automáticamente si se utiliza después de la advertencia de batería agotada con la voz “Batería agotada apagando...". 4) El ícono de carga del producto permanecerá en rojo durante la carga y se volverá verde cuando esté completamente cargado. 5) El producto se apagará automáticamente durante la carga y no podrá encenderse mientras se esté cargando. Internal Battery Low Charge the Product Product is Charging Use After Fully Charged Ícono de música Ícono de carga Charging Cable Not Properly Connected to Main Unit and Power Adapter Reconnect Charging After Unplugging Ícono de presión de aire Ícono de compresión caliente Modo de funcionamiento *Les images et les diagrammes mentionnés dans ce manuel sont fournis à titre d'illustration uniquement ; leur aspect réel peut être différent. Características básicas del producto Nombre del producto Masajeador de ojos Modelo E3 Pro Potencia de entrada nominal 10W Voltaje de carga nominal 5V Capacidad de la batería 1500mAh/5.55Wh Modo energético: Presión de aire 1 + compresión caliente + música "Forest Healing" Modo relajante: Presión de aire 2 + compresión caliente + música "Mountain Spring" Modo sueño: Presión de aire 3 + compresión caliente Modo de ejercicio para el cuidado de los ojos: Presión de aire 4 + compresión caliente + música "Ethereal Water Realm" Indicatore luminoso Pulsante di accensione Tenere premuto per 1,5 secondi per accendere / spegnere il Dispositivo premere brevemente per cambiare modalità Toccare due volte per disattivare la musica di sottofondo Guscio esterno Porta di ricarica Componenti interni Finestra di visualizzazione (pressione aria + compressione a caldo) Product Disposal Precautions *Prima di utilizzare questo prodotto, regolare il cinturino alla lunghezza appropriata, quindi indossarlo sulla zona degli occhi e regolare la posizione e la tenuta in base alle esigenze per sperimentare l'effetto del massaggio. Please support the recycling of rechargeable batteries (lithium-ion batteries) Fasi di funzionamento: 1) Tenere premuto il pulsante di accensione per 1,5 secondi per accendere/spegnere la macchina. Premendolo brevemente, si passa da una modalità di lavoro all'altra: Modalità Vitality, Modalità Rilassante, Modalità Sonno e Modalità Esercizio per la cura degli occhi. la modalità predefinita è la Modalità Energy. La modalità Sonno non ha musica di sottofondo. Toccare due volte il pulsante di accensione per spegnere la musica e toccarlo di nuovo per accenderla. 2) L'associazione e la connessione manuale sono necessari per la prima volta con dispositivi Bluetooth che non sono mai stati collegati al prodotto. Il nome Bluetooth del prodotto è E3-2. I dispositivi che sono stati collegati in precedenza si riconnetteranno automaticamente al Bluetooth all'accensione del prodotto. Dopo una connessione riuscita, viene emesso l'annuncio vocale “Bluetooth Connected” (Bluetooth connesso). 3) Quando la batteria del prodotto è scarica, un messaggio vocale indica “Low Battery, Please Charge” (“Batteria scarica, ricaricarla”) e i quattro indicatori si illuminano di rosso. Il prodotto si spegne automaticamente se viene utilizzato ulteriormente dopo l'avviso vocale “Battery Depleted, Shutting Down.” (Batteria completamente scarica, spegnimento in corso). 4) L'icona di carica del prodotto rimarrà rossa durante la carica e diventa verde quando è completamente carico. 5) Il prodotto si spegne automaticamente durante la ricarica se è acceso e non può essere acceso durante la ricarica. Icona della musica Icona della ricarica Icona della pressione dell’aria Icona della compressione a caldo Modalità di lavoro *Le immagini e i diagrammi citati in questo manuale sono solo a scopo illustrativo; il loro aspetto reale può differire. Parametri di base del prodotto Nome del prodotto Massaggiatore per occhi Modello E3 Pro Potenza nominale in ingresso 10W Tensione nominale di rete 5V Capacità della batteria 1500mAh/5.55Wh 90*100mm 128g C2S, 印刷颜色3252C+Black+连线哑油 风琴5折 Istruzioni operative Modalità Vitality: Pressione dell'aria 1 + Compressione a caldo + Musica “Forest Healing” Modalità Rilassante: Pressione dell'aria 2 + Compressione a caldo + Musica “Mountain Spring” Modalità Sonno: Pressione dell'aria 3 + Compressione a caldo Modalità di esercizio per la cura degli occhi: Pressione dell'aria 4 + Compressione a caldo + Musica “Ethereal Water Realm” This product's battery is a dedicated rechargeable battery that should not be used in other products. Do not charge the battery once it has been removed. Do not throw into the fire or expose to excessive heat. Do not puncture with nails, subject to heavy impact, or disassemble Do not directly connect the battery's positive and negative Danger terminals with metal Do not store it with necklaces, hairpins, etc. Do not charge, use, or store in high-temperature locations such as near a stove or under direct sunlight All of the abovementioned scenarios can result in overheating, fire, or bursting. Place the removed rechargeable battery out of the reach of infants to prevent accidental ingestion If swallowed, seek medical attention immediately. If battery leakage occurs, do not touch the liquid with bare hands. Follow the safety instructions below: There is the risk of blindness if battery fluid contacts the eyes. Do Warning not rub the eye with your hands. Rinse with clean water immediately and seek medical attention. If battery liquid gets on the body or clothing, it may cause skin inflammation or injury. Rinse with clean water, and if discomfort persists, seek medical attention mediately. Disassembly is only permitted when the product is being discarded. Failure to comply may result in fire, electric shock, injury, or other accidents. Please contact the retailer where you purchased the product for repairs (except battery replacement). The lithium-ion battery used in this product is a valuable recyclable resource. Please remove the lithium-ion battery prior to disposal and hand over it to a professional organization capable of recycling and processing rechargeable batteries. The battery must be removed from the device before discarding the appliance. The device must be turned off before removing the battery. The battery should be disposed of safely. Removal Steps: 1. Pry open the main unit's inner and outer shells using professional tools. 2. Unscrew the fixed screws of the internal bracket using a screwdriver. 3. Unscrew the screws at the circuit board. 4. Cut the battery leads using scissors. 5. Remove the battery. Precautions Note Please read and comply with the guidelines in the "User Manual" before using this product. The company is not responsible for consequences resulting from improper usage or non-compliance with the product instructions. Technical specifications are subject to change without notice as we continually improve our products. Do not use this product after applying makeup to your face since it will destroy your makeup and may contaminate the skin's surface. If skin contamination occurs, please wipe with clean water. Do not use an eye massager while driving. Do not use an eye massager in excessively hot or humid areas. This product should not be used by individuals with stroke, high or low blood pressure. Do not use this product if you have glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment, conjunctivitis, or other eye disorders. Please avoid using an eye massager after consuming alcohol. Patients who have undergone foot surgery or have heart diseases are prohibited from using this product. Before using, ensure that there are no contact lenses in the eyes and that any hair clips or jewelry are removed. This is a personal care massage product and cannot be used to substitute medications or medical devices. Children, pregnant women, and women on their menstrual period are prohibited from using this product. Contains lithium battery. Do not place in a high-temperature environment. Use this product under the supervision of a doctor if you have sensitive skin, facial allergic dermatitis, or face areas with cosmetic materials. This product has a heating function; please be cautious if you insensitive to heat. If you feel discomfort during use, please stop immediately. This product should not be used to massage parts of the body other than the eyes. Do not disassemble this product yourself. This product is not waterproof; please do not wash with water or use in high-humidity environments. If the lining becomes dirty, you can gently wipe it with a moist cloth. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: -- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. The device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction. - English: This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. - French: Le présentappareilestconforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitationestautorisée aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareildoit accepter tout brouillageradioélectriquesubi, mêmesi le brouillageest susceptible d'encompromettre le fonctionnement. This device was tested for typical body‐worn operations. To comply with RF exposure requirements, a minimum separation distance of 0cm must be maintained between the user’s body and the handset, including the antenna. Third‐party belt‐clips, holsters, and similar accessories used by this device should not contain any metallic components. Body‐worn accessories that do not meet these requirements may not comply with RF exposure requirements and should be avoided. Use only the supplied or an approved antenna. This device in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU. All essential radio test suites have been carried out. 1. CAUTION : RISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS REPLACED BY AN INCORRECT TYPE. DISPOSE OF USED BATTERIES ACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS 2. The device complies with RF specifications when the device used at 0mm form your body EU Compliance Statement: SKG Health technology Co.,Ltd. Here by declares that this device is in compliance with essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the Directive 2014/53/EU. A copy of the EU Declaration of Conformity is available online at Old electrical appliances must not be disposed of together with the residual waste, but have to be disposed of separately. The disposal at the communa collecting point via private persons is for free. The owner of old appliances is responsible to bring the appliances to these collecting points or to similar collection points. With this little personal effort, you contribute to recycle valuable raw materials and the treatment of toxic substances. Caution: lf you experience skin irritation when using the body massager, please refrain from using it, and wait two to three days to see if your symptoms ease. lf symptoms persist or worsen, please consult a physician. lf you have eczema, allergies or asthma, you may be more likely to experience a skin irritation or allergy from using the massager. * The appliance it must only be supplied at safety extra low voltage corresponding to the marking on the appliance. * This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. *Children shall not play with the appliance. * Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision. ">

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Key features
- Multiple Modes
- Air Pressure Massage
- Hot Compress
- Bluetooth Music
- Rechargeable Battery
Frequently asked questions
The eye massager features Vitality, Soothing, Sleep, and Eye Care Exercise modes
Double tap the power button to turn music on. Double tap again to turn it off.
The battery capacity is 1500mAh. Check the manual for specific usage times.