Dresser Manifolds Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
3170 Wasson Road • Cincinnati, OH 45209 USA Phone 513-533-5600 Fax 513-871-0105 E-Mail: [email protected] www.hexvalve.com Maintenance Manual Installation & Maintenance Instructions for Manifold Valves Warning: Hex Valve Manifold Valves must only be used, installed, and repaired in accordance with these Installation & Maintenance Instructions. Observe all applicable public and company codes and regulations. In the event of leakage or other malfunction, call a qualified service person; continued operation may cause system failure or a general hazard. Handle HM10 HM13 HM14 HM16 HM18 HM20 HM23 HM40 HM45 HM46 Cap Screw HM50 HM53 HM54 HM55 HM56 HM57 HM58 HM59 HM77 HM88 Stem Pkg. Follower Lock nut Packing Bonnet Retaining Ring Seat Insert Hard Seat Manifold Installation 1. If manifold is flanged, fit DIN manifold gaskets (2) over bushings and into groove. 2. Position manifold flange over transmitter, place lockwasher on bolt (4) and thread bolts finger tight into transmitter DIN Mounting Gasket (2) Soft Seat 3. Apply torque 50-55 foot pounds in a diagonal sequence as shown, making sure gaskets are properly seated in grooves. 1 4 3 2 4. Use Teflon tape, thread lubricant or other user approved compound for NPT connections. 5. Blow down instrument impulse lines prior to installation of instrument manifolds. Packing Disassembly LockWasher (4) 1. Loosen the handle cap screw and remove the handle. 2. Remove the packing nut and packing follower from the bonnet. 3. Remove the packing from the bonnet. Mounting Bolt (4) Packing Reassembly 1. Inspect stem and packing chamber bore. Replace stem if damaged or shows evidence of corrosion in the area of the packing. (The bonnet must be removed from the body to replace the stem. Lubricate the bonnet threads prior to reinstalling bonnet into body and torque it to 55 ft-lbs.) 2. Lubricate the stem in the packing area with an AntiSeize compound such as “THRED-GARD”. 3. With the retaining ring in the packing chamber, install the four pieces of Teflon Chevron packing, or three pieces of Braided or Graphite packing, one piece at a time. 4. Install the packing follower and packing nut and tighten with just enough torque to seal the packing. 5. Put the handle back on stem and retighten the cap screw. Handle Cap Screw Stem Packing Follower Packing Nut Packing Bonnet Retaining Ring Packing Adjustment 1. Loosen the packing nut and rotate the stem back and forth a few times before making any adjustments to the packing compression. 2. After tightening the packing nut, again rotate the stem back and forth. Repairing Soft Valve Seats 1. Remove the bonnet from the body. Using a 3/16” diameter rod, remove the old soft seat by placing the end of the rod through the center flow hole of the seat and with the rod pivoting on top of the body, popping the seat out through the bonnet port. 2. Install new soft seat in body, lining up the holes in the center of the seat and the body waterway. Put the rod through the seat hole and body waterway to keep the holes aligned when the bonnet is installed. 3. Install the bonnet, using 55 ft-lbs torque. Note: Bonnet retaining pin should be installed to prevent inadvertent bonnet removal. Caution: Stem should not hit rod during assembly. ">

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