Stern Pinball The Lord of the Rings Owner Manual
Stern Pinball The Lord of the Rings is a pinball game based on the popular fantasy film trilogy. The game features a variety of exciting features, including multiple ball play, a variety of exciting bonus rounds and a unique gameplay experience. The game design incorporates characters, locations and elements from the film trilogy, including The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and The Return of the King. The game comes with a user manual and a technical support team available for assistance.
THIS PINBALL GAME IS Find-It-In-Front: Find-It-In-Front: Dr. Dr. Pinball Pinball Section Section ® Or d ™ er th e K op 50 it S tion TOURNAMENT PINBALL 2-5 PI al SYSTEM READY! 01 PN T o 1 -0 : P S 0 The inside cover & the front pages DR. ¶ thru DR. ¿ covers the basics... The Portals™Service Menu, Section 3, is your Technical Friend... Find the answers to your questions here... If you still need help, give us a call! © MMIII New Line Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers & The Return of the King and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d / b / a Tolkien Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc., an AOL Time Warner Company. Joe Blackwell Susan White Patty Schraps DIRECTOR, Parts Sales & Technical Support Parts Sales MANAGER Parts Stockroom MANAGER Your Parts Sales & Technical Support Team Chas Siddiqi Patrick Powers J. Alfer Technical Support ENGINEER Technical Support ENGINEER Technical Support Documentation ADMINISTRATOR Please call us at 1-800-542-5377 or 1-708-345-7700 for Technical Support. Stern® Pinball, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. December 2003 SPI Part Number Visit us at our Web Site 780-5080-00 )RU3URSHU2SHUDWLRQRI3LQEDOO*DPH IRXU 3LQEDOOVPXVWEHLQVWDOOHG 'LYHUWHU*DWH$GMXVWPHQW3URFHGXUH This adjustment procedure is important. Unlike adjusting your flipper bats, adjusting the gate is done opposite. With the Power Turned OFF and the Playfield raised, at rest against the Backbox, perform the following: Step 1: Under the Playfield, using a 5/32" Allen Wrench, loosen the Set-Screw on the Crank Bar just enough so that the Diverter Paddle can move with a gentle amount of force. Ref. Fig. 1-A. Step 2: Above the Playfield, position the Diverter Paddle to the Right Side Flat Rail so they touch (opening the gate to the Left Orthanc Tower). Ref. Fig. 2. With your finger, hold the gate in this position until Step 3 is performed. Step 3: Under the Playfield, push the Diverter Coil Plunger into the Coil Sleeve. Reference Fig. 1-B. With your finger, continue holding in the plunger and release the Diverter Gate (Fig. 2) to perform Step 4. If the Gate moves, refer to Step 1 and retighten just enough to hold in position (Fig. 2). Step 4: Tighten the Set-Screw on the Crank Bar. Reference Fig. 1-A. Step 5: Check above the playfield to ensure the Diverter Paddle Gate in the "Rest Position" is as close to the Left Flat Rail as possible without touching it. Reference Fig. 3. For parts, see the Blue Pages, Sec. 4, Chp. 2, Drawings ..., Page 80. Look over the TOURNAMENT MENU in Portals ! Read over Section 3, Chapter 7, Pages 53-57. An Optional Tournament Kit is required for this ToPS Ready Pinball Game. You can now easily set-up, start and end Tournaments for cash, tokens, tickets or points! 6HWXS 7RXUQDPHQWV SHUVRQDO PHVVDJHV FDQ EH DGGHG New to our Pinball Games? Don’t forget to go over Section 3, Chapter 1, Portals Service Menu Introduction. If using Diagnostics...very useful! Got confused? Comments? Questions? Call Technical Support at 800-542-5377 or 708-345-7700 (Option 1). %DFNER[3&%)XVHV520V%ULGJHV5HOD\V3) &DELQHW)XVHV&DE6ZLWFKHV Inside Coin Door QUICK REFERENCE FUSE CHART B a c k b o x F u s e s LOC: DISPLAY POWER SUPPLY (P.S.) BOARD F1 3e4A 250v S.B. 90v DC High Voltage Display LOC: I / O POWER DRIVER BOARD F6 7A 250v S.B. 50v DC Primary High Power Coils/Flippers F7 5A 250v S.B. 20v DC Low Power Coils F8 5A 250v S.B. 12v DC Logic Power F9 5A 250v S.B. 12v DC Logic Power F20 4A 250v S.B. 50v DC Magnet THIS GAME ONLY F21 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Coils F22 8A 250v S.B. 18v DC Controlled Lamps F23 4A 250v S.B. 5v DC Logic F24 5A 250v S.B. 6.3v AC G.I. Lamps (BRN-WHT to WHT-BRN) F25 5A 250v S.B. 6.3v AC G.I. Lamps (YEL to WHT-YEL) F26 5A 250v S.B. 6.3v AC G.I. Lamps (GRN to WHT-GRN) F27 5A 250v S.B. 6.3v AC G.I. Lamps (VIO to WHT-VIO) F28 3A 250v S.B. 24v AC Not Used / Spare C a b i n e t F u s e s LOC: SERVICE ( AC) OUTLET BOX ( Ca binet Bot tom) n/a 8A 250v S.B. 115v AC Main Fuse Line (Domestic or USA) n/a 5A 250v S.B. 220v AC Main Fuse Line (International) P l a y f i e l d ( P / F ) F u s e s LOC: UNDER PLAYFIELD (near Flippe rs) n/a 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Right Flipper (BLU-YEL RED-YEL) n/a 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Left Flipper (GRY-YEL RED-YEL) n/a 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Loop Diverter (GRY-YEL YEL-VIO) For locations & more information on fuses, see Sec. 5, Chapter 2. 999 Playfield Power Interlock Switch Memory Protect Switch (Bottom) Volume Control & Service Switches For operational usage, see Sec. 3, Chapter 1, Portals Service Menu Introduction. Service Outlet (on Power Box) On/Off Switch (Under Cabinet) Transformer on Cabinet Bottom Int’l.: 5 Amp 250v USA: 8 Amp 250v Slo-Blo Fuse Slo-Blo Fuse Inside Coin Door 520 7<3( RQ %' /2&$7,21 _ 6,=( CPU Sound CPU Game CPU Voice ROM 1 CPU Voice ROM 2 CPU Voice ROM 3 CPU Voice ROM 4 DISPLAY Controller U7 U210 U17 U21 U36 U37 U5 3$57 180%(5 512K 1 MB 8 MB 8 MB 8 MB 8 MB 4 MB 965-0401-80 965-0402-80 965-0403-80 965-0404-80 965-0405-80 965-0406-80 965-0407-80 SW300 1R)XVHV 3x AA W'LVSOD\3RZHU6XSSO\%G F1 CPU U210 U212 GAME CMOS EPROM RAM SOUND & VOICE ROMS 6ROHQRLG ([SDQGHU %RDUG ‡ 7RXUQDPHQW ,QWHUIDFH %RDUG ‡ U7 U37 U36 U21 U17 )RU 6FKHPDWLFV DQGRU &RPSRQHQW 3DUWV RQ 3& &386RXQG%G,,Z$70(/S %RDUGV VKRZQ RQ WKLV SDJH UHYLHZ 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU 3ULQWHG &LUFXLW %RDUGV ,23RZHU'ULYHU%RDUGT 7KH <HOORZ 3DJHV ‡ UK or Tournament GAMES ONLY For more info., see Section 5, Chp. 4, PCBs (Yellow Pages) F24 F26 F25F27 G.I. Relay Relay U5 Dot Matrix Display Bd. (Reverse Side) 1R)XVHV DISPLAY EPROM U5 / ROM 0 U5 )LQG,W,Q)URQW 'U3LQEDOO *** All BRIDGES rated 35A @ 100v *** B1 'LVSOD\&RQWUROOHU%GX 7KH 'LVSOD\ &RQWUROOHU KDV WKH 'LVSOD\ (3520 /RFDWLRQ 8 520 7KLV ERDUG LV ORFDWHG EHKLQG WKH ; 'RW 0DWUL[ 'LVSOD\ %RDUG F9 F22 F23 +50v DC High Current Coils +20v DC Low Current Coils F8 F7 B3 B2 B20 BRIDGES BRIDGES B20 +/-12v DC Sound / Display / Logic +18v DC Illumination B21 B21 +5v DC Logic Voltage B2 B3 F6 F21 B1 F28 F20 '5 : ),1',7,1)5217'U3LQEDOO6HFWLRQ([SODLQHG The key technical data from various parts of the manual were extracted and combined into the "Find- It-In-Front: Dr. Pinball Section." This section (pages '5 - ) will assist the technician in locating important technical information needed to troubleshoot the Pinball Machine. Dr. Pinball is also available in a Flow Chart Help Format in the Game Display. To access, enter the Portals Service Menu. : = ,I &RLO )ODVKODPS 7HVWLQJ WKH 3OD\ILHOG 3RZHU ,QWHUORFN 6ZLWFK PXVW EH SXOOHG RXW ?????? +RZ,W:RUNV ?????? First, the operator / technician must enter the Service Menu Mode (for a complete description of the Portals Service Menu and ICONS Read! Section 3, Chapter 1). To get into the Service Menu Mode, power-up the game (if not already) and open the Coin Door. On the Coin Door is the Portals Service Switch Set (Red, Green & Black Buttons). Step 1: Push down the Black "BEGIN TEST" Button. Looking at the Video Display you will momentarily see the introductory screen followed by the MAIN MENU. Step 2: Move through the Menus by pushing the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons. Step 3: Select or activate the Icons by pushing the Black "ENTER" Button. ,QVLGH &RLQ 'RRU 3RUWDOV 6HUYLFH 6ZLWFK 6HW 5HG *UHHQ %ODFN While in the Portals Service Menu, the Start Button can be used in lieu of the Black Button; the Left & Right Flipper Buttons can be used in lieu of the Red & Green Buttons. However, in Switch or Active Switch Tests only the Red & Green Buttons can be used. In our Portals Service Menu, selecting the "DR." Icon will bring the operator/technician into DR. PINBALL (Flow Chart Menus), the "on-screen" diagnostic aide. This is a feature that will allow you to utilize the power of the microprocessor assisting in troubleshooting a problem with the machine in a Flow Chart format (follow the questions & answer by using the Mini-Icons in the display). After entering Portals , the MAIN MENU now appears with the "DIAG" Icon (GO TO DIAGNOSTICS MENU) flashing; press the Black "ENTER" Button to activate this ICON. The DIAGNOSTICS MENU now appears with the "SW" Icon (GO TO SWITCH MENU) flashing; use the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons, until the "DR." Icon (DR. PINBALL) is flashing: Press the Black "ENTER" Button to activate this ICON. The DR. PINBALL MENU (Flow Chart Menus) now appears with the COIL "DR." Icon flashing. Three (3) Icons, Coil "DR.", Switch "DR." and Lamp "DR." are available for selection. Selecting a particular Icon will give you a choice of which specific Coil (any and all coil assemblies such as Flippers, VUKs, Magnets, etc.), Switch or Lamp Circuit needs to be diagnosed. After selection, Dr. Pinball will now display a question or a procedure to follow such as "Does the lamp turn on?" or "Check bridge rectifier BR-20, if short replace." When Dr. Pinball displays a question or requests a procedure, Dr. Pinball will expect a response such as "NO" or "YES". You the operator/technician must respond by using the Red or Green Buttons to "SELECT" a Mini-Icon and the Black Button to "ACTIVATE or ENTER" your selection. For Mini-Icons explanations & details, see the end of Section 3, Chapter 2, GO TO DIAGNOSTICS MENU, Dr. Pinball. '5Y )LQG,W,Q)URQW 'U3LQEDOO ',$*1267,&$,'6 If this display flashes, the game is indicating that CMOS RAM memory (CPU Loc. U212) has been corrupted. This is caused be either failure in memory (e.g. batteries are dead and/or faulty RAM) or upon installation of updated version of game code. Opening the Coin Door will initiate a Factory Restore (Reset), by opening the Memory Protect Switch. Check battery voltage at VBATT Test Point on the CPU/Sound Bd. (more details in Section 5, Chapter 4, PCBs). This display is shown momentarily during Game Mode or Power-Up to alert the operator of a coil malfunction (coil doesn’t energize or coil fires a multiple number of times). OPERATOR ALERT! works by monitoring any switch activated coil that has the potential to trap a ball when disabled (e.g. in the Auto Launch, Scoop, Eject, etc.). This alert can also appear if a switch associated with a coil (e.g. #16 Shooter Lane & #2 Auto Launch) is stuck closed (caused by a switch jam or stuck ball); the CPU/Sound Board will activate the coil approximately ten times and if the switch remains closed, the game will report this switch in Technician Alerts & will indicate the following display warning: If this Tech Report Alert flashes (along with an audible sound), the game has detected faulty switches and/or missing pinballs. Select the "TECH" Icon for information (review Technician Alerts, Pages 24-25). For this Alert display to appear, Standard Adj. 49, must be changed to POWERUP, COIN DOOR or POWERUP AND COIN DOOR, the default is NEVER (review Section 3, Chp. 4, GO TO ADJUSTMENTS MENU, Standard Adjustments, Page 44). ?????????&38',36:,7&+6(77,1*6????????? Location of Dip Switch [SW300] is on the CPU/Sound Board (Right of CN6, Top Middle) CPU COUNTRY SETTING: USA CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Austria Pos. ON OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. Australia ON CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Belgium OFF Pos. ON OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. Canada ON OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. Denmark ON OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. Finland ON OFF 8 9999999 8 88 9 9999 8 9 999999 88 999999 8 8 99 9999 8 8 9 99999 )LQG,W,Q)URQW 'U3LQEDOO CPU COUNTRY SETTING: France Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. Germany ON CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Greece OFF Pos. ON OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. Italy ON 99999999 9 88 99999 888 99999 8888 9999 8 OFF 999 9999 CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. Netherlands ON OFF 8 99 99999 ON 8 New Zealand OFF 9999 999 CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. ON Norway OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. Portugal ON OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. ON Spain OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. Sweden ON OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. Switzerland ON OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. UK ON OFF 8 8 9 9 9999 8 8 999 999 8 8 9 99 999 88 8 9 9999 99 88 9999 9 888 9999 '5 Z ,Q 6:,7&+ 0(18 DOVR VHOHFW $&7,9( DQG '(',&$7(' 6:,7&+ 7(676 &ROXPQ 'ULYH 5RZ 5HWXUQ U400 1: 6:,7&+0$75,;*5,''(',&$7('6:,7&+(6 /2&$7,216 Q1 1: Q2 2: Q3 3: Q4 4: 5: Q5 Q6 6: 7: GRN-BRN GRN-RED GRN-ORG GRN-YEL GRN-BLK GRN-BLU CN5-P1 CN5-P3 CN5-P4 CN5-P5 CN5-P6 CN5-P7 1 WHT-BRN CN7-P9 Cabinet Side Below P/F 9 LT BUTTON (UK ONLY) LEFT VUK 17 D O T S Above P/F 25 Above P/F SWORD LOCK HIGH RIGHT RAMP ENTER D O T S 33 Mini-P/F Below P/F 41 Q7 GRN-VIO CN5-P8 49 Q8 8: Below P/F GRN-GRY CN5-P9 57 Below P/F *5281' ,& 8 ,13876 1: GROUND BLK CN6-P1, -P11 U206 DS-1 on Cabinet Side #1 LEFT FLIPPER BUTTON GRY-BRN CN6-P2 MINI PF U.L. TOP VUK LEFT BUMPER LEFT OUTLANE 180-5010-01 26 180-5057-00 Mini-P/F 34 See Sw. 41 Note 42 Above P/F 180-5015-03 50 Below P/F 500-6227-02 58 Below P/F NOT USED MINI PF U.R. INNER LOOP RIGHT BUMPER LEFT RETURN LANE 180-5057-00 Mini-P/F 35 180-5190-28 43 Below P/F 180-5015-03 51 Below P/F 500-6227-02 59 Below P/F Sw. Part Number: 180-5149-00 on Flipper 3: U206 DS-3 on Cabinet Side NOT USED MINI PF L.L. LEFT TOP LANE BOTTOM BUMPER LEFT SLINGSHOT GRY-ORG CN6-P4 Above P/F 180-5057-00 Mini-P/F 36 500-6227-02 44 Below P/F 180-5015-03 52 Above P/F 180-5054-00 (x2) 60 Below P/F Sw. Part Number: 180-5160-00 4: U206 DS-4 Below Playfield Sw. Part Number: 2: U400 2 180-5160-00 Coin Door 180-5116-01 10 Below P/F 180-5119-02 18 Above P/F WHT-RED CN7-P8 4TH COIN SLOT STANDUP SWORD LOCK MID Sw. Part Number: 3: U400 3 180-5204-00 Coin Door 515-6027-08 11 Below P/F 180-5119-02 19 Above P/F WHT-ORG CN7-P7 6TH COIN SLOT 4-BALL TROUGH #1 (LEFT) SWORD LOCK LOW Sw. Part Number: 4: U400 4 Future Use Coin Door 180-5119-02 12 Below P/F 180-5119-02 20 Below P/F WHT-YEL CN7-P6 RIGHT COIN SLOT 4-BALL TROUGH #2 RIGHT ORBIT LOW BALROG HIT MINI PF L.R. MIDDLE TOP LANE SPINNER RIGHT OUTLANE Sw. Part Number: 5: U401 5 180-5204-00 Coin Door 180-5119-02 13 Below P/F 500-6227-02 21 Above P/F 180-5119-00 29 Below P/F 180-5057-00 37 Below P/F 500-6227-02 45 Below P/F 180-5190-28 53 Below P/F 500-6227-02 61 Below P/F CENTER WHT-GRN COIN SLOT / CN7-P5 DBA 4-BALL TROUGH #3 RIGHT ORBIT HI PALANTIR LEFT ORBIT LOW RIGHT TOP LANE SPOT RING RIGHT RETURN LANE Sw. Part Number: 6: U401 6 180-5204-00 Coin Door 180-5119-02 14 Below P/F 180-5190-28 22 Above P/F 515-5162-08 30 Below P/F 500-6227-02 38 Below P/F 500-6227-02 46 Below P/F 515-5162-08 54 In Cabinet 500-6227-02 62 Below P/F Sw. Part Number: 6: U206 DS-6 WHT-BLU CN7-P3 LEFT COIN SLOT 4-BALL TROUGH VUK OPTO RAIL RAMP EXIT RIGHT VUK LEFT ORBIT HI TOP SAUCER START BUTTON RIGHT SLINGSHOT GRY-BLU CN6-P8 Sw. Part Number: 7: U401 7 180-5204-00 Coin Door See Sw. 14 Note 15 Below P/F 180-5197-00 23 Above P/F 180-5116-01 31 Below P/F 500-6227-02 39 Below P/F 180-5186-00 47 Back Panel 180-5174-00 55 In Cabinet 180-5054-00 (x2) 63 Sw. Part Number: 180-5192-02 7: U206 DS-7 on Coin Door WHT-VIO CN7-P2 5TH COIN SLOT 4-BALL STACKING OPTO RIGHT RAMP TARGET BALROG OPEN LEFT RAMP ENTER RING MADE TOURNAMENT START Sw. Part Number: 8: U401 8 515-6027-08 24 Above P/F 180-5119-02 32 Below P/F 500-6227-02 40 Above P/F See Sw. 47 Note 48 Back Panel 180-5174-00 56 In Cabinet SHOOTER LANE RIGHT RAMP MADE BALROG CLOSED LEFT RAMP MADE BACK TROUGH PLUMB BOB TILT 180-5157-00 180-5198-00 180-5119-02 180-5010-01 180-5057-00 See Sw. 56 Note WHT-GRY CN7-P1 Sw. Part Number: Future Use See Sw. 15 Note Cabinet Side 16 Below P/F RT BUTTON (UK ONLY) 180-5160-00 D O T S Switch Part Notes: ¥ Yen Coin Switch is 180-5091-00. Part Numbers which start with 515- or 500- include the bracket, target, and/or housing. Sw. 14, 15, 41 & 47 Part Note: OPTO PC Boards are used as Switches: Trans.: 515-0173-00 (Sw. 14 & 15); Receiver: 515-0174-00 (Sw. 14 &15); Transmitter 515-7307-00 (Sw. 41); Receiver 515-7308-00 (Sw. 41); Transmitter 500-6746-00 (Sw. 47); Receiver 500-6747-00 (Sw. 47); Sw. 56 Part Note: The Switch is comprised of a Hanger Bracket (535-5319-00) and Contact Wire (535-7563-01) located in the Cabinet. Some Switch Diodes may be located under the playfield, in the Cabinet or Backbox on Terminal Strips or Diode Boards and not on the assemblies. DOTS: D iode O n T erminal S trip, see Sec. 5, Chp.2, Playfield Wiring. 0LQL8SSHU3OD\ILHOG5 VKRZQPRYHGRIIWKH 0DLQ3OD\ILHOGIRUFODULW\ NOT USED #3 RIGHT FLIPPER BUTTON #4 RIGHT FLIPPER E.O.S. (End-of-Stroke) Sw. Part Number: 180-5149-00 on Flipper 5: U206 DS-5 GRY-GRN CN6-P7 GRY-VIO CN6-P9 NOT USED on Coin Door #6 VOLUME (RED BUTTON) (In Test: LEFT) #7 SERV. CRED. (GREEN BUTTON) (In Test: RIGHT) GRY-BLK CN6-P10 #8 BEGIN TEST (BLACK BUTTON) (In Test: ENTER) Sw. Part Number: 180-5192-00 '6 '6 2SWLRQDO 7RXUQDPHQW .LW 5HTXLUHG '6 3OD\ILHOG5 9%DFNSDQHO = Switches above P/F. = Switches below P/F. To Playfield '5 [ GRY-YEL CN6-P6 #2 LEFT FLIPPER E.O.S (End-of-Stroke) '6 Switches 47 & 48 are located on the Back Panel (Sw. 47 are OPTO PCBs and Switch 48 is located on the Ball Trough). GRY-RED CN6-P3 Sw. Part Number: 180-5192-04 8: U206 DS-8 on Coin Door 64 NOT USED 28 27 Sw. Part Number: 180-5160-00 2: U206 DS-2 Below Playfield = Switches not on P/F. )LQG,W,Q)URQW 'U3LQEDOO ,Q /$03 0(18 DOVR VHOHFW 7(67 $// /$036 52: &2/801 /$03 7(676 /$030$75,;*5,' /2&$7,216 &ROXPQ Y 5RZ *URXQG 1: 1: YEL-BRN J13-P9 Q33 1 RED-BRN J12-P1 2: Q34 Q35 9 Q36 Q37 Q38 33 Q39 41 Q40 49 Q41 #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 57 #555 Bulb GIFT OF THE ELVES #555 Bulb 34 L RAMP MAN RING #555 Bulb 42 #44 Bulb 19 #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 50 R RAMP MAN RING #555 Bulb 58 #44 Bulb 28 LIGHT EXTRA BALL #555 Bulb 36 #555 Bulb 44 #555 Bulb 52 60 #555 Bulb 29 #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 37 #555 Bulb 45 #555 Bulb 53 #44 Bulb 68 #555 Bulb #555 Bulb LIGHT SPECIAL #555 Bulb 38 C LOOP MAN RING #555 Bulb 46 R ORBIT MAN RING #555 Bulb 54 LOCK U11 8: 8 THE RETURN OF THE KING 15 #555 Bulb #44 Bulb 16 #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 32 #555 Bulb 40 LANES #555 Bulb 48 56 TOWER #44 Bulb #44 Bulb 69 POTD L.L. #44 Bulb 70 71 #555 Bulb R ORBIT ELF RING #555 Bulb FLIPPER #555 Grn. Bulb 61 #555 Grn. Bulb 62 #555 Grn. Bulb 63 #555 Grn. Bulb 64 POTD U.R. #555 Bulb C LOOP ELF RING R ORBIT DWARF RING 55 #555 Bulb 2X SCORING C LOOP DWARF RING 47 #555 Bulb SPOT RING SUPER RING FRENZY 39 #555 Bulb GIMLI 24 PALANTIR GLOBE 31 #555 Bulb SHOOT AGAIN LEGOLES 23 U10 YEL-GRY J13-P1 #555 Bulb 7 PALANTIR 30 MERRY ARROW #555 Bulb 7: YEL-VIO J13-P3 GANDALF 22 GANDALF ARROW #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 14 BIG POINTS POTD U.L. OR ( C ) 67 #555 Bulb R RAMP ELF RING #555 Bulb THE TWO TOWERS MODE START SPECIAL R RAMP DWARF RING 59 #555 Bulb 21 #555 Bulb 6 FRODO #44 Bulb L RAMP ELF RING GOLLUM MULTIBALL 51 #555 Bulb 13 RING MULTIBALL L RAMP DWARF RING 43 #555 Bulb DESTROY RING #555 Bulb 35 #555 Bulb 5 U12 6: YEL-BLU J13-P4 THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING ARAGORN 20 FRODO ARROW O(R)C 66 12 SAM EXTRA BALL ( O ) RC 65 #555 Bulb U13 5: YEL-GRN J13-P5 KEE ( P ) 11 27 U14 #555 Bulb 4 KE ( E ) P MYSTERY 26 ARAGORN ARROW RED-GRY J12-P9 9: #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 4: YEL-BLK J13-P6 #555 Bulb 3 MERRY 18 GIMLI ARROW RED-VIO J12-P8 8: #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 10 LEGOLES ARROW RED-BLU J12-P6 7: #555 Bulb U15 3: YEL-ORG J13-P7 K ( E ) EP PIPPIN ARROW RED-GRN J12-P5 6: #555 Bulb 2 BOROMIR 25 RED-YEL J12-P4 5: YEL-RED J13-P8 PIPPIN 17 RED-ORG J12-P3 4: #555 Bulb U16 2: ( K ) EEP RED-BLK J12-P2 3: U17 #44 Bulb POTD L.R. SHOOTER LANE #1 BOT #44 Bulb 72 #44 Bulb RED-WHT SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE J12-P10 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 TOP 10: Q42 73 RED J12-P11 #44 Bulb ESCAPE THE RINGWRAITHS #44 Bulb 74 GANDALF VS SARUMAN #44 Bulb 75 76 WARG ATTACK #44 Bulb #44 Bulb 77 WAR OF THE ENTS Lamps 60-63 & 73-78 are located on the Back Panel. 79 #555 Bulb TOURNAMENT BUTTON 80 #555 Bulb START BUTTON 2SWLRQDO 7RXUQDPHQW .LW 5HTXLUHG 3OD\ILHOG5 9%DFNSDQHO = Lamps below Playfield. 'U3LQEDOO )LQG,W,Q)URQW DESTROY THE WITCH-KING = Lamps above Playfield. To Playfield #44 Bulb 78 BATTLE WITH SHELOB = Lamps not on Playfield. Lamp Part Notes: #555 Bulb Clear = 165-5002-00. #555 Bulb Green = 165-5054-04 . #44 Bulb Clear = 165-5000-44. See Section 4, Chapter 1, Parts Identification & Location, Pages 72-74 for more details on bulbs and corresponding sockets. Some Lamp Diodes may be located under the playfield, in the Cabinet or Backbox on Terminal Strips and not on or with the Lamp Socket. DOTS: D iode O n T erminal S trip, see Sec. 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Wiring. '5 \ ,Q &2,/ 0(18 DOVR VHOHFW &<&/,1* &2,/ 7(67 +LJK &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS &2,/6'(7$,/('&+$577$%/( Drive Driver Transistor Ouput Board #1 TROUGH UP-KICKER Q1 #2 AUTO LAUNCH Q2 #3 LEFT VUK Q3 #4 TOP VUK Q4 #5 RIGHT VUK Q5 #6 RING MAGNET #7 RIGHT TOWER #8 LOOP DIVERTER Q6 %$ Q7 5 I/O Power Driver 6 Q8 Power Line Color Power Line Connection Power Voltage Drive Transistor Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-VIO J8-P8 J10-P1/2 50v DC BRN-GRY J8-P9 ! 24-9400 ! 090-5036-00T 26-1200 ! 090-5044-00B 26-1200 ! 090-5044-00B 26-1200 ! 090-5044-00B 20 -480 ! 090-5064-02 23-8000 ! 090-5001-NL 22-1080 ! 090-5032-00T Drive Transistor Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect Coil GA-Turn or Bulb Type BLU-BRN J9-P1 26-1200 26-1200 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-BLK J8-P1 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-RED J8-P3 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-ORG J8-P4 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-YEL J8-P5 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-GRN J8-P6 VIO-YEL J10-P3 BRN-BLU J8-P7 YEL-VIO GRY-YEL~3A Fuse~YEL-VIO Coil GA-Turn or Bulb Type 50v DC 26-1200 090-5044-00T D iode O n T erminal S trip (if noted) +LJK &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS #9 LEFT BUMPER Drive Driver Transistor Ouput Board Q9 #10 RIGHT BUMPER Q10 #11 BOTTOM BUMPER Q11 #12 NOT USED Q12 #13 ORBIT PIN Q13 #14 FLASH: HELMS DEEP RT Q14 #15 LEFT FLIPPER (50v RED/YEL) Q15 #16 RIGHT FLIPPER (50v RED/YEL) Q16 /RZ &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS Q17 #18 RIGHT SLINGSHOT Q18 #19 TOP SAUCER Q19 #20 BALROG MOTOR RELAY Q20 #21 SWORD LOCK RELEASE Q21 #22 BALROG MOTOR Q22 #23 FLASH: HELMS DEEP LT Q23 #24 OPTIONAL COIL Q24 /RZ &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS Q25 #26 FLASH: RING Q26 #27 FLASH: BACK PANEL Q27 #28 NOT USED Q28 #29 FLASH: RINGWRAITH Q29 #30 FLASH: SWORD Q30 #31 FLASH: DESTROY THE RING Q31 Power Voltage YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BLU-RED J9-P2 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BLU-ORG J9-P4 I/O Power Driver BRN 6 5 I/O Power Driver 6 Drive Driver Transistor Ouput Board #25 FLASH: POPS X3 Power Line Connection 5 Drive Driver Transistor Ouput Board #17 LEFT SLINGSHOT Power Line Color 5 I/O Power Driver 6 ORG GRY-YEL~3A Fuse~RED-YEL BLU-YEL~3A Fuse~RED-YEL J7-P1 J6-P10 20v DC ! ! 090-5044-00T 26-1200 ! 090-5044-00T 090-5044-00T BLU-YEL J9-P5 BLU-GRN J9-P6 26-1200 #906 Bulb ! 090-5044-00B 50v DC BLU-BLK J9-P7 J10-P1/2 50v DC ORG-GRY J9-P8 J10-P1/2 50v DC ORG-VIO J9-P9 ! 22-900 ! 090-5020-20T Coil GA-Turn or Bulb Type 165-5004-00 22-900 090-5020-20T Power Line Color Power Line Connection Power Voltage Drive Transistor Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-BRN J7-P2 BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-RED J7-P3 BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-ORG J7-P4 ! 23-8000 ! 090-5001-00T 26-1200 ! 090-5044-00B BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-YEL J7-P6 DC Relay BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-GRN J7-P7 27-1500 BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-BLU J7-P8 23-8000 090-5001-00T ! 520-5066-00 090-5004-00T Motor 041-5088-01 ORG J6-P10 20v DC VIO-BLK J7-P9 #906 Bulb RED J16-P7 5v DC VIO-GRY J7-P10 Opt. 5v Power Line Color Power Line Connection Power Voltage Drive Transistor Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect 165-5004-00 Coil GA-Turn or Bulb Type ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-BRN J6-P1 #906 Bulb ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-RED J6-P2 #906 Bulb ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-ORG J6-P3 #906 Bulb BLK-YEL J6-P4 165-5004-00 165-5004-00 165-5004-00 #906 Red ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-GRN J6-P5 ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-BLU J6-P6 165-5004-02 #906 Bulb 165-5004-00 ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-VIO J6-P7 165-5000-89 #89 Bulb #89 Bulb ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-GRY J6-P8 Q32 #32 FLASH: BALROG 165-5000-89 1RWH ,Q 7HVW )ODVK /DPSV 0HQX )ODVK ,FRQ )ODVKHUV WHVWHG DUH DOO )ODVK /DPSV ORFDWHG EHWZHHQ 44 7KLV *DPH 4 4 44 44 $X[LOLDU\ 8. 21/< AUX 1: LEFT UP/DOWN POST ! Drive Driver Transistor Ouput Board Power Line Color Power Line Connection Power Voltage Drive Transistor Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect Coil GA-Turn 26-1200 ! ! ! WHT J2-P3 BRN J7-P1 20v DC UK 3X 090-5044-00T Trans. 23-1100 BRN J7-P1 RED J2-P4 20v DC AUX 2: CENTER UP/DOWN POST Q2 090-5030-00T Driver 26-1200 BRN J7-P1 ORG J2-P7 Q3 20v DC AUX 3: RIGHT UP/DOWN POST Board 090-5044-00T Coil Note: Either -00B or -00T can be used for coil replacements. B/T listed is preferable for easier diode access & may differ on game. '5 ] ! Q1 )LQG,W,Q)URQW 'U3LQEDOO Coil Q6 (Magnet), Flashers 26 & 27 are located on the Back Panel. &2,/ )/$6+/$03/2&$7,216 &OHDU 9%DFNSDQHO &OHDU To Playfield &OHDU &OHDU &OHDU 7\SLFDO6ZLWFK:LULQJ 6FKHPDWLF 'HGLFDWHG6ZLWFK6FKHPDWLF 5HG 5HG 5HG 0RWRU 5HG 7\SLFDO/DPS:LULQJ 6FKHPDWLF &OHDU 5(' &20021 &OHDU 5HOD\ $X[ <(/ -XXX -XXX Diode 1N4001 7\SLFDO&RLO:LULQJ $QRGH 1RQ %DQGHG 6LGH 1N4004 &DWKRGH %DQGHG 6LGH $X[ 'ULYH 7UDQVLVWRU <HOORZ <HOORZ $X[ 3RZHU 6XSSO\ 9ROWDJH = Coils / Flash Lamps above Playfield. = Coils / Flash Lamps below Playfield. = Coils / Flash Lamps not on Playfield. &RORU = Color of Mini-Mars of Flash Lamp Bulb. Some Coil or Flash Lamp Diodes may be located under the playfield, in the Cabinet or Backbox on Terminal Strips or Diode Boards and not on the assemblies. DOTS: D iode O n T erminal S trip See Section 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Wiring. 3OD\ILHOG5 'U3LQEDOO )LQG,W,Q)URQW Coil Q24 is Optional. If either a Coin Meter, Token Dispenser or Knocker (all optional equipment) is required, call Technical Support for more information, 1-800-542-5377 or 1-708-345-7700. '5 ^ 'RPHVWLF3LQEDOO 5HGHPSWLRQ'LVWULEXWRUV0DS ?????????,QWHUQDWLRQDO'LVWULEXWRUV0DS????????? For Parts & Service, call your nearest Distributor. View the above maps & the directories on the next page to locate your closest Distributor in your state, province, or country. Distributors and phone numbers are subject to change. Call Stern® Pinball, Inc. (Parts Sales & Technical Support) with any questions or if your Distributor cannot help you: 1-800-542-5377 (in USA or Canada) or 1-708-786-5466. Visit us at for current Distributor Information & other pinball needs. '5 _ )LQG,W,Q)URQW 'U3LQEDOO 'RPHVWLF3LQEDOO 5HGHPSWLRQ'LVWULEXWRUV'LUHFWRU\ $/$%$0$ %LUPLQJKDP 9HQGLQJ ,2:$ *UHDWHU $PHULFD 'LVW 0,66285, *UHDWHU $PHULFD 'LVW 1257+ '$.27$ 0+ $VVRFLDWHV ,QF )UDQFR 'LVWULEXWLQJ 0RVV 'LVWULEXWLQJ 0RVV 'LVWULEXWLQJ Kansas City (1) 1-816-231-6600 2+,2 $WODV 'LVW ,QWHUQDWLRQDO St. Louis (2) 1-314-645-3393 &OHYHODQG &RLQ Birmingham (1) 1-205-324-7526 Montgomery (2) 1-334-834-3455 $5,=21$ %HWVRQ :HVW Phoenix 1-480-380-8857 0RXQWDLQ &RLQ Phoenix 1-602-269-7596 &$/,)251,$ %HWVRQ :HVW Buena Park (1) 1-714-228-7500 So. San Francisco (2) 1-650-952-4220 &$ 5RELQVRQ Los Angeles (3) 1-323-735-3001 San Francisco (4) 1-650-871-4280 &2/25$'2 0RXQWDLQ &RLQ Denver 1-303-427-2133 &211(&7,&87 7'0 'LVWULEXWLQJ Williamantic 1-860-423-1403 )/25,'$ %LUPLQJKDP 9HQGLQJ Orlando (1) 1-407-425-1505 %UDG\ 'LVWULEXWLQJ Miami [Miramar] (2) 1-954-874-1100 Orlando (1) 1-407-872-1666 *(25*,$ *UHDWHU 6RXWKHUQ 'LVW Smyrna 1-770-803-3040 ,//,12,6 $PHULFDQ 9HQGLQJ Elk Grove Village 1-847-439-9400 $WODV 'LVW ,QWHUQDWLRQDO Elk Grove Village 1-847-952-7500 :RUOG :LGH 'LVWULEXWLQJ Elk Grove Village 847-434-0400 Johnston 1-515-278-4455 Des Moines 1-515-266-6422 ,1',$1$ $WODV 'LVW ,QWHUQDWLRQDO Indianapolis 1-317-786-6892 6KDIIHU 'LVWULEXWLQJ Indianapolis 1-317-899-2530 .$16$6 8QLWHG 'LVW ,QF Wichita 1-316-263-6181 /28,6,$1$ $0$ 'LVWULEXWRUV ,QF Kansas City (1) 1-816-531-4300 6KDIIHU 'LVWULEXWLQJ 1(%5$6.$ &HQWUDO 'LVW Omaha 1-402-493-5600 *UHDWHU $PHULFD 'LVW Omaha 1-402-553-2812 1(9$'$ 0RXQWDLQ &RLQ Las Vegas (1) 1-702-798-0900 Metairie (1) 1-504-835-3232 Parts & Service Only: 5HQR *DPH 6DOHV New Orleans (2) 1-504-888-3500 1(: -(56(< %HWVRQ (QWHUSULVHV 1HZ 2UOHDQV 1RYHOW\ 0$5</$1' %HWVRQ (QWHUSULVHV Baltimore 1-410-646-4100 Parts & Service Only: :HLQHU 'LVWULEXWLQJ Baltimore 1-410-525-2600 0$66$&+86(776 %HWVRQ (QW 1(&2 Norwood (1) 1-781-769-9760 *HND\ 6DOHV Reno (2) 1-775-829-2080 Carlstadt (1) 1-201-438-1300 -DFN *XDUQLHUL 6HUYLFH &R ,QF 3LQEDOOVDOHVFRP Lakewood (2) 1-732-364-9900 1(: 0(;,&2 0RXQWDLQ &RLQ Albuquerque 1-505-345-7706 1(: <25. %HWVRQ (QWHUSULVHV Fargo 1-701-282-7877 Cincinnati (1) 1-513-851-4100 Cleveland (2) 1-216-692-0960 Columbus (3) 1-614-421-6800 Macedonia (4) 1-330-467-4850 2./$+20$ *DOD[\ 'LVWULEXWLQJ Tulsa 1-918-835-1166 25(*21 %HWVRQ :HVW Minneapolis (1) 1-952-887-5299 0RVV 'LVWULEXWLQJ Richfield (2) 1-612-798-8030 Charlotte (1) 1-704-357-6284 3DFLILF 9HQGLQJ Dallas (1) 1-214-638-4900 &RPPHUFLDO 0XVLF *UHHQ &RLQ Mrytle Beach 1-843-626-1900 Vancouver (2) 1-604-324-2164 Crowley (1) 1-817-297-0440 +$ )UDQ] &R 0DVWHU 6DOHV 87$+ 0RXQWDLQ &RLQ Salt Lake City 1-801-262-5494 6WUXYH 'LVWULEXWLQJ Salt Lake City 1-801-328-1636 :$6+,1*721 0RXQWDLQ &RLQ &OHYHODQG &RLQ 0DFKLQH 6287+ &$52/,1$ Burnaby (1) 1-604-420-4008 Parts & Service Only: 'LVFRXQW $UFDGH *DPHV King Of Prussia (1) 1-610-265-1155 Pittsburgh (2) 1-412-331-8703 Wilkes-Barre (3) 1-570-824-9994 &DQ &RLQ 0DFKLQH Dallas (1) 1-214-741-6381 Portland 1-503-786-9200 Toll-Free 1-800-987-4946 Parts & Service Only: 0,11(627$ /LHEHUPDQ 0XVLF %HWVRQ 7H[DV San Antonio (3) 1-210-225-3844 Corsicana (4) 1-903-874-4740 Richmond Hill (1) 1-718-291-5757 1257+ &$52/,1$ %UDG\ 'LVWULEXWLQJ Parts & Service Only: 6SHFLDOW\ &RLQ 3URGXFWV Pittsburgh (2) 1-412-920-1300 Toronto 1-416-251-2122 7(;$6 $PXVHPHQW 'LVWULEXWRUV Portland 1-503-234-5491 &OHYHODQG &RLQ 0DFKLQH Livonia (2) 1-734-432-1040 %5,7,6+ &2/80%,$ 0RXQWDLQ &RLQ 5RWK 1RYHOW\ 6XSHULRU %D\ &RLQ Memphis 1-901-353-1000 *UHHQ *$0(6 Houston (2) 1-713-523-7366 San Antonio (3) 1-210-226-6322 0,&+,*$1 $WODV 'LVW ,QWHUQDWLRQDO Wyoming (1) 1-616-241-1472 217$5,2 6WDUEXUVW &RLQ 0DFK Portland 1-503-772-4567 3(116</9$1,$ %HWVRQ (QWHUSULVHV &$1$'$ Memphis 1-901-345-7811 Parts & Service Only: 6KDIIHU 'LVWULEXWLQJ New Hyde Park (2) 1-516-354-4647 Syracuse (3) 1-315-437-2400 Parts & Service Only: E. Longmeadow (2) 1-413-525-2700 7(11(66(( %UDG\ 'LVWULEXWLQJ Seattle 1-206-682-5700 :,6&216,1 3LRQHHU 6DOHV 6YF Green Bay (1) 1-920-336-5800 Menomonee Falls (2) 1-262-781-1420 /LHEHUPDQ9LNLQJ 9HQG Menomonee Falls (2) 1-262-703-4168 2SHUDWRUV 'LVWULEXWLQJ Archdale (2) 1-336-884-5714 Note: For states and Canadian Provinces which do not have Distributors, call the neighboring state or province with the city closest to you (indicated with a white dot). States or Provinces with more than 1 city containing a distributor are numbered. View the map on the previous page. Note: Distributors are subject to change. Visit us at for current Distributor Information. ????????,QWHUQDWLRQDO'LVWULEXWRUV'LUHFWRU\???????? $5*(17,1$ 6RXWK &RPSDQ\ Mar Del Plata [54] 2234-95-5532 $8675$/,$ $PXVHPHQW 0DFK 'LVW Matraville [61] 2931-6-6000 $8675,$ Parts & Service Only: 5 5XSS Leibnitz [43] 3452-8-6105 Parts & Service Only: 7$% Ansfelden [43] 7229-7-8040 %(/*,80 1$086&2 Brussels [32] 2414-4596 %HOJLXP &RQWLQXHG Parts & Service Only: 6SOLQ 6$ Liege [32] 4362-7677 '(10$5. -. $XWRPDWHU $6 Thisted [45] 9792-0925 (1*/$1' VHH 81,7(' .,1*'20 ),1/$1' 3HOLND 5D\2\ Espoo [35] 5894-370-2925 )5$1&( $YUDQFKHV $XWRPDWLF Ducey [33] 2338-9-6162 6)$ Paris [33] 1532-6-8080 )LQG,W,Q)URQW 'U3LQEDOO *(50$1< $'3 *DXVHOPDQQ Espelkamp [49] 5741-27-3384 %HUJPDQQ ,QW·O *DPLQJ 1(: =($/$1' &RLQ &DVFDGH /WG Christchuch [64] 3338-1411 Parts & Service Only: $PFR 0DFKLQH 6XSSOLHV Rellingen [49] 4101-3-0240 Witten [49] 2302-28-2540 Auckland [64] 9846-7606 Espelkamp [49] 5772-4-9422 Oslo [47] 2291-8383 0(;,0 +2//$1' VHH 7+( 1(7+(5/$1'6 ,7$/< 560 7HFQRSOD\ 6$ San Marino [39] 5499-0-1508 7+( 1(7+(5/$1'6 -9+ *DPLQJ 3URGXFWV Tilburg [31] 1359-5-3200 125:$< 9HQGFRPDWLF 32578*$/ -DFLQWR 0DUWLQV 6$ . 6287+ $)5,&$ : $PXVHPHQWV Port Elizabeth [27] 4148-4-3344 or [27] 4148-4-2940 63$,1 &RPHUFLDO &RFDPDWLF Coslada (Madrid) [34] 9167-1-6980 Parts & Service Only: London, England [44] 2089-65-2055 Parts & Service Only: (OHFWURFRLQ $IWHUVDOHV Cardiff, S. Glamorgan [44] 2920-45-0345 6HQWH 6$ Madrid [34] 9154-1-7112 6:('(1 %MXYLD )ULWLG $% Belas [35] 1214-32-5624 or [35] 1214-32-5638 Bjuv [46] 4238-6900 Moscow [095] 219-2949 or [095] 219-8917 Harkingen [41] 6238-8-8961 5866,$ 2'$ *DPH 0DFKLQHV 81,7(' .,1*'20 (OHFWURFRLQ 6:,7=(5/$1' 1RYRPDW $* Note: From inside the US, use prefix 011-. '5 ` 32:(55(48,5(0(176 This game must be connected to a properly grounded outlet to reduce shock hazard & insure proper game operation. See Sec. 5, Schematics & Troubleshooting, Chp. 3, Cabinet Wiring (Transformer Power Wiring), for transformer connections required for Normal, High, and Low Line conditions. 110v AC - 125v AC @ 60Hz Normal Line: Domestic AVG OPERATION MAX OPERATION use an 8AMP 250v Slo-Blo Fuse. CURRENT: 8AMP CURRENT: 2.8AMP WATTAGE: 329w WATTAGE: 940w 218v AC - 240v AC @ 50Hz High Line: Export AVG OPERATION MAX OPERATION England use 2x 5AMP 250v Slo-Blo Fuses. CURRENT: 5AMP CURRENT: 1.8AMP & Hong | 8AMP* Kong use (*England & Hong Kong use an 8 250v S/B Fuse.) | WATTAGE: 412w WATTAGE: 1145w 1832w* an 95v AC - 108v AC @ 50Hz / 60Hz Low Line: Export Japan Only AVG OPERATION MAX OPERATION use an 8AMP 250v Slo-Blo Fuse. CURRENT: 2.6AMP CURRENT: 8AMP WATTAGE: 264w WATTAGE: 812w AMP 8A Fuse. 75$163257$7,21???????*$0(',0(16,216??????? ToPS To reduce the possibility of damage, observe ALL precautions whenever transporting the game. Read & follow Section 1, Chapter 1, Pinball Game Set-Up Procedures, and How to Secure the Backbox for Transporting. Remove the legs and secure the game within the transporting vehicle. SAVE AND RETAIN ALL PRINTED INFORMATION INSIDE THE CABINET ! Back Height * 75" +4" Back Width 27" 28" The overall Front / Back Height dimensions include the added " with the Leg Levelers turned all the way in. * P L E A S E N O T E: If the optional ToPS Kit is installed, the ToPS Display will add another 4 " to the overall Back Height for a total of 79 ". Ceiling Height Requirement: An additional 1 " is required for the rotation ( ) of the Backbox to the upright position. The complete Back Height required with ToPS Display and rotation: 81" 23" 47" 51" 22" Approx. Unboxed Weight: 270lbs. (+/- 10) Boxed Weight: 16" The Cabinet is designed to give the recommended 6.5° pitch to the Playfield when all four (4) Legs are installed with the Leg Levelers turned all the way in. With the Leg Levelers turned all the way out (not recommended), an additional 1 " should be added to the respective Back or Front Height dimensions. '5 = Front Height Height 56" Width 31" Depth 31" 55" 35" " Leg Length is: 30 " )LQG,W,Q)URQW 'U3LQEDOO 7KH7KH/RUGRIWKH5LQJV 3LQEDOO*DPH6HUYLFH0DQXDO*HQHUDO7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV See Sections 3 & 5, Table Of Contents, for details of that Section and it’s Chapters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` X3RZHU5HTXLUHPHQWVX7UDQVSRUWDWLRQX*DPH'LPHQVLRQV '5a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ection 4, Chapter 1, Parts Identification & Location (The Pink Pages) Continued on the Next Page 1RYHPEHU L Section 4, Chapter 1, Parts Identification & Location (The Pink Pages) Continued from the Previous Page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after reading the Pinball Game Set-Up Instruction Sheet (SPI Part Nº 755-5310-00) included with your New Pinball Game, continue with the below procedures: :LWKWKH%DFN*ODVV5HPRYHG 1. Check all connectors in the Backbox for loose wire terminations. Reseat any loose wire by pushing in on the terminal. Push on all connectors plugged into the CPU/Sound Board, I/O Power Driver Board, and the Display Power Bd. to check that they are properly seated. Ensure Fluorescent Light Tube is seated correctly. Check that all fuses are seated properly. Close and lock the Backbox and secure its’ keys back inside the Coin Door. :LWKWKH 3OD\ILHOG*ODVV5HPRYHG 2. Make sure the proper amount of pinballs were installed (Amount of balls are always specified on decal attached to the lock down assembly and at the top of the inside cover). 3. Remove all shipping tie downs, shipping blocks, packing foam, shipping instruction pages, etc. (if any) from the game. READ ALL PRINTED INFORMATION! Shipping instructions, labels and/or decals describe warnings, cautions, and/or important information specific to the game. SAVE ALL PRINTED INFORMATION. 4. Raise the playfield and support it, by lifting the Prop Rod (located on the left, inside the cabinet). The end of the Prop Rod should be placed into the hole under playfield. See the illustration "Easy Access Service System - 3 Positions" on Page 4. 5. Visually inspect all cabinet cables and connector terminations; ensure no wires or cables are pinched and that cable harnesses are not pulled tight. 6. Lower the playfield and ensure game is level side-to-side by adjusting Leg Levelers, if required. See the illustration "Leg Leveler Adjustment" on Page 4. Start with the Leg Levelers turned all the way in (1.25" from floor to bottom of leg), depending on the condition of the floor, adjust the Leg Levelers as required until the game pitch is 6.5°, determined by the Bubble Level. USE THE BUBBLE LEVEL ON THE WOOD RAIL (LOWER RIGHT) TO DETERMINE IF LEVEL IS ACHIEVED. BUBBLE SHOULD APPEAR BETWEEN THE 2 BLACK LINES. SEE PAGE 4 FOR AN ILLUSTRATION. 7KHSOD\ILHOGLQFOLQHDIIHFWVGLII LFXOW\ RISOD\8VHWK HUHFRPPHQGHG LQFOLQH*DPHGLIILFXOW\LVEHVWYDULHGXVLQJJDPHDGMXV WPHQWV :LWKWKH&RLQ'RRU2SH Q 7. If desired, perform any self tests at this time (see Section 3, Chapter 1, Portals Service Menu Introduction, and Chapter 2, GO TO DIAGNOSTICS MENU, for instructions on how to enter "Begin Play Test" and "Game Name Test" Menus to test components on the game). 8. If desired, adjust Game Pricing, Standard and/or Custom (see Section 3, Chapter 4, GO TO ADJUSTMENTS MENU and Section 3, Chapter 5, GO TO INSTALLS MENU to adjust Game Difficulty, 3- or 5-Ball Play, Home or Tournament Settings, Novelty, Add-A-Ball, etc.). Per CE: "The appliance has to be placed in a horizontal position." "This appliance is not to be cleaned by a Water Jet." $IWHU6HW8S 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 3L QEDO O*DPH6HW 8S)XW XU H5HIHUHQFH Open up the Printable Version in both 8-1/2 X 11 & 11 X 17. 6HF$IWHU6HW8S 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH $IWHU6HW8S 6HF$IWHU6HW8S 3L QE DO O*DPH6HW 8S)XW XU H5HIHUHQFH&RQW LQXHG $IWHU6HW8S 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH +RZWR6HFXUHWKH%DFNER[IRU7UDQVSRUWLQJ 6HF$IWHU6HW8S For more Backbox details & part numbers, see Section 4, Chapter 1, Backbox Assembly, Pages 60-61. /HJ/HY HOHU $GM XVW P HQW Attach the four (4) Leg Assemblies to cabinet corners with the eight (8) leg bolts provided . Cabinet Leg Start adjustment with the leg levelers turned all the way in. View the bubble in the level provided on the right side wood rail. Bubble Level located on the wood rail next to the Shooter Lane. Bubble Bubble should be between the 2 black lines. 3e -16 8 Hex Nut Adjust the front or rear levelers as necessary to cause the bubble to float between the two (2) black lines. Use a pinball to roll down the center of the playfield for side-to-side leveling. YOUR PLAYFIELD PITCH IS NOW AT 6.5° AS REQUIRED FOR PROPER GAME PLAY! Leg Leveler turned all the way in. Note: For custom adjustment greater than >6.5° can be achieved by turning out the rear leg leveler(s), however, it is not recommended. (D V\$FF HVV6HU Y LF H6\VW HP 3RVL WL RQV With the front molding & glass removed, carefully lift the playfield (take care when using the Bottom Arch to hoist). Positions 1 & 2 Fig. 1B When lifted high enough, the Playfield Support Slide Brackets (Fig. 1A) can be seen & can clear Fig. 1A the cabinet front. At this time, pull the playfield Fig. 1C toward the front of the cabinet, checking that the mechanical components clear the cabinet front, then rest the playfield on the Playfield Support Slide Brackets at the front channel of cabinet (Fig. 1C); Or, the Prop Rod (located on the right inside of cabinet) can be used by positioning the Prop Rod end into the receiving playfield hole (Fig. 1B). Position 3 With the playfield at rest, hold the sides & pull toward the front of the cabinet (approx. 6" to 8"), until resistance is felt from Edge Slide Brackets stopping against the Slide & Pivot Support Brackets located on either side of the cabinet (Fig. 2A). At this time, swivel the playfield toward the Backbox, then rest on the top edge (Fig. 2B & 2C). 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH Fig. 2C Fig. 2A Fig. 2B $IWHU6HW8S 6HFWLRQ & KD SW H U R I *DP H 2SHUDWLR Q )HDWXUHV 6WDUWLQJD1RUPDO*DPH Insert coin(s). The game generates a sound for the first coin & for each subsequent coin with the display indicating the number of credits posted. Press the Start Button and a start-up sound is produced, and the posted credits are reduced by one. Subsequent players can be added (up to 4 can play!) by pressing the Start Button before the end of ball 1 (with sufficient credit in the game). The display now indicates the player or # of players selected from the total depressions of the Start Button. The display indicates the ball in play, and a ball is served to the Shooter Lane. An introduction is shown followed by Skill Shot Graphics and/or instructions. Pressing the Start Button after ball 1 of any player will start a new game (if credits are available), but only if the Start Button is depressed for 2-3 seconds. This delay is to avoid accidental "re-starts" of a game. Note: Any partial credit remaining during game play after the end of ball 1, or power down, will be eliminated. 6WDUWLQJ7HDP3OD\ 'RXEOH V This option is adjustable with Standard Adj. 50, Team Scores (Default = NO). If Standard Adj. 50, Team Scores is changed to YES, then Team Play will be made available. Team Play only works in a 4-Player Game. The totals for Players 1/ 3 (Team 1) & Players 2 / 4 (Team 2) are then displayed individually as well as the combined score for BOTH TEAMS. 6WDUWLQJ7RXUQDPH QW3OD\ZLWK This Pinball Game is ToPS (Tournament Pinball System) Ready. Optional Tournament equipment & hardware (sold separately) is required. Review Section 3, Chp. 7, GO TO TOURNAMENT MENU, for more info! Unlike a "Normal Game", the Tournament Game is started by depressing the Tournament Start Button (located on the Front Molding, if installed). If adequate credit(s) are posted and a Tournament is started via Portals (select the "TOUR" Icon in the Main Menu), the Tournament Start Button will flash. Any adjustments or installs changed will not be in affect. Starting a Tournament Game defaults to preprogrammed Tournament Rules (e.g. No Extra Balls, Specials or Bonus Credits are awarded); however, starting a Normal Game after a Tournament Game will then revert back to any unique adjustments or installs performed previously. During and End of Game Features operate in the same manner (differences in adjustment defaults are present). 'X UL QJ*DPH)HDW XU HV )HDWXUH0RGH &RPELQDWLRQ6KRWV Features are lit on the playfield and started by completing certain shots (e.g. completion of Target Banks, Orbit(s), Ramp(s) and/or any combination of the shots). 0XOWLEDOO Multiball is started after completion of certain features (amount of balls used depends on game rules). 5HSOD\)HDWXUH Replay awards are given as the player exceeds a High Score Level during game play. This can be adjusted with Standard Adj. 3, Replay Award (Default = CREDIT). Players exceeding the High Score Levels can receive: CREDIT, EXTRA BALL, or SPECIAL. Adjust to NONE if a replay award is not desired. (QGRI*DPH)HDWX UHV 6HF*DPH2S 6W DU WRI*D P H)HDW XU HV *DPH (QGLQJV When all player(s) have played all balls (including any Extra Balls), the game ends. If power is interrupted during the course of a game, it will end that game (see Starting a Normal Game). Closure of the Plumb Bob Tilt Switch according to the number of tilts set, Standard Adj. 15, Tilt Warnings (Default = 01) or prolonged closure, will end the current Ball-In-Play. Closure of the Slam Tilt Switch on the Coin Door ends the current game(s). 0DWF K)HDWXUH At the end of each ball, earned bonuses are collected. At the end of the last ball of a game (including any extra balls, if applicable), earned bonuses are collected, then the system produces a random 2-digit number (a multiple of 10; 00 to 90). Matching the last 2 digits of the player’s score with this number awards a credit. In Std. Adj. 13, Match Percentage (Default = 8%) can be changed from 0-10%. Changing the percentage to 0% displays the "Match Animation" at the end of the game, however, will never match nor award anything. Changing this adjustment to OFF will not display the "Match Animation" nor award anything. (QWHULQJ,QLWLDOV1DPH If player achieved a new High Score in a game or achieved a Special Feature (if given) the player may enter 3 Initials. In Std. Adj. 29, High Score Initials (Default = 3 Initials) can also be changed to 10-Letter Name. Use the Flipper Buttons to choose a letter or character as seen on the Dot Display. Hitting the Start Button locks in the letter or character and proceeds to the next letter. The game then proceeds into the Game-Over Mode and then to the Attract Mode. Note: Standard Adj. 31, Custom Message (Default = ON) can be displayed during the Attract Mode; enter letters in the same fashion. For more details on Adjustments, see Sec. 3, Chp. 4. Continued Next Page. *DPH2SHUDWLRQ )HDWXUHV 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 021003 $XWR3HUFHQWDJLQJ This game is equipped with Auto Percentaging, Standard Adj. 01, Replay Type (Default = AUTO, adjustable). The Replay Percent is automatically adjusted, Standard Adj. 02, Replay Percentage, or you can set a Fixed Replay Score. Four levels may be selected. Adjustments allow awarding of a "CREDIT" (or your setting) as each level is exceeded. This can be adjusted with, Standard Adj. 03, Replay Award (Default = CREDIT). With the Autopercentage Feature, if the actual replay percent- age is higher or lower than that desired, the game will automatically adjust for the new recommended percentage score(s). You may choose to make a different "score-to-beat" adjustment; this is done by utilizing Standard Adj. 04, Replay Levels. For more details with Adjustments, see Section 3, Chapter 4, GO TO ADJUSTMENTS MENU; also, see see Section 3, Chapter 5, GO TO INSTALLS MENU for further customization of your Pinball Game. 6HF*DPH2S , QVW UX FW LRQ&D UG Below is a COPY of the Game Instruction Card (SPI Nº: 755-5180-00 USA) which is included with every game. If your card is lost or damaged, simply COPY this page and cut out the Instruction Card as a temporary replacement until a new card is ordered. (Hint: COPY & CUT along the dotted line and fold in the center to keep the "COPY" sturdy.) COPY & CUT FOLD HERE )RUPRUHGHWDLOHGJDPHUXOHVYLVLWRXUZHEVLWH# ZZZ6WHUQ3LQEDOOFRPDQGFOLFNRQWKH 7KH/RUGRIWKH5LQJV RU*DPH$UFKLYH 3RS%XPSHU/LQN Click on card to open the Instruction Card for printing. 021003 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH *DPH2SHUDWLRQ )HDWXUHV 6HFWLRQ 3RUWDOV6HUYLFH0HQX6\VWHP 7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV Service Switch Set (Red, Green & Black Buttons) Access & Use ......................................................... 8 ] Function 1, Volume Menu / Function 2, Service Credits Menu / Function 3, Portals Service Menu .................................... 8 &KDSWHU3RUWDOV 6HUYLFH0HQX,QWURGXFWLRQ How to Use This Section ............................................................................................................................ 9 Portals Service Menu Icon Tree for The Lord of the Rings Pinball ............................................10-11 ] Example .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12-13 QUIT THIS SESSION (Exiting the Portals Service Menu) & Problem / Solution Table ...................... 14 &KDSWHU*R7R'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 2YHUYLHZ GO TO DIAGNOSTICS MENU ............................................................................................................... 15 Go To Switch Menu Switch Test Active Switch Test Dedicated Switch Test ........................................16 Test Flash Lamps Clear Ball Trough............................................................................................................................24 Technician Alerts (Switch Detection and Pinball Detection) .................................................................................... 24-25 Service Phone # Begin Play Test .................................................................................................................................25 Fire Knocker Sound / Speaker Test (Speaker Phase Testing) Begin Burn In......................................................26 Dot Matrix Test (Dot Matrix Display Explained) ......................................................................................................... 26-27 LOTR Tests: Ring Magnet Test, LED Test & Balrog Test........................................................................................... 27-28 Go To Fuse Table (with Example)......................................................................................................................................29 BACKBOX LAYOUT LOCATIONS: Fuses, Bridges, Relays & ROMs..................................................... 30 Dr. Pinball Coil Flow Chart Switch Flow Chart Lamp Flow Chart ..........................................................31 &KDSWHU*R7R$XGLWV0HQX 2YHUYLHZ ] EARNINGS & STANDARD AUDIT TABLES.......................................................................................................................... 32 GO TO AUDITS MENU........................................................................................................................... 33 Earnings Audits (01-14)......................................................................................................................................................33 Standard Audits (01-68)................................................................................................................................................ 34-35 Feature Audits (01-154) ......................................................................................................................................................36 Go To Printer Menu Quick Printout Full Printout Reset Printer .............................................................37 &KDSWHU*R7R$GMXVWPHQWV0HQX 2YHUYLHZ ] STANDARD & FEATURE ADJUSTMENT TABLES............................................................................................................... 38 GO TO ADJUSTMENTS MENU............................................................................................................. 39 Standard Adjustments (01-52) ..................................................................................................................................... 39-43 Feature Adjustments (01-34)........................................................................................................................................ 44-46 Custom Message (Direct Access to Standard Adjustment 31).......................................................................................46 &KDSWHU*R7R,QVWDOOV0HQX 2YHUYLHZ GO TO INSTALLS MENU....................................................................................................................... 47 Install Extra Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard or Extra Hard......................................................................................................47 Install Directors Cut Install 3-Ball or 5-Ball $.50 Competition Free Play Competition Install Home Play Film Star Reset Install Novelty Install Add-A-Ball Install Factory ...............................48 ] Overview of Standard Adjustment Changes upon selectoin of an Install: ............................................................................ 49 ] Overview of Feature Adjustment Changes upon selection of an Install: ......................................................................... 49-50 &KDSWHU*R7R5HVHW0HQX 2YHUYLHZ GO TO RESET MENU............................................................................................................................ 51 Reset Coin Audits Reset Game Audits Reset High Scores Reset Credits Factory Reset .......................51 ] Example ............................................................................................................................................................................... 52 &KDSWHU*R7R7RXUQPDPHQW0HQX GO TO TOURNAMENT MENU (OPTIONAL USE ONLY)...................................................................... 53 ] TOURNAMENT ADJUSTMENT TABLES & TOURNAMENT AUDIT TABLE ........................................................................ 54 Tournament Adjustments (01-13) ......................................................................................................................................55 Start Tournament Stop Tournament Tournament Prizes Tournament Audits (01-12)....................................56 Tournament Audits Continued Sign Messages A-B (Tournie Adj. 14-15) .................................................................57 3RUWDOV 6HUYLFH 0HQX6\VWHP 6HFWLRQ 3DJH 6HF0HQX,QWUR ] Switch Matrix Grid & Dedicated Switches ] Switch Matrix Grid Locations, Typical Switch Wiring & Schematic, Dedicated Switch Schematic ........................................ 17 Go To Coil Menu Single Coil Test Cycling Coil Test........................................................................................18 ] Partial Coils Detailed Chart ... ] Coil & Flash Lamp Locations, Typical Coil WIring, Bulb Types used for Flash Lamps .......................................................... 19 ] Coils Detailed Chart Table .................................................................................................................................................... 20 ] Backbox I/O Power Driver Board Detailed Wiring Diagram .................................................................................................. 21 Go To Lamp Menu Single Lamp Test Test All Lamps Row & Column Lamp Tests...............................22 ] Lamp Matrix Grid ] Lamp Matrix Grid Locations, Typical Lamp Wiring & Schematic, Bulb Types used for Lamps.............................................. 23 6HUYLFH6ZLWFK6HW 5HG*UHHQ %ODFN%XWWRQV $FFHVV 8VH The Service Switch Set provides access for three (3) functions available for your use. They are Volume Menu, Service Credits Menu and Portals Service Menu. All are accessed separately depending on which colored button (Red, Green or Black) is pushed first. D 5HG *UHHQ ,QVLGH &RLQ 'RRU ,I &RLO )ODVKODPS 7HVWLQJ WKH 3OD\ILHOG 3RZHU ,QWHUORFN 6ZLWFK PXVW EH SXOOHG RXW %ODFN 7KH 0HPRU\ 3URWHFW 6ZLWFK LV GLVDEOHG ZKHQ WKH &RLQ 'RRU LV RSHQ UHTXLUHG IRU DQ\ FKDQJHV To access any of these three (3) functions you must first open the Coin Door (see pictorial above) with the Game in the Attract Mode (not already in any Function or Menu stated below). 3XVKLQJ 5HG VW )XQFWLRQ9ROXPH0HQX 6HF0HQX,QWUR Pushing the Red "VOLUME" Button first, enters the Volume Menu. While in this Mode, to DECREASE the volume, hold down or depress the Red "LEFT" Button until desired the volume is achieved; to INCREASE the volume, hold down or depress the Green "RIGHT" Button until the desired volume is achieved. Note: Pushing the Left or Right Flipper Buttons operates the same as the Red or Green Buttons of the Service Switch Set, while in this Volume Mode. Set between 0-31; Once your adjustments are made, this menu will automatically exit a few seconds after the last button depression. )XQFWLRQ6HUYLFH&UHGLWV0HQX 3XVKLQJ *UHHQ VW Pushing the Green "SERVICE CREDITS" Button first, adds Service Credits (will not affect your audits as "paid" credits). This is useful for the technician to test games in regular play without affecting the game audits. Each depression adds 1 credit; up to 50 credits can be applied. Std. Adj. 16, Credit Limit, determines this, however, it can be changed from 04-50; for details see Chapter 4 of this Section 3. Once your credits are added, this menu will automatically exit a few seconds after the last button depression. Note: This function is disabled if Standard Adjustment 30, Free Play, is set to YES. The Service Credits are limited to the Credit Limit in addition to any paid credits present in the game (e.g. If the Credit Limit is 30, and there are 8 paid credits present, only 22 Service Credits can be applied.). 3XVKLQJ %ODFN VW )XQFWLRQ3RUWDOV 6HUYLFH0HQX Pushing the Black "BEGIN TEST" Button first, enters the Portals Service Menu. Once in, navigate through all menus depressing the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons. Note: Pushing the Left or Right Flipper Buttons operates the same as the Red or Green Buttons of the Service Switch Set, while in this Service Mode. Select or activate the Icon chosen (the Icon will be "flashing") by pushing down or depressing the Black "ENTER" Button. Note: Pushing the Start Button operates the same as the Black Button of the Service Switch Set, while in this Service Mode. Please read the remainder of this Chapter for more information on the Portals Service Menu. The remaining six (6) Chapters of this Section explains all Icons & Menus in detail. Read! Read! Read! 021003 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 3RUWDOV 6HUYLFH 0HQX,QWURGXFWLRQ open Adjustments 6HFWLRQ & KD SW H U R I 3 R U WD O V 6HUYLFH0HQX,QWURGXFWLRQ Important: The Dual Switch Bracket holds the Playfield Power Interlock & Memory Protect Switches. It is located just inside the Coin Door frame (see pictorial of the Coin Door on the previous page). The Button Switch at the top is the Playfield Power Interlock Switch. It must be pulled out for electro-mechanical device testing or diagnostic purposes (this is required). If this button is pushed in, the Playfield Power is disabled while the Coin Door is OPEN. The Button Switch at the bottom is the Memory Protect Switch. It is enabled while the Coin Door is CLOSED; meaning any adjustment changes that are made will not be written to memory. If changing adjustments is required, ensure the Coin Door is OPEN to disable this switch, thus allowing for desired changes. +RZWR8VH 7KLV6H FWLRQ This section will cover all functions available in the Portals Service Menu in a Step-By-Step process. This section is divided into chapters which coincide with the MAIN MENU. The previous and following pages in this Chapter will instruct the operator on how to move through the Menus. It’s simple, easy and fun to use! To get into the Service Menu Mode review "Function 3, Portals Service Menu" on the previous page. After Power-Up, push down the Black "BEGIN TEST" Button to begin. Looking at the display you will momentarily see "Service Menu" with a satellite flying from right to left pulling a banner "Portals©TM" followed by the MAIN MENU: Use the Red "LEFT" & Green "RIGHT" Buttons (or Left & Right Flipper Buttons) to move the selected Icon left or right, and the Black "ENTER" Button (or Start Button) to activate the selected Icon. The use of the Service Switch Set (Red, Green, & Black Buttons) is required in Switch Test or Active Switch Test, as the Start & Flipper Buttons are a part of this test. The MAIN MENU now appears with the "DIAG" Icon (GO TO DIAGNOSTICS MENU) flashing: As the operator views the Menu Screen(s), the symbols indicates that there are more Icons to select in each direction. The Icon selected will blink. Pushing the Black "ENTER" Button (or Start Button) will select the Icon and the Menu Screen will change to the menu selected. Select the "PREV" Icons to move backwards through the menu levels. Select the "QUIT" Icon to completely exit the Service Mode. View the Portals Service Menu Icon Tree on the next pages for a complete overview of all menus used in this system. The "HELP" Icon & "?" Mini-Icon provide explanation of ICON usage in the Menu where the "HELP" Icon or "?" Mini-Icon was selected. View QUIT THIS SESSION (Exiting the Portals Service Menu) at the end of this chapter (reference Section 3, Chapter 1, Portals Service Menu Introduction). The chapters in this section, which coincide with the MAIN MENU, will also provide more detailed information. Use both the manual and the display to help customize, troubleshoot and/or diagnose faults, if any. 3RUWDOV 6HUYLFH 0HQX,QWURGXFWLRQ 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF0HQX,QWUR back to Page 8 Section 3, Chapter 1 Page 10 STANDARD FEATURE CUSTOM ADJUST- ADJUST- MESSAGE MENTS MENTS XX ADJUSTMENTS MENU XX XX COIL MENU PRINTER MENU XX TECHNICIAN ALERTS CYCLING COIL TEST CLEAR BALL TROUGH * SINGLE COIL TEST TEST FLASH LAMPS * SINGLE LAMP TEST SERVICE PHONE # BEGIN PLAY TEST ROW LAMP TEST LED TEST X GO TO FUSE TABLE BALROG TEST X LOTR TESTS X LOTR TESTS MENU RING MAGNET TEST DOT MATRIX TEST SWITCH FLOW CHART LAMP FLOW CHART Move LEFT or RIGHT, select previous/next or move backwards/ forwards. View HELP Screens of the current Menu. END current coil selection to select a new coil for diagnosing in Dr. Pinball Menus. Note: If a new MINIICON is used for a specific function, select the "?" Icon for more information. View the Answer NO or schematic YES for Flow (DRAWing) of Chart Menu current display. questions in Select while current Dr. Pinball switch, lamp or coil Menus. PULSE coil. is viewed. QUIT, exits & returns to the Attract Mode. RUN (or activate) selected test or coil. Return to the PREVIOUS Menu. DECREMENT (-) or INCREMENT (+) displayed value or select previous/next. Note: In Sub-Menu Tests or Displays, further action is required: select & activate the appropriate MiniIcon(s). TM SELECTING THIS ICON IN ANY MENU WILL EXIT PORTALS, AND WILL RETURN TO THE ATTRACT MODE. DR. PINBALL MENU COIL FLOW CHART DR. PINBALL XX These non-selectable Icons appear in the selected Menu only when there are MORE Icons to the LEFT or to the RIGHT available for selection. Explanation & usage of common Large & Mini-Icons used in various Menus & Sub-Menus: COLUMN LAMP TEST SOUND/ FIRE KNOCKER SPEAKER TEST X LAMP MENU TEST ALL LAMPS * DIAGNOSTICS MENU BEGIN BURN IN QUIT GO TO THIS TOURNAMENT X SESSION MENU CONTINUED NEXT PAGE. GO TO RESET MENU MAIN MENU GO TO GO TO GO TO INSTALLS AUDITS ADJUSTMENTS X MENU MENU MENU OPTIONAL PRINTING KIT (sold separately) IS REQUIRED FULL RESET FOR OPERATION QUICK PRINTOUT PRINTOUT PRINTER OF THIS MENU. EARNINGS STANDARD FEATURE GO TO AUDITS PRINTER AUDITS AUDITS MENU XX XX XX AUDITS MENU SWITCH MENU ACTIVE DEDICATED x SWITCH SWITCH TEST TEST SWITCH TEST XX GO TO LAMP MENU GO TO COIL MENU GO TO SWITCH MENU * ENTERING THESE NOTED MENUS, YOU MUST PULL OUT *theWHEN Power Interlock Switch for operation with the Coin Door open. GO TO DIAGNOSTICS X MENU Portals™Service Menu Icon Tree Portals™ Service Menu Introduction Portals™ Service Menu Introduction RESET GAME AUDITS RESET HIGH SCORES A-B RESET FACTORY CREDITS RESET XX XX INSTALL HARD XX TM INSTALL INSTALL INSTALL EXTRA DIRECTORS 3-BALL HARD CUT XX AFTER FACTORY RESET IS INSTALLED, YOU WILL THEN EXIT PORTALS, AND WILL RETURN TO THE ATTRACT MODE. MENT MENT PRIZES AUDITS QUIT GO TO THIS TOURNAMENT X SESSION MENU Section 3, Chapter 1 Page 11 Sec. 3: ...Menu Intro. $ .50 FREE PLAY INSTALL INSTALL 5-BALL COMPETI- COMPETI- HOME TION TION PLAY XX I N S TA L L S M E N U GO TO RESET MENU MAIN MENU GO TO GO TO GO TO INSTALLS AUDITS ADJUSTMENTS X MENU MENU MENU OPTIONAL TOURNAMENT KIT (sold separately) IS REQUIRED FOR OPERATION XX SIGN STOP TOURNA- TOURNASTART TOURNAMENT OF THIS MENU. ADJUST- TOURNA- TOURNAX MENT MESSAGES MENT MENTS INSTALL NORMAL XX TOURNAMENT MENU RESET COIN AUDITS INSTALL EASY XX RESET MENU INSTALL EXTRA EASY Note: After selection of any of the 1st 13 Install Icons, the request is installed and returns to the Install Menu. The last icon activated before exiting this menu will supercede any previous Icon selected in the group. GO TO DIAGNOSTICS X MENU SEE PREVIOUS PAGE. INSTALL NOVELTY XX INSTALL ADD-ABALL INSTALL FACTORY XX For more detailed information on these Menus, review Chapters 1-7 in this Section 3. Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 FILM STAR RESET TM SELECTING THIS ICON IN ANY MENU WILL EXIT PORTALS, AND WILL RETURN TO THE ATTRACT MODE. Note: After selection of any of the 1st 4 Reset Icons, the request is installed and returns to the Reset Menu. Selecting a "FACT" Icon, the request is installed and exits the Portals™ Service Menu System. Portals™Service Menu Icon Tree Continued Portals™Service Menu Icon Tree Continued 3RUWDOV 6HU YLFH0HQX([DPSOH This example will demonstrate activation of Icons in the DIAGNOSTICS MENU. The example will show activation of the "SW" Icon (GO TO SWITCH MENU). In this menu, the switches can be tested individually and also all active switches can be tested. Use the same technique to access all the Icons in the Portals Service Menu. Follow Portals Service Menu Icon Tree on the previous pages as a guide to help navigate through the entire system (Also, go to the chapter in this manual explaining the icon(s) selected.). D If the display is in any other menu other than the MAIN MENU, use the Red "LEFT" & Green "RIGHT" Buttons to select the "PREV" Icon and press the Black "ENTER" Button to activate the ICON thus moving back to the previous menu. Do so until MAIN MENU appears. Chapters 2 through 7 will cover all menu items within the Portals Service Menu. The Icon is shown preceding the text. Find the Icon in the Portals Service Menu by navigating with the Red or Green Buttons. Each chapter started is from the MAIN MENU. Within the chapter, and Sub-Menu will be covered sequentially with their explanation & function. If the operator "gets lost", select and activate the "PREV" Icon until the display indicates MAIN MENU. For more help on Button Usage, select & activate the "HELP" Icon or "?" Mini-Icons. 6HF0HQX,QWUR ([ DPSOH After entering Portals , the MAIN MENU now appears with the "DIAG" Icon (GO TO DIAGNOSTICS MENU) flashing: Press the Black "ENTER" Button to activate this ICON. The DIAGNOSTICS MENU now appears with the "SW" Icon (GO TO SWITCH MENU) flashing: 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 3RUWDOV 6HUYLFH 0HQX,QWURGXFWLRQ Press the Black Button to activate this ICON. The SWITCH TEST MENU now appears with the "TEST" Icon (SWITCH TEST) flashing: All switches can be tested one at a time. When possible, use a pinball to close any playfield switches; rolling the ball at Stand-Up Targets or over/under switches is suggested. Use finger for all non-playfield switches. As each switch is closed, the respective Switch Matrix Grid Position (1-64) will be lit. To view the schematic for the switch selected, press either the Red or Green Button to select the "DRAW" Mini-Icon. Press the Black Button to activate this Mini-Icon; do so while the switch is momentarily closed. This will bring up the Switch Schematic Display. The display describes the switch in the Switch Matrix which includes the name of the switch, the Return (Row) Wire and the Drive (Column) Wire, drive transistor, and the "Pin-Outs" from the CPU/Sound Board. Activating the "DRAW" Icon when a switch is not closed, will give the generic switch schematic as shown below. To exit any display where there are no Mini-Icons (Schematics or Help Displays), press any button to return to the previous Menu. While in Switch Test or Active Switch Test, the Flipper & Start Buttons are deactivated (because they can be part of these tests). Use the Red "LEFT," Green "RIGHT" and/or Black "ENTER" Buttons to select and activate the "MINI-ICONS" at the bottom of the display. In Switch Test, if the "<<" or ">>" Mini-Icon is activated, the display will go to (slip between) the previous tests (Active & Dedicated Switch Tests). Use either the Red or Green Button to select the "PREV" Mini-Icon. Press the Black "ENTER" Button to return to Switch Test Menu. To exit out of this Sub-Menu, select and activate the "PREV" Icon in the Menu. The DIAGNOSTICS MENU now appears with the "SW" Icon (GO TO SWITCH MENU) flashing. Go through other Diagnostics selections or exit. To exit the Portals Service Menu, select & activate the "QUIT" Icon (see the next page). 3RUWDOV 6HUYLFH 0HQX,QWURGXFWLRQ 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF0HQX,QWUR Press the Black "ENTER" Button to activate this icon. The Switch Test Display now appears. 48,77+,66(66,21 ([LWLQJWKH3R UWDOV 6HU YLFH0HQX In the MAIN MENU and in all SUB-MENUS, if the "QUIT" Icon or "QUIT" Mini-Icon is selected and activated, the Portals Service Menu Session will be exited and returned to the Attract Mode. D Exiting Portals or turning game on/off will start the Power-Up Routine. Upon Power-Up, HOLD IN THE RIGHT FLIPPER BUTTON to view the CPU Game & Display Code Versions (+ Check-Sums), followed by the Location & Game ID Numbers and Alerts, if any (see Sec. 3, Chp. 2, GO TO DIAGNOSTICS MENU, Technician Alerts). The below Problem / Solution Table was designed to answer some common problems frequently asked. 3UREOHP6ROXWLRQ7DEOH PROBLEM 6HF0HQX,QWUR Will not enter the Service Mode after depressing the Black "BEGIN TEST" Button. All Service Buttons (Red, Green and Black) appear nonfunctional. The Green Service Button in the Attract Mode will not enter the SERVICE CREDITS MENU to add Service Credits. The Display "blanks out." Icons "scroll" along continuously in the MAIN MENU. The Start and Flipper Buttons do not select or activate Icons in the SWITCH TEST MENU. Can’t move selection of Icon with the Left and/or Right Flipper Buttons. Some Icons appear non-functional in the PRINTER MENU(S). Some Icons appear non-functional in the GAME SPECIFIC MENU under the DIAGNOSTICS MENU. The display returns to the ATTRACT MODE exiting the Service Session after a FACTORY RESET. In COIL TEST MENU, the coils and flashlamps do not fire after activating the "RUN" Icon. In ADJUSTMENTS MENU, with the Coin Door CLOSED, adjustments are not getting changed as desired (using the Flipper & Start Buttons). In Portals Service Menu, the volume cannot be adjusted with the Red or Green Buttons. In Portals Service Menu, the display seems to lock up, or the Help Display appears to be non-functional. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH SOLUTION x Check the Service Switch(es) (Red, Green & Black Buttons) for loose connections or bad Ground. x Check the associated wiring harness to/from the CPU/Sound Board, Connector CN6. x Check CPU/Sound Board for possible failure. x Check the Service Switches wiring harness for poor or no connection and/or broken wires. x Check to make sure the Game is not in "Free Play." If the game is set to Free Play, adding Service Credits is not required. x Check the Service Switches wiring harness for poor or no connection and/or broken wires. x Check the Dot Matrix Display for loose wiring harness for poor or no connection and/or broken wires. x Check F1 (3/4A Fuse) on the Display Power Supply Board. Refer to Section 5, Chapter 4, SCHEMATICS & TROUBLESHOOTING. x Check for a stuck switch on the Green Button. x If the Service Switch Set and/or the Coin Door was replaced, ensure the Locking Mechanism on the Green Button was removed. If the Green Button "clicks" and locks into an up/down position, the Green Button has this lock switch. Remove it. (Ref. to Svc. Bulletin #74.) x This is normal. These switches are deactivated, as they are a part of the Switch Test. Use the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" & Black "ENTER" Buttons in this Sub-Menu. Refer to Section 3, Chapter 2, GO TO DIAGNOSTICS MENU, Switch Test. x Check the Flipper Buttons for loose connections or bad Ground and refer to Section 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Wiring, #-Flipper Circuit Wiring Diagram. x This is normal only in Diagnostic’s Switch & Active Switch Tests (see previous Problem). x If no printing equipment is connected, the "-" Icon, "+" Icon and "RUN" Icon will appear not to function. Refer Section 3, Chapter 3, GO TO PRINTER MENU. x If there is no other test under this Menu, the "<<" & ">>" Mini-Icons will appear not to function. The remaining Icons should function as normal. Note: If there is no "Go To (Game Name) Test(s), the "GAME NAME" Icon will not invoke another display. x This is normal. After a FACTORY RESET, the Service Session is automatically exited. Refer to Section 3, Chapter 6, GO TO RESET MENU, Factory Reset. x Ensure the POWER INTERLOCK SWITCH is pulled out (see the start of this Chapter). x This is normal. The Memory Protect Switch is enabled when the Coin Door is CLOSED. Changes can be made with the Coin Door OPEN only. x The Volume adjustment can only be made when in the Attract Mode. The Volume Mode is entered by pressing the Red "VOLUME" Button. Then use the Red "LEFT" to decrease / decrement (-) or Green "RIGHT" Button to increase / increment (+) the volume. x If you cannot clear the situation by exiting back one Menu, exit completely out of the Portals Service Menu, and re-enter. If the problem persists, call Technical Support for additional help. 3RUWDOV 6HUYLFH 0HQX,QWURGXFWLRQ 6HFWLRQ &K DS WHU RI *R7R'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 2YHU YL HZ The Portals Service Menu System provides tests for sounds, display, lamps, switches and coils. Each feature may be tested manually or automatically after entering the Portals Service Menu (see Chapter 1 of this Section). The automatic tests (e.g. Cycling Coils, Test Flash Lamps) may be used for a quick verification of automatic test functions and the manual tests (Begin Play Test, Single Lamp / All / Row / Column Tests, and ’Game Name’ Tests) may be used for troubleshooting. All Icons and there usages are explained throughout this chapter in order. Important: Upon Power-Up (Game Reset) or opening the Coin Door watch the Display for any Alerts.* If this display flashes, the game is indicating that CMOS RAM memory (CPU Loc. U212) has been corrupted. This is caused be either failure in memory (e.g. batteries are dead and/or faulty RAM) or upon installation of updated version of game code. Opening the Coin Door will initiate a Factory Restore (Reset), by opening the Memory Protect Switch. Check battery voltage at VBATT Test Point on the CPU/Sound Bd. (more details in Sec. 5, Chp. 4, PCBs). This display is shown momentarily during Game Mode or Power-Up to alert the operator of a coil malfunction (coil doesn’t energize or coil fires a multiple number of times). OPERATOR ALERT! works by monitoring any switch activated coil that has the potential to trap a ball when disabled (more details in this Chapter, Technician Alerts, Pages 24-25). * If this Tech Report Alert flashes (along with an audible sound), the game has detected faulty switches and/or missing pinballs. Select the "TECH" Icon for information (review Technician Alerts, Pages 24-25). * For this Alert display to appear, Standard Adj. 49, must be changed to POWERUP, COIN DOOR or POWERUP AND COIN DOOR, the default is NEVER (review Section 3, Chp. 4, GO TO ADJUSTMENTS MENU, Standard Adjustments, Page 44). CAUTION: Remove all pinballs from the Ball Trough prior to lifting the playfield to it’s full upright position for servicing. PULL OUT the Power Interlock Switch for operation. To eject pinballs, select the "DIAG" Icon from the MAIN MENU to go to the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, then select the "CLR" Icon to enter the CLEAR BALL TROUGH MENU. Select the "RUN" Mini-Icon and press the Black "ENTER" Button or Start Button to remove one pinball at a time (this feature also useful to retrieve a pinball for game testing in Begin Play Test & Game Specific Tests). * 2 7 2' , $ * 1 26 7 , & 6 0 (1 8 After entering Portals , the MAIN MENU now appears. To initiate, from the MAIN MENU, select the "DIAG" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons (the Flipper Buttons operates in the same manner) and press the Black "ENTER" Button (the Start Button operates in the same manner). The DIAGNOSTICS MENU appears. Continue through this chapter for the explanation & usage of the Icons in the DIAGNOSTICS MENU. Usage Note: Only in Switch & Active Switch Tests, the Flipper & Start Buttons cannot be used as the alternate navigation buttons as they are a part of these tests. After exiting these tests, the Left & Right Flipper and Start Buttons can once again be used. Continue through this chapter for the explanation & usage of the Icons in the DIAGNOSTICS MENU. *R7R 'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF'LDJQRVWLFV This flashing display is shown immediately upon opening the Coin Door as a reminder that 20v/50v DC power to the playfield is disabled. All electro-mechanical devices (such as Coils) cannot be tested with the switch pushed in. PULL OUT the Power Interlock Switch ONLY if you’re in a Testing Menu requiring power. See Access & Use in Chapter 1 of this Section for the location of this switch. Closing the Coin Door will automatically reset this switch. *R7R6ZLWFK0HQX To initiate, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "SW" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Switches are configured in an 8 x 8 Matrix of Columns (Switch Drives) and Rows (Switch Returns) with up to 64 possible switches. The SWITCH TEST MENU consists of three (3) parts: Switch Test, Active Switches & Dedicated Switch Test. Reminder: The Flipper & Start Buttons (part of Switch Tests) cannot be used as navigation buttons during these test(s) D 6ZLWFK7HVW To initiate, from the SWITCH MENU, select the "TEST" Icon with either the Red or Green Buttons & press the Black Button. In Switch Test, close each switch and observe the display. The display will describe the switch in the Switch Matrix Grid (below), which includes the switch name, Return (Row) Wire, Drive (Column) Wire and the "Pin-Outs" from the CPU/Sound Board. When the switch is closed, the information if displayed momentarily. To view the schematic for the switch selected, press either the Red or Green Button to select the "DRAW" Mini-Icon. Press the Black Button to activate this Mini-Icon; do so while the switch is momentarily closed. To return to Switch Test, press the Black Button again. $F WLYH6ZLWF K7HVW To initiate, from the SWITCH MENU, select the "ACT" Icon with either the Red or Green Buttons & press the Black Button. If still in a previous test, select the "PREV" Mini-Icon to return to SWITCH MENU or select either of the "<<" or ">>" Mini-Icons to move through the tests. In Active Switch Test, if any switches are stuck closed (or made from the presence of a pinball), the display sequences through the Switch Names, Return (Row) Wire, Drive (Column) Wire, Drive Transistor, Part Number and the "Pin-Outs" from the CPU/Sound Board. This cycle continues until all switches are cleared or until the test is exited. 'H GLFDWHG6ZLWF K7HV W 6HF'LDJQRVWLFV To initiate, from the SWITCH MENU, select the "DED" Icon with either Flipper Button & press the Start Button (the Service Switches are deactivated during this test.). In Dedicated Switch Test, the display will describe the switch which includes the Switch Name, Return (Row) Wire, Drive (Column) Wire, Part Number and the "Pin-Outs" from the CPU/Sound Board. &ROXPQ 'ULYH 5RZ 5HWXUQ 1: U400 Q1 Q2 2: 3: Q3 Q4 4: 5: Q5 6: Q6 GRN-BRN GRN-RED GRN-ORG GRN-YEL GRN-BLK GRN-BLU CN5-P1 CN5-P3 CN5-P4 CN5-P5 CN5-P6 CN5-P7 1 WHT-BRN CN7-P9 Cabinet Side 9 Below P/F LT BUTTON (UK ONLY) LEFT VUK D O T S 17 Above P/F 25 Above P/F SWORD LOCK HIGH RIGHT RAMP ENTER D O T S 33 Mini-P/F 41 Below P/F 7: Q7 GRN-VIO CN5-P8 49 Below P/F 8: Q8 GRN-GRY CN5-P9 57 Below P/F *5281' ,& 8 ,13876 1: GROUND BLK CN6-P1, -P11 U206 DS-1 on Cabinet Side #1 LEFT FLIPPER BUTTON GRY-BRN CN6-P2 MINI PF U.L. TOP VUK LEFT BUMPER LEFT OUTLANE 180-5010-01 26 180-5057-00 Mini-P/F 34 See Sw. 41 Note 42 Above P/F 180-5015-03 50 Below P/F 500-6227-02 58 Below P/F NOT USED MINI PF U.R. INNER LOOP RIGHT BUMPER LEFT RETURN LANE 180-5057-00 Mini-P/F 35 180-5190-28 43 Below P/F 180-5015-03 51 Below P/F 500-6227-02 59 Below P/F Sw. Part Number: 180-5149-00 on Flipper 3: U206 DS-3 on Cabinet Side NOT USED MINI PF L.L. LEFT TOP LANE BOTTOM BUMPER LEFT SLINGSHOT GRY-ORG CN6-P4 Above P/F 180-5057-00 Mini-P/F 36 500-6227-02 44 Below P/F 180-5015-03 52 Above P/F 180-5054-00 (x2) 60 Below P/F Sw. Part Number: 180-5160-00 4: U206 DS-4 Below Playfield Sw. Part Number: 2: U400 2 180-5160-00 Coin Door 180-5116-01 10 Below P/F 180-5119-02 18 Above P/F WHT-RED CN7-P8 4TH COIN SLOT STANDUP SWORD LOCK MID Sw. Part Number: 3: U400 3 180-5204-00 Coin Door 515-6027-08 11 Below P/F 180-5119-02 19 Above P/F WHT-ORG CN7-P7 6TH COIN SLOT 4-BALL TROUGH #1 (LEFT) SWORD LOCK LOW Sw. Part Number: 4: U400 4 Future Use Coin Door 180-5119-02 12 Below P/F 180-5119-02 20 Below P/F WHT-YEL CN7-P6 RIGHT COIN SLOT 4-BALL TROUGH #2 RIGHT ORBIT LOW BALROG HIT MINI PF L.R. MIDDLE TOP LANE SPINNER RIGHT OUTLANE Sw. Part Number: 5: U401 5 180-5204-00 Coin Door 180-5119-02 13 Below P/F 500-6227-02 21 Above P/F 180-5119-00 29 Below P/F 180-5057-00 37 Below P/F 500-6227-02 45 Below P/F 180-5190-28 53 Below P/F 500-6227-02 61 Below P/F CENTER WHT-GRN COIN SLOT / CN7-P5 DBA 4-BALL TROUGH #3 RIGHT ORBIT HI PALANTIR LEFT ORBIT LOW RIGHT TOP LANE SPOT RING RIGHT RETURN LANE Sw. Part Number: 6: U401 6 180-5204-00 Coin Door 180-5119-02 14 Below P/F 180-5190-28 22 Above P/F 515-5162-08 30 Below P/F 500-6227-02 38 Below P/F 500-6227-02 46 Below P/F 515-5162-08 54 In Cabinet 500-6227-02 62 Below P/F Sw. Part Number: 6: U206 DS-6 WHT-BLU CN7-P3 LEFT COIN SLOT 4-BALL TROUGH VUK OPTO RAIL RAMP EXIT RIGHT VUK LEFT ORBIT HI TOP SAUCER START BUTTON RIGHT SLINGSHOT GRY-BLU CN6-P8 Sw. Part Number: 7: U401 7 180-5204-00 Coin Door See Sw. 14 Note 15 Below P/F 180-5197-00 23 Above P/F 180-5116-01 31 Below P/F 500-6227-02 39 Below P/F 180-5186-00 47 Back Panel 180-5174-00 55 In Cabinet 180-5054-00 (x2) 63 Sw. Part Number: 180-5192-02 7: U206 DS-7 on Coin Door WHT-VIO CN7-P2 5TH COIN SLOT 4-BALL STACKING OPTO RIGHT RAMP TARGET BALROG OPEN LEFT RAMP ENTER RING MADE TOURNAMENT START Sw. Part Number: 8: U401 8 515-6027-08 24 Above P/F 180-5119-02 32 Below P/F 500-6227-02 40 Above P/F See Sw. 47 Note 48 Back Panel 180-5174-00 56 In Cabinet SHOOTER LANE RIGHT RAMP MADE BALROG CLOSED LEFT RAMP MADE BACK TROUGH PLUMB BOB TILT 180-5157-00 180-5198-00 180-5119-02 180-5010-01 180-5057-00 See Sw. 56 Note WHT-GRY CN7-P1 Sw. Part Number: 021003 6:,7&+0$75,;*5,' '(',&$7('6:,7&+(6 1: Future Use See Sw. 15 Note Cabinet Side 16 Below P/F RT BUTTON (UK ONLY) 180-5160-00 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 27 28 D O T S NOT USED Sw. Part Number: 180-5160-00 2: U206 DS-2 Below Playfield GRY-RED CN6-P3 GRY-YEL CN6-P6 #2 LEFT FLIPPER E.O.S (End-of-Stroke) #3 RIGHT FLIPPER BUTTON #4 RIGHT FLIPPER E.O.S. (End-of-Stroke) Sw. Part Number: 180-5149-00 on Flipper 5: U206 DS-5 GRY-GRN CN6-P7 GRY-VIO CN6-P9 NOT USED on Coin Door #6 VOLUME (RED BUTTON) (In Test: LEFT) #7 SERV. CRED. (GREEN BUTTON) (In Test: RIGHT) Sw. Part Number: 180-5192-04 8: U206 DS-8 on Coin Door 64 NOT USED GRY-BLK CN6-P10 #8 BEGIN TEST (BLACK BUTTON) (In Test: ENTER) Sw. Part Number: 180-5192-00 *R7R 'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 6:,7&+0$75,;*5,'/2&$7,216 Switches 47 & 48 are located on the Back Panel (Sw. 47 are OPTO PCBs and Switch 48 is located on the Ball Trough). 9%DFNSDQHO6 To Playfield 0LQL8SSHU3OD\ILHOG: VKRZQPRYHGRIIWKH 0DLQ3OD\ILHOGIRUFODULW\ 7\SLFDO6ZLWFK:LULQJ 6FKHPDWLF 'HGLFDWHG6ZLWFK6FKHPDWLF '6 = Switches above Playfield. = Switches below Playfield. = Switches not on Playfield. Switch Part Notes: ¥ Yen Coin Switch is 180-5091-00. Part Numbers which start with 515- or 500- include the bracket, target, and/or housing. Sw. 14, 15, 41 & 47 Part Note: OPTO PC Boards are used as Switches: '6 Trans.: 515-0173-00 (Sw. 14 & 15); Receiver: 515-0174-00 (Sw. 14 &15); Transmitter 515-7307-00 (Sw. 41); Rec. 515-7308-00 (Sw. 41); Transmitter 500-6746-00 (Sw. 47); Receiver 500-6747-00 (Sw. 47); Sw. 56 Part Note: The Switch is comprised of a Hanger Bracket (535-5319-00) and Contact Wire (535-7563-01) located in the Cabinet. Some Switch Diodes may be located under the playfield, in the Cabinet or Backbox on Terminal Strips or Diode Boards and not on the assemblies. DOTS: D iode O n T erminal S trip, see Section 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Wiring. *R7R 'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX '6 '6 2SWLRQDO 7RXUQDPHQW .LW 5HTXLUHG 53OD\ILHOG 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF'LDJQRVWLFV *R7R&RL O0HQX D To initiate, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "COIL" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. The coils are listed in groups. Coils 01-16 are typically High Current Coils (although Low Current Coils may be used in these positions & will be noted). Coils 3$57,$/&2,/6'(7$,/('&+$57 17-32 are typically Low Current Coils. Flash Lamps are Drive Coil GA-Turn +LJK &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS Transistor or Bulb Type typically used in positions 25-32 (although may be used in any position & will be noted). Q1 26-1200 ! #1 TROUGH UP-KICKER ! ! Q3 26-1200 090-5044-00B ! 26-1200 Q4 090-5044-00B ! Q5 26-1200 090-5044-00B -480 ! Q6 20 090-5064-02 ! Q7 23-8000 090-5001-NL ! 22-1080 Q8 090-5032-00T 090-5044-00T 38// 287 WKH 3RZHU ,QWHUORFN 6ZLWFK IRU RSHUDWLRQ ZLWK WKH &RLQ 'RRU RSHQ #2 AUTO LAUNCH #3 LEFT VUK #4 TOP VUK #5 RIGHT VUK #6 RING MAGNET #7 RIGHT TOWER Q2 %$ Important: The Partial Coils Detailed Chart Table is used as a reference against the Coil & Flash Lamp Locations on the #8 LOOP DIVERTER D iode O n T erminal S trip (if noted) next page. For the complete Coils Detailed Chart Table, see +LJK &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS the reverse of the following page. The Chart is shown to compare against the Backbox I/O Power Driver Board #9 LEFT BUMPER Detailed Wiring Diagram (shown again in Sec. 5, Chapter 1, #10 RIGHT BUMPER Playfield Wiring. For more on troubleshooting and diagnosing, see Sec. 5, Chapter 4, Printed Circuit Boards. #11 BOTTOM BUMPER 6HF'LDJQRVWLFV 6LQJOH&RLO7H VW To initiate, from the COIL MENU, select the "TEST" Icon with either the Red or Green Buttons and press the Black Button. Ensure the Power Interlock Switch is pulled out. Select either the "-" or "+" Mini-Icons. Start with the "+" Mini-Icon to start the manual Single Coil Test from #1 (the test runs through all Coils and Flash Lamps #1-#32 & Optional UK Only Auxiliary Positions AUX 1-3). Press the Black Button on the "+" Mini-Icon, as each coil is selected, the display will describe the Coil or Flash Lamp Name with the corresponding number, the wire with colors, the "Pin-Outs" from the I/O Power Driver Board, the Coil Voltage and Gauge-Turns (e.g. 23-800). Press the Black Button again to move forward in the test. To test and view a particular Coil or Flash Lamp, select the "RUN" Mini-Icon and press the Black Button. Each time the Black Button is pushed, the Coil or Flash Lamp will fire on the Playfield and/or Backbox, with the display indicating the Coil or Flash Lamp information. Continue with the same procedure to run through the entire test. &\FOLQJ&RLO7HVW Q9 ! 090-5044-00T #12 NOT USED Q12 #13 ORBIT PIN #14 FLASH: HELMS DEEP RT Q13 26-1200 090-5044-00B Q14 #906 Bulb #15 LEFT FLIPPER (50v RED/YEL) Q15 ! ! 22-900 ! Q16 090-5020-20T 165-5004-00 #16 RIGHT FLIPPER (50v RED/YEL) /RZ &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS 22-900 090-5020-20T Drive Coil GA-Turn Transistor or Bulb Type #19 TOP SAUCER ! ! 090-5001-00T ! 26-1200 Q19 090-5044-00B #20 BALROG MOTOR RELAY Q20 #21 SWORD LOCK RELEASE #22 BALROG MOTOR Q21 27-1500 090-5004-00T Motor Q22 #23 FLASH: HELMS DEEP LT Q23 #906 Bulb #24 OPTIONAL COIL Q24 Opt. 5v Q17 23-8000 090-5001-00T Q18 23-8000 #17 LEFT SLINGSHOT #18 RIGHT SLINGSHOT DC Relay ! 520-5066-00 041-5088-01 /RZ &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS 165-5004-00 Drive Coil GA-Turn Transistor or Bulb Type #25 FLASH: POPS X3 $X[LOLDU\ 8. 21/< Q25 #906 Bulb Q26 #906 Bulb Q27 #906 Bulb 165-5004-00 165-5004-00 165-5004-00 Q28 Q29 #906 Red Q30 165-5004-02 #906 Bulb 165-5004-00 Q31 165-5000-89 Q32 165-5000-89 #89 Bulb #89 Bulb Drive Transistor Coil GA-Turn AUX 1: LEFT UP/DOWN POST AUX 2: CENTER UP/DOWN POST AUX 3: RIGHT UP/DOWN POST 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH ! ! ! 090-5044-00T 26-1200 Q10 26-1200 090-5044-00T Q11 26-1200 #32 FLASH: BALROG ! 090-5036-00T Drive Coil GA-Turn Transistor or Bulb Type To initiate, from the COIL MENU, select the "CYC" #26 FLASH: RING Icon with either the Red or Green Buttons and press the Black Button. If still in a previous test, #27 FLASH: BACK PANEL select the "PREV" Mini-Icon to return to COIL MENU or #28 NOT USED select either of the "<<" or ">>" Mini-Icons to move to Cycling Coil Test (selecting again will return to Coil Test). #29 FLASH: RINGWRAITH The test pulses each regular Coil or Flash Lamp sequentially #30 FLASH: SWORD (cycling) on the Playfield and in the Backbox (if Coils are used). The display indicates CYCLING COILS. #31 FLASH: DESTROY THE RING Coil Note: Either -00B or -00T can be used for coil replacements. B/T listed is preferable for easier diode access & may differ on game. 24-9400 ! ! Q2 090-5030-00T ! Q3 26-1200 090-5044-00T Q1 26-1200 090-5044-00T 23-1100 *R7R 'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX Coil Q6 (Magnet), Flashers 26 & 27 are located on the Back Panel. &2,/ )/$6+/$03/2&$7,216 &OHDU W%DFNSDQHO &OHDU To Playfield &OHDU &OHDU &OHDU W4 )ODVK/DPS LQVLGH %DOURJ &OHDU 5HG 5HG 5HG 0RWRU 6HH 3DJH IRU EHWWHU YLHZV W3OD\ILHOG 5HG &OHDU 7\SLFDO&RLO:LULQJ $QRGH 1RQ %DQGHG 6LGH 'ULYH 7UDQVLVWRU &OHDU 5HOD\ 1N4004 &DWKRGH %DQGHG 6LGH 3RZHU 6XSSO\ 9ROWDJH %XOE7\SHVXVHGIRU)ODVK/DPSV $X[ $X[ #89 Bulb #906 Bulb (Bayonet) 165-5000-89 (Wedge Base) 165-5004-00 <HOORZ <HOORZ $X[ = Coils / Flash Lamps above Playfield. = Coils / Flash Lamps below Playfield. = Coils / Flash Lamps not on Playfield. &RORU = Color of Mini-Mars of Flash Lamp Bulb. Some Coil or Flash Lamp Diodes may be located under the playfield, in the Cabinet or Backbox on Terminal Strips or Diode Boards and not on the assemblies. DOTS: D iode O n T erminal S trip See Section 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Wiring. Coil Q24 is Optional. If either a Coin Meter, Token Dispenser or Knocker (all optional equipment) is required, call Technical Support for more information, 1-800-542-5377 or 1-708-345-7700. *R7R 'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF'LDJQRVWLFV ,Q &2,/ 0(18 DOVR VHOHFW &<&/,1* &2,/ 7(67 +LJK &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS &2,/6'(7$,/('&+$577$%/( Drive Driver Transistor Ouput Board D #1 TROUGH UP-KICKER Q1 #2 AUTO LAUNCH Q2 #3 LEFT VUK Q3 #4 TOP VUK Q4 #5 RIGHT VUK Q5 #6 RING MAGNET #7 RIGHT TOWER #8 LOOP DIVERTER Q6 %$ Q7 5 I/O Power Driver 6 Q8 D iode O n T erminal S trip (if noted) +LJK &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS #9 LEFT BUMPER Drive Driver Transistor Ouput Board Q9 #10 RIGHT BUMPER Q10 #11 BOTTOM BUMPER Q11 6HF'LDJQRVWLFV #12 NOT USED Q12 #13 ORBIT PIN Q13 #14 FLASH: HELMS DEEP RT Q14 #15 LEFT FLIPPER (50v RED/YEL) Q15 #16 RIGHT FLIPPER (50v RED/YEL) Q16 /RZ &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS I/O Power Driver 6 Drive Driver Transistor Ouput Board #17 LEFT SLINGSHOT Q17 #18 RIGHT SLINGSHOT Q18 #19 TOP SAUCER Q19 #20 BALROG MOTOR RELAY Q20 #21 SWORD LOCK RELEASE Q21 #22 BALROG MOTOR Q22 #23 FLASH: HELMS DEEP LT Q23 #24 OPTIONAL COIL Q24 /RZ &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS 5 5 I/O Power Driver 6 Drive Driver Transistor Ouput Board #25 FLASH: POPS X3 Q25 #26 FLASH: RING Q26 #27 FLASH: BACK PANEL Q27 #28 NOT USED Q28 #29 FLASH: RINGWRAITH Q29 #30 FLASH: SWORD Q30 #31 FLASH: DESTROY THE RING Q31 5 I/O Power Driver 6 Power Line Color Power Line Connection Power Voltage Drive Transistor Control Line Color J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-VIO J8-P8 J10-P1/2 50v DC BRN-GRY J8-P9 Drive Transistor Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect Coil GA-Turn or Bulb Type BLU-BRN J9-P1 J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-BLK J8-P1 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-RED J8-P3 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-ORG J8-P4 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-YEL J8-P5 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-GRN J8-P6 VIO-YEL J10-P3 BRN-BLU J8-P7 YEL-VIO GRY-YEL~3A Fuse~YEL-VIO AUX 1: LEFT UP/DOWN POST ! Drive Driver Transistor Ouput Board Coil GA-Turn or Bulb Type ! 24-9400 ! 090-5036-00T 26-1200 ! 090-5044-00B 26-1200 ! 090-5044-00B 26-1200 ! 090-5044-00B 20 -480 ! 090-5064-02 23-8000 ! 090-5001-NL 22-1080 ! 090-5032-00T YEL-VIO 50v DC Power Line Color Power Line Connection Power Voltage YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC 26-1200 090-5044-00T ! ! 090-5044-00T 26-1200 ! 090-5044-00T 26-1200 090-5044-00T 26-1200 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BLU-RED J9-P2 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BLU-ORG J9-P4 BLU-YEL J9-P5 J7-P1 BLU-GRN J9-P6 26-1200 #906 Bulb BRN ORG GRY-YEL~3A Fuse~RED-YEL BLU-YEL~3A Fuse~RED-YEL J6-P10 20v DC ! 090-5044-00B 50v DC BLU-BLK J9-P7 J10-P1/2 50v DC ORG-GRY J9-P8 J10-P1/2 50v DC ORG-VIO J9-P9 ! 22-900 ! 090-5020-20T Coil GA-Turn or Bulb Type 165-5004-00 22-900 090-5020-20T Power Line Color Power Line Connection Power Voltage Drive Transistor Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-BRN J7-P2 BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-RED J7-P3 BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-ORG J7-P4 ! 23-8000 ! 090-5001-00T 26-1200 ! 090-5044-00B BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-YEL J7-P6 DC Relay BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-GRN J7-P7 27-1500 BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-BLU J7-P8 23-8000 090-5001-00T ! 520-5066-00 090-5004-00T Motor 041-5088-01 ORG J6-P10 20v DC VIO-BLK J7-P9 #906 Bulb RED J16-P7 5v DC VIO-GRY J7-P10 Opt. 5v Power Line Color Power Line Connection Power Voltage Drive Transistor Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect 165-5004-00 Coil GA-Turn or Bulb Type ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-BRN J6-P1 #906 Bulb ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-RED J6-P2 #906 Bulb ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-ORG J6-P3 #906 Bulb BLK-YEL J6-P4 165-5004-00 165-5004-00 165-5004-00 #906 Red ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-GRN J6-P5 ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-BLU J6-P6 165-5004-02 #906 Bulb 165-5004-00 ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-VIO J6-P7 165-5000-89 ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-GRY Q32 #32 FLASH: BALROG 1RWH ,Q 7HVW )ODVK /DPSV 0HQX )ODVK ,FRQ )ODVKHUV WHVWHG DUH DOO )ODVK /DPSV ORFDWHG EHWZHHQ 44 7KLV *DPH 4 4 $X[LOLDU\ 8. 21/< D.T. Control Line Connect Power Line Color Power Line Connection Power Voltage Drive Transistor Control Line Color J6-P8 #89 Bulb #89 Bulb 165-5000-89 44 44 D.T. Control Line Connect Coil GA-Turn 26-1200 ! ! ! WHT J2-P3 BRN J7-P1 20v DC UK 3X 090-5044-00T Trans. 23-1100 BRN J7-P1 RED J2-P4 20v DC AUX 2: CENTER UP/DOWN POST Q2 090-5030-00T Driver 26-1200 BRN J7-P1 ORG J2-P7 Q3 20v DC AUX 3: RIGHT UP/DOWN POST Board 090-5044-00T Coil Note: Either -00B or -00T can be used for coil replacements. B/T listed is preferable for easier diode access & may differ on game. ! 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH Q1 *R7R 'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX Backbox I/O Power Driver Board Detailed Wiring Diagram #906 #25 Flash: Pop Bumper X3 Clear Bulb 4 #28 Not Used #906 #29 Flash: Rt. Rp. Ring Wraith 6 7 8 Q32 BRDG 2 #906 #30 Flash: Sword Clear Bulb X1 BLK-BLU #89 BLK-VIO #89 #32 Flash: Balrog Clear Bulb X1 BLK-GRY J17P7 I/O BD. Q17 J7 1 BRN 20V DC LOW POWER . BRN #17 Left Slingshot BLU-WHT F7 Q18 J17P8 I/O BD. BRIDGE 20 FROM BLU-WHT FROM LAMP COLUMNS 10 Q24 +18v DC VIO-ORG 26-1200 J8 1 F22 VIO-YEL VIO-GRN #21 Sword Lock Release 27-1500 #22 Balrog Motor On/Off VIO-BLU #906 #23 Flash: Helm's Deep Left Clear Bulb X1 VIO-BLK (VIO-GRY) OPTIONAL BRN-BLK 26-1200 Q1 3 Q2 4 Q3 Q1-Q16 STP20N10L 110-0106-00 Note: All Coils require diodes. Some diodes may be located on Terminal Strips & not on the coil itself. J8 Q17-Q32 TIP122 110-0067-00 D iode On T erminal S trip 5 Q4 6 Q5 7 Q6 For the Playfield Terminal Strips, Fuses & Misc. Wiring Descriptions & Locations, see Section 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Wiring. For the General Illumination (G.I.) Circuit Detailed Wiring Diagram, see Sec. 5, Chp. 2, Playfield Wiring. 8 Q7 9 Q8 J9 1 Q9 2 Q10 4 Q11 J11P3 I/O BD. BRIDGE 1 50V HIGH CURRENT COILS F6 FROM BLK-YEL AC Voltages IN 48v AC J9 7A Slo-Blo GND 5 Q12 6 Q13 3A Slo-Blo 7 Q14 BRDG 1 F21 J11P2 I/O BD. 3A Slo-Blo FOR MAGNET FROM BLK-ORG AC Voltages IN 48v AC Go To Diagnostics Menu F20 8 Q15 9 Q16 J10 1, 2 J10 3 4, 5 #19 Top Saucer #20 Balrog Motor Relay Rev. Optional BLU 8A Slo-Blo J17P9 I/O BD. 9 Q23 Transformer 13v AC 8 Q22 J13P10 I/O BD. BRDG 20 7 Q21 CONTROLLED LAMPS GND 6 Q20 23-800 BRN-RED 24-940 BRN-ORG 26-1200 BRN-YEL 26-1200 BRN-GRN 26-1200 BRN-BLU Diode on Terminal Strip BRN-VIO 23-800 BRN-GRY 22-1080 BLU-BRN 26-1200 BLU-RED 26-1200 BLU-ORG 26-1200 #24 Optional Coil #1 Trough Up-Kicker #2 Auto Launch BLU-GRN #906 BLU-BLK 26-1200 ORG-GRY 22-900 ORG-VIO 22-900 3 4 2 1 BLU N.C. COMM. N.O. N.C. KEY COMM. FROM ORG Low Power 20v DC J6P10 I/O BD. J16P8 I/O BD. FROM RED Power Out +5v DC #4 Top VUK #5 Right VUK MAGNET #6 Ring Magnet BLK 202-480 BLK #7 Right Tower In Connector #8 Inner Loop Diverter (Flip. Coil) #9 Left Bumper #10 Right Bumper #11 Bottom Bumper #13 Orbit Pin #14 Flash: Helm's Deep Rt. Clear Bulb X1 5 N.O. #3 Left VUK #12 Not Used BLU-YEL 3 ide 13v AC VIO-RED #18 Right Slingshot 4 tS J7 Transformer 4 Q19 23-800 Do FROM BLU-WHT 3 VIO-BRN 7 (On/Off) VIO-BLU 2 6 (Reverse) VIO-YEL ORG 20V DC LOW POWER . Transformer 5A Slo-Blo (SPI: 520-5066-00) BRN 10 RED-WHT 16v AC DC Bi-Directional Relay Board #31 Flash: Destroy The Ring Clear Bulb X1 (SPI: 041-5088-01) Q29 BLK-GRN X1 S J17P6 I/O BD. BLK-YEL Red Bulb 5 Q31 16v AC #27 Flash: Back Panel Right Balrog 20v DC Motor Q28 WHT-RED Transformer BLK-ORG X1 Clear Bulb 3 Q30 FROM GND #906 Q26 J6 #26 Flash: Back Panel Ring Clear Bulb X1 BLK-RED FROM GRY-YEL VIO-YEL High Power 50v DC J10P3 I/O BD. 3A Slo-Blo FROM BRN Low Power 20v DC J7P1 I/O BD. FROM ORG Low Power 20v DC J6P10 I/O BD. #15 Left Flipper GRY-YEL #16 Right Flipper BLU-YEL 3A Slo-Blo 3A Slo-Blo RED-YEL 50V DC HIGH POWER . YEL-VIO 50V DC HIGH POWER . Section 3, Chapter 2 Page 21 Sec. 3: ... Diagnostics 2 Q27 FROM #906 Q25 Partial View I/O Power Driver Board 520-5137-01 BRIDGE 2 20V LOW CURRENT COILS BLK-BRN X3 These coil Fuses are located under playfield NEAR assembly, see Section 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Wiring. J6 1 *R7R/D PS0HQX To initiate, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "LAMP" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Controlled lamps are configured in and 8 x 10 Matrix of Columns (Lamp Drives) and Rows (Lamp Returns) with up to 80 lamps possible. The Lamp Test Menu consists of four (4) parts: Single Lamp Test, Test All Lamps, Row Lamp Test & Column Lamp Test. D 6LQJOH/DPS7HVW To initiate, from the LAMP MENU, select the "ONE" Icon with either the Red or Green Buttons and press the Black Button. Select either the "-" or "+" Mini-Icons. Start with the "+" Mini-Icon to start the manual Single Lamp Test from Column 1, Row 1, Switch 1. Press the Black Button on the "+" Mini-Icon, as each lamp is selected, the lamp will light at it’s location on the playfield as well as the display, indicating the Lamp Matrix Grid Position (below), lamp name with the corresponding number, Return (Row) Wire & Color, Drive (Column) Wire & Color, and associated drive transistors. Press the Black Button again to move forward in the test. To test and view a particular lamp, select the "RUN" Mini-Icon and press the Black Button. Each time the Black Button is pushed, the lamp will light-up on the playfield, with the display indicating the lamp information. Continue with the same procedure to run through the entire test. 7HVW$OO/DPSV To initiate, from the LAMP MENU, select the "ALL" Icon with either the Red or Green Buttons and press the Black Button. If still in Single Lamp Test (or any 1 of the 4 tests), select the "PREV" Mini-Icon to return to LAMP MENU or select either of the "<<" or ">>" Mini-Icons to move through the tests, keep activating until Test All Lamps is displayed. The display will indicate ALL LAMPS ON and the lamps on the playfield will be lit, alternating between the rows in the Lamp Matrix Grid. 5 RZ &ROX PQ/DPS7HV WV 6HF'LDJQRVWLFV To initiate, from the LAMP MENU, select the "ROW" or "COL" Icon with either the Red or Green Buttons and press the Black Button. If still in a previous test, select the "PREV" Mini-Icon to return to LAMP MENU or select either of the "<<" or ">>" Mini-Icons to move through the tests, keep activating until Row or Column Lamp Test (whichever desired) is displayed. In this test, each set of lamps in each Row or Column of the Lamp Matrix Grid (respective to each test) will light-up on the playfield and is indicated in the display. &ROXPQ Y 5RZ *URXQG 1: Q33 /$030$75,;*5,' 1: YEL-BRN J13-P9 1 RED-BRN J12-P1 2: Q34 Q35 9 Q36 17 Q37 Q38 33 Q39 41 Q40 49 Q41 18 #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 57 #555 Bulb #44 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb GIFT OF THE ELVES 34 #555 Bulb L RAMP MAN RING 42 #555 Bulb 50 #555 Bulb R RAMP MAN RING 58 #555 Bulb 11 #44 Bulb 4 #555 Bulb 19 #555 Bulb 12 #555 Bulb 20 #555 Bulb 28 #555 Bulb 36 #555 Bulb 44 #555 Bulb #44 Bulb 21 #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 60 29 #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 37 #555 Bulb 14 #555 Bulb 22 #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb LIGHT SPECIAL 38 #555 Bulb C LOOP MAN RING 46 #555 Bulb R ORBIT MAN RING 54 LOCK #555 Bulb U11 #555 Bulb 7 8: 15 #555 Bulb 8 #44 Bulb 16 #555 Bulb 24 #555 Bulb 32 #555 Bulb 40 55 #555 Bulb 48 56 TOWER #44 Bulb 69 #44 Bulb POTD L.L. 70 #44 Bulb 71 #555 Bulb R ORBIT ELF RING #555 Bulb FLIPPER #555 Grn. Bulb 61 #555 Grn. Bulb 62 #555 Grn. Bulb 63 #555 Grn. Bulb 64 POTD U.R. #555 Bulb C LOOP ELF RING R ORBIT DWARF RING LANES #555 Bulb 2X SCORING C LOOP DWARF RING 47 #555 Bulb SPOT RING SUPER RING FRENZY 39 #555 Bulb GIMLI PALANTIR GLOBE 31 #555 Bulb SHOOT AGAIN LEGOLES 23 U10 YEL-GRY J13-P1 THE RETURN OF THE KING PALANTIR 30 MERRY ARROW 53 #555 Bulb 7: YEL-VIO J13-P3 GANDALF GANDALF ARROW 45 U12 THE TWO TOWERS BIG POINTS POTD U.L. 68 6 MODE START R RAMP ELF RING OR ( C ) 67 #44 Bulb 6: YEL-BLU J13-P4 FRODO SPECIAL 52 R RAMP DWARF RING 59 13 L RAMP ELF RING GOLLUM MULTIBALL 51 #555 Bulb 5 RING MULTIBALL L RAMP DWARF RING 43 #555 Bulb U13 THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING DESTROY RING LIGHT EXTRA BALL 35 #555 Bulb 5: YEL-GRN J13-P5 ARAGORN FRODO ARROW 27 U14 KEE ( P ) SAM O(R)C 66 4: YEL-BLK J13-P6 KE ( E ) P EXTRA BALL ( O ) RC 65 #555 Bulb 3 MYSTERY 26 ARAGORN ARROW RED-GRY J12-P9 9: #555 Bulb #555 Bulb U15 YEL-ORG J13-P7 MERRY GIMLI ARROW RED-VIO J12-P8 8: 10 LEGOLES ARROW RED-BLU J12-P6 7: #555 Bulb 3: K ( E ) EP PIPPIN ARROW RED-GRN J12-P5 6: #555 Bulb 2 BOROMIR 25 RED-YEL J12-P4 5: #555 Bulb U16 YEL-RED J13-P8 PIPPIN RED-ORG J12-P3 4: #555 Bulb 2: ( K ) EEP RED-BLK J12-P2 3: U17 #44 Bulb POTD L.R. SHOOTER LANE #1 BOT #44 Bulb 72 #44 Bulb RED-WHT SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE J12-P10 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 TOP 10: Q42 RED J12-P11 73 #44 Bulb ESCAPE THE RINGWRAITHS 74 #44 Bulb GANDALF VS SARUMAN 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 75 #44 Bulb WARG ATTACK 76 #44 Bulb WAR OF THE ENTS 77 #44 Bulb BATTLE WITH SHELOB 78 #44 Bulb DESTROY THE WITCH-KING 79 #555 Bulb TOURNAMENT BUTTON 80 #555 Bulb START BUTTON *R7R 'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX /$030$75,;*5,'/2&$7,216 Lamps 60-63 & 73-78 are located on the Back Panel. 5%DFNSDQHO To Playfield 5%DFNSDQHO 93OD\ILHOG 5(' <(/ -XXX -XXX Diode 1N4001 %XOE7\SHVXVHGIRU/DPSV 9 #555 Bulb (Wedge, Green) #555 Bulb (Wedge, Clear) 165-5054-04 7\SLFDO/DPS:LULQJ 6FKHPDWLF : : #44 Bulb (Bayonet) 165-5000-44 165-5000-44 = Lamps above Playfield. = Lamps below Playfield. 2SWLRQDO 7RXUQDPHQW .LW 5HTXLUHG *R7R 'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX = Lamps not on Playfield. Lamp Part Notes: #555 Bulb Clear = 165-5002-00. #555 Bulb Green = 165-5054-04 . #44 Bulb Clear = 165-5000-44. See Section 4, Chapter 1, Parts Identification & Location, Pages 72-74 for more details on bulbs and corresponding sockets. Some Lamp Diodes may be located under the playfield, in the Cabinet or Backbox on Terminal Strips and not on or with the Lamp Socket. DOTS: D iode O n T erminal S trip, see Section 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Wiring. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF'LDJQRVWLFV 7HVW)OD VK/DPSV D To initiate, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "FLASH" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. After selecting this Icon the display will indicate CYCLING FLASHERS. The Flash Lamps will 38// 287 WKH 3RZHU ,QWHUORFN 6ZLWFK cycle continuously until the test is exited. This test allows the technician IRU RSHUDWLRQ ZLWK WKH &RLQ 'RRU RSHQ to easily spot any burned-out bulbs and replace them. Flashers tested are Flash Lamps in Positions: Q1-Q32 and in this game Flash Lamp(s) are : Q14, Q23, Q25-Q27 & Q29-Q32. &OHD U%D OO 7URX JK To initiate, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "CLR" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. This Menu is provided to allow the technician a simple method of removing the balls from the 38// 287 WKH 3RZHU ,QWHUORFN 6ZLWFK trough and also, to test functionality of the trough, ensuring proper trough IRU RSHUDWLRQ ZLWK WKH &RLQ 'RRU RSHQ operation. After selecting this Icon the display will show a graphic of the ball trough with balls in the trough with it’s corresponding switch number. Select the "RUN" Mini-Icon to eject the ball in the first position. Simultaneously, the display and the playfield will eject the ball to the Trough Up-Kicker, eject from the Trough Up-Kicker into the Shooter Lane and will be ejected onto the playfield where the technician can easily retrieve the pinball or allow the ball(s) to re-enter the trough to continue Clear Ball Trough Test. CAUTION: Continuous use of above test may overheat the Trough Up-Kicker Coil. 7HFK QL FL DQ$O HUW V To initiate, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "TECH" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. This Menu is provided to show any switch problems and/or missing pinballs. 6HF'LDJQRVWLFV After selecting this Icon, and if any of the below criteria is met, the display will indicate any or all of the following categories: POSSIBLY BROKEN SWITCH, CHECK SWITCHES and/or HYPERSENSITIVE SWITCH (Sw. #16, Shooter Lane, is used as an example). If more than one switch is reported, the Switch Number and Name will cycle within the category, and then will cycle the categories. To return to the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "PREV" Mini-Icon and press the Black "ENTER" Button. 6ZLWFK'HWHFWLRQ During game play, activation of switches are monitored. In programming, every switch is given a minimum & maximum value based on the game. The switches are monitored every 5 minutes of game play with a "sliding window" of 15 minutes. If a switch is determined to be faulty, game play is compensated. x Switches noted as POSSIBLY BROKEN SWITCH should be checked, then adjusted or replaced. Important: A switch reported as "possibly broken" may actually be an unused switch due to lack of usage and not because they’re broken. This can happen, if a switch is located in a "hard" shot position, and the players are not making the shot. Game programming will still compensate for this unplayed switch. x Switches noted as CHECK SWITCHES are determined to be stuck closed or open depending on switch usage. Free up the switch actuator adjust or replace if necessary. x Switches noted as HYPERSENSTIVE SWITCH means just that, the switch should be readjusted or replace if necessary. Determination of switch usage can be checked in Audits (review Section 3, Chapter 3, GO TO AUDITS MENU). Find the associated Audit with the switch in question and check usage; compare it to commonly used switches for comparison. After any switch is checked and repaired or replaced, it’s suggested to test the switch in the PLAY TEST MENU (see the next page) or Single Coil Test (reviewed earlier in this chapter, Page 18) where the associated coil to the switch can be tested as well. After correcting the problem, the switch will still be reported until the game is played and the switch is again monitored as specified above. Only you can determine if a switch getting reported is bad or if the switch is currently not getting actuated during game play. Technicians Alerts continued on the next page. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH *R7R 'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 7H FK QLFLDQ$OH UWV&RQWLQX HG 3LQEDOO'HWHFWLRQ While in Technician Alerts Menu, if the following is displayed, the game has detected one (1) or more pinball(s) missing and has compensated for the lost pinball(s) to provide normal game play. Important: Determine where the pinball is! Do not add pinball(s) until it is determined the pinball(s) are indeed missing & not just stuck. If pinball(s) are added, & if the original stuck pinball has freed itself, the pinball game will not operate properly with the extra pinball(s). When the pinball is recovered, the above display will not appear the next time Technician Alerts is visited (a game must be played for the pinball to be determined as found). During game play, a ball can get trapped or stuck. If after approximately 15 seconds of inactivity or "no scoring," Ball Search is started. Note: If the pinball is in the Plunger Lane or "held" on the flipper, no Ball Search will be performed. The game will perform one Ball Search in an attempt to "find" or free-up the pinball. If the game does not see a switch closure (indicating the pinball has not been found), this display will appear with a count-down timer of 20 seconds, during which Ball Search will continue until the timer runs out (this feature will not happen if the game is in Competition Mode; Ball Search will continue until the pinball is found, unstuck and/or replaced manually). The display will momentarily acknowledge the missing pinball(s). The game will provide another pinball into play and will compensate for the lost pinball. Game play will appear normal. 7HFK5HSRUW$OHUW2SWLRQ This game has the capability of automatically alerting the operator upon Power-Up and/or opening the Coin Door if any switch problems and/or missing pinballs has occurred. Review Section 3, Chapter 4, GO TO ADJUSTMENTS MENU, Standard Adjustments. The Standard Adjustment to change is 49. The default for this feature is NEVER. The options are: POWERUP, COIN DOOR or POWERUP AND COIN DOOR. Upon Power-Up (Game Reset) and/or opening the Coin Door (depending on the option selected), this display will flash three (3) times along with an audible sound. To find out the problem, enter this Technicians Alert Menu and wait for the displays. Note: Coils are not reported in Technician Alerts, h o w e v e r, if a faulty switch is the culprit, the switch will then be reported. The below display is shown momentarily during Game Mode or Power-Up to alert the operator of a coil malfunction (coil doesn’t energize or coil fires a multiple number of times). " OPERATOR ALERT! " works by monitoring any switch activated coil that has the potential to trap a ball when disabled (e.g. in the Auto Launch, Scoop, Eject, etc.). This alert can also appear if a switch associated with a coil (example shown is #2 Auto Launch) is stuck closed (caused by a switch jam or stuck ball); the CPU/Sound Board will activate the coil approximately ten times and if the switch remains closed, the game will report this switch in Technician Alerts as CHECK SWITCHES. The display alert " PLEASE CHECK TECH REPORT " will be shown (o n l y i f POWERUP, COIN DOOR or POWERUP AND COIN DOOR is selected in Standard Adjustment 49). 6HU YLFH3KRQH To initiate, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "SERV" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. After selecting this Icon the display will indicate a phone number to call if technical assistance is required (In USA Code: 1-800-KICKERS). %HJLQ3OD\7HVW To initiate, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "PLAY" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. After selecting this Icon the technician can test certain play functions to insure all switch activated 38// 287 WKH 3RZHU ,QWHUORFN 6ZLWFK coils function without entering game play. For example, by rolling the ball IRU RSHUDWLRQ ZLWK WKH &RLQ 'RRU RSHQ over the Shooter Lane switch, the Autoplunger should fire. If it kicks to early or too late, the switch actuator should be adjusted to compensate for this error. If it fails to fire, use the Switch Test or Coil Test to help determine the cause of the failure. During this Play Test, check all coil assemblies with related switches in the game. For unique Game Test(s), select the "Ring" Icon in the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, reviewed on Pages 27-28. *R7R 'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF'LDJQRVWLFV Note: This detection and compensation will happen with every pinball, if each suffers the same fate of a ball trap. If all balls get trapped, the game cannot be played or started until the situation is rectified. )LUH.QRFNHU To initiate, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "KNOCKER" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. The digitally mastered "Knocker" is sounded. 6RXQG6SHDNHU7HVW D To initiate, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "SPKR" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. The BSMT 2000 Sound System produces true digital stereo sound from Backbox & Cabinet Speakers or "Mono" on the Cabinet Speaker (when used by itself). After selecting this Icon, select the "-" or "+" Mini-Icons and press the Black "ENTER" Button to activate the first test. Repeat to visually see & hear all tests. Select the "RUN" Mini-Icon to activate the test chosen without moving to the next test. Note: During Sound Tests, the display shows the speaker identification and the corresponding sound(s). The sound functions allow verification that both channels are functioning properly & that the speaker connections are correct. 6SHDNHU3KDVH7HVWLQJ Connections to each of speakers are polarized and each must be connected appropriately for the best quality sound. If one speaker has the positive and negative connections reversed with respect to the other one, bass frequencies will not be produced properly and the overall sound quality will be poor. To test for proper speaker phasing, use the sound test to cycle through the Backbox & Cabinet, and Backbox Sine (repeated) functions. If the Cabinet Sine produces more volume and bass than the Left Sine, the speakers are connected properly. If it produces the same or less, one speaker is connected improperly. To isolate and correct reversed speaker connections, one of two methods may be used. 6HF'LDJQRVWLFV 1. Check each speaker for polarity markings. If the speakers have polarity markings, verify that the Backbox Speaker RED-WHT Wire and the Cabinet Speaker YEL-WHT Wire is connected to the negative (-) terminal. 2. Disconnect the speaker output connector from the CPU / Sound Board and connect a 1.5-volt battery across each speaker pair one at a time while observing the speakers. Make sure the positive battery terminal is connected to the positive lead (CN4, Pin-3 (RED-BLK) or Pin-6 (YEL-BLK)) each time. As the connection is made, check speaker cone movement; proper connections are indicated by outward movement. $XWR 0DQXDO 7HVWV Note: For ROM Usage (Summary Table) & Locations, see Page # Speaker Test : in the "Find-It-In-Front: Dr. Sound/OPSYS EPROM (Loc. U7) Pinball Section". Voice ROMs Voice ROMs: 1 (U17) 2 (U21) 3 (U36) 4 (U37) (U17, U21, U36 and/or U37) which are 8MB must have a Jumper at W6 on the CPU/Sound Board to function properly. 6RXQGV 3URGXFHG Tone Level 1-3+ (Music Test) Speech Pattern 1-3+ %HJLQ%X UQ,Q To initiate, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "BURN" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. After selecting this Icon the Begin Burn-In Test will start. At this stage the game will exercise all CPU I/O Functions (Dot Matrix Display Test, Coil Testing, Lamp Testing, Sound..., etc.). This is provided to constantly exercise sounds, coils, etc... Cumulative Burn-In minutes will be displayed. Note: To reset Burn-In minutes to 00 see Section 3, Chapter 6, GO TO RESET MENU, Factory Reset. Caution: Performing a Factory Reset will reset all other information as well. ' R W 0 DW UL [7H V W To initiate, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "DOT TEST" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. After selecting this Icon the Dot Matrix Test immediately begins. Note: Pressing any button will exit the test & return to DIAGNOSTICS MENU. The display will immediately illuminate & cycle for 1 pass of each test continuously for each of the following: 7HVW 7HVW Illuminates 1 vertical column of dots, turning it off & illuminating the next column, until each column has been individually lit, while the other columns are off. Illuminates 1 horizontal row of dots, turning it off & illuminating the next row, until each row has been individually lit, while the other rows are off. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH *R7R 'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 'RW0DWUL[7HV W&RQWLQX HG 7HVW 7HVW Illuminates all the dots, except for one column from left to right. Illuminates all the dots, except for one row from top to bottom. 7HVW Illuminates every other dot lit, in both the rows and columns. Note: Pressing the Red, Green, Black or Flipper Buttons will exit the test & return to DIAGNOSTICS MENU. 'RW0DWUL['LVSOD\([SODLQHG The board is controlled by a 6809E Microprocessor and its personality ROM (Unique to the Game). It receives Data, Reset & Clock Information from the CPU/Sound Board via the ribbon cable and sends back multiple Status and Busy Signals to the CPU. This is to insure synchronized communication between the CPU and the Display Controller Board. The Drivers for the rows and columns are provided on 5 surface mounted integrated circuits on the Dot Matrix Display Driver Board. /2 757HVW V To initiate, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "LOTR" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. 38// 287 WKH 3RZHU ,QWHUORFN 6ZLWFK IRU RSHUDWLRQ ZLWK WKH &RLQ 'RRU RSHQ This will bring up the LOTR TESTS MENU, with the "RING" Icon (RING MAGNET TEST) flashing. This Sub-Menu is used to test the operation of the Ring OPTO Switches, Back Panel Trough Switch & Spinner (Center Ramp) Switch and the Magnet Coil Operation ("RING" Icon); 19-LEDs (these are not Controlled Lamps) ("LED" Icon); Balrog Open, Close & Bash Switches and the Balrog Motor Operation ("BROG" Icon). To initiate, from the LOTR TESTS MENU, select one of the 3 Icons with either the Red or Green Buttons and press the Black Button. After finishing the Test, select the "PREV" Icon to return to the Sub-Menu or select either of the ">>" Icon to slip between the 3 Testing Menus. 5LQJ0DJQH W7HV W Selecting the "RING" Icon will bring up the RING MAGNET TEST MENU with the "+" Mini-Icon flashing and the Magnet Test set to OFF. These tests are provided to allow a method of testing the Ring Made (OPTOs) (Sw. 47), Back Trough (Sw. 48), Spinner (Sw. 52), and Ring Magnet (Q6) operation. Switches 47, 48 & 52 are in a Normally Open state. Select and activate the "+" Mini-Icon to cycle between the two (2) Magnet Tests: GRAB AND DROP (ball will release forward) or GRAB AND THROW (ball will enter the Back Panel to test the Back Trough Switch). With ball-in-hand, roll onto the Center Ramp. As the Spinner (Sw. 52) is closed, the * box will turn solid 2; the ball should launch into the Magnet Ring. The Magnet (Q6) is then pulsed, grabbing the ball and either will drop it forwards or throw it backwards (depends chosen test). As the Ring Made (Sw. 47) is momentarily closed, the * box will turn solid 2 then * again. If test is "Grab & Throw", the ball will enter the Back Panel Trough and the Back Trough (Sw. 48) will momentarily close, the * box will turn solid 2 then * again (with the ball returning on the Center Wire Ramp). You can also hand check the 3 switches as well. The OPTOs are in the ring (break the light path by placing finger into the hole). The trough switch can be accessed through the other hole above the Wire Ramp. See Sec. 4, Chp. 2, Drawings..., Pgs. 94-96 and Sec. 5, Chp. 4, PCBs, Page 143 for a close up view on the OPTO Switches and the OPTO Transmitter / Receiver Amplifier Board. LOTR Tests continued on the next page. *R7R 'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF'LDJQRVWLFV The display utilizes a Micro-Processor Control Board mounted in piggyback fashion to the Dot Matrix Display (128 X 32) Driver Board. The purpose behind this board is to provide more information to the operator as well as displaying graphics to the player. / ('7H VW D Selecting the"LED" Icon will bring up the LED TEST MENU with the "+" Mini-Icon flashing and the LED Test set to ALL OFF. This test is provided to allow a method of testing the 19-LED PCB located between the flippers. Note: These LEDs are not Controlled Lamps (i.e. not part of the Lamp Matrix.) Select and activate the "+" Mini-Icon to cycle between the twenty (20) LED Tests (ALL ON, LED #1 through LED #19). ALL ON = All 19 LEDs will blink ON and OFF until the test is exited. LED #1 = L1 will blink ON and OFF. LED #2 through LED #19 will follow suit. See Section 5, Chapter 4, PCBs, Page 144 for a close up view of the 19-LED PCB. &$87,21%HFDUHIXORIPRYLQJSDUWV 7KHIROORZLQJWHVWKDVDPRYLQJSDUWDQGZLOODFWLYDWHXSRQ VHOHFWLRQRIWKLVWHVW.HHSILQJHUVFOHDU 6HF'LDJQRVWLFV %DOURJ7HVW Selecting the"BROG" Icon will bring up the BALROG TEST MENU with the "RUN" Mini-Icon flashing. Note: 38// 287 WKH 3RZHU ,QWHUORFN 6ZLWFK Upon selection of the "BROG" IRU RSHUDWLRQ ZLWK WKH &RLQ 'RRU RSHQ Icon, (and with the Power Interlock Switched pulled out), the motor will cycle, moving the Balrog, blocking the entrance of the Center Ramp (Fig. 1). This test is provided to allow a method of testing the Balrog Open (Sw. 31), Balrog Closed (Sw. 32) and Balrog (Bash) Hit (Sw. 28) and Balrog Motor (Q32) operation in conjunction with the Motor Relay Board (Q20). Switches 31, 32 & 28 are in a Normally Closed state (Switches 31 & 32 are under the playfield on the Motor Assembly; Switch 28 is located inside the Balrog Assembly). With the Balrog now blocking the Center Ramp (Fig. 1), with ball-in-hand, roll the ball at the front hit plate (knocking the Balrog Over), and note the Bash (Sw. 28, Balrog Hit) 2 box will turn *, thus indicating proper operation. ) LJ Top Edge of Playfield. Sw. 31 ) LJ Top Edge of Playfield. Sw. 32 Sw. 28 Select and activate the "RUN" Mini-Icon to cycle the Motor. As the Balrog opens the Center Ramp (Fig. 2) and comes to a rest, the Balrog Closed (Sw. 32) will open, the solid 2 box will turn * and Balrog Open (Sw. 31) will close, the * box will turn solid 2. For more details of the Switches & Coils (Part Numbers & views) tested on this and the previous page, review Section 4, Chapter 2, Drawings for Major Assemblies & Ramps, Pages 93-97. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH *R7R 'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX *R7R)XVH7DEOH To initiate, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "FUSES" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. The FUSE TABLE MENU now appears. This provides the technician with the current Fuse Table for this game (also noted on a decal in the Backbox).The fuses are located in the Backbox (on the Display Power Supply Board and the I/O Power Driver Board), and also in the Cabinet (under the playfield by the Flippers and/or by any unique assembly requiring an additional fuse, such as magnets). For the complete Fuse List in the Quick Reference Fuse Chart & Pictorials, see the next page or Page # (front of this manual). : ([ DPSOH Press the Black "ENTER" Button to activate this ICON. The DIAGNOSTICS MENU now appears with the "SW" Icon (GO TO SWITCH MENU) flashing; use the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons, until the "FUSES" Icon (GO TO FUSE TABLE) is flashing: Press the Black Button to activate this ICON. The FUSE TABLE now appears. Select and activate the "+" Mini-Icon to view the next fuse in the group. Continue to select either the "+" or "-" Mini-Icons to view each fuse one at a time. The display will describe the fuse identification number (e.g. Main, F1, F6, F7, etc.), rating of fuse (e.g. 5A 250v S.B. - i.e. 5 Amp, 250 volt, Slo-Blo), location of fuse (i.e. Backbox: Board Name located on; or Cabinet: Under the playfield or in Service Outlet), and ‘use of fuse’ (e.g. 90v DC High Voltage Power, etc.). The current fuse listed will remain in the display until the next fuse is chosen or when the Sub-Menu is exited by selecting & activating the "PREV" or "QUIT" Mini-Icons. Go To Fuse Table continued on the next page. *R7R 'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF'LDJQRVWLFV After entering Portals , the MAIN MENU now appears with the "DIAG" Icon (GO TO DIAGNOSTICS MENU) flashing: %DFNER[3&%)XVHV520V%ULGJHV5HOD\V3) &DELQHW)XVHV&DE6ZLWFKHV Inside Coin Door D QUICK REFERENCE FUSE CHART B a c k b o x F u s e s LOC: DISPLAY POWER SUPPLY (P.S.) BOARD F1 3e4A 250v S.B. 90v DC High Voltage Display LOC: I / O POWER DRIVER BOARD F6 7A 250v S.B. 50v DC Primary High Power Coils/Flippers F7 5A 250v S.B. 20v DC Low Power Coils F8 5A 250v S.B. 12v DC Logic Power F9 5A 250v S.B. 12v DC Logic Power F20 4A 250v S.B. 50v DC Magnet THIS GAME ONLY F21 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Coils F22 8A 250v S.B. 18v DC Controlled Lamps F23 4A 250v S.B. 5v DC Logic F24 5A 250v S.B. 6.3v AC G.I. Lamps (BRN-WHT to WHT-BRN) F25 5A 250v S.B. 6.3v AC G.I. Lamps (YEL to WHT-YEL) F26 5A 250v S.B. 6.3v AC G.I. Lamps (GRN to WHT-GRN) F27 5A 250v S.B. 6.3v AC G.I. Lamps (VIO to WHT-VIO) F28 3A 250v S.B. 24v AC Not Used / Spare C a b i n e t F u s e s LOC: SERVICE (AC) OUTLET BOX (Cabine t Bottom) n/a 8A 250v S.B. 115v AC Main Fuse Line (Domestic or USA) n/a 5A 250v S.B. 220v AC Main Fuse Line (International) P l a y f i e l d ( P / F ) F u s e s LOC: UNDER PLAYFIELD ( nea r Flippers ) n/a 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Right Flipper (BLU-YEL RED-YEL) n/a 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Left Flipper (GRY-YEL RED-YEL) n/a 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Loop Diverter (GRY-YEL YEL-VIO) For locations & more information on fuses, see Sec. 5, Chapter 2. 999 6HF'LDJQRVWLFV Playfield Power Interlock Switch Memory Protect Switch (Bottom) Volume Control & Service Switches For operational usage, see Sec. 3, Chapter 1, Portals Service Menu Introduction. Service Outlet (on Power Box) On/Off Switch (Under Cabinet) Transformer on Cabinet Bottom Int’l.: 5 Amp 250v USA: 8 Amp 250v Slo-Blo Fuse Slo-Blo Fuse Inside Coin Door 520 7<3( RQ %' /2&$7,21 _ 6,=( CPU Sound CPU Game CPU Voice ROM 1 CPU Voice ROM 2 CPU Voice ROM 3 CPU Voice ROM 4 DISPLAY Controller U7 U210 U17 U21 U36 U37 U5 3$57 180%(5 512K 1 MB 8 MB 8 MB 8 MB 8 MB 4 MB 965-0401-80 965-0402-80 965-0403-80 965-0404-80 965-0405-80 965-0406-80 965-0407-80 SW300 1R)XVHV 3x AA W'LVSOD\3RZHU6XSSO\%G F1 CPU U210 U212 GAME CMOS EPROM RAM SOUND & VOICE ROMS 6ROHQRLG ([SDQGHU %RDUG ‡ 7RXUQDPHQW ,QWHUIDFH %RDUG ‡ U7 U37 U36 U21 U17 )RU 6FKHPDWLFV DQGRU &RPSRQHQW 3DUWV RQ 3& &386RXQG%G,,Z$70(/S %RDUGV VKRZQ RQ WKLV SDJH UHYLHZ 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU 3ULQWHG &LUFXLW %RDUGV ,23RZHU'ULYHU%RDUGT 7KH <HOORZ 3DJHV ‡ UK or Tournament GAMES ONLY For more info., see Section 5, Chp. 4, PCBs (Yellow Pages) F24 F26 F25F27 G.I. Relay Relay U5 Dot Matrix Display Bd. (Reverse Side) 1R)XVHV DISPLAY EPROM U5 / ROM 0 U5 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH *** All BRIDGES rated 35A @ 100v *** B1 'LVSOD\&RQWUROOHU%GX 7KH 'LVSOD\ &RQWUROOHU KDV WKH 'LVSOD\ (3520 /RFDWLRQ 8 520 7KLV ERDUG LV ORFDWHG EHKLQG WKH ; 'RW 0DWUL[ 'LVSOD\ %RDUG F9 F22 F23 +50v DC High Current Coils +20v DC Low Current Coils F8 F7 B3 B2 B20 BRIDGES BRIDGES B20 +/-12v DC Sound / Display / Logic +18v DC Illumination B21 B21 +5v DC Logic Voltage B2 B3 F6 F21 B1 F28 F20 *R7R 'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 'U3LQE DOO To initiate, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the Cross "DR." Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. This will bring you (the operator / technician) into DR. PINBALL (Flow Chart Menus) which offers you a choice of three (3) Icons: Coil "DR.", Switch "DR." and Lamp "DR." Icons. Selecting a particular Icon will give you a choice of which specific Coil (any and all coil assemblies such as Flippers, VUKs, Magnets, etc.), Switch or Lamp circuit needs to be diagnosed. Dr. Pinball will now display a question or give a procedure to follow such as "Does the lamp turn on?" or "Check bridge rectifier BR-20, if short replace." When Dr. Pinball displays a question or requests a procedure, Dr. Pinball will expect a response such as "NO" or "YES" (see below examples of the Mini-Icons which will prompt the operator). You the operator/technician must respond by using the Red or Green Buttons to "SELECT" a Mini-Icon and the Black Button to "ACTIVATE or ENTER" your selection. &RLO)ORZ&KDUW To initiate, from the DR. PINBALL MENU, select the Coil "DR." Icon with either the Red or Green Buttons and press the Black Button. This is the Coil Flow Chart. Follow the questions, answering by using the Mini-Icons in the display. 6ZLWFK)ORZ&K DUW To initiate, from the DR. PINBALL MENU, select the Switch "DR." Icon with either the Red or Green Buttons and press the Black Button. This is the Switch Flow Chart. Follow the questions, answering by using the Mini-Icons in the display. To initiate, from the DR. PINBALL MENU, select the Lamp "DR." Icon with either the Red or Green Buttons and press the Black Button. This is the Lamp Flow Chart. Follow the questions, answering by using the Mini-Icons in the display. The following are the Mini-Icons with explanations for the DR. PINBALL Sub-Menus: Select and activate either the "-" or "+" Mini-Icons to diagnose a Coil, Lamp or Switch. Select and activate the "RUN" Mini-Icon to test selected item. The "PREV" Mini-Icon allows you to go back to previous question. Select the "QUIT" Mini-Icon to exit Portals completely. Select the "?" Mini-Icon (Help) to see directions on button usage. 6HF'LDJQRVWLFV /DPS)ORZ&K DUW Select and activate either the "NO or "YES" Mini-Icons to answer a question given. Select and activate the "END" Mini-Icon to change to a new item to test. The "PREV" Mini-Icon allows you to go back to previous question. Select the "QUIT" Mini-Icon to exit Portals completely. Select the "?" Mini-Icon (Help) to see directions on button usage. After a diagnosis is given, select and activate the "END" Mini-Icon to change to a new item to test. The "PREV" Mini-Icon allows you to go back to previous display. Select the "QUIT" Mini-Icon to exit Portals completely. Select the "?" Mini-Icon (Help) to see directions on button usage. In COIL FLOW CHART MENU, select and activate the "PULSE" Mini-Icon to pulse the coil selected. Select and activate the "END" Mini-Icon to change to a new item to test. The "PREV" Mini-Icon allows you to go back to previous question. Select the "QUIT" Mini-Icon to exit Portals completely. Select the "?" Mini-Icon (Help) to see directions on button usage. *R7R 'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 021003 &RS\ WKLV SDJH IRU )LHOG $XGLW 7UDFNLQJ 3HUIRUPDQFH STARTING METER Reading : STARTING METER Date (MM/DD/YR) : AUDITOR’S NAME : CURRENT METER Reading : AUDIT Date (MM/DD/YR) : CPU Version : CURRENT VOLUME SETTING: ...... ...... ......... .. DISPLAY Version : ...... ...... ........ GAME LOCATION NAME : ($51,1*6 67$1'$5'$8',77$%/(6 ($51,1*6$8',76 $XGLW GHILQLWLRQV IROORZ LQ WKLV &KDSWHU 01 02 03 04 05 TOTAL PAID CREDITS FREE GAME PERCENTAGE AVERAGE BALL TIME AVERAGE GAME TIME COINS THRU LEFT SLOT 06 07 08 09 10 COINS THRU RIGHT SLOT COINS THRU CENTER SLOT COINS THRU 4TH SLOT COINS THRU 5TH SLOT COINS THRU 6TH SLOT 11 12 13 14 TOTAL COINS TOTAL EARNINGS METER CLICKS SOFTWARE METER 67$1'$5'$8',76 $XGLW GHILQLWLRQV IROORZ LQ WKLV &KDSWHU To track Feature & Tournament Audits, see Pages 36 or 54. 6HF*R7R$XGLWV 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 TOTAL BALLS PLAYED TOTAL EXTRA BALLS EXTRA BALL PERCENT REPLAY 1 AWARDS REPLAY 2+ AWARDS TOTAL REPLAYS REPLAY PERCENT TOTAL SPECIALS SPECIAL PERCENT TOTAL MATCHES HIGH SCORE AWARDS HIGH SCORE PERCENT TOTAL FREE PLAYS TOTAL PLAYS 0–1.9M SCORES 2M–3.9M SCORES 4M–5.9M SCORES 6M–7.9M SCORES 8M–9.9M SCORES 10M–12.4M SCORES 12.5M–14.9M SCORES 15M–17.4M SCORES 17.5M–19.9M SCORES 20M–22.4M SCORES 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 39 22.5M–24.9M SCORES 25M–34.9M SCORES 35M–49.9M SCORES 50M–74.9M SCORES 75M–99.9M SCORES 100M–149.9M SCORES 150M+ SCORES AVERAGE SCORES SERVICE CREDITS BALL SEARCH STARTED LOST BALL FEEDS LOST BALL GAME STARTS LEFT DRAINS CENTER DRAINS RIGHT DRAINS 40 TILTS 64 41 TOTAL BALLS SAVED 65 42 PROPRIETARY 66 43 PROPRIETARY 67 44 PROPRIETARY 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 45 PROPRIETARY 46 PROPRIETARY 47 PROPRIETARY 48 PROPRIETARY 49 PROPRIETARY 50 52 BASE REPLAY LEFT FLIPPER USED RIGHT FLIPPER USED 53 PROPRIETARY 54 PROPRIETARY 51 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 68 0–1 MINUTE GAMES 1 – 1.5 MINUTE GAMES 1.5 – 2 MINUTE GAMES 2 – 2.5 MINUTE GAMES 2.5 – 3 MINUTE GAMES 3 – 3.5 MINUTE GAMES 3.5 – 4 MINUTE GAMES 4 – 5 MINUTE GAMES 5 – 6 MINUTE GAMES 6 – 8 MINUTE GAMES 8 – 10 MINUTE GAMES 10 – 15 MINUTE GAMES 15+ MINUTE GAMES RECENT REPLAY PERCENT Note: Audits are subject to change (with or without notice). *R7R $XGLWV0HQX 6HFWLRQ &K DS WHU RI *R 7R $XGLWV 0HQX 2YHU YL HZ The Portals Service Menu System provides 236 Audits for accounting purposes and for evaluation of Game Programming. The Audits are divided into 3 groups: Earnings Audits (Audits 01-14), Standard Audits (Audits 01-68) and Feature Audits (Programming Use Only) (Audits 01-154). For details on Tournament Audits, see Section 3, Chapter 7, GO TO TOURNAMENT MENU. Audits which are named Proprietary are also for Future Expansion or Programming. Game code may get upgraded during production; compare all Audits in the display with the manual and make any corrections to the Audit Table (previous page), as necessary. Audits are subject to change (with or without notice). To view Audits in the display, enter the Portals Service Menu System. For how to RESET Audits, see Section 3, Chapter 6, GO TO RESET MENU. *272$8', 760(18 After entering Portals , the MAIN MENU now appears. Select the "AUD" Icon in the MAIN MENU with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons (the Flipper Buttons operates in the same manner) and press the Black "ENTER" Button (the Start Button operates in the same manner). The AUDITS MENU appears. Continue through this chapter for the explanation & usage of the Icons in the AUDITS MENU. (D UQLQJV$X GLW V To initiate, from the AUDITS MENU, select the "EARN" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Select and activate either of the ">>" Mini-Icons to view the next or previous Audit in this group. The display will describe the Audit Number, Audit Name and the Current Audit Total (Value). The current Audit will remain in the display until the next Audit is viewed or when this Menu is exited. 1U ($51,1*6 $8',7 1$0( 'HILQLWLRQ 01 TOTAL PAID CREDITS: Provides the total number of Paid Credits. FREE GAME PERCENTAGE: Provides the percentage total by dividing Standard Audit 13, TOTAL FREE 02 PLAYS, by Standard Audit 14, TOTAL PLAYS. AVERAGE BALL TIME: In seconds, the average ball time is derived from the total play time divided by 03 Standard Audit 01, TOTAL BALLS PLAYED. 04 AVERAGE GAME TIME: The average game time is expressed in minutes and seconds (0:00). 05 COINS THRU LEFT SLOT: Provides the total number of times Coin Mechanism Switch 06 was closed. 06 COINS THRU RIGHT SLOT: Provides the total number of times Coin Mechanism Switch 04 was closed. 07 COINS THRU CENTER SLOT: Provides the total number of times Coin Mechanism Switch 05 was closed. 08 COINS THRU 4TH SLOT: Provides the total number of times Coin Mechanism Switch 02 was closed. 09 COINS THRU 5TH SLOT: Provides the total number of times Coin Mechanism Switch 07 was closed. 10 COINS THRU 6TH SLOT: Provides the total number of times Coin Mechanism Switch 03 was closed. 11 TOTAL COINS: Provides the total amount of coins registered through all the Coin Slots. TOTAL EARNINGS: The total cash value accumulated since the last Factory Reset occurred. 12 See Section 3, Chapter 6, GO TO RESET MENU, Reset Coin Audits. METER CLICKS: Provides the total number of money clicks accumulated. Based on the country’s lowest 13 coin denomination used for the game credit. SOFTWARE METER: Provides the continuing total of Meter Clicks. This audit cannot be reset; the display 14 shows the constant addition of Meter Clicks. *R7R $XGLWV0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF*R7R$XGLWV back to Page 32 6W DQGDU G$X GLW V To initiate, from the AUDITS MENU, select the "S.P.I." Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Select and activate either of the ">>" Mini-Icons to view the next or previous Audit in this group. The display will describe the Audit Number, Audit Name and the Current Audit Total (Value). The current Audit will remain in the display until the next Audit is viewed or when this Menu is exited. 1U 67$1'$5' $8',7 1$0( 'HILQLWLRQ 6HF*R7R$XGLWV 01 TOTAL BALLS PLAYED: Provides the total number of Regular and Extra Balls. 02 TOTAL EXTRA BALLS: Provides the total number of Extra Balls awarded. 03 EXTRA BALLS PERCENT: Provides the percentage total by dividing Standard Audit 02, TOTAL EXTRA BALLS, by Standard Audit 14, TOTAL PLAYS. 04 REPLAY 1 AWARDS: Provides the total Awards (Credits, Extra Balls or Scores) for Level 1. 05 REPLAY 2+ AWARDS: Provides the total Awards (Credits, Extra Balls or Scores) for Level 2 or higher. 06 TOTAL REPLAYS: Provides the total Awards (Credits, Extra Balls or Scores) for exceeding Replay Score Levels. REPLAY PERCENT: Provides the percentage total from dividing Standard Audit 06, TOTAL REPLAYS, by 07 Standard Audit 14, TOTAL PLAYS. The percentage reflects replay total awards for exceeding replay score levels. 08 TOTAL SPECIALS: Provides the total Awards (Credits, Extra Balls, or Scores) for making Specials. 09 SPECIAL PERCENT: Provides the percentage total by dividing Standard Audit 08, TOTAL SPECIALS, by Standard Audit 14, TOTAL PLAYS. TOTAL MATCHES: Provides the total Credits awarded for matching the last two digits of the score with the System-Generated Match Number at the end of the game. Percentage of Match Credits is adjustable 10 from 0% to 10% by Standard Adjustment 13, MATCH PERCENTAGE, if enabled. See Section 3, Chapter 4, GO TO ADJUSTMENTS MENU, Standard Adjustments. 11 HIGH SCORE AWARDS: Provides the total Awards (Credits, Extra Balls, or Scores) for exceeding the High-Score-To-Date scores. HIGH SCORE PERCENT: Provides the percentage total by dividing Standard Audit 11, HIGH SCORE 12 AWARDS, by Standard Audit 14, TOTAL PLAYS. TOTAL FREE PLAYS: Provides the total Free Credits for Replays, High-Score-To-Date, Specials and 13 Match. TOTAL PLAYS: This total is derived by adding the sum of Earnings Audit 01, TOTAL PAID CREDITS, and 14 Standard Audit 13, TOTAL FREE PLAYS. Note: Free Credits are not recorded in the Audit until they are actually used. 0–1.9M SCORES: Provides the total number of games the Player’s final score was 15 0 and 1,999,990 points. 16 2M–3.9M SCORES: ... and the Player’s final score was between 2,000,000 and 3,999,990 points. 17 4M–5.9M SCORES: ... and the Player’s final score was between 4,000,000 and 5,999,990 points. 18 6M–7.9M SCORES: ... and the Player’s final score was between 6,000,000 and 7,999,990 points. 19 0 8M–9.9M SCORES: ... and the Player’s final score was between 8,000,000 and 9,999,990 points. 20 10M–12.4M SCORES: ... and the Player’s final score was between 10,000,000 and 12,499,990 points. 21 12.5M–14.9M SCORES: ... and the Player’s final score was between 12,500,000 and 14,499,990 points. 22 15M–17.4M SCORES: ... and the Player’s final score was between 15,000,000 and 17,499,990 points. 23 17.5M–19.9M SCORES: ... and the Player’s final score was between 17,500,000 and 19,999,990 points. 24 20M–22.4M SCORES: ... and the Player’s final score was between 20,000,000 and 22,499,990 points. 25 22.5M–24.9M SCORES: ... and the Player’s final score was between 22,500,000 and 24,999,990 points. 26 25M–34.9M SCORES: ... and the Player’s final score was between 25,000,000 and 34,999,990 points. 27 35M–49.9M SCORES: ... and the Player’s final score was between 35,000,000 and 49,999,990 points. 28 50M–74.9M SCORES: ... and the Player’s final score was between 50,000,000 and 74,999,990 points. 29 75M–99.9M SCORES: ... and the Player’s final score was between 75,000,000 and 99,999,990 points. 30 100M–149.9M SCORES: ... and the Player’s final score was between 100,000,000 and 149,999,990 points. 150M+ SCORES: Provides the total number of games the Player’s final score was 31 150,000,000 points and over. AVERAGE SCORES: This total is derived from adding the Final Score of each game to a table and dividing 32 this sum by Standard Audit 14, TOTAL PLAYS. Standard Audits 33-68 continued on the next page. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH *R7R $XGLWV0HQX 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 >> 50 51 52 >> 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 SERVICE CREDITS: Provides the total number of times the Portals Green Button (Dedicated Switch 7) was pushed in Attract Mode. See Section 3, Chapter 1, Service Switch Set Access & Use, for how to receive Service Credits. See Sec. 3, Chp. 6, GO TO RESET MENU, Reset Credits, for how to delete Service (and Paid Credits). BALL SEARCH STARTED: Provides the total number of times the game performed a Ball Search. LOST BALL FEEDS: Provides the total number of times the game added a pinball to play when it could not find a pinball after Ball Search. See Section 3, Chapter 2, GO TO DIAGNOSTICS MENU, Technicians Alert [Pinball Detection]. LOST BALL GAME STARTS: Provides the total number of times the game started with a pinball missing from the ball trough at the start of a game. See Section 3, Chapter 2, GO TO DIAGNOSTICS MENU, Technicians Alert [Pinball Detection]. LEFT DRAINS: Provides the total number of times Rollover Switch 57 was closed. CENTER DRAINS: Provides the total number of times the pinball had drained when the last switch closed was not Switch 57 or Switch 60. RIGHT DRAINS: Provides the total number of times Rollover Switch 60 was closed. TILTS: Provides the total number of times Contact Switch 56 was closed. TOTAL BALLS SAVED: Provides the total number of times this feature was used (this feature can be turned ON or OFF, see Standard Adj. 38, FREEZE TIME in Section 3, Chapter 4, GO TO ADJUSTMENTS MENU, Standard Adjustments). This feature is enabled at the start of each pinball and is disabled as soon as a predetermined number of switches are "closed" or the allocated time has expired. 42 - 49 PROPRIETARY: Proprietary Audits are used for Future Expansion or Programming. BASE REPLAY: Provides the current base Replay Level Score. LEFT FLIPPER USED: Provides the total number of times the Left Flipper Button (Dedicated Switch 1) was pushed in Game Mode. RIGHT FLIPPER USED: Provides the total number of times the Right Flipper Button (Dedicated Switch 3) was pushed in Game Mode. 53 - 54 PROPRIETARY: Proprietary Audits are used for Future Expansion or Programming. 0 - 1 MINUTE GAMES: Provides the total number of games the total game time was between 0:00 and 1:00 minute. 1 – 1.5 MINUTE GAMES: Provides the total number of games the total game time was between 1:00 and 1:30 minutes. 1.5 – 2 MINUTE GAMES: Provides the total number of games the total game time was between 1:30 and 2:00 minutes. 2 – 2.5 MINUTE GAMES: Provides the total number of games the total game time was between 2:00 and 2:30 minutes. 2.5 – 3 MINUTE GAMES: Provides the total number of games the total game time was between 2:30 and 3:00 minutes. 3 – 3.5 MINUTE GAMES: Provides the total number of games the total game time was between 3:00 and 3:30 minutes. 3.5 – 4 MINUTE GAMES: Provides the total number of games the total game time was between 3:30 and 4:00 minutes. 4 – 5 MINUTE GAMES: Provides the total number of games the total game time was between 4:00 and 5:00 minutes. 5 – 6 MINUTE GAMES: Provides the total number of games the total game time was between 5:00 and 6:00 minutes. 6 – 8 MINUTE GAMES: Provides the total number of games the total game time was between 6:00 and 8:00 minutes. 8 – 10 MINUTE GAMES: Provides the total number of games the total game time was between 8:00 and 10:00 minutes. 10 – 15 MINUTE GAMES: Provides the total number of games the total game time was between 10:00 and 15:00 minutes. 15+ MINUTE GAMES: Provides the total number of games the total game time was 15:00 and over. RECENT REPLAY PERCENT: Percent figured with programming thresholds for a determined number of games (again based on programming thresholds). The percentage reflects replay total awards for exceeding replay score levels. *R7R $XGLWV0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF*R7R$XGLWV 6WDQGDUG$X GLWV&RQWLQXHG 67$1'$5' $8',7 1$0( 'HILQLWLRQ &RS\ WKLV SDJH IRU )LHOG $XGLW 7UDFNLQJ 3HUIRUPDQFH )HD WX UH$ XGL WV To initiate, from the AUDITS MENU, select the "LOTR" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Select and activate either of the ">>" MiniIcons to view the next or previous Audit in this group. The display will describe the Audit Number, Audit Name and the Current Audit Total (Value). The current Audit will remain in the display until the next Audit is viewed or when this Menu is exited. Audits Definition: Programming Use Only. The proprietary information provides the total number of times a feature was started, awarded, lit, played and/or completed (awarded); also, the total number of Switch Closures during certain modes or features are tracked (a predetermined single/multiple variations of switch closures are used to determine the lighting and/or completion of the feature stated). )($785($8',77$%/( )($785($8',76 352*5$00,1* 86( 21/< UNLABELED BOXES ARE FOR FUTURE EXPANSION. 6HF*R7R$XGLWV 01 LEFT VUK 40 DWARF RINGS COMPLETD 79 FOTR MB 2+ STARTED 118 DESTROY RING STARTED 02 LEFT VUK DIRECT HIT 41 ELF RINGS COMPLETED 80 FOTR MB WON 119 DESTROY RING WON 03 LEFT ORBIT 42 RING MANIA STARTED 81 TROLL HITS 120 GIFT OF THE ELVES LT 04 LEFT RAMP 43 RING MANIA 2+ STARTED 82 TROLL KILLS 121 GIFT EXTRA BALL 05 CENTER LOOP 44 MANIA RINGS COLLECTD 83 BALROG HITS 122 GIFT RING MB 06 SPINS 45 MANIA SHOTS COMPLETD 84 BRIDGE CROSSES 123 GIFT BIG POINTS 07 RING 46 MANIA 1X JACKPOT 85 BALROG KILLS 124 GIFT SPECIAL 08 RIGHT VUK 47 MANIA 2X JACKPOT 86 SWORD LOCKS LIT 125 GIFT 2X SCORING 09 RT VUK BEHIND 48 MANIA 3X JACKPOT 87 SWORD LOCK 1 126 GIFT SUPER MANIA 10 RIGHT RAMP 49 MANIA 4X JACKPOT 88 SWORD LOCK 2 127 GIFT WIZARD MODE 11 RINGWRAITH 50 MANIA 5X JACKPOT 89 TTT MB STARTED 128 PALANTIR LIT 12 RIGHT ORBIT 51 MANIA EXTRA BALL LIT 90 TTT MB 2+ STARTED 129 PALANTIR COLLECTED 13 SPOT RING TARGET 52 RING MODE LIT 91 TTT 1X JACKPOT 130 RING MB RING SHOTS 14 ORTHANC ARRIVALS 53 ESCAPE MODE STARTED 92 TTT 2X JACKPOT 131 RING MB S. JACKPOTS 15 BARAD-DûR ARRIVALS 54 ESCAPE MODE WON 93 TTT 3X JACKPOT 132 RING MB 2.5M 16 ORC LANES 55 BATTLE MODE STARTED 94 TTT 4X JACKPOT 133 RING MB LIGHT E. BALL 17 POP HITS 56 BATTLE MODE WON 95 TTT 5X JACKPOT 134 RING MB 5M 18 LEFT OUTLANE 57 WARG MODE STARTED 96 TTT 6X JACKPOT 135 RING MB LITE SPECIAL 19 LEFT INLANE 58 WARG MODE WON 97 TTT 7X JACKPOT 136 RING MB 7.5M 20 RIGHT INLANE 59 ENT MODE STARTED 98 TTT STAGES SURVIVED 137 SRMMB RING SHOTS 21 RIGHT OUTLANE 60 ENT MODE WON 99 TTT S. JACKPOT LIT 138 SRMMB SHOTS COMPLETE 22 LANE S. S. PICKED 61 SHELOB MODE STARTED 100 TTT SJP COLLECTED 139 SRMMB JACKPOTS 23 TOWER S. S. PICKED 62 SHELOB MODE WON 101 TTT MB WON 140 SRMMB TOTAL JACKPT X 24 FLIPPER S. S. PICKED 63 WITCHKING MODE STRTD 102 PATH ADVANCED 141 SRMMB SUPER JACKPOTS 25 LANE SKILL SHOT MADE 64 WITCHKING MODE WON 103 PATH ACCESSED 142 VALINOR STARTED 26 LANE S. S. MADE 65 BOOK MODE LIT 104 PATH TIME SOULS 143 BALROG STARTED 27 TOWER S. S. MADE 66 MOOK MODE STARTED 105 PATH UNLIT SOULS 144 BALROG HITS 28 FLIPPER S. S. MADE 67 BOOK MODE JACKPOTS 106 PATH LIT SOULS 145 CAVE SHOTS 29 ORC COMPLETED 68 BOOK MODE WON 107 PATH BLINKING SOULS 146 CAVE BALROG 30 HUMAN RINGS COLLECTD 69 MYSTERY LIT 108 SOULS COMPLETED 147 CAVE SUPER SPINNER 31 DWARF RINGS COLLECTD 70 MYSTERY COLLECTED 109 32 ELF RINGS COLLECTED 71 MYSTERY E. B. LIT 110 ROTK MB 2+ STARTED 149 CAVE SUPER RAMPS 33 RINGS SPOTTED 72 MYSTERY SPECIAL LIT 111 ROTK JACKPOTS 150 CAVE SUPER LOOPS 34 HUMAN RING BONUS 73 GOLLUM MULTIBALL LIT 112 35 DWARF RING BONUS 74 GOLLUM MBALL STARTED 113 ROTK MULT INCREASED 152 BARAD-DÛR HOLD RING VALUE 36 ELF RING BONUS 75 GOLLUM MBALL 2+ STRTD 114 ROTK S. JACKPOT LIT 153 BARAD-DÛR LIGHT EXTRA BALL 37 RING COMBOS 76 FELLOWSHIP COLLECTED 115 ROTK SJP COLLECTED 154 BARAD-DÛR POINTS 38 RING COMBO THRSHLDS 77 FELLOWSHIP COMPLETED 116 ROTK MB WON 39 HUMAN RINGS COMPLETD 78 FOTR MB STARTED 117 DESTROY RING LIT ROTK MB STARTED 148 CAVE SUPER POPS ROTK LEVELS COMPLETE 151 CAVE SUPER EVERYTHING Note: Audits are subject to 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH change (with or without notice). *R7R $XGLWV0HQX *R7R3U LQWHU 0HQX 237, 21 $/86(21/< Operational Usage Note: The use of the following Sub-Menus are OPTIONAL and provided as a convenience only. No special equipment was included with your Pinball Game. To initiate, from the AUDITS MENU, select the "PRNT" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. The PRINTER MENU appears. A Tournament Serial Interface (TSI) Board and a RS-232 Communication Device (which can download serial information) are required for proper operation of these Sub-Menus. Entering the menus & selecting/activating the Icons without the equipment mentioned, will not affect the Pinball Game nor the operation of the Portals Service Menu System in any way. An optional Printer Kit is available for purchase (contact your local distributor). 4XLFN3ULQWRXW To initiate, from the PRINTER MENU, select the "QUIK" Icon with either the Red or Green Button and press the Black Button. Select either the "-" or "+" Mini-Icon and press the Black Button to start the printout. Per the display instruction, the Start Button can also be pressed to start the printout. Only the Earnings Audits can be retrieved and/or printed for further processing. To initiate, from the PRINTER MENU, select the "ALISON" Icon with either the Red or Green Button and press the Black Button. Select either the "-" or "+" Mini-Icon and press the Black Button to start the download. Per the display instruction, the Start Button can also be pressed to start the download. All Earnings, Standard, Feature & Tournament Audits can be retrieved and/or printed for further processing. 5HVHW3ULQWHU To initiate, from the PRINTER MENU, select the "RESET" Icon with either the Red or Green Button and press the Black Button. Select either the "-" or "+" Mini-Icon and press the Black Button to clear the "Nº of copies printed" count total appearing in the display. Operational Usage Note: Activating the "QUIK" Icon (in the previous Quick Printout) without the special equipment and unique software, will still provide a "count total" in this Reset Printer Menu, which does not affect the operation of the Portals Service Menu System in any way. Activating this "RESET" Icon will reset the "count total" in the display to 00. )($785($8',7$%%5(9,$7,21686(',17+,6&+$37(5 FOTR : The Fellowship of the Ring TTT : The Two Towers E. B. : Extra Ball S. S. : Skill Shot ROTK : The Return of the King LT : Lit S. JACKPOT / SJP : Super Jackpot MB : Multiball SRMMB : Super Ring Mania Multiball )RUKRZWR5(6(7$XGLWVVHH6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU*2725(6(70(18 (DUQLQJV 2QO\ *R7R $XGLWV0HQX (DUQLQJV $OO 6WDQGDUG )HDWXUH $XGLWV 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF*R7R$XGLWV )XOO3ULQWRXW STARTING METER Reading : STARTING METER Date (MM/DD/YR) : AUDITOR’S NAME : CURRENT METER Reading : AUDIT Date (MM/DD/YR) : CPU Version : CURRENT VOLUME SETTING: ...... ...... ......... .. DISPLAY Version : ...... ...... ........ GAME LOCATION NAME : ($51,1*6 67$1'$5'$8',77$%/(6 ($51,1*6$8',76 01 02 03 04 05 TOTAL PAID CREDITS FREE GAME PERCENTAGE AVERAGE BALL TIME AVERAGE GAME TIME COINS THRU LEFT SLOT 06 07 08 09 10 COINS THRU RIGHT SLOT COINS THRU CENTER SLOT COINS THRU 4TH SLOT COINS THRU 5TH SLOT COINS THRU 6TH SLOT 11 12 13 14 TOTAL COINS TOTAL EARNINGS METER CLICKS SOFTWARE METER 67$1'$5'$8',76 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 TOTAL BALLS PLAYED TOTAL EXTRA BALLS EXTRA BALL PERCENT REPLAY 1 AWARDS REPLAY 2+ AWARDS TOTAL REPLAYS REPLAY PERCENT TOTAL SPECIALS SPECIAL PERCENT TOTAL MATCHES HIGH SCORE AWARDS HIGH SCORE PERCENT TOTAL FREE PLAYS TOTAL PLAYS 0–1.9M SCORES 2M–3.9M SCORES 4M–5.9M SCORES 6M–7.9M SCORES 8M–9.9M SCORES 10M–12.4M SCORES 12.5M–14.9M SCORES 15M–17.4M SCORES 17.5M–19.9M SCORES 20M–22.4M SCORES 39 22.5M–24.9M SCORES 25M–34.9M SCORES 35M–49.9M SCORES 50M–74.9M SCORES 75M–99.9M SCORES 100M–149.9M SCORES 150M+ SCORES AVERAGE SCORES SERVICE CREDITS BALL SEARCH STARTED LOST BALL FEEDS LOST BALL GAME STARTS LEFT DRAINS CENTER DRAINS RIGHT DRAINS 40 TILTS 64 41 TOTAL BALLS SAVED 65 42 PROPRIETARY 66 43 PROPRIETARY 67 44 PROPRIETARY 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 45 PROPRIETARY 46 PROPRIETARY 47 PROPRIETARY 48 PROPRIETARY 49 PROPRIETARY 50 52 BASE REPLAY LEFT FLIPPER USED RIGHT FLIPPER USED 53 PROPRIETARY 54 PROPRIETARY 51 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 68 0–1 MINUTE GAMES 1 – 1.5 MINUTE GAMES 1.5 – 2 MINUTE GAMES 2 – 2.5 MINUTE GAMES 2.5 – 3 MINUTE GAMES 3 – 3.5 MINUTE GAMES 3.5 – 4 MINUTE GAMES 4 – 5 MINUTE GAMES 5 – 6 MINUTE GAMES 6 – 8 MINUTE GAMES 8 – 10 MINUTE GAMES 10 – 15 MINUTE GAMES 15+ MINUTE GAMES RECENT REPLAY PERCENT Note: Audits are subject to change (with or without notice). &RPPHQWV )($785($8',77$%/( )($785($8',76 352*5$00,1* 86( 21/< UNLABELED BOXES ARE FOR FUTURE EXPANSION. 01 LEFT VUK 40 DWARF RINGS COMPLETD 79 FOTR MB 2+ STARTED 118 DESTROY RING STARTED 02 LEFT VUK DIRECT HIT 41 ELF RINGS COMPLETED 80 FOTR MB WON 119 DESTROY RING WON 03 LEFT ORBIT 42 RING MANIA STARTED 81 TROLL HITS 120 GIFT OF THE ELVES LT 04 LEFT RAMP 43 RING MANIA 2+ STARTED 82 TROLL KILLS 121 GIFT EXTRA BALL 05 CENTER LOOP 44 MANIA RINGS COLLECTD 83 BALROG HITS 122 GIFT RING MB 06 SPINS 45 MANIA SHOTS COMPLETD 84 BRIDGE CROSSES 123 GIFT BIG POINTS 07 RING 46 MANIA 1X JACKPOT 85 BALROG KILLS 124 GIFT SPECIAL 08 RIGHT VUK 47 MANIA 2X JACKPOT 86 SWORD LOCKS LIT 125 GIFT 2X SCORING 09 RT VUK BEHIND 48 MANIA 3X JACKPOT 87 SWORD LOCK 1 126 GIFT SUPER MANIA 10 RIGHT RAMP 49 MANIA 4X JACKPOT 88 SWORD LOCK 2 127 GIFT WIZARD MODE 11 RINGWRAITH 50 MANIA 5X JACKPOT 89 TTT MB STARTED 128 PALANTIR LIT 12 RIGHT ORBIT 51 MANIA EXTRA BALL LIT 90 TTT MB 2+ STARTED 129 PALANTIR COLLECTED 13 SPOT RING TARGET 52 RING MODE LIT 91 TTT 1X JACKPOT 130 RING MB RING SHOTS 14 ORTHANC ARRIVALS 53 ESCAPE MODE STARTED 92 TTT 2X JACKPOT 131 RING MB S. JACKPOTS 15 BARAD-DûR ARRIVALS 54 ESCAPE MODE WON 93 TTT 3X JACKPOT 132 RING MB 2.5M 16 ORC LANES 55 BATTLE MODE STARTED 94 TTT 4X JACKPOT 133 RING MB LIGHT E. BALL 17 POP HITS 56 BATTLE MODE WON 95 TTT 5X JACKPOT 134 RING MB 5M 18 LEFT OUTLANE 57 WARG MODE STARTED 96 TTT 6X JACKPOT 135 RING MB LITE SPECIAL 19 LEFT INLANE 58 WARG MODE WON 97 TTT 7X JACKPOT 136 RING MB 7.5M 20 RIGHT INLANE 59 ENT MODE STARTED 98 TTT STAGES SURVIVED 137 SRMMB RING SHOTS 21 RIGHT OUTLANE 60 ENT MODE WON 99 TTT S. JACKPOT LIT 138 SRMMB SHOTS COMPLETE 22 LANE S. S. PICKED 61 SHELOB MODE STARTED 100 TTT SJP COLLECTED 139 SRMMB JACKPOTS 23 TOWER S. S. PICKED 62 SHELOB MODE WON 101 TTT MB WON 140 SRMMB TOTAL JACKPT X 24 FLIPPER S. S. PICKED 63 WITCHKING MODE STRTD 102 PATH ADVANCED 141 SRMMB SUPER JACKPOTS 25 LANE SKILL SHOT MADE 64 WITCHKING MODE WON 103 PATH ACCESSED 142 VALINOR STARTED 26 LANE S. S. MADE 65 BOOK MODE LIT 104 PATH TIME SOULS 143 BALROG STARTED 27 TOWER S. S. MADE 66 MOOK MODE STARTED 105 PATH UNLIT SOULS 144 BALROG HITS 28 FLIPPER S. S. MADE 67 BOOK MODE JACKPOTS 106 PATH LIT SOULS 145 CAVE SHOTS 29 ORC COMPLETED 68 BOOK MODE WON 107 PATH BLINKING SOULS 146 CAVE BALROG 30 HUMAN RINGS COLLECTD 69 MYSTERY LIT 108 SOULS COMPLETED 147 CAVE SUPER SPINNER 31 DWARF RINGS COLLECTD 70 MYSTERY COLLECTED 109 ROTK MB STARTED 148 CAVE SUPER POPS 32 ELF RINGS COLLECTED 71 MYSTERY E. B. LIT 110 ROTK MB 2+ STARTED 149 CAVE SUPER RAMPS 33 RINGS SPOTTED 72 MYSTERY SPECIAL LIT 111 ROTK JACKPOTS 150 CAVE SUPER LOOPS 34 HUMAN RING BONUS 73 GOLLUM MULTIBALL LIT 112 ROTK LEVELS COMPLETE 151 CAVE SUPER EVERYTHING 35 DWARF RING BONUS 74 GOLLUM MBALL STARTED 113 ROTK MULT INCREASED 152 BARAD-DÛR HOLD RING VALUE 36 ELF RING BONUS 75 GOLLUM MBALL 2+ STRTD 114 ROTK S. JACKPOT LIT 153 BARAD-DÛR LIGHT EXTRA BALL 37 RING COMBOS 76 FELLOWSHIP COLLECTED 115 ROTK SJP COLLECTED 154 BARAD-DÛR POINTS 38 RING COMBO THRSHLDS 77 FELLOWSHIP COMPLETED 116 ROTK MB WON 39 HUMAN RINGS COMPLETD 78 FOTR MB STARTED 117 DESTROY RING LIT 08/7,:((.72851$0(17$8',77$%/(6 STARTING METER Reading : STARTING METER Date (MM/DD/YR) : AUDITOR’S NAME : CURRENT METER Reading : AUDIT Date (MM/DD/YR) : CPU Version : CURRENT VOLUME SETTING: ...... ...... ......... .. DISPLAY Version : ...... ...... ........ 06 04 TOTAL PLAYS TOURNAMENT PLAYS TOTAL GAME EARNINGS TOTAL TOUR. EARNINGS 05 JACKPOT 10 01 02 03 07 08 09 NET EARNINGS ACCUM. TOTAL PLAYS ACCUM. TOUR. PLAYS ACCUM. EARNINGS ACCUM. TOUR EARNINGS STARTING METER Reading : STARTING METER Date (MM/DD/YR) : AUDITOR’S NAME : CURRENT METER Reading : AUDIT Date (MM/DD/YR) : CPU Version : GAME LOCATION NAME : 11 ACCUM. JACKPOT 12 # TOURNAMENTS CURRENT VOLUME SETTING: ...... ...... ......... .. DISPLAY Version : ...... ...... ........ 06 04 TOTAL PLAYS TOURNAMENT PLAYS TOTAL GAME EARNINGS TOTAL TOUR. EARNINGS 05 JACKPOT 10 01 02 03 07 08 09 NET EARNINGS ACCUM. TOTAL PLAYS ACCUM. TOUR. PLAYS ACCUM. EARNINGS ACCUM. TOUR EARNINGS STARTING METER Reading : STARTING METER Date (MM/DD/YR) : AUDITOR’S NAME : CURRENT METER Reading : AUDIT Date (MM/DD/YR) : CPU Version : GAME LOCATION NAME : 11 ACCUM. JACKPOT 12 # TOURNAMENTS CURRENT VOLUME SETTING: ...... ...... ......... .. DISPLAY Version : ...... ...... ........ 06 04 TOTAL PLAYS TOURNAMENT PLAYS TOTAL GAME EARNINGS TOTAL TOUR. EARNINGS 05 JACKPOT 10 01 02 03 07 08 09 NET EARNINGS ACCUM. TOTAL PLAYS ACCUM. TOUR. PLAYS ACCUM. EARNINGS ACCUM. TOUR EARNINGS STARTING METER Reading : STARTING METER Date (MM/DD/YR) : AUDITOR’S NAME : CURRENT METER Reading : AUDIT Date (MM/DD/YR) : CPU Version : GAME LOCATION NAME : 11 ACCUM. JACKPOT 12 # TOURNAMENTS CURRENT VOLUME SETTING: ...... ...... ......... .. DISPLAY Version : ...... ...... ........ 06 04 TOTAL PLAYS TOURNAMENT PLAYS TOTAL GAME EARNINGS TOTAL TOUR. EARNINGS 05 JACKPOT 10 01 02 03 07 08 09 NET EARNINGS ACCUM. TOTAL PLAYS ACCUM. TOUR. PLAYS ACCUM. EARNINGS ACCUM. TOUR EARNINGS GAME LOCATION NAME : 11 ACCUM. JACKPOT 12 # TOURNAMENTS 08/7,:((.72851$0(17$8',77$%/(6 STARTING METER Reading : STARTING METER Date (MM/DD/YR) : AUDITOR’S NAME : CURRENT METER Reading : AUDIT Date (MM/DD/YR) : CPU Version : CURRENT VOLUME SETTING: ...... ...... ......... .. DISPLAY Version : ...... ...... ........ 06 04 TOTAL PLAYS TOURNAMENT PLAYS TOTAL GAME EARNINGS TOTAL TOUR. EARNINGS 05 JACKPOT 10 01 02 03 07 08 09 NET EARNINGS ACCUM. TOTAL PLAYS ACCUM. TOUR. PLAYS ACCUM. EARNINGS ACCUM. TOUR EARNINGS STARTING METER Reading : STARTING METER Date (MM/DD/YR) : AUDITOR’S NAME : CURRENT METER Reading : AUDIT Date (MM/DD/YR) : CPU Version : GAME LOCATION NAME : 11 ACCUM. JACKPOT 12 # TOURNAMENTS CURRENT VOLUME SETTING: ...... ...... ......... .. DISPLAY Version : ...... ...... ........ 06 04 TOTAL PLAYS TOURNAMENT PLAYS TOTAL GAME EARNINGS TOTAL TOUR. EARNINGS 05 JACKPOT 10 01 02 03 07 08 09 NET EARNINGS ACCUM. TOTAL PLAYS ACCUM. TOUR. PLAYS ACCUM. EARNINGS ACCUM. TOUR EARNINGS STARTING METER Reading : STARTING METER Date (MM/DD/YR) : AUDITOR’S NAME : CURRENT METER Reading : AUDIT Date (MM/DD/YR) : CPU Version : GAME LOCATION NAME : 11 ACCUM. JACKPOT 12 # TOURNAMENTS CURRENT VOLUME SETTING: ...... ...... ......... .. DISPLAY Version : ...... ...... ........ 06 04 TOTAL PLAYS TOURNAMENT PLAYS TOTAL GAME EARNINGS TOTAL TOUR. EARNINGS 05 JACKPOT 10 01 02 03 07 08 09 NET EARNINGS ACCUM. TOTAL PLAYS ACCUM. TOUR. PLAYS ACCUM. EARNINGS ACCUM. TOUR EARNINGS STARTING METER Reading : STARTING METER Date (MM/DD/YR) : AUDITOR’S NAME : CURRENT METER Reading : AUDIT Date (MM/DD/YR) : CPU Version : GAME LOCATION NAME : 11 ACCUM. JACKPOT 12 # TOURNAMENTS CURRENT VOLUME SETTING: ...... ...... ......... .. DISPLAY Version : ...... ...... ........ 06 04 TOTAL PLAYS TOURNAMENT PLAYS TOTAL GAME EARNINGS TOTAL TOUR. EARNINGS 05 JACKPOT 10 01 02 03 07 08 09 NET EARNINGS ACCUM. TOTAL PLAYS ACCUM. TOUR. PLAYS ACCUM. EARNINGS ACCUM. TOUR EARNINGS GAME LOCATION NAME : 11 ACCUM. JACKPOT 12 # TOURNAMENTS 67$1'$5' )($785( $'-8670(177$%/(6 5HYLHZ2YHUYLHZUHJDUGLQJFKDQJHV 67$1'$5'$'- 8670(176 6HF$GMXVWPHQWV 86$ <285 86$ <285 1U $'-8670(17 1$0( 1U $'-8670(17 1$0( '()$8/7 6(77, 1* '()$8/7 6(77, 1* 01 29 AUTO 3 INITIALS REPLAY TYPE HIGH SCORE INITIALS 02* 30 NO 10% REPLAY PERCENTAGE FREE PLAY 31 03 CREDIT ON REPLAY AWARD CUSTOM MESSAGE 04* 32 1: 20,000,000 NORMAL REPLAY LEVELS FLASH LAMP POWER 05 33 YES NORMAL REPLAY BOOST COIL PULSE POWER 06 34 CREDIT NORMAL SPECIAL AWARD KNOCKER VOLUME 07* 35 YES 2% SPECIAL PERCENTAGE GAME RESTART 36 08 05 NO FREE GAME LIMIT BILL VALIDATOR 09* 37 09 01 EXTRA BALL LIMIT BKGRND MUSIC VOLUME 10* EXTRA BALL PERCENTAGE 38* 25% OFF FREEZE TIME 11 39 USA 5 NO GAME PRICING UK POST SAVE ENABLED 12 40 CREDIT OFF MATCH AWARD TIMED PLUNGER 13* 41 DISABLED 9% MATCH PERCENTAGE FLIPPER BALL LAUNCH 42 14 03 NO BALLS PER GAME COINDOOR BALL SAVER 15 43 01 NO TILT WARNINGS COMPETITION MODE 16 44 30 YES CREDIT LIMIT CONSOLATION BALL 17 45 YES YES ALLOW HIGH SCORES FAST BOOT 18 GRAND CHAMPION AWARDS 46 COIN METER 01 Q24 OPTION 47 19 01 NO HIGH SCORE #1 AWARDS TICKET DISP. INSTALLED 20 48 ALLOW PLAYER COMP. MODE 00 YES HIGH SCORE #2 AWARDS 21 49 00 NEVER HIGH SCORE #3 AWARDS TECH ALERT WARNING 22 50 00 NO HIGH SCORE #4 AWARDS TEAM SCORES 23* GRAND CHAMPION SCORE 75,000,000 51 00 LOCATION ID 24* 52 60,000,000 00 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #1 GAME ID 25* 53 10 50,000,000 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #2 FLIPPER ADJ 1 54 26* 45,000,000 50 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #3 FLIPPER ADJ 2 27* 55 40,000,000 3 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #4 FLIPPER ADJ 3 28 2,000 HSTD RESET COUNT * Defaults are subject to change during production (especially 02, 04, 07, 09, 10, 13, 23-27 & 38). Note: If Game & Display ROMs other than USA are installed, along with the proper Dip Switch Settings, different Defaults will appear. If changes are made (or your Defaults are not USA), enter them with pencil in the YOUR SETTING spaces provided for reference. 6KRUWFXW WR 6WDQGDUG $GMXVWPHQW )($785($'- 8670(176 020603 1U $'-8670(17 1$0( 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 NUM. RING COMBOS-LEVEL TWO TOWERS MBALL DIFF 1ST HARD TTT MB TTT LOCK DIFFICULTY PALANTIR DIFFICULTY FELLOWSHIP DIFFICULTY RING MULTIBALL DIFF RING MBALL E. BALL MEM RING MBALL SPECIAL MEM ELF GIFT E. BALL MEM ELF GIFT SPECIAL MEM RING FRENZY E. BALL DIFF RING FRENZY E. BALL MEM RING MODE DIFFICULTY PATHS OF THE DEAD DIFF MYSTERY DIFFICULTY MYSTERY EB MEM 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 86$ <285 '()$8/7 6(77, 1* 10 MODERATE 1 EX. EASY EASY EASY MODERATE NO NO YES YES MODERATE NO EASY MODERATE HARD NO 86$ <285 '()$8/7 6(77, 1* 18 NO MYSTERY SPECIAL MEM 19 EASY SPOT RING DIFF. 20 MODERATE ELF RING SPOTTING 21 EASY DWARF RING SPOTTING 22 MODERATE HUMAN RING SPOTTING 23 FELLOWSHIP MBALL DIFF MODERATE 24 MODERATE ROTK MBALL DIFF 25 YES CONSOLATION MYSTERY 26 ALLOW VOLUME EFFECTS YES 27 GAME START BALROG ROAR YES 28 BARAD-DÛR DIFFICULTY MODERATE 29 YES BARAD-DÛR E. B. MEMORY 30 YES SPOT FELLOWSHIP MBRS. 31 MODERATE GOLLUM’S CAVE DIFF. 32 EARLY BARAD-DÛR CRASH YES 33 OFF CAVE TROLL SEQUENCE 34 BOTH CONSOLATION BALROG 35 1 DESTROY RING # BALLS 1U $'-8670(17 1$0( *R7R $GMXVWPHQWV0HQX 6HFWLRQ & KD SW H U R I *R 7 R $G M XV WP H Q WV 0 H Q X 2YHU YL HZ The Portals Service Menu System provides 90 Adjustments to vary Game Functions to customize for your particular needs. The Adjustments are divided into 2 groups: Standard Adjustments (01-55) and Feature Adjustments (01-35). Game code may get upgraded during production; compare all Adjustments in the display with the manual and make any corrections to the Adjustment Table (previous page), as necessary. Adjustments are subject to change (with or without notice). To view Adjustments in the display, enter the Portals Service Menu System. When a change is made and then the next / previous Adjustment is selected (or the Sub-Menu is exited), the display will momentarily flash REQUEST INSTALLED. For further customization of Game Play Difficulty or Game Play Type or how to RESET ONLY the Adjustments, see Section 3, Chapter 5, GO TO INSTALLS MENU. Important: The Coin Door must be OPEN allowing the Memory Protect Switch to be disabled, so any Adjustment changes can be made. *272$'-8670(1760(18 After entering Portals , the MAIN MENU now appears. Select the "ADJ" Icon in the MAIN MENU with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons (the Flipper Buttons operates in the same manner) and press the Black "ENTER" Button (the Start Button operates in the same manner). The ADJUSTMENTS MENU appears. Continue through this chapter for the explanation & usage of the Icons in the ADJUSTMENTS MENU. 6 W DQ G DU G $G M X VW P H QW V To initiate, from the ADJUSTMENTS MENU, select the "S.P.I." Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Select and activate either of the ">>" MiniIcons to view the next or previous Adjustment in this group. Select and activate either of the "-" or "+" Mini-Icons to change the setting, if desired (the Default Setting is noted in the definitions below). The display will describe the Adjustment Number, Adjustment Name and the Current Adjustment Setting. The current Adjustment will remain in the display until the next Adjustment is view or when this Menu is exited. 6HF$GMXVWPHQWV back to Page 38 WARNING: Changes made in any Adjustments will be lost after a FACTORY RESET or removal of the CPU/Sound Board Batteries. 1U 67$1'$5' $'-8670(17 1$0( 'HILQLWLRQ REPLAY TYPE: Set to AUTO, DYNAMIC, FIXED or NONE. Default is AUTO. Selecting NONE will make Standard Adjustments 2-5 NOT AVAILABLE. Selecting FIXED will make Standard Adjustment 2 NOT AVAILABLE. If selected AUTO, DYNAMIC or FIXED, you will need to then select the number of Replay Levels and Score Threshold (in Standard Adj. 4) desired for the player to receive a Replay Award (select type in Standard Adj. 3). The Default Score appears as a starting point after the Level amount is selected. AUTO & DYNAMIC will then get based on the Replay Percentage (in Standard Adjustment 2). 01 02 x Select FIXED to give the player a Replay Award as the Score Threshold is reached. This Score Threshold will not adjust up or down. x Select AUTO to give the player a Replay Award as the Score Threshold is reached. This Score Threshold will automatically adjust up or down based on the Replay Percentage chosen (in Std. Adj. 2). The game periodically adjusts based upon the Player Base Skill Level. x Select DYNAMIC to give the player a Replay Award as the Score Threshold is reached. This Score Threshold will go down every game based on the Replay Percentage selected. For (Dynamic) example, if the Score Threshold is 50,000,00 and the Replay Percentage selected is 10%, every game a player does not reach the Score Threshold, the score to reach will drop by 5,000,000 (10% of 50M). This will continue every game until the Threshold Score is reached. Thus, if the score then drops to 15,000,000 after 7 games and is then achieved, the Replay Award is given. The original Score Threshold is added to 15,000,000 and is now 65,000,000. It will then take the same player 10 games to reach 15,000,000. REPLAY PERCENTAGE: Set between 01% - 50. Default is 10%. This Adjustment is required if Standard Adjustment 1 is set to AUTO or DYNAMIC. Standard Adjustments 03-11 continued on the next page. *R7R $GMXVWPHQWV0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 020603 6WDQGDUG$GMXVWPHQWV&RQWLQX HG 67$1'$5' $'-8670(17 1$0( 'HILQLWLRQ to EXTRA BALL, CREDIT, TICKET* or TOKEN*. Default is CREDIT. Select EXTRA 03 REPLAY AWARD: Set BALL if awarding a CREDIT, TICKET/TOKEN is prohibited in your area. *TICKET or TOKEN is selected, the game will require an optional Ticket or Token Dispenser If selected Token, then Standard Ajustment 46, Q24 Option, must be changed accordingly. 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 6HF$GMXVWPHQWV 11 REPLAY LEVELS: Set between 1 - 4 for the number of Replay Levels to be active. Default is 1. A "Drop-Down" Table appears showing Replay Level 1. Adjust the Replay Level between 10M - 9.99B (Default Score appears as a starting point) using the "-" or "+" Mini-Icons, then use the ">>" Mini-Icon to go to next Level (if selected more than 1) and select the next highest Threshold Score(s) desired. REPLAY BOOST: Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. This Adjustment works only when Standard Adjustment 1, Replay Type, is set to FIXED or AUTO. When set to YES, while FIXED or AUTO maintains the Replay Levels, Replay Boost works as follows: If the Replay Level is 7,000,000 (regardless of the Replay Percentage), and the Player scores 20M, and receives the Replay Award, the next game the Current Replay Level is added to this base. Thus the next game, the Replay Level is 14,000,000. The Player agains scores 20M. The next game the Player will need to achieve 21,000,00 to earn the Replay Award. If the Player does not achieve 21,000,000, the next game reverts back to the original 7,000,000 or the new adjusted level maintained by the Fixed or Autopercentaging Feature. SPECIAL AWARD: Set to EXTRA BALL, CREDIT, TICKET*, TOKEN* or POINTS. Default is CREDIT. Select EXTRA BALL or POINTS if awarding a CREDIT or TICKET/TOKEN is prohibited in your area. SPECIAL PERCENTAGE: Set between 1% - 5%. Default is 2%. This adjustment allows the operator to adjust how frequently the Special Feature is made available to the player. FREE GAME LIMIT: Set between 01 - 09, NO FREE GAMES or UNLIMITED. Default is 05. Set the maximum number of Free Games that may be accumulated per game. EXTRA BALL LIMIT: Set between 01 - 09, NO EXTRA BALLS or UNLIMITED. Default is 09. Set the number of Extra Balls that may be accumulated per game. EXTRA BALL PERCENTAGE: Set between 01% - 50%. Default is 25%. This adjustment allows the operator to adjust how frequently the Extra Ball Feature is made available to the player. GAME PRICING: There are two (2) methods available for Coin Switch Programming: Standard & Custom. Set between USA 1 thru EURO 12 or CUSTOM. USA Factory Default Setting is USA 5. The Dip Switch Settings (Sw. 300) on the CPU/Sound Board for each Country must match with what is shown in the USA & Int’l. Standard Pricing Select Tables for your country to have correct operation (see the next page). For a Standard Selection (USA or International): Select & activate either of the "-" or "+" Mini-Icons to move backward or forward in the Display; With your choice appearing in the display, select & activate the ">>" Mini-Icon to advance and "lock-in" the change (display will momentarily flash REQUEST INSTALLED). If CUSTOM is selected (appears in display), after selecting & activating any Mini-Icon (except for "-" or "+"), the display will momentarily flash REQUEST INSTALLED with the display "LEFT COIN: 0 PULSE" appearing. Use the "<<" or ">>" Mini-Icons to select the next choice (see Table Examples below) and the "-" or "+" Mini-Icons to customize the PULSES, CREDITS & CLICKS from 0 to 99. The prescribed number of PULSES required for 1 CREDIT must be set according to the Pricing Scheme desired. Some simple calculations are required to get the proper set-up. After customizing, test the set-up with appropriate Coins or Bills and adjust, if necessary. Note: Clicks can be changed if an optional Coin Meter is installed. LEFT CENTER RIGHT 4TH 25¢ $1.00 25¢ Not Used Coin Mechanisms Used Example 1 1 /50¢ 2 /75¢ 3/ $1.00 Pricing Scheme Desired LEFT COIN: CENTER COIN: RIGHT COIN: 3 12 3 PULSES PULSES PULSES FOURTH ONE COIN: CREDIT: 1 PULSE 4 BONUS 1: 0 PULSES PULSES BONUS 2: BONUS 1: BONUS 2: 0 0 0 PULSES CREDITS CREDITS LEFT COIN: CENTER RIGHT FOURTH COIN: COIN: COIN: 1 4 1 1 CLICK CLICKS CLICK CLICK In Example 1, note the LEFT (and RIGHT) COIN: 3 PULSES and ONE CREDIT: 4 PULSES. Since every Coin inserted produces 3 Pulses & every Credit requires 4 Pulses, 2 Coins (50¢) will produce 6 Pulses (4 Pulses for the 1st Credit + 2 Pulses remains in escrow). The 3rd Coin (75¢) provides another 3 Pulses for a total of 5 Pulses (4 Pulses for the 2nd Credit + 1 Pulse remains in es crow). The 4th Coin ($1.00) provides another 3 Pulses for a total of 4 Pulses (4 Pulses for the 3rd Credit + 0 Pulses remain). The CENTER COIN: 12 PULSES is set this way (with a Bill Validator attached); every $1-Bill inserted produces 12 Pulses or 3 Credits. LEFT CENTER RIGHT 4TH 25¢ $1.00 25¢ Not Used Coin Mechanisms Used Example 2 1 /50¢ 2 /75¢ 7/ $2.00 Pricing Scheme Desired LEFT COIN: CENTER COIN: RIGHT COIN: 3 12 3 PULSES PULSES PULSES FOURTH ONE COIN: CREDIT: 1 PULSE 4 BONUS 1: 24 PULSES PULSES BONUS 2: BONUS 1: BONUS 2: LEFT COIN: CENTER RIGHT FOURTH COIN: COIN: COIN: 0 1 0 1 4 1 1 PULSES CREDIT CREDITS CLICK CLICKS CLICK CLICK In Example 2, similar to Example 1, however, BONUS CREDITS are implemented. In addition to receiving 3 plays for every $1.00, the player is awarded an extra Credit for every 2nd dollar inserted before game start. LEFT CENTER RIGHT 4TH Example 3 25¢ $1.00 25¢ Not Used 1 /25¢ 6/ $1.00 13/ $2.00 Coin Mechanisms Used Pricing Scheme Desired LEFT COIN: CENTER COIN: RIGHT COIN: 5 20 5 FOURTH ONE COIN: CREDIT: 0 4 BONUS 1: 20 PULSES PULSES PULSES PULSES PULSES PULSES BONUS 2: BONUS 1: BONUS 2: LEFT COIN: CENTER RIGHT FOURTH COIN: COIN: COIN: 40 1 0 1 4 1 1 PULSES CREDIT CREDITS CLICK CLICKS CLICK CLICK In Example 3, a Pricing Scheme for a cheaper game is shown. An extra Pulse is put in escrow for every 25¢, thus at 4X 25¢ inserted, another Credit is given, and the BONUS 1: 20 PULSES threshold is also met, so 6/ $1.00 is achieved. BONUS 2: 40 PULSES is set, so when this threshold is met with $2.00, 13 Credits are produced. LEFT CENTER RIGHT 4TH 10p 50p £1 20p Coin Mechanisms Used LEFT COIN: Example 4 1 /30p 2 /50p 5 /£1 Pricing Scheme Desired 1 PULSE CENTER COIN: RIGHT COIN: 6 15 FOURTH ONE COIN: CREDIT: 2 3 BONUS 1: 0 PULSES PULSES PULSES PULSES PULSES BONUS 2: BONUS 1: BONUS 2: 0 0 0 PULSES CREDITS CREDITS LEFT COIN: CENTER RIGHT FOURTH COIN: COIN: COIN: 1 4 1 1 CLICK CLICKS CLICK CLICK In Example 4, a Pricing Scheme using a different currency (i.e. British Sterling) is shown to provide another way coins (or tokens) can be utilized to custom tailor to your own needs. Standard Adjustment 11, Custom Pricing, continued on the next page. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH *R7R $GMXVWPHQWV0HQX 6WDQGDUG$GMXVWPHQW&RQWLQXHG 67$1'$5' $'-8670(17 1$0( 'HILQLWLRQ 86$ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO6WDQGDUG3ULFLQJ6HOHFW7DEOHV CPU/SOUND BOARD DIP SWITCH 300 SETTING ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF 99999999 USA 1 USA 2 USA 3 USA 4 USA 5 USA 6 USA 7 USA 8 8 ª $.25 $1.00 $.25 PRICING SCHEME Number of Plays (Credits) for Price Amount Shown See "Appendix J" for Coin Cards Examples & Info! ª 1 /$.25 1 /$.50 1 /$.50 1 /$.50 1 /$.50 1 /$.50 1 /$.50 1 /$.50 2 /$.75 Requires SPI Coin Card(s) Part Number 755-5400-01 755-5400-02 755-5400-02 755-5400-02 755-5400-00 3 /$1.00 For USA Defaults 6 & 7 use: 5 /$2.00 755-5400-02 2 /’4 X 25¢’ 3 /$1.00 Bill 4 /$1.50 6 /$2.00 3 /$1.00 9 Used to promote the Bill Validator. 755-5400-00 For different Euro Pricing Scheme (other than below default), go to Adjustment 06 and scroll through Euro 1-12 for new setting (see end of table Euro 1-12). Austria L.50 L1.00 L2.00 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Euro 9 8 88 Australia 1 © 20¢ $A1 $A2 9 9 9 9 9 Australia 2 8 Belgium L.50 L1.00 L2.00 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Euro 1 88 Can$.25 Can$.25 Can$1 9 9 9 9 9 9 Canada 8 8 Denmark 1 © 1 DKr 5 DKr 10 DKr 9 9 9 9 9 9 Denmark 2 8 8 Finland L.50 L1.00 L2.00 9 9 9 9 9 9 Euro 8 88 France 0,50 L 1,00 L 2,00 L 9 9 9 9 9 9 Euro 10 888 Germany 1 9 9 9 9 9 Germany 2 © L0,50 L1,00 L2,00 ª 1 /L1.00 2 /L1.50 1 /$A1 1 /$A1 3 /$A2 3 /L2.00 755-5401-09 755-5406-00 (Side 1) For different Euro Pricing Scheme (other than below default), go to Adjustment 06 and scroll through Euro 1-12 for new setting (see end of table Euro 1-12). 1 /L.50 Can$2 20 DKr ª 755-5401-01 1 /50¢ 2 /75¢ 3/ Can$1 755-5400-00 or -01 or -02 1 /3 DKr 1 /2 DKr 2 /5 DKr 3 /5 DKr 7 /10 DKr 755-5402-00 (2-Sided) For different Euro Pricing Scheme (other than below default), go to Adjustment 06 and scroll through Euro 1-12 for new setting (see end of table Euro 1-12). 1 /L1.00 3 /L2.00 755-5401-08 For different Euro Pricing Scheme (other than below default), go to Adjustment 06 and scroll through Euro 1-12 for new setting (see end of table Euro 1-12). 1 /1,00 L 3 /2,00 L 7 /3,00 L 755-5401-10 Germany: For different Euro Pricing Scheme (other than below settings), go to Adjustment 06 and scroll to Custom for this Unique Coin Door & Mech. 8888 9999 8 ª Germany 3 1 /0,50¢ 1 /0,50¢ 1 /0,50¢ 755-5401-01 755-5401-02 755-5401-04 5 /L2,00 6 /L2,00 For different Euro Pricing Scheme (other than below default), go to Adjustment 06 and scroll through Euro 1-12 for new setting (see end of table Euro 1-12). L.50 Greece Euro 6 L1.00 L2.00 2 /L.50 755-5401-06 Italy: For different Euro Pricing Scheme (other than below settings), go to Adjustment 06 and scroll to Custom for this Unique Coin Door & Mech. © L.50 L.50 999 9999 8 Netherlands L.50 L1.00 L2.00 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Euro 3 8 New Zealand 1 © $NZ2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 New Zealand 2 $NZ1 8 8 Norway 1 © 10 NKr 5 NKr 20 NKr 9 9 9 9 9 9 Norway 2 8 8 L.50 L.50 9 9 9 9 9 9 Portugal 8 8 Spain L.50 L1.00 L2.00 9 9 9 9 9 9 Euro 3 88 8 Sweden 1 © 1 SKr 5 SKr 10 SKr 9 9 9 9 9 Sweden 2 88 Switzerland 1 © 99 9 9 9 9 Switzerland 2 1 SwF 2 SwF 5 SwF ª Italy 1 Italy 2 1 /.50¢ 1 /L1.00 3 /L2.00 755-5401-01 & 755-5401-08 1 /L.50 3 /L1.00 755-5401-03 ª 1 /$NZ1 1 /$NZ1 3 /$NZ2 755-5406-00 (Side 2) ª 1 /5 NKr 1 /10 NKr 3 /20 NKr 755-5403-00 (2-Sided) For different Euro Pricing Scheme (other than below default), go to Adjustment 06 and scroll through Euro 1-12 for new setting (see end of table Euro 1-12). Portugal: For different Euro Pricing Scheme (other than below settings), go to Adjustment 06 and scroll to Custom for this Unique Coin Door & Mech. 1 /L.50 755-5401-01 For different Euro Pricing Scheme (other than below default), go to Adjustment 06 and scroll through Euro 1-12 for new setting (see end of table Euro 1-12). 9 888 9999 /()7 UK 1 UK 2 UK 3 UK 4 UK 5 UK 6 10p © &(17(5 50p 5,*+7 £1 7+ 20p 1 /L.50 3 /L1.00 ª 1 /10 SKr 2 /15 SKr 3 /20 SKr ª 1 /1 SwF 6 /5 SwF 3 /2 SwF 9 /5 SwF 755-5401-03 1 /5 SKr 1 /1 SwF 755-5404-00 (2-Sided) 755-5405-00 (2-Sided) 7+ UK also utilizes the 5th Coin Slot Switch (not available with Custom Pricing). £2 3 /£1 4 /£1 1 /50p 1 /30p 1 /£1 3 /£2 ª 7 /£2 5 /£2 4 /£1 3 /£2 *use blank side 755-5407-00 755-5407-01* 755-5407-01 755-5407-01* 755-5407-00 755-5407-01* Note: The Country Setting Option above noted with "«" & "»" denotes the Factory Default Setting (subject to change). Std. Adj. 11, Custom Pricing, and Std. Adj. 12-31 continued on the next page. *R7R $GMXVWPHQWV0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF$GMXVWPHQWV Pos. COIN MECHANISMS (SWITCHES) COINS THRU ... SLOT: LEFT CENTER RIGHT 4TH COUNTRY SETTING OPTION(S) 6WDQGDUG$GMXVWPHQW&RQWLQXHG 67$1'$5' $'-8670(17 1$0( 'HILQLWLRQ Pos. S E E A B O V E OFF S E T T I N G S ON Euro 1-12 are alternate settings for countries using the Euro: If choosing an alternate Euro Setting other than your Country’s Default, please remember to use your Country Dip Switch Setting. (XUR6XPPDU\3ULFLQJ6HOHFW7DEOH Alternate Settings Euro 1 Euro 2 Euro 3 Euro 4 Euro 5 Euro 6 Euro 7 Euro 8 Euro 9 Euro 10 Euro 11 Euro 12 /()7 L.50 &(17(5 5,*+7 L1.00 L2.00 7+ optional L.20 optional 1 /L.50 1 /L.50 1 /L.50 1 /L.50 1 /L.50 2 /L.50 1 /L1.00 1 /L1.00 1 /L1.00 1 /L1.00 1 /L1.00 2 /L1.00 5 /L2.00 3 /L1.00 6 /L2.00 3 /L1.00 5 /L4.00 3 /L2.00 2 /L1.50 3 /L2.00 4 /L2.00 9 /L4.00 7 /L2.00 3 /L2.00 7 /L3.00 755-5401-01 755-5401-02 755-5401-03 755-5401-04 755-5401-05 755-5401-06 755-5401-07 755-5401-08 755-5401-09 755-5401-10 755-5401-11 755-5401-12 6HF$GMXVWPHQWV 12 MATCH AWARD: Set to CREDIT, TICKET* or TOKEN*. Default is CREDIT. *read note under Std. Adjustment 3. MATCH PERCENTAGE: Set between 0% - 10% or OFF. Default is 9%. At 0% the match display occurs at 13 the end of the game but never awards a Credit. Set to OFF, no Match Animation Feature is shown. 14 BALLS PER GAME: Set between 02 - 10. Default is 03. Set the number of balls per game. 15 TILT WARNINGS: Set to 00, 01 or 03. Default is 01. Set the number of Plumb Bob Tilt Switch closures before the ball in play is tilted. 16 CREDIT LIMIT: Set between 04 - 50. Default is 30. Set the maximum credits allowed. ALLOW HIGH SCORES: Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. When set to YES if a player exceeds any 1 of the 4 High Scores, the player may receive an award (depending on Standard Adjustment 03, Replay 17 Award). Set to NO to disable this feature. There are 5 High Scores that will allow the player to enter their initials (or name) (see Standard Adjustment 29, High Score Initials). 18 GRAND CHAMPION AWARDS: Set between 00 - 05. Default is 01. Set the number of awards, awarded for exceeding Level 1 (the highest of the five (5) Levels). HIGH SCORE #1 AWARDS: Set between 00 - 03. Default is 01. Set the number of awards, awarded for 19 exceeding Level 2. HIGH SCORE #2 AWARDS: Set between 00 - 02. Default is 00. Set the number of awards, awarded for 20 exceeding Level 3. HIGH SCORE #3 AWARDS: Set between 00 - 01. Default is 00. Set the number of awards, awarded for 21 exceeding Level 4. HIGH SCORE #4 AWARDS: Set between 00 - 01. Default is 00. Set the number of awards, awarded for 22 exceeding Level 5. GRAND CHAMPION SCORE: Set between 1,000,000 - 9,999,000,000 or 00 (increments of 1M). Default is 75,000,000. Set the desired High Score Level to which Level 1 may be achieved. A score higher than 23 the default, cannot be reset by Standard Adjustment 28, HSTD Reset Count. The High Score will revert to the Default Score ONLY if a Factory Reset is done or the batteries are removed from the CPU/Snd. Bd. DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #1: Set between 1,000,000 - 9,999,000,000 or 00 (increments of 1M). Default is 24 60,000,000. Set the desired High Score Level to which Level 2 may be achieved. Read Std. Adj. 28. DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #2: Set between 1,000,000 - 9,999,000,000 or 00 (increments of 1M). Default is 25 50,000,000. Set the desired High Score Level to which Level 3 may be achieved. Read Std. Adj. 28. DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #3: Set between 1,000,000 - 9,999,000,000 or 00 (increments of 1M). Default is 26 45,000,000. Set the desired High Score Level to which Level 4 may be achieved. Read Std. Adj. 28. DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #4: Set between 1,000,000 - 9,999,000,000 or 00 (increments of 1M). Default is 27 40,000,000. Set the desired High Score Level to which Level 5 may be achieved. Read Std. Adj. 28. HSTD RESET COUNT: Set between 100 - 9,900 or OFF (increments of 100). Default is 2,000. HSTD (High Score To Date). Set the number of games between "automatic resets of High Score Levels" to 28 "Default Scores" for ONLY Standard Adj. 24-27, Default High Score #1-#4. HIGH SCORE INITIALS: Set to 3 INITIALS or 10 LETTER. Default is 3 INITIALS. When set to 3 29 INITIALS, the player is allowed only 3 initials to input. When set to 10 LETTER NAME, the player is allowed to enter 10 initials to input. 30 FREE PLAY: Set to YES or NO. Default is NO. When set to YES, no coins are required for Game Play. CUSTOM MESSAGE: Set to ON, CHANGE or OFF. Default is ON. When set to CHANGE, a new message can be set or the old one can be edited (select the "+" Mini-Icon to change settings until "CHANGE" appears in the display, then select the ">>" Mini-Icon to access.). This adjustment can be 31 accessed in two (2) ways by either selecting the "S.P.I." Icon and advancing to this Adjustment, or can be directly accessed by selecting the "ABCD CUST MSG" Icon in the ADJUSTMENTS MENU. View the Custom Message Shortcut summary (end of this chapter) for how to enter text or symbols. Standard Adjustments 32-48 continued on the next page. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH *R7R $GMXVWPHQWV0HQX 32 FLASH LAMP POWER: Set to NORMAL, DIM or OFF. Default is NORMAL. When set to DIM, the Flash Lamps impulse power is reduced by 25% and when set to OFF the Flash Lamps will not flash. COIL PULSE POWER: Set to NORMAL, HARD or SOFT. Default is NORMAL. When set to HARD, the coil pulse power is increased by 12.5% of the normal pulse rate. When set to SOFT the coil pulse power 33 is decreased by 12.5% of the normal pulse rate. This adj. is provided to compensate for Low Line or High Line voltage conditions where the solenoids (coils) appear to kicking too weak or too hard. Adjust as required. KNOCKER VOLUME: Set to NORMAL, LOW or OFF. Default is NORMAL. When set to LOW, the volume 34 is decreased 50%. When set to OFF, no sound is heard when the "knocker" is sounded. GAME RESTART: Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. When set to YES, a new game may be started during any ball after the first ball is completed (if credits are available). Pressing the Start Button during 35 the first ball will add additional players. When set to NO, the game disables the Start Button after the first ball until the final ball is in play. Review Sec. 2, Chp. 1, GAME OPERATIONS & FEATURES, for details. 36 BILL VALIDATOR: Set to YES or NO. Default is NO. When set to YES, in Game Attract Mode the Display will show an "Insert Bill Animation." When set to NO, the Display will show an "Insert Coin Animation." BKGRND (BACKGROUND) MUSIC VOLUME: Set between 01 - 15. Default is 01. After volume is set via Portals Service Buttons (see Section 3, Chapter 1, PORTALS SERVICE MENU INTRODUCTION) this 37 adjustment can be utilized to adjust the background music (1 all the way on, 15 all the way off) while keeping the Special Sound FX the same level. FREEZE TIME (BALL SAVE): Set to OFF, 0:01-0:15 or AUTO. Default is OFF. When set to OFF this feature is unavailable. Set between 0:01 through 0:15 (single increments) for the ball to be sent back into 38 play if the time set is not met (per ball). Set to AUTO to automatically adjust the Freeze Timer based on the average ball time. UK ONLY Dip Switch Must Be Set UK POST SAVE ENABLED: Set to YES or NO. Default is NO, (UK Default is YES). When set to YES this feature is available when lit. Set to NO 39 to disable this feature. (UK Games have Outlane/Center Post Save Devices which are accessed in differently; Non-UK Games cannot adjust this setting.) TIMED PLUNGER: Set to OFF or 0:15 - 1:00. Default is OFF. When set to 0:15 to 1:00, the plunger will 40 "Autoplunge" the ball (at the time set) when the ball is at the beginning of play, awaiting the skill shot by the player. FLIPPER BALL LAUNCH: Set to DISABLED, LEFT FLIPPER, RIGHT FLIPPER, EITHER FLIPPER or 41 BOTH FLIPPERS. Default is DISABLED. This feature allows the player to operate the Auto Ball Launch with the FLIPPER BUTTON(S) depending on which setting is chosen. COINDOOR BALL SAVER: Set to YES or NO. Default is NO. When set to NO, this feature is not available. When set to YES, this feature allows the Coin Door to be opened during game play; the ball 42 will drain but the game will be placed "on hold". When the Coin Door is closed, the pinball will return to the Shooter Lane, and the game will resume. COMPETITION MODE: Set to YES or NO. Default is NO. When set to NO, this feature is not available. If an Install of either $.50 or Free Play Comp. was made (changing default to YES), and was changed 43 back to NO, the COMPETITION MODE will be turned OFF (see Sec. 3, Chp. 5, GO TO INSTALLS MENU, $. 50 or Free Play Competition). Set to YES, this feature is available (required for Competition Modes); this feature will equalize random game features and global score values during multi-player games. CONSOLATION BALL: Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. When set to YES, the EXTRA BALL (Playfield 44 Light Insert, location varies) will be lit on the last ball in play, if certain programming criteria is met. FAST BOOT: Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. When set to NO or if you hold the RIGHT Flipper Button during Power-Up, this feature is not available and will display all normal Power-Up screens. When set to 45 YES, the game will not display the normal informative Power-Up screens, specifically the CPU Version screen and the Location/Game ID screen. Regardless of the setting, normal Power-Up safety checks are still performed. Q24 OPTION: Set to COIN METER, TOKEN DISPENSER or KNOCKER. Default is COIN METER. This Coil (Solenoid) Location is left "open" at the Factory to allow for these optional Mechanisms to be added 46 to the game. If selecting TOKEN DISPENSER, Standard Adjustments 03, 06 & 12 should be changed to TOKEN. Call Technical Support at 1-800-542-5377 if more information is required on this option. TICKET DISP. INSTALLED: Set to YES or NO. Default is NO. This adjustment is required only for games 47 which have an optional Deltronics (DL-1275-2 PCB Style, SPI Part Nr. 515-7275-00) Ticket Dispenser installed. Unique CPU Sound Bd. Dip Switch (Sw. 300) Setting required, changes the Default to YES. ALLOW PLAYER COMP. MODE: Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. Competition Mode unrandomizes feature events, and standardizes game play and rule sets (varies from game to game) for fair competitions. With adequate credit, to enter Competition Mode, hold the Flipper Button in while pressing the 48 Start Button. Watch the Dot Display for more details (rules and operation are subject to change). General rules are covered in the Instruction Card. Other Hints and/or Rules can be made known on this game either visually (the Dot Display or Flashing Light Inserts) or can be audible. Standard Adjustments 49-55 continued on the next page. *R7R $GMXVWPHQWV0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF$GMXVWPHQWV 6W DQGDUG$GM XVWPHQW V&RQWLQX HG 67$1'$5' $'-8670(17 1$0( 'HILQLWLRQ 6WDQGDUG$GM XVWPHQWV&RQWLQX HG 67$1'$5' $'-8670(17 1$0( 'HILQLWLRQ 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 TECH ALERT WARNING: A Portals Function. Review Sec. 3, Chp. 2, GO TO DIAGNOSTICS MENU, Page 25, regarding Technician Alerts and its’ functions. Set to NEVER, POWERUP, COIN DOOR or POWERUP AND COIN DOOR. Default is NEVER. When set to NEVER, the Tech Report Alert display will not appear upon Power-Up or opening the Coin Door, if the game detects any problems. When set to POWERUP, the display will appear only upon Power-Up (if problems detected). When set to COIN DOOR, the display will appear only when the Coin Door is opened (if problems detected). When set to POWERUP AND COIN DOOR, the display will appear upon Power-Up and if the Coin Door is opened (if problems detected). TEAM SCORES: Set to YES or NO. Default is NO. Set to YES, then Team Play will be made available. Team Play only works in a 4-Player Game. The totals for Players 1 / 3 (Team 1) & Players 2 / 4 (Team 2) are then displayed individually as well as the combined score for BOTH TEAMS to enable Team Play (Doubles). See Section 2, Chapter 1, Game Operation & Features, for non-adjustable Features. LOCATION ID: Set between 00 to 9999. Default is 00. This adjustment allows the operator to assign a location identification number to the audit print-out sheet. (Will not be affected by Factory Reset.) GAME ID: Set between 00 to 9999. Default is 00. This adjustment allows the operator to assign a game identification number to the audit print-out sheet. (Will not be affected by Factory Reset.) FLIPPER ADJ 1: Set between 05 to 40. Default is 10. This adjustment sets the minimum fire time for a flipper coil in milliseconds. FLIPPER ADJ 2: Set between 40 to 60. Default is 50. This adjustment sets the maximum fire time for a flipper coil in milliseconds. FLIPPER ADJ 3: Set between 0 to 10. Default is 3. This adjustment sets the amount of time to fire the coil after the EOS switch is seen in milliseconds. 6HF$GMXVWPHQWV Standard Adjustments 53-55 Note: x Flippers will now fire when the button is pushed until the End-of-Stroke (EOS) Switch closure is seen. When EOS is seen, continue firing for the amount of time in Std. Adj. 55. When this time is expired, if the minimum time has not yet been met (Std. Adj. 53), then keep firing until it has. Otherwise switch to hold power. x If the flipper has been firing and it reaches the maximum (Std. Adj. 54), then switch to hold power. x If the flipper caves-in (EOS re-closes) while the button is still held, then refire the flipper at full power. Switch to hold power as soon as EOS is seen, no minimum times are enforced in this situation. x If the flipper caves in several times on the same single flipper button press, then stop refiring at full power and just stay at hold. x If the flipper fails to open the EOS switch several times, then assume it isn’t working and fall back to a "safe" fire time so as not to burn up the coil. )HDWX UH$GMX VWPHQWV To initiate, from the ADJUSTMENTS MENU, select the "LOTR" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Select and activate either of the ">>" Mini-Icons to view the next or previous Adjustment in this group. Select and activate either of the "-" or "+" Mini-Icons to change the setting, if desired (the Default Setting is noted in the definitions below). The display will describe the Adjustment Number, Adjustment Name and the Current Adjustment Setting. The current Adjustment will remain in the display until the next Adjustment is view or when this Menu is exited. Game Play, Rules, Settings and Explanation Subject to Change. 1U )($785( $'-8670(17 1$0( 'HILQLWLRQ 01 NUMBER RING COMBOS - (PER) LEVEL : Set between 5 - 15. Default is 10. Note: This adjustment controls how many combos until the difficulty and points increase. TWO TOWERS MULTIBALL DIFFICULTY : Set to EXEASY, EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXHARD. 02 Default is MODERATE. Note: This adjustment controls how long we need to survive. 1ST HARD THE TWO TOWERS MULTIBALL : Set between 1 - 03. Default is 1. Note: This adjustment 03 determines which Multiball does the player need to light the locks for. THE TWO TOWERS LOCK DIFFICULTY : Set to EXEASY, EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXHARD. Default is EXEASY. Note: This adjustment controls how hard it is to light locks. EXTRA EASY = No Locks Lit, 2 KEEP Letters, Lane Memory and Locks Stackable. 04 EASY = No Locks Lit, 1 KEEP Letter, Lane Memory and Locks Stackable. MODERATE = No Locks Lit, 1 KEEP Letter, Lane Memory and Locks Unstackable. HARD = No Locks Lit, 1 KEEP Letter, No Lane Memory and Locks Unstackable. EXTRA HARD = No Locks Lit, 1 KEEP Letter, Lanes Toggle and Locks Unstackable. PALANTIR DIFFICULTY : Set to EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXHARD. Default is EASY. 05 Note: This adjustment controls how often the Palantir is lit. EASY = At Ball Start. MODERATE = At Game Start. HARD = Never. EXTRA HARD = Off at Ball Start. FELLOWSHIP (OF THE RING) MBALL DIFF. : Set to EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXHARD. Default is EASY. Note: This adjustment controls how many shots for each member. 06 EASY = 1 shot. MODERATE = 1 shot (only 1 lit at a time, randomly). HARD = 2 shots. EXTRA HARD = 2 shots per member in-a-row. Feature Adjustments 7-25 continued on the next page. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH *R7R $GMXVWPHQWV0HQX )H DWX UH $GMX VWPH QWV&RQWLQXH G 07 RING MULTIBALL DIFFICULTY : Set to EASY, MODERATE or HARD. Default is MODERATE. Note: This adjustment controls how hard it is to get cool awards. RING MULTIBALL EXTRA BALL MEMORY : Set to YES or NO. Default is NO. When set to YES, this 08 feature bonus (Ring MB EB) lit will be retained in memory from ball-to-ball for the same player. When set to NO, this feature will go out at the end of each ball. RING MULTIBALL SPECIAL MEMORY : Set to YES or NO. Default is NO. When set to YES, this feature 09 bonus (Ring MB Special) lit will be retained in memory from ball-to-ball for the same player. When set to NO, this feature will go out at the end of each ball. ELF GIFT EXTRA BALL MEMORY : Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. When set to YES, this feature 10 bonus (Elf Gift EB) lit will be retained in memory from ball-to-ball for the same player. When set to NO, this feature will go out at the end of each ball. ELF GIFT SPECIAL MEMORY : Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. When set to YES, this feature bonus 11 (Elf Gift Special) lit will be retained in memory from ball-to-ball for the same player. When set to NO, this feature will go out at the end of each ball. RING FRENZY EXTRA BALL DIFFICULTY : Set to EXEASY, EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXHARD. 12 Default is MODERATE. Note: This adjustment determines the multiplier needed. RING FRENZY EXTRA BALL MEMORY : Set to YES or NO. Default is NO. When set to YES, this feature bonus (Ring Frenzy EB)) lit will be retained in memory from ball-to-ball for the same player. When set to 13 NO, this feature will go out at the end of each ball. RING MODE DIFFICULTY : Set to EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXHARD. Default is EASY. Note: This adjustment controls how often the Ring Mode is lit. EASY = Lit at Ball Start. 14 MODERATE = Lit at Game Start, with Memory. HARD = Off at Game Start, with Memory. EXTRA HARD = Off at Ball Start. PATHS OF THE DEAD DIFFICULTY : Set to EXEASY, EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXHARD. 15 Default is MODERATE. Note: This adjustment controls how Spots are lit. EXTRA EASY = 5 Spots Lit. EASY = 4 Spots Lit. MODERATE = 3 Spots Lit. HARD = 2 Spots Lit. EXTRA HARD = 1 Spot Lit. MYSTERY DIFFICULTY : Set to EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXHARD. Default is HARD. Note: This adjustment controls how often the Mystery Mode is lit. EASY = Lit at Ball Start. 16 MODERATE = Lit at Game Start, with Memory. HARD = Off at Game Start, with Memory. EXTRA HARD = Off at Ball Start. MYSTERY EXTRA BALL MEMORY : Set to YES or NO. Default is NO. When set to YES, this feature 17 bonus (Mystery EB) lit will be retained in memory from ball-to-ball for the same player. When set to NO, this feature will go out at the end of each ball. MYSTERY SPECIAL MEMORY : Set to YES or NO. Default is NO. When set to YES, this feature bonus (Mystery Special) lit will be retained in memory from ball-to-ball for the same player. When set to NO, this 18 feature will go out at the end of each ball. SPOT RING (TARGET) DIFFICULTY : Set to EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXHARD. Default is EASY. 19 Note: Controls when the spot ring target is lit. EASY = On at ball start. MODERATE = On at game start with memory. HARD = Off at game start with memory. EXTRA HARD = Off at ball start. ELF RING SPOTTING (DIFFICULTY) : Set to EXEASY, EASY, MODERATE or HARD Default is MODERATE. Note: Controls the number of cycles through the modes (i.e. a player has played 20 all 6 modes) where shooting an unlit ring during normal play will spot an elf ring towards relighting the ring. EXTRA EASY = 3 cycles. EASY = 2 cycles. MODERATE = 1 cycle. HARD = Never. DWARF RING SPOTTING (DIFFICULTY) : Set to EXEASY, EASY, MODERATE or HARD. Default is EASY. Note: Controls the number of mystery awards that can be collected where shooting an 21 unlit mystery shot (Left VUK) will spot a dwarf ring towards relighting mystery. EXTRA EASY = 3 mysteries. EASY = 2 mysteries. MODERATE = 1 mystery. HARD = Never. HUMAN RING SPOTTING (DIFFICULTY) : Set to EXEASY, EASY, MODERATE or HARD. Default is MODERATE. Note: Controls the number of Gollum Multiballs that can be collected where 22 shooting an unlit Gollum Multiball shot (Right VUK) will spot a human ring towards lighting Gollum Multiball. EXTRA EASY = 3 Multiballs. EASY = 2 Multiballs. MODERATE = 1 Multiball. HARD = Never. FELLOWSHIP (OF THE RING) MULTIBALL DIFFICULTY : Set to EASY, MODERATE or HARD. Default is MODERATE. Note: Controls which shots are lit to start Fellowship of the Ring Multibal. 23 EASY = Left VUK / Orthanc / Top Saucer / Rt. VUK. MODERATE = Top Saucer / Rt. VUK. HARD = Top Saucer. RETURN OF THE KING MULTIBALL DIFFICULTY : Set to EASY, MODERATE or HARD. 24 Default is MODERATE. Note: Controls which shots are lit to start Return of the King Multiball. EASY = Lt VUK / Orthanc / Top Saucer / Rt VUK. MODERATE = Orthanc / Rt VUK. HARD = Orthanc. CONSOLATION MYSTERY : Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. Note: Controls whether the game can 25 light the mystery award for free on ball 3 if the player is having a poor game. If the game is set on competition mode, this adjustment will be treated as if set to No. Feature Adjustments 26-35 continued on the next page. *R7R $GMXVWPHQWV0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF$GMXVWPHQWV $G M XV W P H Q W V V X EM H F W W R F K D QJ H )($785( $'-8670(17 1$0( 'HILQLWLRQ )H DWX UH $GMX VWPH QWV&RQWLQXH G $G M XV W P H Q W V V X EM H F W W R F K D QJ H )($785( $'-8670(17 1$0( 'HILQLWLRQ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 6HF$GMXVWPHQWV 35 ALLOW VOLUME EFFECTS: Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. Set to NO to disable this feature. Set to YES, the volume will automatically adjust louder and softer, depending on which feature (or certain events) is being played and/or how well the player is performing (or awards received). Note: If the game volume is set to 0, this adjustment will be treated as if set to NO. GAME START BALROG ROAR: Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. Set to NO to disable this feature. Note: This controls whether or not the Balrog roars as it closes at the start of a game. BARAD-DÛR DIFFICULTY: Set to EXEASY, EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXHARD. Default is MODERATE. Note: This controls how may shots are required for the initial award from Barad-dûr. BARAD-DÛR EXTRA BALL MEMORY: Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. Set to NO to disable this feature. When set to YES, this feature bonus (Barad-dûr EB) lit will be retained in memory from ball-to-ball for the same player. When set to NO, this feature will go out at the end of each ball. SPOT FELLOWSHIP MEMBERS: Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. Set to NO to disable this feature. When set to YES, after a player’s 1st ball, 1 Fellowship member will be spotted at each ball start until the Fellowship of the Ring Multiball is played. GOLLUM’S CAVE DIFFICULTY: Set to EXEASY, EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXHARD. Default is MODERATE. Note: This controls how many shots are required for the initial award from Gollum’s Cave. EARLY BARAD-DÛR CRASH: Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. Set to NO to disable this feature. Note: This controls whether Barad-dûr can "fall over" other than winning "Destroy the Ring." CAVE TROLL SEQUENCE: Set to ON or OFF. Default is OFF. If set to ON, game adds the Cave Troll sequence to the start of The Fellowship of the Rings Multiball. If set to OFF, it goes straight to Balrog intro. CONSOLATION BALROG: Set to NONE, MYSTERY, CAVE or BOTH. Default is BOTH. Set to NONE to disable this feature. Note: This controls whether a player hasn’t seen the Balrog, it allows it to come out on the following awards. MYSTERY = can be randomly awarded, especially on Ball 3; CAVE = Will be the first award given from Cave Shots; BOTH = can be awarded by either Mystery or Cave, but at any rate there will only be one Consolation Balrog; NONE = no consolation Balrog will ever be awarded. DESTROY RING # BALLS: Set between 1 - 2. Default is 1. When set to 1, when the first magnet shot is made, the ball will be held briefly, then let go. In order to win Destroy the Ring, you must make the ring shot clean through the ring (the magnet will not turn on) so that the ball registers the Backpanel Trough Switch. When set to 2, you must shoot the 4 shots, then shoot the ring. This ball is then held in the magnet indefinitely, and the goal is to knock out the first ball with a new ball launched into play. )RUIXUWKHUFXVWRPL]DWLRQRI*DPH3OD\'LIILFXOW\RU*DPH3OD\7\SHRUKRZWR 5(6(721/<WKH$GMXVWPHQWVVHH6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU*272,167$//60(18 &XVW RP0HVVDJH To go directly to Standard Adjustment 31, Custom Message, from the ADJUSTMENT MENU, select the "CUST MSG" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. At the top left corner of the Display, the letter A is indicated (blinking) in the first available position (Thirty-Six (36) characters including spaces are available). Vary the letter(s) by operating the Left and Right Flipper Buttons (or "RED" or "GREEN" Buttons). With the desired letter indicated, depress the Start Button to lock in the letter and advance to the next character. Repeat this procedure until the desired message is completed in the display. Select the "<" or ">" characters to back-space (erase) and/or to move forward in an already typed message. After completion, press the "BLACK" Button, "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and then exits this sub-menu. )RUIXUWKHUFXVWRPL]DWLRQRI*DPH3OD\'LIILFXOW\RU*DPH3OD\7\SHRUKRZWR 5(6(721/<WKH$GMXVWPHQWVVHH6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU*272,167$//60(18 6HOHFW DQ\ ,QVWDOOV 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 5HVHW DOO $GMXVWPHQWV ,QVWDOOV *R7R $GMXVWPHQWV0HQX 6HFWLRQ &K DS WHU RI *R7R,QVWDOOV0HQX 2YHU YL HZ The Portals Service Menu System provides 15 Installs to vary Game Play (Feature Adjustments) Difficulty or Game Play Type and Install Factory (restores all adjustments to Factory Defaults). Important: The Coin Door must be OPEN allowing the Memory Protect Switch to be disabled, so any Install changes can be made. For detailed customization or to check current Adjustments Defaults (either changed by YOU in the Adjustments Menu or by this Installs Menu or for Factory Default Settings), see Section 3, Chapter 4, GO TO ADJUSTMENTS MENU. Important: Before preceding, write down any previously changed Adjustment Defaults. After completing one or more of the Installs in this Chapter, go back to the ADJUSTMENTS MENU to see which Standard and/or Feature Adjustments have changed (Feature Adjustments and/or settings are subject to change during production, and may differ than what is described in the tables at the end of this chapter). If the settings are not to your liking, perform one of the following: 1.: Manually change the Standard & Feature Adjustments Settings (perform task in the ADJUSTMENTS MENU, see Section 3, Chapter 4, GO TO ADJUSTMENTS MENU). 2.: Install Factory (see opposite this page) on how to reset all of the Standard & Feature Adjustments back to the Factory Default Settings. For example, if you want a 5-BALL Game set to EXTRA EASY: Select and activate the "5BAL" Icon first (which will typically change any Feature Difficulty Adjustments to HARD), then select & activate the "X.EZ" Icon to change back the Difficulty Adjustments to EXTRA EASY. However, if the "X.EZ" Icon was selected & activated first, then the "5BAL" Icon was selected & activated, the game will be set to a 5-BALL Game set to HARD. :$51,1* 6HOHFWLRQ DFWLYDWLRQRIWKH ,QVWDOO)DFWRU\,FRQZLOO FKDQJHDOO$GMXVWPHQWV ,QVWDOOVWRWKH)DFWRU\'HIDXOW *272, 167$//60(18 After entering Portals , the MAIN MENU now appears. Select the "INST" Icon in the MAIN MENU with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons (the Flipper Buttons operates in the same manner) and press the Black "ENTER" Button (the Start Button operates in the same manner). The INSTALLS MENU appears. Continue through this chapter for the explanation & usage of the Icons in the INSTALLS MENU. View Pages 49 & 50 for an Overview of the Standard & Feature Adjustment(s) which have changed upon selection. ,QVWD OO ([WUD (DV\(D V\ 1RU P DO +DU G RU([ WU D+D UG To initiate, from the INSTALLS MENU, select the "X.EZ," "EASY," "FACT," "HARD," or "X.HD" Icons with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Game Play Difficulty is set to EXTRA EASY. "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and returns to the INSTALLS MENU with the previously selected Icon flashing. *R7R ,QVWDOOV0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF*R7R,QVWDOOV Multiple Installs can be set to vary game play; however, for Installs that have one or more Adjustments in common, the last "Install" selected & activated, will supersede any previously changed Adjustment(s) from any prior Installs. Any adjustments which you changed and are not affected by the Install will remain as set. View Pages 49 & 50 for an Overview of the Standard & Feature Adjustment(s) which have changed upon selection. , QVW DO O'L UHF WRU V&X W To initiate, from the INSTALLS MENU, select the "DCUT" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Game Play Type is set to programmers choice. "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and returns to the INSTALLS MENU with the "DCUT" Icon flashing. ,Q V WD OO % DO OR U % DO O To initiate, from the INSTALLS MENU, select the "3BAL" or "5BAL" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Game Play Type is set to 3- or 5-BALL PLAY. "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and returns to the INSTALLS MENU with the previously selected Icon flashing. &RPSHWLWLRQ DND,)3$ To initiate, from the INSTALLS MENU, select the "PAY" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Game Play Type is set to TOURNAMENT PAY MODE. "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and returns to the INSTALLS MENU with the "PAY" Icon flashing. )UHH3OD \&RPSHWLWLRQ D ND (;32RU3$3$ To initiate, from the INSTALLS MENU, select the "FREE" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Game Play Type is set to TOURNAMENT FREE MODE. "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and returns to the INSTALLS MENU with the "FREE" Icon flashing. 6HF*R7R,QVWDOOV , QVW DO O+RPH3OD \ To initiate, from the INSTALLS MENU, select the "HOME" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Game Play Type is set to NORMAL HOME PLAY. "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and returns to the INSTALLS MENU with the "HOME" Icon flashing. ) LO P 6WD U5HVHW To initiate, from the INSTALLS MENU, select the "STAR" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Game Play Type is set to EASY HOME PLAY. "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and returns to the INSTALLS MENU with the "STAR" Icon flashing. , QVW DO O1 RYHO W\ This setting is recommended where local laws restrict certain game features. To initiate, from the INSTALLS MENU, select the "NOV" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Game Play Type is set to RESTRICTED PLAY. "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and returns to the INSTALLS MENU with the "NOV" Icon flashing. ,QV WD OO $G G $ % DO O This setting is recommended where local laws restrict certain game features. To initiate, from the INSTALLS MENU, select the "A.A.B" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Game Play Type is set to RESTRICTED PLAY. "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and returns to the INSTALLS MENU with the "A.A.B" Icon flashing. , QVW DO O)D FW RU \ 21/<D IIHFW VDO O$GMX VWPHQWV,QVWD OO V To initiate, from the INSTALLS MENU, select the "FACT" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. All Standard & Feature Adjustments which were changed in the INSTALLS or ADJUSTMENTS MENU are returned to the Factory Defaults. 020603 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH *R7R ,QVWDOOV0HQX 2YHUYLHZRI6WDQGDUG$GMXVWPHQW&KDQJHVXSRQVHOHFWLRQRIDQ,QVWDOO 21/< 7+( 67$1'$5' $'-8670(176 /,67(' $5( $))(&7(' $6 127(' ,1 7+( 7$%/(6 %(/2: 1U 67$1'$5' $'-8670(17 1$0( 10 14 38 EXTRA BALL PERCENTAGE BALLS PER GAME FREEZE TIME ,167$// (;75$ ($6< ,167$// ($6< ,167$// 1250$/ ,167$// +$5' ,167$// (;75$ +$5' 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 0:12 0:10 0:08 OFF OFF &203( 7,7,21 * )5(( 3/$< &203 * ,167$// +20( 3/$< ),/0 67$5 5(6(7 ,167$// 129(/7< ,167$// ',5(&7256 &87 ,167$// %$// ,167$// %$// 20% 03 0:08 10% 05 AUTO 21/< 7+( 67$1'$5' $'-8670(176 /,67(' $5( $))(&7(' $6 127(' ,1 7+( 7$%/(6 %(/2: 67$1'$5' $'-8670(17 1$0( ,167$// $''$ %$// ,167$// )$&725< 01 NONE CAUTION! : REPLAY TYPE Upon selection of EX. BALL 03 REPLAY AWARD Install Factory NONE 04 REPLAY LEVELS ( "FACT" Icon ), all POINTS EX. BALL 06 SPECIAL AWARD Standard & Feature NO FREE.. NO FREE.. Adjustments which 08 FREE GAME LIMIT were changed in the NO EXTRA... 09 09 EXTRA BALL LIMIT INSTALLS or 20% 20% 10 EXTRA BALL PERCENTAGE ADJUSTMENTS USA 3 11 MENU are returned to GAME PRICING the Factory Defaults 10% OFF OFF 13 MATCH PERCENTAGE (see the Adjustment 02 02 15 TILT WARNINGS Tables on Page 38 for 00 00 18 GRAND CHAMPION AWARDS details). 00 00 19 HIGH SCORE #1 AWARDS 00 00 20 HIGH SCORE #2 AWARDS 00 00 21 HIGH SCORE #3 AWARDS 00 00 22 HIGH SCORE #4 AWARDS 25,000,000 23 GRAND CHAMPION SCORE 20,000,000 24 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #1 15,000,000 25 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #2 10,000,000 26 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #3 * If Competition 5,000,000 27 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #4 Mode was set, it is NO YES YES YES 30 FREE PLAY suggested to Install NO NO 35 Factory to restore all GAME RESTART Adjustments to the 0:10 38 FREEZE TIME Factory Defaults. ( YES ) ** 42 COINDOOR BALL SAVER ** ( YES ) ** Then recustomize, if YES *** YES *** 43 COMPETITION MODE *** desired. ** Adjustment 42 Default will not change; Installing $ .50 or Free Play Competition will override this Adjustment regardless of the setting. *** If Adjustment 43 is changed back to NO after this Install, the Competition Mode Install will be canceled (turned off). 2YHUYLHZRI)HDWXUH$GMXVWPHQW&KDQJHVXSRQVHOHFWLRQRIDQ,QVWDOO 21/< 7+( )($785( $'-8670(176 /,67(' $5( $))(&7(' $6 127(' ,1 7+( 7$%/(6 %(/2: 1U 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 )($785( $'-8670(17 1$0( ,167$// (;75$ ($6< ,167$// ($6< ,167$// 1250$/ )$&725< ,167$// +$5' ,167$// (;75$ +$5' ,167$// ',5(&7256 &87 ,167$// %$// ,167$// %$// 15 12 10 8 5 10 10 NUM. RING COMBOS-LEVEL EX. EASY EASY MODERATE HARD EX. HARD MODERATE HARD TWO TOWERS MB DIFF 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ST HARD TTT MB EX. EASY EX. EASY EASY HARD HARD EASY HARD TTT LOCK DIFFICULTY EASY EASY EASY MODERATE HARD EASY MODERATE PALANTIR DIFFICULTY EASY EASY EASY MODERATE HARD EASY EASY FELLOWSHIP DIFFICULTY EASY EASY MODERATE MODERATE HARD MODERATE MODERATE RING MULTIBALL DIFF YES YES NO NO NO NO NO RING MBALL E. BALL MEM YES NO NO NO NO NO NO RING MBALL SPECIAL MEM YES YES YES YES NO YES YES ELF GIFT E. BALL MEM Overview of Feature Adjustment Changes (this table) ... continued on the next page. *R7R ,QVWDOOV0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF*R7R,QVWDOOV 1U 2YHUYLHZRI)HDWXUH$GMXVWPHQW&KDQJHVXSRQVHOHFWLRQRIDQ,QVWDOO&RQWLQXHG 21/< 7+( )($785( $'-8670(176 /,67(' $5( $))(&7(' $6 127(' ,1 7+( 7$%/(6 %(/2: 6HF*R7R,QVWDOOV 1U )($785( $'-8670(17 1$0( 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ELF GIFT SPECIAL MEM RING FRENZY E. BALL DIFF RING FRENZY E. BALL MEM RING MODE DIFFICULTY PATHS OF THE DEAD DIFF MYSTERY DIFFICULTY MYSTERY EB MEMORY MYSTERY SPECIAL MEM. RING TARGET DIFF. ELF RING DIFFICULTY DWARF RING DIFF HUMAN RING DIFF FOTR MB START DIFF ROTK MB START DIFF CONSOLATION MYSTERY GAME START BALROG ROAR BARAD-DÛR DIFFICULTY BARAD-DÛR E. B. MEMORY SPOT FELLOWSHIP MBRS. GOLLUM’S CAVE DIFF. EARLY BARAD-DÛR CRASH CAVE TROLL SEQUENCE CONSOLATION BALROG DESTROY RING # BALLS ,167$// (;75$ ($6< ,167$// ($6< ,167$// 1250$/ )$&725< ,167$// +$5' ,167$// (;75$ +$5' YES EX. EASY YES EASY EX. EASY EASY YES YES EASY EX. EASY EX. EASY EX. EASY EASY EASY YES YES EASY YES EASY EASY MODERATE YES NO EASY EASY EASY EASY HARD EASY YES YES NO MODERATE HARD NO NO EASY MODERATE MODERATE HARD HARD HARD NO NO NO NO EASY HARD MODERATE HARD EASY MODERATE MODERATE HARD HARD HARD MODERATE HARD YES NO NO EX. HARD NO HARD EX. HARD HARD NO NO EX. HARD HARD HARD HARD HARD HARD NO EX. EASY YES YES EX. EASY EASY YES YES EX. EASY MODERATE YES YES EASY EX. HARD NO NO HARD ,167$// ',5(&7256 &87 ,167$// %$// ,167$// %$// YES MODERATE NO EASY MODERATE HARD NO NO EASY MODERATE EASY MODERATE HARD MODERATE YES NO HARD NO MODERATE HARD HARD NO NO HARD MODERATE MODERATE MODERATE MODERATE MODERATE NO NO HARD YES NO HARD MODERATE HARD YES YES YES NO EASY MODERATE NO ON NONE 2 21/< 7+( )($785( $'-8670(176 /,67(' $5( $))(&7(' $6 127(' ,1 7+( 7$%/(6 %(/2: 1U )($785( $'-8670(17 1$0( 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 NUM. RING COMBOS-LEVEL TWO TOWERS MB DIFF 1ST HARD TTT MB TTT LOCK DIFFICULTY PALANTIR DIFFICULTY FELLOWSHIP DIFFICULTY RING MULTIBALL DIFF RING MBALL E. BALL MEM RING MBALL SPECIAL MEM ELF GIFT E. BALL MEM ELF GIFT SPECIAL MEM RING FRENZY E. BALL DIFF RING FRENZY E. BALL MEM RING MODE DIFFICULTY PATHS OF THE DEAD DIFF MYSTERY DIFFICULTY MYSTERY EB MEMORY MYSTERY SPECIAL MEM. RING TARGET DIFF. ELF RING DIFFICULTY DWARF RING DIFF HUMAN RING DIFF FOTR MB START DIFF ROTK MB START DIFF CONSOLATION MYSTERY BARAD-DÛR DIFFICULTY BARAD-DÛR E. B. MEMORY SPOT FELLOWSHIP MBRS. GOLLUM’S CAVE DIFF. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH &203( 7,7,21 * )5(( 3/$< &203 * ,167$// +20( 3/$< ),/0 67$5 5(6(7 15 EX. EASY 2 EX. EASY EASY EASY EASY YES YES YES YES EX. EASY YES EASY EX. EASY EASY YES YES EASY EX. EASY EX. EASY EX. EASY EASY EASY YES EASY YES YES EASY ,167$// 129(/7< ,167$// $''$ %$// ,167$// )$&725< CAUTION! : Upon selection of Install Factory ( "FACT" Icon ), all Standard & Feature Adjustments which were changed in the INSTALLS or ADJUSTMENTS MENU are returned to the Factory Defaults (see the Adjustment Tables on Page 38 for details). *R7R ,QVWDOOV0HQX 6HFWLRQ & KD SW H U R I *R7R5HVHW0HQX 2YHU YL HZ The Portals Service Menu System provides five (5) functions to reset Coin & Game Audits, High Scores, Credits or to reset ALL AUDITS, ADJUSTMENTS & INSTALLS back to the Factory Default Settings. Important: The Coin Door must be OPEN allowing the Memory Protect Switch to be disabled, so any Reset changes can be made. :$51,1* $VVRRQDVDQ\5HVHW,FRQLV VHOHFWHG DFWLYDWHGWKH LQIRUPDWLRQDVVRFLDWHGZLWK WKH5HVHW,FRQLVORVW After entering Portals , the MAIN MENU now appears. Select the "RESET" Icon in the MAIN MENU with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons (the Flipper Buttons operates in the same manner) and press the Black "ENTER" Button (the Start Button operates in the same manner). The RESET MENU appears. Continue below for the explanation & usage of the Icons in the RESET MENU. 5HVHW &RL Q$ XGL WV To initiate, from the RESET MENU, select the "COIN" Icon with either the Red or Green Buttons and press the Black Button. ONLY the Coin Audits (05-13) will be reset to zero (0), Factory Default Settings. "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and returns to the RESET MENU with the "COIN" Icon flashing. 5HVHW *DPH$XGL WV To initiate, from the RESET MENU, select the "AUD" Icon with either the Red or Green Buttons and press the Black Button. ONLY the Game Audits (01-04) & Standard Audits (01-67) will be reset to zero (0), Factory Default Settings. Note: Coin Audits (05-13) & Software Meter Audit (14) will not be reset. "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and returns to the RESET MENU with the "AUD" Icon flashing. 5HVHW +LJK6FRU HV To initiate, from the RESET MENU, select the "HSTD" Icon with either the Red or Green Buttons and press the Black Button. ONLY the High Scores will be reset to the current values. Note: If these five (5) adjustments were not personally changed by you, the Factory Default Settings will be used (see Section 3, Chapter 4, GO TO ADJUSTMENTS MENU, Standard Adjustments 18-22). "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and returns to the RESET MENU with the "HSTD" Icon flashing. 5HVHW &U HGLW V To initiate, from the RESET MENU, select the "CRED" Icon with either the Red or Green Buttons and press the Black Button. All Credits will be reset to zero (0), Factory Default Settings. "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and returns to the RESET MENU with the "CRED" Icon flashing. )D FW RU \ 5HVHW To initiate, from the RESET MENU, select the "FACT" Icon with either the Red or Green Buttons and press the Black Button. All Audits (except for Audit 14, Software Meter), all Adjustments and Installs will be reset to the Factory Default Settings. Note: To RESET ONLY the ADJUSTMENTS & INSTALLS (leaving all the Audits alone), see Section 3, Chapter 5, GO TO INSTALLS MENU, Install Factory. "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and the Service Menu is exited, returning to the Attract Mode. *R7R 5HVHW0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF*R7R5HVHW *2725(6(70(1 8 ([ DPSOH After entering Portals , the MAIN MENU now appears. Use the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons to select the "RESET" Icon (GO TO RESET MENU). Press the Black "ENTER" Button to activate this ICON. The RESET MENU now appears with the "COIN" Icon (RESET COIN AUDITS) flashing: 6HF*R7R5HVHW From the RESET MENU, select any of the Icons ("COIN", "AUD", "HSTD", "CRED") with either the Red or Green Buttons and press the Black Button to activate the ICON chosen. After the ICON is selected & activated, "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and is returned to the RESET MENU with the previously selected Icon flashing. Important: AT THIS TIME, DO NOT PRESS THE START BUTTON OR BLACK BUTTON AFTER SELECTING ANY OF THE FIVE (5) ICONS UNLESS THIS IS WHAT IS DESIRED. THE INFORMATION ASSOCIATED WITH THE RESET ICON WILL BE LOST! PLEASE READ THE PREVIOUS PAGE FOR EXACTLY WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF ANY OF THESE FIVE (5) ICONS ARE SELECTED & ACTIVATED. Before performing any RESET, write down your last Audit Totals (see Section 3, Chapter 3, GO TO AUDITS MENU) and any personalized Adjustment changes you may have made (see Section 3, Chapter 4, GO TO ADJUSTMENTS MENU). If the "FACT" Icon is select and activated, "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and the Service Menu is exited, returning to the Attract Mode. See the previous page for explanation & usage of the Icons in the RESET MENU. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH *R7R 5HVHW0HQX 6HFWLRQ & KD SW H U R I *R7R7RXUQDPHQW0HQX 2Y HU YLHZ Game code may get upgraded during production; compare all Tournament Adjustments & Audits in the display with the manual and make any corrections to the Tournament Adjustments and/or Audits Tables (next page), as necessary. Tournament Adjustments & Audits are subject to change (with or without notice). To view Tournament Adjustments & Audits in the display, enter the Portals Service Menu System. When any change is made and then the next / previous item is selected (or the Sub-Menu is exited), the display will momentarily flash REQUEST INSTALLED. For details on Earnings, Standard & Feature Audits, see Section 3, Chapter 3, GO TO AUDITS MENU. For details on Standard & Feature Adjustments, see Section 3, Chapter 4, GO TO ADJUSTMENTS MENU. Tournament Operation Note: The use of the Tournament Equipment and/or running a Tournament is OPTIONAL and to be used solely in the discretion of the owner. It is the sole responsibility of the operator to ensure that this product is used in conformity with all applicable laws. Stern Pinball, Inc.® disclaims any such responsibility. Due to continuing product innovation, information in this chapter is subject to change without notice. For more details on the equipment & hardware required, Installation and Set-up, read the ToPS Tournament Pinball System Kit Installation Manual (SPI Part Number: 780-6011-00) provided in the Optional Tournament Kit (SPI Part Number: 502-5011-00), not included with this ToPS Ready Pinball Game. The equipment & hardware consists of: Electronic 7 X 80 Multi-Color Dot Display (secured above the Backbox), Tournament Serial Interface (TSI) Board (secured in the Backbox), Tournament Button + Lamp (secured onto the Front Molding) and all necessary wiring, hardware and documentation (which also provides suggestions and Tips for ToPS ). To order, contact your local Distributor (view Pages DR. _ & ` in the Find-It-In-Front: Dr. Pinball). You can also call Technical Support or visit our website (details on the back cover of this manual). 6HF7RXUQDPHQW The Portals Service Menu System provides 6 Steps necessary to SET-UP, START, MONITOR and END Pinball Tournaments on your Tournament Pinball System Ready Pinball Game. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT & HARDWARE (SOLD SEPARATELY) ARE REQUIRED FOR PROPER OPERATION AND USE OF THIS MENU. Important: The Coin Door must be OPEN allowing the Memory Protect Switch to be disabled, so any Tournament changes can be made. *27272851 $0(1 70(18 237, 21 $/86(21/< After entering Portals , the MAIN MENU now appears. Select the "TOUR" Icon in the MAIN MENU with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons (the Flipper Buttons operates in the same manner) and press the Black "ENTER" Button (the Start Button operates in the same manner). The TOURNAMENT MENU appears. Continue through this chapter for the explanation & usage of the Icons in the TOURNAMENT MENU. Tournament Adjustment & Audit Tables on the next page. *R7R 7RXUQDPHQW0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 020603 72851$0(17 $'-8670(17 7$%/(6 72851$0(17$'- 8670(176 1U $'-8670(17 1$0( 01 CREDITS PER PLAY JACKPOT BASE JACKPOT INCREMENT JACKPOT MAX. CURRENT DATE/TIME START DATE END DATE 02 03 04 05 06 07 86$ '()$8/7 <285 6(77,1* 86$ '()$8/7 1U $'-8670(17 1$0( # OF PRIZES AWARD TYPE SHOW PLAYER’S CASH TOURNAMENT TYPE BUMP N’ WIN BASE BALLS PER TOURNAMENT 02 08 $20.00 09 $00.50 10 $2,500.00 11 JANUARY... 12 JANUARY 1 13 <285 6(77,1* 03 CASH YES REGULAR 20,000,000 03 FEBRUARY 1 Note: The above adjustments must be set just before selecting and activating the "STRT" Icon (START TOURNAMENT). See the following pages for explanation and more details. 6,*10(66$*(6$% $'-8670(176 6HF7RXUQDPHQW 1U $'-8670(17 1$0( 86$ '()$8/7 14 LOCATION MESSAGE ON <285 6(77,1* 1U $'-8670(17 1$0( 86$ '()$8/7 15 PRIZE MESSAGE ON STARTING METER Reading : STARTING METER Date (MM/DD/YR) : AUDITOR’S NAME : CURRENT METER Reading : AUDIT Date (MM/DD/YR) : CPU Version : <285 6(77,1* CURRENT VOLUME SETTING: ...... ...... ......... .. DISPLAY Version : ...... ...... ........ GAME LOCATION NAME : ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ &RS\ WKLV SDJH IRU )LHOG $XGLW 7UDFNLQJ 3HUIRUPDQFH ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TOURNAMENT START DATE : See Adj. 06 & 07 above >> TOURNAMENT END DATE : ............ 72851$0(17$8',77$%/( 72851$0(17$8',76 $XGLW GHILQLWLRQV IROORZ LQ WKLV &KDSWHU 06 04 TOTAL PLAYS TOURNAMENT PLAYS TOTAL GAME EARNINGS TOTAL TOUR. EARNINGS 05 JACKPOT 10 01 02 03 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 07 08 09 NET EARNINGS ACCUM. TOTAL PLAYS ACCUM. TOUR. PLAYS ACCUM. EARNINGS ACCUM. TOUR EARNINGS 11 ACCUM. JACKPOT 12 # TOURNAMENTS *R7R 7RXUQDPHQW0HQX 7R XU QD P HQW $GM XVW P HQW V To initiate, from the TOURNAMENT MENU, select the "SET UP" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Select and activate either of the ">>" Mini-Icons to view the next or previous Tournament Adjustment in this group. Select and activate either of the "-" or "+" Mini-Icons to change the setting, if desired (the Default Setting is noted in the definitions below). The display will describe the Tournament Adjustment Number, Tournament Adjustment Name and the Current Tournament Adjustment Setting. The current Tournament Adjustment will remain in the display until the next Tournament Adjustment is viewed or when this Menu is exited. IMPORTANT FOR TOURNAMENT USERS: Select the settings carefully. For Tips for ToPS (different Tournament Sample Set-Ups, etc.), view the ToPS Tournament Pinball System Kit Installation Manual (SPI Part Number: 780-6011-00) provided in the Optional Tournament Kit (SPI Part Number: 502-5011-00). Before allowing players to begin after you’ve started a Tournament, double-check the Normal Mono-Color Dot Display and Top Multi-Color Dot (Beta Brite®) Display to ensure everything you want is displayed correctly. Once a Tournament is started, no adjustments can be made until you end the Tournament (by selecting the "END" Icon). Allowing players to qualify, then ending a Tournament prematurely to make corrections will affect the outcome of the Tournament. View the ToPS Manual for more details. 72851$0(17 $'-8670(17 1$0( 'HILQLWLRQ 01 CREDITS PER PLAY: Set between 01 - 10. Default is 02. Set the maximum number of Credits that may be accumulated per game. JACKPOT BASE: Set between $00.00 - $999,999.00 (increments of $1). Default is $20.00. Set the initial Prize Pool Amount to be offered for the Tournament. Note: The displays will present the words "PRIZE POOL" in lieu of the word "JACKPOT". JACKPOT INCREMENT: Set between $00.00 - $999,999.99 (increments of 1¢). Default is $00.50. Set the Prize Pool Increment which will increase the Prize Pool Amount with each Tournament Game played. JACKPOT MAX.: Set between $00.00 - $999,999.00 (increments of $1). Default is $2,500.00. Set the maximum cap to be placed on the Prize Pool during a Tournament. Note: The displays will present the words "PRIZE POOL" in lieu of "JACKPOT". CURRENT DATE/TIME: Set the current date and time. After setting the Start and End Dates in Tournament Adjustments 6 & 7, the Tournament will then start automatically*. *Requires the TIMEKEEPER IC (included in the kit) installed in Location U212 on the CPU/Sound Board. START DATE: Set between JANUARY through DECEMBER. Default is JANUARY. After the month desired is set, a valid day must be set. To Start a Tournament, go back to the TOURNAMENT MENU and select the "STRT" Icon (see the next page). END DATE: Set between JANUARY through DECEMBER. Default is FEBRUARY. After the month desired is set, a valid day must be set. To End a Tournament, go back to the TOURNAMENT MENU and select the "END" Icon (see the next page). # OF PRIZES: Set between 01 - 05. Default is 03. Set the maximum number of Prize Positions to be awarded during a Tournament. Selections (cannot be changed) are as follows: Set to 01, the Tournament Winner is awarded 100% of the Prize Pool. Set to 02, the 1st & 2nd place winners are awarded 70% / 30%, respectively. Set to 03, the 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners are awarded 50% / 30% / 20%, respectively. Set to 04, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th place winners are awarded 50% / 25% / 15% / 10%, respectively. Set to 05, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th place winners are awarded 50% / 20% / 15% / 10% / 5%, respectively. AWARD TYPE: Set to CASH, POINTS, TICKET, NONE or PRIZE. Default is CASH. This adjustment determines how the Prize Pool is to be represented in the Attract Mode on both the Normal and top Beta-Brite® Displays. 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 Select CASH for the displays to represent the Prize Pool amount (based on Jackpot Base and Max.) in $Dollars. Select POINTS for the displays to represent the Prize Pool amount in Points. Select TICKET for the display to represent the Prize Pool amount in Tickets. Select NONE NOT TO represent the Prize Pool amount (if prize(s) to be awarded are not Cash, Points or Tickets). Select PRIZE, if applicable. SHOW PLAYER’S CASH: Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. When set to YES, both the Beta-Brite® Multi-Color and the Normal Mono-Color Dot Displays exhibit the Cash amount in the Attract Mode. TOURNAMENT TYPE: Set to REGULAR or BUMP N’ WIN. Default is REGULAR. BUMP N’ WIN BASE: Set between 5,000,000 - 50,000,000 (increments of 1M). Default is 20,000,000. Set the desired Bump N’ Win Tournament base score. Tournament Adj. 11 must be set to BUMP N’ WIN. BALLS PER TOURNAMENT: Set between 02 - 09. Default is 03. Set the max. number of balls per game. *R7R 7RXUQDPHQW0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF7RXUQDPHQW WARNING: Changes made in any Adjustments will be lost after a FACTORY RESET or removal of the CPU/Sound Board Batteries. 1U 6W DU W7RXU QD P HQW V H O H F W R Q O \ D I W H U 6 H W 8 S L V F R P S O H W H G To initiate, from the TOURNAMENT MENU, select the "STRT" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. The "START TOURNAMENT?" MENU appears with the "NO" Mini-Icon flashing. If Set-Up (Tournament Adjustments) was not completed OR the Tournament Audits were not recorded from the prior Tournament, exit this Menu by activating the "NO" Mini-Icon. If Set-Up was completed and the Tournament Audits were recorded, select and activate the "YES" Mini-Icon. The Pinball Game is set to Tournament Ready Mode (the Flashing Tournament Button must be depressed for a Tournament Game after the proper credit is inserted). "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and returns to the TOURNAMENT MENU with the "STRT" Icon flashing. Note: If the "STRT" Icon appears to be non-functioning, it is because a Tournament is in progress. The Tournament must first be stopped (select and activate the "END" Icon in the TOURNAMENT MENU). 6 W R S 7R X U QD P H QW V H O H F W R Q O \ D I W H U D 7R X U Q D P H Q W L V V W D U W H G 6HF7RXUQDPHQW To initiate, from the TOURNAMENT MENU, select the "END" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. The "END TOURNAMENT?" MENU appears with the "NO" Mini-Icon flashing. If the Tournament was not completed, exit this Menu by activating the "NO" Mini-Icon. If the Tournament was completed (the End Date set has passed), select and activate the "YES" Mini-Icon. The Pinball Game is taken out of Tournament Ready Mode (to readjust any Tournament Adjustments, the Tournament must be "stopped"). "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and returns to the TOURNAMENT MENU with the "END" Icon flashing. Record your Tournament Audits at this time as they will be reset (except for the "Accumulative Audits) if another Tournament is started! 7R XU QD P HQW 3U L]HV To initiate, from the TOURNAMENT MENU, select the "PRIZ" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Select and activate either of the ">>" Mini-Icons to view the next or previous Leader in this group. The display will describe the Leader Placement (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th), Leader Name, 4-Digit Pin-Code, and Prize Pool portion for the Current and Previous Tournaments. The current Leader (and related information) will remain in the display until the next Leader is chosen or when the Sub-Menu is exited. 7R XU QD PHQW $X GLW V To initiate, from the TOURNAMENT MENU, select the "AUD" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Select and activate either of the ">>" MiniIcons to view the next or previous Tournament Audit in this group. The display will describe the Tournament Audit Number, Tournament Audit Name and the Current Tournament Audit Total (Value). The current Tournament Audit will remain in the display until the next Tournament Audit is viewed or when this Menu is exited. IMPORTANT FOR TOURNAMENT USERS: >>>> A L L of the Tournament Audits 01-12 are RESET O N L Y if a Factory Reset is done (see Section 3, Chapter 6, GO TO RESET MENU). >>>> Tournament Audits 01-06 are RESET ONLY if a new Tournament is started. >>>> Tournament Audits 07-12 are NOT RESET*, they’re accumulative (totals accumulate since the first Tournament was played). *if no Factory Reset is done. 1U 72851$0(17 $8',7 1$0( 'HILQLWLRQ TOTAL PLAYS: Provides the total number of Regular and Tournament Games played while a Tournament 01 is active (in progress). This total is derived by adding Tournament Audit 02, TOURNAMENT PLAYS, with Regular Plays. 02 TOURNAMENT PLAYS: Provides the total number of Tournament Games played while a Tournament is active (in progress). TOTAL GAME EARNINGS: Provides the total Gross Earnings accepted, while a Tournament is active (in 03 progress). TOTAL TOUR. EARNINGS: Provides the total Tournament Earnings (Audit 03 less Regular Game 04 Earnings) while a Tournament is active (in progress). 05 JACKPOT (PRIZE POOL TOTAL): Provides the total Prize Pool (Jackpot) Amount to be paid out while a Tournament is active (in progress). NET EARNINGS: Provides the total Net Earnings (Gross Earnings less Prize Pool) while a Tournament is 06 active (in progress). Tournament Audits 07-12 continued on the next page. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH *R7R 7RXUQDPHQW0HQX 7RX UQDPHQW$XGLWV&RQWLQX HG 72851$0(17 $8',7 1$0( 'HILQLWLRQ The following Tournament Audits WILL NOT BE RESET if a new Tournament is started. ALL AUDITS can be reset if a Factory Reset is done! 07 ACCUM. TOTAL PLAYS: Provides the accumulative total amount of Regular & Tournament Games played since the first Tournament was played. 08 ACCUM. TOUR. PLAYS: Provides the accumulative total amount of Tournament Games played since the first Tournament was played. 09 ACCUM. EARNINGS: Provides the total Gross Earnings accepted, since the first Tournament was played. ACCUM. TOUR EARNINGS: Provides the accumulative total Tournament Game Earnings since the first 10 Tournament was played. ACCUM. JACKPOT: Provides the accumulative total of Prize Pool (Jackpot) Amounts paid out since the 11 first Tournament was played. 12 # TOURNAMENTS: Provides the number of Tournaments (not individual Tournament Games) since the first Tournament was played. To initiate, from the TOURNAMENT MENU, select the "A-B TEXT" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Select and activate either of the ">>" Mini-Icons to view the next or previous Tournament Adjustment in this group. Select and activate either of the "-" or "+" Mini-Icons to change the setting, if desired (the Default Setting is noted in the definitions below). The display will describe the Tournament Adjustment Number, Tournament Adjustment Name and the Current Tournament Adjustment Setting. The current Tournament Adjustment will remain in the display until the next Tournament Adjustment is viewed or when this Menu is exited. 1U 72851$0(17 $'-8670(17 1$0( 'HILQLWLRQ LOCATION MESSAGE: Set to ON, CHANGE or OFF. Default is ON. When set to CHANGE, a new message can be set or the old one can be edited (select the "+" Mini-Icon to change settings until "CHANGE" appears in the display, then select the ">>" Mini-Icon to access.). At the top left corner of the Display, the letter A is indicated (blinking) in the first available position. Vary the 14 letter(s) by operating the Left and Right Flipper Buttons (or "RED" or "GREEN" Buttons). With the desired letter indicated, depress the Start Button to lock in the letter and advance to the next character. Repeat this procedure until the desired message is completed in the display. Select the "<" or ">" characters to back-space (erase) and/or to move forward in an already typed message. After completion, press the "BLACK" Button, "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and then exits this sub-menu. PRIZE MESSAGE: Set to ON, CHANGE or OFF. Default is ON. 15 Procedure identical to Tournament Adjustment 14, Location Message. The DEFAULT LOCATION MESSAGE is: STERN PINBALL PROUDLY PRESENTS... The DEFAULT PRIZE MESSAGE is: YOU CAN BE THE NEXT BIG WINNER! IMPORTANT FOR TOURNAMENT USERS: 2 additional messages can be added by using the Beta Brite® Remote. More details in the ToPS Tournament Pinball System Kit Installation Manual (SPI Part Number: 780-6011-00) provided in the Optional Tournament Kit (SPI Part Number: 502-5011-00). *R7R 7RXUQDPHQW0HQX 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF7RXUQDPHQW 6L JQ0HVVD JHV$ % 7RXU QL H$GM Sec. 4: Parts Id. ... Section 4, Chapter 1 Page 58 Parts Identification & Location 6HFWLRQ &K DS WHU RI 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /R FDWLRQ 7 KH3LQN3DJHV 2YHU YL HZ This section provides the Part Nºs and locations of all the components in this 6HFWLRQ Pinball Machine. The parts are arranged 7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV in 3 groups: BACKBOX, CABINET and PLAYFIELD. Generic parts &KDSWHU 7KH 3LQN 3DJHV which may change as production continues (quantity and/or size) are 2YHUYLHZ listed together. Quantities greater than 0 %$&.%2; indicates that the part is used in this game. Since quantity changes may /RUGRIWKH5LQJV occur, an item indicating no quantity %DFNER[$VV\ may be used. Compare the item which needs to be replaced with the drawings 6SHDNHU3DQHO$VV\IRUWKH %DFNER[ $VVRF 3DUWV provided (the Posts, Sockets, Bulbs & Rubber Rings are drawn actual size). &$%,1(7 Major Assemblies & Ramps are detailed &DELQHW*HQHUDO3DUWV in the Blue Pages, Pages 75-98. %DFNER[ 6SHDNHU3DQHO 'LVSOD\ Important: Read all "Take Note:" items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back to Page 58 1RWVROGDVDQDVVHPEO\RUGHUWKHLQGLYLGXDOSDUW V DFWXDOO\UHTXLUHG /2753,1%$/%DFNER[$VVHPEO\ ,WHPV ‡ Item 20, Button Hole Plug (Black) is the optional ToPS Access Hole; if removing for the Optional ToPS Kit, save with the game. 6LGH 9LHZ: $3 $ Qty. 2 $3 $ % $3 $ $ $3 $ $3 $ Associated Parts (AP-) listed in the Parts Table on the next page. )URQW9LHZ The Backglass is Not Shown in this Front View for clarity. $3 % 7DNH1RWH * An asterisk ( * ) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. † When ordering Item 3, CPU/Sound Bd., please specify the Game Name to receive the board with the correct ROMs. 6HF3DUWV,G 1º %$&.%2; 3$57 1$0( 1 Backbox LOTR Screened No Parts 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 525-5631-18-80 1º 13 Item 1 Note: Black & Gold T-Molding is installed and cannot be ordered separately. 2 PCB Metal Mounting Plate 1 535-5809-14 Item 2 is secured to Item 1 by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 13) (234-5101-00) and #10 Washer 7/32" I.D. X .5" O.D. X 1/16" Thick (Qty. 4) (242-5003-00) 14 $3 & $3 & Right Side Pivot Hinge %$&.%2; 3$57 1$0( 47< Ballast Mounting Plate Ballast CU45Z-W 1/2" Core 120v 60 Hz 13W Ballast, EU / UK Only 5/8" Core 50/60 Hz 1 1 63, 3$57 1º 535-8657-00 010-5015-00 010-5015-01 Items 13 & 14 are secured to Item 1 by: #6 X 5/8" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (234-5102-04) #1 Roto Lock Male (on Cabinet) 1 355-5006-01 520-5300-00 15* #1 Roto Lock Female (R2-0002-02) 16 1 355-5006-02 520-5138-00 Item 16 is secured by: #10-24 X 1-3/4" CBSN (Qty. 2) (231-5022-00), #10-24 Keps Nut 520-5137-01 (Qty. 2) (240-5207-00) and #10 Washer 7/32" ID X .5" OD X 1/16" (Qty. 2) (242-5003-00) Items 3, 4 & 5 are secured to Item 2 by: #8-32 X 3/8" HWH MS (Qty. 19) (237-5903-00) 17 Back Vent Grill 2-1/2" X 18" 1 545-5072-02 6A 3X Trans. Drvr. Bd. (UK/Special Apps.Only) 520-5068-01 Item 17 is secured by: Staple 5/16" (Qty. 24) (631-5000-00) 6B Tournament Serial Interface (TSI) Bd. ToPS 520-5220-00 18 Fuse Description Decal (Generic) 1 820-6152-01 Item 6A is required for UK Games to support Auxiliary assemblies listed under the Coil 19 "CAUTION - VERY HOT" Decal 1 820-6266-00 Matrix of Q1-Q32; also used for Special Applications such as Ticket / Coin Dispensers used in conjunction with Item 6B ToPS Tournament Serial Board. 20‡ Button Hole Plug (Blk) (Happ #52-6214-00) 1 500-6566-00 1 820-6143-00 7 Fluorescent Light Bracket Assy. Left 1 515-6545-00 21 Fuse Label (UL) For Individual Items use : Fluorescent Light Bracket Left (535-7739-00), Lamp Holder** Backbox Date Label 22* 1 820-5091-00 (Self-Locking) (077-5214-00) and Starter Base (with Leads)*** (077-5213-00). Ribbon Cable, 20-Pin (4") 23 1 036-5000-04 * 8 Fluorescent Light Bracket Assy. Right 1 515-6545-01 Item 23 (20-Pin) connects the CPU/Sound Board to the I/O Power Driver Board. For Individual Items use : Fluorescent Light Bracket Right (535-7739-01), Lamp Holder** 24* Ribbon Cable, 26-Pin (40") 1 036-5001-40 (Self-Locking) (077-5214-00) and Starter Base (with Leads)*** (077-5213-00). 3 † CPU/Snd. Bd. w/ATMEL Sound Processor 4 Display Power Supply Board 5 I/O Power Driver Board 1 1 1 ** secured by: #6-32 X 5/8" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 1) (232-5203-00) *** secured by: #4-40 X 1/2" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-5813-00) Items 7 & 8 are secured to Item 1 by: #10-24 X 1-1/4" Carriage Bolt Sq. Neck (Qty. 2/per) (231-5012-00), #10-24 Keps Nut (Qty. 2/per) (240-5207-00) and 3/4" X 3" Reinforced Strapping Tape (Qty. 1, Sold in 12" Lengths only) (626-5040-00) 9 10 11 12 Fluorescent Tube 24" (F18T8CW) Starter - Fluorescent (FS2 Light) Lock Mounting Plate Lock 5/8" Barrel, 3/4"ø, 1.5" Flat Cam 1 1 1 1 Item 24 (26-Pin) connects the CPU/Sound Board to the Display Controller Board. 25* 1/4" Clamp (Double) 26* 1/2", 3/4" & 1" Clamp (Single) 2 9 040-5000-23 040-5000-XX Items 25-26 are secured to Item 1 by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 13) (234-5101-00) for use (Qty. 1); for use (Qty. 2); for 1" use -09 (Qty. 6) 3/4" -08 165-5061-00 -XX Note: 1/2" -06 Ground Strap (5") (by Item 12) 27* 165-5011-01 535-8128-01 355-5055-00 1 600-5006-05 Items 11-12 are secured by: #8 X 5/8" TP Torx T20 (Qty. 4) (237-5947-00) 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ 1RWVROGDVDQDVVHPEO\RUGHUWKHLQGLYLGXDOSDUW V DFWXDOO\UHTXLUHG 6SHDNHU3DQHO$VV\IRUWKH%DFNER[ ,WHPV DQG$VVRF3DUWV%DFNJODVV$VVHPEO\ 3LYRW+LQJHV /HIW 5LJKW ,WHPV$3$$3& Qty. 2 Qty. 2 7DNH1RWH * An asterisk ( * ) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. )URQW9LHZ (Broken View) $3 % $3 & 1. Ordering the complete Speaker Panel Assembly, 515-6888-03 (Items 1-15) will include all hardware. 6LGH9LHZ /DLG'RZQ For clarity, the below drawing does not show the speaker(s). For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table below, under Item 6. For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table below, under Item 4. For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table below, under Item 3. 1º 63($.(5 3$1(/ 3$57 1$0( 1 2 Speaker Panel (Black Wood) Dot Matrix Disp. Bd. Mounting Bracket 47< 1 2 63, 3$57 1º 525-5515-00 535-8368-01 Item 2 is secured to Item 1 by: #8 X 3/4" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 4/per) (234-5103-00) 3 Dot Matrix Display Board 128 X 32 1 520-5052-00 Item 3 is secured to Item 2 by (at corners): 3/16" X 3/8" Spacer Gray (Qty. 4) (254-5000-18) and #6-32 X 1/2" HWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 4) (237-5976-03) Item 3 is secured to Item 4 (at the top center) by: 3/4" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap (Qty. 1) (254-5008-04) and #6-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 1) (232-5200-00) 4 Static Shield (Steel Plate) 1 535-6437-00 Item 4 is secured to Item 2 by: 1/2" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap (Qty. 4) (254-5008-03) and #6-32 X 1/2" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2, on Left Side only) (232-5202-00) 5* 6 Edge Protector (on Item 4) Display Controller Board FCC-FEB98 2 1 RF Shield 1 820-5092-00 Item 7 is secured inbetween: "Item 6" and its’ mounting hardware described. 8* Ground Strap (25") (on Items 4, 6, 12) 9* 1/2" Clamp (Single) (on Item 4) 10* Ribbon Cable, 14-Pin ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 47< Speaker Panel Hook Bracket 2 63, 3$57 1º 535-7009-02 Items 12, 13 & 14 are secured by: #8 X 3/4" HWH AB (Zinc) (Items 12/13: Qty. 4/per; Item 14: Qty. 2/per) (234-5103-00) 15 Plastic Shield (Display Cover) 1 545-5884-00 Item 15 is secured to Item 2 by: #6 X 3/8" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 8) (234-5000-00) The Associated Parts AP-A thru AP-C are also noted in the Backbox Assembly drawings on the previous page. ASSOC. PARTS ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH BACKBOX/SPKR. PANEL ASSY’S. $662& %$&.%2; 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1ºº 545-5592-01 AP-A Backglass Assembly (Game Nº 80) 1 See Parts Below 520-5055-03 ORDER ONLY INDIVIDUAL PART(S) NEEDED: Item 6 is secured to Item 4 by: 1/2" X 5/16" X .144 ID Spacer Tap (Qty. 3) (254-5014-00), #6-32 X 3/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 3) (237-5504-00), 1/2" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap. (Qty. 1) (254-5008-03) and #6-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2) (232-5200-00) 7 1º 14 4 1 1 1º AP-A1 Clear Backglass 25.906" X 19.187" AP-A2 LOTR Film Art (#80) AP-A3 Top Plastic Channel - 26" AP-A4 Bottom Plastic Lift Channel - 26-1/16" AP-A5 Plastic Edging (Left/Right) - 18-1/8" AP-A6* Tape (double-sided) (12" Length) 1 1 1 1 2 1 660-5038-02 830-5280-00 545-5018-15 545-5021-01 545-5018-14 626-5005-00 600-5006-25 (only 6" required) 040-5000-06 Note: AP-A6 secures AP-A3--A5 to AP-A1 Pivot Hinge Left B 1 535-7999-00 AP036-5260-00 Item 10 Note: The 14-Pin cable connects the Dot Matrix Disp. Bd. to the Disp. Controller Bd. AP-C Pivot Hinge Right 1 535-7999-01 AP-B & AP-C are secured to Backbox by: 1/4"-20 X 1-1/4" C.B. Sq. Neck (Qty. 4) 11* Foam 3/16" Thk. X 1/4" X 36" 6 626-5026-00 Items (231-5003-00), 1/4"-20 Flange Nut (Qty. 4) (240-5300-00) and Above Item 11 is self-adhesive. Located between Items 3 & 17. Sold in 12" Lengths only. 12 13 Speaker (Shld.) 4" 8: MG Elec #4060SH Speaker Grill (Black w/no Artwork) 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ 2 2 031-5004-01 535-8081-01 Fend Washer 1/4" I.D. X 1" O.D. (Qty. 1) (242-5009-00) Items AP-B & AP-C are secured to Cabinet by: 1/4"-20 X 7/8" Carriage Bolt Sq. Neck (Qty. 2) (231-5014-00), Hinge Spacer (Qty. 2) (530-5099-00), Washer 1/4" I.D. X 7/8" O.D. X 1/8" Yellow (Qty. 1/per) (242-5016-01), Fend Washer 1/4" I.D. X 1" O.D. (Qty. 1/per) (242-5009-00) and 1/4"-20 Flange Nut (Qty. 1/per) (240-5300-00) 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF3DUWV,G &DELQHW*HQHUDO3DUWVJ 6ZLWFKHVF )RU%DF NER[3DUWV Red VHHWK HSUHYLRXVWZRSDJHV Green Black 5 * Qty. 2 Qty. 2 ,WHP LV VWDSOHG RQ WKH LQVLGH EDFN ZDOO DQG WKH LQVLGH ERWWRP RI WKH FDELQHW ' ‡ Item 11, Button Hole Plug (Black) is the Optional Tournie Button Access Hole. If removing for the Optional Tournament Button, save with the game. 6HF3DUWV,G %5* &$%,1(7 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 525-5395-15P-80 4 500-5921-50 Item 2 is secured by: Leg Bolt Back Plate (535-5703-00) and Leg Bolt 3/8" X 16 X 2-1/2" Hex 5/8" Hd. (2/per) (231-5001-01) To order just a Leg Leveler (3/8" - 16 X 3") use SPI Nº: 500-5017-00. A Leg "without" a Leg Leveler is not available. Start Button (Red) + Lamp Assembly 1 500-6388-02 Item 3 includes the Switch. FOR SWITCH ONLY see Item 25 on the Next Page. 4* #555 Wedge Base Bulb (Clear) 1 165-5002-00 Item 4 is included with Item 3, for just a replacement Bulb use the above number. 5 Ball Shooter (Plunger) Assembly 1 500-6146-00-07 Item 5 is secured by: Support Plate (Qty. 1) (535-5027-00), #10-32 X 3/8" SHWH (Serr) Swage (Qty. 3) (237-5985-00) and #6 X 5/8" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (234-5002-00). IFOR A BREAKDOWN OF PARTS SEE THE BLUE PAGES: Sec. 4, Chp. 2, Page 76. 6 Flipper Button (Red) Assembly 2 500-5026-32 Rear Glass Channel 20-3/8" Length Plastic Channel 42-5/8" Lg. (Left/Rt.) Side Armor "with holes" (Left & Right) 1 2 2 9LHZ RI WKH &RLQ 'RRU 2SHQ ,WHP 7DNH1RWH * An asterisk ( * ) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. J Legend Note: Items noted with a black square are General Parts. Items noted with a white square are Switches. 1º 13 14 Hex Key Allen Wrench 5/16" Corrugated Tubing Black 11e4"ø X 2.6’ Lg. &$%,1(7 3$57 1$0( 15 #1 Roto Lock Male (R2-0055-02) 16 17 #1 Roto Lock Female (on Backbox) Coin Door (with Validator) USA only F 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 2 777-0001-00 605-5008-00 1 355-5006-01 1 1 355-5006-02 500-5018-172 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 180-5024-01 180-5024-00 180-5091-00 535-6860-03 180-5192-00 180-5192-02 180-5192-04 Above Item 14 covers the Cables Wiring Harnesses going into the Backbox from the Cab. Item 15 is secured by: #10-24 X 1-3/4" Carr. Bolt Sq. Neck (Qty. 2) (231-5022-00), #10-24 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5206-00) and #10 Washer 7/32" X .5" X 1/16" (Qty. 2) (242-5003-00) Item 17 is secured by: 1/4"-20 X 1-1/4" Carriage Bolt Sq. Neck (Qty. 4) (231-5003-00) 1/4"-20 Flange Nut (Qty. 4) (240-5300-00) and Fend Washer 1/4" I.D. X 1" O.D. (Qty. 3) (242-5009-00) Note: For Coin Door other than USA call Technical Support for SPI Part Nº. 18 Coin Door Sw. (USA) (Happ Control) FYI: Coin Dr. Sw. (USA) (Coin Control) FYI: Coin Door Switch ( ¥ Japan) Bracket for below Portals Switches Push-Button Portals Switch (Black) Push-Button Portals Switch (Red) Push-Button Portals Switch (Green) 19 19B 19R 545-5038-00 19G 545-5017-00 Ordering Note: Securing hardware for switches included. For Decal Kit, see Page 63. 535-7297-02 20 Dual Switch Assembly 1 500-5808-00 Item 6 is secured by: Pal Nut for Flipper Button (Metal) (Qty. 2) (240-5003-01) and is fitted with: O-Ring 11/32" X 7/32" X 1/16" (Qty. 1/per) (545-5850-00) Item 6 DOES NOT include the Switch. FOR SWITCHES ONLY see Items 23A/B on the Next Page. 7 8 9 & $ % & Qty. 2 3 9LHZ RI WKH EDFN RI WKH &DELQHW ZLWK WKH %DFNER[ LQ WKH GRZQ SRVLWLRQ 7DNH1RWH LOTR Screened Cabinet (No Parts) Black Leg & Leveler Assembly Qty. 4 1 2 - 1º (QODUJHG 9LHZ RI ,WHP LQVLGH WKH &RLQ 'RRU ,WHP %XWWRQV %UDFNHW 'HFDO VROG VHSDUDWHO\ )RU XVDJH VHH 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU 3RUWDOV 6HUYLFH 0HQX ,QWURGXFWLRQ 3DJH ,WHP - 2Q2II 6ZLWFK LV ORFDWHG XQGHU WKH &DELQHW )URQW 5LJKW GLUHFWO\ EHORZ WKH 3RZHU %R[ Qty. 2 % Item 9 is secured by: Pem Stud 1/4 X 1" FH (Qty. 2/per) (237-6116-01), 1/4-20 Flange Nut (Qty. 2/per) (240-5300-00) and #8 X 5/8" T20 Tamper Proof (Qty. 2/per) (237-5947-00) ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 20) ASSEMBLY PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 20A Mounting Bracket 1 535-6958-00 1 180-5136-00 10 Front Molding - Black 1 500-5757-02-00 20B Playfield Power Interlock Sw. (Top) 20C Memory Protect Switch (Bottom) 1 180-5000-01 Item 10 requires: Self-Adhesive Foam Rubber 3/8" X 3/16" X 20-3/8" (626-5001-00). Item 20 is secured to Cabinet by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (234-5101-00) 11‡ Button Hole Plug (Blk) (Happ #52-6214-00) 1 500-6566-00 Parts Table & Views continue on the next page. 12 P/F Glass (Tmprd.) 21" X 43" X 3/16" 1 660-5001-00 030703 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ &DELQHW*HQHUDO3DUWVJ 6ZLWFKHVF&RQWLQXHG &DELQHW%DFN/LJKWVDUHORFDWHG RQWKH:RRG%DFN3DQHO 6HH WKH %OXH 3DJHV 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV IRU 0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 3DJHV )RU*HQHUDO%XOEV 6RFNHWV % (QODUJHG 9LHZ RI 3RZHU %R[ &DELQHW %RWWRP ,QVLGH )URQW 5LJKW $ Qty. 2 % 6HH (QODUJHG 9LHZ /HIW $ $ 6ZLWFK 'LRGH 1 63, 1 LQ SURWHFWLYH WXELQJ % 6HH 3UHYLRXV 3DJH IRU 2SHQ 9LHZ RI &RLQ 'RRU 6HUYLFH *DPH 0DQXDO 6HH )URQW &RYHU IRU 63, 3DUW 1XPEHU $ ' % Qty. 2 & 7KXPE6FUHZ LQFOXGHG ZLWK 7LOW 3OXPE %RE RQO\ 9LHZ RI &DELQHW ,QVLGH )URQW /HIW . $ 6HH WKHVH 3LQN 3DJHV 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU 3DUWV ,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ 3DJHV (QODUJHG 9LHZ RI WKH 3OXPE %RE 7LOW 6ZLWFK * + 6HH (QODUJHG 9LHZ & $ 7DNH1RWH 9LHZ RI &DELQHW ,QVLGH )URQW 5LJKW * An asterisk ( * ) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. F J 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º Parts Table & Views continue on the previous page. 21 Front Molding Lockdown Assembly 1 500-6509-00 Item 21 is secured by: #10-24 X 1-1/4" Carr. Bolt (Qty. 2) (231-5012-00), #10-24 Keps Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5207-00), #8 X 5/8" HWH AB Zinc (Qty. 4) (234-5102-04) and #10 Washer 7/32" ID X 1/2" OD X 1/16" (Qty. 2) (242-5003-00) 1º 31 ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Speaker Grill 7" X 7" 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 545-5072-03 Items 30 & 31 are secured by: #6-32 X 1-1/4" Fin Shank Screw (Qty. 4) (237-5883-00) and #6-32 Keps Nut (Qty. 4) (240-5008-00) 32 Power Input Box Sub-Assy. 1 515-5360-07 ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 32) SUB-ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: (connected to handle) Lockdown Spring 22 1 265-5008-00 32A Power Box (Plain) 1 535-5932-00 1 180-5008-01 2 180-5160-00 32B Service Outlet (for USA) 23A Flipper Switch - Self-Cleaning 1 034-5000-10 23B Flipper Sw. - X2 Stack for Lwr./Upr. Flipper(s) 0 180-5164-00 32C Line Cord 10’ ROJ 3" Max. 545-5122-00 1 Recessed Cup for Line Cord 24* Foam Strip (2 on 23A; 1 on 23B) 3 626-5042-00 32D 1 150-5000-00 32E* Line Filter Start Button Switch (ONLY) 25 1 180-5174-00 32F* Varistor TNR159211KM 1 150-5001-00 200-5000-05 26 Grills 2-1/2" X 18" (on Back & Bottom) 2 545-5072-02 32G Fuse 8 Amp 250v Slo-Blo (Domestic) 1 1 205-5001-00 Fuse Holder 27 Cabinet Plumb Bob Tilt Switch 1 See Parts Below 32H 1 535-8318-00 32I* On/Off Switch Bracket ORDER ONLY INDIVIDUAL PART(S) NEEDED: 1 180-5001-03 32J On/Off Rocker Sw. (APEM R2101C5NBB) 27A Bracket for Hanger Wire 1 535-5221-00 1 820-6123-03 32K Power Box Decal 27B Hanger Wire 1 535-5319-00 33 Cash Box Plastic Bottom 1 545-5090-00 27C Contact Wire Form 1 535-7563-01 34 Cash Box Cover (Validator) 1 535-5013-03 27D Plumb Bob Weight (includes Thumb-Screw) 1 535-5029-00 Items 27A & 27C are secured by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 4) (234-5101-00) 35 Cash Box Lock Bracket (wire) 1 535-7562-00 28A Slide & Pivot Support Bracket - Right 1 535-5990-00 36 Large Hair-Pin Clip 1 535-7772-00 28B Slide & Pivot Support Bracket - Left 1 535-5989-00 37 Bracket (to position playfield in cabinet.) 1 535-7354-00 Items 28A & 28B are secured by: #10-24 X 1-1/4" Carriage Bolt Sq. Neck (3/per) Optional Meter (+12v DC w/Diode & Bracket) G-0053-013-102 (231-5012-00) and #10-24 KEPS Nut (3/per) (240-5207-00) 38* Optional Meter (+12v DC w/Diode, No Bracket) G-0053-013-102A Transformer 5.7v AC (with Ballast Winding) 29 1 010-5012-01 Item 29 is secured by: 1/4"-20 X 5/8" PPH MS (Zinc) (Qty. 4) (237-5854-00) and 1/4" Split Lock Washer (Qty. 4) (244-5000-00) 30 Speaker 8" ø Rd. 8010 4: 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ 1 031-5007-00 3LQEDOO /RFDWLRQ 0DLQWHQDQFH .LW $YDLODEOH 7KLV NLW FRQVLVWV RI R] 1RYXV :D[ )LQH 5HG FORWK DQG DOO 5XEEHU 5LQJV %XOEV XVHG LQ WKLV 3LQEDOO 0DFKLQH 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF3DUWV,G are General Legend Note: Items noted with a black square Parts. Items noted with a white square are Switches. 3OD\ILHOG*HQHUDO3DUWVJ0HWDO5DLOV%DOO*XLGHVJ 6ZLWFKHVF $ERYH 1º $%29( 3/$<),(/' 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º PF P/F Screened w/ Inserts & NO Parts P/F Complete w/ Inserts & ALL Parts 1 1 830-5100-80 505-6004-80-80 *HQHUDO,WHPV 1 Arch (Black Metal) for LOTR 1 535-8392-01 Item 1 is secured to the playfield by Item 12 and: #10-32 X 5/16" PH FL U/C MS STL Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-6013-00). Usage Note: When replacing the Arch, order new replacement Nelson Protect Strips (not included) (Qty. 2) (545-5212-02). 2 Instruction Card (USA) LOTR 1 755-5180-00 Note: Visit for a PDF copy of the Game Instruction Card which will also have any translated Instruction Cards made for this game. Find Game Link or Archives. Spanish 755-5179-02; German 755-5179-03; Italian 755-5179-04; French 755-5179-05. 3a Coin Card (2-Sided) 1 755-5400-00 Usage Notes: Use Item 3a (Back: 1 Play 50¢ - 5 Plays $2) for Adj. 6, Game Pricing, USA 5 Setting, or (Front: 1 Play 50¢ - 3 Plays $1) for Adj. 6, Game Pricing, USA 8 Setting. 3b Coin Card (2-Sided) 1 755-5400-02 Usage Notes: Use Item 3b (Front: 1 Play 50¢) for Adj. 6, Game Pricing, USA 2-7 Setting, (Back: is Blank) for Custom Settings. Availability: See Appendix J (back of manual) for all current Coin Cards (USA, Canada, Euro & other International). If this is a non-US Game, Coin Card(s) provided will differ. 4 5 6a 6b 7 Rubber Lite Cover Red Light Reflector (Silver Color Plastic) Mini-Mars Lite Cover (Snap-In) Yellow Mini-Mars Lite Cover (Snap-In) Red Level Assembly 1 2 2 3 1 545-5014-02 545-5409-01 550-5030-06 550-5030-02 515-7214-00 For Individual Items use : .882" 8MM Vial Mtg. Flange (545-6027-00), Level .8mm Empire #0224 (545-6001-01) or Level Bracket (535-9010-00). Flange secured by: #6-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (no Sems) Zinc (237-5500-00) and #6-32 Keps Nut (240-5008-00) Item 10 is secured to the Wood Rail by: #6 X 1/2" HWH AB Zc Red (Qty. 2) (234-5001-02) 8 Pinball (Steel) 1 " ø n/a Plug-Cap (3/16") Black Plastic 4 0 260-5000-00 545-5232-01 Note: Plug-Cap should plug hole if a Center Post (@ Drain) is used, then removed. %UDFNHWVZLWK:LUH*DWHV 10 1-Way Gate Mounting Bracket Wire Gate (for above) 1-Way Gate Mounting Bracket Wire Gate (for above) 11 Playfield Hanger Bracket 9 1 1 1 1 535-9339-01 535-9340-00 535-9171-01 535-9403-00 %UDFNHWVIRU0RXQWLQJ 6HF3DUWV,G 2 535-8385-00 Item 11 is secured to the P/F by: #8-32 X 7/8" HWH MS Zinc (Qty. 2/per) (237-5890-00) 12 Arch Retaining (Hold-Down) Brackets 2 535-8394-00 Item 12 is secured to the P/F by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 3/per) (234-5101-00) 13 Bracket, Pad (Blue Rubber) Mount 1 1º $%29( 3/$<),(/' 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 0HWDO)ODW5DLOV:LUH)RUPV %DOO*XLGHV 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Bracket, Crystal Ball Mount Bracket, Ramp Mounting 1 6 31 32 33 34 35 Wire Form (on Plastic Ball Guide, Item 35) Ball Guide Rail (.12" ø) 2.75" Ball Guide Rail (.12" ø) (#4 Right) Ball Guide Rail (.12" ø) 1.5" Ball Guide (Plastic, Long Clear) 36 Pad (Blue Rubber) Item 15 is secured by: #6 X 1/2" PTH A (Zinc) (Qty. 2/per) (237-5809-00) 535-8393-00 535-9280-00 535-9281-00 535-9283-00 515-7331-00 535-9284-00 535-9282-00 515-7332-00 2 1 1 1 2 535-5642-00 535-5356-15 535-9285-00 535-5356-20 550-5037-01 1 626-5057-00 0LVFHOODQHRXV Item 36 is secured to Item 25 by: #4-40 X 5/16" PFH U-Cut (Qty. 1) (237-6151-00) 37 38 Crystal Ball (Drilled) 1 " ø (#AF1370108) Crystal Ball (Non-Drilled) Balrog (Plain, No Parts) 1 1 515-7344-00R 545-6091-02 545-5083-00 Item 38 Note: For Associated Parts & better views, see The Blue Pages (Pg. 87). Barad-dûr Tower (Plain, No Parts) Item 39 Note: For Associated Parts & better views, see The Blue Pages (Pg. 89). 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Saruman Gandalf The White (riding Shadowfax) Uruk-Hai Warrior (no helmet, carrying head) Ringwraith Aragorn (with Torch, riding horse) Uruk-Hai Warrior (with helmet on) Uruk-Hai Mauhur (no helmet) Frodo Gollum Samwise Pippin Merry 1 545-5082-00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 880-5080-00 880-5076-00 880-5068-00 880-5064-00 880-5075-00 880-5070-00 880-5069-00 880-5072-00 880-5063-00 880-5073-00 880-5071-00 880-5078-00 Items 40-51 Note: For better views, see The Blue Pages (Pg. 90). 535-9366-00 535-9381-00 515-6508-00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Items 23-30 are secured at Pem Studs by: #8 Washer (Qty. 1/per) (242-5005-00), #8-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 1/per) (240-5102-00) and/or #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 1/per tab where required) (234-5101-00) 6ZLWFKHV Item 13 is secured to Item 25 by: #4-40 X 5/16" PFH Under Cut (Qty. 1) (237-6151-00) 14 15 Metal Rail (Center Drain under Arch) Metal Rail (#1, Left) Metal Rail (#2, Inner Left, with Blue Rubber) Metal Rail (Inner Left Short) Metal Rail (Short Curve) (Welded Asm.) Metal Rail (#5, Left of Top Lanes) Metal Rail (#3, Right) Metal Rail (Welded Assembly) A Micro Switch (Roll-Under Gate) 2 180-5190-28 Switch has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00). Can be replaced with (1N4001) (112-5001-00). Items A requires a Switch Body Protect Plate (Qty. 1/per) (535-6539-00) & is secured by: #2-56 X 1/2" HWH Sr (Qty. 2/per) (237-5937-02) %UDFNHWVIRU%DOO6WRSV7UDSVRU3URWHFW 16 Snubber Wire 3." (below Flippers) 2 535-5373-01 17 Bracket, P/F Protect VUK Hole Edge 1 535-9399-00 Item 17 is secured by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 1) (234-5101-00) Bracket, Gold (under Wire Ramp, Plastic -14) Item 18 is secured by: #6-32 X 3/8" PPH (Qty. 2) (232-5201-00) and #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5005-00) 18 19 Bracket, Snubber VUK Ball Stop 1 535-9401-00 1 535-8250-00 Item 19 is secured by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (234-5101-00) :RRG%DFN3DQHO :RRG5DLOV 20 21 22 Back Panel (Plain, No Parts) Wood Rail (Left) 38" Wood Rail (Right) 40 " 1 1 1 525-5636-00 525-5007-03 525-5007-16 3LQEDOO /RFDWLRQ 0DLQWHQDQFH .LW $YDLODEOH 7KLV NLW FRQVLVWV RI R] 1RYXV :D[ )LQH 5HG FORWK DQG DOO 5XEEHU 5LQJV %XOEV XVHG LQ WKLV 3LQEDOO 0DFKLQH $VN \RXU GLVWULEXWRU DERXW WKH 'HOX[H 3LQEDOO /RFDWLRQ 0DLQWHQDQFH .LW ZKLFK LQFOXGHV )OLSSHU 5HEXLOG .LWV )RU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV 6ZLWFKHV RQ $VVHPEOLHV %DFN 3DQHO 3DUWV DQG RWKHU ,QGLYLGXDO 3DUWV QRW OLVWHG RQ WKLV SDJH YLHZ WKH %OXH 3DJHV Items 21 & 22 are secured by: #6 X 1 " PFH A Zinc (Qty. 5/per) (237-5804-00) 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ 3OD\ILHOG*HQHUDO3DUWVJ5DLOVJ 6ZLWFKHVF $ERYH &RQWLQXHG $ E E E E $ D D D Qty. 2 D D 237,21$/ )25 72851$0(17 86( 21/< 1RW ,QFOXGHG 66666666 D 6HH $SSHQGL[ - DW WKH EDFN RI WKLV PDQXDO IRU DOO FXUUHQW &DUGV 86$ &DQDGD (XUR ,QWHUQDWLRQDO DYDLODEOH WKURXJK \RXU GLVWULEXWRU RU GRZQORDG YLD RXU ZHEVLWH VHH EDFN RI PDQXDO FRYHU 237,21$/ )25 +20( 86( 21/< E 1RW ,QFOXGHG 7DNH1RWH 1. ,WHPV1RW6KRZQLQDERYH YLHZIRUFODULW\)RUORFDWLRQVVHH SKRWRDERYHULJKWDQGIRUEHWWHU YLHZVVHHWKH%OXH3DJHV 3J 2. 3. 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ Some items or parts may be included with or associated with a Major Assembly or Ramp Assembly; see the Blue Pages, Sec. 4, Chp. 2. for parts required not appearing on this page. If you still cannot find the part required, Call Stern® Pinball, Inc. Technical Support, 1-800-542-5377 or 1-708-345-7700 (Opt. 1). Items 1 & 14 have associated Individual Plastics and/or Decals. These pieces are not available individually. For the Plastic and/or Decal Kits (or views), see the page after next, Playfield - Plastics (Screened & Clear) & Decals, Page 67. are General Legend Note: Items noted with a black square Parts. Items noted with a cyan square are Rails. Items noted with a white square are Switches. F J J 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF3DUWV,G 3OD\ILHOG*HQHUDO3DUWVJ 6ZLWFKHVF %HORZ 1º %(/2: 3/$<),(/' 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º *HQHUDO,WHPV 1 2 Insulation Fiche Paper (under Flippers) Diode Terminal Strip 2-Lug (810) Isolated 2 5 545-5721-00 055-5203-00 3A 250v Slo-Blo Fuse Fuse Clip Holder (Socket) 3 3 4* Diode Terminal Strip/Fuse Decals 1 ( Playfield Support Slide Bracket 2 535-6862-02 6 Edge Slide Bracket (Extended) 2 535-5988-01 Item 6 is secured by: #4 X 1/2" PFH (Zinc) (Qty. 5/per) (237-5840-00) 7 Pivot Pin Bracket Welded Assembly 2 & & & 500-5329-03 ( ) Item 5 is secured by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2/per) (234-5101-00) and #8-32 X 5/8" HWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 1/per) (237-5975-03) ' ( under %UDFNHWVIRU0RXQWLQJ 5 & ( Note: For Decal Descriptions & Locations, see Sec. 5, Chp. 2, Playfield Wiring, Page 105. . % 1 under 820-6221-80 $ . 200-5000-08 205-5000-01 Item 3 is secured by: #6 X 1/2" PPH AB (Qty. 1/per) (237-5805-00) Note: Item 3, Fuse Clip Holder (Socket) 205-5000-01 is part of a set of 12 (205-5000-12). You can order them as individuals (...-01) or a set of 12 (...-12). $ % Note: Item 2 (Qty. 1) is located in the Cabinet on the Coin Door. Item 2 is secured by: #6 X 3/8 HWH AB Zinc (Qty. 1/per) (234-5000-00). Note: 1N4004 Diodes (112-5003-00) are used in all Diode applications. 1N4001 Diodes can be used for Switches and/or Coils. See Sec. 5, Chp. 2, P/F Diode Terminal Strip... 3 $ 2 , Item 7 is secured by: #8-32 X 5/8" HWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 2/per) (237-5975-03) 8 Bracket, Back Panel Mounting 2 535-8964-00 Item 8 secures Item 23 (prev. page) by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zc) (Qty. 3/per) (234-5101-00) - 6ZLWFKHV 0LVF3&%RDUGV A B C D E Micro Sw. (Roller Actuator, Lite Force) EOS Switch Flipper (on Flippers) Stack (Blade) Switch (on Slingshots) Switch Asm. (180-5157-00) (Shooter Lane) Micro Sw. Roll-Over Right Brkt. Assy. 5 2 4 1 11 180-5119-02 180-5149-00 180-5054-00 500-6096-00 500-6227-02 , ( ) Items D & E are secured by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2/per) (234-5101-00) Micro Sw. (Heavy Duty "Y" Flat Actuator) Items A, D & F require a Switch Body Protect Plate (535-6539-00) which is secured by: #2-56 X 1/2" HWH Serr (Qty. 2) (237-5937-02) and #2-56 Hex Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5301-00). F 6HF3DUWV,G G H I J 2 Micro Switch (on Pop Bumpers) Switch Asm. (180-5186-00) (30° Eject) Switch & Target Assy. 1" Sq. (White) Sw. & Target Assy. 1 " Rect. (Wht.) 3 1 2 1 180-5116-01 180-5015-03 500-6521-00 515-5162-08 515-5027-08 Dual OPTO TRANS Bd. (on Ball Trough) Dual OPTO REC Board (on Ball Trough) Single OPTO TRANS Bd. (Orthanc Trough) Single OPTO REC Board (Orthanc Trough) Playfield 19-LED PC Board 1 1 1 1 1 DC Bi-Directional Relay Board 1 ( ( 515-0173-00 515-0174-00 515-7307-00 515-7308-00 520-5242-00 ( 0 Note: For how Items A-C, F-N are secured or for a better view, see Section 4, Chapter 2, Drawings for Major Assemblies & Ramps, on the individual assemblies noted. For Switches located on the Back Panel, see the Blue Pages, Pages 94-97. Note: For more details on Item K, L/M & N and/or a break-down of parts, see Section 5, Chapter 4, Printed Circuit Boards, Pages 109 (K) & 142 (L/M), 144 (N). O * ( Items I & J are secured by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (234-5101-00) Note: For more details on Items I & J and/or a break-down of parts, see Appendix I. K L /M N $ * $ 520-5066-00 / ( * ( + 7DNH1RWH * An asterisk ( * ) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. 3LQEDOO /RFDWLRQ 0DLQWHQDQFH .LW $YDLODEOH 1. 2. $VN \RXU GLVWULEXWRU DERXW WKH 'HOX[H 3LQEDOO /RFDWLRQ 0DLQWHQDQFH .LW ZKLFK LQFOXGHV )OLSSHU 5HEXLOG .LWV 3. For Sockets & Bulbs (drawings & part numbers) see Pgs. 72-74. Some items or parts may be included with or associated with a Major Assembly or Ramp Assembly; see the Blue Pages, Sec. 4, Chp. 2. for parts required not appearing on this page. If you still cannot find the part required, Call Stern® Pinball, Inc. Technical Support, 1-800-542-5377 or 1-708-345-7700 (Opt. 1). are General Legend Note: Items noted with a black square Parts. Items noted with a white square are Switches and Miscellaneous PC Board(s). 7KLV NLW FRQVLVWV RI R] 1RYXV :D[ )LQH 5HG FORWK DQG DOO 5XEEHU 5LQJV %XOEV XVHG LQ WKLV 3LQEDOO 0DFKLQH 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH F J 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ 3OD\ILHOG3ODVWLFV 6FUHHQHG &OHDU 'HFDOV 3/$67,&6 .,7 63, 3$57 1º Kit: P/F Plastics (Screened & Clear) : 803-5000-80 Kit includes: Screened & Clear 830-6009-XX Set, Clear Piece 830-6018-00 & Clear Piece 830-6023-00 Kit: P/F THICK (.177") Plastics (Screened) : 803-5001-80 Kit includes: Screened 830-6019-XX Set Attention: No individual Plastic or Decal can be ordered separately, unless noted otherwise. * Screened Plastic Piece -20 is located on the Exit Scoop (Lower Right Side of Playfield). The piece is riveted into place and must be drilled out to replace (see the Blue Pages, Page 85, for view). '(&$/6 .,7 63, 3$57 1º Kit: Game Specific Decals 802-5000-80 Kit includes: 820-6297-01 (Mirror Panel), 820-6342-XX Set, 820-6342-98, 820-6342-99, 820-6347-00 (Mirror Eye), 820-6348-00 (Manget Ring Cover) and 820-6349-XX (Bottom Arch Lt. & Rt.) Attention: No individual Plastic or Decal can be ordered separately, unless noted otherwise. * 6HF3DUWV,G Other miscellaneous plastics and/or decals can be found on the Backbox & Speaker Panel Assemblies (Pages 60-61), Cabinet - General Parts (Pages 62-63) and Playfield - General Parts & Switches (Below) (Page 66). 0</$5 63, 3$57 1º * Not included in the Decals Kit (must be ordered separately): * Bumper Protectors (Qty. 3) Mylar, 820-5820-00 * Square Ball Drop Pads (Qty. 2), 820-5815-00 * Full Playfield Clear Mylar Sheet, 820-5889-00 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 3OD\ILHOG5XEEHU3DUWV%ODFNJ 5LQJV$FWXDO6L]H † 626-5057-00 6HF3DUWV,G 020603 under * * * 7DNH1RWH * * An asterisk ( * ) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials and/or on assemblies. This page locates Rubber Parts on the Playfield only. For location or view of Rubber Parts on any assemblies, see Sec. 4, Chp. 2, Drawings for Major Assemblies & Ramps (Blue Pages). % * * % Note: Item 14, 7/16" O.D. Rings are used to cushion Metal Sockets under the Playfield and Back Panel 1º 63, 3$57 1 47< 58%%(5 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1 1º 9Black 3" I.D. Ring White: 1 545-5348-10 -60 N/U 1 9 Black 23e4" I.D. Ring White: 2 -70 N/U 2 545-5348-20 1º 58%%(5 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 9 Black 21e2" I.D. Ring White: 3 -09 2 -59 3 545-5348 545-5348 Small Flipper BLACK Ring 545-5207-00 4 545-5348-08 9Black 2" I.D. Ring White: 545-5348-58 4 A Sm. Flipper RED (Soft Duro) Ring 545-5207-22 5 545-5348-21 9Black 13e4" I.D. Ring White: -71 N/U 5 Large Flipper BLK (50 Duro) Ring 2 545-5277-00 9Black 11e2" I.D. Ring White: 545-5348-57 6 6 545-5348-07 B Lg. Flipper RED (Soft Duro) Ring 545-5277-22 9Black 11e4" I.D. Ring White: 545-5348-56 7 Optional Item B Replacements: Lg. YELLOW (50 Duro) Ring (545-5277-04) or 7 545-5348-06 1 Large YELLOW (40 Duro) Ring (545-5277-06) 8 545-5348-05 1 9Black 1" I.D. Ring White: -55 N/U 8 9Black 3e4" I.D. Ring White: 545-5348-54 9 Bumper (Deflector Pad) C* 3 545-5428-00 9 545-5348-04 9Black 7/16" I.D. Ring White: -68 N/U 10 D* Bumper (Grommet) 1138 (A60) 5 545-5105-00 10 545-5348-18 9Black 3e8" I.D. Ring White: Bumper (Post) -53 N/U 11 E 545-5009-00 11 545-5348-03 545-5348-52 12 F Bumper (Post Sleeve, Short) 545-5151-00 12 545-5348-02 4 9Black 5/16" I.D. Ring White: Bumper BLACK (Post Sleeve, Tall) 545-5348-51 13 11 545-5308-00 13 545-5348-01 12 9Black 3/16" I.D. Ring White: G Bumper WHITE (Post Sleeve, Tall) -67 N/U 14 545-5308-08 14 545-5348-17 37 9Black 7/16" O.D. Ring White: 11 07 545-5348-69 15 H* O-Ring " X " X " (Flipper Buttons) 2 545-5850-00 15 545-5348-19 1 9Black 3e8" O.D. Ring White: 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ † ,WHPV ZLWK QR 4W\ TXDQWLW\ DUH QRW XVHG LQ WKLV JDPH over * 6L]H DQGRU TXDQWLWLHV PD\ FKDQJH GXULQJ SURGXFWLRQ under 3OD\ILHOG0HWDO3RVWV 6FUHZV 1XWV $FWXDO6L]H † Items 1, 3 & 4 Posts can use 3/8" O.D. Black Ring, 545-5348-19 or White Ring, 545-5348-69. Top Top 6 Thread Top 9: Top Top 6 6 Thread 6 Thread 6 Top 6 Thread Tap 6 Thread Thread Tap No Tap 6 9 Bottom 6 Thread Items 3 & 4: Note the Thread Lengths. 9: Bottom Thread 5 5 Item 15 Adjustable Sliding Post can use 5/16" I.D. Black Ring, 545-5348-02 or White Ring 545-5348-52. Bottom 9 : Bottom Thread Bottom Thread Thread Items 11-14 Posts can use a Black Post Rubber Sleeve (Tall), 545-5308-00 or White Post Rubber Sleeve (Tall), 545-5308-08. Thread Side 9 : Bottom Front Nut Note: All nuts shown with a " " are used in this game. The quantities (not specified) vary. The remaining Items listed are not used in this game and are noted for reference only (used in prior games). Shown Below~ #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut: 240-5005-00 Shown Below~ #6-32 KEPS Nut (with Star Washer): 240-5008-00 Top & Side Views Nylon Stop Nuts Not Shown: #6-32 (w/ 1e4" Hex Body): 240-5010-00 #8-32: 240-5102-00 #10-32: 240-5203-00 #10-24: 240-5206-00 #4-40: 240-5303-00 #4-40 (18/8 Stainless): 240-5303-01 5/16"-18: 240-5316-00 9 : 6 Bottom Thread Shown Below~ #6-32 Hex Nut (No Star Washer): 240-5004-00 Shown Below~ #6-32 T-Nut: 240-5002-00 Bottom & Side Views Top View Bottom & Side Views Top & Side Views KEPS Nuts Not Shown: Hex Nuts Not Shown: T-Nuts Not Shown: Miscellaneous Nuts Not Shown: #6-32 (w/ 1e4" Hex Body): 240-5011-00 #8-32: 240-5104-00 #10-32: 240-5208-00 #10-24: 240-5207-00 #4-40: 240-5318-00 #8-32: 240-5103-00 #10-32: 240-5201-00 #10-24: 240-5202-00 #10-32 X 3e8": 240-5209-00 3e4-16: 240-5315-00 #2-56: 240-5301-00 7e8"-14: 240-5317-00 #6-32 (w/Side Cut Off): 240-5002-01 #8-32: 240-5101-00 #10-32 (Black Oxide): 240-5007-00 #10-32 (w/Side Cut Off): 240-5205-00 #10-32 X 5/16" 240-5204-00 #10-24: 240-5200-00 Plastic Pal Nut (on Flipper Buttons): 240-5003-00 Metal Pal Nut (on Flipper Buttons): 240-5003-01 #6-32 Wing Nut: 240-5001-00 #8-32 Wing Nut: 240-5100-00 #10-24 Wing Nut: 240-5211-00 1e4"-20 Wing Nut: 240-5302-00 1e4"-20 Toggle Wing: 240-5324-00 6 6 Shown Below~ 1e4" X 20 Flange Nut: 240-5300-00 6 6 Items A & B are typically used with Hex Spacers above the Playfield. Item D is typically used to secure "Item 15 (515-5939-00) in Bumper Bottom Assembly, 515-6459-04". Note: The "Fins" keep the screw from turning inside the wood hole. Items 17-20 all Bottoms are 9: Thread 6L]H DQGRU TXDQWLWLHV PD\ FKDQJH GXULQJ SURGXFWLRQ † ,WHPV ZLWK QR 4W\ TXDQWLW\ DUH QRW XVHG LQ WKLV JDPH $ % & 1º 0(7$/ 3267 1$0( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ' Mini-Post Wood Screw Mini-Post Wood Screw (no cut-away) Mini-Post MS / #10-32 Bot. .4" Thread Mini-Post MS / #10-32 Bot. .875" Thread Post Fasten #8-32 Top / #6-32 Bot. Post Fasten #6-32 Top / #6-32 Bot. Post Fstn. #6-32 Top / Wood Scr. Bot. Post #6-32 Top / Wood Screw Bottom Post Fasten #6-32 Top / #8-32 Bot. Post #6-32 Tap / #6-32 Bottom 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º 0(7$/ 3267 1$0( 5 4 6 530-5004-00 530-5004-01 530-5005-01 530-5005-00 530-5008-00 530-5012-02 530-5010-02 530-5263-01 530-5007-00 530-5127-00 11 12 13 14 15 Post Hex Base #6-32 Tap/#10-32 Bot. Post Hex Base (No Tap)/#10-32 Bot. Post Hex Base #8-32 Top/#10-32 Bot. Post Hex Base #6-32 Top/#10-32 Bot. Adjustable Sliding Post (Brass) #8-32 Bot. A B C D #6-32 X 3/4" Fin Shank Screw #6-32 X 7/8" Fin Shank Screw #6-32 X 1 " Fin Shank Screw #6-32 X 13/16" Spirol Fin Shank Screw 47< 63, 3$57 1º 3 1 8 4 9 530-5332-01 530-5332-00 530-5332-02 530-5332-03 530-5621-00 237-5921-02 237-5921-04 237-5883-00 237-5957-00 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF3DUWV,G Item C is typically used with the bottom Cabinet Speaker (used with #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut, 240-5005-00). 3OD\ILHOG+H[6SDFHUV $FWXDO6L]H † Hex Spacers: Tap e e % e e $ $ H[DPSOH RI %V e with Male #6-32 Thread 1-end, #6-32 Tap on other. 7DNH1RWH e Items 34-39 are 5/16" wide. With Items 1-3A, 4A, 5 & 6A (the tap goes thru the length of spacer). With Items 7, 8A, 9-33 & 34-49, the tap is up to 5e8" deep on each end. Note: Items 3B, 4B, 6B (Not Shown) & 8B (Shown as example of all "B" Styles) all have a #6-32 Threaded end, the other end Tapped (same as Items 7-33). Items 1-33 are 1e4" wide. e e e e e e e ‡ Hex Spacers Not Used in current games may no longer be available. Choose an available size (+/-) and compensate with washers or other spacers. e e e e 6HF3DUWV,G e e e e 1º 1 2 3A 3B* 4A 4B* 5 6A 6B* 7 8A 8B 8C 9 10 11 ‡ 12 13 ‡ 14 15 ‡ 16 17 18 $ e e e e 5 Top & Bottom e e THIS GAME ONLY: Items 13 & 41, add "B" to part number to have Hex Spacer Black. Item 42 (Not Shown) is Similiar to 8B but is 1-3/8" and Male end is #8-32 Thread. Thread e e e e A Standard USA 9 Inch Ruler is provided on the back cover. +(; 63$&(5 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º +(; 63$&(5 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 254-5008-28 254-5008-00 19 23e8" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 254-5008-16 254-5008-12 20 21e2" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 254-5008-08 5 254-5008-03 21 25e8" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 254-5008-15 254-5024-03 22 23e4" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 7 1 254-5008-31 254-5008-02 23 2 e8" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) X e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 254-5008-14 254-5024-02 24 3"1 1 254-5008-19 4 254-5008-04 25 31e8" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 254-5008-26 254-5008-05 26 31e4" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) (both ends) 3 " X " : #6-32 Tap e e 2 4 27 254-5008-27 254-5024-05 5 1 254-5008-25 1 254-5008-06 28 33e8" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 254-5008-36 4 254-5008-17 29 3 e4" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) X e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 254-5008-21 254-5024-17 30 4"1 4 e4" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 31 254-5008-30 254-5031-06 43e " X 1e " : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 254-5008-29 1 254-5008-11 32 51e8" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 4 4 33 254-5008-35 254-5008-34 11e4" X 5/16" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 34 254-5018-09 254-5008-33 35 13e4" X 5/16" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 254-5018-06 254-5008-09 X 5/16" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 36 2" 254-5018-07 2 254-5008-13B 37 4" X 5/16" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 254-5018-03 3 254-5008-10 38 45/16" X 5/16" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 254-5018-00 254-5008-20 39 4.92" X 5/16" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 254-5018-04 254-5008-07 40 17e8" X 3e8" : #8-32 Thread (both ends) 530-5285-00 254-5008-32 41* 6" X 5/16" : #6-32 Tap (BLACK) 1 254-5018-02B 254-5008-18 42* 13e8" X 1e4" : #8-32 Tap (1 end) 1 254-5031-06 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ 1e " 4 3e " 8 1e " 2 X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) Identical to 3A with #6-32 Thread end 5e " X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 8 Identical to 4A with #6-32 Thread end 3e " X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 4 7e " X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 8 Identical to 6A with #6-32 Thread end 1" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 11e8" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) Identical to 8A with #6-32 Thread end ... to 8A with #8-32 Tap (both ends) 11e4" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 15/16" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 13e8" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 11e2" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 15e8" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (BLACK) 13e4" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 17e8" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 2" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 21e8" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 21e4" X 1e4" : #6-32 Tap (both ends) 6L]H DQGRU TXDQWLWLHV PD\ FKDQJH GXULQJ SURGXFWLRQ $ & e e † ,WHPV ZLWK QR 4W\ TXDQWLW\ DUH QRW XVHG LQ WKLV JDPH e e 3OD\ILHOG3RVWV 6SDFHUV $FWXDO6L]H † &RORUV ** 9DULRXV e 7DNH1RWH 3 / $ 6 7 , & 1º &RORU 3$ 5 7 & 2 / 2 5 & + $ 5 7 1º &RORU 1º &RORU -00 -01 -02 -03 -04 -05 -06 -07 -08 -09 -10 -11 Yellow Orange White Purple Fluor. Orange Fluor. Green -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 ‡ ‡ Fluor. Blue Teal Green Gray Luminescent Gold ‡ e e e 7DNH1RWH e 1º 3267 6L]H DQGRU TXDQWLWLHV PD\ FKDQJH GXULQJ SURGXFWLRQ † ,WHPV ZLWK QR 4W\ TXDQWLW\ DUH QRW XVHG LQ WKLV JDPH e e e 63$&(5 1$0( 1 3e8" X 1e2" Metal Spacer (Backbox) 2** Top Lane Plastic Mini-Lite Hood (Red) e e e 47< 63, 3$57 1º 2 4 530-5099-00 550-5061-02 Item 2 typically secured by: #6-32 X 1-3/4" PPH MS (Zinc) (Qty. 2/per) (237-5511-00) and Washer 9/64" X 5/16" OD X 1/32" (Qty. 2/per) (242-5017-00), if used. 3** Mini-Jewel Plastic Post (Clear) 14 550-5052-01 Item 3 typically secured by: #6 X 3/8" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 1/per) (234-5000-00) 11/16" 1-Groove Plastic Post (Black) 11/16" 1-Groove Plastic Post (Clear) 4** 5** 1-Groove Jewel Plastic Post (Clear) 3 19 1 550-5059-00 550-5059-01 550-5034-01 Items 4 & 5 typically secured by: Post Fastening Screw #6-32 Top / #6-32 Bottom (Qty. 1/per) (530-5012-02, Item 6 Page 69). 1e " Slf. Rtn. Plastic Spacer White 4 3e " Slf. Rtn. Plastic Spacer White 8 5e " Slf. Rtn. Plastic Spacer White 8 3e " Slf. Rtn. Plastic Spacer White 4 1e " X 1e " Plastic Spacer White (Narrow) 2 4 1e " X 3e " Plastic Spacer Gray 8 8 3/ " X 3e " Plastic Spacer Gray 8 16 1e " X 3e " Plastic Spacer Gray 4 8 6‡ 7‡ 8‡ 9‡ 10 11 12 13 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ 8 4 5 254-5007-02 254-5007-01 254-5007-00 254-5007-03 254-5000-03 254-5000-19 254-5000-18 254-5000-02 1º 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30‡ e 3267 3e " 8 1e " 2 5e " 8 3e " 4 7e " 8 e e Use 254-5000-06N for Natural (White) If any one of Items 11-23 Plastic Spacers is not available in the size required, order the smaller sized spacers required to stack sizes together until appropriate size is achieved (e.g. If 11e8" is needed but unavailable, order a 1e2" + 5e8" & stack to = 11e8"). e e e ‡ Items 6 through 9 dimensions are measured from bottom to just under the cut-away. Item 30 dimension is measured from top-to-top of curve. See pictorials with Items 9 & 30. ‡ 6 ‡ WKUX GLPHQVLRQ LV PHDVXUHG IURP WKLV SRLQW ** Items 2, 4 & 5 come in various colors (may not be available in every color). Item 4 is currently only available in the color(s) stated in this game manual (other colors used in prior games may no GLPHQVLRQ LV PHDVXUHG IURP WKLV SRLQW longer be available). The "-XX" or last 2-Digits in Part Nºs which come in various colors, should be replaced e with the desired 2-Digit Nº from the above Color Chart. Some colors may no longer be available for desired item. ‡ e e 63$&(5 1$0( Note the Part Nº & Material Difference Black Clear Red Amber Green Blue 5 Items 4-5 Posts used in pairs can use 3e4" through 3" Rubber Rings, see Rubber Parts for Part Numbers. e e 47< 63, 3$57 1º X 3e8" Plastic Spacer Gray 4 X 3e8" Plastic Spacer Gray 9 X 3e8" Plastic Spacer Gray 2 X 3e8" Plastic Spacer Gray 19 X 3e8" Plastic Spacer Gray 1 1" X 3e8" Plastic Spacer Gray or Black 1 11e8" X 3e8" Plastic Spacer Gray 11e8" X 3e8" Plastic Spacer Natural 1 11e4" X 3e8" Plastic Spacer Gray 3 11e2" X 3e8" Plastic Spacer Gray 115/16" X 3e8" Plastic Spacer Gray 1e " X 5/ " X .144" I.D. Metal Spacer 4 1 16 1e " X 5/ " X .144" I.D. Metal Spacer 2 3 16 9/16"X 5/16" X .144" I.D. Metal Spacer 3e " X 5/ " X .144" I.D. Metal Spacer 4 16 11e8" X 5/16" X .144" I.D. Metal Spacer 1" X 5/16" X .144" I.D. Metal Spacer 7e " Plastic Spacer Support (Dual-Locking) 8 4 254-5000-12 254-5000-01 254-5000-14 254-5000-07 254-5000-11 254-5000-04 254-5000-06 254-5000-06N 254-5000-05 254-5000-08 254-5000-15 254-5014-03 254-5014-00 254-5014-04 254-5014-01 254-5014-02 254-5001-00 254-5039-14 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF3DUWV,G under Items AP-B/-C on Page 61). can use 3/16" Black Ring, 545-5348-01 or White Ring, 545-5348-02 can use a Post Rubber Sleeve (Short), 545-5151-00 5 5 can use 3/16" Black Ring, or White Ring, 545-5348-51 545-5348-01 can use 5/16" Black Ring, 545-5348-02 or White Ring, 545-5348-52 Item 1, Metal Spacer, used in the Backbox (see securing hardware ** &RORUV ** /LPLWHG can use 5/16" Black Ring, 545-5348-02 or White Ring, 545-5348-52 ** 9DULRXV &RORUV 3OD\ILHOG6PDOO%D\RQHW7\SH%XOEV 6RFNHWV $FWXDO6L]H † $PEHU $ % %OXH &OHDU <HOORZ %XOE 6HF3DUWV,G 1º 60$// %8/% RU 62&.(7 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º A A A A A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 #44 Bulb (Clear) #44 Bulb (Red) #44 Bulb (Amber) #44 Bulb (Blue) #44 Bulb (Yellow) #455 Twinkle Bulb 2-Lug Staple Down Socket 3-Lug Stand-Up Short Socket 2-Lug Stand-Up Short Socket 3-Lug Staple Down Socket 2-Lug Laydown Socket 3-Lug Stand-Up Long Socket 3-Lug Laydown Socket (3 Lugs Flat) 2-Lug Stand-Up Long Socket 3-Lug Stand-Up Long Shell Socket 2-Lug Stand-Up Lg. Shell Socket (GIs) 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 42 10 8 7 6 1 1 5 165-5000-44 165-5053-02 165-5053-03 165-5053-05 165-5053-06 165-5003-00 077-5000-00 077-5008-00 077-5002-00 077-5001-00 077-5003-00 077-5009-00 077-5006-00 077-5005-00 077-5013-00 077-5031-00 1º 11 12 62&.(7 1$0( 1-Lug Stand-Up Long Shell Socket 3-Lug Laydown Socket (2 Lugs Bent) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 077-5012-00 077-5032-00 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ 6L]H DQGRU TXDQWLWLHV PD\ FKDQJH GXULQJ SURGXFWLRQ %XOEV † ,WHPV ZLWK QR 4W\ TXDQWLW\ DUH QRW XVHG LQ WKLV JDPH 5HG 3OD\ILHOG/DUJH%D\RQHW7\SH%XOE 6RFNHWV $FWXDO6L]H † & %XOE 6L]H DQGRU TXDQWLWLHV PD\ FKDQJH GXULQJ SURGXFWLRQ † ,WHPV ZLWK QR 4W\ TXDQWLW\ DUH QRW XVHG LQ WKLV JDPH 6HF3DUWV,G 1º /$5*( %8/% 62&.(7 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º /$5*( %8/% 62&.(7 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º C 1 2 #89 Bulb 2-Lug Laydown Standard Socket 2-Lug Stand-Up Short Socket 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ 2 2 165-5000-89 077-5100-00 077-5101-00 3 4 5 6 2-Lug Stand-Up Long Socket 2-Lug Stand-Up Rev. Mount Socket 2-Lug Stand-Up Rv. Mnt. Short Socket 2-Lug Straight Leg Socket 077-5102-00 077-5103-00 077-5106-00 077-5107-00 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 3OD\ILHOG:HGJH%DVH%XOEV 6RFNHWV $FWXDO6L]H † *UHHQ ' %OXH %XOEV %OXH &OHDU &OHDU 5HG ( $PEHU <HOORZ 5HG %XOEV <HOORZ Socket does not have a bracket. Old stock may include an "L" style bracket (on each side) but was never required). DE7RS9LHZ E6LGH9LHZLV1RW6KRZQ 7DNH6SHFLDO1RWH DE D 5/16" 1. 2. 3. 4. Item 3 Socket has 2 Wires attached are approximately 12" ea. Item 5 Socket was used on PC Light Boards to position bulbs vertically; Item 5 Socket is secured by "twisting" into place. Item D Bulb (#555) can be used in all sockets, except Item 6. Item E Bulb (#906) can be used in all sockets, except Item 5. Item 7a Socket is equipped with a bu ilt-in Diode, 1N4003 (112-5003-00), however, replacement can be made with a 1N4001 Diode (112-5001-00). Item 7b Socket is NOT equipped with a diode (Not Required). ELV <HOORZZLWK 1R'LRGH squeeze D DRQO\ Note: Always replace with same type bulb in original application. Just squeeze the "side arms" of the socket together & pull away from the bracket or mounting board for easy Bulb replacement. 1º :('*( %8/% 62&.(7 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º :('*( %8/% 62&.(7 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º D D D D D E E E E E #555 Wedge Base Bulb (Clear) #555 Wedge Base Bulb (Red) #555 Wedge Base Bulb (Green) #555 Wedge Base Bulb (Blue) #555 Wedge Base Bulb (Yellow) #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Clear) #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Red) #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Amber) #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Blue) #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Yellow) 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 41 4 9 1 165-5002-00 1 165-5054-02 2 165-5054-04 3 165-5054-05 4 165-5054-06 5 165-5004-00 6 165-5004-02 7a 165-5004-03 7b 165-5004-05 8a 165-5004-06 8b* Wedge Base Socket (Laydown) Wedge Base Socket (Offset) W.B. Socket (Bumpers/Special App.) Wedge Base Socket (Laydown GI) #555 only Wedge Base Socket (Twist) #906 only Wedge Base Socket (Twist) IDC Snap-On Socket IDC Snap-On Socket No Diode 5/16" Ht. Snap-On Socket Bracket 19/32" Ht. Snap-On Socket Bracket 3 2 61 6 58 077-5026-01 077-5029-00 077-5206-00 077-5030-00 077-5007-00 077-5016-00 077-5216-00 077-5216-01 545-5760-18 545-5760-19 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ 6L]H DQGRU TXDQWLWLHV PD\ FKDQJH GXULQJ SURGXFWLRQ * An asterisk ( * ) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. † ,WHPV ZLWK QR 4W\ TXDQWLW\ DUH QRW XVHG LQ WKLV JDPH 6HF3DUWV,G 7DNH1RWH Item 7a is an IDC (Insulation Displacement Connection) Style Socket (this style is solderless). This socket is secured to the playfield or component by Items 8a or 8b Snap-On Socket Brackets, or may also be snapped into specially cut Clear and/or Screened Plastic Pieces (used only when sockets are positioned closely together and/or in a special applications, e.g. on Ramps). If Plastic Pieces are used to mount some 7a or 7b Sockets, it will be noted on Page 67, Playfield Plastics & Decals. 6HFWLRQ & KD SW H U R I 'UDZLQJVIR U0DMR U$VVHPEOLHV 5DP SV 7KH%OXH3DJHV 2YHU YL HZ Drawings are provided for the Major Assemblies in this game with individual parts of each assembly numbered. Items noted with a white circle are mounted above the playfield; items noted with a black circle are mounted below. All numbered parts describe the NAME, QUANTITY & PART Nº. ASSOCIATED PARTS (AP-) are noted and/or viewed with the associated Major Assembly. For Cabinet, Backbox and/or General Playfield Parts (not described herein), see the Pink Pages, 59-74. Important: Read all "Take Note:" items. 2UWKDQF 7RZHU 3DJH 6 9 %DFN 3DQHO : %DUDGGU 7RZHU 3DJH 3DJHV 9 (MHFW 6ZLWFK 3DJH 6 : 5 5 ([LW 5 6FRRS 98. 3DJH %DOURJ 0RWRU *DWH 3JV 'LYHUWHU 'LYHUWHU *DWH 3JV 6 9 6 : %XPSHUV 7RS %RW 3DJH 5 9HUWLFDO 8S.LFNHU 3DJH 9 $OO 5DPSV : 3DJHV : 'RZQ 3RVW %DOO /RFN 3DJH 9 $OO )LJXULQHV : 3DJH 9 6OLQJVKRWV : 3DJH /HIW 5LJKW )OLSSHUV 3DJHV (QWHU ([LW 6FRRS %DOO 7URXJK 3DJH %DOO 6KRRWHU $XWRSOXQJHU $UP :HOG &RLO 3DJH ! Coil Note: ! Either -00B or -00T can be used for coil replacements. -00B or -00T listed is preferable for easier diode access and may differ on game. 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF'UDZLQJV %DOO 'HIOHFWRU 3DJH %DOO6KRRWHU 3OXQJHU $VVHPEO\ ,WHPV 0DQXDOO\ODXQFKWKHEDOOLQWRSOD\ 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 Housing (Shooter Assembly) 1 535-5067-02 Item 1 is secured to the Cabinet by: Support Plate (Qty. 1) (535-5027-00), #10-32 X 1/2" PPH (Sems) Zinc TF (Qty. 3) (237-6033-00), #10 Split Lock Washer (Qty. 3) (234-5003-00) and #6 X 5/8" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (234-5002-00) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Rod Assembly (w/Black Knob) Comp. Spring (ORG, .038" ø, 5 " Lg.) Compression Spring (Short Plunger) Bushing, 3/8" I.D. (Oilite) Washer, 3/8" I.D. X 5/8" O.D. X 1/16" 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 2 3 0 515-6557-00 266-5001-07 266-5010-00 280-5010-00 242-5014-00 Retaining Ring, 3/8" ø Shaft Plunger Tip (Black 50 Duro) 7 8 1 1 270-5012-00 545-5276-00 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? $XWRSOXQJHU$UP:HOG$VVHPEO\ 9 : ,WHPV $XWRPDWLFDOO\ODXQFKHVWKHEDOOLQWRSOD\ 1 :RUNVLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKH$UP:HOG$VP 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º $50 :(/' 3$57 1$0( Arm Weld Assembly 1 515-6526-00 Item 1 is secured to Item 2 by: Retaining Ring, 1/4" ø Shaft (Qty. 1) (270-5002-00) 2 3 4 Autoplunger Fulcrum Nyliner, 1/4" (Thomson #4l1-FF) Plunger & Link Assembly 1 2 1 Compression (Return) Spring 1 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º ·3/81*(5 &2,/ 3$57 1$0( 6 Autoplunger Coil Bracket Assembly 1 515-6527-00 Items 1 & 6 are secured below the P/F by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zc.) (Qty. 9) (234-5101-00) 535-7697-00 545-5423-00 515-5338-00 Item 4 is secured to Item 1 by: Retaining Ring, 1/4" ø Shaft (Qty. 1) (270-5002-00) For Individual Items use : Plunger 2" Lg. (530-5025-01), Plunger Link (545-5293-00) and Roll Pin 1/8" ø x 5/8" Lg. (251-5008-00) Ordering Note: If 515-5338-00 is unavailable, order the individual part(s) actually required. 5 $XWRSOXQJHU&RLO$VVHPEO\ ,WHPV 266-5020-00 7 Coil Retainer Bracket 1 535-5203-03 Item 7 is secured to Item 6 by: #8-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2) (232-5300-00) 8 Coil, 24-940 1 090-5036-00B Coil has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00) positioned @ bot. (below lugs opposite windings). 9 Coil Sleeve 1 545-5031-00 Ordering Note: If either 500-6091-00 or 500-6092-02 are unavailable, order the individual part(s) actually required. 7DNH1RWH ! Coil Note: ! Either -00B or -00T can be used for coil replacements. B/T listed is preferable for easier diode access & may differ on game. E-Ring For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under the item desired. E-Ring Qty. 2 Link Roll Pin For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under the item desired. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH Coil Sleeve thru Coil 4 6HF'UDZLQJV Ordering Note: For Items 1-5 assembled, use the Assembly Part Number, 500-6091-00. For Items 6-9 assembled, use the Assembly PN, 500-6092-02; or order the individual part(s) actually required. Shown in 45° Pivot for clarity. Plunger 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV %DOO7URXJK$VVHPEO\ ,WHPV DQG$VVRFLDWHG3DUWV6HH3DUWV7DEOHEHORZ 2UGHULQJ1RWH,GHQWLFDOWRZLWKH[FHSWWLRQVVHHQRWHEHORZ,WHP 3DUWV7DEOH 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 Ball Trough Outhole Mounting Bracket 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 515-6580-01 Item 1 is secured below the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 6) (234-5101-00) Micro Switch (Roller Actuator, Lite-Force) Item 2 requires: Heat Shrink Tubing 1/8" ø PUI-24 (Qty. 1"/per) (605-5006-00) Switch has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00). Can be replaced with (1N4001) (112-5001-00). 2 3 4 Sw. Body Protect Plate Not Required Coil Mounting Bracket 3 180-5119-02 0 1 535-6539-00 535-7330-01 Item 4 is secured to Item 1 by: #8-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Sr.) Zinc (Qty. 4) (237-5975-00) 5 Coil Retaining Bracket 1 535-5203-03 Item 5 is secured to Item 4 by: #8-32 X 1/4" HWH MS (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-5964-01) 6 Coil, 26-1200 1 090-5044-00B 1º 11 47< 63, 3$57 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Trough Ball Guide Plate 1 535-7801-00 Item 11 is secured to Item 1 by: 1/4" X 5/16" X .144" I.D. Spacer Tap. (Qty. 1) (254-5014-03) and #2-56 X 1/2" HWH (Ser) UNS #4HD TR3 BO (Qty. 4) (237-5937-02) 12 13 Dual OPTO TRANS Board Assembly Dual OPTO REC Board Assembly 1 1 515-0173-00 515-0174-00 Items 12 & 13 are by: #6-32 X 5/8" HWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 3/per) (237-5976-04) For Individual Items use : Dual OPTO Transmitter Board (Qty. 1) (520-5173-00), Dual OPTO Receiver Board (Qty. 1) (520-5174-00), OPTO PCB Tube Spacer (Brass) (Qty. 3/per) (530-5308-02) and OPTO PCB Rubber Grommet (Qty. 3/per) (545-5518-00) Ordering Note: If 500-6318-24 is unavailable, order the individual part(s) actually required. This assembly is identical to 500-6318-14, -15 or -25 except for the quantity of Item 2 (an additional switch & diode is required for the 5-Ball Trough) and Item 3, Swich Body Protect Plates, are not required when using Item 11 (req. for Magnet use). Coil has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00) positioned @ bot (below lugs opposite windings). 7 8 Coil Sleeve (Short) (Formost #10-7077) Plunger Assembly 1 1 545-5076-01 515-5941-01 For Individual Items use : Plunger (530-5210-00) & Nylon Plunger (530-5277-01) 9 10 Compression (Return) Spring Rubber Bumper (Grommet) 1 1 ASSOCIATED PARTS ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THE ABOVE ASSEMBLY. 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º $662&,$7(' 3$57 1$0( AP-A Ball Trough Enter / Exit Scoop 1 535-7329-01 Item AP-A secured to the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 4) (234-5101-00). 266-5020-00 Steel Balls (1-1/16" ø) 545-5105-00 AP-B* 4 260-5000-00 7DNH1RWH * An asterisk (*) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. ! Coil Note: ! Either -00B or -00T can be used for coil replacements. B/T listed is preferable for easier diode access & may differ on game. For a break-down of parts of Items 12 & 13, OPTO Boards (515-0173-00 & 515-0174-00), see Section 5, Chapter 4, Trough Up-Kicker Dual OPTO Boards Theory of Operation & Schematic, Component Layout & Parts. 7DNH6SHFLDO1RWH $3 $ Item AP-A, Enter / Exit Scoop, 535-7329-01 (not included with the 4-Ball Trough Assembly), is shown how it is actually positioned over the 4-Ball Trough Assembly. It is mounted above the playfield. See securing hardware under Items 12 & 13. SW. 15 Shown Broken View to see complete switches SW. 14 SW. 11 See securing hardware under Item 11 SW. 12 Shown Broken View SW. 13 Qty. 3 SW. 15 4 6HH2UGHULQJ1RWH$ERYH For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under the item desired. SW. 14 Item 12, Dual OPTO TRANS (Transmitter) Board, 515-0173-00, is mounted on the other side of the Trough Assembly, in line with Item 13, Dual OPTO REC (Receiver) Board, 515-0174-00, using same hardware. 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF'UDZLQJV (QWHU([LW6FRRS )OLSSHU /HIW $VVHPEO\ ,WHPV DQG$VVRF3DUWV<HOORZ)OLSSHU%DW 6KDIW$VV\ ,WHP$3$% 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 Flipper Base Plate (LEFT) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 See FRP1 Item 1 is secured below the playfield by: #10 X 1/2" HWH MS (Serr) Zinc ST (Qty. 8) (237-5949-00) Ordering Note: Use Item FRP1, see the end of this Parts Table. 2 Flipper Bat Bushing (White Plastic) 1 Power (End of Stroke) Switch 1 545-5070-00 180-5149-00 Item 3 is secured to Item 1 by: #6-32 X 5/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 2) (237-5976-04) 4 5 6 Sw. Plate/Spring Return Brkt. (LEFT) Flipper Return Spring Coil Stop Bracket Sub-Assembly 1 1 1 535-7354-01 265-5035-00 515-6308-01 Item 6 is secured to Item 1 by: #10-32 X 3/8" SHWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-5985-00) and #10 Split Lock Washer (Qty. 2) (244-5003-00) 7 8 Spring Washer (17/32" ID X 3/4" X 1") Coil Support Bracket 1 1 Coil, 22-900 (YEL-YEL) (Left) 1 269-5002-00 535-7356-00 090-5020-20T Coil has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00) positioned @ top (above lugs next to windings). 10 11 12 Coil Sleeve Deflector Pad (Bumper) Flipper Plunger & Link Sub-Assy. 1 1 1 545-5388-00 545-5428-00 515-6304-03 For Individual Items use : Flipper Plunger with "Flat" (530-5349-01) and Plunger "Flipper" Link (545-5611-01) and is secured to the Plunger by: Bushing, .16" ø ID X .281" ø OD X .187" (Qty. 1) (530-5532-00) and Spirol Pin ø 5/32" X 3/4" Lg. (Qty. 1) (251-5015-02) 1 530-5070-02 14 ® Switch Actuator (LEFT) Sub-Assy. 1 515-7257-01 For Individual Items use : Actuator & Spring Bracket (LEFT) (530-9038-01) and ® Switch Actuator (White Plastic) (545-5612-00) and is secured to the Bracket by: Rivet, 1/8" ø X 1/4" Lg. (Qty. 1) (249-5003-00) 15 Set Screw: #10-32 X 3/4" Socket Hd. 2 237-6144-00 Item 15 requires: #10-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 1 Flipper Link Side Only) (240-5203-00) Tool Required for Item 15: 5/32" or 4mm Allen Wrench Flipper Rebuild Parts for Easier Installation, $ave $: Flipper Base Plate Kit (LEFT) Includes Item 1 pre-threaded, with the Securing Hardware for Items 2, 3, 6 & 8. Plunger, Link & Crank (LEFT) Assy. FRP2 Includes above Items 12, 13, 14 and 15 and is pre-assembled. Flipper (LEFT) Rebuild Kit FRP3 Same as FRP2, but also includes above Items 6 & 10. 515-6617-01 FRP1 Item 8 is secured to Item 1 by: #8-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 2) (237-5975-00) 9 47< 63, 3$57 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Crank Bar Item 13 requires: Bushing, .192" ø ID X .312" ø OD X .195" (Qty. 1) (530-5139-00) Item 2 is secured to Item 1 by: #6-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 3) (237-5976-02) 3 1º 13 515-7203-01 500-6307-10 ASSOCIATED PARTS ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THE ABOVE ASSEMBLY. 1º $662&,$7(' 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º AP-A 1 1 AP-B YELLOW Flipper Bat & Shaft (Plain) (Non-Knurled End) Assembly Large Flipper BLACK Rubber Ring 515-5133-06-06 545-5277-00 The differences between the Left & Right Flippers are: Item 1, Item 4, and Item 14 (just the Bracket) The coils may also differ depending on the game. <(//2: /HIW4 6HF'UDZLQJV For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under the item desired. <(//2: DEDICATED SW. 02 7DNH1RWH ® "R" indicates Item noted is secured with rivet(s) as listed. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH $3 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV 7R2UGHUWKH)OLSSHU /HIW 5HEXLOG.LWDVNIRU3DUW1U LQFOXGHV,WHPV )OLSSHU 5LJKW $VVHPEO\ ,WHPV DQG$VVRF3DUWV<HOORZ)OLSSHU%DW 6KDIW$VV\ ,WHP$3$% 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Flipper Base Plate (RIGHT) 1 Item 1 is secured below the playfield by: #10 X 1/2" HWH MS (Serr) Zinc ST (Qty. 8) (237-5949-00) Ordering Note: Use Item FRP1, see the end of this Parts Table. 2 Flipper Bat Bushing (White Plastic) 1 545-5070-00 Item 2 is secured to Item 1 by: #6-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 3) (237-5976-02) 3 Power (End of Stroke) Switch 1 1º 13 See FRP1 180-5149-00 Sw. Plate/Spring Return Brkt. (RIGHT) Flipper Return Spring Coil Stop Bracket Sub-Assembly 1 1 1 535-7354-00 265-5035-00 515-6308-01 Item 6 is secured to Item 1 by: #10-32 X 3/8" SHWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-5985-00) and #10 Split Lock Washer (Qty. 2) (244-5003-00) 7 8 Spring Washer (17/32" ID X 3/4" X 1") Coil Support Bracket 1 1 269-5002-00 535-7356-00 Coil, 22-900 (YEL-YEL) (Right) 1 090-5020-20T Coil has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00) positioned @ top (above lugs next to windings). 10 11 12 Coil Sleeve Deflector Pad (Bumper) Flipper Plunger & Link Sub-Assy. 1 1 1 545-5388-00 545-5428-00 515-6304-03 14 ® Switch Actuator (RIGHT) Sub-Assy. 15 Set Screw: #10-32 X 3/4" Socket Hd. 515-7257-00 2 237-6144-00 Flipper Rebuild Parts for Easier Installation, $ave $: Flipper Base Plate Kit (RIGHT) Includes Item 1 pre-threaded, with the Securing Hardware for Items 2, 3, 6 & 8. Plunger, Link & Crank (RIGHT) Assy. FRP2 Includes above Items 12, 13, 14 and 15 and is pre-assembled. Flipper (RIGHT) Rebuild Kit FRP3 Same as FRP2, but also includes above Items 6 & 10. 515-6617-00 515-7203-00 500-6307-00 ASSOCIATED PARTS ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THE ABOVE ASSEMBLY. 1º $662&,$7(' 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º AP-A 1 1 AP-B YELLOW Flipper Bat & Shaft (Plain) (Non-Knurled End) Assembly Large Flipper BLACK Rubber Ring The differences between the Left & Right Flippers are: 515-5133-06-06 545-5277-00 Item 1, Item 4, and Item 14 (just the Bracket) The coils may also differ depending on the game. 1 Item 15 requires: #10-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 1 Flipper Link Side Only) (240-5203-00) Tool Required for Item 15: 5/32" or 4mm Allen Wrench <(//2: 5LJKW4 7R2UGHUWKH)OLSSHU 5LJKW 5HEXLOG.LWDVNIRU3DUW1U LQFOXGHV,WHPV For Individual Items use : Flipper Plunger with "Flat" (530-5349-01) and Plunger "Flipper" Link (545-5611-01) and is secured to the Plunger by: Bushing, .16" ø ID X .281" ø OD X .187" (Qty. 1) (530-5532-00) and Spirol Pin ø 5/32" X 3/4" Lg. (Qty. 1) (251-5015-02) 530-5070-02 For Individual Items use : Actuator & Spring Bracket (RIGHT) (530-9038-00) and ® Switch Actuator (White Plastic) (545-5612-00) and is secured to the Bracket by: Rivet, 1/8" ø X 1/4" Lg. (Qty. 1) (249-5003-00) FRP1 Item 8 is secured to Item 1 by: #8-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 2) (237-5975-00) 9 1 Item 13 requires: Bushing, .192" ø ID X .312" ø OD X .195" (Qty. 1) (530-5139-00) Item 3 is secured to Item 1 by: #6-32 X 5/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 2) (237-5976-04) 4 5 6* 47< 63, 3$57 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Crank Bar For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under the item desired. DEDICATED SW. 04 <(//2: $3 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV 7DNH1RWH ® "R" indicates Item noted is secured with rivet(s) as listed. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF'UDZLQJV 1 'LYHUWHU /HJJHG)OLSSHU/HIW $VVHPEO\ ,WHPV DQG$VVRFLDWHG3DUW'LYHUWHU*DWH 6KDIW$VVHPEO\ ,WHP$3$ 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 Diverter Base Plate (Lt. 3-Legged) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1º See FRP1-80 13 Item 1 is secured below the playfield by: #10 X 1/2" HWH MS (Serr) Zinc ST (Qty. 8) (237-5949-00) Ordering Note: Use Item FRP1-80, see the end of this Parts Table. 2 Flipper Bat Bushing (White Plastic) 1 4 5 6 Sw. Plate/Spring Return Brkt. (LEFT) Flipper Return Spring Coil Stop Bracket Sub-Assembly 545-5070-00 2 254-5000-02 1 1 1 535-7354-01 265-5035-00 515-6308-01 Item 6 is secured to Item 1 by: #10-32 X 3/8" SHWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-5985-00) and #10 Split Lock Washer (Qty. 2) (244-5003-00) 7 8 Spring Washer (17/32" ID X 3/4" X 1") Coil Support Bracket 1 1 269-5002-00 535-7356-00 Item 8 is secured to Item 1 by: #8-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 2) (237-5975-00) 9 Coil, 22-1080 (YEL-GRN) 1 090-5032-00T Coil has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00) positioned @ top (above lugs next to windings). 10 11 12 Coil Sleeve Deflector Pad (Bumper) Flipper Plunger & Link Sub-Assy. 1 1 1 545-5388-00 545-5428-00 515-6304-03 For Individual Items use : Flipper Plunger with "Flat" (530-5349-01) and Plunger "Flipper" Link (545-5611-01) and is secured to the Plunger by: Bushing, .16" ø ID X .281" ø OD X .187" (Qty. 1) (530-5532-00) and Spirol Pin ø 5/32" X 3/4" Lg. (Qty. 1) (251-5015-02) 1 14 ® Switch Actuator (LEFT) Sub-Assy. 1 15 Set Screw: #10-32 X 3/4" Socket Hd. 2 237-6144-00 Item 15 requires: #10-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 1 Flipper Link Side Only) (240-5203-00) Tool Required for Item 15: 5/32" or 4mm Allen Wrench Flipper Rebuild Parts for Easier Installation, $ave $: Flipper Base Plate Kit (Left, 3-Legged) FRP1- Includes Item 1 (Modified : 1-Leg Cut-Off, 80 535-7275-01-80) pre-threaded, with the Securing Hardware for Items 2, 3, 6 & 8. Plunger, Link & Crank (LEFT) Assy. FRP2 Includes above Items 12, 13, 14 and 15 and is pre-assembled. Flipper (LEFT) Rebuild Kit FRP3 Same as FRP2, but also includes above Items 6 & 10. 515-6617-01-80 515-7203-01 500-6307-10 ASSOCIATED PART IS NOT INCLUDED WITH THE ABOVE ASSEMBLY. 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º $662&,$7(' 3$57 1$0( AP-A Diverter Gate & Shaft Assembly 1 515-7348-00 The differences between the Left & Right Flippers are: Item 1, Item 4, and Item 14 (just the Bracket) The coils may also differ depending on the game. <(//2: 6HF'UDZLQJV /HIW4 *5((1 For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under the item desired. 1RWH,WHP %DVH3ODWH UHTXLUHVOHJ UHPRYHG 7DNH1RWH ® "R" indicates Item noted is secured with rivet(s) as listed. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH $3 $ 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV 7R2UGHUWKH)OLSSHU /HIW 5HEXLOG.LWDVNIRU3DUW1U LQFOXGHV,WHPV 1RWH)RUWKH VLGHYLHZRI ,WHPV VHH3DJH 515-7257-01 For Individual Items use : Actuator & Spring Bracket (LEFT) (530-9038-01) and ® Switch Actuator (White Plastic) (545-5612-00) and is secured to the Bracket by: Rivet, 1/8" ø X 1/4" Lg. (Qty. 1) (249-5003-00) Q8 $3 530-5070-02 Item 13 requires: Bushing, .192" ø ID X .312" ø OD X .195" (Qty. 1) (530-5139-00) Item 2 is secured to Item 1 by: #6-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 3) (237-5976-02) 1e " X 3e " Spacer Gray 4 8 Item 3 is secured to Item 1 by: #6-32 X 5/8" HWH Sw. (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 1/per) (237-5976-04) 3 47< 63, 3$57 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Crank Bar 'LYHUWHU*DWH$GMXVWPHQW3URFHGXUH This adjustment procedure is important. Unlike adjusting your flipper bats, adjusting the gate is done opposite. With the Power Turned OFF and the Playfield raised, at rest against the Backbox, perform the following: Step 1: Under the Playfield, using a 5/32" Allen Wrench, loosen the Set-Screw on the Crank Bar just enough so that the Diverter Paddle can move with a gentle amount of force. Reference Fig. 1-A. Step 2: Above the Playfield, position the Diverter Paddle to the Right Side Flat Rail so they touch (opening the gate to the Left Orthanc Tower). Ref. Fig. 2. With your finger, hold the gate in this position until Step 3 is performed. Step 3: Under the Playfield, push the Diverter Coil Plunger into the Coil Sleeve. Reference Fig. 1-B. With your finger, continue holding in the plunger and release the Diverter Gate (Fig. 2) to perform Step 4. If the Gate moves, refer to Step 1 and retighten just enough to hold in position (Fig. 2). Step 4: Tighten the Set-Screw on the Crank Bar. Reference Fig. 1-A. 6HF'UDZLQJV Step 5: Check above the playfield to ensure the Diverter Paddle Gate in the "Rest Position" is as close to the Left Flat Rail as possible without touching it. Reference Fig. 3. 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH %DOO'HIOHFWRU$VVHPEO\ 8SSHU/HIW2UELW ,WHPV :KHQHQHUJL]HGLWGHIOHFWVWKHSLQEDOOLQWRWKH2UWKDQF7RZHU98. 3DJH 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 Ball Deflector Coil Mounting Bracket 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 535-9248-00 Coil Retaining Bracket Item 1 is secured below the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" PRH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 3) (237-5101-00) 2 Coil Retaining Bracket 2 535-5203-03 Item 2 is secured by: #8-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2/per) (232-5300-00) 3 Coil, 26-1200 1 090-5044-00B Coil has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00) positioned @ bot (below lugs opposite windings). 4 5 Coil Sleeve (with Extension) Plunger (with Rubber Bumper) Assy. 1 1 545-5847-00 515-7089-01 For Individual Items use : Plunger (530-5210-00) and Plunger Tip (530-5559-01). The Plunger Tip is secured to the Plunger by: Roll Pin 1/8" ø x 3/8" Lg. (Qty. 1) (251-5007-04) 6 7 Compression (Relay) Spring #10-32 Adj. Spindle Stop w/Rubber Tip 1 1 266-5022-01 280-5014-00 Item 7 is secured by: #10-32 Keps Nut (Qty. 1) (240-5208-00) Ordering Note: If 500-6657-03 is unavailable, order the individual part(s) actually required. 4 Coil Mounting Bracket 7DNH1RWH ! Coil Note: ! Either -00B or -00T can be used for coil replacements. B/T listed is preferable for easier diode access & may differ on game. For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under the item desired. Coil Sleeve Qty. 2 Coil Retaining Bracket Spring 6HF'UDZLQJV Steel Plunger Tip (NO RUBBER SLEEVE) For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under the item desired. Plunger Spindle Stop 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV %XPSHU7RS$VVHPEOLHV 4W\ ,WHPV %XPSHU%RWWRP$VV\ 4W\ ,WHPV %XPSHU6ZLWFK$VV\ 4W\ ,WHPV DQG$VVRFLDWHG3DUWV6HH3DUWV7DEOHEHORZ $3 $ Q25 X3 ( -26 ) ! $ $VVHPEOHG 9LHZ 3/$<),(/' :22' $3 & $3 ' ( -35 ) 820-5820-00 Q25 X3 $3 % SW. 49 SW. 50 SW. 51 ! ( ! % ! & 7RS ([SORGHG 9LHZ ( -14 ) ! ' For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table @ right, under the item desired. 44 7DNH1RWH ! Coil Note: ! Either -00B or -00T can be used for coil replacements. B/T listed is preferable for easier diode access & may differ on game. 1º %803(5 723 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 Bumper Body 545-5197-00 Item 1 is secured by: #5 X 7/8" PRH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (237-5826-00) 2 7DNH1RWH Individual parts can be ordered. However, if the entire Bumper is required, use all three (3) Assembly Part Numbers at the top of this page. 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bumper Skirt Bumper Skirt Compression Spring Bumper Base 1 1 1 545-5607-00 266-5048-00 545-5195-00 Plunger Compression (Return) Spring Coil, 26-1200 1 1 1 530-5348-00 266-5047-00 090-5044-00T Coil Sleeve Fiber Yoke Metal Yoke Metal Yoke Stop 1 1 1 1 545-5031-00 545-5609-00 535-7346-00 535-7347-00 Item 12 is secured by: #6-32 X 1/4" HWH Swage (Serr.) Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-5976-01) 13 Coil Bracket Welded Assembly 1 515-5939-00 Item 13 is secured by: #6-32 X 1-3/16" Spiral Fin Shank (Qty. 3) (237-5957-00) and #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 3) (240-5005-00) Side View of 12 & 13 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV 44 1º 14 %803(5 6:,7&+ 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º Switch Bracket 1 535-7342-00 Item 14 is secured by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (234-5101-00) 15 16 Spoon Switch Actuator Bumper Stack (Blade) Switch 1 1 545-5610-01 180-5015-03 Switch has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00). Can be replaced with (1N4001) (112-5001-00). 17 Switch Body Protect Plate 1 535-7344-00 Items 16 & 17 are secured by: #6-32 X 3/4" HWH Swage (Serr) Zc. (Qty. 2) (237-5976-05) The Top & Bottom Assemblies are secured together by hardware included in assemblies. ASSOCIATED PARTS ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THE ABOVE ASSEMBLIES. 1º $662&,$7(' 3$57 1$0( AP-A Mini-Mars Lite Cover (Snap-In) Red AP-B Kit: Plastics (Screened) -14, -26 & -35 47< 63, 3$57 1º 3 1 550-5030-02 803-5000-80 Item AP-B are secured to Item 2 by: #4-40 X 3/8" PFH (Black) (Qty. 2/per) (237-5983-00) Note: Individual Plastics (-14, -26 & -35) are not available individually, ordering of kit is required. For all pieces, see Playfield - Plastics (Screened & Clear) & Decals, Page 67. AP-C #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Clear) AP-D IDC Snap-On Socket (Yel.) No Diode AP-E P/F Bumper Protectors (trim to fit) 3 3 3 165-5004-00 077-5216-00 820-5820-00 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF'UDZLQJV 9 10 11 12 %RWWRP ([SORGHG 9LHZ 515-5085-00 Coil has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00) positioned @ top (above lugs next to windings). SW. 49 SW. 50 SW. 51 1 1º %803(5 %27720 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 3/$<),(/' :22' Ring Assembly Item 2 is secured by: #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5005-00) 6OLQJVKRW$VVHPEOLHV 4W\ ,WHPV 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 Slingshot Bracket Assembly Kicker Tip 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 515-5339-01 Item 1 is secured below the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 3) (234-5101-00) 2 Coil Retaining Bracket 1 535-5203-03 Item 2 is secured to Item 1 by: #8-32 X 3/8" PPH MS (Sems) (Qty. 2) (232-5301-00) 3 Coil, 23-800 1 090-5001-00T Coil has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00) positioned @ top (above lugs next to windings). 4 5 Coil Sleeve Plunger & Link Assembly 1 1 Arm 545-5031-00 515-5338-00 ERing For Individual Items use : Plunger 2" Lg. (530-5025-01), Plunger Link (545-5293-00) and Roll Pin 1/8" ø x 5/8" Lg. (251-5008-00) The Plunger Link is secured to the Riveted Arm by: Retaining Ring, 1/4" ø Shaft (Qty. 1) (270-5002-00) Ordering Note: If 515-5338-00 is unavailable, order the individual part(s) actually required. 6 7 Compression (Return) Spring Slingshot Stack (Blade) Switch 266-5020-00 180-5054-00 SW. 59 Lt. (Qty. 2) Switch has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00). Can be replaced with (1N4001) (112-5001-00). SW. 62 Rt. (Qty. 2) 8 Switch Body Protect Plate 1 2 Hinge Stud 2 535-5045-00 Link Roll Pin Items 7 & 8 are secured to Item 1 by: #6-32 X 5/8" HWH Swage (Qty. 4) (237-5976-04) 1 515-5340-01 For Individual Parts use (requires drilling out rivet & rereviting) : Arm (515-5341-01), Kicker Tip (545-5216-01) and Rivet, 1/8" ø x 1/4" Lg. (249-5003-00) The Riv. Arm is secured to Item 1 by: Retaining Ring, 1/4" ø Shaft (Qty. 1) (270-5002-00) Ordering Note: If 515-5340-01 is unavailable, order the individual part(s) actually required. Ordering Note: If 500-5849-00 is unavailable, order the individual part(s) actually required. Qty. 2 /HIW4 5LJKW4 9® Riveted Arm & Tip Assembly Plunger Qty. 2 7DNH1RWH ! Coil Note: ! Either -00B or -00T can be used for coil replacements. B/T listed is preferable for easier diode access & may differ on game. Coil Sleeve thru Coil "R" indicates Item noted is secured with rivet(s) as listed. ® Armature Stop & Shading Ring 98. 9HUWLFDO8S.LFNHU/HIW6W\OH $VVHPEO\ ,WHPV /DXQFKHVEDOORQWRWKH&HQWHU:LUH5DPS 3DJH DQGH[LWVWKH6ZRUG5DPS 3DJH 1 VUK Coil Mounting Bracket (Left Style) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 535-8296-00 Item 1 is secured under the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 5) (234-5101-00) 6HF'UDZLQJV 2 3 Micro Sw. (Heavy Duty "Y" Flat Actuator) Switch Body Protect Plate 1 1 180-5116-01 535-6539-00 Items 2-3 are secured by: #2-56 X 1/2" HWH MS (Serr) Zc TF 3/16" (Qty. 2) (237-5937-02) 4 Coil Retaining Bracket 1 535-5203-03 Item 4 is secured by: #8-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2) (232-5300-00) 5 Coil, 26-1200 (Note Lug Position) 1 6 7 8 1 1 1 545-5076-01 269-5002-00 515-5941-01 For Individual Items use : Plunger (530-5210-00) & Nylon Plunger (530-5277-01) 9 10 Compression (Relay) Spring Rubber Bumper (Grommet) 1 1 7RS: 9LHZ 090-5044-00B Coil has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00) positioned @ bot (below lugs opposite windings). Coil Sleeve (Short) (Formost #10-7077) Spring Washer, 17/32" ID X 3/4" X 1" Plunger Assembly SW. 30 266-5020-00 545-5105-00 Ordering Note: If 500-6696-00 is unavailable, order the individual part(s) actually required. This assembly is identical to 500-6290-00 except for the coil, lug & diode position. If replacing, note position of coil before removing. SW. 30 Coil Sleeve thru Coil Note Coil Position 7DNH1RWH DOTS: The Switch Diode, 1N4001, is not located on either VUK Assembly (nor included); it’s located on a Terminal Strip under the playfield near this assembly. See Section 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Terminal Strips.., Page 105, for more details. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under the item desired. 4 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV ([LW6FRRS ,WHP DQG$VVRF3DUWV6HH3DUWV7DEOHEHORZ %DOOODXQFKHVIURPEHORZ98.DQGLV GHOLYHUHGWRWKH/HIW:LUH5DPS 3J $3 % ( -16 ) 9)URQW 9LHZ 6LGH: 9LHZ $3 $ ( -20 ) For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table below, under the item desired. 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º $662&,$7(' 3$57 1$0( 535-9287-00 AP-A Kit: Decals (Screened) -16 Item 1 is secured below the playfield by: #8-32 X 1" PPH MS (Zinc) (Qty. 2) AP-B Kit: Plastics (Screened) -20 (237-5606-00) and #8-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5102-00) 1 Exit Scoop 1 1 1 802-5000-80 803-5000-80 Item AP-B is secured to Item 1 by: Pop Rivet, 1/8" ø X 3/16" Lg. (Qty. 1, bot) (249-5025-01) and Rivet, 1/8" ø X 1/4" Lg. (Black) (Qty. 2, top) (249-5003-01) Note: Individual Plastic (-20) & Decal (-16) are not available individually, ordering of kit is required. For all pieces, see Playfield - Plastics (Screened & Clear) & Decals, Page 67. 98. 9HUWLFDO8S.LFNHU5LJKW6W\OH $VVHPEO\ ,WHPV /DXQFKHVEDOOLQWRWKHDERYH([LW6FRRSRQWRWKH/HIW:LUH5DPS 3DJH 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 2 3 SW. 09 Coil Sleeve thru Coil 4 535-8296-01 Micro Sw. (Heavy Duty "Y" Flat Actuator) Switch Body Protect Plate 1 1 180-5116-01 535-6539-00 Items 2-3 are secured by: #2-56 X 1/2" HWH MS (Serr) Zc TF 3/16" (Qty. 2) (237-5937-02) 4 Coil Retaining Bracket 1 535-5203-03 Item 4 is secured by: #8-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2) (232-5300-00) 5 Coil, 26-1200 (Note Lug Position) 1 090-5044-00B Coil has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00) positioned @ bot (below lugs opposite windings). 6 7 8 Coil Sleeve (Short) (Formost #10-7077) Spring Washer, 17/32" ID X 3/4" X 1" Plunger Assembly 1 1 1 545-5076-01 269-5002-00 515-5941-01 For Individual Items use : Plunger (530-5210-00) & Nylon Plunger (530-5277-01) 9 10 Compression (Relay) Spring Rubber Bumper (Grommet) 1 1 266-5020-00 545-5105-00 Ordering Note: If 500-6696-01 is unavailable, order the individual part(s) actually required. This assembly is identical to 500-6290-01 except for the coil, lug & diode position. If replacing, note position of coil before removing. Note Coil Position 7DNH1RWH 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV 1 DOTS: The Switch Diode, 1N4001, is not located on either VUK Assembly (nor included); it’s located on a Terminal Strip under the playfield near this assembly. See Section 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Terminal Strips.., Page 105, for more details. For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under the item desired. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF'UDZLQJV 97RS 9LHZ 47< 63, 3$57 1º Item 1 is secured under the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 3) (234-5101-00) SW. 09 VUK Coil Mounting Bracket (Right Style) %DOURJ 0RWRU *DWH ,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\ ,WHPV 3DUWV7DEOH QH[WSDJH IRUYLHZVRQWKLVDQGWKHQH[WSDJH :RUNVLQFRQMXQWLRQZLWKWKH%DOURJ6ZLWFK*DWH DERYHWKHSOD\ILHOG VKRZQQH[WSDJH Items 7, 18, 23, 24 & 25 shown in the order of assembly onto Item 3 Shaft ABOVE the Playfield. 5HI $ Item 18 shown with Broken View for clarity. See next page for complete piece. ([SORGHG 9LHZV Qty. 3 For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table on the next page, under the item desired. Broken View of Playfield Qty. 2 6HF'UDZLQJV Qty. 2 SW. 32 SW. 31 SW. 31 $ ([SORGHG 9LHZV $ Qty. 2 Qty. 2 $VVHPEOHG 9LHZ Assembly Reference Only: 500-6719-00 (1-8, 9A, 10-11) 500-6721-00 (1 & 2) 515-6741-00 (5 & 6) 515-7336-00 (8, 9A, 10, 11) 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH SW. 32 Motor Specifications: Series 600B-DC (or eqv.) 20v D.C., 50/60Hz10 RPM, Bi-Directional Q22 & Q20 via Relay Board Q22 & Q20 via Relay Board 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV %DOURJ 0RWRU *DWH ,WHPV &RQWLQXHG 3DUWV7DEOHEHORZIRUYLHZVRQWKLV SUHYSDJH 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 Motor Mounting Plate Bracket 1 Read Replacement Note below. Q32 D 535-9347-01 Item 1 is secured below the playfield by: #10 X 1/2" HWH (Sr.) Zc. (Qty. 4) (237-5949-00) and is secured to Item 8 by: #8-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Qty. 3) (237-5975-00) 2 Bushing (Flipper Type) (White Plastic) 1 545-5070-00 Item 2 is secured to Item 1 by: #6-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 3) (237-5976-02) 3 Drive Shaft 1 530-5650-00 See previous page for Ref. A (Item 18) with assembly order of Items 7, 23, 24 & 25. 4 5 6 Washer (Steel) .39" ID X .75" OD X .063" Thick Coupling-Interrupter Clutch (Spring) Plate 1 1 3 242-5049-00 530-5649-00 535-8764-00 D E Item 6 is secured to Item 5 by: #8-32 X 3/8" HWH MS Type C (Qty. 2) (237-5903-00) 7 8 Washer (Steel) 1/4" ID X 1/2" OD X 1/16" Thick Motor Mounting Bracket 2 1 242-5008-00 535-9346-01 ([SORGHG 9LHZ DE Item 8 is secured to Item 11 by: #8-32 X 3/8" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 4) (232-5301-00) 9A 9B Micro Switch (Roller Actuator, Lite Force) Micro Switch (Roller Actuator) 2 1 180-5119-02 180-5119-00 Switch has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00). Can be replaced with (1N4001) (112-5001-00). 10 Switch Body Protect Plate 3 535-6539-00 Items 9 & 10 are secured to Item 8 by: #2-56 X 1/2" HWH (Sr.) (Qty. 2/per) (237-5937-02) 11 12 Multi Products Motor 20V DC Balrog (Molded Plastic) 1 1 041-5088-01 545-5083-00 Item 12 is secured to Item 13 by: #6-32 X 3/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zc. (Qty. 2) (232-5204-00) and #6 Washer (Qty. 2) (242-5001-00) 13 14 Balrog Mounting Bracket Spring Retainer Bracket 1 1 535-9348-00 535-9391-00 E Replacement of Bulb & Socket: Replace only with same type bulb & socket (89 to 89, LED to LED). Wiring is designed specifically with the bulb type in your game. The bulbs & sockets are not easily interchangeable. For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table (left), under the item desired. Items 14 & 16 are secured to Item 12 through 13 by: Identical Hardware as Item 6. Compression Spring (Heavy Duty) 2-Lug Laydown Std. Bayonet Socket #89 Bulb (Bayonet, Clear) 2-Lug Laydown Bayonet Socket, Modified LED (Red) Module Bayonet 12.8v 20-25mA Balrog Gate Welded Bracket 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 266-5076-00 077-5100-00 165-5000-89 077-5003-00-80 112-5023-02 515-7333-00 Read Replacement Note above. Item 18 is secured to Item 13 by: #6-32 X 1 " PPH MS (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (237-5516-00), #6 Washer (Qty. 2) (242-5001-00) and #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 1/per) (240-5005-00) 19 Switch Mounting Bracket 1 535-7948-01 Item 19 is secured to Item 18 by: #6-32 X 1/4" HWH Swg. (Sr.) Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-5976-01) 20 Balrog Protector Bracket 1 535-9398-00 Item 20 is secured to Item 18 by: #6-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zc. (Qty. 2) (232-5200-00) 21 1-1/16" 1-Groove Plastic Post (Black) 2 550-5059-00 Item 21 is secured to Item 18 by: #6-32 X 1 " PFH (Qty. 1/per) (237-5510-01), #6 Washer (Qty. 1/per @ top) (242-5001-00) and Item 26 (Qty. 1/per @ top). 22 23 24 25 26 Black Rubber Ring, 3/16" I.D. Cotter Pin, 1/16" ø X 1/2" Lg. (Zinc) Bumper BLACK (Rubber Post Sleeve, Tall) Washer (Nylon) .32" X .75" X .13" Hex Spacer, 1 " X 1/4" #6-32 Tap (...ends) . 2 1 1 1 2 Qty. 2 Read Note above regarding Bulb & Socket Replacement. Q32 $VVHPEOHG 9LHZ DE Qty. 2 545-5348-01 251-5006-00 545-5308-00 242-5078-00 254-5008-17 6HF'UDZLQJV 15 16a 17a 16b 17b 18 Item 22 onto Item 21 in Groove. Qty. 2 5HI $ See previous page for the assembly order of Items 7, 18, 23, 24 & 25 onto Item 3, Shaft, ABOVE the Playfield. SW. 28 ([SORGHG 9LHZ % 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under the item desired. Assembly Reference Only: 500-6735-00 (12-17) 500-6720-00 (9B-10, 12-22, 26) 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH ( -02 ) 2UWKDQF7RZHU8S.LFNHUDQG %DOO7URXJK 8S.LFNHU7UD\ ,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\ ,WHPV ( -01 ) 5HI $ 5HI % 5HI $ 5HI % 5HI $ Plastic & Decal replacements may differ slightly (design, color and/or shape). 5HI % $VVHPEOHG 9LHZ 4 ([SORGHG 9LHZ 515-7308-00 RECEIVER SW. 41 For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table below, under Item desired. Q4 6HF'UDZLQJV SW. 41 515-7307-00 TRANSMITTER For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table below, under Item desired. Assembly Reference Only: 500-6722-00 (1-13) 515-7335-00 (4-10) 515-7334-00 (11-13) SW. 41 515-7308-00 RECEIVER 1º 1 ([SORGHG 9LHZ 47< 63, 3$57 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Orthanc Tower 1 535-9351-00 Item 1 is secured by slot holes (Ref. A) onto Item 4 and by (Ref. B): #8-32 X 3/8" HWH MS Type C (Qty. 2) (237-5903-00) 2 3 Kit: Decals (Screened) -17 thru -21 Kit: Thick Plastics (Screened) -01, -02 1 1 802-5000-80 803-5001-80 Item 3 is secured to Item 1 by: #8-32 X 3/8" HWH MS Type C (Qty. 1/per) (237-5903-00) Note: Individual Decals (-17, -18, -19 [x2], -20 & -21) and Thick Plastics (-01 & -02) are not available individually, ordering of kit is required. For all pieces, see Playfield - Plastics (Screened & Clear) & Decals, Page 67. 4 Up-Kicker (Frame) Coil Mntg. Bracket 1 535-9350-00 Item 4 is secured below the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" PRH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 4) (237-5101-00) 5 Coil Retaining Bracket 1 535-5203-03 Item 5 is secured by: #8-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2/per) (232-5300-00) 6 Coil, 26-1200 1 090-5044-00B 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 7 8 Coil Sleeve (Short) (Formost #10-7077) Plunger Assembly 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 545-5076-01 515-5941-00 For Individual Items use : Plunger (530-5210-00) & Nylon Plunger (530-5277-01) 9 10 11 Compression (Relay) Spring Rubber Bumper (Grommet) Ball Trough (Up-Kicker Tray) Bracket 1 1 1 266-5022-01 545-5105-00 535-9349-00 Item 11 is secured below the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zc.) (Qty. 2) (234-5101-00) 12 13 Single OPTO TRANS Bd. Assembly Single OPTO REC Board Assembly 1 1 515-7307-00 515-7308-00 Items 12 & 13 are secured by: #6-32 X 5/8" HWH Swg. (Sr.) Zc. (Qty. 3/per) (237-5976-04) For Individual Items use : Single OPTO Transmitter Board (Qty. 1) (520-5230-00), Single OPTO Receiver Board (Qty. 1) (520-5231-00), OPTO PCB Tube Spacer (Brass) (Qty. 3/per) (530-5308-02) and OPTO PCB Rubber Grommet (Qty. 3/per) (545-5518-00) Coil has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00) positioned @ bot (below lugs opposite windings). 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV %DUDGGU7LOWLQJ7RZHU,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\ ,WHPV 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 Barad-dûr Tower 1 545-5082-00 Item 1 is secured to Item 2 (@ top) by: Washer, .17" ID X .5" OD X .042" Thick (Qty. 1) (242-5015-00) and #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 1) (240-5005-00) 2 Clevis (Tilt Mech. Brkt.) w/Pem Stud 1 515-7346-00 Item 2 is secured to Item 8 (Ref. A) by: Roll Pin, 1/8" ø X 1/2" Long, Washer (White Teflon).137" ID X .25" OD X .01" Thick (Qty. 2) (242-5080-00) and is secured to Item 3 (Ref. B) by: #6-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2) (232-5200-00) 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 3 Bracket, Top (Tilt Mech.) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 535-9365-00 Item 3 is secured to Item 4 by: #6-32 X 2" PPH MS (Zinc) (Qty. 1) (237-5513-00), Washer (White Teflon).15" ID X .312" OD X .05" Thick (Qty. 2, 1 each outside bracket) (242-5079-00) and #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 1) (240-5005-00) 4 Tilt Mech. Coil Mounting Bracket 1 535-9364-00 Item 4 is secured above the P/F by: #6-32 X 5/8" HWH Swage (Serr.) Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-5976-04) 5 Coil Retaining Bracket 1 535-5203-03 Item 5 is secured to Item 4 by: #8-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sms.) Zc. (Qty. 2/per) (232-5300-00) 6 Coil, 23-800 (Lugless) 1 090-5001-NL Coil has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00) located on a Terminal Strip (see Take Note below). 7 8 For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under Item desired. Coil Sleeve (Modified) Pivot Plunger Assembly 1 1 545-5847-01 515-7349-00 For Individual Items use : Shaft Pivot Plunger (530-5647-00) & Extension (530-5510-00) 9 Shaft Head 1 530-5511-00 Item 9 is secured to Item 8 (@ bot) by: #10-32 X 3/8" PH Truss (Qty. 1) (237-5988-00) 10 Compression Spring 1 266-5009-00 7DNH1RWH 5HI % 5HI $ DOTS: .The Coil Diode, 1N4004, is not located on this assembly (nor included); it’s located on a Terminal Strip under the playfield near this assembly. See Section 5, Chp. 2, Playfield Terminal Strips..., Pg. 105. 5HI $ For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under Item desired. 4 5HI % Assembly Reference Only: 500-6732-00 (1-11) For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under Item desired. ([SORGHG 9LHZ 5HI $ 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 6HF'UDZLQJV 7KH/RUGRI9KH5LQJV3OD\ILHOG)LJ:ULQHV &KDUDF9HUV 2YHUYLHZ Barad-dûr Tower 545-5082-00 : See Page 89. Back Panel (Left SIde) Back Panel (Right SIde) Balrog Saruman 545-5083-00 880-5080-00 See Page 87. Uruk-Hai Warrior 5 Gandalf the White Gandalf the Gray* (Alternate, Not Shown) 880-5082-00 easily interchanged due to plastics, mounting and hardware. Character depictions in photos may not represent your games. Parts may change without notice due to ball-traps. (with helmet on) 880-5070-00 5 3 Clear -36 2 6 Sword Ramp (Right Side) 4 Uruk-Hai Warrior Screened -07 & Clear -39 Screened -04 5 Ringwraith (Dark Rider on Horse) 880-5064-00 (riding Shadowfax) 880-5076-00 * This game used either Gandalf the Gray or the White and neither can be Screened -44 5 (no helmet, carrying head) 880-5068-00 5 Aragorn (riding Horse) 880-5075-00 Sword Ramp (Right Side) 6 6HF'UDZLQJV 1 Screened -10 Palantir Crystal Ball 1-1/4" (drilled & threaded) 515-7344-00 (No Modification use: 545-6091-02) Pippin 6 880-5071-00 5-1/2" Cable Tie, use: 040-5001-02 7 Screened -19 & Clear -28 (Top), -28 (Bottom) 13 14 Over Left Slingshot Screened -41 & Clear -31 (Top), -33 (Mid), -28 (Bottom) 10 11 12 Over Right Slingshot 8 5 Uruk Hai Mauhur (no helmet) 880-5069-00 Frodo Note: Individual Plastics (Screened & Clear) are not available individually, ordering of kit is required. For all pieces, see Playfield - Plastics (Screened & Clear) & Decals, Page 67. 6 880-5072-00 6 Merry 9 Gollum 880-5078-00 880-5063-00 9 Screened -01 & Clear -49 / -50 Over Right Slingshot Over Left Slingshot Samwise 5 880-5073-00 6HF9LRQ&KD59HU 3DJH 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DP5V 'RZQ3RV9 6ZRUG%DOO/RFN $VVHPEO\ ,9HPV :KHQHQHUJL]HG9KH5LQEDOOLVUHOHDVHG9RH[L99KH6ZRUG5DP5 3J 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Nylon Plunger Tip Coil Mounting Bracket 1 1 515-7132-00 Item 1 is secured below the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 3) (234-5101-00) Coil Retaining Bracket 2 2 535-5203-03 Item 2 is secured by: #8-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2/per) (232-5300-00) Coil, 27-1500 3 1 090-5004-00T Coil has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00) positioned @ top (above lugs next to windings). Coil Sleeve Nyliner, 7/16" ø Shaft Retaining Ring, 7/16" ø Shaft Spring Washer, 17/32" ID X 3/4" X 1" Plunger (with Nylon Tip) Assembly 4 5 6 7 8 Qty. 2 1 1 1 1 1 545-5411-00 545-5418-01 270-5005-00 269-5002-00 515-7350-00 For Individual Items use : Plunger (530-5315-00) & Nylon Tip (530-5656-00) Compression (Relay) Spring 9 1 266-5022-01 Ordering Note: If 500-6752-00 is unavailable, order the individual part(s) actually required. For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under the item desired. 3O:QJHUVKRZQLQ L9VHQHUJL]HGV9D9H 5O:QJHUGRZQ 7DNH1R9H ! Coil Note: P Either -00B or -00T can be used for coil 4 Coil Sleeve thru Coil replacements. B/T listed is preferable for easier diode access & may differ on game. Item 8 Note: Early Production games had a different Plunger Assembly and required a "flipper bushing" for a spacer. Some plunger tips may differ slightly but they all work the same. If replacing with above part, remove flipper bushing, if applicable. Armature Stop & Shading Ring ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? DQG$VVRFLD9HG3DU96HH3DU9V7DEOHEHORZ :KHQHQHUJL]HG9KH5LQEDOOLVNLFNHGR:9RI9KH855HU5LJK92UEL96D:FHU 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 Mounting Bracket 30° Bend (Frame) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 535-8932-02 Item 1 is secured below the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (234-5101-00) 2 Coil Retaining Bracket 1 Compression (Return) Spring Rubber Bumper (Grommet) 7 8 535-5203-03 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 266-5022-01 545-5105-00 Ordering Note: If 500-6511-11 is unavailable, order the individual part(s) actually required. Item 2 is secured to Item 1 by: #8-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) (Qty. 2) (232-5300-00) 3 Coil, 26-1200 1 090-5044-00B 4 5 6 Coil Sleeve (Short) (Formost #10-7077) Spring Washer (17/32" ID X 3/4" X 1") Plunger (with Nylon Tip) Assembly For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under the item desired. Nylon Plunger Tip Coil Sleeve thru Coil 1 1 1 ASSOCIATED PART IS NOT INCLUDED WITH THE ABOVE ASSEMBLY. 47< 63, 3$57 1º 545-5076-01 AP-A Switch Assembly 1 500-6520-00 For Individual Items use : Switch Bracket (535-6173-00), Micro Switch (180-5186-00), 269-5002-00 Switch Body Protect Plate (535-6539-00) and Diode 1N4004 (112-5003-00). 515-7197-00 Coil has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00) positioned @ bot (below lugs opposite windings). 1º $662&,$7(' 3$57 1$0( Under Playfield view of the 30° Eject (Saucer) Assembly and Associated Part, Switch Assembly. T 4 $3 $ SW. 46 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DP5V Q19 6HF9LRQ&KD59HU 3DJH 6HF'UDZLQJV (MHF9 6D:FHU $VVHPEO\ ,9HPV 855HU0LQL3OD\ILHOG/HI9 &HQ9HU:LUH5DP5V,QGLYLG:DO3DU9V2QO\ ,9HPV SS E E D \ Qty. 10 SW. 33 SW. 34 Qty. 4 ,9HP b Under the playfield: #8-32 Nylon Stop Nut, 240-5102-00 and #8 Washer, 242-5005-00. W Assembly Reference Only: 500-6727-00 (2, 1B, 8, 10-11) S F % Qty. 4 ( -45 ) ST )RU WKH VHFXULQJ KDUGZDUH RQ WKH 8SU 0LQL3) DQG :LUH 5DPSV VHH WKH 3DUWV 7DEOH ,WHP S XQGHU RU 1RWHV G D L /HI9 :LUH 5DP5 Qty. 10 into Back Panel S G L L i Into Back Panel: 8-32 X 1" HWH (Zinc), 237-6003-00. c Above the P/F: #6-32 X 1" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc, 232-5206-00 and #8 Washer, .17" ID X .5" OD X .042" Thick, 242-5015-00. SW. 40 SW. 36 SW. 35 Qty. 4 Assembly Reference Only: 500-6737-00 (1A, 4-7, 10, 12-14) S D & 6HF'UDZLQJV S D #8 Washer, .17" ID X .5" OD X .042" Thick, 242-5015-00. #6-32 X 1/2" PPH, 232-5202-00 #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut, 240-5005-00. Lg. Washer, 13/64" ID X 5/8" OD X .062" Thick, 242-5038-00. 1" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap, 234-5008-06. d $ e f g ( -00 ) h On the Left Wood Rail: Ramp Mounting Bracket, 515-6508-00, #6 X 1/2" PTH A (Zinc), 237-5809-00 (2), 1-3/4" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap, 234-5008-10 and #6-32 X 3/8" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc, 232-5201-00. a 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1A Kit: Thick Plastics (Screened) -00 1B Kit: Plastics (Screened) -45 1C Kit: Decals (Screened) -23 W G H 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 1 Left Wire Ramp (No Parts) Center Wire Ramp (No Parts) Wire Form (Left Side) Wire Form (Right Side) Bracket, Switch Mounting 1 1 1 1 4 S G K J H 803-5001-80 803-5000-80 802-5000-80 Note: Individual Thick Plastic (-00), Plastic (Clear -45) and Decal (-23) ar e not av aila ble individually , ordering of kit is required. For all pieces, see Playfield - Plastics (Screened & Clear) & Decals, Page 67. 2 3 4 5 6 Gold Bracket, 535-9401-00 and #6-32 X 3/8" PPH, 232-5201-00 (2) (onto Screened Plastic -14 Not Shown) x ( -23 under Item 1A ) 535-9288-00 535-9344-00 535-9362-00 535-9363-00 535-6173-00 [ \ [ [ SW. 22 S G I Item 13 secures Item 3 to Item 4 on the next page. Item 6 is secured to Item 1A by: #6-32 X 1/2" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2/per) (232-5202-00) and #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 2/per) (240-5005-00) Micro Switch (High Form Flat Blade) Item 7 is secured to Item 6 by: #2-56 X 1/2" HWH Ser Black (Qty. 2/per) (237-5937-02) and #2-56 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 2/per) (240-5321-00) 7 8 9 Micro Switch (10" Flat Blade) Micro Switch (10", 2x bend Flat Blade) 10 11 12 13 Switch Body Protect Plate Wire Form (Ramp Roll-Under Gate) Mini-Jewel Plastic Post (Clear) Rubber Ring (Black), 7/16" O.D. 4 180-5057-00 1 1 180-5010-01 180-5197-00 6 2 10 12 535-6539-00 535-9375-00 550-5052-01 545-5348-17 Items 8 & 9 are secured to Items 2 & 3 by: #2-56 X 1/2" HWH Ser Black (Qty. 2/per) (237-5937-02) Items 7 - 9: Switches have Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00). Can be replaced with (1N4001) (112-5001-00). Items 12-13 are secured to Item 1A by: #6 X 1/2" PTH A (Zinc) (Qty. 1/per) (237-5809-00) 14 #6 X 1/2" PTH A (Zinc) 6HF9LRQ&KD59HU 3DJH 1 237-5809-00 Qty. 2 GI T Assembly Reference Only: 500-6749-00 (3, 9, 10-11) &HQ9HU :LUH 5DP5 ,9HP X 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DP5V &HQ9HU5LJK96ZRUGDQG6KRR9HU/DQH 5DP5V,QGLYLG:DO3DU9V2QO\ ,9HPV 5/8" X 3/8" Plastic Spacer Gray, 254-5000-14, (then Item 1B -43 Clear Not Shown for clarity), 1/2" X 3/8" Plastic Spacer Gray, 254-5000-01, (then Item 1B -36 Clear Not Shown for clarity). b Onto Item 4: 1/4" X 3/8" Plastic Spacer Gray, 254-5000-02 and #4-40 X 3/8" PPH TF, 237-5979-00. D H \ &HQ9HU 5DP5 ,9HP W SW. 52 E W SW. 25 % ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Kit: Thick Plastics (Screened) -03, -04 Kit: Plastics (Scr. & Clr.) -13, -24, 36, -43, -45 x2 Kit: Decals (Screened) -08, -09 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 803-5001-80 1 803-5000-80 1 802-5000-80 2® Riveted Center Steel Ramp & Flap Assembly 1 515-7354-00 Item 2 is secured through the playfield by: #8 Washer (Qty. 2) (242-5005-00) and #8-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5102-00) For Individual Items use : Center Steel Ramp (No Parts) (515-7315-00) and Ramp Flap Left (535-9389-00) and is secured by: #6 Riveting Lock Washer (246-5000-00, Qty. 2) and Rivet, 1/8" ø X 3/16" Lg. (249-5001-00, Qty. 2) 3® Riveted Right Steel Ramp & Flap Assembly 1 515-7319-00-80 Item 3 is secured through the playfield by: #8 Washer (Qty. 2) (242-5005-00) and #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5005-00) For Individual Items use : Right Steel Ramp (No Parts) (515-7319-00) & Ramp Flap Right (535-9389-01) and is secured by: #6 Riveting Lock Washer (246-5000-00, Qty. 2) and Rivet, 1/8" ø X 3/16" Lg. (249-5001-00, Qty. 2) Sword Steel Ramp (No Parts) Shooter Lane (Flat) Ramp G H [ G H \ % 1 1 535-9289-00 535-9051-00 ( -45 ) 6ZRUG 5DP5 ,9HP Spinner Target (Large) Micro Switch (Flat Blade) Micro Switch (10" Flat Blade) 1 1 1 $ 515-7088-01 180-5190-28 180-5010-01 1 180-5198-00 Micro Switch (Roller Actuator, Lite Force) Item 11 is secured to Item 10 by: #2-56 X 1/2" HWH Ser Blk. (Qty. 2/per) (237-5937-02) 10 3 180-5119-02 11 Switch Body Protect Plate 12® Sw. & Target Assy. 1" X 1" Rect. WHT 5 1 535-6539-00 515-6027-08 Item 12 is secured to Item 4 thru Item 1B (-13) by: #6-32 N. S. Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5005-00) For Individual Items use : Stack Switch Radius End (180-5133-00), Washer 5/16" (242-5017-00), Rivet 1/8" ø X 3/16" (249-5001-00) and 1" Round Target (545-5456-08). Items 7-10 & 12: Switches have Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00). Can be replaced with (1N4001) (112-5001-00). 1 1 1 535-9393-01 515-7341-00 535-9406-00 Items 14 & 15 are secured to Item 4 by: #6-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-5976-02) and #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5005-00) #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Red) IDC Snap-On Socket No Diode 1 1 165-5004-02 077-5216-01 H T ( -03 ) ( -04 ) )RU )LJXULQHV &KDUDFWHUV VHH 3DJH ( -24 ) % Qty. 3 ,WHPV % DOVR VKRZQ VHSDUDWHG IRU FODULW\ H T Micro Switch (2-3/16", Flat Blade, 1 bend) Item 9 is secured to Item 4 by: #2-56 X 3/8" HWH MS (Serr) Zinc TF 3/16" (Qty. 2/per) (237-5938-01) Wire Form (Ramp Roll-Under Gate) Bracket, X3 Switch Mounting (under) Bracket, Hooded Ball Guide (over) 9 : Qty. 3 Center Wire Ramp ends (prev. page) secures here with 2 each 7/16" OD Rubber Rings. Items 7 & 8 are secured by: #2-56 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 2/per) (240-5321-00) 9 X ] ^ H H G G H T Assembly Reference Only: 500-6729-00 (1A, 1B, 9-12, 14-17) Item 5 is secured through the playfield by: #4-40 X 1/2" PFH (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (237-5840-00) 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DP5V ( -13 ) SW. 23 % Note: Individual Thick Plastics (-03 & -04), Plastic (Clear -13) and Decals (-08 & -09) are not available individually, ordering of kit is required. For all pieces, see Playfield Plastics (Screened & Clear) & Decals, Page 67. 16 17 Assembly Reference Only: 500-6734-00 (1B, 3®, 8, 13) % ® "R" indicates Item noted is secured with rivet(s) as listed. 13 14 15 Q29 SW. 24 7DNH1R9H 6 7 8 F X ( -45 ) ( -08 & -09 ) 4 5 W ( -43, -36 ) On Item 3R, Not Shown for clarity (see Note a) 1º 1A 1B 1C ,9HP W D H Assembly Reference Only: 500-6733-00 (1C, 2®, 6-7, 11) & SW. 23 & Q29 Bracket Modified, Part will differ. Front end is hooded to cover Ramp above bottom switch. 6KRR9HU /DQH 5DP5 ,9HP X TS )RU WKH VHFXULQJ KDUGZDUH RQ WKHVH 5DPSV VHH WKH 3DUWV 7DEOH XQGHU ,WHP RU 1RWHV D H 6HF9LRQ&KD59HU 3DJH 6HF'UDZLQJV c On the Rt. Wood Rail: Ramp Mounting Bracket, 515-6508-00, #6 X 1/2" PTH A (Zinc), 237-5809-00 (2), 3/4" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap, 234-5008-04 and #6-32 X 3/8" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc, 232-5201-00. 1/2" X 3/8" Plastic Spacer d Gray, 254-5000-03. #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut, e 240-5005-00. 5 5LJK9 5DP5 a For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table below, under Item desired. $ Qty. 2 %DFN3DQHO )URQ99LHZ ,QGLYLG:DO3DU9V2QO\ ,9HPV 3DU9V7DEOH %DFN9LHZRQ FRQ9LQ:HVRQ9KHQH[95DJH Q27 ([SORGHG 9LHZ GHWDLOV RI WKLV %DFN 3DQHO 7URXJK $VVHPEO\ RQ 3DJH G.I. = General Illumination, see Section 5, Chapter 2, Page 103, Playfield Wiring, for details. Item 14, see Section 5, Chapter 4, G.I. Page 143, PCBs, for details. ([SORGHG 9LHZ G.I. LP. 73 Qty. 6 ( -25 ) G.I. Assembly Reference Only: 500-6723-00 (1A-15) % LP. LP. Qty. 4 G.I. LP. 78 77 G.I. 76 LP. G.I.’s Qty. 8 G.I. LP. 75 74 G.I. Controlled Lamps & G.I.’s Mirror Decal Rear (Eye) Decal: 820-6347-00 included in Decal Set. See note under Item 1B. % G.I. Qty. 14 ( -15 ) % 6HF'UDZLQJV For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table below, under Item desired. $ For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table below, under Item desired. LP. 63 LP. 61 LP. 60 $ LP. 62 ( -11 ) Qty. 4 LP. 61 1º 1A ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Kit: Plastics (Screened) -11,-40 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 LP. 63 803-5000-80 LP. 60 Item 1A (-11) is secured by: #8-32 T-Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5101-00), 3/4" X 3/8" Plastic Spacer Gray (Qty. 2) (254-5000-07) and #8-32 x 1 " HWH MS (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-5946-00) Item 1A (-40) is secured by: #8-32 T-Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5101-00), 3/4" X 3/8" Plastic Spacer Gray (Qty. 2) (254-5000-07), #8 Washer (Qty. 2) (242-5005-00), #8-32 X 1 " PPH MS (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (237-5611-00) and #8-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5102-00) Kit: Decals (Screened) noted & -15, -25 Note: Individual Plastics (-11 & -40) and Decals (820-6347-00, -6348-00, -15 & -25) are not available individually, ordering of kit is required. For all pieces, see Playfield - Plastics (Screened & Clear) & Decals, Page 67. 1B 2 1 Back Panel (Black Wood, Plain No Parts) 1 802-5000-80 525-5636-00 Item 2 is secured under the Playfield by: Bracket, Back Panel Mounting (Not Shown) (Qty. 2) (535-8964-00) and #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 4/per) (234-5101-00) 6HF9LRQ&KD59HU 3DJH ( -40 ) LP. 62 % ([SORGHG 9LHZ GHWDLOV RI WKLV 0DJQHWLF 5LQJ $VVHPEO\ RQ 3DJH Transparent Ring Cover Decal: 820-6348-00 included in Decal Set. See note under Item 1B. 1º 3 ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Mirror Mounting Bracket 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 535-9397-00 Item 3 is secured to Item 2 by: #8-32 T-Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5101-00) and #8-32 X 5/8" HWH MS (Serr) Zinc TF (Qty. 2) (237-5951-00) Continued next Page 95 (Top) : 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DP5V %DFN3DQHO %DFN9LHZ &RQ9LQ:HG,QGLYLG:DO3DU9V2QO\ ,9HPV 3DU9V7DEOHDQG)URQ99LHZRQ5UHYLR:V5DJH ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( from Page 94 (Bottom) 9 Continued Mirror 4 1 Panel 6 IDC Snap-On Socket No Diode 3-Lug Staple-Dn. Bayonet Socket 820-6297-01 4 077-5216-01 6 077-5001-00 Qty. 8 7 8 9 8 077-5000-00 1 077-5029-00 4 165-5054-04 11 12A 12B #44 Bulb Bayonet Bulb (Clear) #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Clear) 1/4" Cable (Single) Clamp 1/2" Cable (Single) Clamp LP. 62 Controlled Lamps & G.I.’s LP. 61 LP. 73 LP. 63 Qty. 14 Magnet Bracket 14 165-5000-44 1 165-5004-00 1 040-5000-03 1 040-5000-06 2 OPTO Trans./Rec. Amplifier PCB Item 14, see Section 5, Chapter 4, Page 143, PCBs, for details. LP. 74 75 G.I. 76 LP. 77 G.I. 78 LP. LP. 535-9396-00 1 $ LP. G.I. G.I. Item 13 is secured to Item 2 by: #10-32 X 7/8" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 1/per) (232-5405-00) 14 % G.I. Items 12A & 12B are secured to Item 2 by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 1/per) (234-5101-00) 13 ([SORGHG 9LHZ GHWDLOV RI WKLV %DFN 3DQHO 7URXJK $VV\ RQ 3DJH G.I. Items 9: Can replace with #555 Wedge Base Bulb (Clear) (165-5002-00) with the use of a Green Lite Cover (545-5014-04). Green is preferred. 10 LP. 60 G.I.’s Items 5 - 6: Lamps have Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00). Can be replaced with (1N4001) (112-5001-00). Item 7: G.I. Sockets do not require a diode. 2-Lug Staple-Dn. Bayonet Socket Wedge Base Socket (Offset) #555 Wedge Base Bulb (Green) Qty. 6 Item 4 is secured to Item 3 by: #8-32 X 3/8" HWH MS Type C (Qty. 2) (237-5903-00) 5 Qty. 2 Qty. 4 47< 63, 3$57 1º 520-5239-00 G.I. Item 14 is secured to Item 2 by: 3/8" Slf. Rtn. Plastic Spacer White (Qty. 4) (254-5007-01) & #6 X 7/8" PPH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 4) (237-5003-00) G.I. $ G.I. = General Illumination, see Section 5, Chapter 2, Page 103, Playfield Wiring, for details. Q27 For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under Item desired. ( -11 ) For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under Item desired. Qty. 4 LP. 60 LP. 62 LP. 63 ([SORGHG 9LHZ LP. 61 ( -40 ) Transparent Ring Cover Decal: 820-6348-00 included in Decal Set. See note under Item 1B. % Assembly Reference Only: 500-6723-00 (1A-15) 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DP5V $ % ([SORGHG 9LHZ GHWDLOV RI WKLV 0DJQHWLF 5LQJ $VV\ RQ 3DJH ( -25 ) For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under Item desired. % Mirror Decal Rear (Eye) Decal: 820-6347-00 included in Decal Set. See note under Item 1B. % ( -15 ) 6HF9LRQ&KD59HU 3DJH 6HF'UDZLQJV 1º 0DJQHWLF5LQJ$VVHPEO\,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\ ,WHPV /RFDWHGRQWKHIURQWRIWKH%DFN3DQHO VHH3DJHVIRUFRPSOHWH%DFN3DQHO([SORGHG)URQW %DFN9LHZV Assembly Reference Only: 500-6718-00 (1®-7) $VVHPEOHG )URQW 9LHZ 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1® Riveted Magnetic Ring (Vacuum Form) Asm. 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 515-7345-00 Item 1 is secured to Item 4 by: #4-40 X 3/8" HWH MS (Zinc) TF (Qty. 4) (237-5933-00) For Individual Items use (requires drilling out rivets & revitting) : Gold Plastic Ring (545-6095-00), Bracket, Mounting (535-9382-00, Qty. 4) and Pop Rivet, 1/8" ø X 3/16" (249-5025-00, Qty. 4) 2 Ring Funnel (Plastic) 1 545-6096-00 Item 2 is secured to Items 3 & 4 by: #6-32 X 1/4" HWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-5976-00) 3 4 5 6 7 Magnet Bushing Ring Mounting Plate Coil (Magnet), 20 -480 OPTO Transmitter PCB Assembly OPTO Receiver PCB Assembly 1 1 1 1 1 4 $OWHUQDWH )URQW 9LHZ SW. 47 545-5966-01 535-9379-00 090-5064-02 500-6746-00 500-6747-00 Items 6 & 7 are secured to Item 4 by: #4-40 x 1/2" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2/per) (237-5813-00) For Individual Parts use : See Section 5, Chapter 4, Page 143, PCBs, for details. 7DNH1RWH ® "R" indicates Item noted is secured with rivet(s) as listed. SW. 47 6HF'UDZLQJV ([SORGHG 9LHZ $OWHUQDWH 5HDU 9LHZ Items 6 & 7, see Section 5, Chapter 4, Page 143, PCBs, for details. For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under Item desired. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH $VVHPEOHG 5HDU 9LHZ $VVHPEOHG )URQW 9LHZ 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV %DFN3DQHO7URXJK$VVHPEO\,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\ ,WHPV /RFDWHGRQWKHUHDURIWKH%DFN3DQHO VHH3DJHVIRUFRPSOHWH%DFN3DQHO([SORGHG)URQW %DFN9LHZV Assembly Reference Only: 500-6748-00 (1-4) ,WHPV 0RXQWV +HUH $VVHPEOHG 5HDU View of the Back Panel Mounting Brackets (535-8964-00) which secures this Back Panel (Item 2, Page 94) to the Playfield 9LHZ º 1 1 47< ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Ball Trough (Back Panel) 1 63, 3$57 1º 535-9345-00 Item 1 is secured to the Back Panel by: #8-32 X 3/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2) (232-5304-00) 2 Wedge Base Socket (Offset) 1 077-5029-00 Item 2 is secured to Item 1 by: #4-40 X 5/8" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 1) (237-5832-00), Blk. Rbr. Ring, 3/8" O.D. (Qty. 1) (545-5348-19) and #4-40 N. Stop Nut (Qty. 1) (240-5303-00) º 3 4 5 1 ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 47< #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Clear) Micro Switch (High Form Flat Blade) Switch Body Protect Plate 1 1 1 63, 3$57 1º 165-5004-00 180-5057-00 535-6539-00 Items 4 & 5 are secured to Item 1 by: #2-56 X 1/2" HWH Ser Blk (Qty. 2/per) (237-5937-02) Switch has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00). Can be replaced with (1N4001) (112-5001-00). SW. 48 For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under Item desired. 6HF'UDZLQJV Q26 ([SORGHG 9LHZ For Securing Hardware, see the Parts Table above, under Item desired. 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH ???8.21/<237,21$/ ??? 8.21/<237,21$/ 8S'RZQ3RVW$VV\ ,WHPV %DOO'HIOHFWRU$VVHPEOLHV 4W\ ,WHPV 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 Ball Deflector Coil Mounting Bracket 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 535-6857-02 Item 1 is secured below the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 4) (234-5101-00) 2 Coil Retaining Bracket 1 535-5203-03 Item 2 is secured by: #8-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2) (232-5300-00) 3 Coil, 26-1200 1 090-5044-00T Coil has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00) positioned @ top (above lugs next to windings). 4 5 6 7 8 Coil Sleeve (Short) (Formost #10-7077) Spring Washer (17/32" ID X 3/4" X 1") Solid Plunger Assembly Compression (Relay) Spring #10-32 Adj. Spindle Stop w/Rubber Tip 1 1 1 1 1 545-5076-01 269-5002-00 515-6858-00 266-5022-01 280-5014-00 Item 8 is secured by: #10-32 Keps Nut (Qty. 1) (240-5208-00) Ordering Note: If 500-5788-02 is unavailable, order the individual part(s) actually required. 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 Up/Down Post Coil Mounting Bracket 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 515-6840-00 Item 1 is secured below the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 6) (234-5101-00) 2 3 Adjustment Spindle Stop Bracket Coil Retaining Bracket 1 2 535-8303-00 535-7356-00 Items 2 & 3 are secured by: #8-32 X 3/8" Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 2/per) (237-5975-00) 4 Coil, 23-1100 (ORG) 1 090-5030-00T Coil has a Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00) positioned @ top (above lugs next to windings). Coil Sleeve (with extension) 1 545-5847-00 Spring Washer, 17/32" ID X 3/4" X 1" 1 269-5002-00 Plunger & Shaft Assembly 1 515-6844-00 ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 7) SUB-ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 7A Ball Bumper Plastic (Top) Red 1 550-5029-02 7B* Roll Pin, 3/32" ø X 1/2" Long 1 251-5002-00 7C* Retaining Ring, 1/4" ø Shaft 1 270-5002-00 7D Plunger & Shaft Sub-Assembly 1 515-6841-00 7E Plunger Head 1 530-5511-00 7F #10-32 X 3/8" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc 1 232-5401-00 5 6 7 Ordering Note: If 515-6844-00 is unavailable, order the individual part(s) actually required. Item 7D, part of Item 7, Plunger & Shaft Sub-Assembly, is 1 piece and cannot be ordered separated. 8 9 Compression (Relay) Spring #10-32 Adj. Spindle Stop w/Rubber Tip 1 1 266-5022-01 280-5014-00 Item 9 is secured by: #10-32 Keps Nut (Qty. 1) (240-5208-00) Ordering Note: If 500-6293-00 is unavailable, order the individual part(s) actually required. 7DNH1RWH ! Coil Note: ! Either -00B or -00T can be used for coil replacements. B/T listed is preferable for easier diode access & may differ on game. 7DNH1RWH * An asterisk (*) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. ! Coil Note: ! Either -00B or -00T can be used for coil replacements. B/T listed is preferable for easier diode access & may differ on game. $ ' 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH $X[ $X[ 6HF'UDZLQJV ' ( ) 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU $VVHPEOLHV 5DPSV 6HFWLRQ 6FKHPDWLFV 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV &2,/6'(7$,/('&+$577$%/( x&KDSWHU%DFNER[:LULQJ %DFNER[,23RZHU'ULYHU%RDUG'HWDLOHG:LULQJ'LDJUDP %DFNER[%RDUG/D\RXW:LULQJ'LDJUDP x&KDSWHU3OD\ILHOG:LULQJ *HQHUDO,OOXPLQDWLRQ&LUFXLW'HWDLOHG:LULQJ'LDJUDP 3OD\ILHOG6ZLWFK:LULQJ'LDJUDP 3OD\ILHOG/DPS:LULQJ'LDJUDP 3OD\ILHOG7HUPLQDO6WULSV)XVHV 0LVF:LULQJ'HVFULSWLRQV /RFDWLRQV )OLSSHU&LUFXLW:LULQJ'LDJUDP x&KDSWHU&DELQHW:LULQJ 7UDQVIRUPHU3RZHU:LULQJ'LDJUDP &DELQHW&RLQ'RRU:LULQJ'LDJUDP All 11 X 17 Schematics and other PDF files are also available on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isit for the latest 11" X 17" Schematics (or "Split 8-1/2" X 11") for the Display Power Supply, Display Controller, I/O Power Driver & CPU/Sound Boards (White Star System Only). Along with the schematics you’ll find the component layout and theory of operation. Keep visiting as these files are continuously improved with more "search" links in the documents. The files are in PDF Format (Adobe® Reader required). They may be slow to open in the website only, but once on your harddrive they’ll open fast. Inside the schematics you can utilize internal links where addresses may direct you to another sheet in the schematic set (further instructions within documents). To "download" once open, in your browser click "File" "Send" "Page by eMail". It will be sent to your eMail Address, where there you can save the file to your hardrive. x&KDSWHU3ULQWHG&LUFXLW%RDUGV 3&%V Use the below Coils Detailed Chart Table in conjunction with Sec. 5, Chp. 1, Backbox I/O Power Driver Board Detailed Wiring Diagram (I/O Board Connectors J6, J7, J8 & J9) and Backbox Board Layout Wiring Diagram: +LJK &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS &2,/6'(7$,/('&+$577$%/( Drive Driver Transistor Ouput Board #1 TROUGH UP-KICKER Q1 #2 AUTO LAUNCH Q2 #3 LEFT VUK Q3 #4 TOP VUK Q4 #5 RIGHT VUK Q5 #6 RING MAGNET #7 RIGHT TOWER #8 LOOP DIVERTER Q6 %$ Q7 5 I/O Power Driver 6 Q8 Power Line Color Power Line Connection Power Voltage Drive Transistor Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-VIO J8-P8 J10-P1/2 50v DC BRN-GRY J8-P9 ! 24-9400 ! 090-5036-00T 26-1200 ! 090-5044-00B 26-1200 ! 090-5044-00B 26-1200 ! 090-5044-00B 20 -480 ! 090-5064-02 23-8000 ! 090-5001-NL 22-1080 ! 090-5032-00T Drive Transistor Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect Coil GA-Turn or Bulb Type BLU-BRN J9-P1 26-1200 26-1200 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-BLK J8-P1 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-RED J8-P3 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-ORG J8-P4 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-YEL J8-P5 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BRN-GRN J8-P6 VIO-YEL J10-P3 50v DC BRN-BLU J8-P7 YEL-VIO GRY-YEL~3A Fuse~YEL-VIO Coil GA-Turn or Bulb Type 26-1200 090-5044-00T D iode O n T erminal S trip (if noted) +LJK &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS #9 Drive Driver Transistor Ouput Board LEFT BUMPER Q9 #10 RIGHT BUMPER Q10 #11 BOTTOM BUMPER Q11 #12 NOT USED Q12 #13 ORBIT PIN Q13 #14 FLASH: HELMS DEEP RT Q14 #15 LEFT FLIPPER (50v RED/YEL) Q15 #16 RIGHT FLIPPER (50v RED/YEL) Q16 /RZ &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS Q17 #18 RIGHT SLINGSHOT Q18 #19 TOP SAUCER Q19 #20 BALROG MOTOR RELAY Q20 #21 SWORD LOCK RELEASE Q21 #22 BALROG MOTOR Q22 #23 FLASH: HELMS DEEP LT Q23 #24 OPTIONAL COIL Q24 /RZ &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS 6HF6FKHPDWLFV Q25 #26 FLASH: RING Q26 #27 FLASH: BACK PANEL Q27 #28 NOT USED Q28 #29 FLASH: RINGWRAITH Q29 #30 FLASH: SWORD Q30 #31 FLASH: DESTROY THE RING Q31 Power Voltage YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC ! ! 090-5044-00T 26-1200 ! 090-5044-00T 090-5044-00T YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BLU-RED J9-P2 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC BLU-ORG J9-P4 I/O Power Driver BLU-YEL J9-P5 BRN 20v DC BLU-GRN J9-P6 26-1200 #906 Bulb 6 5 I/O Power Driver 6 Drive Driver Transistor Ouput Board #25 FLASH: POPS X3 Power Line Connection 5 Drive Driver Transistor Ouput Board #17 LEFT SLINGSHOT Power Line Color 5 I/O Power Driver 6 ORG GRY-YEL~3A Fuse~RED-YEL BLU-YEL~3A Fuse~RED-YEL J7-P1 ! 090-5044-00B 50v DC BLU-BLK J9-P7 J10-P1/2 50v DC ORG-GRY J9-P8 J10-P1/2 50v DC ORG-VIO J9-P9 ! 22-900 ! 090-5020-20T Coil GA-Turn or Bulb Type J6-P10 165-5004-00 22-900 090-5020-20T Power Line Color Power Line Connection Power Voltage Drive Transistor Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-BRN J7-P2 BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-RED J7-P3 BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-ORG J7-P4 ! 23-8000 ! 090-5001-00T 26-1200 ! 090-5044-00B BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-YEL J7-P6 DC Relay BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-GRN J7-P7 27-1500 BRN J7-P1 20v DC VIO-BLU J7-P8 23-8000 090-5001-00T ! 520-5066-00 090-5004-00T Motor 041-5088-01 ORG J6-P10 20v DC VIO-BLK J7-P9 #906 Bulb RED J16-P7 5v DC VIO-GRY J7-P10 Opt. 5v Power Line Color Power Line Connection Power Voltage Drive Transistor Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect 165-5004-00 Coil GA-Turn or Bulb Type ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-BRN J6-P1 #906 Bulb ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-RED J6-P2 #906 Bulb ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-ORG J6-P3 #906 Bulb BLK-YEL J6-P4 165-5004-00 165-5004-00 165-5004-00 #906 Red ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-GRN J6-P5 ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-BLU J6-P6 165-5004-02 #906 Bulb 165-5004-00 ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-VIO J6-P7 165-5000-89 #89 Bulb #89 Bulb Q32 ORG J6-P10 20v DC BLK-GRY J6-P8 #32 FLASH: BALROG 165-5000-89 1RWH ,Q 7HVW )ODVK /DPSV 0HQX )ODVK ,FRQ )ODVKHUV WHVWHG DUH DOO )ODVK /DPSV ORFDWHG EHWZHHQ 44 7KLV *DPH 4 4 44 44 $X[LOLDU\ 8. 21/< Drive Driver Transistor Ouput Board AUX 1: LEFT UP/DOWN POST Q1 AUX 2: CENTER UP/DOWN POST Q2 AUX 3: RIGHT UP/DOWN POST Q3 Solenoid Expander Auxiliary Power Line Color BRN Power Line Connection Power Voltage J7-P1 20v DC Drive Transistor Control Line Color WHT BRN J7-P1 20v DC RED BRN J7-P1 20v DC ORG D.T. Control Line Connect Coil GA-Turn ! ! CN2-P4 090-5030-00T ! CN2-P3 26-1200 090-5044-00T CN2-P5 26-1200 090-5044-00T 23-1100 ! Coil Note: ! Either -00B or -00T can be used for coil replacements. B/T listed is preferable for easier diode access & may differ on game. 6HFWLRQ 3DJH &RLOV'HWDLOHG &KDUW7DEOH Section 5 Chapter 1 of 4 Backbox Wiring Backbox I/O Power Driver Board Detailed Wiring Diagram #906 #25 Flash: Pop Bumper X3 Clear Bulb 4 #28 Not Used #906 #29 Flash: Rt. Rp. Ring Wraith 6 7 8 Q32 BRDG 2 #906 #30 Flash: Sword Clear Bulb X1 BLK-BLU #89 BLK-VIO #89 #32 Flash: Balrog Clear Bulb X1 BLK-GRY J17P7 I/O BD. Q17 J7 1 BRN 20V DC LOW POWER . BRN #17 Left Slingshot BLU-WHT F7 Q18 J17P8 I/O BD. BRIDGE 20 FROM BLU-WHT FROM LAMP COLUMNS 10 Q24 +18v DC VIO-ORG 26-1200 J8 1 F22 VIO-YEL VIO-GRN #21 Sword Lock Release 27-1500 #22 Balrog Motor On/Off VIO-BLU #906 #23 Flash: Helm's Deep Left Clear Bulb X1 VIO-BLK (VIO-GRY) OPTIONAL BRN-BLK 26-1200 Q1 3 Q2 4 Q3 Q1-Q16 STP20N10L 110-0106-00 Note: All Coils require diodes. Some diodes may be located on Terminal Strips & not on the coil itself. J8 Q17-Q32 TIP122 110-0067-00 D iode On T erminal S trip 5 Q4 6 Q5 7 Q6 For the Playfield Terminal Strips, Fuses & Misc. Wiring Descriptions & Locations, see Section 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Wiring. For the General Illumination (G.I.) Circuit Detailed Wiring Diagram, see Sec. 5, Chp. 2, Playfield Wiring. 8 Q7 9 Q8 J9 1 Q9 2 Q10 4 Q11 J9 7A Slo-Blo J11P3 I/O BD. BRIDGE 1 50V HIGH CURRENT COILS F6 FROM BLK-YEL AC Voltages IN GND 48v AC 5 Q12 6 Q13 3A Slo-Blo 7 Q14 BRDG 1 F21 J11P2 I/O BD. FROM BLK-ORG AC Voltages IN 48v AC Backbox Wiring 3A Slo-Blo FOR MAGNET F20 8 Q15 9 Q16 J10 1, 2 J10 3 4, 5 #19 Top Saucer #20 Balrog Motor Relay Rev. Optional BLU 8A Slo-Blo J17P9 I/O BD. 9 Q23 Transformer 13v AC 8 Q22 J13P10 I/O BD. BRDG 20 7 Q21 CONTROLLED LAMPS GND 6 Q20 23-800 BRN-RED 24-940 BRN-ORG 26-1200 BRN-YEL 26-1200 BRN-GRN 26-1200 BRN-BLU Diode on Terminal Strip BRN-VIO 23-800 BRN-GRY 22-1080 BLU-BRN 26-1200 BLU-RED 26-1200 BLU-ORG 26-1200 #24 Optional Coil #1 Trough Up-Kicker #2 Auto Launch BLU-GRN #906 BLU-BLK 26-1200 ORG-GRY 22-900 ORG-VIO 22-900 3 4 2 1 BLU N.C. COMM. N.O. N.C. KEY COMM. FROM ORG Low Power 20v DC J6P10 I/O BD. J16P8 I/O BD. FROM RED Power Out +5v DC #4 Top VUK #5 Right VUK MAGNET #6 Ring Magnet BLK 202-480 BLK #7 Right Tower In Connector #8 Inner Loop Diverter (Flip. Coil) #9 Left Bumper #10 Right Bumper #11 Bottom Bumper #13 Orbit Pin #14 Flash: Helm's Deep Rt. Clear Bulb X1 5 N.O. #3 Left VUK #12 Not Used BLU-YEL 3 ide 13v AC VIO-RED #18 Right Slingshot 4 tS J7 Transformer 4 Q19 23-800 Do FROM BLU-WHT 3 VIO-BRN 7 (On/Off) VIO-BLU 2 6 (Reverse) VIO-YEL ORG 20V DC LOW POWER . Transformer 5A Slo-Blo (SPI: 520-5066-00) BRN 10 RED-WHT 16v AC DC Bi-Directional Relay Board #31 Flash: Destroy The Ring Clear Bulb X1 (SPI: 041-5088-01) Q29 BLK-GRN X1 S J17P6 I/O BD. BLK-YEL Red Bulb 5 Q31 16v AC #27 Flash: Back Panel Right Balrog 20v DC Motor Q28 WHT-RED Transformer BLK-ORG X1 Clear Bulb 3 Q30 FROM GND #906 Q26 J6 #26 Flash: Back Panel Ring Clear Bulb X1 BLK-RED FROM GRY-YEL VIO-YEL High Power 50v DC J10P3 I/O BD. 3A Slo-Blo FROM BRN Low Power 20v DC J7P1 I/O BD. FROM ORG Low Power 20v DC J6P10 I/O BD. #15 Left Flipper GRY-YEL #16 Right Flipper BLU-YEL 3A Slo-Blo 3A Slo-Blo RED-YEL 50V DC HIGH POWER . YEL-VIO 50V DC HIGH POWER . Section 5, Chapter 1 Page 101 Sec. 5: Backbox ... 2 Q27 FROM #906 Q25 Partial View I/O Power Driver Board 520-5137-01 BRIDGE 2 20V LOW CURRENT COILS BLK-BRN X3 These coil Fuses are located under playfield NEAR assembly, see Section 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Wiring. J6 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 1 1 5 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 1 9 BRN-BLK KEY (P-2) BRN-RED BRN-ORG BRN-YEL BRN-GRN BRN-BLU BRN-VIO BRN-GRY RED-YEL +50v DC RED-YEL +50v DC VIO-YEL +50v DC YEL-VIO +50v DC YEL-VIO +50v DC KEY (P-6) . BLK (GND). BLK (GND). BLK (GND). YEL-BLK 24v AC AC VOLTAGES 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 1 1 10 J10 VOLTAGE OUTPUTS 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 1 9 BLU-BRN BLU-RED KEY (P-3) BLU-ORG BLU-YEL BLU-GRN BLU-BLK ORG-GRY ORG-VIO 3 3 J12 J13 LAMP COLUMNS (18v) RED-BRN RED-BLK RED-ORG RED-YEL RED-GRN RED-BLU KEY (P-7) RED-VIO RED-GRY RED-WHT RED N/C 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 1 +18v BLU DC YEL-BRN YEL-RED YEL-ORG YEL-BLK YEL-GRN YEL-BLU YEL-VIO KEY (P-2) YEL-GRY 10 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 1 2 BLK-YEL 48v AC 12 1 BLK-ORG 48v AC LAMP ROWS (GND) 6 TO DOT MATRIX DISPLAY FROM CPU-SOUND CN8 6 3 4 4 5 3 6 CN2 3 5 5 CN1 RIBBON CABLE RIBBON CABLE J2 J1 26 25 2 NOT USED SWITCH 2 SWITCH 4 SWITCH 6 SWITCH 8 DATA 1 DATA 3 DATA 5 DATA 7 RESET STAT Ø STAT 2 BUSY NOT USED SWITCH 1 SWITCH 3 SWITCH 5 SWITCH 7 DATA Ø DATA 2 DATA 4 DATA 6 STROBE NOT USED STAT 1 STAT 3 1 2 14 2 13 DISPLAY ENABLE ROW DATA ROW CLOCK COL. LATCH PIX CLOCK SER. DATA NOT USED 1 7 1 GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND NOT USED RED 1 7 2 7 1 8 YEL-BLK -110v DC GRY-YEL -98v DC KEY (P-3) YEL (GND) BLK (GND) RED +5v DC BLU +12v DC VIO-YEL +68v DC BRN +20v DC VIO-BRN VIO-RED VIO-ORG KEY (P-5) VIO-YEL VIO-GRN VIO-BLU VIO-BLK VIO-GRY {Opt. Coin Meter} YEL-BLK 24v AC J11 5 YEL YEL-WHT YEL YEL-WHT YEL 4 { { 1 8 DISPLAY CONTROLLER BD. 520-5055-03 Located behind the Dot Matrix Display J3 3 Section 5, Chapter 1 Page 102 3 2 1 2 1 GND BLK KEY (P-2) +5v DC RED Sec. 5: Backbox ... CN2 to Display BLK-BRN BLK-RED BLK-ORD BLK-YEL BLK-GRN BLK-BLU BLK-VIO BLK-GRY KEY (P-9) ORG +20v DC 10 J6 FLASH LAMPS J7 J9 HIGH CURRENT SOLENOIDS J17 POWER FROM THE TRANSFORMER J14 G.I.'s FROM TRANSFORMER YEL-WHT J15 GENERAL ILLUMINATION (G.I.'s) J14, Pins 1-6 are all 5.7v AC When connecting any Ribbon Cable, always ensure the "Red Line" side of the ribbon cable goes to the Pin-1 side of any Dual 0.1" Header Connector. CN1 from Xfrmr. DISPLAY POWER SUPPLY BD. 520-5138-00 J8 J1 7 9 8 5 I/O POWER DRIVER BOARD 520-5137-01 RED RED +5v DC +18v DC BLU KEY (P-5) BLK (GND) WHT COM .110v AC BLK-RED 110v AC WHT-GRN 88v AC HIGH CURRENT SOLENOIDS J2 AUXILLIARY OUT PORT RIBBON CABLE 20 1 4 2 3 6 J16 POWER OUT 15 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 1 Important: { CN4 to Speaker(s) CN3 POT 1 VIO GRN YEL BRN-WHT KEY (P-5) WHT-VIO WHT-GRN WHT-YEL WHT-BRN 5 6NOT 5 4 USED 3 2 1 1 YEL-WHT YEL-BLK KEY (P-5) RED-WHT RED-BLK N/C N/C 5 Printer Audio Audio 1 { 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 1 5 SOUND POWER CN2 CN5 SWITCH COLUMNS (DRIVES) BLK (GND) KEY (P-14) N/C +5v BLK (GND) DC BLK (GND) RED BLK (GND) BLK (GND) BLK (GND) BLK-WHT +5v DC RED N/U N/C +5v DC -12v KEY +5v DC GRY-WHT DC RED +5v DC RED +5v DC +12v RED DC GRY-RED +12v DC GRY-WHT +12v DC BLK-WHT -12v DC CN2 from I/O Power Driver Board SP2 SP1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LOW CURRENT SOLENOIDS J3 AUXILLIARY IN PORT 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 2 RED 8v AC GRY-WHT (GND) GRY 19v AC BLU-WHT 13v AC GRY-GRN 19v AC 9 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { CN5 to Cabinet & Playfield Note: If the Printer Interface Board is used, the Dot Display or Tournament Wiring must be disconnected from J2 and/or J3. WHT-RED 16v AC BLU-WHT 13v AC SP3 Move Conn. J2 to J4 on TSI Bd. if ToPS™ Kit installed, then connect the Tournament Connector from J1 on TSI Bd. to J2 I/O Board. RED-WHT 16v AC RED 8v AC CN4 7 { { 19 CPU/ SOUND BOARD II (w/ATMEL) 520-5300-00 1 GRN-GRY GRN-VIO GRN-BLU GRN-BLK GRN-YEL GRN-ORG GRN-RED KEY (P-2) GRN-BRN J5 NOT USED J3 ONLY used if UK GAME (Aux. Driver Bd. Required) or if ToPS™ Kit is installed, Tournament Serial Interface (TSI) Board required. or if Printer Interface Board is used (see Sec. 5, Chp. 3, Cabinet/Coin Door Wiring Diagram, bottom right corner). 2 1 CN1 CN8 RIBBON CABLE TO PLASMA CONTROLLER RED CN6 DEDICATED SWITCH INPUTS (SWITCH TO GROUND) UNK BLK-RED GND BLK DS-8 GRY-BLK DS-7 GRY-VIO DS-6 GRY-BLU DS-5 GRY-GRN or N.C. DS-4 GRY-YEL KEY KEY (P-5) DS-3 GRY-ORG DS-2 GRY-RED DS-1 GRY-BRN GND BLK 1 26 25 CN7 SWITCH ROWS (RETURNS) 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 2 1 1 BLK { WHT-BRN WHT-RED WHT-ORG WHT-YEL WHT-GRN KEY (P-4) WHT-BLU WHT-VIO { WHT-GRY 12 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 UK ONLY UK ONLY RED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 } CN7 from TO DISPLAY J1CONTROLLER Cabinet & Playfield J4 NOT USED J2 I/O to under Playfield Connector for 19-LED Board (Rings).. 10 See Section 5, Chapter 4, Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), Pages 145-150, for UK & Special Application(s) 3X Transistor Driver Board and ToPS™ Overview & Wiring, regarding the use of J2 & J3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 Backbox Board Layout Wiring Diagram Backbox Wiring Section 5 Chapter 2 of 4 Playfield Wiring General Illumination Circuit Detailed Wiring Diagram Below: Bottom of Playfield shown as if leaning up against the Backbox. G.I. RELAY Partial View I/O POWER DRIVER BD. 520-5137-01 8 5 X 6 20v DC D0 3 Y Y 7 1 3 2 4 RELAY RELAY DRIVER DRIVER YEL Y YEL Secondary 5.7v AC Y Primary Y Q200 2N3904 Transistor 1K W Y 520-5242-00 Y 1N4004 Diode R254 74HCT273 Data Latch Above Playfield: G.I. in Light Reflector on Rt. Return Lane Plastic. D229 2 U206 Y Above Playfield: G.I. in Light Reflector on Lt. Return Lane Plastic. 1Q 1D YEL YEL-WHT YEL-WHT 520-506 6-00 YEL-WHT Transformer PRI-103.5-115-207-230V 50/ 60Hz 750VA CLASS 130 EPBO 1 G.I. 5.7v AC INPUT FROM XFRMR 2 3 General Illumination (G.I.) Bulbs (5.7v AC) 5A 250v SLO-BLO Fuses 4 F27 F26 F25 F24 5 6 J14 J15 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 G GREEN YELLOW BRN-WHT WHT-VIO WHT-GRN WHT-YEL G 1 J15-P6 to J15-P1 (Fuse F24) B = BRN-WHT to WHT-BRN Location: Back Panel X8 WHT-BRN 8 ea. #44 Bulb G VIOLET Y Circuit G 1 V #1 #2 #8* Note: Various Colors, see Page 62 for Part Numbers. J15-P7 to J15-P2 (Fuse F25) Y = YEL to WHT-YEL 2 Circuit Below: Located at the top of the P/F, rear view of the Back Panel. GRN B B B B B B 3 #1 Coin Door Wiring Harness Connector YEL-WHT #3 YEL On Coin Door #4* J15-P9 to J15-P4 (Fuse F27) V = VIO to WHT-VIO Location: Upper Playfield X10 N RN T-B WH BR Circuit 4 VIO #1 * G.I. Bulb quantities may change during production. Playfield Wiring #2 20 ea. #44 Bulb WHT-VIO #10* Note: GI above P/F is #555 Bulb. Section 5, Chapter 2 Page 103 Sec. 5: Playfield ... Location: Upper Middle Playfield X2 + US Coin Door X2 (Euro X3) WHT-GRN This Edge is “Top of Playfield”. Bottom Assemblies Not Shown for clarity. B #9* G = GRN to WHT-GRN V B #2 J15-P8 to J15-P3 (Fuse F26) V GIs on Back Panel (X8) #1 2 ea. #555 Bulb Circuit YEL V 7 ea. #44 Bulb V V 2 ea. #555 Bulb V 2 ea. #44 Bulb V V G V Location: Lower Playfield X7 + Spotlights Above X2 WHT-YEL Playfield Switch Wiring Diagram Note: All Switch, Lamp & Coil assemblies require diodes. Some diodes are located under the playfield on Terminal Strips or Diode Boards and not on the assemblies. D D iode O On T T erminal -orS S trip For Switch(es): 9, 25 & 30 Switch Drive Transistor Source N º : 2N3904 D D iode O On D D iode B B oard COLUMN DRIVE 1 2 3 4 Switch 1 Switch 9 Lt. Button Switch 2 Left VUK Switch 10 4th Coin Slot Switch 3 6th ] Coin Slot Switch 4 ] Future Expansion ] Future Expansion (UK ONLY) D Switch 17 O T S Sword Switch 25 D Switch 33 O T Right Ramp S Mini PF Switch 41 Switch 49 Switch 57 6 Lock High Switch 18 Enter Switch 26 U.L. Switch 34 Top VUK Switch 42 Left Bumper Switch 50 Left Outlane Switch 58 Stand-Up Switch 11 Sword Lock Mid Switch 19 Not Used Switch 27 Mini PF U.R. Switch 35 Inner Loop Switch 43 Right Bumper Switch 51 Left Return Lane Switch 59 4-Ball Trough #1 (Left) Switch 12 Sword Lock Low Switch 20 Not Used Switch 28 Mini PF L.L. Switch 36 Left Top Lane Switch 44 Bottom Bumper Switch 52 Left Slingshot Switch 60 Balrog Hit Switch 29 Mini PF L.R. Switch 37 Middle Top Lane Switch 45 Spinner Switch 53 Right Outlane Switch 61 2 Left Orbit Low D Switch 38 Right Top Lane Switch 46 Spot Ring Switch 54 Right Return Lane Switch 62 4 Left Orbit Hi Switch 39 Top Saucer Switch 47 Start Button Switch 55 Right Slingshot Switch 63 6 Right Coin Slot Switch 5 4-Ball Trough #2 Switch 13 Right Orbit Low Switch 21 Center Coin Slot / DBA Switch 6 4-Ball Trough #3 Switch 14 Right Orbit Hi Switch 22 Palantir Switch 30 Left Coin Slot Switch 7 4-Ball Trough VUK Opto Switch 15 Rail Ramp Exit Switch 23 Right VUK Switch 31 5th ] Coin Slot Switch 8 4-Ball Stacking Opto Switch 16 Right Ramp Target Switch 24 Balrog Open Switch 32 Left Ramp Enter Switch 40 Ring Made Switch 48 Tournament Start Switch 56 Not Used Switch 64 Rt. Button Shooter Lane Right Ramp Made Balrog Closed Left Ramp Made Back Trough Plumb Bob Tilt Not Used (UK ONLY) 5 O T S Playfield Lamp Wiring Diagram 7 8 1 3 5 7 8 Wire & IC Switch Return IC Source N º : LM339AN D D iode O On -orT T erminal S S trip For Lamp(s): N/A D D iode O On D D iode B B oard . ( K ) EEP Lamp 9 Pippin Lamp 17 Boromir Lamp 25 Pippin Arrow Lamp 33 Legoles Arrow Lamp 41 Sec. 5: Playfield ... Gimli Arrow Lamp 49 Aragorn Arrow Lamp 57 ( O ) RC Lamp 65 Shooter Lane #2 Lamp 73 Escape the Ringwraiths . K ( E ) EP Lamp 10 Merry Lamp 18 Mystery Lamp 26 Gift of the Elves Lamp 34 Left Ramp Man Ring Lamp 42 Extra Ball Lamp 50 Right Ramp Man Ring Lamp 58 O(R)C Lamp 66 Shooter Lane #3 Lamp 74 Gandalf vs. Saruman . KE ( E ) P Lamp 11 Sam Lamp 19 Frodo Arrow Lamp 27 Light Extra Ball Lamp 35 Left Ramp Dwarf Ring Lamp 43 Gollum Multiball Lamp 51 Right Ramp Dwarf Ring Lamp 59 OR ( C ) Lamp 67 Shooter Lane #4 Lamp 75 Warg Attack Section 5, Chapter 2 Page 104 . KEE ( P ) Lamp 12 Aragorn Lamp 20 Destroy Ring Lamp 28 Ring Multiball Lamp 36 Left Ramp Elf Ring Lamp 44 Special Lamp 52 Right Ramp Elf Ring Lamp 60 Paths of the Dead U.L. Lamp 68 Shooter Lane #5 Lamp 76 War of the Ents SWITCH RETURN J13-Pin 10 is Power Out for +18v DC to the Display Power Supply Bd at CN1-Pin 6 1 4 Lamp 4 PIN Q1 1 Q2 3 Q3 4 Q4 5 Q5 6 Q6 7 Q7 8 Q8 9 WHT-BRN U400 9 WHT-RED U400 8 WHT-ORG U400 7 WHT-YEL U400 6 WHT-GRN U401 5 WHT-BLU U401 3 WHT-VIO U401 2 WHT-GRY U401 1 ROW RETURN 3 Lamp 3 GRN-BRN GRN-RED GRN-ORG GRN-YEL GRN-BLK GRN-BLU GRN-VIO GRN-GRY CPU/Sound Board N/C 10 2 Lamp 2 CN5 Wire & Transistor PIN CN7 Please Note: Switch & Lamp Descriptions may differ slightly than that of the Dot Display due to space restraints. Note: All Switch, Lamp & Coil assemblies require diodes. Some diodes are located under the playfield on Terminal Strips or Diode Boards and not on the assemblies. Lamp 1 SWITCH DRIVE Lamp 5 The Fellowship of the Ring Lamp 13 Frodo Lamp 21 Mode Start Lamp 29 Big Points Lamp 37 Gandalf Arrow Lamp 45 Merry Arrow Lamp 53 Lock Lamp 61 Paths of the Dead U.R. Lamp 69 Shooter Lane #6 Lamp 77 Battle with Shelob Lamp 6 The Two Towers Lamp 14 Gandalf Lamp 22 Palantir Lamp 30 Light Special Lamp 38 Center Loop Man Ring Lamp 46 Right Orbit Man Ring Lamp 54 Lanes Lamp 62 Paths of the Dead L.L. Lamp 70 Shooter Lane #7 Lamp 78 Destroy the Ring Lamp 7 The Return of the King Lamp 15 Legoles Lamp 23 Palantir Globe Lamp 31 Super Ring Frenzy Lamp 39 Cntr. Loop Dwarf Ring Lamp 47 Rt. Orbit Dwarf Ring Lamp 55 Tower Lamp 63 Paths of the Dead L.R. Lamp 71 Shooter Lane #8 Lamp 79 Tournament Button Lamp 8 . Shoot Again Lamp 16 Gimli Lamp 24 Spot Ring Lamp 32 5 6 7 8 YEL-BRN YEL-RED YEL-ORG YEL-BLK YEL-GRN YEL-BLU YEL-VIO YEL-GRY Lamp 40 Center Loop Elf Ring Lamp 48 Right Orbit Elf Ring Lamp 56 Flipper Lamp 64 Shooter Lane #1 Bot Lamp 72 Shooter Lane #9 Lamp 80 Start Button 10 U17 9 U16 8 U15 7 U14 6 U13 5 U12 4 U11 3 U10 1 Wire & IC PIN LAMP Drive IC DRIVE J13 Source N º : VN02N Lamp I/O Power Driver Board Return COLUMN Lamp DRIVE Transistor Source N º : STP19N06L 2X Scoring BLUE ROW RETURN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LAMP RETURN J12 Wire & Transistor PIN RED-BRN RED-BLK RED-ORG RED-YEL RED-GRN RED-BLU RED-VIO RED-GRY RED-WHT RED From I/O Pwr. Driver Board J16-Pins 9-15 Q33 1 Q34 2 Q35 3 Q36 4 Q37 5 Q38 6 Q39 8 Q40 9 Q41 10 Q42 11 N/C 12 Playfield Wiring Playfield Terminal Strips, Fuses & Misc. Wiring Descriptions & Locations Please Note: Terminal Strip(s), Diode Board(s) and/or Fuse Holder(s) locations shown, represent the general location (your game may differ slightly). Explanation: All Switch, Lamp & Coil assemblies require diodes. Some diodes are located under the playfield on Terminal Strips or Diode Boards and not on the assemblies. The Switch and Lamp Matrix Grids also note which Switch or Lamp has a diode on a Terminal Strip (noted by "DOTS" meaning: "Diode On Terminal Strip") or on a Diode Board (noted by "DODB" meaning: "Diode On Diode Board"). Bottom of Playfield Shown as if leaning up against the Backbox. All fuses are rated: 3A 250v Slo-Blo Do Not Over-Fuse 3A DS LOWER RIGHT FLIPPER FUSE RED BLU-YEL 3A S.B. YEL FU 3A SE S1 1 S1 3 SE S1 Q01 S1 5 4 L08 2 S1 S1 4 5 S1 2 FU S16 LOWER LEFT FLIPPER FUSE RED GRY-YEL 3A S.B. YEL Q15 Q02 Legend: 520-5242-00 DS 4 19-LED PCB Q16 S60 GI GI S59 S = Switch Matrix Number (Below P/F Only) L = Lamp Matrix Number (Below P/F Only) Q = Coil / Flash (see Page 101) DTS / TS = ( Diode ) Terminal Strips (A-E) L64 S62 S57 L05 L65 L07 L06 S58 GI S61 GI Q18 Q17 S59 L66 S62 L01 L04 L09 L02 L17 L10 L03 L16 L11 A LOTR Pinball Switch: 09 LEFT VUK Terminal L67 L15 L12 L14 L13 Strip ORG-BRN WHT-BRN L52 L56 S53 L21 L43 GI L47 L27 GI L71 L26 Q31 ORG-BLU L41 WHT-BLU L25 L35 B L45 L19 WHT-BRN ORG-BRN DTS S25 S29 L40 GI L72 DTS S30 L22 L34 Terminal Strip L39 S20 GI S30 L38 Q25 Q11 S32 Q22 S31 S49 S51 D BLACK ORANGE Q25 Q09 S37 GI Terminal Strip Jumper TS Q25 L37 Terminal Strip C Q05 L33 GI C LOTR Pinball Switch: 25 RIGHT RAMP ENTER Terminal Strip L46 L36 GI L54 LOTR Pinball Switch: 30 RIGHT VUK Terminal Strip L49 L42 L20 B Q25 Q10 —ORG-BLU to GRN-YEL —WHT-BLU D LOTR Pinball Jumper for Flash Q25 Pops X3 Terminal in the Bumpers Strip (1 Flash per Pop) —BLACK NO DIODE REQUIRED (JUMPER) —ORANGE —WHT-BRN —ORG-BRN to GRN-YEL E LOTR Pinball Coil: 07 RIGHT TOWER Terminal Strip —BRN-VIO from BLK lead —YEL-VIO from RED lead GI GI S39 S43 S44 GI GI S50 S45 GI GI E YEL-VIO BRN-VIO Terminal Strip S38 L58 Q09 3A FUSE S41 Q04 GI ( Q7 ) TS Q7 S46 GI Q13 Playfield Wiring L59 ( Q7 ) S41 L57 LOOP DIVERTER FUSE YEL- 3A S.B. GRYVIO YEL Q19 GI See the Pink Pages, Playfield - General Parts & Switches (Below) (Pg. 66) for Terminal Strips, Diodes, Fuses and Fuse Holders Part Numbers. Section 5, Chapter 2 Page 105 Sec. 5: Playfield ... L28 L55 L50 Switch 25 L32 L48 Terminal Strip —WHT-BRN Q7 A L29 S10 —ORG-BRN to GRN-RED L70 L51 L44 Switch 30 L30 L31 Switch 09 L69 L53 Q25 X3 Q20 L24 520-5066 L18 S09 L68 Q21 -00 DTS S09 Q03 2-Flipper Circuit Wiring Diagram GRY-YEL GRY-ORG GRY-RED GRY-BRN OOOOOOOOOOO 1 2 3 4 6 12 DEDICATED SWITCH INPUTS (SWITCH TO GROUND) CN6 CPU-SOUND BOARD (PARTIAL VIEW) LEFT FLIPPER RIGHT FLIPPER IN CABINET DEDICATED SWITCH N.O. IN CABINET DEDICATED SWITCH N.O. DS-1 DS-3 LEFT E.O.S. RIGHT E.O.S. N.C. ON ASSY. DEDICATED SWITCH N.C. ON ASSY. DEDICATED SWITCH Technical Overview DS-2 DS-4 BLK (GROUND) NOTE: N.C. = Normally Closed N.O. = Normally Open OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 The Outside LEFT FLIPPER BUTTON located on the Cabinet operates the Left Flipper. The Outside RIGHT FLIPPER BUTTON located on the Cabinet operates the Right Flipper. 15 11 Q13 POWER OUT J16 Q14 MOS FET STP20N10L Q15 Q16 (PARTIAL VIEW) 10 J10 J9 VOLTAGE OUTPUTS HIGH CURRENT SOLENOIDS 2 1 9 8 1 OOOOOOOOO I/O POWER DRIVER BOARD OOOOOOOOOO 2 RED-YEL 50V DC 2 The 3A 250v Slo-Blo Fuses are located under the playfield NEAR the Flipper Assembly, see previous page for locations. Coil Wrap: YEL-YEL 3A SLO-BLO (Located under Playfield) RED-YEL 50V DC BLU-YEL 22-900 BLU-BLK ORG-GRY ORG-VIO LOWER RIGHT FLIPPER COIL Coil Wrap: YEL-YEL Sec. 5: Playfield ... 3A SLO-BLO (Located under Playfield) RED-YEL 50V DC Section 5, Chapter 2 Page 106 GRY-YEL 22-900 LOWER LEFT FLIPPER COIL Our Flipper System uses one supply voltage (50v DC) for both kick & hold. Once the Game CPU detects a Flipper Cabinet Switch closure (during game play) it applies a 40msec pulse to the gate of the Flipper Drive Transistor (STP20N10L). If it continues to detect a Flipper Cabinet Switch closure (the player holding the button in) it will continue to pulse the flipper drive transistor 1msec every 12msecs for the duration of the hold cycle. The E.O.S. (End-OfStroke) Switch serves the same function as before as it prevents foldback when the player has the flipper energized to capture balls. The E.O.S. Switch is a normally closed switch which opens approximately 1/16" when the flipper is energized. The Game CPU will detect a switch closure if the flipper bat is forced back by a high velocity shot or rebound on the playfield and will apply another 40msec pulse of 50v DC to the coil. Playfield Wiring Section 5 Chapter 3 of 4 Cabinet Wiring 120V / 240V 50 Hz / 60 Hz 1 GRY-WHT 2 2 FOR LOGIC +12/-12V DC TO BRIDGE 3 5 5 WHT 6 TO DOLLAR BILL$ VALIDATOR RF1 GRY-GRN 9 2 3 1 115V AC 5 BLU-WHT 4 BLU-WHT 8 WHT-RED 19V AC 4 9 8 FOR 18V DC CONTROL LAMPS TO BRIDGE 20 13V AC 10 9 16V AC 7 WHT 3 13V AC 6 FOR 20V DC COILS TO BRIDGE 2 7 WHT-RED DOMESTIC CONFIGURATION GRN RED RED BLK-YEL 1F1 275V Domestic = 8A 250V Note: Not All International Games have or require a Service Outlet. Slo-Blo Fuse 15 BLK-ORG WHT-GRN JUMPERS FOR VOLTAGE VARIATION WHT 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 88V AC 2 WHT 1 1 BLK-RED 1 48V AC 12 100V AC 2 1F/M3 J14 1 1 3 3 YEL 2 115 VOLTS DISPLAY POWER SUPPLY BOARD 3 8 <<< CONFIGURATON FOR DOMESTIC 115V <<< 2 FOR GENERAL ILLUMINATION (G.I.'s) EXPORT/ HIGH LINE VOLTAGE 230/218/206 VOLTS 1F1= 5A 250V SLO BLO 1V1= 275V VARISTOR BLK WHT <<< <<< 5.7V AC CONFIGURATION OF 220V OR LOWER LINE VOLTAGES FOR INTERNATIONAL USE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 YEL-WHT 1 2 3 BLK 1 2 3 WHT 4 5 6 WHT 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 206 VOLTS 4 4 5 5 6 6 1F/M4 BLU 230 VOLTS BLK BLU BLK BALLAST 1F1= 8A SLO BLO 1V1= 130V VARISTOR STARTER FLUOR. FS2 LIGHT SPI N1: 165-5011-01 SPI N1: 010-5015-00 BLK <<< BLK-WHT 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <<< 100/105 VOLTS Cabinet Wiring LOCATED IN THE BACKBOX WHT SP2/K 5/8" Core 120V 50/60Hz 13W (UL) 1 ONLY ON COIN DOOR 120V AC 218 VOLTS CONFIGURATON FOR BLK JAPAN or WHT LOW LINE VOLTAGE FOR 50V DC COILS TO BRIDGE 1 CN1 5A 250V Slo-Blo Fuse BLK 1 24V AC HOT (L)oad Int'l. = BRN 220V AC Domestic = BLK 115V AC International = 3 24V AC YEL-BLK SERVICE OUTLET (Domestic / International) 130V International = 4 48V AC 11 GRN (to (E)arth Ground) Domestic = FOR +5V DC LOGIC TO BRIDGE 21 J11 LINE CORD 1V1 VARISTER 1 8V AC 14 (N)eutral 7 8V AC 13 GROUND Domestic = WHT 115V AC Int'l. = BLU 220V AC 16V AC 6 FLUORESCENT TUBE RED (F20T12CW) SPI N1: 165-5031-02 WHT Section 5, Chapter 3 Page 107 Sec. 5: Cabinet ... I/0 J17 19V AC 3 TO I/O POWER DRIVER BOARD LINE FILTER GRY TO I/O POWER DRIVER BOARD BLK BLK 1F/M2 1T1 1F/M1 ON/OFF FLUORESCENT TUBE, STARTER & BALLAST IN THE BACKBOX Transformer Power Wiring Diagram Cabinet / Coin Door Wiring Diagram PLUMB BOB TILT CPU/SND BD. q CN7 q 1 SW RETURN 7 2 WHT-GRY N.O. TOURNIE BUTTON from CPU CN7 Pin: N.O. WHT-VIO 3 REDBLK BLKRED BACKBOX LEFT SPEAKER (SP2) RED-BLK 5th Coin Slot Future Use WHT-VIO 2 4 REDWHT 3 SW RETURN 6 N.O. WHT-BLU 3 CPU/SND BD. WHT-BLU Left Coin Slot WHT-GRN U.S. Bill Acceptor Center Coin Slot q CN4 q YEL-BLK 6 5 6 SW RETURN 4 SW RETURN 3 7 SW RETURN 2 8 WHT-GRN 5 WHT-YEL WHT-RED q CN5 q SW DRIVE 7 8 SW DRIVE 1 1 WHT-RED 8 GRN-VIO TO COIN METER J16-7 +5V DC I/O DRVR BD 22 RED J7-10 Q24 I/O DRVR BD 78 VIO-GRY All Above Switches Normally Open (N.O.) from CPU CN5 Pin: CPU/SND BD. 6th Coin Slot Future Use 4th Coin Slot European Use WHT-ORG 7 8 GRN-BRN from CN5-P1 (Sw. Drive 1) FOR THE PRINTER SUB-ASSEMBLY GROUND 00 BLK q CN7 q BLK CPU/SND BD. N.O. GRY-BLU 8 BLK BEGIN TEST / ENTER: BLACK BUTTON SERVICE CREDITS / RT.: GREEN BUTTON VOLUME / LEFT: RED BUTTON N.O. N.O. GRY-GRN 7 DEDICATED SWITCHES G.I. 5.7V AC 3 WHT-GRN YEL-WHT GRN YEL 8 G.I. LAMPS on COIN DOOR p J15 p I/O PWR DRVR BD. COIL POWER INTERLOCK SWITCH FOR USA 2 SLOT COIN DOOR ONLY I/O PWR DRVR BD. Normally Open - 1 q J17 q RED-WHT 16V AC 7 N.O. TRANSFORMER Common - 1 WHT-RED 16V AC Normally Open - 2 BLK-YEL 48V AC 50v DC COILS (XFRMR) AMP CONNECTOR TO $ BILL ACCEPTOR (DBA) BLK 4 WHT 6 I/O PWR DRVR BD. q J11 q 3 (AC) DIODE 7 GRN-BRN 8 q J13 q YEL-VIO YEL-GRY 5 p CN5 p (XFRMR) 3 1 -----------------------------------------------------------UK ONLY: 2 Extra Cabinet Buttons for the Post Save™Feature are used. The Left Button operates the Left Outlane Ball Deflector. The Right Button operates the Right Outlane Ball Deflector. Both buttons pushed together operate the Center Up/Down Post. Both buttons are located under the Flipper Buttons. ------------------------------------------------------------ UK ONLY WHT-BRN N.O. 9 1 p CN7 p N.O. CPU/SND BD. p CN7 p CPU/SND BD. SW DRV 1 TRANSFORMER Common - 2 BLK-YEL 48V AC 1 WHT-GRN 9 3 I/O PWR DRVR BD. WHT-GRY 1N4001 DIODE SPI PART No. 112-5001-00 2 p J12 p Lamp 79 Tournie 115V AC LINE VOLTAGE (AC) 1 START / TOURNIE BUTTON LAMPS Lamp Lamp 80 80 Tournie Start RED-XXX 11 GRY-BRN 2 N.O. 20v DC COILS J16-7 +5V DC I/O DRVR BD 22 RED J16-3 +12V DC I/O DRVR BD 82 GRY-RED GRY-ORG 4 LEFT FLIPPER BUTTON PORTALS SERVICE BUTTONS GRY-VIO 9 GRY-BLU 8 TM GRY-BLK 10 GRY-VIO 9 RIGHT FLIPPER BUTTON from CPU CN6 Pin: N.O. GRY-BLK 10 BLK Memory Protect Switch BLK-RED 12 3 GRN BLK q CN6 q 2 GRN-BRN BLK BLK 1 N/C 1 CPU/SND BD. 10 YEL-WHT Right Coin Slot WHT-YEL 6 WHT-ORG CABINET BOT. SPEAKER (SP3) 7 LEFT BUTTON SW RETURN 5 BACKBOX RT. SPEAKER (SP2) REDBLK START BUTTON RIGHT BUTTON SW RETURN 8 q CN4 q COIN DOOR CONNECTOR N.O. MONO SPEAKERS X3 CPU/SND BD. CPU/SND BOARD q CN5 q GRN-BRN 1 SW RET 5 PRINTER INTERFACE OPTIONAL FOR USE ONLY IN CPU/SND BD. SENTINEL COIN DOOR q CN7 q Sec. 5: Cabinet ... CN3 CN2 +12V DC 1 CPU/SND BOARD IN 1 2 CN1 q CN7 q KEY 3 3 WHT-BLU 7 SW RET 6 IN 2 4 WHT-GRN 5 IN 3 5 6 SW RET 5 6 WHT-YEL 5 SW RET 4 N/U 6 BLK 2 GND 10 IN 4 7 N/U 8 GRN-BRN 1 4 SW DRV 1 +12V DC 9 p J5 p GND 10 CPU/SND SW 1 11 KEY 3 BRN SW 2 12 1 20V DC 1 SENTINEL SW 3 13 p J7 p 14 N/U INTERFACE I/O PWR BOARD SW 4 15 DRVR BD. 520-5037-01 Section 5, Chapter 3 Page 108 2 8 N/U 1 N/U 2 N/U 3 KEY 4 WHT-RED SW RET 2 5 TO SENTINEL COIN MECH.: WIRING CONFIGURATION WILL VARY ACCORDING TO COUNTRY 1 N.C. KEY WHT-ORG 3 WHT-VIO 4 WHT-RED 5 RED WHT-BLU KEY WHT-GRN WHT-YEL N/U WHT-RED N/U RED WHT GRY-YEL GRY-GRN GRY-BLU N/U GRY-VIO p CN1 p 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 Connection Notes: 8 p CN7 p CPU/SND BD. C120 INT. BD. q CN2 q 7 Cable Wiring Harness SPI Part N1: 036-5408-00 RS-232 Printer Interface Board SPI Part N1: 520-5069-00 FOR C120 INTERFACE BOARD WHT-YEL WHT-GRN WHT-BLU GRN-BRN KEY q CN7 q DATA LINES P1P9 3 I/O DRVR BD J3-9: PRNTR CLK I/O PWR DRVR BD. 1 I/O DRVR BD J2-10: PRNTR ENABLE 5 CPU/SND BD. BRN 20V DC CN1 I/O DRVR BD J16-3: +12V DC I/O DRVR BD J3-10: PRNTR CNT 6 p CN5 p BLK (GND) PRINTER BOARD 1 I/O DRVR BD J3-1: PRNTR BUSY p J7 p I/O DRVR BD J16-7: +5V DC COIN DOOR CPU BD CN7-10: GND I/O PWR DRVR BD. p J2 p ORG-BRN ORG-RED ORG-BLK KEY ORG-YEL ORG-GRN ORG-BLU ORG-VIO ORG-GRY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CN2 GRY-RED KEY GRN-WHT BRN-WHT ORG-WHT N/C BRN N/C RED BLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Cabinet Wiring Section 5 Chapter 4 of 4 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) Tr o u g h U p - K i c k e r D u a l O P T O B o a r d s T h e o r y o f O p e r a t i o n & S c h e m a t i c As light from the Transmitter LED1 falls on the Receiver LED1, it generates a Positive Bias Voltage (0.7v to 1.5v) which is applied to the Gate (G) of Q1 (Fet 2N5460) turning Q1 off. When Q1 is held off, no current flows through Q2's (2N3906) Base (B). With no base current, Q2 is off and acts as an OPEN SWITCH. When the light is interrupted (BLOCKED) R1 (Rec. Bd.) bleeds the gate voltage off of Q1 allowing it to conduct, switching Q2 on, which acts as a CLOSED SWITCH. The LED2 (Trans/Rec) Circuit operates identical as the LED1 Circuit. +5v B PTeo isntt CN1 RED CN1 1 WHT/XXX 2 LED 1 R1 TLRH180P 180 W R1 10M W R2 4.7K W G Q1 2N5460 R3 10K W LED 1 TLRH180P A PTeo isntt B PTeo isntt B D S (Switch Row/ Return +) E Q2 2N3906 C G=Gate D=Drain S=Source B=Base E=Emitter C=Collector 3 WHT/XXX R2 180 W LED 2 TLRH180P R4 10M W LED 2 BLK Q3 2N5460 R6 10K W 1 520-5173-00 Transmitter GND 4.7K W G TLRH180P 520-5174-00 Receiver (Switch Row/ Return +) R5 B D S E Q4 2N3906 C 2 GRN/XXX A PTeo isntt (Switch Col/ Drive -) = Emitting Light Tr o u g h U p - K i c k e r D u a l O P T O B o a r d s C o m p o n e n t La y o u t & Pa r t s Boards Actual Size 520-5173-00 (TRANS) 520-5174-00 (REC) (Screened Text Printed Larger for Clarity) 00-4715-025 CER 105 Back Side (Solder / Surface Mounts) Front Side (LEDs & 3-Pin Connector) 1B1 ITEM QTY PART NUMBER REF-DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION A — 01 02 03 04 05 B — 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 515-0173-00 520-5173-00 045-5111-02 165-5052-00 121-5067-00 530-5308-02 545-5518-00 515-0174-00 520-5174-00 045-5111-03 165-5052-00 110-5006-00 110-0086-00 121-5082-00 121-5083-00 121-5011-00 530-5308-02 545-5518-00 Dual-OPTO Trans. Bd. Assy. Dual-OPTO Trans. Board CN1 LED1, LED2 R1, R2 n/a n/a Dual-OPTO Rec. Bd. Assy. Dual-OPTO Rec. Board CN1 LED 1, LED 2 Q1, Q3 Q2, Q4 R1, R4 R2, R5 R3, R6 n/a n/a PCB Assy. (with all Items 1-5) PCB Assy. (with Items 1-3 only) 2X, .156" Rt. Angle (26-60-5020) Conn. LED TLRH180P (Ultra Bright Red) 180 W 1/8W Chip Res. (CRCW) OPTO PCB Brass Tube Spacer OPTO PCB Rubber Grommet PCB Assy. (with all Items 1-9) PCB Assy. (with Items 1-7 only) 3X, .156" Rt. Angle (26-60-5030) Conn. LED TLRH180P (Ultra Bright Red) 2N5460, Transistor (P-FET SOT-23) 2N3906, Transistor 10M W 1/8W Chip Res. (CRCW) 4.7K W 1/8W Chip Res. (CRCW) 10K W 1/8W Chip Res. (CRCW) OPTO PCB Brass Tube Spacer OPTO PCB Rubber Grommet Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) Replacement Part: LED TLRH180P (T1-3/4 GaAIAs) SPI Part N1: 165-5052-00 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 109 Sec. 5: PCBs 2A 7 105 103 MGE3 MGE3 2A 7 Back Side (Solder / Surface Mounts) 562 Q4 562 1B1 Front Side (LEDs & 2-Pin Connector) 103 00-3715-025 SNART 23727URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 9ROW0H WH U7HVW LQGLF DWH VQRUPDORSHUDWLQJF RQGLWLRQ A. OPEN OPTO (Light Falling on LED) = SWITCH OPEN. Place meter leads across points A and B on the LED1 Circuit (Refer to Schematic Drawing on previous page, 520-5174-00 Receiver Side). It should read approximately 0.8 - 1.2v DC. The LED2 Circuit operates the same. B. CLOSED OPTO (Light Blocked) = SWITCH CLOSED. Place meter leads across points A and B on the LED1 Circuit (Refer to Schematic Drawing on previous page, 520-5174-00 Receiver Side). It should read approximately 0.0 - 0.1v DC. The LED2 Circuit operates the same. 2VF LOORVF RSH7H VW LQGLFDWHVQRUPDORSH UDWLQJFRQGLWLRQ )LJ$ A. OPEN OPTO (Light Falling on LED) = SWITCH OPEN. Place Scope lead at Pin-1 of OPTO Rec. Board with Scope Grounded (see Schematic). The Scope should display a STEADY +5v as shown in Fig. A, Wave Form Diagram. )LJ% B. CLOSED OPTO (Light Blocked) = SWITCH CLOSED. Place Scope lead at Pin-1 of OPTO Rec. Board with Scope Grounded (see Schematic). The Scope should display a PULSE STREAM indicating Q2 has switched "On" as shown in Fig. B, Wave Form Diagram. This is your Switch Drive Pulse. %HQFK 7HVW 6HH)LJ& Please Note: To perform this test you must use a spare 560: Pull-Up Resistor, SPI Nº: 121-5047-00 )LJ& Disconnect the OPTO Transmitter / Receiver Board from the circuit. Connect one side of a 560: Pull-Up Resistor to Pin-1 of the OPTO Receiver Bd. and the other side of the resistor to a 5v DC source. Connect Pin-2 to GND. Connect a +5v DC source to Pin-1 of the Transmitter & GND to Pin-2. Align with the Receiver OPTO approx. 3" distance. Using your Volt-Meter or an Oscilloscope, monitor Pin-1 while BLOCKING and UNBLOCKING the BEAM from the Trans. The output will be approx. +5v DC when the BEAM IS NOT BLOCKED and approx. v when the BEAM IS BLOCKED. 7URXJK'XDO2372%RDUGV$OLJQPHQW7HVWIRU/(' When a working OPTO is installed and connected in a game, the transmitter should light (LED1 lower & LED2 upper) when the power is switched on. With the playfield in Service Position #1 (playfield lifted up in the half-way position resting on the Prop Rod or edge slide support brackets) and the game on, the LED lights should show up as a BRIGHT RED RINGS through the back of the Receiver Board around the Receivers LED1 & LED2 (See Fig. 1). Testing only LED1: With the game in Switch Test Mode, lifting the Trough Plunger with a fingertip should block the BEAM and cause the Switch Position to trigger (See Fig. 2). View Fig. 2a & 2b (on the next page) for a sectional view of the Light Path (note alignment) and what happens as a ball breaks the light beam. )LJ 6HF3&%V 5HFHLYHU %RDUG )LJ %5,*+7 5(' 5,1* 3OXQJHU EORFNV %($0 3OXQJHU 9LHZIDFLQJWURX JK ZLWKSOD\ ILHOGLQ6HU YLFH 3RVLWLRQ 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH /LI W SOXQJHU WRF KH FN VZLWFK DV VKRZQ 3ULQWHG&LUFXLW %RDUGV 3&%V 6HFWLRQDOYLHZIURPULJKW )LJD E 5HF 6LGH )LJD )LJE 7UDQV 6LGH /LJKW 3DWK 3LQEDOO (Note alignment) 7URXJK'XDO2372%RDUGV$OLJQPHQW7HVWIRU/(' When a working OPTO is installed and connected in a game, the transmitter should light (LED1 lower & LED2 upper) when the power is switched on. With the playfield in Service Position #1 (playfield lifted up in the half-way position resting on the Prop Rod or edge slide support brackets) and the game on, the LED lights should show up as a BRIGHT RED RINGS through the back of the Receiver Board around the Receivers LED1 & LED2 (See Fig. 1, previous page). Testing only LED2: TO PERFORM THIS TEST, A PINBALL MUST BE IN THE BALL TROUGH. With the game in Switch Test Mode, lifting the Trough Plunger with a finger tip should block the BEAM on LED2 and cause the Switch Position to trigger (See Fig. 3). View Fig. 3a & 3b for a sectional view of the Light Path (note alignment) and what happens as a "double-stacked" ball scenario breaks the light beam. )LJ )LJD )LJE 5HF 6LGH 7UDQV 6LGH 3LQEDOO /LJKW 3DWK 3OXQJHU EORFNV %($0 /LI W SOXQJHU WRF KH FN VZLWFK DV VKRZQ , (Note alignment) 0 3 2 5 7 $ 1 7 6HF3&%V If replacement of LED is required, insure that is mounted correctly before and after soldering (See Fig. 4a / 4b). )LJD &RUUHFW3RVLWLRQ 3ULQWHG&LUFXLW %RDUGV 3&%V )LJE ,QFRUUHFW3RVLWLRQ 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH Dot Matrix Display / Display Controller Bd. Combined Display Connections BUSY STAT 3 CN3-Pin 25 STAT 2 STAT 1 STAT Ø NOT USED RESET STROBE DATA 7 DATA 6 DATA 5 DATA 4 RIBBON CABLE DATA 3 DATA 2 J1 DATA 1 DATA Ø SWITCH 8 SWITCH 7 SWITCH 6 SWITCH 5 SWITCH 4 SWITCH 3 SWITCH 2 SWITCH 1 CN3-Pin 2 NOT USED NOT USED CN3-Pin 1 CN3-Pin 26 NOT USED NOT USED CN1-Pin 13 GROUND SER. DATA GROUND PIX CLOCK R I B B O N C A B L E GROUND COL. LATCH J2 GROUND ROW CLOCK GROUND ROW DATA CN1-Pin 2 GROUND DISPLAY ENABLE CN1-Pin 1 CN1-Pin 14 NOT USED NOT USED P2-Pin 13 GROUND SER. DATA GROUND PIX CLOCK R I B B O N C A B L E GROUND COL. LATCH P2 GROUND ROW CLOCK GROUND ROW DATA P2-Pin 2 GROUND DISPLAY ENABLE P2-Pin 1 P2-Pin 14 Sec. 5: PCBs VIO-YEL BLU RED BLK YEL — GRY-YEL YEL-BLK 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 112 +68v DC +12v DC +5v DC GND GND KEY -98v DC -110v DC P1 520-5055-03 J3 Dot Matrix Display Explained The display utilizes a MicroProcessor Control Board mounted in piggyback fashion to the Dot Matrix Display (128 X 32) Driver Board. The purpose behind this board is to provide more information to the operator as well as displaying graphics to the player. 520-5052-00 GND KEY +5 VDC Display Controller Board 3 2 1 Dot Matrix Display Board BLK — RED The board is controlled by a 6809E Micro processor and its personality ROM (Unique to the Game). It receives Data, Reset & Clock Information from the CPU/Sound Board via the ribbon cable and sends back multiple Status and Busy Signals to the CPU. This is to insure synchronized communication between the CPU and the Display Controller Board. The Drivers for the rows and columns are provided on 5 surface mounted integrated circuits on the Dot Matrix Display Driver Board. Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) D i s p l a y Po w e r S u p p l y B o a r d S c h e m a t i c 1 CN2 -120V 8PKK156C 2 CN2 -100V 8PKK156C 3 KEY 4 CN2 C7 5 CN2 R1 130 W 5W D1 1N4004 88V AC + CN1 1 GND CN1 3 7PKK156E KEY 5 +20V 0.75A S.B. CN1 4 7PKK156E CN1 6 CN1 7 .. Q1 +5V R2 7 CN2 +12V 8PKK156C 8 CN2 Q5 MPSA92 C3 D5 1N4760A 68V GND + D2 1N4004 +5V 1N4764A 100V 47K W 1W C2 .. Q2 220 uF 200V +20V D6 R3 GND 7PKK156E +5V 6 CN2 0.1 uF 500V R6 330K W 1/2W R8 +60V 8PKK156C MJE15030 2K W 5W F1 7PKK156E XFRMR _GND GND 8PKK156C GND +5V +12V MJE15030 1.5K W 1/2W 47K W 1W CN1 2 0.1 uF 500V 8PKK156C C1 7PKK156E 110V AC Q3 R4 D3 1N5228 3.9V 220 uF 200V GND GND 8PKK156C MPSA42 D4 1N5228 3.9V R5 1.5K W 1/2W C4 0.1 uF 500V R10 R7 330K W 1/2W 1.5K W 1/2W GND D7 1N4743 13V .. Q4 MJE15031 7PKK156E D i s p l a y Po w e r S u p p l y B o a r d C o m p o n e n t La y o u t & Pa r t s ® Actual Board Size 5” X 3.3” QTY PART NUMBER REF-DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION — 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 0 520-5138-00 125-5044-00 125-5035-00 125-5003-00 045-5015-07 045-5015-08 112-5003-00 112-0053-00 112-0062-00 112-0049-00A 112-0061-00 200-5000-17 205-0004-00 110-0100-00 110-0082-00 110-0101-00 535-5000-11 240-5008-00 237-5501-00 110-0103-00 121-5061-00 121-5060-00 121-5038-00 121-5059-00 121-5062-00 124-5003-00 Display Power Supply Board C1, C2 C3, C4, C7 (C5, C6: NS) CN1 CN2 D1, D2 D3, D4 D5 D6 D7 F1 F1 Q1 Q2 Q3, Q5 Q3, Q4 Q3, Q4 Q3, Q4 Q4 R1 R2, R3 R4, R5, R10 R6, R7 R8 (VR1: NS) Complete PCB Assembly 220uF, 200v, Radial Lytic Cap. 0.1uF, 500v, Ceramic Disk Cap. 22uF, 35v, Rad Lytic Cap 7PKK156E (PIN5=KEY) 8PKK156 (PIN3=KEY) 1N4004, Diode 1N5228, 3.9v, Diode 1N4760A, 68v, Diode 1N4764A, 100v, Diode 1N4743, 13v, Diode 3/4A (0.75A) S.B. Fuse Fuse Clip MPSA92, Transistor MPSA42, Transistor MJE15030, Transistor Heatsinks - AAVID #563002 #6-32 KEPS Nut #6-32 X 3/8" PPH Screw MJE15031, Transistor 130 W 5W Res. 47K W 1W Res. 1.5K W 1/2W Res. (R9: NS) 330K W 1/2W Res. 2K W 5W Res. 7812CT Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) (NS = Not Stuffed) Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 113 Sec. 5: PCBs ITEM Display Controller Board Schematic 3 4 J1 U2 U1-A D J5 U1-C U1-D J3-1 J3-2 J3-3 C U4 B U9 J2 U1-F J4-1 Sec. 5: PCBs A U10 U1-E J4-2 J4-3 J4-4 J4-5 J4-6 4 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 114 3 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) Display Controller Board Schematic 2 1 U8 U3 D U7 C U6 U5 U1-B A U11 Schematic Set ® Sheet 1 of 1 SIZE REV. E D SPI Display Controller Board SPI Part Nº: 520-5055-03 JUNE 2001 Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: 237-0255-00 Dated: 06/17/01 Non-Text Document 2 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 1 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 115 Sec. 5: PCBs B D i s p l a y C o n t r o l l e r B o a r d C o m p o n e n t La y o u t & Pa r t s 09AD7YK 74HCT245D RESET C49 R13 R29 R27 R25 R23 R9 C53 R17 C34 C41 C22 1 C33 J4 C40 XILINX® C35 C39 + C21 C36 C25 C24 C26 + + C47 U5 C50 R5 + L1 C46 U5 RSN1 J5 C37 R8 11AJ L52B Actual Board Size 20.5cm X 12.5cm U11 R20 R11 U6 27C040 DISP. CNTRLR. C27 C44 R21 U4 C38 C31 C29 C20 C30 U7 C43 C32 U1 08A51XX 74HCT04D XC9572XL™ TQ100AEN0101 F1168339A 7C C28 C19 R12 R28 R26 R24 R22 U2 EF68B09EP 6 U3 02C5RVK 74LS245DW C48 U10 + J1 C23 U3 R19 C51 FB2 C45 WB2060034 (ST) PHILIPPINES R10 R1 R2 R18 03FC59K 74HCT273D U9 R6 R16 C12 C11 C10 C9 C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 C18 C17 C16 C15 C14 C13 J2 SAMSUNG 046A K6T0808C1D-GB55 U8 C52 R15 R14 C42 R7 FB1 R4 R3 1 4MB 6 J3 ROM1 ROM0 Sec. 5: PCBs ITEM QTY PART NUMBER REF-DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION (NS = Not Stuffed) — 01 02 03 04 05 06 1 1 1 1 1 7 20 520-5055-03 045-5015-26 045-5015-02 045-5015-03 045125125- 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1252 12521 125-5015-00 2 1 165-5099-00 1214 1 n/a 1212 1211 1215 1219 1211 1212 1211 1213 1001 1001 1 100-0189-01 1 100-5044-00 2 (See Pg. DR. u Table) 1001 1 100-5045-00 1001 1001 1401 2 n/a 0 Display Controller Bd. (FCC FEB98) Rev. E June 2001 Complete PCB Assembly J1 13-Pin, Dual row .1" Hdr. Conn HDR2X13 J2 7-Pin, Dual Row .1" Hdr. Conn HDR2X7 J3 3-Pin, PKK156B Connector J4 6-Pin (6P100) C35-C39, C40, C41 SMT 0.01uF, 50v Cap. 103-0805-X7R C21, C24, C28-C32, C33, C34, C42, C43, C44, C45, C46 SMT 0.1uF, 50v Cap. 104-0805 C47, C48, C49, C50, C53 (C51: NS) C26, C27 SMT 0.22uF, 50v Cap. 224-1206-Z5U C1-C12, C13-C18, C20, C23, C52 SMT 470pF, 50v Cap. 471-0805 C19, C25 100uF, 25v TCap. L1 LED T1-3/4 DIFFUSER RED R16-R18 (R19: NS) 0 W 1/10W Resistor 0805 DO NOT STUFF RESET R11, R13 SMT 1K W 1/10W Resistor 0805 R8 SMT 1M W 1/10W Resistor 0805 R1, R2, R3, R7 (R6: NS) SMT 10K W 1/10W Resistor 0805 R21, R22-R29 SMT 33 W 1/10W Resistor 0805 R20 SMT 100 W 1/10W Resistor 0805 R9, R15 SMT 100K W 1/10W Resistor 0805 R5 SMT 180 W 1/10W Resistor 0805 R10, R12, R14 SMT 220 W 1/10W Resistor 0805 U1 74HCT04D (74LS04) U2 74LS245DW U3 (40-Pin Socket, 077-X) MC6809E U4 XC9572XL, Int. Xilinx® U5 (ROM0) (U6: NS) (32-Pin, IC Dip Socket, 077-5217-00) 4MB ROM 27C040 (M27C401-100) U7 74HCT273D U8 K6T0808C1D-GB55, Int. Samsung 046A U9 74HCT245D U11 LM3940IMP-3.3 RSN1 8MHZRSN (8Mhz) Crystal FB1, FB2 Ferrite Bead, FB0370 FID1-3 FIDTP50M If a part is required where a part number is not provided, call Technical Support (see back of cover). Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 116 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) ,23RZHU'ULYHU%RDUG7KHRU \RI25HUD9LRQ 5v Supply: An AC voltage of approximately 9v comes into the board at [J17-(1-4)] this AC voltage is then full-wave rectified by bridge BRDG 21 and filtered by Capacitor C203. The resulting voltage is 11v DC which is inserted into a linear voltage regulator for the output of 5v DC. This 5v regulated voltage can be adjusted by potentiometer R116 the voltage should be set to 5.00v. Besides powering the I/O Board the regulated 5 volts supplies power to the CPU / Sound Board, Gas Plasma (Dot Matrix) Display and Plasma (Display) Controller Board. Power for these devices comes off the I/O Board on [J16-(4-8)]. +5v, +20v, +50v, +18v, & +12v LED Indicators: These DC voltages are derived on the I/O Board by rectification and filtering. Each has a LED indicating that power is being supplied to each of these voltage sources. The -12v supply comes from the same transformer winding as the +12v thus it does not have a LED indicator. ** Note that the +50v & +20v power sources are turned off by the Interlock Switches when the Coin Door is OPEN. /(' 6833/< 92/7$*( / / Y / Y / Y / Y Reset Circuitry: The I/O will reset in three (3) cases: 1. The CPU is in reset. The CPU’s reset signal is fed into the I/O through connector J1 and forces the I/O into reset. 2. The 5v supply has fallen below 4.75v. 3. The watchdog is not being fed by the scanning of the light matrix. More specifically Pin-19 of U6 must be toggling once every 50ms to prevent the watchdog from resetting. The scanning of the light matrix is controlled by the CPU through J1. LED L204 shows the reset state of the I/O Board. If this LED is not lit either the 5v DC is below 4.75v or the CPU/Sound Board is holding the I/O in reset. If the LED is flashing this means that the watchdog is not being feed by the CPU/Sound Board and the I/O is oscillating into and out of reset. If the LED is continuously on the board is out of reset and communication from the CPU to the lamp matrix is confirmed. Testpoint Blanking is the actual reset signal on the I/O Board. A low voltage indicates that it is in reset this will turn off all Solenoid (Coil) Drivers, Flash Lamps, Lamp Matrix Drivers, Auxiliary Outputs and Flipper Outputs. A high voltage indicates that it is out of reset and normal operation can take place. Address Decoding: All Address decoding is done by two 74LS138’s (U204 & U205) (3 of 8 decoder). Both of these must be in operation for the I/O Board to function properly. Solenoid (Coil) Drivers & Flash Lamps: J8 & J9 are high side drivers for driving solenoids and other heavy loads. Each connector has its own buffer driving 8 drivers. J8 & J9 consist of MOSFET Drivers 20N10L which can easily & safely be tested by clipping one end of a clip-lead to test point FET TPL1 and then the other to the corresponding gate resistor R1-R16 (see Note 1). This will apply 3.4v to the gate of the MOSFET Transistor thus switching it on. J7 & J6 each are a bank of 8 low side driver for driving lamps or other lower current solenoids (coils). They use a Bipolar Power Transistor TIP122 which can also be tested by using TEST POINT TIP TPL3 and the corresponding resistors R17-R32* (see Note 1). Note 1 x Clip on the resistor side with the white stripe. xx R1 controls Q1, R2 controls Q2, et cetera... Lamp Matrix: J12 has 10 low side drivers for the lamp strobes which consist of 19N06L MOSFETS. Only one lamp strobe should be low at any time. Again the scanning of the lamp strobes keeps the I/O from resetting. J13 has 8 high side drivers with each having a status indicator. All the status indicators are logically ’OR’ed together and fed back to the CPU/Sound Board. The status can identify open loads (for example open lamp filaments or intermittent connections) and short circuits. These drivers are also short-circuit protected. General Illumination (G.I.) Lights: J15 has 6v AC switched on & off by a relay on the I/O Board. The relay is controlled by Q200 which supplies power to the 24v coil winding to activate the relay. There are 4 taps on J15 each fused at 5A for this 6v AC source. 3ULQ9HG&LUF:L9 %RDUGV 3&%V 6HF9LRQ&KD59HU 3DJH 6HF3&%V Auxiliary In & Out: J2-8 CMOS Outputs sometimes used for a printer interface. J3-8 CMOS Inputs general purpose inputs. I / O Po w e r D r i v e r B o a r d S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 1 o f 5 ) 4 3 D C B Sec. 5: PCBs A NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 MICROFARADS ( mF ) BYPASS CAPACITOR ON ALL IC’S. 4 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 118 3 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) I / O Po w e r D r i v e r B o a r d S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 1 o f 5 ) 2 1 The above circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid D C A Schematic Set ® Sheet 1 of 5 SIZE REV. E D SPI I/O Power Driver Board SPI Part Nº: 520-5137-01 Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: 237-0161-00 Dated: 09/05/97 2 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 1 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 119 Sec. 5: PCBs B I / O Po w e r D r i v e r B o a r d S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 2 o f 5 ) 4 3 D C B Sec. 5: PCBs A The above circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid 4 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 120 3 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) I / O Po w e r D r i v e r B o a r d S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 2 o f 5 ) 2 1 NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 MICROFARADS ( mF ) BYPASS CAPACITOR ON ALL IC’S. D C A Schematic Set ® Sheet 2 of 5 SIZE REV. E D SPI I/O Power Driver Board SPI Part Nº: 520-5137-01 Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: 237-0161-00 Dated: 09/05/97 2 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 1 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 121 Sec. 5: PCBs B I / O Po w e r D r i v e r B o a r d S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 3 o f 5 ) 4 3 D C The below circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid B Sec. 5: PCBs A 4 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 122 3 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) I / O Po w e r D r i v e r B o a r d S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 3 o f 5 ) 2 NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 MICROFARADS ( mF ) BYPASS CAPACITOR ON ALL IC’S. 1 JAN 2001 Cut trace on solder side at Aux. Out Port J2-PIN1 thru J2-PIN3 & TS J2-PIN5 thru J2-PIN9; Soldered Resistor 100W 1/4W 5% (SPI N1: 121-5007-00). This Modification (highlighted below at J2 with a dotted-line box) was accomplished on boards produced after Jan. 1, 2001. This board is backwards compatible for the White Star™ Board System. JET Resistor 100W D C A Schematic Set ® Sheet 3 of 5 SIZE REV. E D SPI I/O Power Driver Board SPI Part Nº: 520-5137-01 Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: 237-0161-00 Dated: 09/05/97 2 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 1 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 123 Sec. 5: PCBs B I / O Po w e r D r i v e r B o a r d S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 4 o f 5 ) 4 3 D The below circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid C The above circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid B Sec. 5: PCBs A 4 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 124 3 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) I / O Po w e r D r i v e r B o a r d S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 4 o f 5 ) 2 1 05-25-99 CUT PIN-3 TO GND ON U210 (4-3D) NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 MICROFARADS ( mF ) BYPASS CAPACITOR ON ALL IC’S. D The above circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid The below circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid C A Schematic Set ® Sheet 4 of 5 SIZE REV. E D SPI I/O Power Driver Board SPI Part Nº: 520-5137-01 Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: 237-0161-00 Dated: 09/05/97 2 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 1 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 125 Sec. 5: PCBs B I / O Po w e r D r i v e r B o a r d S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 5 o f 5 ) 4 3 D C The above circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid B Sec. 5: PCBs A 4 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 126 3 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) I / O Po w e r D r i v e r B o a r d S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 5 o f 5 ) 2 1 D C F20 ~ This Game Only: Substitution of 3A for 4A! NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 MICROFARADS ( mF ) BYPASS CAPACITOR ON ALL IC’S. A Schematic Set ® Sheet 5 of 5 SIZE REV. E D SPI I/O Power Driver Board SPI Part Nº: 520-5137-01 Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: 237-0161-00 Dated: 09/05/97 2 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 1 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 127 Sec. 5: PCBs B I / O Po w e r D r i v e r B o a r d C o m p o n e n t La y o u t Test Points: LED TEST • ¬TIP TPL3 ¬BLANKING ¬L204 LED • • TEST TEST • TE ® ST • TEST ¬RESET LEDs : ¬L201+50v ¬L202+18v ¬L200+20v TEST • LEDs ¬L203+12v LED TEST • TE ST • ¬FET TPL1 LED : ¬L2+5V ¬R116 POT Actual Board Size 15.698” X 11” TE ST • Sec. 5: PCBs Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 128 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) ,23RZH U'ULYH U%RDUG3DUWV ITEM QTY PART NUMBER REF-DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION (NS = Not Stuffed) — 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 1 5 13 1 1 5 1 1 17 520-5137-01 112-5000-00 125-5030-00 125-5033-00 125-5035-00 125-5036-00 125-5034-00 125-5032-00 125-5031-00 09 10 11 12 13 22 0 16 0 25 125-5028-00 n/a 125-5029-00 125-5027-00 112-0054-00 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 26 1 7 2 1 2 1 1 112-5003-00 205-0004-00 200-5000-03 200-5000-01 200-5000-08 200-5000-05 200-5000-06 045-5015-01 045-5014-01 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 16 16 10 1 32 16 17 8 11 13 045-5015-00 n/a 045-5013-00 045-0014-03 045-5015-00 045-0014-06 045-5016-00 045-0014-09 165-5099-00 110-0106-00 110-0067-00 110-0088-00 110-0069-00 121-5042-00 121-5003-00 121-5045-00 121-5021-00 121-5011-00 121-5007-00 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 8 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 8 1 2 8 1 1 8 1 1 1 2 1 1 121-5029-00 121-5033-00 121-5030-00 121-5039-00 121-5036-00 121-5038-00 121-5050-00 121-5009-00 121-5016-00 190-5002-00 n/a 100-5012-00 110-0058-00 100-5023-00 110-0089-00 100-0356-00 n/a 100-0338-00 100-0148-00 100-0037-00 n/a I/O Power Driver Board Complete PCB Assembly BRDG1, BRDG2, BRDG3, BRDG20, BRDG21 DB3501 C1, C2, C3>C6, C7, C8, C9>C10, C11, C12 220pF, (221), Cap. C25 100uF, 150v, Radial Lytic Cap. C26 .1UF, 500v, Ceramic Disk Cap. C27, C30, C201, C202, C203 15000uF, 25v, Radial Lytic Cap. C29 4700uF, 35v, Radial Lytic Cap. C32 100uF, 25v, Radial Lytic Cap. C35, C36, C37, C38, C39, C40, C41, C42, C43, C45, 0.1uF, (104), Cap. C46, C200, C238, C239, C240, C241, C242 C212>C219, C228>C237, C243>C246 (C204-C211: NS) 470pF, (471), Axial Cap. (C220>C227: NS) C247>C254, C263>C270 0.01uF, (103), 100v Cap. (C255>C262, C271>C278: NS) 0.1uF, (104), 100v, Cap. D200>D207, D208>D215, D220, D221, D222, D223, 1N4148, Diode D224, D225, D226, D227 D217, D229 (D216: NS) 1N4004, Diode F6, F7, F8, F9, F20, F21, F22, F23, F24> F27, F28 Fuse Clips F6 7A 250v S.B. Fuse F7, F8, F9, F24>F27 5A 250v S.B. Fuse F21, F28 3A 250v S.B. Fuse F22 8A 250v S.B. Fuse F20, F23 4A 250v S.B. Fuse J1 20-Pin, 0.1 Dual Row Header J2 (Key Pin-4), J6 (Key Pin-9), J7 (Key Pin-5) 10PKK156 J10 (Key Pin-6), J13 (Key Pin-2) J3 (Key Pin-8) 12PKK156 (J4, J5: NS) J8 (Key Pin-2), J9 (Key Pin-3), J15 (Key Pin-5) 9PKK156 J11 10-84-4030 (3-Pin MOLEX) J12 (Key Pin-7) 12PKK156 J14 10-84-4060 (6-Pin MOLEX) J16 (Key Pin-14) 15PKK156 J17 10-84-4090 (9-Pin MOLEX) L2, L200, L201, L202, L203, L204 LED T1-3/4 DIFFUSER LED Q1>Q16 22NE10L STP, Transistor Q17>Q24, Q25>Q32 TIP122 Q33>Q42 19N06L STP, Transistor Q200 2N3904, Transistor. R1>R8, R9>R16, R200>R207, R208>R215 22K 1/4W Res. R17>R24, R25>R32 620 1/4W Res. R33>R42, R236>R242 39K 1/4W Res. R49, R57>R61, R253, R256, R270 (R252: NS) 4.7K 1/4W Res. R50>R56, R255, R271, R300 10K 1/4W Res. R64>R76 100 1/4W Res. Resistors on Solder Side @ J2-Pins: 1-3 & 5-9 R90, R92, R94, R96, R98, R100, R102, R104 6.8K 1/4W Res. R114, R269 220 1/4W Res. R115 120 1/4W Res. R116 50 Pot R117, R272 330 1/4W Res. R216, R218 1.5K 1/2W Res. R217 4.7K 2W Res. (SANDBAR) R219, R245>R251, R254, R302 (R228>R235: NS) 1K 1/4W Res. R261, R262, R263, R264, R265, R266, R267, R268 47 1/4W Res. RELAY FRL264D024/02CK Relay TPL1, TPL3 Test Point Wire (24ga.) Loops U1, U2, U3, U4, U6, U18, U201, U206 (U200: NS) 74HCT273 U9 74LS245 U210 DS1232 U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U17 VN02N U19 LM338K U19 Heatsink (5v Reg.) U203 (U202: NS) 74HC245 U204, U205 74LS138 U209 74LS74 BLANKING, RESET Test Points 6HF3&%V : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3ULQWHG&LUFXLW %RDUGV 3&%V 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH 030703 To view Playfields (above & below), click this box. Sec. 5: PCBs Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 130 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) &386RX QG%RDUG,, ZLWK$70(/ 3URFHVVRU 7K HRU \RI2SHUDWLRQ CPU Section: The CPU is a 68B09E (U209) with up to 8 MBytes of CPU Code Space (U210). The CPU code is bank selected by the use of U211 and each bank consists of 16 KBytes. 8 KBytes of RAM (U212) is available to the CPU. The RAM is battery backed and has a write protected area. Battery back up is accomplished by 3-AA Cells (BAT1) Battery Pack which has a TEST POINT (TP): VBATT to check the battery voltage status. The write protected area consists of 512 Bytes used for storing game settings. This section of RAM can only be written to when the coin door is open. The Coin Door switch comes into the CPU on CN6-12 and is fed into the address decoding PAL U213. When this memory protect signal is low writes to the protected RAM area are prohibited. Address decoding for the system is accomplished by one PAL U213 and one 1-of-8 decoder U214. A watchdog is used to monitor the CPU and the 5v supply. If the 5v supply is below 4.75 the watchdog will hold the CPU/Sound Board & I/O Board in reset. The watchdog must be fed at a rate of 250ms or faster. The signal used to feed the watchdog comes from the EPROM Bank select signal used to load U211. The I/O Interface CN1 is buffered by two (2) HC245 Chips (U207 & U208). The CPU’s reset line is buffered by Q10 and fed over to the I/O through CN1. An I/O Strobe Signal is fed through CN1-15 and is used to notify the I/O that a valid address is being sent. Switches: The Switch Matrix consists of eight (8) 2N3904 Transistors(Q1-Q8) which pull one of 8 strobes ‘low’ to activate a Single Column of switches. The Switch Return Signals are fed into CN7 [SWITCH ROWS] and are highly filtered and compared to a 2.5v reference voltage. The Switch Return Voltage must be below 2.5v to make a Valid Switch Closure. If false switches are appearing, check that none of the 2N3904 Transistors are permanently pulling the strobe line low. Only one strobe from CN5 [SWITCH COLUMNS] should be low at any time. CN6 [DEDICATED SWITCH IN] is a Dedicated Bank of Input Switches. Switches connected to CN6 are connected to ground instead of a strobe and may be read at any time. Plasma Interface: The data path for communication to and from the Plasma Controller Board is 8 bits wide. There are separate Input and Output Busses. Data going out to the controller comes from the CPU’s Data Bus through U201 and onto CN8-Pins 11-18. Status back from the Plasma Controller comes in on CN8-Pins 22-26 and is fed into U202 for input to the CPU’s Data Bus. Two control signals that go out to the Plasma Controller are PRES [TP17: PLASMA RESET] and CN8-Pin 19 [PSTB - Plasma Strobe]. The Plasma Reset is software controllable through U216/B and also has a test point "Plasma Reset". The Plasma Strobe Signal to the controller is generated from U216/A and is used to latch data into the Plasma Controller. 6HF3&%V Other Test Points (TP): TP 7: E & TP5: Q - The CPU signals for both 68B09E processors. Should be at 2Mhz with Q leading E by 500 nsec. TP2: P0. TP3: P1. TP4: P2. TP20: (near U402). TP8: (near U219). TP1: +3.3V. 3ULQWHG&LUFXLW %RDUGV 3&%V 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH C P U / S o u n d B o a r d I I ( w i t h AT M E L P r o c e s s o r ) S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 1 o f 4 ) 1K R508 J_RST [ 2, A-2 ] P24 / BMS R433 100K P_D [ 15:8 ] R509 P21 / TXD1 / NTRI [ 2, I-5 ] P15 / RXD0 [ 2, F-5 ] P14 / TXD0 [ 2, I-5 ] P13 / SCK0 P12 / FIQ P11 / IRQ2 P10 / IRQ1 VDD IO P4 / TIOA1 / SST0 [ 4, J-2 ] P3 / TCLK1 C419 47pF P9 / IRQ0 P8 / TIOB2 P7 / TIOA2 P6 / TCLK2 P5 / TIOB1 C418 100nF VDD CORE P2 / TIOB0 1-3F 1-3G P_D12 P_D13 P_D14 P_D15 P3 P6 P9 P13 100K P1 / TCLK0 P0 / TIOA0 R479 +3.3V+3.3V+3.3V+3.3V VDD IO P31 / A23 / CS4 1-4F P20 / SCK1 P19 P18 P17 P16 1-3H P29 / A21 / CS6 VDD CORE VDD IO P30 / A22 / CS5 40MZ [ 2, C-2 ] 33 TO XILINX 100K 1-3I MCKI 33 R478 AT91R40008 PQFP100 TO ATMEL R502 C416 47pF ATMEL P_D5 P_D6 P_D7 P_D8 P_D9 P_D10 P_D11 P_A22 [ 2, C-1 ] 3 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 P21 P20 P19 P18 P17 P16 P15 P14 P13 P12 GND P11 P10 VDD IO VDD CORE P9 P8 P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 GND GND P2 U402 P_D0 P_D1 P_D2 P_D3 P_D4 P_A21 [ 2, C-2 ] GND OUT 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 A0 / NLB GND A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 VDD IO A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 GND GND A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 / P28 / CS7 1-3J 2 100K P28 / A20 / CS7 P_A15 P_A16 P_A17 P_A18 P_A19 P_A20 4 1-4G 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 3 VDD IO VCC R477 P_A8 P_A9 P_A10 P_A11 P_A12 P_A13 P_A14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 OE 100K P_A1 P_A2 P_A3 P_A4 P_A5 P_A6 P_A7 +3.3V 1 P29 VDD CORE VDD IO P30 P31 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 GND D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 VDD IO D12 D13 D14 D15 P0 P1 A0 / NLB P_D [ 7:0 ] Y1 R476 4 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P23 P24 P25 1-4H 1-4I 1 2 40.000MHz P27 P26 NCS1 NCS0 NWAIT VDD IO VDDCORE NWRO / NWE NRD / NOE TCK TDO TDI TMS GND GND P25 P24 P23 MCKI VDD IO NWDOVF NRST GND NWR1 / NUB RXD1 U402 JP3 1-5F P11 P12 P13 VDD IO NWAIT 1-4J +3.3V 3 C434 47pF TCK NWR1 / NUB [ 2, G-2 ] P22 / RXD1 [ 2, F-5 ] TDI 1-5G 1X3 Jumper R436 R470 P [ 25:0 ] [ 2, H-5: 2, E-5: 2, C-5: 2, A-4: 2, A-3 ] C417 100nF 1K 1K R435 R434 1-5H 100 NWDOVF [ 2, 3-A ] NRST [ 2, F-5 ] C411 47pF C412 100nF R437 100K P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P25 / MCKO VDD IO C410 100nF C435 47pF C415 100nF C414 47pF VDD CORE P0 P1 P2 P3 TMS NWR0 / NWE [ 2, C-2* ] NRD / NOE [ 2, C-1** ] NCS3 [ 2, I-2 ] NCS2 [ 2, C-2: 1, A-5 ] NCS1 NCS0 [*] [ 1, J-1 ] VDD CORE VDD IO VDD IO +3.3V MCKI TDO +3.3V +3.3V +3.3V+3.3V+3.3V P23 1-5I 1-5J [**] [ 1, D-3: 1, G-1 ] 5 F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1X7 J3 JTAG G 1K H P_A [ 19:1 ] I C413 100nF J 100K P_D14 100K P_D15 R455 R456 100K 100K R451 R452 100K P_D13 100K R450 R454 100K R449 100K P_D12 100K R448 C424 47pF 100K R447 1-2H C425 100nF 100K 100K 1-2I R445 100K P_D2 100K P_D3 R443 R444 VDD IO R446 100K P_D0 100K P_D1 R441 R442 C423 100nF C422 47pF 2 VDD IO C421 100nF 1-2J C420 47pF VDD CORE R453 TP20 Test Point P_D [ 15:8 ] 1-2F 1-2G +3.3V (IDT71V016SA) Sec. 5: PCBs 1 1-1J NWR0/NWE [ 2, C-2: 1, I-4 ] IRQ1 P10 P_A19 P_A18 P_A8 1-1I P_A7 P_A6 P_A5 P_A4 P_A3 P_A2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A19 A20 WE# RESET# VPP NC RDY/BUSY# A18 A17 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A16 BYTE# GND I/O15/A-1 I/O7 I/O14 I/O6 I/O13 I/O5 I/O12 I/O4 VCC I/O11 I/O3 I/O10 I/O2 I/O9 I/O1 I/O8 I/O0 OE# GND CE# A0 ATMEL 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 1-1H 29 28 27 26 25 P_A17 P_D15 P_D7 P_D14 P_D6 P_D13 P_D5 P_D12 P_D4 100K U8 P_A16 P_A15 P_A14 P_A13 P_A12 P_A11 P_A10 P_A9 P_A20 +3.3V R459 100K 100K R458 ADDRESS BUS OF ARM TO RAM P_A1 P_A2 P_A3 P_A4 P_A5 P_A6 P_A7 P_A8 P_A9 P_A10 P_A11 P_A12 P_A13 P_A14 P_A15 P_A16 R457 P_A [ 16:1 ] [ 2, J-2: 2, C-3 ] +3.3V C426 100nF P_D [ 7:0 ] +3.3V P_D [ 15..0 ] [ 2, F-2 ] Jumper 1X3 JP2 1 3 NCS0 NCS1 2 P_D11 P_D3 P_D10 P_D2 P_D9 P_D1 P_D8 P_D0 P_D0 P_D1 P_D2 P_D3 P_D4 P_D5 P_D6 P_D7 P_D8 P_D9 P_D10 P_D11 P_D12 P_D13 P_D14 P_D15 DATA BUS OF ARM 1-1G 1-1F NRD/NOE [ 2, C-1: 1, D-3: 1, I-4 ] P_A1 AT49BV1614 [ #, X-Y ] coming from ... [ #, X-Y ] going to ... The circuit(s) continue at the address shown [ #-XY ]. # = Sheet Number (3-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid J Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 132 I H G F Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) C P U / S o u n d B o a r d I I ( w i t h AT M E L P r o c e s s o r ) S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 1 o f 4 ) E D C 12 A0 11 10 A1 A2 9 A3 8 A4 7 A5 6 A6 5 A7 27 1-5E A8 26 A9 23 A10 25 4 A11 A12 28 A13 29 A14 3 2 A15 A16 30 A17 31 VPP D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 CS A18 GND P_A20 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 P_D0 P_D1 P_D2 P_D3 P_D4 P_D5 P_D6 P_D7 22 NCS2 24 ROE1 +5V P_A1 P_A2 P_A3 P_A4 P_A5 P_A6 P_A7 P_A8 P_A9 1-5D P_A10 P_A11 P_A12 P_A13 P_A14 P_A15 P_A16 P_A17 P_A18 P_A19 32 VCC 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 27 26 23 25 4 28 29 3 2 30 31 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 16 GND 27C040 VPP D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 CS OE VCC 1 P_A20 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 P_D0 P_D1 P_D2 P_D3 P_D4 P_D5 P_D6 P_D7 22 NCS2 24 ROE2 +5V P_A1 P_A2 P_A3 P_A4 P_A5 P_A6 P_A7 P_A8 P_A9 P_A10 P_A11 P_A12 P_A13 P_A14 P_A15 P_A16 P_A17 P_A18 P_A19 1-5C 32 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 27 26 23 25 4 28 29 3 2 30 31 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 16 GND 27C040 U17 VPP D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 CS 1 P_A20 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 P_D8 P_D9 P_D10 P_D11 P_D12 P_D131-5B P_D14 P_D15 22 NCS2 P_A1 P_A2 P_A3 P_A4 P_A5 P_A6 P_A7 P_A8 P_A9 P_A10 P_A11 P_A12 P_A13 P_A14 P_A15 P_A16 P_A17 P_A18 P_A19 24 OE 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 27 26 23 25 4 28 29 3 2 30 31 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 16 GND +5V 32 VCC 1 VPP 13 P_D8 14 P_D9 15 P_D10 17 P_D11 18 P_D12 191-5A P_D13 20 P_D14 21 P_D15 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 24 32 VCC 27C040 ROE1 [ 2, C-3 ] P_D [ 15:8 ] P_D [ 7:0 ] TP11 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 8 5 7 6 C79 10uF C46 .1uF 1-4D + RT_IN LT_IN VOL CREF RT_OUT 1 LT_OUT 3 4 VS 2 1-4C GND TDA8199 NS NS +5A C76 10uF + NS R13 100K .1uF .1uF + -5A R316 1 2 3 4 5 6 1-4A POT 1A POT 1B POT 1C 4 1X6 NS R25 VOLUME -5A 2.2K R14 22 +5V 22K 28 GND VCC 27256/27512 R19 U100 5 1 3 NCS0 NCS1 + R510 2 1-3E 1-3D NS C102 100uF 1-3C C106 .1uF VIN NSOUT +VS D100 1N4004 NS NS 1-3B NS NS R9 R315 The circuit(s) continue at the address shown [ #-XY ]. # = Sheet Number (3-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid +5A C34 .1uF C50 2200pF + R17 C35 10uF 2.2K 1 3 1-2E 2 VDD BCK AOR DATA VREF WS AOL U30B 8 6 7 5 +5A 6 LM833 V- R104 + 22K C110 .1uF V+ B +VS D102 1N4004 R22 R8 1K -5A 47K C80 2200pF C78 10uF + V+ A 4 1-1D C122 .1uF C103 .1uF R105 470 R106 + 10K VIN C108 22uF CN4 2 D103 1N4004 C114 10uF R108 47K + 39K U102 +5A C116 220uF C117 .1uF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KEY PIN 5 R107 1 1+ 12+ 23+ 3- 1X7 SPEAKER C113 .1uF 1-2B + R24 +VS D104 1N4004 C111 .1uF C123 .1uF R109 470 + 33K VIN 2 1-2A R110 1 VIN 5 C115 22uF 2 4 OUT -VS 3 TDA2030A D105 1N4004 R111 1 -12V 1 VREFA AOL C119 220uF TP16 LM833 VR7 1.5K 3 1-3A NS NS OUT -VS 3 TDA2030A +12V + 3 NS 4 C112 100uF 2.2K 2 R103 1 -12V R16 8 D101 1N4004 1 VIN 1-2C C48 2200pF U30A NS 7 4 WS [ 2, C-2 ] SND_DATA [ 2, C-2 ] SND_CLK [ 2, C-2 ] C109 100uF 1-2D TDA1543 C33 .1uF C107 10uF U101 + GND R21 +12V 8 5 NSC105 .1uF + 4.7K 5 U26 4 C101 22uF 4 -VS 3 TDA2030A C104 NS100uF + 22K 0 [ #, X-Y ] going to ... 470 2 -12V [ #, X-Y ] coming from ... NS R101 R102 1 VIN +12V Jumper 1X3 JP4 NSC100 10uFNS R100NS + 22K NS 100K C75 2200pF NRD / NOE [ 2, C-1: 1, G-1: 1, I-4 ] +3.3V 1-1E NS C45 1-4B NS C52NS C77 10uF 2.2K 20 CS OE 100K R-INPUT CN3 NS NS R112 NS R12 100K 0 A15 14 P_D0 P_D1 P_D2 P_D3 P_D4 P_D5 P_D6 P_D7 NS U35 22K P_A1 P_A2 P_A3 P_A4 P_A5 P_A6 P_A7 P_A8 P_A9 P_A10 P_A11 P_A12 P_A13 P_A14 P_A15 NS AOR U7 10 A0 9 8 A1 A2 7 A3 6 1-4E A4 5 A5 4 A6 3 A7 25 A8 24 A9 21 A10 23 2 A11 A12 26 A13 27 A14 1 P_D [7..0] [ 2, F-2 ] -5A Test Point NS AO/NLB [ 2, G-2 ] 5 NCS2 [ 1, I-4: 2, C-2 ] ROE2 [ 2, C-3 ] +5V 22 CS OE 27C040 P_A20 Test Point -5A + C120 .1uF C118 .1uF C124 .1uF Sheet 1 of 4 : R15 1K Processor / Sound (Microcontroller) 1-1A 1-1C 1-1B ® Schematic Set Sheet 1 of 4 SIZE D 1 REV. A CPU/Sound Bd. II w/ ATMEL Processor SPI Part Nº: 520-5300-00 NS: Not Stuffed NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 mF BYPASS CAPACITORS FOR ALL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (ICs). E Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) D C B Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: RHT SCH1008 Dated: 06/13/03 A Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 133 Sec. 5: PCBs 16 OE 1 A U21 U36 U37 P_A1 P_A2 P_A3 P_A4 P_A5 P_A6 P_A7 P_A8 P_A9 P_A10 P_A11 P_A12 P_A13 P_A14 P_A15 P_A16 P_A17 P_A18 P_A19 B C P U / S o u n d B o a r d I I ( w i t h AT M E L P r o c e s s o r ) S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 2 o f 4 ) J I H VDD IO 3 Test Point +3.3V VIN VOUT 1 R504 100K 2 ADJ C427 .1uF LT1086 5 F +3.3V TP1 +3.3V U405 +5V G 2-5J + C428 1000uF R505 100K R506 100K R507 100K R465 100 2-5I U403 2-5H LED2 [ 1, G-4 ] [ 1, G-4 ] RED LED P14/TXD0 P21/TXD1 SRXD0 SRXD1 RST OUT [ 1, F-5 ] P8 +3.3V +3.3V 2-5F 2-5G 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 10 VCC DIR GND OE 74HC245 1 19 STXD0 STXD1 R466 +3.3V LED1 100 RED LED R480 10K U406 4 CN9 F1 RST_IN +5V GND +3.3V GND [ F1-F6> 4, I-2: 4, I-1 ] C429 .1uF 2-4H 2-4I 2-4G 1 4 NS 2 VDDCORE VDDCORE 3 + SW200 C431+ 1.0 uF C432+ 10uF C433 1.0uF +3.3V + 10K 3 1 VOUT C2- 8 2 C1- GND 7 3 C1+ C2+ 6 4 VIN SHDN/SS 5 C430 1.0uF C442 10uF +3.3V RESET TEST PADS SW200 + LT1503 NS +5V R501 2 2-4F U219 S1 4 2x5 Test Point NS S2 +3.3V TP8 2-4J 1 2 4 6 8 10 1 3 5 7 9 STXD0 SRXD0 STXD1 SRXD1 FER_BEAD DS1233 3 2 VCC RESET# GND 1 4 +3.3V [ 1, G-4 ] [ 1, H-4 ] [ 1, H-4 ] P15/RXD0 P22/RXD1 NRST +5V +5V NS U413 R313 0 3 1 2 3 4 2-3J NS NS R314 0 PBRST TD TOL GND R400 4.7K [ #, X-Y ] coming from ... +5V VCC 87 2-3I ST 6 RST RST 5 [ #, X-Y ] going to ... The2-3G circuit(s) continue at the address shown [ #-XY2-3F]. # = Sheet Number (3-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid 2-3H [ 3, J-2 ] BSEL RESET# [ 3, A-2: 4, J-2: 2, A-2] IORESET [ 3, A-2 ] DS1232 R475 0 NS U412 P_A5 P_A4 P_A3 P_A2 P_A1 [ 1, I-4 ] NCS3 P_A [16:1] [ 1, J-2: 2, C-3 ] 2 ADDRESS BUS OF ARM 2-2J P_A1 P_A2 P_A3 P_A4 P_A5 P_A6 P_A7 P_A8 P_A9 P_A10 P_A11 P_A12 P_A13 P_A14 P_A15 P_A16 P_D0 P_D1 P_D2 P_D3 +3.3V [ 1, I-4: 1, J-1: NWR0/NWE 2, C-2 ] P_D4 P_D5 P_D6 P_D7 2-2IP_A16 P_A15 P_A14 P_A13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 CS# I/O0 I/O1 I/O2 I/O3 VDD VSS I/O4 I/O5 I/O6 I/O7 WE# A15 A14 A13 A12 NC NS A5 44 A6 43 A7 42 OE# 41 BHE# 40 BLE# 39 I/O15 38 I/O14 37 I/O13 36 I/O12 35 VSS 34 VDD 33 I/O11 32 I/O10 31 I/O9 30 I/O8 29 NC 2-2H28 A8 27 A9 26 A10 25 A11 24 NC 23 P_A6 P_A7 P_A8 P_D15 P_D14 P_D13 P_D12 +3.3V NRD/NOE [ 1, G-1: 1, I-4, 2, C-1 ] NWR1/NUB [ 1, H-4 ] [ 1, E-4 ] A0/NLB P_D [15..0] [ 1, A-4: 1, F-2 ] P_D0 P_D1 P_D2 P_D3 P_D4 P_D5 P_D6 P_D7 P_D8 P_D9 P_D10 P_D11 P_D12 P_D13 P_D14 P_D15 P_D11 P_D10 P_D9 P_D8 2-2G P_A9 P_A10 P_A11 P_A12 IDT71V016SA SOJ44 DATA BUS OF ARM 2-2F BATTERY TIE WRAP SLOTS BYPASS CAPACITORS +5V Sec. 5: PCBs C1 .1uF +5V C2 .1uF C3 .1uF C4 .1uF C9 .1uF +5V C18 .1uF C24 .1uF C272 .1uF C273 .1uF C274 .1uF C275 .1uF C276 .1uF C277 .1uF NS C278 .1uF C279 .1uF C280 .1uF C281 .1uF C282 .1uF ZF4 MTG_SLOT 1 ZF5 +5V 2-1J 2-1I +3.3V2-1H 2-1G 2-1F MTG_SLOT C283 .1uF C284 .1uF C285 .1uF J Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 134 C286 .1uF C287 .1uF C288 .1uF C289 .1uF I C291 .1uF C292 .1uF C436 .1uF H C437 .1uF C438 .1uF C439 .1uF C440 .1uF C441 .1uF G C443 .1uF C444 .1uF F Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) C P U / S o u n d B o a r d I I ( w i t h AT M E L P r o c e s s o r ) S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 2 o f 4 ) E D C B D [7..0] [ 3, A-2 & 4, J-2 ] U404 +3.3V R462 100K R463 100K [ 1, F-5 ] [ 1, F-5 ] [ 1, F-5 ] [ 1, F-5 ] [ 1, F-5 ] [ 1, F-5 ] [ 1, F-5 ] [ 1, F-5 ] R464 100K TP2 Test Point [ 1, F-5 ] A P0 P0 2-5E P0 2-5D TP5 TP3 P1 P1 [ 1, F-5 ] P2 P2 2-5C +5V Test Point Test Point [ 1, F-5 ] P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P23 P24 P25 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P23 P24 P25 P1 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 2-5B 20 10 Q Q A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 VCC DIR GND OE 1 19 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Test Point P2 E E E# [ 3, J-3 ] U407B U407A +5V 3 CLK 1 4 CLR VCC PRE GND 74LS74A D2 D1 D0 D3 D7 D6 D5 D4 DATA BUS OF 68B09E TO XILINX Q [ 3, J-2 ] D 5 2-5A [ 3, C-1 & 4, J-2 ] PLIN 74HC245 TP7 TP4 Test Point 2 DATA BUS OF 68B09E 5 6 Q Q +5V 14 7 12 D 11 CLK 13 10 CLR VCC PRE GND 74LS74A Q Q 9 8 E [ 3, J-2 ] R468 100K 2-4D 8MHZ +3.3V 14 7 +5V 2-4E +3.3V +5V R469 100K 4 2-4B 2-4C Q# 2-4A X_P11 P11 [ 1, F-5 ] X_P12 P12 [ 1, F-5 ] +3.3V C445 .1uF C446 .1uF C447 .1uF C448 .1uF C449 .1uF C450 .1uF [ #, X-Y ] coming from ... C451 .1uF GROUND POSTS ZG2 ZG7 2 1X2 1 2 1X2 1 2 1X2 ZG3 1 ZG8 ZG4 1 2-3E 2 1X2 2 1X2 1 ZG5 1 U414 2 1X2 2-3D 2-3C [ 1, A-5 ] ROE2 ZG11 2 1X2 1 2 1X2 [ 1, J-2: 2, J-2 ] P_A1 ZG6 1 2 1X2 [ 1, A-4 ] ROE1 [ 1, E-2 ] SND_DATA [ 1, E-2 ] WS [ 1, E-2 ] SND_CLK MOUNTING HOLES P_D0 P_D15 P_D14 P_D1 P_D2 P_D13 P_D12 P_D3 MH1 1 2 MH4 1 2 1 2 Mounting Hole [ 1, F-4 ] 1 2 P_D5 P_D11 P_D4 2-2C P_D10 Mounting Hole MH2 1 2 MH5 1 2 1 2 Mounting Hole [ 1, J-1: 1, I-4: 2, I-2 ] NWR0/NWE Mounting Hole MH6 1 2 1 2 P_D9 P_D8 1 2 MH3 1 2 Mounting Hole 8MHZ 40MHZ 2-2D 2-2E P_D6 P_D7 [ 3, A-2 ] A0 [ 1, A-5: 1, I-4 ] NCS2 [ 1, J-3 ] P_A21 1 2 Mounting Hole [ 1, G-1: 1, I-4: 1, D-3 ] [ 1, J-3 ] NRD/NOE P_A22 FIDUCIALS ZF1 +3.3V +3.3V ZG10 ZF2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 2-3B I/O1 NC1 I/O/GTS1 I/O/GTS2 VCC1 I/O2 NC2 I/O3 I/O4 I/O5 I/O6 I/O7 I/O8 I/O9 I/O10 I/O11 I/O12 I/O13 NC3 I/O14 GND1 I/O/GCK1 I/O/GCK2 GND2 I/O15 VCC2 I/O/GCK3 I/O16 I/O17 I/O18 GND3 I/O19 I/O20 NC5 I/O21 I/O22 I/O23 VCC3 I/O24 I/O25 I/O26 I/O27 NC6 GND4 TDI NC7 TMS TCK I/O28 I/O29 VCC4 I/O30 I/O31 I/O32 I/O33 I/O34 VCC5 I/O35 I/O36 I/O37 I/O38 GND5 I/O39 I/O40 I/O41 I/O42 I/O43 I/O44 GND6 I/O45 I/O46 I/O47 NC8 I/O48 GND7 I/O49 I/O50 I/O51 I/O52 2-2B NC9 I/O53 I/O54 TDO GND8 I/O55 I/O56 I/O57 VCC6 I/O58 I/O59 I/O60 I/O61 I/O62 I/O63 I/O64 I/O65 I/O66 VCC7 I/O/GSR GND9 2-1D TOOLING HOLES [ 1, H-4 ] [ 1, F-5 ] [ 1, F-5 ] [ 3, A-2 ] Q# RST_IN RST_OUT INT# J_RST DPSW RESET# [ 3, E-3 ] [ 1, G-5 ] [ 3, C-1: 4, J-2 ] [ 2, H-3: 3, A-2: 4, J-2 ] X_P11 X_P12 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 2 2-2A D6 D7 XTDO BUSY [ 4, J-2 ] Xilinx JTAG 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sheet 2 of 4 : XILINX® +3.3V Processor Memory / Regulators & Bypass Capacitors 2-1A 2-1C XTCLK XTDO XTDI XTMS 2-1B ® Schematic Set Sheet 2 of 4 SIZE D 1x6 TH2 NWDOVF P5 P6 SNDSTB XC9572XL J2 ZF3 2-1E TH1 3 2-3A 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 TH3 1 REV. A CPU/Sound Bd. II w/ ATMEL Processor SPI Part Nº: 520-5300-00 NS: Not Stuffed NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 mF BYPASS CAPACITORS FOR ALL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (ICs). E Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) D C B Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: RHT SCH1008 Dated: 06/13/03 A Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 135 Sec. 5: PCBs 1 [ #, X-Y ] going to ... The circuit(s) continue at the address shown [ #-XY ]. # = Sheet Number (3-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid C P U / S o u n d B o a r d I I ( w i t h AT M E L P r o c e s s o r ) S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 3 o f 4 ) J [ #, X-Y ] coming from ... I H F U212 [ #, X-Y ] going to ... JP1 8K The circuit(s) continue at the address shown [ #-XY ]. # = Sheet Number (3-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid 32K 3 2 1 +5V 3-5I 3-5J A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 R306 +5V 10K 1X3 Jumper 3-5H 3-5G 10K L201 10K 10K R414 220 10K +5V +5V 10K 5 G 28 U211 4 VCC CLK 11 10 GND 1 OE 74LS374 BAT1 4.5V BAT3 J1 R431 3-4G 3-4F RW U210 R300 1 12 VPP GND 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 E# 22 CS ROMCS# 24 OE E# 3-3I VCC 16 3-3H A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A0 11 A1 10 A2 9 A3 8 A4 7 A5 6 A6 5 A7 27 A8 26 A9 23 A10 25 A11 4 A12 28 A13 +5V D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 3-3J R432 10K 32 3 RW GND A15 0 [ 2, C-5 ] E# R/W 27 62256 x3 AA CELLS A15 R299 10K NS XA5 RAMCS# 22 C290 .1uF +5V +5V 10K 14 1N5817 3-4H 3-4I 3-4J 1 20 VBATT D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 1 3 4 7 8 13 14 17 18 1X2 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 2 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 VCC 3-5F 20 CS OE BSEL +5V 2 5 6 9 12 15 16 19 1N5817 D201 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 2 R305 R303 R304 R301 R302 XA0 XA1 XA2 XA3 XA4 XA5 D0 11 D1 12 D2 13 D3 15 D4 16 D5 17 D6 18 D7 19 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 D200 +5V RED LED 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 25 24 21 23 2 26 1 29 A14 3 A15 2 A16 30 A17 31 A18 27C040 XA0 XA1 XA2 XA3 XA4 AVMA RW 3-3G AVMA RW 3-3F [ 2, C-4 ] [ 2, C-4 ] Q E [ 2, H-3 ] BSEL A [ 15:0 ] XA0 XA [ 5:0 ] E Q XA0 BSEL 2 3-2J U213 3-2G 3-2H 3-2I U215B D7 12 BSEL 11 CLK RESET# +5V 13 10 CLR VCC 14 7 PRE GND 74AHCT74 D Q Q L200 R312 9 8 +5V 330 +5V 10 U215A RED LED AVMA 2 Q 3 CLK +5V 1 4 CLR VCC 14 7 PRE GND 74AHCT74 D Q Q VMA 5 6 A15 A14 A13 1 2 3 4 E# 5 Q VMA 6 RW 7 A11 8 A12 9 11 +5V A0 R310 U216B A0 12 POUT 11 +5V 13 10 D CLK Q 98 Q 0 +5V Sec. 5: PCBs CLR VCC 714 PRE GND 74AHCT74 NS R311 +5V POUT PLIN J Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 136 2 D Q 56 Q 3 CLK 1 4 CLR VCC 14 PRE GND 7 74AHCT74 20 +5V 19 ROMCS# RAMCS# IOPORT VCC I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 I10 01 18 I/02 17 I/03 16 I/04 15 I/05 14 I/06 13 I/07 12 08 A9 A10 ROMCS# RAMCS# IOPORT A9 A10 SNDSTB SNDSTB XA0 XA0 IOSTB IOSTB MPIN MPIN 0 U214 TP17 PLASMA_RESET U216A 3-1J 3-2F GND PAL16V8Q PRES Test Point 1 A10 A10 ROMCS# 3-1I PSTB 1 2 3 A B C A12 6 4 5 G1 G2A G2B 8 GND VCC 74LS138 A7 3-1H 3-1G +5V SWLO Y0 15 DPSW Y1 14 BSEL Y2 13 12 SWSTB Y3 11 Y4 10 SWM PLIN Y5 9 POUT Y6 7 3-1F STATUS Y7 +5V A8 A9 A10 SWLO DPSW BSEL SWSTB SWM PLIN POUT STATUS 16 PRES PSTB PLIN RESET# I H G F Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) C P U / S o u n d B o a r d I I ( w i t h AT M E L P r o c e s s o r ) S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 3 o f 4 ) E D C B A D3 +5V 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K R280 1K 1K 1K R278 R279 1N4004 74HC245 R286 R284 R285 C254 470pF 10 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3-5A KEY PIN 5 C253 470pF GND +5V R283 DIR 20 OE VCC 39K 39K 39K 39K 39K 39K 39K 39K 220 R282 1 19 R287 R288 R289 R290 R291 R292 R293 R294 R295 C251 470pF SWLO B0 17 B1 16 B2 15 B3 14 B4 13 B5 12 B6 11 B7 C252 470pF A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 C250 470pF 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3-5B C249 470pF 18 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 C247 470pF RW 3-5C C248 470pF U206 3-5D R281 CN6 3-5E 1X12 MPIN C255 .1uF RAMCS# D [ 7:0 ] 3-4E 3-4D 4 3-4B 3-4C 3-4A RW U207 Test Point U208 C263 470pF C262 470pF C261 470pF 12 14 16 18 20 11 13 15 17 19 9 3-3B 470pF 470pF C270 C271 470pF 470pF IOSTB OE GND 74HC245 10 C269 +5V VCC 20 IOPORT 19 3 3-3A 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 C268 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 470pF A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 DIR C267 +5V 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 470pF RESET# FIRQ TP12 XA0 BSEL 1 3 5 7 2x10 3-3C INT# E Q 10 2 4 6 8 IOPORT R298 10K3-3D C266 E Q C260 470pF OE 19 74HC245 +5V 39 TSC 1 GND CN1 RW C259 470pF GND 1 C258 470pF 10 DIR INT# RST 68B09E [ 2, 3-A ] VCC +5V NMI 24 FIRQ 3 IRQ 34 E 35 Q 40 HALT 37 20 +5V C256 470pF 7 R297 10K R296 10K 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C257 470pF VCC D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 470pF LIC AVMA 3-3E R/W BA BS BUSY 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 470pF 38 36 32 6 5 33 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 C264 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A [ 15:0 ] AVMA RW 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 MPIN A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 +5V C265 U209 A0 A10 D [7..0] [ 2, A-5: 4, J-2 ] [ 2, C-2 ] A0 SNDSTB [ 2, A-3 ] 3-2E 3-2D ROMCS# RAMCS# IOPORT 3-2C IORESET R412 1K A9 A10 R413 10K SNDSTB Q10 2N3904 [ #, X-Y ] coming from ... XA0 [ #, X-Y ] going to ... MPIN 3-1E 3-1D 3-1C MPIN [ 4, J-2 ] DPSW [ 2, A-2: 4, J-2 ] SWSTB [ 4, J-2 ] [ 4, J-2 ] SWM [ 2, A-5: 4, J-2 ] PLIN POUT [ 4, J-2 ] STATUS [ 4, J-2 ] Sheet 3 of 4 : Program Memory 3-1A 3-1B ® Schematic Set Sheet 3 of 4 SIZE PRES PSTB PLIN RESET# PRES PSTB D [ 4, J-2 ] [ 4, J-2 ] 1 REV. A CPU/Sound Bd. II w/ ATMEL Processor SPI Part Nº: 520-5300-00 NS: Not Stuffed NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 mF BYPASS CAPACITORS FOR ALL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (ICs). E Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) D C B Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: RHT SCH1008 Dated: 06/13/03 A Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 137 Sec. 5: PCBs The circuit(s) continue at the address shown [ #-XY ]. # = Sheet Number (3-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid IOSTB SWLO DPSW BSEL SWSTB SWM PLIN POUT STATUS 2 2, A-2: 2, H-3: 4, J-2 ] RESET# [3-2A IORESET [ 2, H-3 ] 3-2B C P U / S o u n d B o a r d I I ( w i t h AT M E L P r o c e s s o r ) S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 4 o f 4 ) J I H G 4-5H 18 4-5G 17 B0 16 B1 15 B2 14 B3 13 B4 12 B5 11 B6 F 10K 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 NS 470pF C200 4.7K 4.7K 4.7K 4.7K 4.7K 4.7K 4.7K 4.7K +5V 2 5 1Q(Q0) 6 2Q(Q1) 9 3Q(Q2) 12 4Q(Q3) 15 5Q(Q4) 16 6Q(Q5) 4-4H 7Q(Q6) 19 (D0)1D (D1)2D (D2)3D (D3)4D (D4)5D (D5)6D (D6)7D 8Q(Q7) (D7)8D C215 470pF 1 19 PLIN The circuit(s) continue at the address shown [ #-XY ]. # = Sheet Number (3-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid -12V 2 3 3 7905C + 2 2 RESE SWSTB SWS DPSW DP D [7..0] D [7 74HC245 1 11 RESET# POUT 3 4 7 8 13 14 17 18 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 4-4G 4-4F 4.7K 470 R243 R409 NS C408 470pF NS +5V PSTB PRES PLIN MPIN SST0 BUSY 18 174-3GB0 16 B1 15 B2 14 B3 13 B4 12 B5 11 B6 +5V 20 10 4-3H B7 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D2 D1 D0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 VCC DIR 19 GND OE 74HC245 4-3F STATUS +5V 4-2I VR1 -5A RESET# ADC [ 2, A-5: 3, A-2 ] D [7..0] [ 3, C-1 ] STATUS [ 3, C-1 ] POUT [ 2, H-3: 3, A-2 ] RESET# [ 2, A-5: 3, C-1 ] PLIN [ 3, C-1 ] SWSTB [ 2, A-2: 3, C-1 ] DPSW [ 3, C-1 ] SWM [ 3, C-1 ] MPIN [ 1, G-3 ] SST0 [ 2, A-2 ] BUSY [ 3, C-1 ] PRES [ 3, C-1 ] PSTB 4-2J D[7 GND C219 470pF going to ... [ #, X-Y ] 4.7K C229 470pF 220 220 220 220 220 C217 470pF 10K R228 R229 R230 R231 R232 R233 C216 470pF [ #, X-Y ] coming from ... VCC DIR GND OE D [ 7..0 ] 4-5F U202 4-3I C218 470pF 10K 10K R226 R227 10K 10K R224 R225 3 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 74HCT273 R242 C214 470pF C213 470pF C212 470pF C210 470pF C211 470pF 10 +5V 4-3J VCC (MR#)CLR# CP C230 470pF R222 R223 R220 R221 R218 R219 R216 R217 20 4-4I 4-4J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U201 +5V 2X13 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 B7 20 10 +5V C220 470pF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 NS U200 NS220 NS C201 470pF NS C202 470pF NS C203 470pF NS C204 470pF NS C205 470pF NS C206 470pF NS C207 470pF NS 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K NS R201 NS R202 NS R203 NS R204 NS R205 NS R206 NS R207 NS CN8 C209 470pF 4 R208 R209 R210 R211 R212 R213 R214 R215 4-5I 4-5J C208 470pF 5 R200 10K +5V FB2 FB1 4-2F 4-2G 4-2H C29 .001uF C30 1000uF 1 Sec. 5: PCBs 3 3 7805C 1 2 1 2 4-1J C39 .1uF + C59 22uF D2 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 138 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1N4004 I 10K R267 10K R266 U205 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 4-1H SWM J 10K FB5 C51 C81 470uF .001uF 4-1I + C47 .1uF FB6 1 10K POWER R264 1X6 +12V VR2 R265 KEY PIN 5 +12VDC +5A +5V 1 2 3 4 5 6 -12VDC 10K 1N4004 +5VDC C37 .001uF + 10K D1 CN2 C31 470uF R262 C38 .1uF R263 + FB3 10K FB4 10K C49 .1uF R260 C40 22uF R261 1 C125 .1uF H 1 19 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 4-1G DIR VCC OE GND 74HC245 G 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 20 10 4-1F +5V F Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 C P U / S o u n d B o a r d I I ( w i t h AT M E L P r o c e s s o r ) S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 4 o f 4 ) E D C B A 560 560 560 R428 R430 560 R427 1X9 R239 SWITCH COLUMNS Q6 2N3904 1K R240 Q7 .01uF C228 4-4B .01uF Q8 2N3904 1K .01uF R241 4-4C C226 2N3904 1K 4-4D R429 560 Q5 2N3904 1K 4-4E 560 Q4 R238 74HCT273 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2N3904 1K C227 10 R237 .01uF GND 1K C225 2 5 6 9 12 15 16 19 .01uF (D0)1D 1Q(Q0) (D1)2D 2Q(Q1) (D2)3D 3Q(Q2) (D3)4D 4Q(Q3) (D4)5D 5Q(Q4) (D5)6D 6Q(Q5) (D6)7D 7Q(Q6) (D7)8D 8Q(Q7) C224 3 4 7 8 13 14 17 18 KEY PIN 2 .01uF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 CN5 Q3 2N3904 C223 20 CP .01uF (MR#)CLR# VCC Q2 2N3904 1K R236 .01uF 1 11 R426 2N3904 R235 RESET# SWSTB 5 4-5A Q1 1K +5V 4-5B C221 ADC RESET# 560 4-5C R234 U203 R425 4-5D C222 4-5E 560 D [ 7..0 ] R424 1N4004 R423 D408 +5V 4 4-4A 10K 10K 10K 10K R250 R251 10K R247 R249 10K R246 R248 10K 10K R244 R245 +5V SW300 U204 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 4-3E D5 D6 D7 1 19 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 DIR VCC OE GND 74HC245 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4-3D 20 10 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 4-3C 4-3B 3 4-3A SW DIP8 +5V +5V +5V V+ 3 C 560 560 560 R406 R407 R408 560 560 R404 R405 560 1N4148 220 220 +5V 1 14 D404 R419 U401C U401B B 6 VREF V- 12 LM339AN 9 VREF 4-1D 8 1N4148 D406 R421 R422 4-1C V+ 3 13 Sheet 4 of 4 : Switch Connectors 4-1A V- 12 Sheet 4 of 4 SIZE D VREF Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) REV. A SPI Part Nº: 520-5300-00 NS: Not Stuffed D 1 CPU/Sound Bd. II w/ ATMEL Processor LM339AN NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 mF BYPASS CAPACITORS FOR ALL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (ICs). E ® Schematic Set 11 10 1N4148 4-1B U401D D SWITCH ROWS D407 220 +5V V- 12 LM339AN 1X10 1N4148 220 7 KEY PIN 4 D405 R420 +5V 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1N4148 220 VREF 4 CN7 1N4148 D403 R418 VREF V- 12 LM339AN V+ 3 4-1E 220 5 V- 12 LM339AN 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 1N4148 D402 R417 C406 .1uF A 220 11 D D401 C407 .1uF 2 U401A 1N4148 R416 U400D 2 4-2A D400 C B Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: RHT SCH1008 Dated: 06/13/03 A Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 139 Sec. 5: PCBs 13 4-2B 220 +5V V+ 3 R403 R415 VREF V- 12 LM339AN V+ 3 4-2C 9 8 560 U400C C404 .1uF C VREF C405 .1uF V+ 3 14 6 LM339AN V- 12 4-2D C402 .1uF 4-2E 7 B +5V C409 22uF 560 +5V U400B R401 V+ 3 1 D [7..0] + +5V R402 VREF 4 V- 12 LM339AN C403 .1uF A 5 R411 DPSW VREF U400A C401 .1uF 2 C400 .1uF SWSTB 3.3K +5V V+ 3 R410 3.3K DPSW 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U203 C275 R238 74HCT273 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 140 C124 C118 R111 SP3 SP2 7 SP1 R107 C123 1 C111 R25 6 CN4 POT1 TDA8199 1 CN3 R103 R17 C81 FB3 CN2 1 C30 FB2 FB1 C29 GND • FB5 6 + + FB6 C51 FB4 C37 + + + + C79 + C78 C39 VR1 C38 C18 NOTE AOR AOL U26 TDA 1543 R15 VR2 + U30 U26 C31 10 CN9 C436 C4 8MB 1 2 C3 C2 8MB C1 8MB STERN PINBALL INC. CPU / SOUND BOARD 520-5300-00 REV A 8MB C271 C270 C264 C265 C266 C267 C268 C269 CN1 C280 U208 U208 U216 R400 C284 C260 C259 C261 C258 C262 C257 C279 Q10 FIRQ U202 U207 C256 C276 C408 U202 R409 R310 R311 C278 U200 U413 U210 U210 C200 C203 C202 C205 C204 C207 C206 R314 R313 R475 1MB JP1 R233 R232 R231 R230 R229 C230 C229 C215 C214 C213 C212 C210 C211 C208 C209 R214 R215 R212 R213 R210 R211 R208 R209 8K 32K R412 R413 PLASMA_RESET C216 C217 C218 C219 C220 C277 C201 U201 U201 C282 R301 C287 U213 U213 GND BAT1 C290 R228 R227 R226 R225 R224 R243 R242 R223 R222 R221 R220 R218 R219 R216 R217 R206 R207 R204 R205 R202 R203 R200 R201 R306 R432 D200 25 1 CN8 GND R431 VBATT U212 U212 R299 D201 ( -- ) SIZE AA 1.5V ( + ) C263 C289 U216 C283 U207 R305 R501 R296 R297 C286 R402 ( -- ) SIZE AA 1.5V ( + ) 74HC245 U30 C48 + C439 R16 + C33 D1 R510 R7 + C125 C440 C50 C103 74HC245 1 + LM 833 Actual Board Size 14.67” X 9.125” C122 + C47 M27C0400I-I2FI 27C040 VOICE ROM 4 D2 M27C0400I-I2FI 27C040 VOICE ROM 3 C76 C449 C445 + • R8 C52 M27C0400I-I2FI 27C040 VOICE ROM 2 U35 M27C0400I-I2FI 27C040 VOICE ROM 1 R13 + 512K R304 R300 U211 R302 U211 U214 U214 RESET R303 GND C281 GND R401 74AHCT74 R112 + C40 C49 27256 / 27512 CPU SOUND C59 C446 + U17 NOTE C35 C34 + U21 + S2 • + NCS0 U36 U17 L200 U215 U215 C288 U209 U209 NOTE C77 + R14 C75 U37 NCS1 NCS0 R459 U36 U21 JP2 C285 +5V + L201 C400 C403 R403 R404 R405 D400 D401 74HC245 C45 C46 + R315 JP4 NCS1 U7 • • R298 R312 C409 19 74LS374 R12 R100 + • R101 + R19 NOTE C104 C451 C100 + U37 C426 TE ST R414 • 74AHCT74 + + C101 U7 U8 ATMEL AT49BV1614 C421 C102 + R458 R457 NOTE C437 TP20 • R316 + + + NOTE D100 U100 C450 C105 C411 C106 C412 U8 C420 R102 XC9572XL R470 R508 C448 R21 • TEST + 68B09E R9 C415 C434 TEST C24 R415 R418 R406 R408 C402 D402 D403 D404 74LS138 D101 + R104 AT91R40008 C424 Q U407 U407 E C292 R411 R410 C401 R416 R417 D405 D406 D407 DS1232 R105 + U414 XILINX® R435 C112 R434 JTAG R509R502 J3 C410 C435 C418 C419 R437 PLE SQ3300S 40.000M 00041N + R436 U412 U402 ATMEL U402 • P2 P1 R463 P0 R456 R454 R452 R450 R448 R446 R444 R442 NOTE • C273 TP4 TP3 TP2 7 Y1 C413 C414 R464 R455 JP3 R453 EPROM R451 R449 R447 FLASH R445 R443 R441 C425 ST R260 TE U400 C404 R422 C407 • C107 1 TP8C443 1 1 GND U400 C291 10 PAL16V8Q C447 U414 R465 • C431 + C272 U205 U205 SWITCH ROWS CN7 27C040 CPU GAME C109 J2 Xilinx JTAG NOTE LED2 C433 + C9 U404 U404 R261 R262 R263 R264 R265 R266 R267 1 • + + TP1 C113 + + C80 S1 C432 + + C438 C441 C442 + U219 + C110 F1 +3.3V + C430 C444 R504 LED1 R466 R244 R245 R246 R247 R248 R249 R250 U204 U204 R419 C405 R420 U401 U401 6264 \ MS62256 C108 + R22 R480 R507 U403 + C254 R287 U403 C252 C253 R289 R288 C249 C250 C251 R292 R291 R290 C248 R293 R251 74HC245 D103 U101 + + R106 + C428 C429 U406 U406 DS1233 R285 R284 R283 R282 R281 R280 R279 C255 C247 R295 R294 C406 R421 R407 TP7 TP5 74LS74 D102 + • GND_SIGNAL C427 C274 R286 R278 74HC245 R24 U405 D408 R423 R430 R424 R429 R425 R428 U405 C119 LT1086 + R110 + • + TE NO C116 C221 C228 C222 C227 C223 C226 U206 R427 R426 TE C114 C120 C117 + Q8 Q7 C225 C224 C423 R469 C422 R479 + Q5 Q6 NO C115 + Q1 1 Q2 1 Q3 1 Q4 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 KSD08H SW300 R433 R109 1 1 1 1 DEDICATED SWITCH IN ON R476 R462 R477 C417 R468 R478 C416 R108 U102 D105 D104 R234 R241 R235 R240 R236 R239 R237 D3 12 74HC245 NOTE • U203 1 1 CN6 NOTE ST SWITCH COLUMNS GND LM339AN TE CN5 9 + 011 150318 74HC245 • • 74HC245 NOTE TEST U206 • 1 NOTE 2 26 PLASMA CNTLR LM339AN ( -- ) SIZE AA 1.5V ( + ) Sec. 5: PCBs 1 C P U / S o u n d B o a r d I I ( w i t h AT M E L P r o c e s s o r ) C o m p o n e n t La y o u t Test Points (TP): TEST TE ST 74HCT273 ST TE ¬FIRQ 2 20 +5V GND –12 +12 TE ST T TES • NOTE • ¬VBATT [ 3, G-4 ] 8K/32K [ 3, H-5 ] ¬JP1 ¬PLASMA_RESET • TP17 TP17: [ 3, H-1 ] •TP12 TP12: [ 3, D-2 ] ¬GND ¬S2 RESET [ 2, J-3 ] ¬SW200 74HC245 LEDs ¬L201 / L200 ¬GND[ 3, J-5 ] & [ 3, H-2 ] ¬GND ¬Q TP5: [ 2, C-5 ] ¬E TP7: [ 2, C-5 ] ¬P2, P1, P0 TP4, TP3, TP2: [ 2, D-5 ] ¬U402 ¬JP3 ¬JP3 TP20: [ 1, J-2 ] [ 1, G-5 ] ¬JP2 [ 1, G-1 ] ¬U219 TP8: [ 2, H-4 ] ¬LED1 [ 2, G-5 ] ¬JTAG J3 ¬GND [ 1, I-5 ] [ 1, E-3 ] ¬JP4 [ 2, C-1 ] ¬JTAG J2 XILINX [ 2, I-5 ] ¬LED2 ¬+3.3V TP1: [ 2, I-5 ] ¬GND_SIGNAL TP11 • ¬AOL & AOR TP16: [1, C-1], • TP16 TP11: [ 1, D-4 ] Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) Capacitors* ITEM — 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 QTY 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 8 52 PART NUMBER 520-5300-00 REF-DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION (NS = Not Stuffed) CPU/Sound II Board (with Atmel Processor) Complete PCB Assembly JP1, JP2, JP3, JP4 3-Pin Jumper & 2-Pin Cover 045-5015-06 CN2 (Key Pin-5) 6-Pin, 6PKK156 J2 JTAG Xilinx® 6-Pin, Header 045-5015-07 CN4 (Key Pin-5) 7-Pin, 7PKK156 J3 JTAG 7-Pin, Header 045-5013-00 CN5 (Key Pin-2) 9-Pin, 9PKK156 CN9 10-Pin, 0.1 Header 045-5014-01 CN7 (Key Pin-4) 10-Pin, 10PKK156 045-5015-00 CN6 (Key Pin-5) 12-Pin, 12PKK156 045-5015-01 CN1 20-Pin, 0.1 Header 045-5015-26 CN8 26-Pin, 0.1 Header 125-5043-00 C29, C37, C51 0.001uF (102), Cap. 125-5039-00 C48, C50, C75, C80 0.0022uF or 2200pF, (222), Cap. 125-5029-00 C221>C228 0.01uF (103), 100v Cap. 125-5031-00 C1>C4, C9, C18, C24, C33, C34, C38, C39, C47, C49, C110, 0.1uF (104), Axial Cer. Cap. C111, C113, C117, C118, C120, C123, C124, C125, C255, C272>C277, C279>C292, C400>C407, C444 (C45, C46, C52, C103, C105, C106, C122, C278: NS) 16 3 C430, C431, C433 (near U403, U404) 1.0uF, v, Radial Lytic Cap. 17 1 125-5017-00 C35 10uF, 16v, Radial Tant. Cap. 18 4 125-5017-00 C78, C79, C107, C114 (C76, C77, C100: NS) 10uF, 25v-35v, Radial Lytic Cap. 19 2 125-5015-00 C109, C112 (C102, C104: NS) 100uF, 25v, Radial Lytic Cap. 20 1 125-5014-00 C409 22uF, 16v, Radial Lytic Cap. 21 4 125-5020-00 C40, C59, C108, C115 (C101: NS) 22uF, 25v, Radial Lytic Cap. 22 2 125-5012-00 C116, C119 220uF, 25v, Radial Lytic Cap. 23 2 125-5019-00 C31, C81 470uF, 25v, Radial Lytic Cap. 24 39 125-5028-00 C208>C215, C216>C220, C229, C230, C247>C254, 470pF (471), Cer. Cap. C256>C263, C264>C271 (C200>C207, C408: NS) 25 2 125-5037-00 C30, C428 1000uF, 16v, Radial Lytic Cap. 26 17 C427, C429, C436>C441, C443, C445>C451 SMT .1uF Cap. 27 2 C432, C442 (near U403 & U404) SMT 10uF Cap. 28 9 C411, C414, C416, C419, C420, C422, C424, C434, C435 SMT 47pF Cap. 29 10 C410, C412, C413, C415, C417, C418, C421, C423, C425, C426 SMT 100nF Cap. 30 7 112-5003-00 D1>D3, D102>D105, D408 (D100, D101: NS) 1N4004, Diode 31 2 112-5008-00 D200, D201 1N5817, Diode 32 8 112-0054-00 D400-D407 1N4148, Diode 33 4 165-5099-00 LED1, LED2, L200, L201 LED T1-3/4 DIFFUSER LED 34 3 124-5064-00 R310, R315, R316 (R300, R311, R313, R314, R475: NS) 0 Jumper Res. (1-Stripe) 35 2 121-5041-00 R107, R111 (R103: NS) 1 1/4W Res. 35 20 121-5009-00 R8, R15, R234>R241, R278>R286, R412 1K 1/4W Res. 36 1 121-5018-00 R7 1.5K 1/4W Res. 37 2 121-5043-00 R16, R17 (R25, R112: NS) 2.2K 1/4W Res. 38 2 121-5048-00 R410, R411 3.3K 1/4W Res. 39 12 121-5021-00 R21, R216>R223, R242, R243, R400 4.7K 1/4W Res. 40 36 121-5011-00 R106, R224>R228, R244>R251,R260>R267, R296>R299, 10K 1/4W Res. R301>R306, R413, R431, R432 (R200>R207, R501: NS) 41 3 121-5023-00 R9, R14, R104 (R100, R102: NS) 22K W 1/4W Res. 42 1 121-5022-04 R110 33K 1/4W Res. 43 9 121-5045-00 R108, R287>R294 39K Res. 44 2 121-5032-00 R22, R24 47K 1/4W Res. 45 15 121-5014-00 R229>R233, R295, R414>R422 (R208>R215: NS) 220 1/4W Res. 46 1 121-5036-00 R312 330 1/4W Res. 47 2 121-5046-01 R105, R109 (R101, R409: NS) 470 1/4W Res. 48 16 121-5047-00 R401>R408, R423>R430 560 1/4W Res. 49 1 F1 SMT Res. 50 4 R434, R435, R436, R508 SMT 1K Res. 51 1 R480 SMT 10K Res. 52 2 R502, R509 SMT 33 Res. 53 3 R465, R466, R470 SMT 100 Res. 54 35 R433, R437, R441>R459, R462>R464, R468, R469, SMT 100K Res. R476>R479, R504>R507, R510 55 9 110-0069-00 Q1-Q8, Q10 2N3904, Transistor 56 1 U402 ATMEL, AT91R40008 57 1 U8 ATMEL, AT49BV1614 58 1 U414 XILINX®, XC9572XL 59 1 (See Pg. # Table) U7 512K EPROM Sound (27512) 60 1 (See Pg. # Table) U210 (32-Pin, IC Socket, 077-5217-00) 1MB EPROM CPU Game (27C040) 61 4 (See Pg. # Table) U17, U21, U36, U37 (32-Pin, IC Socket, 077-5217-00) 8MB EPROM Voice 1-4 (M27C0400I-12FI) 62 1 965-6504-00 U213 ( BLUE DOT ) PAL16V8Q (Programmed) BLUE DOT 63 1 105-5046-00 U212 (28-Pin, IC Dip Socket, 077-5208-00) 6264/MS62256 (MS6264A) (28-Pin) 64 1 100-0189-01 U209 (40-Pin, IC Socket, 077-5209-00) 68B09E (40-Pin) 65 2 100-5015-00 U215, U216 74AHCT74 (14-Pin) 66 8 100-0338-00 U202, U204, U205, U206, U207, U208, U403, U404 (U200: NS) 74HC245 (20-Pin) 67 2 100-5012-00 U201, U203 74HCT273 (20-Pin) 68 1 100-0037-00 U407 74LS74 (14-Pin) 69 1 100-0148-00 U214 74LS138 (16-Pin) 70 1 100-0064-00 U211 74LS374 (20-Pin) Test Point Wire (24ga.) Loops: 71 1 U406 3.3v Watchdog, DS1233 (3-Pin) VBATT, GND (near CN7), 72 1 100-5023-00 U413 5.0v Watchdog, DS1232 (8-Pin) GND (near CN9), GND (near L200), 73 1 U219 1.8v Volt. Regulator LT1503 (8-Pin) GND_SIGNAL (near U405) 74 1 U405 3.3v Volt. Regulator LT1086 (3-Pin) 75 1 124-5002-00 VR1 -5v Regulator, LM7905CT Test Point Pads: 76 1 124-5001-00 VR2 +5v Regulator, LM7805CT TP1>TP5, TP7, TP8, TP11, 77 2 100-0377-00 U400, U401 LM339AN (14-Pin) TP12, TP16, TP17, TP20 78 1 100-0375-00 U30 LM833 (8-Pin) 79 1 100-5018-00 U26 TDA1543 (8-Pin) 80 2 100-5016-20 U101, U102 (U100: NS) TDA2030A (5-Pin) 81 1 140-0040-00 Y1 40MHz Clock PLE SQ3300S 82 1 181-5002-00 SW300 Dip Switch 8-Pos., (KSD08H Black) 83 n/a FB1>FB6 Ferrite Bead 84 535-5000-10 HS2, HS3, (HS1: NS) (over U101, U102) Heat Sink (AAVID 531102) 85 1 S2 (Reset) Push-Button Switch (B3F4000) 86 1 545-5685-00 BAT1 HOLDER (Always replace all 3, Size AA 1.5v Cells, with new ones, when required) If a part is required where a part number is not provided, call Tech. Support (see back of cover). : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: 6HF3&%V Resistors / Transistors* ICs / RAMs / ROMs / EPROMs Miscellaneous * Surface Mounts (SMT) are not listed. Diodes & LEDs* * Surface Mounts (SMT) are not listed. Connectors &386RX QG,,%RDUG ZLWK$WPHO3URFHVVRU 3DUWV 3ULQWHG&LUFXLW %RDUGV 3&%V 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DJH P l a y f i e l d S w i t c h S i n g l e O P T O Tr a n s m i t t e r & R e c e i v e r B o a r d s S c h e m a t i c R1 J1-A L1 J1-B 180 W TLRH180P Q1 2N3906 R2 L1 TLRH180P R3 10K W Single OPTO Transmitter 515-7307-00 J1-A 5.6K W R1 1M W J1-B Q2 2N5460 Single OPTO Receiver 515-7308-00 Front Side (LED & 2-Pin Connector) Front Side (LED & 2-Pin Connector) P l a y f i e l d S w i t c h S i n g l e O P T O Tr a n s . & R e c . B o a r d s C o m p o n e n t La y o u t & Pa r t s 515-7307-00 (TRANS) Back Side (Solder / SMTs) Back Side (Solder / SMTs) 515-7308-00 (REC) Sec. 5: PCBs ITEM QTY PART NUMBER REF-DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION A — 01 02 03 04 05 B — 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 515-7307-00 520-5230-00 045-5111-02 165-5052-00 121-5067-00 530-5308-02 545-5518-00 515-7308-00 520-5231-00 045-5111-02 165-5052-00 110-5006-00 110-0086-00 Single OPTO Trans. Bd. Assy. Single OPTO Trans. Board J1 L1 R1 n/a n/a Single OPTO Rec. Bd. Assy. Single OPTO Rec. Board J1 L1 Q1 Q2 R1 R2 R3 n/a n/a PCB Assy. (with all Items 1-5) PCB Assy. (with Items 1-3 only) 2X, .156" Rt. Angle (26-60-5020) Conn. LED TLRH180P (Ultra Bright Red) SMT 180 W 1/8W Chip Res. (CRCW) OPTO PCB Brass Tube Spacer OPTO PCB Rubber Grommet PCB Assy. (with all Items 1-9) PCB Assy. (with Items 1-7 only) 2X, .156" Rt. Angle (26-60-5030) Conn. LED TLRH180P (Ultra Bright Red) 2N3906, Transistor (P-FET SOT-23) 2N5460, Transistor SMT 5.6K W 1/8W Chip Res. (CRCW) SMT 1M W 1/8W Chip Res. (CRCW) SMT 10K W 1/8W Chip Res. (CRCW) OPTO PCB Brass Tube Spacer OPTO PCB Rubber Grommet 121-5011-00 530-5308-02 545-5518-00 Replacement Part: LED TLRH180P (T1-3/4 GaAIAs) SPI Part N1: 165-5052-00 If a part is required where a part number is not provided, call Tech. Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 142 Support (see back of cover). Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) B a c k Pa n e l S w i t c h M i n i O P T O Tr a n s m i t t e r & R e c e i v e r B o a r d s S c h e m a t i c , C o m p o n e n t La y o u t & Pa r t s Pin-2 A Pin-1 K Front Mini PCB OPTO 12" Lead (White Bracket) 500-6746-00 White Stripe Back A Front Pin-1 Pin-2 Mini PCB OPTO 6" Lead (Black Bracket) 500-6747-00 A K White Stripe Back B ITEM QTY PART NUMBER REF-DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION A — 01 02 03 04 05 B — 01 02 03 04 05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 500-6746-00 520-5237-00 545-6092-01 237-5909-00 165-5052-00 601-5023-12 045-5020-02 500-6747-00 520-5237-00 045-6092-00 237-5909-00 165-5052-00 601-5023-06 045-5020-02 MINI PCB OPTO ASM WHT / 12" LEAD Mini OPTO Trans. or Rec. Board PCB Assy. (with all Items 1-5) PCB Only Plain White Bracket (Plastic) Holder #4-40 X 1/4 PPH Screw LED (Ultra Bright Red) 12" Speaker Wire (1-Side White Stripe) 2-Pin Cn., .100 KK Cmp Trm Molex 08-50-0113 PCB Assy. (with all Items 1-5) PCB Only Plain Black Bracket (Plastic) Holder #4-40 X 1/4 PPH Screw LED (Ultra Bright Red) 6" Speaker Wire (1-Side White Stripe) 2-Pin Cn., .100 KK Cmp Trm Molex 08-50-0113 K, A Note White Strip to Pin-1 MINI PCB OPTO ASM BLK / 6" LEAD Mini OPTO Trans. or Rec. Board K, A Note White Strip to Pin-2 B a c k Pa n e l O P T O Tr a n s m i t t e r / R e c e i v e r A m p l i f i e r B d . C o m p o n e n t La y o u t & Pa r t s OPTO Transmitter / Receiver Amplifier PCB 520-5239-00 Back Front QTY PART NUMBER — 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 1 2 1 4 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 4 1 2 4 520-5239-00 REF-DESIGNATOR OPTO Transmitter/Receiver Amplifier Board R7 R5, R6 R9 R1, R3, R12, R13 R10, R11 R2, R4 R8 C1, C2, C3 D1, D2 Q1, Q2 U1 Mfg. 22-23-2021 J1, J2, J3, J4 Mfg. 640445-5 J5 Mfg. APT3216SURC L1, L2 n/a Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) DESCRIPTION Complete PCB Assembly SMT 150K W 1/10W Resistor 805, 5% SMT 180 W 1/10W Resistor 805, 5% SMT 180K W 1/10W Resistor 805, 5% SMT 1K W 1/10W Resistor 805, 5% SMT 1M W 1/10W Resistor 805, 5% SMT 470 W 1/10W Resistor 805, 5% SMT 6.8K W 1/10W Resistor 805, 5% SMT Cer. .1uF 50v Cap., 10% X7R 1N4148W, Diode, 100v, 350MW MMST3904, NPN, 40v, .02A LM339M, Low Power Offset QUA 2-Pin, 0.1 Header (1 Row, VT, Tin) 5-Pin, .156 Header (1 Row, VT, Tin) LEDD-SMT, Red 1206 Spacer (Nylon), .153" ID X 9/32" OD X 3/8" Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 143 Sec. 5: PCBs ITEM P l a y f i e l d 1 9 - L E D P C B o a r d C o m p o n e n t La y o u t 19-LED PCB 520-5242-00 Back Front Front Top Edge L19 12 L4 L11 L12 Key Pin-10 L13 L18 L3 L2 L14 L15 L9 L5 L1 L16 L8 For Wiring, see Pages 146 or 147. L17 J1 L10 L6 L7 Sec. 5: PCBs ITEM QTY PART NUMBER REF-DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION — 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 520-5242-00 Playfield 19-LED PC Board CN1 CN2 D1, D2, D3 Complete PCB Assembly Connector, 4X .156” Connector, 5X .156” 1N914, Signal Diode 112-5014-00 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 144 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) UK & Special App. 3X Transistor Driver Bd. Schematic NC NC KEY RED NC ORG-RED ORG-BRN ORG-BLK PNK-WHT Auxilliary Driver Board NC KEY WHT RED BLK BLK ORG Auxilliary Driver Board ITEM QTY PART NUMBER REF-DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION — 1 520-5068-01 Solenoid Expander (x3 Transistor) PC Board Complete PCB Assembly Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 145 Sec. 5: PCBs UK & Special App. 3X Transistor Driver Bd. Component Layout (Sol. Exp. Bd.) UK 3X Transistor Driver Board f or Up-Posts & Playfield 19-LED Over view & Wiring To Playfield 19-LED Board (Connector under the playfield) KEY ORG-BRN ORG-RED ORG-BLK ORG-YEL ORG-GRN ORG-BLU ORG-VIO ORG-GRY ORG-WHT ORG-BLK ORG-RED ORG-BRN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RED +5V 11 BLK GND 12 KEY PNK-WHT To I/O Board J16-11 To I/O Board J16-5 Front Top Edge L19 L4 L11 12 Conn. to I/O Power Driver Board J3 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ORG-WHT ORG-GRY ORG-VIO ORG-BLU ORG-GRN ORG-YEL L12 Key Pin-10 L13 L18 L3 L10 L2 L14 L9 L15 L5 L1 L17 L16 L8 J1 Conn. to I/O Power Driver Board J2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 L6 L7 FROM BRN Low Power +5V 1 2 3 RED 4 5 NC ORG-RED 6 ORG-BRN 7 ORG-BLK 8 PNK-WHT 9 NC NC KEY 20v DC J7P1 I/O BD. Auxilliary Driver Board 520-5068-01 J1 J2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WHT RED BLK BLK ORG Left Post 26-1200 AUX. 1 (Q1) Center Post 23-1100 AUX. 2 (Q2) Right Post 26-1200 AUX. 3 (Q3) NC KEY Sec. 5: PCBs Coin Meter 02003 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 146 RED 1 NC 2 BLK 3 1 2 3 RED +5VDC NC BRN-BLK > From existing 3-Pin Connector in Game Cabinet for Meter Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) UK 3X Transistor Driver Board for Up-Posts & Playfield 19-LED Over view & Wiring with the Tournament Serial Inter face (TSI) Board Cabinet Bottom BETA brite® Electronic Color Message Display Data Cable Power Supply ® BETA brite Power Cable Plugs into Service Outlet provided in the bottom of all domestic SPI Pinball Games To Playfield 19-LED Board (Connector under the playfield) J6 KEY J4 Tournament 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ORG-BRN ORG-RED ORG-BLK ORG-YEL ORG-GRN ORG-BLU ORG-VIO ORG-GRY ORG-WHT KEY KEY Serial PNK-WHT 12 1 +5VDC RED Interface J5 2 GND BLK BLU-WHT 11 Board GRN-WHT 10 >From existing 520-5220-00 2-Pin Cabinet BRN-WHT 9 Harness PINK 8 GRY 7 J3 VIO 6 J2 Not BLU 5 Used GRN 4 YEL 3 ORG 2 BRN 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RED +5V 11 BLK GND 12 To I/O Board J16-11 To I/O Board J16-5 Front Top Edge L19 L4 L11 12 Conn. to I/O Power Driver Board J3 10 9 KEY ORG-GRY 8 ORG-VIO 7 ORG-BLU 6 J1 ORG-GRN 5 ORG-YEL 4 ORG-BLK 3 ORG-RED 2 ORG-BRN 1 L12 Key Pin-10 L13 L18 L3 L10 L2 L14 J7 L9 Optional RS2 Printer Port L15 L5 L1 L17 L16 L8 J1 Conn. to I/O Power Driver Board J2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ORG-WHT L6 L7 FROM BRN Low Power 1 2 3 RED 4 5 NC ORG-RED 6 ORG-BRN 7 ORG-BLK 8 PNK-WHT 9 NC NC KEY Auxilliary Driver Board 520-5068-01 J1 J2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WHT RED BLK BLK ORG Left Post 26-1200 AUX. 1 (Q1) Center Post 23-1100 AUX. 2 (Q2) Right Post 26-1200 AUX. 3 (Q3) NC KEY Coin Meter 02003 RED 1 NC 2 BLK 3 1 2 3 RED +5VDC NC BRN-BLK > From existing 3-Pin Connector in Game Cabinet for Meter Order the Optional ToPS™ (Tournament Pinball System) Kit! Call Technical Support at 1-800-542-5377 for more information Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 147 Sec. 5: PCBs +5V 20v DC J7P1 I/O BD. To u r n a m e n t S e r i a l I n t e r f a c e B o a r d S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 1 o f 1 ) 6 5 4 6 5 4 D C B Sec. 5: PCBs A Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 148 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) To u r n a m e n t S e r i a l I n t e r f a c e B o a r d S c h e m a t i c ( S h e e t 1 o f 1 ) 3 2 1 D R42, R44 & R45 NOT STUFFED C A Schematic Set ® Sheet 1 of 1 SIZE NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 MICROFARADS ( mF ) BYPASS CAPACITOR ON ALL IC’S. 3 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 2 REV. A D SPI Tournament Serial Interface Bd. SPI Part Nº: 520-5220-00 Non-Text Document Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: 237-0268-00 Dated: 08/2002 1 Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 149 Sec. 5: PCBs B To u r n a m e n t S e r i a l I n t e r f a c e B o a r d C o m p o n e n t La y o u t Cabinet Bottom BETA brite® Electronic Color Message Display Data Cable Power Supply ® BETA brite Power Cable Plugs into Service Outlet provided in the bottom of all domestic SPI Pinball Games 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 THIS SIDE: Tournament Large Cable Wiring Harness (036-5477-98) Serial Interface to I/O Power Driver Board ORG-BRN ORG-RED ORG-BLK KEY ORG-YEL ORG-GRN ORG-BLU ORG-VIO ORG-GRY ORG-WHT KEY 2 1 +5V 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 DISPLAY Moved from I/O Bd. J2 (if used) To To Playfield TSI 19-LED Board J4 (Conn. under P/F) } } } ELECTRONIC COLOR MESSAGE } ORG-WHT KEY ORG-GRY ORG-VIO ORG-BLU ORG-GRN ORG-YEL ORG-BLK ORG-RED ORG-BRN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J6 DATA CABLE TO BETA brite® To TSI J1 Connected to I/O Power Driver Bd. J2 RED BLK To TSI J2 } To From TSI existing J5 harness PNK-WHT BLU-WHT GRN-WHT BRN-WHT PNK GRY VIO BLU GRN YEL ORG BRN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 } Connected to I/O Power Driver Bd. J3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 10 12 } G ND Sec. 5: PCBs THIS SIDE: The 9-Pin Break-Out Conn. on above harness, for UK Aux. or Ticket / Coin Dispenser Application Only +5V FROM I/O J16-P5 RED BLK FROM I/O J16-P11 GND J7 OPTIONAL SERIAL PORT FOR PRINTER OR LAPTOP (call Technical Support for more information, if required). Component Side ITEM QTY PART NUMBER REF-DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION -- 1 520-5220-00 Tournament Serial Interface (TSI) Board PCB Assembly Section 5, Chapter 4 Page 150 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) $S SHQGL[ $SSHQGL[HV$WKUR XJK7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV IRU$SSHQGL[HV x$SSHQGL[$3LQEDOO*DPH)LUPZDUH7DEOH $$ X * Z ! "!!#$$$ % !&'%%()*'! +,- './-%"01! ,'. x$SSHQGL[%6HPL&RQGXFWRUV,&·V5HOD\V&URVV5HIHUHQFH7DEOH % Z ! ! 2$ 203 23' 2 " x$SSHQGL[&3URGXFWLRQ6WDUW'DWH0DQXDO3DUW15206L]H 3RVLWLRQVDQG-XPSHU: & X * Z 4 ! 5 2!% 2 !,.2!6$! %%&'%%()* '! +,- './-%"01! ,'. x$SSHQGL['%RDUG7\SH7DEOH '' X * Z 4 7% **$5 42!25 %8%825 +5 %825 %8! %%2 0! # &'%%()*'! +,- './-%"01! ,'.** ! "# " x$SSHQGL[(*HQHULF&RLO&URVV5HIHUHQFH*XLGH )OLSSHU&RLO7DEOH (( X * Z 4 % !'90! &'%%()*'! +,- './-%"01! ,'. x$SSHQGL[)0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ7DEOH )) X * Z 4 %% 7! !2 & !! &'%%()*'! +,- './ -%"01! ,'. x$SSHQGL[*3DUW1XPEHU3UHIL[&ODVVLILFDWLRQ&RGHV * Z +% ! 4% % x$SSHQGL[+3OD\ILHOG,QVHUWV 3ODVWLF/LJKW&RYHUV + Z 4 %4 !! &%% ! $$ $ x$SSHQGL[,6WDQG8S7DUJHWV 0RGXODU6WDQG8S7DUJHWV ,, Z 4 %4 !! &%% !% !90 $$ $ x$SSHQGL[-&RLQ&DUGV 86$ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO - Z 4 %4 !! &%% ! !&2!23! $! ! !%! $ "$"% $ "$ "& ' ( " " $SSHQGL[HV$²7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV $SSHQGL[HV$²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ound Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Display (512K) (1M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (4M) 965-0408-81 965-0409-81 965-0410-81 965-0411-81 965-0412-81 965-0413-81 965-0414-81 V1.00 | $D93D A3.20 | $43FF V1.00 | $067B V1.00 | $C8B8 V1.00 | $64C2 V1.00 | $5341 A3.00 | $DE4B U7 960-7001-02 U210 960-5009-00 U17 960-5016-00 U21 960-5016-00 U36 960-5016-00 U37 960-5016-00 U5 DC PCB 960-5015-01 965-0415-84 965-0416-84 965-0417-84 965-0418-84 965-0419-84 965-0420-84 965-0421-84 V1.00 | $8CD2 A5.00 | $50FF V1.00 | $538D V1.00 | $8BCD V1.00 | $60F8 V1.00 | $14D8 A5.00 | $A1F6 U7 960-7001-02 U210 960-5009-00 U17 960-5016-00 U21 960-5016-00 U36 960-5016-00 U37 960-5016-00 U5 DC PCB 960-5015-01 V4.00 | $9B5A A5.00 | $5BFF V3.00 | $F01E V1.04 | $C14C V1.04 | $47A3 V1.04 | $ADCD A5.00 | $B4BB U7 960-7001-02 U210 960-5009-00 U17 960-5016-00 U21 960-5016-00 U36 960-5016-00 U37 960-5016-00 U5 DC PCB 960-5015-01 V2.00 | $32B3 A4.50 | $39FF V2.00 | $CFFB V2.00 | $22C0 V2.00 | $5FC8 V2.00 | $2902 A4.00 | $92BD U7 960-7001-02 U210 960-5009-00 U17 960-5016-00 U21 960-5016-00 U36 960-5016-00 U37 960-5016-00 U5 DC PCB 960-5015-01 V1.00 | $6F89 A4.50 | $5EFF V1.00 | $CE0E V1.00 | $F4C6 V1.00 | $057D V1.00 | $2646 A4.00 | $DA8E U7 960-7001-02 U210 960-5009-00 U17 960-5016-00 U21 960-5016-00 U36 960-5016-00 U37 960-5016-00 U5 DC PCB 960-5015-01 Ripley’s Believe It or Not!® (Notes 7, 8) 5DZ 3DUW 1 Elvis® (Notes 7, 8) Sound Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Display (512K) (1M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (4M) Spider-Man Pinball (S-M) (Notes 7, 9) Boot B-02 965-BOOT-SAM X2.10 | $F625 U9 (8M) 960-5016-00 unprogrammed Memory Stick 128MB (970-0128-00) Version System Bin Files: English + Spanish 1.3ES 1.27+ spd_1_30_es.bin English + French 1.3EF 1.27+ spd_1_30_ef.bin German+French 1.3GF 1.27+ spd_1_30_gf.bin English + Italian 1.3EI 1.27+ spd_1_30_ei.bin NOTE: THE TYPICAL SIZE PER UNZIPPED BIN FILE IS 25MB – 30MB+/– The SopranosSM (Notes 7, 8). Sound Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Display (512K) (1M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (4M) 965-0422-85 965-0423-85 965-0424-85 965-0425-85 965-0426-85 965-0427-85 965-0428-85 NASCAR® (Notes 7, 8) Sound Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Display (512K) (1M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (4M) 965-0429-86 965-0430-86 965-0431-86 965-0432-86 965-0433-86 965-0434-86 965-0435-86 Grand Prix (Notes 7, 8) Sound Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Display (512K) (1M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (4M) 965-0429-91 965-0430-91 965-0431-91 965-0432-91 965-0433-91 965-0434-91 965-0435-91 [NDSE] (Notes 7, 8) Call for more info if code update required. Sound Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Display (512K) (1M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (4M) 965-0436-97 965-0437-97 965-0438-97 965-0439-97 965-0440-97 965-0441-97 965-0442-97 U7 960-7001-02 U210 960-5009-00 U17 960-5016-00 U21 960-5016-00 U36 960-5016-00 U37 960-5016-00 U5 DC PCB 960-5015-01 ** GAMES BELOW THIS LINE / NEXT COLUMN ARE S.A.M. SYSTEM GAMES 7225'(50(025<67,&.:,7+*$0(),/(6 )520<285',675,%872586(63,3$57 180%(5 ,1&/8'(7+( *$0(1$0(/$1*8$*(),/( 6 '(6,5(' World Poker Tour Pinball (WPT) (Notes 7, 9) Boot B-02 965-BOOT-SAM X1.04 | $7E62 U9 (8M) 960-5016-00 unprogrammed Memory Stick 128MB (970-0128-00) Version System Bin Files: English + Spanish 1.12AL 1.17+ WPT0112AL.bin English Only 1.12A 1.17+ WPT0112A.bin English + French 1.12AF 1.17+ WPT0112AF.bin French Only 1.12F 1.17+ WPT0112F.bin German + French 1.12GF 1.17+ WPT0112GF.bin German Only 1.12G 1.17+ WPT0112G.bin English + Italian 1.12AI 1.17+ WPT0112AI.bin Italian Only 1.12I 1.17+ WPT0112I.bin NOTE: THE TYPICAL SIZE PER UNZIPPED BIN FILE IS 25MB – 30MB+/– The Simpsons Kooky Carnival Redemption (Note 9) Boot B-02 965-BOOT-SAM X1.04 | $7E62 U9 (8M) 960-5016-00 unprogrammed Memory Stick 128MB (970-0128-00) Version Bin Files: English Only 1.05 SKC0105.bin English New Jersey Only 0.09NJ SKC0090NJ.bin NOTE: THE TYPICAL SIZE PER UNZIPPED BIN FILE IS 5.5MB +/– ©Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean Pinball (POTC) (Notes 7, 9) Boot B-02 965-BOOT-SAM X1.06 | $2014 U9 (8M) 960-5016-00 unprogrammed Memory Stick 128MB (970-0128-00) Version System Bin Files: English + Spanish 1.15AS 1.17+ POTC115AS.bin English + French 1.15AF 1.17+ POTC115AF.bin German + French 1.15GF 1.17+ POTC115GF.bin English + Italian 1.15AI 1.17+ POTC115AI.bin NOTE: THE TYPICAL SIZE PER UNZIPPED BIN FILE IS 25MB – 30MB+/– Family Guy Pinball (FG) (Notes 7, 9) Boot B-02 965-BOOT-SAM X2.09 | $10A3 U9 (8M) 960-5016-00 unprogrammed Memory Stick 128MB (970-0128-00) Version System Bin Files: English + Spanish 10.00AL 1.23+ FG1000AL.bin English + French 10.00AF 1.23+ FG1000AF.bin English + German 10.00AG 1.23+ FG1000GF.bin English + Italian 10.00AI 1.23+ FG1000AI.bin NOTE: THE TYPICAL SIZE PER UNZIPPED BIN FILE IS 25MB – 30MB+/– 3LQEDOO*DPH )LUPZDUH7DEOH footnotes: 1 ROMs on CPU/Sound Bd.: 520-5136-00 (Stereo) & Display Cont. Bd.: 520-5055-01 2 ROMs on CPU/Sound Bd.: 520-5136-10 (Mono) & Display Cont. Bd.: 520-5055-01 3 ROMs on CPU/Sound Board: 520-5136-15* (Mono) (*FCC 11-97) & Display Controller Board: 520-5055-02* (*FCC 11-97) $SSHQGL[$ $33(1',;$ 3LQEDOO*DPH)LUPZDUH7DEOH (3520 &KLS 6L]H 3URJUDP 3DUW 1 86$ 9HU %G /RF CPU Sound (Old) Sound (Old) Sound (Old) (256K) (256K) (256K) (256K) 965-0004-00 965-0005-00 965-0006-00 965-0007-00 LWAR.C5 C5 J5 J6 J7 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 Sound Sound 1 Sound 2 (256K) (512K) (512K) 965-0008-00 965-0009-00 965-0010-00 7F 6F 4F 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 Laser War - OR - 5DZ 3DUW 1 (3520 Lethal Weapon 3 (256K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0011-00 965-0012-00 965-0014-00 965-0015-00 965-0013-00 A4-6 A4-6 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 965-0016-00 965-0017-00 965-0019-00 965-0020-00 965-0018-00 A2-1 A2-1 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 965-0021-00 965-0022-00 965-0024-00 965-0025-00 965-0023-00 A2-4 A2-4 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 Torpedo Alley CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (256K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) Time Machine CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (128K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) Playboy 35th Anniversary CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (256K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0046-00 965-0047-00 965-0049-00 965-0050-00 965-0048-00 A2-4 A2-4 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 ABC Monday Night Football CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (128K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0031-00 965-0032-00 965-0034-00 965-0035-00 965-0033-00 A2-7 A2-7 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 Robocop CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (256K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0036-00 965-0037-00 965-0039-00 965-0040-00 965-0038-00 A3-4 A3-4 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 Phantom of the Opera CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (128K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0026-00 965-0027-00 965-0029-00 965-0030-00 965-0028-00 A3-2 A3-2 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 965-0041-00 965-0042-00 965-0044-00 965-0045-00 965-0043-00 A2-0 A2-0 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 (128K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0051-00 965-0052-00 965-0054-00 965-0055-00 965-0053-00 A2-7 A2-7 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 (128K) (256K) (1M) (1M) (256K) (512K) 965-0056-00 965-0134-00 965-0057-00 965-0058-00 965-0059-00 965-0060-00 A1-7 A1-7 B5 C5 F7 F5 F4 U8 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-5009-00 960-5009-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 B5 C5 F5/6 F4/5 F7 U8 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-5009-00 960-5009-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 Back to the Future CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (256K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) The Simpsons CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Checkpoint CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display CP80 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display (128K) (256K) (1M) (1M) (256K) (512K) 965-0061-00 965-0062-00 965-0063-00 965-0064-00 965-0065-00 965-0066-00 A1.04 A1.04 A1.04 Batman CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display (128K) (256K) (2M) (1M) (256K) (1M) 965-0067-00 965-0135-00 965-0068-00 965-0069-00 965-0070-00 965-0071-00 A1.06 A1.06 A1.06 B5 C5 U17 U21 U7 U8 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-5010-00 960-5009-00 960-5007-00 960-5009-00 Star Trek 25th Anniversary CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display (512K) (2M) (2M) (256K) (1M) 965-0072-00 965-0073-00 965-0074-00 965-0075-00 965-0076-00 (512K) (2M) (2M) (256K) (1M) 965-0077-00 965-0078-00 965-0079-00 965-0080-00 965-0081-00 A2.01 A1.09 C5 U17 U21 U7 U8 960-7001-02 960-5010-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5009-00 C5 U17 U21 U7 U8 960-7001-02 960-5010-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5009-00 CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display A4.08 A4.01 86$ 9HU %G /RF 5DZ 3DUW 1 (512K) 965-0082-00 A2.08 (2M) 965-0083-00 (2M) 965-0084-00 (256K) 965-0085-00 (2M) 965-0086-00 A2.06 (2M) 965-0087-00 A2.06 (Used on Display PCB 520-5055-00) C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 ROM 1 960-7001-02 960-5010-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5010-00 960-5010-00 Display -OR(4M) 965-0087-04 A2.06 (Used on Display PCB 520-5055-01) ROM 0 960-5015-00 CPU Voice 0 Voice 1 Sound Display Display (512K) 965-0119-00 A1.03 (4M) 965-0132-00 (2M) 965-0133-00 (256K) 965-0131-00 (2M) 965-0120-00 A1.04 (2M) 965-0121-00 A1.04 (Used on Display PCB 520-5055-00) C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 ROM 1 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5010-00 960-5010-00 Display -OR(4M) 965-0122-00 A1.05 (Used on Display PCB 520-5055-01) ROM 0 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U36 U37 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U36 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U36 U37 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U36 U7 ROM 0 ROM 3 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U36 U7 ROM 0 ROM 3 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 Star Wars Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends CPU Voice 0 Voice 1 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (2M) (256K) (4M) 965-0138-00 965-0139-00 965-0140-00 965-0141-00 965-0142-00 A1.30 A1.30 Jurassic Park CPU Voice 0 Voice 1 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (2M) (256K) (4M) 965-0143-00 965-0144-00 965-0145-00 965-0146-00 965-0147-00 A5.13 A5.10 Last Action Hero CPU Voice 0 Voice 1 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (2M) (256K) (4M) 965-0148-00 965-0149-00 965-0150-00 965-0151-00 965-0152-00 A1.12 A1.06 Tales from the Crypt CPU Voice 0 Voice 1 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (2M) (256K) (4M) 965-0157-00 965-0158-00 965-0159-00 965-0160-00 965-0161-00 A3.03 A3.01 The Who’s Tommy CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) 965-0162-00 965-0165-00 965-0166-00 965-0167-00 965-0168-00 965-0164-00 965-0163-00 A4.00 A4.00 WWF Royal Rumble CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) 965-0169-00 965-0172-00 965-0173-00 965-0174-00 965-0171-00 965-0170-00 A1.06 A1.02 Guns N’ Roses CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) 965-0175-00 965-0178-00 965-0179-00 965-0180-00 965-0181-00 965-0177-00 965-0176-00 (512K) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) (4M) 965-0182-00 965-0186-00 965-0187-00 965-0187-01 965-0185-00 965-0183-00 965-0184-00 A3.00 A3.00 Maverick * CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Sound Display* Display* A4.04 A4.01 A4.01 Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein * CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Sound Display* Display* (512K) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) (4M) 965-0188-00 965-0192-00 965-0193-00 965-0194-00 965-0191-00 965-0189-00 965-0190-00 (512K) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) (4M) 965-0195-00 965-0196-00 965-0197-00 965-0199-00 965-0200-00 965-0201-00 Baywatch * CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display* Display* CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display* Display* A1.03 A1.03 A1.03 (CPU Board 520-5003-04) Batman Forever * Hook 3URJUDP 3DUW 1 CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display Display Secret Service CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound &KLS 6L]H (512K) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) (4M) A4.00 A4.00 A4.00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 ROM 3 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 (CPU Board 520-5003-04) 965-0202-00 965-0203-00 965-0204-00 965-0205-00 965-0206-00 965-0207-00 A3.02 A3.00 A3.00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 ROM 3 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 * Note: Display EPROMS (4M) for Maverick thru Batman Forever require an access time of 120 Nsec or faster. $SSHQGL[$ 3LQEDOO*DPH )LUPZDUH7DEOH $33(1',;% 6HPL&RQGXFWRUV,QWHJUDWHG&LUFXLWV ,& 5HOD\V&URVV5HIHUHQFH7DEOH 7DEOH 1 6RXUFH 67(51 5DGLR ( & * 5 & $ 1 7 ( 1XPEHU 3,1%$// 6KDFN 5(&7,),&$7,21 %/2&.,1* '$03(1,1* ',2'(6 $1'25 /,*+7 (0,77,1* ',2'(6 /('V 7\SH !" !" !" !" !" !" !"k"q% j-! ] ] ] ] ^/ j )' ] #1 #6@58 ^ '+/v/# ' ]^- ]^- ]^- ]^- ]^- ]^- `` -* -* -* -* -* -* `` `` ' ' `` `` `` '' `` `` `` `` . `` ] / w ] .w ] / w ]' w ]'.w ]' w ] /w ] /''w ] 'w z . / ' . / ]^- / ]^- / ]^- / ]^- / ]^- '/ ]^- ]^- ]^- / ]^- / -* / -* / -* / -* / -* '/ -* -* -* / -* / ' `` `` `` `` `` `` `` '/ / x `` '' `` -* `` -* `` `` `` -* -* `` -* `` -* `` -* '/2 -* -*' `` -* `` -* `` -*' `` -* `` -*'' `` -* `` -*' ' `` -* -* `` `` `` `` ' / ' '' `` ' '' ' '' ' ' ' ' `` =(1(5 ',2'(6 !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" 75$16,67256 7<3( )(7 131 313 $1'25 6&5 )-^^1# )-^^1# )-^^1# ]2]^1# ]2]^1# ]2]^1# ]2]^1# ]2]^1# ]2]^1# ]2]^1# 2]2^1# 2]2^1# 2]2^1# 2]2^1# 2]2^1# 2]2^1# 2]2^1# *^1# *^1# ^2] j ^2 ]j ]] ] ] {-' 2/ ]' ^v2 {- ' ] {- ' {-' 2/ ^v2 ^v2'* ^v2'* ] *. ' ' ' %5,'*( 5(&7,),(56 %5 . 21#0 !.' 1 * ' &RPPHQWV )1}~"001v+.#k.'/$ w2v )122.k2z1$$%&k}~"001v+.1#k %&w!* /$!2!^ )1*2.1#k %&w!*/$2%!^ 5(/$<6 %& %& $SSHQGL[% ]^- ]^- `` ]^- ]^- ]^- ]^- ]^- '/2 ]^- ]^-' ]^- ]^- ]^-' ]^- ]^-'' ]^- ]^-' ' ]^- ]^- &RPPHQWV )j !+* )j !+* 6HPL&RQGXFWRUV &URVV5HI7DEOH $33(1',;& CPU/Sound Board Sound U7 512K *DPH 1DPH 3URGXFWLRQ 6WDUW 'DWH CPU/Sound Board Game U210 1MB :KLWH 6WDU DQG CPU/Sound Board Voice ROMS: %G 6\VWHP 3DUW0DQXDO 1U U17 U21 U36 U37 * Note: -XPSHU ,QVWDOOHG ‡ VHH 1RWH 3URGXFWLRQ6WDUW'DWH0DQXDO3DUW15206L]H 3RVLWLRQVDQG -XPSHU:,QVWDOOHG1RWH‡ :KLWH6WDU%RDUG6\VWHP 6$06\VWHP2QO\* For complete Appendix Information for Games Laser War through Batman Forever, see any Service Game Manual between Apollo 13 through Ripley’s Believe It or Not! or on-line at our website; also available on CD-R, 970-2003-00 (The Simpsons Pinball Party, T3® and The Lord of the Rings ). 13 29 Apollo (A13) NOV 95 780-5044-00 FEB 96 30 Golden Eye 780-5042-00 APR 96 31 Twister 780-5041-00 ID4: IndependJUL 96 32 ence Day 780-5045-00 OCT 96 33 Space Jam 780-5043-00 The Star Wars FEB 97 34 Trilogy - Sp. Ed. 780-5056-00 35 The Lost World: JUN 97 Jurassic Park 780-5053-00 The AUG 97 36 X-Files 780-5046-00 NOV 97 37 Starship Troopers 780-5059-00 Night FEB 98 38 Viper Drivin’ 780-5035-00 Lost In JUN 98 39 780-5060-00 Space SEP 98 40 Godzilla 780-5040-00 South JAN 99 41 Park 780-5071-00 42 HarleyAUG 99 a Davidson® 780-5067-01 42 Harley-DavidSEP 02 b son®2nd Ed. 780-5067-10 42 Harley-DavidOCT 04 c son® 3rd Ed. 780-5087-00 43 Striker MAR 00 a Xtreme 780-5068-01 43 NFL OCT 00 b 780-5073-00 JUL/OCT 00 44 Sharkey’s Shootout 780-5072-01 High Roller JAN 01 45 Casino 780-5065-00 MAY 01 46 Austin 780-5074-00 Powers SEP 01 47 MONOPOLY® 780-5075-00 FEB 02 48 Playboy 780-5076-00 AUG 02 49 RollerCoaster 780-5078-00 Tycoon JAN 03 The Simpsons 50 Pinball Party 780-5077-00 MAY 03 Rise of 51 T3®: the Machines 780-5079-00 NOV 03 780-5080-00 53 Ripley’s Believe APR 04 It or Not!® 780-5081-00 Lord of 52 The the Rings 4MB Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB Not Used Not Used Not Used 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB Not Used Not Used Not Used 4MB 4MB 4MB n/a n/a *DPH 1DPH :KLWH 6WDU %RDUG 6\VWHP 54 Elvis® SM 55 The Sopranos 56 NASCAR® 57 Grand Prix 3URGXFWLRQ CPU/Sound Board Sound U7 512K 6WDUW 'DWH CPU/Sound Board Game U210 1MB DQG 0DQXDO CPU/Sound Board Voice ROMS: 3DUW 1U U17 U21 U36 U37 AUG 04 780-5084-00 FEB 05 780-5085-00 JUL 05 780-5086-00 SEP 05 780-5091-00 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB See Apdx. A for more detailed information on Pinball Game Firmware (ROM Name, Size, Part Numbers, USA Version & Checksum and Board Locations). *DPH 1DPH 6$0 6\VWHP 3URGXFWLRQ 6WDUW 'DWH DQG 0DQXDO 3DUW 1U n/a Poker Tour 58 World (WPT) n/a n/a 59 The Simpsons Kooky Carnival 60 ©Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean 61 Famil Guy n/a 62 Spider-Man JUN 06 780-5088-00 APR 06 780-5090-00 AUG 06 780-5092-00 DEC 06 780-5093-00 MAY 07 780-5094-00 4MB n/a 4MB 4MB n/a Games 58 – current, S.A.M. System : CPU/Sound & I/O Power Driver PCBs differ than White Star (previous Games 29 – 57); Disp. Controller Not Required. 4MB 4MB 4MB n/a 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 W6 n/a n/a n/a 8MB 8MB 8MB Not Used 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 W6 8MB 8MB 8MB Not Used 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 W6 8MB 8MB 8MB Not Used 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB S.A.M. System CPU/Sound Board Boot EPROM U9 965-BOOT-SAM (Programmed) B-02 chksum LOC: 8MB V2.1+ $F625 U9 B-02 chksum LOC: 8MB V2.1+ $F625 U9 B-02 chksum LOC: 8MB V2.1+ $F625 U9 B-02 chksum LOC: 8MB V2.1+ $F625 U9 B-02 chksum LOC: 8MB V2.1+ $F625 U9 ‡ Additional Information for Installed Jumper (above games 41-51): x Installed W6 so 8MB ROMS can be utilized. See the CPU/Sound Board Schematic (Sheet 2 of 3, Address Location 3E) in the games’ Service Game Manual. Games 52 - 57 CPU/Sound Board differ than <51 (See Appendix D). See Apdx. A for more detailed information on Pinball Game Firmware (ROM Name, Size, Part Numbers, USA Version & Checksum and Board Locations). 3URGXFWLRQ6WDUW ,QVWDOOHG1RWH $SSHQGL[& $33(1',;' %RDUG7\SH :KLWH6WDU%RDUG6\VWHP 2QO\ 7DEOH *DPH 1DPH 'LVSOD\ 2372 &RQWUROOHU 7UDQVPLWWHU 2372 5HFHLYHU 2372 $SSOLFDWLRQ ' ' x'!0# "q%2^ j"q~0.1# ' k q0v01(k %&.1 "#(%%# q0!"#$%&j"q~0. ' q0!1"w1 2*.1# .1 'z"0(~ 1.1 '' ' ' ' )%"$$1 x'!0# "q%2^ %-& j"q~0.1# q21(##1x!1"w1. %&.1 "#(%%# 2*.1# 0~1q~ ' / ---]]j]--v-^-)jv22-./!}v^^-}v^-^/./!^- "q%2^ .%%^1q~ w1$"(,1 "q%2^ .%%^1q~ w1$"(,1 )OLSSHU )%"$$1 ,2 3RZHU &386RXQG 'LVS 3RZHU 'RW 0DWUL[ 'ULYHU 6WHUHR 6XSSO\ 'LVSOD\ ' /$%% ' *DPH 1DPH ,2 3RZHU &386RXQG 'LVS 3RZHU 'RW 0DWUL[ 'ULYHU 0RQR 6XSSO\ 'LVSOD\ ' ^z"#01 v$( !& v! $({ ^~01 }1#^1"%%q& $("%- ^~j#0 }1%{2 "#(%%# 2*.1# ' "#(%%# 2*.1# 01#~"$ ^1$1# "$1]"q~0 !1"w" j#0v$( "%% 1%& !w"# #0'1* -"0"# 01",1 x01 ])j ~1,&# ~00 "q%2^ "q%2^ .%%^1q~ w1$"(,1 .%%^1q~ "q%2^ "q%2^ w1$"(,1 ' /%" jq$8# jq$8# -01 .%%^1q~ "q%2^ "q%2^ w1$"(,1 ' x'!0# "q%2^ "q%2^ .%%^1q~ w1$"(,1 ' x'!0# "q%2^ "q%2^ .%%^1q~ w1$"(,1 !%2^ .%%^1q~ w1$"(,1 ' j"q~0.1# 0~1q~ ' "#(%%# 2*.1# x q0!"#$%&.1 ' ' ' "#(%%# 2*.1# %&.1 ' ' ' %&.1 ' ' x'!0# ' ' ' x'!0# "#(%%# 2*.1# x q0!"#$%&.1 ' ' ' x'!0# ' "#(%%# 2*.1# %&.1 ' ' ' x'!0# ' 2# 01 #1 qq1 01 .%%^1q~ "q%2^ "q%2^ w1$"(,1 '2# 01 #1 ' )"%*"0 )"%* jq$8# jq$8# -01 01 .%%^1q~ "q%2^ "q%2^ w1$"(,1 ' j+1"0 jq$8# jq$8# j-01 .%%^1q~ "q%2^ "q%2^ w1$"(,1 ' jq$8# jq$8# {$$ ' .%%^1q~ !%2^ !%2^ w1$"(,1 "#(%%# 2*.1# %&.1 ' ' ' x'!0# ' ' !%2^ ' x'!0# ' .%%^1q~ !%2^ !%2^ w1$"(,1 ' &1 jq$8# jq$8# ^1q~-01 ' .%%^1q~ ' !%2^ !%2^ w1$"(,1 ' 01(&(% jq$8# jq$8# -01 ' .%%^1q~ ' !%2^ !%2^ w1$"(,1 1 6B.4 ' %"1 %+ ' jq$8# jq$8# ^1q~-01 44 ' .%%^1q~ ' !%2^ !%2^ w1$"(,1 "#(%%#2 !*%&. ~,1 01. *.1# "#(%%# 2*.1# "#(%%# ~,1 01. 2*.1# ' 0~21, 2372 0LVF 2372 $SSOLFDWLRQ $SS j"q~0.1# 0~1q~ ' 2372 5HFHLYHU x'!0# q!1w. ' x'!0# 1w 01. x'!0# ' ' ' ^~x)"%# ' 'LVSOD\ 2372 &RQWUROOHU 7UDQVPLWWHU ' "#(%%# 2*.1# ' *'* ' x'!0# "#(%%# %&.1 ~,1 01. !".1 2*.1# ' ' ' x'!0# !".1 "#(%%# !*%&. %&.1 2*.1# ' ' ' x'!0# %-$. "#(%%#2 %&.1 *.1# ' ' ' x'!0# ' ' ' .%%^1q~ !%2^ !%2^ w1$"(,1 ' .%%j(, "q~%%1 jq$8# jq$8# 1%00 *#" 1 6B.4 !0!"#$%& x "%0 (~ "#(%%# $+!$ %+ ' 2*.1# '2#2^ '2#2^ "%0 (~ 44 ' .%%^1q~ ' ' ' x'!0# ' !%2^ !%2^ w1$"(,1 /#0" 1 6B.4 2z1# "#(%%#2 %&. x' ' ^" (~" %+ ' *.1# jq$8# jq$8# $ 44 ' .%%^1q~ ' ' ' x'!0# ' !%2^ !%2^ w1$"(,1 ]2j 1 6B.4 ""!0!"#$%& '&x "#(%%#2 !*%&. ., %+ ' *.1# 2#2^ 2#2^ !1 * '%*,.%3 44 ' '2# 01 #1 %" 01 2# 01 #1 .%% 01 2# 01 #1 %00 }~% 01 87& 4. ' *1 ' 8#.%%4 + ,-0" $SSHQGL[' %RDUG 7\SH7DEOH $33(1',;' %RDUG7\SH :KLWH6WDU%RDUG6\VWHP 6$06\VWHP 2QO\ 7DEOH *DPH 1DPH ,2 3RZHU &386RXQG 'LVS 3RZHU 'RW 0DWUL[ ROG QHZ 'ULYHU 6XSSO\ 'LVSOD\ 520-5137-01 Playboy RollerCoaster Tycoon Miscellaneous PC Boards: 520-5136-16 520-5052-00 128 X 32 Dots Mini-Dot Display (3 by 5X7) 520-5221-00 (Ramp Enter Sign) 520-5052-00 520-5138-00 128 X 32 Dots Color Dot Display (4 by 5X7) 520-5225-00 (TV Set) 520-5052-00 520-5138-00 128 X 32 Dots 520-5137-01 520-5136-16 DC Relay Bd. 520-5066-00 520-5137-01 520-5136-16 Miscellaneous PC Boards: LED Bd. 520-5219-00 Terminator® 3: Rise of the Machines 520-5137-01 520-5136-16 Miscellaneous PC Boards: Ripley’s Believe It or Not!® The SopranosSM Miscellaneous PC Boards: 520-5137-01 520-5300-00 Miscellaneous 520-5236-00 PC Boards: X3 Dot Display NASCAR® and [NDSE] Grand Prix 520-5138-00 520-5300-00 520-5052-00 128 X 32 Dots OPTO Transmitter / Receiver Amplifier PCB 520-5239-00 520-5052-00 520-5138-00 128 X 32 Dots OPTO Transmitter / Receiver Amplifier PCB 520-5239-01 520-5052-00 520-5138-00 128 X 32 Dots 520-5138-00 515-0173-00 Dual OPTO 515-0174-00 Dual OPTO 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker 520-5055-03 520-5055-03 for UK ONLY> Solenoid Expander Bd. 520-5192-00 520-5055-03 999 515-0173-00 515-0174-00 4-Ball Trough 520-5222-00 Dual OPTO Dual OPTO over Up-Kicker 1-Position 520-5082-00 520-5083-01 Behind 1-Bank Switch Detect Long Hop OPTO Long Hop OPTO Drop Target on Wheel Spin 515-0173-00 515-0174-00 4-Ball Trough Dual OPTO Dual OPTO over Up-Kicker for UK ONLY Aux. Driver Bd. 520-5068-01 520-5055-03 999 520-5055-03 999 for UK ONLY Aux. Driver Bd. 520-5068-01 520-5055-03 999 for UK ONLY Aux. Driver Bd. 520-5068-01 520-5055-03 999 515-0173-00 Dual OPTO 515-7307-00 Single OPTO 515-0173-00 Dual OPTO 515-7307-00 Single OPTO 515-0173-00 Dual OPTO 520-5234-00 3-Pos. OPTO 515-0173-00 Dual OPTO 515-0174-00 Dual OPTO 515-7308-00 Single OPTO 515-0174-00 Dual OPTO 515-7308-00 Single OPTO 515-0174-00 Dual OPTO 520-5234-00 3-Pos. OPTO 515-0174-00 Dual OPTO 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker TXCannon Trough 4-Ball Trough 500-6746-00 over Up-Kicker (White Trans.) Orthanc Tower 500-6747-00 (Black Rec.) Trough 4-Ball Trough 500-6775-00 over Up-Kicker OPTO Trnscvr 520-5235-03 Vari-Target X3 Aux. Drvr 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker 515-0173-00 Dual OPTO 515-0174-00 Dual OPTO 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker 515-0173-00 Dual OPTO 515-0174-00 Dual OPTO 4-Ball Trough 500-6775-00 over Up-Kicker OPTO Trans. (Qty. 16) Switch Detect. 515-0173-00 Dual OPTO 515-0174-00 Dual OPTO for UK ONLY Aux. Driver Bd. 520-5068-01 Miscellaneous PC Boards: 520-5137-01 2372 0LVF 2372 $SSOLFDWLRQ $SS for UK ONLY Aux. Driver Bd. 520-5068-01 New 520-5300-00 19-LED PCB 520-5242-00 520-5137-01 Elvis® 2372 5HFHLYHU for UK ONLY> Solenoid Expander Bd. 520-5192-00 Relay Bd. 520-5010-00 Miscellaneous PC Boards: 520-5137-01 520-5052-00 128 X 32 Dots DC Relay Bd. 520-5066-00 The Simpsons Pinball Party The Lord of the Rings 520-5138-00 'LVSOD\ 2372 &RQWUROOHU 7UDQVPLWWHU 520-5300-00 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 128 X 32 Dots 520-5055-03 999 for UK ONLY Aux. Driver Bd. 520-5068-01 Miscellaneous PC Boards: Miscellaneous PC Boards: 520-5235-03 X3 Aux. Drvr 520-5137-01 520-5300-00 Miscellaneous PC Boards: 520-5235-03 X3 Aux. Drvr 520-5052-00 128 X 32 Dots OPTO Transmitter / Receiver Amplifier PCB 520-5239-01 520-5052-00 520-5138-00 128 X 32 Dots OPTO Transmitter / Receiver Amplifier PCB 520-5239-01 for UK ONLY Aux. Driver Bd. 520-5068-01 4-Ball Trough 500-6775-00 over Up-Kicker OPTO Trans. (Qty. 16) Switch Detect. ,2 3RZHU 'ULYHU &38 6RXQG 'LVS 3RZHU 'RW 0DWUL[ 'XDO 2372 'XDO 2372 'XDO 2372 6XSSO\ 'LVSOD\ 7UDQVPLWWHU 5HFHLYHU 7UDQVFHLYHU 2372 7UDQVFHLYHU 0LVFHOODQHRXV 520-5137-01 *DPH 1DPH World Poker Tour (WPT) The Simpsons Kooky Carnival ©Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean Family Guy SpiderMan %RDUG 7\SH7DEOH 520-5300-00 520-5138-00 520-5055-03 999 for UK ONLY Aux. Driver Bd. 520-5068-01 520-5055-03 999 520-5249-00 520-5246-00 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 515-0173-00 515-0174-00 Backbox Backbox Backbox 128 X 32 Dots 4-Ball Trough 4-Ball Trough 500-6775-00 4 Switch Pairs 520-5239-01 520-5247-00 520-5248-00 Miscellaneous 520-5254-00 520-5250-14 (Qty. 8) PCBs : 50V Step-Up Drv 14LED 5X7 Disp. OPTO Amplifier Ace/Hole Mech Ace/Hole Mech 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 520-5249-00 520-5246-00 520-5253-00-ASY Back Door Back Door Cabinet Rear 128 X 32 Dots Coin Drop Miscellaneous 515-5742-00 500-6700-00 (Qty. 11) Relay (incl. Wiring + Conn.) PCBs : Shaker PCB 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 515-0173-00 515-0174-00 520-5249-00 520-5246-00 Backbox Backbox Backbox 128 X 32 Dots 4-Ball Trough 4-Ball Trough 500-6775-00 5 Switch Pairs Miscellaneous 520-5239-01 511-5024-03 (Qty. 10) PCBs : OPTO Amp. (X3) Relay (incl. Wiring + Conn.) 520-5238-00 : H-E-A-R-T LED PCB 500-6775-00 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 515-0173-00 515-0174-00 520-5249-00 520-5246-00 Pairs Backbox Backbox Backbox 128 X 32 Dots 4-Ball Trough 4-Ball Trough 3 Switch (Qty. 6) Miscellaneous PCBs : 520-5239-01 520-5261-00 511-5042-01 OPTO Amp. (X2) Stepper Motor Trgt. Sensor (X2) 511-5046-00 : Mini Playfield Lamp PCB 520-5249-00 Backbox 520-5246-00 Backbox Miscellaneous PCBs : 520-5239-01 OPTO Amp. (X2) 520-5138-00 Backbox 520-5052-00 128 X 32 Dots 515-0173-00 4-Ball Trough 515-0174-00 4-Ball Trough 500-6775-01 1 Switch Pair (Qty. 2) 500-6775-00 3 Switch Pairs (Qty. 6) 520-5251-00 ’U’ 1/per PCB Jail Bars Up Ace/Hole Mech 520-5252-04 ’U’ 4/per PCB Drop Targets 4- & 8- Banks 520-5252-01 ’U’ 1/per PCB Drop Target 1-Bank 520-5252-04 ’U’ 4/per PCB Drop Target 4-Bank $SSHQGL[' $33(1',;' %RDUG7\SH7DEOH *DPH 1DPH )OLSSHU 2-Flipper x Laser War Board Not Required x Secret Service x Torpedo Alley Board Not Required x Time Machine Board Not Required 6RXQG initial: 520-5002-00 replaced with: 520-5002-02 3RZHU 6XSSO\ 'LVSOD\ ;'LJLW Master: 520-5004-00 plus: 520-5005-00 (Qty. 2): 7 Digit Alpha/Numeric 520-5006-00 (Qty. 2): 7 Digit Numeric 520-5007-00 (Qty. 1): 4 Digit Numeric 520-5002-01 was not used. 3-Flipper 520-5000-00 2-Flipper x Playboy 35th Anniversary * x ABC Monday Night Football * x Robocop x Phantom of the Opera x Back to the Future x The Simpsons *DPH 1DPH 520-5033-00 2-Flipper (*only for 100 games of Playboy 35th Anniv. & ABC Mon. Night Football) 520-5014-01 7 Digit Alpha/Numeric Combined 520-5002-02 520-5030-00 16 Digit Alpha/Numeric Combined 520-5002-03 2372 7UDQVPLWWHU 2372 5HFHLYHU 2372 $SOOLFDWLRQ 520-5102-00 Single OPTO 520-5103-00 Single OPTO Paddle Boat Wheel Enter 520-5075-00 520-5047-03 520-5092-01 192 X 64 520-5124-00 4-Flipper (2X2) Single OPTO 520-5126-02 520-5076-00 520-5124-00 x Batman Forever 3-Flipper Single OPTO Miscellaneous Boards (Lamp Boards & Relay Boards) not listed above can be found in each individual game manual. 520-5125-00 Single OPTO 520-5125-00 Single OPTO 5-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker )OLSSHU x Checkpoint x Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles x Batman x Star Trek 25th Anniv. x Hook x Lethal Weapon 3 x Star Wars x Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends 3RZHU 6XSSO\ 'RW 0DWUL[ 'LVSOD\ 520-5047-00 520-5042-00 128 X 16 'LVSOD\ &RQWUROOHU 520-5002-03 520-5033-00 2-Flipper 520-5050-01 520-5047-01 520-5076-00 3-Flipper 520-5070-00 2-Flipper x Jurassic Park x Last Action Hero x Tales from the Crypt x The Who’s Tommy x WWF Royal Rumble x Guns N’ Roses 6RXQG 520-5050-02 520-5070 / 5080 -00 x Maverick 520-5076-00 3-Flipper x Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein 520-5076-00 3-Flipper x Baywatch 520-5070 / 5080 -00 $SSHQGL[' 520-5052-00 128 X 32 520-5050-03 520-5076-00 3-Flipper 4-Flipper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`9Q 5 ! 9]]9Q 5 ! ! .&' & " "-" " $ '" $ & "' & "'- $ & ! * "- 4 "" 4-5 : 4 ( : 4 : #,! >!""# _ ",!""!,+! @ *+F #>:@ "!" FJ , 4 : 99' Q *Z[)9((5 : 4! : 4 ) : 45 : 4! : 4! : 4- ) : 4! ) : 45 : 4! : 4 : 4 ( : 4 ( : 4 : 4- : 4 : 4! : 45 () : 4- *[Z5 0# - 35 9((9' Q *ZZ='=,!)95 f; 99' Q 905 03- *;Z*=5 9)9' Q 9#5#%*Z+5039' *5 9 9' Q 9='=,!)95 f; 9()9' Q 9=''=,!5 0 9(9' Q 9=''=,!5 0 99' Q 9)5 0' 33 9)9' Q 905 0 '3 *=5 99' Q 95 0# 9 9' Q 95 0#3 99' Q 95 0#3 9 9' Q 905 0 35 9 9' Q 905 0-$03 9(9' Q 905 0#39' 33 !!,! ># +&+#!"""!,+! @ -4 : 9 9' Q 9(5 0 54 (( : 9 9' Q 95 0 9 9( 5 3 !! -455 : 4 : 9(9' Q 95 0 ][]*h\[h*Z[Q " ' 3- 4 ) : #%*Z+5 0 45 : 9)(9' Q 9#5 ' 55+6 " ' '" "- ' 7 4 : ,(9 ((9. ][]*h\[h*ZZQ " ' 7 -$03 )OLSSHU&RLO :KLWH6WDU%RDUG6\VWHP 2QO\ 7DEOH ~ !""# "!~&'*+'# &, #+ ##!8+ !""# $% "!~&'*+'# &, '""#+ '""##!8+ 2% !" # $ $ % 4$5'789* =>$"% ? '@ (0 ' ;0 <=$7 >2?HKQT*XYZ[+,80$$ @ @<*+8! +,4#,;$ /$%% ' % -& ; ; ^z"#01 ; v! v$(!& $( {† ^~01}1#^1"%q& $("%-"0" † ^~j#0}1% {1##"(21, † ^~ x)"%# † 01#~"$ ^1$1# † "$1 ]"q~0!1"w" † j#0v $( † < "%% † ; 0~ 21, † ; † ; ; ; ; < ; ; '^ 454B64 4 '^ 454B64 4 ^ 44B6624 '^ 454B64 4 '^ 454B64 4 '^ 454B64 4 '^ 454B64 4 '^ 454B64 4 '^ 44 4 '^ 44 4 '^ 44 4 '^ 454B64 4 '^ 44 4 / - ]0# ]0# / - ]0# ]0# '^ 454B64 4 ]0# ]0# / - ]0# ' 44 4 ^ 44B6624 ]0# ]0# / - ]0# ]0# / - ]0# ]0# / - ]0# ]0# / - ]0# '^ 454B64 4 / - ]0# ]0# '^ 454B64 4 ]0# ]0# / - ]0# ]0# ]0# ]0# / - *"%210]1#"qz"0~##"q""#0~!""#0~0$0~%q "$@$ $ $ *"%210]1#"qz"0~#"q""#0~!""#0~000~%q# $SSHQGL[( + ,-0" &RLO&URVV5HI*XLGH )OLSSHU&RLO7DEOH $33(1',;( )OLSSHU&RLO :KLWH6WDU%RDUG6\VWHP 6$06\VWHP 2QO\ 7DEOH GAME NAME Harley-Davidson® † and 1st through 3rd Editions Striker Xtreme (NFL) † Sharkey’s Shootout † High Roller Casino † Austin Powers † Nº of Flippers 2 3 3 2 2 MONOPOLY® † 3 Playboy † 2 RollerCoaster Tycoon † The Simpsons Pinball Party † Terminator® 3: Rise of the Machines † The Lord of the Rings † Ripley’s Believe It or Not!® † 4 6** (5 with Flipper Bats) 2 2 3 Elvis® † 4 The SopranosSM † 2 NASCAR® and [NDSE] † 2 Grand Prix † 2 † ** FLIPPERS w/E.O.S. Switch SPI Nº / GAUGE-TURNS / Color LOWER LEFT LOWER RIGHT 090-5032-0T 090-5030-0T 22-1080 -YEL-GRN23-1100 -ORANGE090-5032-0T 090-5030-0T 22-1080 -YEL-GRN23-1100 -ORANGE090-5030-0T SAME 23-1100 -ORANGE090-5020-20T 090-5032-0T 22-900 -YELLOW22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-30 090-5030-0T 23-900 -GREEN23-1100 -ORANGE090-5032-0T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5030-0T SAME 23-1100 -ORANGE090-5032-0T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-0T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN** The Homer Head Assembly is affixed to an Upr. Rt. Style Flipper ** 090-5020-20T (no E.O.S. Switch): 22-900 -YELLOW090-5032-0T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-20T SAME 22-900 -YELLOW090-5032-0T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-20T SAME 22-900 -YELLOW090-5032-0T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5030-0T SAME 23-1100 -ORANGE090-5030-0T SAME 23-1100 -ORANGE- FLIPPERS no E.O.S. Switch SPI Nº / GAUGE-TURNS / Color UPPER LEFT UPPER RIGHT Not Used Not Used 090-5030-0T 23-1100 -ORANGE090-5030-0T 23-1100 -ORANGE- Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5062-0T 23-1500 -BLUE- Not Used Not Used 090-5067-0T 25-1400 -RED- 090-5068-0T 25-1600 -WHITE090-5030-0T Not Used 23-1100 -ORANGE)OLSSHUV 0LQL%DWV RQ QG /HYHO 3OD\ILHOG 090-5041-00T 090-5025-00 25-1800 -BLU-GRN24-1570 -BLUENot Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5067-00T 25-1400 -RED- 090-5020-30 23-900 -GREEN- SAME Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Coil Part Numbers ending with a "T" signifies the Diode is on the top of the lug (on the coil-winding side); Coil Part Numbers ending with a "B" signifies the Diode is on the bottom of the lugs. S.A.M. System Games DO NOT REQUIRE DIODES. If you use a coil from your stock which has a diode, remove it ONLY FOR S.A.M. System Games. World Poker Tour (WPT)** ©Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean** Family Guy ** SpiderMan ** &RLO&URVV5HI*XLGH )OLSSHU&RLO7DEOH 4 2 3 Norm. 2 Mini 3 090-5032-ND 22-1080 [ NO DIODE ] 090-5030-ND 23-1100 [ NO DIODE ] 090-5030-ND 23-1100 [ NO DIODE ] 090-5046-01-ND 27-950 [ NO DIODE ] 090-5032-ND 22-1080 [ NO DIODE ] 090-5030-ND 23-1100 [ NO DIODE ] SAME SAME Not Used Not Used SAME 090-5062-ND 23-1500 [ NO DIODE ] Not Used Not Used 090-5032-ND 22-1080 [ NO DIODE ] SAME SAME SAME $SSHQGL[( $33(1',;( *HQHULF&RLO&URVV5HIHUHQFH*XLGH† ‡ )OLSSHU&RLO7DEOH‡ †† *$0( 1$0( Laser War ‡ Secret Service ‡ Torpedo Alley ‡ Time Machine ‡ ‡ 1 RI )OLSSHUV )/,33(56 Z(26 6ZLWFK )/,33(56 QR (26 6ZLWFK 63, 1 *$8*(78516 &RORU 63, 1 *$8*(78516 &RORU /2:(5 /()7 /2:(5 5,*+7 833(5 /()7 833(5 5,*+7 090-5011-00 22-750 / 30-2600 090-5006-00 23-620 / 30-2600 090-5011-00 22-750 / 30-2600 090-5011-00 22-750 / 30-2600 SAME Not Used Not Used 090-5006-00 23-620 / 30-2600 090-5012-00 23-800 / 30-2600 SAME Not Used 090-5013-00 23-700 / 30-2600 Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used These coils are dual-wound. Playboy 35th Anniversary †† ABC Monday Night Football †† 090-5020-02 22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5020-02 22-900 -YEL-YEL- †† A very small % of these games used a 090-5020-20 coil which used a proto-type Solid State Flipper System. The two types of coils both are 22-900 coils; the only difference is the addition of the 1N5404 Diode on the (-02) coils which was used in the Deger Design. Robocop Phantom of the Opera Back to the Future The Simpsons Checkpoint Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Batman Star Trek 25th Anniversary Hook Lethal Weapon 3 Star Wars Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends Jurassic Park 090-5020-20 22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5020-20 22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5020-20 22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5020-20 22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5020-20 22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5020-30 23-900 -GRN-GRN090-5020-30 23-900 -GRN-GRN090-5020-30 23-900 -GRN-GRN090-5030-00 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5030-00 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5032-00 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-30 23-900 -GRN-GRN090-5020-30 23-900 -GRN-GRN- SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used 090-5020-30 23-900 -GRN-GRN- Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used 090-5030-00 23-1100 -ORG-ORG- Table continued on the next page. $SSHQGL[( &RLO&URVV5HI*XLGH )OLSSHU&RLO7DEOH $33(1',;( )OLSSHU&RLO7DEOH† *$0( 1$0( Last Action Hero Tales from the Crypt The Who’s Tommy WWF Royal Rumble Guns N’ Roses Maverick Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Baywatch Batman Forever Apollo 13 Golden Eye Twister ID4: Independence Day Space Jam † The Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition † The Lost World: Jurassic Park † The X-Files † Starship Troopers † Viper Night Drivin’ † Lost In Space † Godzilla † South Park † Harley-Davidson® † and Harley-Davidson® 2nd Ed. † Striker Xtreme (NFL) † Sharkey’s Shootout † High Roller Casino † Austin Powers † MONOPOLY® † Playboy † RollerCoaster Tycoon † The Simpsons Pinball Party † Terminator® 3: Rise of the Machines † The Lord of the Rings † Ripley’s Believe It or Not!® † 1 RI )OLSSHUV )/,33(56 Z(26 6ZLWFK )/,33(56 QR (26 6ZLWFK 63, 1 *$8*(78516 &RORU 63, 1 *$8*(78516 &RORU /2:(5 /()7 /2:(5 5,*+7 833(5 /()7 833(5 5,*+7 090-5020-30 SAME 23-900 -GRN-GRN090-5032-00 SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-30 SAME 23-900 -GRN-GRN090-5032-00 SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00 SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00 SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN 090-5030-00 SAME 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5030-00 090-5020-30 23-1100 -ORG-ORG23-900 -GRN-GRN090-5032-00 090-5020-20 22-1080 -YEL-GRN22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5032-00 SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00 SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-20 090-5032-00 22-900 -YEL-YEL22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00 SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00T 090-5020-20T 22-1080 -YEL-GRN22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5032-00T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5030-00T SAME 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5030-00T SAME 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5030-00T 090-5032-00T 23-1100 -ORG-ORG22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5030-00T SAME 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5032-00T 090-5030-00T 22-1080 -YEL-GRN23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5032-00T 090-5030-00T 22-1080 -YEL-GRN23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5030-00T SAME 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5020-20T 090-5032-00T 22-900 -YEL-YEL23-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-30 090-5030-00T 23-900 -GRN-GRN23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5032-00T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5030-00T SAME 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5032-00T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00T SAME -YEL-GRN ZLWK * 22-1080 The Homer Head Assembly is affixed to an )OLSSHU Upr. Rt. Style Flipper * 090-5020-20T %DWV (no E.O.S. Switch): 22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5032-00T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-20T SAME 22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5032-00T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN- Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5041-00 25-1800 -BLU-GRN- 090-5041-00 25-1800 -BLU-GRN090-5041-00 25-1800 -BLU-GRN090-5030-00 23-1100 -ORG-ORG- Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5032-00 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5030-00 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5030-00 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5020-30 23-900 -GRN-GRN- Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5020-30 23-900 -GRN-GRN- Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5032-00T 22-1080 -YEL-GRN- Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5025-00 24-1570 -See Note- SAME Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5030-00T 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5030-00T 23-1100 -ORG-ORG- Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5062-00T 23-1500 -BLU-BLU- Not Used Not Used 090-5067-00T 25-1400 -RED-RED- 090-5068-00T 25-1600 -WHT-WHT 090-5030-00T Not Used 23-1100 -ORG-ORGFlippers (Mini-Bats) on 2nd Level Playfield: 090-5041-00T 090-5025-00T 25-1800 -BLU-GRN24-1570 -See NoteNot Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5067-00T 25-1400 -RED-RED- † Coil Part Nºs ending with a "T" signifies the Diode is on the top of the lug (on the coil-winding side); Coil Part Nºs ending with a "B" signifies the Diode is on the bottom of the lugs. &RLO&URVV5HI*XLGH )OLSSHU&RLO7DEOH $SSHQGL[( $33(1',;) 0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ :KLWH6WDU%RDUG6\VWHP 2QO\ 7DEOH *DPH 1DPH )XQFWLRQ 6SHFLILFDWLRQV 3DUW 1XPHU (,0 $+!z w0 "0 00"%1"0 .z 01/* '}2 **} %0"21(0# 01/* +'}2 **} {~# 01^$ !* / 2 2 *} .z 01/* '}2 *} %0"21(0# 01/*{Z +'}'2 **} %0"21(0# 01/*{Z +'}'2 *} 1w 01 X{[ZZ '' ~,1 0%%"0 j0+"q~0 w0 $""q!"#( z"0~ q0 .(,) ^1}" /%" $+*%# w0 #$%& ' (" )( * "+ $ "K " $ "K " ?_`_T_jq $ "K " ' $ "K " ' $ "K " ?_`_T_jq #K|}#?_?_`_T~|Q #1 . +'2+'&#'%34. #1 6& 2') /7'+&&%*8+'9 #1 :4% & . +'&1%#' '& x}"q j0+"q~0 w0 qq1*01j", j"0$+!z w0 .z 01/*{ '} 2 **} %0"21(0# 01!*{X[ 2 ]!"1(0"% {~# 01^$ !* ~,1 / 2 2 *} x)"%*"0 %0"21(0# 01!* j"0$+!z w0 2 **} &z"0(~v#010kv(0$$1 01 }11"1.q !*}{Zk1"#' )1z1+w1# w0 K $> v¡' ~ $ ^1w%$10$0$/q% ¢ '' $ "K " ' $ "K " ?_`_T_jq ?_`_T_jq $ "K " 7%' &-.1+D ) '' ^|T%`QT^_?_`_T~|Q 6& (.+* >%+ $""q!"#( z"0~ q0 ~,1‡ %0"21(0# 01/*{{ +'}'2 **} %0"¡' ' 01 "101 !* ' 2 *}@QTj`‡ ' $ "K " 4 ?_`_T_jq _~`#T_?_`_T~|Q %0"¡' ' 01 "101 !* 4 ' 2 *}@QTj`‡ ?_`_T_jq 01(&(% /001%/*{YZZ j"0$+!z w0 2 **} $ "K " %" j"(,1 %0"¡' !*{Y . '%9 ': ' 0 6 j00"q~0 w0 2 $ "K " &#01&.%% ,#(10 01 %-/*{Y .1+'9 =&.1 7 00"q w0 +'}2 *} $ "K " %00}~% %0"21(0# 01!*{Y ' 00"q w0 2 **} $ "K " &z"0(~v#010kv(0$$1 01 @%31 ',+&% $+!$"%0 (~ !*}{Zk1"#' $ "K " j"0$+!z w0 K $> v¡' 7%' &.1+D ) ~ $ ^1w%$10$0$/q% ¢ '' ^" (~" %0"21(0# 01/*{YX 00"q w0 +2 **} $ "K " j#1. /001% 01/*{ 7& %8$ '& j00"q~0!"1(0"% +} 2 ."!"1(0"% $ "K " !1-w"%^1q0 ,#(10 01 %-/*{[ j"0$+!z w0 +2 **} $ "K " "")%"$$1 }01z1,# %0"21 011.¡ -x / ' A 00"q w0 !*+2 **+**} ?_`_T_jq ^1"q%1."%%1 /001% 01Q[Y/* 00"q w0 + 2 ."!"1(0"% ?_`_T_jq *01% (~"# %0"21(0#[ 01 w!* $+*%# w0 + 2 **+**} ?_`_T_jq 8+C &z"0(~v#010kv(0$$1 01 ^#!1$(1 !*}{Zk1"#' $ "K " j"0$+!z w0 K $> v¡' 7%' &-.1+D ) ~ $ ^1w%$10$0$/q% ¢ '' ‡@ $2% ?$2D80 @$?{ZX ?#=X[ `|?_`_TK#_jq|~|Q|#|T?_`_T#qX[ @+' 4"+<%&A '[|$$ ~,1‡ + ,-0" $SSHQGL[) 0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ 7DEOH $33(1',;) 0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ :KLWH6WDU%RDUG6\VWHP 6$06\VWHP 2QO\ 7DEOH *DPH 1DPH )XQFWLRQ 6SHFLILFDWLRQV 3DUW 1XPEHU Terminator® 3: Rise of the Machines Backbox Ball Shooter Up/Down Movement Multi Products Motor 24VAC (041-5079-01) 21 RPM CW 515-7317-00 The Lord of the Rings Balrog (Motor & Gate) Open/Close Movement Multi Prod. Motor 20VDC Series 600B (or equiv.) 50/60Hz 10 RPM Bi-Directional 041-5088-01 Haydon Switch & Instrument, Inc. Stepper Motor 12VDC 10W (041-5089-00), (Non-Captive Shaft not included) HSI #46868-12-002 Multi #3811 0630 Motor (Vibrator) 12VDC (041-5029-01) 3100 RPM (w/DRL PTS) Autotrol Synchronous Motor 24VAC 4W 50/60Hz 45.7/54.9 RPM Bi-Directional Multi Products Motor & Gear Box 20VDC Model #8000 (EX-04-073) 10 RPM Multi Products Motor & Gear Box 20VDC Model #8000 (EX-04-073) 10 RPM 500-6809-00 ROLLERCOASTER TYCOON (NO MOTOR USED) THE SIMPSONS PINBALL PARTY (NO MOTOR USED) incl. Connector MOTOR ONLY RIPLEY’S BELIEVE IT OR NOT!® (NO MOTOR USED) Elvis Front/Back Movement Elvis® ::: OPTIONAL 999 SM The Sopranos NASCAR® and [NDSE] Grand Prix Shaker Bada Bing! Girls x2 Rotating Posts Movement Back Panel Rotating (Car) Windmill (Skill Ball Enter) Back Panel Rotating (Car) Windmill (Skill Ball Enter) incl. Connector Requires 7.25" Shaft: 530-5658-00 515-5893-01 incl. Connector 041-5092-00 w/1" Shaft + 12" Leads 041-5093-00 MOTOR ONLY 041-5093-00 MOTOR ONLY World Poker Tour (WPT) (NO MOTOR USED) The Simpons Kooky Carnival Bart on Skateboard Left/Right Movement Left & Right Ramps Up/Down Movement Shaker (details in SKC Manual, Page 24) ©Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean Family Guy Spider-Man 0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ 7DEOH Spinning Disk Pirate Ship Sinking/Raising Movement Stewie Figurine Left & Right Movement Doc Ock, Sandman & 3-Bank Up/Down Movement OPTIONAL Shaker Motor Kit 502-5027-00 ::: 999 Multi Products Motor with Crank 24VAC (041-5095-01) 50/60Hz 3W 14 RPM Multi Products Motor 24VAC (041-5048-01) 50/60Hz 3W 15 RPM CCW (Qty. 2 in game) Multi #3811 0630 Motor (Vibrator) 12VDC 3100 RPM (w/DRL PTS) Multi #3811R 0630 Motor (Vibrator) 12VDC (041-5029-04) 3100 RPM (w/DRL PTS) -04 is RoHS compliant; can substitute with -01 domestic Multi Products Motor & Gear Box 24VDC Model #7000-DCM 12 RPM Stepper Motor NPM PF35T-48D4STD 5V RVB (041-5102-00 Reference Only) Sync. Motor 24VAC 50/60Hz 3W 12 RPM CW (041-5103-00 Reference Only) Multi #3811R 0630 Motor (Vibrator) 12VDC (041-5029-04) 3100 RPM (w/DRL PTS) -04 is RoHS compliant; can substitute with -01 domestic 500-6947-01 incl. Connector 515-7558-00 incl. Connector 041-5029-01 MOTOR ONLY 511-5024-04 incl. Connector 041-5101-00 MOTOR ONLY 511-5043-00 incl. Connector 511-5063-00 incl. Connector 515-5893-01 incl. Connector $SSHQGL[) $33(1',;) 0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ7DEOH The following table only list games that used motors. Part Numbers starting with "515-" will include the Wiring Harness & Connector. *DPH 1DPH )XQFWLRQ ABC Monday Night Football Goal Post Up/Down Movement Organ Up/Down Movement Mag Wheel (in Backbox) Phantom of the Opera Checkpoint 6SHFLILFDWLRQV 3DUW 1 Motor 24v A.C. 60 RPM CW Bowman Motor 24v 60Hz 3W 11 RPM CCW 515-5222-00 Motor D.C. (KEN) 041-5005-00 Johnson Motor (Vibrator) Gear Motor 24v A.C. 325 RPM CW Bowman Motor 24v 60Hz 3W 11 RPM CCW Bowman Motor 24v 221e2 RPM Gear Motor 24v A.C. 31e2 RPM 041-5002-00 Cooling Fan (for Transporter F/X) 41e2" Motor 12v 041-5014-00 Spinning Light Motor 21e2 v A.C. Shaker Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Batman Spinning Pizza Ball Deflector Bar Target Up/Down Movement Swinging Target Star Trek 25th Anniversary Lethal Weapon 3 Star Wars Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends Jurassic Park Transporter F/X Bar Target Up/Down Movement R2D2 Robot Left/Right Movement Death Star Rotation Nell Log "Cutting Blade" Forward/Back Movement T-Rex Left/Right Movement T-Rex Up/Down Movement Shaker Last Action Hero Crane Left/Right Movement Shaker Tales from the Crypt Tombstone Up/Down Movement Shaker Mirror Up/Down Movement The Who’s Tommy Flipper Blinders Spinning Airplane Propellers WWF Royal Rumble Shaker Maverick, The Movie Turning Paddle Wheel Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Creature Head Left/Right Movement Cannon Left/Right Movement Batman Forever $SSHQGL[) 4000 RPM CCW Bowman Motor 24v 60hz 3W 11 RPM CCW Bowman Motor 24v A.C. 221e2 RPM CW Bowman "G" Motor 24v A.C. 60Hz 6 RPM CW Autotrol Model E Motor 24v 60hz 4W 3 RPM CCW Multi Motor 5v D.C. 515-5256-00 515-5397-00 515-5256-00 515-5534-00 500-5421-00 041-5017-00 515-5256-00 515-5571-00 515-5570-00 041-5023-00 041-5025-00 Bowman Motor 24v 11 RPM CW Johnson Motor (Vibrator) Multi Products Motor 12v D.C. #3312 OSC Johnson Motor (Vibrator) 10.5v D.C. 10 AMP 2950 RPM CW Bowman Motor 24v A.C. 6 RPM CCW Johnson Motor (Vibrator) 10.5v D.C. 10 AMP 2950 RPM CW Bowman Motor 24v A.C. 6 RPM CCW Servo Motor (94102) 041-5026-00 041-5002-00 041-5027-00 041-5029-00 515-5900-00 041-5029-00 515-5900-00 041-5032-00 Motor D.C. 041-5033-00 Johnson Motor (Vibrator) 10.5v D.C. 10 AMP 2950 RPM CW Motor 24v A.C. 10 RPM 041-5029-00 Servo Motor (94102) 041-5032-00 Bowman Motor 24v A.C. 60Hz 3W 6 RPM CCW 515-6383-00 041-5036-00 0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ 7DEOH $33(1',;* 3DUW1XPEHU3UHIL[&ODVVLILFDWLRQ&RGHV I. Electrical Source, Energy & Signal Converters 010- Transformers 031- Speakers 090- Solenoids (Coils) 150- Filters, Outlets, Varistors, Thermistors 200- Fuses II. Conductors, Connectors & Insulators 034- Line Cords 036- Cable Assemblies & Wiring Harnesses 041- Motors 045- Connectors (All Types) 055- Lugs (M/F), Pins (M/F), Discs, Ring Terminals, Terminal Strips, etc. 060- Polarizing Keys and Conn. Covers 077- Lamp Sockets III. Circuits & Circuit Elements 100- ICs 110- Transistors 112- Diodes (All Types including LEDs & Modules) 121- Resistors 123- Resistors (Variable & Adjustable) 124- Regulators & Bridge Rectifiers 125- Capacitors (Radial Lytics & Ferrites) 126- Piezo Crystal 127- Heatsinks 130- Capacitors (Tecates & Ceramics) 140- Oscillators (Clocks/Crystals) 165- Light Bulbs 180- Switches 181- Switch Membranes (Pads) & Piezo Sensors 190- Relays 960- EPROM (Raw Part) 965- EPROM (Programmed Part) VI. Handles, Locks, Catches, Latches, Keys 355- Handles, Locks, Catches, Latches and Keys VII. Fabricated Parts 390- Hinges 501- Coin Doors 515- Sub-Assemblies 520- Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 522- Display Glass 525- Wood Parts 530- Screw Machined Parts 535- Fabricated Parts 545- Molded (Extruded) Plastic and Rubber Parts (Rings, Sleeves, etc.) 550- Molded (Inserts) VIII. In-House Assemblies 500- End Product (Systems and Models) 502- Kits (Created In-House) 505- Cabinets (complete) 510- Riveted Sub-Assemblies (In-House) 511- Sub-Assemblies (In-House) 515- Sub-Assemblies* *2 or more 515-’s but still a sub-assembly. IX. Bulk Materials 600- Braided Wire & Ground Straps 601- Stranded Wire 602- Ribbon Cable 604- Telephone Line Cord 605- Sleeving (Shrink Tubing) 625- Velcro (non-adhesive) 626- Foam Rubber, Foam Pads, Rubber Bumpers (Blue Pads), Tape (All Types) Velcro (adhesive) and String / Rope X. Miscellaneous 000- Tools (see also 777-) and Supplies 040- Clamps, Ties & Clips 042- Pulleys 091- Coin Mechs 205- Fuse Holders 631- Staples 660- Glass (Playfield, Backglass, etc.) 675- Cleaners 705- Packing & Shipping Items 755- Instruction, Coin Cards, Ins. Sheets 756- Information Sheets, Service Bulletins, V. Mechanical Components Instruction Sheets in Kits and Templates 249- Rivets 777- Tools (Wrenches and Drivers) 251- Pins (Dowel), Finishing Nails, Hairpins, 780- Manuals Spring Pins and Clevis Pins 802- Decal Kits (comprised of 820’s) 254- Stand-Offs, Spacers and Shims 820- Decals, Mylar and Labels (Sheets/Sets) 260- Steel Ball (All Types Steel, Glowing, Delrin, etc.) 803- Plastic Kits (comprised of 830’s) 265- Springs (Extension) 830- Plastic Pieces (Butyrate Sheets/Sets) 266- Springs (Compression) 880- Toys, Models, Figurines, etc. 267- Springs (Torsion) 900- Game Posters 269- Springs (Washers - Belleville, Wave) 270- Retaining Rings 280- Grommets, Bushings and Nyliners 283- Bearings IV. Bolts, Screws, Nuts, Washers & Nails 231- Bolts 232- Screws (Pan Head) 234- Screws (HWH) 237- Screws (Misc.) 240- Nuts (Misc.) 242- Washers (Flat, Round) 244- Washers (Split Lock) 245- Nyliners 246- Washers (Lockers, External Tooth) 281- Nails $SSHQGL[* 3DUW1XPEHU3UHIL[ &ODVVLILFDWLRQ&RGHV $33(1',;+ 3OD\ILHOG,QVHUWV 3ODVWLF/LJKW&RYHUV .#.# ,(,6 .#.# ,(,6 .#.# ,(,6 .#.# ,(,6 .#.# ,(,6 e 'e 4' 4 e .#.# ,(,6 44:: .#.# ,(,6 44:: 86( ,(,6 44:: 86( ,(,6 44:: 86( ,(,6 4 4:: 86( ,(,6 4 e 4'e 'e 4' 4 e 44:: 86( ,(,6 4!4:: 86( ,(,6 4-4:: .#(886 ,(,6 454:: .#(886 . 44:: 66; ## . 44:: 2@(#.# =$ @$ 4 e 4'e 8+ '&) .#.# .#(886 44:: 4!4:: 44 4 54:: 44:: 44:: .#(886 .#(886 .#.# 86( 86( 86( ,# 6 ,# 6 ,# 6 ,# 6 ,# 6 ,# 6 4 e:'e 4e:4 e 4 e:4 e 4 e:4 e 4 e:4 e :4 e 454:: .#.# ( (.@(6" 44:: .#.# 6.@(6" 4 4:: ( ( @#" 4 4:: ;6 @#" 44:: 86( @#" 4!4:: 4 4 e 4 e 44:: .#.# 24@" .66 44:: .#.# 24@" 6 44:: .#.# 66# 44:: .#.# #( 6 4 4:: 44:: 4!4:: 4-4:: : 4 4:: 44:: .#.# .#.# 24.66 246 44:: 4-4:: 2% ` $@ > " = >$$ >=" >$$% 1 &RORU 210#z~"(~&("w1"#(%1# "01q0#k#$#0#k$%&"%"#10#k0( ""q"01z~"(~ (11#$00~(%10~0$10^~4::"$101z~"(~&("w1"#(%1##~%1$%(z"0~ 0~#"1!"q"01(11#$"q00~(%1#"1%z" =>$ 1 &RORU 4 +*91%"*%1 4 /1 4 *%1 4 1 4 4 .% 3OD\ILHOG,QVHUWV 3ODVWLF/LJKW&RYHUV 1 3/$67,& 3$57 &2/25 &+$57 &RORU 4! %%z 4- 1q 45 }~"0 1 &RORU 4 21$% 4 )%11q 4 )%11 1 &RORU 4 )%1.% 4 ^%1 4 1& 1 &RORU 4 j"#(0 4! % 4- ^1#.1z $SSHQGL[+ $33(1',;, 6WDQG8S7DUJHWV $SSHQGL[, 6WDQG8S 7DUJHWV $33(1',;, 0RGX ODU6WDQG8S7DUJHWV 7R5HSODFHWKH©7DUJHW,QVHUWª RUFKDQJH7DUJHW2ULHQWDWLRQ # ¥^1q0 v#10¦"# 1w1#k %%z"q 11 0 $$%"(0" 5 >8$( 2%)10~^1q0/##%&#0~42v210 ]1 # #~z"0~210#^%%z^1("w0~^1q0 /##%&z"0~0~¥^1q0v#10¦¥;>$ =[;[ ' $^$@ $"' " $ @>)1¨#00~¥^1q0 v#10¦#0~ 42v210]1 + } F ~F% Q [ - %%&% 42 ! %% & &! ! 4 % ! %4 ; 0 $! ! %8% ,&! . 2 ! % & ! %4 7DNH1RWH ( 0&4("w1"#(%1#` = >$$ >=" ^~4::"#~%1$%(z"0~0~ #"1!"q"0110~(%1#"1 ##(1""0~*%1*~10%z# $ * @$ "@' 4*%1 /k! 4 /k.k*k!k- 4/1 !k- 4 1 /k. 4.% * 4!%%z /k* k 421$% .k! 4)%1#(01 /k.k! !"$ = ~ `'*$ =*"$ *K * $ $"$ j"$ , " .# "48##8#. %10$^1q0]11z/##& 0$^1q0]11z v#10 %10$^1q0§1/##& 0$^1q0§1 v#10 %10$^1q0(0q%/##& 0$^1q0(0q% v#10 %10$^1q0/##& 0$^1q0 v#10 0$^1q0 $~1"(%/##& 0$^1q0 $~1"(% v#10 6WDQG8S 7DUJHWV "!"#+ 'xx 4!54:: ' xx 4!4:: xx 4!54:: xx 4!-4:: xx 4!54:: < % ! ! % % ! %4 " ' & "- " ""F- '" 'G$!"#8 $SSHQGL[, $33(1',;&RLQ&DUGV 86$ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO3ULFLQJ'HIDXOWV X)RU<HOORZ6WRFNDGG<WRWKH3DUW1XPEHU If more than one Pricing Scheme is available for countries listed, the F. listed beside the option, denotes the Factory Default Setting. FOR VIEWS OF THE LATEST or OPTIONAL USA, INTERNATIONAL / EURO AND CUSTOM COIN CARDS, VISIT OUR WEBSITE. Not Shown USA 755-5400-10 Tournament Option $2 = X1; 755-5400-11 Tournament Option $1.50 = X1 USA 10 F. USA 10 USA 2-7 or CANADA FOR CUSTOM PRICING † USA 3 with ToPS USA 5 with ToPS Backside is Blank (Border Only) Typeset your Custom Pricing 755-5400-11 Front 755-5400-11 Back 755-5400-02 Front 755-5400-01, -02 or -04 Back 755-5400-03 or -09 Front 755-5400-03 Back / -08 Front AUSTRALIA 1 F. AUSTRALIA 2 CROATIA FOR CUSTOM PRICING † DENMARK 1 F. DENMARK 2 Backside is Blank (Border Only) Typeset your Custom Pricing 755-5406-00 Front 755-5406-00 Back 755-5410-00 Front 755-5410-00 Back 755-5402-00 Front 755-5402-00 Back JAPAN 1 JAPAN 2 F. MIDDLE EAST ANY COUNTRY CAN USE NEW ZEALAND 1 F. NEW ZEALAND 2 755-5408-01 Front 755-5408-01 Back 755-5400-06 Front 755-5400-06 Back 755-5406-00 Back 755-5406-00 Front NORWAY 1 F. NORWAY 2 RUSSIA F. RUSSIA (ALTERNATE) SOUTH AFRICA FOR CUSTOM PRICING † Backside is Blank (Border Only) Typeset your Custom Pricing 755-5403-01 Front 755-5403-01 Back 755-5411-00 Front 755-5411-00 Back 755-5409-01 Front 755-5409-01 Back SWEDEN 1 F. SWEDEN 2 SWITZERLAND 1 F. SWITZERLAND 2 TAIWAN FOR CUSTOM PRICING † Backside is Blank (Border Only) Typeset your Custom Pricing 755-5404-00 Front 755-5404-00 Back 755-5405-00 Front UK 1 UK 3 UK 5 F. 755-5405-00 Back Backside is Blank (Border Only) Typeset your Custom Pricing 755-5407-00 Front 755-5407-00 Back 755-5407-01 Front 755-5412-00 Front 755-5412-00 Back FOR CUSTOM PRICING † Appendix J Notes: 755-5407-01 Back Not Shown EURO 755-5401-20 Tournament Custom (can fill in your own pricing). 1. Coin Card on Game is determined by original shipping country destination. 2. Optional Coin Card(s), are available via your distributor or via free download @ Older style Coin Cards (foreign or domestic) not available on our website or no longer available through your distributor, are obsolete. 3. Coin Cards which have a Blank Backside can be used for †Custom Pricing. EURO 1 EURO 2 EURO 3 EURO 4 EURO 5 EURO 6 755-5401-01 1-Side Only 755-5401-02 1-Side Only 755-5401-03 1-Side Only 755-5401-04 1-Side Only 755-5401-05 1-Side Only 755-5401-06 1-Side Only EURO 7 EURO 8 EURO 9 EURO 10 EURO 11 EURO 12 755-5401-07 1-Side Only 755-5401-08 1-Side Only 755-5401-09 1-Side Only 755-5401-10 1-Side Only 755-5401-11 1-Side Only 755-5401-12 1-Side Only [(852)$&725<'()$8/76800$5<7$%/(\ EURO 1 EURO 2 BELGIUM ITALY 1 PORTUGAL GERMANY 2 NETHERLANDS SPAIN EURO 3 EURO 4 EURO 5 EURO 6 GREECE EURO 7 EURO 8 EURO 9 EURO 10 FINLAND AUSTRIA FRANCE EURO 11 EURO 12 Section 3, Chapter 4, GO TO ADJUSTMENTS MENU, Adj. 18, Game Pricing, USA & International (non-Euro) and Euro 1-12 Summary & International (Euro) Standard Pricing Select Tables, summarizes Standard or Custom Pricing Schemes & the Dip Switch Setting required. $SSHQGL[- &RLQ&DUGV 86$ ,QWQ·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ound Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Display (512K) (1M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (4M) 965-0408-81 965-0409-81 965-0410-81 965-0411-81 965-0412-81 965-0413-81 965-0414-81 V1.00 | $D93D A3.20 | $43FF V1.00 | $067B V1.00 | $C8B8 V1.00 | $64C2 V1.00 | $5341 A3.00 | $DE4B U7 960-7001-02 U210 960-5009-00 U17 960-5016-00 U21 960-5016-00 U36 960-5016-00 U37 960-5016-00 U5 DC PCB 960-5015-01 965-0415-84 965-0416-84 965-0417-84 965-0418-84 965-0419-84 965-0420-84 965-0421-84 V1.00 | $8CD2 A5.00 | $50FF V1.00 | $538D V1.00 | $8BCD V1.00 | $60F8 V1.00 | $14D8 A5.00 | $A1F6 U7 960-7001-02 U210 960-5009-00 U17 960-5016-00 U21 960-5016-00 U36 960-5016-00 U37 960-5016-00 U5 DC PCB 960-5015-01 V4.00 | $9B5A A5.00 | $5BFF V3.00 | $F01E V1.04 | $C14C V1.04 | $47A3 V1.04 | $ADCD A5.00 | $B4BB U7 960-7001-02 U210 960-5009-00 U17 960-5016-00 U21 960-5016-00 U36 960-5016-00 U37 960-5016-00 U5 DC PCB 960-5015-01 V2.00 | $32B3 A4.50 | $39FF V2.00 | $CFFB V2.00 | $22C0 V2.00 | $5FC8 V2.00 | $2902 A4.00 | $92BD U7 960-7001-02 U210 960-5009-00 U17 960-5016-00 U21 960-5016-00 U36 960-5016-00 U37 960-5016-00 U5 DC PCB 960-5015-01 V1.00 | $6F89 A4.50 | $5EFF V1.00 | $CE0E V1.00 | $F4C6 V1.00 | $057D V1.00 | $2646 A4.00 | $DA8E U7 960-7001-02 U210 960-5009-00 U17 960-5016-00 U21 960-5016-00 U36 960-5016-00 U37 960-5016-00 U5 DC PCB 960-5015-01 Ripley’s Believe It or Not!® (Notes 7, 8) 5DZ 3DUW 1 Elvis® (Notes 7, 8) Sound Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Display (512K) (1M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (4M) Spider-Man Pinball (S-M) (Notes 7, 9) Boot B-02 965-BOOT-SAM X2.10 | $F625 U9 (8M) 960-5016-00 unprogrammed Memory Stick 128MB (970-0128-00) Version System Bin Files: English + Spanish 1.3ES 1.27+ spd_1_30_es.bin English + French 1.3EF 1.27+ spd_1_30_ef.bin German+French 1.3GF 1.27+ spd_1_30_gf.bin English + Italian 1.3EI 1.27+ spd_1_30_ei.bin NOTE: THE TYPICAL SIZE PER UNZIPPED BIN FILE IS 25MB – 30MB+/– The SopranosSM (Notes 7, 8). Sound Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Display (512K) (1M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (4M) 965-0422-85 965-0423-85 965-0424-85 965-0425-85 965-0426-85 965-0427-85 965-0428-85 NASCAR® (Notes 7, 8) Sound Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Display (512K) (1M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (4M) 965-0429-86 965-0430-86 965-0431-86 965-0432-86 965-0433-86 965-0434-86 965-0435-86 Grand Prix (Notes 7, 8) Sound Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Display (512K) (1M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (4M) 965-0429-91 965-0430-91 965-0431-91 965-0432-91 965-0433-91 965-0434-91 965-0435-91 [NDSE] (Notes 7, 8) Call for more info if code update required. Sound Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Display (512K) (1M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (8M) (4M) 965-0436-97 965-0437-97 965-0438-97 965-0439-97 965-0440-97 965-0441-97 965-0442-97 U7 960-7001-02 U210 960-5009-00 U17 960-5016-00 U21 960-5016-00 U36 960-5016-00 U37 960-5016-00 U5 DC PCB 960-5015-01 ** GAMES BELOW THIS LINE / NEXT COLUMN ARE S.A.M. SYSTEM GAMES 7225'(50(025<67,&.:,7+*$0(),/(6 )520<285',675,%872586(63,3$57 180%(5 ,1&/8'(7+( *$0(1$0(/$1*8$*(),/( 6 '(6,5(' World Poker Tour Pinball (WPT) (Notes 7, 9) Boot B-02 965-BOOT-SAM X1.04 | $7E62 U9 (8M) 960-5016-00 unprogrammed Memory Stick 128MB (970-0128-00) Version System Bin Files: English + Spanish 1.12AL 1.17+ WPT0112AL.bin English Only 1.12A 1.17+ WPT0112A.bin English + French 1.12AF 1.17+ WPT0112AF.bin French Only 1.12F 1.17+ WPT0112F.bin German + French 1.12GF 1.17+ WPT0112GF.bin German Only 1.12G 1.17+ WPT0112G.bin English + Italian 1.12AI 1.17+ WPT0112AI.bin Italian Only 1.12I 1.17+ WPT0112I.bin NOTE: THE TYPICAL SIZE PER UNZIPPED BIN FILE IS 25MB – 30MB+/– The Simpsons Kooky Carnival Redemption (Note 9) Boot B-02 965-BOOT-SAM X1.04 | $7E62 U9 (8M) 960-5016-00 unprogrammed Memory Stick 128MB (970-0128-00) Version Bin Files: English Only 1.05 SKC0105.bin English New Jersey Only 0.09NJ SKC0090NJ.bin NOTE: THE TYPICAL SIZE PER UNZIPPED BIN FILE IS 5.5MB +/– ©Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean Pinball (POTC) (Notes 7, 9) Boot B-02 965-BOOT-SAM X1.06 | $2014 U9 (8M) 960-5016-00 unprogrammed Memory Stick 128MB (970-0128-00) Version System Bin Files: English + Spanish 1.15AS 1.17+ POTC115AS.bin English + French 1.15AF 1.17+ POTC115AF.bin German + French 1.15GF 1.17+ POTC115GF.bin English + Italian 1.15AI 1.17+ POTC115AI.bin NOTE: THE TYPICAL SIZE PER UNZIPPED BIN FILE IS 25MB – 30MB+/– Family Guy Pinball (FG) (Notes 7, 9) Boot B-02 965-BOOT-SAM X2.09 | $10A3 U9 (8M) 960-5016-00 unprogrammed Memory Stick 128MB (970-0128-00) Version System Bin Files: English + Spanish 10.00AL 1.23+ FG1000AL.bin English + French 10.00AF 1.23+ FG1000AF.bin English + German 10.00AG 1.23+ FG1000GF.bin English + Italian 10.00AI 1.23+ FG1000AI.bin NOTE: THE TYPICAL SIZE PER UNZIPPED BIN FILE IS 25MB – 30MB+/– 3LQEDOO*DPH )LUPZDUH7DEOH footnotes: 1 ROMs on CPU/Sound Bd.: 520-5136-00 (Stereo) & Display Cont. Bd.: 520-5055-01 2 ROMs on CPU/Sound Bd.: 520-5136-10 (Mono) & Display Cont. Bd.: 520-5055-01 3 ROMs on CPU/Sound Board: 520-5136-15* (Mono) (*FCC 11-97) & Display Controller Board: 520-5055-02* (*FCC 11-97) $SSHQGL[$ $33(1',;$ 3LQEDOO*DPH)LUPZDUH7DEOH (3520 &KLS 6L]H 3URJUDP 3DUW 1 86$ 9HU %G /RF CPU Sound (Old) Sound (Old) Sound (Old) (256K) (256K) (256K) (256K) 965-0004-00 965-0005-00 965-0006-00 965-0007-00 LWAR.C5 C5 J5 J6 J7 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 Sound Sound 1 Sound 2 (256K) (512K) (512K) 965-0008-00 965-0009-00 965-0010-00 7F 6F 4F 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 Laser War - OR - 5DZ 3DUW 1 (3520 Lethal Weapon 3 (256K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0011-00 965-0012-00 965-0014-00 965-0015-00 965-0013-00 A4-6 A4-6 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 965-0016-00 965-0017-00 965-0019-00 965-0020-00 965-0018-00 A2-1 A2-1 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 965-0021-00 965-0022-00 965-0024-00 965-0025-00 965-0023-00 A2-4 A2-4 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 Torpedo Alley CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (256K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) Time Machine CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (128K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) Playboy 35th Anniversary CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (256K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0046-00 965-0047-00 965-0049-00 965-0050-00 965-0048-00 A2-4 A2-4 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 ABC Monday Night Football CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (128K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0031-00 965-0032-00 965-0034-00 965-0035-00 965-0033-00 A2-7 A2-7 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 Robocop CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (256K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0036-00 965-0037-00 965-0039-00 965-0040-00 965-0038-00 A3-4 A3-4 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 Phantom of the Opera CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (128K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0026-00 965-0027-00 965-0029-00 965-0030-00 965-0028-00 A3-2 A3-2 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 965-0041-00 965-0042-00 965-0044-00 965-0045-00 965-0043-00 A2-0 A2-0 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 (128K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0051-00 965-0052-00 965-0054-00 965-0055-00 965-0053-00 A2-7 A2-7 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 (128K) (256K) (1M) (1M) (256K) (512K) 965-0056-00 965-0134-00 965-0057-00 965-0058-00 965-0059-00 965-0060-00 A1-7 A1-7 B5 C5 F7 F5 F4 U8 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-5009-00 960-5009-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 B5 C5 F5/6 F4/5 F7 U8 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-5009-00 960-5009-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 Back to the Future CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (256K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) The Simpsons CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Checkpoint CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display CP80 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display (128K) (256K) (1M) (1M) (256K) (512K) 965-0061-00 965-0062-00 965-0063-00 965-0064-00 965-0065-00 965-0066-00 A1.04 A1.04 A1.04 Batman CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display (128K) (256K) (2M) (1M) (256K) (1M) 965-0067-00 965-0135-00 965-0068-00 965-0069-00 965-0070-00 965-0071-00 A1.06 A1.06 A1.06 B5 C5 U17 U21 U7 U8 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-5010-00 960-5009-00 960-5007-00 960-5009-00 Star Trek 25th Anniversary CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display (512K) (2M) (2M) (256K) (1M) 965-0072-00 965-0073-00 965-0074-00 965-0075-00 965-0076-00 (512K) (2M) (2M) (256K) (1M) 965-0077-00 965-0078-00 965-0079-00 965-0080-00 965-0081-00 A2.01 A1.09 C5 U17 U21 U7 U8 960-7001-02 960-5010-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5009-00 C5 U17 U21 U7 U8 960-7001-02 960-5010-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5009-00 CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display A4.08 A4.01 86$ 9HU %G /RF 5DZ 3DUW 1 (512K) 965-0082-00 A2.08 (2M) 965-0083-00 (2M) 965-0084-00 (256K) 965-0085-00 (2M) 965-0086-00 A2.06 (2M) 965-0087-00 A2.06 (Used on Display PCB 520-5055-00) C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 ROM 1 960-7001-02 960-5010-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5010-00 960-5010-00 Display -OR(4M) 965-0087-04 A2.06 (Used on Display PCB 520-5055-01) ROM 0 960-5015-00 CPU Voice 0 Voice 1 Sound Display Display (512K) 965-0119-00 A1.03 (4M) 965-0132-00 (2M) 965-0133-00 (256K) 965-0131-00 (2M) 965-0120-00 A1.04 (2M) 965-0121-00 A1.04 (Used on Display PCB 520-5055-00) C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 ROM 1 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5010-00 960-5010-00 Display -OR(4M) 965-0122-00 A1.05 (Used on Display PCB 520-5055-01) ROM 0 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U36 U37 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U36 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U36 U37 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U36 U7 ROM 0 ROM 3 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U36 U7 ROM 0 ROM 3 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 Star Wars Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends CPU Voice 0 Voice 1 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (2M) (256K) (4M) 965-0138-00 965-0139-00 965-0140-00 965-0141-00 965-0142-00 A1.30 A1.30 Jurassic Park CPU Voice 0 Voice 1 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (2M) (256K) (4M) 965-0143-00 965-0144-00 965-0145-00 965-0146-00 965-0147-00 A5.13 A5.10 Last Action Hero CPU Voice 0 Voice 1 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (2M) (256K) (4M) 965-0148-00 965-0149-00 965-0150-00 965-0151-00 965-0152-00 A1.12 A1.06 Tales from the Crypt CPU Voice 0 Voice 1 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (2M) (256K) (4M) 965-0157-00 965-0158-00 965-0159-00 965-0160-00 965-0161-00 A3.03 A3.01 The Who’s Tommy CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) 965-0162-00 965-0165-00 965-0166-00 965-0167-00 965-0168-00 965-0164-00 965-0163-00 A4.00 A4.00 WWF Royal Rumble CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) 965-0169-00 965-0172-00 965-0173-00 965-0174-00 965-0171-00 965-0170-00 A1.06 A1.02 Guns N’ Roses CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) 965-0175-00 965-0178-00 965-0179-00 965-0180-00 965-0181-00 965-0177-00 965-0176-00 (512K) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) (4M) 965-0182-00 965-0186-00 965-0187-00 965-0187-01 965-0185-00 965-0183-00 965-0184-00 A3.00 A3.00 Maverick * CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Sound Display* Display* A4.04 A4.01 A4.01 Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein * CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Sound Display* Display* (512K) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) (4M) 965-0188-00 965-0192-00 965-0193-00 965-0194-00 965-0191-00 965-0189-00 965-0190-00 (512K) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) (4M) 965-0195-00 965-0196-00 965-0197-00 965-0199-00 965-0200-00 965-0201-00 Baywatch * CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display* Display* CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display* Display* A1.03 A1.03 A1.03 (CPU Board 520-5003-04) Batman Forever * Hook 3URJUDP 3DUW 1 CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display Display Secret Service CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound &KLS 6L]H (512K) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) (4M) A4.00 A4.00 A4.00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 ROM 3 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 (CPU Board 520-5003-04) 965-0202-00 965-0203-00 965-0204-00 965-0205-00 965-0206-00 965-0207-00 A3.02 A3.00 A3.00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 ROM 3 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 * Note: Display EPROMS (4M) for Maverick thru Batman Forever require an access time of 120 Nsec or faster. $SSHQGL[$ 3LQEDOO*DPH )LUPZDUH7DEOH $33(1',;% 6HPL&RQGXFWRUV,QWHJUDWHG&LUFXLWV ,& 5HOD\V&URVV5HIHUHQFH7DEOH 7DEOH 1 6RXUFH 67(51 5DGLR ( & * 5 & $ 1 7 ( 1XPEHU 3,1%$// 6KDFN 5(&7,),&$7,21 %/2&.,1* '$03(1,1* ',2'(6 $1'25 /,*+7 (0,77,1* ',2'(6 /('V 7\SH !" !" !" !" !" !" !"k"q% j-! ] ] ] ] ^/ j )' ] #1 #6@58 ^ '+/v/# ' ]^- ]^- ]^- ]^- ]^- ]^- `` -* -* -* -* -* -* `` `` ' ' `` `` `` '' `` `` `` `` . `` ] / w ] .w ] / w ]' w ]'.w ]' w ] /w ] /''w ] 'w z . / ' . / ]^- / ]^- / ]^- / ]^- / ]^- '/ ]^- ]^- ]^- / ]^- / -* / -* / -* / -* / -* '/ -* -* -* / -* / ' `` `` `` `` `` `` `` '/ / x `` '' `` -* `` -* `` `` `` -* -* `` -* `` -* `` -* '/2 -* -*' `` -* `` -* `` -*' `` -* `` -*'' `` -* `` -*' ' `` -* -* `` `` `` `` ' / ' '' `` ' '' ' '' ' ' ' ' `` =(1(5 ',2'(6 !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" 75$16,67256 7<3( )(7 131 313 $1'25 6&5 )-^^1# )-^^1# )-^^1# ]2]^1# ]2]^1# ]2]^1# ]2]^1# ]2]^1# ]2]^1# ]2]^1# 2]2^1# 2]2^1# 2]2^1# 2]2^1# 2]2^1# 2]2^1# 2]2^1# *^1# *^1# ^2] j ^2 ]j ]] ] ] {-' 2/ ]' ^v2 {- ' ] {- ' {-' 2/ ^v2 ^v2'* ^v2'* ] *. ' ' ' %5,'*( 5(&7,),(56 %5 . 21#0 !.' 1 * ' &RPPHQWV )1}~"001v+.#k.'/$ w2v )122.k2z1$$%&k}~"001v+.1#k %&w!* /$!2!^ )1*2.1#k %&w!*/$2%!^ 5(/$<6 %& %& $SSHQGL[% ]^- ]^- `` ]^- ]^- ]^- ]^- ]^- '/2 ]^- ]^-' ]^- ]^- ]^-' ]^- ]^-'' ]^- ]^-' ' ]^- ]^- &RPPHQWV )j !+* )j !+* 6HPL&RQGXFWRUV &URVV5HI7DEOH $33(1',;& CPU/Sound Board Sound U7 512K *DPH 1DPH 3URGXFWLRQ 6WDUW 'DWH CPU/Sound Board Game U210 1MB :KLWH 6WDU DQG CPU/Sound Board Voice ROMS: %G 6\VWHP 3DUW0DQXDO 1U U17 U21 U36 U37 * Note: -XPSHU ,QVWDOOHG ‡ VHH 1RWH 3URGXFWLRQ6WDUW'DWH0DQXDO3DUW15206L]H 3RVLWLRQVDQG -XPSHU:,QVWDOOHG1RWH‡ :KLWH6WDU%RDUG6\VWHP 6$06\VWHP2QO\* For complete Appendix Information for Games Laser War through Batman Forever, see any Service Game Manual between Apollo 13 through Ripley’s Believe It or Not! or on-line at our website; also available on CD-R, 970-2003-00 (The Simpsons Pinball Party, T3® and The Lord of the Rings ). 13 29 Apollo (A13) NOV 95 780-5044-00 FEB 96 30 Golden Eye 780-5042-00 APR 96 31 Twister 780-5041-00 ID4: IndependJUL 96 32 ence Day 780-5045-00 OCT 96 33 Space Jam 780-5043-00 The Star Wars FEB 97 34 Trilogy - Sp. Ed. 780-5056-00 35 The Lost World: JUN 97 Jurassic Park 780-5053-00 The AUG 97 36 X-Files 780-5046-00 NOV 97 37 Starship Troopers 780-5059-00 Night FEB 98 38 Viper Drivin’ 780-5035-00 Lost In JUN 98 39 780-5060-00 Space SEP 98 40 Godzilla 780-5040-00 South JAN 99 41 Park 780-5071-00 42 HarleyAUG 99 a Davidson® 780-5067-01 42 Harley-DavidSEP 02 b son®2nd Ed. 780-5067-10 42 Harley-DavidOCT 04 c son® 3rd Ed. 780-5087-00 43 Striker MAR 00 a Xtreme 780-5068-01 43 NFL OCT 00 b 780-5073-00 JUL/OCT 00 44 Sharkey’s Shootout 780-5072-01 High Roller JAN 01 45 Casino 780-5065-00 MAY 01 46 Austin 780-5074-00 Powers SEP 01 47 MONOPOLY® 780-5075-00 FEB 02 48 Playboy 780-5076-00 AUG 02 49 RollerCoaster 780-5078-00 Tycoon JAN 03 The Simpsons 50 Pinball Party 780-5077-00 MAY 03 Rise of 51 T3®: the Machines 780-5079-00 NOV 03 780-5080-00 53 Ripley’s Believe APR 04 It or Not!® 780-5081-00 Lord of 52 The the Rings 4MB Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB Not Used Not Used Not Used 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB Not Used Not Used Not Used 4MB 4MB 4MB n/a n/a *DPH 1DPH :KLWH 6WDU %RDUG 6\VWHP 54 Elvis® SM 55 The Sopranos 56 NASCAR® 57 Grand Prix 3URGXFWLRQ CPU/Sound Board Sound U7 512K 6WDUW 'DWH CPU/Sound Board Game U210 1MB DQG 0DQXDO CPU/Sound Board Voice ROMS: 3DUW 1U U17 U21 U36 U37 AUG 04 780-5084-00 FEB 05 780-5085-00 JUL 05 780-5086-00 SEP 05 780-5091-00 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB See Apdx. A for more detailed information on Pinball Game Firmware (ROM Name, Size, Part Numbers, USA Version & Checksum and Board Locations). *DPH 1DPH 6$0 6\VWHP 3URGXFWLRQ 6WDUW 'DWH DQG 0DQXDO 3DUW 1U n/a Poker Tour 58 World (WPT) n/a n/a 59 The Simpsons Kooky Carnival 60 ©Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean 61 Famil Guy n/a 62 Spider-Man JUN 06 780-5088-00 APR 06 780-5090-00 AUG 06 780-5092-00 DEC 06 780-5093-00 MAY 07 780-5094-00 4MB n/a 4MB 4MB n/a Games 58 – current, S.A.M. System : CPU/Sound & I/O Power Driver PCBs differ than White Star (previous Games 29 – 57); Disp. Controller Not Required. 4MB 4MB 4MB n/a 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 W6 n/a n/a n/a 8MB 8MB 8MB Not Used 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 W6 8MB 8MB 8MB Not Used 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 W6 8MB 8MB 8MB Not Used 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB W6 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB S.A.M. System CPU/Sound Board Boot EPROM U9 965-BOOT-SAM (Programmed) B-02 chksum LOC: 8MB V2.1+ $F625 U9 B-02 chksum LOC: 8MB V2.1+ $F625 U9 B-02 chksum LOC: 8MB V2.1+ $F625 U9 B-02 chksum LOC: 8MB V2.1+ $F625 U9 B-02 chksum LOC: 8MB V2.1+ $F625 U9 ‡ Additional Information for Installed Jumper (above games 41-51): x Installed W6 so 8MB ROMS can be utilized. See the CPU/Sound Board Schematic (Sheet 2 of 3, Address Location 3E) in the games’ Service Game Manual. Games 52 - 57 CPU/Sound Board differ than <51 (See Appendix D). See Apdx. A for more detailed information on Pinball Game Firmware (ROM Name, Size, Part Numbers, USA Version & Checksum and Board Locations). 3URGXFWLRQ6WDUW ,QVWDOOHG1RWH $SSHQGL[& $33(1',;' %RDUG7\SH :KLWH6WDU%RDUG6\VWHP 2QO\ 7DEOH *DPH 1DPH 'LVSOD\ 2372 &RQWUROOHU 7UDQVPLWWHU 2372 5HFHLYHU 2372 $SSOLFDWLRQ ' ' x'!0# "q%2^ j"q~0.1# ' k q0v01(k %&.1 "#(%%# q0!"#$%&j"q~0. ' q0!1"w1 2*.1# .1 'z"0(~ 1.1 '' ' ' ' )%"$$1 x'!0# "q%2^ %-& j"q~0.1# q21(##1x!1"w1. %&.1 "#(%%# 2*.1# 0~1q~ ' / ---]]j]--v-^-)jv22-./!}v^^-}v^-^/./!^- "q%2^ .%%^1q~ w1$"(,1 "q%2^ .%%^1q~ w1$"(,1 )OLSSHU )%"$$1 ,2 3RZHU &386RXQG 'LVS 3RZHU 'RW 0DWUL[ 'ULYHU 6WHUHR 6XSSO\ 'LVSOD\ ' /$%% ' *DPH 1DPH ,2 3RZHU &386RXQG 'LVS 3RZHU 'RW 0DWUL[ 'ULYHU 0RQR 6XSSO\ 'LVSOD\ ' ^z"#01 v$( !& v! $({ ^~01 }1#^1"%%q& $("%- ^~j#0 }1%{2 "#(%%# 2*.1# ' "#(%%# 2*.1# 01#~"$ ^1$1# "$1]"q~0 !1"w" j#0v$( "%% 1%& !w"# #0'1* -"0"# 01",1 x01 ])j ~1,&# ~00 "q%2^ "q%2^ .%%^1q~ w1$"(,1 .%%^1q~ "q%2^ "q%2^ w1$"(,1 ' /%" jq$8# jq$8# -01 .%%^1q~ "q%2^ "q%2^ w1$"(,1 ' x'!0# "q%2^ "q%2^ .%%^1q~ w1$"(,1 ' x'!0# "q%2^ "q%2^ .%%^1q~ w1$"(,1 !%2^ .%%^1q~ w1$"(,1 ' j"q~0.1# 0~1q~ ' "#(%%# 2*.1# x q0!"#$%&.1 ' ' ' "#(%%# 2*.1# %&.1 ' ' ' %&.1 ' ' x'!0# ' ' ' x'!0# "#(%%# 2*.1# x q0!"#$%&.1 ' ' ' x'!0# ' "#(%%# 2*.1# %&.1 ' ' ' x'!0# ' 2# 01 #1 qq1 01 .%%^1q~ "q%2^ "q%2^ w1$"(,1 '2# 01 #1 ' )"%*"0 )"%* jq$8# jq$8# -01 01 .%%^1q~ "q%2^ "q%2^ w1$"(,1 ' j+1"0 jq$8# jq$8# j-01 .%%^1q~ "q%2^ "q%2^ w1$"(,1 ' jq$8# jq$8# {$$ ' .%%^1q~ !%2^ !%2^ w1$"(,1 "#(%%# 2*.1# %&.1 ' ' ' x'!0# ' ' !%2^ ' x'!0# ' .%%^1q~ !%2^ !%2^ w1$"(,1 ' &1 jq$8# jq$8# ^1q~-01 ' .%%^1q~ ' !%2^ !%2^ w1$"(,1 ' 01(&(% jq$8# jq$8# -01 ' .%%^1q~ ' !%2^ !%2^ w1$"(,1 1 6B.4 ' %"1 %+ ' jq$8# jq$8# ^1q~-01 44 ' .%%^1q~ ' !%2^ !%2^ w1$"(,1 "#(%%#2 !*%&. ~,1 01. *.1# "#(%%# 2*.1# "#(%%# ~,1 01. 2*.1# ' 0~21, 2372 0LVF 2372 $SSOLFDWLRQ $SS j"q~0.1# 0~1q~ ' 2372 5HFHLYHU x'!0# q!1w. ' x'!0# 1w 01. x'!0# ' ' ' ^~x)"%# ' 'LVSOD\ 2372 &RQWUROOHU 7UDQVPLWWHU ' "#(%%# 2*.1# ' *'* ' x'!0# "#(%%# %&.1 ~,1 01. !".1 2*.1# ' ' ' x'!0# !".1 "#(%%# !*%&. %&.1 2*.1# ' ' ' x'!0# %-$. "#(%%#2 %&.1 *.1# ' ' ' x'!0# ' ' ' .%%^1q~ !%2^ !%2^ w1$"(,1 ' .%%j(, "q~%%1 jq$8# jq$8# 1%00 *#" 1 6B.4 !0!"#$%& x "%0 (~ "#(%%# $+!$ %+ ' 2*.1# '2#2^ '2#2^ "%0 (~ 44 ' .%%^1q~ ' ' ' x'!0# ' !%2^ !%2^ w1$"(,1 /#0" 1 6B.4 2z1# "#(%%#2 %&. x' ' ^" (~" %+ ' *.1# jq$8# jq$8# $ 44 ' .%%^1q~ ' ' ' x'!0# ' !%2^ !%2^ w1$"(,1 ]2j 1 6B.4 ""!0!"#$%& '&x "#(%%#2 !*%&. ., %+ ' *.1# 2#2^ 2#2^ !1 * '%*,.%3 44 ' '2# 01 #1 %" 01 2# 01 #1 .%% 01 2# 01 #1 %00 }~% 01 87& 4. ' *1 ' 8#.%%4 + ,-0" $SSHQGL[' %RDUG 7\SH7DEOH $33(1',;' %RDUG7\SH :KLWH6WDU%RDUG6\VWHP 6$06\VWHP 2QO\ 7DEOH *DPH 1DPH ,2 3RZHU &386RXQG 'LVS 3RZHU 'RW 0DWUL[ ROG QHZ 'ULYHU 6XSSO\ 'LVSOD\ 520-5137-01 Playboy RollerCoaster Tycoon Miscellaneous PC Boards: 520-5136-16 520-5052-00 128 X 32 Dots Mini-Dot Display (3 by 5X7) 520-5221-00 (Ramp Enter Sign) 520-5052-00 520-5138-00 128 X 32 Dots Color Dot Display (4 by 5X7) 520-5225-00 (TV Set) 520-5052-00 520-5138-00 128 X 32 Dots 520-5137-01 520-5136-16 DC Relay Bd. 520-5066-00 520-5137-01 520-5136-16 Miscellaneous PC Boards: LED Bd. 520-5219-00 Terminator® 3: Rise of the Machines 520-5137-01 520-5136-16 Miscellaneous PC Boards: Ripley’s Believe It or Not!® The SopranosSM Miscellaneous PC Boards: 520-5137-01 520-5300-00 Miscellaneous 520-5236-00 PC Boards: X3 Dot Display NASCAR® and [NDSE] Grand Prix 520-5138-00 520-5300-00 520-5052-00 128 X 32 Dots OPTO Transmitter / Receiver Amplifier PCB 520-5239-00 520-5052-00 520-5138-00 128 X 32 Dots OPTO Transmitter / Receiver Amplifier PCB 520-5239-01 520-5052-00 520-5138-00 128 X 32 Dots 520-5138-00 515-0173-00 Dual OPTO 515-0174-00 Dual OPTO 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker 520-5055-03 520-5055-03 for UK ONLY> Solenoid Expander Bd. 520-5192-00 520-5055-03 999 515-0173-00 515-0174-00 4-Ball Trough 520-5222-00 Dual OPTO Dual OPTO over Up-Kicker 1-Position 520-5082-00 520-5083-01 Behind 1-Bank Switch Detect Long Hop OPTO Long Hop OPTO Drop Target on Wheel Spin 515-0173-00 515-0174-00 4-Ball Trough Dual OPTO Dual OPTO over Up-Kicker for UK ONLY Aux. Driver Bd. 520-5068-01 520-5055-03 999 520-5055-03 999 for UK ONLY Aux. Driver Bd. 520-5068-01 520-5055-03 999 for UK ONLY Aux. Driver Bd. 520-5068-01 520-5055-03 999 515-0173-00 Dual OPTO 515-7307-00 Single OPTO 515-0173-00 Dual OPTO 515-7307-00 Single OPTO 515-0173-00 Dual OPTO 520-5234-00 3-Pos. OPTO 515-0173-00 Dual OPTO 515-0174-00 Dual OPTO 515-7308-00 Single OPTO 515-0174-00 Dual OPTO 515-7308-00 Single OPTO 515-0174-00 Dual OPTO 520-5234-00 3-Pos. OPTO 515-0174-00 Dual OPTO 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker TXCannon Trough 4-Ball Trough 500-6746-00 over Up-Kicker (White Trans.) Orthanc Tower 500-6747-00 (Black Rec.) Trough 4-Ball Trough 500-6775-00 over Up-Kicker OPTO Trnscvr 520-5235-03 Vari-Target X3 Aux. Drvr 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker 515-0173-00 Dual OPTO 515-0174-00 Dual OPTO 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker 515-0173-00 Dual OPTO 515-0174-00 Dual OPTO 4-Ball Trough 500-6775-00 over Up-Kicker OPTO Trans. (Qty. 16) Switch Detect. 515-0173-00 Dual OPTO 515-0174-00 Dual OPTO for UK ONLY Aux. Driver Bd. 520-5068-01 Miscellaneous PC Boards: 520-5137-01 2372 0LVF 2372 $SSOLFDWLRQ $SS for UK ONLY Aux. Driver Bd. 520-5068-01 New 520-5300-00 19-LED PCB 520-5242-00 520-5137-01 Elvis® 2372 5HFHLYHU for UK ONLY> Solenoid Expander Bd. 520-5192-00 Relay Bd. 520-5010-00 Miscellaneous PC Boards: 520-5137-01 520-5052-00 128 X 32 Dots DC Relay Bd. 520-5066-00 The Simpsons Pinball Party The Lord of the Rings 520-5138-00 'LVSOD\ 2372 &RQWUROOHU 7UDQVPLWWHU 520-5300-00 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 128 X 32 Dots 520-5055-03 999 for UK ONLY Aux. Driver Bd. 520-5068-01 Miscellaneous PC Boards: Miscellaneous PC Boards: 520-5235-03 X3 Aux. Drvr 520-5137-01 520-5300-00 Miscellaneous PC Boards: 520-5235-03 X3 Aux. Drvr 520-5052-00 128 X 32 Dots OPTO Transmitter / Receiver Amplifier PCB 520-5239-01 520-5052-00 520-5138-00 128 X 32 Dots OPTO Transmitter / Receiver Amplifier PCB 520-5239-01 for UK ONLY Aux. Driver Bd. 520-5068-01 4-Ball Trough 500-6775-00 over Up-Kicker OPTO Trans. (Qty. 16) Switch Detect. ,2 3RZHU 'ULYHU &38 6RXQG 'LVS 3RZHU 'RW 0DWUL[ 'XDO 2372 'XDO 2372 'XDO 2372 6XSSO\ 'LVSOD\ 7UDQVPLWWHU 5HFHLYHU 7UDQVFHLYHU 2372 7UDQVFHLYHU 0LVFHOODQHRXV 520-5137-01 *DPH 1DPH World Poker Tour (WPT) The Simpsons Kooky Carnival ©Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean Family Guy SpiderMan %RDUG 7\SH7DEOH 520-5300-00 520-5138-00 520-5055-03 999 for UK ONLY Aux. Driver Bd. 520-5068-01 520-5055-03 999 520-5249-00 520-5246-00 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 515-0173-00 515-0174-00 Backbox Backbox Backbox 128 X 32 Dots 4-Ball Trough 4-Ball Trough 500-6775-00 4 Switch Pairs 520-5239-01 520-5247-00 520-5248-00 Miscellaneous 520-5254-00 520-5250-14 (Qty. 8) PCBs : 50V Step-Up Drv 14LED 5X7 Disp. OPTO Amplifier Ace/Hole Mech Ace/Hole Mech 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 520-5249-00 520-5246-00 520-5253-00-ASY Back Door Back Door Cabinet Rear 128 X 32 Dots Coin Drop Miscellaneous 515-5742-00 500-6700-00 (Qty. 11) Relay (incl. Wiring + Conn.) PCBs : Shaker PCB 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 515-0173-00 515-0174-00 520-5249-00 520-5246-00 Backbox Backbox Backbox 128 X 32 Dots 4-Ball Trough 4-Ball Trough 500-6775-00 5 Switch Pairs Miscellaneous 520-5239-01 511-5024-03 (Qty. 10) PCBs : OPTO Amp. (X3) Relay (incl. Wiring + Conn.) 520-5238-00 : H-E-A-R-T LED PCB 500-6775-00 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 515-0173-00 515-0174-00 520-5249-00 520-5246-00 Pairs Backbox Backbox Backbox 128 X 32 Dots 4-Ball Trough 4-Ball Trough 3 Switch (Qty. 6) Miscellaneous PCBs : 520-5239-01 520-5261-00 511-5042-01 OPTO Amp. (X2) Stepper Motor Trgt. Sensor (X2) 511-5046-00 : Mini Playfield Lamp PCB 520-5249-00 Backbox 520-5246-00 Backbox Miscellaneous PCBs : 520-5239-01 OPTO Amp. (X2) 520-5138-00 Backbox 520-5052-00 128 X 32 Dots 515-0173-00 4-Ball Trough 515-0174-00 4-Ball Trough 500-6775-01 1 Switch Pair (Qty. 2) 500-6775-00 3 Switch Pairs (Qty. 6) 520-5251-00 ’U’ 1/per PCB Jail Bars Up Ace/Hole Mech 520-5252-04 ’U’ 4/per PCB Drop Targets 4- & 8- Banks 520-5252-01 ’U’ 1/per PCB Drop Target 1-Bank 520-5252-04 ’U’ 4/per PCB Drop Target 4-Bank $SSHQGL[' $33(1',;' %RDUG7\SH7DEOH *DPH 1DPH )OLSSHU 2-Flipper x Laser War Board Not Required x Secret Service x Torpedo Alley Board Not Required x Time Machine Board Not Required 6RXQG initial: 520-5002-00 replaced with: 520-5002-02 3RZHU 6XSSO\ 'LVSOD\ ;'LJLW Master: 520-5004-00 plus: 520-5005-00 (Qty. 2): 7 Digit Alpha/Numeric 520-5006-00 (Qty. 2): 7 Digit Numeric 520-5007-00 (Qty. 1): 4 Digit Numeric 520-5002-01 was not used. 3-Flipper 520-5000-00 2-Flipper x Playboy 35th Anniversary * x ABC Monday Night Football * x Robocop x Phantom of the Opera x Back to the Future x The Simpsons *DPH 1DPH 520-5033-00 2-Flipper (*only for 100 games of Playboy 35th Anniv. & ABC Mon. Night Football) 520-5014-01 7 Digit Alpha/Numeric Combined 520-5002-02 520-5030-00 16 Digit Alpha/Numeric Combined 520-5002-03 2372 7UDQVPLWWHU 2372 5HFHLYHU 2372 $SOOLFDWLRQ 520-5102-00 Single OPTO 520-5103-00 Single OPTO Paddle Boat Wheel Enter 520-5075-00 520-5047-03 520-5092-01 192 X 64 520-5124-00 4-Flipper (2X2) Single OPTO 520-5126-02 520-5076-00 520-5124-00 x Batman Forever 3-Flipper Single OPTO Miscellaneous Boards (Lamp Boards & Relay Boards) not listed above can be found in each individual game manual. 520-5125-00 Single OPTO 520-5125-00 Single OPTO 5-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker )OLSSHU x Checkpoint x Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles x Batman x Star Trek 25th Anniv. x Hook x Lethal Weapon 3 x Star Wars x Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends 3RZHU 6XSSO\ 'RW 0DWUL[ 'LVSOD\ 520-5047-00 520-5042-00 128 X 16 'LVSOD\ &RQWUROOHU 520-5002-03 520-5033-00 2-Flipper 520-5050-01 520-5047-01 520-5076-00 3-Flipper 520-5070-00 2-Flipper x Jurassic Park x Last Action Hero x Tales from the Crypt x The Who’s Tommy x WWF Royal Rumble x Guns N’ Roses 6RXQG 520-5050-02 520-5070 / 5080 -00 x Maverick 520-5076-00 3-Flipper x Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein 520-5076-00 3-Flipper x Baywatch 520-5070 / 5080 -00 $SSHQGL[' 520-5052-00 128 X 32 520-5050-03 520-5076-00 3-Flipper 4-Flipper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`9Q 5 ! 9]]9Q 5 ! ! .&' & " "-" " $ '" $ & "' & "'- $ & ! * "- 4 "" 4-5 : 4 ( : 4 : #,! >!""# _ ",!""!,+! @ *+F #>:@ "!" FJ , 4 : 99' Q *Z[)9((5 : 4! : 4 ) : 45 : 4! : 4! : 4- ) : 4! ) : 45 : 4! : 4 : 4 ( : 4 ( : 4 : 4- : 4 : 4! : 45 () : 4- *[Z5 0# - 35 9((9' Q *ZZ='=,!)95 f; 99' Q 905 03- *;Z*=5 9)9' Q 9#5#%*Z+5039' *5 9 9' Q 9='=,!)95 f; 9()9' Q 9=''=,!5 0 9(9' Q 9=''=,!5 0 99' Q 9)5 0' 33 9)9' Q 905 0 '3 *=5 99' Q 95 0# 9 9' Q 95 0#3 99' Q 95 0#3 9 9' Q 905 0 35 9 9' Q 905 0-$03 9(9' Q 905 0#39' 33 !!,! ># +&+#!"""!,+! @ -4 : 9 9' Q 9(5 0 54 (( : 9 9' Q 95 0 9 9( 5 3 !! -455 : 4 : 9(9' Q 95 0 ][]*h\[h*Z[Q " ' 3- 4 ) : #%*Z+5 0 45 : 9)(9' Q 9#5 ' 55+6 " ' '" "- ' 7 4 : ,(9 ((9. ][]*h\[h*ZZQ " ' 7 -$03 )OLSSHU&RLO :KLWH6WDU%RDUG6\VWHP 2QO\ 7DEOH ~ !""# "!~&'*+'# &, #+ ##!8+ !""# $% "!~&'*+'# &, '""#+ '""##!8+ 2% !" # $ $ % 4$5'789* =>$"% ? '@ (0 ' ;0 <=$7 >2?HKQT*XYZ[+,80$$ @ @<*+8! +,4#,;$ /$%% ' % -& ; ; ^z"#01 ; v! v$(!& $( {† ^~01}1#^1"%q& $("%-"0" † ^~j#0}1% {1##"(21, † ^~ x)"%# † 01#~"$ ^1$1# † "$1 ]"q~0!1"w" † j#0v $( † < "%% † ; 0~ 21, † ; † ; ; ; ; < ; ; '^ 454B64 4 '^ 454B64 4 ^ 44B6624 '^ 454B64 4 '^ 454B64 4 '^ 454B64 4 '^ 454B64 4 '^ 454B64 4 '^ 44 4 '^ 44 4 '^ 44 4 '^ 454B64 4 '^ 44 4 / - ]0# ]0# / - ]0# ]0# '^ 454B64 4 ]0# ]0# / - ]0# ' 44 4 ^ 44B6624 ]0# ]0# / - ]0# ]0# / - ]0# ]0# / - ]0# ]0# / - ]0# '^ 454B64 4 / - ]0# ]0# '^ 454B64 4 ]0# ]0# / - ]0# ]0# ]0# ]0# / - *"%210]1#"qz"0~##"q""#0~!""#0~0$0~%q "$@$ $ $ *"%210]1#"qz"0~#"q""#0~!""#0~000~%q# $SSHQGL[( + ,-0" &RLO&URVV5HI*XLGH )OLSSHU&RLO7DEOH $33(1',;( )OLSSHU&RLO :KLWH6WDU%RDUG6\VWHP 6$06\VWHP 2QO\ 7DEOH GAME NAME Harley-Davidson® † and 1st through 3rd Editions Striker Xtreme (NFL) † Sharkey’s Shootout † High Roller Casino † Austin Powers † Nº of Flippers 2 3 3 2 2 MONOPOLY® † 3 Playboy † 2 RollerCoaster Tycoon † The Simpsons Pinball Party † Terminator® 3: Rise of the Machines † The Lord of the Rings † Ripley’s Believe It or Not!® † 4 6** (5 with Flipper Bats) 2 2 3 Elvis® † 4 The SopranosSM † 2 NASCAR® and [NDSE] † 2 Grand Prix † 2 † ** FLIPPERS w/E.O.S. Switch SPI Nº / GAUGE-TURNS / Color LOWER LEFT LOWER RIGHT 090-5032-0T 090-5030-0T 22-1080 -YEL-GRN23-1100 -ORANGE090-5032-0T 090-5030-0T 22-1080 -YEL-GRN23-1100 -ORANGE090-5030-0T SAME 23-1100 -ORANGE090-5020-20T 090-5032-0T 22-900 -YELLOW22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-30 090-5030-0T 23-900 -GREEN23-1100 -ORANGE090-5032-0T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5030-0T SAME 23-1100 -ORANGE090-5032-0T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-0T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN** The Homer Head Assembly is affixed to an Upr. Rt. Style Flipper ** 090-5020-20T (no E.O.S. Switch): 22-900 -YELLOW090-5032-0T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-20T SAME 22-900 -YELLOW090-5032-0T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-20T SAME 22-900 -YELLOW090-5032-0T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5030-0T SAME 23-1100 -ORANGE090-5030-0T SAME 23-1100 -ORANGE- FLIPPERS no E.O.S. Switch SPI Nº / GAUGE-TURNS / Color UPPER LEFT UPPER RIGHT Not Used Not Used 090-5030-0T 23-1100 -ORANGE090-5030-0T 23-1100 -ORANGE- Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5062-0T 23-1500 -BLUE- Not Used Not Used 090-5067-0T 25-1400 -RED- 090-5068-0T 25-1600 -WHITE090-5030-0T Not Used 23-1100 -ORANGE)OLSSHUV 0LQL%DWV RQ QG /HYHO 3OD\ILHOG 090-5041-00T 090-5025-00 25-1800 -BLU-GRN24-1570 -BLUENot Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5067-00T 25-1400 -RED- 090-5020-30 23-900 -GREEN- SAME Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Coil Part Numbers ending with a "T" signifies the Diode is on the top of the lug (on the coil-winding side); Coil Part Numbers ending with a "B" signifies the Diode is on the bottom of the lugs. S.A.M. System Games DO NOT REQUIRE DIODES. If you use a coil from your stock which has a diode, remove it ONLY FOR S.A.M. System Games. World Poker Tour (WPT)** ©Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean** Family Guy ** SpiderMan ** &RLO&URVV5HI*XLGH )OLSSHU&RLO7DEOH 4 2 3 Norm. 2 Mini 3 090-5032-ND 22-1080 [ NO DIODE ] 090-5030-ND 23-1100 [ NO DIODE ] 090-5030-ND 23-1100 [ NO DIODE ] 090-5046-01-ND 27-950 [ NO DIODE ] 090-5032-ND 22-1080 [ NO DIODE ] 090-5030-ND 23-1100 [ NO DIODE ] SAME SAME Not Used Not Used SAME 090-5062-ND 23-1500 [ NO DIODE ] Not Used Not Used 090-5032-ND 22-1080 [ NO DIODE ] SAME SAME SAME $SSHQGL[( $33(1',;( *HQHULF&RLO&URVV5HIHUHQFH*XLGH† ‡ )OLSSHU&RLO7DEOH‡ †† *$0( 1$0( Laser War ‡ Secret Service ‡ Torpedo Alley ‡ Time Machine ‡ ‡ 1 RI )OLSSHUV )/,33(56 Z(26 6ZLWFK )/,33(56 QR (26 6ZLWFK 63, 1 *$8*(78516 &RORU 63, 1 *$8*(78516 &RORU /2:(5 /()7 /2:(5 5,*+7 833(5 /()7 833(5 5,*+7 090-5011-00 22-750 / 30-2600 090-5006-00 23-620 / 30-2600 090-5011-00 22-750 / 30-2600 090-5011-00 22-750 / 30-2600 SAME Not Used Not Used 090-5006-00 23-620 / 30-2600 090-5012-00 23-800 / 30-2600 SAME Not Used 090-5013-00 23-700 / 30-2600 Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used These coils are dual-wound. Playboy 35th Anniversary †† ABC Monday Night Football †† 090-5020-02 22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5020-02 22-900 -YEL-YEL- †† A very small % of these games used a 090-5020-20 coil which used a proto-type Solid State Flipper System. The two types of coils both are 22-900 coils; the only difference is the addition of the 1N5404 Diode on the (-02) coils which was used in the Deger Design. Robocop Phantom of the Opera Back to the Future The Simpsons Checkpoint Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Batman Star Trek 25th Anniversary Hook Lethal Weapon 3 Star Wars Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends Jurassic Park 090-5020-20 22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5020-20 22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5020-20 22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5020-20 22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5020-20 22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5020-30 23-900 -GRN-GRN090-5020-30 23-900 -GRN-GRN090-5020-30 23-900 -GRN-GRN090-5030-00 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5030-00 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5032-00 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-30 23-900 -GRN-GRN090-5020-30 23-900 -GRN-GRN- SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used 090-5020-30 23-900 -GRN-GRN- Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used 090-5030-00 23-1100 -ORG-ORG- Table continued on the next page. $SSHQGL[( &RLO&URVV5HI*XLGH )OLSSHU&RLO7DEOH $33(1',;( )OLSSHU&RLO7DEOH† *$0( 1$0( Last Action Hero Tales from the Crypt The Who’s Tommy WWF Royal Rumble Guns N’ Roses Maverick Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Baywatch Batman Forever Apollo 13 Golden Eye Twister ID4: Independence Day Space Jam † The Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition † The Lost World: Jurassic Park † The X-Files † Starship Troopers † Viper Night Drivin’ † Lost In Space † Godzilla † South Park † Harley-Davidson® † and Harley-Davidson® 2nd Ed. † Striker Xtreme (NFL) † Sharkey’s Shootout † High Roller Casino † Austin Powers † MONOPOLY® † Playboy † RollerCoaster Tycoon † The Simpsons Pinball Party † Terminator® 3: Rise of the Machines † The Lord of the Rings † Ripley’s Believe It or Not!® † 1 RI )OLSSHUV )/,33(56 Z(26 6ZLWFK )/,33(56 QR (26 6ZLWFK 63, 1 *$8*(78516 &RORU 63, 1 *$8*(78516 &RORU /2:(5 /()7 /2:(5 5,*+7 833(5 /()7 833(5 5,*+7 090-5020-30 SAME 23-900 -GRN-GRN090-5032-00 SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-30 SAME 23-900 -GRN-GRN090-5032-00 SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00 SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00 SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN 090-5030-00 SAME 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5030-00 090-5020-30 23-1100 -ORG-ORG23-900 -GRN-GRN090-5032-00 090-5020-20 22-1080 -YEL-GRN22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5032-00 SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00 SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-20 090-5032-00 22-900 -YEL-YEL22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00 SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00T 090-5020-20T 22-1080 -YEL-GRN22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5032-00T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5030-00T SAME 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5030-00T SAME 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5030-00T 090-5032-00T 23-1100 -ORG-ORG22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5030-00T SAME 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5032-00T 090-5030-00T 22-1080 -YEL-GRN23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5032-00T 090-5030-00T 22-1080 -YEL-GRN23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5030-00T SAME 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5020-20T 090-5032-00T 22-900 -YEL-YEL23-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-30 090-5030-00T 23-900 -GRN-GRN23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5032-00T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5030-00T SAME 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5032-00T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00T SAME -YEL-GRN ZLWK * 22-1080 The Homer Head Assembly is affixed to an )OLSSHU Upr. Rt. Style Flipper * 090-5020-20T %DWV (no E.O.S. Switch): 22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5032-00T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-20T SAME 22-900 -YEL-YEL090-5032-00T SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN- Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5041-00 25-1800 -BLU-GRN- 090-5041-00 25-1800 -BLU-GRN090-5041-00 25-1800 -BLU-GRN090-5030-00 23-1100 -ORG-ORG- Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5032-00 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5030-00 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5030-00 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5020-30 23-900 -GRN-GRN- Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5020-30 23-900 -GRN-GRN- Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5032-00T 22-1080 -YEL-GRN- Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5025-00 24-1570 -See Note- SAME Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5030-00T 23-1100 -ORG-ORG090-5030-00T 23-1100 -ORG-ORG- Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5062-00T 23-1500 -BLU-BLU- Not Used Not Used 090-5067-00T 25-1400 -RED-RED- 090-5068-00T 25-1600 -WHT-WHT 090-5030-00T Not Used 23-1100 -ORG-ORGFlippers (Mini-Bats) on 2nd Level Playfield: 090-5041-00T 090-5025-00T 25-1800 -BLU-GRN24-1570 -See NoteNot Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used 090-5067-00T 25-1400 -RED-RED- † Coil Part Nºs ending with a "T" signifies the Diode is on the top of the lug (on the coil-winding side); Coil Part Nºs ending with a "B" signifies the Diode is on the bottom of the lugs. &RLO&URVV5HI*XLGH )OLSSHU&RLO7DEOH $SSHQGL[( $33(1',;) 0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ :KLWH6WDU%RDUG6\VWHP 2QO\ 7DEOH *DPH 1DPH )XQFWLRQ 6SHFLILFDWLRQV 3DUW 1XPHU (,0 $+!z w0 "0 00"%1"0 .z 01/* '}2 **} %0"21(0# 01/* +'}2 **} {~# 01^$ !* / 2 2 *} .z 01/* '}2 *} %0"21(0# 01/*{Z +'}'2 **} %0"21(0# 01/*{Z +'}'2 *} 1w 01 X{[ZZ '' ~,1 0%%"0 j0+"q~0 w0 $""q!"#( z"0~ q0 .(,) ^1}" /%" $+*%# w0 #$%& ' (" )( * "+ $ "K " $ "K " ?_`_T_jq $ "K " ' $ "K " ' $ "K " ?_`_T_jq #K|}#?_?_`_T~|Q #1 . +'2+'&#'%34. #1 6& 2') /7'+&&%*8+'9 #1 :4% & . +'&1%#' '& x}"q j0+"q~0 w0 qq1*01j", j"0$+!z w0 .z 01/*{ '} 2 **} %0"21(0# 01!*{X[ 2 ]!"1(0"% {~# 01^$ !* ~,1 / 2 2 *} x)"%*"0 %0"21(0# 01!* j"0$+!z w0 2 **} &z"0(~v#010kv(0$$1 01 }11"1.q !*}{Zk1"#' )1z1+w1# w0 K $> v¡' ~ $ ^1w%$10$0$/q% ¢ '' $ "K " ' $ "K " ?_`_T_jq ?_`_T_jq $ "K " 7%' &-.1+D ) '' ^|T%`QT^_?_`_T~|Q 6& (.+* >%+ $""q!"#( z"0~ q0 ~,1‡ %0"21(0# 01/*{{ +'}'2 **} %0"¡' ' 01 "101 !* ' 2 *}@QTj`‡ ' $ "K " 4 ?_`_T_jq _~`#T_?_`_T~|Q %0"¡' ' 01 "101 !* 4 ' 2 *}@QTj`‡ ?_`_T_jq 01(&(% /001%/*{YZZ j"0$+!z w0 2 **} $ "K " %" j"(,1 %0"¡' !*{Y . '%9 ': ' 0 6 j00"q~0 w0 2 $ "K " &#01&.%% ,#(10 01 %-/*{Y .1+'9 =&.1 7 00"q w0 +'}2 *} $ "K " %00}~% %0"21(0# 01!*{Y ' 00"q w0 2 **} $ "K " &z"0(~v#010kv(0$$1 01 @%31 ',+&% $+!$"%0 (~ !*}{Zk1"#' $ "K " j"0$+!z w0 K $> v¡' 7%' &.1+D ) ~ $ ^1w%$10$0$/q% ¢ '' ^" (~" %0"21(0# 01/*{YX 00"q w0 +2 **} $ "K " j#1. /001% 01/*{ 7& %8$ '& j00"q~0!"1(0"% +} 2 ."!"1(0"% $ "K " !1-w"%^1q0 ,#(10 01 %-/*{[ j"0$+!z w0 +2 **} $ "K " "")%"$$1 }01z1,# %0"21 011.¡ -x / ' A 00"q w0 !*+2 **+**} ?_`_T_jq ^1"q%1."%%1 /001% 01Q[Y/* 00"q w0 + 2 ."!"1(0"% ?_`_T_jq *01% (~"# %0"21(0#[ 01 w!* $+*%# w0 + 2 **+**} ?_`_T_jq 8+C &z"0(~v#010kv(0$$1 01 ^#!1$(1 !*}{Zk1"#' $ "K " j"0$+!z w0 K $> v¡' 7%' &-.1+D ) ~ $ ^1w%$10$0$/q% ¢ '' ‡@ $2% ?$2D80 @$?{ZX ?#=X[ `|?_`_TK#_jq|~|Q|#|T?_`_T#qX[ @+' 4"+<%&A '[|$$ ~,1‡ + ,-0" $SSHQGL[) 0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ 7DEOH $33(1',;) 0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ :KLWH6WDU%RDUG6\VWHP 6$06\VWHP 2QO\ 7DEOH *DPH 1DPH )XQFWLRQ 6SHFLILFDWLRQV 3DUW 1XPEHU Terminator® 3: Rise of the Machines Backbox Ball Shooter Up/Down Movement Multi Products Motor 24VAC (041-5079-01) 21 RPM CW 515-7317-00 The Lord of the Rings Balrog (Motor & Gate) Open/Close Movement Multi Prod. Motor 20VDC Series 600B (or equiv.) 50/60Hz 10 RPM Bi-Directional 041-5088-01 Haydon Switch & Instrument, Inc. Stepper Motor 12VDC 10W (041-5089-00), (Non-Captive Shaft not included) HSI #46868-12-002 Multi #3811 0630 Motor (Vibrator) 12VDC (041-5029-01) 3100 RPM (w/DRL PTS) Autotrol Synchronous Motor 24VAC 4W 50/60Hz 45.7/54.9 RPM Bi-Directional Multi Products Motor & Gear Box 20VDC Model #8000 (EX-04-073) 10 RPM Multi Products Motor & Gear Box 20VDC Model #8000 (EX-04-073) 10 RPM 500-6809-00 ROLLERCOASTER TYCOON (NO MOTOR USED) THE SIMPSONS PINBALL PARTY (NO MOTOR USED) incl. Connector MOTOR ONLY RIPLEY’S BELIEVE IT OR NOT!® (NO MOTOR USED) Elvis Front/Back Movement Elvis® ::: OPTIONAL 999 SM The Sopranos NASCAR® and [NDSE] Grand Prix Shaker Bada Bing! Girls x2 Rotating Posts Movement Back Panel Rotating (Car) Windmill (Skill Ball Enter) Back Panel Rotating (Car) Windmill (Skill Ball Enter) incl. Connector Requires 7.25" Shaft: 530-5658-00 515-5893-01 incl. Connector 041-5092-00 w/1" Shaft + 12" Leads 041-5093-00 MOTOR ONLY 041-5093-00 MOTOR ONLY World Poker Tour (WPT) (NO MOTOR USED) The Simpons Kooky Carnival Bart on Skateboard Left/Right Movement Left & Right Ramps Up/Down Movement Shaker (details in SKC Manual, Page 24) ©Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean Family Guy Spider-Man 0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ 7DEOH Spinning Disk Pirate Ship Sinking/Raising Movement Stewie Figurine Left & Right Movement Doc Ock, Sandman & 3-Bank Up/Down Movement OPTIONAL Shaker Motor Kit 502-5027-00 ::: 999 Multi Products Motor with Crank 24VAC (041-5095-01) 50/60Hz 3W 14 RPM Multi Products Motor 24VAC (041-5048-01) 50/60Hz 3W 15 RPM CCW (Qty. 2 in game) Multi #3811 0630 Motor (Vibrator) 12VDC 3100 RPM (w/DRL PTS) Multi #3811R 0630 Motor (Vibrator) 12VDC (041-5029-04) 3100 RPM (w/DRL PTS) -04 is RoHS compliant; can substitute with -01 domestic Multi Products Motor & Gear Box 24VDC Model #7000-DCM 12 RPM Stepper Motor NPM PF35T-48D4STD 5V RVB (041-5102-00 Reference Only) Sync. Motor 24VAC 50/60Hz 3W 12 RPM CW (041-5103-00 Reference Only) Multi #3811R 0630 Motor (Vibrator) 12VDC (041-5029-04) 3100 RPM (w/DRL PTS) -04 is RoHS compliant; can substitute with -01 domestic 500-6947-01 incl. Connector 515-7558-00 incl. Connector 041-5029-01 MOTOR ONLY 511-5024-04 incl. Connector 041-5101-00 MOTOR ONLY 511-5043-00 incl. Connector 511-5063-00 incl. Connector 515-5893-01 incl. Connector $SSHQGL[) $33(1',;) 0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ7DEOH The following table only list games that used motors. Part Numbers starting with "515-" will include the Wiring Harness & Connector. *DPH 1DPH )XQFWLRQ ABC Monday Night Football Goal Post Up/Down Movement Organ Up/Down Movement Mag Wheel (in Backbox) Phantom of the Opera Checkpoint 6SHFLILFDWLRQV 3DUW 1 Motor 24v A.C. 60 RPM CW Bowman Motor 24v 60Hz 3W 11 RPM CCW 515-5222-00 Motor D.C. (KEN) 041-5005-00 Johnson Motor (Vibrator) Gear Motor 24v A.C. 325 RPM CW Bowman Motor 24v 60Hz 3W 11 RPM CCW Bowman Motor 24v 221e2 RPM Gear Motor 24v A.C. 31e2 RPM 041-5002-00 Cooling Fan (for Transporter F/X) 41e2" Motor 12v 041-5014-00 Spinning Light Motor 21e2 v A.C. Shaker Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Batman Spinning Pizza Ball Deflector Bar Target Up/Down Movement Swinging Target Star Trek 25th Anniversary Lethal Weapon 3 Star Wars Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends Jurassic Park Transporter F/X Bar Target Up/Down Movement R2D2 Robot Left/Right Movement Death Star Rotation Nell Log "Cutting Blade" Forward/Back Movement T-Rex Left/Right Movement T-Rex Up/Down Movement Shaker Last Action Hero Crane Left/Right Movement Shaker Tales from the Crypt Tombstone Up/Down Movement Shaker Mirror Up/Down Movement The Who’s Tommy Flipper Blinders Spinning Airplane Propellers WWF Royal Rumble Shaker Maverick, The Movie Turning Paddle Wheel Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Creature Head Left/Right Movement Cannon Left/Right Movement Batman Forever $SSHQGL[) 4000 RPM CCW Bowman Motor 24v 60hz 3W 11 RPM CCW Bowman Motor 24v A.C. 221e2 RPM CW Bowman "G" Motor 24v A.C. 60Hz 6 RPM CW Autotrol Model E Motor 24v 60hz 4W 3 RPM CCW Multi Motor 5v D.C. 515-5256-00 515-5397-00 515-5256-00 515-5534-00 500-5421-00 041-5017-00 515-5256-00 515-5571-00 515-5570-00 041-5023-00 041-5025-00 Bowman Motor 24v 11 RPM CW Johnson Motor (Vibrator) Multi Products Motor 12v D.C. #3312 OSC Johnson Motor (Vibrator) 10.5v D.C. 10 AMP 2950 RPM CW Bowman Motor 24v A.C. 6 RPM CCW Johnson Motor (Vibrator) 10.5v D.C. 10 AMP 2950 RPM CW Bowman Motor 24v A.C. 6 RPM CCW Servo Motor (94102) 041-5026-00 041-5002-00 041-5027-00 041-5029-00 515-5900-00 041-5029-00 515-5900-00 041-5032-00 Motor D.C. 041-5033-00 Johnson Motor (Vibrator) 10.5v D.C. 10 AMP 2950 RPM CW Motor 24v A.C. 10 RPM 041-5029-00 Servo Motor (94102) 041-5032-00 Bowman Motor 24v A.C. 60Hz 3W 6 RPM CCW 515-6383-00 041-5036-00 0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ 7DEOH $33(1',;* 3DUW1XPEHU3UHIL[&ODVVLILFDWLRQ&RGHV I. Electrical Source, Energy & Signal Converters 010- Transformers 031- Speakers 090- Solenoids (Coils) 150- Filters, Outlets, Varistors, Thermistors 200- Fuses II. Conductors, Connectors & Insulators 034- Line Cords 036- Cable Assemblies & Wiring Harnesses 041- Motors 045- Connectors (All Types) 055- Lugs (M/F), Pins (M/F), Discs, Ring Terminals, Terminal Strips, etc. 060- Polarizing Keys and Conn. Covers 077- Lamp Sockets III. Circuits & Circuit Elements 100- ICs 110- Transistors 112- Diodes (All Types including LEDs & Modules) 121- Resistors 123- Resistors (Variable & Adjustable) 124- Regulators & Bridge Rectifiers 125- Capacitors (Radial Lytics & Ferrites) 126- Piezo Crystal 127- Heatsinks 130- Capacitors (Tecates & Ceramics) 140- Oscillators (Clocks/Crystals) 165- Light Bulbs 180- Switches 181- Switch Membranes (Pads) & Piezo Sensors 190- Relays 960- EPROM (Raw Part) 965- EPROM (Programmed Part) VI. Handles, Locks, Catches, Latches, Keys 355- Handles, Locks, Catches, Latches and Keys VII. Fabricated Parts 390- Hinges 501- Coin Doors 515- Sub-Assemblies 520- Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 522- Display Glass 525- Wood Parts 530- Screw Machined Parts 535- Fabricated Parts 545- Molded (Extruded) Plastic and Rubber Parts (Rings, Sleeves, etc.) 550- Molded (Inserts) VIII. In-House Assemblies 500- End Product (Systems and Models) 502- Kits (Created In-House) 505- Cabinets (complete) 510- Riveted Sub-Assemblies (In-House) 511- Sub-Assemblies (In-House) 515- Sub-Assemblies* *2 or more 515-’s but still a sub-assembly. IX. Bulk Materials 600- Braided Wire & Ground Straps 601- Stranded Wire 602- Ribbon Cable 604- Telephone Line Cord 605- Sleeving (Shrink Tubing) 625- Velcro (non-adhesive) 626- Foam Rubber, Foam Pads, Rubber Bumpers (Blue Pads), Tape (All Types) Velcro (adhesive) and String / Rope X. Miscellaneous 000- Tools (see also 777-) and Supplies 040- Clamps, Ties & Clips 042- Pulleys 091- Coin Mechs 205- Fuse Holders 631- Staples 660- Glass (Playfield, Backglass, etc.) 675- Cleaners 705- Packing & Shipping Items 755- Instruction, Coin Cards, Ins. Sheets 756- Information Sheets, Service Bulletins, V. Mechanical Components Instruction Sheets in Kits and Templates 249- Rivets 777- Tools (Wrenches and Drivers) 251- Pins (Dowel), Finishing Nails, Hairpins, 780- Manuals Spring Pins and Clevis Pins 802- Decal Kits (comprised of 820’s) 254- Stand-Offs, Spacers and Shims 820- Decals, Mylar and Labels (Sheets/Sets) 260- Steel Ball (All Types Steel, Glowing, Delrin, etc.) 803- Plastic Kits (comprised of 830’s) 265- Springs (Extension) 830- Plastic Pieces (Butyrate Sheets/Sets) 266- Springs (Compression) 880- Toys, Models, Figurines, etc. 267- Springs (Torsion) 900- Game Posters 269- Springs (Washers - Belleville, Wave) 270- Retaining Rings 280- Grommets, Bushings and Nyliners 283- Bearings IV. Bolts, Screws, Nuts, Washers & Nails 231- Bolts 232- Screws (Pan Head) 234- Screws (HWH) 237- Screws (Misc.) 240- Nuts (Misc.) 242- Washers (Flat, Round) 244- Washers (Split Lock) 245- Nyliners 246- Washers (Lockers, External Tooth) 281- Nails $SSHQGL[* 3DUW1XPEHU3UHIL[ &ODVVLILFDWLRQ&RGHV $33(1',;+ 3OD\ILHOG,QVHUWV 3ODVWLF/LJKW&RYHUV .#.# ,(,6 .#.# ,(,6 .#.# ,(,6 .#.# ,(,6 .#.# ,(,6 e 'e 4' 4 e .#.# ,(,6 44:: .#.# ,(,6 44:: 86( ,(,6 44:: 86( ,(,6 44:: 86( ,(,6 4 4:: 86( ,(,6 4 e 4'e 'e 4' 4 e 44:: 86( ,(,6 4!4:: 86( ,(,6 4-4:: .#(886 ,(,6 454:: .#(886 . 44:: 66; ## . 44:: 2@(#.# =$ @$ 4 e 4'e 8+ '&) .#.# .#(886 44:: 4!4:: 44 4 54:: 44:: 44:: .#(886 .#(886 .#.# 86( 86( 86( ,# 6 ,# 6 ,# 6 ,# 6 ,# 6 ,# 6 4 e:'e 4e:4 e 4 e:4 e 4 e:4 e 4 e:4 e :4 e 454:: .#.# ( (.@(6" 44:: .#.# 6.@(6" 4 4:: ( ( @#" 4 4:: ;6 @#" 44:: 86( @#" 4!4:: 4 4 e 4 e 44:: .#.# 24@" .66 44:: .#.# 24@" 6 44:: .#.# 66# 44:: .#.# #( 6 4 4:: 44:: 4!4:: 4-4:: : 4 4:: 44:: .#.# .#.# 24.66 246 44:: 4-4:: 2% ` $@ > " = >$$ >=" >$$% 1 &RORU 210#z~"(~&("w1"#(%1# "01q0#k#$#0#k$%&"%"#10#k0( ""q"01z~"(~ (11#$00~(%10~0$10^~4::"$101z~"(~&("w1"#(%1##~%1$%(z"0~ 0~#"1!"q"01(11#$"q00~(%1#"1%z" =>$ 1 &RORU 4 +*91%"*%1 4 /1 4 *%1 4 1 4 4 .% 3OD\ILHOG,QVHUWV 3ODVWLF/LJKW&RYHUV 1 3/$67,& 3$57 &2/25 &+$57 &RORU 4! %%z 4- 1q 45 }~"0 1 &RORU 4 21$% 4 )%11q 4 )%11 1 &RORU 4 )%1.% 4 ^%1 4 1& 1 &RORU 4 j"#(0 4! % 4- ^1#.1z $SSHQGL[+ $33(1',;, $QWL/RIW6WDQG8S7DUJH WV $SSHQGL[, 6WDQG8S 7DUJHWV $33(1',;, 0RGX ODU6WDQG8S7DUJHWV 7R5HSODFHWKH©7DUJHW,QVHUWª RUFKDQJH7DUJHW2ULHQWDWLRQ # ¥^1q0 v#10¦"# 1w1#k %%z"q 11 0 $$%"(0" 5 >8$( 2%)10~^1q0/##%&#0~42v210 ]1 # #~z"0~210#^%%z^1("w0~^1q0 /##%&z"0~0~¥^1q0v#10¦¥;>$ =[;[ ' $^$@ $"' " $ @>)1¨#00~¥^1q0 v#10¦#0~ 42v210]1 + } F ~F% Q [ - %%&% 42 ! %% & &! ! 4 % ! %4 ; 0 $! ! %8% ,&! . 2 ! % & ! %4 7DNH1RWH ( 0&4("w1"#(%1#` = >$$ >=" ^~4::"#~%1$%(z"0~0~ #"1!"q"0110~(%1#"1 ##(1""0~*%1*~10%z# $ * @$ "@' 4*%1 /k! 4 /k.k*k!k- 4/1 !k- 4 1 /k. 4.% * 4!%%z /k* k 421$% .k! 4)%1#(01 /k.k! !"$ = ~ `'*$ =*"$ *K * $ $"$ j"$ , " .# "48##8#. %10$^1q0]11z/##& 0$^1q0]11z v#10 %10$^1q0§1/##& 0$^1q0§1 v#10 %10$^1q0(0q%/##& 0$^1q0(0q% v#10 %10$^1q0/##& 0$^1q0 v#10 0$^1q0 $~1"(%/##& 0$^1q0 $~1"(% v#10 6WDQG8S 7DUJHWV "!"#+ 'xx 4!54:: ' xx 4!4:: xx 4!54:: xx 4!-4:: xx 4!54:: < % ! ! % % ! %4 " ' & "- " ""F- '" 'G$!"#8 $SSHQGL[, $33(1',;&RLQ&DUGV 86$ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO3ULFLQJ'HIDXOWV X)RU<HOORZ6WRFNDGG<WRWKH3DUW1XPEHU If more than one Pricing Scheme is available for countries listed, the F. listed beside the option, denotes the Factory Default Setting. FOR VIEWS OF THE LATEST or OPTIONAL USA, INTERNATIONAL / EURO AND CUSTOM COIN CARDS, VISIT OUR WEBSITE. Not Shown USA 755-5400-10 Tournament Option $2 = X1; 755-5400-11 Tournament Option $1.50 = X1 USA 10 F. USA 10 USA 2-7 or CANADA FOR CUSTOM PRICING † USA 3 with ToPS USA 5 with ToPS Backside is Blank (Border Only) Typeset your Custom Pricing 755-5400-11 Front 755-5400-11 Back 755-5400-02 Front 755-5400-01, -02 or -04 Back 755-5400-03 or -09 Front 755-5400-03 Back / -08 Front AUSTRALIA 1 F. AUSTRALIA 2 CROATIA FOR CUSTOM PRICING † DENMARK 1 F. DENMARK 2 Backside is Blank (Border Only) Typeset your Custom Pricing 755-5406-00 Front 755-5406-00 Back 755-5410-00 Front 755-5410-00 Back 755-5402-00 Front 755-5402-00 Back JAPAN 1 JAPAN 2 F. MIDDLE EAST ANY COUNTRY CAN USE NEW ZEALAND 1 F. NEW ZEALAND 2 755-5408-01 Front 755-5408-01 Back 755-5400-06 Front 755-5400-06 Back 755-5406-00 Back 755-5406-00 Front NORWAY 1 F. NORWAY 2 RUSSIA F. RUSSIA (ALTERNATE) SOUTH AFRICA FOR CUSTOM PRICING † Backside is Blank (Border Only) Typeset your Custom Pricing 755-5403-01 Front 755-5403-01 Back 755-5411-00 Front 755-5411-00 Back 755-5409-01 Front 755-5409-01 Back SWEDEN 1 F. SWEDEN 2 SWITZERLAND 1 F. SWITZERLAND 2 TAIWAN FOR CUSTOM PRICING † Backside is Blank (Border Only) Typeset your Custom Pricing 755-5404-00 Front 755-5404-00 Back 755-5405-00 Front UK 1 UK 3 UK 5 F. 755-5405-00 Back Backside is Blank (Border Only) Typeset your Custom Pricing 755-5407-00 Front 755-5407-00 Back 755-5407-01 Front 755-5412-00 Front 755-5412-00 Back FOR CUSTOM PRICING † Appendix J Notes: 755-5407-01 Back Not Shown EURO 755-5401-20 Tournament Custom (can fill in your own pricing). 1. Coin Card on Game is determined by original shipping country destination. 2. Optional Coin Card(s), are available via your distributor or via free download @ Older style Coin Cards (foreign or domestic) not available on our website or no longer available through your distributor, are obsolete. 3. Coin Cards which have a Blank Backside can be used for †Custom Pricing. EURO 1 EURO 2 EURO 3 EURO 4 EURO 5 EURO 6 755-5401-01 1-Side Only 755-5401-02 1-Side Only 755-5401-03 1-Side Only 755-5401-04 1-Side Only 755-5401-05 1-Side Only 755-5401-06 1-Side Only EURO 7 EURO 8 EURO 9 EURO 10 EURO 11 EURO 12 755-5401-07 1-Side Only 755-5401-08 1-Side Only 755-5401-09 1-Side Only 755-5401-10 1-Side Only 755-5401-11 1-Side Only 755-5401-12 1-Side Only [(852)$&725<'()$8/76800$5<7$%/(\ EURO 1 EURO 2 BELGIUM ITALY 1 PORTUGAL GERMANY 2 NETHERLANDS SPAIN EURO 3 EURO 4 EURO 5 EURO 6 GREECE EURO 7 EURO 8 EURO 9 EURO 10 FINLAND AUSTRIA FRANCE EURO 11 EURO 12 Section 3, Chapter 4, GO TO ADJUSTMENTS MENU, Adj. 18, Game Pricing, USA & International (non-Euro) and Euro 1-12 Summary & International (Euro) Standard Pricing Select Tables, summarizes Standard or Custom Pricing Schemes & the Dip Switch Setting required. $SSHQGL[- &RLQ&DUGV 86$ ,QWQ·O3ULFLQJ'HIDXOWV ,Q 6:,7&+ 0(18 DOVR VHOHFW $&7,9( DQG '(',&$7(' 6:,7&+ 7(676 6:,7&+0$75,;*5,' '(',&$7('6:,7&+(6(for notes & locations, see Page DR. 4 or 17) &ROXPQ 'ULYH 5RZ 5HWXUQ 1: U400 1: Q1 Q2 2: Q3 3: Q4 4: 5: Q5 Q6 6: Q7 7: GRN-BRN GRN-RED GRN-ORG GRN-YEL GRN-BLK GRN-BLU CN5-P1 CN5-P3 CN5-P4 CN5-P5 CN5-P6 CN5-P7 GRN-VIO CN5-P8 GRN-GRY CN5-P9 1 49 57 Cabinet Side WHT-BRN CN7-P9 9 Below P/F LT BUTTON (UK ONLY) LEFT VUK 17 D O T S Above P/F 25 Above P/F SWORD LOCK HIGH RIGHT RAMP ENTER 33 D O T S Mini-P/F 41 Below P/F Below P/F *5281' ,& 8 ,13876 Q8 8: Below P/F 1: GROUND BLK CN6-P1, -P11 U206 DS-1 on Cabinet Side #1 LEFT FLIPPER BUTTON GRY-BRN CN6-P2 MINI PF U.L. TOP VUK LEFT BUMPER LEFT OUTLANE 180-5010-01 26 180-5057-00 34 Mini-P/F See Sw. 41 Note 42 Above P/F 180-5015-03 50 Below P/F 500-6227-02 58 Below P/F NOT USED MINI PF U.R. INNER LOOP RIGHT BUMPER LEFT RETURN LANE 180-5057-00 35 Mini-P/F 180-5190-28 43 Below P/F 180-5015-03 51 Below P/F 500-6227-02 59 Below P/F Sw. Part Number: 180-5149-00 on Flipper 3: U206 DS-3 on Cabinet Side NOT USED MINI PF L.L. LEFT TOP LANE BOTTOM BUMPER LEFT SLINGSHOT GRY-ORG CN6-P4 Above P/F 180-5057-00 36 Mini-P/F 500-6227-02 44 Below P/F 180-5015-03 52 Above P/F 180-5054-00 (x2) 60 Below P/F Sw. Part Number: 180-5160-00 4: U206 DS-4 Below Playfield Sw. Part Number: 2: U400 2 180-5160-00 Coin Door 180-5116-01 10 Below P/F 180-5119-02 18 Above P/F WHT-RED CN7-P8 4TH COIN SLOT STANDUP SWORD LOCK MID Sw. Part Number: 3: U400 3 180-5204-00 Coin Door 515-6027-08 11 Below P/F 180-5119-02 19 Above P/F WHT-ORG CN7-P7 6TH COIN SLOT 4-BALL TROUGH #1 (LEFT) SWORD LOCK LOW Sw. Part Number: 4: U400 4 Future Use Coin Door 180-5119-02 12 Below P/F 180-5119-02 20 Below P/F WHT-YEL CN7-P6 RIGHT COIN SLOT 4-BALL TROUGH #2 RIGHT ORBIT LOW BALROG HIT MINI PF L.R. MIDDLE TOP LANE SPINNER RIGHT OUTLANE Sw. Part Number: 5: U401 5 180-5204-00 Coin Door 180-5119-02 13 Below P/F 500-6227-02 21 Above P/F 180-5119-00 29 Below P/F 180-5057-00 37 Below P/F 500-6227-02 45 Below P/F 180-5190-28 53 Below P/F 500-6227-02 61 Below P/F CENTER WHT-GRN COIN SLOT / CN7-P5 DBA 4-BALL TROUGH #3 RIGHT ORBIT HI PALANTIR LEFT ORBIT LOW RIGHT TOP LANE SPOT RING RIGHT RETURN LANE Sw. Part Number: 6: U401 6 180-5204-00 Coin Door 180-5119-02 14 Below P/F 180-5190-28 22 Above P/F 515-5162-08 30 Below P/F 500-6227-02 38 Below P/F 500-6227-02 46 Below P/F 515-5162-08 54 In Cabinet 500-6227-02 62 Below P/F Sw. Part Number: 6: U206 DS-6 WHT-BLU CN7-P3 LEFT COIN SLOT 4-BALL TROUGH VUK OPTO RAIL RAMP EXIT RIGHT VUK LEFT ORBIT HI TOP SAUCER START BUTTON RIGHT SLINGSHOT GRY-BLU CN6-P8 Sw. Part Number: 7: U401 7 180-5204-00 Coin Door See Sw. 14 Note 15 Below P/F 180-5197-00 23 Above P/F 180-5116-01 31 Below P/F 500-6227-02 39 Below P/F 180-5186-00 47 Back Panel 180-5174-00 55 In Cabinet 180-5054-00 (x2) 63 Sw. Part Number: 180-5192-02 7: U206 DS-7 on Coin Door WHT-VIO CN7-P2 5TH COIN SLOT 4-BALL STACKING OPTO RIGHT RAMP TARGET BALROG OPEN LEFT RAMP ENTER RING MADE TOURNAMENT START Sw. Part Number: 8: U401 8 515-6027-08 24 Above P/F 180-5119-02 32 Below P/F 500-6227-02 40 Above P/F See Sw. 47 Note 48 Back Panel 180-5174-00 56 In Cabinet SHOOTER LANE RIGHT RAMP MADE BALROG CLOSED LEFT RAMP MADE BACK TROUGH PLUMB BOB TILT 180-5157-00 180-5198-00 180-5119-02 180-5010-01 180-5057-00 See Sw. 56 Note Future Use See Sw. 15 Note Cabinet Side 16 Below P/F RT BUTTON (UK ONLY) WHT-GRY CN7-P1 Sw. Part Number: 180-5160-00 27 28 D O T S Sw. Part Number: 180-5160-00 2: U206 DS-2 Below Playfield #2 LEFT FLIPPER E.O.S (End-of-Stroke) GRY-RED CN6-P3 #3 RIGHT FLIPPER BUTTON #4 RIGHT FLIPPER E.O.S. (End-of-Stroke) GRY-YEL CN6-P6 Sw. Part Number: 180-5149-00 on Flipper 5: U206 DS-5 GRY-GRN CN6-P7 on Coin Door #6 VOLUME (RED BUTTON) (In Test: LEFT) #7 SERV. CRED. (GREEN BUTTON) (In Test: RIGHT) GRY-VIO CN6-P9 NOT USED NOT USED Sw. Part Number: 180-5192-04 8: U206 DS-8 on Coin Door 64 NOT USED GRY-BLK CN6-P10 #8 BEGIN TEST (BLACK BUTTON) (In Test: ENTER) Sw. Part Number: 180-5192-00 ,Q /$03 0(18 DOVR VHOHFW 7(67 $// /$036 52: &2/801 /$03 7(676 &ROXPQ Y 5RZ *URXQG 1: Q33 /$030$75,;*5,'(for notes & locations, see Page DR. 5 or 23) 1: 1 RED-BRN J12-P1 2: Q34 Q35 Q36 Q37 25 Q38 33 Q39 41 Q40 49 Q41 #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 57 #555 Bulb 34 #44 Bulb #555 Bulb L RAMP MAN RING 42 #555 Bulb 19 #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 50 #555 Bulb R RAMP MAN RING 58 #555 Bulb 27 #44 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 28 #555 Bulb 36 #555 Bulb 44 #44 Bulb #44 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 29 #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 37 #555 Bulb 14 #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 30 #555 Bulb LIGHT SPECIAL 38 #555 Bulb C LOOP MAN RING 46 #555 Bulb R ORBIT MAN RING 54 LOCK #555 Bulb U11 #555 Bulb 7 8: 15 #555 Bulb 8 #44 Bulb 16 #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 32 #555 Bulb 40 LANES #555 Bulb 48 56 TOWER #44 Bulb 69 #44 Bulb POTD L.L. 70 #44 Bulb 71 #555 Bulb R ORBIT ELF RING #555 Bulb FLIPPER #555 Grn. Bulb 61 #555 Grn. Bulb 62 #555 Grn. Bulb 63 #555 Grn. Bulb 64 POTD U.R. #555 Bulb C LOOP ELF RING R ORBIT DWARF RING 55 #555 Bulb 2X SCORING C LOOP DWARF RING 47 #555 Bulb SPOT RING SUPER RING FRENZY 39 #555 Bulb GIMLI 24 PALANTIR GLOBE 31 #555 Bulb SHOOT AGAIN LEGOLES 23 U10 YEL-GRY J13-P1 THE RETURN OF THE KING PALANTIR MERRY ARROW 53 #555 Bulb 7: YEL-VIO J13-P3 GANDALF 22 GANDALF ARROW 45 U12 THE TWO TOWERS BIG POINTS POTD U.L. 68 6 MODE START R RAMP ELF RING 60 6: YEL-BLU J13-P4 FRODO 21 SPECIAL 52 OR ( C ) 67 13 L RAMP ELF RING R RAMP DWARF RING 59 #555 Bulb 5 RING MULTIBALL GOLLUM MULTIBALL 51 #555 Bulb U13 THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING DESTROY RING L RAMP DWARF RING 43 #555 Bulb 5: YEL-GRN J13-P5 ARAGORN 20 LIGHT EXTRA BALL 35 U14 KEE ( P ) 12 FRODO ARROW O(R)C 66 4 SAM EXTRA BALL ( O ) RC 65 #555 Bulb GIFT OF THE ELVES ARAGORN ARROW RED-GRY J12-P9 9: 26 GIMLI ARROW RED-VIO J12-P8 8: #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 4: YEL-BLK J13-P6 KE ( E ) P 11 MYSTERY LEGOLES ARROW RED-BLU J12-P6 7: #555 Bulb #555 Bulb U15 #555 Bulb 3 MERRY 18 PIPPIN ARROW RED-GRN J12-P5 6: #555 Bulb 3: YEL-ORG J13-P7 K ( E ) EP 10 BOROMIR RED-YEL J12-P4 5: #555 Bulb U16 #555 Bulb 2 PIPPIN 17 RED-ORG J12-P3 4: #555 Bulb 2: YEL-RED J13-P8 ( K ) EEP 9 RED-BLK J12-P2 3: U17 YEL-BRN J13-P9 #44 Bulb POTD L.R. SHOOTER LANE #1 BOT #44 Bulb 72 #44 Bulb RED-WHT SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE SHOOTER LANE J12-P10 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 TOP 10: Q42 RED J12-P11 73 #44 Bulb ESCAPE THE RINGWRAITHS 74 #44 Bulb GANDALF VS SARUMAN 75 #44 Bulb WARG ATTACK 76 #44 Bulb WAR OF THE ENTS 77 #44 Bulb BATTLE WITH SHELOB 78 #44 Bulb DESTROY THE WITCH-KING 79 #555 Bulb TOURNAMENT BUTTON 80 #555 Bulb START BUTTON Ä 2 3 Metric Conversion 4 1/32” (.03125”) 1/2” 3/4” .75” .25” 1/4” .5” .125” .0625” 1/8” à Á 1/16” Ä 1” = 2.54cm /25.4mm 1cm = .3937” 1mm = .03937” 5 · For metric, multiply inch value by metric value, e.g. 5” X 2.54cm = 12.7cm or 127mm. · For US, multiply metric value by inch value, e.g. 13cm X .3937” = 5.1181” 6 7 Visit our website for Pinball game information, Technical Support & Part Sales (for Service Bulletins and a whole lot more!), Stern News, Pinball Links and Distributor Listings. HELP US, HELP YOU! If you have any suggestions, questions, need technical advice, find errors or have comments, contact us through our website or call! This Game Service Manual and all other documents relating to this product, playfield components, features, rules, programming and operation are subject to change without notice (Service Bulletins, if applicable, available through our website). 8 Tel 9 708-345-7700 (Option 1) Fax 708-345-7889 eMail [email protected] 1-800-KICKERS  1 Æ THIS PINBALL GAME IS TOURNAMENT PINBALL SYSTEM READY! Æ q U.S. q Customary Inch Ruler Games shipped factory direct to Europe from Stern Pinball, Inc. are CE approved and will have an "E" prefix attached to t h e S e r i a l N u m b e r. 2020 Janice Avenue, Melrose Park, IL 60160 780-5080-00 ">
Key features
- The Lord of the Rings Theme
- Multiple Ball Play
- Bonus Rounds
- Tournament Mode
- Diagnostic Tools
Frequently asked questions
To access the Service Menu on the Stern Pinball The Lord of the Rings, you'll need to power up the game and open the Coin Door. Then, press the black 'BEGIN TEST' button, located on the Coin Door. This will take you to the Main Menu.
Dr. Pinball is a diagnostic tool that assists in troubleshooting issues with the pinball machine. To access Dr. Pinball, go to the Portals Service Menu and select the 'DR' icon. Then, select the 'DIAG' icon and navigate to the 'DR' icon again. This will take you to the Dr. Pinball Menu, which will display a series of questions and procedures to help you diagnose any problems.
If the display flashes with a message indicating CMOS RAM memory corruption, it means that the memory has been corrupted. This could be due to a failure in the memory itself, such as a dead battery, or it could occur upon installation of a newer game software update.