Security Brands 25-K1 Ascent K1 User Guide
SECURITY BRANDS 25-K1 Ascent K1 is a cellular access control system with keypad. It provides control of gates or doors through keypad access or phone calls. Users can set up access codes and latch codes for entry, and manage access permissions for various users. The device also supports phone calls to grant access, and can be configured to trigger a gate/door momentarily or latch it open.
User Guide Access Control Reinvented Get Help! The best way to get help quickly with anything related to Summit Control and Ascent is to submit a support ticket. HOW TO SUBMIT A SUPPORT TICKET 1. Log in to your Admin dashboard 2. Click Support Tickets found in the Customer Support section of your admin Home page. 3. On the next page, click Create New Support Ticket 4. Fill out the required information. 5. Click Submit New Ticket. That’s it. Once you have created a support ticket, you can check back anytime to see our progress on your issue, and you may reply back to us whenever you like. Summit Control User Guide Contents Basic Setup 3 How Your Ascent Unit Works ............................................................................................................................ 3 Control Phone Number ................................................................................................................................. 3 Device Phone Number ................................................................................................................................... 4 Adding Users ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Creating a New User ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Adding Time Zone / Temporary Users ............................................................................................................ 8 Creating a New Time Zone / Temporary User ............................................................................................ 8 Adding Keypad Codes ......................................................................................................................................11 Creating a New Keypad Code (Serial Numbers starting with 501 or 511) ............................................11 Creating a New Keypad Code (Serial Numbers starting with 35)...........................................................12 Setting up the Call Button ...............................................................................................................................14 Configuring Rollover Call .............................................................................................................................14 Configuring Broadcast Call ..........................................................................................................................15 Access Control Reinvented 2 Summit Control Summit Control User Guide Basic Setup First Things First Open a web browser and log in to your Summit Control admin dashboard at What You Will Learn How your Ascent unit works How to add Users How to add Time Zone / Temporary Users How to add Keypad Codes (on models with keypad) How to set up the Call Button (on models with call button) How Your Ascent Unit Works Once activated, your Ascent unit will have two phone numbers assigned to it: a control phone number and a device phone number. The control phone number is for users to control your gate/door and get access to your property. The device phone number is used by your Ascent unit to call you when a guest requests access to your property. Control Phone Number The Control Phone Number is for users to access the gate/door directly. When they call the control phone number, our system will look at the phone number making the call and verify that it is an authorized user with access permissions calling. If the phone number is not found, the system will play an automated message prompting for an “access code” that does not exist. If the system determines that it is an authorized user with access permissions calling, our system will ask the user to input a command via the keypad on their phone: Pressing 1 will open your gate/door momentarily. Pressing 2 will latch your gate/door open (active until released). Pressing 3 will release an active latch and allow your gate/door to close. visit 3 Access Control Reinvented Device Phone Number The Device Phone Number is used by the Ascent unit to make outbound calls. Most often it is used when a guest pushes the call button. This phone number will appear as the caller ID. When you answer a call coming from your Ascent unit, you are connected to the guest at your unit. Should you decide you want to grant the guest access to your property, press one of the following keys on your phone while still on the call: Press 1 to open your gate/door momentarily. Press 2 to latch your gate/door open (active until released). Press 3 to release an active latch and allow your gate/door to close. 4 Summit Control Summit Control User Guide Adding Users Users have 24/7 control of your gate/door, meaning they can call, text, or use the app at any time of the day to get access to your property, depending on the permissions you give them. Because of this, we suggest that your list of users be confined only to members of your family, trusted employees, or other trusted acquaintances. Creating a New User First, click the Users button on the home page (shown below) to open the Users page. This page displays a list of your current users with the administrator listed at the top by default. You can edit a user simply by clicking on that user from the list. Click the Add User button (indicated below) to open the Create New User page. visit 5 Access Control Reinvented Creating a new user is as simple as filling out a short form, detailed below. App Login Credentials This is the first section to complete. In this section, you will choose a username and password for the new user, which he or she will use to log in to the Summit Control app, and set the session time. Username This serves as both identification of the user within your admin dashboard and will be used by the user to log in to the Summit Control app. Password We automatically generate a password for quick user addition, but you can change the given password to anything you prefer. The longer the password, the more secure that password is. Session Time Determines how long before the user is logged out due to inactivity within the app. Name This section is where you provide the user’s first and last name. Initials are fine as well. Our system will use the name given in the First Name field when notifying the user that access has been given. User Information In this section, you provide the user’s unique cell phone number so that our system knows to give the user access permissions on your Ascent unit(s). It also gives you the option to fill in an email address for your own needs, but it is not required. 6 Summit Control Summit Control User Guide Control Methods In this section, you set the control methods the user will be allowed to use: app, text, and voice. Some administrators might want some users to use only their Summit Control app to get access to their properties, and we give you that freedom. The Auto Open switch applies to the voice (phone call) control method only and disables the automated prompt that would typically be heard when a user uses his or her phone to control the gate/door. With this feature on, the gate/door is triggered to open as soon as the call connects. NOTE: If Auto Open is on, the user cannot latch or release latch from a phone call. Control Permissions In this section, you set the control permissions the user will have: open, latch, and release latch. Open: this command will open your gate/door momentarily. Latch: this command will latch your gate/door open (active until released). Release Latch: this command will release an active latch and allow your gate/door to close. Add User to Which Device(s)? This section only applies if you have multiple Ascent units on your account. If you do, leave checked the units that you want this user to be able to access. When you are done, click the Create New User button, and the system will create the user for you. visit 7 Access Control Reinvented Adding Time Zone / Temporary Users Time Zone / Temporary Users can be given restricted access through your gate/door with a text or phone call. Access restrictions can be combined to create the exact restriction scenario(s) you need. They include setting a total number of uses of the gate/door, setting a start-and-end date range, setting specific days of the week, and setting a specific time window for access. Creating a New Time Zone / Temporary User First, click the Time Zone / Temporary Users button (shown below) on the home page to open the Time Zone / Temporary Users page. This page displays a list of your current time zone / temporary users. You can edit a user simply by clicking on that user from the list. Click the Add Time Zone / Temporary User button (indicated below) to open the Create New Time Zone / Temporary User page. 8 Summit Control Summit Control User Guide Creating a new user is as simple as filling out a short form, detailed below. User Information In this section, you provide a display name (e.g., Gardener, Pool Guy, Housekeeping, etc.), the user’s unique cell phone number so that our system knows to give the user access permissions on your Ascent unit(s), and you also have fields for a first and last name, if available. visit 9 Access Control Reinvented Device Permissions In this section, you set the access restrictions for the user for each Ascent unit, if you have more than one. Each unit will appear in this section with its own customizable restrictions. The first group of access restrictions has the options: Number of Uses, Never Expires, and Custom Date Range. By default, Never Expires is selected. Selecting Number of Uses allows you to set the total number of times this user can open your gate/door. Selecting Custom Date Range allows you to set a start date and an end date for which access is allowed. The second group of access restrictions has the options: 7 Days and Custom Days of Week. By default, 7 Days is selected, meaning the user will have access every day of the week. If you would like to set particular days of the week for access, select Custom Days of Week and select them (shown below). Outside of the days selected, the user will have no access. The third group of access restrictions has the options: No Time Restraints and Custom Time Zone Range. By default, No Time Restraints is selected, meaning the user has 24-hour access. If you would like to set time restraints, select Custom Time Zone Range and set the start and end times (shown below). Outside of this time range, the user will have no access. 10 Summit Control Summit Control User Guide Adding Keypad Codes NOTE: This section applies to Ascent K1, X1, X2, and M2 models only. Two types of keypad codes are available: Access Codes and Latch Codes. Access Codes are used to open your gate/door momentarily for quick access. Latch Codes are used to latch your gate/door open or release an active latch and allow your gate/door to close. Creating a New Keypad Code (Serial Numbers Starting with 501 or 511) First, go to your home page, and click the Keypad Codes button on the Ascent panel of the Ascent unit to which you would like to add the code. This will open the Keypad Codes page. This page displays a list of your current access codes and latch codes and allows you to edit them. To add a keypad code, fill out the fields in the row containing Code 1. First, type in the 4-digit code you would like to use. Next, give the code a display name; this is helpful for organization and tracking purposes. Then, choose whether the code is an open (access) code or a latch code. Last, choose which relay the code will trigger. NOTE: Access codes and latch codes must be exactly 4 digits unless otherwise specified. Once you have filled in the entire row (and rows for additional codes if desired), click the Update Keypad Codes button at the bottom of the page to add the keypad codes to your Ascent unit. visit 11 Access Control Reinvented Creating a New Keypad Code (Serial Numbers Starting with 35) First, click the Keypad Codes button on the home page (shown below) to open the Keypad Codes page. This page displays a list of your current access codes and latch codes. To add a keypad code, click the Add button next to the type of keypad code you would like to add (shown below), and the Create New Access/Latch Code page will open. 12 Summit Control Summit Control User Guide Creating a New Access Code When you create an access code, only two pieces of information are required: the code itself and a label or display name. The display name is used as an aid in managing your codes and for tracking and reporting purposes. Creating a New Latch Code When you create an access code, only two pieces of information are required: the code itself and a label or display name. The display name is used as an aid in managing your codes and for tracking and reporting purposes. NOTE: Access codes and latch codes must be exactly 4 digits. Assigning Keypad Codes to Multiple Ascent Units If you have multiple Ascent units on your account, when you create a keypad code there will be another section entitled Add Keypad Code to which Device(s). In this section, you will see a list of all the Ascent units you have on your account. Because all units are checked by default, you simply need to uncheck the boxes of the units to which you do not want the keypad code added. visit 13 Access Control Reinvented Setting up the Call Button NOTE: This section applies to Ascent X1 and T1 models only. This section explains how to set the phone numbers that your unit will call when a guest presses the call button on your Ascent unit. Locate the Ascent panel on your admin dashboard shown below. Click on the Call Button Numbers button pictured below to open the Call Button Numbers page. To start, select from the two available call types: Rollover Call and Broadcast Call. NOTE: Broadcast Call is available with the Residential Plus plan and up only. Configuring Rollover Call You can assign up to three phone numbers for Rollover Call. When this option is selected, you will see three fields labeled Phone #1, #2, and #3. The Ascent unit will always call Phone #1 first. If the call is not answered, the unit will start calling the next phone number provided, in order, until the call is answered or ends. NOTE: Please be aware that should an answering machine or voicemail system answer when your Ascent unit calls one of the assigned phone numbers, the system will consider the call answered and will not move on to the next phone number. We recommend that, unless you plan on using only one phone number, to set the phone number with answering machine or voicemail system as Phone #3. 14 Summit Control Summit Control User Guide Configuring Broadcast Call Broadcast Call gives you the ability to set up to 10 different phone numbers to be called at the same time when a guest pushes the call button on your Ascent unit. When you select Broadcast Call, you will see the sections detailed below. Call Button Greeting This section allows you to type in a custom greeting that will be played for your guests. We offer a number of languages and accents, but the message must be typed in the language chosen; the system will not do any translation. If you do not wish to use this feature, simply leave the field blank. Greeting Language In this section you choose the language/dialect for the greeting voice. NOTE: Your greeting message must be typed in the call button greeting language chosen; the system will not do any translation. Screen for Machine The Screen for Machine option is used to accommodate an answering machine or voicemail system on one of your phones, without negatively affecting the functionality of the broadcast call. With Screen for Machine turned on, our system will ensure that your Ascent unit does not connect to the phone number with the answering machine or voicemail system. This will allow the other phone numbers the ability to answer. visit 15 Access Control Reinvented Broadcast Call Numbers This last section is where you provide the phone numbers for the broadcast call. NOTE: For businesses that have a phone number with an automated menu, you will need turn Screen for Machine off and enter only that phone number and the extension you would like the system to call. Ascent is Ready to work for you. You are set up for basic operation. If you would like more information or need help setting up other features on your Ascent unit(s): Please call (844) 259-8265 Or email [email protected] We are available Mon–Fri / 8am–5pm Central 16 Summit Control Summit Control User GUIDE Ascent Family ASCENT M2 C E LLULAR MULTI -T ENA NT T EL EP H O NE ENTRY SYS T E M W I T H 7 - I N C H LC D ASCENT X2 C E LLULAR MULTI -T ENA NT T EL EP H O NE ENTRY SYS T E M W I T H K E YPA D ASCENT X1 C E LLULAR T ELEP H O NE ENT RY SYST EM WI T H K E YPA D ASCENT T1 C E LLULAR T ELEP H O NE ENT RY SYST EM ASCENT K1 C ELLULAR ACCESS C O NT RO L SYST EM WI T H K E YPA D ASCENT C1 & C2 TWO- D OOR CE LLUL A R A C C ESS C O NT R O L SYS T E M S ASCENT LT ONE - D OOR CE LLUL A R A C C ESS C O NT R O L SYS T E M aCCESS cONTROL REINVENTED Need Help? Look inside the front cover of this guide to learn how to get help. Call (844) 259-8265 for assistance. We are available Mon–Fri / 8am–5pm Central © 2018 Security Brands, Inc. All rights reserved. SC-UG-EN Rev. 2 (6/2018) ">

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Key features
- Cellular Access Control
- Keypad Access
- Phone Call Control
- Access Code Setup
- Latch Code Setup
- User Permissions
- Gate/Door Control
Frequently asked questions
To create a new keypad code, first go to your home page and click the Keypad Codes button on the Ascent panel. Then follow the instructions for creating a new code, ensuring it is exactly 4 digits and choosing whether it is an access or latch code.
Yes, you can set up individual access permissions for each user. You can either create new users with specific permissions or edit existing users to grant or restrict access.
The call button feature is only available on Ascent X1 and T1 models. To set up the call button, go to the Ascent panel on your admin dashboard and click the Call Button Numbers button. Choose between Rollover Call or Broadcast Call and follow the instructions to assign phone numbers and configure the call button settings.