Century 400 Ninja Master NMCU2250N, NMCU2250H Carpet Extractor Operating instructions

Below you will find brief information for Carpet Extractor Ninja Master NMCU2250N, Carpet Extractor Ninja Master NMCU2250H. The Ninja Master is an electric powered carpet extractor intended for commercial use. This appliance applies a cleaning solution to the carpet and then vacuums the soiled water back into the recovery tank.

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Century 400 Ninja Master NMCU2250N, NMCU2250H Operating Instructions | Manualzz




Key features

  • 500 PSI pressure
  • 17 gallon solution tank capacity
  • 14 gallon recovery tank capacity
  • Dual 2-stage vacuum motors
  • Heater option
  • Adjustable pressure relief valve
  • Pre-run inspection checklist
  • Detailed cleaning instructions
  • Maintenance and troubleshooting guide
  • Parts list and diagrams

Frequently asked questions

The machine is not compatible with chemicals such as: Aldehydes, Aromatics Hydrocarbons, SP Butyls, Carbon Tetrachloride, Clorox, Chlorinated Bleaches, Chlorinated Hydrocarbons, Lysol, Methyl Ethel Ketone (MEK), Perchorethylene (perc), Phenolics, Trichlorethylene and D-Limonene.

Twice a month, flush a white vinegar solution (one quart vinegar to two gallons of water) or anti-browning solution (mixed as directed) through the machine.

The red light on the heater switch will be on when the heater switch is on. The red heater temperature light will be on when the heater is active and will turn off when the heater reaches maximum temperature.

Hold the wand about one foot above the surface to be cleaned and open the wand valve. A full spray should be observed from the nozzle.

Clean and lubricate the piston and u-cup with Superlube lubricant monthly or when pressure drop seems excessive.
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