Security Brands 25-C1 Ascent C1 Quick Start Guide
1 of 4 Q U ICK STA R T G U I DE Model 25-C1 1 Carefully unpack box and make sure you have all items shown below. (Screwdriver not shown) START HERE S TO P ! This is a cellular accessory for a gate/door, so an uninterrupted cellular connection CANNOT BE GUARANTEED. 2 Remove screws and cover of unit for access to internal components. An emergency egress or primary entry mechanism SHOULD ALWAYS BE USED (transmitter, fire box, mechanical release). Ascent Unit What’s what? Important components labeled 12-V AC/DC Adapter (PS-12DC1) Consult with your dealer, distributor, and/or system designer for more information. Continued on next page... Unit shown with cover removed. Internal wiring not shown for clarity. r Antennas Power Terminals Ascent WILL NOT WORK until the activation process is COMPLETE! For wiring to compatible AC/DC power source SIM Card Connection Terminals Follow the Activation Guide or call Summit Control at (844) 259-8265 to activate your unit. For wiring to all external devices including gate operator or door opener Relay Status LEDs Relay is active when lit. Cable Glands For cable management and sealing IM P O RTA N T! WA RN IN G ! AUTOMATIC GATES CAN CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH! ALWAYS CHECK that the GATE PATH IS CLEAR BEFORE OPERATING! Reversing or other safety devices should ALWAYS BE USED! 2 of 4 QUIC K STAR T GU I DE 3 Connect wires Feed wires through cable gland(s) on unit and connect as shown using included screwdriver. Ascent Connection Terminals STATUS DIGITAL INPUTS EVENT RELAY B RELAY A J5 J4 Model 25-C1 Gate Operator / Door Opener 12–24 VAC/DC POWER Excessive force can damage unit. J7 12–24 VAC/DC J8 J9 J6 Before going forward, double check wiring and ensure unit has power! For additional wiring options, see Page 3. © 2019 Security Brands, Inc. All rights reserved. 4 The GROUND terminal is optional unless required by local code(s). If using, please connect to earth ground or equivalent. 5 Terminals vary widely across manufacturers and models. Replace and secure front cover with included screws. CLOSE STOP OPEN COM REVERSE LOOP COM FREE EXIT COM RADIO COM NEG. (–) POS. (+) N/C COM N/O Consult gate operator or door opener manual for exact connections. 12-V AC/DC Adapter (Model PS-12DC1 included) Tighten cable-gland locknut(s). N/C COM GND N/O GND #2 N/O Relay B can be wired to a second device in the same manner. OR Third-Party 12–24-VAC/DC Power Source S T OP ! GND If plugging into duplex outlet, remove screw from outlet plate, and secure with included screw. + – #1 OPEN NEG. (–) POS. (+) J3 CLOSE Ascent Power Terminals GND POWER Additional wiring diagrams can be found on Page 3. C A U TIO N ! If you will not be using the 12-V AC/DC adapter, please go to Page 4 and follow the procedure, Using a Third-Party Power Source. Do not exceed 24 VAC/DC! Failure to choose a compatible power source can damage unit! N INSTALLATION COMPLETE! Now follow the Activation Guide to create an account and begin using Ascent. QSG-25C1-EN Rev. J (5/2019) 3 of 4 QUIC K STAR T GU I DE N/O Connected as shown in Step 3 Optional wire splices Connected as shown in Step 3 N/C Close Limit Switch N/O COM N/C Open Limit Switch N/O COM Gate Operator N/C J4 COM J5 J6 N/O RELAY A N/C RELAY B COM J9 GND J8 N/O YOU MUST USE A DRY CONTACT! OPEN Gate Status Check WILL NOT WORK with a decoder! J7 DIGITAL INPUTS EVENT GND STATUS #2 Exceeding 3 V can damage unit! r I M P OR T AN T! N/C N/O GND COM J4 N/O J5 N/C RELAY A COM RELAY B J6 N/O J9 GND GND #1 J8 CLOSE GND OPEN J7 DIGITAL INPUTS EVENT #2 STATUS Ascent Connection Terminals #1 Ascent Connection Terminals Wiring for accessories such as a request-to-exit device GND The Status Terminals are designed for low voltage (3 V or less). Check the voltage on your status wires before connecting. If it is above 3 V, you will need to contact Technical Support. B Event Input CLOSE Wiring to enable Gate Status Check CAU T I ON ! GND A Status Check Model 25-C1 Request-to-Exit (if equipped with limit switches) (S-RTE-P is shown) 4 of 4 QUIC K STAR T GU I DE Model 25-C1 IM P OR T ANT ! r Using a Third-Party Power Source (Optional) Connect wires to unit as shown in If you would like to use a third-party power source, such as solar, verify that it conforms to the following specs: Input Current Draw 12–24 VAC/DC no more than 10% beyond this range less than 260 mA @ 12 VDC less than 160 mA @ 24 VDC 3a Step 3. Connect wires to your power source, 3b making sure you connect positive to C A U TIO N ! Double check that you’ve wired from positive on Ascent to positive on your power source and negative on Ascent to negative on your power source. Reverse polarity can damage unit! positive and negative to negative. r IM P O RTA N T! We recommend mounting Ascent inside the gate operator or other weatherproof enclosure when possible. If mounting inside a metal enclosure, the 4G LTE Antenna Extension Kit (p/n 16-ANTX-1) should be purchased and installed. Failure to do so may result in no signal! ? NEED HELP © 2019 Security Brands, Inc. All rights reserved. Call (844) 259-8265 Email [email protected] We are available Mon–Fri / 8am–5pm Central QSG-25C1-EN Rev. J (5/2019) ">

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